Navigating the
Social Network
Air Force Public Aairs Agency
2261 Hughes Ave, Ste 157
Lackland AFB, TX 78236-9853
(210) 395-1794luetube
The Air Force Guide to Effective Social Media Use
March 2012
Social Media for Airmen and eir Families
Social Media for Leaders
Social Media Considerations
Common Social Media Platforms
Social Media and Your Public Aairs Program
Social Media and the Air Force Public Aairs Agency
Air Force Symbol
Frequently Asked Questions
Produced by the Air Force Public Aairs Agency
2261 Hughes Ave, Ste 157
Lackland AFB, TX 78236-9853
(210) 395-1794
Tanya Schusler, Chief of Social Media
Tech. Sgt. Karen Tomasik, Noncommissioned Ocer
in Charge of Social Media
Airman 1st Class Krystal Tomlin, Social Media
Airman 1st Class Christopher Gere, Social Media
Broadcast Journalist
Designed by
Billy Smallwood, Visual Information Specialist
With the emergence of social media, information sharing continues to be dynamic and
evolving. Social media is a global cultural phenomenon, and for many Americans it has
become such a part of their daily activities they cant imagine living without Facebook or
Twitter. According to comScore, a digital measurement company, one out of every six
minutes spent online is on a social network, and 73 percent of the U.S. Internet population
visits Facebook each month. Social media is not only a great avenue for staying connected
with family and friends; it is also a great tool for sharing the overall Air Force story and
the stories of our Airmen.
e Air Force Public Aairs Agency created this guide to help all Airmen safely and
wisely use social media. is guide provides simple, easy-to-follow tips to help you use
social media tools in your professional and personal life. is guide is for informational
purposes only and does not replace ocial Air Force instructions.
If you would like more information about using social media tools, contact the Social
Media Division at the Air Force Public Aairs Agency (AFPAA) at afpaa.hq.socialmedia@ or by calling (210) 395-1794; DSN 969-1794.
In August 2011, the U.S. Air Forces Central Command band, “Sidewinder,
performed Adeles song “Rolling in the Deep” for a group of deployed Air-
men. An Airman captured the acoustic set on his mobile phone and Tweeted
the video. Within hours, the video went viral.
Lead singer Sta Sgt. Angie Johnson and the band received thousands of
positive comments. Many news organizations covered the story and featured
the band on their television shows. Practically overnight, many people dis-
covered two things: the Air Force has bands, and they are good.
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the Reach
of Your
In May 2011, a Las Vegas news station covered the U.S. Air Force
Weapons School at Nellis Air Force Base. e news station, re-
porter and Nellis AFB all cross-promoted various products (stories,
blog posts and video) using their social media properties. is
cross-promotion increased the potential viewership of the weapons
school information.
Social Media
for Airmen and eir Families
In general, the Air Force views personal social media sites positively and respects your
rights as Americans to use them to express yourself. However, by the nature of your
profession, you are always on the record and must represent our core values. When you
engage via social media, don’t do anything that will discredit yourself or the Air Force.
Use your best judgment because your writing can have serious consequences. Remember
that you are always on duty and your social media interactions are subject to the Uniform
Code of Military Justice. Also, dont forget your operations security (OPSEC) consider-
Consider how a post can be interpreted by the public. Be cautious about crossing the line
between funny and distasteful. If you have doubts about whether you should post some-
thing, err on the side of caution. If the post in question concerns the Air Force, discuss
the proposed post with your supervisor or your local PA oce. Ultimately, you alone are
responsible for what you post.
Airmen and Families
Don’t give criminals a chance to get your information. Be careful of the personal details,
photos and videos you post to your prole on social networks. Its highly recommended
that you set privacy settings so that only “friends” can see specics. Even aer establishing
privacy settings, dont assume your information will remain private; theres no guarantee.
Always use common sense: For example, don’t inform potential criminals youre going out
of town!
Its a good idea to always operate under the assumption that anything you post online
might be stolen by criminals or adversaries. Social content shared by Airmen and families
is a major target for those looking to impersonate them to gain access to sensitive infor-
mation, blackmail or intimidate. While there is a denite benet to using social media
to help with support networks, be wary of posting detailed information about support
groups. Posting unclassied sensitive information could be just as dangerous as posting
classied information.
You may also want to keep in mind future career opportunities. Potential employers
search social media sites. Your inappropriate photos or comments could cost you a job.
Consider occasionally performing Internet searches on yourself and your family members
to see what information is publicly available. ere are databases that continually archive
social networking websites and public records. Even if a prole was deleted, its very
possible it will still be stored in a database online. ese databases oen include an option
to delete personal information if you send an email request.
Corporate policies are taken seriously on social media sites, so read through a sites terms
of service before clicking “accept” to start an account. Inappropriate posting and copy-
right infringement are two of the most serious infractions. Keep in mind, these policies
are not written to restrict postings; rather, they are written to protect and help keep you
out of trouble.
Airmen and their families need to practice operations security (OPSEC) in all social
media activities. See the Security section in this guide for more information.
Social Media
for Leaders
Because social media allows information to spread quickly through global audiences, its
understandable that some Airmen may be wary of its use in an ocial capacity. However,
educating yourself on the capabilities of social media platforms will help your organiza-
tion become more eective in using them to communicate with key audiences.
How Can Social Media Help Leaders?
Social media is a quick way to communicate to your Airmen, your stakeholders, the
media, families, the local community and the American public with information on events
and issues that aect them. Using social media can help bridge the gap for people who
arent in close proximity to an installation or know very little about the military.
Social media is incredibly dynamic and engages people in a way that feels informal, real
and transparent. It aords leaders the opportunity to connect with others on a personal
level. By its very nature, social media allows everyone to have a role in shaping
Social media is only one of the tools in your public aairs communication toolbox, which
includes your base website, base newspaper, email and commanders calls. Each tool
should provide unique, complementary information to support your priorities. Identify
the audience you want to reach and the message you want to convey, and then determine
which social media platform(s) will most eectively reach that audience. See the Com-
mon Social Media Platform section for more in-depth descriptions of social media plat-
forms or page 18 for a quick reference chart. Regardless of which social media platforms
are used to help communicate to key audiences, they should be supplemented by other
tools to meet overall communication goals.
Consider scope. e communication strategy and corresponding communication tools
a major command uses will be dierent from wing-level units. Use a tailored approach
to balance the needs of senior leaders with the needs of key audiences. Remember that
social media is not just for pushing information – share interesting content and engage
Social Media Use
When using social media in an ocial capacity, its important to be honest about who is
posting information on behalf of senior leaders.
If youre using social media to keep in touch with family and friends, it might not make
sense to allow subordinates access to your personal accounts. If your personal social me-
dia accounts are publicly viewable and show your Air Force aliation, you must consider
what your photos, videos, posts and comments say about you, your values and beliefs and
your Air Force image.
As leaders, keep in mind that if your Airmen violate regulations, policy or the UCMJ,
you’ll need to deal with the situation appropriately.
Dos and
Don’ts of
Media for
• Dolistentoyourfollowersandengageasnecessary.
• Dobehonestaboutwhoismaintainingasocialmediasite.
• Dokeepyourinteractionsconversationalandinformal,yet
• Doconsideryourpublicimagewhenusingsocialmedia
professionally and personally.
• Dopicktherightcommunicationtoolsforyouraudiences.
• Don’trelyonsocialmediaalonetocommunicateyourmessages.
