NEPHTHYTIS Syngonium podophyllum
Western Africa
Low Sunlight
Low-Maintenance, Air Purifying
NEPHTHYTIS Syngonium podophyllum
Also called the Arrowhead Plant, Nephthytis performs best in bright, indirect
sunlight but can tolerate low light conditions as well. Here it is planted in a white
bowl with a matte finish. Check the soil for dampness once a week. If dry, add
about a cup or two of water, keeping in mind that any excess will build up in the
bottom and should be avoided. Avoid cold drafts for best results.
Prefers bright, indirect light but
can tolerate low light as well. Avoid
direct sunlight.
Prefers soil to be moderately moist
so check about once a week. Thrives
in a moist environment with high
humidity. Mist often.
Easy! Just avoid direct sunlight
and don’t let it dry out.
Prefers warm conditions 65-
80F. Keep away from drafty
windows and air conditioners.
Feed with a mild liquid, indoor
plant fertilizer about once a
month during the growing season.
Do not fertilize in winter.
A peaty All-Purpose potting
soil with good drainage
works best.
Prune yellow or damaged leaves down
to stem. Mature plants sometimes
look floppy so periodic pruning will
improve appearance. To propagate,
soak the ends of cuttings in water until
roots form. Then repot.
Sorry! All parts of the plant
are considered mildly toxic
if consumed.