Bishop State Community College Foundation Scholarship Application
Fall 2021 Scholarships
To be considered for a Bishop State Community College Foundation scholarship award,
applicants must be currently enrolled at Bishop State Community College.
Complete and submit the following materials in their entirety to Ms.
Sherrica Hunt @
Scholarship Application Deadline Cycle 2:
The application will open on June 1st
The application will close on July 2nd
Please read the complete application, answer all questions, and provide all
required documentation for consideration.
Complete and submit the following materials in their entirety to Ms. Sherrica
Eligibility Requirements:
1. Must submit the following:
a. Students must submit a copy of their transcript from their latest institution reflecting at
least a 2.5-grade point average unless identified otherwise. The transcript may be an
unofficial copy. Applications with a lower GPA will not be considered. Some
scholarships may require a higher minimum GPA. Please read all requirements before
2. Must submit the following:
a. The student must complete FAFSA form online at
www.fafsa.gov with Bishop State
Community College school code 001030. *If FAFSA form is not submitted to Bishop
State Community College Financial Aid by the application deadline, the application
packet is not complete.
b. Bishop State Community College Foundation Scholarship Application Form
c. A Personal Statement if specified by the specific scholarship.
It is the student's responsibility to submit all items listed in #1 and #2 for consideration.
The Bishop State Community College Foundation Scholarship Committee makes scholarship
award decisions only. Funds are paid directly to the college on behalf of the student. Questions
regarding Foundation Scholarships should be directed to the Foundation's Office at 251-405-
Bishop State Community College Foundation Scholarship Requirements:
A Bishop State Community College Foundation Scholarship recipient will agree to participate in the
1. If awarded a scholarship, recipients will receive an email notification award and respond to the
email and sign an agreement before the funds are released. The Foundation must receive your
acceptance email response no later than the specified date, or the scholarship funds will be
2. Bishop State Community College Foundation Photo and Media Agreement: The Foundation may
request a picture to write an article about the recipient. Your image may be used in Bishop State
Community College Foundation communications to promote its activities, including but not limited
to website and media releases to promote the Foundation to the public.
3. Bishop State Community College Foundation Video Agreement: Short video clips of scholarship
recipient's testimonials highlighting scholarship benefits may be requested.
Videos may be linked to the Foundation website and social media and could be shown at events to
promote the Bishop State Community College Foundation's mission.
4. Bishop State Community College Foundation Event Attendance: The Foundation events are used
to raise scholarship funds and awareness about the college. Scholarship recipients must attend
the scholarship recognition program.
5. If these requirements are not satisfied, the Foundation reserves the right to revoke scholarship
funds for future semesters.
The student must not fail a class during the semester. If the student does not complete the
semester, withdraws, or fails a course during the semester that the scholarship is received,
they will be ineligible for future consideration. If there are extenuating circumstances, the
student may write a letter to the Foundation Scholarship Committee providing all
documentation needed for review. The requests must be submitted through the Foundation's
Office at Bishopstatefoundatio[email protected]. Students will receive notification of a decision by
I, affirm that I plan to attend Bishop State
Community College as defined in my application.
I give Bishop State officials permission to release transcripts of my academic record and other
information requested for consideration by the Bishop State Community College Foundation. I
understand that applicants will only be considered if a completed application packet is submitted and
the applicant agrees to the terms of the Bishop State Community College Foundation Scholarship
I further affirm that I have no relationship with members of the Bishop State Community College
Foundation's Board of Directors. Suppose I have a personal relationship with a member of the Bishop
State Community College Foundation Board of Directors; in that case, I will attach a statement
explaining the relationship so that the Scholarship Committee is aware of the relationship. A list of
Bishop State Community College Foundation Board members may be found on the Bishop State
Community College Foundation website at www.bishopstatefoundation.org.
You must state whether you are or are not related to any Bishop State Community College
employees(s). No I am not associated with any of the Bishop State Community College
employees. Yes
I am related to one or more Bishop State Community College employees.
If so, state the relationship to the Bishop State Community College employee(s)
Date: Signature:
Bishop State Community College Foundation Scholarship Application
First Name and Middle Initial:
Last Name:
Permanent Residence
Number, Street, and Apartment Number
(Zip Code)
Home telephone ( )
Email address:
Date of birth: / /
Bishop State Student ID number:
(Check one) I am a U.S. Citizen
Current cumulative GPA:
U.S. National
Resident alien expecting citizenship by
Your undergraduate major(s):
Expected date to receive associate degree:
The degree you will receive:
List the secondary school and all higher education institutions attended. Include summer, study-abroad,
exchange programs (up to five).
School Location Dates Attended
List any College-sponsored and community-based activities or volunteer work that you have taken part
in since you attended high school.
List other scholarship or funding resources available to you.
