Originating Component: Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
Effective: January 8, 2024
Releasability: Cleared for public release. Available on the Directives Division Website
Reissues and Cancels: DoD Instruction 1035.01, “Telework Policy,” April 4, 2012
Approved by: Ashish S. Vazirani, Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and
Purpose: In accordance with the authority in DoD Directives 5124.02 and 1400.25, this issuance:
Establishes policy, assigns responsibilities, and prescribes procedures for implementing DoD
telework and remote work programs.
Implements the provisions of:
o Sections 6501 through 6506 of Title 5, United States Code (U.S.C.).
o Sections 101 and 206 of Title 37, U.S.C.
o Section 359 of Public Law 106-346.
DoDI 1035.01, January 8, 2024
SECTION 1: GENERAL ISSUANCE INFORMATION .............................................................................. 4
1.1. Applicability. .................................................................................................................... 4
1.2. Policy. ............................................................................................................................... 4
1.3. Information Collections. ................................................................................................... 5
SECTION 2: RESPONSIBILITIES ......................................................................................................... 6
2.1. Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower and Reserve Affairs (ASD(M&RA)). ..... 6
2.2. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Civilian Personnel Policy. ............................ 6
2.3. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Military Personnel Policy. ............................ 7
2.4. Director, Department of Defense Human Resources Activity. ......................................... 7
2.5. USD(I&S). ........................................................................................................................ 7
2.6. DoD CIO. .......................................................................................................................... 7
2.7. OSD and DoD Component Heads. ................................................................................... 8
SECTION 3: TELEWORK ................................................................................................................. 10
3.1. Program Scope. ............................................................................................................... 10
a. Types. ........................................................................................................................... 10
b. Official Worksite. ........................................................................................................ 10
3.2. Eligibility. ....................................................................................................................... 10
a. Position Suitability. ...................................................................................................... 10
b. Employee or Service Member Eligibility. ................................................................... 11
3.3. Telework Agreements. .................................................................................................... 12
3.4. Temporary Situations. ..................................................................................................... 12
3.5. Emergency Events. ......................................................................................................... 13
3.6. Dependent Care. .............................................................................................................. 13
3.7. Training. .......................................................................................................................... 14
3.8. Security Considerations. ................................................................................................. 14
3.9. Equipment and Office Supplies. ..................................................................................... 15
a. General. ........................................................................................................................ 15
b. GFE. ............................................................................................................................. 16
c. Services. ....................................................................................................................... 16
d. Software. ...................................................................................................................... 16
e. Authorized Uses. .......................................................................................................... 16
f. Personally Owned Devices. .......................................................................................... 16
g. Infrastructure. ............................................................................................................... 17
h. Liability. ....................................................................................................................... 17
3.10. Telework Centers. ......................................................................................................... 17
3.11. Work Schedules and Compensation. ............................................................................ 17
3.12. Time and Attendance. ................................................................................................... 18
3.13. Telework and Travel. .................................................................................................... 18
3.14. Performance Management. ........................................................................................... 18
3.15. Termination of Telework. ............................................................................................. 19
3.16. Roles and Requirements. .............................................................................................. 20
a. Supervisor or Commander. .......................................................................................... 20
b. Employees. ................................................................................................................... 20
DoDI 1035.01, January 8, 2024
c. Service Members. ......................................................................................................... 21
3.17. Workers’ Compensation. .............................................................................................. 21
SECTION 4: REMOTE WORK .......................................................................................................... 23
4.1. Program Scope. ............................................................................................................... 23
a. Conditions. ................................................................................................................... 23
b. Verification Requirements. .......................................................................................... 23
c. Operational Requirements. ........................................................................................... 23
4.2. Eligibility. ....................................................................................................................... 24
4.3. Remote Work Agreements. ............................................................................................. 25
4.4. Official Worksite. ........................................................................................................... 27
4.5. Work Schedules. ............................................................................................................. 27
4.6. Time and Attendance. ..................................................................................................... 27
4.7. Travel/Relocation Expenses for Civilian Employees. .................................................... 27
4.8. Performance Management. ............................................................................................. 28
4.9. Security Considerations. ................................................................................................. 28
4.10. Equipment and Office Supplies. ................................................................................... 28
4.11. Roles and Requirements. .............................................................................................. 28
a. Supervisor or Commander. .......................................................................................... 28
b. Employee. .................................................................................................................... 30
c. Service Member. .......................................................................................................... 30
4.12. Termination of Remote Work. ...................................................................................... 31
4.13. Workers’ Compensation. .............................................................................................. 31
DETO ARRANGEMENTS ................................................................................................................ 32
5.1. Additional Requirements for Domestic Employees. ...................................................... 32
5.2. Coordination of DETO Arrangements. ........................................................................... 32
5.3. Eligibility. ....................................................................................................................... 32
5.4. Locality Pay. ................................................................................................................... 33
5.5. Agreements. .................................................................................................................... 33
a. Requirements................................................................................................................ 33
b. Duration. ...................................................................................................................... 34
c. Amendments. ............................................................................................................... 34
d. Termination. ................................................................................................................. 34
e. Workers’ Compensation. .............................................................................................. 34
GLOSSARY ..................................................................................................................................... 35
G.1. Acronyms. ...................................................................................................................... 35
G.2. Definitions. ..................................................................................................................... 36
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................. 39
Figure 1. Sample Remote Work Agreement ................................................................................ 25
DoDI 1035.01, January 8, 2024
This issuance applies to:
a. OSD, the Military Departments, the Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
and the Joint Staff, the Combatant Commands, the Office of Inspector General of the Department
of Defense, the Defense Agencies, the DoD Field Activities, and all other organizational entities
within the DoD (referred to collectively in this issuance as the “DoD Components”).
b. Employees and Service members as indicated in this issuance and at the discretion of the
OSD and DoD Component heads.
1.2. POLICY.
a. Telework and remote work:
(1) Are not interchangeable terms.
(2) Promote workforce efficiency, emergency preparedness, maximum mission
readiness, and quality of life when implemented throughout the DoD.
(3) Should occur to the broadest extent possible by eligible employees or Service
(4) Are workplace flexibilities, not a right or entitlement.
(5) Allow for continued operations during a crisis or national emergency (e.g., pandemic,
severe weather events, natural disaster).
(6) Create employment and return-to-work opportunities for veterans, people with
disabilities, spouses of Service members, and employees facing relocation.
b. Telework and remote work may be used to:
(1) Retain valuable employees with hard-to-replace, mission essential skills.
(2) Promote career continuity for employees who are military spouses and relocating due
to assignment of Service member spouses.
(3) Recruit employees with specialized skills for hard-to-fill vacancies.
(4) Reduce costs associated with filling vacancies.
(5) Reduce costs associated with training.
DoDI 1035.01, January 8, 2024
(6) Achieve real property and other business cost reductions.
(7) Increase work-life balance, resulting in increased morale.
(8) Increase employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities, as a routine or
situational arrangement pursuant to Sections 791 and 794a of Title 29, U.S.C. (also known as
“The Rehabilitation Act of 1973,” as amended).
The Department of Defense (DD) Form 2946, “Department of Defense Telework Agreement,”
available on the DoD Forms Management Program Website at referred to in Paragraph 2.7.l., has been assigned
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number 0704-0611 in accordance with the
procedures in Volume 2 of DoD Manual 8910.01. The expiration date of this information
collection can be found on the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs website at
DoDI 1035.01, January 8, 2024
Under the authority, direction, and control of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and
Readiness, the ASD(M&RA) has overall responsibility for the development of DoD civilian and
military personnel policy covered by this issuance.
