TO: Parents and/or Guardians of New Students
FROM: Sharon Willmes, Principal
DATE: January 31, 2016
SUBJECT: Registration for the 2016-2017 School Year
Attached you will find the registration papers for the 2016-2017 school year. The tuition policy is stated
on page two of the registration packet. Kindergarten acceptance is based on our admission policy
outlined on page two of the registration form. Included in the packet is a Cincinnati Census Form that
needs to be completed based on the Public School District in which you reside. If you are in the Oak
Hills School District, please advise us and we will have you fill out an Oak Hills Census Form. There is
also an information sheet about our after school Latchkey program.
All parents should apply to the Michael L. Bidwell Tuition Grant Fund.
If you are a registered parishioner and feel you may need tuition assistance, we will be using the FACTS
on-line service; however, you must be registered and have paid your fees before you may apply for tuition
assistance through FACTS. Deadline for returning FACTS applications is May 1, 2016.
If you have any questions about the tuition assistance, please call Terri Buckner in the parish office at
A non-refundable registration fee of $100.00 per student and a $50.00 technology fee per student
(refundable up to the 1
day of school) are due at the time of registration. The registration fee and the
technology fee must be paid on separate checks and are not applied to tuition. If you would like to have
your tuition automatically withdrawn from your checking or savings account on the 15
of each month
(July April), please fill out the attached “Authorization Agreement for Pre-authorized Payment” form.
If your child will be entering grades 1-8, please also include a copy of their current report card and
complete the Record Release Form. Additional information may be requested. Admission to St. Teresa
of Avila is at the discretion of the principal.
If you are applying for an EdChoice Scholarship, a separate packet is available.
When returning your packet, please include a copy of your child’s Birth Certificate, Baptismal
Certificate, custody papers (if applicable), copy of current utility bill showing your name and
address, registration fee of $100.00 for each new student, and the $50.00 technology fee per child.
Please make checks payable to St. Teresa of Avila School. The deadline for enrollment at St. Teresa is
August 1.
When all forms have been completed, you may drop them at the school office or mail them to the school
(St. Teresa of Avila, 1194 Rulison Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45238). Once you have returned your forms
to the school, you may consider your student accepted unless you hear from the school.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call the school office at 471-4530.
For Office Use:
Grade _______
# of children enrolled _____
[ ] New Family
[ ] Parishioner
[ ] Non-Parishioner
[ ] Ed-Choice
[ ] Copy of Birth Cert
Amt. Enclosed ___________
Check Number ___________
Registration for New Student
Last Name ___________________ First _____________________ MI ____ D.O.B. ____________
Address: _________________________________ Zip: __________ Phone #
City/State of Birth: _______________________________________ [ ] Male [ ]Female
Transferred from (school) ________________________ Date and Grades attended
Baptism: Church __________________________ City/State: Date:
1st Communion: Church ____________________ City/State: Date:
Name: __________________________ Address: __________________________ Phone #
City/State of Birth U.S. Citizen [ ] Yes [ ] No
Marital Status: [ ] Married [ ] Divorced [ ] Separated [ ] Widowed [ ] Single
Are you a registered parishioner of St. Teresa? [ ] Yes [ ] No Church envelope #
Occupation: Employer:
Business Phone: Cell Phone/Pager:
Email: _______________________________
Name: __________________________ Address: __________________________ Phone #
Maiden Name:
City/State of Birth U.S. Citizen [ ] Yes [ ] No
Marital Status: [ ] Married [ ] Divorced [ ] Separated [ ] Widowed [ ] Single
Are you a registered parishioner of St. Teresa? [ ] Yes [ ] No Church envelope #
Occupation: Employer:
Business Phone: Cell Phone/Pager:
Email: ______________________________
Married couple, parent, or guardian who is responsible for the payment of ALL tuition:
Name: (Please Print)
Home Address: __________________________________ Zip: _____________ Phone: _______
Will you be applying for the Ohio EdChoice Scholarship Voucher? [ ] Yes [ ] No
If you do not receive the Scholarship Voucher, is it your intention to remain at St. Teresa? [ ] Yes [ ] No
You may be eligible to receive bus transportation if you live in the Cincinnati Public School District and you live over
one mile from St. Teresa School. Would you like to request bus transportation? [ ] Yes [ ] No
Please read carefully before signing:
I have read the tuition policies and I understand the tuition for the 2016-2017 school year (detailed on the next page) and that the
first tuition payment will be due on July 15, 2016. I have submitted the registration fee of $100.00 (non-refundable) for each
NEW student enrolling for the first time at St. Teresa School with this form. I also understand that a technology fee of $50.00
(refundable up to the 1
day of school) per student is due at time of registration. I understand that 8
grade tuition must be paid in
full by December 31, 2016 before any transcripts will be released to the High Schools.
