Tucson, Arizona September 2021 Vol. 26, No. 3
Remembering An Exceptional Woman and Ally: Barbara Kaller-Cohen
by Scott Blades, Executive Director
My “second mom” passed away in May. I met Barbara Kaller in 1990 on the most
transformative weekend of my life. That weekend was an occasion that Barbara
helped me understand as an “enlightenment experience,” a spiritual moment where the
past, present, and future of my life converged into a moment of clarity, filling me with
peace, and a clear direction for what I needed to do. That weekend I received a clear
“calling” to serve people living with HIV, and that weekend I met Barbara.
I was at a membership retreat for St. Francis in the Foothills United Methodist Church,
held at a cabin on Mt Lemmon. The retreat ended on a Sunday, and the closing was a
“trust exercise,” where we were led outside with our eyes closed and, when we opened our
eyes, we each had a person standing in front of us, assigned at randomsomeone from the
previous membership class. Standing before me was a woman with a radiant smile,
welcoming me with open arms. Little did I know how that “random” assignment,
that one instant, would change my life. We sat down and shared lunch, and the
bonding began.
The spiritual experience that weekend doesn’t really fit into words, so I don’t talk about it much. My commitment to
myself at that retreat was to move through my fears and begin volunteering to help people with HIV/AIDS (something I
had been putting off because of my trauma of losing my mentor and best friend Jerry to the disease). Little did I know
how Barbara would play such an immense role in my journeyour journey. Barbara was Jewish, but loved the
spirituality, sense of community, and service to others that St. Francis was nurturing. And I was newly
joining a church after spending much of my life vowing to never set foot in a church, angry at the hypocrisy
and judgment. Barbara and I connected on many levels, and together we began a journey of love and service.
Soon, we became co-chairs of the church’s reconciling program, the group that oversaw the congregation’s commitment to
the full inclusion of gay, lesbian, and bisexual people* (which was still ruled as being “contrary to church teaching” in the
United Methodist Church). As part of our leadership, we formed a non-proselytizing HIV/AIDS ministry that
developed AIDS education and training programs, created support systems for people with HIV (most of
whom were dying at the height of the AIDS crisis before effective medications were developed), and forged
partnerships with other Tucson-area faith communities and local AIDS service organizations. Neither
Barbara nor I had experience in this area of organizing, but we were full of passion. I was a 20-something-year-old man
finally coming to terms with my sexuality after teenage years of suicidality, and life as a young adult living a relatively
closeted life. Barbara was a 50-something heterosexual woman who had been widowed and was seeking to explore new
ways of being and helping.
Together, we thrived and grew. In 1993, we gathered a group from St. Francis to
attend the March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay, and Bi Equal Rights and
Liberation, a large political rally--one of the largest protests in US historyand
the accompanying display of the NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt, with
thousands of quilt panels laid out on the National Mall surrounding the
Washington Monument. We marched, we walked the acres of AIDS quilt
panels, we celebrated, we cried, and deepened our commitment.
As the church’s AIDS ministry expanded in 1994 into a nonprofit organization
that would be named TIHAN, Barbara was an ever-present volunteer and
supporter, always preferring to stay in the background. For many years,
she volunteered in the office, creating the “thank you” letters for the donors to
(story continued on page 3)
Kenny Cohen and Barbara Kaller-Cohen
Scott and Barbara
2660 North 1st Avenue
Tucson, Arizona 85719
(520) 299-6647
Inside This Issue:
Remembering an Exceptional Ally
Thanking All Who Contributed Items to Our Auction
Augustine Shares About Living with HIV, and How TIHAN Helps
So Many Ways to Be of Support!
Honoring Jim and Jill Rich
Amazing people, fun events, life-affirming programs!
Thanks to our Treasures for TIHAN sponsors and supporters, people will live better, and receive support.
Thank you for a great event that raised thousands for our programs and services. See inside for details!
