Olga Robinson
BBC Monitoring
ISBN: 978-9934-564-41-3
ISBN: 978-9934-564-41-3
Author: Olga Robinson
Project manager: Sebastian Bay
Text editor: Anna Reynolds
Design: Kārlis Ulmanis
Riga, November 2018
11b Kalciema Iela
Riga LV1048, Latvia
Twitter: @stratcomcoe
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BBC Monitoring is a specialist unit within BBC News that tracks thousands
of international media outlets, including hard-to-reach broadcast sources, to
report news from and about the world’s media and social media.
Confuse and rule ..............................................................7
Focus on networks .............................................................8
Tailored messages ............................................................11
Bot or not? ..................................................................12
Bot battles ..................................................................13
Inflated trends ...............................................................14
Hijacking existing campaigns ...................................................15
Comment manipulation ........................................................15
Fake jihadist propaganda .......................................................16
State control .................................................................16
Cat-and-mouse account blocking ................................................17
Private chat apps .............................................................18
Deepfake technology ..........................................................18
Proliferation of sources ........................................................19
BBC Monitoring (BBCM) is a specialist unit within BBC News that tracks thousands of
international media outlets, including hard-to-reach broadcast sources, to report news from
and about the world’s media and social media.
Set up at the outbreak of World War II with the primary purpose of informing the War Ofce
about propaganda by Nazi-controlled media, BBCM has a long history of tackling disinformation
and misleading reporting. Over the past 79 years, the service has translated, explained, and
interpreted media messages, from the broadcast propaganda of the Cold War to the multiplatform
campaigns of today. The rise of social networks and instant messaging platforms has ushered
in a new and fast-changing era for open-source media monitoring.
Today, BBCM still relies on its detailed knowledge of media sources and behaviour along with
linguistic, regional, and cultural expertise to navigate the increasingly complex and muddled
information space. In addition, it uses a range of tools for social media analysis, and continues
to explore ways of using evolving technology to improve its journalists’ ability to track multiple
sources and spot media manipulation.
BBCM this year launched a new dedicated disinformation team, whose primary purpose is to
spot, collate, and investigate examples of misleading reporting and manipulation, drawing on
BBCM’s overall monitoring of global media.
This report shows some of the disinformation techniques and tactics that BBCM journalists
have come across in their recent work, and outlines the approach adopted by BBCM to rise to
the challenges of disinformation in the 21
BBC Monitoring uses a range of tools for social media analysis, and
continues to explore ways of using evolving technology to improve its
journalists’ ability to track multiple sources and spot media manipulation
Conse and rule
During the Cold War, Soviet propaganda—
couched in Communist ideological
language—aimed to persuade its audience
that the West, primarily the US, was failing
and that the USSR was superior to Western
democracy. Today, the Kremlin still seeks
to discredit Western values and the US. But
to do that it no longer relies on ideology
and consistency in its messaging. Instead,
it pushes multiple, at times competing,
narratives through a loose network of
ofcials, state media, and online trolls and
bots—automated computer programmes
designed to amplify messages and inflate
The aim is to reduce truth to the level
of opinion, sow discord, and confuse
audiences in order to rally support for the
Kremlin at home and hinder the response to
Russias actions in the West. Widely used in
the aftermath of the MH17 crash over east
Ukraine in 2014, the tactic was also deployed
this year in the fallout from the attempted
murder of former double agent Sergei Skripal
and his daughter Yulia in Salisbury.
Russian TV pushed multiple theories about the origin of the Novichok nerve agent (Rossiya 1)
After the UK authorities found that Russia
was ‘highly likely’ to be the perpetrator
of the attack, ofcials, state TV, and pro-
Kremlin actors on social media flooded the
information space with numerous narratives
and conspiracy theories. They variously
questioned the origin of the Novichok
nerve agent, dismissed the poisoning as
a staged special operation by British or
US intelligence, depicted it as an attempt
to tarnish Russias reputation ahead of
the FIFA World Cup, and speculated that it
was an attempt to meddle in the Russian
presidential election.
