Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 95 (2024) 128309
Available online 22 March 2024
1618-8667/© 2024 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Effect of biophilic shopping environments featuring Christmas trees on
perceived attentional and mental fatigue: A national study
Chad D. Pierskalla
, Jinyang Deng
, David W. McGill
, Shan Jiang
West Virginia University, School of Natural Resources, 1145 Evansdale Drive, Morgantown, WV 26506, USA
Director of Research, GBBN Architects, 5411 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15206, USA
Handling Editor: Dr Cecil Konijnendijk van den
Attention Restoration Theory
Biophilic design
Christmas trees
Mental health
Soft fascination
The Mayo Clinic and the American Psychiatric Association recognize that many people experience stress around
the holidays. For example, households with children, people living alone, etc. during the Christmas holiday
might be feeling mentally fatigued or maybe they simply want to improve their mental state. We aimed to
investigate the extent to which Christmas tree shopping environments that include real trees in the outdoors (a
common type of biophilic store design) provide opportunities to help them recover from mental and attentional
fatigue (derived from Attention Restoration Theory) when compared to articial indoor tree displays. A
nationwide online survey (n=1208, 45 questions, and two video evaluations) was used to compare real-time and
post video evaluations of outdoor displays of real Christmas trees with indoor displays of articial Christmas
trees using two measures of overall perceived restorative quality. The key nding indicates that real/outdoor
trees have a higher perceived restorative quality (real-time video evaluation p <.05 and post-video evaluation p
<.001). Although the fascination ratings for articial/indoor tree ratings were signicantly higher (p <.01), it
had a much weaker effect than real trees (less than half) on overall restorative quality. That is, although indoor
articial trees were more fascinating, it appears to be the kind of hard fascination that does not contribute
nearly as much to restoration when compared to the softerfascination associated with real trees. The positive
effect of coherence (e.g., orderly tree displays) and scope (e.g., perception of depth and spaciousness) on overall
restorative quality that was perceived by respondents was greater for real/outdoor tree displays. These larger
effects were measured in a multivariate multiple regression model but also identied in most of the peak
restorative moments during the video evaluation.
1. Introduction
The Mayo Clinic (and other top-ranked hospitals and health orga-
nizations) recognize that many people experience stress around Christ-
mas. For example, the American Psychiatric Association reported that
41% of people in their study experienced stress and anxiety during the
holiday season (American Psychiatric Association, 2021). Based on the
literature that documents the mental health benets of nature immer-
sion (e.g., immersion in nature in general, in biophilic shopping stores,
and during urban forest bathing), it seems possible that shopping for real
Christmas trees can help answer Mayo Clinics call for restoring the
inner calm (Mayo Clinic, 2020). The purpose of the nationwide study is
to examine and compare the extent to which Christmas tree shopping
environments that include real trees in the outdoors (i.e., choose and cut
farm, garden center, and home improvement store) and articial trees
indoors (i.e., variety of chain store displays) provide opportunities for
the recovery from mental fatigue and have the capacity to focus atten-
tion. By doing so, this research will ll a void in the literature by
examining not only the factors of attention restoration associated with
different Christmas tree shopping environments (outdoor biophilic de-
signs offering real trees vs. indoor store designs offering articial trees),
but it will also identify the specic natural elements that contribute to
positive consumer responses.
Despite the plethora of literature that identies the health benets of
nature, the authors are not aware of any research that empirically ex-
amines the phenomena in detail as it relates to the Christmas tree
shopping environment (a common biophilic store design in our com-
munities that can offer forest bathing opportunities during the holidays).
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (C.D. Pierskalla).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/ufug
Received 12 October 2023; Received in revised form 13 February 2024; Accepted 21 March 2024
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 95 (2024) 128309
1.1. Immersion in nature in general
Nature and plants have been traditionally viewed as healers in the
history of human development (Jiang, 2022). Trees have been associ-
ated with many spiritual and therapeutic qualities in different cultures
due to their longevity, historical status, and continuity from one season
to another (Squire, 2002). Landscape architects started to associate
nature and parks with human salutogenesis as early as in the 18th
centenary several urban park systems were initiated by Frederick Law
Olmsted (known as the father of American landscape architecture and
arguably also park management given it was a topic once taught in
landscape architecture schools) to address the stress, pollutions, and
unhealthy living conditions in major American cities (Szczygiel and
Hewit, 2000). The visual qualities of natural environment have been
proven with dominant effects in reducing peoples stress (Ulrich et al.,
1991) and relieve mental fatigue (Kaplan, 1995). The amount or density
of trees in outdoor spaces usually serves as a positive predictor of peo-
ples aesthetic preferences and high degrees of restorativeness (Wang
et al., 2019). Increasing tree coverage can also provide health benets
associated with cooling urban environments (Lungman et al., 2023).
Tree coverage (more so than low-lying vegetation or grass) was associ-
ated with a decreased risk of postpartum depression (Sun et al., 2023). In
intimate spaces, the psychological benets of plants include
stress-reduction, emotional support, and increased pain tolerance
(Bringslimark et al., 2009). The multi-sensory stimuli, particularly the
odorant stimuli from nature, such as methyl salicylate (wintergreen
scent), have been universally rated as smelling healthful (Dalton, 1999).
1.2. Immersion in biophilic store designs
The growth of urbanization and the hectic pace of life are just a few
reasons why the health benets of green infrastructure, such as biophilic
designs, are important (Hung and Chang, 2022). Although Biophilic
Design (including store designs like outdoor Christmas tree lots) is a
relatively new line of research, the idea of bringing plants into houses
and gardens reects the biophilic quality of the human mind and is
common in most cultures including those that go back more than 2000
years (Grinde and Patil, 2009). Kellert et al. (2008) proposed the bio-
philic design of landscape architecture to describe methods that include
natural elements, patterns, natural lines etc. in the built environment.
Hung and Chang (2022) used the perceived biophilic design items
(PBDi) in their study to explain landscape preferences and positive
emotional states in urban green spaces. They conclude that Vegetation,
waterscape, sky, etc., with the appropriate landscape layout, create a
kind of fascination, an important component that attracts involuntary
attention and inuences human perception and positive emotions.(p.
