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Chemistry is a high school level course, which satisfies the Ohio Core
science graduation requirements of Ohio Revised Code Section 3313.603.
This section of Ohio law requires three units of science. Each course should
include inquiry-based laboratory experience that engages students in asking
valid scientific questions and gathering and analyzing information.
This course introduces students to key concepts and theories that provide a
foundation for further study in other sciences as well as advanced science
disciplines. Chemistry comprises a systematic study of the predictive
physical interactions of matter and subsequent events that occur in the
natural world. The study of matter through the exploration of classification, its
structure and its interactions is how this course is organized.
Investigations are used to understand and explain the behavior of matter in a
variety of inquiry and design scenarios that incorporate scientific reasoning,
analysis, communication skills and real-world applications. An understanding
of leading theories and how they have informed current knowledge prepares
students with higher order cognitive capabilities of evaluation, prediction and
The following information may be taught in any order; there is no ODE-
recommended sequence.
C.PM.1: Atomic structure
Evolution of atomic models/theory
• Electrons
• Electron configurations
C.PM.2: Periodic Table
• Properties
• Trends
C.PM.3: Chemical bonding
• Ionic
• Polar/covalent
C.PM.4: Representing compounds
• Formula writing
• Nomenclature
Models and shapes (Lewis structures, ball and stick, molecular
C.PM.5: Quantifying matter
C.PM.6: Intermolecular forces of attraction
Types and strengths
Implications for properties of substances
Melting and boiling point
Vapor pressure
C.IM.1: Chemical reactions
Types of reactions
• Kinetics
• Energy
• Equilibrium
• Acids/bases
C.IM.2: Gas laws
Pressure, volume and temperature
Ideal gas law
C.IM.3: Stoichiometry
• Molecular calculations
• Solutions
• Limiting reagents
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Nature of Science
One goal of science education is to help students become scientifically literate citizens able to use science as a way of knowing about the natural and material
world. All students should have sufficient understanding of scientific knowledge and scientific processes to enable them to distinguish what is science from what
is not science and to make informed decisions about career choices, health maintenance, quality of life, community and other decisions that impact both
themselves and others.
Categories High School
Scientific Inquiry, Practice and
All students must use these
scientific processes with
appropriate laboratory safety techniques
construct their knowledge and
understanding in all science content areas.
x Identify questions and concepts that guide scientific investigations.
x Design and conduct scientific investigations using a variety of methods and tools to collect empirical
evidence, observing appropriate safety techniques
x Use technology and mathematics to improve investigations and communications.
x Formulate and revise explanations and models using logic and scientific evidence (critical thinking).
x Recognize and analyze explanations and models.
x Communicate and support scientific arguments.
Science is a Way of Knowing
Science assumes the universe is a vast
single system in which basic laws are
consistent. Natural laws operate today as
they did in t
he past and they will continue to
do so in the future. Science is both a body
of knowledge that represents a current
understanding of natural systems and the
processes used to refine, elaborate, revise
and extend this knowledge.
x Various science disciplines use diverse methods to obtain evidence and do not always use the same set of
procedures to obtain and analyze data (i.e., there is no one scientific method).
o Make observations and look for patterns.
o Determine relevant independent variables affecting observed patterns.
o Manipulate an independent variable to affect a dependent variable.
o Conduct an experiment with controlled variables based on a question or hypothesis.
o Analyze data graphically and mathematically.
x Science disciplines share common rules of evidence used to evaluate explanations about natural
phenomenon by using empirical standards, logical arguments and peer reviews.
o Empirical standards include objectivity, reproducibility, and honest and ethical reporting of findings.
o Logical arguments should be evaluated with open-mindedness, objectivity and skepticism.
x Science arguments are strengthened by multiple lines of evidence supporting a single explanation.
x The various scientific disciplines have practices, methods, and modes of thinking that are used in the process
of developing new science knowledge and critiquing existing knowledge.
Science is a Human Endeavor
Science has been, and continues to be,
advanced by individuals of various races,
genders, ethnicities, languages, abilities,
family backgrounds and incomes.
x Science depends on curiosity, imagination, creativity and persistence.
x Individuals from different social, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds work as scientists and engineers.
x Science and engineering are influenced by technological advances and society; technological advances and
society are influenced by science and engineering.
x Science and technology might raise ethical, social and cultural issues for which science, by itself, does not
provide answers and solutions.
Scientific Knowledge is Open to
Revision in Light of New Evidence
Science is not static. Science is constantly
changing as we acquire more knowledge.
x Science can advance through critical thinking about existing evidence.
x Science includes the process of comparing patterns of evidence with current theory.
x Some science knowledge pertains to probabilities or tendencies.
x Science should carefully consider and evaluate anomalies (persistent outliers) in data and evidence.
x Improvements in technology allow us to gather new scientific evidence.
*Adapted from Appendix H – Understanding the Scientific Enterprise: The Nature of Science in the Next Generation Science Standards
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Chemistry continued
C.PM.1: Atomic structure
x Evolution of atomic models/theory
x Electrons
x Electron configurations
C.PM.1: Atomic structure
Physical Science included properties and locations of protons, neutrons and electrons, atomic number, mass number, cations and anions, isotopes and the strong
nuclear force which holds the nucleus together. In this course, the historical development of the atomic model and the positions of electrons are explored in greater
Atomic models are constructed to explain experimental evidence and make predictions. The changes in the atomic model over time exemplify how scientific
knowledge changes as new evidence emerges and how technological advancements like electricity extend the boundaries of scientific knowledge. Thompson’s
study of electrical discharges in cathode-ray tubes led to the discovery of the electron and the development of the plum pudding model of the atom. Rutherford’s
H[SHULPHQWLQZKLFKKHERPEDUGHGJROGIRLOZLWKĮ-particles, led to the discovery that most of the atom consists of empty space with a relatively small, positively
charged nucleus. Bohr used data from atomic spectra to propose a planetary model of the atom in which electrons orbit the nucleus, like planets around the sun.
Later, Schrödinger used the idea that electrons travel in waves to develop a model in which electrons travel randomly in regions of space called orbitals (quantum
mechanical model).
Based on the quantum mechanical model, it is not possible to predict exactly where electrons are located but there is a region of space surrounding the nucleus in
which there is a high probability of finding an electron (electron cloud or orbital). Data from atomic spectra (emission and absorption) gives evidence that electrons
can only exist at certain discrete energy levels and not at energies between these levels.
