Altruism versus Profit: Clean Water in India
Brenda Eichelberger, Portland State University
N. Sree Hari, Associate Partner of the Byrraju Foundation and coordinator of the SWEET
Water Project, sat in his shared office, once again staring at the computer screen and
wondering what he could possibly write. The air conditioning was turned off to save
electrical costs and a slight breeze from the open window rustled the papers on his desk.
He had reviewed the weekly village collections and had begun writing the monthly report to
Verghese Jacob, his boss, CEO of the Byrraju Foundation. Sree Hari was at a loss for words.
What could he recommend to keep his program alive and growing? The SWEET water
project had developed a successful, technological model to address the growing social
problem of clean drinking water in India. They had installed nearly sixty systems providing
access to clean water for over 150 villages and almost 1.2 million people, but now had no
funding to further scale the model by adding new systems. In fact, it was getting more and
more difficult to determine how to keep the existing program running.
Not long ago things were very different for the Foundation. It all started when Ramalinga
Raju founded Satyam Computer Services Ltd in 1987. Satyam grew to be one of the top
companies in India, employing over 30,000 people (Mahinda, 2011). In 2001 Raju founded
the Byrraju foundation in memory of his late father. Satyam and the Byrraju Foundation are
both located in Hyderabad, India to develop the foundation Raju hired Verghese Jacob, a
renowned international business man as CEO. Byrraju quickly was acknowledged for
philanthropic efforts and award-winning programs. The mission of the foundation is to “To
create a world-class platform for sustainable rural transformation”.
The accolades, the donations and the support all abruptly ended on January 7, 2009, when
Raju confessed to accounting fraud at Satyam and falsely reporting over a billion dollars in
profits. “Immediately following Raju's confession, Satyam's shareholders took a direct hit
as the company's share price crashed 77% to Rs. 30 (approximately 60 cents), a far cry
from its 52-week high of Rs. 544 ($11.35) last May”. (Scandal, 2009). In news reports
Satyam was commonly referred to as “India’s Enron”. (The Consequences, WSJ 2009).
Until that day over 90% of the Byrraju Foundation’s funding came from Raju and his family
members. Now with Raju facing a trial and prison, there would be no more family donations
and the limited corporate donors would consider the foundation a much less desirable grant
recipient. Writing on why the fraud had continued so long and for such a large amount of
money, Raju stated in his confession; “It was like riding a tiger, not knowing how to get off
without being eaten.
Sree Hari knew that the” tiger” was still able to cause harm. The future was dependent on
Verghese and him to figure out how to continue to support the foundation that had won
numerous awards and international accolades. If not, the villages and people adopted by
the foundation could be severely hurt. The water systems they had been so successful in
developing were in danger. How could they possibly continue to deliver these critical
services year after year without the donations from the Raju family?
The 2006 UN human development report on clean water states the roots of the crisis in
water can be traced to poverty, inequality and unequal power relationships, as well as
flawed water management policies that exacerbate scarcity. Access to water for life is a
basic human need”. Clean water is critical to good health. The India Water Forum 2011 (a
joint effort of the Energy and Resources Institute and the Ministry of Water Resources of
India) declared water an integral part of economic development and ensuring livelihoods of
their people. In India, clean water demand has already outstripped supply and climate
change is further aggravating this problem (Water Forum, 2011). The Vice President of
India, Shri M. Hamid, opened the 2011 Water Forum with a speech acknowledging: ' the
essential role water plays in our life and the need for adopting better governance to tackle
the key challenges that are stemming from changing demographics, shifting geo-politics,
wide-spread poverty and under-development, climate change phenomena and shifting
weather patterns, and the elements of globalization and its attendant consequences'.
Lack of safe drinking water is a global issue. One of the United Nations Millennium goals is
to “halve, by 2015, the proportion of the population without sustainable access to safe
drinking water and basic sanitation”. As the 2015 target approaches, poor and rural
disparities have become even more evident. One of the contributing issues was determined
in 2007, when the British water group, WaterAid, began looking at the success of their
previous water projects in Africa and found that only nine of the thirty-five they had built
were still functioning. This project abandonment seemed to be a common issue, not only
with WaterAid, but other organizations that work on “providing clean water in poor countries
estimate that about half the projects fall into disrepair soon after their builders move on”
(Rosenberg, 2010). As the water projects are abandoned, not only does access to clean
water diminish, but also the trust and the initiative of the local people to try to address the
problem. In many ways by not building a sustainable system that can continue to be
operated and maintained by the local people, well intentioned projects actually left the
villagers worse off than if the venture had never been attempted. For the villagers, their
limited resources were further depleted and their faith in innovation had been diminished.
For a successful long term solution to water problems, it is important that the local people
can maintain the system, gradually take ownership, and then assume responsibility for
continued operation.
