Seven Corners
Cruise Insurance
Covers trips up to 30 days
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United States Fire Insurance Company
Administrative Office: 5 Christopher Way, Eatontown, NJ 07724
Seven Corners Cruise Insurance
United States Fire Insurance Company, herein referred to as the “Company” or as “We”, “Us” and “Our”, agrees to pay
the benefits provided by this policy per its provisions. This policy provides travel protection insurance benefits. Defined
terms are capitalized, and their meanings are listed in the General Definitions section.
This document is a legal contract issued in consideration of Your enrollment and payment of the premium due collected
by Us or Our authorized representative.
14 Day Free Look Period
If You are not satisfied for any reason, You may cancel this policy within 14 days from the date of purchase by providing
Us or Our authorized representative the cancellation notice. We will refund Your premium provided there has been no
incurred loss; You have not departed on Your Trip or filed a claim under this policy. When so returned, all coverages
under this policy are invalid from the beginning.
INCORPORATION PROVISION: The provisions of this policy and all amendments to this policy, after its effective date,
are made part of this policy.
Signed for United States Fire Insurance Company By:
Marc J. Adee
Chairman and CEO
Michael P. McTigue
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Notice to Policyholder: Questions regarding the policy or coverage should be directed to:
United States Fire Insurance Company
If You (a) need the assistance of the governmental agency that regulates insurance; or (b) have a complaint You have
been unable to resolve with Your insurer, You may contact the Department of Insurance by mail, telephone or email:
State of Indiana Department of Insurance
Consumer Services Division
311 West Washington Street, Suite 300
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
Consumer Hotline: (800) 622-4461; (317) 232-2395
Complaints can be filed electronically at
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Limitation on Multiple Benefits
If You incur one or more losses from the same covered Unforeseen reason for which amounts are payable under more
than one of the following benefits, the maximum amount payable under all benefits combined will not collectively exceed
the largest Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits for any one of the following applicable benefits.
We indemnify all covered losses arising from the same covered Unforeseen reason at the amount of the largest
applicable Maximum Benefit Amount.
Travel Arrangement Protection
Maximum Benefit Amount
Trip Cancellation
up to 100% of non-refundable insured Trip Cost
up to a maximum of $30,000 per person
Optional Cancel for Any Reason 75% of non-refundable insured Trip Cost
Trip Interruption up to 150% of non-refundable insured Trip Cost
Optional Trip Interruption for Any Reason 75% of non-refundable insured Trip Cost
Trip Delay (6 hours)
up to $250 per day per person,
to a maximum of $1,000
Itinerary Change up to $500
Single Supplement up to 100% of Trip Cost, to a maximum of $500
Missed Tour or Cruise Connection up to $250 per day, to a maximum of $1,500
Travel Inconvenience
Cruise Diversion
Cruise Disablement
$250 per each inconvenience,
to a maximum of $500
Medical Evacuation and Repatriation of Remains
Emergency Medical Evacuation
Medical Repatriation
Repatriation of Remains
Transportation of Children/Child
Transportation to Join You
up to $500,000
included up to $1,000
included up to $1,000
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Protection For Your Belongings
Maximum Benefit Amount
Baggage and Personal Effects
Passport, Visa, or Other Travel
Documents Replacement
Items Subject to Special Limitations
up to $250 per item, to a maximum of $2,000
up to $50 maximum
$1,000 maximum combined
Baggage Delay (6 hours) up to $100 per day, to a maximum of $500
Travel Insurance Benefit(s)
Maximum Benefit Amount
Emergency Accident and Sickness Medical Expense up to $250,000
Emergency Dental Expense up to $1,000
Optional Benefit(s)
We only cover You for the Optional Benefit(s) Cancel for Any Reason and/or Interruption for Any Reason that
You elect during the enrollment process, provided You paid the required additional premium and We or Our
authorized representative received Your premium within the Time Sensitive Period.
The Optional Benefit(s) are applicable only when specifically requested on the enrollment document(s) and
You have paid the additional premium, and the purchase is confirmed on Your confirmation of benefits.
Maximum Group Exposure is a limit of 10 persons per one family or Traveling Companions booked to travel
together on the same Trip.
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Who Is Eligible For Coverage
A person who is booked to travel on a Trip and pays the required premium is covered under this policy. Eligibility for purchase
of this policy will be determined at the time of claim. If it is determined that a person or Trip is not eligible for coverage, any
claim for benefits will be denied and Your premium for this policy will be refunded. Coverage is only available for persons
under the age of 100. Coverage is only available for persons who are citizens or residents of the United States of America.
Individual Coverage: If You selected individual coverage on Your enrollment document(s), You are the only person
covered under this policy. This is shown in the Schedule of Benefits as individual coverage.
Family Coverage: If You selected family coverage on Your enrollment document(s), You, and those eligible individuals
You identified as additional insureds on Your enrollment document(s) are covered under this policy.
Non-Refundable Provision
After the 14 day review period, the premium for this policy is non-refundable.
Maximum Number of Insureds
The maximum number of Insureds allowed under this policy is 10.
When Coverage Begins
This is Your Effective Date and time for Trip Cancellation and Optional Cancel For Any Reason: Coverage begins
at 12:01 a.m. at Your location on the day after the date We or Our authorized representative receive the required
premium to cover Your Trip.
This is Your Effective Date and time for All Other Coverages: Coverage begins on the date and time You depart
on the first Travel Arrangement (or alternate travel arrangement if You must use an alternate Travel Arrangement to
reach Your Scheduled Destination) for Your Trip.
When Coverage Ends
Trip Cancellation and Optional Cancel For Any Reason: Coverage(s) automatically end on the earlier of:
1. the date and time You depart on Your Trip; or
2. the date and time You cancel Your Trip.
All Other Coverages: Coverage automatically ends on the earlier/est of:
1. the date You complete Your Trip;
2. the Scheduled Return Date;
3. Your arrival at Your Return Destination on a round Trip, or Your Scheduled Destination on a one-way Trip; or
4. cancellation of Your Trip covered by this policy.
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Automatic Extension of Coverage
All coverages will be extended if Your entire Trip is covered by this policy and Your return is delayed due to unavoidable
circumstances beyond Your control. This extension of coverage will end on the earlier of the date You reach Your
originally scheduled Return Destination or 10 days after the originally Scheduled Return Date.
Medical Evacuation and Repatriation Extension
If You incur a covered Injury or Sickness on Your Trip and a treating Physician certifies that You are not Medically Fit to
Travel to Your Return Destination on Your Scheduled Return Date, the Medical Evacuation and Repatriation benefit will
be automatically extended until You are Medically Fit to Travel and transported to Your Primary Residence or You
reached the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits.
Accident and Sickness Medical Expense Extension
If You are Hospitalized due to a covered Injury or Sickness on Your Trip and a treating Physician certifies that You are
not Medically Fit to Travel to Your Return Destination on Your Scheduled Return Date, this benefit will be extended for
an additional 30 days, or until You are released from the Hospital and Medically Fit to Travel, or You reached the
Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, whichever is earlier, provided that Hospitalization goes
beyond the Scheduled Return Date.
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If You cancel Your Trip prior to the Scheduled Departure Date, We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount
shown in the Schedule of Benefits, for unused, forfeited, prepaid, non-refundable Payments or Deposits for the Travel
Arrangements You purchased for Your Trip, provided the cancellation occurs while coverage is in effect for You and is
due to any of the following covered Unforeseen reasons, as defined:
1. Your, a Family Member’s, a Traveling Companion’s, or Business Partner’s death that occurs before departure
on Your Trip.
2. Your, a Family Member’s, a Traveling Companion’s, or Business Partner’s Sickness or Injury, that:
a. occurs before departure on Your Trip;
b. is examined and treated by a Physician prior to cancellation; and
c. as certified by a Physician, results in medical restrictions so disabling as to cause You to cancel Your Trip.
Sickness or Injury of Your Business Partner must be so disabling as to reasonably cause You to cancel Your
Trip to assume daily management of the business.
3. You or Your Traveling Companion must cancel Your Trip due to Other Covered Events as defined, provided such
circumstances occur while coverage is in effect.
Other Covered Events means:
1. You or Your Traveling Companion have Complications of Pregnancy, which is verified by medical records and
occurs after the Effective Date of coverage;
2. You or Your Traveling Companion are directly involved in a traffic accident, while en route to Your Scheduled
Trip Departure City. The traffic accident must be documented by a police report;
3. mechanical breakdown/equipment failure of a Common Carrier or cruise boat on which You are scheduled to
travel that causes a cancellation or delay of Your or Your Traveling Companion’s travel for at least 48
consecutive hours provided no alternative Travel Arrangements were available;
4. Due to a Natural Disaster, a mandatory evacuation is ordered by local government authorities at Your Scheduled
Trip Departure City or Scheduled Destination which prevents You from traveling to/arriving at Your Scheduled
Trip Departure City or Scheduled Destination. This benefit only applies if the policy has been purchased during
the Time Sensitive Period;
5. Inclement Weather that causes a delay or cancellation by a Common Carrier for at least 6 consecutive hours;
6. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s Primary Residence or Scheduled Destination is made Uninhabitable and
remains Uninhabitable during Your Trip by a Natural Disaster, vandalism, or burglary.
