2018;362:k2860 | doi: 10.1136/bmj.k2860 1
Subacromial decompression versus diagnostic arthroscopy for
shoulder impingement: randomised, placebo surgery controlled
clinical trial
Mika Paavola,
Antti Malmivaara,
Simo Taimela,
Kari Kanto,
Jari Inkinen,
Juha Kalske,
Ilkka Sinisaari,
Vesa Savolainen,
Jonas Ranstam,
Teppo L N Järvinen
for the Finnish
Shoulder Impingement Arthroscopy Controlled Trial (FIMPACT) Investigators
To assess the ecacy of arthroscopic subacromial
decompression (ASD) by comparing it with diagnostic
arthroscopy, a placebo surgical intervention, and with
a non-operative alternative, exercise therapy, in a
more pragmatic setting.
Multicentre, three group, randomised, double blind,
sham controlled trial.
Orthopaedic departments at three public hospitals in
210 patients with symptoms consistent with shoulder
impingement syndrome, enrolled from 1 February
2005 with two year follow-up completed by 25 June
ASD, diagnostic arthroscopy (placebo control), and
exercise therapy.
Shoulder pain at rest and on arm activity (visual
analogue scale (VAS) from 0 to 100, with 0 denoting
no pain), at 24 months. The threshold for minimal
clinically important dierence was set at 15.
In the primary intention to treat analysis (ASD versus
diagnostic arthroscopy), no clinically relevant between
group dierences were seen in the two primary
outcomes at 24 months (mean change for ASD 36.0 at
rest and 55.4 on activity; for diagnostic arthroscopy
31.4 at rest and 47.5 on activity). The observed mean
dierence between groups (ASD minus diagnostic
arthroscopy) in pain VAS were −4.6 (95% condence
interval −11.3 to 2.1) points (P=0.18) at rest and
−9.0 (−18.1 to 0.2) points (P=0.054) on arm activity.
No between group dierences were seen between
the ASD and diagnostic arthroscopy groups in the
secondary outcomes or adverse events. In the
secondary comparison (ASD versus exercise therapy),
statistically signicant dierences were found in
favour of ASD in the two primary outcomes at 24
months in both VAS at rest (−7.5, −14.0 to −1.0,
points; P=0.023) and VAS on arm activity (−12.0,
−20.9 to −3.2, points; P=0.008), but the mean
dierences between groups did not exceed the pre-
specied minimal clinically important dierence. Of
note, this ASD versus exercise therapy comparison is
not only confounded by lack of blinding but also likely
to be biased in favour of ASD owing to the selective
removal of patients with likely poor outcome from the
ASD group, without comparable exclusions from the
exercise therapy group.
In this controlled trial involving patients with a
shoulder impingement syndrome, arthroscopic
subacromial decompression provided no benet over
diagnostic arthroscopy at 24 months.
Management of shoulder pain has been estimated to
account for 4.5 million visits to physicians and $3bn
(£2.3bn; €2.6bn) financial burden each year in the
US alone.
1 2
As 44-70% of patients with shoulder pain
are diagnosed as having a shoulder impingement
syndrome, annual direct medical costs of this
complaint are estimated at more than $1bn in the
The pathognomonic clinical sign of shoulder
impingement syndrome, subacromial shoulder pain
while lifting the arm, is commonly attributed to
“impingement” of the rotator cu tendons between the
humeral head and the overlying acromion. Premised
on this rationale, the undersurface of the acromion
is smoothened to decompress the passage of the
rotator cu tendon through the subacromial space in a
surgical procedure called subacromial decompression.
For numbered aliations see
end of article.
Correspondence to: M Paavola
Additional material is published
online only. To view please visit
the journal online.
Cite this as: BMJ ;:k
Accepted: 8 June 2018
Arthroscopic subacromial decompression, the most commonly performed
shoulder surgery, is carried out to treat patients with shoulder impingement
Three recent systematic reviews indicate that subacromial decompression is not
superior to exercise therapy in patients with shoulder impingement syndrome
Without a placebo surgical comparator (proper blinding), the ecacy of
arthroscopic subacromial decompression cannot be assessed
This FIMPACT trial and the recently published (highly similar) CSAW trial are
the rst two placebo surgery controlled trials on the ecacy of arthroscopic
subacromial decompression
Both arthroscopic subacromial decompression and diagnostic arthroscopy
(placebo surgery) resulted in signicant improvements in pain and functional
outcomes with no dierence in the incidence of adverse events
However, the patients assigned to arthroscopic subacromial decompression had
no superior improvement over those assigned to diagnostic arthroscopy
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2018;362:k2860 | thebmj
Although various non-operative treatment modalities
are recommended as initial treatment for patients
with shoulder impingement symptoms,
6 7
decompression has become one of the most frequently
performed orthopaedic procedures in the world.
the advent of arthroscopy, the number of subacromial
decompression procedures has increased many times
between the 1980s and the 2010s.
9 10
We conducted
a multicentre, randomised, double blind, placebo
surgery controlled trial to assess the ecacy of
arthroscopic subacromial decompression (ASD) in
patients with shoulder symptoms consistent with
shoulder impingement syndrome.
Trial design
We conducted this superiority trial at three orthopaedic
clinics in Finland from 1 February 2005 to 25 June
2015. Details of the trial design and conduct have
been published elsewhere.
The patients, the people
who collected and analysed the data, and those who
interpreted the principal findings for the ASD versus
diagnostic arthroscopy comparison (see below,
“Blinded data interpretation”) were unaware of the
study group assignments. On entering the study,
patients were unequivocally informed that they might
undergo diagnostic arthroscopy and that they would
be allowed to consider crossing over to ASD if they did
not have adequate relief of symptoms, preferably no
sooner than six months after randomisation.
