Planning For Your
Insurance Needs
This guide will lead you through the steps to connue your
insurance aer leaving acve employment and explain which
included forms you must complete.
Your member status
Years of service you need to continue
insurance at retirement
When you leave acve employment, you are
given a member status based on your vesng
right with a state funded rerement system or
your years of employment service. There are
four member status categories:
Vested – You have worked long enough to
keep insurance benets and you contributed
to a rerement system, but you are not ready
to draw your rerement benets.
Non-vested – You have worked long enough
to keep insurance benets, but you did
not contribute to a rerement system that
parcipates with the Employees Group
Insurance Division, or you withdrew your
contribuons from your rerement system.
Reree – You have worked long enough to
leave acve employment, keep insurance
benets and draw your rerement benets.
Defer – You have worked long enough to
qualify as a vested, non-vested or reree
member, but you elect to transfer your
health, dental or vision insurance to your
spouse’s current insurance through EGID.
If you leave acve employment, lose coverage
because of reduced hours or your employment
is terminated for reasons other than gross
misconduct, you can connue health, dental and
vision coverage for up to 18 months under the
Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliaon Act.
Coverage connued under COBRA is temporary.
You are encouraged to retain your insurance
benets in a vested, non-vested, reree or defer
status if you meet the qualicaons.
Teachers' Retirement System (TRS) – Ten
years minimum of creditable service.
Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement
System (OPERS) – Eight years minimum of
creditable service.
Oklahoma Law Enforcement Retirement
System (OLERS) – Eight years minimum of
creditable service.
Oklahoma Pathfinders Plan – Five years
minimum of creditable service.
Other or no retirement system – Employment
years may qualify as creditable service to
continue insurance. Contact EGID Member
Services for specific information.
Plan premiums
Refer to the premium rate charts in this guide.
Premium payment opons
Rerement check deducon Your monthly
premium for the previous month's coverage is
automacally withheld from your rerement
check. When selecng this opon, the
premium withheld is for the previous month's
Direct billYou are directly billed for your
monthly premium due by the 20th of each
Automac dra Your monthly premium
is automacally draed from your checking
account on or around the 20th of each month.
To elect this opon, select the direct bill
opon on the Applicaon for Reree/Vested/
Non-Vested/Defer Insurance Coverage (Page
A2) and provide EGID an Electronic Fund
Transfer Authorizaon and a voided check.
This form (Page D1-D2) is available on the
EGID website or by contacng member
Retirement system contribution to your
monthly insurance premium
Your rerement system may contribute toward
your health insurance premium.
TRS contributes between $100 to $105
OPERS contributes $105 monthly.
OLERS contributes $105 monthly.
Pathnders does not contribute.
The premiums listed in this guide do not reect
any rerement system contribuon.
When you leave
active employment
Keep all the coverage you think you will need
in rerement. You can drop or reduce benets
later, but you cannot add health, dental or life
insurance aer you leave acve employment.
Rerement is not a qualifying event that allows
you to make plan changes unless you or your
covered dependent is Medicare eligible. All
covered dependents must enroll in the same
plan. For example, if you are enrolled in an MAPD
plan, your pre-Medicare dependents must enroll
in the HMO opon of that plan. If you move
out of your health plan’s service area, you are
allowed to change health plans within 30 days of
your move.
EGID Administrave Rule 260:50-3-13 (h)
states that you must return to work for an EGID
parcipang employer for three years to qualify
to retain benets not elected upon ceasing
current employment.
If your employer oers these benets through
EGID, the following rules apply:
Health and dental insurance – You can add,
keep, drop or defer coverage within 30 days of
leaving acve employment.
Vision insurance – You can add, keep, drop or
defer coverage within 30 days of leaving acve
employment or during the annual Opon Period.
Once you leave acve employment, vision
insurance is the only benet that can be added
during the annual Opon Period.
Life insurance – You can keep, reduce or drop
life coverage you have in place at the me
you leave acve employment. You must make
the elecon within 30 days of leaving acve
employment. You cannot add or increase life
insurance at rerement. Life insurance cannot
be deferred and must be kept in your rerement
Life insurance must be kept in $5,000 units.
Refer to the premium charts included in this
Life insurance connued at rerement does not
include Accidental Death and Dismemberment
If you connue life insurance coverage when you
leave acve employment, it is very important
to keep your beneciary informaon current. If
you are unsure of your beneciary designaons,
please complete the Beneciary Designaon
Form (Page E1). Instrucons are on the back of
the form.
HealthChoice must pay life benets to the
beneciaries listed on the most recent beneciary
designaon. If there is no signed beneciary
designaon, benets are paid to the estate.
Coverage for your dependents
You can add, keep or drop health, dental and
vision coverage for your spouse and other
eligible dependents at rerement; however,
dependent life insurance must be in eect
before you leave acve employment. Dependent
coverage must be with the same carrier as the
You can exclude your spouse from health, dental
and vision coverage and cover your other eligible
dependents. Your spouse must sign the Spouse
Exclusion Cercaon secon of the Applicaon
for Reree/Vested/Non-Vested/Defer Insurance
Coverage (Page A2).
If you add or keep coverage for your dependent
children, including disabled dependents, you
must cover all your eligible dependents up to
age 26.
You can exclude dependents from coverage
if they have other group coverage or are
eligible for Indian Health Services or military
health benets. You can also exclude eligible
dependents who do not reside with you, are
married or are not nancially dependent on you.
Aer rerement, you cannot add dependents
to any coverage except vision, unless one of the
following qualifying events occurs:
Birth of a child.
Your spouse or eligible dependents lose other
group coverage.
You marry.
You adopt or gain legal guardianship of a child
under age 26.
You must add your spouse and any eligible
dependents within 30 days of the qualifying
Dependent life insurance
You can keep dependent life insurance in eect
at rerement but cannot add or increase it later.
It must be kept in $500 units and each covered
dependent pays a separate, individual premium.
For your spouse The amount you keep for
your spouse can be dierent from the amount
you keep for your covered dependents.
For your dependents The amount you
keep must be the same for each covered
Surviving Dependents
In the event of your death, your surviving
dependents may connue their insurance
coverage. A surviving spouse can connue their
insurance benets, including Dependent Life,
as long as the premiums are paid. The spouse
will be moved to their own account and pay the
primary member rate.
Surviving dependent children can also connue
coverage, including Dependent Life, unl age 26.
A leer will be sent by EGID to your surviving
dependents advising them of their opons.
Dependents have 60 days to nofy EGID that
they wish to connue insurance coverage.
If you decide to work past age 65
If you decide to work past age 65, you may
contact Social Security to delay your enrollment
in Medicare Part B. Your employer insurance
will be primary payer while working. Since all
insurance oered through EGID is creditable
coverage, you will not be assessed a penalty
once employer insurance ends.
When you turn age 65 after you leave
active employment
If you are close to age 65 and are not receiving
Social Security benets, you need to enroll in
Medicare Part A and Part B.
To enroll, contact Social Security at least three
months before you turn age 65. By enrolling
early, you avoid any delay in the start of your
Medicare coverage.