Claims are not payable if a hurricane is foreseeable prior to Your Effective Date for Trip Cancellation. A hurricane
is foreseeable on the date it becomes a named storm;
7. Your Scheduled Trip Departure City or Scheduled D
is under a hurricane warning as issued by the
NOAA Hurricane Center
24 hours of Your Scheduled
Cancellation of Your Trip must
occur more than 14 days following Your Effective Date of coverage for Trip Cancellation;
8. You or Your Traveling Companion are hijacked or Quarantined;
9. You or Your Traveling Companion are subpoenaed, served with a court order, required to serve on a jury, or
required to appear as a witness in a legal action, provided You or Your Traveling Companion are not: 1) a party
to the legal action; except 2) appearing in a law enforcement capacity;
10. You or Your Traveling Companion or Family Member are called to active military duty or emergency service as
a reservist, firefighter, or police officer either to serve or to provide aid or relief in the event of a Natural Disaster,
a Civil Disorder, or Terrorist Incident other than war;
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11. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s previously granted military leave is revoked or reassigned for reasons due
to war or an act of war, or for reasons other than for war. Official written revocation/re-assignment by a
supervisor or commanding officer of the appropriate branch of service will be required. The military leave for the
dates of travel must have been approved prior to the Effective Date of Trip Cancellation coverage and the leave
revoked or reassigned after the Effective Date of Trip Cancellation coverage;
12. a documented theft of Your passports or travel documents or visas specifically required for Your Trip. A police
report must substantiate the theft;
13. You or Your Traveling Companion are the victim of a Felonious Assault within 10 days prior to the Scheduled
Departure Date;
14. You or Your Traveling Companion are involuntarily terminated or laid off from Your or their employment. The
termination notice must occur at least 30 days after Your Trip Cancellation Effective Date. You or Your Traveling
Companion must have been an active employee with the same employer for at least 1 continuous year. This
provision is not applicable to temporary or seasonal employment, independent contractors, freelancers, or self-
employed persons.
The maximum payable under this Trip Cancellation benefit is the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of
You must report all cancellations to the Travel Supplier within 72 hours of the event causing the need to cancel. If the
event delays the reporting of the cancellation beyond the 72 hours, You should report the event as soon as possible.
We do not cover increased amounts of Published Penalties and unused, non-refundable, prepaid Payments or Deposits
that result from all other delays or reporting beyond 72 hours.
These benefit(s) will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the policy, or any coverage(s) attached to the policy.
We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, for the unused, forfeited,
prepaid, non-refundable Payments or Deposits for the Travel Arrangements You purchased for Your Trip, when You
cancel Your Trip prior to Your Scheduled Departure Date for any reason not otherwise covered by this policy, provided
the following conditions are met:
1. You purchase the Cancel for Any Reason benefit within the Time Sensitive Period; and
2. You cancel Your Trip no later than 2 days prior to the Scheduled Departure Date of Your Trip.
This Cancel for Any Reason benefit does not cover penalties associated with any Travel Arrangements not provided by
the Travel Supplier or the failure of the Travel Supplier to provide the bargained-for Travel Arrangements due to
cessation of operations for any reason.
These benefit(s) will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the policy, or any coverage(s) attached to the policy.
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If You must start Your Trip late or are unable to complete Your Trip, We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit
Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, for the unused, forfeited, prepaid, non-refundable Payments or Deposits paid to
the Travel Supplier for the Travel Arrangements You purchased for Your Trip plus the Additional Transportation Cost
paid to:
a. join Your Trip if You must depart after Your Scheduled Departure Date or travel via alternate travel arrangements; or
b. rejoin Your Trip from the point where You interrupted Your Trip to the next Scheduled Destination; or
c. transport You to Your originally scheduled Return Destination of Your Trip.
The benefit payable for the above will not exceed the cost of a one-way economy airfare (or first or business class, if
the original tickets were first or business class) by the most direct route less any refunds paid or payable for Your unused
original tickets. Note that reimbursement of non-refundable Payments or Deposits will be calculated/prorated on a daily
basis less the cost of Your original airfare booked by You.
Trip Interruption must occur while coverage is in effect for You due to any of the following covered Unforeseen reasons,
as defined:
1. Your, a Family Member’s, a Traveling Companion’s, or a Business Partner’s death, which occurs while You are
on Your Trip.
2. Your, a Family Member’s, a Traveling Companion’s, or a Business Partner’s Sickness or Injury, that:
a. occurs while You are on Your Trip;
b. is examined and treated by a Physician prior to the time of interruption; and
c. as certified by a Physician, results in medical restrictions so disabling as to prevent Your continued
participation on Your Trip.
Sickness or Injury of Your Business Partner must be so disabling as to reasonably cause You to interrupt Your
Trip to assume daily management of the business.
3. You or Your Traveling Companion must interrupt Your Trip due to Other Covered Events as defined, provided
such circumstances occur while coverage is in effect.
Other Covered Events means:
1. You or Your Traveling Companion have Complications of Pregnancy which is verified by medical records and
occurs while You or Your Traveling Companion are on Your Trip;
2. a mechanical breakdown/equipment failure of a Common Carrier or cruise boat on which You or Your Traveling
Companion are scheduled to travel that causes complete cessation or delay of You or Your Traveling
Companion’s travel for at least 48 consecutive hours provided no alternative Travel Arrangements were
3. mandatory evacuation ordered by local government authorities at Your Scheduled Trip Departure City or
Scheduled Destination due to a Natural Disaster or hurricane named after the Effective Date of Your Trip
Interruption benefits which prevents You from traveling to/arriving at Your Scheduled Trip Departure City or
Scheduled Destination;
4. You or Your Traveling Companion are directly involved in and are delayed due to a traffic accident, while en
route to Your Scheduled Destination or Return Destination. The traffic accident must be documented by a police
5. Inclement Weather that causes a delay or cancellation by a Common Carrier for at least 6 consecutive hours;
6. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s Primary Residence or Scheduled Destination is made Uninhabitable and
remains Uninhabitable during Your Trip by a Natural Disaster, vandalism, or burglary.
Claims are not payable if a hurricane is foreseeable prior to Your Effective Date for Trip Interruption. A hurricane
is foreseeable on the date it becomes a named storm;
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7. Your Scheduled Destination is under a hurricane warning as issued by the NOAA Hurricane Center, after Your
Scheduled Departure Date;
8. You or Your Traveling Companion are hijacked or Quarantined;
9. You or Your Traveling Companion are subpoenaed, served with a court order, required to serve on a jury, or
required to appear as a witness in a legal action, provided You or Your Traveling Companion are not: 1) a party
to the legal action; except 2) appearing in a law enforcement capacity;
10. You or Your Traveling Companion or Family Member are called to active military duty or emergency service as
a reservist, firefighter, or police officer either to serve or to provide aid or relief in the event of a Natural Disaster,
a Civil Disorder, or Terrorist Incident other than war;
11. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s previously granted military leave is revoked or reassigned for reasons due
to war or an act of war, or for reasons other than for war, while You or Your Traveling Companion are on the
Trip and You or Your Traveling Companion have to interrupt the Trip. Official written notice of the revocation or
re-assignment by a supervisor or commanding officer of the appropriate branch of service will be required. The
military leave for the dates of travel must have been approved prior to the Effective Date of Trip Interruption
coverage and the leave revoked or reassigned after the Effective Date of Trip Interruption coverage;
12. a theft or loss of passports or travel documents or visas while on Your Trip, specifically required for Your Trip,
which is substantiated by a police report;
13. You or Your Traveling Companion are the victim of a Felonious Assault while on Your Trip;
14. You or Your Traveling Companion are involuntarily terminated or laid off by Your or Your Traveling Companion’s
employer while You are on Your Trip, You or Your Traveling Companion must have been an active employee
with the same employer for at least 1 continuous year. This provision is not applicable to temporary employment,
seasonal employment, independent contractors, freelancers, or self-employed persons.
In no event shall the amount reimbursed for Trip Interruption exceed the lesser of the amount You prepaid for Your Trip,
or the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits.
These benefit(s) will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the policy, or any coverage(s) attached to the policy.
We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, for unused, forfeited,
prepaid, non-refundable Payments or Deposits paid to the Travel Supplier for the Travel Arrangements You purchased
for Your Trip, if You interrupt Your Trip 48 or more hours after the actual Scheduled Departure Date for any reason not
otherwise covered by this policy, provided the following conditions are met:
1. You purchase the Interruption for Any Reason benefit within the Time Sensitive Period.
If the above conditions are met, We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of
Benefits, for the Additional Transportation Cost to either:
a. join Your Trip if You must depart after Your Scheduled Departure Date or travel via alternate travel arrangements; or
b. rejoin Your Trip from the point where You interrupted Your Trip to the next scheduled destination; or
c. transport You to Your originally scheduled return or final destination of Your Trip.
This benefit does not cover penalties associated with Travel Arrangements not provided by the Travel Supplier for this
Trip and failure of the Travel Supplier to provide the agreed upon arrangements for Your Trip for any reason.
In no event shall the amount reimbursed for Trip Interruption for Any Reason exceed the lesser of the amount You
prepaid for Your Trip, or the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits.
These benefit(s) will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the policy, or any coverage(s) attached to the policy.
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We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, for the Reasonable
Expenses You incur, if You are delayed for 6 consecutive hours or more while en route to or from, or during the course
of Your Trip, for one of the covered Unforeseen reasons:
1. You or Your Traveling Companion are not directly involved in and are delayed due to a traffic accident, while
en route to Your Scheduled Trip Departure City or Scheduled Destination or Return Destination. The traffic
accident must be substantiated by a police report;
2. Common Carrier delay (the delay must be documented by the Common Carrier);
3. a theft or loss of passports or travel documents or visas specifically required for Your Trip substantiated by a
police report or the copy of the request for a new passport, or travel documents or visas;
4. You or You Traveling Companion are hijacked or Quarantined;
5. An unannounced Strike resulting in a complete cessation of services for at least 6 consecutive hours of the
Common Carrier on which You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel which prevents You from
reaching Your Scheduled Destination or Return Destination;
6. Inclement Weather that causes a delay of a Common Carrier on which You or Your Traveling Companion are
scheduled to travel which prevents You from reaching Your Scheduled Destination or Return Destination;
7. Due to a Natural Disaster, a mandatory evacuation order by local government authorities at Your Scheduled
Trip Departure City or Scheduled Destination or Return Destination is issued which prevents You from traveling
to/arriving at Your Scheduled Trip Departure City or Scheduled Destination or Return Destination;
8. Security Breach, Civil Disorder or Riot while at an airport or other port for at least 6 consecutive hours preventing
You from reaching Your Scheduled Destination or Return Destination or departing on Your Trip.