We enrolled patients aged 35-65 years who had
subacromial pain (for more than three months)
that was unresponsive to conventional conservative
treatment and had clinical findings consistent with
shoulder impingement syndrome. All patients had
magnetic resonance imaging with intra-articular
contrast to exclude a rotator cu tear. Detailed
inclusion and exclusion criteria are provided in table
S1 in appendix 2.
Randomisation and blinding
In an attempt to obtain three balanced study groups
of similar size, we planned a twofold, sequential
randomisation as follows. Firstly, during the baseline
appointment, patients were randomised to surgical
or conservative treatment (exercise therapy) in a 2:1
ratio. Patients randomised to exercise therapy started
standardised physiotherapy within two weeks of the
baseline appointment, whereas those allocated to
surgery were scheduled for surgery with the aim of
carrying out the procedure within 12 weeks of this
first randomisation. In patients allocated to surgery,
we did a diagnostic arthroscopy to rule out a rotator
cu tendon tear and other obvious intra-articular
pathology needing surgical treatment. If we found
a full or a partial thickness rotator cu tear large
enough to need repair (grade III) according to clinical
practice guidelines,
we excluded the patient and
repaired the tear. Patients with a partial tear that did
not need repair (grade I and II) were included in the
study. If the eligibility of the patient was confirmed in
diagnostic arthroscopy, the surgeon asked a research
nurse to carry out the second randomisation by
opening an envelope containing the study group
assignment (ASD or diagnostic arthroscopy; ratio 1:1).
Only the orthopaedic surgeon and other sta in the
operating room were made aware of the surgical group
assignment, and they did not participate in further
treatment or follow-up of the patient.
Randomisation was carried out using sequentially
numbered sealed opaque envelopes. Separate
randomisation lists for each of the three centres, with
blocks varying randomly in size, were prepared by a
statistician with no involvement in the clinical care of
participants in the trial.
Study interventions
Exercise therapy
Supervised, progressive, individually designed
physiotherapy was started within two weeks of
randomisation, using a standardised protocol that
relied primarily on daily home exercises as well as 15
visits to an independent physiotherapist (the detailed
exercise therapy protocol is available in appendix 1).
Diagnostic arthroscopy
We carried out arthroscopic examination of the
glenohumeral joint and subacromial space with
the use of standard posterior and lateral portals
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2018;362:k2860 | doi: 10.1136/bmj.k2860 3
and a 4 mm arthroscope with the patient under
general anaesthesia, usually supplemented with an
interscalene brachial plexus block. We did an intra-
articular and subacromial assessment of the rotator
cu integrity. If the rotator cu insertion could not be
otherwise visualised, subacromial bursal tissue was
bluntly stretched with a trochar or resected, keeping the
resection to a minimum. If arthroscopic examination
showed any pathology needing intervention other than
ASD, we excluded the patient from the trial (fig 1).
Once the eligibility was confirmed, the participants
were randomly assigned to either ASD or diagnostic
arthroscopy. For those allocated to the diagnostic
arthroscopy group, the operation was terminated. To
ensure concealment of the allocation from participants
and the sta other than those in the operating theatre,
the diagnostic arthroscopy participants were kept in
the operating theatre for the time needed to perform
subacromial decompression.
Arthroscopic subacromial decompression
After arthroscopic examination of the shoulder (that
is, diagnostic arthroscopy), the ASD procedure, which
involved the debridement of the entire subacromial
bursa (bursectomy) and resection of the bony spurs
and the projecting anterolateral undersurface of the
acromion, was carried out with a shaver, burr, and/or
Postoperative care
The postoperative rehabilitation was identical in the
ASD and diagnostic arthroscopy groups, consisting of
one visit to an independent physiotherapist, blind to
the group assignment, for guidance and instructions
for home exercises.
Outcome measures
Given that the pathognomonic clinical sign of shoulder
impingement syndrome is subacromial shoulder pain,
especially at night and while lifting the arm, our two
primary outcome measures were shoulder pain at rest
and shoulder pain on arm activity at 24 months. We used
a 0-100 visual analogue scale (VAS) ranging from 0 (no
pain) to 100 (extreme pain) to assess the shoulder pain.
At the time of our trial’s launch no direct evidence on
the appropriate minimal clinically important dierence
for VAS in patients with shoulder impingement
syndrome was available, so we considered 15 points
to be the minimal clinically important dierence.
We based this estimate on an extensive review of the
existing literature on minimal clinically important
dierences for the VAS scale in a wide range of dierent
musculoskeletal conditions. The appropriateness of
the chosen minimal clinically important dierence has
subsequently been validated.
Secondary outcomes included two shoulder function
assessment instruments, the Constant-Murley score
and the simple shoulder test, as well as the 15D,
generic health related quality of life instrument made
up of 15 dimensions and scored on a scale of 0 (death)
to 1 (full health). Patients’ global assessment of
satisfaction with the treatment was assessed on a VAS
ranging from 0 (completely dissatisfied) to 100 (very
satisfied), and satisfaction with the treatment outcome
was assessed using a five item scale (from very satisfied
to very dissatisfied). We used the responses from the
latter question to carry out a responder analysis
(appendix 1).
Questionnaires were administered at baseline and
three, six, 12, and 24 months after randomisation.
The follow-up questionnaires also included a separate
section on adverse events. We defined adverse events as
untoward medical occurrences that did not necessarily
have a causal relation with the treatment administered.
Serious adverse events were those having the potential
to result in significant disability/incapacity, need
inpatient hospital care, prolong the hospital care, be
life threatening, or result in death. At the three month
follow-up, the surgically treated patients were asked
which procedure (ASD or diagnostic arthroscopy) they
thought they had had.
Statistical analysis and sample size calculation
We powered the study to detect a dierence of at
least the minimal clinically important dierence
(15 points
) in the two primary outcomes between
the ASD and diagnostic arthroscopy groups. For
the study to have 90% power to show a minimal
clinically important advantage of ASD over diagnostic
arthroscopy, under the assumption of a two sided type
1 error rate of 5%, we planned to recruit 70 patients
per group.
