Pre-Construction Checklist
Utah State Board of Education 250
East 500 South, PO Box 144200S
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4200
For Local Education Agencies (LEA), which includes both school districts and charter schools, to
avoid loss of funding, all requirements below must be both (a) complied with prior to construction
commencing, and (b) reported to the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) for all applicable
projects, consistent with:
(1) Utah Code 53E-3-7 School Construction (“Code 53E-3-7”) and Title 15A State Construction and
Fire Codes Act ("Fire Code 15A");
(2) Utah Administrative Rule R277-471. School Construction Oversight, Inspections, Training and
Reporting; (“Rule R277-471”) and Rule R156-56. Building Inspector and Factory Built Housing
Licensing Act (“Rule R156-56); approved plans as outlined in the 2018 International Building Code
Chapter 1, ("2018 IBC") and;
(3) the School Construction Resource Manual (“Resource Manual”), always using the most current
forms for reporting found on the USBE website - Forms and Applications ("Forms").
The USBE project number will be issued ONLY upon submittal of ALL applicable items listed below
to [email protected] The approximate time to receive a project number is two
weeks from date ALL items listed below have been submitted and appropriately satisfied, unless
otherwise specifically communicated. Any questions, contact (801) 538-7939.
NOTE: Where projects would be exempt from USBE reporting, this does not eliminate the need to
obtain all required inspections and reviews. For questions regarding projects that are required to be
reported and those exempt from reporting, please refer to respective documents at Forms.
Submission date:
District (as applicable):
School Name:
Project Description:
School District Building Official (SDBO) or Charter School Board Building Officer (CSBBO)
name and contact information:
Updated 1-2020
ADA Compliant 1-23-2020
I. Submit the following items along with this completed checklist to USBE:
NOTE: Items a, b, and c ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL projects. By submitting this
document, you are confirming the items below (as applicable to this project) will be
submitted along with this Checklist.
The appropriate SP-4 (Preliminary Information on Proposed School Facilities Construction), in
accordance with Code 53E-3-706 and Rule R277-471, as applicable.
SP-4 Included with Checklist
The appropriate SP-5 (Right Sizing of Educational Facilities Form), in accordance with Code
53E-3-706 and Rule R277-471, as applicable.
SP-5 Included with Checklist
Construction documents (plans, specifications, COMCheck, etc.), in accordance with Code
53E-3-706 and 2018 IBC Chapter 1, may be mailed or delivered on a USB/thumb drive or CD
to the following address. Documents may also be sent through Google Drive.
Utah State Board of Education Note: due to file sizes, we
PO Box 144200 CANNOT accept emailed
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4200 construction documents
Attn: School Construction
ruction Documents Submitted to USBE
NOTE: Items (d) through (l) should be submitted, as applicable, based on the project.
Check the corresponding box for each item below as applicable: "Submitted to USBE"
or "Not Applicable".
A copy of the building plan review completed by an International Code Council (ICC)
certified commercial building plans examiner authorized to perform work in Utah. This review
must include the reviewer’s name, signature, date of review, certification/license number, and
all responses to the review, through to final approval, in accordance with Code 53E-3-706;
Rule R277-471.5; and 2018 IBC 104.2 and 107.3.
Submitted to USBE Not Applicable
A copy of the energy code plan review, when applicable (see Resource Manual), completed
by an ICC-certified commercial International Energy Conservation Code (“IECC) plans
examiner authorized to perform work in Utah. This review must include the reviewer’s name,
signature, date of review, certification/license number, and all responses to the review,
through to final approval, in accordance with Code 53E-3-706; Rule R277-471.5; 2018 IBC
101.4.6 and 104.2; and 2018 IECC C103.3.
Note: While COMCheck can be used as a tool to perform an energy review, this
does not satisfy the State requirement for the energy plan review identified above.
Submitted to USBE Not Applicable
Page 2
f. A copy of the structural peer review, when applicable, completed by an independent
structural engineer (registered design professional) currently licensed in Utah. This review
must include the reviewer’s name, date of review, certification/license number, and all
responses to the review, through final approval, in accordance with Code 53E-3-706. See
Resource Manual for additional information.
Submitted to USBE Not Applicable
g. A copy of the health department plan review, when applicable, completed by the health
department having jurisdiction, for projects containing new or expanded facilities and
remodeled or renovated school kitchen facilities. This review must include the health
department official’s name, signature, date of review, and all responses to the review,
through final approval, in accordance with Code 26-15-2; Rule R392-200; and Rule
Submitted to USBE Not Applicable
h. A copy of the plan review from the State Fire Marshal Office that includes the official’s name,
signature, date of review, license number, and all responses to the review, through final
approval, in accordance with Code 53E-3-706; Code 53-7-103; Rule R277-471-6; and Rule
Submitted to USBE Not Applicable
i. Evidence illustrating the LEA has notified and received confirmation from the local
municipality or county of the LEA’s intent to acquire or construct a facility consistent with
10-9a-305 for municipalities and Code 17-27a-305 for counties; and Code 53E-3-710 and
Rule R277-471-6. This evidence should include:
a. communication from the local municipality or county indicating the LEA has conformed to
any applicable land use ordinance, including obtaining a conditional use permit, as
b. communication from the local municipality or county indicating the building department has
been notified about the LEA’s intent to construct.
