Guide to your Vanguard
Personal Investor annual
tax statement
30 June 2024
About this guide
This guide aims to assist you
in completing your tax return
in relation to your Vanguard
Personal Investor account for
the 2023/2024 inancial year.
It contains information of a
very general nature about the
treatment of your income from
investments held in your account
as shown in your Annual Tax
Statement (ATS).
Note: This guide is not a
substitute for tax advice. It has
been prepared based on a set
of assumptions which may not
be applicable to you. If you are in
any doubt about your personal
tax position we recommend that
you seek advice from a registered
tax agent.
In preparing this guide, we have assumed that:
you are an individual taxpayer
you are an Australian resident for income
tax purposes
you use this guide in conjunction with the
Australian Taxation Ofice’s 2024 Individual
Tax Return instructions to complete
your tax return
you hold your units for the purpose of
investment and that the Australian Capital
Gains Tax (CGT) rules apply to you.
Completing your tax returns
The following information relates to your
investment in the Vanguard Personal Investor
account. If you had income from any other
investments during the year, you will need
to include this information along with the
information provided in your Vanguard
Personal Investor ATS when completing your
tax return. For tax return references refer to
the Tax return for individuals (supplementary
section) (NAT 2679-06.2024).
Guide to your Vanguard Personal Investor tax statement – 30 June 2024 2
What other information can help me
with my tax return?
The Australian Taxation Ofice (ATO) has
a helpline for personal tax enquiries, which
is 13 28 61. The ATO also has a number of
publications which will help you to understand
your obligations and complete your return:
Individual tax return instructions 2024 – (NAT
Individual tax return instructions
supplement 2024
myTax instructions 2024
You and your shares 2024 – (NAT
Guide to foreign income tax offset rules 2024
Personal investors guide to capital gains tax
2024 – (NAT 4152-06.2024)
These publications are available from or by calling the ATO on
1300 720 092.
hat if I have a Vanguard Personal
Investor Kids Account?
You will receive an annual tax statement for
this account and may need to prepare and
lodge an income tax return for your child.
There are special tax rules which apply to
investment income earned by children.
General information from ATO on children’s
investments is available at: Children’s share
investments | Australian Taxation Ofice
If you have speciic queries, you may wish to
seek tax advice from a registered tax agent.
Can I use myTax?
The ATO allows you to prepare and lodge your
tax return online using myTax (via your myGov
account which is linked to the ATO). You can
use the myTax instructions to complete your
tax return. This is available on the ATO website.
The information provided in your Vanguard
Personal Investor ATS can be used to complete
various sections in myTax which, dependingon
the investments you hold, may include:
Managed Funds,
Capital gains or losses,
Other foreign income, and/or
Other income.
What if Im not an individual taxpayer?
The information provided in this guide assumes
you are an Australian resident individual
taxpayer. If your investments in your Vanguard
Personal Investor account are held through a
trust, company or superannuation fund, you
may need assistance from your registered tax
adviser in the completion of your tax return.
Frequently asked questions
Guide to your Vanguard Personal Investor tax statement – June 2024
Tax return information
The amounts reported in the ATS correspond to the description
and labels on the Tax return for individuals 2024 and Tax return for
individuals (supplementary section 2024).
Below is a brief explanation of each label disclosed in the ATS.
Australian Income
Label 10L – Interest Income
This item represents interest paid or credited
to you from any source in Australia.
However, if you received, or were entitled
to receive, distributions of interest from a
partnership or trust, show this at label 13U.
Label 11S – Unfranked Amount
This item represents the total of unfranked
dividends that have been paid or credited
to you by Australian companies that you
had shares in.
Label 11T – Franked Amount
(not inclusive of Franking Credits)
This item represents the total of franked
dividends (excluding franking credits) that
have been paid or credited to you by Australian
companies that you had shares in.
Label 11U – Australian Dividend Franking Credits
This item shows the amount of franking
credits attached to franked dividends from
investments in Australian companies that you
had shares in.
