Assessing the Theory and Practice
of Land Value Taxation
r i c h a r d F. d y e a n d r i c h a r d W . e n g l a n d
Policy Focus Report • Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
D Y E a n D E n g l a n D A s s e s s i n g t h e t h e o r y A n d P r A c t i c e o f L A n d V A L u e t A x A t i o n 1
Assessing the Theory and Practice
of Land Value Taxation
Richard F. Dye and Richard W. England
Policy Focus Report Series
The policy focus report series is published by the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy to address
timely public policy issues relating to land use, land markets, and property taxation. Each report
is designed to bridge the gap between theory and practice by combining research ndings, case
studies, and contributions from scholars in a variety of academic disciplines, and from profes-
sional practitioners, local ofcials, and citizens in diverse communities.
About this Report
The Lincoln Institute has long been interested in the writings of Henry George, who advocated
land value taxation in his book, Progress and Poverty (1879). The Institute has sponsored numer-
ous studies of land value taxation and related topics, and in 2009 published the book-length
analysis, Land Value Taxation: Theory, Evidence, and Practice. Richard F. Dye and Richard W.
England, the editors of that volume, summarize its research ndings in this report and present
recommendations for local policy makers considering alternative property tax measures.
This analysis of land value taxation is dedicated to the memory of C. Lowell Harriss (1912–
2009), professor of economics emeritus at Columbia University, and a long-time proponent
of policies that would support land taxation approaches. He was an associate of the Lincoln
Institute of Land Policy from its earliest days as an educational institution, and he served
on its board of directors for many years. His scholarship and dedication to research on
public nance had a profound inuence on the authors, and many, many others.
Copyright © 2010 by Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.
All rights reserved.
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ISBN 978-1-55844-204-7
Policy Focus Report/Code PF025
D Y E a n D E n g l a n D A s s e s s i n g t h e t h e o r y A n d P r A c t i c e o f L A n d V A L u e t A x A t i o n 1
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2 Executive Summary
4 Chapter 1: Property Tax Reform: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
7 Chapter 2: The Case for Land Value Taxation
7 Efciency Advantages
8 Burden on Landowners
8 Speculation and the Timing of Development
11 Sprawl and the Density of Development
11 Revenue Adequacy
12 Summary
13 Chapter 3: U.S. and International Experiences
13 U.S. Experiences
16 International Experiences
16 Summary
17 Chapter 4: Evaluating the Evidence on Land Value Taxation
17 Statistical Comparisons
19 Types of Models and Studies
22 Summary
23 Chapter 5: Legal and Assessment Challenges
23 State Constitutional Issues
24 Assessment and Administrative Concerns
25 Summary
26 Chapter 6: The Politics of Adopting Land Value Taxation
26 Current Views and Practices
27 Lessons from Past Experience
28 Tax Reform Winners and Losers
29 Summary
30 Chapter 7: Conclusions and Recommendations
32 References
33 About the Authors, Acknowledgments,
and About the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
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Executive Summary
he land value tax is a variant of the
property tax that imposes a higher
tax rate on land than on improve-
ments, or taxes only the land value.
Many other types of changes in property tax
policy, such as assessment freezes or limita-
tions, have undesirable side effects, including
unequal treatment of similarly situated tax-
payers and distortion of economic incentives.
Land value taxation would enhance both the
fairness and the efficiency of the property tax.
Raising the tax rate on land has few un-
desirable effects, while lowering the rate on
improvements has many benefits. Land is
effectively in fixed supply, so an increase in
the tax rate on land value will raise revenue
without distorting the incentives for owners
to invest in and make use of their land. By
contrast, the part of the property tax that
falls on structures or other improvements
discourages investment. The burden of
the tax on land falls entirely on landowners,
who have no opportunity to shift the tax
to others (such as renters). The land value
tax is neutral with respect to the choice of
when to develop a parcel and the density
of its development, whereas the taxation
of improvements is likely to increase low-
density sprawl.
More than 30 countries around the world
have implemented land value taxation, so it
is not a utopian proposal. In the United States,
Bucks County,
2 P o L i c y f o c u s r e P o r t l i n c o l n i n s t i t u t E o f l a n D P o l i c Y
D Y E a n D E n g l a n D A s s e s s i n g t h e t h e o r y A n d P r A c t i c e o f L A n d V A L u e t A x A t i o n 3
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experience with land value taxation dates back
to 1913, when the Pennsylvania legislature
permitted Pittsburgh and Scranton to tax
land values at a higher rate than building
values. A 1951 statute gave smaller Pennsyl-
vania cities the same option to enact a two-
rate property tax. While most municipal
governments in the state have not adopted
two-rate taxation, and a few have tried and
then rescinded it, about 15 communities
currently use this type of tax program.
The State of Hawaii also has experience
with two-rate taxation, and in recent years
the Commonwealth of Virginia and State
of Connecticut have authorized a few mu-
nicipalities to choose a two-rate property
tax, though none of those communities
has yet adopted it.
There is strong theoretical support for
land value taxation, in particular for reducing
the tax on real estate improvements, and real-
world experience offers evidence that has been
used to test the economic theory supporting
the land value tax. A number of studies have
attempted to draw statistical comparisons
between jurisdictions with and without land
value taxation, or before and after the adop-
tion of a land tax, although the results are
generally inconclusive.
Legal and assessment challenges to land
value taxation also exist, but they are not
insurmountable. Since property taxation in
the United States is administered by local
governments as permitted by the laws of
each state, implementation of land value
taxation in most states would require new
statutory authority, and in some cases a
constitutional amendment.
A land value tax also raises administra-
tive issues. The land and improvements of
each parcel need to be assigned a taxable
value in a timely and accurate fashion. The
good news is that administrative policy and
professional standards already require most
tax assessors to report separate values for
land and improvements. The cautionary
news is that this information is not always
accurate. A successful two-rate property tax
system would require regular assessments
of land and improvements.
Land value taxation is an attractive alter-
native to the traditional property tax, especially
to much more problematic types of property
tax measures such as assessment limitations.
This report recommends consideration of
the following features as part of a tax reform
measures to guarantee best practices
by local assessing officials and frequent
reassessment of taxable properties;
phase-in of dual tax rates over several
years to reduce the immediate negative
impact on some property owners; and
inclusion of a tax credit feature to reduce
the burden on land-rich but income-poor
4 P o L i c y f o c u s r e P o r t l i n c o l n i n s t i t u t E o f l a n D P o l i c Y
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C h a p t e r 1
Property Tax Reform:
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
other vital services, the property tax has also
become a lightning rod in American politics.
The traditional property tax is controversial
because it is widely perceived to be unfair
and regressive. Although evidence to support
this claim that lower-income taxpayers bear
the brunt of the property tax is weak at best
(Kenyon 2007), the widespread perception
of regressivity has ignited taxpayer revolts
and fueled efforts to reform or even abolish
the property tax.
California led the way in 1978 with enact-
ment of Proposition 13. This ballot initiative,
now enshrined in the state’s constitution,
substitutes purchase price for fair market value
as the basis for taxation. It limits the tax rate
to 1 percent and the annual increase in assessed
property values to no more than 2 percent.
axation of real estate is almost as
old as civilization itself. Property
taxes were levied and collected in
Egypt, Babylonia, China, and other
parts of the ancient world to finance construc-
tion of palaces and temples and to maintain
imperial armies. In today’s world, the prop-
erty tax continues to play an important role
in many nations. In the United States, for
example, local governments raised nearly
72 percent of their tax receipts via property
taxation in fiscal year 2006. In Australia and
New Zealand, the comparable shares of the
property tax in local tax revenues are 100
and 56 percent, respectively.
In addition to being a major revenue source
for local government provision of public
education, police and fire protection, and
Real estate value
is based on both
the property’s
location (land)
and structures.
4 P o L i c y f o c u s r e P o r t l i n c o l n i n s t i t u t E o f l a n D P o l i c Y
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In the decades since passage of Proposi-
tion 13, another fifteen states have enacted
statewide limits on annual increases in prop-
erty assessments and five others have a local
option, often enacted in an effort to provide
tax relief to homeowners. Many of these states
have also imposed limits on the tax rates levied
on assessed values and on total annual reve-
nue from property taxation (Haveman and
Sexton 2008; Anderson 2006). Although
these efforts to reform and remold the prop-
erty tax have been well-intentioned, they
have resulted in a number of unintended
negative consequences.
Erosion of the property tax base:
Limits on assessments of property values
erode the property tax base available to fund
local governments (Augustine et al. 2009). In
combination with limits on property tax rates,
they can lead to sharp declines in local rev-
enues. During the year after adoption of
Proposition 13 in California, for example,
property tax revenues in the Golden State fell
by more than 45 percent. When cities adopt
a local sales tax to help restore the municipal
budget, they often compete to attract large,
land-consuming businesses such as big-box
retailers and auto dealerships, thereby con-
tributing to urban sprawl. Moreover, sales
taxes have been shown to be regressive.