Submitted to USBE Not Applicable
j. Evidence illustrating the LEA has notified and received confirmation from the local utility
corporations of the LEA’s intent to acquire or construct a facility. This would include
submitting corrections to modify construction documents and changes as approved by the
jurisdiction/corporation, in accordance with Code 54-2-1; Code 53E-3-710; and Rule R277-
471. This evidence should include communication correspondence, approval notice, an order
to provide service(s), and/or confirmation that a new account has been established.
Note: if one or more services is provided or maintained by a single corporation, the evidence
illustrated must indicate each service.
a. Electrical corporation;
b. Gas corporation; and
c. Telephone corporation.
Submitted to USBE Not Applicable
Page 3
k. Evidence of design flood elevations and floodway data, as applicable, compiled as outlined
in C
ode 53E-3-710; Code 19-5 Water Quality Act; Rule R317-8-3; 2018 IBC 107.2.6 and
IBC 1612.3; and 33 U.S.C. - Summary of the Clean Water Act.
bmitted to USBE Not Applicable
If applicable, include a copy of your Storm Water Permit with this application. See Code 19-
5; Utah Dept of Environmental Quality/FAQ; and Utah Dept of Environmental Quality/Water.
Submitted to USBE Not Applicable
l. Evidence illustrating the LEA has
a. notified the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) of the intent to construct a facility
notifying [email protected] and [email protected] (Code 53E-3-710)
a copy of the UDOT correspondence to USBE as verificatio
bmitted to USBE Not Applicable;
b. completed the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program application for the facility, as
lined in Code 53E-3-710 and Code 53G-4-402. For questions on the SRTS progr
ontact Travis P. Evans, Active Transportation Safety Program Manager
Submitted to USBE Not Applicable
II. VERIFICATION: As the designated School District Building Official (SDBO)/Charter S
Board Building
Officer (CDBBO), I have complied with or will ensure those involved with
project will comply with the following:
a. Utah Code 53E
-3-7 - School Construction
b. Administrative Rule R277-471. School Construction Oversight, Inspections, Training and
School Construction Resource Manual
d. Administrative Rule R392-200. Design, Construction, Operation, Sanitation, and Safety of
e. The most
restrictive and/or specific among the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design
2018 International Building Code; and ANSI A117.1 (2009) Accessible and Usable Building
Facilities, relative to accessibility, ensuring that any remodels renovations,
etc., rectify
outlined in the facility’s ADA Tr
ansition Plans;
f. Change in
Occupancy: 2018 International Existing Building Code (IEBC), and/or 20
Building Code (IBC), which applies to the repair, alteration, change i
addition and/or relocation of existing facilities (for example: a former bus
or retail space converted to a public school), in accordance with 2018 IBC 102 and 105;
A building or structure shall not be used or occupied, and a change of occupancy of a
building or structure or portion thereof shall not be made, until the building official has issued a
certificate of occupancy therefor as provided herein. Issuance of a certificate of occupancy
Page 4
shall not be construed as an approval of a violation of the provisions of this code or of other
ordinances of the jurisdiction” (2018 IBC 111.1);
or, this item does not apply because the project is an entirely new or existing construction
type Educational Group “E” (2018 IBC 305).
g. The most restrictive and/or most specific requirements among all applicable federal, state
or local building codes, laws, rules and regulations (including amendments to the building
codes) in accordance with Fire Codes 15A, Rule R156-56, and 2018 IBC 102 and 105.
h. Utah Code 63 G-12 Utah Immigration Accountability and Enforcement Act and federal
requirements for verification of U.S. citizenship for those with whom the LEA contracts
directly (for example: a contract between the architect and the LEA; between the
contractor and the LEA; etc.).
i. The System for Award Management (SAM) for any projects in which federal funds are
used and the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR).
III. VERIFICATION: As the designated School District Building Official (SDBO)/Charter School
Board Building Officer (CDBBO), I verify the following:
a. To the best of my knowledge, all information provided on this form is accurate and
complete, as required.
b. This document is the approved and most current document and was obtained from the
USBE Forms page.
c. Compliance has been met with all applicable procurement Codes, Rules and Guidelines.
For any item(s) listed above that have not been complied with or provided, please indicate the
reason(s) below:
SDBO/CSBBO Signature:
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