While in the West the Russian response
was widely criticised and questioned, it
appears to have been better received by
domestic audiences. A recent poll released
by the independent Levada Centre polling
organisation suggested that only 3 per
cent of Russians think that the Russian
intelligence services were behind the Skripal
poisoning, while 56 per cent think it could
have been carried out by ‘anyone’.
Focus on networks
In countries like Russia, influence operations
use a multi-spectrum approach involving
various sources—state-controlled TV, state
ofcials, foreign-facing media outlets, and
social media accounts—acting in unison as
an ‘ecosystem’.
Involving both directly controlled resources
and ostensibly independent actors, this
approach aims to create a semblance
of diversity of voices while giving the
impression of a consensus and pushing the
same talking points.
In a typical example, on Twitter in August
2018 a loose network of state-funded media,
apparent trolls, and prominent supporters
of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad,
sought to promote Russian allegations
against Syrian volunteers from the White
Helmets civil defence group. The Russian
Defence Ministry said that members of the
group were planning to stage a chemical
weapons ‘provocation’in the northern Syrian
province of Idlib with the support of Western
Accounts that amplied allegations against the White
Helmets in August included prominent pro-Assad and
pro-Kremlin bloggers, Russian media, and apparent trolls
(via Twitter)
The allegations were picked up by leading
state TV channels, including Rossiya 1 and
Channel One, as well as English-language
On Twitter, the Russian warnings
and conspiracy theories about the White
Helmets, including their alleged links with
terrorists and Western intelligence services,
were amplied by Russian embassies
dozens of influential pro-Kremlin accounts,
and pro-Assad accounts,
as well as through
possible troll activity.
One of the driving forces behind the campaign
on English-language social media appears to
have been British blogger Vanessa Beeley,
who has frequently accused the White
Helmets of faking their volunteering work
and having links with terrorists. Beeley is a
regular contributor to RT on Syria and has
been interviewed by Russian state TV. Her
posts are also regularly retweeted by some
accounts consistently expressing pro-Kremlin
views and echoing Kremlin media narratives.
In India, networks afliated with political
forces or religious groups have spread
misleading messages, apparently aimed at
fuelling community tensions.
In late August 2018, a random act of violence in
the northern Indian state of Uttarakhand was
cast as a communal incident on social media
by right-wing accounts, with the message
amplied by influencers and media outlets
with the same leanings. It began with a video
circulating online which purported to show a
‘Naga sadhu’—an ash-smeared naked ascetic,
being beaten up by a group of Muslims.
Vanessa Beeley’s diusion network on Twitter, which includes both pro-Assad and pro-Kremlin accounts (via Hoaxy)
The police dismissed the rumours,
that the man was no sadhu and was in
fact beaten by local residents, rather than
Muslims, for allegedly harassing a woman.
But the video went viral. It was shared on
Twitter accounts,
which called for a Hindu
state in their biographies,
and in nationalist
Facebook groups that support Indian Prime
Minister Narendra Modi.
In a sign of coordinated activity, on
31 August, Facebook groups supporting
Prime Minister Modi’s BJP party and right-
wing Hindu nationalist group RSS were
Identical misleading messages about a viral video were circulated on Facebook in India
flooded with identical messages saying that
in the attached video clip a Muslim man was
beating up a Naga sadhu in Dehradun.
To track messages spread across such
loose networks and better understand how
they operate, BBCM has over the past few
years explored and used tools that help
its journalists visualise large amounts
of data derived from social media. It has
also invested in analysis tools that collate
information from social media channels in
numerous languages.
Tailored messages
Some influence campaigns target specic
groups and demographics with carefully
crafted content, tone, and messages.
Researchers investigating Russian attempts
to influence the 2016 election in the US,
have found that trolls targeted users in
discussions about potentially controversial
issues, such as gun rights and the Black
Lives Matter movement, to sow discord and
stoke anger.
