Los Angeles Office
845 South Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, CA 90017
San Francisco Office
180 Howard Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
Applicants taking the California Bar Examination should carefully read this bulletin prior to the
first day of the exam, as it contains important information that you will need to know.
Schedule of the examination
The July 2023 bar exam will be administered in person. The General Bar Examination will be
administered on Tuesday and Wednesday, July 25 and 26, 2023. The Attorneys’ Examination
will be administered on Tuesday, July 25, 2023. Each day, there will be a morning and an
afternoon session. Applicants using laptop computers must be seated no later than 8:20 a.m. All
applicants must be seated no later than 8:30 a.m. The examination will begin immediately
following the instructions. You should plan to arrive at least 30 minutes early to check in and
locate your assigned section or room. Arriving late to the test center will not alter the start time
of your exam.
The afternoon sessions generally begin at 1:30 p.m.; instructions will begin promptly 15 minutes
before the scheduled start time. An announcement will be made at the end of the morning
session advising you when you are expected to report for the afternoon session. The
examination is scheduled to conclude on Tuesday at approximately 5:30 p.m. and on Wednesday
at approximately 5:00 p.m. Applicants granted extended time may have different schedules,
which are communicated to them individually in advance of the examination.
Description of the examination
The California Bar Examination is comprised of the General Bar Exam and the Attorneys’ Exam.
The General Bar Exam consists of three parts: five essay questions, the Multistate Bar
Examination (MBE), and one Performance Test (PT). California does not accept the transfer of
MBE scores from other jurisdictions.
On Tuesday, applicants will have three hours during the morning session to answer three essay
questions; during the afternoon session, applicants will have three hours and 30 minutes to
answer two essay questions and one PT. Each essay question is designed to be answered in one
hour and the PT is designed to be completed in 90 minutes. The MBE will be administered on
On the written section of the exam, applicants are initially graded on a basis of 700 maximum
possible raw points. An applicant can earn up to 100 raw points on each of the five essay
questions and up to 200 raw points on the PT. The scores obtained on the written section of the
180 Howard Street, San Francisco, CA 94105
July 2023 California Bar Exam Admittance Ticket Bulletin
exam are then translated to the 2000-point MBE scale. An applicant's total score is the scaled
MBE score multiplied by .50 plus the converted score on the written section multiplied by .50.
Scaling ensures the two portions of the exam carry the relative weights assigned to them:
written (50 percent) and MBE (50 percent). The passing score on the exam is 1390.
The Attorneys’ Exam consists of the five essay questions and the PT from the General Bar Exam.
An applicant can earn up to 100 raw points on each essay question and up to 200 raw points on
the PT. The same methodology as described above will be used to convert the written scores to
a 2000-point scale. The total scale score for the Attorneys’ Exam is based on the written
portion. The passing score is 1390.
The Committee of Bar Examiners (CBE) judges the validity of the exam and, at its discretion,
may determine that the result of any test, any part of any test, or any individual's score is not
valid. Should the CBE invalidate any part of the test, or if any individual's test is declared invalid,
or for any reason any part of the test cannot be graded, at its discretion the CBE may decide to
make a pass/fail decision on the basis of the valid portion of the applicant's test product
available to the CBE.
If you are an attorney who has been approved to take the Attorneys’ Examination (1-day exam),
the words “1-Day Exam” should be printed on your admittance ticket. If those words are not
printed on your admittance ticket, you are scheduled to take the 2-day General Bar
Examination. Requests to change from the 1-day Attorneys’ Examination to the 2-day General
Bar Examination, or vice versa, cannot be honored after the final filing deadline for applications.
Requests for changes received after that date will not be processed; applicants must pass the
exam selected and approved by the Office of Admissions.
For attorney applicants with disabilities who have been granted accommodations that include
an extended day schedule, the number of testing days will be specified in their Testing
Accommodations Notice. Please review that schedule carefully.
