ATTN: Application Log in
502 E 9
Des Moines IA 50319
06/2022 rq
The DNR wants to make sure your air construction permit application submittal is successful; therefore, at any time
during the application process, please contact the DNR at 1-877-AIR-IOWA (1-877-247-4692) for help or clarification.
As indicated in Iowa rules (567 IAC Chapter 22), an air construction permit is required before installing or altering any
equipment that emits, or potentially emits, an air contaminant. The DNR’s Air Quality Bureau is responsible for the
review and approval of all air construction permitting in Iowa with the exception of Linn and Polk counties where local
air programs are present. Please contact the appropriate local air program if your facility is located in one of these
The purpose of the air construction permit application is to provide complete data about the equipment, emission
point(s), and control equipment in your project to help the DNR ensure, not only that your facility complies with state
and federal laws, but also that the air quality in the State of Iowa is protected. There are several pieces of information
the DNR needs to be able to issue a permit; therefore, to ensure your application is complete and can be processed
expediently, please follow these steps:
To submit an air construction permit application, you may use our online system, instead of paper. Iowa EASY Air (Iowa
Environmental Application System for Air) is an electronic permit application system that allows you to complete a
construction permit application and submit it to the DNR’s Air Quality Bureau through a secure website. Benefits of
using Iowa EASY Air include: reducing data entry, cutting the time it takes to complete and submit an application, and
ensuring that the required information is provided to avoid delays in the issuance of your permits. NOTE: The electronic
submittal of permit applications is mandatory starting January 1, 2023.
For more information on Iowa EASY Air or to create an account please visit the DNR Air Qualitys eServices
webpage or
contact Kevin Connolly at (515-725-9569) or Jason Dowie at
1. Familiarize Yourself with the Application Types
Depending on the purpose of the project, your application will be identified as one of the following application
Construction Permit Standard Application. This application type is the most common and it is used when the
application types described below are not applicable.
Construction Permit Templates. Applicants may use a permit template if the equipment and processes meet the
type, limitations, and conditions in the applicable template.
a. Aggregate Processing Plant. This permit template is only applicable to an aggregate processing plant
not otherwise excluded.
b. Bulk Gasoline Plant. This permit template is only applicable at a bulk gasoline plantas defined in the
permit that is located at an area source of hazardous air pollutants (HAP) and that is has a gasoline
throughput of less than 20,000 gallons per month (Small Bulk Gasoline Plant or less than 20,000 gallons
per day (Large Bulk Gasoline Plant).
c. Concrete Batch Plant. This permit template is only applicable to a “concrete batch plantnot otherwise
excluded or in prohibited location.
d. Group 2 Grain Elevator. This permit template is only applicable to country grain elevators, country grain
terminal elevators, and grain terminal elevators as defined in 567 Iowa Administrative Code (IAC) subrule
22.10(1) that meet the Group 2 requirements specified in 567 IAC 22.10(3).
e. Hot Mix Asphalt Plant. This permit template is only applicable to a hot mix asphalt facilitynot
otherwise excluded.
ATTN: Application Log in
502 E 9
Des Moines IA 50319
06/2022 rq
Construction Group 1 Grain Elevator. The Group 1 Grain Elevator Registration applies to grain elevators meeting
all applicable requirements established in 567 IAC 22.10(3)aand with a PM
potential to emit of less than 15
tons per year.
Construction Paint Booth Permit-by-Rule. To be eligible for a permit by rule for spray booths, a facility must
meet all applicable requirements established in 567 IAC 22.8(1) and must certify that the facility currently is or
will be in compliance with or otherwise exempt from the requirements of National Emissions Standards for
Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) Subparts HHHHHH and XXXXXX.
Construction Permit Determination. Facilities wishing Department input on whether a propose change requires
a new construction permit or the modification of an existing permit may submit a construction permit
determination request.
Construction Permit Pre-Application. Facilities wishing Department input on their draft permit application or
any other information associated with a future application may submit a construction permit pre-application.