Receipts must accompany Reasonable Expenses incurred.
If You incur more than one delay in the same Trip, We will reimburse You for the delay with the largest benefit up to the
Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits. We will not pay the Trip Delay benefits for: 1) any expenses
which have been reimbursed, or 2) for any services that have been provided by a Common Carrier or travel services
These benefit(s) will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the policy, or any coverage(s) attached to the policy.
We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, for the unused, forfeited,
prepaid, non-refundable event/activity expenses paid by You if a cruise line, Travel Supplier, or Common Carrier makes
a change to Your Trip itinerary which either prevents You from participating in the previously scheduled event/activity or
eliminates a destination from originally scheduled itinerary. Benefits are payable if:
1. the event or activity was prepaid prior to Your Scheduled Departure Date and the cost of the event or activity
was included in the cost of the Payments and Deposits for purposes of calculating the premium; and
2. the itinerary change is made after the Scheduled Departure Date of the Trip; and
3. no comparable event, activity, or refund, whether provided in credit or cash was provided to offset the loss.
These benefit(s) will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the policy, or any coverage(s) attached to the policy.
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We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, for the additional cost
incurred as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for prepaid, non-refundable Travel Arrangements if a
person booked to share Accommodations with You cancels or interrupts his/her Trip due to any of the covered
Unforeseen reasons or Other Covered Events shown in Your Trip Cancellation or Trip Interruption section(s) and You
do not cancel or interrupt Your Trip. Proof of cancellation or interruption by a person booked to share Accommodations
with You is required.
These benefit(s) will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the policy, or any coverage(s) attached to the policy.
If You miss Your tour or cruise departure because Your arrival at Your Trip destination is delayed for at least 3
consecutive hours, due to:
1. any delay, cancellation, or mechanical breakdown of regularly scheduled Common Carrier must be documented
by the Common Carrier;
2. Inclement Weather that is documented;
3. Quarantine, hijacking, Strike, Natural Disaster, terrorism or Civil Disorder or Riot.
We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, for:
1. Reasonable Expenses; and
2. Additional Transportation Cost incurred by You to join the departed cruise or tour; and
3. unused, forfeited, prepaid, non-refundable Payments or Deposits paid for the land or water Travel Arrangements
You purchased for Your Trip.
Coverage is secondary if reimbursable by any other source.
This benefit may not be combined with Trip Cancellation, Trip Interruption, or Trip Delay benefits.
These benefit(s) will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the policy, or any coverage(s) attached to the policy.
We will pay You, the amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, if while on a Trip, any of the following covered
Unforeseen reasons occur:
1. Cruise Diversion: Your cruise does not stop at a scheduled port of call due to Inclement Weather, a Natural
Disaster, or a mechanical breakdown;
2. Cruise Disablement: if You are confined for more than 24 hours on the cruise ship operating without one or
more of the following essential provisions: power, food, water, or restroom facilities while on a Trip.
The maximum limit payable between all events will not exceed the Travel Inconvenience benefit limit shown in the
Schedule of Benefits.
This benefit may not be combined with Trip Cancellation, Trip Interruption, Trip Delay, Baggage Delay, or Emergency
Evacuation benefits.
These benefit(s) will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the policy, or any coverage(s) attached to the policy.
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Benefits will be paid, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, when You suffer a Sickness,
Injury, or loss of life, during Your Trip, for the following:
Emergency Medical Evacuation
We will pay for the Usual and Customary transportation expenses for an Emergency Medical Evacuation, to the nearest
suitable Hospital or medical facility where Medically Necessary treatment is available to treat an Unforeseen Sickness
or Injury provided:
1. the local attending Physician and Our designated Travel Assistance Services Provider determine that Your
condition is acute, severe or life threatening; and
2. that adequate Medically Necessary treatment is not available in Your immediate area.
Medical Repatriation
Following an Emergency Medical Evacuation or a covered Injury or Sickness, We will pay for Medical Evacuation
expenses to return You to Your point of origin, Your Primary Residence, or to a Hospital or medical facility closest to
Your Primary Residence capable of providing continued treatment, if Your local attending Physician and Our designated
Travel Assistance Services Provider determine that it is Medically Necessary.
We will pay for one of the following methods of transportation, as pre-approved (prior to the evacuation) and arranged
by Us or Our designated Travel Assistance Services Provider:
a. one-way transportation;
b. commercial air upgrade to business or first class, less refunds from Your unused transportation tickets;
c. other covered land or air transportation including, but not limited to, commercial stretcher, Medical Escort, or
the contracted charges for air ambulance.
Transportation must be via the most direct, efficient, and economical method of conveyance. In all cases, where
practical, economy fare will be utilized. If possible, Your Common Carrier tickets will be used.
We will also pay a benefit for Usual and Customary expenses incurred for a Medical Escort’s transportation and
accommodations if an onsite attending Physician recommends in writing that a Medical Escort accompany You.
Medical Escort means a medically trained professional who is approved by Us or Our designated Travel Assistance
Services Provider and is contracted to accompany and provide medical care to a sick or injured person while they are
being transported.
We will not pay the benefits for any loss caused by or resulting from the transportation taken against the advice of the
local attending Physician.
Medical Evacuation expenses will only be payable at the Usual and Customary level or payment for necessary
transportation, related medical services, and medical supplies.
Repatriation of Remains
Benefits will be paid for covered Repatriation Expenses incurred, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the
Schedule of Benefits, to return Your body to Your city of Primary Residence or Your origination point or to the place of
burial in the United States of America if You die during Your Trip. If You are located outside of the United States because
of Your or Your Family Member’s service in the armed forces or government of the United States of America, You may
choose to have Your body returned to any city within the United States of America or to any city within the country where
You are stationed, or Your Family Member is stationed.
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Repatriation Expenses means:
a. embalming or local cremation; and
b. associated temporary storage costs for up to 30 days, or until local authorities of the country/state in which the
death occurred, will permit further transportation of the body, whichever is later; and the most economical coffin
or receptacle adequate to transport the remains;
c. the cost of transportation of the remains, by the most direct and economical conveyance and route possible, to:
1) the nearest location where the body can be embalmed or cremated, if not locally available; and/or 2) the
receiving funeral home or morgue, at the Return Destination, or a different place of burial within United States
or country where You are stationed, or Your Family Member is stationed; and
d. the cost for the creation and transmission of necessary documentation required to transport the body, such as
a death certificate, autopsy, or police report.
All Repatriation Expenses must be authorized and arranged in advance by Us or Our designated Travel Assistance
Services Provider. Once Your remains are claimed by the receiving funeral home or morgue, or in the event of local
cremation, coverage under this benefit ends.
Transportation expenses for the Emergency Medical Evacuation and Medical Repatriation must be authorized and
arranged in advance by Us or Our designated Travel Assistance Services Provider.
Transportation of Children/Child: If You die or are Hospitalized for more than 7 consecutive days following or unable
to travel due to an Emergency Medical Evacuation or Injury and Sickness that occurred during Your Trip, We will pay
up to the cost of a single one-way economy transportation ticket, or same class as the original transportation ticket, less
the value of any applied credit from any unused return travel tickets for each person, to return Your Children/Child who
were accompanying You on Your Trip (and any accompanying minor persons under Your care) who are left unattended
by Your death or Hospitalization to their Primary Residence or to Your residence in the United States, including the cost
of an attendant, if considered necessary by Us or Our designated Travel Assistance Services Provider.
Transportation to Join You: If You are or will be Hospitalized for more than 7 consecutive days following or unable to
travel due to an Emergency Medical Evacuation or Injury and Sickness that occurred during Your Trip, We will pay, up
to the cost of a single round-trip economy transportation ticket, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the
Schedule of Benefits, for Reasonable Expenses for one person chosen by You to visit Your bedside, provided You are
traveling alone and Emergency Medical Evacuation or Medical Repatriation is not imminent.
You must provide all receipts for all covered expenses incurred during the stay.
These benefit(s) will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the policy, or any coverage(s) attached to the policy.
T7000IP-IN 17
We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, if Your Baggage and
Personal Effects, which are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed during Your Trip or while checked with a Common Carrier
less any amount paid or payable by a Common Carrier, hotel, Travel Supplier or any other party responsible for Your
loss, provided You have taken all reasonable measures to protect, save and/or recover Your property at all times.
We will also reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, for fees associated
with the replacement of Your passport, visas and other travel documents which are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed
during Your Trip.
Valuation and Payment of Loss
The lesser of the following amounts will be paid:
a. the Actual Cash Value as determined by Us; or
b. the cost to repair or replace the item with material of a like kind and quality.
Not to exceed the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits.
In the event of a loss to a pair or set of items, We may choose to:
a. repair or replace any part to restore the pair or set to its value before the loss; or
b. pay the difference between the current replacement cost of the items before and after the loss.
Items Subject to Special Limitations
The following items are subject to the maximum combined amount(s) shown in the Schedule of Benefits: jewelry,
precious or semi-precious gems, decorative or personal articles consisting in whole or in part of silver, gold, or platinum,
watches, furs or articles trimmed with fur, cameras, and camera equipment.
These benefit(s) will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the policy, or any coverage(s) attached to the policy.
We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, for the cost of Necessary
Personal Items purchased by You while on Your Trip, if Your checked Baggage is delayed or misdirected by a Common
Carrier for at least 6 consecutive hours or more from Your time of arrival at a Scheduled Destination other than Your
Return Destination.
This coverage terminates upon Your arrival at the Return Destination of Your Trip.
