Copyright © 2021 Journal of High Technology Law and Danielle C. Breen.
All Rights Reserved. ISSN 1536-7983.
Danielle C. Breen
I. Introduction
Fake news is a term deeply embedded into our everyday
The spread of disinformation online has led to a rapid
change in the way that stories are consumed and viewed by the public.
There are even media outlets designed exclusively for spreading false
newsmany under the guise of well-known networks.
It is more
J.D. Candidate, Suffolk University Law School, 2021; B.A. French Language &
Literature, B.A. Sociology, University of Colorado Boulder, 2016. Danielle can be
reached at [email protected].
See Fernando Nuñez, Note, Disinformation Legislation and Freedom of
Expression, 10 U.C. IRVINE L. REV. 783, 786 (2020) (describing fake news as
information that is “routinely used to describe subjectively unfavorable content or
inaccurate content that is the result of a mistake.”); Holly Kathleen Hall, Deepfake
Videos: When Seeing Isn’t Believing, 27 CATH. UNIV. J. L. & TECH. 51, 53 (2018)
(defining fake news as “information that is invented by people or governments for
their own purposes”).
See Nuñez, supra note 1, at 786 (noting the speed at which false information
spreads online). “Research from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
suggests that false content spreads up to six times faster than factual content on social
media sites and false news stories are seventy percent more likely to be shared.” Id.
See Don’t get fooled by these fake news sites, CBS NEWS (Nov. 17, 2019)
[hereinafter Don’t get fooled], archived at https://perma.cc/ARS8-7JMY (listing
various fake news websites that the public should be aware of); Maxwell Library,
Evaluating Websites: Identifying Fake News Sources, BRIDGEWATER STATE UNIV.
(Nov. 17, 2019), archived at https://perma.cc/5E6M-GPA9 (identifying different
ways to determine if a website is fake). For example, the website abcnews.com.co
is designed to fool users into believing it is the authentic ABC News site. Don’t get
fooled, supra.
important than ever before to aptly identify disinformation.
A large
portion of the public is skeptical of previously trusted content.
However, even with growing awareness of disinformation, an
alarmingly high percentage of people still admit to knowingly sharing
false information online.
Modern technology and computer-generated imagery further
complicate the ability to decipher true information.
Through artificial
imagery known as “deepfake,” it is now possible to take
disinformation to the next level by creating doctored videos of events
See Nuñez, supra note 1, at 78586 (explaining the difference between
disinformation and misinformation). Disinformation is a more serious threat to
freedom of expression because it is information that is deliberately created to mislead
and influence the public, unlike misinformation, which may be shared under a
genuine belief that its contents are truthful.” Id. See Cat Zakrzewski, Report urges
social media companies to take down ‘provably’ false information, BOS. GLOBE
(Sept. 3, 2019), archived at https://perma.cc/5VVT-SNBQ (providing nine
recommendations from a New York University report on how social media
companies should combat the spread of disinformation on their platforms).
See Joshua Benton, Here’s how much Americans trust 38 major news organizations
(hint: not all that much!), NIEMANLAB (Oct. 5, 2018), archived at
https://perma.cc/2P5W-RCBP (asserting that 72% of Americans trusted the media in
1972 compared to 32% in 2016). See also Ashley Smith-Roberts, Article, Facebook,
Fake News, and the First Amendment, 95 DENV. L. REV. 118, 120 (2018) (describing
the goal behind the spread of disinformation as “‘erod[ing] trust in mainstream
media, public figures, government institutions”’); Madeline Lamo & Ryan Calo,
Regulating Bot Speech, 66 UCLA L. REV. 988, 99394 (2019) (discussing the
prevalence of bots and how quickly they can generate false content online).
See Michael Barthel et al., Many Americans Believe Fake News Is Sowing
Confusion, PEW RSCH. CTR. (Dec. 15, 2016), archived at https://perma.cc/DZB9-
NN58 (providing statistics showing that 23% of Americans admitted to sharing a
fake news story). See also Patrick Huston & Eric Bahm, Deepfakes 2.0: The New
Era of “Truth Decay”, JUST SEC. (Apr. 14, 2020), archived at
https://perma.cc/92WS-6Y2G (declaring that “[o]ver half of Generation Z gets its
news and information primarily from social media and messaging apps on their
See Rebecca Delfino, Pornographic Deepfakes: The Case for Federal
Criminalization of Revenge Porn’s Next Tragic Act, 88 FORDHAM L. REV. 887, 889
90 (2019) (stating that deepfakes and technology used to create them have become
“widely available”); Douglas Harris, Article, Deepfakes: False Pornography is Here
and the Law Cannot Protect You, 17 DUKE L. & TECH. REV. 99, 99100 (2019)
(quoting Google’s CEO who believes that “artificial intelligence will change
humanity more profoundly than fire.”). See also USPTO Launches Fake Specimen
Informant Program, GERBEN (Jan. 23, 2020) [hereinafter USPTO], archived at
https://perma.cc/4CZF-WLZP (reporting on fake images infiltrating patent and
trademark applications).
or people.
Deepfake creators use existing images and manipulate
them to construct completely different impressions of what occurred.
Although some deepfakes are identifiable with the naked eye, the
public’s ability to recognize them is likely to decline as technological
innovation enables the creation of more realistic doctored videos.
This new technology threatens the traditional treatment of video
evidence by courts as a trustworthy representation of events.
See Bill Hochberg, YouTube Won’t Take Down A Deepfake of Jay-Z Reading
Hamlet “To Sue Or Not To Sue”, FORBES (May 18, 2020), archived at
https://perma.cc/XT8S-9GZD (highlighting the issue that deepfakes pose when an
individual’s likeness is used without their consent); David Frum, The Very Real
Threat of Trump’s Deepfake, ATLANTIC (Apr. 17, 2020), archived at
https://perma.cc/XA5S-9PDJ (reporting how Donald Trump intentionally tweeted an
obvious deepfake video of Joe Biden while serving as president). See also Benjamin
Goggin, From porn to Game of Thrones’: How deepfakes and realistic-looking fake
videos hit it big, BUS. INSIDER (July 23, 2019), archived at https://perma.cc/X3LB-
8GP3 (outlining the long history of individuals creating deepfake videos of
politicians). In April 2018, BuzzFeed created a deepfake video of Barack Obama
saying things he never actually did to warn the public about the dangers of deepfake
technology. Id. Another deepfake video in July 2018 made Alexandria Ocasio-
Cortez appear as though she was unable to answer interview questions. Id. In May
2019, a deepfake video made Nancy Pelosi appear drunk at a political engagement.
See Bobby Chesney & Danielle Citron, Deep Falls: A Looming Challenge for
Privacy, Democracy, and National Security, 107 CALIF. L. REV. 1753, 1756 (2019)
(recounting how a deepfake video of a Parkland High School shooting survivor’s
speech quickly went viral).
See id. at 1757 (noting that sophisticated deepfake technologies are maturing
rapidly.”); Alex Engler, Fighting deepfakes when detection fails, BROOKINGS INST.
(Nov. 14, 2019), archived at https://perma.cc/5RRB-EQ2K (describing different
ways to identify deepfakes); Kevin Stankiewicz, ‘Perfectly real’ deepfakes will
arrive in 6 months to a year, technology pioneer Hao Li says, CNBC (Sept. 20,
2019), archived at https://perma.cc/GKX5-2GAG (warning that deepfake
technology will soon be so realistic that humans will not be able to spot manipulated
videos with the naked eye). “Carefully made deepfakes can already be very realistic,
though only under certain circumstancesan attentive observer will notice that
convincing deepfakes focus on individuals who don’t wear glasses or have beards,
and typically use a stationary camera.” Engler, supra.
See Jane A. Kalinski, Jurors at the Movies: Day-In-The-Life Videos as Effective
Evidentiary Tool or Unfairly Prejudicial Device?, 27 SUFFOLK UNIV. L. REV. 789,
78990 (1993) (illustrating the value behind video evidence as a tool for lawyers to
present information in a more digestible form to juries). See also Jonathan Mraunac,
The Future Of Authenticating Audio And Video Evidence, LAW360 (July 26, 2018),
archived at https://perma.cc/VUZ2-AWGE (examining the inherent trust that juries
justice system views the ability of jurors to make determinations using
visual evidence so highly that a District of Columbia Appeals Court
held it constitutionally permissible for prosecutors to exclude blind
persons from juries.
People like to believe what they see with their
own eyes, and the prevalence of deepfake imagery makes this an
incredibly dangerous assumption.
The growing use of deepfake technology will require courts to
re-evaluate the typical treatment of video evidence. A large number
of jurisdictions have traditionally allowed the admission of video
evidence in jury trials without a witness testifying before the jury that
the video is a fair and accurate representation of what occurred. The
evidence is deemed reliable behind the scenes by a judge and then
presented to the jury. With deepfakes causing many people to question
the authenticity of seemingly reliable videos, it is urgent that this
practice changes. Deepfake videos will force courts to always require
a witness to testify before the jury about the accuracy and authenticity
and society as a whole put into video evidence); David Dorfman, Decoding
Deepfakes: How do Lawyers Adapt When Seeing Isn’t Always Believing?, 80 OR.
STATE BAR BULL. 18, 20 (2020) (warning that all deepfakes cannot be identified with
detection technology).
See Yael Granot et al., In the Eyes of the Law: Perception versus Reality in
Appraisals of Video Evidence, 24 PSYCH. PUB. POLY & L. 93, 93 (2017) (describing
the holding in United States v. Watson, 483 F.3d 828 (D.C. 2007)). Prosecutors
striking blind persons from the jury demonstrates the idea that one must be able to
see in order to fully comprehend all of the evidence in a case. Id. Visual evidence
is so highly regarded in the justice system that it is seen as a way to mitigate juror
bias towards other pieces of evidence in a case. Id.
See Dorfman, supra note 11, at 20 (predicting that “in the not-so-distant future, as
manipulated media becomes more prevalent, an equal concern may be the impact of
deepfakes on trust in visual and audio recordings generally.”); Pakinam Amer,
Deepfakes are getting better. Should we be worried?, BOS. GLOBE (Dec. 13, 2019),
archived at https://perma.cc/WE47-U9R7 (warning how “[v]ideo is not a substitute
for truth . . . at least not anymore.”); Drew Harwell, Top AI researchers race to detect
‘deepfake’ videos: ‘We are outgunned’, WASH. POST (July 12, 2019), archived at
https://perma.cc/3N8Y-C484 (discussing the dangers of highly realistic deepfakes
on perception and efforts to combat them); Grace Shao, Fake videos could be the
next big problem in the 2020 elections, CNBC (Oct. 15, 2019) [hereinafter Deepfakes
in 2020 elections], archived at https://perma.cc/25MP-9AEQ (cautioning how the
public will need to consider whether videos of politicians are deepfakes during the
2020 election). See also Philip Ewing, What You Need To Know About Fake Video,
Audio, And the 2020 Election, NPR (Sept. 2, 2019), archived at
https://perma.cc/S8JW-F5MX (describing how deepfakes are often detected after
having a widespread negative impact on the subject’s image).
of video evidence in order to mitigate jurors doubt about the reliability
of evidence.
II. History
A. The Pictorial Evidence Theory
There are traditionally two different approaches to admitting
video evidence in court: the pictorial evidence theory and the silent
witness theory.
Under the pictorial evidence theory, visual evidence
is only admissible when a witness can testify before the jury that the
evidence is a fair and accurate representation of what occurred.
theory rests on the idea that any photographic or video evidence is just
a “graphic portrayal of oral testimony,” and therefore must be verified
See Tracey Bateman Farrell, Construction and Application of Silent Witness
Theory, 116 AM. L. REV. 1, 2 (2019) (detailing the two approaches that courts take
towards admitting video evidence). See also FED. R. EVID. 401 (providing the test
for relevant evidence); FED. R. EVID. 402 (providing circumstances under which
relevant evidence is admissible); FED. R. EVID. 403 (providing circumstances under
which a judge may decide to keep relevant evidence out). Under both the silent
witness and pictorial evidence theory, the judge completes the 403-weighing test to
determine whether to allow the visual evidence in for the jury’s consideration. FED.
R. EVID. 403. See also James Alexander Tanford, THE PREJUDICE RULE, IND.
UNIV. MAURER SCH. L. (2014), archived at https://perma.cc/QYJ5-WJ6H
(illustrating how the 403 balancing inquiry works). Relevant evidence will be
excluded if its probative value is substantially outweighed by the risk of unfair
prejudice. Id.
See Farrell, supra note 14, at 2 (explaining the pictorial evidence standard). See
also Ex parte Rieber, 663 So. 2d 999, 1009 (Ala. 1995) (holding that a witness’s
knowledge must be verified under pictorial evidence theory). The court held that the
prosecution must demonstrate that the witness testifying about the events in the
security tape had intimate knowledge of what occurred. Id. at 1011. See also Fisher
v. State, 643 S.W.2d 571, 573 (Ark. Ct. App. 1982) (holding that videotape evidence
could not be admitted without a witness under the pictorial evidence theory). The
Fisher Court held that absent a witness verifying the events in the videotape were
accurately represented and the video was not tampered with prior to trial, it could not
be admitted into evidence. Id. at 57374. See also Ex parte Fuller, 620 So. 2d 675,
679 (Ala. 1993) (providing an example of questioning that appropriately laid the
foundation for the pictorial evidence theory). The prosecution questioned an
investigator who was present while the Defendant gave a recorded statement. Id.
The questions included the investigator’s experience with the particular tape recorder
used, whether he had played the recording before trial, and whether it was an accurate
representation of what occurred. Id.
as correct by a witness.
