NVTC 2021 White Paper
Zero-Fare and Reduced-Fare
Options for Northern Virginia
Transit Providers
Published by the Northern Virginia
Transportation Commission
September 2, 2021
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
Zero-Fare and Reduced-Fare Options for Northern Virginia
Transit Providers
Table of Contents
Executive Summary................................................................................................................. ii
1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 1
Purpose of Effort.......................................................................................................... 1
Overview ..................................................................................................................... 1
Northern Virginia Transit Systems ................................................................................ 2
2. Options and Key Considerations....................................................................................... 3
Zero-Fare or Reduced-Fare Implementation Options .................................................. 3
Opportunities and Challenges .................................................................................... 6
Business Case Considerations for Zero-Fare or Reduced-Fare Transit ....................... 11
3. Existing Conditions in Northern Virginia ......................................................................... 13
Northern Virginia’s Post-COVID-19 Mobility Environment ......................................... 13
Status of Fare Collection in Northern Virginia ............................................................ 13
State, Local and National Initiatives ........................................................................... 18
4. United States and International Examples ....................................................................... 19
Case Studies.............................................................................................................. 19
5. Conclusion...................................................................................................................... 23
Implementation Considerations ................................................................................ 24
6. Commissioner Questions and Feedback......................................................................... 25
Appendix............................................................................................................................ A-1
Examples, Sources, and References ........................................................................ A-1
NVTC WorkshopJune 8, 2021 .............................................................................. A-6
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
Zero-Fare and Reduced-Fare Options for Northern Virginia
Transit Providers
Executive Summary
Following comments and questions from NVTC Commissioners, NVTC staff commenced work
on a white paper examining a wide variety of zero-fare or reduced-fare transit options. The
result is this document, which serves as both a policy and technical resource for decision
makers regarding zero-fare or reduced-fare transit opportunities and challenges.
Its purpose is to provide a high-level overview of the options and topics to consider when
evaluating zero or reduced fares for a community’s transit system.
Nationally, momentum and interest has
been building for zero- or reduced-fare
transit, particularly after temporary fare
elimination was put into practice as part of
the COVID-19 pandemic response. Even
prior to the pandemic, there are examples
of transit systems around the U.S. and
internationally eliminating or reducing
Zero-Fare and Reduced-Fare Implementation Options
The following figure shows the continuum of common implementation options. These are not
mutually exclusive, and a transit system could implement multiple options together. Either
zero- or reduced-fare policies could be developed for each option as well.
Figure 1: Continuum of Implementation Options
or Limited
Routes Zones
Time of
The purpose of this white paper is to provide Commissioners and Northern Virginia’s bus
system decision-makers with policy and technical considerations for zero-fare and reduced-
fare transit service. Its provides a high-level overview of the options and topics to consider
when evaluating new potential fare programs that eliminate or reduce fares. Further analysis
may be needed beyond this informational white paper to make policy decisions.
Transit systems around the U.S. and
internationally that have eliminated or
reduced fares have prioritized investing in
transit as a tool that enhances overall
community benefits over associated cost
challenges. Zero- and reduced-fare options
ultimately rely on community support and
political willingness.
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
Zero-Fare and Reduced-Fare Options for Northern Virginia
Transit Providers
The following are key observations from the white paper:
Northern Virginia’s unique transit environment provides both opportunities and
challenges for new fare programs. Local bus providers operate alongside the
Metrobus and Metrorail regional transit system, which raises the importance of
considering regional impacts when planning fare programs. There are several
examples of transit systems across the U.S. that have eliminated fares, but none are
direct peers to the Northern Virginia environment.
Eliminating fares can grow ridership. Transit systems that have done so have seen
ridership increase between 20% and 85%. U.S. examples have not shown strong
evidence on mode shift from automobiles to transit, but this is highly dependent on
local factors.
Reduced-fare programs may result in a net cost increase. Additional expenses may
be due to extra program administration costs.
Full systemwide zero-fare options may reduce fare collection costs, but other
expenses may increase. Increased system usage or potential service adjustments can
add costs.
Funding is available to help establish these types of fare programs, but long-
term sustainable revenue replacement sources are needed. Virginia’s Transit
Ridership Incentive Program (TRIP) is one funding source available to Northern
Virginia transit operators. However, the TRIP program and similar types of grant
programs are typically designed for fixed time periods.
Zero- and reduced-fare programs are already underway in Virginia. The
Alexandria Transit Company (DASH) will eliminate fares for all customers in
September 2021 alongside a major network change. OmniRide has eliminated local
bus fares through June 2022, as has the Greater Richmond Transit Company
(GRTC)a prominent Virginia advocate for zero-fare polices.
Northern Virginia transit operators have expressed desire to consider
eliminating or reducing fares for improved accessibility, increased ridership, and
other community benefits.
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
Zero-Fare and Reduced-Fare Options for Northern Virginia
Transit Providers
1. Introduction
Purpose of Effort
While the COVID-19 pandemic required transit
systems to quickly adapt their day-to-day fare
collection practices, it also created an
opportunity to fundamentally reexamine fare
collection policy and practices. Most transit
systems temporarily eliminated fares for a
portion of the pandemic as a safety measure,
but there are several examples of transit
systems across the country considering, testing,
or implementing zero-fare transit service even
prior to 2020. Reduced fares are also
commonplace with traditional programs like
reduced fares for people with disabilities,
seniors, children, and students. Many transit systems are currently examining whether and how
zero-fare or reduced-fare transit programs can be expanded as a tool to promote mobility,
reduce a barrier to using transit, boost ridership, and achieve other community goals.
Following several comments and questions presented by NVTC Commissioners, NVTC staff
commenced work on a white paper examining a wide variety of zero-fare or reduced-fare
transit options. The result is this document, which serves as both a policy and technical
resource for decision makers regarding the opportunities and challenges related to zero-fare
or reduced-fare transit.
This white paper is not intended be a detailed step-by-step guide to eliminating fares for
Northern Virginia transit services nor define how every consideration should be handled. Its
purpose is to provide a high-level overview of the options and topics to consider when
evaluating zero or reduced fares for locally operated, fixed route bus transit systems.
The white paper is organized as follows:
1. Introduction: overview and purpose of the white paper
2. Options and Key Considerations: definition of the continuum of implementation
options and key opportunities and challenges to consider
3. Existing Conditions in Northern Virginia: status of fare collection in Northern Virginia
and recent or upcoming initiatives
4. United States and International Examples: summary of the case studies and research
used to inform the white paper
5. Conclusion: summary of opportunities, challenges, implementation considerations
6. Commissioner Questions and Feedback: summary of comments and questions
received from Commissions at the July 2021 Commission meeting
Zero-Fare Transit: Public transit
funded in full by means other than
collecting fares from passengers (may
also be called Fare-Free or Fareless)
Reduced-Fare Transit: Special
programs providing particular
passengers with discounted fare
options for public transit
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
Zero-Fare and Reduced-Fare Options for Northern Virginia
Transit Providers
Northern Virginia Transit Systems
NVTC recognizes the complexity of the Northern Virginia transit environment with local bus
service provided by multiple transit operators alongside the regional authority, WMATA, which
provides Metrorail, Metrobus, and MetroAccess services. While the white paper may be
valuable for any transit system, its development was focused on considerations for local bus
service in NVTC’s member jurisdictions in addition to Prince William County which includes:
Arlington Transit (ART)
City of Fairfax City-University
Energysaver (CUE)
Alexandria Transit Company DASH
Fairfax (County) Connector
Loudoun County Transit
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
Zero-Fare and Reduced-Fare Options for Northern Virginia
Transit Providers
2. Options and Key Considerations
There are several implementation options, opportunities, and challenges to consider when
evaluating zero-fare or reduced-fare transit. This section describes the continuum of options
across the following four main categories of opportunities and challengesall based on
industry examples:
1. Community Benefits and Access to Transit
2. Ridership
3. Transit Service Delivery
4. Cost and Revenue
Zero-Fare or Reduced-Fare Implementation Options
Figure 2 shows the most common implementation options for reduced fare transit ranging
from limited scope on the left to the broadest scope on the right. The options are not mutually
exclusive, and a transit system could implement multiple options together. Either zero- or
reduced-fare policies could be developed for each option as well.
