Dear GSCS Stakeholders,
When we opened the
2018-2019 school year,
we knew it was going to
be a pivotal year for the
Griffin-Spalding County
School System (GSCS). It
hasn’t been easy nor quick,
but the work we are doing
is changing the conversation in Spalding County.
Much of this work has been centered on building
a foundation upon which an effective and efficient
instructional program can thrive.
As a result of the curriculum audit conducted in 2016,
district-wide initiatives including Mastery Connect,
MAP (Measures of Academic Progress), Balanced
Literacy and Rigorous Curriculum Design (RCD),
have been implemented and are moving forward.
Our balanced literacy plan entered its second year
of implementation. We rolled out curriculum guides
in English/Language Arts, mathematics, and science
using the Rigorous Curriculum Design model, with
an implementation and support plan to ensure
maximum success.
The consistent rise in our graduation rate is the
“proof in the pudding.” The district’s graduation
rate of 88.58%, which increased from 85.39% last
year, tops the state rate of 82% and the Grifn
RESA regional average of 88.0%. The approach
of tracking high school students at risk for failing
courses has kept students from facing the task of
recovering credit in multiple courses late in their high
school careers. The block schedules provide more
opportunities for students to succeed by being able
to take more courses during a four-year window.
In fact, we have seen a substantial increase in the
number of middle school students that have taken
high school credits to get an early start towards
We also invest in our employees – our most
valuable asset, to ensure the success of our
students with school, district and national
professional development opportunities. GSCS
has also increased its efforts to focus on improving
employee culture and climate in all schools and
facilities by recognizing staff for their contributions
to the district. Additionally, the district’s Positive
Behavior Interventions and Support framework,
comprised of social-emotional learning and
character development program for elementary and
middle schools, is moving the needle with room for
We are very
fortunate to have
the resources
to provide
that includes
mental health
clinicians, social
workers, behavior
interventionists and
school climate
specialists to cultivate a
positive climate in the school setting.
As you know, the safety and security of our staff
and students is a top priority for us. Over the past
two years, we have worked closely with our local law
enforcement agencies, emergency management
agency, as well as GEMA and Homeland Security to
identify our greatest needs such as security cameras,
security door systems, emergency generators and
intercom systems to ensure that our campuses as
safe as possible. The district is also committed to
providing technology improvements for students and
staff to remain current with 21st century technology.
The Future Ready Librarians (FRL) framework
creates school libraries and classrooms that are
dynamic learning spaces with students engaged
in lessons that include integration of information
and technology literacies with core content, critical
thinking, problem-solving, and reading competencies
for academic and personal pursuits.
The Grifn-Spalding County School System offers
everything a child needs to nurture and Grow
academically, Sustain and foster social-emotional
development with educators who Collaborate by
using innovative instructional practices that engage
students to Succeed. With our schools being the
anchors of the Grifn-Spalding community, the
support from parent-teacher organizations, local
school councils, partners in education, community and
civic organizations is what makes our students thrive.
Together, we are Griffin great and Spalding strong!
James D. Smith
R. Syntel Brown • District 1
Letter from
Zachery Holmes, Vice Chair • District 3
Will Doss, Chair • District 2
Board of Education
Sue McDonald • District 5
2 #GriffinGreatSpaldingStrong
Barbara Jo Cook• District 4
FY19 Operating Budget
GSCS Strategy Map
The vision of the
Griffin-Spalding County
School System is to be
an agent of change,
transforming our students
into future-ready
learners and contributing
members of society.
The mission of the
Griffin-Spalding County
School System is to
empower students
to graduate college
and career ready.