Describe why you are seeking help from the Foundation. Explain how you will fund your education if the
Foundation is unable to assist you at this time. Include a statement establishing your family's total
Misuse of Funds
If a recipient misuses or attempts to misuse scholarship funds, the Foundation will require that the
funds be returned to the Foundation by the recipient. If the recipient fails to return scholarship funds
to the Foundation, future applications will not be considered, and any current awards approved for
the recipient will be withheld.
Foundation Scholarships
1. 100 Black Men of Greater Mobile Bishop State Scholars Scholarship Fund This scholarship is
funded by the 100 Black Men of Greater Mobile Incorporated and the Bishop State Foundation. The
scholarship will be awarded to a student in their final year of study (30 hours or less away from
graduation), with a minimum 2.75/4.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA) in the amount of $1,250.
Students with a business concentration major are preferred, but all majors will be considered.
2. Alabama Trucking Association Diesel Technology Scholarship - This scholarship is funded by
the Alabama Trucking Association in the amount of $1500 per semester. The scholarship will be
available to a student enrolled in the diesel technology program and have a minimum of 2.75/4.0
cumulative grade point average (GPA). This scholarship can cover the following expenses: Tuition,
fees, books, and supplies. The recipient must have completed one semester in the diesel technology
program and demonstrate they are economically disadvantaged. The recipient must submit an essay
explaining their need for scholarship assistance and why they have chosen their career field. If all
requirements continue to be met, the scholarship will be renewable for the second semester.
3. Alabama Power Book Scholarship - A scholarship in the amount of $500 will be awarded to the
successful candidate and must be used to purchase books and supplies
4. American Gas Scholarship - Technical sponsorships are awarded to current Bishop State students
enrolled in the following programs: Welding, HVAC Technology Mechanical Systems, and
Engineering Technologies. The selected student is awarded $3,000.00 towards tuition and fees per
year. If all requirements continue to be met, the sponsorship will be renewable for a second academic
year. The recipient must be enrolled as a full or part-time student in good standing with a minimum
2.8/4.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA) in an approved field of study and have completed at
least one semester at Bishop State in a two (2) year degree or certificate program.
5. Bishop State Community College Foundation Book Scholarship - A scholarship in the amount of
$500 will be awarded to the successful candidate. It may be used for tuition and fees or to purchase
books and supplies.
6. Blue Cross Blue Shield Health Professions Scholarship Fund A scholarship will be awarded to
a successful candidate in the health professions division in the amount of $1,250. It may be used for
tuition and fees or to purchase books and supplies.
7. Cora Hackett Nursing Scholarship - The Cora Moore Hackett Nursing Scholarship is only available
during the Fall Semester. Eligible candidates must be a returning student that has completed at least
two semesters and is accepted and enrolled in the Bishop State Community College Nursing
Program. The successful candidate must have at least a 3.5/4.0 cumulative grade point average
(GPA). The scholarship is in the amount of $500 will be awarded to the successful candidate and
may be used for tuition and fees or to purchase books and supplies.
8. Delta Iota Boulé Scholarship The Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity Delta Iota Boulé Chapter established
the scholarship to assist deserving students at Bishop State Community College with a minimum
2.5/4.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA) in the amount of $500. The scholarship will fund
tuition, books, and supplies.
9. Dr. Sykes Book Scholarship - A scholarship in the amount of $500 will be awarded to the
successful candidate and must be used to purchase books and supplies.
10. Edna Harris Agnew Early Childhood Scholarship Fund This scholarship is named in memory of
Mrs. Edna Ruth Harris Agnew, a graduate of the Mobile branch of Alabama State College,
affectionately referred to as "The Branch," now Bishop State Community College. She went on to
further her education at the Alabama State Teachers College (now Alabama State University),
earning Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in Elementary Education. Passionate about education, she
dedicated nearly 40 years to enriching the lives of the youth of Mobile County at various elementary
and high schools. This scholarship was created by her granddaughter, Dr. Andrea C. Agnew, also an
This scholarship is funded in the amount of $1,000 to a student in early childhood education and a
graduate of Ben. C. Rain High School. The scholarship may be used for tuition, college or program
fees, or books. This scholarship is non-renewable for recipients. Recipients are only eligible to
receive this scholarship once.
11. Frank D. Rodgers Memorial Scholarship - The Mobile Kappa Alumni Foundation (MKAF) is proud
to award the Frank D. Rodgers, Jr. Memorial Scholarship. Brother Rodgers was a dedicated Kappa
Man who entered the Notable Bond of Kappa Alpha Psi through the Eta Chi Chapter at the University
of Alabama. He served The Mobile Alumni Chapter as a Polemarch. He was employed at Bishop
State as an instructor in the Computer Science Department. The scholarship will be presented to an
upcoming sophomore student enrolled in the Computer Science Program for One Thousand Dollars
The student must be pursuing a degree in computer science.