Dependence on state aid: One alternative
to cutting local services or finding new sources
of local revenues, such as developer fees or
a local income tax, is to lobby the legislature
for additional state aid that can replace prop-
erty tax revenues. Although state grants might
seem like “free money” from a local perspec-
tive, they often arrive at city hall with strings
attached. Increased dependence on state (or
federal) grants can result in a loss of local auton-
omy, especially in setting expenditure priorities.
Dependence on state grants financed via
taxes on personal incomes, retail sales, and
corporate profits also makes local budgets
more vulnerable to regional and national
recessions. The severe economic downturn
of 2008–2009 ravaged the budgets of many
states whose governors and legislators re-
sponded by cutting aid to towns and cities.
In light of such fiscal uncertainties, the local
property tax offers a more stable stream
of revenue with which to fund essential
municipal services.
Inequity and lack of fairness: Acquisition-
value assessments based on sale price, with
limited growth in that value possible until
the property is resold, have produced a
number of undesirable outcomes in Calif-
ornia and other states. Adjacent properties
that are otherwise identical and that have
the same market value can pay radically
different annual property taxes.
In a letter to the editor of the Wall Street
Journal, financier Warren Buffett (2003) re-
vealed that he was paying $2,246 in taxes on
a $4 million California property that he had
acquired during the 1970s. At the same time,
he was paying $12,002 on another property
that was worth only $2 million in the same
neighborhood, because he had acquired the
second property during the 1990s when real
estate values were much higher than in the
1970s. While this is an extreme case, it illus-
trates a common situation that violates the
standard of fairness that calls for people in
similar circumstances to pay similar amounts
to support government programs.
Influences on homeowner decision
making: Limiting the growth of property
assessments until a property is sold and reset-
ting assessments at acquisition value, perhaps
after decades, can have regrettable effects on
homeowner decisions. For example, empty
nesters may decide to remain in a large and
valuable house because of its low tax bill,
thereby denying a suitable home to a larger
6 P o L i c y f o c u s r e P o r t l i n c o l n i n s t i t u t E o f l a n D P o l i c Y
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family living in a cramped bungalow or
apartment. Several states have softened this
lock-in effect, permitting some portability
of the lower assessment to a new residence;
this, of course, also has the effect of increas-
ing the inequity between long-time owners
and new purchasers.
In another example, a recently unem-
ployed person who has found a new job on
the other side of a large city might decide
to make a longer daily commute instead of
moving closer to work, thereby contributing
to expressway congestion and air pollution.
These are among the individual decisions
affected by tax policies that can have signifi-
cant impacts on housing markets, econo-
mies, and the environment.
In summary, we believe that past property
tax reforms have sometimes led to bad and
even ugly consequences despite the lofty in-
tentions and rhetoric of their sponsors and
supporters. Is there a better path to proper-
ty tax reform? The comments of William
Vickrey (1999), recipient of the 1996 Nobel
Prize in Economics, point to a superior
version of property taxation:
The property tax is, economically speak-
ing, a combination of one of the worst
taxes—the part that is assessed on real
estate improvements . . . and one of the
best taxes—the tax on land or site value.
Vickrey’s remark emphasizes that the tradi-
tional property tax is actually two distinct
taxes bundled into one annual tax bill. One
portion is a levy on the assessed value of
a parcel of land, and the other is a levy on
the assessed value of any structures or other
improvements on that parcel. Although the
traditional property tax applies the same
tax (or millage) rate to both components,
this ratio could be changed.
The example in table 1 demonstrates that
one could unbundle the two components of
a propertys value, apply different tax rates to
the land and improvement values, and still
raise the same amount of tax revenue. Apply-
ing a higher tax rate to land values than to
improvement values converts the traditional
one-rate property tax into a two-rate (often
called split-rate) tax. Exempting improvement
values from taxation altogether converts the
property tax as we have known it into a
pure land value tax.
Table 1
Alternative Property Tax Rates Can Yield the Same Result
Land Tax Payment
(land value= $100,000)
Improvements Tax Payment
(improvements value= $300,000)
Total Tax
Traditional Property Tax
(1% on both values)
$1,000 $3,000 $4,000
Two-rate Property Tax
(2.5% on land, 0.5%
on improvements)
$2,500 $1,500 $4,000
Pure Land Value Tax
(4% on land value only)
$4,000 0 $4,000
6 P o L i c y f o c u s r e P o r t l i n c o l n i n s t i t u t E o f l a n D P o l i c Y
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C h a p t e r 2
The Case for Land Value Taxation
upporters of land value taxation
argue that converting the property
tax into a land value tax would
encourage a more efficient use
of resources and make the tax system more
equitable. Another claim predicts that a tax
on land values would discourage speculative
behavior in the real estate market.
The most famous case for land value tax-
ation is found in Henry George’s 1879 book,
Progress and Poverty. During an historic period
of rapid economic development, technolog-
ical change, and urbanization in the United
States, George was struck by the persistence
of poverty despite significant economic
progress. He attributed social inequality and
periodic economic crises to private ownership
of land and land market speculation. His
remedy was a confiscatory tax on land rents
received by private landowners. George was
optimistic that his “single tax” could substi-
tute for all other forms of taxation and still
finance government operations in a rapidly
growing nation.
In this report we do not propose sweeping
reform of the “single tax” variety. Rather,
we review the case for taxing land values in
light of modern economic theory and con-
temporary experience. In particular, we
consider the land value tax as an alternative
to or reform of the property tax as it cur-
rently exists.
A land tax is an efficient tax—it makes the
economy more productive and thus creates
wealth. Most taxes are inefficient because, in
addition to transferring resources from the
8 P o L i c y f o c u s r e P o r t l i n c o l n i n s t i t u t E o f l a n D P o l i c Y
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private sector to support government activi-
ties, they also change the price of the taxed
activity and thus distort market choices. This
distortion of otherwise efficient choices to
work, consume, save, or invest is referred to
as the “excess burden” of a tax. A land value
tax does not distort investment choices be-
cause, with trivial exceptions, the amount
of land is fixed and thus unaffected by a
tax on its value.
A property tax, on the other hand, dis-
courages investment in new structures and
maintenance of existing structures by reduc-
ing the return on such expenditures. Switching
from a tax on structures and land to a tax
on land alone could raise the same revenue
without the excess burden of discouraging
investment in structures. A land tax is a neutral
tax and does not distort choices as to how
much to invest in structures.
Most taxes are shared among producers,
consumers, and other affected parties (e.g.,
suppliers, employees) as the price and amount
of the taxed good change in response to
the tax. A land tax is different. Because the
quantity of land is fixed, the burden of the
tax falls entirely on landowners. The value
of land is determined by the demand for
the fixed amount available. Market forces
set the price at what the land is worth to
buyers, and that willingness to pay will not
change because a land tax is imposed.
To nineteenth-century proponents of
land value taxation, a tax burden that fell
entirely on landowners was clearly desirable.
The ownership of land was highly concen-
trated in some states and cities, making its
taxation fall disproportionately on the rich
—a progressive burden. In the contemporary
context, the distribution of burden of a land
tax is much more complicated. Ownership
patterns based on land values versus struc-
tural values are hard to calculate. Moreover,
if the goal is to introduce progressive elements
into the overall tax burden, the modern per-
sonal income tax offers a much more direct
way of doing so.
One of the advantages frequently claimed
for land value taxation is that it discourages
speculators from holding land out of pro-
duction by betting it will be worth more in
the future—that is, it is thought to encour-
age the development of land sooner rather
than later. According to Henry George
(1962 [1879], 413):
[T]axes on the value of land not only
do not check production as do most other
taxes, but they tend to increase production
by destroying speculative rent. … If land
were taxed to anything near its rental val-
ue, no one could afford to hold land that
he was not using, and, consequently, land
not in use would be thrown open to those
who would use it.
Modern economic theory, on the other
hand, concludes that a land value tax is neu-
tral in the choice of investing now or waiting
to invest at a later time—just as it is neutral
in the choice of how much to invest at any
point in time. The timing-neutral result turns
on two key conditions or assumptions. First,
it is assumed that the current holder of land
has access to either cash or credit sufficient
to cover current taxes or other holding costs,
and can thus postpone development to
achieve a larger payoff.
Second, for a tax to be neutral with re-
gard to the timing of development, it is also
necessary that the taxable value of land be
independent of its current use and instead
be based on its “highest and best use,” that
is, the most profitable use in light of zoning
and other governmental or legal constraints
on its development. The market value of a
8 P o L i c y f o c u s r e P o r t l i n c o l n i n s t i t u t E o f l a n D P o l i c Y
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parcel of land is determined by the willingness
of potential users to pay for it: the party plan-
ning to undertake the most profitable use will
bid the highest value. If the tax assessment
reflects market conditions, the assessor will
assign a value based on that “best” use.
An owner with the goal of maximizing
returns from the parcel has an incentive to
make the most productive use of the proper-
ty in choosing the timing of development.