The trial was primarily designed to ascertain
whether ASD is superior to diagnostic arthroscopy, at
24 months after the procedure, with the two primary
outcomes (the primary confirmatory comparison). We
also included a pragmatic comparison of the relative
benefits of ASD versus exercise therapy (the secondary
exploratory comparison). An independent statistician
unaware of the group assignments did all the analyses
according to the previously published statistical
analysis plan. The statistical analysis plan, outlining
our statistical methods in more detail, is provided in
appendix 1.
We quantified the treatment eect on an intention to
treat (ASD versus diagnostic arthroscopy comparison)
or full analysis set (ASD versus exercise therapy
comparison) basis, as the dierence between the
groups in pain scores (VAS), Constant-Murley score,
simple shoulder test score, and 15D score with the
associated 95% confidence intervals and P values at
24 months after the primary randomisation. In the
intention to treat and full analysis set analyses, the
participants were included as randomised. We used
a mixed model repeated measurements analysis of
variance with patient as a random factor (repeated
measurements at three, six, 12, and 24 months),
the baseline value as a covariate, and assuming a
covariance structure with compound symmetry. As
the mixed model repeated measurements analysis of
variance allows for analysis of unbalanced datasets
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2018;362:k2860 | thebmj
without imputation, we analysed all available data,
the full analysis set. The missingness of the outcome
data at dierent time points is shown in table S12
in appendix 2. We fitted the mixed model repeated
measurements model by using the mixed procedure in
Stata and used Satterthwaite’s method to calculate the
degrees of freedom.
We used generalised estimating equation logistic
regression analysis to analyse categorical variables.
We compared the frequencies of patients who
reported satisfaction or subjective improvement and
the proportions of responders and non-responders,
those with a change exceeding the minimal clinically
important improvement in the primary outcomes, and
reoperations/treatment conversions between the two
groups at 24 months.
To safeguard against potential multiplicity eects in
the primary comparison,
we required a statistically
significant treatment eect on both of our primary
outcome variables. All secondary analyses are
supportive, exploratory, and/or hypothesis generating.
We did two sensitivity analyses (per protocol and as
treated) and four subgroup analyses (potential eect
modifying of the duration and severity of symptoms,
the acromial anatomy, and the presence/absence
of bursal resection) with the same principles as the
intention to treat and full analysis set analyses. We
considered a P value of 0.05 to indicate statistical
significance. We used Stata v14.1 for all statistical
Blinded data interpretation
We interpreted the results of the trial according to
a blinded data interpretation scheme.
In brief,
an independent statistician provided the Writing
Committee of the FIMPACT trial with blinded results from
Allocated to surgery (ASD or DA) (n=139)
Underwent shoulder arthroscopy (n=134)
Allocated to exercise therapy (ET) (n=71)
Assessed for eligibility (n=281)
Underwent 1st randomisation (n=210)
Received exercise therapy (n=71)
Analysis at 24 months (n=59)
Allocated to DA (n=63)
Received no further surgery, DA (n=63)
Allocated to ASD (n=59)
Received subacromial
decompression, ASD (n=59)
Withdrew from study (n=0)
Lost to follow-up (n=0)
Excluded before arthroscopy (n=5):
Had symptomatic osteoarthritis of acromioclavicular
joint (n=2)
Declined to participate (n=2)
Did not meet anesthesiological outpatient criteria (n=1)
Underwent second randomisation (n=122)
Excluded because of ndings at diagnostic arthroscopy
Had a full thickness tear of the RC tendons (n=6)
Had a SLAP lesion or pathology of long head of
biceps tendon (n=5)
Had marked instability of shoulder joint (n=1)
Excluded before randomisation (n=71):
Had a full thickness tear of rotator cu tendons (n=47)
Had osteoarthritis of acromioclavicular joint (n=2)
Had substantial calcic deposits in rotator cu tendons (n=2)
Became asymptomatic while waiting for MRA (n=7)
MRA could not be obtained (n=4)
Declined to participate (n=3)
Had other intra-articular pathology (n=6)
Analysis at 24 months (n=68) Analysis at 24 months (n=59)
Withdrew from study (n=2):
Personal reasons (n=1)
Medical reasons unrelated to study (n=1)
Lost to follow-up (n=2):
Dead (n=1)
Data missing (n=1)
Withdrew from study (n=3):
Personal reasons (n=2)
Medical reasons unrelated to study (n=1)
Lost to follow-up (n=0)
Fig | Study flowchart. ASD=arthroscopic subacromial decompression; DA=diagnostic arthroscopy; MRA=magnetic
resonance arthrography; SLAP=superior labrum anterior-posterior. Full details of unblinding, treatment conversions,
and reoperations are provided in table S in appendix
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2018;362:k2860 | doi: 10.1136/bmj.k2860 5
the analyses, with the groups labelled group A, group
B, and group C. The Writing Committee then considered
the interpretation of the results until a consensus
was reached and agreed in writing on all alternative
interpretations of the findings. Once a consensus was
reached, we recorded the minutes of this meeting in a
document coined statement of interpretation, which
was signed by all members of the Writing Committee.
After this common agreement was reached, the data
manager and the independent statistician broke the
randomisation code and the correct interpretation was
chosen. The draft of the manuscript was then finalised.
Detailed minutes of blinded data interpretation
meetings are provided in appendix 1.
Patient involvement
No patients were involved in designing the study, nor
were they involved in developing plans for recruitment,
design, or implementation of the study. No patients
were asked to advise on interpretation or writing
up of results. When the results of this randomised
controlled trial are published, a lay information flyer
with final results will be sent to the recruiting centres
for dissemination to the trial participants.
Characteristics of patients
Of the 281 eligible patients, we excluded 71 (fig 1).