The student must have achieved and maintained a 2.50 GPA.
The student must demonstrate a financial need.
The student must write a minimum of 500 words essay on how this scholarship will assist
him/her in meeting his/her post-secondary financial obligations.
12. Fruitful Beginnings Cosmetology and Barbering Scholarship Established by
Dionne Jackson of Locs of Soul Salon in the amount of $500, the scholarship will provide Bishop State
Cosmetology and Barbering students with financial resources to purchase kits needed
to provide competency-based knowledge, scientific and artistic principles, and hands-on fundamentals
associated with the haircare industry.
The student should have a desire to specialize in natural hair or entrepreneurship.
The student should have a 2.7 cumulative grade point average (GPA).
The student should write an essay on the following topicsa minimum of 500 words.
What inspired you to study cosmetology or barbering?
13. Hargrove Foundation Book Scholarship - A scholarship in the amount of $500 will be awarded to
the books and supplies.
14. The John Bumpers Memorial Scholarship - The Mobile Kappa Alumni Foundation (MKAF) John
W. Bumpers, Jr. Memorial Scholarship was named for an outstanding member of the Mobile Alumni
Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. and a graduate of the Alabama State College Branch
later named Bishop State Community College. The Bumpers Memorial Scholarship provides financial
assistance to a deserving African American male student who has demonstrated academic
achievement and campus involvement in the amount of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00)
Must be an African American male student enrolled at Bishop State for one academic year.
Must have achieved and maintained at least a 2.5GPA.
Must have been involved in an extracurricular activity at Bishop State.
The student must be enrolled in an academic or technical program.
The MKAF will forward the scholarship to the student's transfer college or the student once
proof of registration in a full-time course of study is provided for graduating student. The
deadline for enrollment in a post-secondary institution after receiving the notification of the
scholarship is September 1st, 2021.
15. The Kappa Zeta Sigma Book Scholarship The Sigma Gamm Rho Sorority, Incorporated Kappa
Zeta Sigma Alumnae Chapter funded the scholarship to assist with funding for books and supplies for
a school in the amount of $300. The recipient must be a female student who intends to transfer to a
4-year institution upon graduating from Bishop State Community College. The recipient must have a
minimum of 2.5/4.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA). The scholarship may only be used for
books and/or supplies.
16. Learning Assistance Center Academic Excellence Scholarship Fund - This scholarship is
funded in the amount of$500. This scholarship will be awarded to a student who exemplifies
academic excellence, have a minimum of 2.5/4.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA), submit a
500-word essay, and provide two (2) letters of recommendation. The scholarship may only be used
towards tuition and/or books.
Essay Topics:
Your reason for financial hardship.
How will funding help with your Bishop State goals?
How /Why the Learning Assistance Center has been pivotal in your Bishop State
The essay should be typed, double-spaced with a font no smaller than 12 pt. and in Times
New Roman.
17. Leslie Stone, III "Juke" Torch Scholarship Fund - The Leslie Stone, III "Juke" Torch Scholarship is
named in honor of Leslie "aka Juke" Stone, III. Leslie, also known throughout the community as the
"iron and burglar bar man," was skilled in management, and was a first-class welder, and
maintenance engineering technician. Leslie worked in industry, serving a total of 45-years between
Alcoa Alumni Steel and Arkema Chemical. He was also the founder and owner of Independent
Welding for nearly 50 years.
With his infamous saying, "I'm blessed and I like to help people," Leslie was a devoted family man
who believed in the importance of education and training and served as a mentor to many in the
Africantown Community. A 1964 graduate of Mobile County Training School, Juke believed in
Bishop State Community College's importance to the community as he, along with his siblings,
started their journey on the "campgrounds" of Bishop State.
Leslie served honorably in the United States Army and as a servant leader in his church, where he
was Trustee Chairman Emeritus. A man who made a vested interest in philanthropy, his wife
(Mary), his children and their families, and other family and friends are keeping the torch lit by
honoring Leslie "Juke" Stone, III with a scholarship in his honor. The scholarships will be awarded
to deserving students who exude an expression of hard work, commitment to majoring in welding,
electrical engineering technology, or process & maintenance technology and shares a platform for
mentoring and "helping people."
The Leslie Stone "Juke" Torch Scholarship is awarded one time in the amount of $500 each to four
(4) deserving students, two (2) of which will be graduating high school seniors and the other to two
(2) currently enrolled Bishop State students.
Students must have a 2.5 or better grade point average, plan to attend or be enrolled at
Bishop State Community College, and in good academic and disciplinary standing.
Must pursue a major in welding, electrical engineering technology, or process &
maintenance technology at Bishop State Community College.