Chromebooks to support
16.9 M
Emails were sent by
GSCS students and staff
3 Million
Documents Shared
Post made by teachers
in Google Classroom
Average visits to
www.google.com per day
by the
Fast Facts:
Certified Staff – 864
Classified Staff – 605
Paraprofessionals – 168
of students are eligible for
free or reduced price meals
11 elementary, 4 middle,
3 high, 2 programs and
the Griffin Region College and Career Academy
Projected Student Enrollment
47% African American, 38% Caucasian,
9% Hispanic, 5% Multiracial,
1% Asian/American
Indian/Pacific Islander
Sue McDonald • District 5
GSCS has:
125 buses with
91 planned daily routes
7,100 students transported
1.5 Million miles a year
(not including field trips)
www.spalding.k12.ga.us 3
GRCCA Expands Aviation Program
To address the
growing need
for workforce
development in the
aviation industry,
the Grifn Region
College and Career
Academy (GRCCA)
began an aviation
pathway in flight
operations last
year. This year,
GRCCA added an
aircraft maintenance pathway to address both the pilot and the
maintenance mechanic shortage in this region. GRCCA is currently
renovating one of the older gymnasiums on campus into a flight
operations classroom and lab, as well as an aircraft hangar for
the maintenance program. A new enclosed flight simulator was
just added to flight operations and three airplanes have been
donated for the aircraft maintenance program. All courses are
taught by industry professionals, and there are plans to add a
dual enrollment option through Middle Georgia State University’s
School of Aviation. GRCCA’s goal is to become the aviation
industrys workforce pipeline for this region. Next year, GRCCA
plans to add a drone career pathway to the program with dual
enrollment option through Southern Crescent Technical College.
Zero to Five Initiative
The purpose of the GSCS Zero to Five Initiative is to identify,
prioritize and address the needs of children from birth to
age five, to support their growth and development towards
successful preparation for Kindergarten. In its first year
of implementation, the GSCS Zero To Five Initiative has
accomplished the following:
More than 40 staff members from more than 10 local preschools
and daycares participated in six training sessions on kindergarten
readiness training facilitated by the GSCS Zero to Five staff.
Over 20 GSCS leaders visited 13 different daycare centers to
interface with their families to share information on kindergarten
readiness. The team delivered 150 Zero to Five Developmental
Booklets for the families of newborn babies at WellStar Spalding
Regional Hospital each month. Additionally, Zero To Five print
and digital resources were distributed among over 40 local
childcare, civic and governmental organizations to educate the
community on kindergarten readiness.
GSCS has seen an overall increase in the percentage
of kindergarteners entering GSCS elementary schools
demonstrating readiness for success in the areas of English/
Language Arts, Math and academic foundations.
4 #GriffinGreatSpaldingStrong
www.spalding.k12.ga.us 5
Rigorous Curriculum Design
The Griffin Spalding County School System has implemented a
three-year process to create curriculum guides for teachers using
the Rigorous Curriculum Design (RCD) model. RCD is the district’s
redesigned approach to delivering and monitoring instruction that
directly affects student achievement, while cultivating “in-house”
ownership of the curricula. With this model, teachers are able to
focus on performance data to align lessons to meet their students
needs, and administrators will be engaged in RCD data monitoring
to ensure full implementation. GSCS currently offers curriculum
guides for English Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies,
Modern Language, Physical Education and Fine Arts. Additional
content will be added during the 2019-2020 school year.
The curriculum guides serve as road maps that provide
guidance to teachers to ensure that all students have access
to a rigorous curriculum. There is no change in the standards
that are taught – only a change in how it is taught. To support
RCD implementation, both principals and teachers have
and will continue to receive professional learning to support
the implementation of the curriculum guides. RCD provides
rigorous and relevant learning opportunities to improve student
engagement in the classrooms, with the goal of preparing them
for college, career and lifelong success.
Academic Instructional
Practices Measure (AIM)
The Academic Instructional Practices Measure (AIM) Visits are
implemented to measure a school’s instructional effectiveness.
AIM visits provide an objective and evidence-based analysis of
how well instructional practices are being implemented in the
classrooms across the school district. The AIM Team is comprised
of school level administrators and district level administrators led
by GSCS Deputy Superintendent Dr. Kiawana Kennedy. The AIM
team conducted 18 AIM visits (one visit at each school) during the
2018-2019 school year.
The four primary purposes of the AIM Visit are to:
To provide a school with data on instructional practices to
improve student learning.
To provide feedback to teachers regarding instructional
practices to improve student learning.
To encourage and promote dialogue between school and
district office on effective instructional practices.
To provide district office with data collected across schools to
support academic achievement and growth.
GSCS Mentor Program
The GSCS Mentor Program is a partnership between the
Griffin-Spalding County School System (GSCS), Spalding
Collaborative and the Griffin Housing Authority. The
Mentor Program is funded by GSCS and the Griffin Housing
Authority, and Spalding Collaborative is the contract agent
for administering the program as well as training and vetting
mentors. GSCS mentors meet for one hour each week with their
mentee during the school day on school property. Mentors
commit to serving students for one school year, however, many
continue mentoring their mentee until graduation. Several
mentors mentor more than one student in more than one school.