The witness must testify that the video
accurately represents the subject discussed, but they do not need to
have been present at the time it was created.
There is also no
requirement that the witness be an expert in photography or
The witness only needs to have personal knowledge of
the subject material to reliably confirm that the events presented are
The classic example of the pictorial evidence theory is a
medical examiner testifying before the jury during a murder trial about
the nature of a victim’s wound.
The pictorial evidence theory became increasingly relevant
with the development of photo-editing technology such as Adobe,
which gave parties the ability to easily alter evidence.
This theory
See Jordan S. Gruber, Foundation for Contemporaneous Videotape Evidence, 16
AM. JURIS. PROOF FACTS 493, § 5 (2019) [hereinafter Contemporaneous Videotape
Evidence] (setting forth why photographic and video evidence must be verified by a
sponsoring witness at trial). Under the pictorial evidence theory, the “witness must
testify that witness has sufficient personal knowledge of scene or events pictured or
sounds recorded and that item offered accurately and reliably represents actual scene
or sounds.” Id.
See Benjamin V. Madison III, Scientific Evidence Symposium: Note: Seeing can
be Deceiving: Photographic Evidence in a Visual Age How much Weight does it
Deserve?, 25 WM. & MARY L. REV. 705, 708 (1984) (introducing requirements of
witnesses under the pictorial evidence theory). The pictorial evidence theory is used
with fingerprint and other evidence that is not meaningful to an “untrained eye”
without explanation. Id. The pictorial evidence theory is also commonly used to
depict conditions described by a witness, such as how far away something was at the
time of an accident. Id. at 710.
See Contemporaneous Videotape Evidence, supra note 16, § 5 (reiterating that the
witness need only have “sufficient personal knowledge” under the pictorial evidence
See id. (maintaining that a witness may have any background so long as they have
personal knowledge of events).
See Madison, supra note 17, at 710 (observing how medical examiners are
frequently required to provide context in murder cases because images of wounds
cannot be fully understood as accurate alone). “Photographic displays allow an
examiner to illustrate wounds that are difficult to conceptualize, such as numerous
stab wounds, multiple bruises, or extensive damage resulting from a gunshot
wound.” Id.
See Brian Barakat & Bronwyn Miller, Authentication of Digital Photographs
Under The “Pictorial Testimony” Theory: A Response to Critics, 78 FLA. BAR J. 38,
38 (2004) (discussing the importance of the pictorial evidence theory in litigation).
Manipulation of an image requires human action and allowing a person to testify to
a jury about the content of an image prior to and after its manipulation allows the
jury to still understand the image as “a true and accurate representation of what he
permits a jury to hear witness testimony regarding any alterations
made to a photograph or video before concluding that the image is an
accurate representation of what the witness saw.
This allows the
introduction of video evidence that may be altered for reasons deemed
permissible by a judge, such as lightening the video to better show an
B. The Silent Witness Theory
In contrast to the pictorial evidence theory, the silent witness
theory admits visual evidence absent a qualifying witness.
a judge deems whether there is a sufficient foundation to admit the
evidence without a witness testifying before the jury.
The theory was
or she saw.” Id. See also Ashley Brown, Article, Picture
ImPerfect: Photoshop Redefining Beauty in Cosmetic Advertisements, Giving False
Advertising a Run For the Money, 16 TEX. REV. ENT. & SPORTS L. 87, 9092 (2015)
(summarizing the developments of Photoshop since its creation in 1987).
See Bakarat & Miller, supra note 21, at 40 (reiterating how a witness need only to
testify to the foundational facts of the photograph in front of the jury for
authentication). Foundational facts can be as simple as the witness being able to
identify the subject in the photograph or video. Id. It is the responsibility of the
adverse party to challenge the photo or video evidence admitted. Id. See Timothy
Williams et al., Police Body Cameras: What Do You See?, N.Y. TIMES (Apr. 1,
2016), archived at https://perma.cc/JK6X-LCNA (exposing issues of perception
with video evidence). The New York Times study showed how police body cameras
only show the officer’s perspective and may not be an accurate depiction of what
actually occurred. Id. When the officer wore his chest camera, as many officers do
in the United States, it appeared he was in a threatening interaction with another
individual. Id. However, when the film of the interaction is shown from another
angle, the viewer sees that the interaction was actually two people dancing together.
Id. The reporter witnessing the two officers verified the actual interaction. Id.
See Madison, supra note 17, at 709 (asserting how altered evidence may be
admitted under the pictorial evidence theory if “the jury can understand the changes
in appearance that occurred between the relevant time and the time the photograph
was taken.”).
See Farrell, supra note 14, at 2 (indicating the components of the silent witness
theory). The silent witness theory allows for admission absent a sponsoring witness
because of the idea that the video evidence speaks for itself and its authenticity is
corroborated. Id. There are no set requirements to authenticate video evidence
because the facts of each case vary so widely. Id.
See id. (describing how evidence is authenticated under the silent witness theory).
Evidence under the silent witness theory draws its reliability from circumstances
other than a witness testifying that the image or video is an authentic portrayal of
originally proposed to more easily allow X-ray images and
surveillance videos into evidence.
The silent witness theory is a
representation of the inherent trust that society places in video
evidence because it demonstrates the belief that the video is a non-
biased account of events.
Under this theory, evidence is admissible
at the trial court judge’s discretion upon a showing that the video was
created under reliable processes and untampered with between the time
it was taken and presented to the court.
Judges admit visual evidence
under the silent witness theory as a trusted substitute for a qualifying
witness’s account of what happened; in other words, the process in
which the evidence was obtained is deemed sufficiently reliable for
Most jurisdictions apply the silent witness theory,
what they saw. Id. See Jordan S. Gruber, Videotape Evidence, 44 AM. JURIS. TRIALS
171, § 60 (2020) [hereinafter Videotape Evidence] (noting that foundational
requirements for the admission of evidence are more relaxed under the silent witness
theory). If there is no authenticating witness, the offering party can use “some other
testimony, such as a chain-of-custody argument or ‘the testimony of a photographic
expert who has determined that it had not been altered in any way and was not built-
up or faked,’ which clearly establishes the authenticity and competency of the
photographic evidence.” Id.
See Contemporaneous Videotape Evidence, supra note 16, § 5 (outlining the
original justification for the adoption of the silent witness theory). X-rays do not
provide any observations directly to a witness, which spurred courts to adopt the
silent witness theory to have them more easily admitted into evidence. Id. See also
Videotape Evidence, supra note 25, § 60 (indicating that the silent witness theory
can also come into play when there is no verifying witness to verify the accuracy of
the video).
See Granot et al., supra note 12, at 94 (emphasizing the trust placed in video
evidence by stating that viewers may be disinclined to question the creation of
images and what information is excluded); Zachariah B. Parry, Note, Digital
Manipulation and Photographic Evidence: Defrauding the Courts One Thousand
Words at a Time, 2009 ILL. J. L. TECH. & POLY 175, 176 (2009) (commenting on
the persuasive power of photographic evidence despite the fact that it “has never
been easier for photos to misrepresent the truth”).
See Contemporaneous Videotape Evidence, supra note 16, § 5 (outlining policy
considerations for using the silent witness theory). If the process behind the creation
of the video is deemed inherently reliable by the judge, the evidence may “speak for
itself.” Id. See Madison, supra note 17, at 711 (discussing why courts apply the
silent witness theory). Courts are generally reluctant to limit the use of photographic
evidence, which is a large underlying policy reason behind the application of the
silent witness theory. Id.
See Ex parte Fuller, 620 So. 2d 675, 678 (Ala. 1993) (explaining why the silent
witness theory allows evidence to be admitted absent a witness).
showcasing the insurmountable value placed in video evidence to
show what actually happened in a case.
This assumption of
reliability can create issues in the courtroom, as case law demonstrates
that even multiple Supreme Court Justices have watched the same
video and concluded that different versions of events occurred.
Courts have adopted a variety of different approaches under the
silent witness theory.
This is because judges emphasize the facts in
each case vary so widely that it is difficult to apply one uniform
standard to evaluate all video evidence.
Some courts set general
guidelines in the application of the silent witness theory rather than
mandatory standards.
Other courts created a standard simply
[T]he process or mechanism substitutes for the witness’s senses,
and because the process or mechanism is explained before the
photograph, etc., is admitted, the trust placed in its truthfulness
comes from the proposition that, had a witness been there, the
witness would have sensed what the photograph, etc., records.
Id. See Madison, supra note 17, at 71011 (articulating the weight evidence is given
after admission under the silent witness theory). “In practical terms, such
photographic evidence assumes greater significance than photographic evidence
authenticated by testimony. Instead of supplementing testimony on an issue, the
photographic evidence forms an independent basis upon which the proponent may
establish a fact or occurrence.” Id. at 711.
See Farrell, supra note 14, at 2 (asserting that while most jurisdictions have not
expressly adopted the silent witness theory, very few have explicitly rejected it);
Wagner v. State, 707 So. 2d 827, 830 (Fla. App. 1998) (setting forth the rationale
behind the silent witness theory).
See Granot et al., supra note 12, at 94 (reiterating what occurred in Scott v. Harris,
550 U.S. 372 (2007)). In Scott, the driver of a vehicle had a dashboard camera that
showed him crashing. Id. The majority of Supreme Court Justices agreed that
summary judgment was appropriate because no reasonable juror could watch the
dashboard video and conclude that the driver was not reckless. Id. However, a few
of the Justices disagreed. Id. See also Kalinski, supra note 11, at 79899 (stressing
the dangers of using video evidence in jury trials). Although video evidence is a
powerful tool to condense tedious information into a more digestible format for
jurors, it creates a strong possibility for misrepresentation and misunderstanding. Id.
See generally Farrell, supra note 14 (listing cases in different jurisdictions
outlining various approaches to the silent witness theory in civil and criminal cases).
See id. at 2 (indicating that most courts generally have not taken a specific
approach to authenticating evidence under the silent witness theory).
See id. (introducing specific silent witness theory guidelines listed by an Indiana
appeals court); State v. Anglemeyer, 691 N.W.2d 153, 16162 (Neb. 2005) (holding
that evidence is admissible when “it is a correct reproduction of what it purports to
depict.”); Kindred v. State, 524 N.E.2d 279, 298 (Ind. 1988) (holding that video
requiring verification of the chain of custody of the photographic or
video evidence.
A few courts have outlined specific step-by-step
processes that must be taken in order to verify video evidence.
of the more restrictive step-by-step approaches is the seven-prong
standard, adopted by Alabama courts, which lays out an enumerated
procedure of verifying the creation process of a video before it can be
admitted into evidence.
The goal of the seven-prong standard is to
ensure that video evidence is properly deemed authentic by the court
evidence just needs a strong showing of authenticity under the facts of the case to be
admitted under the silent witness theory).
See Mraunac, supra note 11 (discussing the chain of custody approach to the silent
witness theory). Evidence should be established that the camera was working
properly, the system was reliable, and that the evidence was properly handled until
the start of trial. Id. See also Mendoza v. Mashburn, 747 So. 2d 1159, 1172 (La. Ct.
App. 1999) (reiterating that “[t]he purpose of the chain of custody rule is to assure
the integrity of the evidence.”); Meador v. State, 664 S.W.2d 878, 880 (Ark. Ct. App.
1984) (maintaining that “[t]he purpose of the rule requiring a chain of custody is to
guard against the introduction of evidence which is not authenticated.”); Nelson v.
State, 687 P.2d 744, 746 (Okla. Crim. App. 1984) (asserting how [t]he purpose of
the chain-of-custody rule is to ensure that the physical evidence against the accused
has not been tampered with or altered.”).
See Mraunac, supra note 11 (outlining the five-step test used by some jurisdictions
in applying the silent witness theory). A recording’s authenticity is determined by a
set of five factors: “(1) evidence of time and date, (2) the presence or absence of
evidence of tampering, (3) the operating condition and capability of the equipment
as it relates to the accuracy and reliability of the product, (4) operating, testing and
security procedures, and (5) the identification of participants depicted in the
recording.” Id.
See Bohannon v. State, 222 So. 3d 457, 49495 (Ala. Crim. App. 2015) (applying
the seven-prong standard for the silent witness theory).
[The seven-prong] standard requires: (1) a showing that the device
or process or mechanism that produced the item being offered as
evidence was capable of recording what a witness would have seen
or heard had a witness been present at the scene or event recorded,
(2) a showing that the operator of the device or process or
mechanism was competent, (3) establishment of the authenticity
and correctness of the resulting recording, photograph, videotape,
etc., (4) a showing that no changes, additions, or deletions have
been made, (5) a showing of the manner in which the recording,
photograph, videotape, etc., was preserved, (6) identification of the
speakers, or persons pictured, and (7) for criminal cases only, a
showing that any statement made in the recording, tape, etc., was
voluntarily made without any kind of coercion or improper
prior to it ever reaching the jury.
This practice assures that jurors
evaluate video evidence in light of the circumstances of the case rather
than question whether or not it is authentic.
The jurisdictional
discrepancies regarding application of the silent witness theory
demonstrate both the complexity of visual evidence and the value
behind it.
In allowing this authentication process to occur outside of
the courtroom, the court system reinforces the inherent trust built into
video evidence by juries and society.
However, the silent witness
theory has the potential for serious error because not all judges are
familiar enough with modern photo and video editing technology to
fully understand the processes through which evidence may be
createdlet alone to rightfully evaluate authenticity.
See id. at 494 (articulating the rationale behind adopting the seven-prong standard
in Alabama criminal courts). But see Videotape Evidence, supra note 25, § 61
(arguing that the seven-prong test to verify chain of custody and foundational
requirements is an unnecessarily high standard for the admission of video evidence).
