Annual Report
Writing Lab at Purdue University
May 14, 2012 to May 12, 2013
Dr. Linda S. Bergmann, Director
Tammy Conard-Salvo, Associate Director
Tristan Abbott, Summer Assistant Director & Graduate
Teaching Assistant
Writing Lab Annual Report 2012-2013, Page 1
The following Writing Lab staff members also contributed to this report:
Tristan Abbott, OWL Mail Coordinator
Lizzie Berkovitz, UTA Coordinator
Vicki Kennell, ESL Specialist
Dan Kenzie, Workshop and WAC Coordinator
Mary McCall, Writing Lab/ICaP Liaison
Joshua Paiz, OWL Coordinator
Laurie Pinkert, Bisland Dissertation Fellow
Caitlan Spronk, OWL Technical Coordinator and Webmaster
Ashley Watson, Business Writing Coordinator
The Purdue Writing Lab Annual Report for May 14, 2012 to May 12, 2013 describes the
Lab’s services and users as well as staff responsibilities, research, and engagement. The
Writing Lab and its 17 graduate and 20 undergraduate tutors served the Purdue campus at
four locations (one main and three satellites). The Writing Lab was used over 6,503 times
by over 2,279 individual clients. The Writing Lab provided more than 4,469 one-to-one
tutoring consultations, and these sessions were rated as helpful by 98% of users. Users of
in-Lab consultations came from more than 30 countries. The Lab also maintained
Purdue’s Online Writing Lab (OWL) website, which served 248,242,901 pages
worldwide and responded to 2,407 individual questions via our OWL Mail service.
Learning, Engagement, and Discovery initiatives and accomplishments included 10
conference presentations and invited lectures by staff and a project funded by a large
grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to develop an interactive extension of
the OWL for high school students.
Writing Lab Annual Report 2012-2013, Page 2
Table of Contents
Acknowledgments ............................................................................................................... 1
Abstract ............................................................................................................................... 1
I. The Writing Lab at a Glance ........................................................................................... 3
II. Services Provided ........................................................................................................... 4
III. Writing Lab Staff .......................................................................................................... 6
IV. The Value of the Writing Lab's Services ...................................................................... 7
V. On and Off Campus Engagement .................................................................................. 8
VI. Learning and Professional Development .................................................................... 11
VII. Appendices ................................................................................................................ 14
Appendix A: Breakdown of Usage Information ........................................................... 14
Appendix B: Evaluations and Comments ..................................................................... 16
Appendix C: List of Visitor Consultations with the Writing Lab ................................. 22
Appendix D: Writing Lab Staff Members for 2012–2013 ............................................ 23
Writing Lab Annual Report 2012-2013, Page 3
I. The Writing Lab at a Glance
Here is a brief summary listing the numbers of consultations and other services provided
over the past year.
Heavilon Hall Writing Lab
Number of individual clients: 2,149
Number of client visits: 6,089
One-to-One Consultations: 4,300 sessions
ESL Conversation Groups: 738 users
ESL Materials Use: 29 users
In-Lab/In-Class Workshops: 41 workshops attended by 320 students
Instructor Brown Bags: 17 workshops attended by 88 instructors
Lab Tours: 120 tours for composition courses
Computer Use: 85 users
Other Uses: 813 users
Meredith Hall Satellite Writing Lab
Number of individual clients: 39 users
One-to-one consultations: 58 sessions
Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Library Lab
Number of individual clients: 84 users
One-to-one consultations: 104 sessions
Latino Cultural Center Satellite Writing Lab
Number of individual clients: 12 users
One-to-one consultations: 14 sessions
Total visits (all locations): 6,503 sessions
(Please see Appendix A for an additional breakdown of Purdue Writing Lab users for all
The Writing Lab cannot always accommodate all potential users due to high demand for
our services and a limited number of tutors. While it is impossible to measure the exact
number of potential visitors who could not be accommodated, at least this many were
turned away during the 2012-2013 academic year:
Fall 2012: 317 users
Spring 2013: 116 users
Total turned away: 433 users
Writing Lab Annual Report 2012-2013, Page 4
II. Services Provided
The Writing Lab provides a wide variety of services to the Purdue community, including
consultations, workshops, lectures, brown bags for instructors, and conversation groups
for non-native speakers of English. In addition to these on-campus services, the Writing
Lab is engaged with our local and state community both through direct community
outreach and via its online presence. Most famously, the Lab provides service at a
national and international scale via our Online Writing Lab (OWL), which is among the
world’s most visited writing websites. This section provides an in-depth explanation of
the services we provide.
