Sentence starters, transitional and other useful words
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It can sometimes be difficult to start a sentence to express ideas, or find words to show the
relationship between ideas. Below is a list of possible sentence starters, transitional and other
words that may be useful.
To introduce
This essay discusses … … is explored … … is defined …
The definition of … will be given … is briefly outlined … … is explored …
The issue focused on …. … is demonstrated ... … is included …
In this essay ….. … is explained … … are identified …
The key aspect discussed … … are presented … … is justified …
Views on …. range from …. … is evaluated … … is examined …
The central theme … … is described … … is analysed …
Emphasised are …
… is explained and illustrated with
examples …
To conclude
In summary, … To review, … In conclusion, …
In brief, … To summarise, … To sum up, …
To conclude, … Thus, … Hence, …
It has been shown that, … In short, …
To compare and contrast
Similarly, … In the same way … Likewise, …
In comparison … Complementary to this … Then again, …
However, … This is in contrast to … In contrast, …
And yet … Nevertheless, … Conversely, …
On the contrary, … On the other hand, … Notwithstanding …
Whereas … In contrast to … That aside, ...
While this is the case … ... disputes … Despite this, ...
To give examples
For example, ... ... as can be seen in ... ... supports ...
For instance, ... ... as demonstrated by ... ... is observed ...
Specifically, ... ... is shown ... ... exemplifies ...
Such as ... As an example ... To illustrate, ...
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Learning Support @ Student Success stu[email protected] 0800 762 786
Sentence starters, transitional and other useful words
To add ideas
Also, … Equally important ... Subsequently, …
Futhermore, … Moreover, … As well as ....
Next… Another essential point… Additionally, ...
More importantly, … In the same way … Another ...
Then, … In addition, … Besides, ...
Then again, …
Firstly, ... secondly, ... thirdly, ...
finally, ...
To elaborate, ...
To show relationships or outcome
Therefore ... As a result ... For that reason ...
Hence, ... Otherwise, ... Consequently, ...
The evidence suggests/shows ... It can be seen that ... With regard to ...
After examining ....
These factors contribute
to ...
It is apparent that ...
Considering ... it can be concluded
that ...
Subsequently, .... The effect is ...
The outcome is ... The result ... The correlation ...
The relationship ... The link ... The convergence ...
The connection ... ... interacts with ... Both ....
... affects ... Thus it is ... ... causes ...
... influences ... ... predicts ... ... leads to ...
... informs ... ... presupposes ... emphasises
... demonstrates ... ... impacts on ... ... supports ...
To present uncommon or rare ideas
Seldom ... Few ... Not many ...
A few ... ... is uncommon ... is scarce ...
Rarely ... ... is rare ... ... is unusual ...
To present common or widespread ideas
Numerous ... Many ... More than ...
Several ... Almost all ... The majority ...
Most ... Commonly ... Significant ...
... is prevalent ... ... is usual ... Usually ...
We can help you to succeed in your studies on or off campus. Just contact us.
Learning Support @ Student Success stu[email protected] 0800 762 786
Sentence starters, transitional and other useful words
To present inconclusive ideas
Perhaps ... ... may be ... ... might be ...
There is limited evidence for ... ... is debated ... ... is possibly ...
... could ... ... may include ...
To present prior or background ideas
In the past, ... Historically, ... Traditionally, ...
Customarily, ... Beforehand, ... Originally, ...
Prior to this, ... Earlier, ... Formerly, ...
Previously, ... Over time, ... At the time of ...
Conventionally, ... Foundational to this is ... In earlier ...
Initially, ... At first, ... Recently ...
Until now, ... The traditional interpretation ...
To present others' ideas
According to …
Based on the findings of ... it can be
… proposed that …
As explained by … … states that … … claims that …
However, ... stated that … ... suggested … … concluded that …
Similarly, … stated that …. … for example, … … agreed that …
Based on the ideas of … … defined …. as …. … relates …
As identified by … … disputed that … … contrasts …
With regard to … argued that … … concluded that … … confirmed that …
... argues …. … highlights … … demonstrates …
… found that … … identifies … ... wrote that …
… demonstrated … … also … … reported ….
… pointed out that … … maintained that … … hypothesised that …
… expressed the opinion that … ... also mentioned …. ... asserts that ….
… identified … … goes on to state/suggest/say … emphasises
… challenges the idea …. … showed that … … explored the idea …
We can help you to succeed in your studies on or off campus. Just contact us.
Learning Support @ Student Success stu[email protected] 0800 762 786
To access a large on-line academic writing phrase bank go HERE
Sentence starters, transitional and other useful words
Adapted from the following source
Manalo. E., Wont-Toi, G., & Bartlett-Trafford, J. (2009). The business of writing: Written communication skills for business students (3rd ed.).
Auckland: Pearson Education New Zealand
To download a large PDF academic writing phrase bank go HERE
To keep the ‘I’ out of academic writing
It can be argued Arguably… It may be that…
This assignment will present the
following point of view…
Some theorists, notably Bloggs
(1990) and Jones (1992) have
There are two sides to this
question. Firstly
Another point of view suggests
however, that ...
This assignment will attempt to
show that…
In conclusion it can be argued
It can seen that… One point of view is that …
However ...