East Fishkill, NY
July 2001
Prepared for:
East Fishkill Town Board
Prepared by:
Buckhurst Fish & Jacquemart Inc.
115 5
New York, NY 10003
July 2001
Town Board
Peter Idema, Supervisor
Ethel Walker, Deputy Supervisor
Peter Cassidy
Richard Ferland
Donald Way
Buckhurst Fish & Jacquemart Inc.
Frank Fish, Principal
Kyle McGraw, Senior Planner
Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
The consultants also wish to acknowledge the help of the following people:
Malcolm Mills, Director of the East Fishkill Historical Society
Elton Bailey
Kenneth Walpuck
Charlotte Dodge
Leslie Goat, Field Architectural Historian for the 1984 Survey
Britta Larka, East Fishkill Town Assessor’s Office
Nancy Hussing, East Fishkill Town Assessor’s Office
And many homeowners who gave generously of their time.
Introduction and Methodology
This report, the Historic Structures Inventory, updates the earlier 1984 Historic Structures
Survey, and catalogs additional structures within East Fishkill. Each entry documents the
historic attributes of the buildings through photographs, dates of construction and architectural
styles. The 1984 survey identified 148
properties with historic buildings on them. Since then,
19 structures have been lost. The 2001 survey includes 180 properties: 175 surveyed in 2001
and an additional 5 structures added in 2002.
The addition of “new” historic houses within East Fishkill is largely a function of revised criteria
for inclusion. The former study did not include many old buildings that had been significantly
altered or remodeled because the renovations had diminished the structure’s “historic integrity.”
This inventory, however, lists these buildings because the structures, although not significant
individually, may have significance where clustered in a district.
There were four primary sources of information for the study, as follows:
Interviews with town officials and residents (see Acknowledgments).
Historic research utilizing old maps, periodicals and 19th and 20th century works on local
history and architecture.
A field survey of all of the Town, conducted in May and June of 2001.
An interiors survey of selected historic resources, conducted in July 2001.
The study has two main products:
An inventory of historic structures mapped out to show their locations.
Inventory forms for all of these buildings. The standard survey for National Register
nominations was used in order to facilitate future nominations of individual historic
houses or districts.
The inventory assigns a unique number to each of the properties included herein. Buildings that
were included within the 1984 survey retain their original number, from 1-150. Structures that
are included here for the first time have been assigned a number from 200-249. The original
1984 survey divided the town into four quadrants: Hopewell Junction, Wiccopee/Shenandoah,
Stormville, and Pecksville. This study retains those four quadrants and new maps have been
produced, keyed to locate both the old and new buildings. Two additional maps have been
produced, one for the Hopewell Junction hamlet and one for Wiccopee Hamlet. These maps
identify the location of clusters of historic buildings.
The 1984 study numbered each building from 1-150. However, two numbers, four (4) and one hundred forty-seven
(147), appear to have been skipped.
In addition to residential and commercial properties, the 2001 survey includes data for historic
barns throughout East Fishkill. At the request of the East Fishkill Historical Society, separate
nomination forms have been used to document these structures. The barns are noted on the
historic structure inventory forms so that site information for National Register nominations is
In a few instances, it was possible to enter some of the older buildings. Twelve
(12) interiors
were documented. In these instances, a tour of the interior and interview with the homeowner or
current resident was conducted. Photographs were taken and are included in this survey.
The study’s map and survey data provide the basis for future preservation efforts. While most of
the structures are only of local significance, a number of structures are probably eligible for the
National Register of Historic Places - either because they are simply outstanding or because they
are one of several buildings relating to a significant architectural or historic theme. The National
Register of Historic Places identifies distinguished properties in the United States which are
worth preserving for their historic value. Nominations are made by a State Liaison Officer (State
Historic Preservation Officer) appointed by the Governor to supervise the program within the
state. A professional staff conducts or reviews historic surveys and reports its findings to a
professional review committee (Committee of the Register). If properties meet National Register
criteria, the committee recommends them for nomination (to the New York State Board on
Historic Preservation). Federal legislation requires owner’s consent before a building can be
listed. For historic districts, a vote is taken (by mail) in which a real majority of owners can
reject listing. In this way, the rights of property owners are protected. Nominations fall into four
Thematic nominations of a number of buildings that are individually eligible and which share a
common historic or architectural theme, but which are not contiguous. In East Fishkill, potential
themes might include:
Pre-revolutionary structures, a group that would include houses associated with
Revolutionary war events, early farmhouses and the Town’s remaining Dutch barns
25P, 32S, 34S, 37S barn, 46S, 47S, 49H, 67H, 83W, 84W, 86W barn, 90W barn, 92W,
Georgian period farmhouses-- 47S, 67H, 93W.
Federal period farmhouses-- 24P, 44S, 53H, 54H, 73H, 77H, 78H, 94W, 113W, 122P.
Greek Revival period structures including the Wiccopee Church-- 1H, 43S, 48H, 50H, 57H,
95W, 119W.
An asterisk after the location number identifies structures that have had their interiors surveyed.
“Half houses” -- 2 1/2 story houses that are three rather than five bays wide, with entries on
an end bay. These persist from the Georgian through the Italianate periods and are mostly
located in the southern half of the Town-- 50H, 75H, 103W, 113W, 119W, 126W.
Individual Nominations of buildings of particular historic or architectural interest. In East
Fishkill, these would include the following buildings:
46S Abraham Storm-Gamm House
47S Storm-Adriance-Brinkerhoff-Griffen-Bernstein House
67H Verplank-Van Wyck-Stringham House
84W Hasbrouck-Fowler House
48H Senator Pell House
51H Hopewell Reformed Church
95W Wiccopee Community Church
127W Dr. Fowler House
131H Hopewell Junction Railroad Station
36S Grange Hall
105W Morgenthau-Cunningham House
Historic District Nominations of groups of contiguous buildings that express a cohesive formal
architectural or historic ambiance. Many buildings may not be worthy of individual listing, but
the loss of these buildings would still damage the total quality of the district. Hopewell Junction,
Wiccopee, Stormville, and other hamlets have historic character. The East Fishkill Historical
Society has expressed an interest in designating at least two historic districts, one for the
Hopewell Junction hamlet along Route 376 and the other for Wiccopee hamlet. Many of these
buildings have been substantially altered. However, in the event that these areas are deemed too
altered by the State to warrant listing, local government intervention to preserve the historic
character would remain a possibility.
Multiple Resource Nomination of all individual noteworthy buildings and historic districts in a
geographically defined area, such as all of East Fishkill.
Section 1 of this report presents the National Register nomination form for each of these
buildings. Each form records information about the structure, date of construction, architectural
style and significance, thereby achieving consistency with national survey standards. These
forms will prove of particular interest to local residents and historians.
Homeowners whose houses appear in this survey have greater latitude under the local zoning
code, as described in Section 194-64. Historic Structures of the East Fishkill Town Code,
which is detailed on the next page. The purpose of the ordinance is to assist in the preservation
of the cultural heritage of the Town of East Fishkill by allowing specialized uses to be permitted
in structures of architectural and historic merit.
Additionally, this survey can provide the groundwork for National Register nominations. The
forms also provide basic data by which the Town can evaluate plans effecting these structures.
Site Number Structure
1H Dubois-Van Vorhis-Montford-Cross-Duvivier House
2H Hepburn House-Burtis Hotel
3W Miller House
5P Smalley-Lee House
6P Late 18th-Early 19th C. House
7P Hosner-Cassidy House
8P Cole House
9P Schoolteacher’s House
11P Smalley House
13P Fieldstone Farms
14P “Looking Rock Cottage”
15P Ca. 1870 house
16P Ca. 1880 house
17P Early 19th C. house
19P Ca. 1910 house
20P 19th C. house
21P Seaman’s-Witty-Scheinberg House
22P Ca. 1835 house
23P Ca. 1835 house
24P Ca. 1810 house
25P Kaye House
26P Townsend-Bullard-Van Anden House
28S Ca. 1910 house
29S 1808 house
30S Ca. 1905 chapel
31S Gallo House
32S 1770 house
33S Adriance-Stewart House
34S Homestead Farms
35S Ca. 1880 house
36S Grange Hall
37S Lake Farm House-Red Bird Farm
38S Hackston House
39S Peter Jackson Place-Tucker House
40S Storm House
41S Ca. 1860 house
42S Ca. 1855 house
43S Adriance-Hooley-McMillan House
44S* John Storm-Moore House
45S Storm-Phillips House
46S* Abraham Storm-Gamm House
47S* Storm-Adriance-Brinkerhoff-Griffin-Bernstein House
Town of East Fishkill 1. List of Structures
Dutchess County, New York
Buckhurst Fish & Jacquemart Inc.
Site Number Structure
48H Adriance-Storm-Halstead-Pell House
49H* Isaac Lent House
50H Portman House
51H Hopewell Reformed Church
53H Stockholm-Paine-Silkman House
54H Rapelje-Muzzicato House
55H Hopewell School
200H Rockhollow Farm
56H Ca. 1825 house
57H Peter Adriance-Bykenhulle-Beaujolais House
58H* Gildersleeve-Meyers-Waligunda-Nero House
59H Ca. 1895 house
60H Ca. 1905 house
61H Ca. 1905 house
62H Ca. 1915 house
63H Ca. 1825 house
64H Trinity Wesleyan Academy-Order of Sons of Italy
67H* Verplanck-Van Wyck-Stringham House
69H Robinson Place
70H Robinson House
71H* Van Wyck-Boos-Morley House
72H Stringham Tenant House
73H Verplank-Bailey-Brinkerhoff House
74H Haynes House
75H Stockholm-Fink House
77H Stockholm-Flagler-Farfaro House
78H Stockholm-Doughty House
201H Ca. 18th C. house
80H Van Wyck House
81H Luyster-Stewart-Penney House
82W Van Vlack House
83W Van Vlack-Coert Horton-Ripking House
84W Hasbrouck-Fowler-Smith House
85W Rosemont
86W Ca. 1795 house
87W Old Town Hall
88W Storm House
90W Theodore Van Wyck-John Jay Barn
91W Brinkerhoff-McCullum House
202W Ca. 19th C. house
92W Cornelius Van Wyck-Davis House
93W George Brinkerhoff-Pudney-Palen House
94W Scofield-Bull-Walpuck House
Town of East Fishkill 2. List of Structures
Dutchess County, New York
Buckhurst Fish & Jacquemart Inc.
Site Number Structure
203W Ca. 19th C. house
204W Ca. 19th C. farmhouse
205W* Ca. 19th C. tenant house
206W Ca. 19th C. house
207W Ca. 19th C. house
95W Wiccopee Community Church
96W Ca. 1835 farm
97W Pre-Revolutionary house
98W Dubois House
99W James Brett-Hickman Farm
100W* Ladue-Hickman House
208W West Hook School
209W Russell-Genung-Darby-Johnson-Scanlon-Monroe Store, Wiccopee General Store
210W Genung House
211W J.P. Tompkins House
212W M. Kinsalla House
213W P. Kinsalla-Odell House
214W The Old Parsonage/Bell House
215W William R. Travis-Knox House
216W William R. Travis-Knox House
217W T. Murphy House
218W Ca. 19th C. house
219W* Corbin-Galloway House
220W J.D. Conklin-Brown House
221W A. & C. Waldrom House
222W Late 19th-early 20th C. house
223W Late 19th-early 20th C. house
224W Mead-Wood House
225W Ca. 18th/19th C. house
103W Van Wyck-Sherwood-Warren House
105W Hupfel-Morgenthau-Cunningham House
107W Fishkill Farms-Emans Orchard-Keepsake Farms
108W Charlock-Horton House
109W LaDue-Sands House
111W Bethel Baptist Church
112W Bethel Baptist Parsonage
113W Knapp House
115W Calvary Methodist Church
116W Hasbrouck-Horton House
117W Monte Rosa Lodge
118W Ca. 1885 house
119W Jaycox House
120W Jackson Farms
121W Tompkins House
122W Anderson-Jaycox-Bailey House
Town of East Fishkill 3. List of Structures
Dutchess County, New York
Buckhurst Fish & Jacquemart Inc.
Site Number Structure
123P Surber House
226W Kelly House
124W Mead House
227W* Ca. late 18th/early 19th C. house
125W Knapp House
126W Brown-Ricketts House
127W Dr. Fowler House
129H Dogwood Knolls Country Club
130H Oppenheimer-Bohnenkamp House
228H Tompkins Store
229H Ca. 19th C. house
230H Ca. 19th C. house
231H Ca. 19th C. house
232H Ca. 19th C. house
233H Ca. 19th C. house
234H Grumbly’s Store
235H Coal and Feed Store
131H Hopewell Junction Railroad Station
132H Faustner House
236H Ca. 19th C. house
237H Ca. 19th C. house
238H Old Post Office
239H Ca. 19th C. house
240H Hopewell Inn
241H Steven’s Store
242H Ca. 19th C. house
243H Ca. 19th C. house
244H Ca. 19th C. house
245H Ca. 19th C. house
133H Lesher House
134H Verplank House
135H Ca. 1875 house
136H Tompkins House
137H Nellie Burns House
138H Schuler House
139H Dr. Underwood-Navor House
140H Ca. 1905 house
141H Ca. 1925 house
142H* Van Wyck-Rapelje-Underhill-McHoul House
143H Lesher-McHoul House
144H Ca. 1895 house
145H Wood House
146H Kerr-Boss House
Town of East Fishkill 4. List of Structures
Dutchess County, New York
Buckhurst Fish & Jacquemart Inc.
Site Number Structure
148H Phillips Farm
149H Ca. 1905 house
150H Mead-Wells House
246H Cobb-Formicola House
247W Carbone House
248W Crotta Boarding House and Dining Hall
249W Argyle House
250W Argyle Carriage House
251W Taylor Farm House & Grist Mill/Horton Grist & Saw Mill/Hope Rest
252W Horton-Croce House
253W Lorenzo Horton Store & Post Office/Fornasa House
254W Goerner House
Town of East Fishkill 5. List of Structures
Dutchess County, New York
Buckhurst Fish & Jacquemart Inc.
See Hopewell Junction
Vicinity Map
See Wiccopee
Vicinity Map
Historic Structures
Historic Structures
Groups of
Historic Structures
SCALE - 1:5,000
This map is not a substitute for
on-site inspection.
This map was compiled from site
visits in May and June 2001.
Buckhurst Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Figure 1.
See Hopewell Junction
Vicinity Map
3 7 6
5 2
5 2
3 7 6
3 7 6
64 63
1" : 4000'
State Road
Group of Historic
Historic Structure
Scale -
Buckhurst Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
East Fishkill, NY
Figure 2. Hopewell Junction
2 16
5 2
1" : 4000'
State Road
Historic Structure
Scale -
Buckhurst Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
East Fishkill, NY
Figure 3. Stormville
Figure 4. Wiccopee/Shenandoah
East Fishkill, NY
Buckhurst Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Scale -
3 7 6
5 2
5 2
5 2
Historic Structure
Group of Historic
State Road
1" : 4000'
5 2
5 2
5 2
1" : 4000'
State Road
Historic Structure
Scale -
Buckhurst Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
East Fishkill, NY
Figure 5. Pecksville
0 500 1000 Feet
East Fishkill, NY
Figure 6. Hopewell Hamlet
Buckhurst Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Historic Structure
0 200 400 600 Feet
East Fishkill, NY
Figure 7. Wiccopee Hamlet
Buckhurst Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Historic Structure
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Dubois-VanVorhis-Montford-Cross-Duvivier House, site 1H, lot 6357-01-200657-
Street & Number: 9 Ireland Avenue, off Brown Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Mary Duvivier, 9 Ireland Avenue, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, scattered buildings
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1736/1840 and on its original site, this was the farmhouse on a +/- 180 acre farm
of nearly flat land which has been subdivided and developed residentially. The house is on a heavily treed lot at the
end of a dead end road. It is on a slight rise above the road.
In the 1984 survey, the owner advised that the interior finishes are simple, the plan slightly altered.
The earliest section, a rear ell, was built by a Dubois, who moved here from Ulster County. It is frame, with brick
nogging, and retains some original paneling (according to the owner in the 1984 survey). The main section was
probably built by the Van Vorhis family. It is the town’s smallest and most intact example of a 2 1/2 story temple
front Greek Revival Style house with full portico and flanking ells. The side hall entry is the only one in this area
with free standing columns. These stand within a recess which contains an original door, sidelights and transom.
The Grecian Doric columns of the portico support a full pediment and wide frieze. 6/6 sash have shutters. The 1
1/2 story ells have end chimneys. The house was owned by Dubois on the 1798 map.
The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure. Alterations: 20th century window
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Burtis’s Hotel, Cutler House, Hepburn House, site 2H, lot 6457-01-267699
Street & Number: 469 Route 376
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: John & Joan Hepburn, Route 82 and Maple Place, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house/pond/outerbuildings which may be related
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: commercial/residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: vernacular Queen Anne style
Materials: clapboard, shingles, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: Built circa 1905 and on its original site, this is the only 3 1/2 story house surveyed. In the
vernacular Queen Anne style, it has decorative shingles, a two story trapezoidal bay, and porches. It is significant
because it is unaltered and because of its unique form. At one time is was Burtis’s Hotel.
Major Bibliographical References: Mrs. Allen, 1/22/80. Notes were found in the East Fishkill library historic
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Miller House, site 3W, lot 6555
Street & Number: Miller House Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Beatrice Silverstone, Miller Hill Road, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, barn and early 3 bay “Yankee Barn”
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: shingles, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built in the late 18th to early 19th century and on its original site, this long 5 x 2 bay, 1 1/2
story house has a center chimney and a central eaves front with raised panel “Dutch” door and sidelights. This early
house and wing were transformed in the early 20th century into a summer home, with shingles, dormers, casement
windows, an exterior chimney and a reworked roof. The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the
This small group of farm buildings stands, as it did in 1867, isolated at a crossroads.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Miller House barns, site 3W1, lot 6555
Street & Number: Miller House Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: see site 3W
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: domestic
Number of Resources within Property: see site 3W
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: domestic
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: This small group of farm buildings stands, as it did in 1867, isolated at a crossroads. One
of the barns is an early 3 bay “Yankee Barn.” The other has been transformed into a workshop.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Smalley-Lee House, site 5P, lot 6555-00-785580
Street & Number: Rushmore Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Dorothy Lee, RR #2, Box 517, Stormville, NY
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residence
Current functions: residence
Architectural Classification: updated in the Vernacular Italianate style
Materials: clapboard
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: Built in the first half of the 19th century and on its original site, this complex, with open
fields, stone walls and a farmhouse updated in the vernacular Italianate style, preserves in unaltered if deteriorated,
condition the appearance of a small post-Civil War era farm. The 5 x 2 bay, 1 1/2 story house has bracketed eaves, a
central gabled dormer, 2/2 sash with peaked lintels and small label moldings, “eyebrow” windows, a central eaves
front entry with double doors and an original entry porch, and an end chimney with an exposed fieldstone base. A
small wing has a ca. 1915 porch (perhaps added when the Smalleys began to take in summer boarders). The barn
noted in the 1984 survey is no longer extant. Current threat to house is deterioration.
Appearing on Beers 1867 map as the Mead farm, the house was probably updated by Caleb Smalley, who purchased
it in 1868.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 6P, lot 6555-00-832623
Street & Number: Rushmore Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Stephen Williams, 360 Rushmore Road, Stormville, NY 12582
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboards, shingles
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: circa late 18
, early 19
century. Framing exposed by deterioration shows that this was
originally a gabled roof house with an addition creating its present saltbox roofline. It is 4 bays wide, with a center
chimney and fieldstone foundation. Condition is poor, threats to building are due to deterioration.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Hosner-Cassidy House, Site 7P
Street & Number: Rushmore and Hosner Mountain Roads
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, barn, shed, gardens
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification
Materials: shingles, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: Built in 1805 and on its original site, this house was built by the Hosner brothers, along
with a toll station on Hosner Mountain Road (according to the late Henry Cassidy). The lane to the West leads to
“Looking Rock,” an Indian site and a look-out and picnic spot in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
The small 3 x 2 bay 2 1/2 story house has original 6/6 windows, with a later wraparound porch and shingles.
Condition is excellent, no known threats to the building. Alterations: shingles, 1919.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Hosner-Cassidy Barn, Site 7P1
Street & Number: Rushmore and Hosner Mountain Roads
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: domestic
Number of Resources within Property: see site 7P
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: domestic
Architectural Classification
Materials: shingles
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: This small barn is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name: Cole House
Other names/site number: Cole-Speedling-Pflueger House, site 8P, lot 6655-01-020880
Street & Number: 450 Hosner Mountain Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: David Garbasz & Joanna Barsh, 12 W. 72nd Street, Apt. 26A, New York, NY 10023
Ownership of Property: Private
Category of Property: Residence
Number of Resources within Property: 4/house and three barns
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register:
Name of related multiple property listing:
Function or use
Historic functions: Residence
Current functions: Residence
Architectural Classification:
Materials: Clapboard, structural system is wood frame with light members.
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: Circa 1885, this 2 1/2 story farmhouse on its original site is unique in combining elements
(such as peaked lintels, paired windows, and a central gabled wall dormer) that were popular in East Fishkill after
the Civil War with the Queen Anne style; asymmetrical massing, tall proportions, bay windows, decorative shingles,
and delicately scaled porches. Condition is excellent, no known threats to the building. Alterations: shutters
removed between 1984 to present.
The original house on this site, owned by James Tompkins and later John J. Northrup (b. 1846), burned and was
replaced with the current structure. The house was in the Cole family from 1917 until the early 1980s.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name: Cole House
Other names/site number: Cole-Speedling-Pflueger House, site 8P1, lot 6655-01-020880
Street & Number: 450 Hosner Mountain Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: see site 8P
Ownership of Property: Private
Category of Property: agriculture
Number of Resources within Property: see site 8P
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register:
Name of related multiple property listing:
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: agriculture
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below
Statement of Significanc:
Narrative Description: three barns are located on this site and in good condition.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Schoolteachers’ House, site 9P
Street & Number: Cherry Lane
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, shed
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residence
Current functions: residence
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below.
Materials: shingles, wood frame with interlocking joints, masonry load bearing walls.
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: This house was built in the 18th century and sits on its original site. In the 1984 survey,
the owner stated that this structure may have been a tenant house for the large farm to the west. Henry Cassidy
stated that it pre-dates the Revolution. Of post and beam construction, with its north wall partially of local stone, its
low proportions and five bay form support an early date. In 1926, the house was purchased by two schoolteachers
as a summer home, with several improvements. Thus it bears witness to two phases in East Fishkill’s development:
its early agricultural days and its early 20th century popularity as a summer home area. On Beers 1867 map, the
house was owned by Parker.
Alterations post 1926: north woodshed enclosed; shed dormers, shingles, fieldstone exterior chimney added. More
recently: entry porch and rear terrace added, sash replaced.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
]NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: site 11P, lot 6655-03-208125
Street & Number: Leetown Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Evelyn Robinson, 291 Leetown Road, Stormville, NY 12582
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: 2/house and cluster of outbuildings
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residence
Current functions: residence
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below.
Materials: siding, wood frame with interlocking joints.
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: Built circa 1825 and on its original site, this large vernacular farmhouse, like many in East
Fishkill, has undergone 20th century alterations. However, it retains its original form and entry with corner blocks
and sidelights), its eyebrow windows, and several original 6/6 windows. Most importantly, it retains its original
context. In a sparsely settled part of town, it is sited high above the road, overlooking the open fields of the Leetwon
Brook Valley. On Beers 1867 map, this was the “residence of D. Ogden.”
Alterations: siding, window, chimney. The house is in fair condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: site 11P1, lot 6655-03-208125
Street & Number: Leetown Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: see site 11P
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: agriculture
Number of Resources within Property: cluster of outbuildings
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: agriculture
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below.
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: This cluster of agricultural buildings is on site 11P near the house which was built circa
1825. In a sparsely settled part of town, it is sited high above the road, overlooking the open fields of the Leetwon
Brook Valley. On Beers 1867 map, this was the “residence of D. Ogden.”
