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Working Paper No. 74, Some In>uential Effects of Working Paper No. 74, Some In>uential Effects of
the Typewriter on the American Economy the Typewriter on the American Economy
Bander Qadan
Portland State University
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Qadan, Bander, "Some In>uential Effects of the Typewriter on the American Economy, Working Paper No.
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Some Influential Effects of the
Typewriter on the American Economy
Working Paper No. 74
Authored by: Bander Qadan
Submitted for: EC456, “American Economic History, First Century”
15 December 2022; i + 13 pages
Prepared for: Professor John Hall
Abstract: This inquiry seeks to establish that the introduction of the typewriter
generated effects upon the American economy by promoting productivity
increases, enhancing communications, and improving management. In addition,
this inquiry seeks to illustrate how the typewriter affected American businesses by
providing efficiency in time management and documents’ production.
Furthermore, this inquiry shall showcase how the typewriter affected women’s
work in the American economy, especially with respect to inclusivity within the
workplace as well as the enhancement of communications. Additionally, this
inquiry shall analyze how the development of the QWERTY keyboard and its
related “lock-ingenerated effects on the American economy.
Journal of Economic Literature Classification Codes: N11, N31, O31
Key Words: American Economy, Communication, Productivity,
QWERTY, Remington Typewriter
This inquiry seeks to establish that the introduction of the typewriter generated
effects upon the American economy by promoting productivity increases,
enhancing communications, and improving management. Indeed, writing has a
long history and is noted to have emerged almost 5000 years ago when scribes
were engaged for carrying on communications. The introduction of the typewrite
prior to the 1900s in America would mark this machine as integral as well as life-
changing for businesses and job seekers. The typewriter rapidly spread throughout
the late 1800s, solidifying its importance and position in the American economy.
With reference to author P. G. Hubert (1888, 1-2), because of the
typewriter's extensive use, almost every facet of American culture could point to at
least one significant step forward. One of the most revolutionizing developments
that came about from the typewriter relates to how quickly women could enter the
workforce as typists, and also establish themselves in various careers. Businessmen
hailed the typewriter for increasing profits; kings and queens valued the typewriter
for their own correspondence; teachers and students marveled at the significant
improvement in their English grammar through use of the typewriter.
According to David (1985, 334-335), one way the typewriter revolutionized
typing is through providing a foundation for the development of the famous and
widely used QWERTY keyboard for typing. Like calligraphy, the typewriter has
served as a catalyst for revolutionizing the way writing and typing have developed
into an array of outlets for expression. This would include marketing, designing,
editing, and publishing.
Productivity Increases
The history of the typewriter roots itself in the perfecting of everyday tasks,
somewhat like sewing clothes. Similar to the sewing machine, the typewriter
would no longer be reliant on use of the writing pen. With the introduction of the
typewriter, one could then produce many more documents within the same span of
time needed for producing documents using the pen and paper. In The Typewriter;
Its Growth and Uses, author P.G. Hubert (1888, 1) argues that at the time the
typewriter was invented, businessmen were reluctant offer this machine the
opportunity to integrate into a workplace. In short, early on, the typewriter was
viewed as a diversion from what was deemed important. In short, the typewriter
was viewed as a waste of time. However, Hubert (1888, 1) argues that people had
to be persuaded to use the typewriter in order to recognize its vast benefits; of what
this machine is indeed capable of producing. Hubert (1888, 1) goes on to elaborate
that an operator working with the assistance of the typewriter would be able to
complete more written communications in a single day than a half dozen clerks
working with pens and paper, and the work that they turned out would be of a
higher quality. Quickly, the typewriter proved to be the most significant time and
effort saving tool available to companies in the late 19
According to Hubert (1888, 1-2), it is said that the typewriter was
prophesied many years before it was actually invented. Ideas underlying the
inventing of the the typewriter were scattered throughout the archives of the
English Patent Office and, subsequently, those of the United States Patent Office.