Necessary Personal Items means replacement for clothing or toiletry, which are included in Your Baggage and
Personal Effects and are required for Your Trip. Necessary Personal Items do not include jewelry, perfume, or alcohol.
These benefit(s) will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the policy, or any coverage(s) attached to the policy.
T7000IP-IN 18
Exclusions and limitations apply to Baggage and Personal Effects, Travel Documents, and Baggage Delay:
We will not provide benefits for any loss or damage for the following items:
a. animals;
b. automobiles and automobile equipment;
c. boats or other vehicles or conveyances;
d. motorcycles;
e. trailers;
f. motors;
g. aircraft;
h. bicycles, except when checked as baggage with a Common Carrier;
i. household effects and furnishings;
j. antiques and collectors’ items;
k. any type of or repair or replacement of any type of eyeglasses, sunglasses, contact lenses, artificial teeth,
dentures, dental braces, dental bridges, retainers or other orthodontic devices, or hearing aids;
l. artificial limbs or other prosthetic devices;
m. prescribed medications;
n. keys, money, stamps, and credit cards (except as otherwise specifically covered herein);
o. securities, stamps, tickets, and documents (except as coverage is otherwise specifically provided herein);
p. professional or occupational equipment or property, whether or not electronic business equipment;
q. sports equipment if the loss results from the use thereof;
r. telephones or wireless devices, computer hardware or software;
s. computers (including personal computers and laptops), digital or electronic equipment or media;
t. contraband.
Losses not covered:
We will not provide benefits for any loss or damage caused by or resulting from:
a. breakage of brittle or fragile articles;
b. wear and tear or gradual deterioration;
c. confiscation or appropriation by order of any government or custom’s rule;
d. theft or pilferage while left in any unlocked or unattended vehicle;
e. property illegally acquired, kept, stored, or transported;
f. Your negligent acts or omissions;
g. property shipped as freight or shipped prior to the Scheduled Departure Date;
h. electrical current, including electric arcing that damages or destroys electrical devices or appliances.
T7000IP-IN 19
Benefits will be paid for Medical Expenses incurred by You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule
of Benefits, subject to the following:
a. Sickness must first commence or manifest itself and Injury must first occur while on Your Trip;
b. only Medical Expenses incurred by You during Your Trip will be reimbursed. Medical Expenses incurred after
You return from Your Trip are not covered;
c. benefits payable as a result of incurred Medical Expenses will only be paid after benefits have been paid under
any other valid and collectible insurance in effect for You or in accordance with a provision in jurisdictions where
excess coverage provisions are not permitted.
If You suffer one or more Injury or Sickness while on the same Trip, the maximum amount payable for all Injuries or
Sicknesses will not exceed the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits.
Medical Expenses means expenses incurred only for the following:
1. medical services (including charges for anesthetics, x-ray examinations or treatments, and laboratory tests) and
supplies, prescription drugs, and therapeutic services ordered or prescribed by a Physician as Medically
Necessary for treatment;
2. Hospital or ambulatory medical-surgical center services, including expenses for a cruise ship cabin or hotel
room, not already included in the cost of Your Trip, if recommended by Your attending Physician and approved
by Us or Our designated Travel Assistance Services Provider as a substitute for a hospital room for recovery
from Your Injury, Sickness or Emergency Condition;
3. local transportation expense to and/or from a Hospital.
We will not pay benefits in excess of the Usual and Customary level of charges. We will not cover any expenses provided
by another party at no cost to You or already included within the cost of Your Trip.
Emergency Condition means an Injury or Sickness diagnosed by a Physician for which You have sudden and
unexpected severe or acute symptoms requiring immediate care and the failure to obtain such care could reasonably
result in serious deterioration of Your condition or place Your life in jeopardy. The severe or acute symptoms must occur
while on Your Trip.
Hospital confinement must be certified as Medically Necessary by the onsite attending Physician.
These benefit(s) will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the policy, or any coverage(s) attached to the policy.
T7000IP-IN 20
Benefits will be paid for Emergency Dental Expenses incurred by You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the
Schedule of Benefits, subject to the following:
a. benefits will be payable only for Emergency Dental Expenses resulting from an Injury to sound natural teeth that
occurs while on Your Trip and requires treatment in person by a Physician;
b. only Emergency Dental Expenses incurred by You during Your Trip will be reimbursed. Dental Expenses
incurred after You return from Your Trip are not covered;
c. benefits payable as a result of incurred Emergency Dental Expenses will only be paid after benefits have been
paid under any other valid and collectible insurance in effect for You or in accordance with a provision in
jurisdictions where excess coverage provisions are not permitted.
Emergency Dental Expenses means expenses incurred only for the following:
1. dental services (including charges for anesthetics, x-ray examinations or treatments, and laboratory tests) and
supplies, prescription drugs, and therapeutic services ordered or prescribed by a Physician as Medically
Necessary for treatment;
2. Hospital or ambulatory medical-surgical center services, including expenses for a cruise ship cabin or hotel
room, not already included in the cost of Your Trip, if recommended by Your attending Physician and approved
by Us or Our designated Travel Assistance Services Provider as a substitute for a hospital room for recovery
from Your Injury;
3. emergency dental treatment incurred during Your Trip due to an Accidental Injury to sound natural teeth. Dental
Expenses incurred after Your Trip are not covered.
We will not pay benefits in excess of the Usual and Customary level of charges. We will not cover any expenses provided
by another party at no cost to You or already included within the cost of Your Trip.
These benefit(s) will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the policy, or any coverage(s) attached to the policy.
T7000IP-IN 21
Accident means a sudden, unexpected, unusual, specific event that occurs at an identifiable time and place and shall
also include exposure resulting from a mishap to a conveyance in which You are traveling.
Accommodation(s) means any establishment used for the purposes of temporary, overnight lodging such as
apartment, condominium, or other vacation or timeshare residential unit(s).
Actual Cash Value means current replacement cost of such item of like kind and quality.
Additional Transportation Cost means the actual cost incurred for one-way economy transportation (or for the original
class of fare, if the original tickets were for a higher class of fare) by Common Carrier by the most direct route, less any
refunds paid or payable, for Your unused original tickets.
Adventure or Extreme Activities means B.A.S.E. jumping, bull riding, running of the bulls, free diving, bungee jumping,
hot air ballooning, parachuting, skydiving, cliff diving, fly-by-wire, paragliding, hang gliding, heli-skiing, heli-
snowboarding, wingsuit flying, rock climbing without equipment, bodily contact sports, Mountain Climbing over 9,000
feet (2,700 meters), motor sport or motor racing, multi-sport endurance competitions, parkour, scuba diving if the depth
exceeds 131 feet (40 meters) and any activity materially similar to the above.
Baggage and Personal Effects means luggage and personal possessions taken by You on Your Trip, whether owned,
borrowed, or rented.
Business Partner means a person who is: 1) involved with You or Your Traveling Companion in a legal partnership;
and 2) actively involved in the daily management of the business.
Children/Child means a person:
1. which includes a natural child, stepchildren, and children subject to legal guardianship;
2. under the age of 26;
3. placed for adoption and coverage is effective upon the earlier of: i.) the date of placement for the purposes of
adoption; or ii.) the date of the entry of an order granting the adoptive parent custody of the child for purposes
of adoption and continues unless the placement is disrupted prior to legal adoption and the child is removed
from placement.
The age limit does not apply to a child who is incapable of self-sustaining employment by reason of mental, intellectual,
or physical incapacity.
Civil Disorder or Riot means a public disturbance by a person or persons acting in revolt, coup, rebellion or resistance
against an established government or civil authority or involvement in acts of violence that causes immediate danger,
damage, or injury to others or their property.
Common Carrier means an air, land or sea conveyance operated under a license for the transportation of passengers
for hire not including taxicabs or rented, leased, or privately owned motor vehicles.
Complications of Pregnancy means conditions (when the pregnancy is not terminated) whose diagnoses are distinct
from pregnancy but are adversely affected by pregnancy or are caused by pregnancy. These conditions include
hyperemesis gravidarum, preeclampsia, eclampsia, gestational diabetes, gestational hypertension, acute nephritis,
nephrosis, cardiac decompensation, and missed abortion. Complications of pregnancy also include non-elective
cesarean section, ectopic pregnancy, which is terminated and spontaneous termination of pregnancy, which occurs
during a period of gestation in which a viable birth is not possible.
Complications of pregnancy do not include Physician-prescribed rest during the period of pregnancy (except due to
conditions noted above), false labor, occasional spotting, morning sickness, elective abortion, and similar conditions
associated with the management of a difficult pregnancy, not constituting a categorically distinct complication of
T7000IP-IN 22
Domestic Partner means an opposite or a same-sex partner who is at least eighteen (18) years of age and has met all
of the following requirements for at least 12 months:
a. resides with You;
b. shares financial assets and obligations with You;
c. is not related by blood or adoption to You to a degree of closeness that would prohibit a legal marriage;
d. neither You nor domestic partner is married to anyone else, nor has any other domestic partner.
We may require proof of the Domestic Partner relationship in the form of a signed and completed Affidavit of Domestic
Partnership or whatever documentation as required by the state in which You reside.
Effective Date means the date and time Your coverage begins, as indicated in When Coverage Begins and Ends
section of this policy, or if not specifically outlined therein, the date You paid the total required premium for the coverage.
Elective Treatment And Procedures means any medical treatment or surgical procedure that is not medically
necessary including any service, treatment, or supplies that are deemed by the federal, or a state or local government
authority, or by Us to be research or experimental or that is not recognized as a generally accepted medical practice.
Experimental or Investigative means treatments, devices, or prescription medications, which are recommended by a
Physician, but are not considered by the U.S. medical community as a whole, to be safe and effective for the condition
for which the treatments, devices or prescription medications are being used. This includes any treatments, procedures,
facilities, equipment, drugs, drug usage, devices, or supplies not recognized as accepted medical practice, and any of
those items requiring federal or other U.S. governmental agency approval not received at the time services are rendered.