• Don’tstieconversations.Ifacommentorpostdoesn’thurt
anyone and doesnt violate your comment policy, dont delete it.
• Don’tbeafraidofnegativecommentsoropinions.It’sjustfeed-
back and a potential opportunity to educate people about a topic.
Social Media Considerations
Once it’s out there, it’s gone forever
• Onceyoupostsomethingonsocialmedia,youcant“getitback.”Evendeleting
the post doesnt mean its truly gone, so consider carefully before you hit enter.
No classied information
• Don’tpostclassiedorsensitiveinformation(forexample,troopmovement,
force size, weapons details, etc.). If in doubt, talk to your supervisor or security
manager. “ink OPSEC!”
Replace error with fact, not argument
• WhenyouseemisrepresentationsmadeabouttheAirForceinsocialmedia,
you may certainly use your social media property or someone elses to correct the
error. Always do so with respect and with the facts. When you speak to someone
who has an adversarial position, make sure what you say is factual and
respectful. No arguments, just correct the record.
Admit mistakes
• Bethersttorespondtoyourownmistakes.Ifyoumakeanerror,beupfront
about your mistake and correct it quickly. If you choose to modify an earlier
post, make it clear you have done so (e.g., use the strikethrough function).
Use your best judgment
• Whatyouwritemayhaveseriousconsequences.Ifyoureunsureaboutapost,
discuss your proposed post with your supervisor. Ultimately, you bear
sole responsibility for what you post.
Avoid the oensive
• Dontpostanydefamatory,libelous,vulgar,obscene,abusive,profane,threatening, 
racially and ethnically hateful or otherwise oensive or illegal information or
Don’t violate copyright
• Don’tpostanyinformationorothermaterialprotectedbycopyrightwithoutthe
permission of the copyright owner.
Don’t misuse trademarks
• Don’tuseanywords,logosorothermarksthatwouldinfringeuponthetrade
mark, service mark, certication mark or other intellectual property rights of the
owners of such marks without owner permission.
Don’t violate privacy
• Don’tpostanyinformationthatwouldinfringeupontheproprietary,privacyor
personal rights of others.
No endorsements
• DontusetheAirForcenametoendorseorpromoteproducts,politicalpositions
or religious ideologies.
No impersonations
• Don’tmanipulateidentiersinyourpostinanattempttodisguise,impersonate
or otherwise misrepresent your identity or aliation with any other person or entity.
Use disclaimers
• OcialAirForcesocialmediapropertiesmusthaveadisclaimersuchas:“e
appearance of external links on this site doesn’t constitute ocial endorsement on
behalf of the U.S. Air Force or Department of Defense.
• Statethattheviewsexpressedareyoursaloneanddontnecessarilyreecttheviews
of the Air Force. For example, “e postings on this site are my own and dont
necessarily represent Air Force positions, strategies or opinions.
• YoumayprovidealinktoanAirForcewebsitefromyouraccount.
• Organizationalpagesmayalsolinktoexternal,non-militarywebsitesthatare
relevant to the organization and mission. Again, include a disclaimer.
Adhere to federal law, Department of Defense directives and instruc-
tions, Air Force instructions, and the UCMJ
• Youmustkeepfederallaw,DepartmentofDefensedirectivesandinstructions,Air
Force instructions and the UCMJ in mind when using social media in ocial and
unocial capacities. As an Airman, you are on duty 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Be aware of the image you present
• Anytimeyouengageinsocialmedia,yourerepresentingtheAirForce.Don’tdo
anything that discredits you or our Service.
Stay in your lane
• Discussingissuesrelatedtoyourcareereldorpersonalexperiencesareacceptable 
and encouraged, but you shouldnt discuss areas of expertise where you have no
rsthand, direct experience or knowledge.
Be cautious with the information you share
• BecarefulaboutthepersonaldetailsyoushareontheInternet.Maintainprivacy
settings on your social media accounts, change your passwords regularly and don’t
give out personally identiable information. Also, be mindful of who you allow to
access your social media accounts.
Don’t promote yourself for personal or nancial gain
• Don’tuseyourAirForcealiation,ocialtitleorpositiontopromote,endorseor
benet yourself or any prot-making group or agency. For details, refer to Code
of Federal Regulations, Title 5, Volume 3, sec. 2635.702, Use of Public Oce for
Private Gain, in the Joint Ethics Regulation or Air Force Instruction 35-101, Public
Aairs Responsibilities and Management.
Follow the terms of service set by each social media site
• Becomefamiliarwitheachsocialmediasitestermsofserviceandfollowthem.
For example, Facebook will not permit you to have more than one personal prole.
If a personal prole is being used for your organization, it can be taken down with
out notice. Your unit needs to create a Facebook page for the organization, not a
Don’t be a bandwidth hog
military bandwidth usage.
Operations Security
e primary concern for Airmen using
social media is maintaining operations
security. Information moves and evolves
quickly via social media, which means OPSEC
awareness is more important than ever before. Make
sure you understand the risks and communicate them
to other Airmen. Information about social media awareness is
provided in annual computer-based training.
Review all content (photos, videos, links to articles, etc.) for OPSEC violations prior to
posting. Remember to take a holistic approach when evaluating whether or not your
content violates OPSEC. Dont provide adversaries any advantage by posting classied,
controlled unclassied information or sensitive information (for example, troop move-
ments, force size, weapons details, etc.). When compiled, such details can potentially cost
the lives of your fellow Airmen or jeopardize missions.
Can Help
0 Ensure OPSEC training is current.
0 Make sure social media content is reviewed and approved.
0 Make sure your content follows your organizations public
aairs guidance.
0 Monitor your social media properties to make sure fans have
not posted OPSEC-violating material.
0 Make sure your social media administrators are trained on
0 Help fellow Airmen and their families understand the dangers
of revealing OPSEC information.
If youre using smartphones or tablets to take pictures and access social networking sites,
you or your family could be inadvertently posting the exact geographic location of your
home, workplace or even daily travel patterns. is technology is known as geotagging.
Many phones, tablets and digital cameras are set up to geotag by default. If deployed and
using your phone or digital media devices in this capacity, you must disable this function.
You may want to consider turning it o for home use.
Impersonations and Criminal Usage of
Online Information
e Air Force Oce of Special Investigations has seen an uptick in the number of senior
leaders impersonated online. ese individuals are particularly susceptible to online
impersonation. eir leadership role in the military generally means personal and profes-
sional information is abundant and
readily available. eir institutional
and social stature also provides cy-
bercriminals with the reputability and
plausibility necessary to make these
online scams appear credible.
Although impersonation can easily be
used to facilitate criminal activity, the
mere act of online impersonation does
not in itself constitute a crime, and
law enforcement authority is limited.
Despite the fact that they are seldom
victims of scams themselves, senior
leaders should remain vigilant against
these types of online activities and report any improprieties regarding their personal
information to appropriate authorities.
AFOSI provided the following case studies. Specic details were modied to protect
ongoing investigations and operations, but the information can still help you use social
media sites safely.
• In2010,acybercriminalassumedtheidentityofaDoDgeneralocer
in an eort to perpetrate an online romance scam. Using a
high-ranking Air Force ocer’s public online information
(including photograph, name and biographical information),
the perpetrator created fake social networking proles to interact with
potential victims. One female victim lost more than $5,000.
• In2010,acriminalnetworktolditsaliatestouseopensource
information found online to target Air Force ocers and their
families. e criminals recommended pulling geographic coordinates
from the metadata of pictures posted online and using Google
Maps to nd the home addresses of the ocers, as well as social
networking site information to gather personal information about the
victims. e criminals then recommended their aliates use the
information to blackmail both the Air Force ocers and their families.