To comply with federal guidelines, a COBRA
packet will be mailed to you when you leave
employment. Do NOT complete this packet if
you are elecng to connue your insurance
coverage as a Former Employee
The Enrollment Process
If you are not yet
eligible for Medicare
To connue your insurance
You must complete the Applicaon for Reree/
Vested/Non-Vested/Defer Insurance Coverage
(Page A1) and return it to EGID.
To defer (transfer) your coverage to your
spouse’s plan
If your spouse works and is currently enrolled
in coverage through EGID, you can transfer
your health, dental and vision coverage to your
spouse’s coverage as a dependent.
Life insurance cannot be deferred and must be
kept in your rerement account.
To transfer your coverage to your spouse’s plan:
Mark Defer on the Applicaon for Reree/
Vested/Non-Vested/Defer Insurance Coverage
(Page A1-A2) and return it to EGID.
Your spouse must contact their employer to
add you to their coverage as a dependent.
Any rerement system contribuon paid
toward your health insurance premium will
not be paid during the deferral period.
As long as your former employer group connues
to parcipate with EGID, you can transfer your
coverage back to your own EGID account at any
me by compleng the Applicaon for Reree/
Vested/Non-Vested/Defer Insurance Coverage.
If you are eligible for Medicare
About Medicare
Medicare is the federal health insurance
program for people age 65 or older, people
under age 65 with certain disabilies and those
with end-stage renal disease or amyotrophic
lateral sclerosis.
Medicare Part A pays for hospitalizaon
Medicare Part B pays for doctor and
outpaent medical services. Call Social
Security for informaon on your Part B
premiums. Refer to Contact Informaon at
the back of this guide.
Medicare Part D pays for prescripon drug
coverage. All the plans oered through EGID
provide Part D coverage. This means the
plans all meet the benet guidelines set by
Medicare for creditable prescripon drug
Your enrollment in Medicare is handled in one
of two ways:
Automac enrollment (depending on your
individual circumstances).
Applicaon for enrollment. You should apply
three months prior to turning 65 to avoid a
possible delay in the start of your coverage.
Contact Social Security for more informaon.
To connue your insurance and enroll in a
Medicare supplement or MAPD plan
There are two forms you must complete to
connue your health coverage:
The Applicaon for Reree/Vested/Non-
Vested/Defer Insurance Coverage (Page A1).
You must also complete the form associated
with the plan you are enrolling in – the
Applicaon for Medicare Supplement With
Prescripon Drug Plan or the Applicaon
for Medicare Advantage Prescripon Drug
(MAPD) Plan.
Refer to Page 9 for the available Medicare plans.
To enroll in a Medicare supplement plan
A Medicare supplement plan helps pay for
some of the remaining out-of-pocket costs
that original Medicare doesn’t pay, such as
copayments, coinsurance and deducbles. A
Medicare supplement plan is in addion to
original Medicare. To parcipate in a Medicare
supplement plan, you must be entled to
benets under Medicare Part A. EGID has three
Medicare supplement plans. BCBSOK-BlueSecure
requires Part B enrollment to parcipate in
their plan. HealthChoice SilverScript High and
Low Opon Medicare Supplement plans do not
require you to be enrolled in Part B, but pay
benets as if you are.
To enroll in a Medicare supplement plan,
complete and return the Applicaon for Medicare
Supplement With Prescripon Drug Plan (Page
B1). You must provide your Medicare ID number
to coordinate your benets with Medicare.
To enroll in a Medicare Advantage
Prescripon Drug plan
MAPD plans contract with Medicare to provide
benets for Medicare Part A and Part B covered
services, as well as Part D prescripon drug
You must be enrolled in Medicare Part A and Part
B to be eligible for enrollment. When you enroll
in an MAPD plan, the plan replaces Medicare as
your primary insurer.
To be eligible to enroll in an MAPD HMO, you
must also live in the plan’s approved ZIP code
service area. You can receive services only within
the plan’s network.
To be eligible to enroll in an MAPD PPO, you
may live anywhere in the United States. You can
receive services anywhere in the U.S. as long as
the provider is a Medicare eligible provider and
accepts the plan’s payment terms and condions.
To enroll in an MAPD plan, you must complete
and return the Applicaon for Medicare
Advantage Prescripon Drug (MAPD) Plan
(Page C1). Be sure to provide your Medicare ID
number on your applicaon.
Enrollment deadline
If you are not eligible for Medicare
EGID Administrave Rules allows 30 days from
the day your acve insurance ends to elect to
begin or connue your insurance.
Failure to add, keep or defer coverage within
30 days of your acve coverage ending cancels
eligibility in the plans oered through EGID.
If you are eligible for Medicare
It is important that your applicaon is received
at least 30 days prior to the day you leave acve
employment. This gives EGID enough me to
process applicaons and resolve problems before
coverage is eecve. It also prevents delays in
enrolling in a Part D prescripon drug plan.
If your applicaon is not received prior to your
employment terminaon, you may be enrolled in
a HealthChoice Medicare supplement plan that
includes creditable prescripon drug benets, but
not Part D prescripon drug benets, unl the
rst of the following month. This is to prevent you
from having a break in coverage. Be aware the
premium for this temporary plan is higher.
Plan ID cards
Confirmation statement
If you enroll in a Medicare plan through EGID, a
new ID card will be issued. Do not destroy your
current cards unl you receive your new ones.
If you move outside
your plan’s service area
If you are not eligible for Medicare
If you are enrolled in an HMO plan and move
outside your plan’s ZIP code service area, you
must nofy EGID in wring of your new address.
To connue your health coverage, you will need
to select a new plan that is in your service area.
If you are eligible for Medicare
If you are enrolled in an MAPD HMO plan and
move outside your plan’s ZIP code service
area, you must contact EGID to disenroll. To
change your coverage to a plan including Part D
prescripon drug benets, you must complete
an Applicaon for Medicare Supplement With
Prescripon Drug Plan or an Applicaon for
Medicare Advantage Prescripon Drug (MAPD)
Address information
It is important to keep your mailing and email
addresses current, or you risk delaying claims
processing or missing important communicaons.
Medicare requires that you report any change in
your home address to your insurance plan.
Contact EGID Member Services for a Change of
Address form, or submit a wrien request to:
P.O. Box 11137
Oklahoma City, OK 73136-9998
You can email your signed form to
[email protected]. Verbal requests for
address changes are not accepted.
When you enroll as a former employee or make
changes to your coverage, EGID mails you a
conrmaon statement which lists the coverage
you are enrolled in, the eecve date of your
coverage and the premium amounts.
Check it carefully. If incorrect, immediately
contact EGID Member Services. Correcons
must be submied to EGID within 60 days of
the elecon. Correcons reported aer 60 days
are eecve the rst of the month following
nocaon. Refer to Contact Informaon at the
back of this guide.
Option Period
Aer you leave acve employment, EGID mails
your Opon Period materials directly to you.
To make plan changes, complete your Opon
Period form and return it directly to EGID. Keep a
copy of your form for your records. EGID will mail
you a conrmaon statement.