See Pressley v. State, 770 So. 2d 115, 13233 (Ala. Crim. App. 1999) (providing
an example of a court applying the seven-prong test to verify video evidence prior to
its admission). The court held the seven-prong test was satisfied when the officer
testified how the video surveillance system worked, the video was kept in his sole
custody, the video was in the same condition at trial, and that there were no changes
made to the video since it was in his custody. Id. See Videotape Evidence, supra
note 25, § 62 (conceding that there may be a “revival of certain foundational
requirements” with the prevalence of video editing).
See Farrell, supra note 14, at 2 (listing different circumstances where visual
evidence was admitted under the silent witness theory). “Courts have held police
surveillance videotapes, bank, store, or business security surveillance videotapes,
and videotapes from a bank automatic teller machine admissible . . . [o]ne court has
also held that enhanced still prints made from a videotape were admissible . . . . Id.
See Patterson Dubois, Some Observations on the Psychology of Jurors and Juries,
53 PROC. AM. PHIL. SOCY 307, 316 (1914) (emphasizing the impact that visual
evidence has on the perception of truth in cases); Mraunac, supra note 11
(highlighting common phrases used to demonstrate trust in video and photographic
evidence such as seeing is believing”). The very fact that the photographs are
handled about and continually referred to, that witnesses have seen that conditions
for years . . . gradually works upon the minds of the jurors because no one can say
that none of these things are so.” Dubois, supra.
See Melissa Whitney, How to improve technical expertise for judges in AI-related
litigation, BROOKINGS INST. (Nov. 7, 2019), archived at https://perma.cc/U8BB-
PQD9 (suggesting a need to have technical advisers to educate judges on technology
and AI-related issues in litigation to ensure that they properly consider evidence);
Judge Herbert B. Dixon Jr., Deepfakes: More Frightening Than Photoshop on
Steroids, A.B.A. (Aug. 12, 2019), archived at https://perma.cc/85NZ-T2QK
C. Deepfake Technology
Deepfakes are currently the most advanced form of digital
image manipulation, but they are certainly not the first.
photoshop technology developed in 1987, and over the course of its
growth has been put to increasingly deceptive use.
Modern examples
include Adobe’s Project VoCo, which makes doctored audio with a ten
minute sample of the subject speaking so realistic that it is referred to
as Photoshop for the human voice.”
Similar to photoshop,
deepfakes can have harmful consequences on public perception, but
(cautioning about the challenges deepfakes will bring to the courtroom when parties
have conflicting testimony about the authenticity of a video); Debra Cassens Weiss,
Should there be a duty of tech competence for judges? Survey raises questions,
A.B.A. J. (May 10, 2019) [hereinafter Tech Competence for Judges], archived at
https://perma.cc/SYA7-LCDY (quoting a 2019 survey where two-thirds of judges
stated that they need more e-discovery training); Riana Pfefferkorn, ‘Deepfakes’: A
New Challenge for Trial Courts, WASH. STATE BAR ASSN (Mar. 13, 2019), archived
at https://perma.cc/4B5A-KNN7 (warning how trial courts will need to become apt
at confronting deepfakes).
See Brown, supra note 21, at 90 (summarizing the evolution of photo editing
software). Countries such as England, France, and Brazil all enacted regulation
surrounding photo editing because it is so common. Id. at 93.
See id. at 90 (tracing the development of photoshop back to a PhD student at the
University of Michigan in 1987); Michael Scott Henderson, Note, Applying Tort Law
to Fabricated Digital Content, 2018 UTAH L. REV. 1145, 114849 (2018) (discussing
how courts have already had to confront edited photos in the context of child
pornography); Ewing, supra note 13 (noting how Photoshop makes it extremely
simple for the public to manipulate still images); Parry, supra note 27, at 18283
(emphasizing the ease at which novice photo editors can manipulate images using
Photoshop). “With a moderate amount of expertise” users can significantly alter
photos to add things such as water or snow, open a door, or change what someone is
wearing. Parry, supra.
See Nicholas Mirra, Putting Words in Your Mouth: The Evidentiary Impact of
Emerging Voice Editing Software, 25 RICH. J. L. & TECH. 1, 8 (2018) (explaining
how VoCo creates fake audio). “The VoCo user can individually adjust each
phoneme within any word in the sentence in order to create a sentence that flows as
naturally as a real human statement.” Id. The user can also alter duration and pitch
of words to make the recording more realistic. Id. See also Debra Cassens Weiss,
Eckert Seamans lawyer warns about voice fakers after he nearly wired $9k to
scammer, A.B.A. J. (Mar. 10, 2020) [hereinafter Eckert Seamans], archived at
https://perma.cc/QFC6-WLDE (proffering an example of an attorney falling victim
to a voice-editing technology scam). A lawyer nearly wired $9,000 to a scammer
after receiving a call that he believed was from his son. Id.
that is not the technology’s sole purpose.
The first use of deepfakes
to alter images can actually be attributed to harmless fun on social
media, such as using filters to add features like dog ears to someone’s
In recent years, deepfake technology has transitioned from
innocent use to more problematic purposes.
Technological advances
creating more convincing doctored photos and videos make deepfakes
even more dangerous than previous digital editing technology.
The mainstream term “deepfake” derives from a Reddit user’s
username who first began using the technology to create fake
See Danielle S. Van Lier, The People vs. Deepfakes: California AB 1903 Provides
Criminal Charges for Deepfakes Activity to Guard Against Falsified Defaming
Celebrity Online Content, 43 L.A. LAW. 16, 18 (2020) (arguing that deepfake
technology could have positive impacts on the entertainment industry by making
special effects cheaper and less time-consuming); Chesney & Citron, supra note 9,
at 176971 (providing examples of possible beneficial uses of deepfakes in
education, art, and autonomy); Huston & Bahm, supra note 6 (stating that early
deepfakes were “largely used for entertainment purposes.”); Carlos Melendez, It's
All Fun And Games Until Someone Gets Hurt: The Implications Of Deepfakes,
FORBES (Dec. 27, 2019), archived at https://perma.cc/S6QN-4SPD (acknowledging
several uses of deepfakes and noting that “until recently, it was harmless”).
See Melendez, supra note 46 (citing the origins of deepfakes in social media).
See Charlotte Jee, An Indian politician is using deepfake technology to win new
voters, MIT TECH. REV. (Feb. 19, 2020), archived at https://perma.cc/6BST-NDNZ
(reporting on how the president of India’s Bharatiya Janata Party appeared in the first
deepfake video used for political campaigning purposes). The first video showed
the Bharatiya Janata Party president speaking in English, and the second video, a
deepfake, showed him speaking in Haryanvi, the Hindi dialect spoken by the political
party’s target voters. Id. See Melendez, supra note 46 (illustrating examples of
recent uses of deepfake technology to portray American public figures in a negative
light). An example of this is the editing of an interaction between a CNN reporter
and an intern to make it appear as though the reporter attacked the intern by removing
a portion of the tape where the CNN reporter said “pardon me, ma’am.” Id.
See Chesney & Citron, supra note 9, at 177186 (warning about the various harms
deepfakes can have on individuals, organizations, and society); Grace Shao, What
‘deepfakes’ are and how they may be dangerous, CNBC (Oct. 13, 2019) [hereinafter
What Deepfakes Are], archived at https://perma.cc/6T9N-5XQ4 (addressing the
danger of deepfakes accuracy deceiving people into believing falsities); Engler,
supra note 10 (describing how “the use of this technology to manipulate facial
expressions and speech, or face-swap an individual into a video, has garnered the
greatest concern.”). See also Van Lier, supra note 46, at 18 (warning that deepfakes
can be created “in a matter of hours using an adequately powerful home computer.”).
pornographic videos of celebrities.
It was this use of deepfake videos
that originally captured public attention.
The word “deepfake” is
derived from a combination of the phrases “deep learning” and
Deep learning refers to the process of training technology to
become more intelligent by continuously feeding it information.
Deepfakes can create a false representation of events by superimposing
a person’s face on another’s body or by changing the contents of what
a person is saying.
Currently, deepfakes are largely used to create
See Russell Spivak, “Deepfakes”: The Newest Way to Commit One of the Oldest
Crimes, 3 GEO. L. TECH. REV. 339, 339 (2019) (referencing the beginnings of
deepfake technology). An anonymous user on Reddit “superimposed images of
celebrities such as Gal Gadot (Wonder Woman), Masie Williams (Game of Thrones),
and Daisy Ridley (Star Wars) onto the bodies of adult video stars in pornographic
films.” Id. at 33940. This led to the shocking realization that online users could
create anything they wanted through the manipulation of images. Id. See Rachel
Metz, The number of deepfake videos online are spiking. Most are porn, CNN (Oct.
7, 2019), archived at https://perma.cc/CFX3-9GWV (recounting the rise of
deepfakes in 2017 on Reddit). See also Van Lier, supra note 46, at 17 (distinguishing
the difference between “cheap fakes and “deepfakes”). “Deepfakes should not be
confused with the more prevalent ‘shallow fakes’ or ‘cheap fakes,’ videos
manipulated through traditional video editing techniques or simply deceptively
labeled to convey a narrative different from that actually depicted in the video.” Id.
See Hayley Duquette, Note, Digital Fame: Amending the Right of Publicity to
Combat Advances in Face-Swapping Technology, 20 SUFFOLK UNIV. J. HIGH TECH.
L. 83, 105 (2019) (detailing how the creation of celebrity deepfake pornography
caught public attention). See also Delfino, supra note 7, at 89394 (focusing on the
development of “Fake App” to make video editing easier after a Reddit user first
created deepfake pornography). Before FakeApp's development, the production of
realistic doctored videos was an expensive and arduous process confined to
Hollywood movie studios. FakeApp's creator achieved the goal of ‘mak[ing]
deepfakes’ technology available to people without a technical background or
programming experience.’” Id.
See Metz, supra note 50 (explaining the origin of the word deepfake).
See Harris, supra note 7, at 100 (chronicling how deep learning works in the
context of pornographic images).
See Spivak, supra note 50, at 339 (defining deepfakes); Duquette, supra note 51,
at 10405 (describing how deepfakes first became controversial through
superimposing celebrities’ faces on pornographic actors); What Deepfakes Are,
supra note 49 (refining further the definition of deepfakes). “Deepfakes refer to
manipulated videos, or other digital representations produced by sophisticated
artificial intelligence, that yield fabricated images and sounds that appear to be real.”
What Deepfakes Are, supra.
pornography, but they are also used in other avenues such as politics.
Examples of political deepfake videos include doctored videos of
Nancy Pelosi appearing drunk at a speaking engagement, Italy’s prime
minster speaking in a hoarse whisper, an Indian politician speaking in
a different dialect, and Barack Obama calling Donald Trump a
These examples of foreign and domestic deepfake use
demonstrate the technology’s ability to manipulate global public
To fully grasp how deepfakes work, it is helpful to understand
that a video is simply a series of still images strung together in a
Deepfake technology uses an intelligent algorithm to
See Metz, supra note 50 (offering statistics on how deepfakes are used). “While
much of the coverage about deepfakes has focused on its potential to be a tool for
information warfare in politics, the Deeptrace findings show the more immediate
issue is porn.” Id. Deeptrace said 96% of identified deepfakes featured pornographic
content. Id.
See Jee, supra note 48 (reporting on how an Indian political candidate used a
deepfake video of him speaking in a Hindi dialect to influence a key demographic of
voters); Siddharth Venkataramakrishnan, Can you believe your eyes? How deepfakes
are coming for politics, FIN. TIMES (Oct. 24, 2019), archived at
https://perma.cc/3VQQ-CR5T (delving into various ways deepfakes were recently
used in politics to create false impressions including examples of Nancy Pelosi and
the Italian Prime Minister); Kaylee Fagan, A viral video that appeared to show
Obama calling Trump a 'dips---' shows a disturbing new trend called ‘deepfakes’,
BUS. INSIDER (Apr. 17, 2018), archived at https://perma.cc/VFD4-5HVF (explaining
how a deepfake video of Barack Obama calling Donald Trump a “dipshit” went
viral). Comedian Jordan Peele created the video of Barack Obama calling Donald
Trump a “dipshit” in just fifty-six hours with the help of a professional video editor
to demonstrate the danger behind deepfake technology. Fagan, supra. See also
Sharon D. Nelson & John W. Simek, 96 Percent of Deepfake Videos Are Women
Engaged in Sexual Acts, SLAW (Mar. 25, 2020), archived at https://perma.cc/34ZS-
LBKE (discussing the fact that most deepfakes online are pornography).
See Duquette, supra note 51, at 105 (emphasizing the immorality of using
someone’s likeness to create deepfakes); Venkataramakrishnan, supra note 56
(inferring the power altered videos of politicians can have on public perception of
events); Daniel Thomas, Deepfakes: A threat to democracy or just a bit of fun?, BBC
NEWS (Jan. 23, 2020), archived at https://perma.cc/M643-ER3A (critiquing how
politicians can use deepfakes as a defense to their behavior caught on tape). In 2018,
the governor of Sao Paulo, Brazil, claimed that a video of him engaged in an orgy
was a deepfake as a defense. Thomas, supra. The public was unable to conclusively
refute his claims. Id.
See Mraunac, supra note 11 (summarizing the basics of video evidence). Digital
video cameras capture light and turn it into digital information by stringing a series
manipulate these images, otherwise referred to as deep learning.
Two different types of algorithms are used to create deepfake videos:
discriminative and generative algorithms.
Discriminative algorithms
classify data by looking at the subject’s features and assigning it a
category or label.
An example of this would be determining whether
an email message is spam or not.