Under the authority, direction, and control of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and
Readiness, through the ASD(M&RA), the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Civilian
Personnel Policy:
a. Supports the development of civilian personnel policy covered by this issuance and
monitors its execution by DoD Components, ensuring consistent implementation and application
throughout the DoD.
b. Designates the DoD Telework Managing Officer who:
(1) Develops and implements telework and remote work policies.
(2) Serves as an advisor for DoD leadership and the Chief Human Capital Officer.
(3) Provides advice and guidance and serves as a resource to Component representatives,
managers, and employees.
(4) Serves as the primary point of contact for the Office of Personnel Management
(OPM) on telework and remote work matters.
(5) Monitors and evaluates DoD’s telework and remote work programs for compliance
with this issuance and Section 6505 of Title 5, U.S.C.
(6) Develops telework and remote work training and marketing materials as necessary.
c. Consults with the DoD Chief Information Officer (CIO) on telework information
technology requirements.
d. Consults with the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security (USD(I&S))
on telework and remote work security policies and procedures.
DoDI 1035.01, January 8, 2024
Under the authority, direction, and control of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and
Readiness, through the ASD(M&RA), the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Military
Personnel Policy supports the development of military personnel policy covered by this issuance
and monitors its execution by DoD Components, ensuring consistent implementation and
application throughout DoD.
Under the authority, direction, and control of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and
Readiness, and in addition to the responsibilities in Paragraph 2.7., the Director, Department of
Defense Human Resources Activity:
a. Supports the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Civilian Personnel Policy and the
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Military Personnel Policy, as appropriate, in the
execution of the duties and responsibilities in this issuance.
b. Prepares consolidated reports on DoD-wide employee telework and remote work
participation rates as well as eligibility for telework and remote work status reports.
c. Coordinates with the DoD Telework Managing Officer to:
(1) Assess the progress made toward telework and remote work participation goals
during the reporting period.
(2) Assess other DoD goals relating to telework and remote work (e.g., the impact of
telework and remote work on emergency preparedness, recruitment, and retention).
d. Submits the consolidated telework data call report to OPM for the annual Status of
Telework in the Federal Government Report to Congress.
2.5. USD(I&S).
In addition to the responsibilities in Paragraph 2.7., the USD(I&S):
a. Develops policies and procedures related to operations security, information security,
insider threat, and foreign intelligence risks in the telework and remote work environment.
b. Develops policies and procedures related to the issuance, control, and use of classified
telework devices.
2.6. DOD CIO.
In addition to the responsibilities in Paragraph 2.7., the DoD CIO:
DoDI 1035.01, January 8, 2024
a. Develops strategies and provides guidance for enterprise information technology
capabilities and data security required to support telework and remote work.
b. Oversees the evaluation and approval of new and emerging technologies that facilitate
telework and remote work for DoD-wide use, as appropriate.
c. Establishes criteria and guidelines for using and protecting government furnished
equipment (GFE) and non-GFE, including personally owned equipment, that access DoD
information systems and networks to perform telework and remote work.
The OSD and DoD Component heads:
a. Develop, implement, monitor, operate, and assess telework and remote work programs in
accordance with the law; this issuance; the policies, procedures, and guidance issued by the DoD
CIO and USD(I&S); Component-specific guidance; and other applicable DoD policies.
b. Delegate authority for telework and remote work implementation to subordinate
authorities as appropriate.
c. Designate a Component telework coordinator or manager to:
(1) Maintain the Component telework and remote work programs for compliance with
this issuance in accordance with Sections 6501 through 6506 of Title 5, U.S.C., as applicable.
(2) Serve as an advisor for Component leadership.
(3) Serve as a resource for supervisors and employees or Service members.
d. Actively promote telework and remote work within their respective Components and
identify and eliminate barriers to program execution through education and training.
e. Identify telework and remote work eligible civilian positions, as mission allows.
Document the telework and remote work eligibility in the position record in the Defense Civilian
Personnel Data System or equivalent human resources system.
f. Make telework and remote work civilian employee position determinations when
establishing new positions or filling vacant positions that were not previously designated for
telework and remote work eligibility.
g. Ensure employees and Service members are notified of their eligibility for telework and
remote work.
h. Establish annual Component telework and remote work participation goals, track
employee or Service member participation, and monitor goal progress.
i. Define the local commuting area, as it will impact eligible reimbursable expenses.
DoDI 1035.01, January 8, 2024
j. Provide civilian employee eligibility and participation data to the Defense Civilian
Personnel Advisory Service for submission to OPM for the annual Status of Telework in the
Federal Government Report to Congress, which is available at
k. Require training on telework procedures for telework and remote work eligible employees
and Service members prior to beginning telework.
l. Require all telework participants to complete DD Form 2946.
m. Require all authorized remote work employees or Service members to sign a remote work
n. Monitor domestic employee teleworking overseas (DETO) arrangement requests and
provide data to the Defense Civilian Personnel Advisory Service.
o. Coordinate with the human resources office to ensure compliance and fulfillment of
collective bargaining obligations, as appropriate.
DoDI 1035.01, January 8, 2024
Telework is an alternative workplace arrangement under which an employee or Service member
performs the duties and responsibilities of the assigned position and other authorized activities
from an approved alternative worksite but is required to report to the agency’s worksite on a
regular and recurring basis.
a. Types.
(1) Routine.
Telework is performed from an alternative worksite on regularly scheduled telework
day(s) as specified in a written telework agreement between the employee or Service member
and the supervisor.
(2) Situational.
Situational telework is authorized on a case-by-case basis as the need arises, such as to
prepare for continuity of operations (COOP), perform special projects, complete complex tasks,
conduct web-based training, allow for recovery from illness or an injury, tend to personal
situations, or when opting for unscheduled telework when OPM announces the Federal
Government operating status, in the area of the employee’s regular worksite as, “Open with an
Option for Unscheduled Leave or Unscheduled Telework.” Situational telework may also be
authorized for routine teleworkers in such circumstances on regularly scheduled in-office days.
b. Official Worksite.
(1) The official worksite for teleworkers remains the agency’s worksite as long as they
are regularly scheduled to report to the agency’s worksite at least twice each bi-weekly pay
(2) In the case of mobile work in which an employee’s or Service member’s work
involves recurring travel to various worksites (e.g., site audits, site inspections, investigations),
the employee or Service member does not have to report to the agency’s worksite twice each pay
period as long as the regularly performed work is within the same locality pay area as the
agency’s worksite.
a. Position Suitability.
(1) Telework position eligibility criteria will be applied impartially and consistently
without consideration of prohibited factors such as race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age,
disability, or genetic information. Job functions alone, not managerial preference, determine
telework position eligibility.
DoDI 1035.01, January 8, 2024
(2) Generally, positions which require the employee or Service member to handle,
discuss, or process classified material will be identified as ineligible for routine telework. Such
positions may be eligible for routine telework only in the following circumstances.
(a) Telework will be performed at an alternative worksite, located in the United
States, that is a facility accredited by DoD for the handling, discussion, and processing of the
classified material necessary to perform official duties. The DoD will not accredit new facilities
solely for purposes of telework.
(b) Telework will be performed at an alternative worksite, located in the United
States, and all of the following criteria are met.
1. The duties of the position do not require more than occasional handling,
discussion, or processing of classified materials.
2. When the duties involve classified materials at the collateral Secret level, a
classified telework device is provided as GFE, in accordance with the procedures established by
the DoD CIO and the USD(I&S), or the employee or Service member is required to timely report
to a facility that has been accredited for the handling, discussion, and processing of the classified
material necessary to perform the duties of the position.
3. When the duties involve classified materials at the Top Secret, sensitive
compartmented information, or special access program levels, the employee or Service member
is required to timely report to a facility that has been accredited for the handling, discussion, and
processing of the classified material necessary to perform the duties of the position.
