For more than 40 years, California has realized the benefits of its efforts to reduce pollution from motor
vehicles improved air quality, lower fuel costs for consumers, and growth in the state’s economy. Yet
California’s transportation sector is now the largest contributor of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in
the state, requiring California to seek more efficient and cleaner transportation alternatives. The Advanced
Clean Cars Program, introduced by the California Air Resources Board (CARB) in 2012, is one of a suite
of programs to reduce GHG emissions and other toxic air pollutants. The program is a coordinated
package of regulations and incentives that builds upon previous efforts to control smog-causing, health-
harmful pollutants (known as criteria pollutants) and GHG emissions from passenger vehicles. The
program also complements many of the state’s existing emissions reduction programs, such as Cap-and-
Trade and the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS). This California Climate Policy Fact Sheet outlines the
basic components and legal background of the Advanced Clean Cars Program and the broader clean
vehicle standards that contribute to attaining California’s air quality and climate goals.
Understanding California’s Advanced Clean Cars Program
The Advanced Clean Cars Program focuses on addressing both ambient air quality needs and climate
change through two distinct efforts: (1) Low-Emission Vehicle (LEV) regulation for criteria pollutants
and GHG emissions and (2) Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) regulation. The goal of the program is to
develop vehicles that are better for the environment while still meeting the performance and safety
standards that consumers expect.
1. LEV Regulation for Criteria Pollutants and GHG Emissions
The first LEV regulations were adopted by CARB in 1990 and required manufacturers to produce light-
and medium-duty vehicles that emitted fewer criteria pollutants like carbon monoxide and nitrogen
oxides. In 2004, following the landmark Assembly Bill 1493 (Health & Safety Code § 43018.5 et al.)
CARB added the first vehicle GHG emission limitations. Finally, as a part of the Advanced Clean Cars
Program, the LEV regulations were amended in 2012 to strengthen the Program by including
increasingly stringent criteria pollutant and GHG emission standards for new passenger vehicles
through the 2025 model year. In July 2019, CARB reached a groundbreaking agreement with major
automakers to proactively adopt a modified version of the GHG standards despite conflict with the US
Environmental Protection Agency over their validity under the Clean Air Act.
In order for a manufacturer to certify that a vehicle for sale in California meets LEV standards, it must
follow stringent emission testing procedures and requirements and receive verification from CARB.
CARB estimates that, thanks to this regulation, cars will emit 75% less in criteria pollutants and 40%
less in GHG emissions in 2025 compared to 2012 model year vehicles.
2. ZEV Regulation
The ZEV regulation mandates that manufacturers increase the number vehicles available for sale that
do not emit any exhaust, including battery electric, hydrogen fuel cell, and plug-in hybrid electric
vehicles. Even compared to 2025 vehicles under the strictest criteria pollutant and GHG standards,
ZEVs and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles are significantly lower emitting.
Manufacturers must produce for sale in California a certain percentage of ZEVs and plug-in hybrid
electric vehicles in a given year, increasing from 4.5% in 2018 to 22% in 2025. Every vehicle receives
credits based on the number of miles the vehicle can travel powered by non-emitting sources (thus,
for example, a plug-in hybrid electric model receives limited credit for its battery-powered capacity).
A manufacturer can bank credits to use for compliance in future years or trade or sell credits. CARB
oversees the entire compliance process and posts annual credit information on its website. CARB
estimates that about 8% of new vehicles sold in 2025 will be ZEVs or plug-in electric hybrids.
In addition to the vehicle mandates, California automobile sellers and drivers need access to electric
vehicle charging infrastructure to create a robust market for ZEVs. To this end, in 2018 the California
Public Utilities Commission authorized the state’s three major investor-owned utilities to invest over
$750 million in public charging infrastructure, one of many efforts the state is making to meet its goal of
250,000 stations by 2025.
Key Legislation Related to the Advanced Clean Cars Program
Federal Clean Air Act Section 209 allows California to obtain a “waiver” permitting it to set
vehicle emission standards more stringent than those set by the US Environmental Protection
Agency for all vehicles nationwide, which the law otherwise prohibits. In 2019, the Trump
Administration moved to revoke the 2013 waiver California obtained to authorize the
Advanced Clean Cars Program. This action raises questions about the future of the program,
although the administration’s novel legal grounds—there is no express revocation mechanism
under the law, and California still faces the “compelling and extraordinary” conditions that
merited the waiverare subject to major litigation challenges.
AB 1493 directed CARB to set requirements for achieving the maximum feasible reduction of
vehicle GHG emissions in the state, the first set of GHG emission standards for passenger
Key Outcomes and Next Steps for California Clean Car Policy and Regulation
California currently has 24 million registered passenger vehicles, with the vast majority burning fossil fuels.
Emissions in the transportation sector are currently responsible for half of the GHG emissions within
California and an even higher percentage of harmful criteria pollutants. Furthermore, Los Angeles and the
San Joaquin Valley are classified asextreme” ozone non-attainment areas by the EPA, meaning that these
regions do not meet air quality standards designed to protect the public health. In order to meet its air
quality and climate goals, California will need mass consumer adoption of clean vehicles in the coming
years. The Advanced Clean Cars Program, building upon decades of effort within California to address
vehicle pollution, has proven to be an effective step in reducing the climate impact of the transportation
sector. Since 2010, more than 400,000 vehicles have registered as ZEVs and plug-in hybrids in California.
However, as the state seeks to obtain its ambitious 2030 and 2050 climate goalsincluding five million
ZEVs on the road by 2030continued development of the Advanced Clean Cars Program and the
infrastructure needed to support clean transportation throughout California will be essential.