There are circumstances in which your ability
to claim a franking credit may be reduced. For
further details refer to the ATO publication You
and your shares 2024 (NAT 2632-06.2024).
Label 13C – Franked Amount (inclusive of
Franking Credits)
This item represents your share of franked
dividends and franking credits that have been
paid or attributed to you from your investment
in Australian trusts.
Label 13L – Primary Production (PP) Other income
excl. NCMI and PP Other income – NCMI
These items represent your share of income
from Primary Production activities that have
been paid or attributed to you from your
investment in Australian trusts.
Label 13U – Unfranked Amount, Interest Income,
Other Income, Other Income – CBMI, Other Income
excl. NCMI and Other Income NCMI
This item represents your share of unfranked
dividends, interest and other Australian income
known as your Non-Primary Production income
that have been paid or attributed to you from
your investment in Australian trusts.
It excludes capital gains, foreign income, and
franked dividend distributions.
Any non-Primary Production deductions that
relate to the income derived at this label is
included at label 13Y (discussed on page 6).
Foreign Income
Label 19K – Attributable Income CFC
This item relates to income and gains of
foreign companies to which you had a direct or
indirect controlling interest. Refer to the ATO
publication Foreign income return form guide
2024 for further information.
Label 20E – Foreign Source Income (including
tax offsets)
This item represents foreign source income
received from direct investments and foreign
income that has been paid or attributed to you
from trust distributions. It does not include
amounts of foreign net capital gains – see
Capital Gains/Losses section on page 6.
Label 20M – Other net foreign source income
If you have foreign deductible expenses
incurred in earning foreign source income,
the amount you include at Label 20M is the
amount at Label 20E less these expenses.
If you do not have any foreign deductible
expenses, the amount disclosed at Label 20M
will be the same as Label 20E.
Refer to the ATO publication Individual tax
return instructions supplement 2024 for further
Other Income and deductions
Label 24Y/D15J – Disposal of Traditional Securities
Item 24Y includes gains from the disposal
of traditional securities while Item D15J
includes losses from the disposal of
traditional securities.
Label 24Y/D15J – Other Assessable Income and
Foreign exchange (FX) Gains/losses
Item 24Y includes other assessable income
and any FX gains while Item D15J includes
any FX losses.
Tax Offsets
Label 11U – Australian Dividend Franking Credits
This item shows your share of franking credits
from your investment in a company in which
you had shares. There are circumstances in
which your ability to claim a franking credit
may be reduced.
For further details refer to the ATO publication
You and your shares 2024 (NAT 2632-06.2024).
Label 13Q – Trust Franking Credits
This item shows your share of franking credits
from your investment in Australian trusts.
There are circumstances in which your ability
to claim a franking credit may be reduced.
For further details refer to the ATO publication
You and your shares 2024 (NAT 2632-06.2024).
Label 20O – Foreign Income Tax Offsets
This is your share of foreign income tax offsets
attached to the foreign income and foreign
capital gains distributed to you.
If your foreign income tax offsets from all
sources for the inancial year does not exceed
$1,000 you can claim this amount in full.
If you are claiming more than $1,000, please
refer to the ATO publication ATO publication
Guide to foreign income tax offset rules 2024
to work out the total foreign income tax offset
you can claim.
Label 20F – Australian Franking Credits from
a NZ Company
This item represents Australian franking
credits from New Zealand franking companies.
For further information refer to the ATO
publication You and your shares 2024 (NAT
Label T7K – Early-Stage Venture Capital Limited
Partnership (LP) Offsets
This item shows your share of Early-Stage
Venture Capital LP Offsets from your
investment in eligible Australian trusts.
Label T8L – Early-Stage Investor Offsets
This item shows your share of Early-Stage
Investor Offsets from your investment in
eligible Australian trusts.
Label T9P – Other Refundable Tax Offsets –
Exploration Credits
This item shows your share of Exploration
Credits from your investment in eligible
Australian companies or trusts.