9). More specically, the concept of biophilic store design was intro-
duced by Joye et al. (2010) as the integration of greenery or natural
elements into the built retail environment. Adding elements of nature
can help counteract shopper boredom stemming from a lack of newness
and unique experience in built environments like shopping malls
(Rosenbaum et al., 2018) that may suffer from what Verde and Wharton
(2015) call customer discovery decit.
1.3. Immersion in nature during forest bathing
Immersion in an urban forest during the practice of Shinrin-Yoku,
known as forest bathing, can lead to a plethora of positive health ben-
ets for human physiological and psychological systems (Hansen et al.,
2017). The idea of forest bathing originated in Japan in the 1980s. It
involves slow, mindful sensory activities (e.g., slow wandering) that can
occur in 1015 minutes, typically in natural areas such as forests, parks,
and yards with plants (Kil, 2022). Song et al. (2016) demonstrated that a
15-minutre walk in an urban park can decrease stress and heart rates.
Sturm et al. (2022) found that weekly 15-minute outdoor walks (called
awe walks that offer awe-inspiring moments) for 8 weeks promoted
prosocial positive emotions in older adults. An example of an even
shorter recovery time was documented in an experimental study where
participants restored their attention directed at a task and lowered their
skin conductance level (SCL) after watching a 5-minute nature video,
which they called a nature break condition. On the higher end of re-
covery time, Berman et al. (2008) found that study participants realized
positive effects on short-term memory and directed attention when
exposed to nature during a 50-minute walk. Perhaps the better sugges-
tion for the minimum time dose of nature immersion (e.g., forest bath-
ing) was offered by Meredith et al. (2020). Their review of 14 studies,
published in Frontiers in Psychology, found that 1050 minutes sitting or
walking in natural spaces helped improve mood, focus and physiological
markers (e.g., blood pressure and heart rate), but the benets tended to
plateau after 50 minutes. Ten of the 14 studies they examined were
conducted in Japan where the government has heavily promoted forest
bathing programs. Given the seemingly endless benets of forest bath-
ing, it is important to nd ways to create opportunities in more aspects
of our lives, especially during stressful periods of time or seasons of the
1.4. Conceptual framework
Attention Restoration Theory (ART) is a specic theoretical frame-
work associated with the mental health benets of nature (Kaplan,
1995), and it was used in this study. A large body of research has
accumulated in support of ART and is one of the most important and
widely adopted theories that explains natures restorative effects (Lin
et al., 2014). Marketing research efforts that explore the restorative
potential (i.e., recovery of mental fatigue) of commercial environments
primarily draw from ART and are especially important for this study
(Kaplan, 1995; Kaplan, 2001; Berto, 2005; Joye et al., 2010). In addi-
tion, over 100 studies of recreation experiences in wilderness and urban
nature areas indicate that restoration is one of the most important
verbally expressed benet opportunities afforded by nature (Ulrich,
1981). ART suggests that prolonged mental effort leads to fatigue and
natural environments foster restoration because they hold non-taxing
attention (Kaplan, 1995). That is, natural environments allow infor-
mation processing mechanisms to recover from the mental fatigue that
results from everyday life and hassles. Prolonged and excessive demands
commonly require focused attention and considerable effort (Kaplan,
1995). Mental fatigue can lead to a variety of problems such as psy-
chological stress, and since attention is essential for human effective-
ness, there can be a decline in problem solving, decline in behaving
appropriately, increase in irritability, increase in accidents, etc. (Berto,
2007). As emphasized by Kaplan (1995, p. 172), the restoration of
effectiveness is at the mercy of directed (focused) attention fatigue.A
way to benet from attention regeneration (Berto, 2005) and recover
from stress (Ulrich, 1981), is by exposure to natural environments.
2. Method
2.1. Conceptual and operational denitions of ART concepts
The Perceived Restorativeness Scale (PRS) was developed to measure
the extent to which environments have restorative qualities (Hartig
et al., 1997). PRS is based on ART and was initially made up of
twenty-six items that measured study respondents perception of the
restorative factors (including those presented by Kaplan,1995) that can
exist in an environment to varying degrees. The scale has been
frequently reported in the literature, and in 2014, a short form of the
scale was developed to make it more suitable for research where time is
limited (Pasini et al., 2014). Based primarily on this work (Kaplan, 1995;
Hartig et al., 1997; Pasini et al., 2014), the conceptual and operational
denitions of ve restorative factors (fascination, being-away, compat-
ibility, coherence, and scope) associated with PRS follow.
C.D. Pierskalla et al.
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 95 (2024) 128309
2.1.1. Fascination
The fascination of settings can hold ones attention effortlessly and
without capacity limitations. Natural settings such as clouds, sunsets,
snow patterns, leaves in the breeze are examples because they are un-
dramatic (e.g., gentle form of fascination called soft fascination) and
allow the perceiver to think about other things as well (Kaplan, 1995).
This is one of the main components of a restorative environment and was
measured using items including ‘Places like this are fascinating, ‘In
places like this, my attention is drawn to many interesting things, and
‘In places like this, it is hard to be bored.
2.1.2. Being-away
This concept involves physicacl and/or psychological being-away
from demands on directed attention. Being-away is a setting that is
physically or conceptually distant from everyday environments, un-
wanted distractions, reminders of ones usual work, noise, and stimu-
lation overload. A sense of being away is important but it does not
require that the setting be distant. It was measured with items including
‘Places like this are a refuge from nuisancesand ‘To stop thinking about
the things that I must get done, I like to go to places like this.
2.1.3. Coherence
ART originally focused on four restorative factors including fasci-
nation, being-away, compatibility, and extent. Extent was dened as
being in a whole different world that entails large tracts of land or in a
small area that seems much larger with the addition of trails, paths, etc.
that are sufcient to sustain exploration. Extent involves a place rich
enough and coherent enough so that it constitutes a whole other world
(Kaplan, 1995, p. 173). Therefore, extent was later thought to comprise
elements such as coherence and scope. Coherence is an orderly envi-
ronment with distinct areas, and repeated themes and textures. In a
coherent environment, things follow each other in a relatively sensible,
predictable, and orderly way(Kaplan, 2001, p. 488). The items used in
this study include ‘There is a clear order in the physical arrangement of
places like this, ‘In places like this it is easy to see how things are
organized, and ‘In places like this everything seems to have its proper
2.1.4. Scope
Scope is the second element of extent. It requires a setting that is
physically or conceptually large enough so that ones mind can wonder,
and their thoughts can drift away from daily activities (Lin et al., 2014).