The past two years have seen the rise of
several online projects linked to the Russian
government-funded RT that focus on the
younger generation of voters. ICYMI, or
In Case You Missed It, is an online video
project that mixes commentary on topical
political stories with flashy images, jokes,
and catchy graphics. Since its launch in early
2018, the project—which now has 116,000
followers on Facebook—has satirised the
Cambridge Analytica scandal, the murder
of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, the
Skripal poisoning, and climate change. Its
dismissive take on the Russian meddling
and the Skripal case,
well as open mockery of Western values,
appear to be consistent with Kremlin media
While ICYMI has a strong focus on politics,
a similar online project, In the Now, has a
different approach. Its Facebook page, which
has more than 3.7 million followers, mixes
purely human interest and entertaining
stories with occasional political or social
stories that push messages similar to those
promoted on Russian state television.
Apart from messaging consistent with the
Kremlin media line, another feature that
makes In the Now and ICYMI stand out from
other Russian-linked media projects is their
focus on creating highly emotional, sharable,
and engaging content full of light-hearted
jokes and satire. Judging by their steady
following on Facebook, this approach to
content production seems to resonate well
with internet users.
Projects like In the Now and ICYMI also
highlight the importance of understanding
the intricacies of media ownership in
different parts of the world. BBCM has done
a lot of work in this eld over the past 15
years, producing regularly updated and
detailed media guides that provide essential
insight into regional media ecosystems and
the way they operate.
B or n?
Internet trolls and bots have become a
staple of modern information warfare
Researchers traditionally identify bots by
looking for a set of characteristics that
highlight their automated nature, such
as anonymity and a high level of activity
combined with no original content or no
interaction with other users.
During this year’s anti-government protests
in Iran, dozens of such Twitter bots were
deployed to brand widely shared videos
of rallies as fake, or to discourage people
from joining the demonstrations. Most of
the accounts had unusual prole names
and pictures,
and were created during
the protests. They also had only a handful
of similar-looking followers and spread
the exact same messages below videos of
rallies between 1 and 4 January.
But harder to spot are semi-automated
accounts, or ‘cyborgs’, that look more like
humans in their online behaviour. In the run-
up to this year’s midterm elections in the
US, some Twitter accounts that promoted
highly partisan content in support of US
President Donald Trump exhibited some of
the tell-tale signs of bots partly moderated
by humans. Several accounts analysed by
BBCM in late October 2018 posted pro-
Trump memes and even ‘conversed’ with
other accounts to appear more natural.
But the sheer volume and quality of their
output suggested at least some level of
According to the Twitonomy social media
analysis tool, one of these accounts
tweeted over 500 posts a day between
23and 29October. Most of the posts were
retweets of Donald Trump, his family,
and conservative news outlets such as
The curated content was written in broken
English with odd punctuation and looked
repetitive; it was heavy with pro-Trump
hashtags, emojis, memes, and links to
external websites. The quality of the tweets
suggested that either English was not the
user’s rst language or that the account
used an algorithm to put words together to
create rough sentences.
The account also interacted primarily with
similar-looking accounts (for example,
George Washingtons Axe—now suspended)
and had large follow-to-follower ratios. 
The growing sophistication and proliferation
of bot activity points to a need to exercise
extra caution in identifying automated social
media accounts and avoid labelling. Over
the past few years, BBCM journalists have
had to revise their approach to spotting and
analysing possible bots. In many cases,
the process now requires more time, effort
and use of analysis tools that detail users’
activity patterns in addition to general prole
B battles
Disinformation is often primarily associated
with state-sponsored campaigns. But
misleading messages can be disseminated
by players on both sides of a political divide.