The buildings are in fair to deteriorated condition with no apparent threats to the structures.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Fieldstone Farms, site 13P, lot 6655-01-136754
Street & Number: 520 Hosner Mountain Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Richard and Carol Gustin, 520 Hosner Mountain Road, Stormville, NY 12582
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: 3/house, garage and front wall with entry posts
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residence
Current functions: residence
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below
Materials: stone, masonry load bearing walls.
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: Built circa 1915 and on its original site, this house is one of many 20th century structures
representing an ongoing masonry building tradition in East Fishkill. Both the original section and the taller 1951
addition to the west employ variegated local fieldstone in a coursed rubble pattern, a pattern seen in the town’s
earliest Dutch house (see #84). The house was personalized with iron railings made by the original owner, a welder
or steamfitter. Alterations: 1951 ell, rear dormer.
This house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure. In the 1984 survey it was noted that on the
rear facade was a fine Craftsmen style tripartite stained glass window, unusual in East Fishkill.
Major Bibliographical References: owner interview for 1984 survey
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name: Looking Rock Cottage
Other names/site number: Looking Rock Cottage, site 14P
Street & Number: Off Rushmore Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house and barn
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residence
Current functions: residence
Architectural Classification: Vernacular house
Materials: Novelty siding, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: This early 19th century vernacular house has a broad gabled 3 x 3 bay form, with small 6/6
sash and “eyebrow” windows. It contains 20th century alterations such as siding, eaves and a porch. Condition is
good and there are no apparent threats to the building.
Called “Looking Rock Cottage” on Beers 1867 map, it appears to have been made into a summer cottage in the early
20th century.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Looking Rock Cottage Barn, site 14P1
Street & Number: Off Rushmore Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: see site 14P
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: domestic
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: The barn sits near the early 19th century vernacular house on site 14P. Condition is good
and there are no apparent threats to the building.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 15P, lot 6755-03-126274
Street & Number: 151 Milltown Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Milton and Jeanette Ross, Box 598A 151 Milltown Road, Holmes, NY
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: shingles
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1870 and on its original site, with pedimented gables, peaked lintels, and a wide
frieze on corner pilasters, this small vernacular house reflects the persistence of the Greek Revival style in East
Fishkill. Like several larger, earlier Greek Revival style houses in town (#43, 48, 57), it has a lower period wing.
Shingles and a garage wing indicate the building’s evolution from farmhouse to summer home to year-round
residence. The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure. 20th Century Alterations: door,
window, shingles.
(It does not appear on Beers’ 1867 map)
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 16P, lot 6755-03-445347
Street & Number: Route 52
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Kathleen Halloran, 4050 Route 52, Holmes, NY 12531
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, barn, garage
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residence
Current functions: residence
Architectural Classification: vernacular Italianate farmhouse
Materials: siding
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: Built circa 1880 and on its original site, this large vernacular Italianate farmhouse looks
much as it must have when built, with a central gabled dormer with applied decoration, round-headed gable window,
1/1 sash, a full-width porch, large trapezoidal bay window, and stamped metal roofing shingles. Across Route 52,
the large horse barn has been converted into a shop.
The road which once passed in front of this house has been moved further east. This creates a triangular front lawn
which emphasizes the house’s role as the visual center of Pecksville. Mr. Peck’s store and a school were on or near
this site in 1867 (Beers).
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 16P1, lot 6755-03-445347
Street & Number: Route 52
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: see site 16P
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: commercial
Number of Resources within Property: see site 16P
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: commercial
Architectural Classification: vernacular Italianate farmhouse
Materials: siding
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: Across Route 52 from the house on site 16P, this large horse barn has been converted
into a shop.
Mr. Peck’s store and a school were on or near this site in 1867 (Beers).
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: site 17P, lot 6755-03-458375
Street & Number: Route 52
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Mary Ann Novotny, 4041 Route 52, Holmes, NY 12531
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house and outbuilding
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residence
Current functions: residence
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below
Materials: siding
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: Built in the early 19th century and on its original site, this small 3 bay cottage with wing
retains its original 6/6 sash and end chimney. Although altered, it is one of the few early houses surviving in the
small village of Pecksville and may have served in 1867 as a store (Beers).
The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 19P, lot 6755-01-404787
Street & Number: Route 52
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Lillian J. Leavitt Estate, Box 696, Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60607
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, barn
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residence
Current functions: residence
Architectural Classification: vernacular farmhouse
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: Built circa 1910 and on its original site, this little altered, large 2 1/2 story vernacular
farmhouse and barn typify the many early 20th century dairy farm complexes in East Fishkill. The house has
original 2/2 sash, clapboard, projecting eaves, an entry transom and a porch with turned posts. A toll gate was on
the site in 1867 (Beers map).
This house is badly deteriorated and is missing two posts on the front porch.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 19P1, lot 6755-01-404787
Street & Number: Route 52
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: see site 19P
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: domestic
Number of Resources within Property: see site 19P
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residence
Current functions: residence
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: Built circa 1910 and on its original site, this barn is typical of the many early 20th century
dairy farm complexes in East Fishkill. A toll gate was on the site in 1867 (Beers map).
This barn is badly deteriorated.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 20P, lot 6756-00-061021
Street & Number: Stormville Mountain Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house and outbuilding
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions:
Current functions: residence
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below.
Materials: clapboard
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: Built in the 19th century and on its original site, this may be the M. Robinson house shown
in the Beers’ 1867 map. Built into a hillside, like many of East Fishkill’s early houses, it has an unusually vertical
form, with wide 19th century clapboards, splayed lintels, and a low pitched roof with widely overhanging
(replacement) eaves.
The house is in fair condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Seamans-Witty-Scheinberg House, Site 21P, lot 6656-00-834560
Street & Number: Stormville Mountain Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Scheinberg, Stormville Mountain Road, Pecksville, NY
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification
Materials: wood frame with interlocking joints.
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: this property was not accessible during the survey; therefore, a photograph and detailed
information on the structure was not available. However, according to the East Fishkill Assessor’s office, the house
is still on this site and in good condition. It was built circa 1845 and is located at the end of a drive, concealed from
the road.
On the Beers’ 1867 map, this house was owned by J. Seamans. In 1867, the road ran closer to the house (Beers).
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 22P, lot 6656-00-923852
Street & Number: Seaman Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Linda J. Storrow, 491 Eder Road, Stormville, NY 12582/126 Riverside Drive, New York,
NY 10024
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, barn, gardens
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1835 and on its original site, this building exemplifies the evolution many
farmhouses in East Fishkill underwent as they became early 20th century summer homes. This small 1 1/2 story
cottage with end chimneys gained a full width porch with Roman Doric columns and a sleep porch above, both
constructed to take advantage of the view to the west. Perennial and rock gardens complete the vacation home
landscape. Isolate on a wooded road, the house is sited on a hill above the road. It is in good condition with no
apparent threats to the structure. Alterations: door and siding alterations, greenhouse.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 22P1, lot 6656-00-923852
Street & Number: Seaman Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Linda J. Storrow, 491 Eder Road, Stormville, NY 12582/126 Riverside Drive, New York,
NY 10024
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: see site 22P
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: domestic
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: a barn barely visible from the road, is located on site 22P. It appears to be in good
condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 23P, lot 6656-00-785946
Street & Number: 764 Seaman Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Susan Graiser, 764 Seaman Road, Stormville, NY 12582
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: shingles, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1835 and on its original site this house is isolated on a back road, sited back
from the road on a hillside, facing north. An example of a common farmhouse type from East Fishkill’s early
agricultural boom, this 1 1/2 story building has end chimneys, 6/6 sash, and a central entry with sidelights. A full
width porch dates from the early 20th century, when it probably became a summer home. Since the 1984 survey,
the house has gained three dormers. It is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure. Alterations:
shingles, window, early 20th century porch.
The property was owned by C. Seaman in 1867 (Beers).
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 24P, lot ?
Street & Number: Seaman Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1810 and on its original site, only dormers and a porch intrude on the 19th
century character of this vernacular Federal style 1 1/2 story house in its isolated setting. It is located on a slight
rise, set back from the road facing south. One of the most intact examples of this type in East Fishkill, it has
irregularly spaced bays (5 x 3), end chimneys (one with an exposed fieldstone base), 6/6 sash with narrow cornices,
and an entry with attenuated pilasters, narrow sidelights, and a full width transom. The door has three raised panels.
The house is in excellent condition with no apparent threats to the structure. Alterations: dormers, porch, early
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Kaye House, site 25P, lot 6656-00-399671-00
Street & Number: 3274 Route 52
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Alfred and Erika Kay, White Pond Road, Stormville, NY 12582
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house and barn
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions:
Current functions: residence
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below
Materials: stone, brick, asbestos shingles, wood frame with interlocking joints, masonry load bearing walls.
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: The first East Fishkill town meeting was held in this pre-Revolutionary period house and it
probably served as a tavern in the Revolutionary era. The high brick basement contains an early fireplace, according
to Elton Bailey, in the 1984 survey. The frame upper section was reworked in the 1880’s; it has a central gable with
round arched windows, and delicately worked porches, also an earlier Greek Revival style entry.
The house is deteriorated and has had its doors and many of its window replaced. It may be under threat of
development as a sign posted nearby states that 79 acres are for sale for 1-2 acre lots.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Kaye House, site 25P1
Street & Number: 3274 Route 52
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: see site 25P
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: domestic
Number of Resources within Property: see site 25P
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions:
Current functions: domestic
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: this small barn is located behind the house on site 25P and is severely deteriorated
It may be under threat of development as a sign posted nearby states that 79 acres are for sale for 1-2 acre lots.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Townsend-Bullard-Van Anden House, site 26P
Street & Number: Route 52
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Herb and Rhoda Lewis, Route 52, Stormville, NY 12532
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house and barn
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residence
Current functions: residence
Architectural Classification: Vernacular Italianate farmhouse
Materials: siding
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: this house was built circa 1885 and sits on its original site. It is a large 3 x 3 bay, 2 1/2
story vernacular Italianate farmhouse and is intact except for the siding. With round arched windows, brackets, a
central gable dormer, and a double door entry with period porch, this house is a simpler version of the Adriance-
Stewart House (#33) about a mile to the northwest. The hipped 2 story wing may be contemporary. Curiously, the
surrounds and bracketed cornice of the nearby barn are more finely detailed than those of the house (perhaps it
served an earlier house). Mrs. P. Townsend owned a house on this site in 1867 (Beers).
A house owned by Adriance was on or near this site in 1798. The house is in good condition with no apparent
threats to the structure.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Townsend-Bullard-Van Anden House, site 26P1
Street & Number: Route 52
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: see site 26P
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: domestic
Number of Resources within Property: see site 26P
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: domestic
Architectural Classification: Vernacular Italianate barn
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: Curiously, the surrounds and bracketed cornice of this barn are more finely detailed than
those of the house on site 26P (perhaps it served an earlier house). Mrs. P. Townsend owned a house on this site in
1867 (Beers).
A house owned by Adriance was on or near this site in 1798. The barn is in good condition with no apparent threats
to the structure.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: site 28S, lot 6657-03-163131
Street & Number: Route 216
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: George A. Strid, 57 Old Route 52, Stormville, NY 12582
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house and outbuilding
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below
Materials: siding
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: Built circa 1910 and on its original site, this is the most fully developed Foursquare type
house in East Fishkill, with typical hipped front dormer, hipped front porch with columns on a cobblestone base,
cobblestone chimney, and widely projecting eaves. Although now fully sided, it was noted in the 1984 survey that
the wall surfaces were horizontally divided, with the top half covered with wooden shingles, the bottom half
delineated with cornerboards, string course, and water table which was then covered by shingles. This type of house
is rare in the Village and contributes to a mix of residential architecture spanning the 19th and 20th centuries.
The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: site 29S, lot 6657-03-124222
Street & Number: Old Route 52
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Henry and Kathleen Robin, 100 Old Route 52, Stormville, NY 12582
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residence
Current functions: residence
Architectural Classification: vernacular Federal style house
Materials: siding, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: Built circa 1808 (according to owners in 1984 survey) and on its original site, this building
has undergone extensive renovations. However, it retains its original entry surround and its original form and
window placement (including eyebrow windows). The central eaves front entry has four attenuated paneled
pilasters, corner blocks, double-hung 2/3 sidelights, and a door-width transom with foliate tracery. A small
vernacular Federal style house (the earliest remaining in the hamlet), it is an important reminder of Stormville’s
early history. The Carman family owned a house on or near this site in 1798 (map).
The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure. Alterations: siding, window, eaves
replacement, chimneys removed, porch added. Lower shutters have been removed since 1984 survey.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: site 30S, lot 6657-03-110230
Street & Number: Route 216
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Union Chapel of Stormville, 106 Old Route 52, Stormville, NY
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: religious facility
Number of Resources within Property: chapel
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions:
Current functions: chapel
Architectural Classification: vernacular meeting house
Materials: shingles, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: Built circa 1905 and on its original site, this vernacular meeting house type structure is
intact except for siding. It has a wood shingled pediment and entry porch and single and paired double-hung
rectilinear patterned stained glass windows.
The church is deteriorated but there are no other apparent threats to the structure. Part of gable window is missing
and some of the stained glass is damaged.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: site 31S
Street & Number: Old Route 52
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house and 2 barns
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: Vernacular Greek Revival style
Materials: siding, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built in 1842 (according to owner’s deed in 1984 survey) and on its original site, this 2 1/2
story 3 bay wide house in the vernacular Greek Revival style has an entry with symmetrically molded pilasters. The
south block is a 19th century addition. Since the last survey, the large sidelights have been replaced with solid glass
and the house has all new windows. With a turn of the century porch, this building is an example of the evolution of
19th century farmhouses in East Fishkill.
It is built close to the road with a 20th century barn to the north that was insulated with sawdust to be used for meat
packing and an earlier additive barn behind. The house is in fair condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: site 31S1
Street & Number: Old Route 52
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: domestic
Number of Resources within Property: see site 31S
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: domestic
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: Close to the road is a 20th century barn to the north that was insulated with sawdust to be
used for meat packing and an earlier additive barn behind. The barn to the north is in good condition and the
additive barn behind is extremely deteriorate. Aside from deterioration, there are no apparent threats to these
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: site 32S, lot 6557-04-979311
Street & Number: Route 216
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below
Materials: siding, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built in 1770 (sign on house noted in 1984 survey) and on its original site, two 1 1/2 story
sections make up this pre-Revolutionary house. Both have eyebrow windows and close eaves, and have undergone
alterations: siding, foundation and window in the 20th century; porch addition in the early 20th century. The west
section has 12/12 sash and end chimneys. The east section has some small 9/6 sash and , significantly, an early
vernacular Federal style porch (with segmental arches and columns with entasis swells) which was later freely
copied for the west entry. The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Adriance-Stewart House, site 33S, lot 6557-04-904313
Street & Number: Route 216
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: Italianate style
Materials: clapboard
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: Built circa 1850/circa 1880, this large farmhouse is the most intact example of an Italianate
style house in East Fishkill. It has different window treatments on each floor, with shouldered and/or round arched
surrounds. Corner pilasters have an intermediate capital, suggesting that the building may have been raised. They
support a paneled frieze and bracketed cornice. Under the central gabled dormer, the recessed entry has narrow 2/3
sidelights and a full width transom. A 3 bay wide Colonial Revival porch with Doric columns was probably added
early in the 20th century. Beers’ map shows J.C. Adriance living here in 1867.
This house is set back from the road on a level site and is on the outskirts of the village. It is in excellent condition
with no apparent threats to the structure.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Homestead Farms, site 34S, lot 6556-768835
Street & Number: Route 216
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, barn, shed, garage
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residence
Current functions: residence
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below
Materials: clapboard,, wood frame with interlocking joints.
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built in 1743, this house is significant both because it had been lived in continuously by
descendants of its original owner, Thomas Storm, at least until June of 1984, and because its physical evolution
reflects the vitality and evolution of the farm in the 19th and 20th centuries. One of the town’s oldest remaining
structures, the 2 1/2 story house retain 6/6 sash with shouldered surrounds, projected cornices, and original shutters
and blinds. The slightly lower earlier wing retains 6/6 sash and some of the original shutters but not the shouldered
surrounds noted in the 1984 survey. Back end chimneys, one with an exposed base, have been rebuilt. During the
Greek Revival period a recessed entry and wide front porch (with fluted Doric columns) were added. In the early
20th century a fieldstone chimney and wraparound porch (fieldstone with short swelling columns) were added to the
wing. The entry has paneled pilasters, ornately paneled reveals, 2/3 length sidelights and a full width transom. The
area above the first floor was rebuilt after a 1954 fire.
Surrounded by large rolling fields and pastures, this farm retains a large intact 1902 barn and a circa 1925 poured
concrete garage among its many outbuildings.
Major Bibliographical References: East Fishkill Bicentennial Commemorative Book.
Notes of Henry Cassidy
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Homestead Farms, site 34S1, lot 6556-768835
Street & Number: Route 216
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: domestic
Number of Resources within Property: see site 34S
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: ?
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: Surrounded by large rolling fields and pastures, this farm retains a large intact 1902 barn
and a circa 1925 poured concrete garage among its many outbuildings.
Major Bibliographical References: East Fishkill Bicentennial Commemorative Book.
Notes of Henry Cassidy
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: site 35S, lot 6556-768835
Street & Number: Route 216
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house and barn
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1880 and on its original site, this is an example of a small vernacular late 19th
century house. It was noted in the 1984 survey that this house has probably always been a tenant house, adjacent to
a large farm. This building preserves 2/2 sash, a transformed entry on the left side of its gable front, a ridge
chimney, and a hipped front porch. The porch with the scroll-sawn brackets noted in the 1984 survey has been
removed and replaced with a simpler, less ornate porch. Alterations: replacement door, siding, porch.
The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: site 35S1, lot 6556-768835
Street & Number: Route 216
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: domestic
Number of Resources within Property: see site 35S
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: domestic
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: the barn is in fair condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Grange Hall; Harpel Hall; Sylvan Grange; site 36S, lot 6557-04-686152
Street & Number: Route 216
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: Grange Hall
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: hall for dances/store
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard, shingles, matchboard, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: this structure was built in 1883 and is on its original site. A unique form in East Fishkill,
this community building was built by George Harpel, a wealthy New York City produce and meat merchant, so that
his daughters Isabel and Georgina might enjoy community dances. The architect was J.D. Fouquet and the builders
were Paterson, Brower, & Niver (joiners), Egbert Corbin (mason). Mr. Harpel also built the magnificent 1865
Greek Revival style residence “Maplehurst,” now extensively altered. The building is a rare example of the Stick
Style in East Fishkill. 2 1/2 stories tall, it has a cruciform plan with low hipped tower over the crossing. Wall areas
are divided by stick work, with ornamental shingles and stickwork cross-bracing in the gables. At the eaves,
punched, scroll-sawn verge boards partially conceal exposed rafters. The entry is arranged symmetrically with
double doors flanked by 3 pane store front windows with stained glass transom. Stickwork brackets support a
sheltering entry porch which extends between two enclosed stairways leading to the second floor. Alterations: one
shed enclosed, window replacement.
The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Major Bibliographical References: East Fishkill Bicentennial Commemorative Book, p. 15
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Lake Farm House, Red Bird Farm, site 37S, lot 6556-768835
Street & Number: Route 216
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, barn complex, shed
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential/commercial, Inn
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with interlocking joints.
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1820/1908 and on its original site, this house preserves a unique overlay of
styles from the early 19th and early 20th centuries. The main floor of the wing has shouldered window surrounds
similar to those on the Homestead Farms house (#34) and the entry of the main house has slender paneled pilasters
and wide sidelights, typical of the Federal style. Half way up the second floor, the siding switches from clapboard to
flushboards, evidence of the addition of the second floor around 1908 (date marked in the wraparound stone porch).
The rebuilding included new doors and 6/2 sash, a steeply pitched belcast hipped roof covered in pressed metal
shingles and pierced by hipped dormers with diamond paned upper sash, and a wraparound porch with fieldstone
base, fluted Doric columns and porte cochere. The widely flairing eaves have ornamental exposed rafters and heavy
brackets with elaborate foliate and rosette carvings. In sum, the building underwent one of the most elaborate
remodelings of all those that occurred as early farmhouses became early 20th century summer estates. The house is
in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Set well back from the road, yet visible from the intersection of Route 216 and well traveled Route 52, this farm
complex preserves several early 20th century outbuildings. Within the barn complex is a Dutch barn.
There is a photograph of the original 1 1/2 story house in Old Dirck’s Book by R.W. Storm (1949) (collection of
Elton Bailey).
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Lake Farm House, Red Bird Farm, site 37S1, lot 6556-768835
Street & Number: Route 216
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential/commercial
Number of Resources within Property: see site 37S
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: commercial
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: Set well back from the road, yet visible from the intersection of Route 216 and well
traveled Route 52, this farm complex preserves several early 20th century outbuildings. Within the barn complex is
a Dutch barn.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Dell House, site 38S, lot 6657-03-146181
Street & Number: Route 216
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, barn
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: shingles, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1840 and on its original site, this house is sited on a slight rise near the road, in a
residential area, with a residential road to the east. This small vernacular 1 1/2 story house has received many early
20th century alterations, yet it retains its original entry surround and 6/6 sash with surrounds, and , with its intact
early 5 x 2 bay form, it contributes to the building mix in Stormville. Window surrounds have architrave moldings
and simple cornices and the entry has plain pilasters, sidelights, and a full width transom. During alterations, the
house lost its cornice returns and gained dormers, shingles, an entry porch and sun room, and an exterior fieldstone
In the 1984 survey it was noted that the interior preserved a center hall plan with Greek Revival style staircase,
mantle, and interior trim with early 19th century hardware and wide board floors. During the 20th renovation,
partitions, French doors, closets, and cabinets were added. The 1984 owners had carefully restored all material from
both building phases.
The house is in excellent condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Dell House Barn, site 38S1, lot 6657-03-146181
Street & Number: Route 216
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: see site 38S
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: domestic
Current functions: domestic
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: a 20th century barn is located behind the house on site 38S.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Peter Jackson Place-Tucker House, Site 39S, lot 6657-03-5175325
Street & Number: Seaman Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Charlie Tucker
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house and barn
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with interlocking joints.
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1795 and on its original site, this 2 1/2 story house with early wing has evolved
over time. Both sections retain 12/8 sash; on the wing these have plain surrounds. A small east wing has a
vernacular Greek Revival door surround. The main entry has been enclosed and now has a turn of the century
bolection molded door. Evidently elements have been juggled here. The two main sections are unified by a
lightweight bracketed cornice, added ca. 1910. The cornice and entry alterations, and the construction of a small
barn (now a garage), represent the second wind that many East Fishkill farmhouses got as summer houses in the
early decades of the 20th century. According to the current occupant of the house, the shutters documented in the
1984 survey photo have been removed and are being stored at the house. The house is in good condition with no
apparent threats to the structure.
On the 1798 map, the house was owned by the Fowler family.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 39S1, lot 6657-03-5175325
Street & Number: Seaman Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Charlie Tucker
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: see Site 39S
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: domestic
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: this small barn (now a garage) is located behind the house to the north. It is in fair
condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Storm House, site 40S, lot 6657-01-098615
Street & Number: Route 216
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house and barn
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: on its original site, this house was built in sections in the 18th century. It is a large early
farmhouse with asymmetrical fenestration, unusual in a building of the Federal period. 5 x 2 bays and 2 1/2 stories
with an early ell, the house has (replacement) end chimneys with exposed bases, a central six panel “ Dutch” door
flanked by narrow pilasters and 2/2 length double-hung sidelights, and topped by a small transom with curvilinear
tracery. The entry is framed by a narrow architrave and topped by an added peaked lintel. 2/2 and original 6/6 sash
have the same architrave surrounds with narrow cornices. They abut the frieze on the second floor. The heavy
returning cornice with brackets was probably added in the third quarter of the 19th century. Alterations: window
and clapboard replacement.