For example, assume that there are just two
alternative uses for a parcel of land: “develop
now” and “develop later.” To compare the
two choices, the landowner will calculate the
expected payoff from each using an appro-
priate interest rate to adjust for the timing
Given this framework, suppose the land-
owner calculates that, in the absence of any
tax, the “develop later” option is more prof-
itable. Oates and Schwab (2009) liken this
comparison to a balance scale where all of
the profit from “develop now” is weighed
against all of the profit from “develop later.”
Now suppose that a land value tax based
on highest and best use is added to the cal-
culations. Since the amount of the tax is in-
dependent of the timing of development, it
will have no impact on that decision. Adding
or removing the identical weight from both
sides of a balance scale does not change the
way it tilts. This is, in effect, what a land tax
based on value in highest and best use does
to the timing decision—nothing. A tax that
is neutral with respect to use will be neutral
with respect to the timing of development.
The “no one could afford to hold land”
argument assumes, then, that most or all
land speculators lack cash reserves and can-
not borrow money to pay their tax bills by
pledging their vacant land as collateral. That
is unlikely to be true. Of course, some land
speculators could be cash-strapped and lack
access to credit, but those individuals would
have had a hard time paying their property
taxes even before a shift to land value taxa-
tion. Oates and Schwab (2009) argue that
the economics of “develop now” versus
“develop later” would be unaffected by
a shift to land value taxation (box 1).
Even if some taxpayers were property
rich but cash starved, it is not obvious that
a switch to a land tax would encourage
more rapid development, because property
taxation is not always based on the highest
and best use. If some land uses are, in fact,
favored by taxation, it is possible for a land
value tax to delay the timing of development.
Suppose, for example, that a parcel on
the urban fringe would have a preferential
assessment based on its current agricultural
value under either a property tax or a land-
only tax. Tax rates on land would have
to be higher under a land value tax than a
property tax in order to raise the same total
amount of revenue from all parcels.
The balance scale for development time is
affected not by tax rates alone, but by the dollar
amount of the tax payments. The higher tax
rates under a land tax regime should mean a
larger absolute difference between the agri-
cultural and developed use tax payments,
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10 P o L i c y f o c u s r e P o r t l i n c o l n i n s t i t u t E o f l a n D P o l i c Y
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box 1
Land Taxation in Henry George’s Time Compared to the Current Context
o understand the differences between Henry George’s
thinking about land taxation and current views, we
offer three distinctions: pure speculation versus develop-
ment by the owner; supply-side versus demand-side bub-
bles; and a conscatory single tax on full land rent versus
a more moderate land tax equivalent in magnitude to the
current property tax.
Oates and Schwabs (2009) summary of the argument from
modern economic theory that a land tax is neutral with
respect to the “develop now” versus “develop later” choice
holds whether the current holder of land envisions being the
actual developer or a pure speculator betting that some-
one else will pay a higher price to develop in the future.
Henry George was writing in a time when very large tracts
of land were being held by pure speculators, not owners
who were deciding when to invest in new structures on the
land. They were owner-developers only in the sense that
they might sell off smaller parcels of undeveloped land at
some future date. The question then is, Why do they ex-
pect prices to rise? This leads to the second distinction.
The speculative bubbles of Henry George’s time differed
from those of today, and Case (1992) distinguishes
between the two. George was concerned with what Case
would label “land bank speculation,” where speculators
buy up land in areas subject to development pressure
and articially restrict supply to drive up prices. In the
current context of an already developed economy, the
monopoly power conditions for this argument of suf-
ciently large parcels with sufciently few owners are
unlikely to be met. More common today is the problem
of too many transactions, not too few.
In what Case would label “bandwagon speculation,
speculators exacerbate demand-driven swings in real
estate prices by betting on additional price changes,
not on the underlying value of the property. Moreover,
the demand side of the recent real estate bubble included
pure price speculators, but also many purchasers who
invested in new improvements to the parcels before
they attempted to resell them.
The third distinction between the late nineteenth century
and current times is the magnitude of the tax being pro-
posed. As an antidote to the problem of George’s time—
speculative holding of land by those with no intention of
developing it themselves—he recommended a tax of
100 percent on the increment to land value. His “single
tax” would require the owner to pay the full rental value
of the property in annual taxes.
In the context of property values that reect a highly
developed urbanized landscape, it is an understatement
to say that a conscatory tax on land values would face
enormous political and practical hurdles to enactment.
Today it is much more appropriate to consider a more
moderate land value tax that would be a substitute for
and raise the same magnitude of revenue as the existing
property tax.
While a conscatory tax on the entire increment to land
value may indeed take away all of the potential gains from
engaging in pure land price speculation, taxes at more
standard levels are likely to be outweighed by the potential
gains to landowners during spectacular price increases.
As Karl Case has written (1992, 237):
It may well be that the potential gains to holding
leveraged assets during boom periods are so great
that even high rates of taxation do not discourage
many people from jumping in. The problem may
simply be that the political will to raise land taxes
to levels high enough to really retard boom cycles does
not exist. How high is high enough? No one knows,
but it is probably closer to Henry George’s 100%
than to the current laws around the world.
10 P o L i c y f o c u s r e P o r t l i n c o l n i n s t i t u t E o f l a n D P o l i c Y
D Y E a n D E n g l a n D A s s e s s i n g t h e t h e o r y A n d P r A c t i c e o f L A n d V A L u e t A x A t i o n 11
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
and thus be more likely to tip the scale in
favor of delayed development.
Would a land value tax encourage develop-
ment of land at the urban fringe and thus
increase sprawl? Much of the concern about
this possible outcome is related to the timing
of development issue examined in the previous
section and is subject to the same criticisms.
The land tax is neutral with respect to the
amount of investment, the timing of devel-
opment, and the location or density of
development. But, if the land tax replaces
a traditional single-rate property tax that
yields an equal amount of revenue, then
the transition may affect timing and density
of development.
A property tax is not neutral in any of
these dimensions, so a switch to a land value
tax may affect the density of housing devel-
opment and thus urban sprawl. The argument,
developed by Brueckner and Kim (2003), is
complicated because it identifies forces pull-
ing in opposite directions. On the one hand,
lowering the tax on structures will encourage
more structures to be built on a given land
area so the same population could be housed
in a smaller area. On the other hand, lower-
ing the tax on structures would decrease the
cost of housing, leading each household to
consume relatively more.
While in theory the net result could go
either way, Brueckner and Kim argue that
the first effect is likely to dominate and that
moving away from the property tax, or
the part of it that falls on structures, will
probably restrain urban sprawl.
Questions are often raised about the revenue
potential of a land value tax. While this might
be an issue for something as ambitious as
Henry George’s proposal for a single tax that
replaced all other taxes, it is much less a con-
Taxing land, not
structures, should
reduce sprawl.
12 P o L i c y f o c u s r e P o r t l i n c o l n i n s t i t u t E o f l a n D P o l i c Y
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D Y E a n D E n g l a n D A s s e s s i n g t h e t h e o r y A n d P r A c t i c e o f L A n d V A L u e t A x A t i o n 13
cern when a land tax is examined as an alter-
native to the traditional property tax. Oates
and Schwab (2009) conclude that the revenue
potential of a land value tax is much greater
than often supposed.
In those jurisdictions where land value
taxation has been tried, it has typically taken
the form of a two-rate tax, not a pure land
value tax. That is, improvement values are
still subject to taxation, but at a lower rate
than land values. In many cases the revenue
stream from a pure land value tax would be
an inadequate substitute for the revenues
flowing from the traditional property tax.
In Milwaukee, for example, all of the
rents from land would have to be taxed away
if its city government were to free buildings
and other improvements from taxation and
keep municipal spending at the same level.
In Philadelphia, more than 80 percent of
land rents would need to be collected by
the city in order to maintain municipal
revenues if improvements were exempted
from taxation. Given these fiscal realities,
it is not surprising that the land value tax is
often phased in as a two-rate tax system in-
stead of a pure land tax (England 2007).
The case for the land value tax versus the
traditional property tax on both land and
structures is multifaceted. The land value
tax is efficient in that it does not distort
investment choices, while the part of the
property tax that falls on structures does
discourage investment. The burden of the
tax on land falls entirely on landowners,
who have no opportunity to shift the tax
to others. The land value tax is neutral with
respect to the choice of when to develop a
parcel and the density of development or
sprawl, while the alternative of taxing im-
provements probably increases sprawl.
Taxing land
would not affect
the timing of
12 P o L i c y f o c u s r e P o r t l i n c o l n i n s t i t u t E o f l a n D P o l i c Y
D Y E a n D E n g l a n D A s s e s s i n g t h e t h e o r y A n d P r A c t i c e o f L A n d V A L u e t A x A t i o n 13
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
C h a p t e r 3
U.S. and International Experiences
lthough the logic of taxing land
values instead of incomes, profits,
sales, and building values is com-
pelling, the reader might wonder
whether this type of property tax reform is
realistic or not. The experiences of several
U.S. states demonstrate that land value taxa-
tion is not a utopian proposal. Countries as
diverse as Australia, Jamaica, and Kenya
also have levied some form of a land value
tax (figure 1).