In October 2018, a BBCM investigation
found that both supporters and opponents
of the Iranian government had been
pushing misleading messages on currency
fluctuations on social media for political
or financial gain. Exploiting the volatility
of the foreign exchange market following
a currency crisis, different factions
deployed automated and semi-automated
social media accounts to either amplify
the sense of instability or suggest that the
rial was set for more gains against foreign
Since the campaigns did not use hashtags
to disseminate misleading messages, a
combination of keywords and advanced
Twitter searches were used to analyse online
content. An analysis of the search results of
two weeks’ worth of tweets pointed to an
unusual number of previously unknown or
lesser-known accounts with vague identities
that were spreading identical messages,
images, memes, and videos.
One popular meme widely-shared by pro-government users warned that greed ‘makes you blind’
A separate linguistic and semantic analysis
of tweets suggested that they were pushed
by actors from opposing sides. Among
the most active accounts promoting the
message that the rial would continue
gaining against the dollar was a popular
account supportive of Irans political
hardliners. It was also one of the most
prominent demonstrating automated
A close inspection of its activity suggested
that the account tweeted an average of
350 tweets per day—or every few minutes.
In addition, its timeline consisted almost
entirely of retweets, with almost no
engagement with other users—another sign
of possible automation.
On the other side, an account set up in
Julyappeared to be one of the most active
in spreading anti-regime tweets. Similar
to accounts used in the pro-government
campaign, it also exhibited some signs of
automated behaviour. Since its creation, it
has tweeted 24,000 times, almost 185times
a day. Its timeline also mostly consisted of
retweets and showed no engagement with
other users.
Inated trends
Twitter trends can be a litmus test of
changing sentiments, growing discontent,
or the level of support for a countrys
authorities. But in some states viral
hashtags and campaigns are designed to
create a semblance of popular consensus
around sensitive issues.
Following the disappearance of Saudi
journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul on
2 October 2018, suspected bot accounts
attempted to shape the social media
narrative around the rapidly developing
story. Arabic hashtags expressing support
for de facto Saudi leader Crown Prince
Mohammed Bin Salman, condemning news
organisation Al Jazeera and urging users to
‘unfollow enemies of the nation’ were among
those amplied by bot networks, alongside
genuine users.
Routine monitoring of social media trends
on 14 October suggested that the top
global topic was the Arabic ‘We all have
trust in Mohammed Bin Salman’ with some
250,000 tweets. The second trend, also in
Arabic and referencing Saudi Arabia, was
‘We have to stand by our leader’ with over
60,000 mentions.
Trafc analysis showed hundreds of
postings per second for ‘We all have trust
in Mohammed Bin Salman’, suggesting that
large numbers of those posting were bot
accounts. While some of the trafc was
undoubtedly from genuine Twitter users,
analysis suggested large numbers of brand
new users, mixed with previously inactive
accounts that had suddenly burst into life,
all of which pointed to an articially inflated
Hijacking existing campaigns
Fake online campaigns are often designed to
give the appearance of popular consensus
on a topic. But there are times when genuine
campaigns can be manipulated in order to
mislead audiences.
In late August, pro-Kremlin media in Russia
actively promoted and distorted a relatively
partisan #BBCSwitchOff campaign on UK
Twitter to boycott BBC output over its alleged
support for the government, presenting it
as a general revolt against the broadcaster
among the wider British public. Commenting
on the campaign, one of the leading state
TV channels, Rossiya 1, alleged that ‘the
BBC’s main audience has united against it’.
Despite the impression given by the channel,
an examination of the tweets generated
by the hashtag made it clear that it was
overwhelmingly driven by online supporters
of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.
There was some evidence of possible
Russian troll involvement in promoting the
#BBCSwitchOff hashtag too. A British journalist
known for promoting pro-Kremlin views
tweeted a link to a YouTube clip in which he
accused the BBC of propaganda under the
hashtag. The post was retweeted by several
accounts that showed a combination of some
of the hallmarks usually associated with
Russian trolls, such as the presence of the
Russian language, an unusually high level of
tweets or ‘likes’, anonymity, and a near total
preponderance of retweets over active tweeting.