If you have no plan changes, do not return
your form. You will not receive a conrmaon
Monthly Premiums for Former Employees
and Surviving Dependents
Plan Year Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 2024
O°ce of Management
& Enterprise Services
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oklahoma – BlueLincs HMO
$ 600.78 $ 825.98 $ 556.90 $ 1299.08
CommunityCare HMO
$ 650.06 $ 762.16 $ 326.98 $ 554.88
GlobalHealth HMO
$ 979.42 $ 1445.72 $ 559.30 $ 913.38
HealthChoice High and High Alternative
$ 679.62 $ 796.80 $ 341.86 $ 580.10
HealthChoice Basic and Basic Alternative
$ 543.08 $ 637.32 $ 280.06 $ 473.72
HealthChoice High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) $ 473.68 $ 556.24 $ 244.66 $ 413.06
BCBSOK – BlueCare Dental High Plan
$ 35.08 $ 35.08 $ 28.44 $ 72.52
BCBSOK – BlueCare Dental Low Plan
$ 23.84 $ 23.84 $ 20.60 $ 50.40
Cigna Prepaid High (K1I09)
$ 13.56 $ 10.98 $ 8.40 $ 14.44
Cigna Prepaid Low (OKIV9)
$ 10.48 $ 6.80 $ 4.62 $ 10.42
Delta Dental PPO
$ 39.70 $ 39.70 $ 34.54 $ 87.30
Delta Dental PPO – Choice
$ 17.88 $ 40.50 $ 40.80 $ 99.02
HealthChoice Dental
$ 48.58 $ 48.58 $ 39.28 $ 100.74
MetLife High Classic MAC
$ 50.90 $ 50.90 $ 43.62 $ 107.98
MetLife Low Classic MAC
$ 28.90 $ 28.90 $ 24.78 $ 60.94
Sun Life Preferred Active PPO
$ 34.98 $ 34.80 $ 26.12 $ 70.14
Primary Vision Care Services (PVCS)
$ 10.40 $ 9.28 $ 9.20 $ 11.50
Superior Vision
$ 7.40 $ 7.34 $ 6.96 $ 14.30
Vision Care Direct
$ 15.48 $ 10.96 $ 10.96 $ 24.48
VSP (Vision Service Plan)
$ 8.62 $ 5.66 $ 5.58 $ 12.22
From $5,000 to $40,000 $3.12 Per $1,000 unit
AGE-RATED SUPPLEMENTAL LIFE – Cost per $1,000 unit for $41,000 and up
Child (live birth to age 26)
$ 6,000 of coverage
$ 3,000 of coverage
$ 10,000 of coverage
$ 5,000 of coverage
$ 20,000 of coverage
$ 10,000 of coverage
$1.56 per $500 unit, per dependent
Surviving Dependents of Current Employees Low Option $2.60 Standard Option $4.32 Premier Option $11.26
Surviving Dependents of Former Employees $1.56 per $500 unit, per dependent
These rates do not reect any retirement system contribution.
Monthly Premiums for
Medicare Eligible Members
Plan Year Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 2024
O°ce of Management
& Enterprise Services
BCBSOK – BlueSecure
$ 466.02 per covered person
HealthChoice SilverScript High Option Medicare Supplement
$ 437.00 per covered person
HealthChoice SilverScript Low Option Medicare Supplement
$ 356.06 per covered person
$ 238.40 per covered person
CommunityCare Senior Health Plan
$ 215.64 per covered person
Generations by GlobalHealth
$ 199.00 per covered person
$ 192.92 per covered person
BCBSOK – BlueCare Dental High Plan
$ 35.08 $ 35.08 $ 28.44 $ 72.52
BCBSOK – BlueCare Dental Low Plan
$ 23.84 $ 23.84 $ 20.60 $ 50.40
Cigna Prepaid High (K1I09)
$ 13.56 $ 10.98 $ 8.40 $ 14.44
Cigna Prepaid Low (OKIV9)
$ 10.48 $ 6.80 $ 4.62 $ 10.42
Delta Dental PPO
$ 39.70 $ 39.70 $ 34.54 $ 87.30
Delta Dental PPO – Choice
$ 17.88 $ 40.50 $ 40.80 $ 99.02
HealthChoice Dental
$ 48.58 $ 48.58 $ 39.28 $ 100.74
MetLife High Classic MAC
$ 50.90 $ 50.90 $ 43.62 $ 107.98
MetLife Low Classic MAC
$ 28.90 $ 28.90 $ 24.78 $ 60.94
Sun Life Preferred Active PPO
$ 34.98 $ 34.80 $ 26.12 $ 70.14
Primary Vision Care Services (PVCS)
$ 10.40 $ 9.28 $ 9.20 $ 11.50
Superior Vision
$ 7.40 $ 7.34 $ 6.96 $ 14.30
Vision Care Direct
$ 15.48 $ 10.96 $ 10.96 $ 24.48
VSP (Vision Service Plan)
$ 8.62 $ 5.66 $ 5.58 $ 12.22
From $5,000 to $40,000 $3.12 Per $1,000 unit
AGE-RATED SUPPLEMENTAL LIFE – Cost per $1,000 unit for $41,000 and up
$0.06 30-34
$0.06 35-39
$0.06 40-44
$0.14 50-54
$0.26 55-59
$0.40 60-64
$0.74 70-74
$1.28 75+
$1.56 per $500 unit, per dependent
These rates do not reect any contribution from your retirement system.
Employees Group Insurance Division
My member status will be Retiree Vested Non-vested Defer (See instructions on page 3.)
For defer only: Spouse’s Social Security number or member ID number
Cancel my deferment and reinstate my retiree/vested/non-vested insurance coverage.
SSN or member ID Member’s birth date Gender Male Female
Member’s name Employer
First M.I. Last
Mailing address
Street City State ZIP code
Phone Alt. phone Email
effective date
MEMBER HEALTH PLAN Add/keep Drop Defer
Health plan name Check if Medicare-eligible*
Primary physician (HMO only) Current patient New patient
* If you and/or your dependents are eligible for Medicare, an additional application must be completed. Please
contact EGID Member Services to request an application.
For EGID Use Only
MEMBER DENTAL PLAN Add/keep Drop Defer
Dental plan name
Primary dentist (Prepaid only)
Current patient New patient
MEMBER VISION PLAN Add/keep Drop Defer
Vision plan name
You can keep a minimum of $5,000 up to the total amount of your current life insurance. You cannot enroll in more life insurance than you
currently have. You must keep life insurance on yourself to be able to keep life insurance on your dependents. You cannot increase life
insurance after this election. Life insurance cannot be deferred and must be carried as a primary retiree/vested member.
I elect to keep $ ($5,000 to $40,000 in $5,000 units) of member life insurance at a
flat rate per $1,000 of coverage.
I elect to keep $ (amount above $40,000 in $5,000 units) of additional life insurance.
Revised 12/29/2021
NOTE: If you and/or your dependents are eligible for Medicare, an additional application must be completed.
Please contact EGID Member Services to request an application. You cannot add dependent life if you do not
already have it. The dependent life amount must be the same for each child, though the amount for your spouse
can be different.
Name Check if Medicare-eligible.
Add/keep Drop SSN Date of birth Male Female
Health Primary physician (HMO only) New patient Current patient
Dental Primary dentist (Prepaid only) New patient Current patient
Dep. life I elect to keep $ (in $500 units) of dependent life insurance.
Does your spouse currently have coverage through OMES EGID? Yes No
(If yes, list name and Social Security number above.)
Name Check if Medicare-eligible.
Add/keep Drop SSN Date of birth Male Female
Health Primary physician (HMO only) New patient Current patient
Dental Primary dentist (Prepaid only) New patient Current patient
Dep. life I elect to keep $ (in $500 units) of dependent life insurance.