U . S . E X P E R I E N C E S
Nearly a century ago, in 1913, the Pennsyl-
vania legislature permitted Pittsburgh and
Scranton to tax land values at a higher rate
than building values. The adoption of this
enabling statute was motivated by the wide-
spread perception in Pittsburgh that wealthy
landowners were withholding land from devel-
opment and realizing hefty speculative gains.
Dual rates on land and building values were
phased in until a 2:1 ratio was reached after
a dozen years. When Pittsburgh gained home-
rule status in 1974, its municipal government
raised the tax rate on land values to 3.9 times
the rate on building values.
A 1951 statute allowed smaller Pennsylvania
cities to adopt a two-rate property tax. Al-
though most municipal governments in the
Keystone State have never adopted a land value
tax, thirteen towns and cities and two school
districts did so in recent decades (table 2).
Sources: Andelson (2000); Bird and Slack (2004); Franzsen (2009); Franzsen and McCluskey (2008).
Figure 1
Countries with Land Value Taxation Experience by Year of Adoption
United States
South Africa
New Guinea
South Korea
14 P o L i c y f o c u s r e P o r t l i n c o l n i n s t i t u t E o f l a n D P o l i c Y
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D Y E a n D E n g l a n D A s s e s s i n g t h e t h e o r y A n d P r A c t i c e o f L A n d V A L u e t A x A t i o n 15
The capital city of Harrisburg imple-
mented two-rate property taxation in 1975.
Municipal officials and local business lead-
ers hoped that lowering the tax rate on
building values and raising it on land values
would stimulate new construction and reno-
vation of older buildings. In other words,
they viewed land value taxation as a local
policy to help reverse economic decline
and encourage urban revitalization.
Taxation of land values in Pennsylvania
suffered a setback in 2001 when Pittsburgh
rescinded its two-rate system of property
taxation after nearly nine decades. Deficient
assessment practices in Allegheny County
played a major role in that repeal. In 1996,
county commissioners had ordered a five-
year freeze on property assessments and
fired 42 assessors. A local court overturned
the assessment freeze but limited annual
increases in assessed values to 2 percent
until an outside contractor could perform
a thorough reassessment.
When reassessments were released in
January 2001, several decades after the pre-
vious round of property reassessments, they
reflected a very large average increase in land
values and an unequal distribution of the rate
of increase around that average. Public ofcials
then failed to cut tax rates by an offsetting
amount. Consequently, most homeowners
saw their annual tax bills jump sharply, and
some saw their bills increase by very large
amounts. Property owners were outraged
and they blamed the two-rate system of
property taxation (Hughes 2007).
Steven Bourassa (2009a, 16), a leading
scholar of the Pittsburgh experience, has
concluded, “In the end, land value taxation
was the scapegoat for infrequent and inac-
curate assessments and clumsy rate-setting
procedures [in Pittsburgh]….” Despite this
reversal, sixteen Pennsylvania communities
continue to levy a two-rate property tax,
with rate ratios ranging from 1.66:1 to 30:1.
A few years after gaining statehood, Hawaii
adopted a two-rate property tax statewide
in 1963. This adoption was motivated in
part by a desire to promote tourism and real
estate development. For a variety of reasons,
including introduction of commercial jet ser-
vice at the same time, tourism in Honolulu
exploded during the 1960s and 1970s. Ex-
tensive construction of high-density projects
transformed Waikiki Beach and provoked a
local backlash. Joni Mitchell memorialized
this conversion of Waikiki with her popular
1970 lyric, “They paved paradise and put
up a parking lot…”
One could argue that inadequate urban
planning and bad zoning decisions were the
true sources of the problem, but local offi-
cials and editorial writers blamed land value
taxation. As a result, that tax policy was
Table 2
Pennsylvania Communities with
a Two-Rate Property Tax in 2008
Year of
Ratio of Tax Rates
Aliquippa 1988 7.07
Aliquippa School District 1993 6.32
Allentown 1997 4.70
Altoona 2002 15.81
Clairton 1989 12.61
Clairton School District 2006 2.42
DuBois 1991 29.67
Duquesne 1985 1.66
Ebensburg 2000 3.67
Harrisburg 1975 6.00
Lock Haven 1991 5.70
McKeesport 1980 3.87
New Castle 1982 3.54
Scranton 1913 4.60
Titusville 1990 3.11
Washington 1985 23.61
Source: Bourassa (2009a).
14 P o L i c y f o c u s r e P o r t l i n c o l n i n s t i t u t E o f l a n D P o l i c Y
D Y E a n D E n g l a n D A s s e s s i n g t h e t h e o r y A n d P r A c t i c e o f L A n d V A L u e t A x A t i o n 15
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
state’s secretary of policy and management
to establish a land value tax pilot program
in a single distressed city, New London.
Senator Martin Looney, the majority
leader from New Haven, filed the original bill
to create such a pilot program. Eight other
members of the General Assembly cospon-
sored SB 379, including members represent-
ing Bridgeport, New London, and West
Hartford. The bill eventually passed unani-
mously in the House and by a 30–6 margin
in the Senate.
With the support of the New London city
government, the Land Value Tax Pilot Plan-
ning Committee has been developing a plan
for implementing the new tax policy. This
committee of taxpayers and other stake-
holders has considered a trio of options:
a two-rate property tax, permanent exemp-
tion of a certain dollar amount of building
value for each taxable parcel, and a 5 per-
cent reduction of assessed building value
for every taxable property.
The tax reform plan will be submitted
to the Connecticut General Assembly for
repealed by the Hawaiian legislature in
1977 and phased out over the next several
years (Kwak 2009).
In 2002 and 2003, the Virginia legislature
and governor enacted a pair of bills permit-
ting the cities of Fairfax and Roanoke to adopt
two-rate property taxation. Large majorities
in both legislative houses in Richmond sup-
ported these bills, which allowed improve-
ments to real property to constitute a separate
property class subject to a lower tax rate than
land value. In both Virginia cities, this legis-
lation reflected intensive advocacy efforts by
a single city council member. Without a broad
political coalition calling for a two-rate tax,
however, neither city has yet moved to im-
plement this property tax reform.
On July 1, 2009, Governor M. Jodi Rell signed
Public Act 09–236, one of several statutes
passed in Connecticut that year to stimulate
urban redevelopment. This law directed the
Waikiki Beach,
Honolulu, Hawaii
16 P o L i c y f o c u s r e P o r t l i n c o l n i n s t i t u t E o f l a n D P o l i c Y
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
D Y E a n D E n g l a n D A s s e s s i n g t h e t h e o r y A n d P r A c t i c e o f L A n d V A L u e t A x A t i o n 17
approval. If this pilot program helps to spur
urban redevelopment in New London, it
could foster even broader support for land
value taxation in other Connecticut cities
and elsewhere.
Australia is a leading example of a nation
that has relied heavily on land value taxa-
tion to finance both state and municipal
budgets. South Australia and New South
Wales were pioneering states, adopting the
tax during the late 1800s, years before the
1901 creation of the Australian federation.
The Australian experience offers several
specific variations on the general theme of
land value taxation. In some jurisdictions,
the value of raw, unimproved land is taxed,
and in other states or municipalities, the value
of improved land (including clearing, level-
ing, and draining) is taxed. A second distinc-
tive feature is that the federal government
enacted a land value tax in 1910 to finance
an old-age pension program and to break
up large tracts of idle land. This national
land tax was repealed in 1952, in part be-
cause it failed to break up large estates and
in part to provide additional tax base to
local governments across Australia.
New Zealand and South Africa offer
two other notable experiences with land
value taxation. Beginning in the late 1840s,
many local governments in New Zealand
have taxed land values to finance their oper-
ations. The percentage of localities relying
on land value taxation peaked in the 1980s
at 80 percent. Since then, this percentage
has dropped, but New Zealand continues
to be a prime example of the successful
long-term use of land value taxation to
support local government.
In South Africa, property taxation has
been a source of revenue for urban munici-
palities since 1836. In the early twentieth
century, various provinces enacted legislation
permitting cities to adopt land value taxation.
For nearly a century, various cities in South
Africa relied upon taxation of urban land
values as a significant revenue source. In 2001,
however, the national government enacted
legislation mandating a traditional property
tax throughout the country.
This elimination of land value taxation
will redistribute the tax burden in various
South African cities in years to come. Accord-
ing to Franzsen and McCluskey (2008, 279),
the motivation for this shift in tax policy was
the political desire to tax the wealth in
the desire for more national uniformity
in policies, with fewer local options; and
the belief that defensible and credible
sales data for land in highly developed
urban areas were increasingly difficult
to find.
After surveying the experiences of taxing
jurisdictions around the world, we conclude
that land value taxation is more than an
intriguing and attractive idea. It is a form
of taxation that has actually worked since
the nineteenth century at national, state,
and local levels of government. Taxation of
land values began with its 1849 adoption in
New Zealand, and today it is practiced in
countries as diverse as Estonia, Fiji, and the
United States. Proposals to tax land values
more heavily than improvement values can
find support in both historical experience
and economic theory.