(c) Employee is eligible to participate in a DETO arrangement as described in
Section 5.
b. Employee or Service Member Eligibility.
(1) Each DoD Component will determine the eligibility of all employees or Service
members to participate in telework. Supervisors will consider employeesor Service members’
performance and conduct in making eligibility determinations. Telework will be permitted to the
maximum extent possible without diminished individual or organizational performance.
(2) Supervisors must restrict telework pursuant to Section 6502 of Title 5, U.S.C., if the
employee or Service member has been officially disciplined for the following disqualifying
(a) Being absent without permission for more than 5 days in any calendar year.
(b) Viewing, downloading, or exchanging pornographic material on a government
computer or while performing Federal Government duties.
(3) Foreign national employee or Service member eligibility will be jointly determined
by the relevant overseas Service Component commander or supervisor in accordance with the
joint committee process applicable to the country concerned, and consistent with applicable host
nation laws and regulations, as well as international agreements and implementing arrangements.
DoDI 1035.01, January 8, 2024
(4) Telework is a discretionary workplace flexibility. The decision to telework is
voluntary, except for employees who are in positions designated as mission essential.
Employees designated as mission essential may be required to telework from an alternative
worksite such as their home or a telework center during an emergency.
Section 6502(b)(2) of Title 5, U.S.C., mandates an approved written agreement be in place for
any employee to participate in telework. Therefore, every telework participant must complete a
DD Form 2946, regardless of whether telework is routine or situational. Service members may
also use DD Form 2946 to document their written agreement. If an employee indicates routine
telework on the DD Form 2946, that same agreement will further provide for situational telework
as requested and approved.
a. The DD Form 2946 will include Component-specific guidance and instructions regarding
authorization of use of classified and controlled unclassified information (CUI) data at the
telework location. If authorized, the proper encryption, storage, safeguarding, and return of such
information and data will be consistent with Paragraph 3.8.
b. Telework agreements will be reviewed by employees and Service members at least every
2 years and submitted to their supervisors for approval.
c. Employees or Service members designated as mission essential must complete a DD
Form 2946 if telework is required in the case of a COOP event, office closure, inclement
weather, or national emergency.
d. Components will ensure a new DD Form 2946 is completed by employees and Service
members if any information on the form changes (e.g., change in supervisor, telework days, or
alternative worksite location).
In certain temporary situations, such as an office closure or severe weather emergency, a
Component may waive the requirement to report to the regular worksite twice a bi-weekly pay
period. In such situations, even though the employee works from an alternative worksite, the
regular worksite remains the employee’s official worksite because the Component expects the
employee to return to the regular worksite after the temporary event. Examples of appropriate
temporary telework situations include:
a. An extended office closure or other operating status announcement, national or local
emergency, a public health crisis, the activation of a COOP, an issued order of evacuation, or any
similar scenario when an employee may be unable to commute to or otherwise be unable to
return to the regular worksite.
b. Recovery from an injury or medical condition or other extended period of approved
absence from work during which the employee will not be able to report to the regular worksite
at least twice a bi-weekly pay period.
DoDI 1035.01, January 8, 2024
c. A period during which the employee is in temporary duty travel status away from the
regular worksite.
d. A period during which an employee accepts a detail to work at a location other than the
alternative worksite on the telework agreement.
e. A period during which OPM announces the Federal Government operating status, in the
area of the employee’s regular worksite as, “Open with an Option for Unscheduled Leave or
Unscheduled Telework.”
a. Some situations may require an employee to work from home whether or not they are
bound by a telework agreement or identified as eligible to telework. These situations are not true
telework arrangements. Examples of emergencies that may prompt telework include but are not
limited to:
(1) Any period during which employees are evacuated under Subpart D of Part 550 of
Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, including a pandemic health crisis as described in
Section 550.409(a) of Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, or other public emergency, if an
evacuation order has been issued.
(2) When OPM, the Secretary of Defense, or their respective designee announces
government offices are open with the option for unscheduled telework when weather conditions
or other circumstances disrupt commuting and/or compromise employee or Service member
safety in reporting to the worksite.
b. If the teleworker is unable to communicate with their supervisor to request excusal from
duty and cannot maintain their telework status, they must follow the Component’s emergency
guidance, orders, and procedures contained in the COOP and other applicable emergency
management plans.
a. While performing official duties, teleworkers are expected to arrange for dependent care
just as they would if they were working at an agency worksite; however, telework may be used
as part of a more flexible work arrangement. Employees may perform telework with a child or
other person requiring care or supervision present at the alternative worksite, provided the
employee is not engaging in dependent care activities while performing official duties.
b. Permissible telework arrangements may include authorizing an employee to telework
while another individual provides dependent care, to take intermittent paid or unpaid leave to
fulfill dependent care responsibilities during the workday, and to work a flexible schedule that
permits an employee to complete a full workday while completing dependent care
DoDI 1035.01, January 8, 2024
c. Telework arrangements must comply with all workplace policies, including those
applicable to tours of duty, flexible work schedules, time and attendance, and performance and
Supervisors, employees, and Service members authorized to telework will complete telework
training before signing the DD Form 2946.
a. At a minimum, employees must complete telework training every 2 years.
Comprehensive OPM telework training courses for employees and Service members are
available at the OPM telework website.
b. Supervisors must complete supervisory telework training every 2 years. Telework
training for managers will satisfy employee training requirements.
c. Employees, Service members, supervisors, and leaders may participate in telework
training on duty time.
Employees or Service members must comply with criteria and guidelines established by the DoD
CIO and their respective Component for using both GFE and non-GFE and for access to DoD
information systems and networks while working from an approved alternative worksite.
Employees and Service members are responsible for safeguarding all DoD information,
protecting GFE and U.S. Government (USG) property, and performing assigned duties while
working from an alternative worksite, in support of Component mission requirements.
Government-furnished computer equipment, software, and communications, with appropriate
security measures, are required for any alternative worksite arrangement that involves CUI data.
a. Employees and Service members participating in alternative worksite arrangements will
not take classified hardcopy documents to their approved alternative worksite, unless authorized
in accordance with the volumes of DoD Manual 5200.01 and documented in their applicable
agreement. Employees who have been issued an authorized classified telework device will only
use it to process electronic classified documents, or hold classified conversations, in accordance
with the policy and procedures issued by the USD(I&S). If classified telework is authorized at
an approved security location, teleworkers or remote workers will comply with the procedures
established by the DoD Component regarding such work, including the use of proper encryption,
storage, safeguarding, and return of such information and data contained in Paragraph 3.8.
b. Employees and Service members must protect CUI as defined in DoD Instruction
(DoDI) 5200.01 including Privacy Act data consistent with the guidance set forth in
Section 552a of Title 5, U.S.C., also known as the Privacy Act of 1974, and classified data, and
in compliance with all criteria and guidelines for information, electronic, and all other applicable
security disciplines consistent with DoD Manual 5400.07 and DoD Component policy.
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(1) DoD policy strictly prohibits personally identifiable information (PII) transmission
over personal e-mail. PII must be transmitted securely between government email accounts
using digital signatures and encryption.
(2) Employees performing work from an alternative worksite who access PII may only
do so on encrypted GFE requiring two-factor authentication for access, in accordance with OMB
Memorandum 19-17.