Figure 2: Continuum of Implementation Options
The following describes each of the implementation options, along with examples:
Promotional or Limited Time Period
Zero- or reduced-fare rides during a pre-defined limited time period to
promote a behavior shift towards public transit.
Free Ride Days, promotional period when launching new service
or Limited
Routes Zones
Time of
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
Zero-Fare and Reduced-Fare Options for Northern Virginia
Transit Providers
Customer Groups
Zero- or reduced-fare programs for customers that meet eligibility
requirements such as low income; age (seniors, children); persons with
disabilities; K-12 students; university students, faculty and staff; or
employees of a specific organization or employer.
U.S. transit systems that receive federal funding are required to offer, at
minimum, half fares to the older adults and people with disabilities
during off-peak travel. WMATA Metrobus is the only local bus service
operating in Northern Virginia that accepts federal funding. A summary
of their reduced fare programs can be found here.
Programs have associated administrative costs to accept participants,
issue fare cards or passes as applicable, and verify eligibility.
Low-income or mean-based reduced-fare programs in the U.S.
typically require individuals to have incomes of no more than 150% to
200% of the federal poverty line to qualify.
Fairfax County and Fairfax City Student Bus Pass Program (Fairfax, VA),
Kids Ride Free Program (Washington, D.C.); TriMet Low-Income
Honored Citizen program (Portland, OR); LA Metro Low-Income Fare is
Easy (LIFE) program (Los Angeles, CA); LA Metro zero-fare pilot
program for low-income, K-12, and community college students (Los
Angeles, CA)
Zero- or reduced-fare rides on specific routes in the transit system.
Routes often serve a specialized purpose such as tourism, downtown
circulation, or an employment area / specific employer.
King Street Trolley (Alexandria, VA), Leesburg Safe-T-Ride (Leesburg,
VA), Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authoritythree zero-fare
downtown routes (Lawrence, MA)
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
Zero-Fare and Reduced-Fare Options for Northern Virginia
Transit Providers
Zero-fare rides for customers that travel within a predefined geography
or zone. Enforcement is needed to verify customers entering or exiting
the zone pay fares.
UTA Free Fare Zone (Salt Lake City, UT), King County Metro Ride Free
Area (Seattle, WA; discontinued in 2012), Portland Fareless Square
(Portland, OR; discontinued in 2012).
Time of Day
Zero- or reduced-fare rides at defined times of the day such as off-peak
or weekend when there is available capacity. This option can be used
to incentivize travel during less congested times and provide benefits
to non-commuter trips.
CTransit Weekend Wheels zero-fare local bus service during summer
2021 (CT), zero-fare off-peak service (Mercer County, NJ; historical test
in 1979)
Service Type
Zero- or reduced-fare rides on subsystem transit modes such as local
circulators, light rail/streetcar, or local bus but not premium services.
Charm City Circulator (Baltimore, MD), DC Streetcar (Washington, D.C.)
Zero-fare rides on all transit services in the system.
DASH (Alexandria, VA; planned for September 2021), OmniRide local
services (FY 2022), Intercity Transit (Olympia, WA), Corvallis Transit
(Corvallis, OR), Park City Transit (Park City, UT).
Other Emerging Ideas
There may be implementation options and new ideas that do not fit within those outlined
above. These could include other transit benefits, loyalty, rewards or fare programs. NVTC and
Northern Virginia transit systems should monitor emerging concepts in the industry.
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
Zero-Fare and Reduced-Fare Options for Northern Virginia
Transit Providers
Opportunities and Challenges
Based on the experiences of transit systems that have adopted zero-fare and reduced-fare
options, each approach offers opportunities and challenges. Opportunities include improving
access, ridership growth, improved transit performance, and sustainability goals. Challenges
include additional costs, identifying funding to replace lost fare revenue, and day-to-day
operational logistics, all of which require advanced consideration and planning.
The primary opportunities and challenges related to zero-fare and reduced-fare options are
discussed in this section and categorized by their associated improvement goal or factor.
Overall, opportunities and challenges do not represent standalone reasons for adopting or
dismissing zero-fare or reduced-fare options, but instead are intended as topics transit systems
should consider when determining fare options. These will vary by transit system so additional
evaluation may be needed.
Community Benefits and Access to Transit
Transit Access: Zero-fare options, which do not require direct user payment, allow
transit service to be equally available to everyone, regardless of ability to pay. Reduced-
fare programs also enhance transit access by lowering fares and allowing more
individuals access to services, especially when oriented toward vulnerable
communities. In general, these options reduce the cost-related barriers that prevent all
community members from being able to access transit.
Access to Jobs and Services: By enhancing access, zero-fare and reduced-fare options
enable more individuals to access employment opportunities, health care, social
services, shopping opportunities, and other essential resources.
Livability: Both zero-fare and reduced-fare options can potentially enhance community
livability and economic sustainability through the elimination of barriers to transit.
Specifically, a community’s livability is enhanced when it offers more mobility options
to its population, improving the quality of life and overall attractiveness of a community.
These factors then support economic sustainability by helping the community become
a more attractive place to do business, with a more mobile and accessible workforce.
Furthermore, by enhancing transit access and potentially encouraging a mode shift
away from personal vehicles to transit, zero-fare and reduced-fare applications could
work to reduce emissions and support a community’s sustainability goals.
Support for Local Economies: By reducing or eliminating individuals’ transportation
costs, zero-fare and reduced-fare options help keep money in people’s pockets. This
allows more people around a community to have income available to spend on day-to-
Opportunities and challenges for zero-fare and reduced-fare programs will vary by transit
system, so additional evaluation may be needed to determine the best option(s) for each
transit provider.
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
Zero-Fare and Reduced-Fare Options for Northern Virginia
Transit Providers
day needs as well as in local businesses and institutions; therefore, enhancing local
economies with newly accessible funds.
Safety and Security: Providing increased or unlimited transit access for all individuals
has the potential to cause safety and security issues related to passengers riding buses
for long periods without a specific destination and causing disturbances for other
riders. Therefore, when considering the adoption of zero-fare or reduced-fare options,
transit systems may want to also consider operator training practices, ongoing
collaboration with transit public safety agencies, and adopting policies that require
customers to have a destination or limiting trip length.
Mode Shift: While zero-fare and reduced-fare options tend to increase transit
ridership, they are not always effective at getting people out of their automobiles.
