Effective Date: August 3, 2008
Expiration Date: August 4, 2012
Agreement ......................................................................................................3
General ...........................................................................................................3
Article 1 - Management Authority .................................................................3
Article 2 - Recognition ...................................................................................4
Article 3 - Union Security...............................................................................6
Article 4 - Seniority........................................................................................6
Article 5 - Wages and Employee Classification.............................................9
Article 6 - Hours and Overtime ......................................................................15
Article 7 - Vacations.......................................................................................20
Article 8 - Holidays and Sundays...................................................................22
Article 9 - Shop Stewards...............................................................................25
Article 10 - Arbitration and Adjustment.........................................................25
Article 11 - Leaves of Absence ......................................................................27
Article 12 - Working Conditions....................................................................28
Article 13 - Jury Duty.....................................................................................30
Article 14 - Funeral Leave..............................................................................30
Article 15 - Checkoff......................................................................................30
Article 16 - Health and Welfare, Legal, Severance, Scholarship Benefits.....31
Article 17 - Pension........................................................................................35
Article 18 - Joint Labor Management Committee..........................................37
Article 19 - Separability Clause......................................................................37
Article 20 - No Strike, No Lockout ................................................................37
Article 21 - Duration of Agreement................................................................37
Article 23 - Appendix I...................................................................................39
Schedule A - Wages .......................................................................................41
Schedule B - Wages .......................................................................................42
Schedule C - Wages........................................................................................43
Schedule C-1- Wages .....................................................................................47
Schedule D - Seniority Areas .........................................................................51
This Agreement made and entered into this 3rd day of August 2008 between Superfresh,
Baltimore Division (hereinafter referred to as "Employer") and United Food and Commercial
Workers Union Local 27, chartered by the United Food and Commercial Workers International
Union, (hereinafter referred to as the "Union").
This Agreement shall be binding on all signatories hereto, and their successors and
assigns, whether such status is created by sale, lease, assignment or any other type transfer
transaction. In consideration of the Union's execution of this Agreement, the Employer promises
that its operations covered by this Agreement or any part thereof shall not be sold, conveyed, or
otherwise transferred or assigned to any successor without first securing the Agreement of the
successor to assume the Employer's obligation under this Agreement and to offer employment
subject to the terms of this Agreement, to all of the Employer's then current employees,
recognizing their accrued seniority for all purposes. Provided, that the Employer shall not be a
guarantor or be held liable for any breach by the successor or assignee of its obligations, and the
Union will look exclusively to the successor or assignee for compliance with the terms of this
Agreement. The foregoing shall be applicable in cases only where the Employer sells or
transfers more than 10% of the facilities covered under this Agreement, and shall not apply in
cases of store closing.
The Employer and the Union each represents that the purpose and the intent of this
Agreement is to promote cooperation and harmony, to recognize mutual interests, to provide a
channel through which information and problems may be transmitted from one to the other, to
formulate rules to govern the relationship between the Union and the Employer, to promote
efficiency and service, and to set forth herein the basic agreement covering rates of pay, hours of
work and conditions of employment.
The Union and the Employer agree to utilize a quality of work life structure to provide a
mutual basis for problem solving. It is further agreed to utilize outside (neutral) sources to
provide guidance and advice to increase the effectiveness of this program. Such QWL Program
shall be implemented with the opening of the store or the conversion of a store to Superfresh.
The resulting QWL Program will not become involved in disputes covered under the Grievance
and Arbitration Procedure and will not conflict with any terms or conditions of this collective
bargaining agreement and will not reduce any rights for or privileges of the employee or
The authority and responsibility for the management of the business, including but not
limited to, the planning, direction and control of the work force shall remain exclusively in the
Employer and its appointed representatives, subject to the provisions of this Agreement.
Should the Employer intend to substitute electronic checkout systems for existing
equipment in any store, the Employer agrees to notify the Union in advance and to provide the
Union a list of all employees regularly assigned to the store on the effective date of the
utilization of said systems. Said employees shall not be removed from the Employer's payroll as
a result of the installation of such a system. Employees may continue to be transferred, assigned
to other work, or laid off in accordance with the seniority provisions of this Agreement provided
the lay off is for reasons other than the installation of such a system.
Section 2.1 The Employer recognizes the Union as the sole and exclusive bargaining
representative for all of its employees (excluding Supervisory employees as defined in the
NLRA) covered by this Agreement coming under the jurisdiction of the United Food and
Commercial Workers Union, Local 27. The Employer further agrees that if a new store or stores
are opened within the jurisdiction of Local 27 this Agreement shall apply to such new store or
Section 2.2 Employees who are hired and/or promoted into the Assistant Manager
classification after ratification of this Agreement shall be exempt from the coverage of this
Agreement. Employees classified as Assistant Managers as of the date of ratification shall have
the option of either remaining in the bargaining unit or being exempt from coverage of the
Agreement. This option shall be exercised before February 1, 1993.
Section 2.3 All work and services connected with, or incidental to the handling or selling of
all merchandise offered for sale to the public in the Employer's retail establishments covered by
this Agreement shall be performed only by employees of the Employer within the unit referred to
above for which the union is recognized as the collective bargaining agency by the Employer
except such work as may be performed at the point of delivery by Driver-Salesmen in servicing
retail markets with perishable bakery products, greeting cards, magazines, beverages and potato
and corn chips directly from the delivery vehicle. Further excepting that representatives of a
company sponsoring special promotions may erect and stock initial special displays in
connection with said special promotions. There shall be limitation of three (3) times per year for
promotional programs using persons other than employees of the Employer, provided, however,
that such special promotions must be area-wide promotions. The Employer shall notify the
Union in writing prior to the beginning of any promotional program. The application of this
provision shall in no way restrict the work which may be performed by the Store Managers,
Supervisory Employees and Supermarket Services, Inc. for health and beauty aids and general
Section 2.4 It is agreed that only meat employees covered by this Agreement shall handle
meats, poultry, fish or delicatessen products, whether fresh, frozen or smoked. The Employer
agrees that all such products will be cut, packaged, prepared and sold by employees under the
jurisdiction of this Union and that these employees will continue to handle such items as had
been customarily handled in the past and which had been prepared and packed on or off the
premises. Likewise all such products which heretofore customarily come to the Employer
already packed by the producer or distributor shall be handled as heretofore. Greeting cards and
Magazines may be serviced by outside salesmen and representatives.
The Employer further agrees that all fresh meat products will be cut, packaged, prepared
and sold by the Meat Department employees in the stores covered by this Agreement.
Exceptions may be made provided the Union is notified in advance and given written assurance
that no member's job will be eliminated as a result of such exception. The Union agrees it will
not withhold its agreement. For the purpose of this paragraph, "notified" shall mean a letter for
each individual introduction of a class of product (e.g., boneless sub primal cuts of meat,
deveined liver, rolled veal, etc.). The Union reiterates, therefore, its intention with respect to the
"products clause," as follows: the Company may introduce new methods and new products (i.e.,
make exceptions) provided it does the following:
A. Union must be notified in advance.
B. Company will list all new products or new methods in a letter of notification.
C. Company will give written assurance that no member's job will be eliminated.
If A, B, and C above are complied with, the Union will not withhold its agreement. As
always, the Union reserves the right to discuss with the Company any new method or product for
the purpose of making such new introduction more readily and smoothly acceptable to the
customers and to the members.
Section 2.5 The Employer shall notify the Union thirty (30) days prior to a store closing. The
Employer shall negotiate the effect on employees of the store scheduled to be closed.
Section 2.6 Stores competing against nonunion stores with sales of at least $100,000 per week
and within a radius of five miles shall be identified as Zone B stores. Special conditions
covering Zone B stores are the following:
A. The application of Article 2.3 is suspended.
B. The work of GM/Non Food clerks will include stocking baby food, paper plates
and napkins, light bulbs, brooms and mops and metal ware.
C. The Union agrees that it will consider other contract modifications in severe
competitive situations.
The Company agrees that no employee will be adversely affected by the implementation
of the above provisions and the amendments to Article 2.3, Article 5.9, and Article 5.12, i.e.,
reduction of jobs or hours.
Section 3.1 All employees shall, as a condition of employment, become and remain members
of the Union on and after the thirty-first (31) day following the date of employment, or on and
after the thirty-first (31) day following the effective date of this Agreement, whichever is the
Section 3.2 Upon failure of any employee to become and remain a member of the Union
within the period and under the conditions specified in Section 1 above, the Union shall notify
the Employer in writing, of such failure and the Employer shall immediately, upon receipt of
such notice, but not more than seven (7) days thereafter, discharge any such employee as
provided in the Labor Management Relations Act of 1947 as amended.
Section 3.3 The Employer may display in each store the Union Store Decal as furnished by
the Union and agrees to surrender same upon demand of the Union.
Section 3.4 The Employer will notify the Union in writing, within thirty (30) days from the
date of employment, reinstatement, or transfer into the bargaining unit of any employee, of the
name of such employee, the home address, job classification, social security number and the date
of employment.
Section 3.5 All employees newly hired or rehired after termination of their seniority shall be
considered probationary employees for the first ninety (90) days of their employment. Seniority
shall not accrue to the probationary employee until completion of his ninetieth (90th) day of
employment at which time the probationary employee's seniority shall become established as of
the date of his employment. During the said ninety (90) day probationary period, probationary
employees shall be subject to layoff, recall, discipline, or termination of their employment at the
discretion of the Employer without being subject to the grievance and arbitration procedure set
forth in this Agreement.
Section 3.6 In the interest of promoting cooperative relations, the Store Manager shall
introduce each new employee in his store to the Union Shop Steward within one week after the
new employee reports to work. Stewards shall give the new employee a copy of the contract and
shall explain its operation.
Section 4.1 Seniority for the purpose of this Agreement shall be calculated by continuous
service from the last date of employment (except otherwise provided). Seniority list for all full
time Grocery Department employees and a separate list for all part time Grocery Department
employees, also a seniority list for all full time Meat Department employees and a separate list
for all part time Meat Department employees shall be set up by the Employer and shall be
furnished to the Union upon request. Seniority areas governing this Agreement are outlined in
Schedule D attached hereto and made a part hereof and apply to employees with two (2) years or
more seniority.
In connection with layoffs and store closings, seniority by classification will apply first to
store then seniority area. When a full time employee is involuntarily reduced to part time, he
shall continue to accrue seniority as though he was still full time. When a full time employee
voluntarily reduces himself in writing, his part time seniority is dated from the original date of
hire. Employees laid off due to store closings or reduction in employment shall be laid off as
A. The least senior full time employee in the job classification being reduced shall be
laid off from his store. The full time employee so laid off shall have the right to displace the
least senior employee of the same job classification within the seniority area. If there is no junior
full time employee of the same job classification within the seniority area, any full time
employee so laid off shall then have the right to displace the least senior part time employee of
the same job classification within the appropriate seniority area, provided they can perform the
available work.
B. In recalling employees laid off and in placing employees who were reduced to
part time back on full time, the ordinary rules of seniority shall prevail except as otherwise
provided in this Agreement. In recalls from layoff, the Employer shall notify the employee by
certified mail.
C. Employees bumping as a result of layoffs, will be afforded the opportunity to
return to their original store before a permanent employee of the same job classification is hired
in said store.
Section 4.2 The Employer agrees to give a week's notice or a week's pay in lieu of a week's
notice to full time employees with six (6) months service and three (3) days notice or three (3)
days pay to part time employees with twelve (12) months service who are laid off due to lack of
work. All employees likewise shall give a week's notice prior to intended resignation. It is
mutually agreed that after termination notice has been given by either party, no new request for
sick benefits shall be granted.
Section 4.3 Employees laid off due to the store closing or reduction of employment shall be
laid off by order of the most recent hired and shall be rehired in the reverse order of the layoff,
with due consideration given to job classification. Employees laid off and subsequently recalled
within twelve (12) months will retain former seniority. After twelve (12) months all employees
who have been laid off, bumped, or those affected by a store closing or sale, shall be put on a
preferential hiring list and they shall be given the right to the next available job opening before
any new hired employee.
Full time employees to be laid off shall have the option of part time employment, and
shall be placed at the top of the part time seniority list, or may take a complete layoff. They shall
have the right of recall on any full time opening, provided they can do the work. Full time
employees reduced from full time to part time through no fault of their own will retain their
Health and Welfare and Pension coverage for a period of six (6) months even if, they work fewer
hours than specified in Article herein. The Employer will continue the full time Health and
Welfare and Pension contribution for said period of time.
For the purpose of layoff and recall, Delicatessen Clerks, Weighers and Wrappers, Meat
Apprentices and Seafood Clerks shall be considered in the same job classification and seniority
group. First Cutters and Journeyman Meat Cutters shall be considered in the same job
classification and seniority group for layoff and recall purposes. Before a Journeyman Meat
Cutter can be reduced to part time or laid off within the store, all apprentices must be laid off
within the store. Where the application of this provision creates a hardship or operational
problem, the Union and the Employer agree to discuss and resolve the problem.
Section 4.4 The Employer recognizes the principle of seniority as being one in which the
movement of an employee from one job to another or from one location to another through
promotion, demotion, layoff, recall after layoff, or permanent transfer, shall be governed by the
length of service of the employee. In the matter of promotions, where experience and ability are
reasonably equal, seniority shall be the governing factor.
Section 4.5 The Employer agrees to advise the Union of all increases, all terminations, and of
all the dates of hire on a monthly basis. The Employer will notify the Union of all promotions to
Department Head classification.