One-to-One Consultations
During the 2012-2013 academic year, the Writing Lab provided 4,300 in-person
These one-to-one, in-person tutorials are the primary on-campus service provided by the
Writing Lab. The Lab’s tutors are trained in accordance with advanced practices in peer
tutoring, one-to-one learning techniques, and second language learning strategies. Tutors
possess in-depth knowledge of multiple genres of academic and professional writing.
The Lab’s training process emphasizes continual growth, with a strong focus on a
multiplicity of approaches towards both tutoring and writing.
During one-to-one consultations, Purdue students, faculty, and staff engage in 30-minute,
in-person meetings with one of our graduate or undergraduate tutors. Consultations can
take place at any stage of the writing process, from the very beginning when writers are
just generating ideas, to after a draft has been completed. Consultations can focus on any
type of writing, including personal writing, reports and other class assignments, résumés,
PowerPoint presentations, and outlines for speeches.
A consultation is not merely an editing or proofreading session. Instead, tutors help
clients understand audience expectations for their documents and learn how to revise
their writing to meet them. The Lab’s tutors work with concerns specific to each client’s
particular writing style, audience, and intention. The person-to-person aspect is key to a
consultation’s effectiveness.
Online Writing Lab (OWL)
In the 2012-2013 academic year, the OWL served 248,242,901 page views.
Purdue’s Online Writing Lab (OWL) received 6,293 formal requests for links during the
2012-2013 academic year. The OWL is content-rich, offering student-centered materials
addressing citation, usage, style, grammar, English as a Second Language (ESL) writing,
and discipline-specific writing concerns. The OWL additionally offers instructor-
centered materials such as PowerPoint presentations that can be used in classes to review
writing-related concepts. The OWL offers instructors content that is both specific to
Purdue and applicable to teachers and writers at other colleges, universities, and k-12
Writing Lab Annual Report 2012-2013, Page 5
institutions across the country and around the world. The OWL offers an OWL Mail
service, through which users email quick questions about writing that are answered by the
Writing Lab’s tutoring staff.
Support for English as a Second Language (ESL) Students
Users who self-identified as ESL students accounted for 71.8% of total Writing Lab visits
this academic year.
Because the Writing Lab serves so many ESL students, we have hired an ESL Specialist,
Dr. Vicki Kennell, who is responsible for overseeing the Writing Lab’s ESL services and
for providing intense training on ESL issues to Writing Lab tutors. A full report
describing the Writing Lab’s work with ESL students is available by request from Dr.
Kennell at [email protected]. The report demonstrates the huge and growing
demand for writing-related ESL services, explains how current Lab services help to meet
these demands, and outlines plans for better meeting these needs in the future.
Conversation Groups
During the 2012-2013 academic year, in the Writing Lab’s daily ESL conversation
groups logged 738 participants.
Daily conversation groups are available for members of the Purdue community whose
native language is not English. During conversation groups, non-native speakers engage
in a friendly, round-table conversation led by a fluent English speaker, allowing the non-
native speakers to practice their English in a supportive environment. Offering these
learners a friendly and open environment helps them to gain confidence in their ability to
interact with native English speakers.
Instructor “Brown Bags”
During the 2012-2013 academic year, 17 brown bags were held, attended by 88
composition instructors.
Brown bags are bi-weekly events for instructors teaching English Composition (ENGL
106 and ENGL 108) at Purdue. Brown bags are discussion groups in which new and
veteran instructors meet to discuss teaching strategies and techniques, as well as issues
concerning research and professionalization. Topics covered include teaching with
Purdue resources, using video effectively in the composition classroom, service learning,
and teaching archival research.
During the 2012-2013 academic year, the Writing Lab offered 16 in-Lab workshops and
25 in-class, customized workshops requested by instructors.
Workshops are hour-long presentations that address general and specific writing issues.