Several resources are available for victims of online impersonation such as the Internet
Crime Complaint Center,, and the help pages of social networking sites.
When clicking on links to ocial military or government sites, double-check the
URL is a .mil or .gov address and pay close attention to information contained on
the site. If you aren't paying attention and visit a spoofed site, you open yourself
up to phishing and malware set up by hackers.
Common Social Media Platforms
It can be dicult to keep up with the social media realm because it seems that a new
social media platform like Storify or Pinterest is born every day. is section covers some
of the most commonly used social media platforms in the Air Force.
Facebook is a free social networking site that allows users to post updates about them-
selves, commentaries on issues important to them and share links, photos and videos with
friends. Interacting with users is an important part of the platform.
Anatomy of an Eective Facebook Post
• Photos,videooralinktocontentthat’sappropriatefortheaudienceora
short, relevant and interesting status message.
• Short,professionalandconversationaltexttoaccompanyandtease
content. No need for a long paragraph.
• Eye-catchingthumbnail.
• Relevanttagtoanotherpageifappropriate.
Organizational Facebook Page Considerations
1. Develop a strategy before creating your Facebook page.
2. Identify the types of content you will post.
3. Consider interests and preferences for obtaining and retaining followers.
4. Ensure information posted is approved for public release; remember security
(e.g., OPSEC), accuracy, propriety and policy (e.g., Privacy Act considerations).
5. Listen to your fans and plan for feedback.
6. Have a legal contact on stand-by as situations arise.
7. Track metrics and conduct analysis. Use this information to modify your strategy.
Organizational Facebook Page Security
• Designateatleasttwoadministratorswhowillhavetousetheir
personal Facebook proles to become administrators of the organizational
page. Don’t create a fake prole to create your page.
• Createacommentpolicyanddisplayitonyourpage.SeetheUnitedStates
Air Force Facebook page for an example.
• DenethepagesrulesofengagementforAirmen.Considerreminding
Airmen to use the chain of command for issues or problems, not the
Facebook page.
• Postanexternallinksdisclaimer.
• Reviewcommentsregularly,anddeletecommentsiftheyviolateyour
comment policy or Facebooks terms of service.
• Willyouallowpostsfromfans?Pictures?Videos?Ifso,you’llhavemore
content to review.
• Willsomeoneberesponsibleforreviewingcommentsaerhours?
What to Post on Your Facebook Page
• Createauniqueexperienceforyourfollowersbyoeringamixtureofcontent.
• CreateonlineeventstogetmoreparticipationsuchasaQ&Asession,factoid
of the day, tip of the day, etc. Ask people to send in content. Be as creative as
you want.
• Occasionally,askgeneralquestionsoffansoroeracall-to-actioninyour
posts to encourage participation.
• Tagrelatedpagesasappropriate.
• SendcontenttotheAFPAASocialMediateamforconsideration.
• UseaURLshortenertotrackmetrics.Someexamplesare,,etc.
How to Interact on Facebook
• Beconversationalandinformal.Mostofall,befun.
• Beauthentic.Presentation,content,styleandtoneareimportant.
• Followerswanttobeintheknow.Wecanprovidepeoplewiththeright
information by communicating relevant material with edge and punch so its
memorable. e facts alone won’t always cut it.
• Giveboththebadandgoodnews.You’llberespectedmore.
• Lookateventsthroughsocialmedialenses.Whileyourelookingatanevent
from the traditional public aairs perspective, also think about how you
can create a special experience for social media users.
• Activelymonitorcommentsandpostsandrespondtothem.Mostanswersare
already on or, so point followers to the right place.
• Considerusingyourinitialsonposts.isnotonlyenhancesaccountability,but
it also helps followers connect with the way each person writes. Its a little detail
that adds extra personality.
Tips for a Successful Organizational Facebook Page
• Choosethegovernmentcategoryforyourpage.
• Yourprolephotoshouldincorporateyourunitshieldtomakeyourpagelook
ocial. Carefully consider choosing an interesting cover photo.
• Updateyourproleandcoverphotosperiodically.
• Completeyourtimelinewithappropriatemilestones.
• ShootforatleastonepostdailyMondaysthroughFridaysataminimum.Consider
posting on weekends too. Space out your posts to allow ample time for your
content to get attention and to avoid annoying your followers. Only you will know
what your key audience needs.
• Engagewithfollowersonatimelybasis.
Twitter is a microblogging site that revolves around 140-character long posts called tweets.
Twitter users communicate status updates, share links to content and post photos and
videos for their followers. Twitter users who want to share another user’s tweet may
retweet (commonly seen as RT) it to their followers, which makes it important to write
tweets no longer than 120 characters, so they can be retweeted easily. Twitter users who
follow one another may send direct messages (commonly seen as DM) to communicate
more privately.
Photos and videos are popular tweets, and hashtags and mentions are vital components
of Twitter. A hashtag is a word or phrase with the “#” sign in front of it (e.g., #airforce or
#Airman). Users can follow specic events, communities, topics or items by following a
specic hashtag. You can mention another Twitter account with an “@” prex (e.g.,
@usairforce or @usafpressdesk).
Twitter is useful for quickly sending out updates in crisis situations or sharing important
information with followers. It doesn’t work exactly like Facebook though. While only one
to a few posts per day are recommended for Facebook, your Twitter handle should have
more tweets.
e Anatomy of an Eective Tweet
• Short,descriptiveandconversationaltext
• ShortenedURL
• Acoupleofrelevanthashtags
• Appropriatementions
• Properlyidentifythetypeoftweet(e.g.,
retweet, modied retweet)
Organizational Twitter Considerations
• Haveashortexternallinksdisclaimerposted.
• Plantospendacoupleofhoursperdaytotweetandfollowactivity.
• Followrelevantaccounts(toyourorganization)andgeneralnews.Don’tjust
follow everyone who chooses to follow you; be selective and choose those who
regularly tweet about you or provide you with useful information rather than
someone who posts something once a year about you.
• Customizethelookofyourpage,butpicksomethingthatwilllookgoodon
various monitors. Designs too close to the feed might be cut o depending on
screen resolution.
• Inyourbackgrounddescription,beconcise,yetdescriptivewiththelimited
room you have.
• Choosehashtagswisely.Youcanuseexistingonesorcreateyourown.Createa
unique hashtag for specic events, so youll be able to follow the chatter about it.
• ToolslikeHootsuiteandTweetdeckcanhelpyoutrackmentions,hashtags,
retweets and other information.
• KeepOPSECinmind.
What to Post on Your Organizational Twitter Page
• Itisgenerallypreferredtohavelinksinyourtweetsratherthanjusttext.Links
make your tweets more interactive and less static. Share information with
followers but also give them a link to check out more information.
• Trytopostrelevantphotosandvideoswhenyoucan.
• Don’toverwhelmyourfollowerswithtweets,buttweetenoughtoremindthem
you exist. You have many more chances to post on Twitter than you do on other
social media sites.
• Don’tdropnamesjustbecauseyoucan.Haveareasonforallofyourmentions.
Similarly, do not use hashtags just to garner more attention. Make sure they are
relevant, and do not use too many hashtags per tweet (otherwise, your tweet
will look too busy and unfocused).
• UseURLshorteningservicestosavespaceinyourtweets.Useonethatprovides
you with metrics.