In contrast to discriminative
algorithms, generative algorithms operate in the reverse: they first
assume the category, and then determine what features make the data
of images along to create a video. Id. Sound waves are captured by a microphone
and then turned into an electrical signal that is stored on a video tape. Id. Although
most cameras record sound and images at the same time, it should be noted that two
separate devices capture sound and images. Id.
See Spivak, supra note 50, at 344 (articulating how deepfake technology is created
through algorithm manipulation); What Deepfakes Are, supra note 49 (defining deep
learning). Deepfake technology uses deep learning, which refers to algorithm
arrangements that are capable of training themselves in order to make independent
decisions. What Deepfakes Are, supra. Deep learning is a “subset of AI.” Id. See
Bernard Marr, What Is Deep Learning AI? A Simple Guide With 8 Practical
Examples, FORBES (Oct. 1, 2018) [hereinafter What is Deep Learning AI?], archived
at https://perma.cc/R5RN-6379 (refining further the definition of deep learning).
Deep learning is when machines become capable of performing tasks that typically
require human intelligence. Id. Deep learning occurs through an algorithm
repeatedly performing tasks and slightly changing them in order to become more
intelligent. Id. Deep learning gets its name because the neural networks have
various (deep) layers that enable learning.” Id.
See Spivak, supra note 50, at 34243 (naming the two types of algorithms used to
create deepfake videos). See generally Andrew Ng, Lecture, Generative Learning
Algorithms, STAN. (2015), archived at https://perma.cc/DW6X-LLUJ (analyzing
discriminative and generative algorithms at a high level).
See Spivak, supra note 50, at 342 (explaining the function of discriminative
algorithms). “‘Discriminative algorithms try to classify input data; that is, given the
features of a data instance, they predict a label or category to which that data
belongs.’” Id.
See id. (using the email spam example to demonstrate how discriminative
algorithms work). See also Ng, supra note 60 (setting forth another way to think
about discriminative algorithms using animal classifications).
First, looking at elephants, we can build a model of what elephants
look like. Then, looking at dogs, we can build a separate model of
what dogs look like. Finally, to classify a new animal, we can match
the new animal against the elephant model, and match it against the
dog model, to see whether the new animal looks more like the
elephants or more like the dogs we had seen in the training set.
more likely to fall into that particular group.
Using the same email
example, if a message is identified as spam, the generative algorithm
attempts to predict what features of the email increase the probability
that it is considered spam.
Discriminative and generative algorithms became more
advanced in 2004 when University of Montreal researcher Ian
Goodfellow created the Generative Adversary Network (GAN) to
produce realistic fake photos.
The use of GANs later expanded to
encompass video editing.
GANs simultaneously train discriminative
and generative algorithm models.
A neutral network within the
GAN, called the generator, generates new and artificial images, while
the discriminator network evaluates the authenticity of those images.
See Spivak, supra note 50, at 343 (discussing how generative algorithms work).
“[A] generative model provides a way to generate data that looks like it came from
the dataset. Instead of predicting a label given certain features, it attempts to predict
features given a certain label.” Id.
See id. (applying the spam e-mail message example to generative algorithms).
See id. (crediting Ian Goodfellow with the invention of the GAN, which “pits
[discriminative and generative] algorithms against one other.”); George Lawton,
Generative adversarial networks could be most powerful algorithm in AI,
TECHTARGET (June 6, 2018), archived at https://perma.cc/9EBM-GA63 (examining
why the development of the GAN was important for artificial intelligence research).
See also Jordan Novet, One of Google’s top A.I. people has joined Apple, CNBC
(Apr. 4, 2019), archived at https://perma.cc/3ZMX-JW4F (describing Ian
Goodfellow’s background as a widely respected researcher in artificial intelligence).
The article describes Goodfellow as “the father of an AI approach known as general
adversarial networks, or GANs, [whose] research is widely cited in AI literature.”
See Spivak, supra note 50, at 34445 (explaining how GANs have evolved
throughout the years to encompass video editing, including infamous deepfake
See id. at 34345 (outlining the training processes necessary for GANs to train
discriminatory and generative algorithms); Chesney & Citron, supra note 9, at 1760
(emphasizing how powerful GANs are). “The result far exceeds the speed, scale,
and nuance of what human reviewers could achieve. Growing sophistication of the
GAN approach is sure to lead to the production of increasingly convincing deep
fakes.” Chesney & Citron, supra. See generally IAN J. GOODFELLOW ET AL.,
GENERATIVE ADVERSARIAL NETS (Univ. Montreal, ed. 2014) (discussing GANs at a
high technical level).
See Chesney & Citron, supra note 9, at 1759 (defining a neutral network “as a kind
of tabula rasa featuring a nodal network controlled by a set of numerical standards
set at random”); Lawton, supra note 65 (asserting that “[t]he main benefit of GANs
is a neural network only interprets the world through the lens of its training data”);
The goal of this training is to eventually make the generator images so
convincing that the discriminator network believes that they belong in
the dataset.
The model repetition allows the GAN to become
“smarter” and make more decisions on its own.
This is the process
that creates deepfake videos.
To summarize deepfake technology in the simplest way
possible, consider this analogy from a professor at the University of
Think of the process for creating deepfakes as a
personal trainer for computer software.
The algorithm compares
images to one another to identify characteristics that it then uses to
Spivak, supra note 50, at 34344 (explaining how a generator and discriminator
network work together); Mika Westerlund, The Emergency of Deepfake Technology:
A Review, 9 TECH. INNOVATION MGMT. REV. 39, 41 (2019) (developing further how
the generator and discriminator networks interact with each other).
These two networks called “the generator” and “the discriminator”
are trained on the same dataset of images, videos, or sounds. The
first then tries to create new samples that are good enough to trick
the second network, which works to determine whether the new
media it sees is real. That way, they drive each other to improve.
Westerlund, supra.
See Spivak, supra note 50, at 344 (noting the point at which images become a
deepfake). “After enough of this ‘training,’ the algorithm is refined enough to
‘convincingly manipulat[e] video on the fly,’ meaning it will generate images into
each individual video frame such that when played regularly, the video appears
seamless. This process produces a deepfake.” Id. See also Lawton, supra note 65
(discussing how the training process gives GANs a better understanding of the world
over time); What is Deep Learning AI?, supra note 59 (explaining how GANs can
better perform and assess tasks when they are given more data to learn from).
See Lawton, supra note 65 (highlighting how GANs make it possible for “‘AI [to
generate] previously unseen data that may be completely novel and unique, but
agrees with the same type and class of data in the real world”).
See Spivak, supra note 50, at 34445 (illustrating how GANs and repetitious
training create deepfake videos).
With deepfakes, the generator constructs new video frames, while
the discriminator tries to discern whether the frame, with its
superimposed subject, is authentic (say, an actual video frame of
the original actor) or fake (a doctored video frame of the actor in a
compromising position). If the discriminator cannot tell the real
images from the false images, a human may not be able to either.
Id. at 345.
See Demystifying Deepfakes: 3 Truths About AI-Generated Videos, UNIV. PA.
(Nov. 14, 2019) [hereinafter Demystifying Deepfakes], archived
at https://perma.cc/K8T9-TTEF (crediting professor Michael Kearns with the
personal trainer deepfake analogy).
See id. (analogizing the creation of deepfakes to personal training).
create a fake image.
The computer continues to identify the fake
image from the real one, and each time it identifies the fake, the next
false image that the computer creates is more authentic, or in “better
shape” under the personal trainer analogy.
D. Identifying Deepfake Videos
Before deepfakes became as sophisticated as they are today, it
was fairly easy to spot a doctored video.
One could look for simple
tells in a video suggesting that it was fake such as irregular blinking,
differences in quality of certain segments, and unnatural movements.
More complex and modern technology is making it increasingly
difficult to spot such simple changes.
Even if it is possible to identify
alterations with the naked eye, doing so would require familiarity with
the video subject’s typical mannerisms in order to notice deviations
that would expose the video as a deepfake.
The concern with the
See id. (describing how GANs work in simpler terms).
See id. (noting that computers train themselves on how to create deepfake videos).
See Bernard Marr, The Best (And Scariest) Examples Of AI-Enabled Deepfakes,
FORBES (July 22, 2019) [hereinafter Examples of AI-Enabled Deepfakes], archived
at https://perma.cc/F2RR-LHEY (detailing examples of deepfakes since 2017).
Some of the earliest examples of deepfakes occurred in 2017 when a Reddit user
superimposed celebrities’ faces on porn actors to create deepfake pornography. Id.
These uses of deepfake technology were far less sophisticated than later uses such as
the University of Washington-created deepfake editing the contents of Barack
Obama’s speech. Id.
See Connor Levesque, Deepfakes Explained: What, Why and How to Spot Them,
LEXLYTICS (Mar. 7, 2019), archived at https://perma.cc/MZL7-63WB (outlining
factors to consider in determining whether a video is a deepfake); What Deepfakes
Are, supra note 49 (listing ways to spot a deepfake video). Viewers can also look
for tells such as a face appearing too smooth, eyes and ears not matching, and
fuzziness in the video. What Deepfakes Are, supra.
See Chesney & Citron, supra note 9, at 1759 (stressing the effect technological
advances have on identifying deepfakes); What Deepfakes Are, supra note 49
(emphasizing the increase in access and sophistication of deepfake videos). “While
the detection of doctored audio and video was once fairly straightforward, the
emergence of generative technology capitalizing on machine learning promises to
shift this balance.” Chesney & Citron, supra.
See Adrienne LaFrance, The Technology That Will Make It Impossible for You to
Believe What You See, ATLANTIC (July 11, 2017), archived at
https://perma.cc/2MU9-SX6R (warning how many people may not even think to
question a video’s authenticity if it is realistic enough). People may be unaware of
public’s inability to detect deepfakes is prompting many researchers to
generate deepfake identification tools, such as databases of identified
deepfake videos and applications to verify digital media authenticity.
However, the number of researchers working on identifications tools
is severely outpaced by the amount of fake videos created, with some
experts estimating that the ratio of deepfake creators to researchers is
as high as one hundred to one.
the deepfake identification databases to verify a video’s authenticity, and people
“shar[ing] misinformation unintentionally will likely exacerbate the increasing
distrust in experts who can help make sense of things.” Id. See David Ingram &
Jacob Ward, How do you spot a deepfake? A clue hides within our voices,
researchers say, NBC NEWS (Dec. 14, 2019), archived at https://perma.cc/XT7J-
VQGV (commenting on the public difficulty in spotting a deepfake video). Members
of the public can be easily misled by content if are unfamiliar with the person
speaking in the video. Id. Examples of what this may look like include Elizabeth
Warren’s head movements while public speaking and Barack Obama’s frowning tell
when he delivers bad news. Id.
See Davey Alba, Tool to Help Journalists Spot Doctored Images Is Unveiled by
Jigsaw, N.Y. TIMES (Feb. 4, 2020), archived at https://perma.cc/B9M5-89JS
(reporting on how a new tool called “Assembler” will enable reporters to spot
doctored images through “analyz[ing] an image and highlight[ing] where it thinks
those [signs of manipulation] are.”); Amer, supra note 13 (discussing research at
DeepTrace Labs and the University of California to combat deepfake videos); Press
Release, PR Newswire, Tamperproof Media Startup Announces Seed Round and
Company Launch; Combats Digital Fraud And Deepfakes With Data Validation
Platform (Mar. 18, 2020) (on file with author) [hereinafter Attestiv, Inc.]
(announcing the development of Attestiv, Inc., whose “platform uses AI and
blockchain technology to validate and secure the authenticity of digital media”);
What Deepfakes Are, supra note 49 (describing initiatives to identify and detect
deepfakes). Microsoft and Facebook are detecting and removing deepfake videos
and are collaborating with universities to create a database of fake videos. What
Deepfakes Are, supra. See also Elizabeth Culliford, Facebook, Microsoft launch
contest to detect deepfake videos, REUTERS (Sept. 9, 2019), archived at
https://perma.cc/9TDC-52SK (reporting on how Facebook invested $10 million in a
Deepfake Detection Challenge). See generally SUPASORN SUWAJANAKORN ET AL.,
(introducing the first major study conducted on deepfakes to warn the public about
the technology’s power to influence perception).
See Harwell, supra note 13 (providing estimates on the number of researchers
versus the number of deepfake creators); Amer, supra note 13 (describing the fight
to create deepfake detection technology as a “‘cat and mouse game’” with deepfake
creators); Chesney & Citron, supra note 9, at 1762 (cautioning that “[f]or better or
worse, deep-fake technology will diffuse and democratize rapidly.”). See also
Nelson & Simek, supra note 56 (articulating how the four biggest deepfake sites
received “a combined 134 million views”).
III. Premise
A. Video Evidence and Courtroom Perception
With the rising prevalence of technology in the courtroom and
in crime television shows, jurors almost expect to see some form of
photo or video evidence in court.
Even prosecutors emphasize how
powerful video evidence can be in the courtroom.
Video evidence
can visually tell the jurors what happened in a case as well as have an
important emotional effect.
Some scholars compare the weight that
jurors give to video evidence to the “CSI effect,” which is the concept
that the commonality of police body cameras and video surveillance
leave jurors surprisedand perhaps disappointedif there is no video
evidence offered at trial.
PRIMER FOR PROSECUTORS 12 (Bureau Just. Assistance, ed. 2016) (discussing the
impact of video evidence in the courtroom). Some estimates say that video evidence
is used in as many as 80% of criminal cases. Id. It is also noted that juries are
influenced by what they see on television and expect to see video evidence more
frequently as a result. Id.