2021 Treasures for TIHAN Sponsors
Morris A. Hazan
Family Foundation
Dr. Seth Dubry &
Mr. Todd Colwell
Barbie Adler &
John Nemerovski
Leslie Kahn &
Susan Heinrich
Dr. Randy &
Susan Friese
Donita Gross
Jill Rich, Realtor
Long Realty
State Farm /
Chris Cronkhite Agency
Arlan Colton
Max McCauslin
& John Smith
Roger Funk &
Doug Noffsinger
The Zarling Family Stuart J. Meinke
Frank Ptak
& Joe Heller
Dr. Kevin Carmichael,
Dr. Tejal Parikh, & Family
Carol Bogg
Ted Adams John Consedine
Frank & Lindi
Laws Petroni
With additional major
support provided by:
To make a contribution in support of our
programs and people living with HIV,
please send a check
to the address on the left,
or visit our website
and click on the
Only with your support
can we continue. Thank you!
Program Results So Far in 2021
by Deirdre Demers, Program Manager
Our Care & Support Team shares with you the following
program results from January through August of 2021:
TIHAN in the News
Arizona Daily Star writer Loni Nannini
profiled our Treasures for TIHAN event
and TIHAN volunteer/supporter Tina
MacBeth: TIHAN celebrates 25th
anniversary of helping people with HIV/
AIDS.Weve also been featured
recently on the Lifestyle Tucsonprogram on Lotus
Communication stations KLPX, KFMA, La Caliente, La Buena,
ESPN Tucson, and 94.9 Mix FM, featuring an interview of TIHAN
Board President Dan Uroff and Executive Director Scott Blades.
Page 2 TIHAN
Augustine is a native
Tucsonan. He’s been living
with HIV for 13 years, but his
family doesn't know, and he’s
not ready to tell them.
However, he knows they
might find out someday.
“They know I am gay, but not about my HIV,” he shared.
“It’s a very personal decision when someone is ready to
tell your family or friends about their HIV status. I’m not
ready yet, but if they find out, if they see this article
about me, I know they’ll love me no matter what.”
It was May 3, 2008, when Augustine took a routine HIV
test at a community health fair. “When it came back
positive,” he recalled, “I was shocked... devastated. But I
found the strength in myself. I told myself I have do what
it takes to make myself well. I did some research about
HIV treatments and started right away.” He tried several
medication regimes, and some made him feel sick, so he
and his doctor at El Rio kept trying until they found one
that worked. His HIV level is now undetectable, he
proudly shared.
Augustine had been a volunteer with Wingspan’s Puertas
Abiertas program, and so he knew about resources for
help. He had also volunteered with TIHAN for a while.
After he tested positive, he immediately contacted SAAF
and TIHAN to get support resources.
“TIHAN has been really great for me,” he told us. His
$814 monthly disability check covers his rent for his
Section 8 apartment, as well as his electric, cable, and
phone bill. “The CarePackages, the gift cards to Fry’s for
food, the Poz Café they have really helped me a lot.”
Augustine misses the days before COVID, when Poz Café
was a major social highlight of the month. “The Poz Café
in person was very fun, when we could interact with
everyone, meet new people, and have a great time
together. It helped distract from the stresses of life and
connect with friends who know what I’m going through.
It was always very cheerful!”
Augustine himself is a very cheerful, outgoing, positive
person, constantly smiling and laughing. “I’ve always
been that way,” he said. “I did get depressed for a while
right after I was diagnosed, but Lady Godiva chocolates
helped get me through that! Those always cheer me up!”
“TIHAN is just very welcoming and helpful to people,
especially people who are newly diagnosed and afraid,” he
What does he wish for TIHAN? “I wish TIHAN had more
volunteers to help take the load off of link specialists, so
appointments could be scheduled quicker,” he said.
“Sometimes it takes a little bit of a wait for a callback to
get an appointment scheduled for a CarePackage.”
And, he continued, “I wish people would donate to support
TIHAN, because they help me and everybody living with
HIV. Thank you, TIHAN. It’s a wonderful organization!”