I authorize EGID to deduct the amount of my premiums from my retirement check according to Administrative
Rule 260:50-3-5. (You must verify with your retirement system that your retirement check will cover your
I request EGID direct bill me for my monthly premiums at the mailing address on this form.
Spouse must sign if being excluded from health, dental and/or vision or if they are a common-law spouse.
Spouse exclusion certification: I certify that I am aware I am being excluded from health, dental and/or vision
coverage as indicated on this form. I am also aware that I cannot be added to coverage at a later date except
within 30 days of the loss of other coverage. (Required only if children are covered and spouse is not.)
Common-law spouse certification: I certify the person listed as my spouse and I have an actual and mutual
agreement between ourselves to be married; that this is a permanent relationship; that our relationship is
exclusive, as proven by our cohabitation as spouses; and that we do hereby hold ourselves out publicly as
married. I am aware this relationship can be dissolved only by legal divorce.
Spouse signature
I understand that no coverage, except vision, can be added at a later date.
Member signature Date
Revised 12/29/2021
Retirement information can be found at
You can carry health, dental, vision and life insurance on yourself and your dependents.
The health, dental and life coverage you take into retiree/vested/non-vested status is the only coverage you can have
with EGID through your retirement years. If you do not keep coverage now, you cannot add it later. Plan changes can
be made during the annual Option Period.
If you are insuring one dependent, you must insure all eligible dependents (for any given coverage) unless they are
covered by other insurance or Indian or military benefits. Children who have Indian or military benefits or other
insurance may be required to show proof of coverage.
Following your retirement, dependents can be added only within 30 days of one of the following events: birth,
adoption or guardianship, marriage or loss of other group insurance.
DEFER INSTRUCTIONS: If your spouse has separate coverage through EGID at the time you terminate
employment, you can transfer your individual health, dental and/or vision coverage to dependent coverage under
your spouse’s coverage. Your spouse must contact their employer to add you as a dependent. You must elect to
transfer coverage within 30 days of your termination of employment. Any 30-day break in coverage voids your
eligibility to keep coverage in the future. Life insurance cannot be deferred and must be carried as a primary
retiree/vested/non-vested member. When you are ready to return to retiree/vested/non-vested status, you must again
complete this form and mark the box on Page 1 of your form to cancel your deferment.
IMPORTANT: If you are under age 65 and eligible for Medicare, you must notify EGID and provide your
Medicare number as it appears on your Medicare card. Medicare supplement coverage is effective the date you
become eligible for Medicare or the first day of the month following notification of your Medicare eligibility,
whichever is later.
When you turn age 65, you have the option to enroll in either a Medicare supplement with prescription drug plan or a
Medicare Advantage prescription drug plan.
BCBSOK-BlueSecure and all MAPD plans offered through EGID require you to have both Medicare Part A
and Medicare Part B.
If you are eligible and do not enroll in Medicare Part B, there are two Medicare supplement plans available to you:
HealthChoice SilverScript High Option Medicare Supplement Plan and HealthChoice SilverScript Low Option
Medicare Supplement Plan. All medical benefits under these plans are paid as if you are enrolled in both Medicare
Part A and Part B. If you are not enrolled in Medicare Part B, your plan will estimate Medicare’s benefits and
provide supplemental coverage as if Medicare is the primary carrier. This means HealthChoice pays secondary and
you are responsible for the primary share of the claim.
For information concerning HMO, MAPD, Medicare supplement, dental or vision plans, contact their customer
service numbers.
For information regarding enrollment, or to obtain an application for a Medicare supplement plan or
MAPD plan, call 405-717-8780 or toll-free 800-752-9475 or TTY 711 or contact:
OMES Employees Group Insurance Division
P.O. Box 11137
Oklahoma City, OK 73136-9998
Revised 12/29/2021
Who can use this form? People with Medicare who want to join a Medicare prescription drug plan.
To join a plan, you must:
Be a United States citizen or be lawfully present in the U.S.
Live in the plan’s service area.
To join a HealthChoice SilverScript Medicare supplement with prescription drug plan, you must have either, or
Medicare Part A (hospital insurance).
Medicare Part B (medical insurance).
To join the BCBSOK Medicare supplement with prescription drug plan, you must have both:
Medicare Part A (hospital insurance) and Medicare Part B (medical insurance).
When do I use this form?
You can join a plan:
Between Oct. 15-Dec. 7 each year (for coverage starting Jan. 1).
Within three months of first getting Medicare.
In certain situations where you’re allowed to join or switch plans. Visit to learn more about
when you can sign up for a plan.
What do I need to complete this form?
Your Medicare Number (the number on your red, white and blue Medicare card).
Your permanent address and phone number.
If you want to join a plan during fall open enrollment (Oct. 15-Dec. 7), the plan must have your
completed form by Dec. 7.
What happens next?
Send your completed and signed form to:
P.O. Box 11137
Oklahoma City, OK 73136-9998
Once they process your request to join, they’ll contact you.
How do I get help with this form?
Call EGID Member Services at 405-717-8780 or toll-free 800-752-9475 Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Central time to see if you are eligible to enroll. TTY users call 711. Or, call Medicare at 800-MEDICARE (800-
633-4227). TTY users call 877-486-2048. En español: Llame a EGID al 800-752-9475/TTY 711 o a Medicare
gratis al 800-633-4227 y oprima el 2 para asistencia en español y un representante estara disponible para
Individuals experiencing homelessness
If you want to join a plan but have no permanent residence, a post office box, an address of a shelter or clinic,
or the address where you receive mail (e.g., Social Security checks) may be considered your permanent
residence address.
Rev. August 2023 MSP
Employees Group Insurance Division
Member information
Member name (First MI Last) Member ID
Date of birth
Male Female
Member SSN
Permanent address (P.O. Box not allowed) City State ZIP code
Mailing address (if different from above) City State ZIP code
Phone Alternate phone Email
Dependent information (only if enrolling in Medicare)
Dependent name (First MI Last)
Date of birth
Male Female
Dependent SSN
Your Medicare information (required to process your application)
Name on Medicare card:
Medicare number: - -
Part A effective date:
Part B effective date:
To participate in the BCBSOK Medicare supplement plan, you must be enrolled in both Medicare Part A (hospital) and Part B
(medical) and continue to pay your monthly Part B premium. To participate in the HealthChoice Medicare supplement plans,
you must be entitled to benefits under Medicare Part A. You are not required to be in enrolled in Part B, but the plan pays
Answer these important questions
benefits as if you are. To maximize your benefits, you need to be enrolled in Medicare Part B.
1. In which Medicare supplement with Medicare Part D prescription drug plan do you want to enroll?
HealthChoice SilverScript Medicare Supplement Plan
High Low
BCBSOK BlueSecure
2. Some individuals may have other drug coverage through private insurance, TRICARE, federal employee
health benefits, VA benefits or state pharmaceutical assistance programs. Will you have other
prescription drug coverage in addition to your coverage through OMES Employees Group Insurance
Name of other coverage ID# Group#
Typically, you can enroll in a Medicare prescription drug plan only during the annual enrollment period
from Oct. 15 through Dec. 7. Additionally, there are exceptions that may allow you to enroll in a Medicare
prescription drug plan outside of the Annual Enrollment Period. (Refer to statements on Page 2.)