According to analyses of zero-fare applications enacted in the past, including those in
Denver and Austin, only small percentages of added transit trips experienced were
made by riders who switched from using their car or another motorized transportation
mode. The new transit trips were made by individuals who formerly walked, rode their
bike, or would not have made the trip at all. Furthermore, the Transit Cooperative
Research Program’s (TCRP’s) Implementation and Outcomes of Fare Free Transit
study states that ridership increases and mode shift rates because of zero-fare
implementation depends widely on various local factors, including transit availability
and driving conditions
. Transit systems may want to consider accompanying their
introduction of zero- or reduced-fare programs with strategies to encourage mode
shift, such as marketing campaigns or other targeted approaches.
Eligibility Limits: Reduced-fare programs, specifically, are sometimes based on
individual eligibility. For example, transit systems may offer reduced fares only to
individuals who can prove that they are under a certain income level or are over a
specific age. Depending upon the requirements and the complications of the
qualification process, reduced-fare programs of this type may inadvertently introduce
an added barrier to accessing transit and would dissuade individuals from participating
in these programs at all. Identifying eligible population groups also introduces risks of
bias and stigmatizing beneficiaries. Many transit systems that have targeted reduced-
fare programs determine eligibility using existing processes or methods to simplify
eligibility for both the customer and transit system.
Transfers: Customers who currently receive a discount when transferring between two
services may not benefit if only one of those transit systems implements zero fares.
Unless alternate transfer agreements are made, (which could incur operating costs)
these customers may see the same price for their overall trip even though one leg of
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
Zero-Fare and Reduced-Fare Options for Northern Virginia
Transit Providers
their overall trip is zero cost. Since Northern Virginia is served by multiple transit
providers, customers transferring between a zero-fare bus and fare-charging systems
would not receive the same financial benefits. This potential complication would also
affect customers that receive tax-free employer commuter benefits through the
SmartBenefits program, who would have less of a direct financial benefit from a zero-
fare system. Customers traveling solely on the zero-fare transit system would receive
the most financial benefit.
Overlapping Service: In corridors with overlapping service provided by separate
operators with differing fare policies, customers may face confusion or varied levels of
transit access. For example, if two transit providers operate bus service on the same
corridor, but only one has eliminated fares, the zero-fare service could be overutilized
while the fare-charging service is underutilized. This could potentially result in longer
wait or travel times for customers. In Northern Virginia, these cases could arise along
corridors across the region on which Metrobus routes overlap existing service provided
by local operators. Collaboration between overlapping transit systems in advance of
fare policy changes could help define strategies for service optimization that benefits
both the zero-fare and fare-charging systems, including coordinated service planning,
clearer definition of the role and purpose of both services, and targeted messaging that
explains reasons for using one service versus another.
Ridership Impacts: Under typical operating conditions characterized by a normal
public health environment, the introduction of zero-fare or reduced-fare options almost
always leads to increased ridership. Prior to the pandemic, transit systems that launched
zero-fare programs, even if only temporarily, experienced ridership increases from 20%
to as high as 85%. While transit systems tended to see the biggest increases upon
program launch, which was usually accompanied by targeted marketing efforts, they
were often able to sustain at least somewhat higher ridership levels over the long-term.
Ridership Recovery: Offering zero- or reduced-fare options is one tool transit systems
have to recover lost ridership after significant disruptions such as the COVID-19
pandemic or major transit capital projects that disrupt regular service.
Operational Needs Associated with Increased Ridership: Before launching zero- or
reduced-fare options, transit systems should anticipate higher ridership and prepare
for the operational adjustments that may be required based on higher levels of use. For
example, if ridership grows enough, routes may serve more stops along each run which
affects travel times and reliability. Higher ridership may also require a larger fleet to
serve demand. Transit systems that anticipate these higher usage levels and prepare
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
Zero-Fare and Reduced-Fare Options for Northern Virginia
Transit Providers
for service adjustments or added costs are best equipped to accommodate the added
Transit Service Delivery
Travel Times and Reliability: Zero-fare and reduced-fare options have the potential to
reduce transit travel times and enhance on-time performance by reducing boarding
times at stops. For zero-fare options, fare collection is no longer necessary, removing
the need for riders to queue to pay fares while boarding buses. While reduced-fare
programs do not eliminate the need for fare collection, they do reduce the need among
certain rider groups, allowing some riders to board buses more quickly. Overall, with
either shorter or nonexistent queues for fare payment, the boarding process can be
quicker, which can reduce delays at stops, improve on-time performance, and enhance
travel times. These improvements can be boosted even further with all-door boarding,
often introduced along with zero-fare options, which enables riders to enter vehicles
through all doors, reduces queueing at the front door, making the boarding process
more efficient.
Operator Safety: With elimination of the fare payment process for zero-fare options,
customers will largely no longer have fare-related questions and disputes to negotiate
with bus operators upon boarding; a common reason for operator/customer conflict.
This allows operators not only to stay on schedule more easily, but to also focus on
delivering quality service in a more secure driving environment.
Service Schedule: Service schedules may need to be adjusted to respond to operating
conditions that may result from zero- or reduced-fare optionsfor example, faster travel
times due to reduced boarding times or slower service due to higher ridership. In some
cases, transit systems that implemented zero-fare or reduced-fare options found that
operators were reporting greater difficulty in adhering to schedules. If transit systems
are not prepared to make schedule changes, reliability could sharply decline and deter
customer use. When eliminating or reducing fares, transit systems should anticipate the
potential need for schedule revisions.
Cost and Revenue
Fare Collection Costs: For zero-fare options, some costs related to fare collection may
no longer be required. These include:
o Capital costs for fareboxes and garage equipment, as well as future replacement
costs related to technology updates
o Fare collection system operating and maintenance costs
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
Zero-Fare and Reduced-Fare Options for Northern Virginia
Transit Providers
o SmarTrip regional operating costs
o Fare policy planning costs related to staff time devoted to analyzing and
implementing fare changes
o Public communications costs related to disseminating fare information
Average Subsidy per Passenger: For zero-fare options, higher ridership levels can
mean a decrease in overall average subsidy per passenger, even though fare revenue
would no longer be collected and the total cost and subsidy related to operating transit
could increase.
Additional Funding: Where transit system funding allocations are based on ridership
levels, increased ridership resulting from fare elimination or reduction options could
generate additional funding. The Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation
(DRPT) allocates operating assistance funds based on a performance-based
methodology that is partially based on ridership
With Zero-Fare, a Lost Revenue Source: When fares are eliminated, the revenue that
transit systems generate from fares is also eliminated, although this is often a smaller
part of overall revenue. This includes the revenue generated through the SmartBenefits
program. Cost savings from fare collection elimination may also be offset by increased
operating costs. Transit systems should compare the revenue they generate from fares
with the costs spent on fare collection to determine if the full loss of a revenue source
is sustainable by alternate funding sources.
With Reduced-Fare, a Potential Cost Increase: Since reduced-fare options do not
eliminate the need for fare collection, costs for fare collection activities remain after the
introduction of these programs. Furthermore, reduced-fare options, which may involve
different fare levels for different rider types based on age, income level, etc., may
require added administration costs, and could result in a net cost increase for transit
systems. Transit systems can leverage existing processes or methods of proving
eligibility to minimize administration costs.