Section 4.6 Part time employees desiring full time work, full-time Night Crew employees
desiring full-time day positions and lower classified employees desiring to upgrade in
classification shall be given preference for such work in accordance with the following
procedure. Employees desiring such work shall notify the Employer in writing, with a copy to
the Union, during the periods March 1st to March 21st and September 1st to September 21st
each year. Such letters shall remain valid for eighteen (18) months. The Employer shall provide
to the Union the request lists no later than April 11th and October 12th of each year. The first
consideration for any such vacancies shall be given to employees with a current request in order
of the employees seniority with ability to do the work to be considered first within the store then
the seniority area specified in Schedule D. Full time jobs created as the result of new store
openings will be filled on the basis of seniority from the request list in the seniority area
specified in Schedule D. The Union shall be notified of all full time
Section 4.7 Part time employees who are promoted to full time shall receive credit for time
worked on the basis of one (1) full time week credit for every two (2) weeks of part time service
and the employees full time seniority date will be adjusted accordingly. Employees promoted to
an upgraded position shall suffer no loss in their wage rate.
Section 4.8 The Employer has the right to discharge or discipline any employee for good
cause, including but not limited to, proven or acknowledged dishonesty, intoxication during
working hours, provided however, that no employee shall be discharged or discriminated against
because of membership in the Union or for Union activities.
Section 4.9 Part time employees shall be given the schedule with the most hours within their
classification by seniority.
Section 4.10 Department heads with less than six (6) months as a Department Head will be
considered in the same job classification as other employees in their classification for the
purpose of layoff and recall.
Section 4.11 Any employee transferred into the Grocery or Meat Department bargaining unit
from any other part of the Company shall retain his original employment date for the purpose of
computing benefits, but his seniority date shall be established as the date he commenced working
in the bargaining unit.
Section 5.1 Wage scales are set forth in Exhibits A, B, C, C-1 and C-2 attached hereto and
made a part hereof.
Section 5.2 When a higher classified employee is absent from his position for more than one
(1) day and another employee performs the job of the higher classified employee, he shall
receive the appropriate rate of pay of this higher classification. When an employee temporarily
performs work in a higher classification, they shall receive the next higher rate of pay in the
higher classification for all hours worked in the higher classification.
Section 5.3 In stores where there is no First Cutter classification in accordance with the
formula that there must be three (3) Journeyman Meat Cutters including the Meat Manager, the
employee who relieves the Meat Manager shall be compensated at the Meat Manager rate
beginning with the first day of relief.
Section 5.4 In the event the First Cutter is away, then any Meat Cutter who relieves the First
Cutter for one (1) day or more shall be compensated at the First Cutter rate and shall relieve the
Meat Manager as provided for in Section 3 above. Substitute employees relieving other
Employer-designated Department Managers shall receive the contract rate of pay of the
Department Manager beginning with the first day of relief, excluding the regular day off.
Section 5.5 The Delicatessen Department at all times will come under the jurisdiction of the
Meat Department Head. In Delicatessen departments where the ordering, inventory, supervision
of the department and the direction of the work force are not performed by a higher rated
employee, either on a full time basis or a part time basis, the Employer will appoint a
Delicatessen Department Head to perform these functions. It is further understood that
Delicatessen Department employees may be utilized in other operations of the meat and seafood
department, at the discretion of the Meat Department Head, provided such utilization is not in
violation of other provisions of the Agreement. If an employee in a lower classification assumes
the duties of a Delicatessen Department Head for more than one (1) day said employee shall
receive the Department Head rate for that period.
Section 5.6 A Weigher and Wrapper is one who weighs, prices and wraps meat cut by
Journeyman or Apprentice. He displays and places said meat in self-service cases or storage. A
Weigher and Wrapper may use the small meat grinder for specials only. Dicing or other
tenderizing machines are only to be used by a Weigher and Wrapper for specials and never for
processing meats for display. He will not be requested or required to use a slicing machine for
cutting cheese or luncheon meats, nor will he be requested or required to use a knife for cutting
the above items which cannot be cut by machine, except when he is assigned to the Delicatessen
Department. He is not to cut beef, pork, veal, lamb, poultry, or fish with a knife or automatic
device nor assume any of the work normally performed by Journeyman Meat Cutter and
Apprentices. He may, however, perform general housecleaning chores, clean up cases, work
tables, equipment, etc., as directed.
Section 5.7 - Apprentice Training Program Employees of the Employer entering the
Apprentice Program shall suffer no reduction in their hourly rate of pay. The Apprentice
Program shall be two (2) years as provided in the wage rate Schedule A. Apprentices are
employees whose duty shall be to cut meat at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the time, among
other duties in servicing the Meat Departments. The apprentices shall be examined by a
representative of the Employer and a representative of the Union on or before his twenty-third
(23rd) month. Should he fail to qualify at this step, he shall continue at the same rate of pay and
be given another examination at the end of six (6) months from the first examination date, etc.
Section 5.8 The Relief Store Manager shall receive his appropriate hourly rate plus overtime,
or the Store Manager's rate of pay, whichever is the greater, when relieving for one (1) full week
or more (Monday through Saturday).
Section 5.9 - Service Clerk All terms and conditions of the basic contract will apply except as
A. Work shall include job duties of a "non-conventional" nature.
B. Such employee will be guaranteed a minimum of ten (10) hours per week with a
minimum of three (3) hours work per shift.
C. Such employee shall receive three (3) hours of pay for the holidays listed in
Article 11.
D. Such employees shall have the opportunity for upgrading in classification as
outlined in Article 4, Section 7.
E. The Employer shall not be obligated to make contributions to the Severance Fund
on behalf of such employees.
F. Additional duties include - Handling outdoor merchandise display, preparation of
quiche, bake-off rolls in deli, assemble meat and cheese party platters all year, make sandwiches,
vacuum pack in Deli express, cook hot food and rotisserie chicken and cut vegetables for
prepared foods. Bread may be stocked by service clerks. Any current clerks performing these
duties will continue to have their rates of pay and hours protected.
Section 5.10 - Non-Food Clerk All terms and conditions of the basic contract will apply except
as follows:
Employees desiring transfer to a food classification shall be given preference for
such work in accordance with the following procedure: Employees desiring food classification
work shall upon completion of one (1) year of service, notify the Employer in writing, with a
copy to the Union, during the periods March 1st to March 21st and September 1st to September
21st each year. Such letters shall remain valid for a period of twelve (12) months.
When openings occur, seniority and ability to perform the new job shall be the
determining factors for the transfer. Should the employee fail to satisfactorily perform within the
first sixty (60) days of the transfer, he shall be afforded the opportunity to return to a similar
Non-Food classification without loss of seniority.
The Employer agrees that said non-food employees will be transferred to food
positions before considering new hires.
Provisions of basic contract apply where not referred to above and where
Section 5.11 The duties of the Porter shall be limited to the general cleaning up of the store and
carrying out of customer's packages, but in no other instance shall porters be required to handle,
display, or sell any merchandise sold in the store.
Section 5.12 Courtesy Clerks shall be guaranteed ten (10) hours work per week at no less than
three (3) hours work per shift. Their duties shall be limited to bagging, parcel pick up, cleaning
up around the checkout stand and parcel pick up areas, price checks, spot mop, floor care and
other cleaning duties (i.e., restrooms), sweeping and handling recycled items, racking empty
bottles, returning unsold merchandise, handling recycled newspapers, cans and tearing off
magazine covers.
A. Eligible Courtesy Clerks will receive vacations as provided in Article 7 and three
(3) hours pay for the legal holidays provided in Article 8.
B. Work performed on Sundays and holidays will be compensated for at a premium
of Twenty-Five Cents (25¢) per hour.
C. The Employer will not be obligated to make Health and Welfare, Pension,
Severance and Legal contributions on behalf of Courtesy Clerks.
Section 5.13 When an employee is promoted to a higher classification the employee's pay rate
shall progress to the next higher wage rate in the new classification and thereafter progress
through the remaining progression.
Section 5.14 An employee who has worked within the industry during the past three (3) years
shall be credited with all previous supermarket experience in the same type of work, or in the
case of pharmacy, general merchandising or bakery employees, all previous experience in a
similar capacity, proven by verification or ability, which shall be recognized as seniority for the
purpose of establishing the pay scale to which the employee is entitled. The Employer,
employee, and the Union will make every effort to verify all previous experience on the
employee's application. If, however, complete information cannot be obtained within the first
three (3) months of employment, the pay scale shall be determined by the Employer on the basis
of whatever verification of experience has become available and the employee's ability. The
Employer agrees to notify the Union no later than forty-five (45) days after employment if
complete verification of experience has not been obtained. The above applies except in the case
of a journeyman or an apprentice who has not worked in the industry within the past three (3)
years, who shall be given a jointly observed block test immediately following the ninety (90) day
probationary period. The salary of such employee shall be retroactive to the date of original
Section 5.15 In stores designated by the Employer, there shall be one employee working in the
Floral Department classified as Floral Manager, who's rate of pay shall be at the top of the Food
Clerk rate in the tier in which they were hired. All other employees in the Floral Department
will be classified as Service Clerks.
Section 5.16 The duties of employees classified as cake decorator shall be limited to finishing
of all iced cake & whipped cream products. Employees classified as Cake Decorators may be
used in any store designated at the discretion of the Employer. The Employer shall also have the
option of scheduling such employees to work in more than one store daily, provided that all such
work, including reasonable travel time, is compensated at the appropriate hourly rate.
Section 5.17 The Union agrees the Employer may randomly test Pharmacy Technicians after
review of procedure with the Union.
Section 5.18 Effective with the date of this Agreement, there shall be created an EMPLOYEE
INCENTIVE FUND ("Fund") which the Employer agrees to participate in and contribute to.
Disposition of fund assets shall be solely and exclusively controlled by members of the Union
who are employees of the Employer. Selection of Fund Trustees shall be made pursuant to a
procedure developed by the employees. The employees or their authorized agent shall have
authority to direct the investment of the assets of the Plan to the maximum extent permissible
under law.
A. Employer obligations for each store shall commence on the first sales day of the
next sales period following the opening date of the store or conversion of the store to Superfresh.
B. All Employer contributions for each store for the preceding year shall be made to
the Fund (which shall be comprised of the combined contributions for all stores) within sixty
(60) days after each annual anniversary date established in Section 1 above.
C. The amount of Employer contributions for each store shall be one percent (1%) of
the store's total sales for the contract year, (contract year to mean twelve (12) months from the
date the store opened or converted as Superfresh), subject to adjustment as follows:
1. If the store's labor rate for the corresponding period is below nine percent
(9%), the contribution rate shall be adjusted upward by one-twentieth of a percentage point
(.05%) for each full one-tenth of a percentage point (0.1%) reduction below nine percent (9%).
If the store's labor rate for the corresponding period is above ten percent (10%), the contribution
rate shall be adjusted downward by one-twentieth of a percentage point (.05%) for each full one-
tenth of a percentage point (0.1%) increased above ten percent (10%). For example, if the labor
rate is 8.3, the contribution rate is 1.35%; if the labor rate is 11.1, the contribution rate is 0.45%.
Under no circumstances shall the Fund be required to reimburse the Employer based on the
store's labor rate.
D. The plan and any accompanying Trust shall be exempt from income taxation, and
the Employer's contribution shall be deductible for income tax purposes. In the event that for
any reason the Fund cannot receive the continuing approval of the IRS with respect to the
deductibility as an item of business expense of the Employer contribution thereunder, the amount
of the Employer contribution for the period for which such contribution is required under this
Agreement shall be paid directly to the employees in cash, as an employee benefit, by a formula
to be mutually determined by the Employer and the Union.
E. Company and the Union agree to continue the incentive bonus program
established under the 1986 contract through the conversion of the A&P Stores to Super Fresh.
Company and Union further agree to meet periodically during this Agreement to review the
incentive program and its format.
a. All employees who were working in the store the day the store
opened or was converted to Superfresh and were still working in the store on the anniversary
date. Employees hired after the date the store opened or was converted shall not vest in the
incentive fund until the completion of one (1) year of service.
b. Those employees who were promoted out of store are eligible for
hours worked in both stores, i.e. if employees worked 700 hours in Store #A and 800 hours in
Store #B, he has credit for a 700 hour portion from #A and an 800 hour portion from #B.
c. Any former A&P employee who retires during the course of a plan
d. Any employee who dies during the course of a plan year.
a. Only hours eligible are those hours worked from opening date of
the store. Any hours worked prior to store opening, or conversion of a store to Superfresh, must
be deducted from the total.
a. All productive hours.
b. Vacation (regular and vested expense).
c. Holiday.
d. All payroll taxes.
e. Union health and welfare benefit and retirement expense.
f. Company retirement and benefit expense for non-bargaining unit
employees, i.e., store manager.
Section 6.1 The guaranteed basic work week for all full time employees shall be forty (40)
hours per week to be worked in five (5) days. Part time shall be guaranteed 16 hours per week.
The sixteen (16) hour minimum does not apply to probationary employees, students, part time
employees holding another job, courtesy clerks, service clerks or employees not available. Part
time Meat Department employees hired prior to June 20, 1982 shall be guaranteed twenty (20)
hours per week.
The work week shall be Monday through Saturday for full and part timers.
Employees full time and part time shall be paid at the overtime rate of time and one-half
(1½) of the employee's regular rate of pay for the following time worked:
A. In excess of eight (8) hours in one (1) day.
B. In excess of five (5) days in one (1) week.
C. In excess of forty (40) hours in one (1) week.
D. In excess of thirty-two (32) hours in any week in which one of the specified
holidays falls except as provided in Article 8 Section 2.
E. All hours worked after 6:00 p.m. by a full time employee after three (3) nights.
There shall be no split shifts.
The regular day's work for all full time employees shall be worked within nine (9)
consecutive hours and all employees shall receive one (1) hour off for lunch at approximately the
middle of the working day, except that any employee may receive only one-half (½) hour meal
period when he works within eight and one-half (8 ½) consecutive hours, provided it is mutually
agreed upon. The meal period for Night Crew workers shall be one half hour (½) and the eight
(8) hour shift shall be worked in a period of eight and one half (8 ½) consecutive hours. The
meal period shall not begin before three (3) hours of work, nor later than five (5) hours of work.