Examination administration rules and policies
Failure to follow oral and written instructions while the examination is in session will result in
notice to the State Bar of California of a violation of examination rules in accordance with the
provisions of Title 4, Division 1, Chapter 6 of the Rules of the State Bar of California (Admissions
Rules). Conduct that results in a violation of security or safety or disrupts the administration of
the examination, which includes, but is not limited to, bringing unauthorized items into the
examination room (such as cell phones, notes, etc.), writing or typing after time has been called,
looking at another applicant’s papers, talking while the examination is in session, and being
abusive to other applicants, staff, proctors and/or other examination personnel, will result in
notice to the State Bar of a violation of examination rules or, in some cases, dismissal from the
examination test center. Applicants are expected to maintain a professional attitude toward
other applicants, staff, proctors, and other examination personnel at all times. Behavior that is
disruptive will be reported to the State Bar for whatever action it deems appropriate.
Applicants may not wear hats, caps, hoods, or any other type of headwear during the exam
unless the headwear is for religious purposes. Religious headwear (i.e., hijabs, yarmulkes, etc.)
July 2023 California Bar Exam Admittance Ticket Bulletin
may be subject to inspection, if such inspection is required in order to verify the identity of the
applicant or if there is suspected cheating.
Only the following items are allowed in the exam areas without prior approval. All items are
subject to inspection at the test centers:
1. Government-issued ID
2. The admittance ticket with no writing on it
3. Silent analog watches
4. Prescription medications (does not include cough drops)
5. Cash (must not have extraneous writing on it)
6. Credit/debit cards that might be needed for the lunch breaks
7. Keys
8. Face masks without valves (with no patterns or extraneous writing on them)
9. Protective gloves (latex or rubber only)
10. Nondigital pens (standard blue or black ink), nonmechanical pencils (with eraser
incorporated; no separate erasers), pen-style highlighters (must not be used on
answers), rulers and paper clips
11. Nondigital timers and nondigital clocks measuring 4”x 4” or smaller.
12. Eyeglasses (no cases or sunglasses)
13. Religious headwear
14. Foam earplugs (cannot be wireless and must not be connected to any mechanism or
15. Menstrual products
16. Inhalers
17. Diabetes-related items and equipment (does not include food or drinks)
18. Eyedrops in single-use vials
19. One back support (without a cover)
20. One orthopedic cushion (without a cover)
21. One standard-size pillow (without a case)
22. One bookstand
23. One footrest
24. Splints, braces, casts, crutches, wheelchair
25. Hearing aids
26. TENS units
27. Disability-related items that have been approved through the testing accommodations
petition process
28. Separate keyboard, mouse (wired or wireless), laptop riser/stand no higher than four
inches and a solid color mouse pad with no writing on it.
During the MBE sessions, the items listed above are allowed in the exam room, except pens,
rulers, paperclips, highlighters, back supports, orthopedic cushions, pillows, bookstands or
footrests, and laptops or laptop accessories. If you need any of these items due to a disability,
you must request them through the timely filing of a Testing Accommodations Petition.
Applicants who will be handwriting their exam answers, or who are required to handwrite in the
event of a laptop/software malfunction, must bring their own standard blue or black ink
ballpoint pens. Applicants must also bring their own pencils for the MBE portion of the exam
July 2023 California Bar Exam Admittance Ticket Bulletin
(several sharpened pencils are recommended). Mechanical pencils are not permitted. Pencil
sharpeners and separate erasers will not be allowed into the exam room.
Please note that applicants cannot bring wallets, tissues, lip balm, cough drops/throat lozenges,
gum, candy, or other food or drinks in the exam room. Water and tissues will be available
nearby at the test centers.