(3) Extraction of PII from DoD systems onto non-GFE used for teleworking is prohibited
unless approved by a manager and logged and erased in accordance with the requirements of
OMB Memorandum M-17-15.
c. Employees and Service members must select designated workspaces that will ensure that
their work-related conversations cannot be overheard or observed by smart home devices (e.g.,
voice assistants, voice-activated appliances). Smart home devices may need to be removed or
unplugged from the workspace to prevent any incident.
d. Employees and Service members who are approved to work from home must protect non-
public DoD information discussed in voice, or via video conversations, and information shown
on computer screen displays from other individuals present in the residence (e.g., spouses,
children, roommates). This can be done by prohibiting the issuance of classified telework
devices to employees and Service members with foreign national cohabitants; requiring
automatic, timer-based screen locks; orienting computer displays away from the views of others;
removing common access card or Secret Internet Protocol Router tokens from computers when
stepping away; and taking voice and video calls in isolated spaces.
e. Employees and Service members who are approved to work from home must comply with
criteria and guidelines established by their respective Component for keeping USG property and
information safe and secure. Restrictions may apply to employees or Service members located
outside the continental United States as determined by DoD Component criteria and guidelines.
Teleworkers must comply with equipment usage requirements set forth in DD Form 2946. The
General Services Administration offers guidelines for equipment and support that Components
may provide to teleworkers on page 13845 of Volume 71, Federal Register.
a. General.
(1) DoD Components should provide the necessary equipment and office supplies to
employees and Service members who telework on a regular and recurring basis.
(2) Equipment and supplies may be furnished by Components to employees and Service
members who telework on a situational basis when practicable.
(3) DoD Components will not provide internet access for teleworking employees, except
in rare instances when such access is required for national defense purposes.
DoDI 1035.01, January 8, 2024
b. GFE.
The local Component commander or supervisor will determine the appropriateness of
furnishing and installing GFE and software. The Component’s designated information
technology or facilities provider will be responsible for the service and maintenance of GFE.
Examples of GFE that a Component may furnish include:
(1) Computer equipment such as a desktop, laptop, or mobile devices, and peripheral
equipment such as printers and external storage devices.
(2) Office furnishings such as desks and chairs.
(3) Facsimile machines.
(4) Videoconference equipment.
(5) Any other equipment the agency deems necessary by individuals performing
c. Services.
Components may pay for services in connection to GFE including subscription fees or
service charges required for the GFE to perform its intended purpose. Operating costs associated
with the worker using their personal residence as the alternative worksite including home
maintenance, insurance, or utilities (e.g., heat, electricity) will not be assumed by the DoD.
d. Software.
DoD remote access software may be installed onto government-furnished and personally
owned computers to enable access to unclassified DoD systems and networks consistent with
criteria and guidelines established by the DoD CIO and the employee or Service member’s
respective DoD Component requirements.
e. Authorized Uses.
Employees and Service members must use GFE for official and authorized purposes only.
Family members and friends of employees or Service members are not authorized to use GFE or
materials. GFE must be returned to the DoD Component at the conclusion of telework
arrangements or at the Component’s request.
f. Personally Owned Devices.
(1) Use of personally owned peripherals (e.g., monitors, keyboards, and mice) with GFE
must comply with the criteria and guidelines for using personal equipment established by the
DoD CIO and the employee’s or Service member’s respective DoD Component requirements.
(2) Teleworkers are responsible for the installation, repair, and maintenance of all
personally owned equipment and other incremental costs associated with the residential
alternative worksite.
DoDI 1035.01, January 8, 2024
g. Infrastructure.
DoD Components may use appropriated funds to install infrastructure to support telework in
a private residence consistent with the guidance set forth in Section 1348 of Title 31, U.S.C.
This may include:
(1) Telephone lines.
(2) Cell phones.
(3) Monthly expenses related to GFE in Paragraph 3.9.b.
h. Liability.
The DoD is not liable for damages to the employee’s or Service member’s personal or real
property while the employee or Service member is working at home. Exceptions exist pursuant
(1) Sections 2671-2680 of Title 28, U.S.C., also known as “The Federal Tort Claims
(2) Section 3721 of Title 31, U.S.C., also known as “The Military Personnel and Civilian
Employees Claims Act.”
a. DoD Components are authorized, consistent with Section 587 of Title 40, U.S.C., to fund
costs associated with renting space, including equipment and utilities, at telework centers as
b. Components may provide employees or Service members with a cell phone or calling card
to cover long distance telephone charges while working at a telework center.
c. Security requirements prescribed in this issuance apply to all employees or Service
members who telework, including those who telework from telework centers.
a. Employees or Service members who telework must be at an approved alternative
worksite, as listed on their DD Form 2946, (or, in the case of mobile work, at their assigned
location) or in an approved leave status during their scheduled tour of duty unless properly
authorized by their supervisor to be at a different alternative worksite on a temporary basis.
b. Employees who telework may also participate in alternative work schedules in accordance
with DoD and Component policy, subject to supervisor’s approval. In many cases, alternative
work schedules can enhance the effectiveness of telework.
DoDI 1035.01, January 8, 2024
c. Premium pay provisions (e.g., overtime and compensatory time) that apply to work at the
regular worksite also apply to Government employees who telework.
Employees must account for time spent in a telework status in the same manner as if the
employee reported for work at the regular worksite.
a. Supervisors will establish appropriate procedures for documenting hours of regular work,
telework, and hours of leave as otherwise consistent with their Component-specific policies.
DoD Components will document telework hours in their official time and attendance system.
b. Employees must record dates and times spent in a telework status so that Components can
track telework usage. Supervisors must ensure that employees distinguish telework hours
between routine versus situational.
c. Supervisors approve leave for teleworkers consistent with applicable law, rule, regulation,
and DoD policy.
d. Weather and safety leave will not be provided to a telework eligible employee who is not
prevented from working safely at an appropriate alternative worksite during severe weather or
other emergency situation.
Teleworkers are eligible for travel reimbursement consistent with the Joint Travel Regulations
(JTR) and Component-specific policy.
a. Employees who telework will be treated the same as those not teleworking for the
purposes of periodic appraisals of job performance, training, rewarding, reassigning, promoting,
reducing in grade, retaining and removal, and other acts requiring management discretion.
b. The performance standards for duties of teleworking employees and Service members will
be the same as the performance standards for similar duties of on-site employees and Service
members who perform the same job.
c. As with any supervisory relationship, work assignments performed or training
accomplished while on telework will be discussed, understood, and acknowledged.
d. Supervisors will communicate expectations of telework arrangements, including work
assignments, office coverage, and the method of communication to teleworking and non-
teleworking employees and Service members in the workgroup.
DoDI 1035.01, January 8, 2024
e. Supervisors will put procedures in place to maintain communication across all members
of a workgroup.
f. Supervisors are responsible for the effective functioning of the workgroup. However,
employees and Service members are responsible for their availability and information sharing
with the workgroup. Supervisors, employees, and Service members are mutually responsible for
ensuring the success of the telework arrangement.
g. Supervisors of bargaining unit employees will review the Component’s collective
bargaining agreement(s) to ensure that telework is conducted consistently with the agreement.
h. When a supervisor observes an employee’s or Service member’s performance falling
below fully successful performance, the supervisor may consider pursing a performance
improvement plan prior to modifying, suspending, or terminating a telework agreement.
Either a supervisor or teleworker may terminate a telework agreement. A supervisor may
consider the following when deciding to terminate a telework agreement: it no longer meets
mission requirements or the needs of the workgroup, the agreement has negatively impacted
individual or agency performance, misconduct, issuance of an official disciplinary action, non-
compliance with the terms of the telework agreement, or for other business-based reasons to
meet mission requirements.
a. When terminating an employee’s or Service member’s telework agreement, the supervisor
will provide written justification on DD Form 2946 and will include information about when the
requestor may reapply or actions the requestor may take for a subsequent telework request to be
(1) When practicable, the supervisor will provide a written notice, at least 2 weeks
before expecting a teleworking employee or Service member to stop participating in routine
telework and return to the official worksite.