Comment manipulation
While comment and ‘like’ manipulation is
well-documented on platforms such as
Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, there is
evidence to suggest that it is also used on
lesser known, indigenous platforms in some
parts of the world. For example, in South
Korea, a recent opinion-rigging scandal
showed how online comments could be
manipulated on popular web portal and
search engine Naver.
In April, a group of individuals led by influential
blogger ‘Druking’ was accused of articially
boosting the number of clicks on ‘agree’—
Naver’s equivalent of ‘like’—for comments on
political news stories. The portal, one of the
most popular news outlets in South Korea,
automatically promotes comments with
the most ‘likes’ to the top of its comments
section, giving them more public exposure.
According to South Korean media reports, it
was revealed that multiple—mostly fake—IDs
were used to boost a certain keyword search
and to agree with comments, by means of
a programme that allowed thousands of
‘likes’ to be registered at once. The aim
was reportedly to lead people to believe
that certain comments about the actions of
President Moons administration reflected
popular opinion. The scandal provoked a
mass outcry and pushed Naver to introduce
several changes in its design and operation
to prevent comment manipulation from
happening in the future.
Fake jihadist propaganda
When it comes to jihadist media, the
proliferation of fake content and accounts
presents a considerable challenge that
requires constantvigilance and verication.
Since the teams launch in 2006,
BBCM’s jihadist media specialists have
seen a range of apparent attempts by both
governments and anti-jihadist activists
to spread fake propaganda purporting to
be issued by a particular jihadist group.
Militant groups, particularly in Syria, are
also reportedly behind the spread of some
bogus material. The aim of such actions
is to undermine the credibility of the
ofcial’media outlets of the targeted group,
to sow confusion and mistrust among its
supporters, and in some cases to encourage
inghting between militant groups.
In one recent example, on28 June2018,at
least three fake editions of Islamic States
(IS) flagship newspaper al-Naba surfaced
online around the same time of al-Nabas
expected release time. What caused further
confusion was that the publication was
disseminated by Telegram channels that
mimicked IS’s ofcial outlets.
Faced with such challenges, BBCM has
developed a variety of ways to ensure it is
dealing with authentic material, including
careful verication techniques, attention to
detail, language expertise, and extensive
background knowledge.
State control
In some parts of the world, governments
use the concept of fake news as an excuse
to crack down on freedom of speech and
tighten control over the internet.
This year Egypt has seen independent
journalists, activists, and bloggers critical of
the government being arrested on charges
of ‘spreading false news’. The authorities
have also adopted a controversial law that
allows them to block social media accounts
and punish journalists for spreading false
information. The legislation does not,
however, make it clear what exactly it means
by ‘fake news’.
In China, media and social media are
tightly controlled, with the government
seeking to determine what people see
and comment on. Government censors
routinely monitor online discussions and
ban terms and phrases—even seemingly
innocuous ones—they consider could be
critical of the authorities. In justication
of this, the government’s stance is that it
deletes and takes action where it feels that
there is evidence of disinformation or fake
news. It will sometimes publicise how it has
ned companies or individuals who have
propagated fake or misleading news, but
without providing much in the way of detail.
Cat-and-mouse account blocking
Over the past two years, Twitter and Facebook
have intensied their efforts to stop the
spread of disinformation on their platforms,
leading to hundreds of accounts and pages
being suspended for disseminating hate or
exhibiting inauthentic behaviour.
Although suspensions may help decrease
the overall volume of disinformation at a
certain point in time, the effect in most cases
appears to be temporary. For example, most
of the Iranian users who were suspended as
part of Twitter’s concerted efforts to stop
the spread of malicious misinformation
ahead of the US midterms, simply switched
to new accounts.
Some of the suspended Iranian bloggers switched to new accounts following the ban (Twitter)
The new Twitter proles made it clear who
they were and openly said that they had
been among the suspended accounts. Some
proles were even set up months before,
which fuelled analysts’ suspicions that the
suspended users ran multiple accounts.