Technology Costs: In some cases, fare elimination or reduction programs could have
impacts on a transit system’s technology costs. For example, some transit systems
collect ridership statistics using farebox data. When considering these options, transit
systems should consider the impacts that fare collection systems have on other
technologies, and anticipate potential costs related to technologies, such as automatic
passenger counters (APCs). Alternatively, for temporary zero-fare programs, such as a
pilot project, fareboxes would likely remain in place and would have to continue to be
maintained. When fareboxes are removed in zero-fare programs, alternative data
collection methods should be identified.
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
Zero-Fare and Reduced-Fare Options for Northern Virginia
Transit Providers
Long-Term Financial Sustainability: When identifying alternate funding sources to
address the revenue loss associated with eliminating or reducing fares, transit systems
should consider each source’s long-term sustainability and availability. Transit systems
that have reduced or eliminated fares have utilized a variety of alternative funding
sources, including:
o State assistance
o Local general funds
o Regional funds
o Federal funds
o Private partnershipshospitals, businesses, non-profits, colleges, and
Business Case Considerations for Zero-Fare or Reduced-Fare Transit
The case for zero- or reduced-fare transit varies from community-to-community depending on
its goals, the type of program under consideration, and community characteristics.
The goals and objectives of the Northern Virginia transit systems documented in recent Transit
Development Plans (TDP) or Transit Strategic Plans (TSP) reveal some common themes. These
can potentially be supported by zero- or reduced-fare options, or they could be in conflict.
Table 1 summarizes common themes related to fare collection, the majority of which could be
supported by zero- or reduced-fare options.
Table 1: Common Transit System Goals
Goal Themes
Potential Impacts of Zero-Fare
or Reduced-Fare Options
Affordability for Customer
Cost-Effectiveness and
Fiscal Sustainability
Potential Challenge
Minimize Single-Occupancy
Vehicle (SOV) Travel
Ridership Growth
Quality of Life
User Friendliness
The opportunities and challenges identified earlier in this section should be evaluated and,
where possible, quantified by a transit system when determining its business case.
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
Zero-Fare and Reduced-Fare Options for Northern Virginia
Transit Providers
The following set of prompting questions, categorized by improvement goal or factor, can
assist in determining a business case:
Community Benefits and Access to Transit
1. Who is riding transit in your community, and who stands to benefit most from zero-fare
and reduced-fare options?
2. How do residents select a transportation mode? Is cost keeping people away from
using transit?
3. What do local communities and economies stand to gain with eliminated or reduced
transit fares?
4. Overall, what are the short-term and long-term benefits that zero-fare and reduced-fare
options may provide to your community?
1. Is ridership growth a priority for the transit system implementing zero- or reduced-fare
2. To what extent can your transit system accommodate increased ridership without
requiring substantial added investment in vehicles, maintenance, etc.?
Transit Service Delivery
1. How does Northern Virginia’s mobility environment lend itself to zero-fare or reduced-
fare options, especially in consideration of transit reliability issues?
2. To reduce queueing and dwell times at stops after fare collection is eliminated, how
easily can your transit system accommodate all-door boarding with sufficient space at
stops to allow front and rear-door boarding and with updated information to inform
customers about this new practice?
3. Can your transit system make schedule adjustments when needed, based on new
mobility conditions?
Cost and Revenue
1. For zero-fare options, to what extent does the removal of fare collection costs offset the
loss of revenue associated with the elimination of fares?
2. What overall effects will zero-fare or reduced-fare options have on funding, such as
access to additional funding through increased ridership levels?
3. Are sustainable long-term funding sources available to help replace the loss of revenue
associated with reduced or eliminated fares?
4. How would zero-fare affect regional transfer agreements, as well as the revenue flow
associated with them?
5. What impacts will reducing or eliminating fares have on technology costs and
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
Zero-Fare and Reduced-Fare Options for Northern Virginia
Transit Providers
3. Existing Conditions in Northern Virginia
Northern Virginia’s Post-COVID-19 Mobility Environment
Shortly after the onset of the pandemic in the Spring of 2020, most transit systems in Northern
Virginia, as well as nationwide, eliminated fares as a way of enhancing access to transit while
reducing the surface/human-to-human contact and crowding issues associated with on-board
fare payment. Transit systems’ recent experimentation with operating without fares for an
extended period, accompanied by a newfound need for ridership recovery, has spurred
serious consideration of long-term or permanent fare elimination.
The pandemic has altered the mobility needs of major segments of the region’s population.
For instance, many office workers are still working from home, and have less need for the
traditional weekday morning and evening commute. The individuals who do continue to ride
transit are most often essential workers and others who may not have easy access to other
forms of transportation and whose mobility needs are more widely varied.
By eliminating or reducing fares, transit access is broadened to a wider spectrum of customers
and benefits those who have few transportation options and count on transit for daily
commuting, shopping, medical services and other community access.
Status of Fare Collection in Northern Virginia
Historically, the Northern Virginia local bus systems (ART, DASH, Fairfax Connector, CUE,
Loudoun County Transit, and OmniRide) have collected fares through the regional SmarTrip
system managed by WMATA. SmarTrip, deployed by WMATA in 1999 and joined by the
Northern Virginia bus systems between 2006 and 2008, is a smart card-based fare collection
system that also supports cash payment on buses via the farebox. During the onset of the
COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the majority of bus systems temporarily eliminated fares both as
a safety measure and to allow customers to board through the rear door instead of the front
door where the farebox is. In 2021, fares were reinstated on most services as summarized in
Table 2.
Table 2: Status of Northern Virginia Fare Collection During COVID-19 Pandemic
Bus System
Elimination of Fares
Resumption of Fares
(status as of September 2021)
Arlington Transit
April 17, 2020
January 3, 2021
Alexandria DASH
March 20, 2020
March 15, 2021
Fairfax County Connector
March 24, 2020
January 4, 2021
Fairfax City CUE
March 19, 2020
Loudoun County Transit
March 30, 2020
May 3, 2021
March 25, 2020
(local and Metro Express)*
Local and Metro Express service
zero-fare through June 2022*
March 23, 2020
January 3, 2021
*OmniRide continued fare collection on commuter service using SmarTrip only and no cash
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
Zero-Fare and Reduced-Fare Options for Northern Virginia
Transit Providers
While there is some variability in local bus fare programs and levels from system to system,
SmarTrip provides payment consistency across the region and is the mechanism for offering
regional bus-to-bus, bus-to-rail, and rail-to-bus transfer discounts to customers. The number of
transferring customers is an important consideration for zero-fare or reduced-fare options,
because transferring customers may not receive the same financial benefits as non-transferring
customers. This is because many of the transit systems in the region have transfer agreements
that effectively provide free transfers to their customers even when transferring between two
systems. Table 3 shows the percentage of SmartTrip transactions the involved a transfer for
each transit system in October 2019. ART, DASH, Fairfax Connector, and CUE all had over half
of their SmarTrip transactions involve a transfer.
Table 3: Transfer Rate for SmarTrip Users (October 2019)
Transit System
SmarTrip-Based Ridership Transferring Between
Transit System and the Following:
Fairfax County
Fairfax City
County Transit
Source: WMATA
SmarTrip transactions only; excludes ridership recorded from cash transactions and farebox button presses.
One transfer is counted for each system in the data above. For example, a transfer from Fairfax County Connector to Fairfax City
CUE is considered a transfer for both systems.
Additionally, all Northern Virginia systems currently have some form of zero- or reduced-fare
programs for eligible customer groups, as summarized in Table 4. Program administration and
eligibility requirements vary between systems.