Some workshops offered by the Writing Lab take place in the Lab or HSSE library, and
others are held in classes by the request of instructors. Workshops help build
relationships with other disciplines across campus and include a series for the Krannert
Writing Lab Annual Report 2012-2013, Page 6
School of Business and for College of Engineering’s SURF program. Workshops cover
topics as diverse as learning email etiquette, building research and citation skills, and
developing job search materials.
In-Lab Resources
The Writing Lab maintains a collection of resources available to all Purdue students and
faculty. These include a reference library of writing-related books, journals, and other
reference materials, including specialized resources for ESL users. The Lab also
provides a computer dedicated to English as a Second Language practice, which includes
specialized vocabulary and pronunciation software.
III. Writing Lab Staff
The Writing Lab staff consists of the Director, Linda Bergmann, Ph.D.; the Associate
Director, Tammy Conard-Salvo; the ESL Specialist, Vicki Kennell, Ph.D.; a receptionist,
secretary, and several student front desk assistants; and three staffs of tutors.
Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs)
English department GTAs are the backbone of the Writing Lab's staff. They work in
one-to-one consultations, develop OWL materials, perform administrative duties such as
coordinating Writing Across the Curriculum projects and OWL Mail, and work on
special projects. GTAs tutor clients from any discipline, at all levels, from first-year
composition through graduate school, on a wide range of writing projects.
GTA positions are highly selective. All GTAs have taught at least one year of first-year
composition at Purdue, must pass a rigorous interview and screening process before
joining the Lab, and must complete a semester-long tutoring practicum during their first
semester of work. Tutors are highly skilled and familiar with a wide array of different
academic and professional writing genres, and they also have strong interpersonal skills
and the motivation to work with a diverse student body on a wide variety of writing
projects. These positions are funded by the English department.
Undergraduate Teaching Assistants (UTAs)
UTAs are peer tutors from various majors across the university. UTAs are selected from
among the best students who have completed a semester-long practicum course focusing
on tutoring. In addition to tutoring students in first-year composition, UTAs staff a booth
at the English Department’s Writing Showcase, respond to OWL mail questions, staff the
satellite locations, and participate in conferences and workshops. These positions are
funded by the English department.
Business Writing Consultants (BWCs)
BWCs are primarily students majoring in Professional Writing or Management, selected
from a practicum for tutoring business and professional writing. Students must apply for
admission to the practicum. BWCs offer feedback on workplace documents and business-
related course assignments, including résumés, cover letters, memos, reports, and
proposals. BWCs provide extra help for students preparing for job fairs through Résumé
Writing Lab Annual Report 2012-2013, Page 7
Critiques, help staff the satellite locations, and also participate in the Writing Showcase.
These positions are funded by the English Department and the Krannert School of
OWL (Online Writing Lab) Staff
The OWL Technical Coordinator/Webmaster is responsible for programming and
maintaining OWL web resources, and the OWL Coordinator manages the content of the
site, hiring graduate students who develop instructional materials as needed. These
positions are funded by a University Reinvestment Grant.
Professional Writing Program/Writing Lab Collaboration Intern
One undergraduate major or M.A. student in Professional Writing develops a project to
support both the Writing Lab and the Professional Writing Program. This internship is
funded by the Crouse Scholarship in Professional Writing offered by the Professional
Writing Program.
IV. The Value of the Writing Lab's
Writing Lab staff is currently developing new metrics to generate concrete data to
demonstrate the positive effects the Lab has on the Purdue community. Among these will
be assessment designed to measure the Writing Lab’s effect on student retention,
focusing especially on the retention of international students and on the Lab’s effect on
four-year graduation rates. The Lab currently tracks client satisfaction via surveys taken
at the end of consultations, workshops, and conversation groups, and the feedback
collected from these surveys is overwhelmingly positive. Full survey data is included in
Appendix B.
Such a wide reach does not go unnoticed. The Lab was awarded the prestigious
Conference on College Composition and Communication Writing Program Certificate of
Excellence in 2004 (the first year it was granted). The Purdue Writing Lab is considered
the “Gold Standard” for both in-person and online writing labs. The OWL has greatly
increased the national and international prominence of the Purdue English department,
particularly its Rhetoric and Composition program. Over the nearly four decades since
the Writing Lab opened, over a hundred staff and alumni have produced writing-related
research and scholarship, and alumni trained in the Lab have taken faculty positions
across the United States, bringing what they learned in the Purdue Writing Lab to their
new academic communities. Former undergraduate tutors have gone on to succeed in a
wide variety of professions, both in academe as well the private sector.