Guide to your Vanguard Personal Investor tax statement – June 2024
Label D8 or D15J—Account fee
This item may include your account fee and
depending on the nature of income you receive,
include this amount (or parts of it) at label D8
and/or D15J.
Your brokerage fee generally forms part
of your cost base when you buy or sell your
investments for CGT purposes.
Label 10M – TFN withholding tax from gross interest
This item represents Tax File Number (TFN)
amounts withheld from interest where
you have not supplied a TFN or claimed a
relevant exemption.
Label 11V TFN withholding tax from dividends
This item represents TFN amounts withheld
from dividends where you have not supplied a
TFN or claimed a relevant exemption.
Label D8 – LIC Capital Gain Amount
This item relates to dividends received from a
Listed Investment Company (LIC) which are
attributable to LIC capital gains.
Individuals, trusts, or partnerships are
entitled to a deduction of 50% and complying
superannuation funds a deduction of 33% of
the LIC capital gain.
Label 13A - Non resident withholding tax
This item represent non resident withholding
tax withheld from trust distributions.
Label 13R – TFN withholding tax from
This item represents TFN amounts withheld
from trust distributions where you have not
supplied a TFN or ABN or claimed a relevant
Label 13Y– Other deduction (relating to trusts
This item represents deductions that you
are entitled to claim in relation to your share of
non-primary production income from an
Australian trust (see Label 13U on page 4).
Capital Gains/Losses
This section of your tax statement provides
information on capital gains from trust
distributions and capital gains/losses from the
disposal of your investments.
For trust distributions, this section also
includes details of your share of any net foreign
sourced capital gains and related foreign
income tax offsets.
This information will help you complete
Question 18 of your tax return.
If you have derived capital gains or losses from
investments held outside of Vanguard Personal
Investor you will need to also include these
capital gains or losses in this section.
Label 18A – Net capital gain
This item represents your net capital gain
after applying any capital losses against gross
capital gains and then applying any available
CGT discount. For the purpose of calculating
the net capital gain it is assumed that the
investor is a resident individual investor and is
eligible for the 50% CGT general discount on
any discount capital gains.
Label 18H – Total current year capital gains
This amount is the sum of all capital gains
from trust distributions and capital gains
arising from the disposal of your holdings in
the investment, without applying any capital
losses nor any CGT discount.
Label 18V – Net capital losses carried forward to
later income years
This represents your net capital losses
available to be carried forward to future years.
Capital gains or losses
from disposal of assets
This section provides information on the capital gains and losses
realised from the sale and/or redemption of your investments during the
inancial year.
This capital gains and losses information
is summarised and disclosed at Capital
gains/losses from disposal of assets on
Part A of the ATS.
Vanguard Personal Investor uses a First-In
First-Out (FIFO) method for calculating capital
gains/ losses when you sell or redeem a part of
a particular investment.
Where applicable, the cost base of your
investments will be adjusted to include any
brokerage costs and/or AMIT cost base net
amounts relating to your investments in
AMITs- see below.
Importantly, should you have current year
capital gains or losses from other sources or
prior year carried forward capital losses, you
will need to include these additional capital
gains or losses when determining your overall
CGT position for the inancial year.
Also, where you have transferred investments
from another broker or investor platform to
your Vanguard Personal Investor account,
capital gains or losses shown in the ATS from
a sale or redemption of these investments
are based on the cost base information you
had supplied to Vanguard at the time of
their transfer.
Other information for
Other non-assessable amounts
Managed Investment Trusts (MITs)
For investments you hold in MITs, the non-
assessable amounts may consist of tax-free
income, tax deferred, return of capital, net
exempt income, non-assessable non-exempt
(NANE) income
Attribution Managed Investment Trusts (AMITs)
For investments you hold in AMITs, the
non-assessable amounts refer to other
non-attributable amounts, net exempt
income and NANE income that have been
distributed to you.
While these amounts are not assessable for
you in the year ended 30 June 2024, these
amounts may require an adjustment to the
cost base of the units held in the AMIT. Other
non-attributable amounts may include tax-
free amounts, tax deferred amounts, and
return of capital.