How to Interact on Twitter
• ankpeopleforretweets,mentionsandfollowingyouasappropriate.Usea
tweet or direct message to thank them.
• Althoughyoucanuseupto140characters,trytogonolongerthan120toallow
people an easier time retweeting your messages.
• BecomefamiliarwithTwitterlanguage.Notonlywillyoulooklikeapro,you’ll
also communicate better. Social media books and online resources can help.
• Bebrief,butprofessionalwithyourtext.
• InteractonTwitter.Avoidtweetingonlyyourownnewsandinformation.See
what your followers and other relevant people have to say. Retweet and
comment on other peoples tweets and answer questions as appropriate.
While URL shortening services
are valuable tools for sharing
links on platforms like Twitter,
they are vulnerable to
phishing and viruses. Services
using generic top-level domains
(like those ending in .com, .net,
.org, etc.) are recommended for
use rather than domains owned
by foreign national governments.
YouTube is a video sharing website that allows users to upload, share and view videos.
When posting a video, its important to include a description along with a short, descrip-
tive title. Be sure to provide specic tags as well. Tags are keywords that apply to the
video, such as objects and subjects in the video or words that help describe whats in the
video. e purpose of tags is to help your video appear during a Web search.
Anatomy of an Eective YouTube Video
• Interestingvideowithmassappeal
• reeminuteslongistheideallength,butextremelyinterestingvideoscanbe
• Gooddescription,titleandtags
YouTube Channel Considerations
• Haveacommentpolicyandexternallinksdisclaimerposted.
• Checkyourinboxdaily.Respondtousersasappropriate.
• Reviewandapprovecommentsbeforeposting.
• Customizethelookofyourchannel.
• Uploadvideosregularly.
• Postshortandinterestingvideos.RememberOPSEC.
Flickr is an image hosting and sharing website. Users can embed the images they host
into other social media sites such as Facebook or blogs. Like with video, its extremely
important to keep OPSEC in mind. Get in touch with your local PA oce to ensure your
images are releasable or follow the guidelines laid out in AFI 35-109, Visual Information,
sections A5.2 and A5.3.
Air Force imagery must follow DoD standards. Users must also provide a caption and
tags. Photo captions require slightly more information because the subjects in the photo
can’t speak for themselves, unlike with a video. Captions require at least two sentences.
e rst sentence contains a who, what, when, where and why. e second sentence
expands on the rst, placing the image in a larger context.
Anatomy of a Good Flickr Photo
• Actionshotwithmassappeal
• Relevantanddescriptivetagsthatwillhelpusersndthephoto
• OcialphotosmusthavecaptionsthatfollowtheDoDstyle
• PhotocontentmustnotshowviolationsofregulationsorcompromiseOPSEC
• Mustbepubliclyreleased
Flickr Considerations
• Haveacommentpolicyandexternallinksdisclaimerposted.
• Checkyourinboxdaily.Respondtousersasappropriate.
• Reviewcomments.
• Uploadphotosregularly.RememberOPSEC.
Blogs are websites with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events or other
material such as graphics or video, self-published by bloggers. Entries are commonly
displayed in reverse-chronological order. A typical blog combines text, images and links
to other blogs, websites and other media related to its topic. e ability of readers to leave
comments in an interactive format is an important part of many blogs. Personality or
“voice” is what makes blog postings dierent from standard news stories.
e Anatomy of an Eective Blog Post
• Catchy,descriptiveheadline
• 300+words:informalandconversationalrsthandaccountofanexperience–
this is not a news article
• Atleastonephotowithacaption
• Embeddedhyperlinkstorelevantcontent
• Usetitlestoseparatesectionsasappropriate
• Askaquestiontoreaderstosparkconversation
• Keywordsortags
Blog Considerations
• Carefullyconsideryourdesign.
• Haveacommentpolicyandexternallinksdisclaimerposted.
• Reviewcommentsdaily.
• KeepOPSECinmind.
• Postregularly.
Social Media and Your Public
Aairs Program
Only units with a compelling need to communicate with the public may have an ocial
Air Force social media property. With few exceptions and in concert with Air Force
public Web policy, this means only wings and higher may have an ocial Air Force social
media presence. Ocial properties must adhere to quality assurance standards outlined
in AFI 35-107, Public Web Communications and register with the Social Media Directory.
If a unit below the wing has a compelling reason to communicate with the public, it must
submit a waiver request to AFPAA Social Media for approval of an exception to policy.
Calling it
• Wingorhigher(automaticallyapproved)
• Compellingneedtoreachgeneralpublic(belowwing
requires waiver)
• MustberegisteredwiththeSocialMediaDirectory
maintained by AFPAA
• Commandersareultimatelyresponsibleforpostedmaterials
• Belowwing
• Intendedforinternalaudiences(squadronmembers,spouse
or booster clubs)
• Shouldbe“closed”or“private”property
Registration of Ocial Social Media Properties
According to the Department of Defense Directive-Type Memorandum 09-026, Respon-
sible and Eective Use of Internet-Based Capabilities, ocial social media properties must
be registered. To register your ocial property, submit it to the Air Force Social Media
Directory,, which helps visitors nd and verify
the authenticity of ocial social media properties.
For any questions regarding social media platforms or ocial social media properties,
consult the AFPAA Social Media team.
• Includesocialmediainyourcommunicationplan.Establishgoals
and audiences for each social media presence.
• Obtainapprovalfromyourcommanderbeforeestablishinga
social media presence.
• Setupyourocialpresenceasagovernmentorganization.
• Chooseyouraccountnamewisely.Itshouldbedescriptiveyet
succinct in order to remain memorable and easy to use in posts.
• Haveanexternallinksdisclaimerandcommentpolicyonyour
social media property.
• Keepyoursocialmediapropertiescurrentandfreeofspam,
oensive material and items that violate your comment policy.
• ClearlystatethatyourpropertyisanocialAirForcesiteinthe
information or account section. Provide a link to your ocial Air
Force website.
• SubmityourocialAirForcesocialmediapropertyfor
registration in a timely manner with the Air Force Social Media
Directory, Do not register
informal or internal social media accounts with the social media
e organic nature of social media makes it easy to use; however, the basics of public
aairs still apply. Have plans and processes in place and invest time in developing your
program. Some eective ways to use social media are:
• Usesocialmediaplatformsonlyifyoucanfullycommit.Ifnecessary,pickonly
one social media platform and use it well rather than spreading your resources
too thin across multiple platforms.
• Makesurethatyou’llhaveenoughcontenttosustainasocialmediapropertyon
a regular basis. Consider having your messages promoted through existing Air
Force social media properties if you won’t have enough regular content to sustain
your own social media presence.
^ By selecng privacy sengs in the tool, informaon will not be available to the
public or will be only available to some. You may also be able to create a private group.
Friends--just so you know--yes, we are watching....
Tropical Storm Katia is gradually strengthening
but is still not forecast to impact CONUS at this
• Donotauto-feedpostfromoneplatformtoothers.Itsnoteectiveandcan
actually confuse your followers. In one case, an ocial unit
Facebook page posted a tropical storm tracker and text in reference to the storm:
is text was auto-fed to their Twitter account, and this is what Twitter fans saw:
• Keepthespiritofsocialmedia.Beinformal,conversational,transparent&fun.
• Researchnewtools.Ifyouwantyoursocialmediaprogramtoevolve,carveout
time to learn about new tools to help you communicate more eciently.
• Gettoknowyouraudience.Socialmediaisaboutsharinginterestinganduseful
information with your followers and cultivating a community. Conduct online
research and monitoring to more eectively develop audience-centered content.