Atoms are usually in the ground state where the electrons occupy orbitals with the lowest available energy. However, the atom can become excited when the
electrons absorb a photon with the precise amount of energy (indicated by the frequency of the photon) to move to an orbital with higher energy. Any photon
without this precise amount of energy will be ignored by the electron. The atom exists in the excited state for a very short amount of time. When an electron drops
back down to the lower energy level, it emits a photon that has energy equal to the energy difference between the levels. The amount of energy is indicated by the
frequency of the light that is given off and can be measured. Each element has a unique emission and absorption spectrum due to its unique electron configuration
and specific electron energy jumps that are possible for that element.
Being aware of the quantum mechanical model as the currently accepted model for the atom is important for science literacy as it explains and predicts subatomic
interactions, but details should be reserved for more advanced study.
Electron energy levels consist of sublevels (s, p, d and f), each with a characteristic number and shape of orbitals. Orbital diagrams and electron configuration can
be constructed to show the location of the electrons in an atom using established rules. Valence electrons are responsible for most of the chemical properties of
elements. In this course, electron configuration (extended and noble gas notation) and orbital diagrams can be shown for any element in the first three periods.
Although the quantum mechanical model of the atom explains the most experimental evidence, other models can still be helpful. Thinking of atoms as indivisible
spheres is useful in explaining many physical properties of substances, such as the state (solid, liquid or gas) of a substance at room temperature. Bohr’s
planetary model is useful to explain and predict periodic trends in the properties of elements.
Note: Quantum numbers and equations of de Broglie, Schrödinger and Plank are beyond the scope of this course.
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The content in the standards needs to be taught in ways that incorporate the nature of science and engage students in scientific thought processes. Where
possible, real-world data and problem- and project-based experiences should be utilized. Ohio’s Cognitive Demands relate to current understanding and research
about the ways people learn and are important aspects to the overall understanding of science concepts. Care should be taken to provide students opportunities to
engage in all four types of thinking. Additionally, lessons need to be designed so that they incorporate the concepts described in the Nature of Science.
This section provides guidance for developing classroom tasks that go beyond traditional approaches to instruction. It is a springboard for generating innovative
ideas to address the cognitive demands. A variety of activities are presented so that teachers can select those that best meet the needs of their students. This is
not an all-inclusive checklist and is not intended to cover every aspect of the standards. These activities are suggestions and are not mandatory.
solutions using science concepts
Demonstrating science knowledge
Interpreting and communicating
science concepts
Recalling accurate science
C.PM.1: Atomic structure
Evolution of atomic models/atomic structure
Compare the nature of protons,
neutrons and electrons among
different atomic models.
Compare the strengths and limitations
of particular atomic models.
Investigate the principles used to
develop atomic models (e.g. a black-
box problem).
Create a timeline that shows major
discoveries in atomic history.
Predict which isotope is most
abundant given an element’s atomic
mass and the mass numbers of its
Identify atomic models (e.g., Dalton’s,
Thomson’s, Rutherford’s, Bohr’s) and
the work used to produce each of
these models.
Interpret the classic historical
experiments that were used to identify
the components of an atom and
behavior of electrons.
Calculate atomic mass given the
abundance of various isotopes.
Determine the atomic number, mass
number, number of protons, neutrons
and electrons.
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solutions using science concepts
Demonstrating science knowledge
Interpreting and communicating
science concepts
Recalling accurate science
Using knowledge and/or
understanding of various ions and
their electron location, construct a
plan or proposal for a community
firework show. Proposal must contain
a list of materials, including the
chemicals, safety procedures,
environmental impact and possible
Design a toy that is based on the idea
of excited electrons.
Design an investigation using group 2
elements that illustrates the reactivity
of the elements as you move down
the group. Interpret data to explain
this reasoning based on the electron
configurations of each element.
Compare the electron configuration of
various ions based on data from an
experiment (e.g., flame test, spectral
tubes). Explore the color of various
salts by looking at the
electromagnetic spectrum.
Identify the extended and noble gas
notation electron configurations for
elements in the first three periods.
Using the periodic table, determine
the electron configuration of an atom.
Construct an orbital diagram or
electron configuration to show the
probable arrangement of electrons in
an atom.
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Chemistry continued
C.PM.2: Periodic table
x Properties
x Trends
C.PM.2: Periodic table
In the Physical Science course, the concept that elements are placed in order of increasing atomic number in the periodic table such that elements with similar
properties are placed in the same column is introduced. How the periodic table is divided into groups, families, periods, metals, nonmetals and metalloids is also
included and will be revisited here. In this course, with more information about the electron configuration of elements, similarities in the configuration of the valence
electrons for a particular group can be observed. The electron configuration of an atom can be determined from the position on the periodic table. The repeating
pattern in the electron configuration for elements on the periodic table explains many of the trends in the properties observed. Atomic theory is used to describe
and explain trends in properties across periods or down columns including atomic radii, ionic radii, first ionization energies, electronegativities and whether the
element is a solid or gas at room temperature. Additional ionization energies, electron affinities and periodic properties of the transition elements, and the
lanthanide and actinide series are reserved for more advanced study.
The content in the standards needs to be taught in ways that incorporate the nature of science and engage students in scientific thought processes. Where
possible, real-world data and problem- and project-based experiences should be utilized. Ohio’s Cognitive Demands relate to current understanding and research
about the ways people learn and are important aspects to the overall understanding of science concepts. Care should be taken to provide students opportunities to
engage in all four types of thinking. Additionally, lessons need to be designed so that they incorporate the concepts described in the Nature of Science.
This section provides guidance for developing classroom tasks that go beyond traditional approaches to instruction. It is a springboard for generating innovative
ideas to address the cognitive demands. A variety of activities are presented so that teachers can select those that best meet the needs of their students. This is
not an all-inclusive checklist and is not intended to cover every aspect of the standards. These activities are suggestions and are not mandatory.
solutions using science concepts
Demonstrating science knowledge
Interpreting and communicating
science concepts
Recalling accurate science
C.PM.2: Periodic table
Develop a proposal for the
construction of an outdoor art
installation in various
environments/climates. Determine
which metal(s) would have the
optimal properties for your project.
Present and defend your proposal to
a panel of experts.
Predict the placement of an element
on the periodic table given only a list
of its properties.
Given a metalloid, judge whether the
metalloid is more likely to behave as a
metal or nonmetal. Defend your
Create a product that explains the
organization of the periodic table
(e.g., increasing atomic number,
groups, periods, metals, metalloid,
nonmetals) to middle school students.
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solutions using science concepts
Demonstrating science knowledge
Interpreting and communicating
science concepts
Recalling accurate science
Create a graphic to show the
relationships between the trends of
the periodic table and electron
Describe ionization energy and relate
it to atomic structure.
Describe electronegativity and relate
it to atomic structure.