Construction Permit Plantwide Applicability Limitations (PAL). Facilities subject to New Source Review may
request a PAL on emissions, provided the provisions in 40 CFR 52.21(aa) are met.
2. Familiarize Yourself with the Application Forms
Air construction permitting forms can be found at:
under the tab
“Application Forms.This page also includes rules and guidance for air construction permitting. Below is a list of all
the standard application forms that could be included in an air construction permit application. Depending on the
nature of the project, choose the forms needed for the equipment you are installing or modifying. Each form
includes in-depth instructions on how to complete it. Please do not include these instructions with the application.
Form AF: Construction Permit Application Fee. This form identifies the fee required for the review of the air
quality construction permit application(s).
Form FI: Facility Information. This form identifies your company or facility, equipment location, and personnel
involved in the permit application.
Form CP: Project Cover Page. This form provides a description of your company or facility and the purpose for
your application and project.
Emission Unit Information Forms: Include in your application a form for each emission unit in your project, even
if multiple emission units vent through the same emission point. Choose the EU form for your equipment type.
a. Form EU: Emission Unit Information (for any equipment not identified in Forms EU1 - EU5).
b. Form EU1: Internal Combustion Engine Information
c. Form EU2: Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plant (Fugitive Only) Information
d. Form EU3: Spray Paint Booth Information
Note: When completing a Form EU3, do not include a Form CE1 for the filter system associated with
the spray paint booth. However, fill out Form CE if control equipment other than a filter system is
applied to the booth.
e. Form EU4: Cooling Tower Information
Note: When completing a Form EU4, do not include a Form CE or a Form EP to describe the control
equipment and emission point associated with the cooling tower.
f. Form EU5: Boiler Information
Control Equipment Forms: If applicable, include in your application a form for each piece of control equipment
or control measure. Choose the CE form for your control equipment or control measure type.
a. Form CE: Control Equipment Information (for equipment not identified in Forms CE1 CE8).
b. Form CE1: Control Equipment Information for Fabric Filters
c. Form CE2: Control Equipment Information for Cyclones
d. Form CE3: Control Equipment Information for Wet or Dry Scrubbers
e. Form CE4: Control Equipment Information for Thermal Oxidation
f. Form CE5: Control Equipment Information for Catalytic Oxidation
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502 E 9
Des Moines IA 50319
06/2022 rq
g. Form CE6: Control Equipment Information for Catalytic and Non-Catalytic Reduction
h. Form CE7: Control Equipment Information for Dry Filter Equipment
i. Form CE8: Control Equipment Information for Mist Eliminators
Form EP: Emission Point Information. This form identifies the emission point (stack or vent) associated with the
emission unit(s) included in the permit application.
Form EC: Emission Calculations. This form aids in understanding the processes being permitted and to verify the
methodology of emission calculations. The information on this form is critical, because it provides the most
accurate description of your potential air emissions.
Form EI: Facility Emission Inventory. This form provides information on plant-wide total emissions and emissions
from each emission point. Total emissions are used to classify the plant into the appropriate categories for the
Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) and Title V programs.
Form GHG: Project Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory. This form provides information on total greenhouse gas
emissions for the project and for each emission point in the project.
Form MD Non-PSD Modeling Determination. This form assists applicants in determining whether an air
dispersion modeling analysis will be required for non-PSD construction permit projects. It is used for both new
construction permit projects and for modifications to previous projects.
Form MI-1: Modeling Information for Non-PSD Projects (Plot Plan). A scaled plot plan of the entire plant is
recommended for construction permit applications; however, it must be submitted if air dispersion modeling is
required by Form MD or if requested by the Department.
Form MI-2: Modeling Information (Emission Source Characteristics). This form provides information on the
emission characteristics of each existing emission unit/point and fugitive sources located at the facility.