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
Zero-Fare and Reduced-Fare Options for Northern Virginia
Transit Providers
Table 4: Summary of Existing Zero- or Reduced-Fare Programs in Northern Virginia
Fare Program
Reduced Fare
Zero Fare
City CUE
Persons with
K-12 Students
Select Routes
Select Employers
University Students,
Faculty or Staff
DASH will provide zero-fare rides on all buses starting September 5, 2021
CUE remained zero-fare at the time of this white paper
OmniRide remained zero-fare on local and Metro Express services at the time of this white paper
In 2020, WMATA initiated its multi-year Next Generation Bus Farebox System project that will
replace the aging fleet of fareboxes and related garage equipment for Metrobus and
participating regional bus systems. The new fareboxes will still offer SmarTrip and cash
payments but will modernize the technology and support rear-door SmarTrip transactions. Not
all regional bus systems will be required to replace fareboxes at the same time, and it is
anticipated that transition will occur over time based on local needs, priorities, and available
funding. Given that new fareboxes are a significant investment, the cost and timing of these
replacements are important factors for Northern Virginia systems to consider as they evaluate
future fare collection plans and programs. Capital costs of the new technology is estimated at
approximately $160,000 per garage and $30,000 to $45,000 per bus farebox depending on
features and order timing. If all six Northern Virginia local bus operators replaced equipment
for their entire systems, this would require $35 million to $45 million in capital investment.
WMATA’s project is timely and important to the region because fareboxes will still be required
for many zero- or reduced-fare implementation options and for bus systems that continue
Replacing all the bus fareboxes in Northern Virginia would cost $35 million to $45 million.
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
Zero-Fare and Reduced-Fare Options for Northern Virginia
Transit Providers
collecting fares. In addition to the farebox project, WMATA has plans for other SmarTrip and
SmartBenefits upgrades in the future, including back-office upgrades that could enable
acceptance of new forms of payment such as contactless bank cards.
Table 5 shows 2019 operating expenses, fare revenues, and farebox recovery of Northern
Virginia transit systems as reported to the National Transit Database (NTD). Typical farebox
recovery, or the amount of annual operating expenses covered by fare revenue, ranged from
4% to 27% for local bus services. This equates to approximately $21 million in annual fare
revenue excluding commuter bus and Metrobus. Commuter bus services of Loudoun County
Transit and OmniRide had significantly higher recoveries of 73% and 60%, respectively. This
data represents an order-of-magnitude of the revenue replacement needs if fares are
eliminated not accounting for any potential increases in operating expenses. It is important to
note that this latest-published NTD data is prior to cost and revenue impacts of COVID-19, and
current farebox revenues and recoveries are lower than in 2019.
In 2019, Northern Virginia local bus systems collected approximately $21 million in fare
revenue, approximately 23% of operating costs.
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Zero-Fare and Reduced-Fare Options for Northern Virginia
Transit Providers
Table 5: 2019 Transit System Farebox Recovery
Transit System
Fare Revenue
Arlington Transit
Fairfax County
Fairfax City CUE
Loudoun County
Commuter Bus
Commuter Bus
All Transit
Systems Above
Commuter Bus
Inclusive of contribution from George Mason University
Source: 2019 National Transit Database
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
Zero-Fare and Reduced-Fare Options for Northern Virginia
Transit Providers
State, Local and National Initiatives
This section provides an overview of several recent or ongoing initiatives related to zero or
reduced transit fares in Virginia, the Washington D.C. region, and nationally.
Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation
DRPT administers Transit Ridership Incentive Program (TRIP), a new statewide grant program
created by the 2020 General Assembly session. The program dedicates funding to improving
regional connectivity in urban areas and reducing barriers to transit use by supporting low-
income and zero-fare programs. The latter portion of the program focus on the following
eligible projects:
The provision of subsidized or fully free passes to low-income populations
The elimination of fares on high-capacity corridors, establishing zero-fare zones
The deployment of an entirely zero-fare system
Project applications can be up to a maximum of three years, and it is anticipated that the states
contribution would decrease and the local share would increase as the project progresses.
More information on the program is available from DRPT
City of Alexandria
In April 2021, the City of Alexandria, in partnership with the Metropolitan Washington Council
of Governments (MWCOG), completed a study to understand options and impacts of making
transit more affordable for low-income residents. The study found that zero fares for all DASH
riders would be the most beneficial scenario compared with two other options that would
either provide zero fares or half-price fares and passes for only low-income residents on DASH
and WMATA services. The study led to Alexandria City Council approving its FY 2022 budget
which funds the elimination of DASH bus system fares, starting September 5, 2021.
Washington, D.C.
The Government of the District of Columbia started planning for a low-income fare pilot
program in 2019, but the pilot was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic
. The pilot will be
a collaborative effort between the Lab @ DC, District Department of Transportation (DDOT),
WMATA, and DC Department of Human Services (DHS) to study how different levels of transit
discounts impact mobility and well-being.
Federal Programs
Nationally, momentum and interest has been building for zero- or reduced-fare transit after
temporary fare elimination by most transit systems during the COVID-19 pandemic. The
Federal government is active in reauthorization of transit funding and infrastructure programs,
and these should be monitored.
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
Zero-Fare and Reduced-Fare Options for Northern Virginia
Transit Providers
4. United States and International Examples
During the development of this white paper, research, literature, and case studies were
reviewed. While each community and transit system is unique, these sources are informative
and can be applied to considerations for Northern Virginia. A list of example transit systems
and sources that were reviewed are included in the Appendix.
Overall, the key takeaways revealed by the examination of literary sources and case examples
include the following:
Aside from fare elimination during the COVID-19 pandemic, transit systems have most
frequently considered zero-fare programs as temporary, often for the purpose of
generating ridership in a promotional manner.
Zero-fare and reduced fare programs have experienced the most success when applied
by smaller transit systems, often operating in small urban, resort areas, or college towns;
however, there are a growing number of larger transit systems considering these fare
options to promote access and grow ridership.
Concerns about lost revenue and financial sustainability have been the primary barriers
preventing transit systems from implementing zero or reduced-fare programs long-
term or reverting back to fare collection after a period of eliminating fares.
Case Studies
Three peer transit systems with similar ridership or service to one or more NVTC transit systems
were reviewed during the development of the white paper: Greater Richmond Transit
Company (GRTC), Charlottesville Area Transit (CAT), and Chapel Hill Transit (CHT).
Table 6. Characteristics of Case Study Transit Systems
Zero-Fare Years
per sq. mi.)
of Routes
Richmond, VA
2020-present; will
extend if funded
2020-present; will
extend if funded
Chapel Hill, NC
Greater Richmond Transit Company
Given her passion and experience with zero-fare service, NVTC met with the CEO of GRTC,
Julie Timm, to discuss GRTC’s experience with planning and eliminating fares and the lessons
learned along the way.
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
Zero-Fare and Reduced-Fare Options for Northern Virginia
Transit Providers
GRTC serves the City of Richmond as well as portions of the neighboring counties. Although
fares were eliminated at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic like most other transit systems,
GRTC started considering doing so in December 2019. COVID-19 enabled GRTC to
experience zero-fare service directly without having to conduct a pilot program, which helped
CEO Timm and her team advocate for and garner Board approval for at least one more year of
zero-fare service (ending June 30, 2022). Now, GRTC is working to apply for DRPT’s TRIP
funding and search for alternate funding sources to continue zero-fare service indefinitely on
local bus, Pulse (bus rapid transit), express bus, and Community Assisted Ride Enterprise
(CARE)/standard paratransit. GRTC’s premium on-demand service, CARE Plus, will still charge
passengers a fare.
