There are two modes of
reproduction, sexual and
There are advantages and
disadvantages to both sexual
and asexual reproduction.
Illustrated information sheets
for 12 organisms.
A reference list for more
information about the
organisms used in this activity.
A list of learning objectives
and key ideas to help you
guide classroom discussion
during the activity.
pecial Features
You’ll Find Inside
Class Time:
50 minutes
10 minutes to review activity and make
copies of student pages
Prep Time:
Time Required
Copies of student pages
Prior Knowledge Needed
Appropriate For:
Students work in pairs to compare five aspects of
an organism that reproduces sexually with one that
reproduces asexually. As a class, students share
their comparisons and generate a list of general
characteristics for each mode of reproduction, and
discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both.
earning Objectives
© 2008 University of Utah
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Investigating Reproductive Strategies
Primary Intermediate Secondary College
1. Divide students into pairs.
2. Hand each pair:
» The Investigating Reproductive Strategies worksheet (page S-1)
» 2 organism descriptions - one for an organism that reproduces sexually and one for an organism that
reproduces either asexually or using both strategies - (see chart below).
3. Instruct each pair to read about their assigned organisms and complete the comparison table on the
Investigating Reproductive Strategies worksheet.
4. When all pairs have completed the comparison table, have them post their tables around the room.
5. Ask students to walk around the room and read the comparison tables with the goal of creating a list of
general characteristics for organisms that reproduce sexually and one for organisms that reproduce
6. As a class, compile lists of general characteristics
for organisms that reproduce sexually and
asexually on the board. Learning objectives and
discussion points for each category on the Investigating Reproductive Strategies worksheet are listed on
pages 2-4 to help you guide the discussion.
7. Ask students to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each mode of reproduction in their pairs.
Have them prepared to support their reasoning.
8. Add advantages and disadvantages to the list of general characteristics for each mode of reproduction.
9. Lead a discussion on the types of situations or conditions in which each mode of reproduction would be
most advantageous or disadvantageous. Do students think one reproductive mode is generally beer?
lassroom Implementation
Sexual Asexual Both Sexual and Asexual
Blue-headed wrasse Amoeba Brittle star
Duck leech Salmonella Meadow garlic
Grizzly bear Whiptail lizard Spiny water eas
Leafy sea dragon
Red kangaroo
Sand scorpion
Reproductive strategies used by organisms described in this ac-
Tip: You may wish to have students record their
ideas on a sheet of paper while they read the
comparison tables
Investigating Reproductive Strategies
© 2008 University of Utah
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Sexual Asexual
of organism
(including size)
Learning Objectives/Discussion Points:
Complex organisms tend to reproduce
Learning Objectives/Discussion Points:
Simple organisms tend to reproduce
Number of
parents who
information to
the offspring
Learning Objectives/Discussion Points:
Two parents contribute genetic
Ospring are unique from their parents
and from each other.
Learning Objectives/Discussion Points:
One parent contributes genetic
Ospring are exact genetic copies
(clones) of the parent.
Learning Objectives/Discussion Points:
Gametes from two parents join.
With sperm fertilize eggs inside the
body, the chances of gametes meeting
are increased. Each individual may
produce fewer eggs and/or sperm.
When eggs and sperm are released to
join outside the body, the gametes have
a lower chance of meeting. Organisms
that reproduce in this way must produce
many gametes.
Learning Objectives/Discussion Points:
Asexual reproduction does not involve
Reproduction is by splitting in half,
or forming new individuals that are
released from the parent.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of sexual and asexual reproduction?
Is one “better” than the other? You are an Ecologist who wants to nd out. You decide to compare
5 aspects of organisms that reproduce sexually with ones that reproduce asexually. You will begin by
looking at two organisms. Once you make your comparisons, you will share your information with all of
the other ecologists in your class to draw general conclusions about each method of reproduction.
Fill in the table below with information for each organism you have been assigned.