The mentor program closed out the 2018-2019 school year with
43 mentors and 82 mentees that participate in one-on-one and
group mentoring at 13 GSCS schools.
Student Success Center at
Cowan Road Middle School
The Griffin-Spalding School System entered into a partnership during
the 2018-2019 school year with the Grifn Regional Education Service
Agency (RESA) to create a Student Success Center at Cowan Road
Middle School. The goal for the Student Success Center is to remove
the personal barriers that hinder students from achieving their best by
providing items to meet students’ basic needs. When these barriers are
removed, students are ready to learn when they get to school, which
should significantly increase student achievement.
With the support of the Georgia Department of Education and the
donations and support of various community agencies, businesses, and
faith-based organizations, the center is ready to open for the 2019-2020 school year to serve students.
The center is already stocked with items such as school supplies, personal hygiene products, and
clothes, and there are plans underway to broaden the offerings to include food. The Student Success
Center is a wonderful outcome of the community coming together to provide wraparound services to
complement the academic priorities of the school.
6 #GriffinGreatSpaldingStrong
Partners in Education
The Griffin-Spalding Partners in Education (PIE) raised over $21,000 during its
17th annual golf tournament to benefit the teachers and students of the Griffin-Spalding
County School System (GSCS). The PIE “Prize Patrol” awarded 37 classroom and field
trip grants to GSCS teachers and counselors totaling $31,559. PIE also awarded $1,000
in teacher tuition scholarships to 11 GSCS teachers seeking post-secondary degrees.
Additionally, PIE contributes to the local match for REACH GA scholarships for GSCS
middle school students with support from Marukan Vinegar, Kiwanis, and Rotary.
GSCS’ Graduation Rate Demonstrates
Three Years of Continuous Growth
GSCSs 2019 high school graduation rate increased to 88.58 from 85.39
percent last year, and 81.5 percent in 2017, demonstrating the districts three
years of continuous growth. The 2019 graduation rate also topped the state’s
average of 82 percent and the Grifn RESAs regional average of 88 percent.
Additionally, this year was the first time in five years that senior student athletes
from Griffin and Spalding high schools have had a 100 percent graduation rate.
Fine Arts Diploma Seal
Both Spalding High School and Griffin
High School students earned a Fine Arts
Diploma Seal along with their high school
diplomas in 2019. The Fine Arts Diploma
Seal is awarded to graduating high school
students who complete a Georgia Fine
Arts Pathway, extra-curricular activities,
and experiences that foster fine arts
mastery. A Fine Arts Pathway consists
of a minimum of three credits in one of the fine arts subject areas. These areas include
dance, media arts, music, theatre, and visual arts. Pathway completion denotes mastery
in one art form. To earn a Fine Arts Diploma Seal, students share their talent and
industry knowledge by providing at least 20 hours of arts related community service
and presenting a capstone presentation on their experiences. The diploma seal is a
signal to employers and higher education institutions that a student is prepared to
participate in the creative economy.
www.spalding.k12.ga.us 7
81.5% 85.39% 88.58%
2017 2018 2019
For the third year in a row, GSCS’ graduation rate of 88.58
percent is higher than the state’s average of 82 percent.
High School Advisement Guide
One of the primary goals of Grifn-Spalding County Schools is to
prepare students to be college, career, and life ready. The
Griffin-Spalding County Student Advisement Program is designed
to assist students in acquiring the knowledge and skills needed
to make decisions that enable them to take full advantage of
the well-balanced curriculum offered in our secondary schools.
Through the presentation of current information concerning career/
pathway selection, graduation requirements, and course offerings
during individual and group advisement sessions, the professional
educator becomes the mentor to the student. The following
procedures are utilized in GSCS to facilitate this process and
promote college and career readiness:
During the eighth grade year, students and their parents/
guardians and advisor/counselor will develop an Individual
Graduation Plan (IGP) to be revised annually as prescribed by
HB 400 (Bridge Bill).