A total of 210 patients were included in the first
randomisation; 71 were assigned to exercise therapy
and 139 to surgery. Of those allocated to surgery
(n=139), another 17 were excluded before the second
randomisation (fig 1), leaving 59 patients to receive
ASD and 63 to receive diagnostic arthroscopy. Over
the course of the 24 month follow-up, three patients
in the exercise therapy group and two patients in
the diagnostic arthroscopy group withdrew from the
study, and one patient in the diagnostic arthroscopy
group died. The study groups were well balanced on
all baseline characteristics (table 1). The patients who
withdrew from the study (n=5) were similar to those
who were randomised with respect to primary outcome
measures at baseline.
Primary comparison: ASD versus diagnostic
Primary outcomes
We saw marked improvement from baseline to 24
months in both primary outcomes in both the ASD
and diagnostic arthroscopy groups (mean change for
ASD 36.0 at rest and 55.4 on activity; for diagnostic
arthroscopy 31.4 at rest and 47.5 on activity) (fig 2 and
table 2), but no significant between group dierences
existed at 24 months in either VAS pain at rest (mean
dierence, ASD minus diagnostic arthroscopy, −4.6,
95% confidence interval −11.3 to 2.1; P=0.18) or VAS
pain on arm activity (−9.0, −18.1 to 0.2; P=0.054) (fig
2, table 2, and table S3 in appendix 2). These results
remained unaltered in the pre-specified sensitivity
analyses (as treated and per protocol) and subgroup
analyses (tables S2, S5, and S6 in appendix 2).
Secondary and other outcomes
We found no significant between group dierences in
any of the secondary outcomes (table 2 and table S4
in appendix 2). Patients in the diagnostic arthroscopy
group were no more likely than those in the ASD group
to guess that they had had a placebo procedure (22/53
(42%) and 2154 (39%), respectively; P=0.85).
Unblinding of treatment allocation and crossovers
Six of 59 patients in the ASD group and nine of
63 patients in the diagnostic arthroscopy group
(P=0.49) reported persistent symptoms after surgery
suciently severe to lead to unblinding of the study
group assignment (at an average of 10 months after
the index operation) (table S7 in appendix 2). Two
participants in the ASD group underwent a consequent
reoperation—one had manipulation under anaesthesia
and the other first had acromioclavicular resection
and then later manipulation under anaesthesia. In
the diagnostic arthroscopy group, eight patients had
a reoperation (seven ASDs and one ASD coupled with
subscapularis tendon repair). Details of unblindings,
treatment conversions, and reoperations are shown in
table S7 in appendix 2.
Complications and adverse events
One patient in the diagnostic arthroscopy group had
temporary swelling in the brachial area related to
a brachial plexus block. Three patients in the ASD
group and one patient in the diagnostic arthroscopy
group developed symptoms consistent with a frozen
shoulder over the course of the 24 month follow-up
(table 2). No other complications directly related to the
interventions were registered.
Secondary comparison: ASD versus exercise
Primary outcomes
Marked improvement from baseline to 24 months
was seen in both primary outcomes in both the ASD
and exercise therapy groups (fig 3, table 3, and table
S8 in appendix 2). We found statistically significant
dierences in favour of ASD at 24 months in both VAS
at rest (−7.5, −14.0 to −1.0; P=0.023) and VAS on arm
activity (−12.0, −20.9 to −3.2; P=0.008), but the mean
dierence between the groups did not exceed the pre-
specified minimal clinically important dierence
of 15. These results remained essentially unaltered
in the pre-specified sensitivity analyses (table S10
in appendix 2). We found no significant dierences
between the groups in the proportion of patients
with pain reduction exceeding the minimal clinically
important improvement threshold of 15 in VAS pain at
rest and VAS pain on activity (table S11 in appendix2).
The proportion of patients with VAS pain on activity
below the threshold of 30 at 24 months was lower in
the exercise therapy group than in the ASD group (table
S11 in appendix 2). Of note, this ASD versus exercise
therapy comparison is confounded by lack of blinding
and the fact that 17/139 (12%) patients were excluded
from the two surgical groups before the second
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2018;362:k2860 | thebmj
randomisation without any comparable exclusions
from the exercise therapy group. As a result, this ASD
versus exercise therapy comparison is likely to be
biased in favour of ASD. Also, the progressive exercise
therapy regimen carried out in the exercise therapy
group is dierent from the overall postoperative care
carried out for patients in the ASD group.
Secondary and other outcomes
The only statistically significant between group
dierence in the secondary outcomes was in the
Constant-Murley score in favour of ASD (7.7, 1.6 to
13.9; P=0.013) (table 3), but the mean dierence
between the groups did not exceed the pre-specified
threshold of 17 for minimal clinically important
dierence. Furthermore, the group dierences in the
Constant-Murley score were not statistically significant
in the pre-specified sensitivity analyses (table S10 in
appendix 2).
Unblinding of treatment allocation and crossovers
Fifteen patients who were initially assigned to exercise
therapy reported persistent symptoms suciently
severe to require unblinding; 14 of them subsequently
underwent ASD and one underwent acromioclavicular
resection. Three consequent reoperations were
performed (table S7 in appendix 2).
Complications and adverse events
Two patients in the exercise therapy group developed
symptoms consistent with a frozen shoulder, and one
patient reported aggravation of low back pain over the
course of exercise therapy regimen (table 3). No other
adverse events directly related to the exercise therapy
were registered.
This multicentre, randomised, placebo controlled
trial involving patients with shoulder impingement
syndrome showed that arthroscopic subacromial
decompression was not superior to diagnostic
arthroscopy, with regard to outcomes assessed at the
end of a 24 month follow-up period. Although both
groups had significant improvement in both primary
outcomes, the patients assigned to ASD had no
clinically relevant improvement over those assigned to
diagnostic arthroscopy.