Investigating Reproductive Strategies
© 2008 University of Utah
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Learning Objectives
Sexual Asexual
amount of
parental care
Learning Objectives/Discussion Points:
Ospring tend to have longer gestation
periods, and developing ospring are
Parents tend to care for their young,
increasing the chances that ospring
will survive.
Organisms that invest time and energy
in caring for their young tend to have
fewer ospring.
Some sexually reproducing organisms
neither gestate nor care for their young.
These ospring are vulnerable to
predators or the environment. These
organisms tend to produce large
numbers of gametes and/or ospring.
This increases the chances that some
ospring will survive and reproduce.
Learning Objectives/Discussion Points:
Ospring receive little or no parental
Organisms that reproduce by forming
new individuals that separate from the
parent do provide a form of parental
care before the ospring are released.
Organisms that do not care for their
young tend to produce large numbers of
Organisms where few ospring survive
to reproduce have large numbers of
Organisms that split to produce an
adult” ospring often can rapidly
reproduce again.
variation in
Learning Objectives/Discussion Points:
Genetic variation comes only from
sexual reproduction, in which genetic
information from two parents combines.
Genetic variation helps a species (as
a whole) survive. In the event of a
change in environment or increased
competition for resources, some
organisms may have slight trait
variations (due to genetic variation) that
allow them to survive. Over time, natural
selection may favor these dierences,
resulting in new adaptations.
Learning Objectives/Discussion Points:
Ospring have little to no genetic
variation. (note: variation does still arise
through random mutation)
In the event of a change in environment
or competition for resources, ospring
may not have trait variations that will
allow them to survive.
If a parent has traits that are well
adapted to a particular environment,
its ospring will have these same traits,
which may provide them with a survival
Investigating Reproductive Strategies
© 2008 University of Utah
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Learning Objectives
Overall Learning Objectives/Discussion Points
There are advantages and disadvantages to both sexual and asexual reproduction.
For an individual it is “best if the greatest number of its ospring survive to reproduce, carrying its genes into
the next generation.
Some species produce large numbers of ospring, but only a few may survive to reproduce. Other species
produce few ospring, but parents provide extended care to improve each ospring’s chance of survival.
For a species it is “best if individuals survive and reproduce so that the species does not go extinct.
Genetic variation, through new combinations of alleles, results only from sexual reproduction. Certain
variations may help individuals survival and reproduce, giving the population the potential to adapt to new
and changing environments.
Organisms that can use both sexual and asexual modes of reproduction may be most adaptable to dierent
Investigating Reproductive Strategies
© 2008 University of Utah
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(All websites accessed May 2008)
Amoeba (Amoeba proteus)
Anderson OR. 1988. Comparative Protozoology: Ecology, Physiology, Life History. Springer-Verlag.
Sleigh M. 1989. Protozoa and other protists. Edward Arnold Publishers.
Tree of Life Web Project: hp://
Rogerson A. 1980. Generation times and reproductive rates of Amoeba proteus as influenced by temperature
and food concentration. Canadian Journal of Zoology 58(4): 543-548.
Grizzly Bear (Ursus arctos horribilis)
Defenders of Wildlife, Grizzly Bear Fact Page: hp://
Craighead JJ, Sumner JS and Mitchell JA. 1995. The grizzly bears of Yellowstone: their ecology in the
Yellowstone ecosystem. Island Press.
Red Kangaroo (Macropus rufus)
Dawson TJ. 1995. Kangaroos: biology of the largest marsupials. Comstock Publishing. hp://
Yue M. 2001. “Macropus rufus” (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. hp://
Duck Leech (Theromyzon tessulatum)
Sawyer RT. 1986. Leech biology and behaviour. Volume I: anatomy, physiology, and behaviour. Clarendon
Davies RW. 1991. Annelida: leeches, polychaetes, and acanthobellids. In: [Thorp JH and Covich AP. eds
Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. Academic Press, Inc.
Wilkialis J and Davies RW. 1980. The population ecology of the leech (Hirudinoidea: Glossiphoniidae)
Theromyzon tessulatum. Canadian Journal of Zoology 58: 906-911.