Applicants can provide this form, or equivalent, which may help expedite the analysis if one is required. If
MI-2 is not provided the DNR will use the most current available information for sources that are not part of the
3. Choose the Forms to Include in Your Application
When selecting the forms to put in your application, keep these points in mind:
Required Forms:
a. Construction Permit Standard Application:
On e For m AF,
One Form FI,
One Form CP,
The appropriate Form EU for each emission unit in your project,
The appropriate Form CE for each piece of control equipment or control measure in your project,
Form EP for each emission point in your project,
Form EC for each emission point in your project,
One Form EI,
One Form GHG (only if there are greenhouse gas emissions in your project),
One Form MI-1 (Facility Plot Plant) if Form MD indicates modeling analysis is required, and
b. Construction Permit Template Application:
On e For m AF,
Applicable Permit Template, and
One Form GHG (only if there are greenhouse gas emissions in your project).
c. Construction Group 1 Grain Elevators:
Registration for Group 1 Grain Elevators
d. Construction Paint Booth Permit-by-Rule:
Notification Letter for Permit by Rule for Spray Booths
ATTN: Application Log in
502 E 9
Des Moines IA 50319
06/2022 rq
e. For all other application types described in Item 1 of this document, please contact the DNR at 1-877-
AIR-IOWA (1-877-247-4692) for assistance as the required forms and fees may vary.
Multiple Emission Points or Control Equipment: Remember to include an emission unit form for each emission
unit that vents to an emission point; a Form EP for each emission point being permitted and a control equipment
form for each piece of control equipment or control measure included in the project. If a source has more than
one stack per emission unit, then it will need a separate Form EP for each stack.
PSD Application: If you are submitting a PSD application, additional information may be required. Please contact
Gary Smith, Interim Construction Permit Supervisor, at
or 515-725-9563, prior to
submitting the application.
4. Gather Additional Information to Help You Complete the Application
Several pieces of information and resources will help you complete the application. These include:
Manufacturers Design Literature or Operation Manual
Manufacturers Emissions Data
Safety Data Sheets
Fuel description and specifications from fuel supplier
EPA Emission Factors at
SIC Codes at
NAICS Codes at
5. Follow the Completeness Checklist
Prior to submitting your application please review the following commonly omitted informational pieces that could
delay your permit if they are missing:
The responsible official has signed and dated Form FI: Facility Information.
The consulting engineer (if from outside the company) has signed and dated Form FI: Facility Information and
provided his/her Iowa Professional Engineers License Information on Form FI.
Construction permit numbers are included for modification of previously permitted equipment.
Identification numbers for emission units, emission points, control equipment or control measure are consistent
throughout the construction permit application.
All air-pollutant emitting units operating at your facility, including exempt, permitted, and unpermitted existing
units are listed on Form EI: Facility Emission Inventory.
Form MI-1 (Facility Plot Plan) is included if Form MD indicates that modeling analysis is required for your project.
The following information fields have been reviewed one last time to ensure they have been included. A permit
cannot be issued without these pertinent pieces of information:
The maximum rated capacity on the emission unit forms.
The date of construction, on-site installation, or modification on the emission unit and control
equipment forms.
ATTN: Application Log in
502 E 9
Des Moines IA 50319
06/2022 rq
If confidentiality is requested, two copies of the construction permit application must be provided - one with all
required information (via paper only) and the second with the requested confidential information redacted
(either through our on-line system or paper). Please note that the confidentiality request must use our
confidentiality request form and it must be reviewed by DNR legal counsel to ensure it meets the requirements
specified in 561 IAC 2.5(7). For questions regarding confidentiality requests, please contact Kelli Book, DNR
Attorney, at or at 515-210-3408.
6. Submit Your Application
On-line application forms, attachments, fees and signatures can be completed within the on-line system without the
need to send paper. For paper applications or for items that you choose not to submit through the on-line system,
submit to:
Iowa Department of Natural Resources
Air Quality Bureau
Attn: Application Log In
502 E 9
Des Moines IA 50319
NOTE: The electronic submittal of permit applications is mandatory starting January 1, 2023.
7. Track Your Application
Once your application is submitted, you may track its receipt and progress through the permitting process using
either the Iowa EASY Air Public Inquiry Portal or the Construction Permit Search page on our website.
Iowa EASY Air Public Inquiry Portal
Construction Permit Search