Prior to the pandemic, GRTC studied the costs and benefits of a means-tested fares program
but found that it would result in increased costs for the agency and a need for more staff. Zero-
fare service was initially considered because of the relatively high costs for fare
collectioncosting approximately $2 million per year to collect $7 million in fares largely from
residents with the lowest incomes and from the most economically distressed areas. In the fall
of 2019, GRTC conducted a passenger survey which found that 54% of passengers who were
reached earned less than $25,000 per year. Furthermore, in 2019 GRTC shifted focus away
from implementing a costly account-based fare system, which would have resulted in fare
increases. Fare elimination had large positive benefits to GRTC’s customers. If fares had
remained in place, customers may have lost jobs or homes, lost access to health care, had
limited access to groceries, and more. GRTC views operating zero-fare service as putting $7
million directly back into the local economy instead of having low-income passengers put that
into a farebox.
Another point that CEO Timm raised is that only a small percentage of GRTC’s service is
express, which tends to have a higher farebox recovery rate than local service and may be more
difficult for certain transit systems with more express service to justify dropping fares. One
more factor that helped GRTC successfully push for extended zero-fare service is their
historically reliable APC system for counting passengersanother feature that is not
ubiquitous among transit systems that have historically used their fareboxes to count
GRTC instituted a policy that requires passengers to exit after one round-trip on a bus, which
has helped to mitigate concerns over customers dwelling on buses. GRTC allows for one
round-trip because certain fixed routes act as circulators that serve one roadway for the
outbound leg and a different one for the inbound so passengers will ride a vehicle to the end
of the route and remain on the vehicle to reach their final destination. Furthermore, zero-fare
service required GRTC planners to adjust route timetables because of travel time savings from
faster boarding.
Despite these new challenges, CEO Timm emphasized that these challenges should instead
be viewed as opportunities. Facility and vehicle constraints should not be the reason to
reinstitute fares, they should instead be used to justify the need for additional funding for
service improvements. GRTC also increased the frequency of facility and vehicle cleaning and
expects maintenance costs to also increase if ridership rebounds significantly after the
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
Zero-Fare and Reduced-Fare Options for Northern Virginia
Transit Providers
pandemic subsides. GRTC is now focused on improving connectivity and benefiting the
community as opposed to simply increasing ridership and maintaining the pre-COVID status
Charlottesville Areas Transit
NVTC gathered information on CAT’s plans for zero-fare service from the study team
conducting CAT’s Fare-Free Service Feasibility Study. CAT provides transit service to the City
of Charlottesville, VA, and has a partnership with the University of Virginia (UVA) to allow UVA
students to ride CAT vehicles for free, similar to the partnership in Fairfax City between City of
Fairfax City-University Energysaver (CUE) and George Mason University. CAT initially adopted
a zero-fare policy as a safety measure during the COVID-19 pandemic, requiring passengers
to board buses via the back doors to provide ample distance between passengers and
operators. CAT was able to supplement their revenues and offset their losses in fare revenue
using funding from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. In 2021,
CAT initiated a feasibility study to assess impacts associated with continuing zero-fare service
for a pilot period.
CAT has been using CARES/American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to replace fare revenue
and has a significant amount of these funds that will be used over the next three to five years
to replace fare revenue. CAT is currently evaluating whether additional local funds will be
necessary and whether it will be able to use DRPT’s TRIP funding. As ridership returns to typical
levels, CAT is hoping that increased ridership resulting from zero-fare service will put the
agency in an advantageous position for accessing additional state and federal operating
assistance funds, based on the ridership-dependent formulas that DRPT uses.
Future zero-fare policy is under study, which CAT will share with the City of Charlottesville,
Albemarle County, and the Regional Transit Partnership to gather formal support for CATs
application to the TRIP grant program. A similar effort may soon get underway for CAT’s sister
agency, Jaunt, which will review the potential for zero-fare service for paratransit riders in the
CAT service area. A second Jaunt effort may be beginning soon to study zero-fare service in
the rural areas outside of CAT’s service area, which would require the buy-in of additional
county boards (Louisa, Greene, Buckingham, Fluvanna, and Nelson counties).
Chapel Hill Transit
NVTC gathered information on Chapel Hill Transit’s experience from public literature. CHT
provides service to the Towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro, North Carolina, as well as the
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill (UNC). Unlike CUE and CAT, however, CHT’s
partnership with UNC allows all passengers to ride CHT vehicles for freenot just UNC
students. CHT stopped collecting fares in 2002, and the agency does not have capital or
administrative systems in place to charge fares.
In 2001, UNC concluded that administering the fare subsidy program for UNC students and
employees was too time intensive. Simultaneously, CHT determined that that they were
collecting $250,000 annually in farebox revenue from passengers not travelling to or from the
UNC campus (8% of operating total system costs), after removing university-related farebox
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
Zero-Fare and Reduced-Fare Options for Northern Virginia
Transit Providers
revenue from the equation. Given the low farebox recovery ratio, CHT decided to forego the
farebox revenue to boost ridership.
CHT’s costs are shared among the two towns and the university, with students prepaying UNCs
share thus practically eliminating all administrative tasks for the university. A zero-fare system
also eliminated the need for CHT to procure an expensive system for reading UNC
identification cards. CHT and the three entities did not conduct a detailed cost-benefit analysis
of eliminating fares; however, they presumed net costs would be very low given that they
would likely be able to garner additional funding from both state and federal formula grants
as CHT’s ridership increased.
Given UNC’s continuously increasing costs to administer the fare subsidy program, university
administrators concluded that a zero-fare system was most the logical. With no capacity for
more parking spaces on campus, it was also in the university’s best interest to shift its focus to
encourage motorists to use off-campus park-and-ride lots served by campus shuttles.
Reducing demand for on-campus and downtown parking facilities has allowed for more
residential and commercial development of those facilities while also enabling a safer
pedestrian environment. The Town of Chapel Hill’s Planning Department now plans new
development to support transit ridership.
From January to September 2002, CHT’s ridership increased 43% compared to the same
period in 2001 (from 2,100,866 passengers in 2001 to 3,006,798 passengers in 2002).
Although CHT’s service hours also increased 11%, CHT concluded that implementing
systemwide zero-fare service was the primary cause of the significant increase in ridership.
Since 2002, CHT’s ridership has continued to grow, and the system now carries 7.5 million
passengers per year, making CHT one the largest zero-fare systems in the world.
CHT’s zero-fare operations has two exceptions: the Chatham Transit (CT) Express, which
Chatham Transit Network jointly operates for service between the Town of Chapel Hill and the
Town of Pittsboro; and the Tar Heel Express, which provides transit service to and from
sporting events on the UNC-Chapel Hill campus.
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
Zero-Fare and Reduced-Fare Options for Northern Virginia
Transit Providers
5. Conclusion
There are a variety of opportunities, challenges, and other considerations to evaluate when
determining zero-fare or reduced-fare options. Figure 3 summarizes the continuum of options
that could be implemented as zero fares or reduced fares. Table 7 summarizes considerations
included throughout the white paper.