Wilkialis J and Davies RW. 1980. The reproductive biology of Theromyzon tessulatum (Glossiphoniidae:
Hirudinoidea), with comments on Theromyzon rude. Journal of Zoology London. 192: 421-429.
Meadow Garlic (Liliaceae: Allium canadense)
Connecticut Botanical Society: hp://
Investigating Reproductive Strategies
© 2008 University of Utah
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Wildflowers of the Southeastern US: hp://
Prairie Wildflowers of Illinois, by John Hilty: hp://
Desert Grassland Whiptail Lizard (Cnemidophorous uniparens)
Crews D. 1987. Courtship in unisexual lizards: A model for brain evolution. Scientific American 255: 116-121.
Blanchard DL. Everything you wanted to know about whiptail lizards (Genus Cnemidophorus) and quite a lot
that you didn’t. hp://
Salmonella (Salmonella typhimurium)
Saeed AM. 1999. Salmonella enterica Serovar Enteridis in Humans and Animals. Iowa State University Press.
Bell C and Kyriakides A. 2002. Salmonella: a practical approach to the organism and its control in foods.
Blackwell Science.
Guthrie R. 1992. Salmonella. CRC Press.
Centers for Disease Control, salmanellosis. hp://md/disease_listing/salmonellosis_
Sand Scorpion (Paruroctonus mesaensis)
Polis G and Farley R. 1979. Characteristics and environmental determinants of natality, growth and maturity in
a natural population of the desert scorpion, Paruroctonus mesaensis (Scorpionida: Vaejovidae). Journal of
Zoology. London. 187: 517-542.
Farley R. 2001. Structure, reproduction, and development. In: Scorpion Biology and Research. Eds: Brownell P
and Polis G, Oxford University Press.
Polis G and Sissom D. 1990. Life History. In: Biology of Scorpions. Ed. Polis G. Stanford University Press.
How the Sand Scorpion Locates its Prey. hp://
Ivars Petersons MathTrek. July 17, 2000. Pinpointing prey. hp://
Leafy Sea Dragon (Phycodurus eques)
Groves P. 1998. Leafy sea dragons. Scientific American. 279 (6): 84-89.
Brile Star (Ophiactis savignyi)
Marine Invertebrates of Bermuda, Lile Brile Star. hp://
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. hp://
Hendler G, Miller JE, Pawson DL, and Kier PM. 1995. Sea stars, sea urchins, and allies. Smithsonian Institution
Investigating Reproductive Strategies
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Spiny Water Flea (Bythotrephes longimanus)
Smith DG. 2001. Pennak’s Freshwater Invertebrates of the United States. Wiley & Sons.
Dodson SI and Frey DG. 1991. Cladocera and other Branchiopoda. In: [Thorp JH and Covich AP (eds)] Ecology
and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. Academic Press, Inc.
Caceres CE and Lehman JT. Life history and effects on the Great Lakes of the spiny tailed Bythotrepes.
University of Minnesota Sea Grant. hp://
Sikes BA. June 2002. Species of the Month: Spiny water flea. Institute for Biological Invasions. hp://invasions.
Blue-Headed Wrasse (Thalassoma bifasciatum)
Warner RR. Mating behavior and hermaphrodism in coral reef fishes. American Scientist 72: 128-136.
Warner RR and Hoffman SG. 1980. Population density and the economics of territorialdefense in a coral reef
fish. Ecology 61(4): 772-780.
Louch C. Fish Tales. Port Townsend Marine Science Center. hp://
Louisa Stark, Genetic Science Learning Center
Molly Malone, Genetic Science Learning Center
Mel Limson, Genetic Science Learning Center
Sheila Avery, Genetic Science Learning Center
Lee Clippard (Writer)
A Howard Hughes Medical Institute Precollege Science Education Initiative for
Biomedical Research Institutions Award.
Investigating Reproductive Strategies
© 2008 University of Utah
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of sexual and asexual reproduction?