See John Schwartz & Katie Zezmia, With Video Everywhere, Stark Evidence Is on
Trial, N.Y. TIMES (Dec. 8, 2010), archived at https://perma.cc/5GCH-F829
(reiterating how videos are typically a “main feature” of many cases). A Cornell law
professor notes that video evidence is so important that during jury selection
prosecutors often consider how potential jurors will able to process video evidence
in highly emotional cases. Id.
See id. (contrasting different opinions on the use of video evidence in court and its
impact). Legal experts say the rise of accessible technology such as cell phone
camera will force judges to reevaluate the way they admit video evidence. Id. The
District Attorney in Suffolk County, Massachusetts said it is “a powerful tool for us
in determining the truth.” Id. A defense attorney noted that the power of video
evidence requires defense attorneys to regularly file motions to challenge video
evidence. Id. A juror noted in a sexual molestation case that the video was not
necessary to convict but still had an intense emotional impact on him while
considering the case. Id.
See Paula Hannaford-Agor, Are Body-Worn Cameras the New CSI Effect?, 30 CT.
MANAGER 3 (2015) (inferring that jurors expect to see some form of video evidence
due to the growing prevalence of surveillance and cell phone video in society). See
also Honorable Donald E. Shelton, Juror Expectations for Scientific Evidence in
Criminal Cases: Perceptions and Reality about the “CSI Effect” Myth, 27 W. MICH.
UNIV. COOLEY L. REV. 1 (2010) (noting that jurors who watch CSI have higher
expectations of seeing some form of forensic evidence in criminal cases). A study
Disagreements can arise over what occurred even with
untampered video evidence.
A study conducted by The New York
Times explored perception disputes through reporters demonstrating
different points of view of the same incident by filming a staged
interaction from different angles.
They compared the footage taken
by two police officers’ body cameras with the footage taken at the
same time by a reporter at a different angle.
Each of the officers’
body cameras made it appear as though they had an altercation,
whereas it was evident from the reporter’s camera angle that the
officers were dancing with each other.
Another illustration of the
complexities of perception was seen in Scott v. Harris, where
dashboard video evidence played a large role in the United States
Supreme Court’s holding that a police officer used unjust force in a car
chase and caused the plaintiff’s injuries.
In contrast to the majority’s
perception of the dashboard video, Justice Stevens and several lower
court judges disagreed and posited a different version of what they
believe occurred.
revealed 58.3% of jurors expect to see some kind of scientific evidence in every
criminal case, 42.1% expect DNA evidence in every criminal case, and 56.5% of
jurors expect to see fingerprint evidence in every criminal case. Id.
See Williams et al., supra note 22 (showing disagreement over what occurred in a
police body camera video). See also Granot et al., supra note 12, at 96 (describing
a study where participant viewers missed crucial details when asked to focus on a
specific portion of a video). In one study, 46% of people watching a scene with
people passing a ball failed to see distractions coming right through the middle of
the video. Id.
See Williams et al., supra note 22 (explaining the different camera angles used in
the study). One angle was filmed from a police officer’s body camera and the other
was filmed from a reporter’s vantage point where both parties could be seen. Id.
See id. (setting forth how the footage of the incident was compared in the study).
See id. (highlighting the bias that comes from how video footage is obtained and
In this case, the struggle” appears to be far more involved than it
actually is because the camera is mounted on the officer’s chest,
producing herky-jerky movements that exaggerate what’s going on.
Even if the camera was on the officer’s glasses or hat, the up-close
footage would be confusing proof that perspective matters.
See Scott v. Harris, 550 U.S. 372, 37576 (2007) (providing the facts of the case).
See id. at 37881 (detailing the Supreme Court’s view of what occurred on the
videotape evidence). The Court rejects the lower court’s interpretation that the
Respondent was driving with care, holding that it clearly appeared that Respondent
was fleeing from the police. Id. See Granot et al., supra note 12, at 94 (emphasizing
B. Disinformation and its Consequences on Public
Further complicating the impression of events is the alarming
prevalence of disinformation in the era of fake news.
In the United
States, most people are familiar with, or at the very least have heard
of, the impact of false information on the 2016 presidential election.
To illustrate the effect of disinformation, consider the fact that a false
story claiming the Pope endorsed Donald Trump received over two
million Facebook engagements.
In contrast, the top New York Times
news story that year received just over 300,000 online engagements,
highlighting the power of a sensational false headline in grabbing
public attention.
Many news commentators suggest that Donald
Trump won the 2016 presidential election because of the prevalence
the fact that some Americans had widely different interpretations of the video that
the Supreme Court Justices used to make their judgment). A quarter of 1,300
Americans surveyed disagreed with the Supreme Court Justices’ views on what
occurred in the video. Id.
See Nuñez, supra note 1, at 785 (reiterating the difference between misinformation
and disinformation is that disinformation “is deliberately created to mislead and
influence the public”); Barthel et al., supra note 6 (providing statistics on the
prevalence of sharing fake news). 23% of Americans have shared a fake news story,
knowingly or not, and 64% say that fake news stories cause confusion about current
events. Barthel et al., supra. See also Hall, supra note 1, at 55 (sharing an MIT
Twitter study that found a false story spread “six times more rapidly than a true
See Danielle Kurtzleben, Did Fake News On Facebook Help Elect Trump? Here's
What We Know, NPR (Apr. 11, 2018), archived at https://perma.cc/PTX9-CMC4
(discussing the various impacts of fake news on the 2016 presidential election).
More than a quarter of voters in the 2016 election visited a fake news site. Id.
See Hannah Ritchie, Read all about it: The biggest fake news stories of 2016,
CNBC (Dec. 30, 2016), archived at https://perma.cc/8MTB-7W8U (recapping the
top fake news stories of the 2016 presidential election).
See Hunt Allcott & Matthew Gentzkow, Social Media and Fake News in the 2016
Election, 31 J. ECON. PERSP. 211, 212 (2017) (focusing on the fact that popular fake
news stories were shared more often on Facebook than popular mainstream news
stories); Lamo & Calo, supra note 5, at 999 (asserting that the prevalence of
disinformation is furthered through bots which “can help spread false or misleading
news or else stoke national strife during a crisis or other salient news event.”); Nelson
& Simek, supra note 56 (reporting that there is no absence of demand for these
images” as there were 134 million views of deepfake videos on the four most popular
deepfake sites).
of disinformation, demonstrating its dangerous effects on the public.
Coupled with the disconcerting rise of false news stories is the
expanding presence of deepfake videos, which are projected to
increase in the coming years.
Deepfakes are gaining so much
traction that companies are forming specifically to create doctored
videos for customers.
Like the effect that false news stories had on
the 2016 presidential election, deepfake videos similarly can have a
massive impact on public perception of events.
Just as people are
See Lamo & Calo, supra note 5, at 998 (citing statistics showing that bot activity
spreading stories on election day was “five-to-one pro-Trump to pro-Clinton”);
Allcott & Gentzkow, supra note 95, at 212 (stating commentators suggested that
Donald Trump won the 2016 election because of the prevalence of fake news
stories); Caitlin Dewey, Facebook fake-news writer: ‘I think Donald Trump is in the
White House because of me’, WASH. POST (Nov. 17, 2019), archived at
https://perma.cc/S3HW-Y3NQ (interviewing a fake news reporter who stresses that
many people take stories at face value); Hannah Jane Parkinson, Click and elect: how
fake news helped Donald Trump win a real election, GUARDIAN (Nov. 14, 2016),
archived at https://perma.cc/9Q8Q-9YBF (emphasizing that millions of people
clicked on political fake news stories shared on Facebook); Max Read, Donald
Trump Won Because of Facebook, N.Y. MAG. (Nov. 9, 2016), archived at
https://perma.cc/DGY8-9Z5K (focusing on the alarming fact that many online users
simply read fake news headlines and discuss them with others as though they are
See Metz, supra note 50 (noting the huge increase in the number of deepfake
videos online counted by a study in October 2019). Deeptrace said there was an 84%
increase in deepfake videos online since its last count in December 2018. Id. See
also Harwell, supra note 13 (comparing the number of researchers creating deepfake
detection technology to the number of people creating deepfake videos). “‘We are
outgunned,’ said Hany Farid, a computer-science professor and digital-forensics
expert at the University of California at Berkeley. ‘The number of people working
on the video-synthesis side, as opposed to the detector side, is 100 to 1.’” Id.
See Delfino, supra note 7, at 893 (assessing the impact of “Fake App” by stating
“[b]efore [its] development, the production of realistic doctored videos was an
expensive and arduous process”); Chesney & Citron, supra note 9, at 1763
(recounting how quickly the public began using “Fake App” to manipulate images
once it appeared online); Michael Andor Brodeur, The future of your face on the
Internet, BOS. GLOBE (Feb. 13, 2020), archived at https://perma.cc/55EC-2FP3
(reporting on how “[o]ur face can be peeled off and deepfaked onto other bodies”
through apps Morphin and Doublicat); Nelson & Simek, supra note 56 (discussing
the easy accessibility to deepfake creation technology through avenues such as the
$50 app called DeepNude); Venkataramakrishnan, supra note 56 (providing that
Deepfakes Web charges two dollars an hour to create deepfake videos).
See Amer, supra note 13 (noting that while “one single incident of a deepfake may
not lead to a permanent distortion of facts” multiple instances will cause public
distrust in photos and videos); Huston & Bahm, supra note 6 (stating that “deepfakes
likely to believe what they read online is true, studies have shown over
and over again that people tend to believe what they see, despite
knowing that videos can misrepresent facts.
Even judges can
disagree over legal implications of video evidence to the point where
cases are decided differently on appeal because of conflicting
evidentiary interpretations.
C. Legislative Action to Curb Deepfakes
In December 2019, the President signed the first bill
concerning deepfakes into law.
The law, a part of the National
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020, requires a report on
foreign use of deepfakes, notification to Congress of foreign deepfake
misuse to influence elections, and the creation of a competition to
encourage deepfake research.
A number of other bills regarding
pose ‘an extraordinary threat to the sound functioning of government, foundations
of commerce and social fabric.’”); Venkataramakrishnan, supra note 56 (citing
examples of deepfakes used against powerful public figures such as Matteo Renzi,
Italy’s former prime minister, and Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi); Fagan, supra
note 56 (discussing how a deepfake video of Barack Obama calling Donald Trump
a “dipshit” quickly became widely circulated).
See Granot et al., supra note 12, at 9798 (warning how powerful video evidence
can be in convincing people that a fake event occurred). In a study conducted by a
bank where no participants illicitly took money, the bank was still able to convince
participants that they stole money after showing them a doctored video in which it
appeared that they stole. Id. After watching the video, while knowing that they did
not steal, participants would confess to taking money from the bank. Id.
See id. at 97 (summarizing McDowell v. Sherrer, 374 Fed. Appx. 288 (3d. Cir.
2010) where judges disagreed on what was demonstrated through video evidence).
In McDowell, a district court judge granted summary judgment for a prison guard
after viewing a video of a prison altercation and finding it conflicted with the
prisoner’s claim that the guard used excessive force against him. Id. An appeals
court reversed the grant of summary judgment, holding that the district court judge
assigned too much weight to what she believed she saw in the video and should have
left the question of excessive force to the jury. Id.
See Matthew Ferraro et al., First Federal Legislation on Deepfakes Signed Into
Law, WILMERHALE (Dec. 23, 2019), archived at https://perma.cc/C9CV-FQFG
(announcing that Donald Trump signed the first law concerning deepfakes on
December 20, 2019).
See id. (summarizing the report that will be delivered to Congress in 2020 on
deepfakes by the Director of National Intelligence). The report to Congress is
required to include (1) the technological capabilities of foreign countries to create
deepfake reporting and research are also pending in Congress.
most significant is H.R. 3230, otherwise known as the Deepfakes
Accountability Act, which mandates transparency when videos are
falsely edited in order to combat the spread of disinformation and
incorrect perception.
The Deepfakes Accountability Act calls for
specific ratifications for tampered videos, such as mandatory inclusion
of digital watermarks and express disclosures that describe how the
video was altered.
deepfakes; (2) how disinformation from foreign governments could harm the United
States’ elections; (3) what technology the United States can develop to combat
deepfake attacks; (4) current deepfake capabilities of the United States; (5) an
explanation of what is currently being done regarding deepfakes in the United States;
and (6) recommendations for additional needs to combat deepfakes. Id. See National
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020, S. 1790, 116th Cong. (2019)
(enacted) (authorizing the appropriations and policies for the Department of
See Defending Each and Every Person from False Appearances by Keeping
Exploitation Subject to Accountability Act of 2019, H.R. 3230, 116th Cong. (2019)
(providing guidelines to regulating and marking tampered videos); Deepfake Report
Act of 2019, S. 2065, 116th Cong. (2019) (requiring the Department of Homeland
Security to report on state of “digital content forgery technology” during specified
periods); Identifying Outputs of Generative Adversarial Networks Act, H.R. 4355,
116th Cong. (2019) (asking for federal support in manipulated media research).
See H.R. 3230 (naming proposed legislation by Congress that protects the public
from disinformation spread through deepfakes); Dorfman, supra note 11, at 21
(asserting that the Deepfakes Accountability Act is “[t]he most significant bill in
Congress”). See also Chesney & Citron, supra note 9, at 1758 (highlighting the
issues of subject consent that arise with the creation of deepfakes). “Although deep
fakes can be created with the consent of people being featured, more often they will
be created without it.” Id.