Augustine Shares About
Living with HIV
* We provided 1,456 CarePackages to 279 CarePartners
* We provided 1,438 grocery store gift cards, for either
$50 or $25, to 277 CarePartners
* We hosted a Poz Café pick-up event each month,
attended over these months by 207 individual
* We served a total of 1,040 Poz Café meals, both to those
attending Poz Café and to CarePartners visiting the
office in the days afterwards and receiving frozen
* We provided Link Specialist support to 372
CarePartners, including:
emotional support, information, and referral
re-engagement of individuals who either hadn’t
registered with TIHAN for the current year or
who had lost contact with us due to bad phone
numbers or mailing addresses
33 CarePartners received weekly check-in calls
six people received financial assistance referrals
eight people received vouchers for furniture from
Goodwill stores
15 CarePartners received Starting Over Supply
(SOS) Kits from the Assistance League of Tucson
In total, we served 393 individuals living with HIV from
January through August of this year all with your
generous support.
We have also been collecting COVID-19 vaccination
information from those CarePartners who are willing to
share, and we are happy to report that 83% of
CarePartners who responded are fully vaccinated.
Thank you for helping us to reach these kinds of
achievements, providing important services to Tucson’s
HIV community, during challenging pandemic times and
TIHAN Page 3
Shampoo, Cleaning Supplies, and More Items Sought
for CarePackages for People Living with HIV
Because of donors like you, people living with HIV can receive a
CarePackage each month, filled with toiletry and cleaning supplies.
Some of the most requested items for these CarePackages are shampoo
and household cleaning supplies. As the demand for CarePackages
increases, can you help us ensure that every bag includes shampoo and
cleaning supplies, too?
Paper towels, soap, deodorant for men, toothpaste, disinfectant—our
CarePackages contain these and more toiletry items that cannot be
purchased with SNAP benefits (formerly known as food stamps). Since
most of the people we serve are on limited income, these CarePackages
really help people make it through the month.
Please bring donations to the TIHAN office at
2660 North 1st Ave during business hours:
Monday-Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm. Our office
is always open during those times, and we
have a touch-free drop off table for you out
front (and you can complete a donation form
to get a receipt). Thank you!
You Can
Zoom into
Being a
Although some of our volunteer roles are on
pauseright now for safety, we do have a few
essential and remote volunteer opportunities,
and we have monthly orientation sessions for
people interested in volunteering.
For more information about volunteer
opportunities, and signing up to attend an
upcoming Volunteer Orientation via Zoom,
please contact Greg Christian at
VolunteerCoordinator@tihan.org or
(520) 299-6647 ext 204.
Eventually, Barbara married Kenny Cohen, and they connected
with Temple Emanu-El, a reform synagogue. Their journey took them
away from the Tucson areato Phoenix, then more recently Coronado,
Californiabut their support of TIHAN never wavered, helping TIHAN
become the largest non-government-funded provider of support services for
people living with HIV in the state of Arizona. Barbara and Kenny are
among the greatest supporters of TIHAN in our 27-year history.
Barbara was a dear friend, and my “second mom.” She stood up for me at
my commitment ceremony in the 1990’s, and she was there for me after we
separated. She nurtured me through many personal and professional
challenges and celebrations, and I presented her with opportunities to
support more people and serve as a “PFLAG mom,” which so many in
the LGBTQ and HIV communities need and deserve.
PFLAG is an international movement, the first and largest organization for
lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) people, their
parents and families, and allies. PFLAG moms are known for their
unconditional love, courage, and advocacy. So many people need a
supportive and accepting mom like Barbara, and she was happy to be a fierce ally and advocate for them,
and to show them the love they need to thrive.
Our connection, the strengths that we brought out in each other, has helped provide support services to more than 1,000
people living with HIV, and continues to build a more just and caring community. In addition to her impact on me and
my husband Jess and the people she helps through TIHAN, Barbara’s legacy lives on through her husband Kenny,
her daughter Sharon, her son Roy and daughter-in-law Deb, her grandchildren and great-grandchildren,
daughter-of-choice Beth and her wife Carrie, in-laws, and a whole multitude of more family and friends.
One instant can change your life. In 1990, it happened to me when this beautiful woman Barbara appeared
before me. I feel so blessed to be a part of her magnificent journey.
* Note regarding the term “LGB” of the 1990’s: Regrettably, it took many of us far too long as individuals,
institutions, and as a community to fully acknowledge, embrace, and include our trans and non-binary members
in our LGBTQ+ community.