Advising students and parents on high school pathways and
academic curriculum, preparing them for college applications,
admissions, job readiness, soft skills (non-cognitive skills), and
interview skills.
Informing all students of dual enrollment and advanced
placement courses to prepare students for the rigor of
postsecondary education.
Providing information to assist in the planning and preparation
for post-secondary options
Informing students about post-secondary financing that can
be used to support post-secondary options and training.
Annual advisement sessions are encouraged with students
and parent(s)/guardian(s) to provide academic, career, social/
emotional guidance, review progress in meeting graduation
requirements and to assist in selecting high school courses for
the following year. Sessions may be conducted individually or
in groups as deemed appropriate by local school personnel.
8 #GriffinGreatSpaldingStrong
2018-19 District-wide Teacher of the Year
Jennifer Wilson, Jordan Hill Elementary
Jennifer Wilson has been a music teacher for 15 years serving elementary, middle and high school
students at both private and public schools. Wilson has taught music at Jordan Hill Elementary for two
years. She also helps with the schools Literacy Days competition, organizes music performances for
PTO and special holiday programs and serves as the accompanist for the elementary and middle school
Griffin-Spalding Honor Chorus events. For the district, Wilson has edited and written nationally aligned
middle school chorus curriculum, created Student Learning Objectives and served as a mentor to new
choral teachers. Wilson received her bachelors degree in Music from Clayton State University and her
master’s degree in Music Education from the University of Southern Mississippi.
of the Year
2019 Library Media Specialist of the Year
Carver Road Middle School Media Specialist Rebecca Murray
The LMSOTY is awarded for individual excellence in the
library media field through service to students, teachers and
community at the K-12 level.
Eighth Grade Students Earn
High School Credit
During the 2018-19 school year, GSCS saw a substantial
increase in the number of high school credits earned by middle
school students. The number of high school credits earned
in middle school increased from 81 in 2018 to 203 credits
earned in 2019. The credits were earned by eighth graders in
Algebra I, Physical Science as well as two Career Technical and
Agriculture Education (CTAE) courses: Introduction to Business
& Technology and Introduction to Early Childhood Education.
Overall, 142 eighth-grade students or 20 percent were enrolled
in high school courses to earn credit in 2019, compared to 81 or
12 percent in 2018.
www.spalding.k12.ga.us 9
Joan Puckett
As a self-contained MOID teacher at Jackson Road Elementary,
Joan Puckett works tirelessly to design her teaching to spark an idea,
fan a flame and see recognition ablaze in the eyes of her students.
She is passionate and committed to providing her students with
every opportunity to experience mainstream activities and concepts.
Joan Puckett was the 2017-18 districtwide Teacher of the Year, 2018
Georgia Council for Exceptional Children Teacher of the Year and an
Agent of Change.
Brett Bell
Brett Bell got the idea to promote Little Free Libraries from ones he
heard about across the state. Working under the auspices of the
Griffin-Spalding County Collaborative Authority, Brett presented the
idea in Spalding County. The concept is simple. Build a box to house
books protected from the weather and place the box in a location
accessible to children and their parents. Anyone is free to take a book
from the library box, read it, return it or keep it. All are encouraged
to place another book in the library as a way of ensuring continued
service. Thanks to Brett’s advocacy, Spalding County now has over
25 Little Free Libraries, with some located on our school grounds. For his support in
improving literacy and reading skills in Spalding County, Brett Bell is recognized as an
Agent of Change.
Dana Jett
Due to Spalding High School Senior Jordan Smith’s sensory issues
with loud noises and crowds and his need to constantly move or walk,
his family decided that it would be best for him not to participate in
Spalding High’s graduation ceremony. Knowing how hard Jordan has
worked during his time at Spalding High and his amazing progress,
Jordan’s Special Education Teacher Dana Jett felt that his hard work
and perseverance were worthy of recognition and organized a special
intimate graduation ceremony for Jordan and his family. For putting
her student first and ensuring that his accomplishments mattered and were valued makes
Dana Jett an Agent of Change.
Dave Lamb
When GSCS began planning for a Griffin Region College and Career
Academy, businessman Dave Lamb stepped up. Lamb served as
a business representative on the planning committee and became
the first board chair for GRCCA. Through his leadership, GRCCA has
grown as a regional site that increases in programs and students each
year. Dave Lamb’s long-term commitment and vision for GRCCA has
made him an Agent of Change.