Family Member means the following relatives of You or Your Traveling Companion:
a. Spouse, civil union partner, Domestic Partner;
b. children, children-in-law, step-children, foster children, ward, or legal ward;
c. siblings, siblings-in-law, step-siblings;
d. parents, parents-in-law, step-parents;
e. grandparents, grandchildren;
f. aunts or uncles;
g. nieces or nephews;
h. legal guardian.
Felonious Assault means an act of violence against You or Your Traveling Companion, which requires medical
treatment in a Hospital, and is substantiated by a police report.
T7000IP-IN 23
Hospital means a facility that:
a. is operated according to law for the care and treatment of sick or Injured people;
b. is licensed or recognized as a general hospital by the proper authority of the state in which it is located;
c. is recognized as a general hospital by the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Hospitals;
d. has organized facilities for diagnosis and surgery on its premises or in facilities available to it on a prearranged
e. is operated for the care and treatment of resident in-patients with a registered graduate nurse (RN) always on
duty and with a laboratory and X-ray facility;
f. is supervised by one or more Physicians available at all times.
A Hospital does not include:
1. a nursing, convalescent, or geriatric unit of a Hospital when a patient is confined mainly to receive nursing care;
2. a facility which primarily treats drug, marijuana, or alcoholism addictions;
3. a facility that is, other than incidentally, a clinic, a rest home, nursing home, convalescent home, home health
care, or home for the aged, nor does it include any ward, room, wing, or other section of the Hospital that is
used for such purposes.
Hospitalized or Hospitalization means admitted to a Hospital overnight or where the patient is charged by the Hospital
for a minimum of one day of inpatient charges.
Inclement Weather means any severe weather condition that delays the scheduled arrival or departure of a Common
Carrier or causes closure of public roadways by local or government authorities.
Injury(ies)/Injured means a bodily injury caused by an Accident occurring while Your coverage under this policy is in
force and resulting directly and independently of all other causes of loss covered by this policy. Injury must not be caused
by, or result from, Sickness. The injury(ies) requires examination and treatment and must be verified by a Physician.
Inpatient means a person:
a. who is confined in a Hospital as a registered bed patient overnight; and
b. for whom at least one day's room and board is charged by the Hospital.
Medically Fit to Travel means based on assessment by a treating Physician, following Your Injury or Sickness that
occurs while on Your Trip, You are medically able to travel.
Medically Necessary means that a treatment, service, or supply:
a. is essential for diagnosis, treatment, or care of the Injury or Sickness for which it is prescribed or performed;
b. meets generally accepted standards of medical practice;
c. is ordered by a Physician and performed under his or her care, supervision, or order; or
d. is not used for the convenience of You, Physician, other providers, or any other person.
Mental, Nervous or Psychological Condition or Disorder means a mental or nervous health condition including, but
not limited to: anxiety, depression, and neurosis, panic attack, phobia (such as fear of flying, fear of terrorism, fear of
disease, etc.), psychosis; or any related physical manifestation. Mental, Nervous or Psychological Condition or Disorder
does not include drug addiction, marijuana addiction, or alcohol addiction.
Mountain Climbing means the ascent or descent of a mountain requiring the use of specialized equipment, including,
but not limited to, ropes, belay devices, pick-axes, anchors, pitons, bolts, crampons, carabiners, and lead or top-rope
anchoring equipment.
T7000IP-IN 24
Natural Disaster means a flood, tsunami, cyclone, hurricane, tornado, earthquake, mudslide, avalanche, landslide,
volcanic eruption, sandstorm, sinkhole, named winter storm, severe hailstorm, fire, wildfire, or blizzard; all of which are
due to natural causes.
Partial Hospitalization means an outpatient program specifically designed for the diagnosis or active treatment of a
serious mental disorder when there is a reasonable expectation for improvement or when it is necessary to maintain a
patient’s functional level and prevent relapse or full hospitalization. Partial Hospitalization programs are usually furnished
by a Hospital as distinct and organized intensive ambulatory treatment service of less than 24-hour daily care.
Payments or Deposits means the cash, check, or credit card amounts actually paid for Your Travel Arrangements.
Certificates, vouchers, discounts and/or credits applied (in part or in full) towards the cost of Your Travel Arrangements
are not Payments or Deposits as defined herein.
Physician means a licensed practitioner of medical, surgical, dental services acting within the scope of his/her license
in the jurisdiction where the services are rendered. The treating Physician cannot be You, a Traveling Companion, a
Family Member, or a Business Partner.
Pre-Existing Medical Condition means an illness, disease, or other condition during the 60-day period immediately
prior to the date Your coverage is effective for which You or Your Traveling Companion, Business Partner, Family
Member scheduled or booked to travel with You:
1. received or received a recommendation for a test, examination, or medical treatment for a condition which first
manifested itself, worsened or became acute, or had symptoms which would have prompted a reasonable
person to seek diagnosis, care, or treatment; or
2. took or received a prescription for drugs or medicine. Item 2 of this definition does not apply to a condition which
is treated or controlled solely through the taking of prescription drugs or medicine and remains treated or
controlled without any adjustment or change in the required prescription throughout the 60-day period before
coverage is effective under this policy; or
3. required a change in prescribed medication. Change in prescribed medication means the dosage or frequency
of a medication has been reduced, increased, stopped and/or new medications have been prescribed due to
the worsening of an underlying condition that is being treated with the medication, unless the change is:
a. between a brand name and a generic medication with comparable dosage; or
b. an adjustment to insulin or anti-coagulant dosage.
Death resulting from a Pre-Existing Medical Condition will not be excluded. Death must occur prior to the termination
date of the benefit under which the claim is being made.
Primary Residence means Your fixed, permanent, and main home for legal and tax purposes.
Quarantined means You, Your Traveling Companion, Family Member, or Business Partner are forced into medical
isolation by a recognized government authority, their authorized deputies, medical examiners, or Physician to prevent
the spread of the disease due to You, Your Traveling Companion, Family Member, or Business Partner either having,
or being suspected of having a contagious disease, infection, or contamination.
An embargo preventing You, Your Traveling Companion, Family Member, or Business Partner from entering a country
is not a quarantine.
Reasonable Expenses means reasonable expenses for meals, local transportation, and lodging which are necessarily
incurred as the result of a Common Carrier or Trip Delay, and which are not provided by the Common Carrier or any
other party free of charge.
Rental Property means a hotel room, vacation home, or other rental property You booked for Your stay during Your
Return Destination means Your final destination as shown in the itinerary or other travel documents and the place to
which You expect to return from Your Trip.
T7000IP-IN 25
Scheduled Departure Date means the date on which You are originally scheduled to leave on Your Trip. This date is
specified in the itinerary or other travel documents.
Scheduled Destination means as shown in the itinerary or other travel documents where You expect to travel to on
Your Trip other than Return Destination.
Scheduled Return Date means the date on which You are scheduled to return to the point where Your Trip started or
to a different specified Return Destination.
Scheduled Trip Departure City means the city from which You are originally scheduled to depart on the Trip.
Security Breach means any incident involving unauthorized and uncontrolled access by an individual or prohibited item
into a sterile area or secured area of an airport that is determined by TSA or other airport security officials to present an
immediate danger.
Sickness means an illness or disease of the body that requires examination, diagnosis, and treatment by a Physician.
An illness or disease of the body that requires examination, diagnosis, and treatment by a Physician prior to the Effective
Date of Your coverage is not a Sickness as defined herein and is not covered by the policy.
Sickness does not include any Mental, Nervous or Psychological, Condition or Disorders including but not limited to
anxiety, depression, neurosis, phobia, psychosis; or any related physical manifestation. Sickness does not include drug
addiction, marijuana addiction, or alcohol addiction.
Spouse means Your lawful spouse, if not legally separated or divorced. For the purposes of this policy, the term spouse
includes civil union partner whenever used.
Strike means a labor disagreement resulting in a stoppage of work which:
a. is unannounced and unpublished at time this policy is purchased;
b. is organized, and legally sanctioned by a labor union or other organized association of workers, in a trade or
profession, formed to protect and further their rights and interests; and
c. interferes with the normal departure and arrival of a Common Carrier.
Terrorist Incident means an act of violence by any person acting on behalf of or in connection with any organization
which is generally recognized as having the intent of overthrow or influence the control of any government or an act of
violence committed by a Foreign Terrorist Organization (designated or recognized as such by the U.S. State
Department) that results in property damage, Injury, or loss of life.
Third Party(ies) means any person, corporation, or other entity (except You, Rental Property and Us).
Time Sensitive Period means insurance must be purchased within 20 days of the date Your initial Payments or
Deposits for Your Trip is received and within 15 days of payment for any subsequent Travel Arrangements added to
Your Trip.
Travel Arrangements means: a) transportation; b) Accommodations; and c) other specified services arranged for Your
Trip by Your Travel Supplier.
Travel Assistance Services Provider means Seven Corners, Inc.
Travel Supplier means any entity or organization that coordinates or supplies Travel Arrangements for You.
Traveling Companion means a person or persons whose name(s) appear(s) with Yours on the same Travel
Arrangements and who, during Your Trip, will accompany You. A group or tour organizer, sponsor or leader is not a
Traveling Companion as defined, unless sharing accommodations in the same room, cabin, condominium unit,
apartment unit or other lodging with You.
T7000IP-IN 26
Trip means a scheduled Trip of 30 days or less in length for which coverage is elected and the premium paid, and all
Travel Arrangements are arranged prior to the Scheduled Departure Date.
Trip Cost means the dollar amount for Trip Payments or Deposits:
a. which are not refunded or refundable by the Travel Supplier, or are subject to restrictions; and
b. which are not bit coins or digital currency; and
c. which are paid by or on Your behalf prior to Your Trip Scheduled Departure Date, or which You are obligated,
or later becomes obligated, to pay as a result of cancelling or interrupting Your Trip; and
d. which are identified by You on the enrollment documents; and
e. for which insurance was purchased.