One could find primitive attempts at building a writing machine that was adequate
according to key criteria. Hubert (1888, 2) argues that according to the records kept
by the British Patent Office, a competent engineer named Henry Mill, who passed
away around the year 1770, was awarded the first invention for a writing machine
on January 7th, 1714. However, according to the records, no drawings of Mill’s
writing machine were to be found in the archives. According to Hubert (1888, 1),
no writing machine in the English Patent Office proved to be optimal for
commercial production and broad distribution.
Hubert (1888, 3) notes that it was not until Year 1867, and in Milwaukee,
Wisconsin, that a typewriter was developed by one C. Latham Sholes, along with
Samuel W. Soulé, and Carlos Glidden. Hubert (1888, 3) further elaborates on how
Sholes and Soulé worked together with the aim of developing and perfecting a
device for numbering the pages of blank books and for printing serial numbers.
Hubert (1888, 3) emphasizes that Glidden took interest in the numbering device
and questioned why they were not able to develop a device that would aid them in
writing. Hubert (1888, 3-4) states that every one of the twenty-five to thirty
experimental typewriters that were produced proved marginally superior to the one
that came before it. Methodically, screw by screw, innovations offering
incremental advances to the writing machine continued until a suitable prototype
was carried to the major gun manufacturer known as E. Remington and Sons,
located in Ilion, New York. This was Year 1873. On this point Hubert (1888, 4)
emphasizes that due to the great will and judgment of Philo Remington, the
typewriter earned the focus of a number of talented machinists who put into
feasible shape a significant portion of what had merely been recommended by the
original inventors. These skilled machinists were responsible for the development
what in the History of Technology would be known as the “Remington
typewriter”—the typewriter that would help to revolutionize the American
economy during the 20
century. Upon its release into the American market,
Hubert (1888, 4) argues that professionals, such as as businessmen, clergymen,
newspapermen, and lawyers made use of the Remington typewriter. However, and
according to Hubert (1888, 4), it was not until 1882 that this machine’s true
potential was fully realized; up until that point, the typewriter had been going
through phases of trials and errors.
According to Hubert (1888, 4-6), the most notable accomplishment of the
typewriter, as well as the primary cause for its prosperity and appeal, has naturally
been the time savings that have been achieved in corporate offices as a result of its
use. Hubert (1888, 6) notes that this is now such common knowledge that it hardly
needs any dispute, and it explains the astounding growth in the sale of Remington
typewriters, which went from 1,400 in 1882 to 14,000 in 1887.
According to Hubert (1888, 6), commercial establishments have shown that using a
typewritersuch as the Remington typewriteras opposed to writing with a pen,
results in a time savings of forty minutes per hour, which, when converted to hours
and minutes, equates to a time savings of five hours and twenty minutes per
working day. In a country like America proved to be where time is money, the
Remington typewriter is hailed as a valuable invention that revolutionized
Enhanced Communication
In Women and the Typewriter during the First Fifty Years, 1873-1923, author
Robert A. Waller (1986, 39) seeks to determine how modern Americans
understood the influence that the typewriter had upon women throughout the first
half century after the introduction of commercial models; that is, while the nascent
typewriter was transitioning from an inventor's dream to a societal requirement.
According to Waller (1986, 40), he envisioned that the composition of the
workforce was going to look different later in the 20
century, as a direct
consequence of the widespread adoption of the typewriter. According to the results
of the 12
U.S. Census, Waller (1986, 40) claims that "stenographers and typists"
were one of the eleven occupational categories in which women made up more
than three quarters of all workers aged 16 and older. Waller notes that the data
suggested a 305 percent rise in the number of women working as stenographers
and typists between the years 1890 and 1900, making this the occupational
category that exhibited the greatest degrees of change.
With the influence of the typewriter spreading like fire across working
America, Waller (1986, 41) states that as an innovation the typewriter promoted a
sense of well-being among many as its use boosted productivity levels. Waller
(1986, 41) notes that given the American desire for speed and equating this
phenomena with development, the typewriter’s dissemination helped to optimize a
feeling of well-being among many. Waller (1986, 41) claims that in a never-ending
loop, future generations would benefit from what Sholes had fathered and what
Remington had produced.