Part time employees who work more than six (6) hours in a week day, shall be granted a meal
period without pay of at least one-half (½) hour, if requested by the employee.
On days where overtime is worked, if the second meal period is taken, it shall consist of
one-half (½) hour's duration only. The taking of the second meal period will be only by mutual
consent of employee and Employer.
Any employee required to work his meal period shall receive pay for that period of time
at the overtime rate of time and one-half (1½) the regular rate of pay.
All full time employees reporting for work at their scheduled time shall be guaranteed
their scheduled hours of work, unless such work is unavailable due to an emergency or Act of
God not within the control of the Employer. In the event such an employee is called to work on
his predesignated day off, he shall be guaranteed a minimum of four (4) hours pay at the
overtime rate of time and one-half (1 ½).
Part time employees who report to work pursuant to instructions and are not given work
shall be paid for their scheduled hours, but in no event for less than four (4) hours. No part time
employee shall be employed for less than four (4) hours in any one (1) day.
The Employer may establish as many shifts as necessary and the starting time of such
shifts shall be optional with the Employer.
Any time worked after 1:00 a.m. or before 4:00 a.m. shall be paid at time and one-half
(1½) of the employee's regular rate of pay, except for those employees on the night shift.
Overtime shall be worked at the designation of the Employer. The overtime pay shall be
computed on a daily or weekly basis, but not for both. On days where overtime is worked, it
shall be offered to employees on a seniority basis with due consideration being given to job
classification and ability to do the work from among the work force available at the store.
Section 6.2 The Employer shall post a weekly work schedule, in ink, with the employees'
names listed in order of seniority, in a conspicuous place easily accessible to the employees, in
each department and/or store of all employees covered by this Agreement showing their daily
hours of work and their predesignated day off. This notice shall be posted by 2:00 pm on Friday
of the week preceding the week for which the schedule is effective, and this schedule shall
remain posted for all employees to review. In the event a full time employee's predesignated day
off is changed after the schedule is posted, an employee required to work on his predesignated
day off shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half (1½) his straight time rate of pay for work
performed on such day. A seven (7) day written notice must be given in order for a full time
employee's regularly scheduled day off to be changed.
The schedule for a part time employee may be changed by notification to the employee
prior to the end of their shift the previous day. A part time schedule shall be complete and reflect
the anticipated basic needs of the store's requirement for that week, except for holiday weeks.
Section 6.3 Employees working six (6) hours or more in a day shall receive two (2) rest
periods of fifteen (15) minutes each, one (1) rest period to be in the first half of the work day, the
second rest period to be in the second half of the work day as near as possible to the middle of
each shift. Employees working less than six (6) hours in a day shall receive one (1) fifteen (15)
minute rest period. The Employer will not intentionally prepare a schedule to avoid the
requirement of a second rest period.
Section 6.4 Employees shall be at their work stations ready for work at their scheduled
starting time, otherwise they are reporting late.
Section 6.5 A part time employee is one who works twenty-nine (29) hours or less per week,
except during the period of June 15th to September 15th, when a part time employee may work
up to thirty-five (35) hours per week. Part Time employees shall be given the weekly schedule
with the most hours within their classification by seniority within the basic work week. The
schedule for each store should provide the most senior part time employees with the greatest
number of hours, within the definition of part time; with the balance of the employees scheduled
to reflect the actual needs of the business, however, not less than the weekly minimum. Those
scheduled hours which may become available during the regular work week are to be offered to
employees by seniority to fill such vacated hours. It is not the intent of the parties to have all
employees scheduled at the same weekly number of hours. Sunday work shall be assigned
Section 6.6 A Night Crew employee is one who is scheduled for work on a Night Crew two
(2) or more nights in any one (1) week. No employee shall be required to work a day and night
shift in the same work week.
Section 6.7 Any employee working on the Night Crew two (2) or more nights during the
week shall receive the night premium for all hours worked during the entire week. Any time
worked by a member of the Night Crew prior to 9:00 p.m. or after 10:00 a.m. shall be paid at
time and one-half (1 ½) of the employee's regular rate of pay which shall be in addition to his
night premium.
Section 6.8 Each employee hired prior to October 16, 1983, working on the night shift will
receive an additional seventy-five cents (75¢) per hour, which shall be over and above the
regular rate of pay for the same or similar day job. Effective April 23, 2000, each employee
hired prior to October 16, 1983, working on the night shift will receive an additional one dollar
($1.00) per hour, which shall be over and above the regular rate of pay for the same or similar
day job.
Each employee hired on or after October 16, 1983, working on the night shift will receive
an additional thirty-five cents (35¢) per hour, which shall be over and above the regular rate of
pay for the same or similar day job. Effective April 23, 2000, each employee hired on or after
October 16, 1983, working on the night shift will receive an additional eighty cents (80¢) per
hour, which shall be over and above the regular rate of pay for the same or similar day job.
Effective May 6, 2001, each employee hired on or after October 16, 1983, working on the night
shift will receive an additional one dollar ($1.00) per hour, which shall be over and above the
regular rate of pay for the same or similar day job.
Section 6.9 One person other than the Assistant Manager or Department Head shall be
designated as the employee in charge of the Night Crew. This employee shall not be replaced by
any employee in a higher wage classification.
Section 6.10 Effective March 26, 2000, the employee in charge of Night Crew will receive in
addition to his night premium, an additional Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) per week. Effective
March 26, 2000, a Night Crew Captain in charge in a store which is open for business on a 24
Hour basis shall receive an additional Ten Dollars ($10.00) per week night premium (in addition
to the Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) per week Night Captain premium).
Section 6.11 A Night Crew may work four (4) ten (10) hours shifts at straight time by mutual
Section 6.12 Part time grocery employees may be assigned on a night shift, provided however,
they must be assigned for a full shift of not less than eight (8) hours, however, part time
employees may be scheduled for less than eight (8) hours by mutual agreement. Part time
employees hired after April 19, 2000 will be schedule for no less than six (6) hours on the night
Section 6.13 Any regular member of the Night Crew will receive his basic weekly wage plus
his night premium in the computation of his overtime, vacation or holiday pay.
Section 6.14 Employees who want on or off the Night Crew shall bid as follows: A request
must be in writing to the employer and will be placed on the list referred to in Article 4, as day
openings occur. The most senior employee on the combined list shall be assigned to the job
provided, the employee is available to work such hours on a regular and continuous basis.
Section 6.15 Meat Department employees who want on or off the Night Crew shall bid in
writing to the Personnel Office on a seniority basis.
Section 6.15A Meat Department employees hired prior to October 16, 1983, employed on the
night shift shall receive a night shift differential of seventy-five cents (75¢) per hour over and
above the basic wage rate. Effective April 23, 2000 Meat Department employees hired prior to
October 16, 1983, employed on the night shift shall receive a night shift differential of one
dollar ($1.00) per hour over and above the basic wage rate. Meat Department employees hired
on or after October 16, 1983, employed on the night shift shall receive a night shift differential
of thirty-five cents (35¢) per hour over and above the basic wage rate. Effective April 23, 2000,
Meat Department employees hired on or after October 16, 1983, employed on the night shift
shall receive a night shift differential of eighty cents (80¢) per hour over and above the basic
wage rate. Effective May 6, 2001, Meat Department employees hired on or after October 16,
1983, employed on the night shift shall receive a night shift differential of one dollar ($1.00) per
hour over and above the basic wage rate. The night shift shall be scheduled between the hours of
9:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m.
Section 6.16 Employees who sustain an occupational injury requiring treatment by a doctor or
hospital shall suffer no loss in pay for the day the injury occurs provided the employee returns to
work unless otherwise instructed in writing by the attending doctor.
Section 6.17 When a part time employee is scheduled and/or works forty (40) hours per week
for more than six (6) consecutive weeks and the work is not temporary (i.e., vacation and/or
absence coverage), a full time position will be deemed to have been created. Such full time
position will be filled in accordance with Article 4, Section 6.
Section 6.18 The Company recognizes that given the individual life-style of each employee
certain work schedules are preferable. In this regard, the Company will make its best effort to
consider seniority in the preparation and assignment of work schedules. The Union recognizes
that the needs of the business take first priority.
Section 7.1 Full time employees hired prior to November 8, 1986 and April 22, 1987 Eastern
Shore, with one (1) or more years of continuous full time service shall be granted vacations as
One (1) week uninterrupted after one (1) year 1/12 week for each additional month
Two (2) weeks uninterrupted after three (3) yrs 2/12 week for each additional month
Three (3) weeks after seven (7) years 3/12 week for each additional month
Four (4) weeks after thirteen (13) years 4/12 week for each additional month
Five (5) weeks after twenty (20) years 5/12 week for each additional month
Full time employees hired after November 7, 1986 and April 21, 1987 Eastern Shore,
with one (1) or more years of continuous full time service shall be granted vacations as follows:
One (1) week uninterrupted after one (1) year 1/12 week for each additional month
Two (2) weeks uninterrupted after three (3) yrs 2/12 week for each additional month
Three (3) weeks after seven (7) years 3/12 week for each additional month
Four (4) weeks after thirteen (13) years 4/12 week for each additional month
Effective January 1, 2002, Full time employees hired after November 7, 1986 and April
21, 1987 Eastern Shore, with one (1) or more years of continuous full time service shall be
granted vacations as follows:
One (1) week uninterrupted after one (1) year 1/12 week for each additional month
Two (2) weeks uninterrupted after three (3) yrs 2/12 week for each additional month
Three (3) weeks after seven (7) years 3/12 week for each additional month
Four (4) weeks after thirteen (13) years 4/12 week for each additional month
Five (5) weeks after twenty (20) years 5/12 week for each additional month
Section 7.2 Employees with two (2) or more weeks of vacation may choose to take one (1)
week in days, with the approval of management. The decision shall not be subject to the
grievance and arbitration process. Hours paid as vacation paid in days shall not be included in
the calculation of overtime in the week taken.
Section 7.3 Employees discharged for acknowledged or proven dishonesty, or employees who
quit without giving a one (1) week notice shall not be entitled to pro-rata vacation pay.
Section 7.4 An employee who has earned three (3) weeks of vacation is entitled to at least two
(2) weeks uninterrupted, with the remaining period to be taken at a time convenient to both the
Employer and the employee.
Section 7.5 Employees must work thirty-six (36) weeks during the vacation year to qualify.
Section 7.6 Vacation time shall be computed from date of employment or anniversary date,
and shall be paid at the rate of pay in effect at the time the vacation is taken. Leave of absence
for any reason shall not be considered as time worked, but if the leave exceeds sixteen (16)
weeks within the vacation year, the employee shall receive a pro rata vacation that vacation year.
Section 7.7 When a holiday designated in Article 8 Section 1 occurs during the full time
employee's vacation, the employee shall be entitled to an extra day's vacation or cash in lieu
thereof, based on straight time pay for an eight (8) hour work day.
Section 7.8 From January 1 to February 28 (February 29 in a leap year) of each year,
employees shall select their desired date for vacation for that year. Said selection will be
awarded on a seniority basis within department. Effective January 1, 2009, employees who have
selected vacation during the vacation bid period will be notified of the final vacation decision in
writing by March 31 and the approved vacation schedule shall be completed and posted by
March 31
in a conspicuous place easily accessible to employees. After February 28 (February
29 in a leap year), employees may select vacant weeks by seniority but may not bump less senior
employees who have exercised their vacation selection during the bid period. Vacations,
requested after the bid period will be honored on a first-come, first-served basis. Employees
may take vacation in any of the fifty-two (52) calendar weeks, subject to management approval.
The vacation schedule of any employee cannot be changed, except by mutual agreement. The
vacation schedule shall be available on request by an employee.
Section 7.9 Vacation pay is to be paid to the employee prior to the vacation.
Section 7.10 Part time employees shall be entitled to a vacation on or after each anniversary
date of their employment pro-rated on the basis of the average straight time hours worked during
the preceding year, according to the vacation formula set forth above and subject to the same
conditions as pertain to full time employees. The method of calculating vacation for part time
employees is to be based on the straight time hours worked during the preceding calendar year
divided by fifty two (52). If the employee is absent due to a Health and Welfare claim, the
number of full weeks of absence is to be deducted from the fifty two (52). Vacation weeks are to
be considered as hour worked.
Section 7.11 When a holiday, designated in Article 8, occurs during a part time employee's
vacation, the employee shall be paid as provided in Article 8.
Section 7.12 Employees may start vacation on any day which is mutually agreed upon by the
Employer and the employee.
Section 7.13 A part time employee going to full time shall not suffer a reduction in the number
of hours of vacation the employee would have received as a part time employee for the first
vacation of such change.
Section 8.1 The Employer agrees that the following days shall be holidays. When a holiday
falls on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be observed.
New Year's Day Labor Day
Memorial Day Thanksgiving Day
Independence Day Christmas Day
Easter Monday (employees hired before October 16, 1983)
Employees on the payroll as of January 1, 1978 shall receive five (5) personal days off
with pay per year.
Employees hired after January 1, 1978 and before October 16, 1983 shall receive one (1)
personal day off with pay for each ten (10) weeks of service up to a maximum of five (5) days
per year.
Employees hired after October 16, 1983 and before November 8, 1986 in Baltimore and
before April 22, 1987 on the Eastern Shore shall receive one (1) personal day off with pay for
each six (6) months of service up to a maximum of two (2) days per year.
Employees hired after November 7, 1986 in the Baltimore area and April 21, 1987 on the
Eastern Shore shall receive one (1) personal day off with pay after six (6) months of service, and
an additional personal holiday for a total of two (2) personal holidays per year for employees
with two (2) years or more of service.
Effective January 1, 2002 all employees hired after October 16, 1983 shall receive an
additional personal holiday for a total of three (3) personal holidays per year for employees with
two (2) years or more of service.