Is one “better” than the other? You are an Ecologist who wants to nd out. You decide to compare
5 aspects of organisms that reproduce sexually with ones that reproduce asexually. You will begin by
looking at two organisms. Once you make your comparisons, you will share your information with all of
the other ecologists in your class to draw general conclusions about each method of reproduction.
Fill in the table below with information for each organism you have been assigned.
Sexual Asexual
of organism
(including size)
Number of
parents who
information to
the offspring
amount of
parental care
variation in
the offspring
Reproductive Strategies
© 2008 University of Utah
Permission granted for classroom use.
Reproductive Strategies
AMOEBA (Amoeba proteus)
Take a look through a microscope at a drop of
healthy pond water. You’ll likely nd a ton of
one-celled organisms zooming about. Some of
these cells move by uttering tiny hair-like cilia.
Others propel themselves with large whip-like
agella. You’ll also come across blobby cells that
creep about and engulf other cells with their
bodies. These one-celled critters are amoebas,
and they move and feed by extending pseudo-
podia (false feet). To move, an amoeba reaches
pseudopodia away from its edges and anchors
them at their tips. The cell’s insides stream into the pseudopodia until the entire amoe-
ba has slurped into a new place.
Amoebas live all over, from oceans to soil. They play an important ecological role by
making meals of the huge numbers of bacteria, algae, and small protists found on this
planet. One common amoeba is the giant amoeba, Amoeba proteus. Giant amoebas
reproduce by binary ssion, a fancy word that means splitting in two. When a giant
amoeba begins to divide, it pulls its pseudopodia in to form a kind of ball. After its nu-
cleus doubles, the amoeba constricts in the middle, as if a belt were being pulled tight
around it. Finally, the two new cells pinch apart, send out pseudopodia, and slink away
from each other. In this way, two identical “daughter” cells are made from one. When
conditions are right, this amoeba can divide every 48 hours.
Animal Prole:
Steve Durr
Amoeba proteus with several green algae trapped
inside food vacuoles.
© 2008 University of Utah
Permission granted for classroom use.
Reproductive Strategies
(Thalassoma bifasciatum)
Many animals are born male or female and stay that way for the
rest of their lives. Not so with the blue-headed wrasse, a tropi-
cal sh that darts about amongst the corals and sponges in shallow Caribbean waters.
Females of this sh can completely transform into males when the conditions are right.
Blue-headed wrasses, like many reef sh, are small and brightly colored. Most of
them—young males and females—are yellow with a greenish-black stripe on their
sides. The others—the few, the proud, and the pow-
erful—are older males. They have showy blue heads,
green bodies, and thick black and white stripes
around their collars.
Big blue-headed males defend territories around the
reefs. There, they strut their stuff until the smaller
yellow females nd them attractive. When this hap-
pens, the female swims with the male and spawns
(releases her eggs). The male quickly fertilizes them
with his sperm before they oat away into the
ocean. Blue-headed males can mate with as many as
100 females per day!
Of course, these big males can lose their territories
because of nasty little things like death and rivalry.
When that happens, the largest yellow female in the
area may morph into a blue-headed male. So, some
of the blue-headed males were born male, while
others were born female.
For the females that transform into males, this is a
great deal. They can get a lot of their genes into the
next generation. First they lay eggs when they are younger, then they fertilize eggs as
males when they’re older.
Animal Prole:
Adult male Blue-Headed Wrasse
Adult female or young male Blue-Headed Wrasse
Virginia O. Skinner
Juvenile Blue-Headed Wrasse
Virgina O. Skinner
© 2008 University of Utah
Permission granted for classroom use.
Reproductive Strategies
BRITTLE STAR (Ophiactis savignyi)
Peer into the hole of a sea sponge and you may
catch a glimpse of the brittle star Ophiactis savignyi.
These creatures are tiny: only an inch or two across
with arms stretched. They inhabit virtually all of the
world’s tropical and sub-tropical ocean habitats.
Brittle stars are related to starsh. They have a
similar body structure. The central disk holds all the
important stuff like the mouth, stomach and re-
productive organs. Then there are the arms—long,
slender, wavy and edged with short spines. These
arms are what give brittle stars their name. They
can break off and regenerate.