(2) In the case of performance matters, supervisors will document and demonstrate that
the individual’s teleworking directly and negatively impacts individual performance or the
performance of the workgroup and remediation can be best accomplished by terminating the
telework agreement.
(3) Supervisors may immediately terminate a telework agreement without notice when
an employee or Service member becomes ineligible to telework consistent with
Paragraphs 3.2.b.(1) and (2).
b. Employees may grieve termination of telework agreements through Component
administrative grievance procedures where such procedures are available. Bargaining unit
employees may file a grievance through negotiated grievance procedures, when otherwise not
excluded. Service members may request reconsideration through their appropriate chain of
command consistent with Component-specific policy.
DoDI 1035.01, January 8, 2024
a. Supervisor or Commander.
(1) Determines employee or Service member eligibility for routine or situational
telework in accordance with Paragraph 3.2., Component guidance, and collective bargaining
agreements, as applicable.
(2) Approves, denies, or reassesses requests for telework based upon mission
requirements, misconduct, official disciplinary actions within the last 2 years, and the needs of
the workgroup, or other business-based reasons and as otherwise consistent with Paragraph 3.15.
(3) Notifies employees or Service members of their eligibility to participate in a telework
(4) Indicates position and employee eligibility in the appropriate official system of
(5) Ensures employees or Service members complete and maintain telework training
every 2 years, and complete, sign, and maintain a DD Form 2946.
(6) Participates in supervisor telework training before approving employees’ or Service
members’ telework agreements. Implements the telework program consistent with the
requirements of this issuance and Component guidance.
(7) Ensures teleworkers and onsite staff are treated equitably.
(8) Maintains adequate worksite coverage during business hours so that mission
operations continue efficiently and effectively.
(9) Holds teleworkers accountable for safeguarding and ensuring appropriate use of
b. Employees.
(1) Participate in telework training before entering into a written telework agreement in
accordance with the requirements in Paragraph 3.7.a.
(2) Complete DD Form 2946 detailing the location(s) of the alternative worksite
comparable to the requirements of Paragraph 3.3. and Component guidance.
(3) Protect all CUI, as defined in DoDI 5200.48 and including Privacy Act data, and
classified information (where applicable and authorized at a secure alternative location).
Comply with all criteria and guidelines for information and electronic security consistent with
Paragraphs 3.8. and Component guidance.
(4) Safeguard and ensure appropriate use of GFE consistent with Paragraph 3.9.b. and
Component guidance.
DoDI 1035.01, January 8, 2024
(5) Work at the official worksite on approved scheduled telework days if directed by
(6) Contact supervisor and obtain approval when:
(a) Government offices close to the public. Teleworkers who are unable to telework
due to a personal situation or other circumstances will request the appropriate category of leave
or request to be excused from duty.
(b) The regular worksite office is open and circumstances prevent the employee from
teleworking. The employee must report to the regular worksite or request leave.
(c) Requesting situational telework or appropriate leave to accommodate
unanticipated personal circumstances.
(d) Component leadership provides the option of unscheduled leave or unscheduled
(7) Maintain a required performance level of at least fully successful or equivalent.
(8) Code and report approved telework time in the Component’s time and attendance
(9) Report any work-related accident or injury occurring at the alternative worksite and
provide the supervisor with medical documentation related to the accident or injury.
(10) Adhere to Component’s mandatory training or drug testing requirements.
c. Service Members.
Service member responsibilities are at the discretion of the OSD and DoD Component heads,
unless otherwise indicated in this issuance.
a. Chapter 81 of Title 5, U.S.C., also known and referred to in this issuance as “The Federal
Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA)” covers employees when injured or suffering from
work-related illnesses while conducting official government business at the approved alternative
worksite. Employees should notify their supervisor if injured while teleworking and provide
their supervisor with medical documentation related to the injury in a manner consistent with
law, regulation, and policy. Employees may pursue claims in accordance with Volume 810 of
DoDI 1400.25.
b. Chapter 18 of Title 33, U.S.C., also known and referred to in this issuance as “The
Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act” covers nonappropriated fund (NAF)
employees. Employees should notify their supervisor if injured while teleworking and provide
their supervisor with medical documentation related to the injury consistent with law, regulation,
DoDI 1035.01, January 8, 2024
and policy. NAF employees may pursue claims in accordance with Volume 1408 of
DoDI 1400.25.
DoDI 1035.01, January 8, 2024
Remote work is an alternative work arrangement that involves an employee or Service member
performing their official duties at an approved alternative worksite away from an agency
worksite, without regularly returning to the agency worksite during each pay period.
a. Conditions.
(1) Employee or Service member requests remote work;
(2) The employee position is identified as remote work eligible at the time of
recruitment; or
(3) A position previously designated as ineligible for remote work is re-evaluated and
determined to be eligible for remote work.
b. Verification Requirements.
Remote workers must have a designated workspace that is safe and conducive for the
performance of their duties at the approved alternative worksite. Verification will be
accomplished using a remote work agreement which requires pre-approval of any changes in the
remote work location and completion of a safety checklist, and through ongoing oversight of
remote work arrangements.
c. Operational Requirements.
Components must develop and foster a culture that supports remote work while successfully
achieving mission and meeting operational requirements through transparency, open
communication, trust, and the use of technology.
(1) Prior to approving remote work, Components will consider:
(a) Potential impact to administrative and operational functions including delivery of
quality customer service and subsequent perceptions of inequitable treatment between on-site
and remote working employees.
(b) Potential personnel and organization cost implications:
1. Changes in locality pay.
2. Cost of travel.
3. Future agency directed changes in regular worksite (including potential
permanent change of station costs).
DoDI 1035.01, January 8, 2024
4. Transit subsidies.
(c) Potential social impact to employees or Service members who may experience
difficulties in a remote situation due to reduced social interaction.
(2) Supervisors will consider:
(a) Equity of work assignments.
(b) Sufficient office coverage as applicable.
(c) Performance management through focusing on goals and outcomes.
(d) Frequent communication regarding tasks and projects.
(e) Expenses associated with shipping materials to remote workers.
(f) Logistics of handling GFE during issuance and repairs.
(g) Availability of resources located at a nearby installation or other official
worksites that can provide support and ensure accountability of remote workers.
a. A remote work arrangement may not be approved unless it meets all of the telework
eligibility criteria described in Paragraph 3.2., to include criteria applicable to positions
involving classified material.
b. Positions that are eligible for telework may not be suitable for remote work. After
initially determining whether the position and employee are eligible for telework, DoD
Components will consider the following factors before determining remote work eligibility:
(1) Number of remote work arrangements the work unit can accommodate.
(2) Need for in-person interaction or shared experiences.
(3) Availability of resources, to include those listed below, to ensure the remote worker
will be provided the same opportunity for assignments and consistency of workload as peers at
the official worksite.
(a) Standards and guidelines which promote fair and equitable application of remote
work duties.
(b) Tools to manage workload and facilitate collaboration with coworkers.
(c) Activities to engage remote workers with on-site coworkers.
(d) Communication channels for announcements or changes in policies.
DoDI 1035.01, January 8, 2024
(e) Supplies and training.
Approved remote work participants must have a remote work arrangement documented in
writing, known as a remote work agreement. At the minimum, the agreement must be signed by
the employee and the immediate supervisor. Remote work agreements will be consistent with
the same terms of agreement of working from an alternative worksite as telework agreements as
contained in Paragraph 3.3. Figure 1 provides a sample template of a remote work agreement.