If an employee is required to work on a holiday, compensation shall be as follows, which
shall be in addition to the holiday pay as provided:
A. Courtesy Clerks shall receive a premium of Twenty-Five Cents (25¢) per hour for
all hours worked on Holidays;
B. Employees working in the Eastern Shore stores hired after September 30,1992
shall receive a premium of one dollar ($1.00) per hour for all hours worked on Holidays;
C. All other employees hired on or before July 22, 2004, shall be paid at the rate of
time and one-half (1½) the employee's regular straight time rate of pay for all hours worked on
D. All other employees hired after July 22, 2004, work performed on any of the
holidays specified in Article 8 shall be compensated for at the following rates, which shall be in
addition to the straight time pay provided for the holiday:
1. 0 to 12 months employment - $1.00/hr. Premium for each hour worked
2. 13 to 24 months employment - $1.50/hr. Premium for each hour worked
3. 25 to 60 months employment - $2.00/hr. Premium for each hour worked
4. Thereafter - time and one-half (1 ½)
Sunday and Holidays rotation shall be done from separate lists.
Section 8.2 The work week during which a holiday occurs shall be considered a four (4) day
week consisting of thirty-two (32) straight time hours, for which the employees shall be paid
forty (40) hours pay if they qualify under Article 8, Section 3. All time worked over thirty-two
(32) hours during said holiday week shall be compensated for at the overtime rate of time and
one-half (1 ½) except that an employee may work forty (40) hours at straight time in addition to
the holiday pay, provided it is mutually agreed upon between Employer and employee.
A. All part time employees, upon completion of ninety (90) days but less than one
(1) year of continuous service with the Company, shall be entitled to holiday pay as set forth in
this paragraph when said holiday falls on their scheduled work day, based on the number of
hours regularly worked by such employee on that day.
B. All part time employees with one (1) or more years of continuous service shall be
entitled to holiday pay based on the number of hours regularly worked by the employee on that
day if the holiday falls on a regularly scheduled work day; or holiday pay of four (4) hours if the
holiday falls on a non-scheduled day at straight time.
C. Courtesy clerks hired before October 16, 1983 shall be paid four (4) hours for
legal holidays provided for in Section 8.1, including Easter Monday.
D. In either case in order to receive holiday pay the employee must:
1. Work the scheduled work day before and after such holiday, Sunday
excepted; and
2. Work at least one (1) day during the said holiday week.
E. Work schedules shall not be changed for the purpose of avoiding holiday pay.
Section 8.3 No employee shall receive pay for any holidays not worked unless such employee
has reported for work on the employee's regular work day next preceding and next following said
holiday. Employee shall be deemed to have reported for work if absence on the day before or
the day after said holiday is due to express permission from or action of the Company, or death
in the immediate family and also in case of certified illness, but in any event, employees off one
(1) full week before a holiday and one (1) full week after a holiday would not be entitled to
holiday pay, unless otherwise provided for in this Agreement.
Section 8.4 Any work performed by employees on Sunday shall be paid for as follows :
A. Courtesy Clerks shall receive a premium of twenty-five cents (25¢) per hour for
all hours worked on Sundays;
B. Employees working in the Eastern Shore stores hired after September 30, 1992
shall receive a premium of one dollar ($1.00) per hour for all hours worked on Sundays;
C. All other employees hired on or before July 22, 2004 shall be paid at the rate of
time and one-half (1½) the employee's regular straight time rate of pay for all hours worked on
D. For all other employees hired after July 22, 2004 work performed on any Sundays
shall be compensated for at the following rates, which shall be in addition to the straight time pay
provided for Sundays:
1. 0 to 12 months employment - $1.00/hr. Premium for each hour worked
2. 13 to 24 months employment - $1.50/hr. Premium for each hour worked
3. 25 to 60 months employment - $2.00/hr. Premium for each hour worked
4. Thereafter - time and one-half (1½)
Section 8.5 Hours and/or days which qualify for Sunday or Holiday premium pay shall not be
included in computing weekly overtime. There shall be no pyramiding of overtime and/or
premium pay. Hours worked on Sundays or Holidays shall be in addition to the normally
scheduled work week.
Section 8.6 Sunday work shall be assigned on a rotating basis by seniority within the store by
job classification. In the event the Employer cannot schedule the necessary number of
employees on a voluntary basis, then the employees in reverse order of seniority shall be
obligated to work.
Section 8.7 In the Meat Department Sunday and/or Holiday work in each store shall be
rotated among qualified employees within the classification required by the Employer to perform
the work. The work heretofore performed by part time employees shall be first offered to full
time employees. The work so offered shall not be deemed to fall within the daily hourly
guarantee of this contract. If full time employees refuse the work it may then be offered to part
time employees. If scheduled employees refuse such work then the least senior employee within
the classification will be required to do the work.
Section 9.1 The Union shall have the right to appoint one (1) Shop Steward in the Grocery
Department and one (1) Shop Steward in the Meat Department in each store, whose duties shall
be to report any irregularities to the Union. In no instance shall the Shop Stewards be
discriminated against for discharging such duties, provided such duties do not unreasonably
interfere with the regular performance of their work for the Employer. Shop Stewards shall
report all irregularities to the Store Manager prior to reporting same to the Union.
Section 9.2 Shop Stewards may not be transferred from store or job assignment without
written consent to the Union, except in cases of promotion. The Shop Stewards shall have
superseniority on his seniority list for layoff in their store within classification. Further, the Shop
Stewards shall not be threatened, coerced or intimidated for performing Union activities.
Section 9.3 Shop Stewards shall be entitled to a leave of one (1) day each calendar year with
pay, for Shop Steward Training and Education. The Union must notify the Employer at least two
(2) weeks in advance thereof. The Shop Steward must upon returning from the leave present the
Store Manager with written evidence from the Union that the steward has used the leave for the
purpose for which the leave was intended. For purposes of the above, one Shop Steward per
Meat Department and one Shop Steward per Grocery Department will be eligible for pay on said
Section 10.1 Should a controversy, dispute or disagreement arise during the period of this
Agreement concerning the interpretation of the provisions of this Agreement, except that liability
for wage claims shall not be subject to arbitration unless involving a disputed interpretation of
the provisions of the Agreement, there shall be no cessation or stoppage of work or lockout
because of such controversy, dispute, or disagreement, but the difference shall be adjusted in the
following manner.
Section 10.2 Upon receipt of notice from either party, the representative of the Employer and
the representative of the Union shall, within three (3) days, commence discussion in an attempt
to reach a settlement of the controversy.
Section 10.3 If the matter is not amicably settled under Section 2 above, then either party may,
on giving five (5) days notice to the other party:
A. Submit the matter to the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service for a list of
fifteen (15) Arbitrators and the parties shall select therefrom one (1) arbitrator as follows: Each
of the parties shall strike one (1) name from the list until a last name remains, each of the parties
drawing lots to determine who shall be entitled to the first strike. It is agreed the arbitrator
selected shall be a member of the National Academy of Arbitrators.
B. The arbitrator shall not have the authority to decide questions involving the
jurisdiction of any Local or of the International or which may in any way affect or change the
Union Security clause, nor shall the arbitrator have the authority to effect a change in, modify, or
amend any of the provisions of this Agreement or to make decisions or provisions covering
wages or working conditions to be incorporated either in a new Agreement or any subsequent
annual Agreement, except as hereinafter provided.
C. In the event that one party should fail to make their selection of arbitrators within
two (2) weeks after receipt of notification by the other party that their choices have been
submitted, then the first choice of the selecting party shall be binding on the non-selecting party.
D. In the further event, should one (1) party fail to participate in the scheduled
arbitration proceeding, the other party may proceed unilaterally and the decision of the arbitrator
shall be final and binding upon all parties.
E. The Employer and the Union agree that they will exchange necessary information
to prepare for arbitration.
F. The decision of the Arbitrator shall be final and binding on both parties.
Section 10.4 The provisions of no strike or lockout shall not be binding on either party if the
other fails to abide by the decision of the arbitrator. The expenses of the arbitrator shall be borne
equally by both the Employer and the Union.
Section 10.5 All complaints must be filed, in writing, within thirty (30) days after occurrence
of the matter in dispute of disagreement, provided that any complaints in reference to dismissal
must be filed, in writing, to the Employer within ten (10) days from the date of dismissal.
Complaints not filed, within the limits herein specified shall have no right of appeal by any party
Section 10.6 During the consideration of such difference or misunderstanding, neither party
shall use any coercive or retaliatory measures to compel the other party to accede to its demands.
Section 10.7 Since it is the desire of the parties to expedite the handling of all grievances, they
therefore agree that the time limits prescribed must be followed, unless agreed to by the Union
and the Employer. The party failing to move forward as required shall be deemed to have
withdrawn the grievance. All notices required herein shall be in writing.
Section 10.8 An alleged violation of Title 7, of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, may be processed
through the grievance procedure.
Section 10.9 Mediation and Arbitration. The mediation procedure will operate in the following
A. After the final step of the grievance procedure, the parties will have the option of
going to mediation, if mutually agreeable between the parties, rather than directly to arbitration.
The mediator will be a highly skilled and respected arbitrator. He will first attempt to settle the
grievance. In doing so, he will encourage the parties to focus not only on the contract, but also
on the underlying problem. If a settlement is not achieved in those discussions, the mediator will
give the parties an immediate oral opinion, based on their contract, as to how the grievance is
likely to be decided if it goes to arbitration.
B. If no settlement is possible, and the parties do not accept the mediators advisory
opinion, they are free to arbitrate. If they do, the grievance will be heard by a different arbitrator,
and nothing said or done by the parties at mediation can be used against them at arbitration.
C. The proceedings before the mediator are informal in nature. The facts are brought
out in narrative fashion, the rules of evidence will not apply, and no record will be made.
Participants can discuss anything relevant to them.
D. The mediation proceedings will be short and to the point. The goal will be to
dispose of up to three grievances per day.
Subject to the following conditions, employees shall be granted leave of absence without
pay which shall not interrupt their service records, providing such request is made by the
employee, in writing, to the Employer's main office seven (7) days prior to commencing such
Section 11.1 The Employer agrees that any member of the Union, employed by the Employer
during the period of this contract who is elected to permanent office in the Union or is assigned
by the Union to any Union activity necessitating temporary leave of absence, shall be granted
such leave and shall, at the end of this term in the first instance or at the end of his mission in the
second instance, be guaranteed reemployment at the employee's former wage rate plus any
increase or less any reduction that may become effective during the employee's absence,
provided that the employee applies for re-employment forthwith upon leaving the Union.
Section 11.2 Leave of absence shall be granted up to one (1) year without pay when an
employee with six (6) or more months of continuous service is unable to work because of a
disability, and this leave shall become effective after the final sick benefit payment is made. The
disability must be attested to by a registered physician. However, in the event such employee is
unable to work at the expiration of the leave period, he shall be entitled to an additional leave of
six (6) months if he submits satisfactory medical evidence that he will be able to return to his
regular duties within the said additional period.
Section 11.3 The Company will comply with the applicable laws of the United States
concerning the re-employment of persons leaving the military service of the United States.
Because the schedule of progressive wage rates provided for by Exhibits A and B hereof depends
upon actual experience on the job, a person re-employed pursuant to this Section shall, for
purpose of Exhibits A and B, be credited only with months of actual payroll service. A person so
re-employed shall be paid at the current rate for the appropriate job classification based upon the
person's actual job experience. At the time an employee leaves for military service, the
employee shall receive whatever vacation pay is due.
Section 11.4 An employee may be given a leave of absence not to exceed one (1) year for any
reason acceptable to the Employer. This decision shall not be arbitrable.
Section 11.5 An employee covered by this Agreement who is promoted to a management
position shall be granted a leave of absence from the bargaining unit. Such leave shall be granted
for up to one (1) year and may be renewed annually by agreement between the Employer and the
Section 12.1 No member of the Union shall suffer a reduction in benefits or wage rates solely
by the signing of this Agreement.
Section 12.2 The Employer will furnish and launder such store linen as it desires worn by its
employees, except that when the Employer supplies Dacron or similar type uniforms for
employees, they may be laundered by the employee. Since this item of expense is intended to
make the Employer's service more attractive to customers, employees shall be requested to
present a neat, clean, business-like appearance while on duty in the stores.
Section 12.3 If a physical examination or health permit is required, only the expense of the
examination or health permit shall be borne by the Employer.
Section 12.4 A full time employee who receives a pay rate which is higher than the pay rate
provided in Exhibit A for the employee's classification, who is promoted to a department head
and subsequently demoted to the employee's former classification shall receive the same pay rate
differential which the employee previously received.
Section 12.5 The Employer agrees, in the event of a temporary transfer at the Employer's
request, to reimburse the employee for increased transportation costs on the basis of forty-five
cents (45¢) per mile, except, however, when an employee chooses public transportation,
excluding taxicabs, the employee shall be reimbursed only for the actual cost of such increased
transportation. Temporary assignments will not exceed thirty (30) days except in cases of relief
of an employee absent on extended sick leave. The time required for travel between the stores
shall be included as a portion of the employee's work day and considered as time worked for all
Section 12.6 Notices concerning Union business which have been approved by the Employer's
main office may be posted in designated locations in the store.
Section 12.7 First aid kits for each store and all tools of the trade will be furnished by the
Section 12.8 The Employer shall have a time clock or time sheets in each store for the purpose
of keeping record of all hours worked by the employees.
Section 12.9 A meat department bargaining unit employee shall be on duty until 8:00 P.M. in
all stores, except that a department need not be staffed during meal periods where there is only
one (1) employee on duty that shift.
Section 12.10 No employee may be held responsible for each register overages or shortages
unless he is given the privilege of checking the change and daily receipts upon starting and
completing the work shift.
Section 12.11 When more than one employee works from one cash drawer or office cash
drawer, no employee shall be held responsible for cash shortages.