16 P o L i c y f o c u s r e P o r t l i n c o l n i n s t i t u t E o f l a n D P o l i c Y
D Y E a n D E n g l a n D A s s e s s i n g t h e t h e o r y A n d P r A c t i c e o f L A n d V A L u e t A x A t i o n 17
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
C h a p t e r 4
Evaluating the Evidence
on Land Value Taxation
conomic theory suggests that,
compared to a traditional property
tax, land value taxation promotes
efficient use of society’s resources,
encourages local economic development, and
probably discourages urban sprawl. However,
legislators and local officials considering a
shift from a traditional property tax to a land
value tax want more than theoretical argu-
ments before committing political capital to this
version of property tax reform. The real-world
experiences with land value taxation in many
Pennsylvania cities and in nations around
the world offer evidence that can be used
to test the claims of proponents.
A number of studies have attempted to make
statistical comparisons of places with and
without land value taxation or data gathered
before and after the adoption of land value
taxation in order to test its impact on
economic development (Anderson 2009).
However, economists do not have the ability
to conduct controlled experiments within
a laboratory setting as do chemists or
mechanical engineers.
Rather, economists need to look for the
effects of a change in tax regimes through
various measurements of a complex and
evolving economy, while recognizing that many
other economic and social changes may be
affecting those measurements at the same time.
The impact must be observable in some
measurable outcome, such as an increase in
building permits, and there must be a means
to control for other changes in local condi-
tions that might also affect the outcome.
Some research
studies demon-
strate evidence of
benefits from land
value taxation.
18 P o L i c y f o c u s r e P o r t l i n c o l n i n s t i t u t E o f l a n D P o l i c Y
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
D Y E a n D E n g l a n D A s s e s s i n g t h e t h e o r y A n d P r A c t i c e o f L A n d V A L u e t A x A t i o n 19
Differential Effects
The impacts of a land value tax can only
be observed as part of a change from an
alternative tax regime, in most cases the
traditional property tax. Modern economic
theory suggests that a land value tax has little
or no impact on building activity, but that the
part of the property tax levied on improve-
ments discourages new construction and
building maintenance. A shift from a standard
property tax to a two-rate tax might thus cause
an increase in building activity. The greater
efficiency of a land value tax could also
produce greater economic growth.
Measurable Outcomes
Economic theory suggests that switching
to a land value tax might result in a num-
ber of outcomes: lower house prices; more
improvements per acre of land; higher
population density; more employment and
higher wages; and less urban sprawl. Some
of these outcomes, such as labor market
effects, are potentially measurable but likely
to be modest and obscured by the effects of
other factors. As a result, most land value
tax impact studies concentrate on some
measure of real estate market activity.
Limited availability of comparable
real estate data for different years or locales
leads many researchers to settle for a simple
count of the number of building permits
issued by local governments. More desirable,
but less frequently available, are measures
of the dollar value of new building permits
or new construction activity. However, a
property tax on improvements discourages
both new construction and expenditures
on the maintenance of existing structures,
thereby encouraging disrepair and abandon-
ment. The most desirable data, yet even
more difficult to find, would be the value
of all improvements—not just new building
Controls for Other Factors
The fact that a lower tax on improvements
is followed by increased building activity does
not in itself prove that the switch to a land
value tax caused the building activity. Such
an increase could be caused by something
else entirely, and the association with land
value taxation could be spurious. To reduce
this problem, but not eliminate it, researchers
attempt to include in their studies measures
of other determinants of building activity,
such as interest rates and population growth.
The more carefully chosen and measured
these control variables are, the easier it is
to isolate and interpret the effect of the
tax change.
A related problem that could obscure
the true relationship between the tax regime
and building activity is selection bias, which
can arise in a number of ways. If all juris-
dictions adopting the tax share special
characteristics that set them apart, those
characteristics, rather than the tax, could
be responsible for the observed results.
In Pennsylvania, for example, munici-
palities have a local option whether or not
to adopt land value taxation. If land value
taxation is adopted by a particular munici-
pality beset by strong forces not related to tax
policy that are causing a decline in economic
activity, the adoption would be statistically
associated with economic decline—even if
the land tax actually had the favorable effect
of making the decline much smaller than
it otherwise would have been.
Another municipality could adopt a land
value tax as just one component in a multi-
faceted economic development strategy.
Suppose one of the other policies is success-
ful but land value taxation has no actual im-
pact. Because multiple policies were enacted
at the same time, it would be very difficult
statistically to attribute the positive outcome
to one policy or another. In some cases, sta-
tistical techniques are available to control
18 P o L i c y f o c u s r e P o r t l i n c o l n i n s t i t u t E o f l a n D P o l i c Y
D Y E a n D E n g l a n D A s s e s s i n g t h e t h e o r y A n d P r A c t i c e o f L A n d V A L u e t A x A t i o n 19
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
for selection bias, but in others it is difficult
to distinguish tax-regime effects from other
Magnitude of Effects
Another problem with design and interpre-
tation of land value taxation impact studies
is that the magnitude of the tax changes ob-
served may be small relative to measurement
of the outcome. All things considered, the
two-rate form of the land value tax adopted
in some Pennsylvania cities has resulted in
fairly modest changes in tax rates.
For example, the municipal tax rate on
improvements might be substantially lower
after adoption. However, if as in Pennsyl-
vania the municipal tax is only a fraction of
the combined tax bill when the county and
school districts are included, then the overall
drop in the tax rate on improvements could
be quite modest. Moreover, taxes are only
a part of the total cost of capital, so the per-
centage change in the cost of owning and
operating a building is less than the percent-
age change in taxes on that building.
Of course, unlike the Scranton example
(box 2) or other Pennsylvania cities, the effect
of lowering the tax rate on improvements
can be large under several scenarios:
if the difference in land tax and improve-
ments tax rates is large;
if the municipal tax rate is a large share
of the combined total tax rate;
if land value taxation applies to all types of
local government, not just municipalities;
if property taxes are a large portion of
the total cost of capital.
Anderson’s (2009) careful review of the evi-
dence on land value taxation organizes
many different studies under the following
Simulation and Theoretical Models
A simulation model does not provide direct
evidence from historical experience, but
rather offers a sophisticated form of math-
ematical projection based on economic
theory. Simulation models often include
multiple sectors of the local economy (e.g.,
consumers, manufacturers, service providers)
and specify how they might interact with
one another in various markets. The models
can be calibrated to resemble a particular
local economy and rely on key relationships
—such as producers’ ability to substitute
capital for land—already estimated by
other researchers.
Since the theory predicts that decreas-
ing the tax on buildings will have a favor-
able impact, simulation models grounded
in that same theory show the same outcome,
and can provide estimates of how large
that impact might be. Simulation models
can also build on theoretical models
to calculate feedback effects across the
many sectors of the economy with mag-
nitudes that are based upon real-world
Comparison Studies
Prior to the 1980s, studies of land value
taxation relied on simple comparisons of
readily available statistics before and after
a change in tax regimes or between locales
with and without land value taxation. This
type of study offers incomplete evidence,
however, since it cannot rule out other forces
that may have affected local economic
development. Some of these studies are
suggestive of a favorable impact on building
activity, but they are not conclusive. Some
advocates of land value taxation rely on
comparison studies to predict greater build-
ing activity in communities adopting a land
value tax, but they are making hopeful
assertions rather than offering convincing
20 P o L i c y f o c u s r e P o r t l i n c o l n i n s t i t u t E o f l a n D P o l i c Y
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
D Y E a n D E n g l a n D A s s e s s i n g t h e t h e o r y A n d P r A c t i c e o f L A n d V A L u e t A x A t i o n 21
box 2
Two-Rate Taxes in Scranton, Pennsylvania
he City of Scranton (2008; 2009) has a
two-rate tax with the assessed value of
land taxed at 10.3 percent and improvements
at 2.2 percent. Given that land value and im-
provements value represent 24 and 76 percent
of the total tax base respectively, the equivalent
single property tax rate on both land and im-
provements would be 3.7 percent.
In this situation, moving from the traditional
single-rate property tax to a two-rate tax
decreases the municipal-only rate on improve-
ments by more than 40 percent. But, property
owners also pay single-rate taxes to Lacka-
wanna County, the local school district, and
other entities, so the combined total rate on
improvements would decrease by only 8 per-
cent. Table 4a shows the tax rates on assessed
value as set by local governments and seen
on tax bills.
These tax rates are levied on actual assessed value; however, the burden of taxes is best measured relative to
the market value of property. In Lackawanna County (2008; 2009), assessed value represents, on average,
only 7.1 percent of the current sales value of the property. Adjusting for this difference makes the effective
rates of the tax on market value much lower (table 4b).