• Findcreativewaystoengagefollowers.Socialmediasitesshouldn’tsimplyuse
base website information. Post unique content to your social media properties
to generate interest. Don’t focus solely on driving trac to your website – you
should also share products from external sources about your units and people.
• FactsheetsonAirForcewebsites
• Highlightalittleknownfact
• Quizfollowers
• Historicalinformationandtrivia
• PhotosandvideosonAirForcewebsites
• Posegeneralquestionstotheaudience
• User-generatedcontent
• Specialevents
• Postspeciccontentrequestedbyfollowers
• Spotlightsonpeople
• Adayinthelife
• Guestblogpostsfrommilitaryfamilymembers
• Blogsfromseniorleadersandteammembers
• FindanAirForcetietoaneventinthenews
• Caption,videoorphotocontest
• Hostatweetchat
• Highlightnewtechnology
• Helpfultips
• Haveaguestcontributoranswerquestionsonaspecictopic
• SharepostsfromotherAirForcesocialmediasites
• Measureyoureectiveness.Considertrackingmetricstoseeifyouaremeeting
your goals and tweak your strategy. Taking the time to measure your
performance will allow you to better meet your commander’s objectives.
• ereareplentyoffreetoolsandpaidserviceproviderstohelpyougather
the raw numbers you will need. Some social media platforms have built-in
metrics trackers.
• Totalfans,followersorsubscribers
• Commentsandlikes
• Clicks
• Uniquevisitorsandpageviews
• Mentionsandretweets
and Analysis
Here are some possible ways to analyze your data:
1. Spike in unlikes => Possibly due to media events,
too many posts, dull posts or lack of interaction with
2. Click referrers => Do followers prefer external, unique
3. Retweets => What types of tweets are being retweeted
• Collaboratewithotherorganizationsdaily.Yoursocialmediacontentwillreach
more people if you collaborate with other organizations such as your MAJCOM
and/or AFPAA, who can help promote your content. For major events, involve
other organizations early in the planning process.
• Interactwithfollowers.Socialmediaisinherentlyconversational,andfollowers
expect to have conversations with you. Unlike your units ocial website, simply
pushing out content is not acceptable. You will quickly lose your audience if you
fail to interact.
• Reviewcommentsandquestionsandrespondaccordingly.Taking
interest in your followers’ stories will increase their goodwill toward
you, while providing you an opportunity to gain invaluable insight into
their needs and interests.
• Moderateyoursocialmediasites.Consistentlymoderatingactivityonyour
social media sites protects you and your followers. We recommend checking
your sites at least once every 24 hours including weekends.
• Moderatingyoursitesincludesremovingspam,OPSECviolations,
irrelevant content, foul or oensive language and anything else that
violates your comment policy. e purpose of moderation is to maintain
a professional and open exchange of ideas, not to stie conversations.
Negative comments are acceptable. Followers appreciate moderated social
media sites because it helps them feel comfortable. Banning or deleting
followers should only be done in extreme cases as a last resort.
Quick Tip
A site full of spam demonstrates that administrators arent responsive
and don’t maintain their page.
• Usesocialmediaduringacrisis.Inacrisis,socialmediaisavitaltoolinthe
public aairs toolkit. It’s a quick, direct way to communicate information
instantaneously to mass audiences so they get accurate information directly from
the Air Force.
Social media served as a key communication tool during the
Japan earthquake and tsunami in early 2011. On a global level,
social media was the rst stop for general information on the
welfare of loved ones. Victims let friends and family know they
were safe via Facebook, and others looked to social media for
rsthand accounts of conditions in Japan. Fans appreciated
having a central location for information during a crisis. Social
media was used for base-wide internal announcements at a time
when other forms of communication were down.
In August 2011, a suspicious package was found on Scott AFB, and
the public aairs team used social media as its primary communica-
tion channel to release information and answer questions. ey were
able to proactively control rumors and prevent panic.
Tips for
a Crisis
• etraditionalrulesofcrisiscommunicationapply.
• Earnthetrustofyourfollowersbypostingbothgoodandbad
news. When you have a major crisis the audience is more likely
to trust your information and appreciate your openness.
• Shareaccurateandapprovedinformationasquicklyas
possible. Dont wait for an article or press release to be
• Activelymonitorconversationsandquestionsonyoursocial
media properties. Answer questions and direct them
to credible, approved information.
• Establishamonitoringscheduleandassignrolestoteam
members. Be prepared to monitor outside of regular duty
• Monitorothersocialmediaandwebsitestohelpyoudecide
what to post to your properties. You may address inaccurate
information or rumors.
• CollaboratewithotherAirForceunitstohelpspreadyourmessage.
Share information with one another.
• Completeanaer-actionreport,anduselessonslearnedtohelp
when the next crisis arises.
• Promoteyoursocialmediaproperties.emorepeoplewhoknowaboutthem,
the greater the chances you have of reaching key audiences with your messages.
Ways to promote your properties include:
• Interactingonsitesotherthanyourown.(Dontspamothersitesor
shamefully advertise your sites.)
• Listingyourpropertiesinyouremailsignatureblockoronyourbusiness
• Creatingaquickresponsecodewithlinkstoyoursitesandputtingiton
your products
• Discussingyoursiteswithinternalaudiences
Do not overwhelm your audience by posting too frequently.
• Managesocialmediarecordsasappropriate.OcialAirForcesocialmedia
properties should be archived in some manner until an ocial records
management policy for social media is available. Content that resides on an
ocial government site is already accounted for as a record, but new content or
information, such as non-government or third party, should be archived. You
should archive any social media posts related to specic missions or
activities that have their own records management requirements. Some ways
to maintain records include:
• Copyingandpastingcontentintoadocument
• Savingscreenshots
• Sendingyourselfemails
• KeepingRSSalertsfromyoursocialmediasites
• Usingbackup/archivingsoware
• Haveapostingschedule.Consideryourresources,theamountofcontent
available and workload, but also think about your audiences. Consider peak
engagement times and frequency when building your schedule. For instance,
if the majority of your audience is at work or school all day, you could post
during lunch time, in the evening and on the weekend.
• Establishaneditorialcalendartomanageposts,planforthefutureandreach
goals. Some days there will be an abundance of content to share, while at other
times there won’t be as much. Prioritize content and be prepared to switch gears
when big events or crises occur.
Social Media Posting Checklist
Consider the following items and adjust this checklist to t your strategy:
0 DoesitfulllanAirForcepriority?
0 Willtheaudiencescare?Isitvalue-addedinfo?inkattention-interest-desire-
0 If the information doesn’t show the Air Force in a positive light, is it fairly
into Air Force goals/messages or shows transparency, its acceptable to consider
0 Does it imply an endorsement of a certain political aliation, religious ideology
0 Whatangleareyoutakingwiththisstory?Areyoufocusingontheright
0 HaveyoucreatedashortenedURL?Doesitwork?
0 Check for proper spelling, grammar and format (e.g., spacing, names).
0 Check for proper OPSEC. If in doubt, get higher review and approval before
0 Remember security, accuracy, policy and propriety.
0 Haveyouchosenanappropriatethumbnail(forFlickr,YouTubeandFacebook)?
0 Have you chosen the appropriate text to show alongside the thumbnail in
0 Are the Airmen being featured within regulation (e.g., using proper protective
0 Isthereanyoneyoushouldtagormention?Haveyouusedproperhashtags?
0 Areyourinitialsonthepost?
0 Get a second pair of eyes to review before posting. You cant catch everything.
0 If youre not sure you should post it, channel it up for review!
0 Watch the post for at least 15 minutes aer publishing (to catch any errors and
interact with people commenting/sharing your content).