I am enrolling during an Annual Enrollment Period (Option Period).
Read the following statements and check the box if the statement applies to you. By checking any of the
following boxes, you are certifying that, to the best of your knowledge, you are eligible for an enrollment
period. If we later determine that this information is incorrect, you may be disenrolled.
I am new to Medicare.
I recently moved outside of the service area of my current plan. I moved on (insert date):
I recently was released from incarceration. I was released on (insert date):
I recently returned to the U.S. after living permanently outside of the U.S.
I returned to the U.S. on (insert date):
I recently obtained lawful presence status in the U.S. I got this status on (insert date):
I recently had a change in my Medicaid (newly got Medicaid, had a change in level of Medicaid assistance or lost
Medicaid) on (insert date):
I recently had a change in my Extra Help paying for Medicare prescription drug coverage (newly got Extra Help, had a
change in level of Extra Help or lost Extra Help) on (insert date):
I have both Medicare and Medicaid or I get Extra Help paying for my Medicare prescription drug coverage, but I haven’t
had a change.
I live in or recently moved out of a long-term care facility (for example, a nursing home or other long-term care facility).
I moved/will move into/out of the facility on (insert date):
I recently left a PACE program on (insert date):
I recently involuntarily lost my creditable prescription drug coverage (as good as Medicare’s). I lost my drug coverage on
(insert date):
I am leaving employer or union coverage on (insert date):
I belong to a pharmacy assistance program provided by my state.
I was enrolled in a plan by Medicare (or my state), and I want to choose a different plan. My enrollment in that plan
started on (insert date):
I was affected by an emergency or major disaster (as declared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) or
by a federal, state or local government entity. One of the other statements here applied to me, but I was unable to make
my enrollment request because of the disaster.
My plan is ending its contract with Medicare, or Medicare is ending its contract with my plan.
None of these statements apply to me. Call EGID at 405-717-8780 or toll-free 800-752-9475 Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to
4:30 p.m. Central time to see if you are eligible to enroll. TTY users call 711.
Answering these questions is your choice. You cannot be denied coverage if you don’t
4. Are you Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin? Select all that apply.
No, not of Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin Yes, Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano/a
Yes, Puerto Rican Yes, Cuban
Yes, another Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin
I choose not to answer.
5. What’s your race?
American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Indian Black or African American
Chinese Filipino Guamanian or Chamorro
Japanese Korean Native Hawaiian
Other Asian Other Pacific Islander Samoan
Vietnamese White
I choose not to answer.
Signatures Important: Read and sign below
I must keep Part A or Part B to stay in the plans offered by EGID.
By joining this Medicare supplement with prescription drug plan, I acknowledge that the Medicare supplement with
prescription drug plans offered by EGID will release my information to Medicare, who may use it to track beneficiary
enrollment, for payment and other purposes applicable to federal statutes that authorize the collection of this information
(see Privacy Act Statement below).
Your response to this form is voluntary. However, failure to respond may affect enrollment.
The information on this enrollment form is correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if I intentionally provide
false information on this form, I will be disenrolled from the plan.
I understand that people with Medicare are generally not covered under Medicare while out of the country, except for
limited coverage near the U.S. border.
I understand that my signature (or the signature of the person legally authorized to act on my behalf) on this application
means I have read and understand the contents of this application. If signed by an authorized representative (as described
above), this signature certifies that:
1) This person is authorized under state law to complete this enrollment.
2) Documentation of this authority is available upon request by Medicare.
Member signature Date
Dependent signature (only if dependent is enrolling in Medicare) Date
If you are the authorized representative, you must sign above and provide this information:
Name Phone
Relationship to enrollee
Mail or fax the form to Attn: Member Accounts
Fax: 405-717-8939
P.O. Box 11137
Oklahoma City, OK 73136-9998
2024 monthly premium information does not reflect any retirement system contribution
BCBSOK BlueSecure $466.02 per covered person
HealthChoice SilverScript High Option Medicare Supplement $437.00 per covered person
HealthChoice SilverScript Low Option Medicare Supplement
Privacy Act Statement
$356.06 per covered person
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) collects information from Medicare plans to track beneficiary enrollment in Medicare
Advantage (MA) Plans, improve care, and for the payment of Medicare benefits. Sections 1860D-1 of the Social Security Act and 42 CFR §§
423.30 and 423.32 authorize the collection of this information. CMS may use, disclose and exchange enrollment data from Medicare beneficiaries
as specified in the System of Records Notice (SORN) “Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug (MARx)”, System No. 09-70-0588. Your response
to this form is voluntary. However, failure to respond may affect enrollment in the plan.
If you have questions, call EGID Member Services at
405-717-8780 or toll-free 800-752-9475. TTY users call 711.
Who can use this form? People with Medicare who want to join a Medicare Advantage prescription drug plan.
To join a plan, you must:
Be a United States citizen or be lawfully present in the U.S.
Live in the plan’s service area.
To join a Medicare prescription drug plan, you must also have both:
Medicare Part A (hospital insurance).
Medicare Part B (medical insurance).
When do I use this form?
You can join a plan:
Between Oct. 15-Dec. 7 each year (for coverage starting Jan. 1).
Within three months of first getting Medicare.
In certain situations where you’re allowed to join or switch plans. Visit to learn more about
when you can sign up for a plan.
What do I need to complete this form?
Your Medicare Number (the number on your red, white and blue Medicare card).
Your permanent address and phone number.
If you want to join a plan during fall open enrollment (Oct. 15-Dec. 7), the plan must have your
completed form by Dec. 7.
What happens next?
Send your completed and signed form to:
P.O. Box 11137
Oklahoma City, OK 73136-9998
Once they process your request to join, they’ll contact you.
How do I get help with this form?
Call EGID Member Services at 405-717-8780 or toll-free 800-752-9475 Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Central time to see if you are eligible to enroll. TTY users call 711. Or, call Medicare at 800-MEDICARE (800-
633-4227). TTY users can call 877-486-2048. En español: Llame a EGID al 800-752-9475/TTY 711 o a
Medicare gratis al 800-633-4227 y oprima el 2 para asistencia en español y un representante estara disponible
para asistirle.
Individuals experiencing homelessness
If you want to join a plan but have no permanent residence, a post office box, an address of a shelter or clinic,
or the address where you receive mail (e.g., Social Security checks) may be considered your permanent
residence address.
Rev. August 2023 MAPD
Employees Group Insurance Division
Member information
Member name (First MI Last) Member ID
Date of birth
Male Female
Member SSN
Permanent address (P.O. Box not allowed) City State ZIP code
Mailing address (if different from above) City State ZIP code
Phone Alternate phone Email
Dependent information (only if enrolling in Medicare)
Dependent name (First MI Last)
Date of birth
Male Female
Dependent SSN
Your Medicare information (required to process your application)
Name on Medicare card:
Medicare number: - -
Part A effective date:
Part B effective date:
You must have Medicare Part A and Part B to join an MAPD plan.