Water is needed every day, several times a day, by all people. This makes long term
sustainability critical to any water project. In 2009, 20% of the rural population of India did
not have access to clean drinking water and the average distance travelled to fetch water
from a well was one half to one kilometer (Kumar,2009). This inaccessibility continues to
be a serious health and economic issue in India and globally. “Provision of safe water supply
is one of the most effective tools to improve the health status of communities. It is
estimated that the burden of sickness in the world would be reduced by nearly 80% if it
were possible to supply safe water to people everywhere” (Kumar, 2009). According to the
World Health Organization “More people die from unsafe water annually than from all forms
of violence, including war” (World Water Day, 2010). UNICEF found that unsafe water
worldwide causes 4 billion cases of diarrhea annually and “in India alone, the single largest
cause of ill health and death among children is diarrhea, which kills nearly half a million
children each year.” (World Water Day 2010).
In India, one of the solutions for their water problems includes retail for-profit water sales
and buying from mobile suppliers. Both Coke and Pepsi bottled waters are present in shops
and restaurants in India, through their Dasani and Aquafina brands, as are a variety of local
providers, all part of the $100 billion global bottled water industry. The World Resources
Institute report (2007) finds bottled water comes at a significant price penalty compared to
surface or piped water systems. Studies show mobile distributors charge up to 10x more
than public utilities (Kariuki and Schwartz , 2005). An Asia Times article quotes research
from for-profit companies stating “consumers are readily paying for bottled water typically
costing a thousand times more per liter than high-quality municipal tap water” and the lack
of water access is failure of the government to provide basic services (Raja M, 2008).
Unfortunately, India faces many “basic service” issues and a fully functioning water system
is very costly.
There are several socially responsible companies exploring the market in India, one example
is WaterHealth International. They were profiled in Inc. Magazine as the “Do Good
Capitalist of the Year” in 2007. WaterHealth installs a water filtration system and offers
financing to local villages to purchase their water center packages. The villages then repay
their loans with the profits of the water sales. Many critics express concern at the expense
of the Water Health Systems. The Byrraju Foundation is quoted as saying “WaterHealth has
good intentions, but unless they can bring the costs down it’s really not sustainable”.
WaterHealth responded, “the model adopted by Byrraju Foundation was not sustainable as
it depended on subsidies” (Faheem, 2010). Initial cost and financing issues are challenges
for rural India and many areas trying to expand access to clean water.
Another developing for-profit enterprise is Hyderabad’s Waterlife. It is a franchise
opportunity that offers a franchisee the ability to pay Rs. 30,000 (approximately 45 Rs. per
US dollar) for the right to sell water at Rs. 5 per 20 liters, and the franchisee keep Rs. 2 per
20 liters for themselves and pay Rs. 3 to Waterlife. Gaurav Dwivedi, author of Public-
Private Partnerships in the Water Sector; Partnerships or Privatization, writes that these for-
profit enterprises “are being designed to enhance private profits without taking any serious
responsibilities for extending coverage, or improving efficiency” (Dwivedi, 2010). One
concern in letting the market decide water access is that large areas of rural India will be
left without coverage and continue to face poor health and continued poverty. According to
a KPMG study, rural access to safe water in India is at 32% of the population and in large
cities 73% of the population has access (Gauri 2010). The challenge of assuming the
private market will respond is that it is not lucrative enough to help the poor and the rural
areas; the challenge in waiting for governmental response is that the priorities of the Indian
government are overwhelmed by even more urgent social and economic issues. Could there
be another option?
As in the India example, often the government of a developing nation is overburdened and
unable to address basic needs. What can be done to attract businesses to provide basic
services for the poorest of people? Is it possible to make “profit for good”? The Financial
Times describes social entrepreneurship as a potential “big driver of India’s growth but
achieving scale at speed remains a challenge” (Murray, 2009). According to Sushimita
Ghosh, senior advisor to Ashoka, “The biggest driver in India is its vast potential market of
low end clients. India is home to 1/3 of the world’s poorest people, according to the World
Bank, which estimates that 42% of the country’s population lives below the poverty line.”
The density of the population and the great need of one of the most populous and poorest
nations offer an excellent opportunity for both achieving social missions and addressing
market demand. While India is making progress on reducing poverty per the World Bank
estimates, “The estimated poverty rates correspond to 267 million people living below a
dollar a day in 2005, down from 296 million in 1981. However, the number of poor under
$1.25 a day has increased from 421 million in 1981 to 456 million in 2005.” (Mozumdber,
The Skoll Foundation defines a social entrepreneur (Martin, 2007) in the following way;
“The social entrepreneur should be understood as someone who targets an unfortunate but
stable equilibrium that causes the neglect, marginalization, or suffering of a segment of
humanity; who brings to bear on this situation his or her inspiration, direct action,
creativity, courage, and fortitude; and who aims for and ultimately affects the establishment
of a new stable equilibrium that secures permanent benefit for the targeted group and
society at large. This definition helps distinguish social entrepreneurship from social service
provision and social activism.”
The definition of social entrepreneurship is still evolving and includes a hybrid approach of
not for-profit and for-profit enterprises that focus on a social mission. As discussed by R.
Scott Marshall, founder of the Center for Global Leadership in Sustainability, there is “an
emerging debate that SE manifests in multiple forms not for-profit, for-profit, and
‘‘hybrid’’ or cross-sector.” (Marshall 2011) The hybrid spectrum, as described in work of Kim
Alter, managing director of Virtue Ventures and founding member of the Social Enterprise
Alliance, shows a continuum incorporating four sections between the traditional nonprofit
and the traditional for-profit model: nonprofit with income generating activities, social
enterprise, socially responsible business and corporations practicing social responsibilities.