Agents of
2018 GSCS Agents
of Inclusion:
Lisa Bates
Title III ESOL Parent Liaison/Interpreter
Brandon Crook
Gifted Parent Group President
Brent Fortson
Special Olympics Coordinator,
Griffin High School
Natalie Wood
Principal, Crescent Elementary
Amiee Youngblood
Parent, Jackson Road Elementary
Each December, in celebration
of Inclusive Schools Week, GSCS
recognizes Special Education parents,
teachers and staff members as “Agents
of Inclusion” for their dedication and
commitment to working with students
of all abilities throughout the district
and raising awareness of inclusion
throughout the community.
10 #GriffinGreatSpaldingStrong
GSCS 2018 REACH Georgia Scholars:
Ethan Akins, Cowan Road Middle School
Hannah Greer, Carver Road Middle School
Asiyah Moten, Cowan Road Middle School
Joshua Perez-Venancio, Kennedy Road Middle School
Nathaniel Wilson, Rehoboth Road Middle School
For the second
year, five GSCS
middle school
students were
named recipients
of a $10,000
REACH Georgia
REACH Georgia
Scholars are
selected in middle school and sign a contract along with their parent/guardian to
maintain a 2.5 GPA, remain crime, drug and behavior issue free and meet with a
volunteer mentor and academic coach until they graduate from high school. Each
scholar who completes all program requirements will receive up to $10,000 that was
earmarked to him/her in the 8th grade. REACH Georgia Scholars will receive up to
$2,500 per year, for up to four years, to be used towards the cost of attendance to a
two or four-year Georgia REACH program eligible institution of their choosing.
2018-19 Griffin-Spalding
STAR Student and Teacher:
Sam Hart - Spalding High School
Dee Joiner - STAR Teacher
To be named a STAR student, a high school senior must have the
highest score on any single test date of the SAT taken through
the November test date of their senior year and be in the top
10 percent or top 10 students of their class based on grade
point average. The STAR teacher is selected by the declared
high school STAR student for having made the most significant
contribution to their academic development.
2018 Stars
& Scholars
www.spalding.k12.ga.us 11
2018 Classified Employees
of the Year:
Keiza Hunt, nutrition and wellness coordinator
Patricia Chasteen, bus driver
Custodial Services
Jerry Lewis, head custodian
Beaverbrook Elementary
Licia Evans, nursing supervisor
2018 Educator Hall of
Fame Inductees:
Georgie McCrary Matchett • William Matchett
James F. Johnston • Alberta Blanton
Jackson Road
Elementary Special
Education Teacher
Joan Puckett was
named the 2018 Georgia
Council for Exceptional
Children (CEC) Teacher
of the Year.
Cowan Road Middle
School Assistant
Principal Chandra Bell
was named a finalist for
2018 Georgia Assistant
Principal of the Year by
the Georgia Association
of Secondary School
Principals (GASSP).
Spalding High School students Nasya
Gilbert and Chloe Holtzapfel competed
in the Georgia Family, Career and
Community Leaders of America
(FCCLA) State Leadership Conference
Griffin High School Junior Ana Giddings and Spalding High School
Sophomore Thomas Smith from the Griffin Regional College and
Career Academy (GRCCA) signed contracts with local companies
to participate in the Georgia Consortium of Advanced Technical
Training (GA CATT) Apprentice Program. Upon completion of
the program, both students will earn a high school diploma, an
Associate’s Degree in Precision Manufacturing and they will test
for German certification.
GSCS received the 2019
Student Support Team
Association for Georgia
Educators (SSTAGE)
Star Award for Longevity
of Promising Practices
at the system level for
maintaining and making
progress with the
implementation of system
wide multi-tier student
support (MTSS).
Carver Road
Middle School
Future Business
Leaders of
America (FBLA)
Chapter received
second place for
having the largest
local chapter.
Rehoboth Road Middle School was recognized as
a Digital Citizenship Common Sense School.
Ana Sofia Orona Castro
and Christian Orona Castro
of Grifn High School and
Grayson Smith of Cowan Road
Middle School advanced to
compete in the 71st Georgia
Science and Engineering Fair
(GSEF) To advance to the state
competition, GSCS students
must have placed first in their
school fair and the Griffin
RESA Regional Science and
Engineering Fair.