Describe periodic trends in ionic radii
and electron affinity and relate them
to atomic structure.
Describe atomic radius and relate to
atomic structure.
Describe how shielding effect
explains the trend in atomic size.
For two atoms, identify the one that is
larger, more electronegative, or more
easily ionized based on where they
are on the periodic table. Justify your
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Chemistry continued
C.PM.3: Chemical bonding
x Ionic
x Polar/covalent
C.PM.3: Chemical bonding
Content in the Physical Science course included recognizing that atoms with unpaired electrons tend to form ionic and covalent bonds with other atoms, forming
molecules, ionic lattices or network covalent structures. In this course, electron configuration, electronegativity values and energy considerations will be applied to
bonding and the properties of materials with different types of bonding.
Atoms of many elements are more stable when they are bonded to other atoms. In such cases, as atoms bond, energy is released to the surroundings, resulting in
a system with lower energy. An atom’s electron configuration, particularly the valence electrons, determines how an atom interacts with other atoms. Molecules,
ionic lattices and network covalent structures have different, yet predictable, properties that depend on the identity of the elements and the types of bonds formed.
Differences in electronegativity values can be used to predict where a bond fits on the continuum between ionic and covalent bonds. The polarity of a bond
depends on the electronegativity difference and the distance between the atoms (bond length). Polar covalent bonds are introduced as an intermediary between
ionic and pure covalent bonds. The concept of metallic bonding is also introduced to explain many of the properties of metals (e.g., conductivity). Since most
compounds contain multiple bonds, a substance may contain more than one type of bond. Carbon atoms can bond together and with other atoms, especially
hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur, to form chains, rings and branching networks that are present in a variety of important compounds, including synthetic
polymers, fossil fuels and the large molecules essential to life. Detailed study of the structure of molecules responsible for life is reserved for more advanced
The content in the standards needs to be taught in ways that incorporate the nature of science and engage students in scientific thought processes. Where
possible, real-world data and problem- and project-based experiences should be utilized. Ohio’s Cognitive Demands relate to current understanding and research
about the ways people learn and are important aspects to the overall understanding of science concepts. Care should be taken to provide students opportunities to
engage in all four types of thinking. Additionally, lessons need to be designed so that they incorporate the concepts described in the
Nature of Science.
This section provides guidance for developing classroom tasks that go beyond traditional approaches to instruction. It is a springboard for generating innovative
ideas to address the cognitive demands. A variety of activities are presented so that teachers can select those that best meet the needs of their students. This is
not an all-inclusive checklist and is not intended to cover every aspect of the standards. These activities are suggestions and are not mandatory.
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solutions using science concepts
Demonstrating science knowledge
Interpreting and communicating
science concepts
Recalling accurate science
C.PM.3: Chemical bonding
Ionic bonds
Design a theoretical pharmaceutical
with an appropriate shape to interact
with a provided enzyme or receptor
designed by the teacher. The
designed molecule would need to
contact the enzyme or receptor in
three different loci.
Design an investigation to evaluate
the claims of a commercial product
(e.g., ionic-tourmaline, a mineral that
is said to emit quick-drying ions; a
hair dryer; a shake weight dumbbell; a
type of strong-bond glue). Determine
function, intent and any potential bias
with the product. Present findings in
multiple formats.
Design and conduct an investigation
to distinguish between ionic, polar
covalent, nonpolar covalent and
metallic bonds based on material
properties (e.g., melting point,
solubility, conductivity).
Design an experiment to test the
effectiveness of a water softener
system’s ability to remove ions from
Compare the stability of ions when
they are separated vs. when they are
in their lattice.
Construct models or diagrams (e.g.,
Lewis dot structures, ball and stick
models) of common compounds and
molecules (e.g., NaCl, SiO
, O
, H
) and distinguish between
ionically and covalently bonded
Using electron configurations,
hypothesize how an atom becomes a
cation or anion and illustrate how and
why they would form ionic
Define bond energy and recognize
that bond-breaking is an endothermic
process and bond-forming is an
exothermic process.
Represent the formation of a bond
using electron configurations of
individual atoms.
Explain the tendency of elements to
transfer or share electrons based on
their location on the periodic table.
Identify valence electrons as the
highest energy electrons in the atom
and use the octet rule to predict the
most stable ion formed.
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solutions using science concepts
Demonstrating science knowledge
Interpreting and communicating
science concepts
Recalling accurate science
Polar/covalent bonds
Propose a method to evaluate the
ability of plastics to be recycled based
on the understanding of the plastic’s
Evaluate and critique the impact of a
synthetic polymer, fossil fuel or
biological macromolecule on society,
the environment or health.
Devise a procedure to evaluate
physical and chemical properties to
develop predictions and support
claims about compounds'
classification as ionic, polar or
Evaluate the properties of DNA based
on the bonds (polar and nonpolar)
within its chemical structure and how
it relates to DNA sequencing and/or
forensic/medical applications.
Determine if bonds and molecules are
polar by determining the direction of
dipole moment of the individual
Using electron dot diagrams,
generate models showing that
molecular compounds result from
atoms sharing electrons. Include
carbon bonds showing the formation
of chains, rings and branching
Distinguish between bond polarity and
molecular polarity. Construct models
illustrating how a nonpolar molecule
can be formed from polar bonds.
Compare the stability of atoms when
they are separated vs. when they are
Using experimental evidence, explain
how the properties of macromolecules
depend on the properties of the
molecules used in their formation and
the length and structure of the
polymer chain.
Distinguish between ionic and
polar/nonpolar covalent bonds based
on their electronegativity values.
Write equations for covalent bond
formation between two atoms using
Lewis structures.
Explain the difference between a
single, double and triple bond in terms
of electrons shared.
Compare the bond energies and
lengths for single, double and triple
bonds conceptually (no numbers).
Explain how polymerization forms
long chains of macromolecules
(polymers) from small molecules
(monomers). Provide examples of
natural and synthetic polymers.
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solutions using science concepts
Demonstrating science knowledge
Interpreting and communicating
science concepts
Recalling accurate science
Metallic bonds
Critique the advantages and
disadvantages of different metals and
alloys for bridge construction.
Illustrate how freely moving electrons
in metallic bonds affect properties
such as conductivity, malleability and
Explain how the structure of metal
atoms give them the ability to conduct
heat and electricity.
Explore the extent to which a variety
of solid materials conduct electricity
and rank the materials from good
conductors to poor conductors. Based
on the conductivity data, determine
patterns of location on the Periodic
Table for the good conductors vs. the
poor conductors.
Compare electrons in a metallic bond
and in a covalent bond.