Section 12.12 Employees hired during the period of May 1 and September 30, to work in the
beach stores #874 - Ocean City, #892 - Ocean City and #889 -Berlin shall be designated Summer
Temporary Help. Seniority shall not accrue from season to season. The rates of pay will be at
the prevailing starting rate of time of hire. Employees will not be subject to recall and shall not
be eligible for any benefits. Those employees that were eligible for recall in 1986 remain
eligible for recall in subsequent seasons with refusal provision applying. Employees hired after
September 30, 1992 for stores #874 - Ocean City, #892 - Ocean City and #889 - Berlin will have
a probationary period of one hundred twenty (120) days.
Section 12.13 Company to provide Union with new drug and alcohol policy which will be
reviewed by the Company and the Union.
Section 12.14 Except by mutual agreement between the employee and the Employer, employees
shall receive a minimum of ten (10) hours off between the end of their schedule and the starting
of their next schedule. Any employee who works during this ten (10) hour period shall be paid
for such time at the rate of time and one-half (1½) their straight time rate of pay.
Section 12.15 Floor Care (to include the cleaning of restrooms) may be performed by an outside
vendor. Employees who performed floor care prior to March 26, 2000 shall receive the same
hours and rates of pay as they have in the past.
Section 12.16 Employees promoted to Department Head shall receive the applicable Department
Head rates according to the scales for their date of hire.
Section 12.17 Those employees on the payroll prior to the conversion of Super Fresh (Baltimore
area November 8, 1986 and April 22, 1987 Eastern Shore) shall maintain their participation in
the FELRA Health and Welfare, Pension, Legal and Severance Funds; and shall maintain their
vacation, holiday entitlement and shall maintain Sunday and holiday premium pay.
Section 12.18 Company and Union agree to continue the incentive bonus program established
under the 1986 contract through the conversion of the A&P stores to SuperFresh. Company and
Union further agree to meet periodically during the current agreement to review the incentive
program and its format.
Section 12.19 The Employer agrees to reimburse pharmacy technicians for the cost of a required
certification exam, but only for the first time the employee takes the exam. In addition,
pharmacy technicians will be reimbursed for the fees associated with their initial state
registration. The Employer shall also make available online training for the exam.
Section 13.1 Employees who are required to report for, or serve on jury service shall receive
the difference between their straight time weekly basic pay and the amount received while on
jury duty. They will be expected to work their regularly posted schedule on days when jury is
not in session.
Section 13.2 An employee serving on the jury shall not be required to work hours other than
those during which the employee is normally scheduled and in no case shall be required to report
for less than four (4) hours.
Section 13.3 The above provisions shall be limited to thirty (30) days of jury duty in any one
(1) year, except for service on a Grand Jury.
Section 13.4 When a night crew employee is called to serve on jury duty he shall be excused
from his schedule without loss of weekly earnings.
Employees with six (6) months service shall, in the case of a death in the immediate
family, namely parent, spouse, child, brother, sister or parent-in-law, grandparents of employees,
requiring the employee's absence from regularly scheduled assignments, be granted a leave of
absence up to three (3) days, beginning with the day of death. When an employee's normal time
falls within the three (3) day period, the employee shall be reimbursed for that portion of the time
normally scheduled for work but under no circumstances shall the application of this clause
result in a change in the employee's basic weekly salary. Employees shall receive four (4) days
off for spouse and children.
Section 15.1 Dues Deductions The Employer agrees to deduct dues, initiation fees and
authorized assessments uniformly required of members of the Union from the pay of each
employee who has furnished the Employer with an authorization in writing authorizing such
deduction. The Employer agrees to remit amounts so deducted within thirty (30) days after their
collection to the Financial Secretary or designated officer of the Union. The Employer shall
forward such payroll deductions to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Union within ten (10) days
following the last payroll period of the month. When computer capabilities allow, the Employer
shall forward such payroll deductions to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Union weekly. The
identifying information concerning the deductions should include the date for which the
deductions were made, regular dues, additional amounts deducted to repay shortages in dues paid
due to absences, and initiation fees, employee's name, social security number.
Section 15.2 The Union assumes full responsibility for the disposition of the funds deducted
hereunder after they have been remitted by the Employer to the Financial Secretary or designated
officer of the Union.
Section 15.3 Active Ballot Club Deductions The Employer agrees to deduct one dollar
($1.00) per week and remit monthly to the Local Union's Active Ballot Club from employees
who are Union members and who have signed deduction authorization cards.
Section 15.4 The Employer agrees to deduct weekly whatever amount is so designated by the
employee or Union to the Local's Credit Union. The amount is to be remitted weekly.
Section 15.5 The Employer agrees that it will utilize current computer capabilities to
electronically transfer dues, initiation fees, credit union deductions as well as updated employee
information to the Union. The parties agree that they will cooperate with one another to
accomplish this objective.
Section 16.1 - Health Benefits
A. For Employees hired on or before July 22, 2004 (Plan X), the Employer shall
contribute to the FELRA and UFCW Health and Welfare Fund (hereinafter referred to as the
"Welfare Fund" the sum of seven hundred and twenty dollars ($720.00) per month for each
appropriate full time employee on the Employer's payroll. The contribution by the Employer
will commence with the first full payroll month following the completion of twelve (12) months
continuous employment with the Employer.
B. For Employees hired on or before July 22, 2004 (Plan X), the Employer shall
contribute to the Welfare Fund the sum of three hundred and sixty-three dollars ($363.00) per
month for each appropriate part time employee on the Employer's payroll. The contribution by
the Employer will commence with the first full payroll month following the completion of
twelve (12) months of continuous employment with the Employer.
C. For Employees hired on or before July 22, 2004 (Plan X) after twenty-four (24)
months of continuous employment, appropriate part time food, non-food and service clerks, may
be eligible for dependent coverage by submitting a request to the fund office between one (1) and
three (3) months before the eligibility date. The monthly premium to be paid by the employee
shall be twenty percent (20%); and the monthly premium to be paid by the Employer shall be
eighty percent (80%).
D. Benefits for employees hired after July 22, 2004 will be provided under Plan XX.
The monthly contribution by the Employer for full-time employees will commence with the first
full payroll month following the completion of twelve (12) months of continuous employment
with the Employer. The monthly contribution by the Employer for part-time employees will
commence with the first full payroll month following the completion of fifteen (15) months of
continuous employment with the Employer. Full-time employees shall be eligible for Group A
benefits after completion of twelve (12) months of continuous employment, and shall be eligible
to receive Group B benefits after completion of fifteen (15) months of continuous employment.
Part-time employees shall be eligible for Group A benefits after completion of eighteen (18)
months of continuous employment and shall be eligible to receive Group B benefits after
completion of thirty (30) months continuous employment. Part time employees are not eligible
for dependent coverage. Coverage for part-time employees shall be secondary if the employee is
covered under another plan. Full-time and part-time employees shall be eligible to receive the
Plan X level of benefits after completion of six (6) years of continuous employment.
E. Monthly contributions will be made on behalf of each employee who received
compensation from the Employer during said month.
F. The Employer shall make monthly contributions in amounts determined by the
Board of Trustees of the above Fund, so as to maintain current and existing health and welfare
benefits (as established in the FELRA negotiations of March, 2008) and further to provide a
three (3) month financial reserve.
· Effective 11/01/08, the deductible for Plans I and X shall be increased
from $200/yr to $300/yr;
· Effective 11/01/08, include prosthetics in Kaiser Plan;
· Effective 11/01/08, CareFirst as new health and welfare provider;
· Effective 11/01/08, new Prescription Drug Provider;
· Effective 11/01/08, include Colonoscopy and PSA testing in routine
preventive care.
G. Any change in contribution shall be preceded by a thirty (30) day written notice
from the Board of Trustees to the Employer.
H. The contributions provided for in this Agreement shall be in lieu of any obligation
on the part of the Employer to provide any Health and Welfare benefits other than those provided
by the Trust Agreement and Plan governing the Funds.
I. The Funds shall be governed by Boards of Trustees consisting of equal numbers
to be designated by the Food Employers' Labor Relations Association and the Union.
J. It is agreed that all questions involving Health and Welfare not specifically set
forth herein shall be determined by the provisions of the Agreement and Declaration of Trust
governing each Plan.
K. An Employer, at its discretion, may or may not be required to designate a
representative on the Board of Trustees, but in any event the Employer agrees to be bound by all
the decisions made by the Trustees in accordance with the Declaration of Trust.
L. Effective July 1, 2000, the United Food and Commercial Workers and Food
Employers Labor Relations Association Legal Benefits Fund and the United Food and
Commercial Workers and Food Employers Labor Relations Association Severance Fund shall
cease to exist as separate entities and their assets and liabilities shall be merged into and become
a part of the Food Employers Labor Relations Association and United Food and Commercial
Workers Health and Welfare Fund. There shall be separate calculation of the cost of providing
health and welfare benefits, severance benefits, legal benefits, and scholarship benefits.
M. New Hires The parties agree that employees hired on or after October 16,
2008 shall be obligated to pay the following weekly co-premium unless a higher co-premium
applies under the terms of the applicable plan effective with the month in which coverage by the
FELRA and UFCW Health and Welfare Fund starts. Although such employees are obligated to
pay such co-premiums, it shall be the employer's responsibility to collect the co-premiums from
the employee. The employer shall pay to the Fund the full monthly contribution due on behalf of
each eligible employee, regardless of whether the employee actually elects coverage.
$ 5.00 - Individual
$10.00 - Individual + 1
$15.00 - Family
Employees choosing not to pay the premium co-pay of $5.00/$10.00/$15.00 per week for health
& welfare will not be entitled to benefits.
N. Retirees Effective 11/01/08, the parties agree that the total projected cost
for retiree health benefits shall be reduced on a one time basis by 11.5%, from the March 2008
projected costs. The Fund shall implement a modified retiree benefit program to accomplish this
Section 16.2 - Legal Benefits
A. Effective July 1, 2000, the United Food and Commercial Workers and Food
Employers Labor Relations Association Legal Benefits Fund shall cease to exist as a separate
entity and its assets and liabilities shall be merged into and become a part of the Food Employers
Labor Relations Association and United Food an Commercial Workers Health and Welfare
Fund. The Welfare Fund will maintain a separate accounting of the assets and liabilities
attributable to the provision of legal benefits under the Welfare Trust and such separate account
shall be referred to as the "United Food and Commercial Workers and Food Employers Labor
Relations Association Legal Benefits Fund."
B. Effective July 22, 2004 the Employer shall continue to make contributions to the
United Food and Commercial Workers Union and FELRA Legal Benefits Fund (hereinafter
referred to as the "Fund") in the amount of fifteen dollars and fifty cents ($15.50) per month,
plus the cost of administration, for each appropriate employee who is on the Employer's payroll
on the first day of each month. The monthly contribution by the Employer will commence with
the first full payroll week of the month following the completion of twelve (12) months of
continuous employment with the Employer.
C. Effective January 1, 2009, the Employer shall increase such contribution to
eighteen dollars and twenty-five cents ($18.25) per month, plus the cost of administration.
Effective January 1, 2010, the Employer shall increase such contribution to
eighteen dollars and seventy-five cents ($18.75) per month, plus the cost of administration.
Effective January 1, 2011, the Employer shall increase such contribution to
nineteen dollars and twenty-five cents ($19.25) per month, plus the cost of administration.
Effective January 1, 2012, the Employer shall increase such contribution to
nineteen dollars and seventy-five cents ($19.75) per month, plus the cost of administration.
D. For employees hired after July 22, 2004, the monthly contribution by the
Employer will commence with the first full payroll week of the month following the completion
of fifteen (15) months of continuous employment with the Employer.
E. The Legal Fund and Plan shall be governed by the Board of Trustees of the
Welfare Fund and supervised by the committee of the Legal Fund.
F. It is understood and agreed that the Welfare Fund referred to herein shall be such
as will continuously qualify for approval by the Internal Revenue Service, so as to allow the
Employer an income tax deduction for the contribution paid hereunder.
G. It is agreed that all questions involving legal benefits not specifically set forth
herein shall be determined by the provisions of the Agreement and Declaration of Trust
governing the Welfare Fund and the Legal Benefits Plan.
Section 16.3 - Severance Benefits
A. Effective July 1, 2000, the United Food and Commercial Workers and Food
Employers Labor Relations Association Severance Fund shall cease to exist as a separate entity
and its assets and liabilities shall be merged into and become a part of the Food Employers Labor
Relations Association and United Food and Commercial Workers Health and Welfare Fund. The
Welfare Fund will maintain a separate accounting of the assets and liabilities attributable to the
provision of severance benefits under the Welfare Trust and such separate account shall be
referred to as the "United Food and Commercial Workers and Food Employers Labor Relations
Association Severance Fund."
B. The Severance Fund and Plan shall be governed by the Board of Trustees of the
Welfare Fund.
C. It is understood and agreed that the Welfare Fund referred to herein shall be such
as will continuously qualify for approval by the Internal Revenue Service, so as to allow the
Employer an income tax deduction for the contribution paid hereunder.
D. It is agreed that all questions involving severance benefits not specifically set
forth herein shall be determined by the provisions of the Agreement and Declaration of Trust
governing the Welfare Fund and Severance Plan.
E. Effective April 1, 2000, the Employer shall make contributions, if required, so as
to maintain current and existing benefits (as established in the negotiations of March, 2000).
F. Employees hired in eligible severance classifications through March 25, 2000,
shall be eligible for benefits under the Severance Fund. Severance benefits for such Employees
shall be based on Service Credit calculated in accordance with the Severance Plan as if the
Employee has participated in the Plan from the Employee's first Hour of Service for the
Employer. Employees hired on or after September 12, 1992, and prior to March 26, 2000, must
still be employed as of March 26, 2000 to receive severance benefits.