Comparison with other studies
We are aware of only one other randomised, placebo
surgery controlled trial on the ecacy of ASD in the
treatment of shoulder impingement syndrome.
findings of this recently published “Can Shoulder
Arthroscopy Work?” (CSAW) trial showed that at both
Table | Baseline characteristics of participants according to study group
Arthroscopic subacromial
decompression (n=)
arthroscopy (n=)
therapy (n=)
Mean (SD) age, years 50.5 (7.3) 50.8 (7.6) 50.4 (6.6)
No (%) female 42 (71) 46 (73) 47 (66)
No (%) dominant hand aected 35 (59) 36 (57) 46 (65)
Mean (SD) duration of symptoms, months 18 (14) 18 (19) 22 (23)
No (%) able to work normally regardless of shoulder symptoms 27 (46) 31 (49) 35 (49)
Mean (SD) visual analogue scale score, at rest* 41.3 (25.8) 41.6 (25.5) 41.7 (27.5)
Mean (SD) visual analogue scale score, on arm activity* 71.2 (23.6) 72.3 (21.7) 72.4 (20.8)
Mean (SD) Constant-Murley score† 32.2 (15.8) 31.7 (14.0) 35.2 (16.2)
Mean (SD) simple shoulder test score‡ 4.9 (2.9) 4.9 (2.9) 4.8 (2.7)
Mean (SD) 15D score§ 0.89 (0.06) 0.89 (0.07) 0.88 (0.08)
*Shoulder pain at rest and on activity was assessed on a 100 mm visual analogue scale of 0 to 100, with 0 denoting no pain and 100 denoting extreme
†Scoring system for evaluation of various shoulder disorders consisting of both objective (range of motion and strength) and subjective measurements
(pain assessment, work load, and leisure time activities), summarised in a score between 0 and 100; higher score indicates better shoulder function.
‡Based on 12 questions with yes (1) or no (0) response options; maximum score is 12, indicating normal shoulder function; minimum score of 0 points
indicates severely diminished shoulder function.
§Generic health related quality of life instrument comprising 15 dimensions; maximum score is 1 (full health), and minimum score is 0 (death).
VAS at rest
VAS on arm activity
Baseline 36 12 24
Arthroscopic subacromial decompression
Diagnostic arthroscopy
Fig | Primary outcomes of primary comparison at
baseline and at , , , and  month follow-up. Visual
analogue scale (VAS) shoulder pain scores at rest and on
arm activity over  month follow-up period are shown.
VAS scales range from  to , with higher values
indicating more severe pain. Data are mean (% CI)
shown at follow-up time points
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2018;362:k2860 | doi: 10.1136/bmj.k2860 7
the primary six month follow-up and the secondary
12 month follow-up, arthroscopic subacromial
decompression seemed to oer no extra benefit
over arthroscopy alone (placebo comparator).
findings are in full agreement with the short term (six
and 12 month) findings of our trial (fig 2 and table
S3 in appendix 2) with respect to ecacy of ASD
over diagnostic arthroscopy. Our trial further shows
no clinically relevant benefit of ASD over diagnostic
arthroscopy at our primary, 24 month, follow-up time
Strengths and limitations of study
The placebo surgery controlled design represents the
primary dierence between our trial and the CSAW
and the rest of the existing literature on this
topic. Acknowledging that the act of surgery in itself
produces a profound placebo response,
the actual
treatment eect is impossible to distinguish from the
nonspecific (and placebo) eects—such as the patients’
or researchers’ expectations of benefitwithout a
placebo comparison group.
Such bias is particularly
important in trials with subjective endpoints.
that the proportions of patients who guessed whether
they had undergone a placebo procedure was similar
in the two surgical groups, we argue that the risk
of performance bias is low in our trial. Diagnostic
arthroscopy controlled trials in the knee and shoulder
with a very similar design to our study have prompted
assertions that diagnostic arthroscopy cannot be
considered a true placebo comparator because of the
alleged therapeutic eects of joint lavage.
existing high quality evidence disputes such assertions,
as tidal irrigation and arthroscopic lavage have both
failed to provide a benefit over placebo procedures
(placebo irrigation or skin incisions, respectively).
22 30
Moreover, no concerns were expressed regarding the
validity of using diagnostic arthroscopy as a control in
a previous placebo surgery controlled trial on surgery
after shoulder dislocation.
One obvious advantage
of appropriate blinding became readily apparent in
our trial. In the previous (unblinded) trials comparing
ASD with conservative treatment alternatives,
13 32-34
the observed higher frequency of crossovers in the
conservatively treated patients has been interpreted as
evidence for the superiority of ASD over conservative
Table | Primary comparison of arthroscopic subacromial decompression versus diagnostic arthroscopy: outcomes of
trial at  month follow-up*. Values are mean (% CI) unless stated otherwise
Arthroscopic subacromial
decompression (ASD; n=)
Diagnostic arthroscopy
(DA; n=)
Between group
dierence (ASD v DA)† P value
Primary outcomes
Visual analogue scale score, at rest 5.3 (0.8 to 9.7) 9.9 (5.4 to 14.3) −4.6 (−11.3 to 2.1) 0.18
Visual analogue scale score, on arm activity 15.8 (9.4 to 22.2) 24.8 (18.4 to 31.2) −9.0 (−18.1 to 0.2) 0.054
Secondary outcomes
Constant-Murley score 77.9 (73.7 to 82.3) 73.7 (69.5 to 78.0) 4.3 (−2.0 to 10.5) 0.18
Simple shoulder test score 10.3 (9.7 to 10.9) 9.9 (9.3 to 10.5) 0.5 (−0.4 to 1.3) 0.29
15D score 0.92 (0.91 to 0.93) 0.92 (0.91 to 0.93) 0.00 (−0.02 to 0.02) 1.00
Proportion of participants able to return to
previous leisure activities‡
0.82 (0.72 to 0.92) 0.77 (0.66 to 0.88) 0.06 (−0.10 to 0.22) 0.45
Proportion of responders§ 0.95 (0.89 to 1.0) 0.91 (0.84 to 0.99) 0.04 (−0.06 to 0.14) 0.42
Patients’ satisfaction with treatment¶ 88.1 (82.9 to 93.3) 87.1 (81.9 to 92.3) 0.9 (−6.6 to 8.3) 0.82
No (%) complications and adverse eects** 3 (5) 2 (3)
*Higher score indicates desired (better) treatment outcome for all outcomes other than pain visual analogue scale score and complications, for which lower
score indicates better outcomes.