O. savignyi takes regeneration a step further. It actu-
ally splits in half to reproduce. When ssion hap-
pens, the brittle star breaks down the middle of its
disk to make two identical 3-armed halves. These
half-stars then grow three new arms.
But this isn’t the only way O. savignyi reproduces.
Like all brittle stars, they also reproduce sexually. At
certain times of the year, large females and males
raise their disks off the surface, balance on their legs,
and release sperm and eggs into the ocean. When
the sperm and eggs meet, they make larvae that
oat away to new habitats.
Fission is the main way that Ophiocomella repro-
duce. But since they don’t move far or fast, large
groups of brittle star clones build up in one area.
Scientists think sexual reproduction might help
brittle stars move into new areas far from their
clone-lled sponge homes.
Animal Prole:
Ellen Muller -
Brittle star spawning.
Michael Roy
Ophiactis savignyi
Tamara McGovern
A recently divided Ophiactis savignyi. Three tiny arms
are beginning to regenerate.
© 2008 University of Utah
Permission granted for classroom use.
Reproductive Strategies
DUCK LEECH (Theromyzon tessulatum)
Leeches are the stuff of horror movies and
doomed journeys into infested waters. This
leech is no exception. It has the disgusting habit
of attaching itself to nostrils, eyes, throats, and
even brains. Thankfully for humans, it only does
this to ducks and other waterfowl. This has
earned it the common name “duck leech.
The duck leech does a good job getting around. It probably gets spread as ducks y
from pond to pond. Like all leeches, this leech is a hermaphrodite: it has both male and
female reproductive parts. But that doesn’t mean it can move into a pond all alone, re-
produce with itself, and start a new leech population. It still takes two to tango, as they
say. A leech requires sperm from another leech to fertilize its eggs.
When the duck leech reproduces, two leeches
rub together and give each other their sperm.
Each leech will use the other’s sperm to fertilize
its eggs. They they place as many as 400 fertil-
ized eggs into gooey cocoons for protection. A
leech attaches its cocoons to a rock or other
sheltered place, then waves its body over them.
This delivers fresh, oxygen-rich water.
After 21 days, all 400 of the developing young
leeches attach to their parent’s belly. They re-
main attached until the parent nds a suitable bird for a meal. When that happens, the
young bloodsuckers leave their parent behind and attach to the host for their rst
blood meal. The parent dies shortly thereafter, but not before giving hundreds of new
eyeball-suckers a shot at the game of life.
Animal Prole:
Young attached to the underside of a parent leech.
© 2008 University of Utah
Permission granted for classroom use.
Reproductive Strategies
GRIZZLY BEAR (Ursus arctos horribilis)
Grizzly bears used to roam throughout the
Great Plains of North America. They hunted elk
and moose, and nibbled on berries and grasses.
Grizzly bears still do these things, of course. But
habitat loss and hunting have left the bears only
in rough, mountainous areas.
Grizzly bears are enormous animals. They need
large territories, especially when food is hard to
nd. Males can weigh as much as 453.6 kg (1000
pounds). Females can clock in around 317.5 kg
(700 pounds). A grizzly bear’s territory can be as large as 906.5 square kilometers (350
square miles). Though grizzlies spend most of their days wandering alone, they come
together in early summer to mate.
During mating, the male deposits his sperm into
the female, where they fertilize her eggs. Fe-
males delay implantation of the fertilized eggs
until late fall. This way, the embryos don’t begin
developing until the females are nestled into
their warm dens. Mothers give birth 8 weeks lat-
er to between 1 and 4 cubs. Until they leave the
den in late spring, the cubs live off their mom’s
milk. This means mom has to eat enough in the
summer and fall to survive hibernation and to
feed her cubs, too! Cubs stay with their mother for about 3 years. She won’t repro-
duce again until they leave her side.