AMIT cost base net amount
This represents the difference between cash
distributions and other entitlements from an
AMIT to the amount of income attributed to
you. The difference may be a positive amount
or a negative amount, which effectively
increases or reduces the cost base of your
units in the AMIT respectively.
Guide to your Vanguard Personal Investor tax statement – June 2024
What does the AMIT cost base net amount –
excess represent?
Where taxable income attributed to you is less
than the cash distribution you received, the
difference will decrease both the cost base and
the reduced cost base of your units in the fund.
The decrease in the cost base of your units in
the fund should be taken into account upon
disposal of the units when calculating your
capital gain/loss position. The reduction of
cost base of the units in the fund may give
rise to a capital gain in the year where there is
insuficient cost base to absorb the reduction
or there is a ‘nil’ cost base.
What does the AMIT cost base net amount –
shortfall represent?
Where taxable income attributed to you is
more than cash distribution you received, the
difference will increase the cost base and
reduced cost base of your units in the fund.
The increase in the cost base of your units in
the fund should be taken into account upon
disposal of the units when calculating your
capital gain/loss position.
Non-Concessional MIT income (NCMI)
This amount is your share of MIT income from:
MIT cross staple arrangements,
MIT trading trust,
MIT agricultural or
MIT residential housing.
Excluded from NCMI
This amount is your share of MIT income
(excluded from NCMI) from transitional
arrangements or approved economic
infrastructure facilities.
Clean Building MIT Income (CBMI)
This amount is your share of income attributed
to a MIT that holds one or more energy
eficient commercial buildings constructed on
or after 1 July 2012.
CGT Information: Retail/
Wholesale transition
This section contains important information for investors in Vanguard
Retail or Wholesale managed funds who transitioned to Vanguard
Personal Investor in October 2023 and have disposed of their
investments during the income year.
CGT calculations for these disposals are
estimates and are marked with an (*) in the
Capital gains/(losses) disposal of assets section
of your annual tax statement.
They may impact the capital gain and loss
disclosures at 18A, 18H and 18V on page 4 of
your statement.
You can choose to rely on the estimated capital
gain or loss in respect of these disposals on
your statement if the applicable assumptions
apply to you.
Please carefully read either:
Part A for Retail investors, or
Part B for Wholesale investors;
to determine the appropriate information to
be reported in your 2024 tax return.
Before you do so, you will need to determine
if you were a Retail investor or Wholesale
investor just before you transitioned to
Vanguard Personal Investor in October 2023 as
different assumptions apply to you.
Determining if you are a Retail or
Wholesale investor
Retail investor
You are a Retail investor if on 5 October 2023,
you exchanged your units in one or more of
Vanguard retail funds for the same value of
units in the equivalent Vanguard wholesale
und and moved them to your Vanguard
Personal Investor account.
For this transition, you could elect for CGT
roll-over relief to any capital gain you made
when you exchanged your retail units for
wholesale units.
If you made any capital loss from the
exchange of units at that time, CGT roll-over
relief was not available, so these capital losses
need to be included in your 2024 tax return.
The CGT-rollover implications are contained
in ATO class ruling CR 2023/58, which was
obtained by Vanguard on your behalf.
If this applies to you, refer to Part A.
Information for Retail investors on page 10.
lesale investor
You are a Wholesale investor if you held units
in one or more Vanguard wholesale funds and
you moved your units to your Vanguard
Personal Investor account on 27 October 2023.
The transfer of your wholesale managed fund
units to your Vanguard Personal Investor
account at that time does not give rise to any
capital gain or loss.
A capital gain or loss arises upon your disposal
of your wholesale units within Vanguard
Personal Investor.
If this applies to you, refer to Part
B. Information for Wholesale
investors on page 11.