The items measured include ‘That place is large enough to allow
exploration in many directions and ‘In places like that there are few
boundaries to limit my possibility for moving about.
2.1.5. Compatibility
Compatibility or the match between a persons goals and inclinations
and the demands provided by the environment can also be important.
Analogs of compatibility include Csikszentmihalyis (1975) ow
experience which is an optimal experience that involves becoming
immersed or feeling in the zone. It can occur when the degree of
challenge is balanced with ones skillfulness (physical or mental). The
items include ‘Being in places like this suits my personality, ‘I can do
things I like in places like this, and ‘I have a sense that I belong in places
like this.
2.2. Development of videos and study instrument
Literature using visual representations of environmental conditions
has traditionally been found in studies of environmental aesthetics and
restorative character. For example, methodologies including photo-
graph, simulation and video, and self-reported experiences (closed and
open-ended survey/journal) have been used. The goal of these methods
is to produce the most valid and reliable data on measuring environ-
mental preference (Brown and Daniel, 1987). Historically, most
research has been conducted posteriori with a researcher providing
students with a series of photographs or slides and asking participants to
evaluate these images on a preference scale (Ewing et al., 2005). A re-
view of three texts containing 58 research studies on aesthetics or
restorative character of the natural environment utilized 60 different
methodologies: 73% used photographs/slides, 17% experiential, 8%
used computer simulation/virtual reality, and 2% used video (Kaplan
and Kaplan, 1989; Nasar, 1992; Sheppard and Harshaw, 2001). Most
studies were posteriori (conducted off site after photos, simulations, or
videos were taken). Only two studies were conducted on site, asking
participants to visit the area of study and assess conditions. However,
Qin et al. (2008) also used real-time evaluations of videos (2 minutes in
length) to study the visual quality of a scenic highway. Pierskalla et al.
(2016) used real-time evaluations of videos (46-minutes in length) to
examine the scenic beauty along ve streets in the historic district of
Savannah, GA. Therefore, the study presented in this paper further lls
the void in the literature by examining videos with a length that falls
within that narrow range of 26 minutes.
Two videos (three minutes in length) were created that represent two
categories of Christmas tree shopping environments: (1) real trees dis-
played in the outdoors (i.e., choose and cut farm, garden centers, Boy
Scout lot, and home improvement store) and (2) articial trees displayed
indoors (i.e., variety of chain store displays). (See Tables 9 and 10 for
photos representing both videos). We wrote and used the same video
script for each Christmas tree business including main entrance, land-
scape view or broad overview of full tree displays using 180-degree
rotating view on a tripod, walk along tree displays of various heights,
and close view of tree needles (short and long) in the researchers hand.
Following the script, the videos were produced by a professional vide-
ographer during the rst week of December 2022 with each business
represented in random order within the video. Given this is a quasi-
experimental design, the researchers were not able to control every-
thing presented in the video which is a study limitation.
Continuous audience response technology (CART) provided by
Dialsmith LLC was used to collect moment-to-moment and post-video
evaluation responses from respondents. The perception analyzer sys-
tem technology has been used to conduct focus groups and market
research, and to measure audience reaction to video such as advertise-
ments, lms, and campaign messages so everything that is perceived is
also recordedNothing slips through the cracks." (Dialsmith, 2023). In
this study, there newest technology, the on-screen slider for online video
evaluations, was used within an online survey instrument.
Our online survey started by asking respondents to read a denition
of restorative qualities:
We would like you to evaluate the restorative qualitiesof Christ-
mas tree shopping environments or settings that you perceive in a three-
minute video. Before you start the short video evaluation, take a
moment to better understand what we mean by restorative qualitiesof
a Christmas tree shopping environment by carefully reading the
following: When you experience environments or settings with the
highest restorative qualitiesyou are more likely to:
i. recover from mental fatigue
ii. improve your ability to concentrate
iii. restore your capacity to focus your attention
iv. feel less irritable in these settings as you recover from mental and
attentional fatigue.
On the other hand, when you experience environments or settings
with the lowest restorative qualitiesyou are less likely to recover from
mental and attentional fatigue.
Following a twenty second practice video clip, respondents were
asked to evaluate one of the two randomly selected videos based on a
100-point ‘restorative qualityscale by using the on-screen slider. Note
that this 100-point scale is a single-item or global measure of attention
restoration (dependent variable) that was used because it would not be
C.D. Pierskalla et al.
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 95 (2024) 128309
practical to ask respondents to evaluate multiple restorative factors
(independent variables including fascination, being-away, coherence,
scope, and compatibility) simultaneously during every second of the
video evaluation. The evaluation began with the on-screen slider set at
the midpoint (50). Respondents were asked to move the slider to the
right (100 = highest quality) if they felt that the restorative quality has
improved in the setting and to the left (0 = lowest quality) if it
decreased. Data were collected during every second of the three-minute
video evaluation. Post-video evaluations were also included to assess the
ve restorative factors of the Christmas tree shopping environment
based primarily on previous work (Kaplan, 1995; Hartig et al., 1997;
Pasini et al., 2014). A total of thirteen PRS items (representing ve
restorative factors including fascination, being-away, coherence, scope,
and compatibility) were evaluated on 010-point scale, where 0 = not at
all to 10 = completely. The specic items that were examined were
dened earlier in this paper. In addition, respondents were asked to
provide a post-video assessment (0 = not at all to 10 = completely) of
their overall perception of restorative qualityrepresented in the type
of environments or settings shown in the video. Questions regarding
socio-demographics were also included in the survey such as gender,
race, age, education, household income, type of household, and region
of country of residence.