Bears grow and reproduce slowly. This, and their need for large territories with a lot of
food, makes grizzlies sensitive to over-hunting and habitat loss. Thankfully, they’re pro-
tected by the Endangered Species Act. And many conservation and wildlife biologists
Animal Prole:
US Fish and Wildlife Service/Larry Aumiller US Fish and Wildlife Service/ Terry Tollefsbol
© 2008 University of Utah
Permission granted for classroom use.
Reproductive Strategies
LEAFY SEA DRAGON (Phycodurus eques)
Dragons lurk in the cool waters off the
southwestern Australian coast. But they
aren’t the mythical beasts that devour huge
ships before slipping away into the deep.
These dragons are calm, graceful sh known
as leafy sea dragons (Phycodurus eques).
Though smaller than mythical dragons, leafy
sea dragons can be pretty big. They grow
up to 51 cm (1.7 feet) long, and they have
long leaf-like appendages sprouting from
their bodies. This leaness helps them blend in with their seaweed habitat. It hides
them from predators and helps them hunt for food. Like their cousins the seahorses,
leafy sea dragons have long snouts they use to suck up tiny shrimp. To hunt, they drift
around camouaged as a piece of seaweed and ambush their small, crunchy prey.
Leafy sea dragons and their relatives repro-
duce in a way that’s rare in the sh world.
The males carry and hatch the young in-
stead of the females! When sea dragons
mate, the female nds a potential dad and
deposits her eggs underneath his tail. There,
his sperm fertilize them. Pregnant dads can
carry as many as 200 incubating eggs. It
pays to have a dad that looks like seaweed,
because the eggs are protected from preda-
tors there. The eggs cling for 4–5 weeks,
then they hatch.
The young are less than 2.5 cm (1 inch) long at hatching. Sadly, many will become little
shy snacks for larger sh. But the lucky ones who survive will grow up to be beautiful
adults. Having protection from dad during development likely gave leafy sea dragons a
n up in the big ocean world.
Jeff Jeffords -
Eggs attached under a male sea dragon’s tail.
Animal Prole:
© 2008 University of Utah
Permission granted for classroom use.
Reproductive Strategies
(Liliaceae: Allium canadense)
Before Europeans brought their garlic and
onions to North America, Native Americans
were likely spicing up their cooking with a na-
tive plant known as meadow garlic. This garlic,
Allium canadense, grows wild from Florida to
Canada. Surprisingly, it belongs to the same
family as garden lilies—those big, bright ow-
ers that sit in vases and gardens around the
world. Even though it’s called meadow garlic, it really smells and tastes more like an
onion. Rubbing the leaves and stems releases a pungent onion smell.
Meadow garlic, also known as wild garlic, grows from bulbs like other lilies in its family.
The bulbs lie dormant underground over winter, storing energy. Spring and early sum-
mer bring a burst of growth and reproduction. Bees don’t mind the onion smell, and
they buzz around pollinating the small, pink or white owers. Although each ower has
both male and female reproductive parts, it can’t mate with itself. The bees are needed
to move pollen from one plant to another. Gametes join to form fertile seeds that will
spread and grow into new plants. The offspring have a mix of genes from the two par-
ent plants.
But meadow garlic doesn’t rely only on bees or other pollinators to spread itself
around. Perched underneath the owers are clusters of little, nubby growths called
bulblets. The bulblets are outgrowths of the plan. When they drop off, they sprout into
new plants identical to their parent. The bublets provide enough start-up energy for
the new plants to grow. Eventually, they produce owers and bulblets of their own.
Since plants in the lily family reproduce both with and without fertilization, they can
spread easily. Some lilies have actually become pests by taking over pastures, gardens,
and roadsides across the country.
Plant Prole:
Larry Allain @ USGS National Wetlands
Research Center
© 2008 University of Utah
Permission granted for classroom use.
Reproductive Strategies
RED KANGAROO (Macropus rufus)
In the remote, dry plains of central Australia,
mobs roam the countryside. But these aren’t
mobs to be feared. Mobs are the ofcial name
for groups of red kangaroos, Macropus rufus.