The effect of account suspensions on instant
messenger services appears to be equally
temporary. After Facebook and WhatsApp
moved against what they saw as misuse of
their platforms during the 2018 presidential
campaign in Brazil, daily newspaper Folha
de Sao Paulo reported that many supporters
of then front-runner Jair Bolsonaro had
migrated to Telegram,
another secure
messaging app.
Private chat apps
As a recent report from the Reuters Institute for
the Study of Journalism highlighted, audiences
increasingly use private messaging apps to
share and discuss news ‘away from the toxicity
of political debate’ on social media.
On the one hand, according to the BBC’s
Social Media Editor Mark Frankel, this
offers journalists an opportunity to ‘seek
out new stories and forge essential new
community relationships’.
But the closed
nature of these services can also turn them
into fertile ground for disinformation and
misleading rumours. This is exemplied in
India and Mexico,
where rumours shared
on WhatsApp about child kidnappers have
resulted in multiple deaths.
In Iran Telegram has been used to spread
misleading messages about currency rates,
despite a recent ban by the authorities. In
September, pro-Kremlin Russian accounts
on Telegram spread near-identical CCTV
images of the Skripal poisoning suspects
from Gatwick airport wrongly claiming they
were identical.
For journalists, the privacy and end-to-end
encryption of messaging apps present
signicant challenges, as well as complex
editorial and ethical questions. Journalists
can, of course, monitor open-source
platforms and public channels on such
platforms as Telegram to see if misleading
claims surface there, and can seek tip-offs
from members of the public. This approach
was successfully used by journalists from
Comprova (Prove it), a Brazilian verication
project, during the 2018 presidential election
campaign and resulted in numerous wrong
claims and rumours being debunked.
BBCM is considering the challenges of
working with closed conversations, whilst
also paying close attention to local media
and social media reporting of misleading
claims spread via messaging services.
Deepfake technology
Deepfake technology uses machine learning
and Articial Intelligence, or AI, to create
convincing videos of events that never
In response, engineers from the BBC’s
‘Blue Room’ team and Research and
Development department are looking at how
machine learning can help journalists spot
manipulated digital media.
So far BBCM has only observed instances of
this technology being used for entertainment
and amusement purposes. But it may
be only a matter of time before such
sophisticated fakes start cropping up as
part of influence campaigns. To stay abreast
of developments, BBCM maintains close
contact with BBC engineers and researchers
working in the eld.
Proliferation of sources
The huge growth in the number of sources
spreading false information represents a
major challenge. In Russia, for example, it is
no longer enough to routinely monitor news
bulletins on the main state TV channels, as
misleading narratives are also widely pushed
through popular political talk shows.
Monitoring such programmes, which may
last up to four hours, on a daily basis,
requires signicant effort and resources.
BBCM is looking at ways of automating the
transcription of long programmes that could
potentially contain disinformation, using
speech-to-text software.
In a rapidly changing digital world, disinformation is a truly global problem, as no country
appears to be immune from false claims and manipulation. It challenges democracies across
the globe and affects societies where reliable information is in short supply. From Egypt to
India and from Iran to Mexico, an increasing number of players use new media platforms and
communication technologies to sow discord and manipulate public opinion.
Russia, in particular, is now widely seen as a key exponent of a new kind of information warfare,
which relies on loosely-dened networks of pro-Kremlin actors using traditional and social
media to influence opinions both at home and abroad.
Long-established methods of censorship and propaganda are still in evidence, but disinformation
is becoming more sophisticated in terms of coordination, use of networks and advanced
technology. Proliferation of sources, and the use of automation and closed communication
channels by various actors also present new challenges to journalists and societies.
To operate successfully in such an environment, it is no longer enough to simply debunk individual
claims. It is also important to raise awareness of disinformation tactics and manipulation
techniques to help the public navigate and understand the increasingly complex and crowded
information space.