2.3. Sampling
Sampling was conducted by Dialsmith, Inc. during the last week of
January 2023. Dialsmith uses the Cint platform which offers 4,500+
panel partners and 28,259,312 panelists in the USA. Study participants
were contacted through online recruitment, email recruitment, specic
invitations, and loyalty websites. All participants/panelists are subject
to comprehensive quality checks. Dialsmith, Inc. distributed the online
survey using the sample provider. Study participants included both
current and potential customers of real Christmas trees. Upon successful
completion of a survey, the panelists were immediately credited with a
$4.50 (or a $4.50 points equivalent) incentive.
2.4. Data analysis
Data were analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics Version 28. Descriptive
statistics for response rate, socio-demographics, region, type of recent
Christmas tree purchase, etc. are provided. Chi-square was used to
examine the association of type of Christmas tree purchase and house-
hold. Several t-tests examined differences of the ve restorative factors
(measured with PRS scales) by type of video evaluated (real/outdoor vs
articial/indoor trees). ANCOVA was used to examine the effect of a
video on overall restorative quality (both real-time and post-video
evaluations) while controlling for the ve restorative factors. Multi-
variate multiple regression (MMR) was used to measure the effect of the
ve restorative factors on both measures of overall restorative quality.
Moment-to-moment results (e.g., timelines) helped pinpoint the peak
restorative quality identied in the real/outdoor and articial/indoor
trees videos.
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Sample characteristics
A nationwide sample of 1208 qualied completed surveys (604 re-
spondents per video) were collected. The response rate was 57% and the
average completion time was fourteen minutes and nineteen seconds
(median = 10:24). The sample was also balanced across four regions of
the US (South = 30.6%, Northeast = 22.1%, Midwest = 21.3%, and West
= 26.0%). It was also reasonably balanced among several demographics
including gender (51.3% females), race (18% Black or African Ameri-
cans, 61.3% White/Caucasian, 16.1% Hispanic or Latino, and 10.6%
Asian), age (1530% per age category from 18 to 245564 years old),
education (ranging from 18% high school graduate or equivalent to 16%
graduate degree), and household income (12.6% with less than
$20,00022.7% with $100,000+).
Nearly one third of the respondents had a real Christmas tree in their
home in 2022 and 50.7% only had an articial Christmas tree (Table 1).
The remaining respondents (16.6%) did not have any Christmas tree in
their home. Table 2 further breaks down these frequencies by type of
household. Households most likely to have a real Christmas tree in their
home include a foster child (100%), roomer/boarder (100%), child
(44.4%), opposite-sex spouse (42.4%), other nonrelative (54.5%),
grandchild (40.0%), and same-sex spouse (38.1%). That is, the top
market for real Christmas trees includes households with children.
On the other hand, those living alone were least likely (34.4%) to
have any tree and could potentially benet from the restorative expe-
rience associated with shopping for a real tree outdoors (Table 1).
Loneliness and isolation are considered an epidemic in the United States
with serious health risks (Ofce of the Surgeon General, 2023).
Although loneliness and isolation are widespread throughout the pop-
ulation, Nguyen et al. (2020) identied a signicant association between
loneliness and not having a spouse or partner (p<.001) across all age
groups examined in their large nationwide survey. Given the high per-
centage of respondents living alone without a home Christmas tree, easy
access to forest bathing opportunities in local lots and farms could be
especially useful to them. Cuncic (2021), medically reviewed by Morin,
provided several ways to cope with being alone at Christmas including
addressing their mental state. The restorative benets offered when
shopping for a real tree might be another way to accomplish that.
Of those respondents that indicated they had a real Christmas tree in
their home, most purchased their tree at a chain store (37.2%), followed
by a retail lot (29.2%), choose and cut farm (27.3%), nursery (23.0%),
online (19.2%), and non-prot group (12.2%) (Table 3). This reects a
balanced sample among shopping locations.
3.2. Fascination of articial/indoor trees
The Perceived Restorative Scales (PRS) are reliable and have Cron-
bachs alpha scores near or well above 0.70. The items were measured
on an 11-point scale (0 = Not At All to 10 = Completely). Fascination
and its items (Table 4) were the only ratings that were signicantly
different (t-test, 2-sided p <.01) between participants (n = 604) who
evaluated the video representing real/outdoor Christmas trees and
participants (n = 604) who evaluated the video representing articial/
indoor Christmas trees. Specically, the fascination mean scores were
higher (Cohens d = 2.53.1) for the group evaluating the articial/in-
door tree video. As explained later, this type of fascination might not be
the softfascination that is required for a restorative experience given
the much smaller effect (Partial
=.024) on overall restorative quality
perceived in the articial/indoor trees video.
3.3. Perceived restorative quality of real/outdoor Christmas tree displays
When the authors used analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) to test for
differences in overall restorative quality represented in the videos, the
results were signicant (p <.05). ANCOVA is a general linear model that
combines ANOVA and regression to examine random treatment effects
(real/outdoor trees vs. articial/indoor trees video evaluations) on
overall perceived restorative quality. Covariates (i.e., fascination, being-
Table 1
Type of Christmas tree(s) in your home in 2022.
Type of tree n Percent
Only a real Christmas tree(s) 247 20.4
Only an articial Christmas tree(s) 613 50.7
Both articial and a real Christmas tree(s) 148 12.3
No Christmas tree (real or articial) 200 16.6
C.D. Pierskalla et al.
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 95 (2024) 128309
away, compatibility, coherence, and scope) were included in the general
linear models to help increase precision of the treatment effect. By
controlling for those ve restorative factors using ANCOVA, both mea-
sures of perceived restorative quality were signicantly (p <.05) higher
for the real/outdoor Christmas trees video (Tables 5 and 6). That is, the
authors reject the null hypothesis that our treatment (randomly assigned
video) results in equal mean restorative quality: real-time video evalu-
ation F(1, 1201) = 4.126, p =.042 (Table 5) and post-video evaluation F
(1, 1201) = 15.96, p <.001 (Table 6). The effect size of the video (partial
=.013) on overall perceived restorative quality was greater for the
post-video evaluation measure (Table 6). Although the effect size is
acceptable (Cohen, 1969), it was greatly increased (partial
=.057) by
narrowing the inclusion criteria of the analysis to those respondents that
did not have a real or articial tree in their home in 2022 (Table 7).
Arguably these respondents have less bias from a personal preference for
purchasing real or articial trees that could impact evaluations. These
ndings suggest that future research that uses an even more robust
method is very promising.