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Chemistry continued
C.PM.4: Representing compounds
x Formula writing
x Nomenclature
x Models and shapes (Lewis structures, ball and stick, molecular geometries)
C.PM.4: Representing compounds
Using the periodic table, formulas of ionic compounds containing specific elements can be predicted. This can include ionic compounds made up of elements from
groups 1, 2, 17, hydrogen, oxygen and polyatomic ions (given the formula and charge of the polyatomic ion). Given the formula, a compound can be named using
conventional systems that include Greek prefixes and Roman numerals where appropriate. Given the name of an ionic or covalent substance, formulas can be
Many different models can be used to represent compounds including chemical formulas, Lewis structures, and ball and stick models. These models can be used
to visualize atoms and molecules and to predict the properties of substances. Each type of representation provides unique information about the compound.
Different representations are better suited for particular substances. Lewis structures can be drawn to represent covalent compounds using a simple set of rules
and can be combined with valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR) theory to predict the three-dimensional electron pair and molecular geometry of
compounds. Lewis structures and molecular geometries will only be constructed for the following combination of elements: hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen,
phosphorus, sulfur and the halogens. Organic nomenclature is reserved for more advanced courses.
The content in the standards needs to be taught in ways that incorporate the nature of science and engage students in scientific thought processes. Where
possible, real-world data and problem- and project-based experiences should be utilized. Ohio’s Cognitive Demands relate to current understanding and research
about the ways people learn and are important aspects to the overall understanding of science concepts. Care should be taken to provide students opportunities to
engage in all four types of thinking. Additionally, lessons need to be designed so that they incorporate the concepts described in the
Nature of Science.
This section provides guidance for developing classroom tasks that go beyond traditional approaches to instruction. It is a springboard for generating innovative
ideas to address the cognitive demands. A variety of activities are presented so that teachers can select those that best meet the needs of their students. This is
not an all-inclusive checklist and is not intended to cover every aspect of the standards. These activities are suggestions and are not mandatory.
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solutions using science concepts
Demonstrating science knowledge
Interpreting and communicating
science concepts
Recalling accurate science
C.PM.4: Representing compounds
Formula writing
Develop the formulas for chemical
compounds in household items based
on their names.
Construct a prototype of a game to
enhance the understanding of formula
writing and nomenclature. Allow other
students to evaluate and critique the
appropriateness of the game.
Given elements from the periodic
table and/or polyatomic ions, predict
the formula of a compound.
Write a formula from the name of an
Given the formula of an ionic
compound or a binary covalent
compound, determine the
compound’s name.
Name an acid based on its chemical
Models and shapes (Lewis structures, ball and stick, molecular geometries)
Determine which type of model (e.g.,
chemical formula, Lewis structure,
ball-and-stick model) is the best
representation for a variety of
Implementing VSEPR identify the
different shapes within a large
macromolecule (e.g., caffeine,
dopamine, serotonin).
Construct simple Lewis structures of
compounds made up of hydrogen,
carbon, nitrogen, oxygen,
phosphorus, sulfur and the halogens.
Predict the three-dimensional shapes
of simple Lewis structures using
valence shell electron pair repulsion
(VSEPR) theory.
Construct three-dimensional ball-and-
stick models to determine the shapes
of simple covalent compounds.
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Chemistry continued
C.PM.5: Quantifying matter
C.PM.5: Quantifying matter
In earlier grades, properties of materials were quantified with measurements that were always associated with some error. In this course, scientific protocols for
quantifying the properties of matter accurately and precisely are studied. Using the International System of Units (SI), significant digits or figures, scientific notation,
error analysis and dimensional analysis are vital to scientific communication.
There are three domains of magnitude in size and time: the macroscopic (human) domain, the cosmic domain and the submicroscopic (atomic and subatomic)
domain. Measurements in the cosmic domain and submicroscopic domains require complex instruments and/or procedures.
Matter can be quantified in a way that macroscopic properties such as mass can reflect the number of particles present. Elemental samples are a mixture of
several isotopes with different masses. The atomic mass of an element is calculated given the mass and relative abundance of each isotope of the element as it
exists in nature. Because the mass of an atom is very small, the mole is used to translate between the atomic and macroscopic levels. A mole is equal to the
number of atoms in exactly 12 grams of the isotope carbon-12. The mass of one mole of a substance is equal to its molar mass in grams. The molar mass for a
substance can be used in conjunction with Avogadro’s number and the density of a substance to convert between mass, moles, volume and number of particles of
a sample.
The content in the standards needs to be taught in ways that incorporate the nature of science and engage students in scientific thought processes. Where
possible, real-world data and problem- and project-based experiences should be utilized. Ohio’s Cognitive Demands
relate to current understanding and research
about the ways people learn and are important aspects to the overall understanding of science concepts. Care should be taken to provide students opportunities to
engage in all four types of thinking. Additionally, lessons need to be designed so that they incorporate the concepts described in the Nature of Science.
This section provides guidance for developing classroom tasks that go beyond traditional approaches to instruction. It is a springboard for generating innovative
ideas to address the cognitive demands. A variety of activities are presented so that teachers can select those that best meet the needs of their students. This is
not an all-inclusive checklist and is not intended to cover every aspect of the standards. These activities are suggestions and are not mandatory.
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solutions using science concepts
Demonstrating science knowledge
Interpreting and communicating
science concepts
Recalling accurate science
C.PM.5: Quantifying matter
Devise a method to indirectly
determine the value of a
measurement that common laboratory
tools cannot provide (e.g., thickness
of aluminum foil, number of sand
particles, moles of chalk used to write
your name, drop from a pipet).
Design a method to determine the
empirical formula or percent
composition of an unknown
Determine the percent by mass of
water content in popcorn. Correlate its
effect on the amount of popcorn
produced (or time it takes to start the
batch popping). Compare three
brands, isolate other variables (e.g.,
popping method, use of different
types of oil) and present findings in
multiple formats.
Using a Socratic seminar, research
and discuss the pros and cons of the
International System of Units (SI) vs.
the English measuring system.
Use calculations to compare the
ratios of the size of the atom to the
size of different objects (e.g., cell,
person, tree).
Compare moles and mass. Identify
situations where each is most
appropriate to use.
Design an investigation to show that
the volume of any liquid sample is
constant when divided by its mass.
Measure the volume of an irregular
solid using SI units. Provide your
answer using correct significant
figures and unit.
Distinguish accuracy from precision.
Carry out laboratory measurements
with a variety of equipment (e.g.,
graduated cylinders, beakers,
balances) and report measurements
to the correct number of significant
figures. Compare the accuracy of
each measuring device.
Apply the rules for determining
significant digits when performing
mathematical operations.