Moreover, the cost of using capital includes not only taxes, but also interest costs and depreciation. If we
assume that these nontax costs are around 10 or 12 percent of building value per year, then the change in
the cost of capital for the City of Scranton to switch from a property tax to a two-rate tax would be only about
1 percent. This is very small
relative to changes in building
permits or other outcome
variables. Thus, it may be
hard to detect the impact
of land value taxation in the
existing evidence, even if its
effect is exactly as predicted
by economic theory (Ingram
Table 4a
Tax Rates on Assessed Value
Land Tax
Rate (%)
Tax Rate (%)
Nominal Single
Tax Rate (%)
Municipality 10.3145 2.2432 3.7076
County 3.6498 3.6498 3.6498
Library 0.2500 0.2500 0.2500
Education Fund 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000
School District 10.5370 10.5370 10.5370
Combined Total 24.8513 16.7800 18.2444
Table 4b
Tax Rates Adjusted to Market Value
Land Tax
Rate (%)
Tax Rate (%)
Effective Single
Tax Rate (%)
Municipality 0.7313 0.1590 0.2629
Combined Total 1.7620 1.1897 1.2935
The municipality of
Scranton lowers its tax
on improvements, but the
school district and other
taxing entities do not.
20 P o L i c y f o c u s r e P o r t l i n c o l n i n s t i t u t E o f l a n D P o l i c Y
D Y E a n D E n g l a n D A s s e s s i n g t h e t h e o r y A n d P r A c t i c e o f L A n d V A L u e t A x A t i o n 21
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Regression Models
The stock in trade of empirical research in
most fields of economics is regression analysis
—a statistical technique that isolates the
relationship between the outcome measure
and a variable of interest by including numer-
ous control variables representing other factors
which, in theory, should affect the outcome.
This analysis offers a significant improvement
over comparison studies, but the results
are still subject to problems with variable
measurement, choice of the controls, or
selection bias.
In a land value tax impact study, there
is always the possibility that some omitted
variable is the true cause of the change in
construction activity, not the lower tax rate
on improvements. Anderson (2009) reviews
a number of these regression-model studies,
including four dealing with Pennsylvania
cities and one with Australia.
Mathis and Zech (1983) found no relation-
ship between land value taxation and the
level of building activity across Pennsylvania
municipalities. This is hardly surprising
because there was little variation in the
tax rate measure across the localities that
they studied.
Bourassa (1990) looked at residential
building activity in three Pennsylvania cities
and found the tax to have a significant
impact only in Pittsburgh.
Oates and Schwab (1997) compared
new building activity in Pittsburgh and
in 14 other industrial cities in the north-
eastern states. Between 1979 and 1980,
Pittsburgh increased the ratio of land to
improvements tax rates from 2:1 to 5:1.
After the change, Pittsburgh experienced
a 70 percent increase in the value of build-
ing permits while all of the other cities ex-
cept Columbus, Ohio, experienced declines
in building activity. Viewed as a compari-
son study, this suggests a substantial favor-
able impact of land value taxation com-
pared to the single-rate property tax.
22 P o L i c y f o c u s r e P o r t l i n c o l n i n s t i t u t E o f l a n D P o l i c Y
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Using a regression context with good
measurement of the key variables, a rea-
sonable set of comparison cities, and
controlling for the commercial building
occupancy rate, Oates and Schwab found
results that are consistent with a tax effect
but not conclusive. This is because Pitts-
burgh launched an aggressive and com-
prehensive economic development pro-
gram at the same time as the tax change.
Plassmann and Tideman (2000) used
building permit data for Pennsylvania
cities in the 1980s and 1990s in a sophis-
ticated statistical study that estimated that
split-rate taxation results in an increase
in residential construction on the order
of 3 or 4 percent.
Lusht (1992) studied differences across
municipalities in the metropolitan area
surrounding Melbourne in the state of
Victoria, Australia. Individual municipal-
ities in the state can select either land value
or total value as the property tax base.
Lusht finds higher levels of development
in locales with land value taxation, but
Anderson (2009) notes that selection bias
could contaminate the results if there
are systematic differences between those
communities choosing the land value tax
and those that tax land and improvements
at the same rate.
There is strong theoretical support for land
value taxation, in particular for reducing the
tax on real estate improvements. Simulation
studies grounded in that theory and allowing
for complicated interactions across different
markets can illustrate the potential improve-
ments. A number of empirical studies use
historical data to show a positive impact on
local building activity from reducing the tax
rate on improvements. Unfortunately, statis-
tical results are usually inconclusive.
Very few land value tax studies can satisfy
the research standards for selection of outcome
measures, sufficiently precise measurement
of variables, and controls for nontax influ-
ences on building activity to sustain the con-
clusion that a shift to land value taxation will
necessarily result in good economic outcomes.
Wherever possible, though, it is desirable
that tax policy should do no harm—even
if the purported benefit of the tax regime
is hard to measure or isolate from other fac-
tors. Oates and Schwab (1997, 18–19) make
this point well when they conclude their study
with the following interpretation.
[I]t is important to remember that the
Pittsburgh fiscal reform took place in a
setting of strong demand for office space.
We certainly cannot conclude from the
Pittsburgh experience that tax reform
in itself is capable of generating major
urban renewal efforts. Our findings thus
do not support some of the more extrava-
gant claims that land-tax proponents have
made for the role of the tax in stimulating
economic activity. The contribution of
land-value taxation is to be understood
not in terms of any direct stimulus to
development, for there is likely to be
little or none if the tax is basically neu-
tral. Rather, land-value taxation provides
city officials with a tax instrument that
generates revenues but has no damaging
side effects on the urban economy. In this
way, it allows the city to avoid reliance
on other taxes that can undermine
urban development.
22 P o L i c y f o c u s r e P o r t l i n c o l n i n s t i t u t E o f l a n D P o l i c Y
D Y E a n D E n g l a n D A s s e s s i n g t h e t h e o r y A n d P r A c t i c e o f L A n d V A L u e t A x A t i o n 23
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
C h a p t e r 5
Legal and Assessment Challenges
he simple fact that land value taxa-
tion has been practiced in various
nations since the nineteenth century
demonstrates the feasibility of
taxing land values at a higher rate than im-
provement values. Nonetheless, jurisdictions
seeking to implement this type of property
tax reform could face legal and property
assessment challenges. Although most
obstacles can be overcome, proponents of
land value taxation need to take them into
account as they mount their tax reform
Property taxation in the United States is
administered primarily by local governments
subject to powers granted by the state gov-
ernment, so state constitutions and statutes
need to be inspected for potential legal road-
blocks to land value taxation. Many states
have clauses in their constitutions requiring
that tax laws be applied in an identical manner
to all taxpayers. Such provisions might impede
adoption of a two-rate property tax because
property parcels with high land values would
be taxed more heavily than those with high
improvement values, even if the total values
of those parcels were the same.
Coe (2009) lists four common state con-
stitutional principles regarding taxation:
uniformity, equality, universality, and pro-
portionality. Each state constitution may use
different wording for these provisions, which
are subject to specific interpretation on a
state-by-state basis, but all express a general
goal of horizontal equity when applied to
property taxation.
Uniformity. The most commonly stated
constitutional principle addresses the appli-
cation of taxes in an identical or uniform
manner to all parties. Thirty-nine states
have explicit uniformity provisions in their
constitutions. For example, the Minnesota
The state capitol
complex, Harrisburg,
24 P o L i c y f o c u s r e P o r t l i n c o l n i n s t i t u t E o f l a n D P o l i c Y
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Constitution, Art. X, sec. 1, states that
taxes “shall be uniform upon the same
class of subjects.”
Equality. Closely related to uniformity,
this provision states that properties of
equal value are to be subject to the same
amount of tax. Sixteen states have
equality provisions in their constitutions,
such as Art. XI, sec. 1 of the Kansas
Constitution, which provides for a “uni-
form and equal basis of valuation and
rate of taxation of all property subject
to taxation.”
Universality. This principle requires
that all property be subject to taxation
unless specifically exempted by law. Twenty
states have such provisions. The Arizona
Constitution, Art. IX, sec. 2 (13), provides
a clear example of this principle when
it subjects to taxation “all property in the
state not exempt under the laws of the
United States or under this constitution
or exempt by law.
Proportionality. When applied to
property taxation, proportionality sets
taxes on different parcels of property in
relation to the value of those properties.
Twelve states have proportionality provi-
sions in their constitutions. The Vermont
Constitution, Ch. 1, Art. 9, illustrates the
basic concept of proportionality when it
states that every member of society “hath
a right to be protected in the enjoyment
of life, liberty, and property, and there-
fore is bound to contribute the member’s
proportion towards the expense of that
The West Virginia Constitution, Art.
10, sec. 1, demonstrates that all four prin-
ciples can be combined in a single provi-
sion, providing that “taxation shall be
equal and uniform throughout the state,
and all property, both real and personal,
shall be taxed in proportion to its value
to be ascertained as directed by law.”
These provisions are not an insurmount-
able barrier to land value taxation, however.
Pennsylvania has had a uniformity provision
in its constitution since 1874 and yet enacted
a statute in 1913 that enabled several cities
to implement a two-rate property tax. That
statute still stands nearly a century later.
Many states have other constitutional
provisions that could permit land value taxa-
tion even if such clauses exist. For example,
44 state constitutions permit the exemption
of some properties from taxation; 11 states
explicitly allow the exemption of improve-
ments from property taxation; and 17 states
permit classification of properties into sepa-
rate categories and differential taxation of
those classes (Coe 2009).