G. Solely for the purposes of entitlement to benefits under the UFCW & FELRA
Severance Plan, a leave of absence under Section 13.1 or 13.4 of the collective bargaining
agreement shall be deemed a Separation from Service under the UFCW & FELRA Severance
Plan after completion of one year of leave of absence. This change shall not affect the
employee's right to leave or reemployment following such leave.
Section 16.4 - Scholarship Benefits
A. The Board of Trustees of the Welfare Fund will establish a program of
scholarship benefits under the Welfare Fund. It is intended that the Welfare Fund will maintain a
separate accounting of the assets and liabilities attributable to the provision of scholarship
benefits under the Welfare Trust and such separate account shall be referred to as the "United
Food and Commercial Workers and Food Employers Labor Relations Association Scholarship
Fund." The Scholarship Fund shall be governed by the Board of Trustees of the Welfare Fund.
B. It is understood and agreed that the Welfare Fund referred to herein shall be such
as will continuously qualify for approval by the Internal Revenue Service, so as to allow the
Employer an income tax deduction for the contribution paid hereunder.
C. It is agreed that all questions involving scholarship benefits not specifically set
forth herein shall be determined by the provisions of the Agreement and Declaration of Trust
governing the Welfare Fund and the Scholarship Plan.
Section 17.1 Since the parties have agreed to increase the contribution rates to the Food
Employers Labor Relations Association and United Food and Commercial Workers Pension
Fund in advance of the application of the Pension Protection Act of 2006 (“PPA”), it is the
parties’ intent that the statutory surcharges under the PPA not increase the contribution rates
beyond the amounts the employer is intended to pay. This subsection shall be construed and
implemented consistent with that intent. If the Fund is certified to be in Critical Status, as that
term is defined in Section 305(b)(2) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974,
as amended (“ERISA”), for the 2008 Plan Year, and the Employer is obligated to pay to the
Fund the 5% statutory surcharge effective upon thirty days notice to the Employer from the Fund
that the surcharge is applicable, and a 10% surcharge effective January 1, 2009, the following
contribution rates will apply.
Section 17.2 The Employer shall contribute to the FELRA and UFCW Pension Fund the sums
listed below for each appropriate employee. Pension contributions for employees hired after
September 29, 1992 shall commence after the employee has completed twelve (12) months of
The following Pension contribution rates shall be effective for classifications of
employees as described:
Full Time Grocery Employees Hired Before June 21, 1982, Full Time Meat Employees
Hired Before October 16, 1983 and Full Time Non-Food Employees Hired Before
August 28, 1977
rate as of
Monthly rate as
of the date the
5% statutory
surcharge is
first applied
Monthly rate as
of 1/1/09
Monthly rate
as of 4/1/09
Monthly rate
as of 4/1/10
Monthly rate
as of 4/1/11
$730.50 $695.71 $664.09 $793.21 $922.35 $1,051.48
Part Time Grocery Employees Hired Before June 21, 1982, Part Time Meat Employees
Hired Before October 16, 1983 and Part Time Non-Food Employees Hired Before
August 28, 1977
rate as of
Monthly rate as
of the date the
5% statutory
surcharge is
first applied
Monthly rate as
of 1/1/09
Monthly rate
as of 4/1/09
Monthly rate
as of 4/1/10
Monthly rate
as of 4/1/11
$270.46 $257.58 $245.87 $293.68 $341.49 $389.30
Full Time and Part Time Non- Food Employees Hired Between August 28, 1977 and
October 16, 1983 and Full Time and Part Time Grocery Employees Hired On or After
June 21, 1982 and Full Time and Part Time Meat Department Employees Hired On or
After October 16, 1983
Hourly rate
as of
Hourly rate as
of the date the
5% statutory
surcharge is
first applied
Hourly rate as
of 1/1/09
Hourly rate as
of 3/29/09
Hourly rate as
of 3/28/10
Hourly rate as
of 3/27/11
$1.08 $1.02 $0.98 $1.17 $1.36 $1.55
Full time & part time Non-Food and Service Clerks hired on or after October 16, 1983
Hourly rate
as of
Hourly rate as
of the date the
5% statutory
surcharge is
first applied
Hourly rate as
of 1/1/09
Hourly rate as
of 3/29/09
Hourly rate as
of 3/28/10
Hourly rate as
of 3/27/11
$0.57 $0.54 $0.51 $0.61 $0.71 $0.81
The Employer agrees to modify these provisions to conform to any applicable April 2012
rate adjustment.
Section 17.3 The Pension Fund and Plan shall be governed by a Board of Trustees consisting
of equal numbers to be designated by the Food Employer Labor Relations Association and the
Section 17.4 It is understood and agreed that the Pension Fund referred to herein shall be such
as will continuously qualify for approval by the Internal Revenue Service, so as to allow the
Employer an income tax deduction for the contribution paid hereunder.
Section 17.5 It is agreed that all questions involving pensions not specifically set forth herein
shall be determined by the provisions of the Agreement and Declaration of Trust governing the
Section 17.6 An employer, at its discretion, may or may not be required to designate a
representative on the Board of Trustees, but in any event the Employer agrees to be bound by all
the decisions made by the Trustees in accordance with the Declaration of Trust.
Section 17.7 In the event that, for any reason, the statutory surcharges described in Section
17.1 do not apply to employer contributions to the Food Employers Labor Relations Association
and United Food and Commercial Workers Pension Fund, Section 17.1 of this Agreement shall
not apply, and the following contribution rates will apply.
The Union and the Association agree to continue to fund with Employer contributions as
agreed upon by the Union and Employers a joint labor-management committee for the purposes
of improving labor-management relationships, improving job security, enhancing economic
development and monitoring the conditions of those engaged in the retail food industry.
The provisions of this Agreement are deemed to be separable to the extent that if and
when a court of last resort adjudges any provisions of this Agreement in its application between
the Union and the Employer to be in conflict with any law, such decision shall not affect the
validity of the remaining provisions of this Agreement, but such remaining provisions shall
continue in full force and effect, provided further that in the event any provisions are so declared
to be in conflict with a law, both parties shall meet immediately for the purpose of renegotiation
and agreement on provision or provisions so invalidated.
Section 20.1 For the duration of this Agreement, the Union, its officers, representatives and
members shall not, directly or indirectly, authorize, cause, instigate, encourage, aid, ratify, or
condone any strike, slowdown, or stoppage of work, boycott, picketing, or other interruption of
work at the Employer's place of business.
Section 20.2 For the duration of this Agreement the Employer shall not lockout its employees.
Section 20.3 In the event of any unauthorized strike, slow down or stoppage of work, boycott,
picketing, or other interruption of work, the Union shall instruct its members to return to or
resume work at once. Any employee participating in such unauthorized activity, and refusing to
return to work when so instructed by the Union, shall be subject to discipline therefore, and it is
expressly agreed that such conduct shall constitute just cause for discharge under this
Agreement. Nothing contained herein, however, shall compel any employee to walk through a
lawful picket line, provided the picket line has the sanction of its own International Union.
This Agreement shall be effective from August 3, 2008 and shall remain in force until
and including August 4, 2012, and from year to year thereafter, with the right of either party to
reopen upon written notice, not less than sixty (60) days prior to August 4, 2012, or the 4th day
of August of any subsequent year thereafter of a desire either to change or terminate this
Agreement. In the event either party serves notice, it is agreed that the Employer and the Union
shall immediately begin negotiations on the proposed changes and that, pending the results of
such renegotiation, neither party shall change the conditions existing at the time under the
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hand and seal the day and year first
above written.
SuperFresh Baltimore Division United Food and Commercial Workers
Union, Local 27
___________________________________ _______________________________
Rick McGinley, George Murphy, Jr.,
Senior Director of Labor Relations President
___________________________________ _______________________________
H. E. Travers, III, Richard Eventoff,
Senior Manager of Labor Relations Director of Collective Bargaining
With the exception of the items listed below, the text of the contract will apply to those
employees hired prior to October 30, 1983 (Plan I), except as otherwise provided:
16.1 The following Health and Welfare contribution rates shall be effective for classifications
of employees as described:
Classification Employer Contribution
Full Time Grocery and Meat Employees $2,159.00
hired prior to October 30, 1983, and
Full Time Non-Food Employees hired
prior to August 28, 1977.
Part Time Grocery and Meat Employees $2,132.00
hired prior to October 30, 1983, and
Part Time Non-Food Employees hired
prior to August 28, 1977.
Full Time Non-Food Employees hired $635.00
after August 28, 1977 and before
October 30, 1983.
Part Time Non-Food Employees hired $286.00/Individual Coverage
after August 28, 1977, and before 80% - Family Coverage
October 9, 1983. (currently $653.00) and
20% Employee co-pay for family coverage
(currently $164.00)
Full Time Courtesy Clerks hired $635.00
prior to October 30, 1983.
Part Time Courtesy Clerks hired $286.00/Individual Coverage
prior to October 30, 1983. 80% - Family Coverage (currently
$653.00) and 20% Employee co-pay for
family coverage (currently $164.00)
The following Severance contribution rates shall be continued for classifications of
employees as described:
Classification Current Rate
Full time and part time Grocery employees 35¢ per hour
hired before June 21, 1982, full time Meat
employees hired before October 16, 1983,
part time Meat employees hired before
June 1, 1983 and full time and part time
Non-Food employees hired before June 21, 1982
Part time Meat employees hired between 25¢ per hour
June 1, 1983 and October 16, 1983
The Employer shall provide eligible all Grocery employees hired after June 21, 1982 and
all Meat employees hired after October 16, 1983, benefits through the United Food and
Commercial Workers and Food Employers Labor Relations Association Severance Fund
(hereinafter called the "Fund"), at the ten cents ($.10) per hour level for all straight time hours
worked for each appropriate employee.
Across-the-Board Increase
$0.40 $0.35 $0.35 $0.40
Assistant Manager $19.13 $19.53 $19.88 $20.23 $20.63
Produce Manager $18.96 $19.36 $19.71 $20.06 $20.46
Meat Manager $19.78 $20.18 $20.53 $20.88 $21.28
First Cutter $18.98 $19.38 $19.73 $20.08 $20.48
Meat Cutter $18.74 $19.14 $19.49 $19.84 $20.24
Deli Manager $18.74 $19.14 $19.49 $19.84 $20.24
Seafood Manager $17.54 $17.94 $18.29 $18.64 $19.04
Cashier/Dairy Head
$18.50 $18.90 $19.25 $19.60 $20.00
Food/Deli/Seafood Clerk, Weigher/Wrapper
$17.34 $17.74 $18.09 $18.44 $18.84
Porter $15.54 $15.94 $16.29 $16.64 $17.04
Bakery Clerk $15.47 $15.87 $16.22 $16.57 $16.97
Non-food Clerk $12.75 $13.15 $13.50 $13.85 $14.25
Bakery Manager $17.25 $17.65 $18.00 $18.35 $18.75
Across-the-Board Increase
$0.20 $0.15 $0.15 $0.20
Courtesy Clerk $10.30 $10.50 $10.65 $10.80 $11.00
1. Effective October 1, 2000, employees with four (4) or more years of service as of that
date, shall receive a wage increase of $.10 more per hour.
Across-the-Board Increase
$0.40 $0.35 $0.35 $0.40
Assistant Manager $19.13 $19.53 $19.88 $20.23 $20.63
Produce Manager $18.96 $19.36 $19.71 $20.06 $20.46
Meat Manager $19.78 $20.18 $20.53 $20.88 $21.28
First Cutter $18.98 $19.38 $19.73 $20.08 $20.48
Meat Cutter $18.74 $19.14 $19.49 $19.84 $20.24
Deli Manager $18.74 $19.14 $19.49 $19.84 $20.24
Seafood Manager $17.54 $17.94 $18.29 $18.64 $19.04
Cashier/Dairy Head
$18.50 $18.90 $19.25 $19.60 $20.00
Food/Deli/Seafood Clerk, Weigher/Wrapper
$16.30 $16.70 $17.05 $17.40 $17.80
Bakery Manager $17.25 $17.65 $18.00 $18.35 $18.75
Across-the-Board Increase
$0.30 $0.25 $0.25 $0.30
Non-food Clerk/Service Clerk $12.45 $12.75 $13.00 $13.25 $13.55
Across-the-Board Increase
$0.20 $0.15 $0.15 $0.20
Courtesy Clerk $9.85 $10.05 $10.20 $10.35 $10.55
1. Effective October 1, 2000, employees with four (4) or more years of service as of that
date, shall receive a wage increase of $.10 more per hour.