Determine the average atomic mass
of an element based on the percent
abundance of its naturally occurring
Convert between mass, moles,
volume and number of representative
particles using Avogadro's number,
molar mass and density using
dimensional analysis.
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Chemistry continued
C.PM.6: Intermolecular forces of attraction
x Types and strengths
x Implications for properties of substances
o Melting and boiling point
o Solubility
o Vapor pressure
C.PM.6: Intermolecular forces of attraction
In middle school, solids, liquids and gases were explored in relation to the spacing of the particles, motion of the particles and strength of attraction between the
particles that make up the substance. The intermolecular forces of attraction between particles that determine whether a substance is a solid, liquid or gas at room
temperature are addressed in greater detail in this course. Intermolecular attractions are generally weak when compared to intramolecular bonds, but span a wide
range of strengths.
The composition of a substance and the shape and polarity of a molecule are particularly important in determining the type and strength of bonding and
intermolecular interactions. Types of intermolecular attractions include London dispersion forces (present between all molecules), dipole-dipole forces (present
between polar molecules) and hydrogen bonding (a special case of dipole-dipole where hydrogen is bonded to a highly electronegative atom such as fluorine,
oxygen or nitrogen), each with its own characteristic relative strength.
The configuration of atoms in a molecule determines the strength of the forces (bonds or intermolecular forces) between the particles and therefore the physical
properties (e.g., melting point, boiling point, solubility, vapor pressure) of a material. For a given substance, the average kinetic energy (temperature) needed for a
change of state to occur depends upon the strength of the intermolecular forces between the particles. Therefore, the melting point and boiling point depend upon
the amount of energy that is needed to overcome the attractions between the particles. Substances that have strong intermolecular forces or are made up of three-
dimensional networks of ionic or covalent bonds, tend to be solids at room temperature and have high melting and boiling points. Nonpolar organic molecules are
held together by weak London dispersion forces. However, substances with longer chains provide more opportunities for these attractions and tend to have higher
melting and boiling points. Increased branching of organic molecules results in lower melting and boiling points due to interference with the intermolecular
Substances will have a greater solubility when dissolving in a solvent with similar intermolecular forces. If the substances have different intermolecular forces, they
are more likely to interact with themselves than the other substance and remain separated from each other. Water is a polar molecule and it is often used as a
solvent since most ionic and polar covalent substances will dissolve in it. In order for an ionic substance to dissolve in water, the attractive forces between the ions
must be overcome by the dipole-dipole interactions with the water. Dissolving of a solute in water is an example of a process that is difficult to classify as a
chemical or physical change and it is not appropriate to have students classify it one way or another.
Evaporation occurs when the particles with enough kinetic energy to overcome the attractive forces separate from the rest of the sample to become a gas. The
pressure of these particles is called vapor pressure. Vapor pressure increases with temperature. Particles with larger intermolecular forces have lower vapor
pressures at a given temperature since the particles require more energy to overcome the attractive forces between them. Molecular substances often evaporate
more due to the weak attractions between the particles and can often be detected by their odor. Ionic or network covalent substances have stronger forces and are
not as likely to volatilize. These substances often have little, if any, odor. Liquids boil when their vapor pressure is equal to atmospheric pressure. In solid water,
there is a network of hydrogen bonds between the particles that gives it an open structure. This is why water expands as it freezes and why solid water has a lower
density than liquid water. This has important implications for life (e.g., ice floating on water acts as an insulator in bodies of water to keep the temperature of the
rest of the water above freezing).
Back to Table of Contents
The content in the standards needs to be taught in ways that incorporate the nature of science and engage students in scientific thought processes. Where
possible, real-world data and problem- and project-based experiences should be utilized. Ohio’s Cognitive Demands relate to current understanding and research
about the ways people learn and are important aspects to the overall understanding of science concepts. Care should be taken to provide students opportunities to
engage in all four types of thinking. Additionally, lessons need to be designed so that they incorporate the concepts described in the Nature of Science.
This section provides guidance for developing classroom tasks that go beyond traditional approaches to instruction. It is a springboard for generating innovative
ideas to address the cognitive demands. A variety of activities are presented so that teachers can select those that best meet the needs of their students. This is
not an all-inclusive checklist and is not intended to cover every aspect of the standards. These activities are suggestions and are not mandatory.
solutions using science concepts
Demonstrating science knowledge
Interpreting and communicating
science concepts
Recalling accurate science
C.PM.6: Intermolecular forces of attraction
Types and strengths
Design an investigation to identify
which solvent would be best to
dissolve a particular solute.
Design a procedure to determine the
polarity of a substance.
Investigate why water doesn’t follow
predicted trends (e.g., surface
tension, density, vapor pressure,
boiling point) based on its
intermolecular interactions (e.g. drops
on a penny, capillary tube, mixing oil
and water, water on glass vs. wax
paper). Summarize your findings.
Apply the idea of intermolecular
forces to biological implications (e.g.,
hydrogen bonding between two DNA
strands, cell membrane formation of
Construct a chromatography
technique to separate the
components of different dyes (e.g.,
hair color, food additives, skittles)
applying principles of inter- and intra-
molecular forces.
Illustrate the differences between
intermolecular forces.
Represent the cause of intermolecular
forces between molecules using
Explain the effect that branching has
on London dispersion forces in
nonpolar organic molecules (e.g.,
long chains have greater forces and
branching decreases the forces).
Identify real-world implications.
Explain the importance of molecular-
level structure in the functioning of
designed materials (e.g., why
electrically conductive materials are
often made of metal, flexible but
durable materials are made up of long
chained molecules, pharmaceuticals
are designed to interact with specific
Describe intermolecular forces for
molecular compounds.
Ɣ H-bond as attraction between
molecules when H is bonded to
O, N, or F.
Ɣ Dipole-dipole attractions
between polar molecules.
Ɣ London dispersion forces
(electrons of one molecule
attracted to nucleus of another
molecule) – i.e. liquefied inert
Ɣ Relative strengths
(H>dipole>London/van der
Back to Table of Contents
solutions using science concepts
Demonstrating science knowledge
Interpreting and communicating
science concepts
Recalling accurate science
Explain why intermolecular forces are
weaker than ionic, covalent or metallic
Identify the intermolecular forces that
exist in a given compound.
Implications for properties of substances (melting and boiling point, solubility, vapor pressure)
Make a soap and evaluate its
effectiveness on hard water. Compare
the effectiveness of various soaps.