Figure 1. Sample Remote Work Agreement
Date of Request: Proposed Start Date of Remote Work:
Location of Official Work Site:
City: ___________________________ State: _____________________
Note: Official worksite is used to determine pay, reduction in force competitive area, travel reimbursement, and unemployment
Assignments and Communication: [Use if appropriate. This may include work assignment, clarification related to remote
worksite, agreements related to office communication, checking/responding to voicemail and email, and/or contacting the
Component-Specific Remote Work Training [Identify any specific requirements and completion date, if applicable.]
Travel and Relocation Expenses
All costs associated with a move to the new official worksite are the responsibility of the employee. The employee agrees to
waive any rights to moving expenses if directed to return to the regular worksite based on a decline in performance or for
Employee Initials _______
[Insert Component-specific travel policy, as applicable.]
Remote work within the locality pay area:
Employees will not be paid for local travel to the agency’s worksite if their official worksite is within the local commuting
area (50-mile radius, as defined in the Joint Travel Regulations (JTR)).
Employees will be paid for travel to the agency’s worksite if their official worksite is outside the local commuting area (50-
mile radius, as defined in the JTR).
Employees will be paid for travel from their official worksite for official business travel to locations away from the agency’s
Remote work outside the locality pay area:
Employees will be paid for travel from their official worksite for official business travel to the agency’s worksite.
Employees will be paid for travel from their official worksite for official business travel to locations away from the agency’s
DoDI 1035.01, January 8, 2024
Figure 1. Sample Remote Work Agreement, Continued
Pay Entitlements
All pay entitlements (including locality-based pay) and other government benefits are based on the new official remote worksite
identified above.
Requests for Change of Remote Location
Employees must obtain supervisor’s oral or written approval to work at a location other than the approved alternative remote
worksite prior to making any arrangements and reporting to work (e.g., temporary arrangements).
Requests for permanent changes to alternative remote work location must be made at least 30 calendar days in advance.
Approved requests will require a new remote work agreement and the servicing human resources office will complete a Standard
Form 50, “Notification of Personnel Action,” documenting the approved alternative worksite location.
Employee Name: Employee Signature:
Supervisor Action
□ Approve □ Disapprove Date:
Supervisor Signature:
a. DoD Component remote work agreements will include but are not limited to:
(1) Whether the employee or supervisor initiated the request.
(2) Alternative worksite location and locality pay area if it differs from the regular
(3) Hours of work.
(4) Sources for obtaining supplies, location of the common access card facility, or other
relevant resources and locations that support completion of assigned duties.
(5) Whether travel and relocation costs will be paid by the Component.
(6) Clearly outline the terms of termination, including any associated costs.
(7) Agency specific remote work policy and applicable collective bargaining
b. An employee’s request to change the terms of a current remote work arrangement (e.g.,
move to a new alternative worksite location) must be approved in advance and requires the
employee to submit a new remote work agreement to document the new agreement terms. A
new remote work agreement must be approved before the employee implements the requested
DoDI 1035.01, January 8, 2024
The official worksite is the location where the employee regularly performs their duties. The
approved alternative worksite that is listed on the remote work agreement will become the
official worksite. Remote work arrangements will require a documented change in the official
worksite to the approved alternative worksite.
a. The servicing human resources office will complete a Standard Form (SF) 50,
“Notification of Personnel Action” (located at, or the
equivalent NAF personnel action, documenting the approved alternative worksite location.
b. Reassignment of an employee from the regular worksite to the approved alternative
worksite may result in a change to the employee’s locality pay and may impact a reduction in
force since the approved alternative worksite may be in a different competitive area than the
regular worksite.
a. Remote workers must establish a work schedule consistent with Component policy,
subject to supervisory approval. Supervisors must consider coverage for the appropriate time
zone relative to the mission objectives.
b. Supervisors must ensure remote workers request changes to their work schedule and then
communicate those approved changes to peers and customers.
c. Remote workers are permitted to participate in available flexible work schedules in
accordance with DoD and Component policy, subject to supervisory approval.
a. Remote workers are responsible for accurately reporting their working hours using their
Component’s official time and attendance system.
b. Remote workers will adhere to their approved work schedule as recorded in the DoD
Component’s time and attendance system and their organization’s published guidance on hours
of duty, work schedules, and tours of duty, unless otherwise approved by their supervisor.
c. Remote workers must account for work and non-work hours during tour of duty and take
appropriate paid or unpaid leave to account for time spent away from normal work-related
duties. The provisions of Paragraph 3.6. regarding dependent care are also applicable to remote
a. All relocation requests, approvals, denials, and associated responsibility for costs must be
documented in writing.
DoDI 1035.01, January 8, 2024
b. An employee-requested relocation to a remote work location is for the employee’s own
convenience and benefit. Pursuant to Chapter 2 of the JTR, the agency is prohibited from paying
relocation expenses to a new remote work location. In accordance with the JTR, if approved to
work remotely, the employee agrees to waive any rights to moving expenses if directed to return
to the regular worksite based on a decline in performance or for misconduct. Accordingly, the
employee is responsible for incurring such expenses when directed to return to the regular
worksite due to a decline in performance or for misconduct.
Supervisors, employees, and Service members will adhere to the guidance contained in
Paragraph 3.14.
a. Remote workers will be treated the same as on-site employees for the purposes of periodic
appraisals of job performance, training, rewarding, reassigning, promoting, reducing in grade,
retaining and removal, and other acts requiring management discretion.
b. If a Component determines that the remote work arrangement is negatively impacting the
employee’s performance, the Component may wish to pursue a performance improvement plan
that can be done remotely at the remote work site versus requiring the remote worker to work
Regardless of the worksite, it is the responsibility of employees and Service members to keep
Government property and DoD information safe, secure, and separated from their personal
property and information. Remote workers will adhere to the guidance contained in
Paragraph 3.8.
DoD Components should provide the necessary equipment and office supplies for use with GFE
for remote workers based on the nature and type of work performed. Supervisors, employees,
and Service members must comply with equipment usage requirements contained in Paragraph
3.9. The General Services Administration offers guidelines for equipment and support that
Components may provide to remote workers on Page 13845 of Volume 71, Federal Register.
a. Supervisor or Commander.
(1) Using the criteria in Paragraph 4.2., assesses whether the duties and responsibilities
of the position can be performed remotely and considers the impact to mission.
DoDI 1035.01, January 8, 2024
(2) Budgets for potential travel costs associated with reasonable travel to and from the
employee or Service member’s permanent remote worksite and the regular worksite.
(3) Determines employee or Service member eligibility for remote work consistent with
the requirements of Paragraph 4.2., Component guidance, and collective bargaining agreements,
as applicable.
(4) Notifies employees or Service members of their eligibility for remote work.
(5) Indicates position and employee eligibility in the appropriate official system of
(6) Participates in Component-required remote work training before approval of an
employee or Service member’s remote work agreement consistent with the requirements of this
issuance, Component guidance, or at least once every 2 years.
(7) Establishes clear criteria to evaluate and approve or disapprove remote work
agreements to avoid unfair or inequitable practices.
(8) Approves or denies requests for remote work based upon mission requirements,
misconduct, for non-compliance with the terms of the remote work agreement, official
disciplinary actions within the last 2 years, the needs of the workgroup, or for other business-
based reasons.
(9) Drafts, signs, and maintains a remote work agreement comparable to the
requirements of Paragraph 3.3.
(10) Returns decisions on requests for remote work, including new requests or
modifications to existing agreements, within 30 calendar days of receipt where practicable.
(11) Justifies, in writing, the basis for the denial of remote work requests.
(a) Supervisors must provide written basis for the denial and if appropriate, include
information about when the requestor may reapply and actions the requestor may take for a
subsequent remote work request to be approved.
(b) Employees may grieve termination of remote work agreements through
Component administrative grievance procedures where such procedures are available.