3.4. The effect of restorative factors on perceived restorative quality
Multivariate multiple regression (MMR) analysis was used to better
understand the effect that the ve restorative factors (predictors) have
on two measures of overall perceived restorative quality (1. post-video
assessment and 2. real-time video assessment) for each video
(Table 8). The overall test for multiple responses (two dependent vari-
ables) was used in this study because it is more powerful than separate
univariate regressions (one dependent variable) and it avoids multi-
plying error rates. Also, since separate univariate regression analysis of
both dependent variables provided similar results, only the MMR results
are provided in Table 8.
The assumptions for MMR that were examined in this study were
satised. Both dependent variables are related conceptually and are at
least moderately correlated (r =.583) which is ideal. Scatterplots indi-
cate that the relationships between the dependent and independent
variables are positive and linear. The predicted values that were plotted
against standardized residuals (i.e., residual plot) were symmetrically
distributed (clustering towards the middle of the plot) and did not have
any clear patterns which is also ideal.
The effects (partial
) of the ve restorative factors (predictors) on
the overall perceived restorative quality can be compared for both
videos in Table 8. Most notable is the larger effect fascination, coherence
and scope have on overall restorative quality perceived in the real/
outdoor trees video. Compatibility was the only factor to have a notably
larger effect size for the articial/indoor trees video. The discussion of
these results follows.
Fascination had about twice the effect on perceived restorative
quality for real/outdoor trees when compared to articial/indoor trees
(Table 8). This means that although articial/indoor trees were
considered more fascinating by study participants as shown in Table 4, it
is the kind of fascination that does not make a major contribution to the
overall perceived restorative quality. Articial Christmas trees located
inside stores (see Table 10 which shows the top restorative moments of
the video), with all the lights displayed, are very fascinating, but it is
more likely a "hard" fascination. Hard fascination includes factors like
fast movements and loud noises including watching sports games on
television or visiting amusement parks. Perhaps the sometimes ashing
(i.e., fast movements), bright and high value, and even clashing or
chaotic colors of lights common in indoor Christmas tree displays are
also a type of hard fascination. On the other hand, soft fascination
involves stimuli that does not require much effort (which reduces the
internal noise and burden). Classic examples include wind blowing
through leaves or ripples of water traveling across a pond. Based on our
studys ndings, shopping for real Christmas trees outdoors may provide
another example of soft fascinationa type of fascination that has a
larger effect on restorative quality. This nding helps address the calls to
better understand fascination (Basu et al., 2018) which argue that soft
fascination is key but an underexamined element of Attention Restora-
tion Theory. These results also have broader consequences for future
research that examines the restorative quality of fast moving and
sometimes chaotic light stimuli such as cell phones and video games.
Scope had a much larger (partial
=.046) and signicant (p <.001)
effect on perceived restorative quality of real/outdoor Christmas trees
when compared to articial/indoor trees (partial
=.007, p =.141)
(Table 8). Outdoor retailers have an advantage over indoor stores
because they offer a setting (or the impression of a setting) that is
physically or conceptually large enough so that ones mind can wonder
Table 2
Household by type of Christmas tree(s) in home in 2022 by household.
Type of Tree in the Home
(Check all that
Real Tree Articial
Tree Only
No Tree
df Cramers
64.50* 2 .231*
2.41 2 .045
0.30 2 .016
7 (53.8%) 3
0.73 2 .025
Child 192
69.97* 2 .241*
Grandchild 2
2 (40.0%) 1
0.23 2 .014
3.34 2 .053
Brother/Sister 54
1.81 2 .039
Other relative
law, etc.)
2.10 2 .042
Foster Child 3
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 6.19 2 .072
0.08 2 .008
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 4.12 2 .058
4 (36.4%) 1
2.45 2 .045
No one (I live
60.29* 2 .223*
*Signicant (p <.001)
1Percentages are by rows.
Table 3
Purchase location of your homes real Christmas tree(s) in 2022.
Type of Business (check all that apply) n Percent
Real tree from a chain store (Walmart, Home Depot, Lowes, etc.) 147 37.2
Real tree from a choose and cut farm 108 27.3
Real tree from a retail lot 115 29.1
Real tree from a nursery 91 23.0
Real tree from a non-prot group (Boy Scouts, churches, etc.) 48 12.2
Real tree purchased online 76 19.2
Other location 8 2.0
I dont know 4 1.0
C.D. Pierskalla et al.
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 95 (2024) 128309
and their thoughts can drift away from daily activities (i.e., scope). It is
not surprising that scope is an important restorative factor. Research
suggests that park-like stands of trees with increased visual access and
depth are appealing landscapes to people. In addition, distant views that
are opened-up, especially to the horizon, are highly preferred landscapes
(Heerwagen and Orians, 1993). We propose that scope (depth percep-
tion) in tree displays, especially for small outdoor displays where space
is a premium, can be enhanced by modifying the (1) textural density, (2)
relative size, (3) occluding events, and (4) linear perspective of the
treeseach are explained in detail below.
(1) Gibsons ecological perception theory suggests that the rate of
change in a landscapes textural density provides cues for depth
perception (Bruce and Green, 1990). For example, a customer
who views a display of trees (having uniform tree size and density
throughout the display) will naturally notice an apparently lower
density of trees in the near setting and higher density of trees in
Table 4
Perceived Restorative Scale (PRS) item mean scores by real/outdoor trees video versus articial/indoor trees video.