According to Waller (1986, 41), there emerged an aversion to the Remington
typewriter that appears related to its price. The fact that one Remington typewriter
could cost as much as $125.00, while a pen could be had for a mere cent, generated
a broadly shared skepticism from potential purchasers of typewriters. Waller
(1986, 41) notes that people took the Remington typewriter as a sculptural piece,
certainly deserving of praise. However, as the price had risen so steeply, people
shied away from making purchases. Waller (1986, 42) states that eventually sales
slowed down and Remington actually withdrew from manufacturing typewriters.
Waller (1986, 41) notes that rights to manufacture and sales were secured by the
firm of Wyckoff, Seamans and Benedict. According to Waller (1986, 41-42), this
new firm decided to roll out the typewriter under a marketing campaign that aimed
to educate the public on the how to use the typewriter and at which tasks the
typewriter could be applied successfully to carry out tasks. Waller (1986, 42) notes
that it took some time, but eventually professional stenographers, legal
professionals, and ultimately business groups were persuaded of the benefits of the
machine's clear and succinct writing capacities for their businesses. These
promotional efforts were helped along by simultaneous advancements in
technology related to the typewriter.
According to Waller (1986, 42), in 1880 the Young Women's Christian
Association of New York City started offering classes in phonography (also known
as stenography). The practice of phonography was offered in conjunction with
typewriting alone with the statement that " some firms prefer typewriting to
penmanship." Soon enough, commercial universities and private organizations
were adding typing lessons to their curricula, and typewriter manufacturers went
about building training schools so that they could offer qualified craftspeople to
complement the machine. Additionally, Waller (1986, 42-43) indicates that the
country's secondary schools encouraged the development of the required abilities.
In most cases, the instruction of shorthand and typing were coupled together as
abilities that needed to be fortified.
According to Waller (1986, 45-46), women faced discriminatory remarks in
the organizations that hired operators and typists. Men would single out women for
their looks and seemed prone to make inappropriate comments. Waller (1986, 45-
46) notes that the New York Times took note of what had been transpiring in the
workplace between men and women, and put together a collection of letters and
editorial statements regarding this issue, though the issue went unresolved.
According to Waller (1986, 46), the Historical Society of Herkimer County in
which Ilion is located published a commemorative volume on The Story of the
Typewriter. Chapter Eight, titled “How Women Achieve Economic Emancipation
Through the Writing Machine,” placed special emphasis upon the financial
autonomy of women as a means for lowering the threshold for their participation in
the commercial sector. Waller (1986, 46) notes that the author pointed out that a
simultaneous trend was the progression of feminism, which included the expansion
of voting rights, a broader involvement in public life, and a larger degree of
personal liberty. Waller (1986, 46) notes that in spite of the fact that this aspect of
the typewriter's influence may have received less attention in the present than one
would anticipate based upon retrospect, it is difficult for people who are living
through significant change to comprehend all of the repercussions of that shift.
Waller (1986, 47) notes that as early users of the typewriter saw it, it is hard
to give a short summary of how it changed society. People at the time thought that
the writing machine and its many offspringsuch as the adding machine, the
linotype, the dictaphone, and the mimeographchanged the role of women in
society, especially in the business world.
Improvements in Management
In the journal article “Clio and the Economics of QWERTY,” author Paul A.