See H.R. 3230 § 1041 (a)(e) (specifying ratifications needed for altered videos
under the Texas law). The new regulations include providing a digital watermark on
the altered image; and an audiovisual disclosure; a visual disclosure; or an audio-
disclosure. Id. See also Daniel Lipkowitz, Article, Manipulated Realty, Menaced
Democracy: An Assessment of the Deep Fakes Accountability Act of 2019, 2020
N.Y.U. J. LEGIS. & PUB. POLY QUORUM 30, 31 (2020) (critiquing the reforms
outlined in the DeepFakes Accountability Act). Watermarks can be easily removed
and it is difficult to find the creators of false content. Id. However, the legislation
is a step in the right direction towards regulating deepfakes because it (1) draws a
clear line between criminal and non-criminal deepfakes; and (2) current criminal and
tort law does not adequately address harms caused by deepfakes. Id.
However, there is still an alarming lack of state legislation
pertaining to deepfake video use.
This is incredibly dangerous
because accurate public perception of events is extremely vulnerable
when powerful individuals and organizations endorse deepfake
Despite the shortcomings of most states, others realized the
imminent threat of deepfakes and took action.
Virginia amended its
law banning the use of images “with the intent to coerce, harass, or
intimidate” another person to encompass falsely created videos in early
Texas then became the first state to amend its Election Code
to explicitly criminalize the creation and distribution of deepfakes
See Kenneth Artz, Texas Outlaws 'Deepfakes'but the Legal System May Not Be
Able to Stop Them, LAW.COM (Oct. 11, 2019), archived at https://perma.cc/VDM3-
T444 (noting the lack of action in the legal system to criminalize deepfake videos);
Dorfman, supra note 11, at 21 (foreshadowing that more states will begin to enact
deepfake legislation when they realize deepfakes can “manipulate financial markets,
slander professional and personal rivals, incite violence and blackmail people falsely
depicted as engaging in unethical conduct.”).
See Venkataramakrishnan, supra note 56 (cautioning on the immense power
deepfakes have when shared by public officials). Donald Trump shared an altered
video of Nancy Pelosi on Twitter which received 30,000 retweets and 90,000 likes.
Id. See Lauren Feiner, Facebook says the doctored Nancy Pelosi video used to
question her mental state and viewed millions of times will stay up, CNBC (May 24,
2019), archived at https://perma.cc/ZGZ2-G6S4 (emphasizing the impact of the
deepfake video of Nancy Pelosi on public perception). Rudy Giuliani, Donald
Trump’s attorney at the time, shared the false video and stated [w]hat is wrong with
Nancy Pelosi? Her speech pattern is bizarre.” Id. The video was slowed down by
75% to make it appear that Pelosi was slurring her words. Id.
See Lucas Ropek, Handful of States Begin Legislating Deepfake Videos,
GOVT TECH. (Apr. 30, 2019), archived at https://perma.cc/WFG4-9WGZ (reporting
on some states’ efforts to create legislation criminalizing deepfakes). The Pentagon
announced an effort to research ways to combat false videos and several states began
considering federal legislation. Id. These efforts are largely based out of concern
for false information influencing elections. Id. See also Dorfman, supra note 11, at
21 (predicting that states banning deep fakes altogether rather than labeling them
may face constitutionality issues in the future).
See VA. CODE ANN. § 18.2386.2 (2020) (criminalizing falsely created
pornographic images under Virginia law); H.B. 2678, 20192020 Leg., Reg. Sess.
(Va. 2019) (providing the amended language to Virginia’s original law criminalizing
the malicious distribution of pornographic images without the subject’s consent);
Robert Volker & Henry Ajder, Analyzing the Commodization of Deepfakes, 2020
N.Y.U. J. LEGIS. & PUB. POLY QUORUM 22, 27 (2020) (crediting Virginia as the first
state to criminalize nonconsensual, ‘falsely created, explicit images and videos . .
. a Class 1 misdemeanor.”).
intended to harm a political candidate in September 2019.
the Texas law, it is a criminal offense to knowingly post a manipulated
video of a political candidate within thirty days prior to an election.
Shortly after Texas, California passed a similar election bill in October
The California legislation makes it illegal for anyone to
knowingly post a deepfake video relating to a political candidate
within sixty days prior to an election.
California also amended its
Penal Code in January 2020 to specifically define deepfakes and
outline criminal penalties for the creation of malicious deepfake
See Matthew Ferraro, Texas Law Could Signal More State, Federal Deepfake
Bans, LAW360 (Sept. 6, 2019) [hereinafter Texas Deepfake Law], archived at
https://perma.cc/6N2D-T6HY (observing that Texas is first state to enact deepfake
legislation criminalizing deepfake-related conduct). Texas is the first state to enact
legislation banning the creation of deepfake videos and the second state to enact
criminal penalties for the distribution of deepfake videos. Id. See also Volker &
Ajder, supra note 110, at 27 (noting that Virginia was the first state to criminalize
“‘falsely’ created explicit images and videos,” although the legislation did not
explicitly call them deepfakes).
See 15 TEX. ELEC. CODE § 255.004(e) (2019) (defining the term deepfake in the
Texas law). “[A] video created with artificial intelligence that, with the intent to
deceive, appears to depict a real person performing an action that did not occur in
reality.” Id.
See Will Fischer, California’s governor signed new deepfake laws for politics and
porn, but experts say they threaten free speech, BUS. INSIDER (Oct. 10. 2019),
archived at https://perma.cc/D2QQ-HF5F (describing the California deepfake
legislation on elections and reactions to it). Critics of the deepfake legislation say it
may hurt free speech principles under the First Amendment because “[t]he law is
overbroad, vague, and subjective.” Id. Assemblyman Bernman countered this idea
by stating, “‘[w]hile the First Amendment gives you the right to say whatever you
want, it does not give you the right to put your words into my mouth, or to use AI
technology to take my body and make it look like I did something I never did.’” Id.
See Assemb. B. 730, 20192020 Leg., Reg. Sess. (Cal. 2019) (setting forth how
both California’s Code of Civil Procedure and Elections Code were amended
through the legislation). The bill’s protections are active until January 1, 2023. Id.
See Assemb. B. 1903, 20192020 Leg., Reg. Sess. (Cal. 2020) (defining
deepfakes and acts using them which are criminalized under California law).
[A deepfake is] a recording that has been created or altered in a
manner that it would falsely appear to a reasonable observer to be
an authentic record of the actual speech or conduct of the
individual depicted in the recording . . . [the] bill would also
criminally prohibit a person from preparing, producing, or
developing, without the depicted individual’s consent, a deepfake
depicting sexual conduct.
D. Deepfake Evidence in the Courtroom
In response to growing public awareness and newly introduced
deepfake legislation, legal scholars are finally considering how to
handle deepfake videos in the courtroom.
Due to the nature of
deepfakes and their modernity, there is hardly any case law suggesting
how to confront them in court.
However, one caseUnited States
v. Chapmanprovides helpful language from an expert witness
authenticating video evidence in court which may be useful to consider
in the context of deepfakes.
In Chapman, an undercover police
officer filmed the defendant engaging in drug activity, and at trial the
defense offered two witnesses to establish whether any video
Id. See also Van Lier, supra note 46, at 21 (praising the California legislature for
enacting a criminal deepfake legislation in January 2020).
See Mraunac, supra note 11 (explaining the need for the legal industry to respond
to fake video evidence) (alteration in original); Huston & Bahm, supra note 6
(warning that “[c]riminals could use deep fakes to defraud victims, manipulate
markets, and submit false evidence to courts.”). “The legal industry, along with other
sectors, will have to take serious action in order to avoid litigating and living in a
world where audio and video recordings are presumed untrustworthy.” Mraunac,
supra. See also Catherine Stupp, Fraudsters Used AI to Mimic CEO’s Voice in
Unusual Cybercrime Case, WALL ST. J. (Aug. 30, 2019), archived at
https://perma.cc/5CM9-YD92 (providing a high-profile criminal example of a
deepfake scam). A CEO fell victim to believing he spoke with his boss about a
money transfer and mistakenly sent funds to a scammer using deepfake technology
to sound like his boss. Id. This is one example of how even those who work closely
to an individual can fall victim to deepfakes, which draws doubt on how those
removed from a situation may be able to identify a fake video or audio recording.
See Mraunac, supra note 11 (noting a lack of formal guidance on confronting
deepfakes in case law). Although courts are obviously concerned with the reliability
of video evidence, there is little case law actually dealing with manipulated videos
and whether they should be admitted into evidence because of their relative novelty
in the last few years. Id.
See U.S. v. Chapman, 804 F.3d 895, 89798 (7th Cir. 2015) (providing the factual
background of the case). An officer acted as an undercover wearing a Hawk
recording device while engaging with the defendant in several drug transactions. Id.
at 897. Each time the officer began recording, he stated his name and the time. Id.
at 89798. If there were any gaps in the recording, it was shown in the device’s time
stamp. Id. at 898. After the device was deactivated, the agent returned it to the FBI
office where the data was downloaded onto a DVD through an FBI software
program. Id.
tampering occurred.
This expert testimony regarding the
verification of the video evidence would fall under the pictorial
evidence theory, discussed in Part II of this Note, which requires that
a witness testify as to the video’s authenticity.
The expert witnesses
verified several factors, including that the video was consistent with
FBI procedures, that the data collection time was verified, and that the
individual files were verified.
This application of the pictorial
evidence theory allowed the jury to reasonably believe there was little
to no chance that anyone wrongfully tampered with the video
With minimal case law to guide authentication of video
evidence, legal scholars are also recommending that electronic
discovery professionals and expert witnesses must become
increasingly knowledgeable of video verification to ensure proper data
See Chapman, 804 F.3d at 900 (describing the backgrounds of the expert
witnesses). One of the expert witnesses, Dew, had over 10 years’ experience with
video evidence in all forms and owned a video production company. Id. The second
expert witness, Dickey, was an expert in forensic evaluation and/or authentication
of acoustical/visual media, including the analysis of elemental acoustics and video
images contained therein.” Id.
See supra, History, Section A, The Pictorial Evidence Theory.
See Mraunac, supra note 11 (quoting language from Chapman where an expert
witness verified the authenticity of video surveillance evidence).
[The expert] noted that the data appeared consistent with
surveillance recordings commonly
associated with federal law enforcement agencies.” [The expert’s]
procedures included verifying the frame rate of the visual
recording, examining the quality of the imaging, and examining the
audio embedded from the Hawk recording device. In addition,
“[an] overview of HBI/VBI, color scheme, vector/waveform,
embedded data, transitions and other parameters were also
performed.” [The expert’s] report was as follows: “Data integrity
checks verified the files as individually and collectively
continuous. Data creation and download time/date information was
also verified. All creation time and dates are sequentially uniform.”
Therefore, [the expert] concluded: [the November 2, 2010,
recording] does not contain any anomaly which would question its
authenticity as a continuous and reliable record of the events
existing therein.”
See id. (inferring that the expert’s description in Chapman is an appropriate way
to demonstrate video evidence is authentic).
collection and video analysis.
This includes becoming familiar with
certain technical terms used in electronic discovery, such as
It is also vital for lawyers to educate themselves on how
to confront potential deepfake evidence in the early stages of court
proceedings in order to prevent the evidence from being admitted.
Experts recommend that attorneys take steps to verify the video’s
chain of custody, whether similar videos exist, and whether there are
witnesses who can account for what actually happened if video
tampering is suspected.
It is also crucial for lawyers to consider the change in public
perception as deepfake knowledge continues to grow, and how this
may impact jurors trust in video evidence.
Currently, there is
strong favorability towards admitting video evidence, with studies
demonstrating that jurors who hear oral testimony along with video
testimony are 650% more likely to retain information.
See id. (emphasizing that it will be essential for e-discovery professionals and
expert witnesses to understand deepfakes). There is the potential for additional
authentication requirements to develop as deepfakes become more complex as
deepfake creators use more advanced technology, and clients demand law firms to
become knowledgeable in this area. Id.
See Kathryn S. Lehman et al., 5 Ways To Confront Potential Deepfake Evidence
in Court, LAW360 (July 26, 2019), archived at https://perma.cc/GNY8-95BU
(asserting various areas in discovery requests lawyers should be proficient in). See
generally Electronic Discovery Reference Model, EDRM Model, EDRM (2020)
[hereinafter EDRM Model], archived at https://perma.cc/FHF5-4HUH
(demonstrating the various stages in the e-discovery lifecycle and defining important
See Lehman et al., supra note 124 (indicating that early intervention before
evidence reaches the jury is key). If video evidence is admitted, it can be difficult to
attack the evidence’s credibility in court without getting negative reactions from the
jury. Id.
See id. (suggesting steps attorneys should take if they suspect that video evidence
is tampered with).
See Mraunac, supra note 11 (inferring various challenges that may arise when
jurors understand ways in which video evidence can be tampered with).
See Karen Martin Campbell, Roll TapeAdmissibility of Videotape Evidence in
the Courtroom, 26 UNIV. MEMPHIS L. REV. 1445, 1447 (1996) (providing statistics
on how jurors retain videotaped information at trial). Jurors who received visual
testimony were 100% more likely to retain information than jurors who received
only oral testimony. Id. See also Parry, supra note 27, at 185 (citing statistics on
the impact of visual evidence on jurors). “Jurors often are bored, confused, and
frustrated when attorneys or witnesses try to explain technical or complex material”
considering the recent increase of deepfake videos and the growing
concern of deepfake influence on the 2020 presidential election and
beyond, public trust in video footage may start to decline.
This in
turn may lead to plummeting juror confidence in video evidence absent
a sponsoring witness, even if it is authenticated by a judge prior to it
reaching the jury.
IV. Analysis
This section provides three scenarios and recommends how to
confront deepfake video evidence in light of the issues that these
scenarios pose.
and having visual aids can help them retain information much better. Id. at 184.
Jurors can retain up to 85% of information visually and in contrast only retain about
10% of what they hear. Id. at 185.