Real/Outdoor Tree
Articial/ Indoor Tree
Perceived Restorativeness Scale (PRS) items
M SD M SD t(1206) p (2-sided) Cohens d
Fascination 5.80 2.54 6.35 2.49 -3.76 <.001 2.51
Places like this are fascinating 5.83 2.94 6.28 2.87 -2.72 .007 2.90
In places like this, my attention is drawn to many interesting things 6.23 2.71 6.96 2.55 -4.79 <.001 2.63
In places like this, it is hard to be bored 5.35 3.04 5.80 3.09 -2.58 .010 3.06
Scale reliability: Cronbachs alpha .849 .847
Being-away 5.60 2.63 5.50 2.88 0.61 .541 2.75
Places like this are a refuge from nuisances 5.65 2.84 5.41 3.03 1.37 .171 2.94
To stop thinking about the things that I must get done, I like to go to places like this 5.55 3.13 5.59 3.33 -.205 .838 3.23
Scale reliability: Cronbachs alpha .709 .773
Coherence 7.03 2.10 6.96 2.12 0.56 .577 2.11
There is a clear order in the physical arrangement of places like this 6.99 2.31 6.84 2.43 1.09 .275 2.37
In places like this, it is easy to see how things are organized 7.11 2.34 7.07 2.37 0.269 .788 2.35
In places like this, everything seems to have its proper place 6.99 2.34 6.97 2.34 .135 .892 2.34
Scale reliability: Cronbachs alpha .885 .873
Compatibility 5.77 2.72 5.99 2.82 -1.36 .174 2.77
Being in places like this suits my personality 5.82 2.95 6.02 3.04 -1.18 .237 2.99
I can do things I like in places like this 5.84 2.86 6.05 2.90 -1.30 .194 2.88
I have a sense that I belong in places like this 5.66 2.99 5.89 3.10 -1.32 .187 3.05
Scale reliability: Cronbachs alpha .918 .930
Scope 6.63 2.11 6.59 2.16 0.34 .731 2.13
That place is large enough to allow exploration in many directions 7.16 2.36 7.10 2.37 0.44 .662 2.37
In places like that, there are few boundaries to limit my possibility for moving about 6.10 2.58 6.08 2.62 0.17 .868 2.60
Scale reliability: Cronbachs alpha .623 .658
Note: The abbreviations M and SD stand for mean and standard deviation respectively.
Perceived Restorativeness Scale (PRS) items measured on a 11-point scale (0 = Not At All to 10 = Completely).
Table 5
ANCOVA: Real-time video evaluations of overall perceived restorative quality
by video (controlling for ve restorative factors
)including all study
Effect of Video
Treatment Groups (videos) Mean SD F p Partial
Real/outdoor trees video 61.79 21.37 4.126 .042 .003
Articial/indoor trees video 60.70 19.75
Dependent variable: Perceived restorative quality was measured every sec-
ond (in real time) during the video evaluation on a 100-point scale from
0=lowest quality to 100=highest quality.
Covariance: The ve restorative factor mean scores include Fascination,
Being-away, Coherence, Compatibility, and Scope.
Table 6
ANCOVA: Post-video evaluations of overall perceived restorative quality
video (controlling for ve restorative factors
)including all study respondents.
Effect of Video
Treatment Groups (videos) Mean SD F p Partial
Real/outdoor trees video 6.40 2.81 15.96 <.001 .013
Articial/indoor trees video 6.16 2.66
Dependent variable: Overall perceived restorative quality (post-video eval-
uation) was measured on a 11-point scale (0=Not at All to 10=Completely).
Covariance: The ve restorative factors include Fascination, Being-away,
Coherence, Compatibility, and Scope.
Table 7
ANCOVA: Post-video evaluations of overall perceived restorative quality
video (controlling for ve restorative factors
)including only respondents
with no real or articial tree in their home during 2022.
Effect of Video
Treatment Groups (videos) Mean SD F p Partial
Real/outdoor trees video 5.31 2.81 11.63 <.001 .057
Articial/indoor trees video 4.54 3.03
Dependent variable: Overall perceived restorative quality (post-video eval-
uation) was measured on a 11-point scale (0=Not at All to 10=Completely).
Covariance: The ve restorative factors include Fascination, Being-away,
Coherence, Compatibility, and Scope.
Table 8
Multivariate Multiple Regression (MMR): Effects of restorative factors
restorative quality
Real/Outdoor Christmas
Trees Video
Articial/Indoor Christmas
Trees Video
Restorative factors p Partial
p Partial
Fascination <.001 .052 <.001 .024
Being-away <.001 .045 <.001 .049
Coherence <.001 .057 <.001 .047
Compatibility <.001 .032 <.001 .096
Scope <.001 .046 .141 .007
Independent variables: The ve restorative factors were measured on 11-
point scales from 0=Not At All to 10=Completely.
Dependent variables: Perceived restorative quality was measured with two
variables: Real-time video evaluation measured on a 100-point scale from
0=lowest quality to 100=highest quality and post-video evaluation measured on
an 11-point scale from 0=Not at All to 10=Completely.
C.D. Pierskalla et al.
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 95 (2024) 128309
the distant setting. The trees nearest the customer will also
appear larger in scale than distant trees. These gradients of
texture are perceived invariants and inform the visitor about the
depth of the setting (i.e., provide scope). It is possible for retailers
to heighten the perception of depth by altering this gradient
pattern of trees. Establishing higher densities of smaller trees on
the outmost edge, while allowing lower densities of larger trees to
exist in the near setting by the entrance, can potentially heighten
impressions of a landscape surface receding away; thus we pro-
pose that it can enhance depth perception and make the space
appear larger. Exiting this same space would have the opposite
effect because the space would be compressed, and the customer
would feel immersed and pulled into the setting which could also
provide a unique and enjoyable experience.
(2) Similar to gradient pattern cues, we propose that relative size
cues can also be enhanced to give the impression of a receding
landscape of a space. The relative size of an object depends upon
its distance. When a retinal image is large it can either be a small
object up close or a large object that is far away. Therefore, when
perceiving two similar objects such as two trees, there can be a
tendency to see the smaller tree further away. Because the distant
or background trees (on the outmost edge) are smaller in absolute
size, the relative depth would be increased.
(3) A third type of cue that is used to perceive depth is occlusion.
Occlusion is a category of events wherein objects (e.g., smaller
background trees) occasionally disappear and reappear when
overlapping with other objects (e.g., larger foreground trees) or
as they become wiped away or hidden from our peripheral view
during human movement (Strickland and Scholl, 2015). Our vi-
sual systems make effective use of these monocular interpositions
(overlapping objects) to deduce the depth relations among ob-
jects (Kaplan, 1969). This impression can be magnied by tran-
sitioning from large to small trees, wherein a larger number of
background trees are hidden.