Evaluate the composition of shampoo
samples using properties (e.g.,
viscosity, pH) to determine their
Evaluate the properties of sweeteners
(e.g., regular table sugar, high
fructose corn syrup, stevia,
aspartame, saccharin, sucralose,
honey, agave). Research these
products and potential impacts. A
variation for this could be evaluating
oils (e.g., canola, coconut, olive,
Design an investigation to determine
if a molecule is polar or nonpolar.
Devise an investigation to show that
the addition of a solute affects the
density of a liquid.
Explain how a graph of vapor
pressure vs. temperature can be used
to determine boiling point and
strength of intermolecular forces.
Demonstrate the effect the strength of
intermolecular forces has on various
properties (e.g., change in
evaporation temperature,
polarizability, viscosity).
Predict which compound will have the
highest/lowest vapor pressure and
melting/boiling point based on
intermolecular forces.
Sketch the solvation of a solute in an
appropriate solvent and explain how
the solute separates and interacts
with the solvent.
Differentiate between bond polarity
and molecular polarity.
Explain why greater solubility occurs
when dissolving a substance in a
solvent with similar intermolecular
forces ("like dissolves like").
Back to Table of Contents
Chemistry continued
C.IM.1: Chemical reactions
x Types of reactions
x Kinetics
x Energy
x Equilibrium
x Acids/bases
C.IM.1: Chemical reactions
In the Physical Science course, coefficients were used to balance simple equations. Other representations, including Lewis structures and three-dimensional
models, were also used and manipulated to demonstrate the conservation of matter in chemical reactions. In this course, more complex reactions will be studied,
classified and represented with balanced chemical equations and three-dimensional models.
Classifying reactions into types can be a helpful organizational tool for recognizing patterns of what may happen when two substances are mixed. Teachers should
be aware that the common reaction classifications that are often used in high school chemistry courses may lead to misconceptions because they are not based
on the actual chemistry, but on surface features that can be similar from one system to another (e.g., exchanging partners), even though the underlying chemistry
is not the same. However, these classifications may be useful in making predictions about what happens when two substances are mixed.
Some general types of chemical reactions are oxidation/reduction, synthesis, decomposition, single replacement, double replacement (including precipitation
reactions and some acid-base neutralizations) and combustion reactions. Some reactions can fit into more than one category. For example, a single replacement
reaction can also be classified as an oxidation/reduction reaction. Identification of reactions involving oxidation and reduction as well as indicating what substance
is being oxidized and what is being reduced are appropriate in this course. However, balancing complex oxidation/reduction reactions is reserved for more
advanced study.
Organic molecules release energy when undergoing combustion reactions and are used to meet the energy needs of society (e.g., oil, gasoline, natural gas) and
to provide the energy needs of biological organisms (e.g., cellular respiration). When a reaction between two ionic compounds in aqueous solution results in the
formation of a precipitate or molecular compound, the reaction often occurs because the new ionic or covalent bonds are stronger than the original ion-dipole
interactions of the ions in solution. Laboratory experiences (3-D or virtual) with different types of chemical reactions should be provided.
Reactions occur when reacting particles collide in an appropriate orientation and with sufficient energy. The rate of a chemical reaction is the change in the amount
of the reactants or products in a specific period of time. Increasing the probability or effectiveness of the collisions between the particles increases the rate of the
reaction. Therefore, changing the concentration of the reactants, changing the temperature or the pressure of gaseous reactants, or using a catalyst, can change
the reaction rate. Likewise, the collision theory can be applied to dissolving solids in a liquid solvent and can be used to explain why reactions are more likely to
occur between reactants in the aqueous or gaseous state than between solids. The rate at which a substance dissolves should not be confused with the amount of
solute that can dissolve in a given amount of solvent (solubility). Mathematical treatment of reaction rates is reserved for more advanced study. Computer
simulations can help visualize reactions from the perspective of the kinetic-molecular theory.
In middle school, the differences between potential and kinetic energy and the particle nature of thermal energy were introduced. For chemical systems, potential
energy is in the form of chemical energy and kinetic energy is in the form of thermal energy. The total amount of chemical energy and/or thermal energy in a
system is impossible to measure. However, the energy change of a system can be calculated from measurements (mass and change in temperature) from
calorimetry experiments in the laboratory. Conservation of energy is an important component of calorimetry equations. Thermal energy is the energy of a system
due to the movement of its particles. The thermal energy of an object depends upon the amount of matter present (mass), temperature and chemical composition.
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Some materials require little energy to change their temperature and other materials require a great deal to change their temperature by the same amount.
Specific heat is a measure of how much energy is needed to change the temperature of a specific mass of material a specific amount. Specific heat values can be
used to calculate the thermal energy change, the temperature (initial, final or change in) or mass of a material in calorimetry. Water has a particularly high specific
heat capacity, which is important in regulating Earth’s temperature.
As studied in middle school, chemical energy is the potential energy associated with chemical systems. Chemical reactions involve valence electrons forming
bonds to yield more stable products with lower energies. Energy is required to break interactions and bonds between the reactant atoms and energy is released
when an interaction or bond is formed between the atoms in the products. Molecules with weak bonds (e.g., ATP) are less stable and tend to react to produce
more stable products, releasing energy in the process. Generally, energy is transferred out of the system (exothermic) when the products have stronger bonds
than the reactants and is transferred into the system (endothermic) when the reactants have stronger bonds than the products. Predictions of the energy
requirements (endothermic or exothermic) of a reaction can be made given a table of bond energies. Graphic representations can be drawn and interpreted to
represent the energy changes during a reaction. The role of energy in determining the spontaneity of chemical reactions is dealt with conceptually in this course.
Entropy and its influence on the spontaneity of reactions are reserved for more advanced study.
All reactions are reversible to a degree and many reactions do not proceed completely toward products but appear to stop progressing before the reactants are all
used up. At this point, the amounts of the reactants and the products appear to be constant and the reaction can be said to have reached dynamic equilibrium.
Dynamic equilibrium means the rate of the reverse reaction is equal to the rate of the forward reaction so there is no apparent change in the reaction.
If a chemical system at equilibrium is disturbed by a change in the conditions of the system (e.g., increase or decrease in the temperature, pressure on gaseous
equilibrium systems, concentration of a reactant or product), then the equilibrium system will respond by shifting to a new equilibrium state, reducing the effect of
the change (Le Chatelier’s Principle). If products are removed as they are formed during a reaction, then the equilibrium position of the system is forced to shift to
favor the products. In this way, an otherwise unfavorable reaction can be made to occur. Mathematical treatment of equilibrium reactions is reserved for advanced
study. Computer simulations can help visualize the progression of a reaction to dynamic equilibrium and the continuation of both the forward and reverse reactions
after equilibrium has been attained.