Submit a 200-word typed essay addressing:
What impacts your interest and commitment to Career Technical Education?
How will the Torch Scholarship contribute to your academic success?
Why is mentoring important?
Upon your future success, how do you plan to "give back" to the community?
Submit a letter of recommendation from one of the following: the application's high
school administrator (principal, school counselor, teacher); or from a leader in the
community (church or civic).
18. Monica Beasley Graphics Communication Scholarship - This scholarship is funded by Monica J.
Beasley in the amount of $250. This scholarship will be available to a student in Graphic
Communications. This scholarship will be dispersed to students who meet the following qualifications:
Enrolled in Graphic Communications, have a minimum of a 3.0/4.0 cumulative grade point average
(GPA), and is a member of the American Advertising Federation (AAF). This scholarship is non-
renewable for recipients. Recipients are only eligible to receive this scholarship once.
19. Ms. DeAngelia Darcel Wallace Scholarship This scholarship is available for students with
disabilities and specific learning difficulties. Students must provide verification of their disability. The
scholarship will be awarded to a student with a minimum GPA of 2.0/4.0 cumulative grade point
average (GPA) in the amount of $250. The scholarship can be used towards tuition, books, supplies,
and program fees.
20. Nightingales College of Nursing Scholarship - This scholarship is funded by the Bishop State
College of Nursing Nightingales organization in the amount of $250. The scholarship will be available
to a student in the College of Nursing. This scholarship will be awarded to a student who exemplifies
academic excellence, has a minimum of 2.5/4.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA), and submit a
300-word essay on why they want to become a nurse. This scholarship is non-renewable for
recipients. Recipients are only eligible to receive this scholarship once. The scholarship may only be
used towards tuition, books, college, or program fees.
21. Port City Blacks in Government This scholarship is funded by the Port City Black in Government
organization in the amount of $500. The scholarship will be awarded to a student with a minimum
2.5/4.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA). The scholarship is non-renewable for recipients.
Recipients are only eligible to receive this scholarship once. The scholarship may be used for tuition
22. Rosie Bumpers Book Scholarship This scholarship will be awarded to a student enrolled in the
culinary or nursing student with a 2.5/4.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA) in the amount of
$250. The student must submit a personal statement expressing his or her career aspirations and
financial need. The scholarship may only be used for books and supplies. Recipients are only
eligible to receive this scholarship once.
23. Shanette C. Trice-Beck Graphic Communication - This scholarship is funded by Eric B. Beck in the
amount of $250. This scholarship will be available to a student in Graphic Communications. This
scholarship will be dispersed to students who meet the following qualifications: Enrolled in Graphic
Communications, have a minimum of a 3.0/4.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA), and is a
member of the American Advertising Federation (AAF). This scholarship is non-renewable for
recipients. Recipients are only eligible to receive this scholarship once.
24. Shelia D. Osborne-Beck Culinary Scholarship- This scholarship is funded by Eric B. Beck in the
amount of $250. This scholarship will be available to a student in Culinary Arts. This scholarship will
be dispersed to students who meet the following qualifications: Enrolled in Culinary Arts, have a
minimum of a 3.0/4.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA), and is a member of the American
Culinary Federation (ACF). This scholarship is non-renewable for recipients. Recipients are only
eligible to receive this scholarship once.
25. Strikers Club Incorporated Scholarship Fund This scholarship is funded by the Strikers Club
Incorporated to award students with a minimum of 2.5/4.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA) in
the amount of $500. The applicant must submit a personal statement explaining career aspirations
and a description of financial need (250-word minimum). The scholarship can fund tuition, program
fees, books, supplies, and other school-related expenses.
26. Ty Drinkard Memorial Scholarship Fund -The family of the late Ty Drinkard established this
scholarship to honor his memory and establish a legacy to assist a career-technical student in need
of financial support. Ty had aspirations of attending Bishop State Community College upon
graduating from Baldwin County High School in 2022.
The "Ty" Drinkard Memorial Scholarship Fund will provide a$500 scholarship to a deserving
student in a Bishop State technical program. The student must have a 2.5/4.0 cumulative grade
point average (GPA) to be considered for the scholarship. The scholarship can assist with tuition,
fees, books, and supplies.
27. Wal-Mart Distribution Center # 7067 First Generation Scholarship The scholarship is funded by
the Wal-Mart Distribution Center #7067 to award students who are first in their family to attend
college in the amount of $500. The scholarship can go towards tuition, books, and supplies.
28. Wal-Mart Store #5744 Book Scholarship This scholarship is funded the Wal-Mart Store #5744 to
award a book scholarship in the amount of $500. The scholarship will cover books and supplies.
If you have any questions, please contact the Bishop State Community College Foundation at
[email protected] or 251-405-7043.