Answer these important questions
1. In which MAPD plan do you want to enroll?
BCBSOK – MAPD Generations by GlobalHealth
CommunityCare Senior Health Plan Humana MAPD PPO
Some individuals may have other drug coverage through private insurance, TRICARE, federal employee
health benefits, VA benefits or state pharmaceutical assistance programs. Will you have other
prescription drug coverage in addition to your coverage through OMES Employees Group Insurance
Name of other coverage ID# Group#
Typically, you can enroll in a Medicare prescription drug plan only during the annual enrollment period
from Oct. 15 through Dec. 7 each year. Additionally, there are exceptions that may allow you to enroll in a
Medicare prescription drug plan outside of the Annual Enrollment Period. (Refer to statements on Page 2.)
I am enrolling during an Annual Enrollment Period (Option Period).
Read the following statements and check the box if the statement applies to you. By checking any of the
following boxes, you are certifying that, to the best of your knowledge, you are eligible for an enrollment
period. If we later determine that this information is incorrect, you may be disenrolled.
I am new to Medicare.
I recently moved outside of the service area of my current plan. I moved on (insert date):
I recently was released from incarceration. I was released on (insert date):
I recently returned to the U.S. after living permanently outside of the U.S.
I returned to the U.S. on (insert date):
I recently obtained lawful presence status in the U.S. I got this status on (insert date):
I recently had a change in my Medicaid (newly got Medicaid, had a change in level of Medicaid assistance or lost
Medicaid) on (insert date):
I recently had a change in my Extra Help paying for Medicare prescription drug coverage (newly got Extra Help, had a
change in level of Extra Help or lost Extra Help) on (insert date):
I have both Medicare and Medicaid or I get Extra Help paying for my Medicare prescription drug coverage, but I haven’t
had a change.
I live in or recently moved out of a long-term care facility (for example, a nursing home or other long-term care facility).
I moved/will move into/out of the facility on (insert date):
I recently left a PACE program on (insert date):
I recently involuntarily lost my creditable prescription drug coverage (as good as Medicare’s). I lost my drug coverage on
(insert date):
I am leaving employer or union coverage on (insert date):
I belong to a pharmacy assistance program provided by my state.
I was enrolled in a plan by Medicare (or my state), and I want to choose a different plan. My enrollment in that plan
started on (insert date):
I was affected by an emergency or major disaster (as declared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) or
by a federal, state or local government entity. One of the other statements here applied to me, but I was unable to make
my enrollment request because of the disaster.
My plan is ending its contract with Medicare, or Medicare is ending its contract with my plan.
None of these statements apply to me. Call EGID at 405-717-8780 or toll-free 800-752-9475 Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to
4:30 p.m. Central time to see if you are eligible to enroll. TTY users call 711.
Answering these questions is your choice. You cannot be denied coverage if you don’t
4. Are you Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin? Select all that apply.
No, not of Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin Yes, Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano/a
Yes, Puerto Rican Yes, Cuban
Yes, another Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin
I choose not to answer.
5. What’s your race?
American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Indian Black or African American
Chinese Filipino Guamanian or Chamorro
Japanese Korean Native Hawaiian
Other Asian Other Pacific Islander Samoan
Vietnamese White
I choose not to answer.
6. Would you prefer that the MAPD plan send you information in a language other than English or in
another format?
Yes No
Primary care physician selection
As an MAPD plan member with CommunityCare Senior Health Plan or Generations by GlobalHealth, you must choose a PCP
who will coordinate your health care. You can obtain a list of the plan’s network physicians by contacting the plan or visiting
their website.
Physician name (First Last) Are you a current patient of this physician?
Signatures Important: Read and sign below
I must keep both Part A and Part B to stay in the plans offered by EGID.
By joining this Medicare Advantage plan, I acknowledge the Medicare Advantage prescription drug plans offered by EGID
will release my information to Medicare, who may use it to track beneficiary enrollment, for payment and other purposes
applicable to federal statutes that authorize the collection of this information (see Privacy Act Statement below).
Your response to this form is voluntary. However, failure to respond may affect enrollment.
The information on this enrollment form is correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if I intentionally provide
false information on this form, I will be disenrolled from the plan.
I understand that people with Medicare are generally not covered under Medicare while out of the country, except for
limited coverage near the U.S. border.
I understand that when my MAPD coverage through EGID begins, I must get all of my medical and prescription drug
benefits from that plan. Benefits and services provided by my plan and contained in my evidence of coverage document
(also known as a member contract or subscriber agreement) will be covered. Neither Medicare nor my plan will pay for
benefit or services that are not covered.
I understand that my signature (or the signature of the person legally authorized to act on my behalf) on this application
means I have read and understand the contents of this application. If signed by an authorized representative (as described
above), this signature certifies that:
1) This person is authorized under state law to complete this enrollment.
2) Documentation of this authority is available upon request by Medicare.
Member signature
Dependent signature (only if dependent is enrolling in Medicare) Date
If you are the authorized representative, you must sign above and provide this information
Name Phone
Relationship to enrollee
Mail or fax the form to Attn: Member Accounts
Mail: OMES EGID Fax: 405-717-8939
P.O. Box 11137
Oklahoma City, OK 73136-9998
2024 monthly premium information does not reflect any retirement system contribution
BCBSOK MAPD $238.40 per covered person
CommunityCare Senior Health Plan $215.64 per covered person
Generations by GlobalHealth $199.00 per covered person
Humana MAPD PPO $192.92 per covered person
Privacy Act Statement
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) collects information from Medicare plans to track beneficiary enrollment in Medicare
Advantage (MA) Plans, improve care, and for the payment of Medicare benefits. Sections 1860D-1 of the Social Security Act and 42 CFR §§
423.30 and 423.32 authorize the collection of this information. CMS may use, disclose and exchange enrollment data from Medicare beneficiaries
as specified in the System of Records Notice (SORN) “Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug (MARx)”, System No. 09-70-0588. Your response
to this form is voluntary. However, failure to respond may affect enrollment in the plan.
If you have questions, call EGID Member Services at
405-717-8780 or toll-free 800-752-9475. TTY users call 711.
Re: Automatic Bank Withdrawal for Insurance Premium
The Office of Management and Enterprise Services Employees Group Insurance
Division is pleased to offer you a convenient way to pay your monthly insurance
premiums. Through a program established by the Office of the State Treasurer, upon
your authorization, EGID will automatically draft your bank account for your monthly
insurance premiums.
If you wish to participate, your bank account will be debited on the 20th of each month,
and you will not need to mail a check for your insurance premium. There is no charge
for this service.
Once you are enrolled in this process, you will no longer receive a monthly bill from us.
EGID will notify you of any change in the monthly debit amount. This process will
continue as long as you have insurance through EGID, until you notify us in writing that
you no longer wish to participate, or until a debit does not clear your bank.
We encourage you to take advantage of direct debiting by completing the enclosed
authorization form. A confirmation will be sent to you showing the amount that will be
debited every month along with the month in which this process will begin.
The authorization form must be received in our office by the 10th of the month to
be effective for the current month’s premium. Forms received after the 10th will
be effective the following month. Premiums are required to be paid in full prior to
enrolling in direct debiting.
If you have any questions, call EGID Member Services at 405-717-8780 or 800-752-
9475. TTY users call 711.
Revised 01/14/2022
This authorization form must be received in our office by the 10th of the month to be
effective for the current month’s premium. Forms received after the 10th will be effective
the following month. Premiums are required to be paid in full prior to enrolling in direct
Employees Group Insurance Division
Member name
SSN or member ID
Member’s financial institution
I hereby authorize the Office of the State Treasurer to initiate debit entries for the
checking account at the financial institution indicated above for amounts due to the
Office of Management and Enterprise Services Employees Group Insurance Division.