Parent / Guardian Signature Date
Tuition for 2016-2017
The tuition rate for the 2016-2017 school year is $4,650.00 per child; however, the average estimated cost of educating one child is over
$5,000.00. A parish subsidy from the weekly Sunday collection and a state reimbursement (approx. $250.00) help to offset the total tuition cost.
All parents should apply to the Father Michael L. Bidwell Tuition Grant Fund for a tuition grant.
Tuition Assistance for 2016-2017
If you are a registered parishioner seeking additional tuition assistance, you may apply on-line to FACTS Management using school code 16731.
Admission policy
Kindergarten through Grade 8
St. Teresa of Avila School was established and continues to serve the membership of St. Teresa of Avila Parish. Children of non-members will
be considered for enrollment if qualified teachers and classroom space is available, parents or guardians fulfill the tuition requirements, and the
administration believes the interests and needs of the child and the school will best be served by admission.
In accordance with Christian principles, St. Teresa of Avila parish school admits students of any gender, race, color, national and ethnic origin to
all rights and privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the parish school. It does not discriminate on
the basis of gender, race, color, national or ethnic origin in administration of educational policies, admission policies, and other school-
administered programs.
Classroom space will be allocated according to the order of preference listed below. If all spaces are filled, a waiting list will be established.
When space becomes available, any openings will be filled in that same order.
Order of preference for admissions:
1. A child currently enrolled in St. Teresa of Avila School in kindergarten through grade 8.
2. A child with brothers and/or sisters currently enrolled, seeking enrollment for the first time, whose parents are considered active
3. A child, seeking enrollment for the first time, whose parents are considered active parishioners. If there are more parishioner applicants
than openings; order of admission will be determined by the families’ initial date of parish registration.
4. A child, seeking enrollment for the first time whose brothers and/or sisters are currently enrolled, whose parents are non-members of
the parish.
5. A child, seeking enrollment for the first time, whose parents are non-members of the parish.
*An active parishioner is one who participates in the Sunday liturgies, takes part in parish projects, and supports the parish through active
participation in the parish stewardship program.
Tuition and fee policy
Parents/guardians are required to support the school both financially and through their volunteer efforts. The Sunday collection is the primary
source of funding for the school. Tuition and fees are the second source through which the school obtains its operating funds. To enable the
Parish to plan and meet its budgetary requirements, tuition and fees must be paid in a timely manner.
Tuition fees are suggested by the Education Commission and approved by Parish Council. The following policy has been approved by the
Education Commission and Parish Council:
Tuition will be charged for each student enrolled in St. Teresa of Avila School.
A non-refundable registration fee of $100.00 for new students or $50.00 for returning students is due at the time of registration.
A technology fee of $50.00 per student is due at time of registration and is refundable up to the 1
day of school.
Tuition payments are made in ten (10) monthly installments. Beginning on July 15
of each year and continues through April 15
the following year. Eighth grade tuition is paid in six (6) monthly installments (July Dec).
Tuition payments are due by the fifteenth (15) of each month.