Table 7: Summary of Potential Opportunities, Challenges and Other Considerations for Zero-
Fare and Reduced-Fare Transit
Other Considerations
Improved access to
Improved access to jobs
and services
Enhanced livability
(quality of life and
environmental benefits)
Support for local
Increased ridership and
post-pandmeic ridership
Improved performance
faster boarding and
Reduced cost of fare
collection (capital and
Decrease in average
subsidy per passenger
with increased ridership
Potential for additional
funding with increased
Need for new policies to
promote customer safety
and security
Fare program eligibility
Operational needs
associated with
increased ridership
Service schedule
With zero fares, a lost
revenue source
With reduced fares, a
potential cost increase
Technology costs for
alternative data sources
Long-term financial
sustainaiblity of revenue
Coordination with
paratransit programs
Regional cohesion
Changes in mode share
Experimental/pilot versus
permanent program
Transfers between zero-
fare and fare-collecting
transit systems
Bus services from
multiple providers in a
shared corridor
Revenue coming from
or Limited
Routes Zones
Time of
Figure 3: Continuum of Implementation Options
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
Zero-Fare and Reduced-Fare Options for Northern Virginia
Transit Providers
Implementation Considerations
In addition to the various opportunities and challenges previously discussed, transit system
decision makers should consider the following to optimize implementation success:
Potential fare replacement funding sources and longevity of these sources
Strategic timing of the transition based on operational needs and process, as well as
customer communication and marketing needs
Defining fare program duration as either temporaryfor promotional or short-term
testing purposesor ongoing as a permanent departure from previous fare policy
Defining how new policies will be measured and evaluated against intended goals and
Quantitative financial, operational, and sustainability data analysis for decisions on
Communication and marketing with Northern Virginia communities on benefits and
changes to how customers ride the bus
Coordinating rollout across multiple transit systems in the region to maximize access,
regional cohesion, and customer ease-of-use
The potential need for ongoing fare collection equipment maintenance, based on
temporary fare programs with uncertain timeframes, as well as performance data
collection needs
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
Zero-Fare and Reduced-Fare Options for Northern Virginia
Transit Providers
6. Commissioner Questions and Feedback
At the July 2021 meeting, the Commission received three presentations from NVTC, DASH and
DRPT as part of a roundtable discussion regarding zero-fare and reduced-fare programs.
Several comments and questions were raised by Commissioners for consideration in the white
paper, and these are summarized in this section.
What are the first-order impacts of reducing or eliminating fares to costs and revenues
(understanding that second or third-order impacts are challenging to quantify)?
Potential changes to costs and revenues vary by transit system. The Cost and Revenue
section provides an overview of cost and revenue areas that could be impacted. Table 5
shows historical total operating costs, fare revenue, and farebox recovery by system for
context. Further analysis and study of unique transit system fare collection cost and revenue
data can be explored by NVTC or individual transit systems as a next step to this
informational white paper.
Can differentiated analysis of farebox recovery be conducted? For example, it is more
feasible to eliminate fares for a transit system with 5% recovery than 50% recovery.
Transit systems with lower farebox recovery may find it easier to eliminate fares because
there is a lower share of total operating costs that needs to be funded through alternate
revenue sources. Table 5 shows 2019 total operating costs, fare revenue, and farebox
recovery for Northern Virginia bus systems. Most of the U.S. transit systems that have or are
considering eliminating fares range from 7% to 20% farebox recovery.
How much revenue comes from the SmartBenefits program?
The table below provides an example of monthly revenue received through the
SmartBenefits program for May 2019. For context, 2019 total fare revenue for Northern
Virginia operators (local bus and commuter bus) was approximately $41 million (see Table
5). SmartBenefits made up approximately 40% of total fare revenue for Northern Virginia
Table 8: Monthly SmartBenefits Revenue
Monthly SmartBenefits Revenue
(May 2019)
Northern Virginia Operators
DC and Maryland Operators
Source: WMATA; numbers rounded to nearest thousand
Further analysis and study of unique transit system fare revenue data can be explored by
NVTC or individual transit systems as a next step to this informational white paper.
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
Zero-Fare and Reduced-Fare Options for Northern Virginia
Transit Providers
What is the impact to data collectionfor example tracking transfer discounts and origin-
destination data for planning purposes?
For zero-fare options, the farebox would serve a reduced function as a data collection
method. For temporary or experimental zero-fare programs, transit systems may want to
keep fareboxes in place until long-term fare policies are determined and for bus operators
to manually track ridership counts. A source of origin-destination data would be lost if
customers are not required to tap SmarTrip cards to the farebox. Transit systems could
utilize alternate methods for collecting ridership data such as automatic passenger
counters (APCs), manual sampling or surveys, or emerging forms of origin-destination
information such as location-based services data from mobile devices. The Cost and
Revenue section provides more information on technology cost considerations.
For transfers, customers would effectively receive a full fare credit when transferring
between a zero-fare bus and a regional transit system charging fares. Since this is how bus-
to-bus transfer credits currently work, transferring customers would not realize the same
cost-savings of non-transferring customers. Customers transferring from a zero-fare bus to
Metrorail would also not benefit from a lower cost overall trip because they would
effectively get the same discount as they do today.
Equity and Access to Transit
What are examples of reduced-fare program for particular customer groups?
The Zero-Fare or Reduced-Fare Implementation Options section provides details and
examples of reducing or eliminating fares for particular customer groups. Reduced-fare
programs can result in less fare revenue in addition to increased program administration
cost. These considerations are included in the Cost and Revenue section. Identifying
eligible population groups can introduce risks of bias and stigmatizing beneficiaries. Other
considerations are included in the Community Benefits and Access to Transit section.
What are examples of “pay what you canapproaches such those in Europe?
Pay-what-you-can models can be found in a variety of non-profit organizations (performing
arts, museums, restaurants) but there are few examples of public transit systems formally
adopting this type of fare policy.
Lets Go Services
is an example of a non-profit organization
in Richmond, VA, that provides donation-based transportation services for veterans,
families in need, the elderly, and persons with disabilities.
Many European transit systems have adopted honor-based proof-of-payment fare systems.
Fares are enforced through random spot checks by inspectors to ensure passengers have
paid their fare, but fines can be issued for fare evasion.
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
Zero-Fare and Reduced-Fare Options for Northern Virginia
Transit Providers
Financial Sustainability
How can long-term sustainability of fare programs be ensured?
The Cost and Revenue section notes the challenge of relying on federal or state programs
for lost fare revenue. These programs are valuable to established new fare programs but
they can fluctuate year-to-year are not intended to be long-term funding sources. Long-
term sustainability ultimately comes down to political and community will to identify
alternatives to fare revenue.
Further analysis and study of unique transit system fare collection cost and revenue data
can be explored by NVTC or individual transit systems as a next step to this informational
white paper.
Goal setting is fundamental for Northern Virginia transit systems to consider, and these
may be different from community to community.
Table 1 summarizes goal themes that appear among multiple transit systems. Many of
these goals could be supported by zero or reduced fares, but goals of financial
sustainability could be in conflict.
Does it matter if one system is zero-fare in the region and another is not?
Mixed fare policies across the region could contribute to customer confusion and require
careful program marketing. Bus routes of multiple transit operators that run in the same
corridor could experience demand shift towards the zero-fare service, resulting in
underutilized parallel routes. Transfers between zero-fare buses and fare-charging buses
would not provide additional cost-saving benefits to customers compared to today, given
current regional bus transfer agreements. The same is true for bus-to-rail transfers and rail-
to-bus transfers (if regional bus systems also adopt the free transfer policy WMATA plans
to implement in Fall 2021). Regional sharing of SmarTrip costs could also be impacted, with
the remaining transit systems paying a greater share of the total SmarTrip operating cost.