This authority is to remain in full force and effect until one of the following occurs:
EGID has received notification from the insured of his or her desire to stop
participating in automatic bank withdrawals. The notice must be made at least
one week before the debit date.
The Office of the State Treasurer is unable to debit the account for any month
because of a closed account, insufficient funds or any other reason.
Signature Date
Attach a voided check here. Deposit slips will not be accepted.
Please mail this completed form to:
P.O. BOX 11137
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73136 9998
__________________________________________ ______________________
Employees Group Insurance Division
Beneficiary Designation Form
Please read the instructions carefully and complete this form in ink.
SSN or Member ID: __________________ Member Name: _____________________________________
First MI Last
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
New Address Street City State ZIP
Phone: (____) ___________________________ Alt Phone: (____) ________________________
Important*: Please ensure the “Share Percentage” section in both Primary Beneficiary(ies) and Contingent Beneficiary(ies)
add up to 100 percent. Payment will be made in equal shares to all surviving beneficiaries unless otherwise indicated.
Primary Beneficiary’s Name and Address
Phone #
Date of Birth
Proceeds are paid to the contingent beneficiary(ies) identified below only if there is no surviving primary beneficiary(ies).
Contingent Beneficiary’s Name and Address
Phone #
Date of Birth
I have named the above beneficiary(ies) to receive my life insurance benefits from HealthChoice. I
understand this form replaces and cancels all prior beneficiary designations and will become effective
only when it is received by EGID.
Member Signature - original signature required Date
Mail this form to OMES EGID at P.O. Box 11137, Oklahoma City, OK 73136-9998
Instructions for Completing the Beneficiary Designation Form
This beneficiary form applies to the HealthChoice Life Insurance Plan offered through the Office of Management
and Enterprise Services Employees Group Insurance Division. If you are retired, it does not affect the beneficiaries
for any death benefit you may have through your retirement system.
The beneficiary designations you make on this form replace and cancel all prior life insurance beneficiary
designations with EGID. Your designations do not become effective until this form is signed and received by
EGID. Do not alter this form or attach additional pages.
It is very important that you provide the full legal name, address, relationship, date of birth and Social
Security number of each beneficiary you designate. This information is essential in ensuring that your named
beneficiaries can be located and receive your intended benefit amount. The Beneficiary Designation Form has
three parts: Member Information, Primary and Contingent Beneficiary Designation and Signature. Please print
clearly in ink.
Employer Name Provide the name of your employer. This information is not required of a former
Member Information Provide your name, SSN or Member ID and address.
Primary Beneficiary Designation You can designate one or more primary beneficiaries. All primary
beneficiaries share equally, unless you note otherwise. In the event that multiple primary beneficiaries are
named and a primary beneficiary dies before or simultaneously with you, the remaining primary
beneficiary(ies) will be entitled to equal share of the deceased beneficiary’s designated benefit amount.
Contingent Beneficiary Designation You can designate one or more contingent beneficiaries.
Contingent beneficiaries receive benefits only in the event all primary beneficiaries die before or
simultaneously with you. All contingent beneficiaries share equally, unless you note otherwise on your form.
In the event that multiple contingent beneficiaries are named and a contingent beneficiary dies before or
simultaneously with you, the remaining contingent beneficiary(ies) will be entitled to equal share of the
deceased beneficiary’s designated benefit amount.
Signature You must sign and date your form.
Special Beneficiary Designations
Sometimes members wish to make a special designation for trusts, minors or institutions. If you wish to make a
special designation, please read the following information carefully.
Designating a trust as beneficiary To designate a trust as beneficiary, provide the actual name of the
trust and the date the trust was created in the space provided.
Designating a minor as beneficiary A minor can be named your beneficiary; however, it is often difficult
and costly for a minor to receive payment, especially if the amount exceeds $10,000. Before you designate a
minor as your beneficiary, you should consult an attorney or professional financial advisor.
Designating an institution as beneficiary To designate an institution (church, charity, funeral home, etc.)
as your beneficiary, provide the full name of the institution and list the address in the space provided.
After you complete and sign the Beneficiary Designation Form, mail it to:
Office of Management and Enterprise Services
Employees Group Insurance Division
P.O. Box 11137, Oklahoma City, OK 73136-9998
Remember to keep a copy of your completed form for your records.
State of Oklahoma
Office of Management and Enterprise Services
Privacy Notice
Revised October 2023
This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and
how you can get access to this information. Please review this notice carefully.
For questions or complaints regarding privacy concerns with OMES, please contact:
OMES HIPAA Privacy Officer
P.O. Box 11137, Oklahoma City, OK 73136
405-717-8780 or toll-free 800-752-9475
TTY 711
Why is the notice of privacy practices important?
This notice provides important information about the practices of OMES pertaining to the way it
gathers, uses, discloses and manages your Protected Health Information and also describes how
you can access this information. PHI is health information that can be linked to a particular person by
certain identifiers including, but not limited to, names, Social Security numbers, addresses and birth
Oklahoma privacy laws and the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
(HIPAA) protect the privacy of an individual’s health information. Please note, in general the laws
and regulations of HIPAA do not apply to the Health Choice Disability Plan and HealthChoice Life
Insurance Plan. For HIPAA purposes, OMES has designated itself as a hybrid entity. This means
that HIPAA only applies to areas of OMES operations involving health care and not to all lines of
service offered by OMES. This notice applies to the privacy practices of the following OMES
divisions and positions that may share or access your PHI as needed for treatment, payment and
health care operations:
Employees Group Insurance Division (EGID).
General Counsel Legal.
Information Services as it applies to maintenance and storage of PHI.
The Director of Public Affairs and Grants Management and the Legislative Liaison.
OMES is committed to protecting the privacy and security of your PHI as used within the
components listed above.
Your information. Your rights. Our responsibilities.
Your rights
When it comes to your health information, you have certain rights. This section explains your
rights and some of our responsibilities to help you.
Get an electronic or paper copy of your health and claims records.
You can ask to see or get an electronic copy of your medical record and other health
information we have about you. Ask us how to do this using the contact information at the
beginning of this notice.
We will provide a copy or a summary of your health and claims records, usually within 30 days
of your request. We may charge a reasonable, cost-based fee.
Ask us to correct health and claims records.
You can ask us to correct your health and claims records if you think they are incorrect or
incomplete. Ask us how to do this using the contact information at the beginning of this
We may decline your request but will explain the reasons in writing within 60 days.
Request confidential communications.
You can ask us to contact you in a specific manner; e.g., home or office phone, or to send
mail to an alternate address.
We will consider all reasonable requests.
o If declining would put you in danger, tell us and we will automatically approve your
Ask us to limit what we use or share.
You can ask us not to use or share certain health information for treatment, payment or our
o We are not required to approve your request and may decline if it would affect your
Get a list of those with whom we’ve shared information.
You can ask for an accounting of the times we’ve shared your health information for six
years prior to the date you ask, who we shared it with and why.