The house is close to the road at an intersection, with outbuildings to the north. It is relatively isolated. Ceiling
heights vary - early alterations. It is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Storm House, site 40S1, lot 6657-01-098615
Street & Number: Route 216
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: domestic
Number of Resources within Property: see site 40S
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: domestic
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: The house is close to the road at an intersection, with outbuildings to the north, inclusive of
a barn. It is relatively isolated.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 41S, lot 6657-01-524528
Street & Number: Route 216
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential/commercial
Number of Resources within Property: house, carriage house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential/commercial
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1860 and on its original site, this house is sited on a high point, uphill from the
road, with a large flat area behind which is now used as an airport. This is an area of scattered early farms.
This house’s history has been determined by the large flat open area which lies SE of the house. In World War I,
this served as Camp Whitman, a cavalry encampment. According to the owners in the 1984 survey, James & Rose
O’Brien, an airport opened here in 1927 and there was a G.I. School here during World War II.
The house, although deteriorating, is a fine example of the Italianate style and is remarkably intact. Its traditional 2
1/2 story, 5 x 2 bay form is made asymmetrical by a large front ell. Double doors have etched glass. 2/2 sash have
shouldered surrounds and a variety of cornices (perhaps indicating early alterations). End chimneys are corbelled.
There are two trapezoidal bays and two period porches. Cornice brackets form right angles at gable ends and acute
angles under the eaves, appearing to bend in response to the roof plan. Pointed arched gable windows are repeated
on the exceptional stable/carriage house to the east which is in the gothic Revival style with board and batten siding
and a patterned slate roof. This barn is remarkable for its symmetrical plan, with two 2 1/2 story gable front sections
joined by a low eaves front section, as well as for its detailing. It has, however, sustained alterations.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 41S1 barn, lot 6657-01-524528
Street & Number: Route 216
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential/commercial
Number of Resources within Property: see site 41S
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture/commercial
Current functions: residential/commercial
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: board and batten siding
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: Pointed arched gable windows are repeated from the house in site 41S on this exceptional
stable/carriage house to the east which is in the Gothic Revival style with board and batten siding and a patterned
slate roof. This barn is remarkable for its symmetrical plan, with two 2 1/2 story gable front sections joined by a
low eaves front section, as well as for its detailing. It has, however, sustained alterations.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 42S, lot 6657-01-442767
Street & Number: Route 216
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, barn
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1855 and on its original site, this typical mid-century vernacular Greek Revival
farmhouse has sustained mostly reversible alterations. 1 1/2 stories, 5 x 2 bays, with a returning cornice and low
pitched roof, the building preserves a broadly scaled original recessed entry. The door, with two heavily molded
vertical panels, has sidelights and a full width transom, and is flanked by four pilasters which originally supported a
Greek Revival porch. This was replaced, circa 1915, by a fieldstone based wraparound porch, most likely
converting the farmhouse into a summer house. Original 2/2 sash have architrave moldings and narrow cornices.
Eyebrow windows have been enlarged.
Isolated at the edge of town on a road that preserves several 19th century farmhouses, this complex has maintained
its 19th century agricultural context. The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Alterations: replacement end chimney, siding, windows. Eaves encased.
Major Bibliographical References: The Oxtrom house was probably on this site in 1798 (map).
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 42S1, lot 6657-01-442767
Street & Number: Route 216
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: domestic
Number of Resources within Property: see 42S
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: domestic
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: Isolated on the edge of town on a road that preserves several 19th century farmhouses, this
complex with barn has maintained its 19th century agricultural context.
Major Bibliographical References:
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Adriance-Hooley-McMillen House, site 43S, lot 6558-03-192083
Street & Number: Moore Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, barn, garage
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: Built in 1846 and on its original site, at the time of the 1984 survey, this intact Greek
Revival style farmhouse had changed hands only twice since it was built by J. B. Adriance. The complex is now
and always has been isolated on the outskirts of town. It has a circa 1915 3-car garage adjacent and a circa 1950
barn across the road, replacing one that burned. A slave cemetery is located on the corner of the property on Phillips
In the 1984 survey, it was noted that the finely detailed interior was intact, with a center hall plan and different
treatments in each room, including shouldered surrounds, corner blocks, and projecting cornices, a battered and
shouldered fireplace surround and paneled open string stairs with ornamental brackets and curvilinear hand rail. At
this time, the interior condition of the house is not known.
The house has end chimneys and a low-pitched roof with full gable pediments and triangular gable vents. The entry
is protected by an original pedimented porch with fluted Doric columns. The door is flanked by four paneled
pilasters and sidelights and topped by a full width transom. Large pilasters flank the shallow recess. 6/6 sash have
shouldered surrounds and simple cornices. Inexplicably the two windows flanking the entry have cyma recta
moldings incorporated in their cornices. The kitchen wing, which may be earlier, has slightly different Greek
Revival detailing.* In the 1910’s the house became a summer estate, gaining a rear porch and servant’s quarters and
an early garage. In 1927 it was purchased by Mrs. McMillen’s (the 1984 owner) father. It stands today as one of
the finest of several large Greek Revival farmhouses remaining in East Fishkill. It is in fair condition but could be
threatened by deterioration if not maintained. Alterations: circa 1915 rear porch addition.
*It post-dates 1798, as no house is on this site on the map of that date.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Adriance-Hooley-McMillen House, site 43S1, lot 6558-03-192083
Street & Number: Moore Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: domestic
Number of Resources within Property: see site 43S
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: domestic
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: The complex is now and always has been isolated on the outskirts of town. It has a circa
1915 3-car garage adjacent and a circa 1950 barn across the road, replacing one that burned.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: John Storm-Moore House, site 44S*, lot 6557-02-873780
Street & Number: Phillips Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below.
Materials: brick (irregular Flemish bond), masonry load bearing walls.
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1800 and on its original site, this is East Fishkill’s finest remaining brick Federal
style house. On a rise above Fishkill Creek, the house is sited with its west side at an angle to and facing the road.
It stands on the site of one of East Fishkill’s earliest houses, built by Garret Storm in the mid-18th century. Garret’s
son Thomas demolished that structure and erected this house, using bricks made on the site (see Reynolds, pp. 376-
7). The 5 x 3 bay, 2 1/2 story building has end chimneys and close raking eaves with rope moldings, mutules and a
lattice-work frieze (other eaves have been extended). The recessed entry is off-center, with a 6 panel “Dutch” door,
fanlight with delicate radiating tracery, and paneled reveals. Four narrow pilasters and wide sidelights are flush with
the facade. The entry is topped by a Palladian window and sheltered by an added early Greek Revival style porch
with fluted columns. Original 6/6 sash have radiating voussoirs and shutters. The rear entry is placed off-center. A
lower brick wing has flaired eaves (contrary to Mrs. Reynolds, this may be part of the earlier house). The house is
in fair condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
The interior is described by Mrs. Reynolds (p. 377 in Dutch Houses and pp. 222-3 in Doorways). It has since been
divided into apartments. At least one fine mantle and the rare arched recess survive. The basement retains hand
hewn beams, arched chimney pads and a grist mill. The lower half of the house retains many exposed beams with
joiners marks throughout.
Major Bibliographical References: Helen W. Reynolds, Dutch Houses in the Hudson Valley before 1776 ,
Helen W. Reynolds, Dutchess County Doorways, p. 222-3, plates 86, 153,
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Storm-Phillips House, site 45S, lot 6558-04-850129
Street & Number: Phillips Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, root cellar, garage, carriage house, barn
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with interlocking joints.
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1810 and on its original site, this large 5 x 3 bay vernacular Federal style
farmhouse has been altered in recent years. The excavation of a full basement at the west end especially detracts
from the building’s original appearance. It does however, retain its original entry with a five panel door, 2/3 length
sidelights and four narrow cornices. Beaded cornerboards support a wide fascia, now pierced by dormer windows,
but probably originally containing eyebrow windows. The house is in excellent condition with no apparent threats
to the structure. Alterations: 20th century dormers, gable vents, windows, west porch, east addition.
The house is on a rise, set back from the road, and retains an early root cellar and barn sited on axis with the house.
Extensive landscaping and terracing have altered the complex’s original context.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Storm-Phillips House, site 45S1, lot 6558-04-850129
Street & Number: Phillips Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: domestic
Number of Resources within Property: see site 45S
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: domestic
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: The barn is sited on axis with the house. It has suffered from deterioration but is presently
being cleaned out and repaired.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Cloverhill Farm, Abraham Storm-Gamm House, site 46S*, lot 6558-04-800240 +
Street & Number: Phillips Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: currently occupied by Mr. & Mrs. Ferris Davis, Phillips Road, Stormville, NY 12582
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, barn and garage
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built in 1724 and on its original site, a considerable amount of early material remains in
this house built by one of East Fishkill’s first settlers and now probably the earliest remaining house in East
Fishkill. Sited on a rise above the road and surrounded by open fields, this Dutch house and the Dutch barn behind
it offer an invaluable vision of East Fishkill’s earliest farming days. Large maples line the road in front of the house.
The turn of the century carriage barn was moved many years ago across the road and is no longer extant.
The main section of the house has a wide center hall, low ceilings, original lobed strap hinges, early moldings, wide
board floors, and a Federal period mantle piece. The cellar stops before the westernmost bay and contains arched
chimney pads. A portion of the cellar is coated in lime wash.
The original “Dutch” door is enframed by an architrave with rope molding unique in town; according to the owners
in the 1984 survey, the door knocker is identical to one on the 18th century Jonathan Hasbrouck House at
Newburgh. The door is flanked by 6/6 sidelights over clapboards. The 12/12 sash replace sash of the same
configuration; their architrave surrounds are topped by molded cornices. The Gamm’s replaced a 3 bay scroll sawn
porch with the current one copied form a popular local type ( see #’s 32 and 77). Many interior elements survive,
although the owners removed the Dutch oven from the west chimney. The attic is partially finished and subdivided
into several small rooms, probably utilized by servants and/or farmhands. Some of the doors in the attic have hand-
forged hinges. In the eastern section of the house, an original narrow stair leads down from the attic and into the old
kitchen through a small door. This stair was most probably utilized by the servants/farmhands to enter and exit their
rooms in the attic. The Dutch barn behind the house is a well preserved early example.
The house is in excellent condition with no apparent threats to the structure. Alterations: 20th century porch, sash,
bay windows; chimney and eaves replacement.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Cloverhill Farm, Abraham Storm-Gamm House, site 46S1, lot 6558-04-800240 +
Street & Number: Phillips Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: currently occupied by Mr. & Mrs. Ferris Davis, Phillips Road, Stormville, NY 12582
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: domestic
Number of Resources within Property: see site 46S
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: domestic
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: Sited on a rise above the road and surrounded by open fields, this Dutch barn, in
conjunction with the Dutch house, offers an invaluable vision of East Fishkill’s earliest farming days. It is a well
preserved early example.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: T. Storm-Adriance-Brinkerhoff-Griffen-Bernstein House; “Plenty Acres Farm”
(original name), site 47S*
Street & Number: Beekman Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Gene & Cheryl Bernstein, Beekman Road, Stormville, NY 12582
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with interlocking joints, brick and stone nogging, wattle and daub.
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1759 and on its original site, this is by all accounts the most historically
significant house in town, as George Washington stayed here on his 1776 march to Connecticut and it was owned in
turn by three of the area’s most important Dutch families. (See Reynolds, pp. 377-9). It is also architecturally
significant for many original features remain on both the interior and exterior. The house now sits further back
from Beekman Road than it did originally. It is close to the Taconic State Parkway. A caretaker’s cottage to the
north burned in the early 1980s.
The interiors retain a large proportion of original material, most significantly a vernacular Georgian period fireplace
surround and overmantle (in the 1771 section), one of the few remaining in East Fishkill. Other interior detailing
from the 18th century includes a corner fireplace with paneled overmantle, a kitchen fireplace with beehive oven,
strap hinges and box locks, simple base moldings and architrave surrounds, and in the hall, wainscoting and a later
three runner staircase with square balusters, also a later Federal period mantle. Brick nogging and wattle and daub
were recently discovered during restoration of the kitchen. The original western section consisted of two rooms.
The eastern addition completed the traditional additive plan of contiguous rooms, arranged linearly. The addition is
about 1 1/2 feet higher than the original house, requiring short stairs down from the hall and cut-outs in the plaster
ceiling for the hall door and tall pieces of furniture. With its wide hall the full depth of the house, the addition
created a center hall plan, common in Dutch houses in this area. The second floor of the East section has been
altered, including the central front bedroom where Washington slept.
The western section of the house with its short kitchen wing was built by Dirk Hegeman circa 1759. 1 1/2 stories
with close eaves and a decreasing roof slope, this section has an end chimney with exposed fieldstone base and
beehive oven. The main section contains a “Dutch” door and two tall 19th century windows, sheltered by a porch
with columns and segmental arches added in the 19th century, probably at the time ornamental dormers were added
to the house. The east section was built by Thomas Storm around the time of his 1771 marriage. It has beaded
clapboards of varying widths, close eaves and an end chimney with exposed brick base. Original 12/12 sash have
architrave moldings and projecting cornices. The 6 panel “Dutch” door is topped by a transom with curvilinear
wooden tracery and flanked by fluted pilasters and wide sidelights. The Dutch door retains its original box lock and
key, still in working order. The entry porch is a 19th century addition, as are eaves brackets. Thus the house
demonstrates the evolution of styles and building technology in the second half of the 18th century and again the
19th century. It is a Dutchess County Landmark.
The house is in good condition and is in the process of being meticulously restored by the current owners who have
done extensive research on the original condition of the house, inclusive of exterior paint which they are now in the
process of matching and replicating. During the restoration, the owners discovered a hand-forged tool under the
roof as well as layers of old wallpaper on the walls dating back to the 18th century. Sections of the wallpaper have
been preserved on the wall to document the history of the house’s interiors. There are no apparent threats to the
structure of this house. Late 19th - early 20th century alterations: dormers, porches, brackets, some windows and
siding. Alterations to the North facade include dormers, enclosed porches. The house is currently in the process of
gaining a new roof and undergoing porch restoration.
Major Bibliographical References: H.W. Reynolds, Dutch Houses in the Hudson Valley before 1776
H.W. Reynolds, Dutches County Doorways, p. 223-5, plates 116 and 117
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Adriance-Storm-Halstead-Pell House; Senator Pell House, site 48H, lot 655803-
Street & Number: Stormville/Pell Roads
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Novitiate
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: religious and educational facility
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: religious and educational facility
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below.
Materials: brick (Flemish bond), masonry load bearing walls
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1839 and on its original site, this intact 2 1/2 story brick house with symmetrical
low wings is the most elaborate Greek Revival style residence in East Fishkill, a significant distinction in a town that
underwent an agricultural boom and wave of building in the first half of the 19th century. A large hedge now masks
the original approach from the south. One now enters from the north, along a long straight drive terminating in a
circle with a cast iron fence. Outbuildings and buttressed walls create an axially symmetrical compostion. The
complex is isolated visually from the surrounding area.
The house has paired end chimneys, full gable pediments, and a wide denticulated fascia with eyebrow windows.
The south entry has a recessed single panel door, four tall Corinthian pilasters supporting a transom and full
entablature, and sidelights; all the panels are decorated with rosettes and the frieze has a distinctive star motif. The
north entry is a simplified version of this with a Greek Doric entry porch topped by a (20th century?) cast iron
railing. Original 6/6 sash have rectangular masonry lintels. The wings have tall chimneys, wide fascia, shallow
front porches with fluted columns and entries with four pilasters. A high stone foundation has windows. It would
not be difficult to trace the detailing of this house to builders’ guides by Minard Lafever or Asher Benjamin. Built
by Peter Adriance, for years the estate was owned by Herbert Pell, Congressman, diplomat and father of Senator
Claiborne Pell of Rhode Island. For the last 40 years, it has been owned by the Roman Catholic Church and is now
a convent and school. Alterations: minor sash and door alterations, some replacement blinds, large stained glass
window added to West Wing.
The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Major Bibliographical References: Notes of Henry Cassidy
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Issac Lent House, site 49H*, lot 6558-03-053022
Street & Number: Beekman Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below.
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with interlocking members.
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1754/1775, this house is on its original site. According to the owner’s deed,
Issac Lent purchased this property from Madame Brett. The house consists of a 1754 saltbox wing with exposed
hewn beams, large kitchen fireplace, and entry with a single sidelight, and a circa 1775 1 1/2 story main section.
The latter retains 6/6 sash with original architrave moldings and shutters and a Greek Revival period entry with
paneled pilasters, corner blocks, sidelights and transom. An early pressed metal shingle roof is intact. The porch
was copied by Mr. Bushey from local examples (see #’s 32/77). In a recently built-up residential area on the skirts
of Hopewell Village, this house is a highly visible reminder of the area’s 18th and 19th century heritage. From 1757
until 1764, when the first church at Hopewell was completed, the members of the Church Society of Hopewell
(Dutch Reform) met in Issac Lent’s barn, now gone. On the 1798 map, it was owned by the Shearer family. 20th
century alterations: porch, chimneys, interior, and eaves alterations. Circa 1840 alteration: main entry.
The plan has a wide center hall typical of Dutch buildings of this period in East Fishkill. The previous owner, David
Bushey, was a skilled woodworker. While he lived here he restored the interior, replicating paneling and moldings
and installing a moved Federal style mantle in the east parlor. He reinstalled wide board flooring which had been
buried under narrow boards. It is hard to tell his work from original material. However, it seems that other fireplace
surrounds and paneling, exposed corner posts, a wide corner fireplace, and a large proportion of the trim are
original. The house is in excellent condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
The barn was built in the past 40 years.
Major Bibliographical References: East Fishkill Bicentennial Commemorative Book, p. 31).
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Portman House, site 50H, lot 6558-04-505183
Street & Number: Beekman Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1840 and on its original site, this house with early wing was built in the
vernacular Greek Revival style and has survived largely unaltered. A “half house” form, it is three bays wide and 2
1/2 stories tall, with an entry on the side of the eaves front. Original elements include one pair of end chimneys, a
returning entablature, bold pilasters, fluted Doric columns and an entry with sidelights and transom, 6/6 sash with
shutters and simple cornices, and a wing with eyebrow windows in its wide frieze. This is one of the town’s best
preserved examples of a vernacular type popular during the early 19th century agricultural boom.
The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name: Hopewell Reformed Church
Other names/site number: Hopewell Reformed Church, site 51H, lot 6457-02-877930
Street & Number: Beekman Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Reformed Dutch Church
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: religious facility
Number of Resources within Property: church, cemetery, rectory
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: religious facility
Current functions: religious facility/church
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: brick (Flemish bond), masonry load bearing walls
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built between 1833-4 and on its original site, the church is the visual focal point of the
small linear village of Hopewell and is sited well above the road. The large untreed cemetery to the west increases
the church’s visibility. To the east, a small altered Federal period rectory completes the scene. The rectory has been
sided since the 1984 survey.
The Hopewell Reformed Church combines elements of several 19th century styles. It has a full-width pedimented
portico with massive columns, a delicate four tier steeple with square and octagonal stages, tall lancet arched
windows, and a full entablature with dentils and modillions. One course of bricks over the arches is slightly
recessed. Entry is through three double doors recessed within paneled reveals and topped by transoms with
rectilinear tracery. (More recent additions are a pressed metal shingle roof, stained glass windows, and a rear wing).
The Hopewell Reformed Church was founded in 1757 by a group of 19 members of the Fishkill Reformed Church.
Services and church records (until 1781) were in Dutch. The congregation built the first church on this site in 1763-
4: it ran east-west, its axis at a right angle to that of the current church. The church’s first minister, Rev. Issac
Rysdyck, was shared with the towns of Poughkeepsie, Fishkill, and New Hackensack (see Sandra Bemis’ article
“The Churches in the Revolution” in the East Fishkill Bicentennial Commemorative Book). According to F.
Hasbrouck’s History of Dutchess County, NY, the oldest stone in the cemetery dates from 1762. With the coming
of the third minister, services began to be held in both Dutch and English. The area population increased steadily
after the Revolution and it was decided to take down the original wooden church in May 1833 and replace it with the
current structure, which was dedicated by Rev. Whitehead in January 1834. The church is a Dutchess County
Landmark. It is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure. Alterations: stained glass windows
added circa 1905.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Stockholm-Paine-Silkman House, site 53H, lot 6457-02-764862
Street & Number: Beekman Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, stable, garage
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1819, this house is on its original site. Although it underwent many Colonial
Revival period transformations, it retains some of the town’s finest Federal period details; an entablature with
triglyphs, fluted corner pilasters, a Palladian window, and window cornices with dentils and modillions. It was built
by Aaron Stockholm for one of his sons (Reynolds, Doorways, p. 220). Alterations: circa 1915 circular bay,
cornice brackets and blocks, front porch base, chimneys, rear additions, (attic lights?), entry, central gable.
The house is sited at an angle on a bend in the road, raised on a mound. Before it stretches a large lawn. Around it
are trees and behind it a circa 1915 shingled stable with picturesque massing and an early poured concrete garage.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Stockholm-Paine-Silkman House, site 53H1, lot 6457-02-764862
Street & Number: Beekman Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: domestic
Number of Resources within Property: see site 53H
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: domestic
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: shingles
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: a circa 1915 shingled stable with picturesque massing and an early poured concrete garage
sit behing the house on site 53H.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Rapelje-Muzzicato House, site 54H, lot 6457-587848
Street & Number: Intersection of Route 82 and Beekman Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1825 and on its original site, this is one of several 2 1/2 story, 5 x 3 bay
vernacular Federal farmhouses in East Fishkill. The house has a large front lawn and an adjacent open triangular
plot framed by three roads. Typically, it has a denticulated returning cornice, 6/6 sash with architrave surrounds and
cornices on the first floor and paired end chimneys. The central eaves front entry has double-hung sidelights, four
thin pilasters, and a transom with tracery. Rather than having an ornamental palladian window over the entry; as
found on several similar houses in town, this house has a simple tripartite window. The house is in fair condition
with no apparent threats to the structure. Alterations: Colonial Revival style porch, bracketed eaves, circa 1850(?),
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Hopewell School, Site 55H, lot 6457-02-637854
Street & Number: East of Junction of Taconic State Parkway and Beekman Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: school
Number of Resources within Property: school
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: school
Current functions: vacant
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1820 and on its original site, this one-room schoolhouse is barely visible from
the road and is located in a heavily wooded area. It is currently in deteriorated condition; however, its status is being
reviewed by the East Fishkill Historical Society for preservation purposes.
In the 19th century, this was the site of the District 6 school.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 200H, Rockhollow Farm, Carpenter Road
Street & Number: corner of Carpenter Road and Bykenhulle Road, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, 2 barns
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: shingles, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built in 1856 (according to a sign on the house), this 5 x 2 bay vernacular farmhouse
contains 6/6 sash and an entry with sidelights and a transom. Set back from the road with the two barns at the rear
of the property, this complex has maintained its 19th century agricultural context.
The house is good condition with no apparent threats to the structure. Alterations: shingles, window, sun porch.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 200H1, Rockhollow Farm Barns, Carpenter Road
Street & Number: corner of Carpenter Road and Bykenhulle Road, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: domestic
Number of Resources within Property: see site 200H
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: domestic
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: Set back from the road are two barns at the rear of the property of Rockhollow Farm. This
complex has maintained its 19th century agricultural context.
