What is the u?
Inuenza (the u) is an infecon of the nose, throat,
and lungs caused by inuenza viruses. There are
many dierent inuenza viruses that are constantly
changing. They cause illness, hospital stays and
deaths in the United States each year.
The u can be very dangerous for children. Each year
about 20,000 children younger than 5 years old are
hospitalized from u complicaons, like pneumonia.
How serious is the u?
Flu illness can vary from mild to severe. While the u
can be serious even in people who are otherwise healthy,
it can be especially dangerous for young children and
children of any age who have certain long term health
condions, including asthma (even mild or controlled),
neurological and neurodevelopmental
condions, chronic lung disease, heart disease, blood
disorders, endocrine disorders (such as diabetes), kidney,
liver, and metabolic disorders, and weakened immune
systems due to disease or medicaon. Children with these
condions and children who are receiving long-term
aspirin therapy can have more severe illness from the u.
How does the u spread?
Most experts believe that u viruses spread mainly by
droplets made when people with the u cough, sneeze
or talk. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of
people who are nearby. Less oen, a person might get the
u by touching something that has u virus on it and then
touching their own mouth, eyes or nose.
What are the symptoms of the u?
Symptoms of the u can include fever, cough, sore throat,
runny or stuy nose, body aches, headache, chills, fague
and somemes voming and diarrhea. Some people with
the u will not have a fever.
How long can a sick person spread
the u to others?
People with the u may be able to infect others
by shedding virus from 1 day before geng sick to 5 to 7
days aer. However, children and people with weakened
immune systems can shed virus for longer, and might be
sll contagious past 5 to 7 days of being sick,
especially if they sll have symptoms.
How can I protect
my child against the u?
To protect against the u, the rst and most important
thing you can do is to get a u vaccine for yourself and
your child.
Vaccinaon is recommended for everyone 6 months
and older.
Its especially important that young children and
children with long term health condions get vaccinated.
(See list of condions under “How Serious is the Flu?”)
Caregivers of children with health condions or of
children younger than 6 months old should get
vaccinated. (Babies younger than 6 months are too
young to be vaccinated themselves.)
Another way to protect babies is to vaccinate pregnant
women because research shows that this gives some
protecon to the baby both while the woman is
pregnant and for a few months aer the baby is born.
A new u vaccine is made each year to protect against
the u viruses that research indicates are most likely to
cause illness during the next u season. Flu vaccines are
made using strict safety and producon measures. Over
the years, millions of u vaccines have been given in the
United States with a very good safety record.
The Flu:
A Guide For Parents
For more informaon, visit www.cdc.gov/u or www.u.gov or call 800-CDC-INFO
Is there a medicine to treat the u?
Anviral drugs can treat u illness. They can make people
feel beer and get beer sooner and may prevent serious
u complicaons, like pneumonia, for example, that can
lead to hospitalizaon and even death. These drugs are
dierent from anbiocs, but they also need to be pre-
scribed by a doctor. They work best when started during
the rst 2 days of illness. It’s very important that anviral
drugs be used early to treat the u in people who are very
sick (for example people who are in the hospital) or peo-
ple who are at greater risk of having serious u complica-
ons. Other people with u illness may also benet from
taking anviral drugs. These drugs can be given to children
and pregnant women.
What are some of the other ways
I can protect my child against the u?
In addion to geng vaccinated, take – and encourage
your child to take – everyday steps that can help prevent
the spread of germs.
This includes:
Stay away from people who are sick.
If your child is sick with u-like illness, try to keep him or
her in a separate room from others in the household,
if possible.
CDC recommends that your sick child stay home for at
least 24 hours aer his or her fever is gone except to get
medical care or for other necessies. The fever should
be gone without the use of a fever-reducing medicine.
Cover coughs and sneezes with a ssue. Throw the
ssue in the trash aer it has been used.
Wash hands oen with soap and water. If soap and
water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Germs
spread this way.
Keep surfaces like bedside tables, surfaces in the
bathroom, kitchen counters and toys for children clean
by wiping them down with a household disinfectant
according to direcons on the product label.
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What can I do if my child gets sick?
Talk to your doctor early if you are worried about
your child’s illness.
If your child is 5 years and older and does not have other
health problems and gets u-like symptoms, including a fe-
ver and/or cough, consult your doctor as needed and make
sure your child gets plenty of rest and drinks enough uids.
If your child is younger than 5 years (and especially younger
than 2 years) or of any age with a long term health condi-
on (like asthma, a neurological condion, or diabetes, for
example) and develops u-like symptoms, they are at risk
for serious complicaons from the u. Ask a doctor if your
child should be examined.
What if my child seems very sick?
Even children who have always been healthy
before or had the u before can get very sick
from the u.
Call for emergency care or take your child to a doctor
right away if your child of any age has any of the
warning or emergency signs below:
Fast breathing or trouble breathing
Bluish or gray skin color
Not drinking enough uids
(not going to the bathroom or not making
as much urine as they normally do)
Severe or persistent voming
Not waking up or not interacng
Being so irritable that the child
does not want to be held
Flu-like symptoms improve but then
return with fever and worse cough
Has other condions (like heart or lung disease,
diabetes,or asthma) and develops u symptoms,
including a fever and/or cough.
Can my child go to school, day care or camp
if he or she is sick?
No. Your child should stay home to rest and to avoid giving
the u to other children or caregivers.
When can my child go back to school
aer having the u?
Keep your child home from school, day care or camp for
at least 24 hours aer their fever is gone. (Fever should
be gone without the use of a fever-reducing medicine.)
A fever is dened as 100°F (37.8°C) or higher.
These everyday steps are
a good way to reduce
your chances
of geng all sorts of
illnesses, but a yearly
u vaccine is always the
best way to specically
prevent the u.