Scott and Barbara in DC in 1993, preparing for
the March on Washington
Remembering Barbara (continued from Page 1)
We are so grateful to all
who made our 2021
Treasures for TIHAN
Benefit—Rainbows in the
Desert—such a great
success! It was 10 fun days
of bidding via an online
auction, plus a one-hour
livestreaming event filled
with passion and
Fantastic sponsors and
donors, generous bidders,
great businesses and
individuals contributing
auction items – it all added
up to a successful event that
is creating rainbows of support for people living with
HIV here in our community.
Because of your support, it was the most important
evening of the year for our CarePartners living with
HIV as you gave generously to fund vital programs
and support services. Powerful testimonials from
Kyle, Ed, and Joe; wonderful welcomes from Lupita
Murillo and Dan Uroff and Caroline Lochner;
fantastic entertainment from Brian Justin Crum from
Americas Got Talent; and amazing work from our
emcee and auctioneer Bobby D!
Thank you to our event co-chairs and our great team
of volunteers who pulled together our first major
virtual event, and to everyone who joined to make it a
wonderful success!
For the list of sponsors, major supporters, and
planning team members, visit https://tihan.org and
click on Treasures for TIHAN!
David Adix
Affirm Wealth Advisors
Lisa Agababian,
Alfonso Olive Oil & Balsamics
Ancient Oak Cellars
Arizona Cardinals
Mrs. Audreys Academic
Achievement Tutoring
John Barnes
Barrio Bread
Dee Bates
Beadecked & Beaddicted
Jean Beck
Pat and Gary Becker
Bella Jewels Designs
J Benanti & R Weese
Frank Bergen
Best LilHair House in Tucson
Beyond Bread
Bistro 44
Scott Blades and Jess Losoya
Fran Braverman
Karen Brown
Tim Brown Farmers Insurance
Jim Buckwalter
Dee Buizer
Canyon Ranch
The Estate of Gene Carlson
Rose Carmichael
Childrens Museum of Tucson
Edward Coderre
Noreen Conroy
Serena & Dennis Coon
John Cooper-Lara
Costco Wholesale
The Crochet Guy
Dedicated Gluten Free Bakery &
Coffee Shop
Desert Botanical Garden
Desert Leaf Magazine
Dickscoveries Art Gallery
Mickey Dixon
Shirley Duffy
Eclectic Cafe
Dr. Bella Eibensteiner,
El Chinito Gordo Restaurant
Betty Fink
Roberto Flores
Four Winds West
Pat Fox
Susan Friese
Roger Funk and Doug
Gadabout Salon Spas
Gallery of Food Bodega and
The Gaslight Theatre
Katherine George
Goldman & Goldman, PC
Judy Gomez
Robert Gomez
Virgina Hall – Artist
Eileen Hamm
Mary Hansen
Rowena L.
Mike and Jenny
A Healing Grace
Audrey Holland
Hotel McCoy
Howard Paley
Hughes Federal
Credit Union
Invisible Theatre
Jewell Livers
Massage Therapist
Johnny Gibsons Downtown
Dale Jones and Rex Crouse
Bill Jones and Alan Storm
The Estate of Barbara Kaller
Kendra Scott
Murray Keshner
Kief-Joshua Vineyards
KNG—Karin Newby Gallery
Kay P. Korn
Barbara Kuzara Art
KXCI Community Radio
La Indita Restaurant
Brent Land
Ronda Lane
Laughlin Mercantile
Lone Mountain Turquoise
Tina MacBeth
Madaras Gallery
Mamas Famous Pizza & Heros
Marriott Tucson University Park
Jack McLain
Stuart J. Meinke
The Mini Time Machine of
Made for a Queen
Ronen More
Mostly Mosaic
Cheryl Muller
Janet M. Munson
Hal Myers
Victor Navarro Fine Art
Kurt Niece
Douglas Nielsen
Old Presidio Traders
Stephen Oscherwitz, MD &
Lorraene Crawford
Jane Perri
Frank and Lindi Laws Petroni
Phoenix Art Museum
Plunketts Office Products &
Marco Prado
PRP Wine International
Ross Purcell
Purcell Gallery
Reid Park Zoo
Estate of Richard Reilly
Renees Organic Oven
Jill and Jim Rich
Roadhouse Cinemas
Christina Rossetti, Arbonne
Independent Consultant
Robert and Patricia Ruiz
The RumRunner
Sabino Pottery
Kevin M. Schmidtke
Scordatos Pizzeria
Jim Seidman
Shift Kitchen & Bar
Bruce and Bettina Shore