If the prior year’s tuition has not been paid in full, the child(ren) will not be permitted to begin the new school year.
Eighth grade tuition must be paid in full by December 31, 2016 (six payments). No transcripts will be forwarded to the high schools
until tuition is paid in full (records are requested from the high schools in January).
Tuition payments can be made monthly by check or by automatic monthly transfer from a checking or savings account.
At the end of each quarter, report cards are held if school fees are unpaid or tuition is not current.
Cincinnati Public Schools
Rev. 5/2013
School Year 16-17
Today’s Date
St. Teresa of Avila
Code 880
Desired Action Enroll on Date / /
School Use Only Withdraw on Date / /
Modify Student Data as of /
Student has EdChoice Voucher? No Yes
From School
To School
Submitted by (print) Lisa Hingsbergen
Please provide legal names.
Last Name
First Name
Middle Name
Entering Grade Level
Gender (Check One) Male Female
Resident Address
ZIP Code
Phone Number Unlisted: No Yes
Birthdate (mm/dd/yyyy)
Birth Document Source
Social Security Number - - (if issued)
Race/Ethnic Code Black White Hispanic
(Check One) Asian/Pacific Islander Multiracial
Native American
Birthplace (City, State)
Birthplace (Country)
Nickname (If any)
Home Language: What was this student’s first language (i.e. native language)?
What language does this student most frequently speak?
What language is most often spoken by adults at home?
Withdrawal Authorization
Parents signature authorizes Cincinnati Public Schools to withdraw this student from the current school of enrollment. I
understand that this authorization will remove my child from the current school of enrollment and/or waiting list. There is
no guarantee that my child will be re-enrolled if this current school is a magnet school and the charter school is no longer
Parent/Guardian Signature
Cincinnati Public Schools
Rev. 5/2013
SCHOOL Today’s Date
Use additional pages as necessary. Student Name
Mother Father Guardian Stepparent @Foster Parent Grandparent Surrogate Parent Other
Last Name Deceased? No Yes
First Name District of Residence
Marital Status Married Unmarried Widowed District of Primary Residence
Separated Divorced Resides With Student? No Yes
If you check Divorced or Separated, we require current legal documentation related to the children.
City Custodial Parent? No Yes
State Legal Guardian? No Yes
ZIP Code Grandparent POA? (see #) No Yes
Phone Number Unlisted: No Yes Caregiver Authorization? No Yes
Cell Phone
Email Address
Work Phone Mail if not Custodial Parent? No Yes
Mother Father Guardian Stepparent @Foster Parent Grandparent Surrogate Parent Other
Last Name Deceased? No Yes
First Name District of Residence
Marital Status Married Unmarried Widowed District of Primary Residence
Separated Divorced Resides With Student? No Yes
If you check Divorced or Separated, we require current legal documentation related to the children.
City Custodial Parent? No Yes
State Legal Guardian? No Yes
ZIP Code Grandparent POA? (see #) No Yes
Phone Number Unlisted: No Yes Caregiver Authorization? No Yes
Cell Phone
Email Address
Work Phone Mail if not Custodial Parent? No Yes
Mother Father Guardian Stepparent @Foster Parent Grandparent Surrogate Parent Other
Last Name Deceased? No Yes
First Name District of Residence
Marital Status Married Unmarried Widowed District of Primary Residence
Separated Divorced Resides With Student? No Yes
If you check Divorced or Separated, we require current legal documentation related to the children.
City Custodial Parent? No Yes
State Legal Guardian? No Yes
ZIP Code Grandparent POA? (see #) No Yes
Phone Number Unlisted: No Yes Caregiver Authorization? No Yes
Cell Phone
Email Address
Work Phone Mail if not Custodial Parent? No Yes
(*) If address is different from student’s address.
[#] If parent is not custodial, include copy of Grandparent Power of Attorney and Caregiver Authorization.
@ If foster parent, obtain copy of court order showing district of responsibility. Retain in cumulative file.