†Between group dierences may not exactly equal dierence in changes in score between ASD and DA groups because of adjustment for baseline
imbalance in mixed eects model.
‡Ability to return to previous leisure activities was assessed with question “Have you been able to return to your previous leisure activities?” (“yes” or “no”).
§Participants’ satisfaction with treatment outcome was elicited with question “How satised are you with the outcome of your treatment?” on a ve item
scale; participants who reported being very satised or satised were categorised as “responders.
¶Participants’ global assessment of satisfaction with treatment was elicited with question “Are you satised with the treatment you have received?” on visual
analogue scale ranging from 0 (completely disappointed) to 100 (very satised).
**Complications directly related to interventions were registered.
VAS at rest
VAS on arm activity
Baseline 36 12 24
Arthroscopic subacromial decompression
Exercise therapy
Fig | Primary outcomes of secondary comparison at
baseline and at , , , and  month follow-up. Visual
analogue scale (VAS) shoulder pain scores at rest and on
arm activity over  month follow-up period are shown.
VAS scales range from  to , with higher values
indicating more severe pain. Data are mean (% CI)
shown at follow-up time points
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8 doi: 10.1136/bmj.k2860 |
2018;362:k2860 | thebmj
treatment. However, we note that the decision to (re)
operate was made after unblinding of the treatment
group allocation, whereas the decision to unblind the
treatment group is made without awareness of the
treatment given to the patient. We thus consider the
frequency of “unblindings” a less biased measure of the
severity of participants’ symptoms than the frequency
In our trial, we found no statistically
significant dierence in the frequency of unblindings
between the ASD and diagnostic arthroscopy groups
(6/59 in the ASD group versus 9/63 in the diagnostic
arthroscopy group; P=0.49).
Besides the placebo control, another obvious
strength of the ASD versus diagnostic arthroscopy
comparison was the ecacy or mechanistic design.
We used highly experienced surgeons and therapists
and isolated the critical therapeutic element of the
ASD procedure—the subacromial decompression—as
the only dierence between the two surgical groups
while carefully maintaining all other care as close
to identical as possible. In particular, we used very
stringent eligibility criteria to enrol—according to best
available evidence—only patients most likely to benefit
from ASD. Classically, stringent eligibility criteria are
considered to decrease the external validity of a study.
Although our patient population was indeed highly
selected, as showcased by the lengthy recruitment
period needed despite three high volume centres,
we think that the use of stringent eligibility criteria
paradoxically increases the generalisability of our
findings. When ASD was proven futile under this best
case scenario, there is no reason to assume that it
would work better under less optimal circumstances
or in a more heterogeneous population. We also note
that our primary findings are robust, as the sensitivity
and subgroup analyses did not materially change the
findings of our primary analyses (tables S5 and S6 in
appendix 2). In essence, the duration or severity of
symptoms or the acromial anatomy—factors previously
asserted as potential modifiers of the eect of ASD—
did not have a hypothesised eect on the primary
outcomes (table S6 in appendix 2). Obviously, all our
subgroup analyses are at higher risk of bias and should
be considered only supportive, explanatory, and/or
hypothesis generating.
Some limitations warrant discussion. The number
of participants completing the entire two year follow-
up was 59 in both the ASD group and the diagnostic
arthroscopy group, below the pre-specified target of 68.
The high number of exclusions among the participants
allocated to surgery was primarily attributable to
unexpectedly poor sensitivity of magnetic resonance
arthrography in detecting rotator cu tears and
other pathology needing intervention other than
ASD. Although our sample size being below the pre-
specified target might prompt assertions that the study
is underpowered, we note that our point estimates
exclude clinically significant treatment eects. In
essence, our findings are not based on absence of
evidence, as in an underpowered study, but rather on
evidence of absence of a clinically significant treatment
benefit. One may also criticise the validity of the chosen
minimal clinically important dierence threshold. At
the time of designing the trial, no evidence existed on
the appropriate minimal clinically important dierence
for patients with shoulder impingement syndrome, so
instead of being based on empirical data our estimate
for the minimal clinically important dierence (15
VAS points) was based on extensive review of the
literature in a wide range of dierent musculoskeletal
conditions. Reassuringly, some years after the launch
of our trial, a study exploring the minimal clinically
important dierence for the pain VAS in rotator cu
disease reported a point estimate of 14 VAS points.