For a Trip that is not priced on a per-person basis (such as multiple occupancy hotel rooms and vacation rentals), or for
Trips where the Travel Supplier does not provide a per-person cost, Your Trip Cost will include the dollar amount that
You have paid individually.
Unforeseen means not known, anticipated, or reasonably expected, and occurring after the effective date of the benefit
under which the claim is being made.
Uninhabitable means:
1. the building structure itself is unstable and there is a risk of collapse in whole or in part; or
2. there is exterior or structural damage allowing elemental intrusion, such as rain, wind, hail, or flood; or
3. immediate safety hazards have yet to be cleared, such as debris or downed electrical lines; or
4. the property is without electric gas, sewer service or water; or
5. local government authorities have issued a mandatory evacuation; or
6. the destination is inaccessible by the mode of transportation as shown on the travel documents or itinerary.
Usual and Customary means the comparable level of charges for similar treatment, services, and supplies in the
geographic area where treatment, services or supplies are provided or performed.
Wanton means senseless, unprovoked, unjustifiable, or deliberately malicious.
Willful means deliberate or intentional.
You/Your means the person that is scheduled to participate on a Trip; for whom any required enrollment has been
completed and the required premium has been paid.
T7000IP-IN 27
Unless otherwise shown below, these exclusions apply to You, Your Traveling Companion, or Family Member scheduled
and booked to travel with You.
The following exclusion(s) appl(y)(ies) to the Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption.
We will not pay for any loss or expense caused due to, arising, or resulting from:
1. a Pre-Existing Medical Condition, as defined in the policy;
2. being arrested for a DUI/DWI and as result, being admitted into a i) drug, marijuana, or alcohol treatment facility;
ii) jail; or iii) awaiting trial;
3. Your inability to travel on Your Trip after court mandated treatment at, or voluntarily admitted into, a drug,
marijuana, or alcohol treatment facility;
4. Your inability to travel on Your Trip to provide the emotional support for someone who is in a drug, marijuana,
or alcohol treatment facility.
The following exclusions apply to the Medical and Dental Expense benefits.
We will not pay for any loss or expense caused due to, arising, or resulting from:
1. routine physical examinations or routine dental care;
2. traveling for the purpose or intent of securing medical treatment or advise;
3. any Trip taken against the advice of a Physician and any losses occurred during such Trip;
4. mental health care;
5. physical therapy or occupational therapy;
6. Experimental or Investigative treatment or procedures;
7. Elective Treatment and Procedures;
8. care or treatment which is not Medically Necessary, except for related reconstructive surgery resulting from
trauma, infection, or disease that occurred during Your Trip;
9. any medical service provided by You, a Family Member, or Traveling Companion;
10. any treatment or medication which, at the time of Your Scheduled Departure Date, is required to be continued
during Your Trip;
11. alcohol, marijuana abuse or substance abuse or treatment for the same including admittance to a rehab facility;
12. Normal pregnancy (except Complications of Pregnancy) or childbirth or elective abortion;
13. a Mental, Nervous or Psychological Condition or Disorder unless Hospitalized or Partially Hospitalized while the
policy is in effect;
14. any loss that results from an illness, disease or other condition, event or circumstance that occurs at a time
when the policy is not in effect for You;
15. Your participation in Adventure or Extreme Activities, riding or driving in any races, or participation in speed or
endurance competition or events, except as a spectator;
16. diving if You are not certified to dive and a dive master is not present during the dive;
17. Your participation in an organized athletic or sporting competition, contest, or stunt under contract in exchange
for an agreed-upon salary or compensation. This does not include athletes participating in exchange for a
scholarship or tuition.
T7000IP-IN 28
In addition to any applicable benefit-specific exclusion, the following general exclusions apply to all losses and
all benefits.
We will not pay for any loss or expense caused due to, arising, or resulting from:
1. suicide, attempted suicide or any intentionally self-inflicted injury of You, a Traveling Companion, Family
Member or Business Partner booked and scheduled to travel with You, while sane or insane;
2. being under the influence of drugs, marijuana, or narcotics, unless administered upon the advice of a Physician
as prescribed;
3. activities, losses, or claims involving or resulting from possession, production, processing, sale, or use of
marijuana, illegal drugs, alcohol, or substances are excluded from coverage;
4. expenses incurred by any Child born or adopted during Your Trip;
5. war or act of war, including invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities between nations (whether declared or
undeclared), or civil war, except as the policy specifically provides otherwise;
6. participation in a Civil Disorder or Riot, or insurrection;
7. the commission of or attempt to commit a felony or being engaged in an illegal occupation by You, a Traveling
Companion, Family Member, or Business Partner;
8. directly or indirectly, the actual, alleged or threatened use, discharge, dispersal, seepage, migration, escape,
release or exposure to any hazardous biological, chemical, nuclear radioactive weapon, device, material, gas,
matter, or contamination;
9. air travel on a privately owned aircraft (whether as a pilot or a passenger);
10. piloting or learning to pilot or acting as a member of the crew of any aircraft;
11. a loss or damage caused by detention, confiscation, or destruction by customs;
12. expenses resulting from a motor vehicle accident, unless the driver is properly licensed to operate the vehicle
at the place and time of the Accident;
13. gross negligence, or Willful and Wanton conduct by You or Your Traveling Companion.
T7000IP-IN 29
We will not pay any expense as a result of You having been advised in writing that You, Your Traveling Companion,
Family Member or Business Partner scheduled and booked to travel with You are not Medically Fit to Travel at the time
of purchase of coverage for a Trip, as defined in the policy.
If coverage for a Trip is purchased and it is later determined that You, Your Traveling Companion, Family Member or
Business Partner scheduled and booked to travel with You were not Medically Fit to Travel at the time of purchase of
coverage for Your Trip, as defined in the policy, the coverage is cancelled and premium paid will be returned.
We will waive the Pre-Existing Medical Condition exclusion if all of the following conditions are met:
a. Your premium for this policy and enrollment form is received within the Time Sensitive Period; and
b. You or Your Traveling Companion are medically able and not disabled from travel at the time Your premium is
paid, based on assessment of a Physician.
PREMIUMS: Coverage is not effective unless all premium due has been paid prior to the date of loss. In the event the
premium paid for coverage is less than the required premium for coverage, benefits will be paid indirect proportion of
the actual amount paid to the required premium due.
GRACE PERIOD: Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, unless not less than 30 days prior to the premium due
date We have delivered to You or have mailed to Your last address as shown by Our records written notice of Our
intention not to renew this policy beyond the period for which the premium has been accepted, You are entitled to a
grace period of 31 days for the payment of any premium due except the first, during which grace period the policy will
continue in force.
T7000IP-IN 30
Your duties in the event of a loss:
For Trip Cancellation, Optional Cancellation For Any Reason, Trip Interruption, and Optional Interruption For
Any Reason, You must:
Immediately, or as soon as possible, call Your Travel Supplier and the program administrator (see Where to Report a
Claim) to report Your cancellation, interruption, or delayed arrival to avoid non-covered charges due to late reporting.
If the Insured is prevented from taking their Trip as scheduled or must interrupt their Trip due to Sickness or Injury, the
Insured should obtain medical care immediately. We require an examination and treatment by a Physician prior to
cancellation or interruption. Provide all unused transportation tickets, official receipts, etc.
For Trip Delay or Missed Tour or Cruise Connection You must obtain any specific dated documentation, which
provides proof of the reason for delay or missed connection (airline or cruise line forms, medical statements, etc.).
Submit this documentation along with Your trip itinerary and all receipts for additional expenses incurred.
For Medical and Emergency Dental Expenses You must:
1. provide Us with all receipts from the provider of services and reports for medical and/or emergency dental
expenses claimed. Stating the amount paid and listing the diagnosis and treatment;
2. provide any requested information, including but not limited to, an explanation of benefits from any other
applicable insurance. Provide a copy of their final disposition of Your claim;
3. sign a patient authorization to release any information required by Us to investigate Your claim.
For Baggage and Personal Effects In case of lost, stolen, damaged, destroyed, or delayed Baggage and Personal
Effects, You must:
1. report theft losses to police or other local authorities as soon as possible and obtain their written report of Your
2. report the baggage delay to the Common Carrier as soon as possible. Submit proof of the report, documentation
confirming delivery as well as reimbursement and receipts for essential items;
3. take reasonable steps to protect Your Baggage and Personal Effects from further damage and make necessary
and reasonable temporary repairs. We will reimburse You for those expenses. We will not pay for further
damage if You fail to protect Your items;
4. allow Us to examine the damaged Baggage and Personal Effects and/or We may require the damaged item to
be sent in the event of payment;
5. original receipts (if available) and a complete list of stolen, damaged, or lost item(s) must be provided along with
proof of loss providing amount of loss, date, time and cause of loss, and a repair estimate, if the item(s) is
6. for claimed items without original receipts, payment of loss will be calculated based upon 75% of the Actual
Cash Value at the time of loss, not to exceed the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits.
T7000IP-IN 31
Notice of Claim: Notice of claim must be reported to Us or Our authorized representative within 20 days after a loss
occurs or as soon as is reasonably possible. You or someone on Your behalf may give the notice. The notice should be
given to Us or Our authorized representative and should include sufficient information to identify You. Failure by You or
someone on Your behalf to make such notification may result in no benefits being paid.
Claim Forms: When notice of claim is received by Us or Our authorized representative, Seven Corners, Inc., forms for
filing proof of loss will be furnished. If these forms are not sent within 15 days, the proof of loss requirements can be
met by You sending Us a written statement of what happened. This statement must be received within the time given
for filing Proof of Loss.