Ricci Silverman
Simons Physical Therapy
Skate Country
Snooze AM Eatery
Sonoran Glass School
Sparkle Cleaners
Mike Steinberg and Alan Taylor
James Stevenson
Stone Dragon Studio – Dyna
Chin, Artist
Sunrise Jewelers
Alistair Symon
Sally Stevens-Taylor and Ralph
TIHAN Development Committee
Todays Patio
True Concord Voices &
Jose Trujillo, Artist
Tubac Golf Resort
Tucson Botanical Gardens
Tucson Clay Co-op
Tucson LGBTQ+ Museum
Tucson Museum of Art
Tucson Pride
Verde Canyon Railroad
Westward Look Wyndham
Grand Resort & Spa
Ray Wood and Bob Guthrie
Joseph Yukish
Zarpara Vineyard
Zelens Art Studio
Zio Peppe
Zona 78 Italian Kitchen-Enoteca
Thank You to Auction Item Donors to
Our 2021 Treasures for TIHAN
Please support our donors,
as they support our community!
T H A N K Y O U !
Your support of our Treasures for TIHAN
benefit created rainbows of support for
people living with HIV
You make our world even more beautiful!
So Many Ways to Provide Support—Which Ones
Are Right for You?
Just as there are so many needs in the community, there are also many ways you can
help. In addition to volunteering, you can contribute financially, by sending a check
or donating online at https://tihan.org. And below are many more creative ways to
give. However you choose to contribute, your gifts make a difference!
Sustaining Gifts: Set up your recur r ing gift, a donation by credit card or debit
card, with an ongoing payment of a specific amount—monthly, quarterly, or
annually, at https://tihan.org
Frys Food Stores Community Rewards: You can link your Fr ys VIP Rewards
card to TIHAN, and Frys will donate a percentage of your purchases to TIHAN
(our Frys ID number is SH655).
AmazonSmile: You can designate TIHAN to r eceive a portion of your purchase
total from Amazon! You can also order our wish list items and have them
shipped safely and directly to the TIHAN office. Connect your Amazon account
to the charity of your choice: smile.amazon.com/ch/86-0819574
Vehicle Donations: TIHAN accepts donations of cars, boats, motorcycles, any
vehicle—whether its newer, older, or even if its not in running condition.
Facebook Fundraising: You can create a fundraiser for TIHAN in honor of
your birthday, or any occasion or non-occasion, and encourage your friends on
social media to contribute.
Workplace: Your employer may have the option to match your char itable
contributions! Check with your company and see if they offer matching funds
for employeesgifts to nonprofits like TIHAN.
Raffle Tickets: You can pur chase a raffle ticket that will give you a chance to
win amazing prizes (a new car, a trip across the globe, and $5,000 cash), and
TIHAN gets to keep all the proceeds from ticket sales.
Gifts-in-Kind: You can donate needed items to us—everything from toiletries for
our CarePackages, art for our auction, office supplies, holiday gifts, and more.
Our wishlist can give you some ideas:
Planned Gifts/Bequests: When you leave your assets to char itable organizations
like TIHAN, you can create a legacy that will help you continue to make a
difference, even after you are gone. You ensure that programs and services
important to you will continue, perhaps in your name.
Corporate and Foundation Grants: Businesses and foundations (including
family foundations) can contribute, usually for specific programs or purposes
after a proposal has been submitted. Gifts from family foundations and donor-
advised funds can also make a tremendous difference in supporting nonprofits
such as TIHAN.
Gifts of Appreciated Stock and Real Estate: You may find there are tax
benefits for contributing stock or real estate to TIHAN. (And wed love a
donation of a new office building!)