Bargaining unit employees may file a grievance through negotiated grievance procedures, when
otherwise not excluded. Service members may request reconsideration through their appropriate
chain of command as consistent with Component-specific policy.
(12) Holds employees and Service member accountable for safeguarding and ensuring
appropriate use of GFE.
(13) Ensures remote workers have the software needed to complete their duties, which
may include collaboration software to attend virtual meetings with customers, peers, or
DoDI 1035.01, January 8, 2024
(14) Reiterate security requirements for computer systems access with the remote worker
in a virtual environment.
b. Employee.
(1) Participates in Component-required telework training before entering into a written
remote work agreement consistent with the requirements of this issuance, Component guidance,
or at least once every 2 years.
(2) Completes Component’s remote work agreement form detailing the location of the
alternative worksite comparable to the requirements contained in Paragraph 3.3. and Component
guidance. If requesting remote work at home, completes a self-certification safety checklist and
makes sure any areas used for remote work comply with safety requirements.
(3) Completes and submits appropriate tax documents in accordance with Federal and
State laws.
(4) Reports any work-related accident or injury occurring at the alternative worksite and
provides the supervisor with medical documentation related to the accident or injury.
(5) Protects all CUI as defined in DoDI 5200.48 and classified data as defined in
DoDI 5200.01, including Privacy Act data, and complies with all criteria and guidelines for
information and electronic security contained in Paragraph 3.8. and Component guidance.
(6) Safeguards and ensures appropriate use of GFE contained in Paragraph 3.9. and
Component guidance.
(7) Codes and reports approved work hours in the Component time and attendance
(8) Obtains supervisor’s verbal or written approval to work at a location other than the
approved alternative worksite prior to making any arrangements and reporting to work (e.g.,
temporary arrangements).
(9) Requests any changes to alternative remote work location 30 calendar days in
(10) Attends required meetings the same as peers located at the official worksite.
(11) Adheres to mandatory training requirements.
(12) Adheres to mandatory drug testing requirements.
c. Service Member.
Service member responsibilities are at the discretion of the OSD and DoD Component heads,
unless otherwise indicated in this issuance.
DoDI 1035.01, January 8, 2024
a. The supervisor or commander may terminate a remote work agreement, if it no longer
meets mission requirements or the needs of the workgroup, for misconduct, for non-compliance
with the terms of the remote work agreement, or for other business-based reasons. The
employee or Service member may also request to terminate a remote work agreement.
(1) The person who initiates the termination of a remote work agreement must provide
notification of cancellation at least 30 calendar days before the effective date. The notice of
cancellation will include any relevant justification or reason for the cancellation.
(2) Responsibility for costs associated with reassigning the remote worker from the
alternative work site to the regular work site will be consistent with the terms of the remote work
agreement, the JTR, and any other applicable law, regulation, or policy. Additional requirements
are set forth in Paragraph 4.7.
b. Employees may grieve termination of remote work arrangements through Component
administrative grievance procedures where such procedures are available. Bargaining unit
employees may file a grievance through negotiated grievance procedures, when otherwise not
excluded. Service members may request reconsideration through their appropriate chain of
command as consistent with Component-specific policy.
Remote workers pursuing claims under FECA or the Longshore and Harbor Workers’
Compensation Act will follow guidance in Paragraph 3.17.
DoDI 1035.01, January 8, 2024
Pursuant to Section 4802 of Title 22, U.S.C., the Secretary of State has security responsibility for
USG personnel whose alternative worksite is a foreign location that is not the location of the
employee’s regular worksite. Such arrangements require Department of State (DoS) approval
pursuant to its DETO program. Generally, the DoS does not approve DETO arrangements
involving alternative worksites that are not within 25 miles of a U.S. Embassy or Consulate or a
U.S. military installation with permanently assigned forces. Additional security requirements
and threat assessments apply.
a. Employees are not authorized to perform the duties of a position whose regular worksite is
located in the United States at an alternative worksite in a foreign location without an approved
DETO arrangement. In addition to prerequisites otherwise applicable to telework and remote
work arrangements, DETO arrangements require coordination with the Component DETO
coordinator. A DETO arrangement cannot begin until all required official approvals have been
obtained, including all required signatures on the DETO agreement and chief of mission (COM)
approval via the National Security Decision Directive (NSDD) 38 or eCountry Clearance
b. DoD Components will designate a DETO coordinator to serve as a central point of contact
to coordinate DETO arrangements for employees of the DoD Component. Component DETO
coordinators may direct inquiries concerning DETO policy and coordination requirements to the
DoD DETO coordinator at the Benefits, Wage and NAF Policy Branch of the Defense Civilian
Personnel Advisory Service by emailing
OSD Component DETO coordinators will coordinate with the DoD DETO coordinator before
contacting the DoS.
c. Employees and supervisors may direct inquiries to their Component’s telework
coordinator, human resources office, or DETO coordinator.
a. Employees may be permitted to temporarily perform work requirements and duties from
an approved overseas location pursuant to an approved DETO agreement in the following
(1) The employee is eligible to perform telework or remote work from an approved
alternative worksite.
DoDI 1035.01, January 8, 2024
(2) The employee is one of the following:
(a) On the orders of a sponsoring USG employee who is or will be assigned (not
temporary duty) to a U.S. mission abroad under COM authority or to a U.S. military installation
with permanently assigned forces.
(b) Not on the orders of a sponsoring USG employee but the alternative worksite is
within 25 miles of a U.S. Embassy or Consulate or a U.S. military installation with permanently
assigned forces and the location of the alternative worksite is rated low or medium by the DoS
for crime, terrorism, and political violence.
(3) The duties of the position do not require access to, and/or the handling of, classified
materials, unless the employing Component has arranged for the employee to obtain
appropriately secure access to such materials at an alternative worksite located at a U.S. Embassy
or Consulate or at a U.S. military installation with permanently assigned forces.
(4) The employing Component determines it is in the best interests of the Component,
and funding is available, to pay for any additional costs (e.g., International Cooperative
Administrative Support Services Program) necessary to support the DETO arrangement.
(5) The employee’s duties do not involve reporting on or playing any substantive role in
policy or administrative issues pertaining to the country from which the employee would work.
b. DETO arrangements are a discretionary workplace flexibility, not an employee
entitlement. DoD Components will consider DETO arrangements on a case-by-case basis and
establish DETO policies for enforcement and administration.
Effective January 1, 2023, DETO employees are entitled to locality pay in accordance with
Section 9717 of Public Law 117-263. The locality payment is equal to the lesser of the amount
of Title 5 locality pay the employee would have been paid if the official duty station of the
employee had not been changed to an overseas location under the DETO arrangement or the
amount of overseas locality pay the employee would be paid if the employee were an eligible
member of the Foreign Service, as continued to be authorized under Section 9802(c) of the Fiscal
Year 2023 National Defense Authorization Act. Information about how to calculate DETO
locality pay is available at
a. Requirements.
The requirements for DETO agreements are the same as those in Paragraph 3.3. In addition
to the specified DoD requirements, DoS requirements apply. DETO coordinators may obtain
templates and information about DoS procedures by emailing the DoD DETO coordinator.
DoDI 1035.01, January 8, 2024
b. Duration.
DETO agreements will be of limited duration, subject to the following criteria:
(1) DETO arrangements may not exceed the initial overseas assignment duration of an
employee’s USG sponsor.
(2) A sponsored DETO arrangement may not exceed 5 years.
(3) An independent DETO arrangement may not exceed 3 years.
(4) DETO arrangements may not exceed the initial DoS approved DETO ending date,
unless all required official approvals for an extension have been obtained, including all required
signatures on the DETO agreement and COM approval via the NSDD 38 or eCountry Clearance
c. Amendments.