And unlike angry mobs of people, red kanga-
roos are skittish and will scatter when fright-
ened. When they’re really moving, red kangaroos
can leap as far as 3.7 meters (12 feet) in one
jump and reach speeds of 56 kph (34.8 mph)!
Red kangaroos are one of the largest marsupials. Herbivorous mobs of them bounce
about eating grasses and other vegetation. Mobs are usually led by the most mature
female and include lots of other females and young kangaroos, called joeys. When it’s
mating time, males will sometimes box each other for females with their powerful legs.
The winning male deposits his sperm in the
female, where it fertilizes an egg.
After mating, females gestate for about 33 days,
then give birth to one baby kangaroo. Young
red kangaroos are born very undeveloped. Like
most marsupials, they will spend a lot of time
growing in their mom’s pouches. Though tiny,
pink, hairless, and blind, the newborn knows to
head straight for the pouch. It swims through
mom’s fur to get there, then attaches to a nipple
and nishes developing.
After about 7 months, a joey outgrows mom’s pouch and leaves to bounce around
next to her. Once this happens, the mom gives birth to another tiny pink baby. Females
can continuously give birth. They usually have about 3 joeys every two years.
Animal Prole:
Geoff Shaw -
A newborn kangaroo in its mother’s pouch.
Chris Willis
A mother red kangaroo with a joey in her pouch.
© 2008 University of Utah
Permission granted for classroom use.
Reproductive Strategies
SALMONELLA (Salmonella typhimurium)
There are times when we eat something and
our stomachs hurt. And then there are times
when it hurts REALLY badly. When it hurts
dreadfully bad and includes fever, nausea and
diarrhea, it could be food poisoning. Yick. And
that’s a mild case of food poisoning! Some of
the more life-threatening cases can send a per-
son to the hospital.
The interesting thing is, it’s not poisoning at all. It is the result of a sinister bacteria
known as Salmonella. This one-celled, rod-shaped bacteria is fairly common. It can be
found naturally in raw eggs, raw meats, on the bodies of some reptiles, and in animal
feces. It’s when Salmonella nds itself in the warm growth chambers of our bodies that
it hits pay dirt.
When Salmonella reaches our small intestine, it begins to make copies of itself through
simple division. These bacteria continue to rapidly divide, increasing in number and
infecting other cells. It takes about 12–72 hours to feel the effects of a Salmonella inva-
sion. Our immune system responds, but Salmonella does a good job of fending it off.
Our bodies can ght off some Salmonella infections, but we often need antibiotics to
overcome them.
Thankfully, Salmonella is not one of those extreme bacteria that can survive the freez-
ing temperatures of the Arctic or the boiling heat of volcanic thermal vents. We can kill
Salmonella by cooking, pasteurizing, and freezing our foods and drinks. Still, Salmonella
infection is common enough. It usually turns up where people aren’t washing their
hands or cooking meat thoroughly.
Bacteria Prole:
Salmonella (rod-shaped) invading human cells.
Rocky Mountain Laboratories, NIAID,
© 2008 University of Utah
Permission granted for classroom use.
Reproductive Strategies
SAND SCORPION (Paruroctonus mesaensis)
When the sun goes down in the Mojave Desert,
sinister beasts lurk underfoot. The sand scorpion
spends its days in a burrow underground, then
comes out at night to sting, kill, and munch its prey.
Shine an ultraviolet light and the ground will come
alive with glowing scorpions. They hunt beetles,
crickets, other scorpions, and even cannibalize their
own kind. If it’s the right time of year, glowing scorpi-
ons might also be dancing the night away.
Yep, that’s right—sand scorpions dance during
courtship. Males grasp the females by their pinch-
ers and move them around in circles. After a while,
the male deposits a packet of sperm onto a stick or
other surface. Then he moves the female until she is
on top of the sperm. She takes it in and fertilizes her
eggs internally. The dance ends here, and the male
usually skitters off to nd more mates. But every
now and then, the female rears back, stings the male,
and eats him for her next meal!