Some evidence also suggests that bursectomy
alone (complete resection of the subacromial
Table | Secondary comparison of arthroscopic subacromial decompression versus diagnostic arthroscopy: outcomes
of trial at  month follow-up*. Values are mean (% CI)
Arthroscopic subacromial
decompression (ASD; n=)
Exercise therapy
(ET; n=)
Between group
dierence (ASD v ET)† P value
Primary outcomes
Visual analogue scale score, at rest 5.3 (0.6 to 10.0) 12.8 (8.4 to 17.3) −7.5 (−14.0 to −1.0) 0.023
Visual analogue scale score, on arm activity 16.0 (9.6 to 22.5) 28.1 (22.1 to 34.1) −12.0 (−20.9 to −3.2) 0.008
Secondary outcomes
Constant-Murley score 79.1 (74.7 to 83.4) 71.2 (67.0 to 75.3) 7.7 (1.6 to 13.9) 0.013
Simple shoulder test score 10.3 (9.7 to 10.9) 9.7 (9.1 to 10.2) 0.7 (−0.2 to 1.5) 0.12
15D score 0.91 (0.90 to 0.93) 0.91 (0.90 to 0.92) 0.00 (−0.02 to 0.02) 1.00
Proportion of participants able to return to
previous leisure activities‡
0.82 (0.72 to 0.92) 0.76 (0.65 to 0.86) 0.07 (−0.07 to 0.21) 0.31
Proportion of responders§ 0.95 (0.90 to 1.01) 0.90 (0.81 to 0.98) 0.06 (−0.04 to 0.16) 0.23
Patients’ satisfaction with treatment¶ 88.2 (82.8 to 93.5) 84.9 (79.9 to 89.8) 3.3 (−3.9 to 10.5) 0.36
No (%) complications and adverse eects** 3 (5) 3 (4)
*Higher score indicates desired (better) treatment outcome for all outcomes other than pain visual analogue scale score and complications, for which lower
score indicates better outcomes.
†Between group dierences may not exactly equal dierence in changes in score between ASD and DA groups because of adjustment for baseline
imbalance in mixed eects model.
‡Ability to return to previous leisure activities was assessed with question “Have you been able to return to your previous leisure activities?” (“yes” or “no”).
§Participants’ satisfaction with treatment outcome was elicited with question “How satised are you with the outcome of your treatment?” on a ve item
scale; participants who reported being very satised or satised were categorised as “responders.
¶Participants’ global assessment of satisfaction with treatment was elicited with question “Are you satised with the treatment you have received?” on visual
analogue scale ranging from 0 (completely disappointed) to 100 (very satised).
**Complications directly related to interventions were registered.
on 10 September 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright. first published as 10.1136/bmj.k2860 on 19 July 2018. Downloaded from
2018;362:k2860 | doi: 10.1136/bmj.k2860 9
bursa) provides similar outcomes to subacromial
decompression (bursectomy accompanied by
resection of acromial bone) in patients with shoulder
impingement syndrome.
Acknowledging this,
while also appreciating that a rotator cu tendon tear
is considered a dierent clinical entity from shoulder
impingement and a potentially strong prognostic factor
for poor outcome, we were faced with a methodological
dilemma between the elimination of the presence of
a clinically relevant rotator cu tear versus possible
confounding caused by a need to carry minimal
resection of the subacromial bursal tissue to properly
visualise rotator cu tendon insertion. We chose to
prioritise the rotator cu tears; accordingly, bursa
was either bluntly stretched with trochar or resected
if adequate visualisation of the rotator cu insertion
could not be achieved otherwise. Bursal resection was
carried out in 18 (30%) of the 63 participants in the
diagnostic arthroscopy group; in all but three cases,
the resection was minimal. To assess the possible eect
of this bursal tissue resection on our findings, we did a
pre-specified post hoc analysis (table S2 in appendix
2). Although underpowered, the analysis did not show
any statistically significant dierences in the primary
outcomes between patients who had resection carried
out and those who did not. If anything, the observed
marginal dierences favoured no resection.
Furthermore, on the decision to carry out bursal
resection, despite our thorough preoperative screening
that included both careful clinical examination and
magnetic resonance imaging with contrast, roughly
4% (6/134) of patients having shoulder arthroscopy
had to be excluded owing to a rotator cu tear found
at arthroscopic examination. Conventional wisdom
dictates that the preferred treatment for rotator cu
tears is to repair partial thickness tears that involve
more than 50% of the tendon thickness (grade III),
whereas those that involve less than 50% of the
tendon thickness (grades I and II) can be treated
with debridement, with or without accompanying
subacromial decompression.
In this trial, we chose
to adhere to this treatment strategy, although its
veracity—the need to repair grade III/full thickness
rotator cu tears of degenerative origin—can be
questioned according to the most recent high quality
Finally, a frozen shoulder is considered
a potential complication of the treatment of patients
with shoulder impingement syndrome, particularly of
shoulder arthroscopy.
However, at the early stages
of the disease, the clinical presentation of a slowly
developing frozen shoulder can mimic subacromial
impingement, so a legitimate concern exists that some
of the participants we labelled as having developed a
frozen shoulder as a complication of treatment might
actually initially have been misdiagnosed as having
shoulder impingement syndrome while actually
having a frozen shoulder in the first place. In the end,
the number of patients labelled having developed a
frozen shoulder was small in all groups (two, three,
and one in the exercise therapy, ASD, and diagnostic
arthroscopy groups, respectively).
In addition to our primary sham surgery controlled
ecacy comparison between ASD and diagnostic
arthroscopy, our study also included a pragmatic,
exploratory secondary comparison between surgical
and non-operative care (ASD versus exercise therapy).
In apparent contrast to four previous, similar
randomised trials that found no benefit of ASD over
various exercise therapy regimens,
13 32-34
we observed
a statistically significant benefit of ASD over exercise
therapy in both our primary outcomes. Although
the benefit did not exceed the pre-specified minimal
clinically important dierence (15 point change in
VAS) in either of the two primary outcomes (table
3), a potential beneficial eect of ASD over exercise
therapy cannot be completely ruled out, as the
confidence intervals for the mean dierence in pain
VAS on arm activity include the minimal clinically
important dierence. In interpreting the findings for
ASD versus exercise therapy, one needs to appreciate
several concerns related to this comparison. Firstly,
this is not a blinded comparison as the participants
are naturally aware of the treatments given and thus
the results are inevitably confounded by potentially
dierent placebo eects related to the surgical and
nonoperative care. Secondly, a clear prognostic
imbalance exists between the two interventions
owing to the exclusions carried out before the second
randomisation in the group primarily allocated to
surgery: 17 (12%) of the 139 participants allocated
to the two surgical groups were excluded without
any comparable exclusions from the exercise
therapy group. Thus, the ASD versus exercise
therapy comparison is likely to be biased in favour
of ASD owing to the systematic removal of patients
with likely poorer prognosis. Finally, the ASD and
exercise therapy groups cannot be considered fully
comparable owing to dierences in the treatment
given. The progressive exercise therapy regimen
carried out in the exercise therapy group is dierent
from the postoperative rehabilitation carried out
by patients in the ASD group, as surgically treated
patients need time to recover from the initial surgical
trauma while also being subject to some degree of
postoperative immobilisation, extended sick leave,
and modifications in pain medication and activities.