The barns are in good condition with no apparent threats to the structures.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 56H, lot 6557-01-270596
Street & Number: Carpenter Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard, siding, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1825 and on its original site, this small vernacular 1 1/2 story, 5 x 2 bay cottage
has been altered since the 1984 survey with the enclosure of the front porch. It still retains end chimneys and 6/6
and eyebrow sash with cornices and shutters. The house is in fair condition with no apparent threats to the
structure. Alterations: front porch enclosure, windows, siding.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Peter Adriance-Bykenhulle House, site 57H, lot 6557-01-3877232
Street & Number: Bykenhulle Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: William & Florence Beaujolais, Bykenhulle Road, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential/commercial
Number of Resources within Property: house, 2 barns
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential/commercial (Bed & Breakfast Inn)
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard, siding, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built in 1841 and on its original site, this is one of the most intact and elaborate examples
of a building type common in East Fishkill: the 2 1/2 story, 5 x 3 bay Greek Revival period farmhouse with wings.
Level with the road, the house fronts a large lawn with a brick wall at roadside. To the north, a large barn which has
an addition and has been made into apartments, has the heavy frame and central eaves front entry typical of early
“Yankee” barns. A smaller barn may have been a blacksmith shop. A guest house has also been added on the west
portion of the property near the pool.
The interior retains many original features: a central hall with large turned newel post, front and rear parlors with
pocket doors, veined black marble mantels with battered surrounds, ceiling medallions and shouldered or paneled
surrounds. Colonial Revival moldings and wainscot have been added to the parlor.
The house is unusual in having a central second floor doorway. Front, rear, and 2nd floor entries are all recessed
with Greek key motifs on flanking pilasters, sidelights, and with transoms. Doors have single or paired panels. 6/6
sash have shouldered architraves. Eyebrow windows pierce the wide fascia on the remaining wing. The high stone
foundation is also pierced by windows. Beaded cornerboards support a wide entablature with full pediments
containing segmental arched fans. The three bay entry porch has fluted columns and a turned roof balustrade.
Since the 1984 survey, the house has been transformed into an Inn and has gained a south wing addition used largely
for catering events. Other alterations: one symmetrical wing burned, rear dormers, minor window alterations.
Similar in form to the Pell House (#48), this house has a few Federal period features in an otherwise exemplary
Greek Revival style. It is in excellent condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Peter Adriance-Bykenhulle House, site 57H1, lot 6557-01-3877232
Street & Number: Bykenhulle Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: William & Florence Beaujolais, Bykenhulle Road, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential/commercial
Number of Resources within Property: see site 57H
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: residential/commercial
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: To the north, a large barn which has an addition and has been made into apartments, has
the heavy frame and central eaves front entry typical of early “Yankee” barns. A smaller barn may have been a
blacksmith shop. A guest house has also been added on the west portion of the property near the pool.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Gildersleeve-Meyers-Waligunda-Nero House, Site 58H*, lot 6557-02-556740
Street & Number: Stormville Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Jeffrey Nero, Stormville Road, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, barn, pond
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with interlocking joints.
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1796/1855 and on its original site, this is the only farmhouse in East Fishkill
constructed in the vernacular Gothic Revival style. Typical elements include scroll-sawn verge boards, brackets
with acorn drops, double doors with segmental arched diamond pane glazing, tall windows onto the porch, a lancet
gable vent in a steep pitched wall dormer, a large trapezoidal bay, and a scroll-sawn porch. According to the owner,
the lower portion of the house was built in 1796. In 1867, the property belonged to J. Gildersleeve (Beers).
The house is sited on a curve in the road, surrounded by large trees. The barn and field across the road were
probably originally part of this property.
The interior retains an original newel post, a marble mantel with arched opening, and Gothic moldings around the
bay. The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure. Alterations: window.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 58H1, lot 6557-02-556740
Street & Number: Stormville Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: see Site 58H
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: The barn and field across the road from site 58H were probably originally part of this
The barn is in good condition with no apparent threat to the structure.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 59H, lot 6458-04-840470
Street & Number: Intersection of Route 82 and Creamery Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, barn
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1895 and on its original site, this tall 1 1/2 story gable front house with wing is a
little altered late vernacular example of the Greek Revival style in East Fishkill. It has wide cornice returns and 2/2
sash. The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure. Alterations: door, shutters.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 59H1, lot 6458-04-840470
Street & Number: Intersection of Route 82 and Creamery Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: domestic
Number of Resources within Property: see site 59H
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: domestic
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: a barn is sited to the west of the house on site 59H. It is in fair condition with no apparent
threats to the structure.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 60H, lot 6458-04-817476
Street & Number: Creamery Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: shingles, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1905 and on its original site, this 2 1/2 story gable front house was built in the
vernacular Queen Anne style, with peaked gable sash, windows with label moldings; a front porch with turned posts,
and an entry with a transom, and label mo lding. In the 1984 survey it was noted that the entry contained stained
glass and the house had 2/2 sash. Both have been removed and replaced since the last survey.
Also located on the property are a 20th century barn and shed (not significant). The house is in good condition with
no apparent threats to the structure. Alterations: added shingles, window alterations.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Knapp Farm, Site 61H
Street & Number: Hillside Lake Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, barn complex, shed, garage
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1905 and on its original site, this farm complex, with a large vernacular
farmhouse and cluster of early out buildings, is a representative example of the many small dairy farms active in
East Fishkill at the turn of the century. The house is in deteriorated condition which could pose a threat to the
This could be the site of the Soamy farm shown on the 1798 map.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Knapp Farm barn complex, Site 61H1
Street & Number: Hillside Lake Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: agriculture
Number of Resources within Property: see site 61H
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: agriculture
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1905 and on its original site, this farm complex, with a large vernacular
farmhouse and cluster of early out buildings, is a representative example of the many small dairy farms active in
East Fishkill at the turn of the century. The barn complex is in good condition with no apparent threat to the
This could be the site of the Soamy farm shown on the 1798 map.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Wright-Smith House, site 62H, lot 6358-02-919525/939516
Street & Number: Route 376
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Russ and Judi Smith, Route 52, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: on its original site, this house was built circa 1915 by Lewis Henry Wright, the great
grandfather of Judi Smith, current owner. According to Mrs. Smith, Lewis Henry Wright was the Town Supervisor
of East Fishkill in the late 1800s and he transported the oak timbers for the house from New Paltz, across the frozen
Hudson River, to East Fishkill.
This large vernacular cruciform house is significant as a unique Colonial Revival style house form. It has two large
Colonial Revival style porches, diamond cut rafters protruding through verge boards, widely overhanging eaves, 1/1
sash with cornices and beveled glass door. It is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Alterations: siding.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: site 63H, lot 6358-02-833583
Street & Number: Route 376
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: John Helmsorig, #2 Route 376, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: owner would not allow access to the property to determine resources other
than house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residence
Current functions: residence
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with interlocking joints.
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: Built circa 1825 and on its original site, this house is part of a linear cluster of early
structures in Fishkill Plains. 5 x 2 bays and 1 1/2 stories high, the building has a low pitched roof and wide fascia
with eyebrow windows. Sidelights remain intact. Circa 1915 porch has been removed. The house appears to be in
excellent condition with no immediate threats to the structure apparent. The owner would not allow access to the
property or photographing of the structure. Other alterations: 19th century wing, ca. 1915 door, replacement end
chimneys, eaves replacement.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Trinity Wesleyan Academy, Order of Sons of Italy in America, Joe DiMaggio
Lodge #248, Site 64H, lot, 6358-02-820579
Street & Number: Route 376
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: social
Number of Resources within Property: church
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: church
Current functions: meeting hall
Architectural Classification
Materials: siding, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: Built circa 1905 and on its original site, this T-shaped building retains its historic form as
well as a small deteriorated belfry and stained glass windows on the back of the building. Originally a chapel, for
many years it housed the Fishkill Plains Community Library. The building punctuates a row of early houses, on a
heavily traveled road through Fishkill Plains.
In terms of alterations, the double doors with a transom, exposed rafters and much of the stain glass have been
removed since the 1984 survey. Clapboard has been covered in siding and a wood porch has been added. Condition
is good with no apparent threats to the building.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Verplank-Van Wyck-Stringham House, site 67H*, lot 6358-01-420648
Street & Number: Route 376
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Varick & Nancy Stringham, Route 376, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, barn carriage house, garage, shed, silo, small house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below.
Materials: flemish bond with dark headers, fieldstone, masonry load bearing walls.
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: Phillip Verplank, Jr. (1736-1777, who came here from Westchester County) built this
house in 1768, marking the date in dark headers in the west gable. He was the owner of a flour mill that had been
operating since the late 1730’s across the Creek, to the west. By 1741, a road had opened from the mill to the
Hudson River, allowing export.
Currently, a large level lawn separates the house from the road. Sprout Creek is to the west, outbuildings to the
north and east, including barns which now house a small business. The house’s six panel “Dutch door” has slanted
oval bullseye windows, the only example in town. The door is flanked by pilasters. Other early features include 6/6
windows with radiating voussoirs, a slightly flared roof, paired end chimneys (currently being rebuilt), and a
decorative frieze. While the front and side facades are of brick, the rear facade is of coursed rubble. The balustrade
may be original or it may date from the Colonial Revival period when the house gained a porch, central dormer with
Palladian window, and round gable windows. Currently, most of the balustrade has been removed and will
eventually be restored.
After finding an old photograph of the house, the current owners removed the wide porch documented in the 1984
survey (which was not original to the house) and had a reproduction made of the earlier narrow porch discovered in
the photograph. Between 1986 and 1987, the owners also removed a small east addition and restored the former
dining room to a kitchen with original exposed beams. The kitchen occupied this space in the original plan.
The interior floors are covered with “random flooring” from various woods on the property. Mrs. Reynolds
(Doorways) recorded paneled window reveals and a wide center hall with paneled wainscot, arch and fluted
pilasters, and enclosed stairway (Plates 7, 8, 55, 195, pps. 264-267). Today, the paneled window reveals, wide
center hall with paneled wainscot and arch with fluted pilasters are still intact. Additionally, there is an original
mantel in the dining room. When the enclosed staircase was moved and opened up to face the entranceway, a large
interior “Dutch door” was removed to the house next door, also built by the Stringham’s.
The mill is now in ruins and the Dutch barn, mentioned in Fitchen, has been moved to Mt. Gulian, in Beacon. The
Verplank-Van Wyck-Stringham house is a Dutchess County landmark.
The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Verplank-Van Wyck-Stringham House barn complex, site 67H1, lot 6358-01-
Street & Number: Route 376
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Varick & Nancy Stringham, Route 376, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: commercial
Number of Resources within Property: see site 67H
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: commercial
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below.
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description:
Sprout Creek is to the west of site 67H, outbuildings to the north and east, including barns which now house a small
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property:
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Robinson Place, Site 69H, lot 6358-02-995918
Street & Number: Robinson Lane
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, barn, shed, carriage house, garage
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residence
Current functions: residence
Architectural Classification: an early common house form updated in vernacular Italianate style
Materials: brick, masonry load bearing walls
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: This house on its original site has a construction date circa 1772 and alterations circa 1865:
bracketed cornice, porch, and trapezoidal bay; octagonal paneled recessed entry and reveals, transom; corbelled end
chimneys; slate roof; central gable with round arched window. Circa 1950 an addition was added. It is in good
condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
This house represents a common early form 2 1/2 stories, 5 x 2 bays, transformed in the vernacular Italianate style.
Built of brick as all of East Fishkill’s most prominent early houses, this structure retains few Pre-Revolutionary
features beyond form.
In the mid-19th century, this was a horse breeding operation owned by C. Robinson (Beers map). In 1798 it was
owned by A. Duryee. Today, this complex retains its 19th/20th century agricultural complex.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property:
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Robinson Place, Site 69H1, lot 6358-02-995918
Street & Number: Robinson Lane
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: see site 69H
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: domestic
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: a barn is sited to the north of the house. Photograph not available.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Robinson House, site 70H, lot 6358-02-877804/830742
Street & Number: 200 Robinson Lane
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions:
Current functions: residence
Architectural Classification: Early frame saltbox
Materials: shingles
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: on its original site and built in the 18th century, this early frame saltbox is unusually small:
2 x 2 bays, 1 1/2 stories. It has an interior end chimney and the small 6/6 windows noted in the 1984 survey have
been replaced with new windows. Other alterations include eaves and siding replacement, door and porch on wing,
exterior chimney, attached garage. Shutters have also been removed. The house is in fair condition with no
apparent threats to the building.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Van Wyck-Boos-Morley House, site 71H*, lot 6358-04-576405
Street & Number: off Lake Walton Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Dagny Morley, Lake Walton Road, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding, wood frame with interlocking joints, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1870, this house is primarily significant for its unaltered interior. In the 1984
survey, the then owner, Fanny Boos’ advised that the house was built by her great-grandfather, who also moved the
kitchen wing here from the original house site at the intersection of this and Lake Walton Road after a fire circa
1870. However, upon an interior inspection of the house, it appears as though a late 18th century house was
constructed on this site with later 19th century additions. The basement retains a cistern and hand hewn beams in
the older section of the house.
The interior is in the Italianate style with double parlors, double doors, ceiling medallions, steam radiators, black
marble mantles with round arched openings and wide board pine floors. A third floor reveals a small stair and less
ornate rooms, probably utilized as the servants quarters at one time. The house also contains a fourth level which is
currently unfinished.
A large hedge partially hides the house, which is oriented with its side to the road, its front to a lawn and garden. In
the 1984 survey, it was noted that a large barn down the road was on the original house site. The barn is no longer
extant. Additionally, the circa 1870 carriage house and 1911 pressed metal garage along with an in-the-ground pool
were demolished by developers who subdivided the Boo’s 15 acre property into 14 one-acre lots around 1998.
Except for siding alterations, the exterior is fairly intact although the building’s 19th century agricultural context has
been lost due to development. The current Stick-Style screened-in porch was a later alteration to the original porch
which was not enclosed. The house has shaped rafters, 2/2 sash, an original double door entry, and T-shaped plan.
The ell has 6/6 sash, added eaves, and narrow sidelights next to the entry. Other alterations: gable window,
chimney, rear addition circa 1940.
The original house site was occupied by Stevens in 1798 (map).
The house is in excellent condition and is currently for sale. Development could be a potential threat to the structure
as the area surrounding the house is undergoing much new development.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Stringham tenant house, site 72H, lot 6358-02-597562
Street & Number: off Lake Walton Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Van Wyck Lane Realty Co., Van Wyck Lane, Wappingers Falls, NY
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1905 and on its original site, this small vernacular house has recently been
totally renovated with siding, new windows, new porch on front facade and a porch added to the back of the house.
With an additional entrance, it appears as though the house has been divided into two apartments. The canted corner
is still evident; however, the front porch with scoll sawn brackets noted in the 1984 survey has been torn down and
replaced. Prior to the renovation, this house was an example of a type common in East Fishkill. It served as a
tenant house on Stringham’s farm
There are no apparent threats to this structure although it is in the midst of much new development.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Verplank-Bailey Brinkerhoff House, site 73H, lot 6358-04-680138
Street & Number: 30 Cottage Drive, on Walton Lake
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Brinkerhoff Enterprises, Lake Walton, Hopewell Junction, 12533
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house and barn
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: Built in 1815 and on its original site, this is one of only two examples (see #47) in East
Fishkill of an early Dutch house plan type that has linear contiguous rooms with separate entries. It was built in two
stages, with the westernmost room probably the later section. It was probably constructed as a tenant house for
workers in the Verplank orchards which may explain its conservative plan and early type of end chimney with
beehive oven. The building is largely intact. Federal period detailing includes three door surrounds with attenuated
pilasters and projecting cornices, 6/6 sash with similar cornices, beaded corner boards and close eaves. A wide
fascia is pierced by eyebrow windows. The westernmost entry has a “Dutch” door. A full width Greek Revival
style porch was added in the 19th century.
According to the owner in the 1984 survey, the north wall, only, has brick nogging. Also in the 1984 survey, it was
noted that interior trim is simple, with wainscoting and narrow architraves and wide floor boards. Federal style
mantles have diagonal reeded panels and marble surrounds carved with tulip motifs. The house is in good condition
with no apparent threats to the structure. Alterations: circa 1926 kitchen, earlier bath addition, 19th century Greek
Revival style porch.
The large board and batten barn to the south was moved when Lake Walton was created, circa 1890, as a fishing
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Verplank-Bailey Brinkerhoff Barn, site 73H1 lot 6358-04-680138
Street & Number: 30 Cottage Drive, on Walton Lake
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: see site 73H
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: domestic
Number of Resources within Property: see site 73H
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: domestic
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: board and batten
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: The large board and batten barn to the south of site 73H was moved when Lake Walton
was created, circa 1890, as a fishing lake.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Haynes House, Site 74H, lot 6357-04-549277
Street & Number: 566 Old Hopewell Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Paul and Karen Haynes, 566 Old Hopewell Rd., Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: commercial (law office)/residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, garage
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: commercial/residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1845 and on its original site, this small vernacular Greek Revival style house is
largely intact, with typical entry sidelights and wide transom, 6/6 sash, 5 x 2 bay, 1 1/2 story form and end
chimneys. the house has a vernacular Gothic Revival style porch rare in this area: it has octagonal posts and a scroll
sawn valance.
The house is now surrounded by small newer houses. The barn across the road that was noted in the 1984 survey is
no longer there.
The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure. Alterations: siding.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Stockholm-Fink House, site 75H, lot 6357-03-340347
Street & Number: Old Hopewell Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Gustav Fink, Jr. 34 Balding Avenue, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: commercial (Nursery School)
Number of Resources within Property: house, outbuilding
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: commercial
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1835 and on its original site, this farmhouse, with an unusual 3 bay wide 2 1/2
story form, is marked by primitive applied woodwork. The entry frieze has large triangles with tassels; the returning
cornice has diamond alternating with trialyph-like motifs. The house is transitional between the Federal and Greek
Revival periods, with 6/6 sash with shouldered surrounds and original shutters. An outbuilding to the south of the
house is probably the former garage, converted to space now utilized by this Nursery School.
The house is isolated, set back from the road on a slight rise. The 1867 Beers map shows the house (then owned by
the Stockholms) approached by a circular drive. It is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Alterations: ells with Colonial Revival detailing.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Stockholm-Flagler-Farfaro House, site 77H, lot 6357-04-819293
Street & Number: Off of Route 82
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Farfaro, P.O. Box 603, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, garage, fieldstone outbuilding
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: ?
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: Vernacular Federal period house
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: Built circa 1815 and on its original site, the entries of this small vernacular Federal period
house exhibit exceptional woodworking. They have four paneled pilasters with full entablature, double hung
sidelights and a transom with tracery on the west facade (according to the 1984 survey), segmented arch on the east
facade, and segmental arched original entry porches with drilled mutules. 6/6 windows have splayed lintels with
superimposed cornice moldings. The returning entablature has mutules on the Gable ends. This is one of the town’s
finest examples of Federal period ornaments, usually reserved for large 2 1/2 windows. The house was built by
Aaron Stockholm for his daughter, Marie Paynter (1784-1827). It stayed in that family until 1923. The house is in
excellent condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Major Bibliographical References: Reynolds, Doorways, pp. 219-220.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Stockholm-Doughty House, site 78H, lot 6357-04-924400
Street & Number: Off Route 82
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, barn, garage
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1818 and on its original site, this is one of several 2 1/2 story Federal style
farmhouses in East Fishkill. It stands out for its narrow form, for the consistency of cornice detailing on eaves,
door, and windows, and for its fluted corner pilasters. Like several other houses of this period, it has an entry with
four slim pilasters, sidelights and a transom with tracery, quarter round gable lights, a Palladian window and end
chimneys. In sum, it is an intact, exemplary Federal period farmhouse.
The house is sited on a loop, above the current road. Interior details are illustrated in Plates 88, 145 and 166 of
Doorways by Reynolds. They include mantles and cornices with fine reeded carving.
Aaron Stockholm built this house for his son John (1795-1836). The Doughty family took over the house in
1851(Reynolds, Doorways, pp.218-9) and still owned it in 1984. The house is in excellent condition with no
apparent threats to the structure. Alterations: circa 1865 porch with scroll sawn brackets and chamfered posts, rear
addition, clapboard replacement.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Stockholm-Doughty Barn, site 78H1, lot 6357-04-924400
Street & Number: Off Route 82
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: see site 78H
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: domestic
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: A barn is sited to the north of the house. It is in fair condition with no apparent threats to
the structure.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 201H, 21 Fishkill Road
Street & Number: 21 Fishkill Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, barn, shed
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: this vernacular farm house was built circa 18th century. Although it has been severely
altered with additions, dormers, window replacement and siding, it retains 6/6 sash, eyebrow windows and a well
preserved entry with sidelights and pilasters. The house is in excellent condition with no apparent threats to the
A large circa 19th century Dutch barn with some of its original windows is located to the south of the house. It is in
good condition.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 201H1, 21 Fishkill Road
Street & Number: 21 Fishkill Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: see site 201H
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: domestic
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: A large circa 19th century Dutch barn with some of its original windows is located to the
south of the house at 21 Fishkill Road. It is in good condition.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Van Wyck House, site 80H, lot 6457-03-453325
Street & Number: Route 376
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register:
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential/apartments
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below.
Materials: clapboard, siding
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1850 and on its original site, this is an example of a common house form from
East Fishkill’s Greek Revival period (see #88). 5 x 2 bays, it is 1 1/2 stories high with eyebrow windows and a 3
bay porch with replacement columns. It has peaked lintels a returning cornice and an entry with sidelights and wide
transom. The building has chestnut post and beam framing with major purlins. It was noted in the 1984 survey that
the house had been burned and was vacant for many years. Additionally, the barn noted in the previous survey is no
longer extant.
This house was recently bought and the owner is dividing the house into two separate apartments. He is in the
process of restoring the house and has maintained as much of the original fabric as possible: original entryway with
pilasters, original transom and sidelights with new or refurbished glass, original clapboard on the front facade of the
house. On the interior, most of the original floors are intact. Fireplace mantels have been stripped by vandals as has
much of the clapboard on the sides and back of the house. Alterations: ell. 21st century alterations: cedar siding,
windows, new porch columns. The house is in good condition at this point with no apparent threats to the structure.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Luyster-Stewart-Penney House, site 81H, lot 6457-04-686069
Street & Number: Route 376
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, garage, shed
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: shingles, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1800 and on its original site, a stone retaining wall and large lawn separate this
house from a busy road. Although this house was altered in the early 20th century, it retains many early features,
including a broad gabled 1 1/2 story form, several 12/12 and 6/6 sash windows (these have been moved around )
paired end chimneys, and a “Dutch door” with Federal period surrounds: 4 narrow pilasters, sidelights and a
transom (tracery may not be original). The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Alterations: rear and side additions; early 20th century wraparound porch; shingles; dormers; window alterations.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Van Vlack House, site 82W
Street & Number: Route 376
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, barn, garage
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding, wood frame with interlocking joints, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1815 and on its original site, this broad gabled vernacular Federal period house
has been drastically altered since the 1984 survey. The house has gained a large addition to the east and has lost its
5 panel door, sidelights and porch noted in the 1984 survey. A new porch, windows and doors have been added
along with the addition and it has been segmented into three apartments. The entry retains symmetrical moldings
with corner blocks and a wide transom as well as fluted pilasters with entasis.
The house is set at an angle on a rise at a bend in the road. The cemetery behind the barn has been covered with
construction materials (see barn photos). The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Van Vlack Barn, site 82W1
Street & Number: Route 376
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: domestic
Number of Resources within Property: see site 82W
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: domestic
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: The barn is in poor condition and deterioration is threatening the structure.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Van Vlack-Coert Horton-Ripking House, Chadwick’s Restaurant, Inn at Stone
Creek, site 83W, lot 6456-02-678711
Street & Number: Route 376
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: commercial
Number of Resources within Property: house, silo base
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: commercial
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with interlocking joints, wood frame with light members, masonry load bearing
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1741 with later additions in 1795 and 1882, this large house, now a restaurant,
preserves the evidence of several phases in East Fishkill’s architectural evolution. On the west facade, one can see
one coursed rubble wall of the original house built by the Van Vlack family, Gayhead’s first settlers. Rising around
it is Coert Horton’s 2 1/2 story post and beam house, circa 1795, with 12/12 windows and quarter round gable sash
with architrave surrounds, and an entry with sidelights. To the east was added a 2 1/2 story vernacular Italianate
section with a cupola atop its hipped roof, a bracketed cornice supported by paneled corner pilasters, and large 2/4
sash (this section may have been built in the Greek Revival period and made over in 1882). The house also has
vernacular Gothic Revival features: a wraparound porch with octagonal posts, flamelike brackets, and trefoil motifs;
and a hooded diamond-paned window. By location and by style, it has long been one of East Fishkill’s most
prominent houses.