Exemption and classification provisions
also could open the constitutional door to
adoption of land value taxation. Most states
have already adopted constitutional provisions
or enacted statutes that permit or mandate
special, nonmarket-value assessment of agri-
cultural lands in order to avoid legal conflicts
with uniformity requirements.
Coe (2009) offers several approaches to
drafting an amendment or statute that would
permit two-rate property taxation, depend-
ing on the specific legal situation in the state:
differential classification of land and
improvements as objects of taxation;
differential assessment ratios for land
and improvements;
differential tax rates for land and
improvements; and
partial or total exemption of improve-
ments from taxation.
Land value taxation raises important issues
of tax administration. The most pressing
concern is to assess the land and improve-
ment values of all taxable parcels in a timely
and accurate fashion (Bell, Bowman, and
24 P o L i c y f o c u s r e P o r t l i n c o l n i n s t i t u t E o f l a n D P o l i c Y
D Y E a n D E n g l a n D A s s e s s i n g t h e t h e o r y A n d P r A c t i c e o f L A n d V A L u e t A x A t i o n 25
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
German 2009). At first glance, this might
seem like a simple matter. After all, one sur-
vey found that 29 states already require
county and municipal assessors to list land
and building values separately on their prop-
erty tax rolls (Brunoi and Carr 2002). Even
in states with no such requirement, local as-
sessors often record land and improvement
assessments, in addition to the total assessed
values of properties. It would seem, then,
that the administrative apparatus for a two-
rate property tax is already in place in many
jurisdictions across the United States.
This appearance is deceptive, however.
When the same tax rate is applied to both
land and improvements, local assessors have
little reason to expend resources assessing
those two values accurately. In order to avoid
taxpayer complaints and lawsuits, they simply
need to assess the total values of properties
with reasonable care. If a jurisdiction shifts
to two-rate property taxation, however, as-
sessors need to measure both components
of total parcel value accurately. Failure to
do so would invite individual lawsuits and a
political reaction by some property owners.
In cities and urbanized counties, land value
taxation is likely to be implemented as an
economic redevelopment tool. Because sales
of land alone may be rare in developed juris-
dictions, assessors cannot rely on recent land-
only transactions to measure the land values
of adjacent parcels with buildings and other
improvements already installed. In an active
real estate market, assessors can use the prices
that buyers are willing to pay for “teardown”
properties to gather more information about
land values of nearby properties. However,
in a depressed real estate market this option
may not be available.
Traditional methods of assessing land
values in developed urban areas have various
drawbacks. The most common approach
has been the abstraction or extraction method.
This technique starts with the market value
of a property and subtracts the cost of replacing
its building and other improvements, attrib-
uting the residual value to the land. As time
passes, economic depreciation and obsoles-
cence may occur, and subjective judgments
are needed to extract the residual land value
from market data.
Some local assessors still use the allocation
method to assess urban land values. However,
this technique makes the arbitrary assumption
that land values are the same fixed percent-
age of total value for each and every property.
This method cannot provide the assessment
data that a two-rate system of property
taxation needs to be successful.
In recent years, real estate appraisers and
property tax assessors have developed other
techniques to measure the land values of
developed properties using the contribution
method. Computer-assisted mass appraisal
(CAMA) models can break down the sales
prices of houses or other properties into val-
ues contributed by location, lot size and shape,
building square footage, building style and age,
and other property characteristics. Sophisti-
cated assessors now use geographic informa-
tion system (GIS) methods to define neighbor-
hoods with roughly the same land value per
acre. If local officials adopt best assessment
practices and reassess land values frequently,
then implementation of land value taxation
will have a much better chance of success
(German 2009).
This discussion of the legal and administra-
tive requirements for implementing a land
value tax leads us to conclude that a land
value tax is certainly feasible in many U.S.
jurisdictions. Before a land value tax can
be implemented, however, it must first be
enacted by state and local officials. Effective
implementation would also require the use
of land assessment techniques that are avail-
able, but not currently in widespread use.
26 P o L i c y f o c u s r e P o r t l i n c o l n i n s t i t u t E o f l a n D P o l i c Y
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
D Y E a n D E n g l a n D A s s e s s i n g t h e t h e o r y A n d P r A c t i c e o f L A n d V A L u e t A x A t i o n 27
C h a p t e r 6
The Politics of Adopting
Land Value Taxation
C O M M U N I T Y M E E T I N G , E T C .
P I T T S B U R G H I N 2 0 0 1 ? ?
axes have been called the price
of civilization, because they pay
for publicly provided community
services. Some taxation is necessary,
but each type of tax has its own advantages
and disadvantages. A tax on land values has
some striking advantages over the traditional
property tax. Since land is in fixed supply,
the land tax cannot be avoided by using
less land or using land less productively, so
a land tax is neutral. On the other hand, a
tax on building value can be avoided in part
by cutting back on the amount built, so a
tax on improvements discourages economic
development. However, any tax policy change
must meet the test of being politically
acceptable to the public at large.
The property tax is a very unpopular tax,
and the land value tax is a little used variant
of the property tax that is not well under-
stood. This presents a political challenge for
those recommending a switch to a different
kind of property tax rather than a measure
to limit the traditional property tax. Put
another way, it will be hard for advocates
of the land tax to avoid its being viewed by
the public as the much-maligned property
tax wrapped in a different package.
Moreover, it is harder for taxpayers to
judge the fairness of assessments when land
and improvements are valued separately.
Property is typically sold as a single bundle
The property
tax is a very
unpopular tax.
26 P o L i c y f o c u s r e P o r t l i n c o l n i n s t i t u t E o f l a n D P o l i c Y
D Y E a n D E n g l a n D A s s e s s i n g t h e t h e o r y A n d P r A c t i c e o f L A n d V A L u e t A x A t i o n 27
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
of land and improvements, so comparable
sales data exist as a check on single-value
assessments. Although techniques exist
for separately appraising the values of land
and improvements, there are no transparent
market comparisons available for these
component values.
The adage “an old tax is a good tax”
rings true because existing tax rules, however
disliked, are built into the expectations and
decisions of consumers, producers, and
administrators. Decisions as to where to live,
how much house to buy, or what level of
local public services to vote for have all
been made with preexisting taxes in mind.
It is also true that tax administrators have
learned to estimate the tax base and collect
revenues under the laws, rules, and defini-
tions that have been in place for decades.
In many cases, the expectation of continu-
ing taxes under the old rules have been built
(or “capitalized”) into the market value of
land, housing, or business structures. Incre-
mental changes in tax rates, tax base defini-
tions, or other rules are much less disruptive
than radical changes to a tax regime.
Yet, some elements of land value taxation
and property taxation are similar. Good prac-
tice and administration are necessary to im-
plement any tax policy, and some of these
desirable features are the same for a property
tax and a land value tax.
Assessments should be uniform with
respect to the true or market value of
the property (or land).
Assessments should be timely and reflect
current and recent market values.
The publicly determined level of service
needs should guide the overall level of
tax collections.
The tax rate should be sufficiently flexible
to offset fluctuations in the assessed tax
If land value taxation is a good idea, why
have some jurisdictions that tried it later re-
jected the concept? The two major instances
of rescinding land value taxation in the United
States can be attributed not to problems with
the land value tax per se, but with failures
of other policies that became associated
with the land value tax in the public’s mind
(Bourassa 2009b). In Hawaii different land
use planning policies could have prevented
the overdevelopment in Waikiki and other
tourist areas. Instead, “pav[ing] paradise
and put[ting] up a parking lot” was attrib-
uted to the incentives for development
perceived in the land value tax.
In Pittsburgh, where the best empirical
studies suggest a favorable impact of land
value taxation on local economic develop-
ment, the tax was rescinded for what would
have constituted poor practice under any
property tax. First, a decades-overdue reas-
sessment of all properties in Pittsburgh re-
sulted in a massive redistribution of relative
tax burdens. Public officials then failed to
cut tax rates correspondingly, which resulted
in a significant increase in absolute tax bur-
dens. The land value tax thus became the
scapegoat for the lack of timely reassessment
and the lack of rate-setting flexibility.
A third contributing factor to the public
unrest in Pittsburgh was particular to the land
value tax as opposed to the property tax. The
lack of transparency in the separate assess-
ment of land and improvement values made
it harder for the public to know whether the
assessment process was fair. With no easy
access to comparable sales, public perception
held that land values were relatively under-
assessed for downtown Pittsburgh business
interests and overassessed for residential
properties. This illustrates the importance
of an open, transparent, and frequently
updated system of assessment.
28 P o L i c y f o c u s r e P o r t l i n c o l n i n s t i t u t E o f l a n D P o l i c Y
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
D Y E a n D E n g l a n D A s s e s s i n g t h e t h e o r y A n d P r A c t i c e o f L A n d V A L u e t A x A t i o n 29
There is another sense in which “an old tax
is a good tax.” Any revenue-neutral switch
to a new tax regime has both winners and
losers, giving those who might be losers a
political interest in the status quo. Any tax
reform starts from current practice rather
than a blank slate. Even if analysis favors the
land value tax over the property tax, politi-
cal support for a change will be affected by
individuals or groups who expect their taxes
to go up or down.