Faith Community Giving: Congr egations may contr ibute to TIHAN, either
through a set amount in their budget, a freewill offering, hosting a fundraising
event for TIHAN, endowment funds, or contributing in-kind gifts.
Minimum Required Distribution from an IRA (Individual Retirement
Account): Required Minimum Distributions ar e minimum amounts that a
retirement plan owner must withdraw annually when they reach age 70 1/2
or 72. A Qualified Charitable Distribution is a direct transfer of funds from your
IRA, payable directly to a qualified charity, providing you with tax benefits.
Soozie, Jill, George, and Thom
prepare CarePackages for
distribution to people living with
HIV at our midtown site,
Cornerstone Fellowship
Link Specialist Katie gets things
organized as CarePartners start
arriving for their gift card for food
as well as their CarePackage and a
Janice distributes a to-go meal to a
CarePartner at the Poz Café drive-
by site at our original location, St.
Francis in the Foothills United
Methodist Church
Our friends at St. Marks United
Methodist Church provide 10% of
their income to outreach programs,
including TIHAN, to whom they
gave $2,500
Page 6 TIHAN
Acknowledging Gifts Made to TIHAN in Honor of and
in Memory of Loved Ones
(Gifts received May 16—August 31, 2021
Gifts Received in Honor Of
David Scott Allen
Scott Blades *
James Chapman
Arlan Colton *
Deirdre Demers
Shelly Gallichio
Ramses Gaono Jacobo
Robb Gonzales
Jenny Hartung
Barbara Kaller-Cohen and Kenny
Cohen *
Dawn Lee
Jess Losoya
Pat Small
Susan Tiss *
Bobbie Vandegriff
Gifts Received In Memory Of
A good friend and great woman
Stephen Andre
Debbie Barnette
Charles Burton
Albert F Callahan
Jim and Elaine Cooper *
Jim Crouch
Tony TJDuffy
Gwen and Mike Elbert
Shane Ewing
Derek Fowler *
Calvin Wayne Fulton
Jim Girard
Hermelinda Gonzalez
Trung Hua *
Barbara Kaller-Cohen *
Lacey Laws
James Leos
Richard McLean *
Bill McManus *
Myron Morris *
Michael Mulholland
James Reiter *
Ronald Schuyler
James David Stobaugh
Steve Trujillo
Bobbie Vandegriff *
Michael J Vining
* denotes those for whom
multiple gifts have been
received during this period
of time
Staffing Update: September 2021
Program Manager, Deirdre Demers (ProgramMan[email protected])
Manages all of TIHAN’s support services and programs that
care for people living with HIV, including Poz Café
Program Coordinator, Ramses Gaona Jacobo
(ProgramC[email protected]g)
Coordinates the Link program serving people living with HIV,
and oversees the Living Well with HIV program
Operations Manager, Greg Christian
(OperationsM[email protected])
Oversees the administrative operations of the office and the
onboarding of new volunteers
Executive Director, Scott Blades ([email protected])
Supervises the administration, programs, and strategic plan of
the organization, including fundraising, accounting, marketing,
and community outreach
Remembering Donors and
Volunteers Weve Lost
Elaine Cooper Lois Olsrud Troy St. John Jorge Reyna
Barbara Kaller-Cohen
(see article on page 1)
Collecting Holiday Gifts for People Living with HIV
The holidays can be a difficult time for many. The season often carries a lot of meaning and a lot of memories. It can be
even more difficult for people living with HIV. Many of our CarePartners are rather isolated due to physical or mental
health challenges, or being cut off from their families of birth. Many survive on disability income, and some lack the
networking and socializing opportunities that a work life can provide.
This holiday season, can you help brighten the day for TIHAN’s CarePartners living with HIV? We are collecting
donations of new, unused holiday gifts with a value of $15-$25, as well as $25 gift cards to stores like Target, Walmart,
and Fry’s. Donations can be brought to the TIHAN office during business hours: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm. Please plan to
bring all donations in by the priority deadline of Wednesday, November 24 or at the very latest, Tuesday, November 30.
Thank you for sharing your gifts with others to brighten their holidays!