0 If youve made a mistake, apologize and make a correction promptly aer
publishing a post.
Social Media and the Air Force
Public Aairs Agency
Airmen at all levels and grades are encouraged to tell the Air Force story and send content
to AFPAA for consideration. Content intended for Air Force social media must not
violate OPSEC or security, accuracy, policy and propriety, and should be of interest to a
large audience across the U.S. and international community. For example, followers deem
stories about Airmen and their experiences popular. AFPAA reserves the right to choose
what will be posted and edited to meet the needs of followers and strategic Air Force
themes and messages.
Quick Tips for Submitting Social Media Content
• Contentmusthavemassappeal.Anythingtoonarrowinscope,foravery
specic and small audience or location-specic is not appropriate.
• Don’twaituntilthelastminute!IncludeAFPAAinyourplanningprocessto
allow adequate time for posts to be developed.
• Sendcontenttoa[email protected]forconsideration.Ifpossible,
submit the following information (but not required):
• Preferredpostingdate
• Messageorangle
• Whototagormention
• Requestedtext
• Whensubmittingphotosorvideo,includecaptionsthatcoverthe5Ws.
• Articlesmustbewrittenclearlyavoidingacronymsandjargon.
• WatchAFPAAssocialmediaproperties,particularlyFacebook,foryourcontent,
and jump in to interact with followers as appropriate.
• Tellfriendsandfamilytocheckoutyourcontentandshareit.
While AFPAA runs several social media properties and tests new tools oen, the
following platforms are actively used by AFPAA on a regular basis.
 • eAirForcesocialFacebook
account is
With this page, the Air Force posts links to
written, photo and video material that rep-
resents the Air Force. Let AFPAA know if
you have a Facebook page, so your page can
be tagged when content from your orga-
nization is posted. Also feel free to tag the
Air Force Facebook page, but if you have an
interesting story with broad appeal, contact
AFPAA directly instead, so that AFPAA can post the content to its timeline directly. Your
content will be seen by more people.
• WhenrequestingtheAirForceshareinformationonitsTwitterhandle,, keep in mind the audience is very diverse. Events that are
very limited in scope may not be eective for the account but may work on a MAJCOM or
wing account with a specic group of followers. AFPAA is willing to help where possible
and has been able to post content specically intended for an area by using a regional or
topical hashtag (e.g., #DC). A Twitter handle will not work for all bases, so consider your
units mission, surrounding community and the pros and cons of maintaining a content-
hungry platform before jumping into this particular social media platform.
• AFBlueTubeistheAirForcesocial
YouTube account. With this channel, the Air Force
posts video material that represents the Air Force.
e following settings are recommended for the best
• ExportedinH.264format
• Frameresolutionforhighdenition
(HD) set at 1,280x720 for 16:9 and
640x480 for 4:3. For video shot in standard display (SD) change display
resolution to 640x360 for 16:9 and 640x480 for 4:3
• Framerate(fps)shouldbesetat29.97fps
• Fieldorderisprogressiveornonprogressiveifshotontape
• Maximumbitratesettingsat5,000kbps(5Mbps)with2passencoding
• AudiosettingsforH.264videosetatAdvanceAudioCoding(AAC)witha
sample rate of 48 khz and bitrate set at 320 kbps
• Describeeventsinthevideoandprovideashort,descriptivetitle
• Includespecictags(keywords)
• AFPAAhasaFlickrphotostreamatwww.AFPAAfocuses
on photos with mass appeal showing Airmen performing the mission. Airmen
at all levels of their organizations and units are encouraged to submit
pictures that tell the Air Force story to AFPAA along with proper captions.
• Whenwritingablog
post for potential submission
to the Air Force Live blog, there
are some things to keep in mind.
Write from a rst-person view.
Your post shouldn’t be too
lengthy. We recommend 300-600
words, but more is acceptable as
long as its an interesting personal
story. Include at least one photo or a short video if possible.
Blog posts typically have keyword tags associated with them, so send your blog in
with relevant keywords: category, content, job title, general location, topic, etc.
Provide a few sentences about yourself as an introduction to your blog, such as
information about your job, where you work, how long you’ve been in the Air
Stretching or distorting the symbol or the signature is prohibited. Other prohibited altera-
tions include, but are not limited to: changing the symbols texture or color, varying the
symbols distinctive shape and adding shadows or special eects. For more information on
the approved symbol colors, visit
Force and anything else interesting that sheds light on why you wrote your blog
post. Its important to provide photos or video with your blog submissions, but if
this isn’t possible, at the minimum provide a prole picture.
• Mobileapplications(commonlyreferredtoasapps)oeropportunitiesto
educate audiences or provide services to streamline functions. Air Force policy
does not prohibit organizations from developing mobile apps related
to their missions. However, potential creators must be aware of pitfalls such as
OPSEC vulnerabilities and costs associated with the development and
maintenance of apps.
Anyone looking into developing an app for ocial purposes must consult with
the AFPAA Social Media Division for guidance.
Air Force Symbol
e Air Force Symbol visually represents our services brand identity. Using the Air Force
Symbol on an ocial social media platform is authorized; however, maintain its integrity
by using the guidelines below.
When using the Air Force Symbol, its not mandatory to use the logotype “U.S. Air Force.
If the logotype is used, the preferred position is beneath the symbol. It’s also acceptable to
place the logotype on the right or le side of the symbol. Placing the logotype above the
symbol is not approved.
Stand-o space around the symbol or the symbol with logotype, known as the signature,
is required at all times except when cradling approved emblems between the wings. Only
MAJCOM, FOA or higher-level emblems approved and registered with the Air Force
Historical Research Agency are permitted inside the wings of the Air Force Symbol. Only
one emblem may be placed inside the wings. Cradling an approved emblem in the Air
Force Symbol is for ocial use only and requires the emblem to be held in a set propor-
tion to the symbol.
e symbol may be used in a ag or header as long as the concept design is pre-approved
by the Air Force Trademark and Licensing Oce. e symbol should add to the overall
design. For more information on the symbol, visit If you have
any questions regarding the Air Force Symbol or other trademarked logos, contact the Air
ForceTrademark&LicensingProgramat[email protected]
e following Department of Defense and Air Force publications contain information to
consider when using social media:
1. DTM 09-026, Responsible and Eective Use of Internet-Based Capabilities: Covers
applicability, denitions, policy, responsibilities and releasability regarding Internet-
based capabilities.
2. AFI 35-101, Public Aairs Mission: Covers the overall public aairs mission and how
to correctly implement it.
3. AFI 35-107, Public Web Communications: Addresses the public Web program and
social media.
4. AFI 35-113, Command Information: Section 15 covers social media.
5. AFI 33-129, Web Management and Internet Use: Details proper and improper uses of
Internet-based capabilities.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. WhydoestheAirForceusesocialmedia?Whyshouldmyorganizationusesocial
Social media is a very inuential communication tool that many people use to nd
and share news and information.
Your organization should use social media because people who are interested in you
are already using it. Social media allows you instant feedback from your audience
and gives you a direct communication line to it. Don’t underestimate the ability
of your audience to share your news with an even larger audience by sharing it with
their friends and family online.
2. Doesmyorganizationneedapprovalbeforeusingsocialmedia?
Yes, a commander must decide if his or her unit is going to have a social media site.