See Hall, supra note 1, at 58 (warning that “[t]hese manufactured videos have the
potential to create doubts about every recently released film.”); Huston & Bahm,
supra note 6 (stating that “the mere idea that [deepfakes] could be used to manipulate
public opinion is already causing some to start questioning the validity of real
events”); Thomas, supra note 57 (noting that deepfake technology will inevitably
become “more widely commodified and accessible”); Deepfakes in 2020 elections,
supra note 13 (cautioning how deepfakes may influence voters in the 2020 election);
Demystifying Deepfakes, supra note 72 (emphasizing that growing concern about
deepfake influence in elections draws researchers to develop applications against
deepfakes); Deepfake Detector Wins PennApps XX, UNIV. PA. (Sept. 10, 2019)
[hereinafter PennApps XX], archived at https://perma.cc/4BNT-8NEE (celebrating
the first place winner at hackathon for building a deepfake detector). The University
of Pennsylvania students who built the deepfake detector application did so to guard
against deepfake influence on public perception in elections and to ensure that videos
the public views reflect reality. PennApps XX, supra.
See Westerlund, supra note 68, at 4243 (describing how the public may begin to
distrust authorities deemed reliable in the past because of deepfakes); Mirra, supra
note 45, at 3 (cautioning that courts must be prepared for how “new technology may
threaten existing and well established forms of evidence.”); Hall, supra note 1, at 58
(contending that video may lose its value because [t]he same accountability video
that brings action can now be abused in a number of ways.”); Harwell, supra note 13
(warning how the public may begin to generally distrust video footage because “[i]t’s
too much effort to figure out what’s real and what’s not”).
See infra, IV Sections A, B, & C (illustrating three different scenarios in which
deepfake evidence will impact courtroom procedures).
A. Continuing the Silent Witness Theory if Deepfake
Regulation Legislation is Passed
If Congress enacts federal legislation requiring states to
enforce specific methods of video verification, courts may be able to
continue using the silent witness theory without a dangerously high
risk of admitting unverified false videos into evidence.
courts should only allow this application of the silent witness theory if
they can determine with certainty that video manipulation occurred
and that jurors will recognize indicators of tampering such as
Courts continuing to apply the silent witness theory
See H.R. 3230 § 1041 (a)(e) (listing ways that federal legislation would require
deepfake video disclosures). The federal legislation would require a watermark on
any portion of the video that was digitally altered, as well as include some form of
disclosure that the video is altered. Id. The audiovisual disclosure would require
that clear text be displayed on the bottom of the video or some verbal statement
detailing that the video is altered; the visual disclosure would require some clear text
description on what was altered; and the audio disclosure would have at minimum
one clear audio statement on what portions are altered in the video. H.R. 3230 §
1041 (c)(e). See also Madison, supra note 17, at 711 (inferring that courts may be
reluctant to abandon the silent witness theory altogether). Courts tend to abstain
from barring the admission of video or photographic evidence because there is no
sponsoring witness, which is why the silent witness theory was originally adopted.
See Lipkowitz, supra note 106, at 31 (cautioning that the reforms outlined in the
federal deepfake legislation may not be enough to safeguard victims of deepfakes).
“Watermarks are easily removable, and it is extremely difficult to track down the
creators of harmful false content.” Id. See Madison, supra note 17, at 709
(acknowledging that courts are reluctant to admit tampered video evidence). Courts
will only admit video evidence that has been altered “when the jury can understand
the changes in appearance that occurred between the relevant time and the time the
photograph was taken.” Id. See Farrell, supra note 14, at 2 (articulating why the
silent witness theory can be applied in certain circumstances). It is only appropriate
to apply the silent witness theory when the photographic or video evidence can be
verified independent of a sponsoring witness and corroborated by other pieces of
evidence. Id. See also Kalinski, supra note 11, at 81516 (describing basic ways in
which video evidence can be misleading). Even beyond deepfakes, video can easily
be manipulated to make circumstances appear different than they actually are, such
as angling a camera to make it seem like a head wound is worse than what the victim
actually endured. Id. See also Harwell, supra note 13 (criticizing the current lack
of research in identifying deepfakes); Venkataramakrishnan, supra note 56 (inferring
that deepfakes are becoming more complex and will become more difficult to
identify with the naked eye or ear). With little money to be made in researching how
should use more stringent requirements like the seven-prong standard
because of cases’ varying facts and types of visual evidence.
standard provides the most rigorous verification process and offers
more cohesive court guidance on the implementation of the silent
witness theory.
If deepfake evidence frequently comes before a
court, it may become necessary to amend silent witness theory protocol
to require an additional qualifying witness with knowledge on
deepfakesrather than just one knowledgeable witness on the chain
of custody of that piece of evidencein order to verify that the video
is an accurate representation of events to the judge.
It will also be
to identify deepfakes and considering the serious threat that they pose, much of the
research is being funded by a government program run through the Pentagon.
Harwell, supra.
See Dorfman, supra note 11, at 20 (arguing that courts must consider adding new
standards in court to ensure audio and video recordings are authentic because of
deepfakes); Videotape Evidence, supra note 25, § 62 (conceding that there may be a
“revival of certain foundational requirements” like the seven-prong standard because
of the growing ability of the general public to edit videos). See also Lehman et al.,
supra note 124 (outlining an example of an interrogatory to verify the chain of
custody that a lawyer may send to the opposing party).
For the video previously produced, please provide (1) the time,
place, and date of the recording was made; (2) the name and address
of any individual depicted in or present at the time of the recording;
(3) the name and address of any individual under whose direction
and upon whose behold the recording was created; (4) the name and
address of any other individual involved with the creation of the
recording; (5) the steps undertaken by the in deified individuals to
create the recording; and (6) the name and address of any individual
who has had possession or control of the recording (either the
original or a copy) since it was created.
See Farrell, supra note 14 (listing the wide variety of jurisdictional practices in
applying the silent witness theory); Madison, supra note 17, at 713 (explaining how
complications can arise in verifying the authenticity of evidence when the origins of
photographs cannot be verified). Madison suggests that courts should especially
apply a more rigorous standard when photos of videos are taken on less sophisticated
equipment such as a personal camera. Madison, supra.
See Harwell, supra note 13 (quoting a leading deepfake researcher stating that
“people do need to understand that video may not be an accurate representation of
what happened”); Williams et al., supra note 22 (inferring the importance of a
qualifying witness). Even with untampered video evidence there can be multiple
interpretations, which demonstrates the importance of having a qualifying witness
testify at trial. Williams et al., supra. But see Madison, supra note 17, at 71415
(arguing that witnesses have imperfect memories). Even under the pictorial evidence
essential to implement training for judges to ensure that they
understand the implications of technology and indicators of evidence
Courts will be able to measure the threat of deepfake
evidence by considering the number of states adopting deepfake
legislation, identifying major companies that are enacting formal
policies on deepfakes, and tracking the number of individuals who
were subjected to criminal penalties outlined in deepfake statutes.
However, given the complexities of deepfake technology and the
potential for jurors to become inherently skeptical of photographic and
video evidence in general, it is preferable for courts to abandon the
silent witness theory and instead adopt the pictorial evidence theory.
theory, the verifying witness may not have a completely accurate representation of
events if significant time has elapsed between the event and trial. Id.
See Whitney, supra note 42 (declaring a need to train judges about technology to
ensure they properly admit evidence); Tech Competence for Judges, supra note 42
(providing statistics that two-thirds of judges say they need more training on e-
discovery); Dixon, supra note 42 (illustrating a scenario where the authenticity of
cell phone video evidence could be questioned by parties in litigation).
(1) [A] party offers an exhibit of a cell phone video disclosed during
discovery that supports the offering party’s position of an
agreement reached by the two parties, (2) the offering party will
testify affirmatively concerning the authenticity and accuracy of the
video, and (3) the opposing party will testify that he never said the
words portrayed in the video.
Dixon, supra.
See H.R. 3230 § 1041 (f)(1)(f)(2) (naming the criminal and civil penalties for
violating the deepfake law). Criminal penalties to disclose tampering with a video
could result in 5 years imprisonment, a fine, or both. Id. § 1041 (f)(1). Civil penalties
include a fine up to $150,000. Id. § 1041 (f)(2). See Texas Deepfake Law, supra
note 111 (inferring that more states will create legislation banning or criminalizing
deepfakes). The Texas law also provides an avenue for private individuals to seek
injunctive relief if they were the victims of a deepfake video, which will infiltrate
the courts with more deepfake legal controversies. Id. See Ingram & Ward, supra
note 79 (inferring that more social media companies may create regulations
surrounding deepfakes). Two senators wrote a letter to social media companies
emphasizing that they must take a strong policy stance against deepfake videos. Id.
See Dorfman, supra note 11, at 21 (providing potential situations of juries
becoming skeptical of police body cameras and confessions in criminal cases
because of deepfakes); Huston & Bahm, supra note 6 (warning that deepfakes are
already causing people to question “the validity of real events and un-doctored
video.”); Amer, supra note 13 (cautioning that “[w]e’re at a moment when we can
literally no longer believe our own eyes seeing is not necessarily believing.”);
LaFrance, supra note 79 (quoting an expert who warns that “people will not believe
B. Attacking the Silent Witness Theory if No Deepfake
Regulation Legislation is Passed
If no deepfake regulation legislation is passed and courts
continue to apply the silent witness theory, lawyers will need to
become zealous advocates and ensure they convince a judge that there
is no fathomable way video evidence should be admitted absent a
qualifying witness testifying.
In order to accomplish this, lawyers
will need to gain a complex understanding of how images can be
potentially altered through deepfake technology.
If a lawyer
videos, just like how we do not believe photos once we’re aware that tools like
Photoshop exist”); Harwell, supra note 13 (emphasizing that deepfakes may lead to
public denial of legitimate video). For example, Donald Trump said in 2016 that a
leaked video of him boasting about assaulting women was doctored, leading many
members of the public to falsely believe that was true. Harwell, supra. See Farrell,
supra note 14 (defining the pictorial evidence theory). The pictorial evidence theory
requires that a witness confirm the evidence is a “fair and accurate portrayal” of what
they saw. Id. See Madison, supra note 17, at 707 (explaining that proponents of
evidence authenticate it “by showing that the evidence accurately represents its
subject.”). Authentication can be easily verified by a sponsoring witness who is
familiar with the subject matter of the evidence. Id. at 70708.
See Lehman et al., supra note 124 (describing how lawyers must attack the chain
of custody of opposing counsel’s video evidence if they suspect that it is a deepfake).
Lawyers will need to demonstrate that there is evidence of tampering in any way
possible, including identifying and locating possible witnesses who could add
helpful information about the chain of custody of a video. Id. An example of this is
locating a witness who notes issues with the metadata or a recording. Id. See
Mraunac, supra note 11 (highlighting the importance of a qualifying witness
testifying that the image is an accurate representation of what occurred). A Reuters
reporter edited smoke after an airstrike in Lebanon to make the damage appear worse
than it actually was. Id. The airstrike editing demonstrates the importance of having
a qualifying witness to verify the true extent of events. Id. Even a deepfake
researcher at the University of Wyoming has commented on the fact that at times, he
distrusts videos that are real, and believes that videos people send him are fake
because the video quality is so high. Id. See Williams et al., supra note 22
(demonstrating the importance of a qualifying witness with video evidence).
Individuals would have a misunderstanding of what occurred without the journalists
posting two different video angles showing that the police officers were actually
dancing and not fighting. Id. See also Thomas, supra note 57 (reporting how in
2018 Sao Paulo’s married governor asserted that a video of him having an orgy was
a deepfake to diminish its value). The allegations could neither be confirmed nor
denied. Id.
See Dorfman, supra note 11, at 23 (asserting that detection technology cannot be
the only solution to confronting deepfakes in court, and that lawyers must understand
representing a client is unable to undertake this on their own, they will
need to hire an expert witness to testify as to why the evidence should
not be admitted.
The downside to this approach will be higher costs
to the client because expert witnesses can be extremely expensive and
retaining them requires more attorney time that the client is billed
However, this practice may become necessary in cases that
hinge on questionable video evidence and its admission to the jury.
Further, lawyers cannot assume that all judges fully understand the
technology behind deepfake imagery, so they must use all resources
how audio and video recordings can be altered); Spivak, supra note 50, at 351
(inferring how complex understanding deepfake technology can be and describing
technologies that run parallel to deepfake video technology); Lehman et al., supra
note 124 (describing how video evidence is admitted under the silent witness theory
after a “strong showing of authenticity and competency, including proof that the
evidence was not altered.”).
[A] skilled litigator should rest assured that there will be some
opportunity to attack a deepfake, even if presented pursuant to the
silent witness theory. A knowledgeable witness who has identified
an issue with, for example, the metadata of a recording could prove
especially fruitful here, helping you to convince the judge that the
other side needs to call someone to lay the chain of custody.
Lehman et al., supra. See also EDRM Model, supra note 112 (defining various e-
discovery terms that lawyers will need to become familiar with in order to challenge
potentially inauthentic video and photographic evidence).
See Mraunac, supra note 11 (asserting that expert testimony becomes relevant”
when the authenticity of video evidence is questionable); Lehman et al., supra note
124 (articulating that a lawyer has a duty to seek expert opinion if they “have reason
to suspect the video was fabricated but lack the technical knowledge to reach a
conclusion”); What Deepfakes Are, supra note 49 (inferring the difficulty in staying
abreast of deepfake technology if one is not a deepfake-specific researcher).
See Dorfman, supra note 11, at 20 (warning of the “steep costs” of litigation that
may occur because of deepfakes); Lehman et al., supra note 124 (inferring that
experts are expensive to hire and the cost should be carefully evaluated in light of
the value of the case).