In summary, the results of our secondary comparison
(ASD versus exercise therapy) should be interpreted
with caution, as we do not know whether exercise
therapy is poorer because of the lack of comparability
of the groups, because exercise therapy is truly a less
eective treatment, or a mixture of both.
Conclusions and policy implications
The results of this randomised, placebo surgery
controlled trial show that arthroscopic subacromial
decompression provides no clinically relevant benefit
over diagnostic arthroscopy in patients with shoulder
impingement syndrome. The findings do not support
the current practice of performing subacromial
decompression in patients with shoulder impingement
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10 doi: 10.1136/bmj.k2860 |
2018;362:k2860 | thebmj
Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Helsinki University
Hospital, Töölö hospital, Helsinki, Finland
National Institute for Health and Welfare, Centre for Health and
Social Economics, Helsinki, Finland
Finnish Centre for Evidence-Based Orthopedics (FICEBO),
Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, University of
Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Tampere University
Hospital, TAYS Hatanpää, Tampere, Finland
Fysios Finlayson, Physiotherapy Centre Kunnon Klinikka Oy,
Tampere, Finland
Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Helsinki University
Hospital, Jorvi Hospital, Espoo, Finland
Terveystalo, Helsinki, Finland
Pohjola Hospital, Helsinki, Finland
Department of Clinical Sciences Lund, Orthopedics, Lund
University, Lund, Sweden
The FIMPACT investigators thank Pekka Paavolainen and Markku
Järvinen for their pivotal contributions and support in the early phases
of the planning and execution of the trial, and Ian Harris and Alan
Cassels for their critical comments and linguistic expertise.
Contributors: The corresponding author attests that all listed authors
meet authorship criteria and that no others meeting the criteria have
been omitted. MP and TJ were co-principal investigators. MP, AM, ST,
and TJ conceived and designed the study, and JI also contributed to
the design. KK, JK, IS, and VS recruited most of the patients, FIMPACT
Investigators followed up the patients. MP, AM, ST, KK, and TJ collected
the data. ST designed the database and cleaned the data. ST, TJ, and
JR contributed to the study analysis plan and data analysis. MP, ST,
KK, AM, JR, and TJ participated in the analysis and interpretation of
the data, JR led the blinded data analysis process. TJ, ST, KK, MP, JR,
and AM draed the manuscript. All authors contributed to nal data
interpretation and contributed to and approved the nal dra of the
manuscript. TJ obtained funding. MP is the guarantor.
Steering Committee: MP, TJ, AM, and ST.
Writing Committee: TJ, ST, MP, KK, and AM.
Participating investigators (FIMPACT Investigators): Mika Paavola,
Teppo Järvinen, Simo Taimela, Antti Malmivaara, Kari Kanto.
Participating clinical sites: Helsinki University Hospital, Jorvi
Hospital: Kalevi Hietaniemi, Juha Kalske, Vesa Lepola, Jyrki Salmenkivi,
Sikri Tukiainen; Helsinki University Hospital, Herttoniemi Hospital:
Jarkko Pajarinen, Mikko Salmela, Vesa Savolainen, Ilkka Sinisaari;
Hatanpää City Hospital, Tampere: Timo Järvelä, Kari Kanto, Janne
Lehtinen, Mikael Salmela.
FIMPACT Methods Centre: Leena Caravitis, Sari Karesvuori, Pirjo
Toivonen (project management), Mathias Bäck (data management),
Ville Haapamäki (imaging), Jari Inkinen (physiotherapy), Esa Läärä
(randomisation), Harri Sintonen (health related quality of life
Funding: The FIMPACT trial was supported by the Sigrid Juselius
Foundation, the state funding for university level health research
(Tampere and Helsinki University Hospitals), the Academy of Finland,
and the Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation. The funders of the study
had no role in study design, data collection, data analysis, data
interpretation, or writing of the report. Sponsors had no access to the
data and did not perform any of the study analysis. The corresponding
authors had full access to all the data in the study and had nal
responsibility for the decision to submit for publication.
Competing interests: All authors have completed the ICMJE uniform
disclosure form at (available on
request from the corresponding author) and declare: no support from
any organisation for the submitted work other than those described
above; ST reports personal fees from Evalua group of companies,
personal fees from DBC group of companies, and personal fees from
insurance companies, outside the submitted work; KK reports an
honorarium for a lecture from Linvatec, outside the submitted work;
TLNJ reports an honorarium for a lecture on osteoporosis from AMGEN
(donated to AllTrials campaign); no other relationships or activities
that could appear to have influenced the submitted work.
Ethical approval: This study was approved by the Institutional Review
Board of the Pirkanmaa Hospital District (R04200; 28 December
2004), and informed consent was obtained from all patients.
Data sharing: FIMPACT data are not publicly available owing to data
privacy issues, but access to the anonymised dataset can be obtained
from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
Transparency: The lead author arms that this manuscript is
an honest, accurate, and transparent account of the study being
reported; that no important aspects of the study have been omitted;
and that any discrepancies from the study as planned (and, if relevant,
registered) have been explained.
This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) license, which
permits others to distribute, remix, adapt and build upon this work,
for commercial use, provided the original work is properly cited. See:
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Appendix 1
Appendix 2
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