Only organizations at the wing-level or above can have ocial social media sites. See
question 9 for more information.
If you want to communicate to an internal audience, you may want to consider
something like a closed Facebook group or any other private social media site.
Just keep in mind that privacy is not guaranteed on any social media site so you
should not post classied or sensitive material to them. Your wing public aairs oce
is a great resource to nd out more information.
Regardless of the type of organization you are, you rst need to think about what you
want to accomplish with your social media program. Ocial properties are the
responsibility of a public aairs oce to ensure they meet commanders
communication objectives and requirements.
3. I want the ocial Air Force social media team to help promote my content. Where
You can send requests to afpaa.hq.socia[email protected] for consideration. Requests
will be reviewed for relevance to audiences of AFPAA social media tools. Posts will
be edited as necessary for the audience.
4. I’mafraidtousesocialmedia.Whatifpeoplemakenegativecomments?
Negative comments are acceptable. Allow your audience to openly communicate
with you, so you can address concerns. is fosters an environment of open
communication, which is essential to earning and maintaining public support of
your people and mission. You have the ability to moderate comments by putting a
comment policy in place and consistently enforcing it.
5. My unit wants to use social media, but we dont have enough time or resources.
Don’t feel like you have to use social media just because everyone else is using it. If
you don’t think that you can commit or you don’t have enough content to sustain
a social media property, there are other ways to get your content and message out
through social media. AFPAA and your parent organizations public aairs oce can
promote your content as appropriate.
If you have a compelling reason to use social media, it’s possible to be eective on
little to no budget. You dont need to use every platform available. Pick the best
platform for your situation. You might need only one person to manage a simple
social media program.
Its dicult to say how much time you need for your program because it depends on
how many platforms youre using and what your goals are. For a simple program that
consists of only Facebook, you might need only two hours per day.
6. HowdoIsetupsocialmediaaccountsformyorganization?
Setting up social media accounts is very simple as most sites have step-by-step
instructions. We recommend that you play around with your personal social media
accounts rst before creating them for your organization. If you have specic
questions, you can perform a quick Internet search for your answer, or you can
contact your local public aairs oce or AFPAA.
7. Whatshouldmyunitssocialmediacommentpolicylooklike?
See the Air Force comment policy in the “about” section here: http://www.facebook.
com/USairforce. You can customize it for your own units page.
8. WhatfollowercommentsmayIdelete?CanIremovefollowers?
In general, you shouldn’t stie conversations or feedback. Let people express
themselves even if their comments are negative as long as they dont violate your
comment policy. You’ll use your policy to determine whether or not to delete
comments or posts from your followers. We recommend taking screenshots of
content before deletion. You can also remind followers to adhere to your
comment policy if you see a conversation heading toward the wrong direction. If
someone posts a good comment, but only a small portion of the comment violates
your comment policy, you can tell him or her to edit and repost it. Banning
followers should be a last resort. Give people opportunities to correct their mistakes,
and if they continue to violate the comment policy, you might consider removing
9. Mysquadronorgroupwantstousesocialmedia.WhatdoItellthem?
Organizations below the wing-level may not have ocial properties and will not
be registered with the Social Media Directory. Unocial presences should be closed
or private in order to limit exposure just to an internal audience. If a unit below the
wing-level has a compelling reason for communicating with the general public it
must apply for a waiver from AFPAA. Unit commanders will
be ultimately responsible for all content posted to their social media properties.
10. WhatdoIdoifsomeonecreatesafalseocialsocialmediapresence?
Organizations do not have the right to remove unocial presences unless they falsely
portray themselves as an ocial presence. If there is a false account, you may report
it to the social media platforms help section, or you can contact AFPAA for help
at afpaa.hq.socialme[email protected].
11. HowcanIsetupablogformyunit?
Contact the AFPAA Social Media team at a[email protected] to discuss
options and begin your request. Maintaining a blog requires a lot of time, dedication
and preparation. If your unit is interested in having its own blog, rst consider
becoming a guest blogger on the Air Forces blog to get the feel for it.
• Apersonwithlogin,publishingandaccountmanagementrightsforasocial
media property. Commonly called an admin.
• esensethatsomethingorsomeoneis“real.”Socialmediaenablespeople
to publish content and engage in conversations that show their interests and
values while communicating in an authentic human voice. Airmen should
always be transparent and authentic while online.
• Graphicalimagesrepresentingpeoplewithinthesocialmediaarena.Youcan
build a visual character with the body, clothes, behaviors, gender and name of
your choice. is may or may not be an authentic representation of you.
• Privateemailsorothermessagessentbythefacilitatororbetween
individuals during public conferencing. ey can have a signicant eect on
public conversations.
• ecapacityofanelectronicline,suchasacommunicationsnetworkor
computer channel, to transmit bits per second (bps).
• Anabbreviationof“Weblog,”blogsarewebsiteswithdateditemsofcontent
in reverse chronological order, self-published by an individual. Posts are
typically about a particular subject, are usually available as feeds and oen
allow commenting.
• AtermusedtodescribethetotalityofblogsontheInternetandthe
conversations taking place within that sphere.
• Alistofsitesdisplayedinthesidebarofablog,showingwhotheblogger
reads regularly.
• Savingtheaddressofawebsiteoritemofcontent,eitherinyourbrowser,or
on a social bookmarking site like If you add tags, others can easily
nd your research too, and the social bookmarking site becomes an enormous
public library.
• Atoolusedtoviewwebsitesandaccessallthecontentavailableonscreenorby
downloading. Microso Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Silk and Chrome are a few of
the many Internet browsers available.
• Pre-speciedwaystoorganizecontent(e.g.,asetofkeywordsthatyoucanuse
but not add to when posting on a site).
• Socialmediatoolsfromemailliststovirtualworldsoerenormousscopefor
collaboration. Low-risk activities like commenting, social bookmarking,
chatting and blogging help develop the trust necessary for collaboration.
• Guidelinesforfollowers’behavioronsocialmediaplatforms.Createdbythe
property’s owner.
• Feedbacklebyreadersunderposts.Socialmediasitesmayprovideafeedfor
comments as well as for main entries.
• eprocessofrecruitingpotentialcommunityornetworkparticipants,
helping them to nd shared interests and goals, use the technology and
develop useful conversations.
• Text,pictures,videoandanyothermeaningfulmaterialthatisontheInternet.
• SowaresuitesoeringtheabilitytocreatestaticWebpages,documentstores,
blogs, wikis and other tools.
• Blogging,commenting,postingorcontributingtoforumsisthecurrencyof
social networking, which puts the “social” in this form of media.
• Asetofexclusiverightsgiventothecreatorofapieceofwork.eserights
oen include copying, distributing, altering and displaying the work.
an organization who are prepared to volunteer their time contributing content
and solving problems.
• Asystemofgovernmentcontrolledbythewholepopulationorbyamajority
of the population. Social networking and media are potentially attractive to
those who want to revive representative democracy, and those who
promote participative approaches or both. Social media oers politicians and
their constituents another communication channel. It also oers a wide
range of methods for people to discuss, deliberate and take action.
• Noticationssetuptobesenttoauser’semailinboxaboutactivityonasocial
network or new items in a search result.
• Importantnetworkingtoolsoeringtheabilityto“starburst”amessagefroma
central postbox to any number of subscribers and for them to respond.
• eactofinsertingalink,videoorphotostoawebsiteoremail.
