August 29, 2017
Control Number: PGLD-10-0817-0002
Expiration Date: 08-29-2019
Affected IRM: 10.5.1
FROM: Frances W. Kleckley /s/ Frances W. Kleckley
Director, Privacy Policy and Compliance
SUBJECT: 1. Digital Assistants and Other Devices
2. Chief Privacy Officer Title Change
This memorandum issues privacy policy in IG# PGLD-10-0817-0002, guidance on
1. Digital Assistants and Other Devices and 2. Chief Privacy Officer Title Change
until IRM 10.5.1 is published. Please ensure that this information is distributed to all
personnel responsible for protecting SBU data, including tax information and PII. The
policy applies to all employees, contractors, and vendors of the Service.
1. The interim guidance (IG) provides specific policy regarding methods for protecting
privacy when working around digital assistants and other devices that can record
and/or transmit sensitive audio or visual information in the work/telework
environment. Many such devices and applications can record and/or transmit data
when activated. This IG memo is meant to help personnel be aware of the risks and
how to protect SBU data.
2. The IG Memo is updating the title Director, PGLD to Chief Privacy Officer (CPO).
Background/Source(s) of Authority: IRM 10.5.1 is issued under the authority of the
Privacy Act of 1974, the Internal Revenue Code, the Taxpayer Browsing Protection Act
of 1997, the E-Government Act of 2002 (to include accompanying guidance outlined in
OMB memoranda), the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2005, §522, Treasury
Directives and other federal guidance. For a full listing of privacy laws relevant to this
IRM section, refer to Exhibit 10.5.1-2, References.
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Effect on Other Documents: This guidance will be incorporated into IRM 10.5.1,
Privacy Policy, by August 29, 2019.
Effective Date: August 29, 2017
Contact: If you have any questions, please contact me, or a member of your staff may
contact Greg Ricketts, Associate Director, Privacy Policy and Knowledge Management,
at 901-546-3078, or
Commissioner of Internal Revenue
Deputy Commissioner for Operations Support Deputy Commissioner for Services &
Enforcement Commissioner, Large Business and International Division Commissioner,
Small Business/Self-Employed Division Commissioner, Tax-Exempt and Government
Entities Division Commissioner, Wage and Investment Division
Chief of Staff
Chief, Agency-Wide Shared Services
Chief, Appeals
Chief, Communications and Liaison
Chief Counsel
Chief, Criminal Investigation
Chief Financial Officer
Chief, Planning, Programming & Audit Oversight
Chief, Risk Officer
Chief Technology Officer
Director, Affordable Care Act Office Director, Office of Compliance Analytics Director,
Office of Online Services
Director, Office of Professional Responsibility Director, Office of Research, Analysis and
Statistics Director, Privacy, Governmental Liaison and Disclosure Director, Return
Preparer Office
Director, Whistleblower Office
Executive Director, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
IRS Human Capital Officer
National Taxpayer Advocate
Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) Associate Chief Information
Officer, Cybersecurity
Attachment Interim Guidance: PGLD-10-0817-0002
IG Memo # PGLD-10-0817-0002 page 2 of 5 August 29, 2017
The following changes are hereby effective August 29, 2017, for IRM 10.5.1:
1. For the Digital Assistant and Other Devices update:
(8) Digital assistants and other devices that can record or transmit sensitive audio or
visual information must not be allowed to compromise privacy in the work or telework
environment. These devices typically contain sensors, microphones, cameras, data
storage components, speech recognition, GPS options, and other multimedia
capabilities. These features could put the privacy of employees and/or taxpayers at risk
due to the personal information that might be unwittingly disclosed. When working on
any form of SBU data, especially PII or FTI, follow these rules:
a. Treat the device as if it were another person in the room because many such
devices and applications can record and/or transmit data when activated. To
protect privacy, the employees must mute or disable the listening/detecting
features of the device so that SBU data is not sent to the device or anything to
which it is connected.
b. If the device or application can take photos or record video or sound, then the
employee must not do sensitive work within visual or audio range.
These devices/applications include (but are not limited to the examples provided):
Digital assistants (such as Dot or Echo hardware using Alexa software,
HomePod using Siri, etc.).
Voice-activated devices and smartphone applications (such as Siri, Google Now
(“Okay Google”), or Alexa on phones, tablets, etc.).
Internet-connected toys (Cloud Pet, Smart Toy, Hello Barbie, etc.) that might
record and transmit.
Security systems and webcams in the telework environment.
Smart TVs or auxiliary equipment (if includes voice activation).
Operating systems/applications (such as Windows 10, Cortana, etc.) that allow
voice commands.
Home surveillance, security, and video/audio: Webcams on personal devices in
the home, security cameras/microphones.
Note: For more information about privacy risks of Internet-connected toys, refer to the
FBI’s Public Service Announcement, “Consumer Notice: Internet-Connected
Toys Could Present Privacy and Contact Concerns for Children:”
IG Memo # PGLD-10-0817-0002 page 3 of 5 August 29, 2017
Recordings in the Workplace
(4) Employees may use their smartphones (or other devices with recording capabilities)
in the workplace. However, they should take reasonable precautions that no
unauthorized recordings or disclosures occur. When working on any form of SBU,
especially PII or FTI, such precautions include muting or disabling voice-activated
devices and smartphone applications (such as Siri or Google Now (“Okay Google”) on
phones, tablets, etc.). For more information about precautions, see the Telework section
of this IRM about digital assistants and other devices that can record or transmit
sensitive audio or visual information.
IG Memo # PGLD-10-0817-0002 page 4 of 5 August 29, 2017
2. For the Director, PGLD title change to Chief Privacy Officer (CPO):
Senior Management/Executives
(1) Senior Management/Executives must:
a. Work with the Director, PGLDChief Privacy Officer (CPO) to develop,
implement, maintain, and enforce a program to protect all SBU data for which
they are responsible in accordance with IRS privacy policies and procedures.
Privacy Council
(2) The purpose of the Privacy Council is to:
c. Centralize the Director, PGLDChief Privacy Officer’s (CPO) policy-making role
in the development and evaluation of legislative, regulatory, and other policy
proposals, which implicate information privacy issues. In so doing, the Council
takes a central role in ensuring the IRS is fully compliant with federal laws,
regulations, and policies relating to information privacy while enabling continued
progress and innovation.
(3) To accomplish these objectives, the Privacy Council members will:
c. Generate policy guidance to be issued from the Director, PGLDCPO.
IG Memo # PGLD-10-0817-0002 page 5 of 5 August 29, 2017