Proof of Loss: Proof of loss must be provided within 90 days after the date of the loss or as soon as is reasonably
possible. Failure to furnish such proof within the provided period will not invalidate nor reduce any claim if it shall be
shown not to have been reasonably possible to furnish such proof during that time. Proof of Loss must, however, be
furnished no later than 12 months from the time it is otherwise required, except in the absence of legal capacity.
All claims require You to provide Seven Corners, Inc. with the following: a Trip invoice, itinerary or confirmation showing
details of Your Trip (dates of travel, destination, etc.); and any other information reasonably required to prove the loss.
Where to Report a Claim: Seven Corners, Inc.
1. Online:
2. Mail: P.O. Box 211760, Eagan, MN 55121
3. Telephone: 1-800-335-0611 (toll free) or 317-575-2652 (worldwide)
4. E-mail:
5. Fax: 317-575-2256
6. Seven Corners, Inc. will accept electronic copies of claim submissions, except as expressly stated elsewhere.
However, Seven Corners, Inc. may, at its discretion, require original documentation to be sent.
Payment of Claims: Benefits for loss of life will be paid to Your designated beneficiary. If a beneficiary is not otherwise
designated by You, benefits for loss of life will be paid to the first of the following surviving preference beneficiaries:
1. Your spouse;
2. Your child or children jointly;
3. Your parents jointly if both are living or the surviving parent if only one survives;
4. Your brothers and sisters jointly; or
5. Your estate.
All other benefits will be paid directly to You, unless otherwise directed. Any accrued benefits unpaid at Your death will
be paid to Your estate. If You have assigned Your benefits, we will honor the assignment if a signed copy has been filed
with us. We are not responsible for the validity of any assignment.
All or a portion of all benefits provided by the policy may, at Our option, be paid directly to the provider of the service(s)
to You. All benefits not paid to the provider will be paid to You.
If any benefit is payable to: a) an Insured who is a minor or otherwise not able to give a valid release; or b) Your estate,
We may pay any amount due under the policy to Your beneficiary or any relative whom We find entitled to the payment.
Any payment made in good faith shall fully discharge Us to any party to the extent of such payment.
If You paid for the cost of Your Trip for Yourself, as well as other travelers and incurred a covered loss, benefits will be
paid directly to You, unless otherwise directed.
T7000IP-IN 32
Time of Payment of Claims: Payment for any loss (other than loss for which the policy provides periodic payment) will
be paid immediately upon receipt of due written proof of loss. If the policy provides for a periodic payment, it will not be
paid less frequently than monthly. Any balance remaining unpaid upon the termination of liability when the policy
provides periodic payment will be paid immediately upon receipt of due written proof.
Benefit to Bailee: This insurance will in no way inure directly or indirectly to the benefit of any carrier or other bailee.
Recovery: To the extent We pay for a loss suffered by You, We will be assigned the rights and remedies You had
relating to the loss. You will be made whole before We begin recovery. Our right to be reimbursed has priority over Your
right to be made whole. This means that Our right of recovery applies even if Your entire loss has not been compensated.
However, the amount of Our recovery will be reduced by a proper share of Your legal fees and Your expenses needed
to obtain the refund. You must help Us preserve its rights against those responsible for its loss. This may involve signing
any papers and taking any other steps We may reasonably require. When You have been paid benefits under this policy
but also recovered from another policy, the amount recovered from the other policy shall be held in trust for Us by You
and reimbursed to Us to the extent of Our payment.
As a condition to receiving the applicable benefits listed above, You agree, except as may be limited or prohibited by
applicable law, to reimburse Us for any such benefits paid to or on behalf of You, if such benefits are recovered, in any
form, from any Third Party or coverage.
We will not pay or be responsible, without Our written consent, for any fees or costs associated with the pursuit of a
claim, cause of action or right by or on behalf of an Insured or such other person against any Third Party or coverage.
Coverage as used in this Recovery section, means any other fund or insurance policy except coverage provided under
this policy.
T7000IP-IN 33
Excess Insurance: Insurance provided by this policy shall be in excess of all other valid and collectible insurance or
indemnity or as required by state law. If at the time of the occurrence of any loss payable under this policy there is other
valid and collectible insurance or indemnity in place, We shall be liable only for the excess of the amount of loss, over
the amount of such other insurance or indemnity, and applicable deductible. Recovery of losses from other parties does
not result in a refund of premium paid.
Beneficiary Designation and Change: Your beneficiary(ies) is (are) the person(s) designated by and on file with Us
or Our administrator. You are over the age of majority and legally competent may change Your beneficiary designation
at any time, unless an irrevocable designation has been made, without the consent of the designated beneficiary(ies),
by providing Us or Our administrator with a written request for change. When the request is received, whether You are
then living or not, the change of beneficiary will relate back to and take effect as of the date of execution of the written
request, but without prejudice to Us on account of any payment made by it prior to receipt of the request.
Clerical Error: We or Our authorized representative may make a clerical error in keeping the data. If so, when the error
is found, the premium and/or benefits will be adjusted according to the correct data. An error will not end insurance
validly in force, nor will it continue insurance validly ended.
Concealment and Misrepresentation: The entire coverage will be void, if before, during or after a loss, any material
fact or circumstance relating to this insurance has been concealed or misrepresented.
Conformity With Statute: Terms of this policy that conflict with the laws of the state where it is delivered are amended
to conform to such laws.
Data Needed: We or Our authorized representative will keep a record of all the data needed to compute premium and
carry out the terms of this policy. We may examine such data at any reasonable time.
Economic or Trade Sanctions: Any payments under this policy will only be made in full compliance with all United
States of America economic or trade sanction laws or regulations, including, but not limited to, sanctions, laws, and
regulations administered and enforced by the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”).
Therefore, any expenses incurred, or claims made involving travel that is in violation of such sanctions, laws and
regulations will not be covered under this policy. For more information, You may consult the OFAC internet website at
Entire Contract Changes: This policy and any other attachments are the entire contract of insurance. No agent or
other person may change it in any way. Only an officer of the Company can approve a change. Any such change must
be shown in this policy or its attachments.
Legal Actions Against Us: All policy terms will be interpreted under the laws of the state in which the policy was
issued. No legal action may be brought to recover on the policy within 60 days after written Proof of Loss has been
furnished. No legal action for a claim may be brought against Us after 3 years from the time written Proof of Loss is
required to be furnished.
Limit on Agent’s Authority: No agent may change or waive any provisions of this policy. Our office must approve any
change or waiver in writing.
Maximum Benefit Limit of Liability: All limits are applied per Trip.
Misstatement of Age: If premiums are based on age and You have misstated Your age, there will be a fair adjustment
of premiums based on Your true age. If the benefits for which You are insured are based on age and You have misstated
Your age, there will be an adjustment of said benefit based on Your true age. We may require satisfactory proof of age
before paying any claim.
T7000IP-IN 34
Other Insurance With Us: You may be covered under only one travel policy with Us for each Trip. If You are covered
under more than one such policy, You may select the coverage that is to remain in effect. In the event of death, the
beneficiary or estate will make the selection. Premiums paid (less claims paid) will be refunded for the duplicate coverage
that does not remain in effect.
Subrogation: If We have made a payment for a loss under this coverage, and the person to or for whom payment was
made has a right to recover damages from the Third Party responsible for the loss, We will be subrogated to that right.
You shall help Us exercise Our rights in any reasonable way that We may request; nor do anything after the loss to
prejudice Our rights; and in the event You recover damages from the Third Party responsible for the loss, You will hold
the proceeds of the recovery for Us in trust and reimburse Us to the extent of Our previous payment for the loss. Our
right of subrogation applies even if Your entire loss has not been compensated.
Physician Examination and Autopsy: We, at Our expense, may have You examined when and as often as is
reasonable while the claim is pending. We may have an autopsy done (at Our expense) where it is not forbidden by law.
Termination of This Policy: Termination of this policy will not affect a claim for loss, which occurs after You pay the
premium and while the policy is in force.
Transfer of Coverage: Coverage under this policy cannot be transferred to anyone else.
Guaranty Notice (IN) (rev 10.18.19) 35
Indiana Guaranty Notice
This notice provides a brief summary of the Indiana Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association (“ILHIGA”) and the
protection it provides for policyholders. ILHIGA was established to provide protection to policyholders in the unlikely
event that your life, annuity or health insurance company becomes financially unable to meet its obligations. If this
should happen, ILHIGA will typically arrange to continue coverage and pay claims, in accordance with Indiana law, with
funding from assessments paid by other insurance companies.
Basic Protections Currently Provided by ILHIGA
Generally, an individual is covered by ILHIGA if the insurer was a member of ILHIGA and the individual lives in Indiana
at the time the insurer is ordered into liquidation with a finding of insolvency. The coverage limits below apply only for
companies placed in rehabilitation or liquidation on or after January 1, 2013.
Life Insurance
$300,000 in death benefits
$100,000 in cash surrender or withdrawal values
Health Insurance
$500,000 in basic hospital, medical and surgical or major medical insurance benefits
$300,000 in disability and long term care insurance
$100,000 in other types of health insurance
$250,000 in present value of annuity benefits (including cash surrender or withdrawal values)
$5,000,000 for covered unallocated annuities
The maximum amount of protection for each individual, regardless of the number of policies or contracts, is $300,000.
Special rules may apply with regard to basic hospital, medical and surgical or major medical insurance benefits.
The protections listed above apply only to the extent that benefits are payable under covered policy(s). In no event will
the ILHIGA provide benefits greater than those given in the life, annuity, or health insurance policy or contract. The
statutory limits on ILHIGA coverage have changed over the years and coverage in prior years may not be the same as
that set forth in this notice.
Note: Certain policies and contracts may not be covered or fully covered. For example, coverage does not extend
to any portion(s) of a policy or contract that the insurer does not guarantee, such as certain investment additions to the
account value of a variable life insurance policy or variable annuity contract.