Guide to your Vanguard Personal Investor tax statement – June 2024
Part A. Information for Retail investors
who disposed of their investments
The capital gain or loss shown in your
statement - marked with an (*) - from the
disposal of your post-transition units are based
on the following assumptions:
you disposed of these units on a First-in,
First-Out basis
you made a capital gain on the disposal of
your retail units at the time of the exchange
because of the capital gain, you elected for
CGT scrip-for-scrip roll-over relief to apply
for the year ended 30 June 2024. If so, this
means that for the wholesale units you
received as part of the exchange, you are
considered to have acquired those units for
CGT purposes:
at the time you acquired your original
retail units (rather than when the proposal
was implemented on 5 October 2023), and
with a cost base and reduced cost base
based on the original cost that was paid
for your retail units. This cost has been
apportioned across your wholesale units
when the proposal was implemented.
If you did not make an election for CGT roll-
over relief or made a capital loss
You cannot rely on the capital gain or loss
shown on your statement and will need
to calculate the capital gain or loss on the
disposal of your wholesale units that you
received as part of the unit exchange.
Broadly, this is calculated as:
Proceeds you received from the disposal of
your wholesale units; less
The cost base or reduced cost base of your
wholesale units – using the market value
and acquisition date for those units as of 5
October 2023.
Note that if a capital gain is made, the
CGT discount does not apply if you held
the units for less than 12 months from that
acquisition date.
What you need to do
If you made an election for CGT roll-over
relief for your units
You may choose to include the capital gain or
loss as lagged with an (*) in your tax return
noting that the cost base and reduced cost
base of the units for the CGT calculations
are based on best estimates and may not be
entirely accurate.
Alternatively, you may have maintained records
of t
he cost base and reduced cost base of your
units and any prior cost base adjustments
since you held them..
If so, you may wish to rely on those to
separately work out the capital gain or loss of
your disposal to be included in your tax return
if those records are complete.
For information on cost base adjustments,
please refer to page 7 and 8 in relation to AMIT cost
base net amount.
Guide to your Vanguard Personal Investor tax statement – June 2024
Part B. I
nformation for Wholesale
investors who disposed of their
investments post-transition
The capital gain or loss shown in your
statement - marked with an (*) - from the
disposal of your post-transition units are based
on the following assumptions:
you disposed of your wholesale units on a
First-in, First-Out basis, and
you acquired the relevant wholesale unit at
time your originally acquired those units
not when they were moved to your Vanguard
Personal Investor account).
What you need to do
You may choose to include the capital gain or
loss as lagged with an (*) in your tax return
noting that the cost base and reduced cost
base of the units for the CGT calculations
are based on best estimates and may not be
entirely accurate.
Alternatively, you may have main
tained records
of the cost base and reduced cost base of your
units and any prior cost base adjustments
since you held them.
If so, you may wish to rely on those to
separately work out the capital gain or loss of
your disposal to be included in your tax return
if those records are complete.
For information on cost base adjustments,
please refer to page 7 and 8 in relation to AMIT
cost base net amount.
Note that if a capital gain is made, the CGT
discount does not apply if you held the units
for less than 12 months from the relevant
acquisition date.
Guide to your Vanguard Personal Investor tax statement – June 2024
More information
Contacting the ATO
ATO 13 28 61 or
ATO publications 1300 720 092
Vanguard Investments Australia Ltd (ABN 72 072 881 086 / AFS Licence 227263) is the product issuer and the Operator of Vanguard Personal Investor. We have not
taken your objectives, financial situation or needs into account when preparing this guide so it may not be applicable to the particular situation you are considering.
You should consider your objectives, financial situation or needs, and the disclosure documents before making any investment decision. Before you make any financial
decision, you should seek professional advice from a suitably qualified adviser. A copy of the Target Market Determinations (TMD) for Vanguard’s financial products can
be obtained at free of charge and include a description of who the financial product is appropriate for. You should refer to the TMD before making any
investment decisions. You can access our IDPS Guide, PDSs Prospectus and TMD at or by calling 1300 655 101. Past performance information is given
for illustrative purposes only and should not be relied upon as, and is not, an indication of future performance. This guide was prepared in good faith and we accept no
liability for any errors or omissions.
©2024 Vanguard Investments Australia Ltd.
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