It was noted in the 1984 survey that the thick coursed rubble walls of the original house enclosed the dining room.
An original “Dutch door” with lobed strap hinges had been relocated in the building. Later interior features noted in
the prior survey included a drawn cornice and a veined black marble mantle.
The house site slopes down to a brook, where the Van Vlack mill began operation in 1770. The two barns noted in
the 1984 survey are no longer extant, probably due to rapid development in this area.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Hasbrouck-Fowler-Smith House, site 84W, lot 6556-01-108759
Street & Number: Route 52
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Russ and Judi Smith, Route 52, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, barn, garage, stream
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residence
Current functions: residence
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below
Materials: stone and brick, masonry load bearing walls
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: on its original site and built in 1755 by Benjamin Hasbrouck, (1709-1763) who came from
Ulster County, this is the only remaining stone house in East Fishkill that was built in a Hugenot tradition. A stone
on the west wall of the house is marked with the initials B.H. and the 1755 date. Built of course fieldstone, its
forward facing gable is English bond brick. Its location on busy Route 52 makes it one of the best known
representatives of the town’s early history.
Mrs. Reynolds, in Dutchess County Doorways, recorded the original window reveal and fireplace wall paneling
(Plates 53 and 75) and a “Dutch” door in the east wall (p.121). Today, the house retains the original window reveal
paneling in one room of the house. The fireplace wall paneling and “Dutch door” have been removed.
This house has a large lawn with a tall hedge to the west. Behind it is a stream which once fed a pond used for ice.
To the east are a horsebarn, converted into a house, and a chicken house, now a garage. A Dutch barn once stood to
the east of the horsebarn. Two foundations for silos are still located on the property. Beneath the patio to the south
of the house is an original cistern and to the west, a well with a pump. The house retains hand hewn beams in the
basement along with evidence of wide panel floors. The attic is of post and beam construction. Alterations: in the
1920’s, the interior was gutted, window and door and eaves replaced, dormers and porch added. The house is in
good condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Hasbrouck-Fowler-Smith House, site 84W1, lot 6556-01-108759
Street & Number: Route 52
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Russ and Judi Smith, Route 52, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: see site 84W
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: residence
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description:
To the east of the house on site 84W are a horsebarn, converted into a house, and a chicken house, now a garage. A
Dutch barn once stood to the east of the horsebarn. Two foundations for silos are still located on the property. The
structures are in good condition with no apparent threats.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Rosemont, site 85W, lot 6456-02-8196/4
Street & Number: Route 52
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, carriage house, shed, guest cottage
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: shingles, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1875 and on its original site, this large asymmetrically massed house was built
in the vernacular Italianate style, with round headed windows, label molding, bracketed eaves, bay windows, and tall
French windows leading onto an added Colonial Revival style porch. On a hilltop site approached by a long curving
drive lined with large Norwegian spruce, the house retains its original context, with outbuildings, an orchard, and
open fields. Concrete posts with the word “Rosemont” mark the entry to the drive. A stone outbuilding of unknown
function has a wide entry and once had an arched concrete roof.
In the 1984 survey, it was noted that the interior had been extensively altered. The hall, at that time, retained an
Eastlake style newel post, a ceiling medallion and pulled cornice. The parlor was noted to have an unusual Eastlake
style ceiling medallion and round arched white marble.
The house is in excellent condition with no apparent threat to the structure. Alterations: circa 1960 asbestos
shingles; porch and chimney alterations.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Rosemont Carriage House, site 85W1, lot 6456-02-8196/4
Street & Number: Route 52
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: see site 85W
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: domestic
Current functions: domestic
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: a carriage house is sited at the rear of the property to the east of the house on site 85W.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: site 86W, lot 6456-02-890625
Street & Number: Route 52
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, barn, shed, corn crib.
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residence
Current functions: residence
Architectural Classification: see significance statement below.
Materials: siding, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: Built circa 1795 and on its original site, this broad gabled 5 x 3 bay 1 1/2 story house has
been too altered to be included in a survey on its own merits. Alterations include new windows, door, siding, wing
alterations, chimney with protruding Dutch oven removed. However, it forms part of an early farm complex which
includes two outbuildings typical of 18th and 19th century construction in East Fishkill. One of these is a Dutch
barn, the only one surveyed which has 2 bays added to its original 4 bay form. The other is a 19th century corn crib
of hewn post and beam construction and it was noted in the 1984 survey that clapboards were shimmed out of the
structure for ventilation.
A stone marked “WS 1755” (William Storm?) may be from a house that stood closer to the pond (according to the
owner in the 1984 survey).
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: site 86W1, lot 6456-02-890625
Street & Number: Route 52
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: domestic
Number of Resources within Property: see site 86W
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: domestic
Architectural Classification: see significance statement below.
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: This site forms part of an early farm complex which includes two outbuildings typical of
18th and 19th century construction in East Fishkill. One of these is a Dutch barn, the only one surveyed which has 2
bays added to its original 4 bay form. The other is a 19th century corn crib of hewn post and beam construction and
it was noted in the 1984 survey that clapboards were shimmed out of the structure for ventilation.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Old Town Hall, site 87W, lot 6456-02-709627
Street & Number: Route 52
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Town of East Fishkill
Ownership of Property: public-local
Category of Property: building
Number of Resources within Property: building
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: Town Hall
Current functions: Town ambulance corps.
Architectural Classification: see significance statement below
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with light members.
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: Built circa 1900 and on its original site, this single-room meetinghouse type building
presents its gable front to the road. Unaltered except for flanking ells, it has a recessed double door entry, novelty
siding, 2/2 sash, exposed rafters, and simple scroll sawn verges. In good condition, there are no apparent threats to
the structure.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Storm House, site 88W, lot 6456-01-230595
Street & Number: Route 52
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residence
Number of Resources within Property: house, barn noted in 1984 survey not visible
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residence
Current functions: residence
Architectural Classification: Greek Revival style
Materials: siding, shingles, wood frame with interlocking joints.
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: Built in 1847 and on its original site, this is an example of a small house type common in
East Fishkill during the Greek Revival period. 1 1/2 stories tall with eyebrow windows, it retains an original 3 bay
entry porch, 6/6 windows, end chimneys, and a six panel door with 2 broad pilasters, narrow sidelights, and a full
width transom. Alterations include siding and additions. The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to
the structure.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Theodore Van Wyck-John Jay House Barn, site 90W
Street & Number: North Kensington Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: East Fishkill Historical Society
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: museum
Number of Resources within Property: Brinkerhoff-Pudney-Palen House (site 93W) and barn
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: museum
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: this 19th century barn was moved from its original location to the East Fishkill Historical
Society property in order to preserve it when the Theodore Van Wyck-John Jay House was demolished.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name: Brinkerhoff House
Other names/site number: Brinkerhoff-McCullum House, site 91W
Street & Number: 197 Palen Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Michael and Erin McCullum, 197 Palen Road, East Fishkill, NY
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below
Materials: wood shingle
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: This house has been significantly altered since the 1984 survey. Its original date of
construction was circa 1770. Little is known about this vernacular house. It may have originally consisted of two
rooms built into the hillside, gaining a room to the north, and then, circa 1800, another story-and-a-half above.
Early exterior features included on the 1984 survey are no longer extant with the exception of two 6/6 sash in the
raised brick basement.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: June 2002
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 202W
Street & Number: Locust Lane, Wiccopee, NY
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, 2 barns
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 19th century, this large vernacular farmhouse retains some 12/12 and 6/6 sash, a
center and end chimneys, bracketed eaves, an entrance way with sidelights and a transom with radiating tracery. To
the north are two barns. The house is located at the beginning of Locust Lane, off of Route 52 and is sited with a
side facade to the road.
The house is in fair condition but clearly needs maintenance. Deterioration could be a threat to this structure and its
outbuildings. Alterations: siding, window, door, addition.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 202W1, Locust Lane Barns
Street & Number: Locust Lane, Wiccopee, NY
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: see site 202W house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: domestic
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: To the north of the house on Locust Lane are two barns sited at the end of the road.
The barns are in poor condition and clearly need maintenance. Deterioration could be a threat to these structures.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Cornelias Van Wyck-Davis House, site 92W, lot 6456-01-045951
Street & Number: Palen Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Davis, Palen Road, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, barn, carriage house, corn crib
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1759 and on its original site, this broad gabled 1 1/2 story frame house is typical
of East Fishkill’s early Dutch houses. It has evolved, gaining a Greek Revival period entry, and flaired bracketed
eaves. It was noted in the 1984 survey that the house had recently been extensively restored.
The house is set at an angle to the road, with a large front lawn and a drive lined with old trees.
The interior retains a wide center hall, slender turned balusters, and Federal period mantles. The house is in
excellent condition with no apparent threats to the structure. Alterations: end chimneys replaced, eaves replaced
with brackets, 2/2 sash, dormers, shed roofed addition.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Cornelias Van Wyck House, site 92W1, lot 6456-01-045951
Street & Number: Palen Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: see site 92W
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: the barn and carriage house appear to have been converted for residential purposes. The
buildings are in good condition with no apparent threats to the structures. A corn crib is in poor condition.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: George Brinkerhoff-Pudney-Palen House, site 93W
Street & Number: North Kensington Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 18th century/1810, this is one of only two early framed gambrel-roofed houses
remaining in East Fihskill. The house is now in the middle of a suburban housing development. Originally at the
end of a long drive off Palen Road, the house presents its rear facade to the new road. It has lost its 18th-19th
century context.
Its early history is largely unknown, but its relatively unaltered condition makes it of great significance in
understanding late 18th/early 19th century life in East Fishkill. Early features include 12/12 sash with architrave
surrounds, lintels, an end chimney with exposed base, beaded clapboards (many replaced), and an entry surround
with shallow paneled pilasters and a transom with wooden tracery. The entry cornice has been cut off for a porch
addition (now gone). The east wing may be earlier; the west wing has a kitchen fireplace and Greek Revival period
The main block has a wide center hall with arch and wainscot intact and enclosed staircase. Two original mantles
remain, one surrounded by paneling. Chair rail moldings have been removed. Wide board floors remain. On the
upper floor, two small rooms have been finished, leaving pegged major purlin framing exposed.
In Dutchess County Doorways, Mrs. Reynolds cites an advertisement of 1814-15 of 213 acres with this “nearly
new” house (p. 69). However, the house appears on the 1798 map under the Brinkerhoff name - this was probably
the early east wing. The Pudneys purchased the property in 1814.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 203W
Street & Number: 84 Harrigan Road, Hopewell Junction, NY
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 19th century, this vernacular house contains eyebrow windows and an entry way
with transom and sidelights. It is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure. Alterations: siding,
window, addition, porch.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Thomas Scofield-Daniel Bull-Kenneth Walpuck House, site 94W
Street & Number: Harrigan Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Kenneth Walpuck, Harrigan Road, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa late 18th century/1800-15/circa 1825, this small vernacular Federal style house
has flanking ells. Carefully restored original features include an entry with double hung sidelights, a transom with
tracery, four narrow pilasters, and a projecting curved cornice; 6/6 sash with architrave surrounds and entablatures;
and a high stone foundation. It’s 3 bays wide, “half house” form is less common than 5 bays wide houses in this
period in East Fishkill. Surrounded by newer houses, this building is set at an angle, at a bend in the road.
In the 1984 survey, it was noted that finely executed Federal detailing is focused on the hallway, with symmetrical
boxed stairways and a scribed checkerboard design on the floor, and on the parlor mantle. Also noted in the prior
survey was that a large proportion of the original fabric remains and that the owner of the house was in the process
of a meticulous restoration.
The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure. Alterations: eaves and chimney
replacement, entry porch. Shutters have been added since the 1984 survey.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 204W
Street & Number: 81 Old State Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Mr. & Mrs. McCaffery, 81 Old State Road, Hopewell Junction, NY
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 19th century, this vernacular farmhouse was part of a complex that included a
tenant house and barn across the road. Although altered, the house retains some exposed beams and wide panel
floors in the interior and some original gable windows. According to the owner, this farmhouse and the two
structures across the street (82 Old State Road) were once part of the Emmadine Farm.
The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 205W*
Street & Number: 82 Old State Road, Hopewell Junction, NY
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Michael and Jennifer Nolan, 82 Old State Road, Hopewell Junction, NY
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house and barn
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 19th century, this post and beam tenant house was part of a complex that
included a barn to the north and a farmhouse to the south. The barn has been converted into a residence.
Although very altered, the house retains some exposed beams, testimony to its original construction and date.
According to the Nolan’s neighbor’s, the McCaffery’s, this house was once part of Emmadine Farm.
The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 205W1
Street & Number: 82 Old State Road Barn, Hopewell Junction, NY
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: see site 205
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding, masonry
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: this barn was part of a complex that included a tenant house and a farmhouse to the south.
The barn has been severely altered and converted into a residence.
According to the McCaffery’s (owners of 81 Old State Road), this barn was once part of Emmadine Farm.
The barn is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 206W
Street & Number: 92 Old State Road, East Fishkill, NY
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, garage, barn
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: this circa 19th century vernacular farmhouse has been altered. It retains a fieldstone
foundation. The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure. Alterations: siding, additions,
window, chimney.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 206W1, 92 Old State Road Barn
Street & Number: 92 Old State Road, East Fishkill, NY
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: see site 206W
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: domestic
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: to the east of the house is a barn. It appears to be in fair condition with no apparent threats
to the structure.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 207W
Street & Number: 96 Old State Road, East Fishkill, NY
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: this circa 19th century vernacular house has been altered. It retains a partial fieldstone
foundation and partial rock retaining wall. The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Alterations: siding, additions, foundation, window.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name: Wiccopee Community Church
Other names/site number: Methodist-Episcopal Church, Site 95W, Lot 6356-03-209193
Street & Number: Fishkill Hook Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Methodist-Episcopal Church
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: religious facility
Number of Resources within Property: church and cemetery
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: church
Current functions: church
Architectural Classification: Greek Revival style
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: Built circa 1826, this intact church on its original site is so thoroughly Greek Revival that
one wonders at its early date. It has a full pediment and broad entablature resting on broad corner pilasters, the
whole repeated on the double door entry surround. 16/16 windows have shouldered surrounds. The same broad
pilasters and entablatures are repeated on the square-based steeple, which is topped with an octagonal spire. The
church is on open land with an unfenced cemetery. It is in good condition and there are no known threats to the
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 96W, Lot 6356-03-243296
Street & Number: Fishkill Hook Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, barn, shed, chicken coop
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residence
Current functions: residence
Architectural Classification: Vernacular Greek Revival style farmhouse
Materials: siding, wood frame with interlocking joints.
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: Built circa 1835 (perhaps earlier) and on its original site, this typical 1 1/2 story vernacular
style Greek Revival farmhouse has been too altered to warrant surveying as an individual structure, but with its
intact outbuildings and surrounding landscape it gives a significant view of a 19th century farm in East Fishkill. It
gains importance from its setting on the edge of Wiccopee village, adjacent to the church (#95).
Alterations include siding, entry porch, eaves, additions including one with a false front. The house is in fair
condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 96W1, Lot 6356-03-243296
Street & Number: Fishkill Hook Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: agriculture
Number of Resources within Property: see site 96W
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: agriculture
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: with its intact outbuildings and surrounding landscape, this site gives a significant view of
a 19th century farm in East Fishkill. It gains importance from its setting on the edge of Wiccopee village, adjacent
to the church (#95).
The outbuildings are in fair condition with no apparent threats to the structures.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name: Way House
Other names/site number: Way House, Site 97W, Lot 6355-00-325975
Street & Number: Fishkill Hook Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: House/Barn across street
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residence
Current functions: residence
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: novelty siding, wood frame with interlocking joints.
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: On its original site, this 18th century house preserves an early center-hall plan with steeply
pitched roof and eyebrow windows. Other early features include architrave window surrounds. This farm was
revived in the early 20th century with alterations to the house and the addition of outbuildings and a large gambrel
roofed barn across the road. It is in fair condition with no apparent threats to the building.
According to a 1798 map, this house belonged to the Way family.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name: Way House
Other names/site number: Site 97W1, Lot 6355-00-325975
Street & Number: Fishkill Hook Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: domestic
Number of Resources within Property: see site 97W
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: ?
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: This farm was revived in the early 20th century with alterations to the house and the
addition of outbuildings and a large gambrel roofed barn across the road. It is in fair condition with no apparent
threats to the building.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Dubois House, site 98W, lot 6355-355585
Street & Number: off West Hook Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, barn
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1780 and on its original site, this house retains its early 5 x 3 bay, 1 1/2 story
form as well as double hung 6/6 windows and sidelights, typical of East Fishkill’s early farmhouses. It is
distinguished by Greek Revival period additions, especially by a large early dormer.
At the end of a long drive, this farm’s fields have been converted to a housing development, its large 20th century
dairy barn torn down and its stone silo is gone.
According to the 1984 survey, the interior has been altered, preserving a wide center hall, upward slanted chimney
bases, and a shouldered mantelpiece with pulvinated frieze that may or may not be original.
In 1867 (Beers) the property belonged to C.L. Dubois. This may be the Burroughs house on a 1798 map.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Dubois House barn, site 98W1, lot 6355-355585
Street & Number: off West Hook Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: domestic
Number of Resources within Property: see site 98W
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: domestic
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: At the end of a long drive, this farm’s fields have been converted to a housing
development, its large 20th century dairy barn torn down and its stone silo is gone. A 20th century horse barn
remains on the property.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: James Brett-Hickman Farm, site 99W, lot 6355-517346
Street & Number: off West Hook Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Ron Scheckter, Connecticut
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, barns, shed, silo
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1750/1835, this house is on its original site. The 1 1/2 story ell is the earliest
section: now altered, unit the early 1980s, it had a Dutch oven. The Greek Revival period 2 1/2 section has a gable
front orientation unusual in East Fishkill. On one side, an entry has 4 pilasters and sidelights. Other early features
include beaded cornerboards, part of a wide returning entablature, close eaves and asymmetrical fenestration with
6/6 sash, architrave surrounds and some shutters. This may by a circa 1800 house that was extensively altered.
The cluster of farm buildings is currently surrounded by fields; however, development will alter this slightly in the
near future. A cul de sac with new houses is being built directly to the north of the farm buildings where the
property has been subdivided. However, the house, the Dutch barn and circa 1930 silo will be made into a
Gentleman’s farm for horses. The remaining 19th century barn is in poor condition and will be demolished. All of
these structures are being restored and the house will be expanded as well. A small private road at the end of the cul
de sac will separate the renovated Gentleman’s farm from the new houses.
The house is in deteriorated condition. Alterations: chimneys, one entry, porch, part of eaves, entry hood.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: James Brett-Hickman Farm Barns, site 99W1, lot 6355-517346
Street & Number: off West Hook Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Ron Scheckter, Connecticut
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: see site 99W
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: domestic
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: The cluster of farm buildings is currently surrounded by fields; however, development will
alter this slightly in the near future. A cul de sac with new houses is being built directly to the north of the farm
buildings where the property has been subdivided. However, the Dutch barn and circa 1930 silo will be made into a
Gentleman’s farm for horses. The remaining 19th century barn is in poor condition and will be demolished. All of
these structures are being restored.. A small private road at the end of the cul de sac will separate the renovated
Gentleman’s farm from the new houses.
The barn and silo are in deteriorated condition.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Ladue-Hickman House, site 100W*, lot 6355-333363
Street & Number: off West Hook Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residence
Current functions: residence
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below
Materials: new cedar siding
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: Built circa 1780 and on its original site, this house has just been renovated and is currently
for sale. An interior survey was granted courtesy of Mr. Jeffrey Nero. The kitchen wing is the earliest section of
this house: it still retains its stone end wall with beehive oven and large, beamed fireplace opening, although much
of the interior has been modernized. The main house has a long 1 1/2 story form with close eaves and a wide center
hall, all early features. The rear facade has had its original entry replaced during the renovation. The main facade
was transformed ca. 1835 in the Greek Revival style. The original end chimney has an exposed base. Recent
alterations include new siding, front porch, windows and doors. The house is in excellent condition and there are no
apparent threats to the structure.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 208W, West Hook School
Street & Number: West Hook Road, Wiccopee, NY
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: school
Number of Resources within Property: school
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: school
Current functions: abandoned
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 19th century, this schoolhouse has a gambrel roof with vent, bracketed eaves
and some wooden shutters with hinges. Below the vent is a hook which may have held a school bell at one time.
The school is in deteriorated condition; however, the Town of East Fishkill is currently reviewing its status for
preservation purposes. Alterations: roof, chimney.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 209W, Russell-Genung-Darby-Johnson-Scanlon-Monroe Store, Wiccopee
General Store
Street & Number: Fishkill Hook Road, Wiccapee, NY 12533
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Mr. & Mrs. Monroe
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: commercial
Number of Resources within Property: store
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: commercial
Current functions: commercial
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: although altered over time, this store serves as a reminder of the time when the Wiccopee
Hamlet was the center of town in the 1800s. It served as both general store and post office for many years. G.
Russell is noted as the store owner and postmaster on the 1867 Beers map. L.W. Genung is referred to as the store
owner and postmaster in the Wiccopee-Johnsonville Review from 1885-89.
According to former store owner, Tom Scanlon, the first known deed to the store was dated 1761. Mr. Scanlon also
advised that the store has been used as both a post office and tax collector’s office historically.
The store is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure. Alterations: siding, window, door, addition.
Major Bibliographical References: Committee to Aid the Johnsonville Methodist Church, Wiccopee-Johnsonville
Review, September 1951.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 210W, Genung House
Street & Number: 24 Fishkill Hook Road, Wiccopee, NY 12533
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: sited next to the Wiccopee General Store at the entrance to the hamlet, this vernacular 5 x 2
bay, 2 story house has peaked gables on its front and sides, bracketed eaves, end chimneys and an entry with
transom. In 1885, Mr. L.W. Genung owned both the house and the general store next to it. On the 1798 map, a
house was owned by Talman on or near this site
According to former store owner, Tom Scanlon, the house and store were historically known as the “Wiccopee
The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure. Alterations: siding, window, addition.
Major Bibliographical References Committee to Aid the Johnsonville Methodist Church, Wiccopee-Johnsonville
Review, September 1951.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site, 211W, J.P. Tompkins House
Street & Number: 20 Fishkill Hook Road, Wiccopee, NY 12533
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: circa 19th century, this 3 x 2 bay 1 1/2 story vernacular house retains a fieldstone
foundation, some 6/6 sash with end chimneys and side entry. The west addition contains 2/2 sash.
On the 1876 Beers Map, this house was owned by J.P. Tompkins. It is in good condition with no apparent threats to
the structure. Alterations: siding, chimney, window, additions, porch.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 212W, M. Kinsalla House
Street & Number: 18 Fishkill Hook Road, Wiccopee, NY 12533
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: circa 19th century, this vernacular house was perhaps originally a 5 x 2 bay, 1 1/2 story
structure with a later front addition and dormers. It has been too altered to conclusively determine its original form.
On the 1867 Beers map, this house was owned by M.Kinsalla.
The house is sited with a side facade to the road. It is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Alterations: siding, window, dormers, addition.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 213W, P. Kinsalla-Odell House
Street & Number: 16 Fishkill Hook Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Robert Odell, 16 Fishkill Hook Road, Wiccopee, NY, 12533
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: circa 19th century, this 5 x 2 bay, 2 story and an attic vernacular house retains its original
center entry door with transom as well as some 6/6 sash and end chimneys. The east addition contains 3/2 sash.