Across-the-Board Increase
$0.40 $0.35 $0.35 $0.40
Assistant Manager $19.13 $19.53 $19.88 $20.23 $20.63
Produce Manager $18.96 $19.36 $19.71 $20.06 $20.46
Meat Manager $19.78 $20.18 $20.53 $20.88 $21.28
First Cutter $17.45 $17.85 $18.20 $18.55 $18.95
FT Meat Cutter $15.95 $16.35 $16.70 $17.05 $17.45
PT Meat Cutter $15.15 $15.55 $15.90 $16.25 $16.65
Deli Manager $18.74 $19.14 $19.49 $19.84 $20.24
Seafood Manager $17.54 $17.94 $18.29 $18.64 $19.04
Cashier/Dairy Head
$18.50 $18.90 $19.25 $19.60 $20.00
FT Food/Deli/Seafood Clerk, Weigher/Wrapper
$14.70 $15.10 $15.45 $15.80 $16.20
PT Food/Deli/Seafood Clerk, Weigher/Wrapper
$13.70 $14.10 $14.45 $14.80 $15.20
Bakery Manager $17.25 $17.65 $18.00 $18.35 $18.75
Across-the-Board Increase
$0.30 $0.25 $0.25 $0.30
Non-food Clerk/Service Clerk $12.45 $12.75 $13.00 $13.25 $13.55
Across-the-Board Increase
$0.20 $0.15 $0.15 $0.20
Courtesy Clerk $8.20 $8.40 $8.55 $8.70 $8.90
Full Time Food/Deli/Seafood Clerks, Weigher/Wrapper & Apprentice Meatcutters
Increase to Top Rate
$0.40 $0.35 $0.35 $0.40
start $5.50 $5.50 $5.50 $5.50 $5.50
90 days $6.75 $6.75 $6.75 $6.75 $6.75
6 months $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25
12 months $7.75 $7.75 $7.75 $7.75 $7.75
18 months $8.25 $8.25 $8.25 $8.25 $8.25
24 months $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00
30 months $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50
36 months $14.70 $15.10 $15.45 $15.80 $16.20
Part Time Food/Deli/Seafood Clerks, Weigher Wrapper, and Apprentice Meatcutters
Increase to Top Rate
$0.40 $0.35 $0.35 $0.40
start $5.15 $5.15 $5.15 $5.15 $5.15
90 days $5.85 $5.85 $5.85 $5.85 $5.85
6 months $6.25 $6.25 $6.25 $6.25 $6.25
12 months $6.65 $6.65 $6.65 $6.65 $6.65
18 months $7.05 $7.05 $7.05 $7.05 $7.05
24 months $7.45 $7.45 $7.45 $7.45 $7.45
30 months $7.75 $7.75 $7.75 $7.75 $7.75
36 months $8.35 $8.35 $8.35 $8.35 $8.35
42 months $8.80 $8.80 $8.80 $8.80 $8.80
45 months $13.70 $14.10 $14.45 $14.80 $15.20
Cake Decorator
Increase to Top Rate
$0.40 $0.35 $0.35 $0.40
start $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 $11.00
6 months $11.25 $11.25 $11.25 $11.25 $11.25
12 months $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50
18 months $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00
24 months $15.45 $15.85 $16.20 $16.55 $16.95
Full Time and Part Time Pharmacy Technicians
Increase to Top Rate
$0.40 $0.35 $0.35 $0.40
start $6.30 $6.30 $6.30 $6.30 $6.30
6 months $7.30 $7.30 $7.30 $7.30 $7.30
12 months $7.80 $7.80 $7.80 $7.80 $7.80
18 months $8.45 $8.45 $8.45 $8.45 $8.45
24 months $8.90 $8.90 $8.90 $8.90 $8.90
30 months $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50
36 months $13.70 $14.10 $14.45 $14.80 $15.20
Pharmacy Technicians shall receive an additional twenty-five cents ($0.25) per hour premium.
Full Time and Part Time Pharmacy Clerk
Increase to Top Rate
$0.40 $0.35 $0.35 $0.40
start $5.55 $5.55 $5.55 $5.55 $5.55
90 da
s $6.15 $6.15 $6.15 $6.15 $6.15
6 months $6.55 $6.55 $6.55 $6.55 $6.55
12 months $6.75 $6.75 $6.75 $6.75 $6.75
18 months $7.05 $7.05 $7.05 $7.05 $7.05
24 months $7.40 $7.40 $7.40 $7.40 $7.40
30 months $7.70 $7.70 $7.70 $7.70 $7.70
36 months $7.95 $7.95 $7.95 $7.95 $7.95
42 months $8.20 $8.20 $8.20 $8.20 $8.20
45 months $12.95 $13.35 $13.70 $14.05 $14.45
Full Time and Part Time Service, Bakery, Non-food, Salad Bar Clerk, Porter
Increase to Top Rate
$0.30 $0.25 $0.25 $0.30
start $5.15 $5.15 $5.15 $5.15 $5.15
90 da
s $5.75 $5.75 $5.75 $5.75 $5.75
6 months $6.15 $6.15 $6.15 $6.15 $6.15
12 months $6.35 $6.35 $6.35 $6.35 $6.35
18 months $6.65 $6.65 $6.65 $6.65 $6.65
24 months $7.00 $7.00 $7.00 $7.00 $7.00
30 months $7.70 $7.70 $7.70 $7.70 $7.70
36 months $7.95 $7.95 $7.95 $7.95 $7.95
42 months $8.20 $8.20 $8.20 $8.20 $8.20
45 months $12.45 $12.75 $13.00 $13.25 $13.55
Courtesy Clerk
Increase to Top Rate
$0.20 $0.15 $0.15 $0.20
start $5.15 $5.15 $5.15 $5.15 $5.15
12 months $5.40 $5.40 $5.40 $5.40 $5.40
18 months $8.20 $8.40 $8.55 $8.70 $8.90
1. Effective October 1, 2000, employees with four (4) or more years of service as of that
date, shall receive a wage increase of $.10 more per hour.
2. Wage increases apply to employees at or above the top rates in each progression.
3. Lead persons in Salad Bar, who are designated by the Employer in the above
classification, shall receive fifty cents (50¢) per hour over the top rate in their full time
3. Service Clerks shall receive a twenty-five cents (25¢) an hour premium for all hours
worked in the salad bar over the service clerk rate in their progression.
4. Clerks stocking bread will continue to have their rates of pay and hours protected if the
work is assigned to service clerks.
Across-the-Board Increase
$0.40 $0.35 $0.35 $0.40
Assistant Manager $19.13 $19.53 $19.88 $20.23 $20.63
Produce Manager $18.96 $19.36 $19.71 $20.06 $20.46
Meat Manager $19.78 $20.18 $20.53 $20.88 $21.28
First Cutter $17.45 $17.85 $18.20 $18.55 $18.95
FT Meat Cutter $15.95 $16.35 $16.70 $17.05 $17.45
PT Meat Cutter $15.15 $15.55 $15.90 $16.25 $16.65
Deli Manager $18.74 $19.14 $19.49 $19.84 $20.24
Seafood Manager $17.54 $17.94 $18.29 $18.64 $19.04
Cashier/Dairy Head
$18.50 $18.90 $19.25 $19.60 $20.00
FT Food/Deli/Seafood Clerk, Weigher/Wrapper
$14.70 $15.10 $15.45 $15.80 $16.20
PT Food/Deli/Seafood Clerk, Weigher/Wrapper
$13.70 $14.10 $14.45 $14.80 $15.20
Bakery Manager $17.25 $17.65 $18.00 $18.35 $18.75
Full Time Food/Deli/Seafood Clerks, Weigher/Wrapper & Apprentice Meatcutters
Increase to Top Rate
$0.40 $0.35 $0.35 $0.40
$6.25 $6.25 $6.25 $6.25 $6.25
90 days
$6.75 $6.75 $6.75 $6.75 $6.75
6 months $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25
12 months $7.75 $7.75 $7.75 $7.75 $7.75
18 months $8.25 $8.25 $8.25 $8.25 $8.25
24 months $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00
30 months
$9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50
36 months $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00
40 months $10.60 $10.60 $10.60 $10.60 $10.60
44 months $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20
48 months $11.90 $11.90 $11.90 $11.90 $11.90
52 months
$12.60 $12.60 $12.60 $12.60 $12.60
56 months $14.70 $15.10 $15.45 $15.80 $16.20
Part Time Food/Deli/Seafood Clerks, Weigher Wrapper, and Apprentice Meatcutter
Increase to Top Rate
$0.40 $0.35 $0.35 $0.40
$6.25 $6.25 $6.25 $6.25 $6.25
90 days
$6.45 $6.45 $6.45 $6.45 $6.45
6 months
$6.65 $6.65 $6.65 $6.65 $6.65
12 months
$6.85 $6.85 $6.85 $6.85 $6.85
18 months
$7.05 $7.05 $7.05 $7.05 $7.05
24 months
$7.45 $7.45 $7.45 $7.45 $7.45
30 months
$7.75 $7.75 $7.75 $7.75 $7.75
36 months
$8.35 $8.35 $8.35 $8.35 $8.35
42 months
$8.80 $8.80 $8.80 $8.80 $8.80
46 months
$9.40 $9.40 $9.40 $9.40 $9.40
50 months
$10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00
54 months
$10.60 $10.60 $10.60 $10.60 $10.60
58 months $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20
62 months
$11.90 $11.90 $11.90 $11.90 $11.90
66 months $13.70 $14.10 $14.45 $14.80 $15.20
Cake Decorator
Increase to Top Rate
$0.40 $0.35 $0.35 $0.40
start $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 $11.00
6 months $11.25 $11.25 $11.25 $11.25 $11.25
12 months $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50
18 months $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00
24 months $15.45 $15.85 $16.20 $16.55 $16.95
Full Time and Part Time Pharmacy Clerk
Increase to Top Rate
$0.40 $0.35 $0.35 $0.40
start $5.55 $5.55 $5.55 $5.55 $5.55
90 da
s $6.15 $6.15 $6.15 $6.15 $6.15
6 months $6.55 $6.55 $6.55 $6.55 $6.55
12 months $6.75 $6.75 $6.75 $6.75 $6.75
18 months $7.05 $7.05 $7.05 $7.05 $7.05
24 months $7.40 $7.40 $7.40 $7.40 $7.40
30 months $7.70 $7.70 $7.70 $7.70 $7.70
36 months $7.95 $7.95 $7.95 $7.95 $7.95
42 months $8.20 $8.20 $8.20 $8.20 $8.20
45 months $12.95 $13.35 $13.70 $14.05 $14.45
Full Time and Part Time Pharmacy Technicians
Increase to Top Rate
$0.40 $0.35 $0.35 $0.40
start $6.30 $6.30 $6.30 $6.30 $6.30
6 months $7.30 $7.30 $7.30 $7.30 $7.30
12 months $7.80 $7.80 $7.80 $7.80 $7.80
18 months $8.45 $8.45 $8.45 $8.45 $8.45
24 months $8.90 $8.90 $8.90 $8.90 $8.90
30 months $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50
36 months $13.70 $14.10 $14.45 $14.80 $15.20
Pharmacy Technicians shall receive an additional twenty-five cents ($0.25) per hour premium.
Full Time and Part Time Service Clerks
Increase to Top Rate
$0.30 $0.25 $0.25 $0.30
$6.25 $6.25 $6.25 $6.25 $6.25
90 da
s $6.35 $6.35 $6.35 $6.35 $6.35
6 months $6.45 $6.45 $6.45 $6.45 $6.45
12 months $6.55 $6.55 $6.55 $6.55 $6.55
18 months
$6.65 $6.65 $6.65 $6.65 $6.65
24 months $7.00 $7.00 $7.00 $7.00 $7.00
30 months
$7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25
36 months $7.55 $7.55 $7.55 $7.55 $7.55
42 months $7.85 $7.85 $7.85 $7.85 $7.85
46 months $8.15 $8.15 $8.15 $8.15 $8.15
50 months $8.85 $8.85 $8.85 $8.85 $8.85
54 months $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50
58 months $10.25 $10.25 $10.25 $10.25 $10.25
62 months $10.80 $10.80 $10.80 $10.80 $10.80
66 months $12.45 $12.75 $13.00 $13.25 $13.55
Courtesy Clerk
Increase to Top Rate
$0.20 $0.15 $0.15 $0.20
start $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00
6 months $6.25 $6.25 $6.25 $6.25 $6.25
12 months $6.60 $6.60 $6.60 $6.60 $6.60
18 months $6.85 $6.85 $6.85 $6.85 $6.85
24 months $7.10 $7.10 $7.10 $7.10 $7.10
30 months $7.70 $7.90 $8.00 $8.10 $8.20
30 months $8.20 $8.40 $8.55 $8.70 $8.90
1. Wage increases apply to employees at or above the top rates in each progression.
2. Lead persons in Salad Bar, who are designated by the Employer in the above
classification, shall receive fifty cents (50¢) per hour over the top rate in their full time
3. Service Clerks shall receive a twenty-five cents (25¢) an hour premium for all hours
worked in the salad bar over the service clerk rate in their progression.
New Wage Progression Scales for employees for hired after ratification, replace existing 6-
month step progressions with 1040 hours for each 6-month step.
FT Food, Weigher/Wrapper, Seafood
, PT Food, Weigher/Wrapper, Seafood,
Dairy/Deli Clerks Hired After 10/16/08 Dairy/Deli Clerks Hired After 10/16/08
Hours Rate Hours Rate
Start -520 $ 7.25 Start -520 $ 7.25
521 - 1040 $ 7.50 521 - 1040 $ 7.50
1041 - 1560 $ 7.90 1041 - 1560 $ 7.90
1561 - 2080 $ 8.10 1561 - 2080 $ 8.10
2081 - 2600 $ 8.35 2081 - 2600 $ 8.35
2601 - 3120 $ 8.50 2601 - 3120 $ 8.50
3121 - 3640 $ 8.75 3121 - 3640 $ 8.75
3641 - 4160 $ 9.00 3641 - 4160 $ 9.00
4161 - 4680 $ 9.25 4161 - 4680 $ 9.25
4681 - 5200 $ 9.60 4681 - 5200 $ 9.60
5201 - 5720 $ 10.00 5201 - 5720 $ 10.00
5721 - 6240 $ 10.30 5721 - 6240 $ 10.30
6241 - 6760 $ 10.60 6241 - 6760 $ 10.60
6761 - 7280 $ 10.90 6761 - 7280 $ 10.90
7281 - 7800 $ 11.25 7281 - 7800 $ 11.25
7801 - 8320 $ 11.50 7801 - 8320 $ 11.50
8321 - 8840 $ 12.00 8321 - 8840 $ 12.00
8841 - 9360 $ 12.50 8841 - 9360 $ 12.50
9361 - 9880 $ 13.00 9361 - 9880 $ 13.00
After 9881 $ 14.70 After 9881 $ 13.70
Food Clerks currently on payroll at a hourly pay rate of $7.05 will progress to $7.25 at
ratification and shall move to the next step on the current progression based on their current
progression date.