If unauthorized items are brought into the exam room, either intentionally or inadvertently,
they will be confiscated or noted, and the applicant will receive a Chapter 6 Notice and possibly
additional sanctions imposed by the State Bar or the CBE. In accordance with the CBE’s policies,
applicants will receive a score of zero for any session during which they are found to have
brought an unauthorized electronic device, such as a cell phone, digital watch or timer, or
activity tracker device (e.g., Fitbit) into the exam room, as well as any additional sanctions the
State Bar or the CBE may impose.
Test center environment
While every effort will be made to keep the environment of the test center comfortable and
quiet, there are times when events, conditions, or actions of third parties occur that are beyond
the control of the State Bar or the CBE. For instance, the temperature of the test center may
fluctuate due to the weather or the test center’s cooling/heating equipment; applicants should
be prepared for either warm or cold temperatures. Efforts will be made to keep the test center
quiet, but there may be forces outside the control of the State Bar or the CBE that prevent such
an environment from being guaranteed. You should come prepared to accommodate noises,
such as those made by other applicants taking the exam, proctors carrying out their duties,
people entering/exiting the exam room, equipment inside or outside the test center that may
make sounds while operating, other meetings or conventions in the same facility, etc. Earplugs
of the type specified earlier are strongly recommended.
General instructions
1. Your admittance ticket contains your applicant number, your file number, and your
NCBE number. Do not write anything on the ticket. You will be required to show your
ticket to the proctor when you enter the test center. You must keep it in your possession
throughout the exam.
2. If items other than those allowed are brought to the test center, you will be required to
leave them at your own risk outside of the exam area. The State Bar, CBE, Office of
Admissions staff, and proctors assume no responsibility for the safekeeping of items
that you bring to the test center. You are not permitted access to those items while the
exam is in session.
3. You should bring any small permitted personal items (e.g., prescription medication,
foam earplugs, pens, etc.) into the exam area in a small, clear plastic bag. Larger items,
such as pillows, do not need to fit into the clear plastic bag that holds your smaller
4. Signs will be posted showing seating assignments by applicant numbers. The number
can be found on your admittance ticket. You must occupy the same seating space
throughout the examination.
5. Upon arrival at your seat, you will be provided with a badge that will be your
July 2023 California Bar Exam Admittance Ticket Bulletin
identification credential during the exam administration, which you may be required to
show at any time. The badge must be fastened so it can be easily seen by the proctors.
You will be told to relocate the badge if it is not placed appropriately. The badge must
left at your seat during the lunch break.
6. At some time during exam administration, you may be required to provide your
fingerprints. If you refuse to provide the required fingerprints, you will be issued a
Chapter 6 Notice.
7. During the exam, you will be required to show a valid government-issued photo ID (e.g.,
driver's license, California Identification Card, or passport) for the purpose of identity
verification. You must carry this photo ID card at all times during the exam.
8. At the beginning of each written (essays and PT) session of the examination, you will be
instructed to write your applicant number, name, and signature in the upper right-hand
section of each of your answer book covers. Do not write notes, outlines, answers, time
schedules or make any marks on the inside or outside of your answer book covers. The
answer book covers are used for administrative purposes only. Your personal
information will not be provided to any graders. Applicant answers are identified by a
code number only; nothing about an individual applicant is known to the graders.
9. You are not allowed to make notes from memory prior to the start of the examination
session. If you are using your laptop computer, you may not access any notes or other
documents on your computer after you have entered the secure examining area. Scratch
paper will be distributed for each written session of the examination. Scratch paper is
not permitted during the MBE portion of the examination. You must not make notes or
write anything on your admittance ticket. If writing is found on your admittance ticket,
the ticket will be confiscated, and you will be issued a Chapter 6 Notice.
10. If you are handwriting your answers, there is a separate answer book for each written
question, and you must be certain that the answer to Question No. 1 is written in the
book for Question No. 1, etc. Answers written in a wrong answer book or typed in the
wrong answer window while using Examplify, or more than one answer typed in the text
box screen while using Examplify, require special handling and could delay the grading
of an applicant’s answer.
