Studying Psychology at Cambridge
Psychological and Behavioural Sciences (C800 BA/PBS)
There are many branches of psychology and this course will give you the
opportunity to study a range of them. You will carry out research projects that
enable you to explore topics that parcularly interest you.
Within the course there is also exibility to pursue related disciplines such as
polics, sociology, archaeology, biological and social anthropology, computer
science, philosophy, natural sciences, economics, and educaon.
To nd out more visit our website
EEG nets used by researchers in the Centre for Neuroscience in Educaon
Year One
In your rst year you take four papers, two of which are compulsory:
Introducon to Psychology
Psychological Enquiry and Methods (this includes praccal demonstraons)
The remaining two papers are chosen from a selecon oered by other departments.
Topics typically include:
Evoluon and Behaviour
Year Two
In your second year you take four papers in total, two of which are compulsory:
Social and Developmental Psychology
Cognive Neuroscience and Experimental Psychology
The remaining two papers are chosen from a selecon of oponal papers available
that cover a similar range of topics to the Year One list above.
Year Three
In your nal year you undertake a research project on a psychology topic of your
choice. You also choose a further three papers from a selecon which will include the
Cognive & Experimental Psychology
Developmental Psychology
Similar oponal papers to Year Two
Course Structure
Entry Requirements
Biological Anthropology
Mathemacal Biology
Social Anthropology
Behavioural & Cognive Neuroscience
Social Psychology
Typical oers for the course are A*AA at A-Level. Equivalent qualicaons are also
considered. See the Undergraduate Study website for details.
A wide range of subjects would be benecial to study for this course, although you
may nd science and mathemac subjects useful preparaon. Students are not
required to have studied Psychology before starng the course. More informaon is
available on College websites. Further informaon about applying to the University
is available from the Undergraduate Study website at
This informaon is correct at me of going to print.