Young sand scorpions spend about 12 months
developing inside their mother, then they are born
alive. They quickly crawl onto their mom’s
back, where they stay until they’re big
enough to leave the burrow. On aver-
age, a sand scorpion mom has about 33
newborns. But things aren’t always easy
for them. Sometimes the young eat each
other or the mom eats the young. Clearly,
stingers don’t make life trouble-free for
the sand scorpion. But they’re still very
successful in their dry, sandy habitats.
Animal Prole:
Mother scorpion (syntropis)
carrying babies on her back.
Spermatophor from a male
Scorpions (Tityus trinitatis) engaged in courtship dance.
© T.C. van der Ende -
Sand scorpion (Paruroctonus mesaensis) capturing a bur-
rowing cockroadh. Photo taken under UV illumination..
Philip H. Brownell, Ph.D.
© 2008 University of Utah
Permission granted for classroom use.
Reproductive Strategies
SPINY WATER FLEA (Bythotrephes longimanus)
There’s a tiny, transparent crustacean that swims
jerkily around in the Great Lakes. It spikes sh
in the mouth with its long tail and gobbles up
microscopic aquatic animals (zooplankton). It’s
called the spiny water ea, but it’s more related
to crabs and lobsters than to insects.
Though other kinds of water eas are common
in ponds and streams, the spiny water ea is not
a welcome visitor. It’s an invader from European
waters, and it competes with local sh and wa-
ter eas for food. Its defense is its nasty barbed
tail, which makes up 70% of its 2 cm long body.
Spiny water eas are a threat to ecosystems
in part because they reproduce rapidly. Like all
water eas, this one alternates between asexual
and sexual phases. Most of the time, a female
produces eggs without fertilization. She releases
about 10 eggs into the brood chamber on her
back. They develop over several days, then the
young clones hatch. In the warm days of sum-
mer, females can make a batch of clones every 2
When food is scarce or temperatures drop,
some females produce spiny little males. The males mate with females that have pro-
duced special eggs used for fertilization. Once fertilized, these so-called “resting eggs”
leave the mom and stay dormant until conditions improve. Resting eggs can survive
drying or being eaten by sh.
Spiny water eas seem to have a lot on their side, and they’re in the Great Lakes to
stay. Still, biologists are working hard to keep them from spreading into more lakes.
Animal Prole:
Pieter Johnson, University of Colo-Pieter Johnson, University of Colo-
Different reproductive forms of spiny water eas.
Male (left), female with asexual eggs (center), and
female with sexual eggs (right).
© 2008 University of Utah
Permission granted for classroom use.
Reproductive Strategies
LIZARD (Aspidoscelis uniparens)
Things are often not what they seem in the
world of reproduction. Take the example of the
desert grassland whiptail, a lizard that lives in the
southwestern United States. These lizards have
long sleek bodies with lines from nose to tail.
They race around in the dry leaves and branches
eating termites, grasshoppers, beetles, and other
insects. Like other lizards, the whiptails perform
courtship, mate, and lay eggs.
Sounds pretty ordinary, right? But if we took a
closer look, we’d nd that not a single one of
these lizards is a male! This all-female whiptail
species can reproduce without fertilization—a
process called parthenogenesis.
Pairs of females take turns playing male during
courtship and mating. If the female is interested,
the “male” will wrap around her and grip “his”
jaws around her body. The couple will stay like
this for 5 to 10 minutes. This is called pseudo-
copulation, or false mating. No actual males or
sperm are involved.
The “female” from this mating pair lays 2 to 3 eggs, which all hatch into copies of their
mom. Females will “mate” and lay eggs about 3 times over the breeding season. It turns
out that females who lay eggs after “mating” with another female lay more eggs than
females who don’t mate. Laying a few more eggs is denitely an advantage in the harsh
desert where survival is difcult.
Animal Prole:
NPS - Sally King © David Crews, Ph.D., University of Texas
at Austin
Two female desert grasslands whiptail lizards en-
gaged in pseudocopulation.
© 2008 University of Utah
Permission granted for classroom use.