11. If you need additional scratch paper or lined paper to write your answers during the
examination, raise your hand and a proctor will provide you with what you need.
Nothing written on scratch paper will be graded.
12. If you are handwriting, you should do so as legibly as possible. A ballpoint pen with
standard blue or black ink must be used to write your answers. Answers to the essay
PT questions written in pencil are not acceptable. Only nonmechanical, soft lead #2
pencils may be used for the MBE portion of the exam. Neither highlighters nor white-
out may be used on your answers to the essay and PT questions.
13. All answers to the MBE portion of the exam must be marked on the Scantron answer
sheets provided. If you have circled or otherwise marked your answers in the question
booklet, extra time to transfer answers to the answer sheet will not be granted. Only
answers properly marked on the answer sheets will be scored.
14. Exam questions and used scratch paper may not be taken out of the exam room. After
completing each session of the exam, all exam questions and used scratch paper must
be placed in the envelope designated for that purpose.
15. If you handwrite your exam answers or any part thereof, it is your responsibility to turn
July 2023 California Bar Exam Admittance Ticket Bulletin
in your written exam answers to the proctors. If you have an answer that is partially
handwritten because you were unable to complete your answer using your laptop, you
must ensure that you complete and submit the form provided by the proctor, which will
alert the Grading Department that you have an answer partially handwritten and
partially uploaded. You cannot leave the test center with any exam materials, including
your answers.
16. The exam is electronically timed, and the official time is kept by the announcer.
However, you are allowed to keep track of your own time since wall clocks are not
provided. During the instructions at the beginning of each session, you will be advised of
the courtesy time warnings that will be given. Any failure on the part of the announcer
to give the planned warnings will not affect the outcome of the exam or the grading
process, and no extra time or other consideration will be granted.
17. Timing devices (i.e., watches and clocks) that are allowed to be brought into the exam
test centers are to be used solely for the determination of the passage of time. They
cannot have a digital display, must be silent, and cannot be larger than 4"x 4.” Timing
devices that are digital, programmable, and/or make noise are not permitted. If found,
they will be confiscated, and the applicant will receive a Chapter 6 Notice.
18. Writing and typing of answers must be completed when time is called. Please note that
extra time is not granted to any individual applicant for any reason. If you attempt to
write anything after time has been called, you will receive a Chapter 6 Notice.
19. Restrooms and water will be available at each test center. You should use the facilities
before taking your seat so that you do not miss the instructions prior to the start of each
session. Extra time to use the restroom will not be granted. You will not be permitted to
use the restroom or leave your seat during the last several minutes of the exam session
(5 to 15 minutes depending on the session). After time is called, you will not be
permitted to use the restroom or leave your seat until all materials are collected and
inventoried. If you fail to remain seated after being advised to do so or while the exam
materials are being collected and inventoried, you will receive a Chapter 6 Notice.
20. If you are leaving your seat for any reason, you should be considerate of others who are
taking the exam. The scraping of chairs, heavy footsteps, or conversation just outside
the exam area can disturb others.
21. If you leave the secure exam area during the exam session, you will not be permitted to
return for the purpose of completing your exam answers.
22. At laptop computer test centers, laptop computers may not be disconnected from
electrical outlets or removed from the exam room while the exam is in session, even if
you have completed the exam for that session. You must wait until the exam session has
concluded and applicants are dismissed before retrieving your computer.
23. The proctors' chief function is to proctor the exam; however, if asked, the proctors will
attempt to assist with any problems that may arise.
24. If there is an emergency of any kind, you should remain seated and wait for instructions
on how to proceed.
No smoking
Smoking is prohibited at test centers located in buildings that do not allow smoking in
accordance with city ordinances. Regardless of whether smoking is prohibited, any applicant
July 2023 California Bar Exam Admittance Ticket Bulletin
who exits the secure exam area in order to smoke while the exam is in progress will not be
allowed to re-enter to complete the exam.