• AdisclaimerstatesthatneithertheAirForcenortheunitendorsesthe
product(s) or organizational entity at the hyperlink destination. e
disclaimer must also state that the Air Force does not exercise any
responsibility or oversight of the content at destination. Required by
AFI 35-107, Public Web Communications.
• Usedtodescribepeoplemeetingoine.
• Someonewhohelpspeopleinanonlinegrouporforummanagetheir
• emeansbywhichyoucanread,vieworlistentoitemsfromblogsandother
RSS-enabled sites without visiting the site by subscribing and using
an aggregator or newsreader.
• Animationsowareusedtodevelopinteractivegraphicsforwebsitesaswellas
desktop presentations and games.
• Discussionareasonwebsites,wherepeoplecanpostmessagesorcommenton
existing messages asynchronously—that is, independently of time or place.
• Providinggeographicallocationinformationtophotos,videosandotherles.
Information appears as a les metadata. People may also geotag their
• Collectionsofindividualswithsomesenseofunitythroughtheir
activities, interests or values. ey dier from networks, which are dispersed,
and dened by nodes and connections.
• Wordsorphrasesprexedwitha#symbol.UsedinTwittertotracksimilar
tweets and conversations.
• Text,imagesorgraphicsthatwhenclickedwithamouse(oractivatedby
keystrokes) will connect the user to a new website. e link is usually obvious,
such as underlined text or a “button” of some type.
• Capturestheessenceofthetopicofadocument,videoorphoto.Provideseasy
retrieval of a piece of content from a search engine.
• Textinaparticulartypefacecreatinganidentiablemark.
• Peoplewhoreadbutdontcontributeoraddcommentstoforums.eone
percent rule-of-thumb suggests that one percent of people contribute new
content to an online community, another nine percent comment, and the
rest lurk.
• Mixesoftechnology,audio,videoandmaps.Involvescombiningseveraltools
to create a new Web service.
• Rawnumbersorstatisticsthattrackacommunicationcampaignseectiveness.
• Datathatprovidesinformationaboutoneormoreaspectsofcontent.
• Socialmediasite,suchasTwitter,thatallowsuserstosharesmallelements
of information such as short sentences, individual images, video and
website links.
• Programdesignedtorunonamobiledevice,likeasmartphone.Designedto
quickly access information, games, tools and other helpful programs.
• Awebsiteversiondesigned&formattedspecicallyforusebymobiledevices.
• Actofpatrollingasocialmediaproperty.Involvesinteractingwithfollowers
and ensuring appropriate use of the property by followers.
• Structuresdenedbynodesandtheconnectionsbetweenthem.Insocial
networks, the nodes are people, and the connections are the relationships they
have. Networking is the process by which you develop and strengthen
those relationships.
Internet, mainly through the use of online forums, or other social media sites
(e.g., Facebook).
• Sowareavailableunderalicensepermittinguserstostudy,changeand
improve the soware, and to redistribute it in modied or unmodied form. It
is oen developed in a public, collaborative manner.
• Referstodirectinteractionbetweentwopeopleinanetwork.Inthat
network, each peer will be connected to other peers, opening the opportunity
for further sharing and learning.
• eaddress(URL)ofanitemofcontent,forexampleablogpost,ratherthan
the address of a Web page with lots of dierent items. You will oen nd it at
the end of a blog post.
• UploadingimagestoawebsitelikeFlickr,addingtagsandoeringpeoplethe 
opportunity to comment or even re-use your photos if you add an appropriate
copyright license.
• Audioorvideocontentthatcanbedownloadedautomaticallythrougha
• Itemonaforumorsocialmediasite.
• Informationthatusersprovideaboutthemselveswhensigningupforasocial
networking site as well as a picture and basic information. is may include
personal and business interests, a “blurb” and tags to help people search for
like-minded people.
• epropertermforasocialmediapresence,platformor“site.”eseareyour
social media accounts. (e.g., is the ocial
Facebook property of the United States Air Force.)
• AtypeofbarcodethatcanbereadbymobilephonesbyusingaQRcode
reading application. QR codes contain a URL and are used to direct users to
an online destination.
• RSS
• ShortforReallySimpleSyndication.isallowssubscriberstoreceivecontent
from blogs, websites and other social media sites and have it delivered through
a feed.
• Usingsocialmedianetworkstocreateamovementofnet-uencersto
inuence conversation, actions or motives in support of ones objective.
• Toolsandplatformspeopleusetopublish,converseandsharecontentonline.
• GatheringcontentfromblogsandwebsitesthroughRSSfeeds.Typically
displayed in an aggregator like Google Reader, Digg, Reddit and Yelp,
among others, or directly on your desktop using soware. Benecial for
breaking news and gathering content about specic topics or keywords.
• Onlineplaceswhereuserscancreateproles,andthensocializewithothers
using a range of social media tools including blogs, video, images, tags, lists of
friends, forums and messages.
• Videooraudiothatisintendedtobelistenedtoonlinebutnotstored
• Keywordsaddedtoablogpost,photoorvideotohelpusersndpeople,
related topics or media.
• Afacilityforotherbloggerstoleaveacallingcardautomatically,instead
of commenting. Blogger A may write on blog A about an item on blogger Bs
site, and through the trackback facility leave a link on Bs site back to A. e
collection of comments and trackbacks on a site facilitates conversations.
• Astateinwhichallinformationisfreelyavailableimplyingopennessand
• Ahurtful,butpossiblyvaluable,personwho,forwhateverreason,isboth
obsessed by and constantly annoyed with, and deeply oended by
everything you write on your site. One may not be able to stop the
commenting of trolls on your site. You can’t ban them from commenting
on other sites and pointing back to the page, and they can’t be banned from
posting things on their own page that point back to your site.
• EventwhereTwitterfollowersagreetomeet.Likeameet-up,butTwitteris
used to set up the meeting, normally using hashtags like #tweetup.
• URL
• UniformResourceLocatoristhetechnicaltermforaWebaddresslike
• SitethatgeneratesashortenedformofaURLlink.Bestusedinmicroblogs,
such as Twitter, to save space. May also provide click statistics.
• OnlineplaceslikeSecondLife,whereyoucancreatearepresentationof
yourself (an avatar) and socialize with other residents.
• WEB 2.0
• AtermcoinedbyO’ReillyMediain2004todescribeblogs,wikis,socialnet
working sites and other Internet-based services that emphasize collaboration
and sharing, rather than less interactive publishing (Web 1.0). Its
associated with the idea of the Internet as a platform.
• Stand-aloneapplicationsthatcanbeembeddedinotherapplications,likea
website or a desktop.
• Onlineequivalentsofglossysurfaceswhereonecanwritewithanappropriate
marker pen and wipe o later. ey’re tools that enable one to write or sketch
on a Web page, and as such are useful in collaboration online.
• AWebpage,orsetofpages,thatcanbeeditedcollaboratively.ebest
known example is Wikipedia, an encyclopedia created by thousands of
contributors across the world. Once people have appropriate permissions, set
by the wiki owner, they can create pages and/or add to and alter existing
• AFB
• AirForceBase
• AFI
• AirForceInstruction
• AirForcePublicAairsAgency
• DM
• Directmessage
• DoD
• DepartmentofDefense
• FOA
• FieldOperatingAgency
• MajorCommand
• MB
• Megabyte
• OperationsSecurity
• PA
• PublicAairs
• RSS
• RealSimpleSyndication
• RT
• Retweet
• UniformCodeofMilitaryJustice
• URL
• UniformResourceLocator