Properties of acids and bases and the ranges of the pH scale were introduced in Physical Science. In this course, the structural features of molecules are explored
to further understand acids and bases. Acids often result when hydrogen is covalently bonded to an electronegative element and is easily dissociated from the rest
of the molecule to bind with water to form a hydronium ion (H3O+). The acidity of an aqueous solution can be expressed as pH, where pH can be calculated from
the concentration of the hydronium ion. Bases are likely to dissociate in water to form a hydroxide ion. Acids can react with bases to form a salt and water. Such
neutralization reactions can be studied quantitatively by performing titration experiments. Detailed instruction about the equilibrium of acids and bases and the
concept of Brønsted-Lowry and Lewis acids and bases is not the focus at this level.
The content in the standards needs to be taught in ways that incorporate the nature of science and engage students in scientific thought processes. Where
possible, real-world data and problem- and project-based experiences should be utilized. Ohio’s Cognitive Demands relate to current understanding and research
about the ways people learn and are important aspects to the overall understanding of science concepts. Care should be taken to provide students opportunities to
engage in all four types of thinking. Additionally, lessons need to be designed so that they incorporate the concepts described in the Nature of Science.
This section provides guidance for developing classroom tasks that go beyond traditional approaches to instruction. It is a springboard for generating innovative
ideas to address the cognitive demands. A variety of activities are presented so that teachers can select those that best meet the needs of their students. This is
not an all-inclusive checklist and is not intended to cover every aspect of the standards. These activities are suggestions and are not mandatory.
Back to Table of Contents
solutions using science concepts
Demonstrating science knowledge
Interpreting and communicating
science concepts
Recalling accurate science
C.IM.1: Chemical reactions
Types of reactions
Evaluate oxidation-reduction
reactions occurring in real-world
settings (e.g., rusting, electroplating)
that cause engineering/manufacturing
challenges and propose a solution.
Generate a process for recycling a
metal including the uses and possible
limitations of the recycled metal.
Apply knowledge of reactions to
determine the appropriate fire
extinguisher for a given scenario.
Examine living organisms to identify
and explain biological chemical
reactions (e.g., metabolism,
respiration, photosynthesis) within the
Compare different reaction types.
Explain the energy changes in
photosynthesis and in the combustion
of sugar in terms of bond breaking
and bond formation.
Using activity series and solubility
rules construct an outcome for single
replacement and double replacement
Draw a particle diagram representing
the interactions of particles in a
chemical reaction.
Classify a chemical reaction as
synthesis, decomposition, single-
replacement, double replacement or
organic combustion.
Identify which substance is oxidized
and which substance is reduced in an
oxidation/reduction reaction.
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solutions using science concepts
Demonstrating science knowledge
Interpreting and communicating
science concepts
Recalling accurate science
Critique the effects of a catalyst on
everyday chemical reactions (e.g.,
biological enzymes, catalytic
converters). Redesign a process
which is more cost effective and/or
environmentally friendly.
Design an experiment to determine
the effect of concentration, surface
area or temperature on reaction rate.
Apply scientific principles and
evidence to provide an explanation
about the effects of changing
concentration, temperature and
pressure on the rate of a chemical
Through experimentation, generate
qualitative potential energy diagrams
for endothermic and exothermic
reactions with and without the
presence of a catalyst (e.g.,
decomposition of H
with KI and
without KI). Include reactants,
products and activated complex.
Illustrate collision theory using particle
diagrams showing that molecules
must collide in the proper orientation
and with sufficient energy to equal or
exceed the activation energy in order
to react.
Identify the ways the rate of a
chemical reaction can be affected
(e.g., concentrations of reactions,
surface area, changing temperature
or pressure of gaseous substances,
using a catalyst).
Design a better (e.g., less expensive,
more environmentally friendly) safe
hand warmer using ionic substances.
Design a method to determine the
identity of a metal by calculating the
heat transfer from the hot metal to
cold water.
Compare how the specific heat of
different substances impacts
temperature change.
Develop a model to illustrate that the
release or absorption of energy from
a chemical reaction system depends
upon the changes in total bond
Use household materials to show the
difference between endothermic and
exothermic reactions.
Calculate the thermal energy change
initial or final temperature and mass
of a material using specific heat.
Given a table of bond energies,
determine whether a given reaction is
exothermic or endothermic.
Track the flow of energy and explain
why a reaction is an exothermic or
endothermic process.
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solutions using science concepts
Demonstrating science knowledge
Interpreting and communicating
science concepts
Recalling accurate science
Propose a procedure to shift a
commercial equilibrium process to
maximize a desired product and
construct a risk assessment for its
implications on society (e.g., Haber
In a laboratory setting, illustrate
equilibrium shift due to disturbances.
Indicate whether the forward or
reverse reaction is favored to reach
equilibrium based on different
disturbances (e.g., increase or
decrease in temperature, pressure on
gaseous equilibrium systems, change
in concentration of a reactant or
Show that equilibrium is dynamic and
that the rates of the forward and
reverse reactions are equal.
Describe key features of equilibrium
(two opposing processes occur
simultaneously at the same rate).
Conduct an experiment to determine
what type of roof materials would be
appropriate in areas with high acid
Evaluate and critique why lakes with
limestone or calcium carbonate
experience less adverse effects from
acid rain than lakes with granite beds.
Then invent a product or process to
minimize these effects.
Design an investigation to determine
the effective pH range of natural and
synthetic indicators.
Devise a method to evaluate the
Vitamin C content of commercial
Design an investigation to determine
the most effective antacid (e.g.,
baking soda (NaHCO
) or magnesium
hydroxide (Mg (OH)
) per gram for
neutralizing stomach acid (HCl).
Evaluate neutralization reactions
quantitatively by performing titration
Perform calculations relating pH to
hydronium ion concentration.
Identify acids based on the formation
of the hydronium ion in water.
Identify bases by their dissociation in
water to form the hydroxide ion.