Food Clerks currently on payroll at a hourly pay rate of less than $7.05 will progress to
$7.25 at ratification and shall move to the next step on the current progression six (6) months
from ratification date.
Employees reaching top of the new hire scale will receive any subsequent across-the-board
increases as scheduled:
Effective Effective Effective Effective
8/2/09 8/1/10 7/31/11
$0.40 $0.35 $0.35 $0.40
FT and PT Cake Decorator
Hours Rate
Start -520 $ 11.00
521 - 1040 $ 12.00
1041 - 1560 $ 12.50
1561 - 2080 $ 13.00
2081 - 2600 $ 13.50
2601 - 3120 $ 14.00
3121 - 3640 $ 14.50
3641 - 4160 $ 15.00
After 4160 $ 15.45
Employees reaching top of the new hire scale will receive any subsequent across-the-
board increases as scheduled:
Effective Effective Effective Effective
8/3/08 8/2/09 8/1/10 7/31/11
$0.40 $0.35 $0.35 $0.40
FT and PT Apprentice Meat Cutter
Hours Rate
Start -520 $ 8.00
521 - 1040 $ 8.50
1041 - 1560 $ 9.00
1561 - 2080 $ 10.00
2081 - 2600 $ 11.00
2601 - 3120 $ 12.00
3121 - 3640 $ 13.00
3641 - 4160 $ 14.00
After 4160 $ 14.85
Employees reaching top of the new hire scale will receive any subsequent across-the-
board increases as scheduled:
Effective Effective Effective Effective
8/3/08 8/2/09 8/1/10 7/31/11
$0.40 $0.35 $0.35 $0.40
FT and PT Pharmacy Clerks Hired After 10/16/08
Hours Rate
Start -520 $ 7.25
521 - 1040 $ 7.50
1041 - 1560 $ 7.75
1561 - 2080 $ 7.90
2081 - 2600 $ 8.05
2601 - 3120 $ 8.25
3121 - 3640 $ 8.45
3641 - 4160 $ 8.65
4161 - 4680 $ 8.90
4681 - 5200 $ 9.15
5201 - 5720 $ 9.40
5721 - 6240 $ 9.65
6241 - 6760 $ 9.90
6761 - 7280 $ 10.20
7281 - 7800 $ 10.50
7801 - 8320 $ 10.80
8321 - 8840 $ 11.10
8841 - 9360 $ 11.40
9361 - 9880 $ 11.70
After 9880 $ 12.00
Employees reaching top of the new hire scale will receive any subsequent across-the-
board increases as scheduled:
Effective Effective Effective Effective
8/3/08 8/2/09 8/1/10 7/31/11
$0.40 $0.35 $0.35 $0.40
FT and PT Certified Pharmacy Technicians Hired After 10/16/08
Hours Rate
Start -520 $ 9.75
521 - 1040 $ 10.15
1041 - 1560 $ 10.25
1561 - 2080 $ 10.35
2081 - 2600 $ 10.50
2601 - 3120 $ 10.70
3121 - 3640 $ 10.90
3641 - 4160 $ 11.10
4161 - 4680 $ 11.25
4681 - 5200 $ 11.45
5201 - 5720 $ 11.70
5721 - 6240 $ 11.95
6241 - 6760 $ 12.20
6761 - 7280 $ 12.50
7281 - 7800 $ 12.80
7801 - 8320 $ 13.10
8321 - 8840 $ 13.40
After 8840 $ 13.70
Employees reaching top of the new hire scale will receive any subsequent across-the-
board increases as scheduled:
Effective Effective Effective Effective
8/2/09 8/1/10 7/31/11
$0.40 $0.35 $0.35 $0.40
FT and PT Service Clerks Hired After 10/16/08
Hours 2008 Rate as of 7/1/2009
Start -520 $ 7.00 $ 7.25
521 - 1040 $ 7.25 $ 7.35
1041 - 1560 $ 7.40 $ 7.45
1561 - 2080 $ 7.55 $ 7.55
2081 - 2600 $ 7.70 $ 7.70
2601 - 3120 $ 7.85 $ 7.85
3121 - 3640 $ 8.00 $ 8.00
3641 - 4160 $ 8.15 $ 8.25
4161 - 4680 $ 8.30 $ 8.45
4681 - 5200 $ 8.45 $ 8.65
5201 - 5720 $ 8.60 $ 8.85
5721 - 6240 $ 8.80 $ 9.00
6241 - 6760 $ 9.05 $ 9.15
6761 - 7280 $ 9.30 $ 9.30
7281 - 7800 $ 9.55 $ 9.55
7801 - 8320 $ 9.80 $ 9.80
8321 - 8840 $ 10.05 $ 10.05
8841 - 9360 $ 10.30 $ 10.30
After 9360 $ 11.00 $ 11.00
Employees reaching top of the new hire scale will receive any subsequent across-the-
board increases as scheduled:
Effective Effective Effective Effective
8/2/09 8/1/10 7/31/11
$0.30 $0.25 $0.25 $0.30
FT and PT Courtesy Clerks Hired After 10/16/08
Hours 2008 Rate as of 7/1/2009
Start -520 $ 6.60 $ 7.25
521 - 1040 $ 7.00 $ 7.45
1041 - 1560 $ 7.25 $ 7.70
1561 - 2080 $ 7.50 $ 7.80
2081 - 2600 $ 7.70 $ 7.90
2601 - 3120 $ 7.90 $ 8.10
3121 - 3640 $ 8.00 $ 8.25
3641 - 4160 $ 8.10 $ 8.50
After 4160 $ 8.85 $ 8.85
Employees reaching top of the new hire scale will receive any subsequent across-the-
board increases as scheduled:
Effective Effective Effective Effective
8/3/08 8/2/09 8/1/10 7/31/11
$0.20 $0.15 $0.15 $0.20
Schedule "D" shall apply to employees with two (2) years or more seniority. In
connection with layoffs and store closings, seniority will first apply to store, then solely within
the geographical areas listed below:
August 3, 2008
Mr. Rick McGinley
Senior Director of Labor Relations
The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company
2 Paragon Drive
Montvale, NJ 07645
Dear Mr. McGinley:
This will confirm our understanding regarding the following:
1. The Union and the Company agree to discuss and implement certain contract
modifications (i.e. split shifts, 4 ten hour shifts and combination day and night shifts) in order to
encourage the creation of more full time jobs.
2. The Company agrees that former members of UFCW Local 27 employed within
the retail food industry with current recall rights shall be given first consideration for
employment. Furthermore, special consideration shall be given Union referrals with high
George Murphy, Jr.
Rick McGinley
Senior Director of Labor Relations
H. E. Travers, III
Senior Manager of Labor Relations
August 3, 2008
Mr. Rick McGinley
Senior Director of Labor Relations
The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company
2 Paragon Drive
Montvale, NJ 07645
Dear Mr. McGinley:
This will confirm our understanding regarding the following items:
1. Any Retiree who becomes re-employed by a FELRA employer shall be treated as
a new hire except shall continue to be eligible for retiree health benefits and the employer shall
not be obligated to make a contribution to the Health and Welfare Fund for such a retiree as an
active participant.
George Murphy, Jr.
Rick McGinley
Senior Director of Labor Relations
H. E. Travers, III
Senior Manager of Labor Relations
August 3, 2008
Mr. Rick McGinley
Senior Director of Labor Relations
The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company
2 Paragon Drive
Montvale, NJ 07645
Dear Mr. McGinley:
This will confirm our understanding regarding the following:
1. Employees classified as Assistant Manager who remain in the bargaining unit
shall continue to be covered by the current collective bargaining agreement between Super Fresh
and UFCW Local 27.
2. Employees hired and/or promoted into the Assistant Manager classification after
September 13, 1992 shall be exempt from the coverage of this agreement.
George Murphy, Jr.
Rick McGinley
Senior Director of Labor Relations
H. E. Travers, III
Senior Manager of Labor Relations
August 3, 2008
Mr. Rick McGinley
Senior Director of Labor Relations
The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company
2 Paragon Drive
Montvale, NJ 07645
Dear Mr. McGinley:
This will confirm our understanding regarding the following:
1. It is understood that the ten percent (10%) exclusion in the agreement refers to ten
percent (10%) of the Employer's stores at any given time and does not mean a ten percent (10%)
exclusion over the term of the Agreement. For example: The Employer may sell ten percent
(10%) of its stores at one time period and later sell ten percent (10%) of the adjusted number of
stores at a later period.
2. It is understood that once a store has been closed for a thirty (30) day period or more,
these provisions do not apply.
3. Further, these provisions do not apply if the store is sold, leased or assigned to any entity
other than a retail grocery operator.
4. It is further understood that these provisions do not apply to a sale, assignment or lease of
a store to Sun stores, Sav-A-Center stores or Super Fresh stores. However, in said case, the
attached provisions concerning the sale, assignment or lease of Sun stores, Sav-A-Center, or
Super Fresh stores shall apply.
5. The successor employer shall offer to employ A&P employees in the facility and said
employees shall maintain their existing seniority.
George Murphy, Jr.
_________________ ______________________
Rick McGinley H. E. Travers, III
Vice President of Human Resources Senior Manager of Labor Relations
August 3, 2008
Mr. Rick McGinley
Senior Director of Labor Relations
The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company
2 Paragon Drive
Montvale, NJ 07645
Dear Mr. McGinley:
This will confirm our understanding regarding the following:
The Employer agrees to staff its stores with no more than five (5) non-union supervisory
employees in its retail supermarket operations to be made up of one (1) Store Manager, two (2)
Co-Managers (which may include a Customer Service Manager and/or Front End Manager) and
no more than two (2) management trainees. A management trainee will not be posted for a
period longer than twelve (12) months, without mutual agreement between the Employer and the
Union, and will not affect the hours of the bargaining unit. These provisions do not apply to a
new or remodeled store withing the first ninety (90) days.
George Murphy, Jr.
Rick McGinley
Senior Director of Labor Relations
H. E. Travers, III
Senior Manager of Labor Relations
August 3, 2008
Mr. Rick McGinley
Senior Director of Labor Relations
The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company
2 Paragon Drive
Montvale, NJ 07645
Dear Mr. McGinley:
This will confirm our understanding regarding the following:
The parties had extended discussions regarding the lunch period and the Employer
pledged to review circumstances where employees request consideration of ½ hour lunch
periods. The Employer's only intent with regards to one (1) hour lunches is consideration of the
operational needs of the business. The Employer agrees to discuss the operational needs in
specific cases upon the Union's request.
George Murphy, Jr.
Rick McGinley
Senior Director of Labor Relations
H. E. Travers, III
Senior Manager of Labor Relations
August 3, 2008
Mr. Rick McGinley
Senior Director of Labor Relations
The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company
2 Paragon Drive
Montvale, NJ 07645
Dear Mr. McGinley:
This will confirm our understanding regarding the following:
During the course of negotiations for a new collective bargaining agreement for 2008-2012, it
was agreed that where Superfresh voluntarily recognizes Local 27 as the collective bargaining
representative of a unit of employees in a store not currently covered by our collective
bargaining agreement and places the store under our agreement, it is not necessary for there to be
a Dana posting in the store, and therefore there will be none. If the National Labor Relations
Board or a State or Federal court or agency, issues a decision that would mandate that the
application of this Agreement is contrary to such decision, then this Side Letter Agreement shall
immediately be null and void.
George Murphy, Jr.
Rick McGinley
Senior Director of Labor Relations
H. E. Travers, III
Senior Manager of Labor Relations
August 3, 2008
Mr. Rick McGinley
Senior Director of Labor Relations
The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company
2 Paragon Drive
Montvale, NJ 07645
Dear Mr. McGinley:
This will confirm our understanding regarding the following:
Christmas will be a voluntary work day. Letter to expire August 4, 2012.
George Murphy, Jr.
Rick McGinley
Senior Director of Labor Relations
H. E. Travers, III
Senior Manager of Labor Relations
August 3, 2008
Mr. Rick McGinley
Senior Director of Labor Relations
The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company
2 Paragon Drive
Montvale, NJ 07645
Dear Mr. McGinley:
This will confirm our understanding regarding the following:
The Company may randomly drug test pharmacy technicians in accordance with procedures
agreed to by the Union.
George Murphy, Jr.
Rick McGinley
Senior Director of Labor Relations
H. E. Travers, III
Senior Manager of Labor Relations
August 3, 2008
Mr. Rick McGinley
Senior Director of Labor Relations
The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company
2 Paragon Drive
Montvale, NJ 07645
Dear Mr. McGinley:
This will confirm our understanding regarding the following:
Pursuant to the agreement between Super Fresh and UFCW Locals #27and 400 to permit the
health and welfare reserves in the FELRA Health and Welfare Fund to be drawn down to a 3-
month level, the parties hereby agree that, following ratification of a successor collective
bargaining agreement, Super Fresh shall participate in a Fund reserve "draw down" that will
reduce its Health and Welfare Fund contributions by an amount that is proportionately equivalent
to the draw down received by Giant/Safeway, as a percentage of contributions.
Calculations have been performed with the understanding that Super Fresh has already paid
contributions for May-August 2008, and would begin taking a credit applied to health and
welfare contributions in order to obtain the same draw down benefit as received by
Giant/Safeway. To effectuate this "reserve draw down," the Fund Administrator has calculated
all levels of Super Fresh's current monthly contributions shall be reduced to approximately
7.73% of their current rates (a reduction of 92.27%) for a period to be determined by the trustees,
based upon a target three month reserve level, provided that the total draw down period and
amounts will not be less than the period or amounts required to obtain a proportional draw down
savings as the total savings received by Giant/Safeway.
The Fund shall verify all necessary contributions in order to implement this agreement.
The trustees have noted that they will reevaluate the credit process as reserves are reduced to a 4
month total.
George Murphy, Jr.
______________________ ______________________
Rick McGinley H. E. Travers, III
Senior Director of Labor Relations Senior Manager of Labor Relations