Who are the winners and losers from a
revenue-neutral switch from a property tax
to a land value tax? Every parcel has both a
land value and improvements value compo-
nent, so the key difference among taxpayers
is the share of total value contributed by
land (Plummer 2009). The land intensity
of a parcel is its land value divided by its
total value (land plus improvements). Parcels
with land intensity equal to the jurisdiction-
wide average will be unaffected by the
switch; parcels with above average land in-
tensity will pay higher taxes under the land-
only tax; parcels with land intensity below
the jurisdictionwide average will benefit
from no longer taxing improvements.
The distribution of land intensity across
different types of parcels will depend upon
local conditions, and this will determine the
distribution of winners and losers from a
switch to a land value tax. A shift will occur
across classes of property—commercial,
industrial, apartments and condos, and
owner-occupied residential—and within
property classes across different income
levels of the owners.
Several studies have estimated the
distribution of tax burden shifts that would
follow a transition from a property tax to a
land value tax in specific U.S. communities.
England and Zhao (2005) predicted the ef-
fects of land value taxation in Dover, New
Hampshire, and Bowman and Bell (2008)
studied Roanoke, Virginia.
These two communities differ in the
aggregate impact on single-family home-
owners relative to other classes of property.
In Dover, the residential land intensity is
high, so homeowners as a group would
see their taxes rise relative to commercial
property owners under a land value tax.
In Roanoke, land intensity is low for resi-
dential property, so homeowners would
benefit from relatively lower taxes.
28 P o L i c y f o c u s r e P o r t l i n c o l n i n s t i t u t E o f l a n D P o l i c Y
D Y E a n D E n g l a n D A s s e s s i n g t h e t h e o r y A n d P r A c t i c e o f L A n d V A L u e t A x A t i o n 29
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The two studies show the different bur-
den shifts within the single-family parcel
class. In Dover the switch to a land value
tax would make the distribution of burdens
with respect to income less progressive than
under the current property tax regime. In
Roanoke, the switch would disproportionately
impact owners of higher valued residences
(presumably also higher income) and thus
make the burden more progressive.
Before land value taxation can be imple-
mented, its proponents need to do some basic
research and assemble a broad coalition of
supporters. Although a single champion can
accomplish much (as in Fairfax or Roanoke,
Virginia), an effort to enact and retain land
value taxation is likely to fail unless a broad-
er group of taxpayers voices its support.
It may also be important to phase in land
value taxation over several years and to offer
tax credits to protect owners of modest prop-
erties with higher land intensities. In short,
proponents of land value taxation need to
tailor their message to local economic cir-
cumstances if they are to succeed politically.
Roanoke, Virginia
Dover, New Hampshire
30 P o L i c y f o c u s r e P o r t l i n c o l n i n s t i t u t E o f l a n D P o l i c Y
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
D Y E a n D E n g l a n D A s s e s s i n g t h e t h e o r y A n d P r A c t i c e o f L A n d V A L u e t A x A t i o n 31
C h a p t e r 7
Conclusions and Recommendations
his report examines a type of prop-
erty tax reform that keeps what is
best about the property tax, the land
value tax, and eliminates or shifts
from what is worst, the tax on the value of
buildings and other improvements. Such a
reform would avoid the many adverse effects
of popular property tax measures such as
limitations on the assessed value of certain
Land value taxation is a realistic, not
utopian, proposal that shifts some or all
of the property tax from buildings to land,
and it could offer important benefits, such
as removing or reducing disincentives to
invest in new buildings; greater neutrality
with respect to the timing of new develop-
ment; and, arguably, discouragement of
urban sprawl.
At the same time, there are a number
of legal, administrative, and political barriers
to this reform. In some states, constitutional
provisions would require careful attention
to the drafting of enabling statutes in order
to avoid litigation. In many localities, assess-
ment officials would need funding and tech-
nical assistance to adopt and master best
practices. In those communities where land
prices are relatively high, a combination of
exemptions, credits, and varied rates should
be considered to mitigate the burden on
small property owners. In all cases, changes
should be introduced gradually over a
transition period.
30 P o L i c y f o c u s r e P o r t l i n c o l n i n s t i t u t E o f l a n D P o l i c Y
D Y E a n D E n g l a n D A s s e s s i n g t h e t h e o r y A n d P r A c t i c e o f L A n d V A L u e t A x A t i o n 31
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
To facilitate adoption and retention of
a two-rate property tax, we recommend the
following features as part of a tax reform
measures to guarantee best practices by
local assessing officials, including frequent
reassessment of taxable properties;
phase-in of dual tax rates over several years
to reduce the immediate negative impact
on some property owners; and
inclusion of a tax credit feature to reduce
the burden on land-rich but income-poor
Land value taxation is an attractive
alternative to the traditional property tax,
especially to much more problematic types
of property tax reform such as assessment
limitations. As Oates and Schwab (1997)
concluded, the switch to land value taxation
alone may not revive the downtown area
of an older industrial city, but policy makers
should not underestimate the importance
of choosing a tax regime that will not have
damaging side effects or impede economic
The choice of a tax regime can affect the location and type of new development.
32 P o L i c y f o c u s r e P o r t l i n c o l n i n s t i t u t E o f l a n D P o l i c Y
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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32 P o L i c y f o c u s r e P o r t l i n c o l n i n s t i t u t E o f l a n D P o l i c Y
Richard F. Dye is a visiting fellow at the Lincoln Institute. He is professor
at the Institute of Government and Public Affairs at the University of Illinois
at Chicago and the Ernest A. Johnson Professor of Economics Emeritus at
Lake Forest College in Illinois. His research focuses on state and local
government nance as it relates to economic development. Contact:
Richard W. England is also a visiting fellow at the Lincoln Institute, and
professor of economics and natural resources at the Whittemore School of
Business and Economics, University of New Hampshire. His recent research
has examined how local property taxation and zoning rules affect land use
change in the United States. Contact: [email protected]
We would like to acknowledge our enor-
mous debt to the chapter authors of the
book on Land Value Taxation we recently
edited—John Anderson, Mike Bell, Steve
Bourassa, John Bowman, Rick Coe, Riël
Franzsen, Jerry German, Wally Oates,
Elizabeth Plummer, and Bob Schwab.
Working with scholars of their stature
greatly improved our own understanding
of the topic. We also beneted from com-
ments from participants at presentations
we made on land value taxation at the
Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, the
National Tax Association, and the Inter-
national Association of Assessing Ofcers. Finally we offer our sincere
thanks for the insightful comments we received from readers of earlier drafts
of this report—Steve Bourassa, Gregory K. Ingram, Daphne Kenyon, Ann
LeRoyer, and Joan Youngman.
Lincoln Institute is a private operating foundation whose mission is to
improve the quality of public debate and decisions in the areas of land
policy and land-related taxation in the United States and around the world.
The Institute’s goals are to integrate theory and practice to better shape
land policy and to provide a nonpartisan forum for discussion of the multi-
disciplinary forces that inuence public policy. The Institute seeks to inform
decision making through education, research, demonstration projects, and
the dissemination of information through publications, our Web site, and
other media. Lincoln Institute programs bring together scholars, practitioners,
public ofcials, policy advisers, and involved citizens in a collegial learning
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ISBN 978-1-55844-204-7
Policy Focus Report/Code PF025
The land value tax is a variant of the property tax that imposes a higher tax rate on land than on improvements,
or taxes only the land value. Many other types of changes in property tax policy, such as assessment freezes
or limitations, have undesirable side effects, including unequal treatment of similarly situated taxpayers and
distortion of economic incentives. Land value taxation would enhance both the fairness and the efciency of
the property tax.
Raising the tax rate on land has few undesirable effects, while lowering the rate on improvements has many
benets. Land is effectively in xed supply, so an increase in the tax rate on land value will raise revenue without
distorting the incentives for owners to invest in and make use of their land. By contrast, the part of the property
tax that falls on structures or other improvements discourages investment. The burden of the tax on land falls
entirely on landowners, who have no opportunity to shift the tax to others (such as renters). The land value tax
is neutral with respect to the choice of when to develop a parcel and the density of its development, whereas
the taxation of improvements is likely to increase low-density sprawl.
More than 30 countries around the world have implemented land value taxation, so it is not a utopian proposal.
In the United States, experience with land value taxation dates back to 1913, when the Pennsylvania legislature
permitted Pittsburgh and Scranton to tax land values at a higher rate than building values.
Land value taxation is an attractive alternative to the traditional property tax, especially to much more problem-
atic types of property tax measures such as assessment limitations. This report recommends consideration of
the following features as part of a tax reform package:
• measures to guarantee best practices by local assessing ofcials and frequent reassessment
of taxable properties;
• phase-in of dual tax rates over several years to reduce the immediate negative impact on some
property owners; and
• inclusion of a tax credit feature to reduce the burden on land-rich but income-poor citizens.
Assessing the Theory and Practice
of Land Value Taxation
ISBN 978-1-55844-204-7