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Chemistry continued
C.IM.2: Gas laws
x Pressure, volume and temperature
x Ideal gas law
C.IM.2: Gas laws
The kinetic-molecular theory can be used to explain the properties of gases (pressure, temperature and volume) through the motion and interactions of its
particles. Problems can also be solved involving the changes in temperature, pressure, volume and amount of a gas. When two of these four are kept constant,
the relationship between the other two can be quantified, described and explained using the kinetic-molecular theory. Real-world phenomena (e.g., why tire
pressure increases in hot weather, why a hot air balloon rises) can be explained using this theory. When solving gas problems, the Kelvin temperature scale must
be used since only in this scale is the temperature directly proportional to the average kinetic energy. The Kelvin temperature is based on a scale that has its
minimum temperature at absolute zero, a temperature at which all motion theoretically stops. Since equal volumes of gases at the same temperature and pressure
contain an equal number of particles (Avogadro’s law), problems can be solved for an unchanging gaseous system using the ideal gas law (PV = nRT) where R is
the ideal gas constant (e.g., represented in multiple formats, 8.31 joules/(mole·K). The focus in this course is solving problems using the gas laws and
understanding their applications, rather than memorizing the specific names and formulas. Deviations from ideal gaseous behavior are reserved for more
advanced study. Relationships between the volume, temperature and pressure can be explored in the laboratory or through computer simulations or virtual
The content in the standards needs to be taught in ways that incorporate the nature of science and engage students in scientific thought processes. Where
possible, real-world data and problem- and project-based experiences should be utilized. Ohio’s Cognitive Demands relate to current understanding and research
about the ways people learn and are important aspects to the overall understanding of science concepts. Care should be taken to provide students opportunities to
engage in all four types of thinking. Additionally, lessons need to be designed so that they incorporate the concepts described in the Nature of Science.
This section provides guidance for developing classroom tasks that go beyond traditional approaches to instruction. It is a springboard for generating innovative
ideas to address the cognitive demands. A variety of activities are presented so that teachers can select those that best meet the needs of their students. This is
not an all-inclusive checklist and is not intended to cover every aspect of the standards. These activities are suggestions and are not mandatory.
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solutions using science concepts
Demonstrating science knowledge
Interpreting and communicating
science concepts
Recalling accurate science
C.IM.2: Gas laws
Pressure, volume and temperature
Design a device that measures tire
pressure under changing temperature
Design a toy that is an application of a
gas law.
Using simulations and/or laboratory
experiences, determine the
relationships between pressure and
volume, pressure and temperature,
and temperature and volume.
Explain both the quantitative and
qualitative relationships between
pressure, volume and temperature.
Construct models representing the
relationship of pressure, volume and
temperature related to collisions and
energy of particles.
Apply gas laws to common scenarios
(e.g. hot air balloons, tire blowouts)
Use the kinetic molecular theory to
explain the motion of gas particles
and how they are affected by changes
in pressure, temperature and/or
Identify units of pressure, volume and
Convert between different pressure
Solve problems using appropriate gas
law equations.
Determine whether pressure,
temperature and volume are
increasing or decreasing in a given
Ideal gas law
Create a model airbag with baking
soda and vinegar in a plastic bag.
Use the ideal gas law to figure the
amount of the reactants necessary to
fill a given plastic bag. Test the
prediction and provide possible
explanations for any discrepancy
between the theoretical and actual
Detect and measure the volume of a
gas produced during a chemical
reaction and relate to molar volume at
standard temperature and pressure.
Use an Ideal Gas Law Simulator to
represent and interpret the connection
between pressure, volume,
temperature and number of particles.
Apply the ideal gas law to solve for an
appropriate variable.
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Chemistry continued
C.IM.3: Stoichiometry
x Molar calculations
x Solutions
x Limiting reagents
C.IM.3: Stoichiometry
A stoichiometric calculation involves the conversion from the amount of one substance in a chemical reaction to the amount of another substance. The coefficients
of the balanced equation indicate the ratios of the substances involved in the reaction in terms of both particles and moles.
Once the number of moles of a substance is known, amounts can be changed to mass, volume of a gas, volume of solutions and/or number of particles. Molarity is
a measure of the concentration of a solution that can be used in stoichiometric calculations. When performing a reaction in the lab, the experimental yield can be
compared to the theoretical yield to calculate percent yield. The concept of limiting reagents is treated conceptually. Mathematical applications can be utilized, but
it is important to address the symbolic representations as well. Molality and normality are concepts reserved for more advanced study.
The content in the standards needs to be taught in ways that incorporate the nature of science and engage students in scientific thought processes. Where
possible, real-world data and problem- and project-based experiences should be utilized. Ohio’s Cognitive Demands relate to current understanding and research
about the ways people learn and are important aspects to the overall understanding of science concepts. Care should be taken to provide students opportunities to
engage in all four types of thinking. Additionally, lessons need to be designed so that they incorporate the concepts described in the Nature of Science.
This section provides guidance for developing classroom tasks that go beyond traditional approaches to instruction. It is a springboard for generating innovative
ideas to address the cognitive demands. A variety of activities are presented so that teachers can select those that best meet the needs of their students. This is
not an all-inclusive checklist and is not intended to cover every aspect of the standards. These activities are suggestions and are not mandatory.
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solutions using science concepts
Demonstrating science knowledge
Interpreting and communicating
science concepts
Recalling accurate science
C.IM.3: Stoichiometry
Molar Calculations
Evaluate the efficiency, cost and
environmental impacts of multiple
possible chemical processes to
determine which process would be
best to use. Sustainability and green
chemistry should be considered.
Calculate the reactants needed to
produce an exact amount of a product
(e.g., produce silver through the
reaction of silver nitrate and copper or
zinc and hydrochloric acid). Produce
the product in the laboratory.
Calculate the percent difference
between the theoretical amount and
the amount actually produced.
Provide possible explanations for the
Using data collected from a multi-step
chemical reaction, calculate percent
Use mole ratios from a balanced
equation to calculate the quantity of
one substance in a reaction, given the
quantity of another substance in the
reaction (e.g., given moles, particles,
mass or volume and ending with
moles, particles, mass or volume of
the desired substance).
Interpret the coefficients of a
balanced equation in terms of moles
and particles.
Plan and implement a process to test
concentration of pollutants in water
(e.g., lead, mercury).
Explain how the creation of a
standardized solution (a solution of
known molarity) allows you to
determine the concentration of an
unknown solution.
Create a solution and a dilution of a
known concentration.
Calculate the molarity of an aqueous
Distinguish between solute, solvent
and solution.
Determine the concentration of an
unknown solution through titration.
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solutions using science concepts
Demonstrating science knowledge
Interpreting and communicating
science concepts
Recalling accurate science
Limiting reagents
Evaluate an environmental problem
through the lens of limiting reagents
(e.g., algae growths impacted by
available phosphates and nitrates).
Investigate the role that limiting
reagents play in an industrial process
(e.g., pharmacology, cosmetics,
chemical industries). Evaluate
techniques to optimize production,
including how costs and waste
products are taken into consideration.
Plan and carry out an investigation to
demonstrate the conceptual principle
of limiting reactants.
Compare limiting to excess reagents
in a chemical reaction (e.g., copper
(II) sulfate and an iron nail).
Determine which reactant is limited
using particle diagrams.
Use BCA tables to calculate the
quantities of products and excess