According to current owner, Robert Odell, the side entry that is now used to enter the house was a later alteration.
This house has been owned by the Odell family since 1948. It is in good condition with no apparent threats to the
structure. Alterations: door, window, siding, chimney.
On the 1867 Beers map, this house was owned by P. Kinsalla.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 214W, The Old Parsonage, Bell House
Street & Number: 14 Fishkill Hook Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Ann Bell, 14 Fishkill Hook Road, Wiccopee, NY, 12533
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: this 5 x 2 bay, 2 1/2 story vernacular house with fieldstone foundation is perhaps the oldest
structure in the hamlet. It appears as a parsonage down the road from the Episcopal Church on the 1798 map and as
the M.E. parsonage on the 1867 Beers map. According to references in the Wiccopee-Johnsonville Review,
weddings were held in the parsonage.
According to the current owner, Ann Bell, there is an original fireplace in the basement on the west side of the house
that was historically used for cooking.
The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure. Alterations: siding, window, chimney,
Major Bibliographical References: Committee to Aid the Johnsonville Methodist Church, Wiccopee-Johnsonville
Review, September 1951.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 215W, William R. Travis-Knox House
Street & Number: 12 Fishkill Hook Road, Wiccopee, NY 12533
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: circa 19th century, this 3 x 2, 1 1/2 story vernacular house with fieldstone foundation has
eyebrow windows and a center chimney. On the 1867 Beers Map, the house was owned by William R. Travis, the
local shoemaker, who owned a shoe shop (10 Fishkill Hook Road) next to his house.
The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure. Alterations: siding, window, chimney,
door, addition.
Major Bibliographical References: Committee to Aid the Johnsonville Methodist Church, Wiccopee-Johnsonville
Review, September 1951.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 216W, William R. Travis-Knox House
Street & Number: 10 Fishkill Hook Road, Wiccopee, NY 12533
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: commercial/shoemaker shop
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: circa 19th century, this small 1 1/2 story vernacular structure contains an end chimney and
asymmetrical window placement. It has been altered with a dormer, siding, windows and door replacement. This
house was formerly the shoemaker shop of William R. Travis as shown on the 1867 Beers map and referenced in the
Wiccopee-Johnsonville Review.
The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Major Bibliographical References: Committee to Aid the Johnsonville Methodist Church, Wiccopee-Johnsonville
Review, September 1951.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 217W, T. Murphy House
Street & Number: 8 Fishkill Hook Road, Wiccopee, NY 12533
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: circa 19th century, this 5 x 2 bay 1 1/2 story vernacular house with eyebrow windows and
end chimneys retains an entry with 4 pilasters and sidelights.
On the 1867 Beers map, this house was owned by T. Murphy. It is in good condition with no apparent threats to the
structure. Alterations: siding, window, porch, chimney.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 218W
Street & Number: 7 Fishkill Hook Road, Wiccopee, NY 12533
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: circa 19th century, this small vernacular house has been altered and was perhaps originally
a half house form. On the 1867 map, a house on or near this site was owned by A. B. Genung.
The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure. Alterations: siding, window, door,
chimney, garage addition.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 219W*, Corbin-Galloway House
Street & Number: 5 Fishkill Hook Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Mr. and Mrs. Galloway, 5 Fishkill Hook Road, Wiccopee, NY 12533
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: according to the current owner, this vernacular house was built in two sections, the main
house to the east in 1790 and an addition to the west in 1840. The house form can be seen on the 1867 Beers Map
along with a Blacksmith shop on the property to the west of the house which is no longer extant.
The house retains clapboard and its original shutters, windows with architrave surrounds and cornices, and some
original scroll sawn ornamentation on the porch by the entranceway. Eyebrow windows on the back of the house
have been removed and replaced with larger windows. The interior retains its original banister, an original fireplace,
several original doors and much of the original wide board flooring. According to the owner, Annette Galloway, the
house did not receive modern heating until after a fire in 1979. Mrs. Galloway and her husband have been in the
process of meticulously restoring the house for the past 15 years.
On the 1867 Beers map, this house was owned by Corbin.
The house is in excellent condition with no apparent threats to the structure. Alterations: window, porch, door.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 220W, Conklin-Brown-Pierce House
Street & Number: On East Hook Road at corner of Fishkill Hook Road facing west
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: shingles
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: located at the entrance to the Wiccopee Hamlet and built circa 19th century, this 5 x 2 bay
vernacular house contains bracketed eaves, end chimney, 6/6 sash with architrave surrounds and 2/2 sash on a later
addition. It also contains a double door entry with transom enclosed by a porch with segmented columns and
brackets that match the eaves. According to Tom Scanlon, former owner of the Wiccopee General store and long
time resident of the area, a famous musician named Earl Brown resided in this house in the 1920s.
On the 1867 Beers map, this house was owned by J.D. Conklin.
The house is in a deteriorated state which poses a threat to the structure. Alterations: shingles, addition, garage.
Major Bibliographical References: Committee to Aid the Johnsonville Methodist Church, Wiccopee-Johnsonville
Review, September 1951.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 221W, A. & C. Waldrom House
Street & Number: Fishkill Hook Road, Wiccopee, NY 12533
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residence
Number of Resources within Property: house and barn
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1820, this 1 ½ story vernacular farmhouse is 5 bays wide with a central gabled
dormer. The entry way contains a transom and sidelights, both bordered by pilasters which support a narrow
entablature. The porch was probably a later addition and two bays on the front of the house are currently boarded
over. This house is in seriously deteriorating condition; however, a construction permit is in the window and it is
currently undergoing renovation. According to neighbor Annette Galloway, who recently visited the house, the
interior contains an original beehive oven and wide panel floors. A large barn is located behind the house.
On the 1867 Beers map, this house is owned by A. & C. Waldrom.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 221W1, A. & C. Waldrom House Barn
Street & Number: Fishkill Hook Road at corner of East Hook Road, Wiccopee, NY 12533
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: agriculture
Number of Resources within Property: see site 221W
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: domestic
Architectural Classification:
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: A large barn is located behind the house on Fishkill Hook Road. It is in deteriorated
condition which is a threat to its structure.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 222W
Street & Number: Fishkill Hook Road, Wiccopee, NY 12533
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: this 3 x 2 bay, 2 story vernacular house with a side entry and end chimney has been altered.
It does not appear on the 1867 Beers map and was built circa late 19th/early 20th century. It is similar in form to its
neighbor to the east and was probably built at the same time.
The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure. Alterations: siding, addition, porch,
chimney, window, door.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 223W
Street & Number: Fishkill Hook Road, Wiccopee, NY 12533
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: this 3 x 2 bay, 2 1/2 story vernacular house with a side entry and end chimneys has been
altered. It does not appear on the 1867 Beers map and was built circa late 19th/early 20th century.
The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure. Alterations: siding, addition, chimney,
window, door.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 224W, Mead-Wood House
Street & Number: 11 Fishkill Hook Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: ?
Current functions: residence
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: circa 19th century, this 3 x 2 bay 1 1/2 story vernacular house retains eyebrow windows. It
has undergone 20th century alterations such as siding, new windows, new door, addition of a porch and addition to
the back of the house.
According to residents of the hamlet, this house was formerly a butcher shop at some point in the 1800s. On the
1867 Beers map, the house was owned by Horace Mead.
The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Major Bibliographical References: Committee to Aid the Johnsonville Methodist Church, Wiccopee-Johnsonville
Review, September 1951.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 225W
Street & Number: Fishkill Hook Road, Wiccopee, NY 12533
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: ?
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: this house has been too altered to ascertain its original form. According to residents of the
Hamlet, this house was the former school which is shown on or near this site on the 1798 map. However, neither
the school nor a structure in its place is listed on the 1867 Beers map.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 226W, Kelly House
Street & Number: 67 Hosner Mountain Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Kelly, 67 Hosner Mountain Road, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, barn, garage, shed
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: this broad gabled 5 x 3 bay 1 1/2 story house was built circa 1820 (possibly earlier) and is
similar in form to #86W which might justify a late 18th century date. It has been altered with additions and window
replacements. However, the main section of the house retains its original vernacular form with eyebrow windows,
end chimneys and a front entrance with sidelights, pilasters and a six panel door (probably a later replacement door).
Sited in front of a pond on open land, this house also has a large barn to the rear of the property as well as a garage
and shed. The house is in excellent condition and is currently for sale. It could be under threat of development.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 226W1, Kelly House barn
Street & Number: 67 Hosner Mountain Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Kelly, 67 Hosner Mountain Road, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: see Kelly House
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: domestic
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: a large barn is located to the rear of the property. It could be under threat of development
as the property is currently for sale.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 227W*, Flagler-Mills House
Street & Number: 56 Blue Hill Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Malcolm and Joy Mills, Blue Hill Farm, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: shingles, siding
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: circa late 18th/early 19th century, this vernacular house is built in two sections. To the
west is a 3 x 2 bay, 1 1/2 story house which contains close eaves, gables and a high basement with fireplace, some
original 6/6 sash and entrance doors. Sidelights remain on one of the entrance doors to the basement. A 20th
century deck, new windows and shingles have altered this portion of the house. To the east is a 1 1/2 story 4 x 2 bay
structure attached to the main house which contains eyebrow windows, 6/6 sash and a second floor entry on its east
The western section of the Flagler-Mills house is similar in form to the Basket Maker’s House at Historic Richmond
Town Restoration in Staten Island, New York which was built circa 1810. Two fireplaces, one with an original
mantel, are retained on the first floor. Original wainscoting is retained on the second floor as well as a door
accessing the flue at the hood of the chimney where a smoke chamber could be used to cure meat. Few examples of
smoke chambers for jambless fireplaces remain in America. In the attic, evidence of the different construction
periods of the house can be seen in the mixture of hand rived and sawn lath. In the basement, exposed hand hewn
beams and a fireplace with Dutch oven remain. The western section of the house is built into the hillside so the
fireplace in the basement or lower level of the house was most probably the original kitchen.
The east section retains an original door and to the south, a cistern. The house is sited with a side facade to the road.
It is in fair condition and is currently undergoing restoration by the owners.
On the 1798 map, a house on or around this site was owned by Flagler.
Major Bibliographical References:
Meeske, Harrison, The Hudson Valley Dutch and Their Houses, Purple Mountain Press, Ltd., Fleischmanns, NY,
1998, pps. 125, 267-68, 275.
“Basketmaker’s House,” Colonial Homes, June 1988, pps. 106-109.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Van Wyck-Sherwood-Warren-Blodgett House; Judge Warren House, site 103W,
lot 6355-783748
Street & Number: Warren Farm Lane
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house and garage
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residence
Current functions: residence
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below.
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: Built circa 1815 and on its original site, this is the only known example in East Fishkill of
a half-house which gained two bays to become a full 5 x 2 bay, 2 1/2 story house. It retains many features from the
Federal period: 6/6 sash with architrave surrounds and cornices, also shutters, beaded corner boards, and an 8 panel
Dutch door with double hung sidelights, pilasters and a diamond motif in the frieze. The elliptical fanlight is
unusual in this area and may be part of the ca. 1920 Colonial Revival style enlargement. Alterations: circa 1920
northern 2 bays added, slate roof, clapboards, chimneys, front porch, addition (fanlight?). Circa 1950 kitchen wing
and rear porch. The house is in good condition and is surrounded by new development of Warren Farm Lane.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Hupfel-Morgenthau-Cunningham House, site 105W, lot 6355-695410
Street & Number: East Hook Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, barn, pool
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residence
Current functions: residence
Architectural Classification: originally Queen Anne style, currently Georgian Revival style
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with light members.
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: On its original site and screened by a large hedge and approached by a curving tree-lined
drive, the house sits on a rise. To the east is the 1884 Queen Anne style carriage barn. The house was originally
built in the Queen Anne style by Adolph Hupfel (a New York City brewer) in 1884-85. Henry Morgenthau,
Roosevelt’s Secretary for the Treasury, purchased the house and 1000 acres and hired the New York City architect
Aymar Embury III to remodel the building in the Georgian Revival style. Embury removed turrets and porches,
retained the original roofline and plan, and added a wing, a Georgian Revival style cornice, 9/9 windows with
decorated “keystones” and shutters with Indian head cut-outs (in reference to the site’s early history), an entry with
leaded sidelights and fanlight, and (on the west facade) a two-story portico. The house and grounds preserve their
1929 appearance. The house is nationally significant as the home of Henry Morgenthau, who entertained many
dignitaries here, and as an intact and well-documented Colonial Revival period estate. An outstanding Queen Anne
style carriage house serves as a reminder of the building’s original appearance. In the 1984 survey it was noted that
the estate which this house once commanded had been divided and is under development pressure with its orchards
and open fields overspreading gentle hills. In 2001, much of the area surrounding the estate has been developed.
The house is in excellent condition
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Hupfel-Morgenthau-Cunningham House Barn, site 105W1, lot 6355-695410
Street & Number: East Hook Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: agriculture/domestic
Number of Resources within Property: barn
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: agriculture/residential
Architectural Classification: originally Queen Anne style, currently Georgian Revival style
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with light members.
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: To the east of site 105W is an 1884 Queen Anne style carriage barn which serves as as
reminder of the house’s original appearance. The barn is in excellent condition
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Fishkill Farms-Emans Orchard-Keepsake Farms, Site 107W, lot 6355-999499
Street & Number: Off East Hook Cross Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, barn, greenhouse, open land
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residence
Current functions: residence
Architectural Classification: Greek Revival style
Materials: siding, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1855 and on its original site, this small vernacular Greek Revival style
farmhouse is still surrounded by the orchards developed in the mid 19th century by J.C. Emans (Beers map). The
site’s use as an orchard pre-dates white settlement. The house retains its early form, with an original 3 bay entry
porch with sidelights and a wide transom. Alterations: side porch, dormers, and siding added, chimneys rebuilt,
east kitchen wing removed. The house is in fair condition although the front porch is deteriorating. There are no
apparent threats to the building.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Fishkill Farms-Emans Orchard-Keepsake Farms Barn
Site 107W1, lot 6355-999499
Street & Number: Off East Hook Cross Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: agriculture
Number of Resources within Property: see site 107W
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: agriculture
Architectural Classification:
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: a barn is located on site 107W near the house which was built circa 1855. It is surrounded
by the orchards developed in the mid 19th century by J.C. Emans (Beers map). The site’s use as an orchard pre-dates
white settlement. There are no apparent threats to the building. Photograph is unavailable.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Charlock-Horton House, site 108W, lot 6355-850216
Street & Number: East Hook Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Frank Simone, East Hook Road, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house and garage
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residence
Current functions: residence
Architectural Classification: see significance statement below.
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with interlocking joints.
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built in 1786 and on its original site, this house was probably constructed in three sections,
extending northward. The early wing has 12/8 sash, one replacing an early entry. The main body of the house
retains sidelights, 6/6 sash with cornices, and end chimneys. The wide returning entablature with eyebrow windows
may represent a transitional period or an updating in the Greek Revival period. Alterations include new door and
20th century chimney alterations. The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: LaDue-Sands House, site 109W, lot 6354-00-804904
Street & Number: East Hook Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house with barn across street
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residence
Current functions: residence
Architectural Classification: see significance statement below.
Materials: clapboard
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: This pre-Revolutionary house was built circa 1810 and is on its original site. The original
wing has been altered: the beehive oven has been removed. The circa 1810 main body retains 6/6 double hung
sidelights, close eaves, and 12/12 sash with architrave surrounds, molded cornices and shutters. Across the street,
the dairy barn has been converted into a residence. The house is sited with a side facade to the road. It is in good
condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Owned by O. Greene in 1867 (Beers map) the house stands as an isolated reminder of East Fishkill’s early history.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: site 109W1, lot 6354-00-804904
Street & Number: East Hook Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Jackson, East Hook Road, Wiccopee, NY
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: see site 109W
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture/dairy barn
Current functions: house
Architectural Classification: see significance statement below.
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: Across the street from site 109W is a dairy barn that has been converted into a residence.
It is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Bethel Baptist Church site, 111W, lot 6455-02-857762
Street & Number: Shenandoah Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Baptist Church
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: religious facility/church
Number of Resources within Property: church, parsonage (#112W), cemetery
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: religious facility/church
Current functions: religious facility/church
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: in the center of the small village of Shenandoah, the church is on a steep site, backed by a
large cemetery. It was built in 1835 and is on its original site. The only original material in evidence is beaded
cornerboards, a hewn post and beam frame, and a square belfry with wooden pinnacles and balustrade. Otherwise
this well maintained structure has the appearance of an early 20th century church. Alterations: concrete block
foundation, chimney, circa 1915 windows and entry, circa 1925 entry porch, circa 1865 gable sash. The church is in
good condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
It was built on land given by Isaac Knapp in 1834 and was serving as a Baptist church in 1867 (Beers).
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Bethel Baptist Church Parsonage, site 112W, lot 6455-02-825724
Street & Number: Shenandoah Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: shingles, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1895 and on its original site, this parsonage is on a raised site, on the opposite
side of the road from the church, with a nearby 20th century parish house. Although this may be the Griffen House
on Beers’ 1867 map, it is more likely a late 19th century vernacular farmhouse. It is distinguished by an early 20th
century transformation with Colonial Revival style porch, shingles and cobblestone masonry. The house is in good
condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Knapp House, site 113W, lot 6455-02-864738
Street & Number: Miller Hill Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, garage
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard, siding, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1815 and on its original site, although altered, this house retains many
exceptionally fine Federal period details: arched gable windows with tracery and pilasters, an entry with transom
and sidelights, an entry porch with dentils and drilled guttar blocks, and a returning denticulated cornice. The house
is in fair condition with no apparent threats to the structure. 20th century alterations: 1/1sash, two additions, entry
porch columns.
The house was long owned by the Knapp family. A “Knapp” house is on the 1798 map, on or near this site, and
may form part of the current structure.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Calvary Methodist Church, site 115W, lot 6454-00-657951
Street & Number: Hortontown Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: religious facility/church
Number of Resources within Property: church
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: religious facility/church
Current functions: religious facility/church
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: shingles
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built in 1857 and on its original site, the church is at roadside on a sloping site.
This small church no longer holds regular services. Altered in the 20th century, it retains its original 3 x 1 bay form,
central door, and stone foundation. The church is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure. 20th
century alterations: eaves, shingles.
On Beers’ 1867 map, it is noted as a Methodist-Episcopal church.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Hasbrouck-Horton House, site 116W, lot 6454-00-595871
Street & Number: Hortontown Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, barn, garage, 20th century pond
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard, novelty siding, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: this house was built circa 1730 and is on its original site. Typical of several early houses
in the area, this small house has a high stone foundation, built into a bank. It has been heavily restored. According
to the 1984 survey, a “Dutch” door with lobed hinges was moved to the garage and the interior was reported to
retain a Federal mantle. The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure. 20th century
alterations: siding, 6/6 sash, rebuilt chimneys, porches.
The small barn across the road appears on Beers’ 1867 map. It was used by the Hortons to manufacture sleighs for
hauling lumber out of the surrounding hills. Sleigh hardware was made from iron ore from a nearby surface mine.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Hasbrouck-Horton House Barn, site 116W1, lot 6454-00-595871
Street & Number: Hortontown Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: domestic
Number of Resources within Property: see site 116W
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: commercial
Current functions: domestic
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: This small barn across the road from site 116Wappears on Beers’ 1867 map. It was used
by the Hortons to manufacture sleighs for hauling lumber out of the surrounding hills. Sleigh hardware was made
from iron ore from a nearby surface mine.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Monte Rosa Lodge, site 117W, lot 6454-00-370849
Street & Number: off Long Hill Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: lodge, barn, shed, and another house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residence
Current functions: residence
Architectural Classification: see significance statement below.
Materials: siding, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1880 and on its original site, this vernacular late 19th century house has 2/2
sash, eyebrow windows and a central door with gable dormers above. Novelty siding and the front porch may have
been added in the 1930’s when the farm took in summer boarders. It does not appear on Beers’ 1867 map.
Alterations: window alterations, fire escape. The roof of the house is currently being repaired; otherwise, it is in fair
condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Monte Rosa Lodge Barn, site 117W1, lot 6454-00-370849
Street & Number: off Long Hill Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: ?
Number of Resources within Property: see site 117W
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: ?
Architectural Classification: see significance statement below.
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: barn is on site 117W which contains a house built circa 1880 and on its original site. It
does not appear on Beers’ 1867 map. It is in fair condition with no apparent threats to the structure. Photograph is
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 118W, lot 6454-01-110698/120726
Street & Number: Long Hill Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, barn, pond and stream
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residence
Current functions: residence
Architectural Classification: Vernacular farmhouse
Materials: shingles, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1885 and on its original site, this two story vernacular farmhouse was ideally
located to take on a second life as a summer house. With a barn and man-made pond, it preserves the evidence of
both phases of use. Early 20th century alterations: shingles, porch, gable windows, addition, lightening rods, roof.
The house is in good condition. However, the property that the barn is on appears to be for sale which results in a
development threat to the site.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 118W1, lot 6454-01-110698/120726
Street & Number: Long Hill Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: domestic
Number of Resources within Property: see site 118W
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: domestic
Architectural Classification:
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: the barn is located across the stream from the house on site 188W which was built circa
1885. The barn preserves the phase of use when this site was used for agricultural purposes. The property that the
barn is on appears to be for sale which results in a development threat to the site.
The barn is in fair condition.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Jaycox Homestead, site 119W, lot 6455-02-798844
Street & Number: Shenandoah Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, barn, shed
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1840 and on its original site, this house sits at a crossroads and is fronted with
large maples. This little altered vernacular Greek Revival style house has a sidehall plan. 3 x 2 bays and 1 1/2
stories high, it has eyebrow windows in a wide frieze, with a returning cornice. Entry pilasters match the columns of
an original full width porch. The entry has narrow sidelights and a full-width transom. 6/6 sash have cornices and
shutters. The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure. Alterations: chimney, addition,
porch, railing.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Jaycox Homestead Barn, Site 119W1 lot 6455-02-798844
Street & Number: Shenandoah Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: domestic
Number of Resources within Property: see site 119W
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: domestic
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: to the north of the Jaycox Homestead lies a large barn. It is deteriorated which poses a
current threat to the structure.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Jackson Farms, site 120W, lot 6555-00-135831
Street & Number: Jackson Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Verne & Wayne Jackson, Jackson Road, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, shed, barn complex with silo, windmill
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard, shingles, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1895 and on its original site, this active dairy farm, with a turn-of-the-century
farmhouse, large cluster of 20th century farm buildings, and open fields, is a highly visible reminder of East
Fishkill’s ongoing agricultural heritage. This large 20th century dairy farm with rolling fields is visible from both
the Taconic Parkway and Interstate 84. The farmhouse retains a fieldstone base and 2/2 sash. It is in fair condition
with no apparent threat to the structure.
According to Elton Bailey, Jr., large beams in one of the barns and thick walls in part of the house indicate that this
may be a 19th or even an 18th century farm, perhaps the Phillips farm on Beers’ 1867 map.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Jackson Farms Barn Complex, site 120W1, lot 6555-00-135831
Street & Number: Jackson Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Verne & Wayne Jackson, Jackson Road, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: agriculture
Number of Resources within Property: see site 120W
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: agriculture
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: According to Elton Bailey, Jr., large beams in one of the barns indicate that this may be a
19th or even an 18th century farm, perhaps the Phillips farm on Beers’ 1867 map.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Tompkins House, site 121W, lot 6556-154301
Street & Number: Townsend Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, garage, shed
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: novelty siding, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1815 and on its original site, this altered early vernacular house is 2 1/2 stories
tall, with end chimneys. Original features include a central entry with transom and 12/8 and 6/6 sash. The house
may have originally been 1 1/2 stories high. Alterations: siding, eaves, chimneys, wings, metal roof shingles,
shutters. The house is in good condition with no apparent threat to the structure.