(4) Linear perspective is a fourth type of depth cue that can enhance
the impression of receding landscape scenery. The technique in-
volves using parallel lines (like railroad tracks) that converge in a
single vanishing point, and it is often used by artists and archi-
tects. In theatre, it is used to make small spaces appear larger. In
our Christmas tree display example, trees can be presented in
such a way (V-shaped or triangular pattern) as to create linear
perspective (convergence of landscape pattern near the horizon
or background) and enhance the perception of depth of an
otherwise small space.
Compatibility was a signicant predictor (p <.001) for the restor-
ative quality perceived during both videos, but it was notably larger
(about 3 times larger) for articial/indoor Christmas trees (Table 8).
Analogs of compatibility include Csikszentmihalyis (1975) ow
experience which is an optimal experience that involves becoming
immersed or feeling in the zone. It can occur when the degree of
challenge is balanced with ones skillfulness (physical or mental). The
real Christmas tree industry should continue to nd ways to improve
services (e.g., tree delivery and set-up) that can reduce the challenge of
purchasing a real Christmas tree or increasing the perceived self-efcacy
of some prospective customers. For example, 27.6% of study re-
spondents of Kansas households listed allergies or health problems as a
reason for purchasing an articial tree (Hilderbrandt, 1991). Providing
allergy-friendly trees might help those customers perceive
3.5. Top ten restorative scenes of the real/outdoor Christmas trees video
Fig. 1 shows the evaluation timeline and the top ten scenes with peak
restorative quality that were perceived in the real trees video. Those
scene snapshots are provided in Tables 9. Some recommend that
landscape architects and service design researchers try to better un-
derstand the specic types of natural elements (e.g., certain types of
trees and plants, forms of water displays, or the presence of small animal
life such as birds and butteries) that evoke positive consumer responses
(Rosenbaum et al., 2018). This study helps address this call for addi-
tional research and offers propositions and recommendations about how
to improve the biophilic design of real Christmas tree farms and lots (e.
g., choose and cut farm, garden centers, Boy Scout lot, and home
Fig. 1. Evaluation timeline for the real/outdoor Christmas trees video.
C.D. Pierskalla et al.
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 95 (2024) 128309
improvement store).
Pictures 1, 3, 5, 6, and 9 are innovative tree displays that represent
coherence and scope in varying degrees (Table 9). These pictures further
support the importance of coherence (organized trees) and scope (a
receding landscape or depth) as contributing factors of restorative
quality and compliments the ndings presented in Table 8. They
represent a type of organized complexity (the right balance of order and
variety or contrast) that affords an ideal perception of depth and
Pictures 2 and 10 represent large trees (Table 9). Although customers
tend to prefer purchasing smaller trees (68), they perceive higher
restorative quality when larger trees were presented in the video (pic-
tures 2 and 10). The preference of large trees in studies of scenic beauty
is well established. For example, based on preference rating (5-point
scale) of 100 scenes, Herzog (1984) identied three dimensions or cat-
egories of scenes including one called, large trees, which received the
highest scores among the dimensions (3.79 on a 5-point scale). The
ratings increased to 4.0 when the trees were viewed in combination with
pathways which can offer a pleasing effect as a boarder element or
refuge. (Note: Similar to this study, Herzog, 1984, would sometimes
Table 9
Peak restorative moments identied during the evaluation of real/outdoor trees video.
Timeline Position Peak restorative video scenes Timeline Position Peak restorative video scenes
2 7
3 8
4 9
5 10
C.D. Pierskalla et al.
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 95 (2024) 128309
refer to the work of Kaplan and Gibson in his publications). Locating the
larger trees near the pathway entrance (foreground or front row) might
also enhance the impression of depth and scope of a place.
Picture 4 represents the positive effect of smell and pictures 7 and 8
represent the positive effect of tactual stimuli of both short and long
needle trees on restorative quality (Table 9). There is evidence to suggest
that biophilic store design can prot from these contributors of restor-
ative quality. For example, natural tree buyers ranked fragrance as a top
reason for their purchase and suggests that scents affect product and
store ratings, shopping times, and sales (Larson, 2004). Furthermore,
other researchers (Leenders et al., 1999) advise that at least 70 percent
of shoppers should be aware of the scent. In summary, all these rec-
ommendations support the importance of multi-sensory stimuli,
particularly the odorant stimuli from real trees in biophilic shopping
environments (Dalton, 1999).
Being able to categorize the peak restorative moments into cate-
gories based mostly on factors of ART provides face validity for this
study. The authors also tried to minimize the presence of people in the
video unless they were intentionally highlighting the non-visual stimuli
(i.e., smell and touch) of both environments captured in the video.
3.6. Top seven restorative scenes of the articial/indoor Christmas trees
The evaluation timeline and the top seven scenes with peak restor-
ative quality that were perceived in the articial trees video are pro-
vided in Fig. 2. Those scene snapshots are provided in Table 10. Despite
the diversity provided in the video (large to small displays with varying
sized trees), the articial tree evaluations have less variability, and the
timeline is atter when compared to real trees (e.g., the difference be-
tween scene 1 and 6 in Fig. 2 is 4.20 on a 100-point restorative scale). It
seems that shopping for articial trees is less eventful (i.e., affording
fewer awe-inspiring opportunities) when compared to shopping for real
4. Conclusion
This study helps ll several voids in the literature by examining
overall restorative quality (two dependent variables) and individual
factors of ART (ve independent variables) associated with different
Christmas tree shopping environments (outdoor biophilic designs of-
fering real trees vs. indoor stores offering articial trees). It also iden-
ties the specic natural elements that contribute to perceived
restorative quality.
The key nding indicates that real/outdoor tree store displays have a
higher perceived restorative quality (two dependent variables measured
as real-time and post-video evaluations) when compared to articial/
indoor trees, especially for those that are likely more neutral in their
preference of trees (i.e., did not have any real or articial tree in their
home). Therefore, this study provides the rst empirical evidence to
support public health recommendations to forest bathe in Christmas tree
displays at local choose and cut farms, garden centers, Boy Scout lots,
home improvement stores, or other type of outdoor tree lots, especially
for customers seeking recovery from mental fatigue. This can be the
beginning of a promising line of research if additional situational vari-
ables such as type of tree display are considered in future research. The
main study ndings also provide support for a recent CNN articles
(Marples, 2021) proposition that real Christmas trees can provide
important health benets such as the reduction in anxiety, psychological
stress, and depression. The Mayo Clinic (2020) and American Psychi-
atric Association (2021) recognize that many people experience stress
around the holidays. For example, households with children and those
that are living alone during the Christmas holiday might be feeling
mentally fatigued or maybe they simply want to improve their mental
state. The outdoor biophilic designs that are common at retail tree farms
and lots can help those customers recover from mental fatigue, improve
Fig. 2. Evaluation timeline for the articial/indoor Christmas trees video.