We will include all the disclosures except for those about treatment, payment andhealth care
operations, and certain other disclosures (such as any you asked us to make).
We will provide one free accounting per year but will charge a reasonable fee if you request
an additional accounting within 12 months.
Get a copy of this privacy notice.
You can ask for a paper copy of this notice at any time, even if you have agreed to receive the
notice electronically. We will promptly provide you with a paper copy.
Choose someone to act for you.
If you have named a medical power of attorney, or if someone is your legal guardian,
that person can exercise your rights and make decisions about your health information.
We will verify the person has this authority and can act for you before any action is
File a complaint if you feel your rights are violated.
You can file a complaint if you feel we have violated your rights by contacting us using
the information at the beginning of this notice.
You may also file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Office for Civil Rights by sending a letter to 200 Independence Ave., S.W., Washington,
D.C. 20201, calling 1-877-696-6775, or visiting
We will not retaliate against you for filing a complaint.
Your choices
For certain health information, you can tell us your choices about what we share. If you
have a clear preference for how we share your information in the situations described below, talk
to us. Tell us what you want us to do, and we will follow your instructions.
In these cases, you have both the right and choice to tell us to:
Share information with your family, close friends, or others involved in payment for your
Share information in a disaster relief situation.
Contact you for fundraising efforts.
If you are not able to tell us your preference (e.g., if you are unconscious), we may share your
information if we believe it is in your best interest. We may also share your information when needed
to lessen a serious and imminent health or safety threat.
In these cases, we never share your information unless you give us written permission:
Marketing purposes.
Sale of your information.
Most sharing of psychotherapy notes.
Our uses and disclosures
How do we typically use or share your health information?
Your PHI is used and disclosed by OMES employees and other entities under contract with OMES
according to HIPAA Privacy Rules and the “minimum necessary” standard, which releases only the
minimum necessary health information to achieve the intended purpose or to carry out a desired
function within OMES.
We typically use or share your health information in the following ways:
Help manage the health care treatment you receive.
We can use your health information and share it with professionals who are treating you.
Example: A doctor sends us information about your diagnosis and treatment plan so we can
arrange additional services.
Run our organization.
We can use and disclose your information to run our organization and contact you when
We are not allowed to use genetic information to decide whether we will give you coverage
and the price of that coverage. This does not apply to long term careplans.
Examples: We use health information about you to develop better services for you, provide customer
service, resolve member grievances, member advocacy, conduct activities to improve member
health and reduce costs, assist in the coordination and continuity of health care, and to set premium
Pay for your health services.
We can use and disclose your health information as we pay for your eligible health services.
Example: We share information about you with your dental plan to coordinate payment for your
dental work.
Administer your plan.
We may disclose summarized health information to your health plan sponsor for
plan administration.
Example: Your employer contracts with us to provide a health plan, and we provide the
employer with certain statistics to explain the premiums we charge.
How else can we use or share your health information?
We are allowed or required to share your information in other ways usually in ways that contribute
to the public good, such as public health and research. We must comply with the law to share your
information for these purposes. For more information, refer to
Help with public health and safety issues.
We can share your health information for certain situations such as:
Preventing disease.
Helping with product recalls.
Reporting adverse reactions to medications.
Reporting suspected abuse, neglect or domestic violence.
Preventing or reducing a serious threat to anyone’s health or safety.
Do research.
We can use or share your information for health research, as permitted by law.
Comply with the law.
We will share information about you if state or federal laws require it, including with the Department
of Health and Human Services if it wants to ensure we are complying with federal privacy laws.
Respond to organ and tissue donation requests.
We can share health information about you with organ procurement organizations.
Work with a medical examiner or funeral director.
We can share health information with a coroner, medical examiner or funeral director when an
individual dies.
Address workers’ compensation, law enforcement and other government requests.
We can use or share health information about you:
For workers’ compensation claims.
For law enforcement purposes or with a law enforcement official.
With health oversight agencies for activities authorized by law.
For special government functions such as military, national security, and presidential
protective services.
Respond to lawsuits and legal actions.
We can share health information about you in response to a court or administrative order or in
response to a subpoena.
Our responsibilities
When it comes to your health information, we have specific obligations such as:
We are required by law to maintain the privacy and security of your Protected Health
We will let you know promptly if a breach occurs that may have compromised the privacy or
security of your PHI.
Wemust follow the duties and privacy practices described in this notice and give you a copy
of it.
We will not use or share your PHI other than as described here unless you notify us in writing
that wecan. You may change your mind at any time but must let us know in writing if you do.
For more information, refer to
Changes to the terms of this notice.
We can change the terms of this notice, and the changes will apply to all information we have about
you. The new notice will be available upon request, on our website, and we will deliver a copy to
you. You may also subscribe online to receive notice of changes to this page via email or text
Contact Informaon
Health plans
BCBS – BlueLincs
918-594-5242 or 800-777-4890
TDD/TTY 800-722-0353
GlobalHealth Inc.
405-280-5600 or 877-280-5600
TTY 711
TTY 711
TTY 711
Health Plans – Medicare
Supplement Plans
BCBSOK Member Services
TTY 711ree-medicare-state
TTY 711
TTY 711
Health Plans – MAPD Plans
BCBSOK Member Services
TTY 711
CommunityCare Senior Health Plan
918-594-5323 or 800-642-8065
TDD/TTY 800-722-0353
Generations by GlobalHealth
Prospective Members:
Current Members:
405-280-5555 or 844-280-5555
TTY 711
Humana Group Medicare Customer Care
Identify yourself as a retiree with the State of
Oklahoma/EGID when calling as a prospective
TTY 711
7 a.m. to 8 p.m. CT
Dental Plans
BCBS – BlueCare
Cigna Prepaid Dental
Hearing-impaired relay 800-654-5988ts
Delta Dental
405-607-2100 or 800-522-0188
405-521-2387 or 877-738-6365
Oklahoma Law Enforcement
Retirement System
405-522-4931 or 877-213-0856
Contact Informaon
Customer Care 800-323-4314
TTY 711
Sun Life
Life Plans
Customer Care 800-323-4314
TTY 711
Vision plans
Primary Vision Care Services (PVCS)
TDD 800-722-0353
Superior Vision
TDD 916-852-2382ts
Vision Care Direct
TTY 711
TDD 800-428-4833
Other important numbers
Employees Group Insurance Division
405-717-8780 or 800-752-9475
TTY 711
Social Security Administraon
TTY 800-325-0778
TTY 877-486-2048
Oklahoma Public Employees
Rerement System
405-858-6737 or 800-733-9008
Oklahoma Teachers’
Rerement System
405-521-2387 or 877-738-6365
Oklahoma Law Enforcement
Rerement System
405-522-4931 or 877-213-0856
Forms you must complete to continue
benefits when you leave active employment
Application for
Vested/Defer Insurance
(Page A1)
Yes Yes
Application for Medicare
Supplement With
Prescription Drug Plan
(Page B1)
Each enrollee must
complete an application
Application for Medicare
Advantage Prescription
Drug (MAPD) Plan
(Page C1)
No No
Each enrollee must
complete an application
Beneficiary Designation
(If continuing life
insurance coverage)
(Page E1)
Yes Yes Yes
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Initiative (62 O.S. 2012, § 34.11.3). This work is licensed under a Creative Attribution- NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.