J.W. Tompkins lived here in 1867 (Beers) calling the house “Sunny Side.” The house is not shown on the 1798
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Anderson-Jaycox-Bailey House, site 122W
Street & Number: off Hosner Mountain Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Elton Bailey, Jr., Hosner Mountain Road, RD&, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, barn, corn crib, silo, shed, garage
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: aluminum siding, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built in 1819 and on its original site, this house is set back from the road, barely visible,
with scattered early outbuildings and large maples. It is an altered 2 1/2 story 5 x 2 bay Federal period house with a
central entry surround with four narrow molded pilasters, sidelights, and a transom, the composition repeated in a
tripartite window above. An active farm, the complex is significant in preserving its original context, with early
outbuildings and open fields. The access road has been relocated several times.
The interior retains exceptionally fine Federal period surrounds and mantles, a central hall with narrow stair
balustrade and paneling, and one Greek Revival period mantle. The house is in good condition with no apparent
threats to the structure. Alterations: end chimneys rebuilt; eaves; siding; porch; 2/2 sash; side and rear additions,
the latter a recent ell in traditional 18th century style. Window cornices have been removed.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Anderson-Jaycox-Bailey House Barn complex, site 122W1
Street & Number: off Hosner Mountain Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Elton Bailey, Jr., Hosner Mountain Road, RD&, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: see site 122W
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: agriculture
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: this complex contains early scattered outbuildings: barn, corn crib, silo, 20th century sheds.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Wiltsie-Knapp-Bailey-Surber House/Springcreek Farm; Surber Place, site 123P,
lot 6556-489225
Street & Number: Hosner Mountain Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, barn, garage
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard, shingles, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1820 and on its original site, this house is sited at the intersection of Interstate
84 and the Taconic Parkway. Originally 1 1/2 stories high, with eyebrow windows, this early 19th century
farmhouse was updated in the 1930s with the addition of a fieldstone facing on the 1st floor, flaired clapboards on
the second, and a shingled gable, also 6/1 sash, and addition, and a fieldstone porch and chimneys. It thus became
one of the town’s finest examples of 20th century vernacular masonry construction. The house is in excellent
condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
In 1867 (Beers) it was owned by A. Wiltsie. An early lead pipe leading from a mountain spring to the house was cut
off when the interstate went through.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Wiltsie-Knapp-Bailey-Surber House Barn/Springcreek Farm; Surber Place, site
123P1, lot 6556-489225
Street & Number: Hosner Mountain Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: domestic
Number of Resources within Property: see site 123P
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: domestice
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: a large barn is sited west of the house on site 123P.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 226W, Kelly House
Street & Number: 67 Hosner Mountain Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Kelly, 67 Hosner Mountain Road, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, barn, garage, shed
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: this broad gabled 5 x 3 bay 1 1/2 story house was built circa 1820 (possibly earlier) and is
similar in form to #86W which might justify a late 18th century date. It has been altered with additions and window
replacements. However, the main section of the house retains its original vernacular form with eyebrow windows,
end chimneys and a front entrance with sidelights, pilasters and a six panel door (probably a later replacement door).
Sited in front of a pond on open land, this house also has a large barn to the rear of the property as well as a garage
and shed. The house is in excellent condition and is currently for sale. It could be under threat of development.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 226W1, Kelly House barn
Street & Number: 67 Hosner Mountain Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Kelly, 67 Hosner Mountain Road, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: see Kelly House
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: domestic
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: a large barn is located to the rear of the property. It could be under threat of development
as the property is currently for sale.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Mead House, site 124W, lot 6556-01-072673
Street & Number: Hosner Mountain Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, barn, garage, brook
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding, wood frame with light members.
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1855 and on its original site, this 2 1/2 story vernacular house has 2/2 sash,
sidelights beside the entry, and a returning cornice. It evolved around the turn of the century, gaining a trapezoidal
bay and scroll sawn entry porch. With a large adjacent field and meandering brook, the house retains part of its 19th
century context. It is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure. Alterations: siding; early 20th
century entry porch; 19th century trapezoidal bay.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Mead House Barn, site 124W1, lot 6556-01-072673
Street & Number: Hosner Mountain Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: see site 124W
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: domestic
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: a large barn is located at the rear of the property behind the garage.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 227W*, Flagler-Mills House
Street & Number: 56 Blue Hill Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Malcolm and Joy Mills, Blue Hill Farm, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: shingles, siding
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: circa late 18th/early 19th century, this vernacular house is built in two sections. To the
west is a 3 x 2 bay, 1 1/2 story house which contains close eaves, gables and a high basement with fireplace, some
original 6/6 sash and entrance doors. Sidelights remain on one of the entrance doors to the basement. A 20th
century deck, new windows and shingles have altered this portion of the house. To the east is a 1 1/2 story 4 x 2 bay
structure attached to the main house which contains eyebrow windows, 6/6 sash and a second floor entry on its east
The western section of the Flagler-Mills house is similar in form to the Basket Maker’s House at Historic Richmond
Town Restoration in Staten Island, New York which was built circa 1810. Two fireplaces, one with an original
mantel, are retained on the first floor. Original wainscoting is retained on the second floor as well as a door
accessing the flue at the hood of the chimney where a smoke chamber could be used to cure meat. Few examples of
smoke chambers for jambless fireplaces remain in America. In the attic, evidence of the different construction
periods of the house can be seen in the mixture of hand rived and sawn lath. In the basement, exposed hand hewn
beams and a fireplace with Dutch oven remain. The western section of the house is built into the hillside so the
fireplace in the basement or lower level of the house was most probably the original kitchen.
The east section retains an original door and to the south, a cistern. The house is sited with a side facade to the road.
It is in fair condition and is currently undergoing restoration by the owners.
On the 1798 map, a house on or around this site was owned by Flagler.
Major Bibliographical References:
Meeske, Harrison, The Hudson Valley Dutch and Their Houses, Purple Mountain Press, Ltd., Fleischmanns, NY,
1998, pps. 125, 267-68, 275.
“Basketmaker’s House,” Colonial Homes, June 1988, pps. 106-109.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Knapp House, site 125W, lot 6455-02
Street & Number: Shenandoah Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: this house was built circa 1785 and is on its original site. Now 5 x 2 bays, this early house
was built in stages. Original features include 12/12 sash and a blocked transom. On a raised site, this house is
barely visible from the road.
According to the 1984 survey, the altered interior retained a beehive oven, chimney pads with beams over
rectangular openings; one Federal period mantle, and a wide center hall. Surrounds were simple architrave
moldings. It is not known whether these interior features still exist. The house is in good condition with no apparent
threats to the structure. Alterations: siding, end chimneys, porches, dormers, additions.
On the 1798 map, two houses on or near this site were owned by Rickey and Jewel.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Brown-Ricketts House, site 126W, lot 6456-04-515010
Street & Number: Shenandoah Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, barn, shed, garage
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1855 and on its original site, this is one of the last houses built in East Fishkill in
the 3 x 2 bay 2 1/2 story sidehall “half-house” form common in the southern part of town. It is an essentially
unaltered vernacular Italianate style house with a bracketed cornice and porches, recessed double door entry with
paneled reveals and transom, and tall 6/6 windows with architrave, and cornice. The house is in fair condition but is
currently under threat of development. Alterations: 2nd floor, deck and window.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Brown-Ricketts House, site 126W1, lot 6456-04-515010
Street & Number: Shenandoah Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: domestic
Number of Resources within Property: see site 126W
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: domestic
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: according to the current residents of the house, the barn at the rear of the property was a
horse barn originally. Deterioration and development are a serious threat to this structure.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Dr. Fowler House/Le Chambord Restaurant, Inn and Conference Center, site
127W, lot 6557-03-242048
Street & Number: Route 52 and Carpenter Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: commercial
Number of Resources within Property: house, barn
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: commercial
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: stone, natural cement, masonry load bearing walls
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built in 1863 and on its original site, this house was converted to a restaurant in 1984 and is
presently a restaurant, inn and conference center. During the conversion, the house lost ceiling medallions and other
original features. Remaining are an ornate newel post and large double doors. It was noted in the 1984 survey that
interior construction was visible during the conversion: dark brown cement facing on stone walls with lime mortar
had marks from original horizontal forms, also narrow horizontal nailers. The house is set at an angle to Route 52,
with a circular drive. The barn fronts Carpenter Road.
This large house is significant as an early, dated, application of natural cement, used as a thick facing over stone
walls and tooled to simulate ashlar masonry. Dr. Fowler, the original owner, is thought to have chosen this unusual
combination of materials for their fire-proof qualities. 5 x 3 bays and 2 1/2 stories high, it has vernacular Italianate
style detailing: bracketed eaves, segmental arched cast lintels over 12/12 sash, a bolection molded entry with
transom, a trapezoidal bay, and a high stone foundation with brownstone watertable. At the time of the 1984 survey,
the owner had early photographs showing the original paint scheme, which simulated various shades of brownstone,
and a one story porch.
The house is in excellent condition with no apparent threats to the structure. 20th century alterations: 2 story porch,
dormers, additions. 2/2 sash have been replaced with 12/12.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Dr. Fowler House/Le Chambord Restaurant, Inn and Conference Center Barn,
site 127W1, lot 6557-03-242048
Street & Number: Route 52 and Carpenter Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: commercial
Number of Resources within Property: see site 127W
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: commercial
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: This large barn is sited to the west of the house and fronts Carpenter Road. It is in good
condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Dogwood Knolls Country Club, site 129H, lot 6458-03-140290
Street & Number: Off Route 376
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: commercial
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: commercial
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1855 and on its original site, this small vernacular farmhouse is three bays wide
with an early wing. The eyebrow windows retain one rare early double-hung sash. Other original features include a
wide frieze, round headed gable windows, and molded window cornices.
The house is now set back from Route 376. It originally was approached by a road from the north which terminated
at this site. The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure. Alterations: entry surround;
porch; wing; chimneys; windows; returns.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Oppenheimer-Bohnenkamp House, site 130H, lot 6458-03
Street & Number: Route 376
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, garage
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1925 and on its original site, this is the most intact of the town’s several
Bungalows. Possibly a catalogue house, this simple structure has a hipped roof with wide overhanging eaves and a
hipped dormer, deep front porch with battered columns and molded concrete block base, oriel window, glazed door,
and divided upper pane sash, all typical of the Bungalow style. On the back is an early Anderson window. It is
significant both as a representative of one of several early 20th century house forms in East Fishkill and also because
it has survived unaltered. It was noted in the 1984 survey that it was in the process of being carefully restored.
The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure. Alterations: rear porch may be a later
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 228H, Tompkins Store
Street & Number: On Route 82 and the corner of Route 376, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: commercial
Number of Resources within Property: house, barn
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: commercial
Current functions: commercial
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: shingles, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built in 1890, (according to a sign on the house) this vernacular structure is similar in form
to the structure documented as a 1920s bar to the south and the old post office north of the Hopewell Inn on Route
376. According to Charlotte Dodge, this building was the Tompkin’s Store in 1923. It is currently a commercial
building that has been extended to house multiple businesses. An old barn behind the store retains clapboard siding,
bracketed eaves, round headed gable windows and a cupola and has been converted to a garage/antique store.
The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure. Alterations: siding, shingles, window,
door, porch.
Major Bibliographical References: Charlotte Dodge lecture, “Walk through Hopewell Junction circa 1920.”
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 228H1, Tompkins Barn
Street & Number: On Route 82 and the corner of Route 376, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: commercial
Number of Resources within Property: see Tompkin’s store
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: commercial
Current functions: commercial
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: An old barn behind the store retains clapboard siding, bracketed eaves, round headed
gable windows and a cupola and has been converted to a garage/antique store.
The barn is in deteriorated condition which poses a threat to its structure.
Major Bibliographical References: Charlotte Dodge lecture, “Walk through Hopewell Junction circa 1920.”
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 229H
Street & Number: Route 376, near 82, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: shingles, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: with #’s 134H, 135H and 136H, this building contributes to a group of small gable front
circa 19th century vernacular houses which were built with the coming of the railroads to Hopewell Junction. It has
broad eaves, 2/2 sash and additions.
The house is in good condition with no apparent threat to the structure.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 230H
Street & Number: Route 376, near 82
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, garage
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: with #’s 134H, 135H and 136H, this building contributes to a group of small gable front
circa 19th century vernacular houses which were built with the coming of the railroads to Hopewell Junction. It has
been altered with siding, new windows, and eaves replacement. A one-car garage with an apartment above has
been added to the property.
The house is in good condition with no apparent threat to the structure.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 231H
Street & Number: Route 376, near 82
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: with #’s 134H, 135H and 136H, this building contributes to a group of small gable front
circa 19th century vernacular houses which were built with the coming of the railroads to Hopewell Junction. It has
broad eaves and a trapezoidal bay. The house has been altered with siding, new windows, porch and eaves
The house is in good condition with no apparent threat to the structure.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 232H
Street & Number: Route 376, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential/commercial
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built in the late 1800s, this vernacular structure is similar in form to the structure
documented as a 1920s bar across the street and the old post office north of the Hopewell Inn on Route 376.
Residents claim that this current residence was formerly a blacksmith shop which would explain the similarity of
form to the other historic commercial structures this area.
The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure. Alterations: siding, window, door, porch.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 233H
Street & Number: Route 376, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential/commercial
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: ?
Current functions: residential/commercial
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built in the late 1800s, this vernacular structure is similar in form to the structure
documented as a 1920s bar across the street and the old post office north of the Hopewell Inn on Route 376. It is
currently a residential/commercial building and may have served as such historically which would explain the
similarity of form (wide eaves, window placement) to the other historic commercial structures in this area.
The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure. Alterations: siding, window, door, porch.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 234H, Grumbly’s Store
Street & Number: Route 376, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: commercial
Number of Resources within Property: store
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: commercial
Current functions: commercial
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built in the late 1800s, this vernacular structure is similar in form to the structures
documented as Tompkin’s Store, a 1920s bar to the south and the old post office north of the Hopewell Inn on Route
376. According to Charlotte Dodge, this building was the Grumbly Store in 1923. It is currently a commercial
building that has been altered with asymmetrical window placement, covered bays, and siding. It retains bracketed
The building is in fair condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Major Bibliographical References: Charlotte Dodge lecture, “Walk through Hopewell Junction circa 1920.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 235H, Coal and Feed Store
Street & Number: Route 376, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: store, barn and outbuildings
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: commercial/coal and feed store
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built in the late 1800’s, according to documentation produced by Charlotte Dodge, this
building was a coal and feed store circa 1923. Although it has undergone alterations (window, door, interior) and is
now residential, this structure is significant as it contributes to an historic area developed in the late 19th century
with the coming of the railroads to Hopewell Junction. The store is sited north of the Burtis Hotel and across the
street from the Hopewell Inn. It is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
A barn and outbuildings are located across the street from this building.
Major Bibliographical References: Charlotte Dodge lecture, “Walk through Hopewell Junction circa 1920.”
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 235H1, Coal and Feed Store Barn
Street & Number: Route 376, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: see site 235H
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: unknown
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: This barn is located across the street from the old *Coal and Feed Store along with other
outbuildings and may be related to the store. It is in fair condition; however, deterioration is a threat to this
Major Bibliographical References: *Charlotte Dodge lecture, “Walk through Hopewell Junction circa 1920.”
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Hopewell Junction Railroad Station, site 131H
Street & Number: off of Route 376
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Metro North Rail Road, New York, NY
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: commercial
Number of Resources within Property: railroad station
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: commercial
Current functions: boarded up
Architectural Classification: Gothic Revival style
Materials: board and batten, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: Built in 1873 and on its original site, this Gothic style train station survives as an important
reminder of the genesis of Hopewell Junction at the crossroads of the Newburgh-Dutchess-Connecticut Railroad and
the New York-New Haven-Hartford Railroad (whose tracks have been removed). It has a jerkinhead roof with wide
overhanging eaves supported by curving brackets, an end chimney with decorative chimney pots, gable vents and
round arched windows (now boarded up). It is one of the few representatives of this style in East Fishkill.
Alterations: a sliding door opening has been enclosed on one end. The train station is in a deteriorated state which
poses a threat to its structure.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Faustner House, Site 132H, Lot 6457-01-413632
Street & Number: corner of Church and First Streets
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Church Street, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house and barn
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1895 and on its original site, elaborate scroll sawn trim and complex massing
make this small house one of the town’s most exceptional Queen Anne style structures. With canted corners and a
T-shaped plan with ell, the house has decorated verges, stained glass and a rounded porch. Alterations include
windows, chimney and siding.
The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Faustner House Barn, Site 132H1, Lot 6457-01-413632
Street & Number: corner of Church and First Streets
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Church Street, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: domestic
Number of Resources within Property: see 132H
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: ?
Current functions: domestic/garage
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: barn on property is in deteriorated condition and is currently being used as a garage.
Deterioration is a threat to the structure.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 236H
Street & Number: off Route 376 near depot, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: shingles, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: with #’s 134H, 135H and 136H, this building contributes to a group of small gable front
circa 19th century vernacular houses which were built with the coming of the railroads to Hopewell Junction. The
house has been altered with shingles, new windows, and eaves replacement.
The house is sited to the north of the Hopewell Inn, across from the Hopewell Junction Railroad Station. The house
is in good condition with no apparent threat to the structure.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 237H
Street & Number: off Route 376 near depot, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: with #’s 134H, 135H and 136H, this building contributes to a group of small gable front
circa 19th century vernacular houses which were built with the coming of the railroads to Hopewell Junction. It has
been altered with eaves replacement, enclosed porch, siding and new windows. The house is sited to the north of the
Hopewell Inn, across from the Hopewell Junction Railroad Station.
The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Old Post Office, Site 238H
Street & Number: Route 376, near depot, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: Post Office
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built in the late 19th century, this house was formerly a Post Office dating back to the
1920s. It contains a double door entry with store front windows. Although it has been altered with window
replacements, siding and second story porch, this building is significant because it contributes to an historic area
developed in the late 19th century with the coming of the railroads to Hopewell Junction. The house is sited to the
north of the Hopewell Inn, across from the Hopewell Junction Railroad Station. It is in good condition with no
apparent threat to the structure.
Major Bibliographical References: Charlotte Dodge lecture, “Walk through Hopewell Junction circa 1920.”
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 239H
Street & Number: Route 376, near depot, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: with #’s 134H, 135H and 136H, this building contributes to a group of small gable front
circa 19th century vernacular houses which were built with the coming of the railroads to Hopewell Junction. It has
broad eaves and retains some 6/6 sash. The house has been altered with siding, new windows, an addition and eaves
The house is sited to the north of the Hopewell Inn, across from the Hopewell Junction Railroad Station. The house
is in good condition with no apparent threat to the structure.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Hopewell Inn, Site 240H
Street & Number: Route 376, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: commercial
Number of Resources within Property: Inn and Barn
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: commercial
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: shingles, wood frame with light members.
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: The Hopewell Inn was built in the late 1800s and was probably a tenant house for railroad
workers at one time. Although it has been altered with new windows, shingles and additions, this structure is
significant because of its historic function and contributes to the significance of this area which housed and served
railroad workers in the late 19th century.
To the rear of the Inn is a large barn which was possibly a horse stable.
The Hopewell Inn is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Hopewell Inn Barn, Site 240H1
Street & Number: Route 376, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: commercial
Number of Resources within Property: see site 240H
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: commercial
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: .
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: To the rear of the Hopewell Inn is a large barn which was possibly a horse stable.
The barn is in fair condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Steven’s Store, site 241H
Street & Number: Route 376
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential/commercial
Number of Resources within Property: 1
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: commercial
Current functions: residential/commercial
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built in the late 1800s, according to documentation produced by Charlotte Dodge, this
building was a commercial outfit named “Steven’s Store” circa 1923. Although it has undergone alterations
(window, door, possible south addition) and is now a restaurant named “Geeks Place,” this structure is significant as
it contributes to an historic area developed in the late 19th century with the coming of the railroads to Hopewell
Junction. The building is sited south of the Hopewell Inn, across Route 376. It is in fair condition; however,
continued deterioration could be a threat to the structure.
Major Bibliographical References: Charlotte Dodge lecture, “Walk through Hopewell Junction circa 1920.”
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 242H
Street & Number: Route 376, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: ?
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built in the late 1800s, this vernacular structure is similar in form to the structure
documented as a 1920s bar to the south and the old post office north of the Hopewell Inn on Route 376. It is
currently a residence but may have served historically as a commercial enterprise which would explain the similarity
of form (wide eaves, window placement) to the other historic commercial structures in this area.
The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure. Alterations: siding, window, door, porch,
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 243H
Street & Number: Route 376, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: ?
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built in the late 1800s, this vernacular structure is similar in form to the structure
documented as a 1920s bar to the south and the old post office north of the Hopewell Inn on Route 376. It is
currently a residence but may have served historically as a commercial enterprise which would explain the similarity
of form (wide eaves, commercial window placement) to the other historic commercial structures in this area.
The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure. Alterations: siding, window, door, porch.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 244H
Street & Number: Route 376, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: ?
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: shingles, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built in the late 1800s, this vernacular structure is similar in form to the structure
documented as a 1920s bar to the south and the old post office north of the Hopewell Inn on Route 376. It is
currently a residence but may have served historically as a commercial enterprise which would explain the similarity
of form (wide eaves, window placement)to the other historic commercial structures in this area.
The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure. Alterations: siding, window, door.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 245H
Street & Number: Route 376, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: commercial
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: shingles, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built in the late 1800s, this current residence was formerly a bar in the 1920s according to
documentation produced by Charlotte Dodge. It is a 3 bay, 2 1/2 story structure that retains windows with architrave
surrounds. The house also contains storefront windows on the first floor and central entrances on the first and
second floors. This building is significant because it contributes to an historic area developed in the late 19th
century with the coming of the railroads to Hopewell Junction. It is in fair condition and is currently undergoing
construction which could be a threat to the structure. Alterations: shingles, window, door.
On the 1867 Beers map, a Wag. Shop was on or near this site.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: site 133H, lot 6457-01-549656
Street & Number: Route 376
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: Built in the mid 19th century and on its original site, this small house is one of the few
buildings built in Hopewell Junction before the coming of the railroads. It is shown on Beers’ 1867 map, when the
town was still called “Adriance.” It is a typical vernacular house form of the area, with eyebrow windows and 6/6
windows. Alterations: eaves, awning, addition, 2/2 sash, end chimney removed.
This house is in fair condition. Nearby commercial development may eventually pose a threat to this area.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Verplank House, site 134H, lot 6457-01-354649
Street & Number: Route 376
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below.
Materials: siding, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: With number’s 135H and 136H, this house contributes to a group of small gable front 19th
century vernacular houses. It has broad eaves, a trapezoidal bay, and a wing. A large Colonial Revival style porch
was added in the early 20th century. Other alterations: siding, new windows, chimney.
This house was built in 1872 and is on its original site. It is in good condition but may eventually be affected by
nearby commercial development.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: site 135H, lot 6457-01355649
Street & Number: Route 376
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below
Materials: wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1875 and on its original site, it has the same side hall plan, trapezoidal bay, and
ornamented verges as #136H. This vernacular house also has 6/6 sash and porch and entry alterations. It is part of
a grouping of closely spaced gable front houses (see numbers 134H and 136H).
The houses on this, the west side of Route 376, are the most intact of the small frame housing which was built with
the coming of the railroads to Hopewell Junction. This particular house is slated for demolition for commercial
development, according to the Town Supervisor, Pete Idema.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Tompkins House, site 136H, lot 359642
Street & Number: Route 376
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below
Materials: shingles, wood frame with light members.
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: see #135H. This house has the same plan, bay and verges as #135H, but with 2/2 windows
and shingles. It is also slated for demolition for commercial development.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Nellie Burns House, site 137H, lot 371631
Street & Number: Route 82
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Route 82, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below.
Materials: siding, wood frame with light members.
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: standing at the western entry to Hopewell Junction, this house was built circa 1875 and is
on its original site. Significant in being largely unaltered, this 2 1/2 story vernacular house has 2/2 sash, siding, and
end chimney. Around 1915, this house and #138 gained identical hipped porches with scroll sawn brackets. The
porch has been removed since the last survey and replaced.