See Scott v. Harris, 550 U.S. 372, 37881 (2007) (illustrating the huge impact one
piece of video evidence can have in the outcome of a case); Parry, supra note 27, at
185 (warning how “there is absolutely no way the average juror could tell the
difference between a doctored and a pure photo.”); Granot et al., supra note 12 at 94
(inferring the immense power visual evidence has in court cases through jurors
evaluating video with “naïve realism”). See also Lehman et al., supra note 124
(providing advice on what lawyers should do if questionable video evidence is
admitted). Lawyers should aggressively attack the chain of custody through cross-
examination if questionable video evidence is admitted. Id. Once jurors realize the
authenticity of the video is in question, they will consider whether or not they should
assign serious weight to it in deliberations. Id.
available to communicate the technology’s potentially grave
implications on a case.
The lawyer will need to question the
authenticity of the opposing party’s video evidence and convince the
judge that, at a bare minimum, the opposing party must present a
witness at trial for cross-examination about the process used to collect
the admitted evidence.
Some may argue that this is too excessive of
a process for seemingly valid evidence, but given the expansion of
deepfake videos into originally unimagined areas, it is essential for
lawyers to be vigilant for their clients when encountering visual
See Tech Competence for Judges, supra note 42 (quoting statistics demonstrating
that two-thirds of judges feel they need more education on e-discovery); Harris,
supra note 7, at 110 (noting how “[d]espite the transformative nature” of deepfakes
judges are relatively inexperienced in dealing with this type of technology);
Pfefferkorn, supra note 42 (cautioning that deepfakes could infiltrate trial courts).
“Points where deepfakes could infect a court case run the gamut from clients who
fabricate evidence in order to win, to fake videos ending up in archives that have
historically been considered trustworthy.” Pfefferkorn, supra.
See Lehman et al., supra note 124 (recommending that litigators should request
an authentication witness from the opposing party that may be cross-examined). The
main idea behind the cross-examination is to call the jury’s attention to the fact that
there is a disagreement over the evidence’s authenticity. Id. See also Delfino, supra
note 7, at 895 (stating that “[t]o protect victims of deepfakes and to prevent the
negative societal consequences they cause, the laws need to keep pace with this
technology.”); Huston & Bahm, supra note 6 (listing ways in which deepfake
technology can be abused to manipulate public perception); Harwell, supra note 13
(indicating that researchers “remain vastly overwhelmed” as deepfake technology
advances); Goggin, supra note 8 (declaring the widespread use of deepfakes and that
researchers cannot keep up with new technologies used to create them); Stankiewicz,
supra note 10 (emphasizing how difficult it will become to identify deepfake videos
in just a few months).
See Chesney & Citron, supra note 9, at 1763 (cautioning how accessible photo
and video manipulation technology is to the general public); Harris, supra note 7, at
12324 (warning about the dangers of hyper-realistic deepfakes and the need for the
legal system to take action); Stupp, supra note 116 (providing an alarming case
where a CEO was fooled into wiring millions of dollars to a scammer using deepfake
voice recordings); USPTO, supra note 7 (articulating the growing problem of fake
patent and trademark applications); Jee, supra note 48 (reporting on the use of
deepfake technology by an Indian political party to influence voters in an election).
“Deepfakes will become so life-like that they will be indistinguishable from actual
videos. This is an inevitable consequence of artificial intelligence and machine
learning technologies. The law should be equipped to handle this impending
problem.” Harris, supra. See also Ingram & Ward, supra note 79 (commenting on
the scale of the deepfake analysis problem by noting that even Facebook is
outsourcing research to combat fake videos on its site).
C. Adopting the Pictorial Evidence Theory if No
Deepfake Regulation Legislation is Passed
Absent significant deepfake legislation, courts should adopt the
pictorial evidence theory to combat heightened public skepticism of
photographic and video evidence.
There have already been
instances of high-profile criminal activity involving the use of
deepfakes, such as the hackers who used the technology to impersonate
a parent company executive and convince one of its subsidiaries to
transfer nearly $250,000 into a bank account controlled by the
The Chief Executive Officer who transferred the funds
was under the genuine belief that he was speaking with the proper
executive and participating in an authorized transaction.
example demonstrates just one of the potential threats posed by
deepfakes to public trust in audio and video recordings.
growing media coverage about the dangers of deepfakes will likely
lead the publicwhich includes jurorsto view videos with
skepticism, courts should consider adopting the pictorial evidence
See Harwell, supra note 13 (stressing that hysteria and fake videos will change
how the public considers videos and photos); Goggin, supra note 8 (noting how the
deepfake movement has grown substantially since its initial rise in 2017);
Stankiewicz, supra note 10 (emphasizing that everyday people will have access to
“perfectly-real” deepfake videos in six months to one year). See also Delfino, supra
note 7, at 890 (highlighting the alarming ease at which deepfake content can be
created). “Deepfake technology has evolved so quickly that an app designed to
create deepfakes is now widely available. The app lowers the technical threshold
required to create such images and videos, which will likely make . . . [them] . . .
more prevalent.” Id. See also USPTO, supra note 7 (providing details about a new
reporter program created by the United States Patent and Trademark Office).
Artificially generated images are becoming so frequent with patent applications that
the USPTO created a new program for the public to report any images they identify
as fake. Id.
See Stupp, supra note 116 (describing deepfake criminal activity that led to
money being unknowingly transferred to a criminal).
See id. (emphasizing that the employee transferred the money in good faith). The
audio in this case was so convincing that it fooled even someone who worked closely
with the person that the deepfake was imitating. Id.
See Mirra, supra note 45, at 16 (warning about the impact voice alteration
software can have on verdicts in criminal cases). “The entire course of a defendant's
life could be altered with some quick changes made on [voice editing software] to a
voice recording that provides a pivotal piece of evidence at trial.” Id. See also Eckert
Seamans, supra note 45 (detailing a scam where a lawyer father almost wired $9,000
to a scammer believing that it was his son).
standard for all video evidence to ensure that jurors properly consider
the weight of evidence.
The pictorial evidence theory requires a
witness to testify before the jury that the photographic or video
evidence is a fair and accurate representation of what occurred.
Having the witness on the stand to verify that the visual evidence is
accurate will allow an initially skeptical jury to view the evidence as a
true image and not question whether it was artificially generated.
At a minimum, courts should always require a witness to
authenticate the process under which the video was obtained before
See Westerlund, supra note 68, at 4243 (cautioning that the public will become
skeptical of normally trustworthy authorities because of deepfakes); Amer, supra
note 13 (noting the role that the media plays in directing public attention to
deepfakes); LaFrance, supra note 79 (alleging that deepfakes are dangerous because
“[p]eople are already fooled by doctored photos, impostor accounts on social media,
and other sorts of digital mimicry all the time”); Engler, supra note 10 (asserting that
deepfakes are dangerous to public trust in digital content). “Deepfakes pose a
significant problem for public knowledge. Their development is not a watershed
momentaltered images, audio, and video have pervaded the internet for a long
timebut they will significantly contribute to the continued erosion of faith in digital
content.” Engler, supra. See also FED. R. EVID. 403 (providing circumstances under
which a judge may decide to exclude relevant evidence). “The court may exclude
relevant evidence if its probative value is substantially outweighed by a danger of
one or more of the following: unfair prejudice, confusing the issues, misleading the
jury, undue delay, wasting time, or needlessly presenting cumulative evidence.” Id.
See also Tanford, supra note 14 (illustrating reasons why evidence has probative
value and reasons probative value can be substantially outweighed by unfair
See Farrell, supra note 14, at 2 (explaining how witness testimony is used to
authenticate events illustrated in photographic and video evidence under the pictorial
evidence theory).
See U.S. v. Chapman, 804 F.3d 895, 90001 (7th Cir. 2015) (providing an
example of how courts are already willing to allow multiple experts if there is a
showing that evidence was tampered with). Chapman introduced two experts to
testify as to the authenticity of the video expert and wished to call a third. Id. at 900.
The lower court denied the motion, but “suggested that it might have considered the
appointment if Chapman had indicated any flaw in the software or system the
government used to transfer the recording from the Hawk recording device onto the
DVD.” Id. at 901. See Engler, supra note 10 (warning of a threefold” effect on
public perception of information because of deepfakes). As a result of deepfake
technology, the public will: (1) have a “visceral reaction” to fake information and
spread it more quickly; (2) have more difficulty in ascertaining what stories are true;
and (3) accuse true sources of being fake because of disagreeable content. Id. See
also USPTO, supra note 7 (describing how the USPTO is becoming skeptical of
trademark applications). The USPTO is relying on the public to draw attention to
patent or trademark applications that it believes are artificially generated because
there has been such an influx of fake applications. Id.
the jury, even in typically routine circumstances such as surveillance
Critics may argue that always applying the pictorial
evidence theory is an unnecessarily high standard because most
deepfakes are pornographic.
However, with an over 80% increase
in deepfakes in just one year and recent uses of deepfakes to influence
business and politics, it is dangerous to assume deepfakes will not
become a legal problem, especially in high-profile cases.
People are
so influenced by video evidence that they can be convinced that they
committed an act that they did not do.
One study conducted by a
bank had participants view doctored videos of themselves stealing
After watching the doctored video, the participants would
confess to taking money, despite knowing that they had not stolen
See Parry, supra note 27, at 186 (calling upon courts to issue stricter evidence
admission standards because of the ease at which digital evidence can be altered);
Spivak, supra note 50, at 342 (emphasizing that Photoshop technology makes the
public skeptical of visual evidence). See also Chapman, 804 F.3d at 900 (using
helpful language in considering the value of expert witness testimony in
authenticating the process by which evidence is collected).
See Metz, supra note 50 (stating that 96% of the deepfakes that Deeptrace found
online were pornography). But see Attestiv, Inc., supra note 80 (announcing how
the company is launching an application to detect fake media [i]n a world rampant
with digital fraud and rapidly emerging deepfake technology.”).
See Hall, supra note 1, at 75 (forewarning that “[d]eepfake videos will only
become more of a problem.”); Henderson, supra note 44, at 114849 (contending
that courts already confront doctored photographic evidence in the context of child
pornography cases); Huston & Bahm, supra note 6 (emphasizing that confronting
deepfakes will require “a whole of society approach” where multiple organizations
and entities proactively consider how to handle the technology); Stupp, supra note
116 (discussing a case where a CEO wired millions to a scammer using deepfake
voice recordings to pose as his supervisor); LaFrance, supra note 79 (cautioning on
the danger of deepfakes influencing the public by stating “[i]magine the confusion
that might surround a convincing video of the president . . . say[ing] something he
never actually said.”); Goggin, supra note 8 (listing incidents of deepfake videos
targeting politicians Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez);
Metz, supra note 50 (providing statistics from the Deeptrace study stating that there
was an 84% increase in deepfake videos since December 2018); Fagan, supra note
56 (reporting on how a deepfake video of Barack Obama calling Donald Trump a
“dipshit” quickly reached millions of people); Nelson & Simek, supra note 56
(warning about the easy access the public has to deepfake creation technology
through apps like DeepNude).
See Granot et al., supra note 12, at 9798 (emphasizing the impact video evidence
had in convincing participants they committed a crime in a study conducted by a
See id. (illustrating the background of the bank study).
If deepfake videos can change peoples’ minds about what
they did themselves, it only becomes more dangerous when used by
jurors to evaluate situations that they were not a part of.
Due to First
Amendment concerns, it is unlikely that deepfakes will ever be banned
entirely; therefore, it is of the utmost importance that courts adapt to
this technological threat before it infiltrates the legal system and
creates widespread juror doubt in video evidence.
V. Conclusion
Misuse of deepfake technology is an imminent threat to
society, and there is no doubt it will eventually impact the courtroom.
The number of researchers creating tools to identify doctored videos is
severely outpaced by the number of people creating them. Deepfake
videos are projected to quickly become so convincing that they will be
unidentifiable with the naked eye. It is of the utmost importance that
lawyers and the legal system as a whole consider how to handle this
threat before it undermines the justice system. While Congress is
attempting to take some action, the legal system should not put faith in
legislation alone. More jurors will become aware of deepfakes and
without proactive judicial safeguards in place, they will resultantly be
more skeptical of visual evidence in court proceedings. Allowing the
continuous inconsistent application of the silent witness theory across
jurisdictions will only fuel the growing mistrust of visual evidence.
Courts should adopt the pictorial evidence theory and abolish use of
See id. (stating the results of the bank video study).
See id. (inferring how dangerous visual evidence can be in changing peoples’
perceptions of events).
See Harris, supra note 7, at 128 (emphasizing the need for the legal system to be
proactive in its dealings with deepfakes because “technology is only going to
improve”); Smith-Roberts, supra note 5, at 123 (articulating how difficult it is to
restrict “even false speech” in the United States because of First Amendment
protections); Hall, supra note 1, at 62 (explaining how “[m]any deepfake videos
would be protected by the First Amendment as free expression under the defense of
parody or satire . . . .”); Spivak, supra note 50, at 35664 (discussing First
Amendment concerns that deepfake legislation raises). First Amendment challenges
to deepfakes will likely prevail, unless the deepfake falls under the category of
obscenity or child pornography. Spivak, supra. See Feiner, supra note 108
(contrasting the tension between free speech and the threat of deepfakes). Facebook
stated the following on fake videos being posted on its site: “‘[t]here’s a tension here:
we work hard to find the right balance between encouraging free expression and
promoting a safe and authentic community . . . . ’” Id.
the silent witness theory in order to ensure that admitted video
evidence is authentic and that jurors place appropriate weight in video
evidence. Deepfakes threaten the foundation that our justice system is
built uponthat evidence leads to the truth and a just outcome.