David (1985, 332) seeks to establish why institutions and even culture offered
resistance to altering or developing further the keyboard’s format. David (1985,
332) places emphasis on a “path-dependent” sequence, in which the events that
happened a long time ago or that were mostly based on chance and not on
systematic forces might wield large and measurable effects of outcomes. David
(1985, 332) notes that people making use of the keyboard layout that one August
Dvorak and W. L. Dealey patented in 1932 have held most of the world records for
how fast they could generate words within a given timeframe. Furthermore, David
(1985, 332) indicates that when Dvorak died in 1975, he no longer had to deal with
the world's stubborn refusal to accept his work of converting the QWERTY to a
DSK format. David (1985, 332) states that Dvorak’s death came too soon for him
to be comforted by the Apple IIC computer's built-in switch, which instantly
changed the keyboard from QWERTY to virtual DSK, or to be made even more
upset by the misgivings that the switch to DSK would not be made very often.
According to David (1985, 334), for economists to understand what went
wrong in the 1890s, they must pay attention to the fact that typewriters were
starting to become part of a larger, more complex system of production that was
technically linked. David (1985, 334) notes that touch typing came out late in the
1880s. It was a big improvement over the four-finger hunt-and-peck method, and it
also proved important because it was made to work with the Remington QWERTY
keyboard from the start. With reference to David (1985, 334), touch-typing led to
three changes in the production system that were very important in making
QWERTY the most common keyboard layout. These changes were technical
interdependence, economies of scale, and investments that were almost impossible
to take back.
David (1985, 334) notes that technical interdependence intended that the
anticipated current value of a typewriter as a production tool depended on the
presence of suitable software created by typists' decisions about which keyboard to
learn. According to David (1985, 335), the economies of scale generated
consequences; the most significant of which was without a doubt the propensity for
the method of interference competition to lead towards de facto uniformity through
the strong influence of a single keyboard design. According to David (1985, 335),
this would indeed make intuitive sense as expectations would have generate effects
on the result if decisions were made with a forward-looking mindset rather than
shortsightedly on the premise of comparison between the present prices of various
systems. Simply because the buyers of the software and/or hardware anticipated it
to succeed, a certain system might lead to the defeat of competitors.
According to David (1985, 336), the initial advantage that QWERTY gained
through its affiliation with Remington proved to be numerically small; however,
when expectations became amplified, it may have been more than enough to
ensure that the industry would finally lock into a de facto QWERTY standard.
David (1985, 336) notes that the high costs of software conversion and the
resultant quasi-irreversibility of investments in specialized touch-typing talent do
indeed seem to have contributed to the incidence of this lock-in as early as the mid-
In David’s understanding (1985, 336), regardless of the existence of
externalities that normal research predicts would conflict with achieving the
socially optimum degree of system compatibility, competitiveness in the absence
of flawless futures markets forced the industry early on towards standardizing on a
system thought to be suboptimal. David (1985, 336) notes that given the significant
technological interdependencies, scale economies, and irreversibility brought on by
learning and habit, it seems all too likely that standardization would tend to occur
and this could include the standardization of suboptimal technologies.
This inquiry has sought to establish that indeed the invention of the typewriter
influenced the American economy by increasing productivity, enhancing
communication, and providing improvements in management. The historical
nature of the typewriter as a revolutionizing force would hold true for its long
journey of contributing towards the advancement of the American economy
through its adoption by businesses, as well as a wide range of institutions and
organizations. The typewriterjust like penmanship and calligraphyserved as a
trigger point for numerous future innovations is areas such as graphic design and
digital typography. Clearly, the typewriter aided in radicalizing the workplace
especially for female workers, and mainly though offering jobs with tasks that
promoted their inclusivity in the workforce. The development of the typewriter
serves as a reminder regarding how the American economy started with
rudimentary foundations and worked its way towards becoming a global
powerhouse, famous for cranking out innovative tools and methodologies that have
and continue to wield influence.
David, Paul A. “Clio and the Economics of QWERTY.” The American Economic
Review, vol. 75, no. 2, 1985, pp. 33237.
Hubert, P. G. “The Typewriter; Its Growth and Uses.” The North American
Review, vol. 146, no. 379, 1888.
Waller, Robert A. “Women and the Typewriter during the First Fifty Years,
1873-1923.” Studies in Popular Culture, vol. 9, no. 1, 1986, pp. 3950.