The house is in fair condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: site 138H, lot 378641
Street & Number: Route 82
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house and garage
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below
Materials: siding, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1875 and on its original site, this 2 1/2 story L-plan house is in the vernacular
Italianate style, with flaired eaves, a trapezoidal bay, round headed gable vent, and 2/2 sash. It has gained an early
20th century porch with scroll sawn brackets. The house has been significantly altered since the 1984 survey:
shutters have been added, windows have been replaced and added, porch has been extended to the full length of the
house, one of the doorways has been replaced with a window, and a trapezoidal bay has been added to upper floor to
match the one below. Earlier alterations: chimney, addition. An historic plaque in front of the house
commemorates its history.
The house is in excellent condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Dr. Underwood-Navor House, site 139H, lot 401657
Street & Number: Route 82
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house and carriage house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding, shingles, wood frame with light members.
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1894, this 2 story vernacular Queen Anne style house contributes to the
architectural mix of Hopewell Junction’s main residential street. It has ornamented verges, (similar to #144H) and
porch, imbricated gable shingles, a rectangular bay, 2/2 sash, and a stained glass transom. On a raised site, the
house has a large rear yard and carriage house/garage. Alterations: porch, windows, door.
It is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: site 139H1, lot 401657
Street & Number: Route 82
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: domestic
Number of Resources within Property: see site 139H
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: domestic/carriage house
Current functions: domestic/garage
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: On a raised site, the house has a large rear yard and carriage house/garage.
The carriage house is in fair condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: site 140H, lot 414669
Street & Number: Route 82
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house and garage
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below
Materials: shingles, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1905 and on its original site, this is one of the town’s finest, least altered
examples of the vernacular Colonial Revival style. 2 1/2 stories tall with asymmetrical massing and a hipped roof,
the house has dormers, bays, a second floor porch, and a wraparound porch with Tuscan columns. This may be one
of the town’s several catalogue houses.
It is in excellent condition with no apparent threats to the structure. Alterations: soffits, entry enclosure.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: William Storm House, site 141H, lot 431686
Street & Number: Route 82
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Route 82, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: shingles, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1925 and on its original site, this unaltered house in the Bungalow style
contributes to the architectural mix of Hopewell Junction’s finest residential street. Its jerkin head roof is supported
by exposed rafters and gable brackets. It has an original plywood door with beveled panes and a columned entry
porch, divided upper sash, and a fieldstone side porch. The house sits on a large overgrown lot.
It is in good condition with no apparent threat to the structure.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 21353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Van Wyck-Rapelje-Underhill-McHoul House, site 142H*, lot 415707
Street & Number: Route 82
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Douglas and Mary Kay McHoul, Route 82, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Ownership of Property: commercial
Category of Property: commercial/funeral parlor
Number of Resources within Property: house, barn, shed
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residence
Current functions: commercial
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: on its original site, this original 1 1/2 story 5 x 2 bay frame house was built circa 1750 by
the Van Wycks: Richard, who purchased the property from Madame Brett, and his son Theodorus, a Revolutionary
War Major. The wide center hall with arch and entry with transom are still visible. The original sidelights have
been immersed within the pavilion. In 1858, the Rapelje family purchased the house, transforming it into a large
vernacular Italianate style house. It now has a shallow peaked entry pavilion with shouldered entry surround around
the now recessed entry. Curving verge boards with the foils partially conceal exposed rafters. 2/2 sash have
architrave surrounds with round arched windows in the gables. Trapezoidal bays and a three-bay porch also date
from this period. Alterations: 1858 kitchen wing moved from east to north side. Current house built around the
original circa 1750 structure. More recent alterations: large addition added to the back of the house.
The interior retains large original box locks on its two “Dutch doors,” three arched bases for the original end
chimneys, matching ceiling medallions on the first floor and wide panel floors on the second floor. The basement
retains partitions and 2 wooden box locks from the period when it housed slaves. According to the owner’s
daughter, Laurie Cassidy, there is also a kiln in the basement. Most of the interior dates from the 1858 alteration
(curved walls, base moldings, wainscot) but it has sustained 20th century alterations (for example, a walnut mantle
brought here from a New York City brownstone). Of historic significance are an Indian grindstone and a
Revolutionary War cannonball on the front lawn.
On Hopewell Junction’s finest residential street, this house retains several early outbuildings including one of the
town’ largest and most intact Dutch barns (this structure retains its original frame with joiners’ marks, and remnants
of an interior silo as well as a horse drawn hearse). The partial stone floor documented in the 1984 survey is no
longer visible.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Van Wyck-Rapelje-Underhill-McHoul House, site 142H1, lot 415707
Street & Number: Route 82
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Douglas and Mark Kay McHoul, Route 82, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Ownership of Property: commercial
Category of Property: commercial
Number of Resources within Property: see site 142H
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: commercial
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: On Hopewell Junction’s finest residential street, this house retains several early
outbuildings including one of the town’ largest and most intact Dutch barns (this structure retains its original frame
with joiners’ marks, remnants of an interior silo, and a horse drawn hearse). The partial stone floor noted in the
1984 survey is no longer visible.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Lesher-McHoul House, site 143H, lot 401696
Street & Number: Route 82
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Douglas and Mary Kay McHoul, Route 82, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential/commercial
Number of Resources within Property: house and garage
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential/commercial
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1910 and on its original site, in 1984, the owners still had the plans of this
catalogue house. It is little altered. Typical of the Queen Anne style, this vernacular house has asymmetrical
massing with a steeply pitched hipped roof, porches, bay windows, dormers, stained glass, and oriel windows with
curvilinear triple brackets. The plans for this house were offered in Sears’ “Readi-Built Homes” catalogues in the
period 1905-1915. Alterations: rear porch enclosed and new addition since 1984, now an office.
This house is in excellent condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 144H, lot 397684
Street & Number: Route 82
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with light members.
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1895 and on its original site, this altered Queen Anne style house contributes to
the architectural mix of Hopewell Junction’s main residential street. It has decorated verges (similar to #139H), a
shingled gable, 2/2 sash, and a side porch with drilled valance. it may be a catalogue house. Alterations: front
porch removed, exterior chimney, door, window replacement.
The house is in excellent condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Wood House, site 145H, lot 383672
Street & Number: Route 82
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: shingles, wood frame with light members.
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1895 and on its original site, this vernacular asymmetrical gable front 2 1/2 story
house contributes to the architectural mix of Hopewell Junction’s main residential street. It has two story
trapezoidal bays and a Colonial Revival style porch. Alterations: shingles, enclosed porch, windows.
The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Kerr-Boss House, Site 146H, lot 6457-02(640960)?
Street & Number: Route 82
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Boss, Route 82, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property:
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1925 and on its original site, this is one of several late 19th/early 20th century
houses lining this section of Route 82. This small vernacular late Queen Anne style house is marked by oversized
returns, a steep pitched, complex roofline, leaded glass and paired sash, and a balconette with scroll-sawn brackets.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Phillips Farm; Stockholm-Baldwin-Phillips House, site 148H, lot 6458-04918366?
Street & Number: Route 82
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, barns, shed
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: clapboard, wood frame with interlocking joints
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1785/circa 1855/circa 1875 and on its original site, the earliest section of this
additive farmhouse is the 1 1/2 story wing, which, according to the owner in the 1984 survey has a post and beam
frame with brick nogging. It retains small 6/6 sash and was extended with a gabled dormer and bracketed eaves
circa 1855. The main, 2 1/2 story section has 6/6 and 2/2 sash, sidelights, and a round gable window. It probably
dates from the second half of the 19th century and has had 20th century eaves and porch alterations. The house is in
good condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
The property is significant as a grouping of farm buildings surviving in their historic context. The 1798 map shows
this house owned by Boerum.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Phillips Farm; Stockholm-Baldwin-Phillips Barn complex, site 148H1, lot 6458-
Street & Number: Route 82
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: agricultural
Number of Resources within Property: see site 148H
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: agriculture
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: The property is significant as a grouping of farm buildings surviving in their historic
context. The farm maintains its historic context with a large cluster of nineteenth century barns and with open
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Site 149H, lot 6458-04566197
Street & Number: Clove Branch Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, garage
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: built circa 1905 and on its original site, this vernacular Queen Anne house has been altered
with siding and new windows since the 1984 survey. It retains canted corners, gables with returns, and a porch with
Tuscan columns. The porch screens documented on the 1984 survey have been removed and the barn, also noted on
the past survey, was no longer on the property. The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Mead-Wells House, site 150H, lot 6458-03460480
Street & Number: Clove Branch Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, barn complex
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Materials: siding, wood frame with light members
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: This small 20th century farm complex is intact. The vernacular 2 1/2 story house has a
cobblestone foundation and Colonial Revival style porches. The house is set back from the road with early 20th
century barns behind.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Mead-Wells House barn complex, site 150H1, lot 6458-03460480
Street & Number: Clove Branch Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address:
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: domestic
Number of Resources within Property: see site 150H
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: domestic
Architectural Classification: see Statement of Significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: This small 20th century farm complex is intact with early 20th century barns behind the
house on site 150H.
Major Bibliographical References
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: May and June 2001
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name: Reverend O.E. Cobb House
Other names/site number: Cobb-Formicola House, site 246H
Street & Number: 378 Route 376
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Annie Formicola, 378 Route 376, East Fishkill, NY
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below
Materials: aluminum siding
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: According to the owner, the smaller eastern section of this vernacular house was built in
1814 and the larger western addition was added in 1840. On an 1869 map, this house was owned by Reverend O.E.
Cobb. Originally one-and-a-half stories, this vernacular house is sited with its side to the road. It is currently
undergoing renovations and expansion which will include a full second story and center gable. The entryway
contains a transom and sidelights, both bordered by pilasters. Enclosing the entryway is the front porch which
contains fluted Doric columns. A side porch on the western section of the house contains Tuscan columns.
Additionally, the house retains four architrave surrounds on the front facing windows and two 6/6 sash on the rear
facing windows.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: June 2002
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name: Peddler’s Rock
Other names/site number: Carbone House, site 247W
Street & Number: Shenandoah Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Edward Carbone, Shenandoah Road, Hopewell Junction, NY
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: barn
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: According to owner Ed Carbone, this circa 1910 horse barn was most likely relocated from
Dutchess County’s original fairgrounds (now Vassar College farm) and re-erected at its current site, formerly
Knapp’s farm. It has since been converted into a residence. The large rock located on the site in front of the barn is
“Peddler’s Rock.” Mr. Carbone advised that the rock earned its name when a peddler came through the area and
regularly displayed and sold his wares on this rock.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: June 2002
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name: Crotta Boarding House and Dining Hall
Other names/site number: site 248W
Street & Number: 760 Hortontown Road, Hopewell Junction, NY
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Elizabeth Orsetti and Angelo Orsetti Jr., 760 Hortontown Road, Hopewell Junction, NY
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: commercial/agriculture
Number of Resources within Property: boarding house, dining hall, barn, cemetery, soapstone mine
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: commercial/agriculture
Current functions: vacant
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below
Materials: clapboard
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: The 19th century 3 1/2 story boarding house was purchased by Victor and Rachella Crotta
in 1920 and used to house summer boarders who came up to East Fishkill from New York City until the early 1940s.
The Crotta’s built a kitchen and dining hall opposite the boarding house in 1920. The boarding house retains 2/2
sash, bracketed eaves and clapboard. The front porch has been removed. The 2 1/2 story dining hall is built over a
creek and retains 2/2 and 6/6 sash as well as a fieldstone foundation. The dining hall retains the kitchen portion of
the structure; however, the foundation of the actual dining room is all that is left of the remainder of the building.
Prior to established electric service in the area, the Crotta’s produced their own electricity for the compound by
building a dam behind the creek and installing a turbine engine in the basement of the dining hall. They also kept 9
cows, chickens and a large vegetable garden and produced their own cider and cheese to provide food for the
In the summertime, Victor Crotta would drive his pick-up truck to the Beacon train station, pick up the summer
boarders, and bring them back to the boarding house to start their vacation. His daughter and present owner of the
site, Elizabeth, met her future husband, Angelo Orsetti Sr. during one of the summers when Mr. Orsetti was a
summer boarder at a neighboring house.
According to Mr. Orsetti Jr., an open excavation pit located behind the boarding house is a former soap stone mine
which dates back to the 1800s. The mine was no longer in use when the Crotta’s purchased the property in 1920.
The large barn on the property was built by Abraham Knapp circa 1850. Northwest of the barn is a small cemetery
that was utilized from the early 1800s through 1865. Abraham Knapp is buried in the cemetery which is overgrown
but extant.
The boarding house and dining hall are severely deteriorated and are slated for demolition. The barn is in good
condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: June 2002
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name: Knapp-Crotta-Orsetti Barn
Other names/site number: site 248W1
Street & Number: 760 Hortontown Road, Hopewell Junction, NY
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Elizabeth Orsetti and Angelo Orsetti Jr., 760 Hortontown Road, Hopewell Junction, NY
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: agriculture
Number of Resources within Property: see site 248W
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Hi storic functions: agriculture
Current functions: agriculture
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description:
The large barn on the property was built by Abraham Knapp circa 1850. Northwest of the barn is a small cemetery
that was utilized from the early 1800s through 1865. Abraham Knapp is buried in the cemetery which is overgrown
but extant.
The barn is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: June 2002
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Argyle House, site 249W
Street & Number: 701 Hortontown Road, Hopewell Junction, NY
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Keith and Lisa Argyle, 701 Hortontown Road, Hopewell Junction, NY
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, carriage house, lake, outhouse
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: commercial/residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below
Materials: siding
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: According to the Argyles, this 5 bay, 2 1/2 story vernacular house was built circa 1830 by
either the Knapps or the Hortons. It is sited with its side to the road and contains end chimneys, 2/2 and 6/6 sash.
The entrance to the rear of the house has been changed with a small addition. The site also contains an early 20th
century carriage house which has been converted into a residence, a lake and an outhouse. The lake was formerly
known as Gem Lake, and according to the owners, dates back to the 18th century. The house was a private home
but was also part of a family vacation camp for summer boarders in the early 20th century. Ice skating was popular
on the lake in the winter.
The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure or property.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: June 2002
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name:
Other names/site number: Argyle Carriage House, site 250W
Street & Number: 701 Hortontown Road, Hopewell Junction, NY
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Barbara and Bernell Argyle, 701 Hortontown Road, Hopewell Junction, NY
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: see Argyle House, site number 249W
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: carriage house
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below
Materials: wood siding
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: According to the Argyle’s, this historic carriage house was built circa 1900. It is sited
adjacent to the Argyle House on Gem Lake and has been converted into a residence. Prior to conversion, the
carriage house contained wide plank wood floors laid directly on the ground. Additionally, the carriage house was
originally built around a tree which was removed during the renovations.
The carriage house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: June 2002
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name: Taylor Farm House and Grist Mill, Horton Grist and Saw Mill, Gilbert House and Saw Mill, Hope
Other names/site number: site 251W
Street & Number: 641 Hortontown Road
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Patrick and Barbara Manning, 641 Horton Town Road, Hopewell Junction, NY
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, stream
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential/commercial
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below
Materials: clapboard, shingle
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: According to Pat Manning, this vernacular 5 x 3 bay, one-and-a-half story house and a
grist mill were built on the site by David Taylor in 1779. The mill is no longer extant. Sited with its side to the
road, the house retains two eyebrow windows, some 6/6 sash on the eastern porch addition, a fieldstone foundation
and a raised basement. The grist mill produced flour and feed which served the hamlet. Circa 1812, the house and
mill were sold to David Horton and in 1820, a saw mill was added. In the 1850s, the area in which this site was
located was known as Hortontown. The Horton family had settled here after the Revolutionary War and many of
the family’s descendants still lived in Hortontown in the mid-nineteenth century.
In 1885, the Horton property was transferred to J. Warren Miller. In 1910, it was sold to Albert Gilbert who deeded
the property to Melissa Gilbert Jaycox. She, in turn, deeded the house to her son, Roy Knapp. In 1924 it was
purchased by Pat Manning’s grandfather, Terry St. John Cooke who tour down the mill. The high walls and hand-
made dam where the mill was located are still visible on the stream located on the north side of the house.
The house gained two additions: the first in 1785 and the second at the turn of the century. In the 1930s, the porch
was enclosed.
Terry St. John Cooke was an inventor and newspaper man. In 1928, he started a camp on the site for
underprivileged children and name it the Hopeland Rest Camp for Boys. During the summer, the camp would house
underprivileged boys for a two week time period and was in existence until the 1940s.
The house is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: June 2002
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name: Alvah Horton House
Other names/site number: Horton-Croce House, site 252W
Street & Number:
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Pat and Al Croce, 630 Hortontown Road, Hopewell Junction, NY
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions:
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below
Materials: wood siding
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: Although modernized, this 2 1/2 story vernacular house is similar in form to the Horton
store just west of this site. On an 1867 map, a house on this site was owned by an A. Horton. According to Pat
Manning, a neighbor of the Croce’s, the house that is currently on this site is the same structure sited on the 1867
map. Built circa 1850, the house was owned by Alvah Horton, who owned and operated a shop (site 116W) where
he made wood-shod sleds, two wheeled carts, ox bows and ox yokes.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: June 2002
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name: Lorenzo Horton Store
Other names/site number: Lorenzo Horton Store-Fornasa House, site 253W
Street & Number: 554 Hortontown Road, Hopewell Junction, NY
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Vertith Fornasa, 554 Hortontown Road, Hopewell Junction, NY
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, chicken coop, barn, cemetery
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential/commercial/agriculture
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below
Materials: siding
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: This 2 1/2 story, 3 bay house was built circa 1850. It contains a fieldstone foundation and
2/2 sash with a rear addition constructed in 1947. According to the owner, the barn dates back to the same period as
the house and the chicken coop was probably constructed in the late 19th-early 20th century. The site also contains
a historic cemetery on the southeast portion of the property. The site originally contained an additional historic
house and barn; however, these structures have been demolished.
The house originally functioned as a store and post office owned by Lorenzo Horton. On an 1867 map, this area of
East Fishkill was named Hortontown and the post office served four communities: Hortontown; Johnsonville;
Gayhead; and Shenandoah. Robert T. Knapp was the mail carrier at one time and it was his job to collect the
outgoing mail from the four communities and carry it to Brinckerhoff where it was placed on a train of the Dutchess
Columbia Railroad; later the Newburgh, Dutchess and Columbia Railroad. Knapp would then wait for the incoming
mail to arrive and be sorted at Brinckerhoff so that he could deliver it to Hortontown, Johnsonville, Gayhead and
The Fornasa’s rented out four rooms in the old store for summer boarders. They also maintained a working farm on
the property with a peach orchard, cows, horses and gardens to feed the boarders. A grape arbor, formerly located to
the rear of the property, was a popular gathering spot for the summer boarders in this area. Entertainment was found
in the form of good music, good company and good drink.
The house and outbuildings are in good condition with no apparent threat to the structures. The cemetery was not
accessible; however, according to Mrs. Fornasa, it is overgrown but still intact.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: June 2002
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name: Lorenzo Horton Barn
Other names/site number: Lorenzo Horton Barn/Fornasa Barn, site 253W1
Street & Number: 554 Hortontown Road, Hopewell Junction, NY
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Vertith Fornasa, 554 Hortontown Road, Hopewell Junction, NY
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: agriculture
Number of Resources within Property: see site 253W
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: agriculture
Current functions: agriculture
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: According to Mrs. Fornasa, this historic barn was built at the same time as the house, circa
1850. It is in good condition with no apparent threats to the structure.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: June 2002
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018
(Rev. 10-90)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
Name of Property
Historic Name: Bog Meadow Farm
Other names/site number: Goerner House, site 254W
Street & Number: 2716 Route 52
City or Town: East Fishkill State: NY Zip Code:
County: Dutchess
Present owner/address: Eric and Carol Goerner, 2716 Route 52, East Fishkill, NY
Ownership of Property: private
Category of Property: residential
Number of Resources within Property: house, pond
Number of previous resources listed in the National Register
Name of related multiple property listing
Function or use
Historic functions: residential
Current functions: residential
Architectural Classification: see statement of significance below
Materials: wood shingle
Statement of Significance
Narrative Description: According to Mr. Goerner, this vernacular farm house was built in 1746 and was originally
part of Bog Meadow Farm. It was possibly a Van Nostram house. This one-and-a-half story structure retains 2/2
sash and eyebrow windows, center and end chimneys, a fieldstone foundation, and a forty foot stone well which will
be restored in Fall 2002. The bracketed eaves and the front porch with its scroll sawn decoration were probably late
19th century additions. A pond is located to the east on the site. The house is in excellent condition with no
apparent threats to the structure.
Form Prepared By
Name/title: Karen Kennedy, Field Architectural Historian
Organization: Buckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.
Date: June 2002
Street & number: 881 Broadway Telephone: 212-353-7476
City or town: New York State: NY Zip code: 10003
“Basketmaker’s House,” Colonial Homes, June 1988.
Beers, F.W., Map of the Town of East Fishkill, Central Press, Millbrook, NY, 1983 (originally published in
Beers, F.W., Map of the Town of East Fishkill, 1867.
Committee to Aid the Johnsonville Methodist Church, Wiccopee-Johnsonville Review, September 1951.
Distournell, John, A Gazetteer of the State of New York, J. Distournell, Albany, 1842.
Dodge, Charlotte, Lecture Notes on Hopewell Junction circa 1920, East Fishkill Historical Society, New
York, 2001.
Dutchess County Planning Board, Landmarks of Dutchess County, 1683-1867: Architecture Worth Saving in
New York State, New York State Council on the Arts, New York 1969.
East Fishkill Bicentennial Committee, East Fishkill Bicentennial Commemorative Book, 1776-1976, Dutchess
County, 1976.
Federal Writers’ Project, Dutchess County, William Penn Association of Philadelphia, 1937.
Fitchen, John, The New World Dutch Barn: A Study of its Characteristics, its Structural System,
and its Probable Erectional Procedures, Syracuse University Press, Syracuse, 1968.
Gordon, Thomas, F., Gazetteer of the State of New York, T.K. and P.G. Collins, Philadelphia, 1836.
Hasbrouck, Frank, ed., The History of Dutchess County New York, S.A. Matthieu, Poughkeepsie, 1909.
Hendrick, Ulysses Prentiss, A History of Agriculture in the State of New York, Hill and Wang,
New York, 1966 (reprint of a 1933 edition).
Hough, Franklin B., Gazetteer of the State of New York, Andrew Boyd, Albany, 1873.
Meeske, Harrison, The Hudson Valley Dutch and Their Houses, Purple Mountain Press, Ltd., Fleischmanns,
NY, 1998.
“Why Hortontown?,” Poughkeepsie Journal News, New York, 1945.
Reynolds, Helen Wilkinson, Dutchess County Doorways and Other Examples of Period-Work in Wood 1730-
1830, William Farquhar, Payson, NY 1931.
Reynolds, Helen Wilkinson, Dutch Houses in the Hudson Valley Before 1776, Dover Publications, Inc. New
York, 1965 (reprint of 1929 edition).
Smith, James H., History of Duchess County New York with Illustrations and Historical Sketches of Some of its
Prominent Men and Pioneers, D. Mason and Company, Syracuse, 1882.
Smith, Philip H., General History of Duchess County from 1609-1876 Inclusive, Philip H. Smith, Pawling, NY,
Smith, R.P., pub., Historical and Statistical Gazetteer of New York State, R.P. Smith, Syracuse, 1860.
Spafford, Hoaratio Gates, A Gazetteer of the State of New York, N.C. Southwick, Albany, 1813.
In addition, for the 1984 survey, Henry Cassidy, former East Fishkill Town Historian, made available his files as
well as his notes for the Dutchess County Historical Society tour of East Fishkill on May 16, 1981.