Behavior Analyst Certification Board | Upcoming Changes to BACB Certification inOntario | 1
Updated 09/2023, Copyright © 2023, BACB® | All rights reserved.
Upcoming Changes to BACB Certication
In September 2019, the College of Psychologists of Ontario (College) was invited to explore the regulation of applied
behavior analysis (ABA) by the Ontario Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services and the Ontario Ministry of
Health. As part of this process, BACB and College personnel met over the next few years to discuss the BACB’s certification
programs, operations, and examinations. We were hopeful that Ontario’s new regulatory system would be influenced by our
own, but the final requirements authorized in the Psychology and Applied Behaviour Analysis Act in 2021 (Act) are not based
on BACB standards, certifications, or certification tiers. In addition, the Act includes highly restrictive title protections that will
negatively impact BACB certifications. The new Ontario regulations will take eect on July 1, 2024. You can find details on the
College’s ABA web page.
Under the new Act, only ABA professionals with postgraduate degrees (i.e., master’s or higher) will be regulated in Ontario.
There will be no regulatory requirements for assistant behavior analysts or behavior technicians. Further, the Act includes the
following restrictions:
Restricted titles
8 (1) No person other than a member shall use the title “psychologist”, “psychological associate” or “behaviour analyst”, a
variation or abbreviation or an equivalent in another language.
Representations of qualification, etc.
8 (2) No person other than a member shall hold themself out as a person who is qualified to practise in Ontario as a
psychologist, psychological associate or behaviour analyst or in a specialty of psychology or applied behaviour analysis.
According to these restrictions, ABA professionals must be registered with the College to use the title “behaviour analyst” or
indicate that they are qualified to practice ABA. These restrictions are rigorous and will directly impact the BACB’s activities in
Ontario. In light of the July 1, 2024, enactment of the new Ontario regulations, the BACB Board of Directors has authorized the
following changes to BACB certification in Ontario.
Board Certied Behavior Analyst
Beginning July 1, 2024, active BCBAs in Ontario will not be able to use their certification until they are registered with
Only those registered with the College however, will be allowed to use the title ‘Behaviour Analyst’. As well, only
members of the College will be permitted to refer to any earned certification they may have (i.e., BCBA or BCBA-D) that
would lead the public to believe that they are a qualified Behaviour Analyst in Ontario. Unauthorized use of the title
and/or holding oneself out as a person who is qualified to practice as a Behaviour Analyst, would be a violation of the
Psychology and Applied Behaviour Analysis Act, 2021 (the Act). (College of Psychologists of Ontario)
Implications for BCBA/BCBA-D applicants and examination candidates in Ontario: The College has provided a temporary
eligibility option, Transitional Route 1, to help BCBA certificants become registered. This option will be available from July
1, 2024, until June 30, 2026. Beginning July 1, 2026, when Transitional Route 1 expires, Ontario residents will no longer be
able to apply for BCBA certification or take the examination. This means that BCBA applicants and candidates must meet all
eligibility requirements, submit an approvable application, and pass the examination by June 30, 2026, to become certified.
Implications for BCBA/BCBA-D certificants in Ontario: Beginning July 1, 2024, when the Act goes into eect, active BCBA
certificants must be registered with the College to use their certification to practice. We encourage BCBA certificants to
review the requirements for Transitional Route 1 early and apply for registration under it as soon as the Act goes into eect.
Beginning July 1, 2026, all existing BCBAs in Ontario will be able to continue maintaining their certification with the BACB but
must be registered with the College to practice.
Behavior Analyst Certification Board | Upcoming Changes to BACB Certification inOntario | 2
Updated 09/2023, Copyright © 2023, BACB® | All rights reserved.
Board Certied Assistant Behavior Analyst
Unfortunately, individuals who hold BCaBA certification do not have a pathway to regulation under the Act and are not
exempt from its requirements. They will not be able to use their certification because the certification name includes the
protected title “Behaviour Analyst.
The BACB will give active BCaBA certificants the opportunity to pause their certification for four years in case they relocate to
an area under the BACB’s jurisdiction (i.e., another authorized Canadian province, the US, the UK [until 2025], Australia).
Implications for BCaBA applicants and examination candidates in Ontario: Beginning July 1, 2024, Ontario residents
can no longer apply for BCaBA certification or take the examination. If a BCaBA candidate would prefer to relinquish their
examination authorization, they can submit a request to the BACB by choosing A Question related to BCaBA and then
Ontario Certification in the Contact Us Form by June 30, 2024, and we will refund $175 (USD) in fees paid to the BACB.
Implications for BCaBA certificants in Ontario: On July 1, 2024, all BCaBA certificants in Ontario will have their certification
placed on voluntary inactive status by the BACB. If a BCaBA relocates to an area under the BACB’s jurisdiction within the four-
year voluntary inactive status window, they can submit a free BCBA/BCaBA Request to Return from Voluntary Inactive Status
Application to reactivate their certification. If a BCaBA would rather relinquish their certification, they can submit a request to
the BACB by choosing A Question related to BCaBA and then Ontario Certification in the Contact Us Form by June 30, 2024,
and we will refund $175 (USD) in fees paid to the BACB.
Registered Behavior Technician
Unfortunately, individuals who hold RBT certification do not have a pathway to regulation under the Act and are not exempt
from its requirements. They will not be able to use their certification because they will be prohibited from describing their
work activities using any language that would suggest proficiency in behavior analysis.
The BACB will give active RBT certificants the opportunity to pause their certification for two years in case they relocate to an
area under the BACB’s jurisdiction (i.e., another authorized Canadian province, the US, the UK [until 2025], Australia).
Implications for RBT applicants and examination candidates in Ontario: Beginning July 1, 2024, Ontario residents can no
longer apply for RBT certification or take the examination. If an RBT candidate would prefer to relinquish their examination
authorization, they can submit a request to the BACB by choosing A Question related to RBT and then Ontario Certification in
the Contact Us Form by June 30, 2024, and we will refund $50 (USD) in fees paid to the BACB.
Implications for RBT certificants in Ontario: On July 1, 2024, all RBT certificants in Ontario will have their certification placed
on voluntary inactive status by the BACB. If an RBT relocates to an area under the BACB’s jurisdiction within the two-year
voluntary inactive status window, they can submit a free RBT Request to Return from Voluntary Inactive Status Application
to reactivate their certification. If an RBT would rather relinquish their certification, they can submit a request to the BACB by
choosing A Question related to RBT and then Ontario Certification in the Contact Us Form by June 30, 2024, and we will
refund $50 (USD) in fees paid to the BACB.
Although we wish that the BACB had a dierent future in Ontario, we are pleased to see the province’s initiative in
establishing regulatory requirements that meet its unique needs. This was our hope for many countries and provinces
following our change in international focus announced in December 2019. When we learned that the College would not be
including BACB standards, certifications, or tiers in their model, we worked with them to help facilitate the development of
their new examination. In this way, we could still support the new Ontario-based regulatory system and, in turn, behavior
analysts and ABA clients in Ontario. We wish Ontario great success with its future regulation of behavior analysts.
For questions about the upcoming regulations in Ontario, contact the College of Psychologists of Ontario at
For questions about your BACB application or certification during this transition, please use our Contact Us Form.