To learn more about the protections provided by ILHIGA, please visit the ILHIGA website at or contact:
Indiana Life & Health Insurance Indiana Department of Insurance
Guaranty Association 311 W. Washington Street, Suite 300
3502 Woodview Trace, Suite 100 Indianapolis, IN 46204-2787
Indianapolis, IN 46268 317-232-2395
Guaranty Notice (IN) (rev 10.18.19) 36
The policy or contract that this notice accompanies might not be fully covered by ILHIGA and even if coverage
is currently provided, coverage is (a) subject to substantial limitations and exclusions (some of which are
described above), (b) generally conditioned on continued residence in Indiana, and (c) subject to possible
change as a result of future amendments to Indiana law and court decisions.
Complaints to allege a violation of any provision of the Indiana Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association
Act must be filed with the Indiana Department of Insurance, 311 W. Washington Street, Suite 103, Indianapolis,
IN 46204; (telephone) 317-232-2385.
Insurance companies and agents are not allowed by Indiana law to use the existence of ILHIGA or its coverage
to encourage you to purchase any form of insurance. (IC 27-8-8-18(a)). When selecting an insurance company,
you should not rely on ILHIGA coverage. If there is any inconsistency between this notice and Indiana law,
Indiana law will control.
Questions regarding the financial condition of a company or your life, health insurance policy or annuity should
be directed to your insurance company or agent.
A person who believes he or she has been adversely affected by an unfair claim settlement practice under section 4.5
of Article 4, Chapter 1 [IC 27-4-1-4.5] of the Indiana Insurance Code may file a complaint with the Indiana Insurance
Commissioner. If the commissioner believes an unfair claim settlement practice has occurred, the commissioner shall,
within ten (10) business days from the date of receipt of a written complaint, deliver a copy of the complaint to the insurer
and shall respond in writing to the complaining party, at the address provided in the complaint, advising the party of the
1) The specific action taken by the department on the complaint.
2) Any further investigations or other actions that are intended by the department.
An insurer who receives a written notice of complaint under subsection (a) shall promptly conduct an investigation of
the matters alleged in the complaint. Within twenty (20) business days from the date of receipt of the complaint, the
insurer shall provide to the commissioner and the complaining party a written report containing the following information:
1) The specific reasons for actions taken by the insurer with respect to the claim.
2) The specific reasons for any inaction by the insurer with respect to the claim.
3) If the claim has not been settled, a good faith estimate of the time required for settlement.
An insurer who commits an unfair claims settlement practice or who fails to comply with this section is subject to action
by the commissioner under section 6 of Article 4, Chapter 1 [IC 27-4-1-6] of the Indiana Insurance Code.
Privacy Notice – A&H 38
United States Fire Insurance Company, The North River Insurance Company and affiliates within Crum & Forster
(collectively, “The Company”) values your business and your trust. In order to administer insurance policies and provide
you with effective customer service, we must collect certain information including nonpublic personal information about
our customers and claimants. Nonpublic personal information means information that allows someone to identify or
contact you (“Information”). We are committed to protecting such Information and we will comply with all applicable
federal and state laws and regulations. This notice describes how we collect, use and share your Information, your rights
with respect to insurance products issued by The Company and our legal duties and privacy practices. State laws require
that we provide this notice. Please review this Notice and keep a copy of it with your records.
Your privacy is our concern
When you apply to The Company for insurance or make a claim against a policy written by The Company, you disclose
information about yourself to us. The Company limits the collection, use, and disclosure of such information to only what
is needed to properly produce, underwrite and service its insurance products and/or fulfill legal or regulatory
requirements. The Company maintains administrative, technical and physical safeguards that comply with state and
federal regulations to protect your Information. We also limit employee access to Information to those with a business
reason for knowing such Information and we take measures to enforce employee privacy responsibilities.
What kind of information do we collect about you and from whom?
We obtain most of our Information from you. The application or claim form you complete, as well as any additional
information you provide, generally gives us most of the information we need to know. Sometimes we may contact you
by phone or mail to obtain additional information. We may use information about you from other transactions with us,
our affiliates, or others. Depending on the nature of your insurance transaction, we may need additional information
about you or other individuals proposed for coverage. We may obtain the additional information we need from third
parties, such as other insurance companies or agents, government agencies, medical providers, insurance support
organizations, the state motor vehicle department, information clearinghouses, credit reporting agencies, courts, or
public records. A report from a consumer reporting agency may contain information as to creditworthiness, credit
standing, credit capacity, character, general reputation, hobbies, occupation, personal characteristics, or mode of living.
What do we do with the information collected about you?
The Company collects nonpublic information to conduct its business of producing, underwriting, servicing and
administering its insurance products. If coverage is declined or the charge for coverage is increased because of
information contained in a consumer report we obtained, we will inform you, as required by state law or the federal Fair
Credit Reporting Act. We will also give you the name and address of the consumer reporting agency making the report.
We may retain information about our former customers and may disclose that information to affiliates and non-affiliates
only as described in this notice.
To whom do we disclose information about you?
Access to non-public personal information is limited to those employees, and authorized representatives, attorneys and
service providers who specifically need such information to conduct their business responsibilities. In addition, we may
disclose all the information that we collect about you to affiliated companies and nonaffiliated third parties (as permitted
by law), such as:
Insurance companies;
Insurance agencies;
Loss adjusters;
Medical providers;
Third party non-insurance service providers;
Third party administrators;
Medical bill review companies;
Reinsurance companies; and
Similar service providers.
Privacy Notice – A&H 39
Crum & Forster requires its service providers to abide by privacy laws in handling non-public personal information
obtained through its business relationship with Crum & Forster. Additionally, Crum & Forster may disclose non-public
personal information to third parties as allowed or required by law. For example, Crum & Forster may release your
Information to comply with reporting requirements, to comply with a subpoena, warrant, legal process or other order or
inquiry of a court, governmental agency or state or federal regulator, or to fulfill C&F’s obligations to its insurers and
reinsurers. We may also share your personal information in order to establish or exercise our rights, to defend against
a legal claim, to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding possible illegal activities, suspected fraud, safety of person
or property, or a violation of our policies.
If you conclude your relationship with the Company, the Company will continue to safeguard your privacy in accordance
with the standards described in this notice. The Company maintains physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to
protect non-public personal information.
About Our Websites
We may collect information via technology about how you use our website, including the elements you have interacted
with, metadata, and other details about these elements, clicks, change states, and other user actions. This information
is used primarily to provide, maintain, protect, and improve our current products and to develop new ones.
We may use cookies on certain pages of our site. Cookies are stored on your computer, not on our site. Most cookies
are “session cookies” which means that they are automatically deleted at the end of each session. A cookie itself does
not have the ability to automatically collect personal information about you. A cookie can store certain information that
identifies your computer to us so that you do not need to re-enter that information as frequently when you use our site.
The cookie does not contain your password.
We reserve the right to change our policy regarding cookies and the collection of information from visitors at any time
without advance notice. Should any new policy be put into effect, we will post it on this website, and the new policy will
apply only to information collected thereafter. You may opt out of receiving cookies or delete any prior cookies by
changing your specific internet browser settings. The privacy of communication over the internet cannot be guaranteed.
If you are concerned about the security of your communication, we encourage you to send your correspondence through
the postal service or use the telephone to speak directly to us. We do not represent or warrant that the site, in whole or
in part, is appropriate or available for use in any particular jurisdiction. Those who choose to access the site, do so on
their own initiative and at their own risk, and are responsible for complying with all local laws, rules and regulations. We
do not assume any responsibility for any loss or damage you may experience or incur by the sending of personal
information over the internet by or to us. This Usage Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the United States and
of the State of New Jersey, without giving effect to its conflict of laws provisions.
Please know that The Company has not and will not sell any consumers’ personal information. We do not sell
your nonpublic personal information to any third parties nor do we use it for marketing purposes.
How to contact us
If you have any questions about this Privacy Notice or about how we use the information we collect, please contact us
Crum & Forster Legal Department
305 Madison Avenue
Morristown, NJ 07960
privacyinformat[email protected]
Changes to this Privacy Notice
We may revise this notice at any time. If we make material changes, we will notify you as required by law.
Privacy Notice – A&H 40
For California Residents Only:
If you are a California resident, you may be entitled to additional rights over your Information. We do not, and will not,
sell Information collected from you. The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) provides California residents, upon a
verifiable consumer request, certain rights that include:
The right to request that we disclose (1) The categories of personal information that we have collected about you;
and (2) The categories of personal information that we have disclosed about you for a business purpose
The right to request that we delete the personal information it has collected from you, subject to certain legal
exceptions, for example, when such personal information is necessary to fulfill or comply with our legal
The right to be protected from discrimination for exercising your CCPA rights. If you choose to exercise your privacy
rights, we will not charge you different prices or provide different quality of services unless those differences are
related to your information.
You may designate an authorized agent to act on your behalf and make a request of us under the CCPA.
To exercise your rights under the CCPA or to seek assistance, please do one of the following:
If you would like to make a Request to Know, go to
or call 1.844.254.5754
If you would like to make a Request to Delete, or
call 1.844.254.5754
Fill out and send back to us the Request to Know / Request to Delete form to:
Crum & Forster Legal Department
PO Box 1973
305 Madison Avenue
Morristown, NJ 07962
privacyinformat[email protected]
We will attempt, where practical, to respond to your requests and to provide you with additional privacy-related
information. We will confirm receipt of verifiable consumer requests within ten (10) days of receipt. You may only make
a verifiable consumer request for personal information twice within a twelve (12) month period. We cannot respond to
your request if we cannot verify your identity or authority to make the request and confirm the personal information
relates to you. Any consumer with a disability may access this notice by contacting us at the address, email or toll free
number listed above.
We may change this California Privacy Notice and our privacy practices over time. Our most current Privacy Policy and
California Privacy Notice can be found on our website at
January 2020