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
Zero-Fare and Reduced-Fare Options for Northern Virginia
Transit Providers
Examples, Sources, and References
Table 9: Transit System Examples
Zero-fare 1996 to
Clemson, NC
Zero-fare 2000 to
Lebanon, NH
Chapel Hill
Zero-fare 2002 to
Chapel Hill,
Zero-fare 2003 to
Logan, UT
Zero-fare 2004 to
Moscow, ID
Zero-fare 2011 to
Corvallis, OR
Zero-fare 2015 to
Missoula, MT
Zero-fare February
September 2019
Zero-fare on 3 routes
September 2019 to
Lawrence, MA
Hoping to become zero-
fare systemwide, need
Kansas City,
Zero-fare January 2020
to present
Olympia, WA
Studied becoming zero-
fare, recently voted to do
Worcester, MA
Zero-fare 2020 to
present; evaluating
Richmond, VA
Zero-fare 2020 to
present; evaluating long-
term feasibility
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
Zero-Fare and Reduced-Fare Options for Northern Virginia
Transit Providers
Ride On
Currently studying
becoming zero-fare;
County, MD
Zero-fare zone 1975-
2012; means-tested fares
2018 to present
Portland, OR
Means-tested fares
February 2020 to
Seattle, WA
Studying both zero-fare
and means-tested fares
Boston, MA
LA Metro
Low-income fare
program 2018 to present
Zero-fare pilot for low-
income and students
approved May 2021
Los Angeles,
Zero-fare weekend
service during summer
There are several international examples of transit systems eliminating fares. These include:
Luxembourg: first county in the world to offer free public transit nationwide starting in
2020 to alleviate congestion and bring environmental benefits
Dunkirk, France: made its local bus system zero-fare in September 2018 and
previously offered zero-fare weekend and holiday service starting in 2015
Tallin, Estonia: first European capital city to offer zero-fare transit service starting in
2013 and eliminated fares on intercity bus services across the county in 2018. Non-
residents are required to still pay fares, and residents are required to use a personalized
smart card.
Changning, Hunan, China: fares were eliminated on bus services in 2008
Tokyo, Japan: three zero-fare shuttle buses serving tourist locations
Kuala Lumpur: Go KL City Bus service started in 2012 and now has four zero-fare bus
routes in the Central Business District and four zero-fare feeder routes
Many international transit systems also have honor-based proof-of-payment fare systems.
Customers do not pay fares at the time of boarding a transit vehicle, but fares are enforced
through random spot checks by inspectors to ensure passengers have pre-paid their fare and
fines can be issued for fare evasion.
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
Zero-Fare and Reduced-Fare Options for Northern Virginia
Transit Providers
Additional Sources and References
Aguilar, M., Bénichou, L., Blanchard, S., George, J, & Subramaniam, S. (2021). After showing
its worth during pandemic, momentum builds for free or reduced-fare transit
. The
Washington Post
Barry, E. (2020). Should public transit be free? More cities say, why not
? The New York Times
ch2m. (2017). Regional means-based transit fare pricing study.
Darling, W., Carpenter, E., Johnson-Praino, T., Brakewood, C., & Voulgaris, C. T. (2020). A
comparison of reduced-fare programs for low-income transit riders.
Research Record
. https://trid.trb.org/view/1759614
DC Circulator. (2019). Mayor Bowser announces free rides on DC Circulator during
#FareShotFebruary. https://www.dccirculator.com/mayor-bowser-announces-free-
DDOT. (2021). Kids ride free program. https://ddot.dc.gov/page/kids-ride-free-program
DRPT. (2021). MERIT: Operating and Capital Assistance.
DRPT. (2021). TRIP Transit Ridership Incentive Program.
Fairfax County. (2021). Student bus pass program.
Foursquare Integrated Transportation Planning. (2021). City of Alexandria low-income fare
pass assessment final summary report.
Johnson Hess, A. (2020). Americans spend over 15% of their budgets on transportation
coststhese US cities are trying to make it free. CNBC.
LA Metro Board. (2018). 2017-0813 - New Low Income Fare Subsidy Program (LIFE) Program.
LA Metro Board. (2021). 2021-0452 Fareless System Initiative Next Steps Informational
Report. https://boardagendas.metro.net/board-report/2021-0452/.
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
Zero-Fare and Reduced-Fare Options for Northern Virginia
Transit Providers
Mountain Line. (2021). Mountain Line benefits us all. https://mountainline.com/zero-fare.
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2012). TCRP Synthesis 101:
Implementation and outcomes of fare-free transit systems.
Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates, Inc. (2008). TriMet fareless square policy review.
Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates, Inc. (2015). Chapel Hill Transit Fare Implementation
Analysis. https://www.townofchapelhill.org/home/showdocument?id=29776.
NTD Transit Agency Profiles. (2019). https://www.transit.dot.gov/ntd/transit-agency-profiles
Ramos, N. (2019). Just make it free’: Lawrence paid all the fares for three bus routes, and
ridership is up.
Boston Globe
. https://www.bostonglobe.com/2019/12/18/metro/just-
Ronseca, R. (2021). Most LA Metro riders could ride for free starting next year under new pilot
plan. LAist. https://laist.com/news/los-angeles-metro-fareless-transit-pilot.
Rosenblum, J. (2019). How low-income transit riders in Boston respond to discounted fares: a
randomized controlled evaluation. http://equitytransit.mit.edu/wp-
Saphores, J., Shah, D., & Khatun, F. (2020). A review of reduced and free transit fare
programs in California. University of California Institute of Transportation Studies.
Schmitt, A. (2018). The movement for more equitable transit fares. Streetsblog USA.
The Lab @ DC. (2021). Can discounted transit improve mobility and well-being for low-
income residents? http://thelabprojects.dc.gov/fare-subsidy.
The Office of Governor Ned Lamont. (2021). Governor Lamont announces Weekend Wheels
fare-free summer bus Service will also include all local public bus routes in
Connecticut. https://portal.ct.gov/Office-of-the-Governor/News/Press-
The Research Bureau. (2019). The Implications of a fare-free WRTA.
TriMet. (2021). Honored citizen fares. https://trimet.org/fares/honoredcitizen.htm
UTA. (2021). Free fare zone. https://www.rideuta.com/Fares-And-Passes/Free-Fare-Zone
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
Zero-Fare and Reduced-Fare Options for Northern Virginia
Transit Providers
WMATA Finance and Capital Committee. (2019). DC low-income fare pilot.
Yeung, P. (2021). How France is testing free public transport.
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
Zero-Fare and Reduced-Fare Options for Northern Virginia
Transit Providers
NVTC WorkshopJune 8, 2021
NVTC facilitated a workshop with local jurisdictions and transit operators on options for zero-
fare/reduced-fare transit in Northern Virginia. NVTC shared findings from its initial research on
considerations and implementation options. Workshop attendees provided input for NVTCs
white paper on the subject, including interest/motivations, lessons learned from zero-fare
operations during the pandemic, and opportunities/challenges for consideration. The
following charts summarize the results of polling questions asked during the workshop.
2300 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 230
Arlington, VA 22201
(703) 524-3322