Ventresco, N. (2020). Detailed guidelines for test review project. [Assignment description]. Ewing,
NJ. Department of Psychology, The College of New Jersey.
11:59 PM ET
Identify a test of interest to you.
Visit the TCNJ library and search through Mental Measurements Yearbook (MMY),
located in
the reference section. The test you choose must have a printed review
within the last 20 years.
Some tests are reviewed
more than once; you
must use the most recent review.
Or you can search online at
This site will give a brief description of a test and will also indicate if there is a
printed review. The example below is the type of information you will find about
a test. The online search will make it easier to find the printed copy of the full
review in our library’s reference section. You may also download test reviews
online directly, if you do not wish to visit the library in person.
Title: Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Fourth Edition
Author: Wechsler, David
Purpose: Designed to assess the cognitive ability of children; provides four index scores
that reflect different abilities, important in the expression of intelligent behavior in the
classroom and beyond.
Acronym: WISC-IV
Publisher: Pearson
Publisher address: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259;
Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:
[email protected]; Web:
Reviewed In:
Spies, R. A., & Plake, B. S. (Eds.). (2005). The Sixteenth Mental Measurements
Yearbook. Lincoln, NE: Buros Institute of Mental Measurements.
Locate non-objective information on your test as well (see 4a below). If the test does
not have BOTH a formal review AND non-objective information, find another test.
Also, select a test that is still in use; not one that is no longer available. For example,
because the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – Fifth Edition is out, you
cannot review the Fourth Edition (listed above) for this project. Becoming familiar
with a currently used test will make the knowledge gained from this assignment more
useful for you in the future.
Once you have completed this step, submit the Google Form found on Canvas for
me to review and approve. Each test can only be reviewed by one student so the
earlier you complete this step the better chance you have of being able to review the
test you want. The final date for approval is October 16
After your test is approved, you will review both non-objective and objective
information about your test.
o Non-objective information can be found via online sources such as the test
publisher’s website or test catalogue. First read the non-objective
Ventresco, N. (2020). Detailed guidelines for test review project. [Assignment description]. Ewing,
NJ. Department of Psychology, The College of New Jersey.
information and formulate a “layperson’s” opinion about the test. Consider
what circumstances it is useful in (what questions would it answer? For
what group of test-takers age, ability level is it designed?). Do you get a
sense this is a “good” test?
o Objective information is found in the library. Go to the library and locate
the objective review from Mental Measurements Yearbook. Please note that the
library is your best option for locating objective information on your test at
no charge. Often tests are reviewed more than once, so be sure to obtain
the most recent review. In Mental Measurements, there are usually two
reviewers for each test. You should read both reviews and point out any
differences. Another excellent overview of testing information can be
found at: <> This site
details various references and the type of information that each yields.
Write a summary of the test including the information listed below. If there is no
information on any of the topics, indicate in your paper that no information was
provided AND make suggestions. (This way, I can tell the difference between a
student who failed to include information on a topic and a topic for which there was
no information to include). If information is missing for critical topics such as
norms, reliability, and validity - what would you recommend?
General Information
Title of test
Date of Publication
Versions available format (paper and pencil, online/PC); languages
Scoring services – hand scoring, online, etc
Qualifications required to order/administer the test
Purpose and Nature of Test
What construct(s)are measured?
What does the test predict?
What behavior is the test taker required to perform?
Target population (age, special population)
What is the nature of the test (maximal performance, typical performance,
observation, self-report)
Item type(s)
Types and number of scores reported
Practical Evaluation
o Physical design of test materials
Readability (font and reading level)
Ventresco, N. (2020). Detailed guidelines for test review project. [Assignment description]. Ewing,
NJ. Department of Psychology, The College of New Jersey.
o Administration
Approximate time needed as well as if test is timed
Group or individual
Method of administration
Examinee response
Clarity of administration procedures
Ease of administration
o Is test manual comprehensive (information on construction, reliability,
validity, norms, fairness)
o Clarity of scoring procedures
o Face validity
Technical Evaluation
o Type and appropriateness of normative samples [how, when, where was
norm group developed; subgroup norms (age, gender, region); types of
norms (percentiles, grade level, standard)]
o Type, appropriateness, and quality of reliability measures
o Type, appropriateness, and quality of validity measures
o Fairness
Given the psychological construct being measured (and intended use)
should there be fairness information provided?
If there is information provided what does it indicate in terms of
differential score distributions or differential validity for this test?
Strengths and Weaknesses
What strengths and weaknesses does the reviewer identify?
If there is more than one review, do the reviewers differ? Do you agree?
After the summary, contrast your findings with your initial impression. Be sure to
conclude with a final recommendation regarding this instrument’s usefulness with the
intended target group.
SAMPLE Test Review Reference- DO NOT list the name of the test author – you do not
have access to the test; you are reporting on what the review author wrote.
Last name, first initial of review author. (Year of MMY publication). [Review of the name of
test.] In name(s) of MMY editors, The [edition] mental measurements yearbook (pp. xxx-
xxx). Lincoln, NE: Buros Institute of Mental Measurements.
Sandoval, J. (2003). [Review of the Woodcock-Johnson III]. In B. S. Plake, J. C. Impara, &
R. A. Spies (Eds.), The fifteenth mental measurements yearbook (pp. 1024-1028).
Lincoln, NE: Buros Institute of Mental Measurements.
Ventresco, N. (2020). Detailed guidelines for test review project. [Assignment description]. Ewing,
NJ. Department of Psychology, The College of New Jersey.
Oral presentation. You will have 10 minutes to present relevant information on your
test to the class during the last 2 weeks of the semester. You will NOT be able to present
ALL the information in your paper. Pretend your boss is considering using this test and
asked for your summary/recommendation. Keep to the most important facts. Dress
professionally. A sample test review paper and PowerPoint for the Woodcock-Johnson Test
of Achievement – Third Edition are provided on Canvas. Thus, nobody will be able to
review the WJ Test of Achievement this semester.