Requires proof of vaccination or negative COVID test within
72 hours. Outdoor concert. Doors open at 5pm, show at 6pm.
Reserved seating. Full menu of food and drinks available.
Concert sponsorship levels range from $50 to $1,500 and are
available at www.centerforhealthandhope.org
Tickets are $20, available at www.montereycourtaz.com
Thank you all for the
hard work and dedication
through this summer and
all year long. Also for the
meals and bags of items, so
very artfully done. All you
do I appreciate so very
—TIHAN CarePartner living with HIV
To see the items on our wishlist, visit www.tihan.org,
then click on “donate,” then “wishlist.”
You can easily order many of our items through your
Amazon account or AmazonSmile account, and have it
shipped directly to TIHAN. Thank you!
Honoring the Spirit of Philanthropy of Jim and Jill Rich
TIHAN joins the local commemoration of National Philanthropy Day to honor
Jim and Jill Rich for making a difference in the lives of people living with HIV/
AIDS and so many others in our community.
Jill and Jim have been married for 40 years. Serving together and giving back,
they agree, is an important part of their union.
Jill has served as TIHAN’s liaison with their faith community Temple Emanu-
El, as well as with one of the many organizations they are involved with, the
Jewish Community Relations Council. Although Jill is often the more public
face of their work, Jim is always there helping behind the scenes.
Together, they have organized many fundraising efforts and secured funding
and thousands of items for CarePackages for people living with HIV, and helped
serve the meals and recruit many volunteers and donors to help TIHAN.
They also help with the Primavera Foundation, where they provide a meal for 100 homeless men twice a year. The Mitzvah
Corporation is another nonprofit that they are involved with: Jill is also the administrator, and Jim is a key supporter and
volunteer, of this group that provides financial support to people in need throughout the community.
Jim and Jill also have a rich history of assisting the Southern Arizona Chapter of the American Red Cross, aiding with
disaster support efforts by helping people after a flood, fire, or other disasters.
Undetectable Equals Untransmittable
What does this mean?
If someone is living with HIV and takes anti-
retroviral medications to reduce the amount of
virus in their system, their HIV level can become
“undetectable” (still present, but at a very minimal
level), and they cannot transmit HIV to their
partner through sexual contact.
People with HIV who take HIV medicine as
prescribed and get and maintain an
undetectable viral load have effectively no
risk of transmitting HIV to their HIV-negative
sexual partner.
* The possibility of people who inject drugs and have undetectable
HIV transmitting the virus through sharing needles has not yet
been determined, but is expected to prove to be reduced risk.
TIHAN Page 7
Jim is active with the Temple Emanu-El Men’s Club, helping
support children and youth programs, as well as blood drives for
the Red Cross.
Helping welcome and showing love is part of Jim and Jill’s genetic
makeup. They fostered and adopted two children from
Vietnam. They also helped re-settle 54 Lost Boys of Sudan here
in Tucson, supporting them in becoming more accustomed to our
country and fulfilling their educational goals. They are also
active with Lutheran Social Services, serving as mentors for a
Syrian family. Jim and Jill are now looking to be of support to
new arrivals from Afghanistan who are being relocated to Tucson.
Whether providing funds for shoes for migrants, serving meals to
people in need, delivering paperwork and checks for emergency
rent assistance, mentoring, or any of their vast charitable efforts,
Jill and Jim give generously of their time, talents, and treasures.
“I feel it’s my duty to contribute to the common good of society,”
Jim shared. “People need to be supported and loved, and then
they can begin to thrive.” Jill added, “What’s important is to
encourage each other to repair the world, improve our community
and all people. We can all make a difference.”
With gratitude, TIHAN recognizes Jim and Jill Rich with our
2021 Spirit of Philanthropy Award, to be presented at the
National Philanthropy Day event held virtually this year on
November 12.
The Spirit of Philanthropy Award recognizes people for their
generous spirit, evidenced in their contributions of time,
efforts, and/or resources. These people demonstrate
extraordinary leadership and vision in support of charitable
agencies' goals. Their contribution makes a better community
a reality. We honor them and are grateful for their spirit of
giving. They truly inspire us all.
Thank you, Jim and Jill, for changing the world with your giving