• Grifn Books-A-Million donated $900 worth of new books
to the Griffin-Spalding County School System (GSCS) to
support the district’s Balanced Literacy Initiative.
• GSCS contributed $8,642 via cash donations and payroll
deductions to help United Way agencies within our
local community.
• GSCS collected 39,407 food items during the 2018
Salvation Army Food Drive!
• The Sun City Civitan Club presented GSCS Special
Education Teachers Anika Momon and Amanda Franklin
(who are both GHS classmates, 1990) with the Servant’s
Heart Award for exemplary leadership, dedication and
outstanding service in the field of intellectual or
developmental disabilities.
• Fourteen Griffin High School
students were selected to play
in the Region 6 District Middle/
High School Honor Band.
• FIRST LEGO League teams
from Carver Road Middle,
Cowan Road Middle, Crescent
Elementary and Rehoboth
Road Middle competed in
the FIRST LEGO League
Super Region Competition.
• Rehoboth Road Middle
School’s Math Team won
econd place for Division I at
the 2019 Griffin RESA Regional
Middle School Math Contest.
12 #GriffinGreatSpaldingStrong
The GSCS Nutrition Department
received the Georgia School
Nutrition Association (GSNA)
Gold Scroll Award, which is the
highest award attainable for
district and local GSNA chapters.
The award recognizes GSNA
chapters for completing the
State President’s Plan of Action
which promotes advocacy,
membership and public image to
stakeholders, such as students,
parents, teachers and the
The GSCS Nutrition
Department received
honorary recognition
for their Farm to School
Excellence at the
2018 Golden Radish
Awards. The Golden
Radish Award publicly
recognizes Georgia
school districts for best
practices in farm to
school programs, such as
local food procurement,
exposing students to
new foods through taste
tests and incorporating
gardening and cooking
activities in curriculum.
Anne Street Elementary
was awarded the Georgia
Early Learning Reading
Initiative Grant from the
Governor’s Ofce of Student
Achievement, Get Georgia
Reading Campaign and Share
the Magic Foundation/Read
with Malcolm.
Cowan Road Middle School Robotics
Team advanced to the FIRST LEGO
League state competition.
Griffin High School and Spalding High School were named a 2018-19 Advanced
Placement (AP) STEM Schools and Spalding High School was also named a
2018-19 AP STEM Achievement School by the Georgia Department of Education.
The GSCS Communications
Department received two Gold
Awards of Merit and two Silver
Awards of Merit in the 2018
Georgia School Public Relations
Association (GSPRA) Annual
Publications, Photography and
Electronic Media Contest.
The Griffin-Spalding
County Board of
Education was
recognized by the
Georgia School
Boards Association
(GSBA) as a 2019
School Board.
Griffin-Spalding schools were
recognized by the Georgia
Department of Education for their
Positive Behavioral Interventions
and Supports (PBIS) framework
during the 2018-2019 school year:
Distinguished PBIS School: Futral
Road Elementary; Operational PBIS
Schools: A.Z. Kelsey Academy,
Carver Road Middle School,
Crescent Elementary School,
Jackson Road Elementary School
and Moore Elementary School;
Emerging PBIS Schools: Anne
Street Elementary School, Atkinson
Elementary School, Beaverbrook
Elementary School, Cowan Road
Elementary School, Cowan Road
Middle School, Grifn High School,
Jordan Hill Elementary School,
Kennedy Road Middle School,
Moreland Road Elementary and
Orrs Elementary School; Installing
Schools: Rehoboth Road Middle
School and Spalding High School.
www.spalding.k12.ga.us 13
GSCS received the
platinum award
of excellence and
was recognized
as “Best In Class”
in the strategic
category for
its Interns As
Teachers program
by the Georgia
Association of
School Personnel
Carver Road Middle School Student Harrison
Whitmore completed his service project,
PC Drive 4 Hope as a member of the GA State
Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council. Harrison
collected 3,081 personal care items and received
$125 in financial donations. GSCS employees,
students and staff collected 2,004 of these items.
Whitmore presented the donated items to Rushton’s
Hope, a local non-profit that assists families in Griffin.
Griffin High
Bears Boys
Track &
Field Team
won the
State Title.