Laptop computer users
After you have been notified that your admittance ticket is available, you are eligible to have
your laptop registered for use during the exam. You must download and install the required
security software (Examplify) onto your laptop, and you must complete the registration process
by July 21, 2023, with the completion of one mandatory mock exam. Complete the following
steps to make sure your laptop is ready for exam day:
1. Download the required security software (Examplify) onto your computer and register
with ExamSoft.
2. Take the one required mock exam and upload the answer files by July 21, 2023. The two
actual exam files will be downloaded automatically.
Confirmation: After you have downloaded the exam files, you will be advised by email from
ExamSoft that you have done so. Those confirmation emails are the only certification that your
laptop is ready for the exam. You may also check your status and view your download/upload
history online by launching Examplify from your laptop and confirming you have the
downloads. Log in using the Exam Takers box, click the Exam History button to review your
record, and confirm that you have downloaded the exam and mock exam files, and have
uploaded the mock exam answer files. It is the responsibility of applicants using laptops to
timely upload their exam files containing their answers to the five essay questions and one
Performance Test. Applicants who fail to upload their answer files by the published deadline
will have a deduction of 10 scaled points taken from their scaled score. Applicants who fail to
upload their answer files within two weeks of the published deadline will be given a grade of
zero for each answer that is not received by the State Bar Office of Admissions by the published
deadline. Applicants are expected to comply with the published deadlines; there are no waivers
of the deadlines or the sanctions that will be imposed as a result of applicants’ failure to upload
their exam file.
Exam attendance policy
If you do not attend or are unable to complete a required, scheduled exam session, you will be
considered a partial exam taker, and your exam will not be graded. For instance, if you are
taking the exam in person, if you are absent for the Tuesday morning session, you will not be
allowed to take any remaining sessions of the exam. If you are absent for any portion of the
exam, you will be considered as having not taken the exam, and your written answers will not
be graded. If you intend to take a future administration of the exam, you will be subject to the
same application filing deadlines applicable to first-time applicants rather than the deadlines
applicable to immediate repeaters, if any. Applicants must make a good faith attempt to
complete each session of the exam for which they are present. Failure to do so may lead to
receipt of a Chapter 6 Notice and being prohibited from attending any remaining exam sessions.
Late arrival to test center
Applicants arriving at the test center after one hour of testing time has elapsed will not be
permitted to enter the test center for any portion of the exam.
July 2023 California Bar Exam Admittance Ticket Bulletin
Address change
Applicants are encouraged to notify the Office of Admissions of a change of address as soon as
possible. Applicants are able to update their admissions file with the new address by accessing
their account through the Applicant Portal.
Moral Character
The Admissions Rules require a positive moral character determination before the CBE may
recommend that an applicant be admitted to practice law. The process is initiated by filing an
Application for Determination of Moral Character. The processing of these applications
generally takes a minimum of 180 days and sometimes longer to complete. If you have not
already filed a moral character application, you should do so now to avoid delays in your
admission to practice law if you are successful on the California Bar Exam. The application must
be filed online through your Applicant Portal.
Admittance ticket
Applicants will receive an email alerting them when admittance tickets are ready to be printed.
The admittance ticket can be located in the exam case record through the Applicant Portal.
Further communication
For particular questions regarding your status or the other requirements for admission, you
should contact the State Bar's Office of Admissions by sending an email directly from
your Applicant Portal. If you need to contact the office by phone, please use one of the
following numbers:
Los Angeles
845 South Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, CA 90017
San Francisco
180 Howard Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
California Bar Exam results
Results from the July 2023 administration of the California Bar Exam will be available to
applicants through their Applicant Portal on November 9, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. Communications
regarding exam results will be sent to the applicant’s contact information on file. Please note
that applicants will not be able to change their contact information the week before the exam
results are released. You will need your file number and applicant number, which are listed on
the admittance tickets and ID badges, to access the pass list.
The pass list will also be posted on the State Bar website on November 12, 2023.