Supervisors may amend the DETO agreement at any time by providing written justification
based on the needs of the office and with prior notification to the employee of 60 calendar days.
Supervisors must work with the Component DETO coordinator to ensure that all required
official approvals for an amendment have been obtained, including all required signatures on the
DETO agreement and COM approval via the NSDD 38 or eCountry Clearance process.
d. Termination.
(1) Either the employee or supervisor may cancel a DETO agreement before its
prescribed termination date. The notice of cancelation will:
(a) Provide justification for the cancelation.
(b) Be in writing.
(c) Be submitted to the Component DETO coordinator and all parties to the DETO
agreement at least 30 calendar days before the effective date of cancellation.
(2) Supervisors may cancel agreements which no longer meet mission requirements or
the needs of the workgroup, for misconduct, for non-compliance with the terms of the DETO
agreement, or for other business-based reasons.
(3) The DoD or Component DETO coordinator will ensure that the DoS is notified of the
e. Workers’ Compensation.
Employees on approved DETO arrangements pursuing claims under FECA or the Longshore
and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act will follow the guidance contained in Paragraph 3.17.
and the requirements for overseas claims.
DoDI 1035.01, January 8, 2024
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower and Reserve Affairs
chief information officer
chief of mission
continuity of operations
controlled unclassified information
Department of Defense (form)
domestic employee teleworking overseas
DoD instruction
Department of State
Federal Employees’ Compensation Act
government furnished equipment
Joint Travel Regulations
nonappropriated fund
National Security Decision Directive
Office of Management and Budget
Office of Personnel Management
personally identifiable information
standard form
United States Code
Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security
U.S. Government
DoDI 1035.01, January 8, 2024
These terms and their definitions are for the purpose of this issuance.
alternative work
An umbrella term that refers to compressed work schedules and
flexible work schedules.
alternative worksite
A management-approved telework or remote work site.
alternative worksite
An approved alternative worksite that is listed in a telework or
remote work agreement.
An effort to ensure that the capability exists to continue
component-essential functions across a wide range of
natural disasters or local or national declared emergencies.
A categorical designation that refers to sensitive information
that isn’t classified, but still needs some level of protection and
safeguarding. The designation CUI replaces the term “sensitive
but unclassified.”
Associated with an employee’s tour of duty that is established
by their agency in accordance with Sections 6101(a)(3), 6122,
and 6127 of Title 5, U.S.C.
dependent care
Services that provide support and nurturing of persons who
cannot meet their own needs, such as children or functionally
impaired adults.
A USG employee assigned to a domestic position with an
alternative work arrangement permitting work to be performed at
an approved worksite in an overseas location for a limited period of
Characteristics of a job position and an employee or a Service
member that identify suitability for teleworking or remote working
as determined by the supervisor or other appropriate management
official in an employee’s or a Service member’s chain of
A DoD government employee, including foreign national
employees, paid from appropriated or NAF funds.
DoDI 1035.01, January 8, 2024
independent DETO
An USG employee, not on the orders of a USG sponsoring Service
member or employee, assigned to a domestic position with an
alternative work arrangement permitting work to be performed in
an overseas location for a limited period of time.
mission essential
Job position functions that enable the Federal Government
to continue to provide the necessary, vital services during
time of need.
mission-essential duties
Job position functions that are identified as critical to
performance of the mission.
mobile work
Work which is characterized by routine and regular travel
to conduct work in customer or other worksites as opposed
to a single authorized alternative worksite.
official worksite
The official Federal agency location for most employees
and Service members, including teleworkers. For remote
workers, the official worksite is the alternative worksite to
which the supervisor and the employee or Service member
have agreed. The official worksite is generally the location
of an employee’s duty location as documented on an
employee’s SF 50 or equivalent.
official disciplinary
A disciplinary action that results in the placement of a
document in an employee’s official personnel file.
regular worksite
Location where an employee or Service member would
work absent a telework or remote agreement. Also called
the agency worksite.
remote work
An alternative work arrangement in which an employee or
Service member works from an approved alternative
worksite within or outside the locality pay area of an
agency worksite and is not expected to return to an agency
worksite on a regular basis during each pay period.
remote work
A written agreement between the supervisor and employee
or Service member that outlines duties, obligations,
responsibilities, and conditions of the remote work
DoDI 1035.01, January 8, 2024
remote worksite
Alternative worksite location where an employee performs
assigned official duties in a remote work arrangement.
This is also the remote worker’s official worksite and must
be reflected on the employee’s SF 50 or equivalent NAF
personnel action.
routine telework
A telework arrangement with an approved, ongoing
schedule during which an employee or Service member
reports to the official worksite at least 2 days a bi-weekly
pay period.
situational telework
An approved telework arrangement that is not a part of an
ongoing schedule and occurs occasionally. It is also
referred to as episodic, intermittent, unscheduled, or ad hoc
telework. Telework is also considered situational even
though it may occur continuously for a specific period.
sponsored DETO
A USG employee on the orders of a USG sponsoring Service
member or employee assigned to a domestic position with an
alternative work arrangement permitting work to be performed in
an overseas location for a limited period of time.
Government management official, commander, or Service
member who has direct responsibility for directing and
managing employee or Service member work and for
approving and denying employee or Service member
telework or remote work agreements.
telework agreement
A written agreement, completed and signed by an
employee or Service member and the authorized
management official(s) or commanders via the DD
Form 2946, that outlines the terms and conditions of the
telework arrangement.
telework center
A facility that provides a geographically convenient office
setting with workstations and other office facilities and
services that are used by employees or Service members
from more than one organization.
DoDI 1035.01, January 8, 2024
Code of Federal Regulations, Title 5
DoD Directive 1400.25, “DoD Civilian Personnel Management System,” November 25, 1996
DoD Directive 5124.02, “Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
(USD(P&R)),” June 23, 2008
DoD Instruction 1400.25, Volume 810, “DoD Civilian Personnel Management System: Injury
Compensation,” April 12, 2005
DoD Instruction 1400.25, Volume 1408, “DoD Civilian Personnel Management System:
Insurance and Annuities for Nonappropriated Fund Employees,” August 28, 2020,
as amended
DoD Instruction 5200.01, “DoD Information Security Program and Protection of Sensitive
Compartmented Information (SCI),” April 21, 2016, as amended
DoD Instruction 5200.48, “Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI),” March 6, 2020
DoD Manual 5200.01, “DoD Information Security Program,” dates vary by volume
DoD Manual 5400.07, “DoD Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Program,” January 25, 2017
DoD Manual 8910.01, Volume 2, “DoD Information Collections Manual: Procedures for DoD
Public Information Collections,” June 30, 2014, as amended
Federal Register, Volume 71, Page 13845, March 17, 2006
Joint Travel Regulations (JTR), current edition
Office of Management and Budget Memorandum M-17-15, “Rescission of Memoranda Relating
to Identity Management,” January 19, 2017
Office of Management and Budget Memorandum 19-17, “Enabling Mission Delivery through
Improved Identity, Credential, and Access Management,” May 21, 2019
National Security Decision Directive 38, “Staffing at Diplomatic Missions and Their Overseas
Constituent Posts,” June 2, 1982
Public Law 106-346, Section 359, “Department of Transportation and Related Agencies
Appropriations Act 2001,” October 23, 2000
Public Law 117-263, Section 9717, “James M. Inhofe National Defense Authorization Act for
Fiscal Year 2023,” December 23, 2022
United States Code, Title 5
United States Code, Title 22, Section 4802
United States Code, Title 28
United States Code, Title 29
United States Code, Title 31
United States Code, Title 33, Chapter 18 (also known as “The Longshore and Harbor Workers’
Compensation Act”)
United States Code, Title 37
United States Code, Title 40, Section 587