(Exhibit 1). It is in this hybrid spectrum that the Byrraju foundation is trying to define itself.
It no longer has the continuous support of its primary donors as a nonprofit, and its
commitment to mission and adopted villages limit Byrraju’s ability to increase income
options for the SWEET water project as a for-profit enterprise.
The Byrraju SWEET (Safe Water for Everyone using Effective Technology) water project was
started in 2004. As of 2011 they currently have nearly 60 water plants serving 1.2 million
people (Byrraju, 2011). The water goes through a seven step filtration process designed
specifically for the Byrraju foundation. (Exhibit 2). The filtered water is 99.7% pure. Each
plant can produce 1000-2000 liters per hour, providing clean drinking water at “2-3
litres…per person, per day at a nominal charge of 16 paise(100 paise per rupee equals
approximate cost of Rs.0.064 per liter). The overall user charge of Rs.2.5 for 12 liters meets
operational and maintenance costs of the system (price per liter Rs. 0.208). Delivery is
available for a small additional price. A sample system presented by the Byrraju
Foundation in 2009 at a rural development panel (Raju, 2009) showed the initial capital cost
of the system at 1,000,000 Rs./$21,000 USD (capital expense) and the operational costs at
30,000 Rs./ $630 USD per month for the first six months. The projection made at six
months was that the water sales would cover operational costs and a surplus would be
available for the village. The model called for the community to provide 250,000 Rs./$5,250
USD, the government to provide free land and access to water, and the donor (Byrraju) to
provide 750,000 Rs./$15,750 USD initial capital and the first six months of operational
expenses. This system not only provides affordable access to clean water for communities
but also provides livelihoods for three or more villagers.
The Customers:
Research has determined that 53% of the Byrraju customers “have household incomes of
less than 2,000 Rs. /$40 USD per month, indicating that the price charged is affordable
even to those earning as little as Rs.60-70 ($1.30) per day.” (Monitor, 2009). However, the
research showed that the price was not the only issue. 32% of those surveyed said they
would not purchase it even if the price was lower. They cited concerns with taste, and
preferred their unfiltered tap or other water sources. At the villages with access to the
water, adoption rates typically range between 20-45% and according to Monitors research
“all users of Byrraju water had begun use in the first three months of operation”. Research
done by a visiting college group through Virtue Ventures showed an apparent difference in
adoption rate skewed towards higher income and education levels. It can be very difficult
to market and educate a potential consumer that is accustomed to getting a need met for
“free” despite what that “free source” is costing them in latent health issues. Another
student group (Gita, 2009) quotes local villagers as saying “they would rather spend their
money on new clothes or to save for a television than for Byrraju water. We were surprised
people chose to spend on what were essentially luxury goods for them instead of such a
basic necessity as clean water. Many villagers here expressed skepticism about the health
benefits of Byrraju Foundation water, citing the longevity of their parents and grandparents
who drank only well water. Serving the lower income, lower educated market requires
education about adoption of a product that does not have the immediate gratification of
other purchases.
The Process:
To build a water treatment plant a village will contact the Byrraju Foundation and submit an
application, Residents are then asked to raise (donate) 75% of the total plant, building and
equipment costs (approximately $15,000). Byrraju adds the remaining funds (25% loan)
and provides expertise, supervision, and quality control. The village hires at least two
residents to run the facility and offers a delivery route to enterprising entrepreneurs who
earn a commission with each delivery. This system is scalable, efficient, provides safe
drinking water and job opportunities. The water treatment plant is a “shared investment”
between the foundation and the village. The village pays a percentage of sales to Byrraju
for the 25% initial cost and for continued maintenance and water quality testing. This
allows the “loan” to be paid back and villagers to have continued access to technological
resources. The entire plan that had worked so well for the last several years was now in
jeopardy due to Raju’s confession.
Sree Hari paced in his office, thinking about this process. Originally, following repayment of
the initial costs, Byrraju would reduce the percentage charged to the villages. With these
new financial issues there was a need to consider renegotiation of the contracts. The
foundations only stable income comes from the village water sales.
He had spoken to many people about a variety of options. These were some of the
1. Do a cost/benefit analysis, and then determine whether to raise prices or lower costs
(a standard business response). However, he felt that approach may conflict with the
foundation’s mission.
2. Sell the existing systems to competitors or merge with their more profitable systems.
3. Work to increase market share in the villages that had systems, although with
limited resources he would not be able to hire any new people.
4. Meet with government officials and apply for local and international grants.
5. Close down the operation and explain to the villages the problems and find another
job for himself. Almost any form of employment would be easier than this!
Sree Hari had some choices he needed to make. What should he put in his report to
Verghese? Not only was he trying to keep the SWEET water project alive, his
recommendations would impact the health and well being of Indian families trying to gain
access to clean water, and for the youngest members of the village it could become a
matter of life or death.
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