Spalding High School Lady Jags Track Coach Bart Pinckney
for being named 2018 Girls Sprints Coach of the Year.
Spalding High School Lady Jags Track Relay Team won the
Class AAAA 4x400 State Championship.
Both the Spalding High School Lady Jags and Boys Varsity
Soccer Teams won the region 2-AAAA championships and
played in the state championship.
The Griffin High School Competition Cheer Squad won first
place at the APS Metro Championship.
GSCS received the
Tyler Technologies
2019 Public Sector
Excellence Award in the
Pupil Transportation
Division (VersaTrans)
for school bus routing,
trip planning and fleet
management. GSCS
was chosen among hundreds of school
districts from across the country. Tyler
Technologies recognizes organizations that
demonstrate excellence in deploying Tyler
software in novel and impactful ways that
extend best practices.
Griffin High
School Lady
Bears Basketball
team was named
2019 Class
AAAAA region
Spalding High
School Lady
Jags was named
2019 Class AAAA
region champions.
14 #GriffinGreatSpaldingStrong
Spalding High School Lady Jags
Basketball Team won the 2018 4A
GHSA State Championship.
Each year, the GSCS
Special Education
Department hosts
the Districtwide
Special Olympic
Games at Grifn
High School to
celebrate athletes
of all abilities.
The Finance Department was recognized
for receiving two awards for the audited
FY18 financial report: the Certificate of
Achievement for Excellence in Financial
Reporting from the Government Finance
Ofcers Association, and the Certificate of
Excellence in Financial Reporting from the
Associations of School Business Officers.
The Griffin-Spalding County School System’s
AMP-IT-UP: Inspiring Middle School
Teachers in STEM” video received the
National Science Foundation’s Facilitators
Choice Award. The three-minute video
was one of 21 videos chosen out of 242
submissions for the Foundation’s 2019
STEM For All Video Showcase.
Anne Street Elementary
802 Anne Street
Griffin, GA 30224
770 -229-3746
Atkinson Elementary
307 Atkinson Drive
Griffin, GA 30223
Beaverbrook Elementary
251 Birdie Road
Griffin, GA 30223
Cowan Road Elementary
1233 Cowan Road
Griffin, GA 30223
Crescent Elementary
201 Crescent Road
Griffin, GA 30224
Futral Road Elementary
180 Futral Road
Griffin, GA 30224
Jackson Road Elementary
1233 Jackson Road
Griffin, GA 30223
Jordan Hill Elementary
75 Jordan Hill
Griffin, GA 30223
Moore Elementary
201 Cabin Creek Drive
Griffin, GA 30223
Moreland Road Elementary
455 Moreland Road
Griffin, GA 30224
Orrs Elementary
1553 Flynt Street
Griffin, GA 30223
770 -229-3743
Carver Road Middle School
2185 Carver Road
Griffin, GA 30224
Cowan Road Middle School
1185 Cowan Road
Griffin, GA 30223
Kennedy Road Middle School
280 Kennedy Road
Griffin, GA 30223
Rehoboth Road Middle School
1500 Rehoboth Road
Griffin, GA 30224
A.Z. Kelsey Academy
200 A.Z. Kelsey Ave.
Griffin, GA 30223
Griffin High School
1617 W. Poplar Street
Griffin, GA 30224
Griffin Region College and
Career Academy
221 Spalding Drive
Griffin, GA 30223
770-229-3710 Ext. 10482
Spalding High School
433 Wilson Road
Griffin, GA 30224
Enrichment Center
205 Spalding Drive
Griffin, GA 30223
Mainstay Academy
200 A.Z .Kelsey Avenue
Griffin, GA 30223
Griffin-Spalding County School System
Griffin-Spalding County School System is accredited by AdvancED and the Georgia Accrediting Commission.
www.spalding.k12.ga.us 15
216 S. Sixth Street
P. O. Drawer N
Griffin, GA 30224-0248
(770) 229-3700
Fax: (770) 229-3708
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GSCS Annual Report Cover Kids:
Moreland Road Elementary School Students (L-R): Front row: Noah Boston,
Olivia Gray, Brooklyn Goodman, Karen Carranza (Orrs Elementary).
Back row: Kyle Lu and Elijah Jackson
Special thanks: Principal Misty Garvin and Assistant Principal Holly Williams.