The BBC—which has a long history of tackling misleading claims and verifying social media
content—sometimes in collaboration with other independent open-source investigators, reports
on these issues and helps bring them to the public’s attention. In one recent example, the BBC’s
Africa Eye in September uncovered the truth behind the killing of women in Cameroon through
Russia, in particular, is now widely seen as a key exponent of a new kind
of information warfare
forensic analysis of open-source data.
By also describing in detail how this was done, an
awareness of what to look for when coming across such stories was simultaneously promoted.
As well as this sort of forensic reporting and open source analysis, the BBC is helping to promote
media literacy in the UK and internationally through initiatives such as its Young Reporter
The role of BBCM, as a specialist unit observing hundreds of media each day, reporting on
misleading narratives and providing the context necessary to understand them, is perhaps now
both more necessary and more challenging than ever. BBCM’s specialist journalists will need
to continue to deploy both their linguistic and cultural expertise honed by constant observation
of the sources, and technical expertise and support to help them cope with the complexity and
scale of the challenge, which ultimately has the potential to undermine the very concept of
1 RT. “MORE: After Attack People Dressed as White Helmets
Members Planning to Film Themselves Helping ‘Victims’ to
Be Shown in Intl Media - Russian Defense Ministry
#Syria.” Tweet. @RT_com (blog), August 26, 2018.
2 UK, Russian Embassy. https://twitter.com/
3 Мордора, Голос. “Американцы предупредили Асада, что
если в Идлибе их подопечные ‘Белые каски’ по приказу
ЦРУ устроят провокацию с химическим оружием, то
Асад будет немедленно и жёстко наказан.
Tweet. @spacelordrock (blog), August 25, 2018.
4 Pujji, Nardeep. “Dozens of Children in #Idlib and #Aleppo
Kidnapped to Be Involved in Chemical Attack False
Flag Snuff Movies by US UK Sponsored #WhiteHelmets
Stop White Helmets from Sacricing Children Again for
Staged #ChemicalAttack in Order to Pin Blame on Assad
#BreakingNews @mfa_russiapic.Twitter.com/0221DaftJB.
Tweet. @AWAKEALERT (blog), August 28, 2018.
5 Евгения. “Так они ж ‘эвакуировали’ белые каски. Кто
им про ‘химическую атаку’ докладывать будет? Кто за
финики с рисом ‘пострадавших людей’ ледяной водой
поливать будет на камеру? Может они туда Скрипалей
на разведку заслали?” Tweet. @hasenbraut1 (blog),
August 25, 2018.
6 Beeley, Vanessa. “1. Staging of Chemical Attack in #Idlib
Reportedly Prepped by Olive Grp Who James Le Mesurier
Used to Work for, Founder of #WhiteHelmets, OG Merged
Wth Constellis in 2015 Who Hve Blackwater in Portfolio.,
August 25, 2018.
7 Dehradun, S. S. P. “सोशल मीडिया पर एक व्यक्ति जिसे नागा साधु बताते
हुए कुछ लोगों द्वारा पीटने का एक वीडियो वाइरल किया जा रहा है। उक्त संबंध
में ज्ञात हो कि उक्त व्यक्ति एक बहुरूपिया है, जिसके विरुद्ध नशे की हालत में
छेछा की एक घटना में संलिप्त होने की शिकायत पर वैधानिक कार्यवाही की गयी
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रहे हो,” “मुझे मा कर दो...)” वो दया की भिख मांगता रहा, भी तमाशबीन
बनी रही !! तसवीर और वीडियो बनाना याद है, इंसानियत भूल गए !!pic.
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20 Africa, BBC News. “THREAD July 2018, a Horrifying Video
Began to Circulate on Social Media. 2 Women & 2 Young
Children Are Led Away by a Group of Soldiers. They Are
Blindfolded, Forced to the Ground, and Shot 22 Times.
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