C.D. Pierskalla et al.
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 95 (2024) 128309
their ability to concentrate, restore their capacity to focus their atten-
tion, and help them feel less irritable as they recover from mental and
attentional fatigue. In essence, real Christmas tree displays and farms
make a convenient forest bathing opportunity for people, even for those
that do not purchase a tree.
The examination of independent variables (i.e., ve factors of ART)
also led to important ndings. The potential lure of articial tree dis-
plays and their sometimes ashing (e.g., fast movements), bright and
high value, and even clashing colors of lights (Fig. 2) should be ques-
tioned by customers seeking attention restoration and the recovery from
mental fatigue, and it should be further examined in future research. The
ndings from this study suggest that this type of fascination might be
like other hardfascinations such as fast movements and loud noises
including watching sports games on television or visiting amusement
parks, and they do not contribute to overall restoration at a level similar
to real Christmas tree displays. Stimuli categorized as hardfascination
forcefully grab customersattention and are difcult to resist or let go. In
fact, there was very little variability (fewer awe-inspiring moments) in
the relatively at or uneventful evaluation timeline for articial indoor
trees. As a result, they tend to ll the mind, leaving little room for more
Table 10
Peak restorative moments identied during the evaluation of articial/indoor trees video.
Timeline Position Peak restorative video scenes Timeline Position Peak restorative video scenes
2 7
C.D. Pierskalla et al.
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 95 (2024) 128309
peripheral mental activity or reection”’ (Basu et al., 2018, p. 1057).
Hard fascination eventually leads to mental fatigue and symptoms such
as distractibility, impulsivity, and irritability(Basu et al., 2018, p.
1056). On the other hand, the biophilic nature of outdoor tree displays
appear to offer the softfascination that reduces the internal noise and
mental burden for customers much like the effect of wind blowing
through leaves or ripples of water traveling across a pond. It is this soft
fascination that contributes more to restoration because it captures
attention effortlessly. Our studys nding is especially important and
interesting considering it can be connected to William James (1962)
discussion of attention (later referred to as fascination) that was pub-
lished over 130 years ago and more recently by Kaplan (1995) and
The display of real Christmas trees may also have an advantage over
indoor displays of articial trees because they offer a setting that is
physically or conceptually large enough so that a customers mind can
wonder and their thoughts can drift away from daily activities (i.e.,
scope). That type of setting can also offer coherence when there are
orderly displays of trees with repeated themes and textures. In fact, most
of the peak restorative moments identied during the evaluation of real/
outdoor trees video involved innovative displays that had the charac-
teristics of scope and coherence. Based on these ndings, we provided
some propositions on how to further improve the perception of depth,
spaciousness, and the impression of a receding landscape, especially for
small spaces. We suggest that tree displays can be enhanced by modi-
fying the textural density, relative size, occluding events, and linear
perspectives of trees. These propositions seem promising and deserve
the attention of future research.
Other restorative design elements of real Christmas tree displays that
were identied in the video evaluation include the presence of larger (or
taller) trees. Based on the literature, these larger trees could be located
near a pathway as a boarder element to the customersexperience (even
though they are not the most preferred size tree for purchase). And as we
also proposed, they could be located near the pathway entrance (fore-
ground or front row) to enhance the impression of depth and scope of a
place which can also improve the perceived restorative quality.
Compatibility was a signicant predictor of restorative quality for
both real/outdoor and articial/indoor trees, but the effect was about
three times larger for the latter. This issue can be addressed by nding
additional services that can reduce the challenge of purchasing a real
Christmas tree for some customers. Some current examples include tree
delivery and setup services.
The broader implications of this study can help designers of all types
of open-air biophilic store designs, not just Christmas tree shopping
environments. Marketing research on the restorative potential of com-
mercial environments (a contemporary retail phenomenon referred to as
‘biophilic store design by pioneering marketing researchers) is often
drawn from ART (Rosenbaum et al., 2018). S
oderlund and Newman
(2015) summarize research that indicates shoppers and shop employees
were less stressed and there was increased retail potential when bio-
philic initiatives were used in a commercial context. More recently,
Rosenbaum et al. (2018) conducted three studies that used ART and PRS
to link biophilia design of lifestyle centers (a type of open-air retail
setting) to the restoration from mental fatigue. Based on their research,
they conclude that when biophilic elements are incorporated into
lifestyle center design, shoppers can sense the restorative potential of
these centers. Resultantly, those who spend time in restorative lifestyle
centers may experience catharsis from negative symptoms associated
with mental burnout and fatigue(Rosenbaum et al., 2018, p. 72).
Landscape architects and service design researchers are trying to better
understand the specic types of natural elements that evoke positive
consumer responses (Rosenbaum et al., 2018). Our study supports this
line of research by pinpointing aspects of popular biophilic store designs
that help people recover from mental fatigue during the holidays.
CRediT authorship contribution statement
David McGill: Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Funding acqui-
sition, Methodology, Writing review & editing. Jinyang Deng:
Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Funding acquisition, Methodology,
Writing review & editing. Shan Jiang: Conceptualization, Funding
acquisition, Methodology, Writing review & editing. Chad David
Pierskalla: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Funding
acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Re-
sources, Software, Supervision, Validation, Visualization, Writing
original draft, Writing review & editing.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing nancial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to inuence
the work reported in this paper. Chad Pierskalla, Jinyang Deng, David
McGill, Shan Jiang
We acknowledge support from the Real Christmas Tree Board
(RCTB). Project Number: 2211-WVU. Special thanks to Beth Bossio
from The Quarter Pine Tree Farm for her assistance with the study.
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