Off-Campus Visitors
The Writing Lab routinely hosts visitors from other universities and institutions. This
year, the Lab hosted several scholars from abroad who were starting university writing
labs, as well as esteemed scholars from U.S. universities who wished to gain a better
understand of how Purdue's Writing Lab works.
Writing Lab Annual Report 2012-2013, Page 8
In the 2012-2013 Academic Year, the Writing Lab hosted 10 visitors from 4 universities
and 2 government agencies. Detailed information regarding the visits is included in
Appendix C.
Direct Feedback
The Writing Lab collects evaluations from all users each time services are used.
Feedback for in-Lab services is overwhelmingly positive, with over 97% of consultation
clients claiming that their consultation was helpful or very helpful, and far less than one
percent expressing dissatisfaction with their session. When assessing their sessions,
clients often write that they consider the tutors to be well qualified, knowledgeable, and
adept consultants. They mention gaining knowledge, strategies, and confidence as writers
from the sessions, and they appreciate the student-centered approach of the Writing Lab
staff. A sample of students’ written comments and an overview of evaluations are
included in Appendix B.
User satisfaction with the OWL is manifest in the large number of link requests the page
receives, its incredibly high search engine ranking, its frequent mention in writing-related
scholarship, and in constant unsolicited thanks from users around the world. A small
sample of the OWL’s unsolicited positive feedback is included in Appendix B.
V. On and Off Campus Engagement
The Writing Lab’s pursuit of excellence and recognition of the importance of intellectual
diversity and community involvement are reflected by its frequent engagement with on-
and off-campus groups.
On Campus Engagement
During the 2012-2013 academic year, the Writing Lab presented 25 workshops in courses
and sites outside the English department. These workshops were customized by
collaborations among Lab's tutors, directors, and Writing Across the Curriculum
Coordinator to develop dynamic, discipline-specific content.
Lab staff partnered with instructors from Purdue's Krannert School of Management to
conduct several workshops on the following topics: professional emails to international
audiences and using advanced visuals for presentations to diverse audiences.
Lab staff also worked with the College of Engineering's SURF Program in delivering a
series of summer workshops meant to help incoming engineering students make the
difficult the transition from high school to Purdue. Topics covered in these workshops
included an introduction to conducting research at the college level, avoiding plagiarism,
and an introduction to faculty expectations for college writing. The goal of the SURF
program is to begin the professional development of young engineering students, and Lab
Writing Lab Annual Report 2012-2013, Page 9
staff were glad to help in this endeavor.
Professional Writing
The Writing Lab is a close ally with the English department's Professional Writing
Program, which focuses on preparing undergraduate students for workplace writing.
Business Writing Consultants, partially funded by the Krannert School of Management,
provide feedback on memos, reports, résumés, and cover letters.
The Mechanical Engineering Writing Enhancement Program (WEP)
The Mechanical Engineering Writing Enhancement Program (WEP) is a collaborative
effort between the Writing Lab and Purdue School of Mechanical Engineering (ME).
Since 2010, the ME WEP has helped teaching assistants in ME provide helpful feedback
about Engineering writing projects to students. WEP assessments indicate that a
minimum of 78% of ME students demonstrate a measurable improvement in writing
Purdue's Foundations of Excellence Project
The Writing Lab's director, Dr. Linda Bergmann, serves as a member of the faculty
advisory board of Purdue’s Foundations of Excellence project, which aims to increase
student success and retention in the first year and beyond by coordinating curricular and
extra-curricular programs.
Orientation Activities
The Writing Lab takes part in Boiler Gold Rush, the five-day orientation for incoming
Purdue undergraduates. Every year Lab staff help welcome incoming students by
providing information regarding the Lab's services. Similarly, Writing Lab staff
participate in the Graduate Student Orientation Fair and the New Faculty Orientation.
During the first two weeks of each semester, the Writing Lab offers tours to instructors,
who bring their students to the Lab for discussions and demonstrations of Writing Lab
Committee for Tutoring Rights and Responsibilities
Partnering with tutoring centers across campus, the Lab’s associate director, Tammy
Conard-Salvo, worked with the Committee for Tutoring Rights and Responsibilities. The
Committee developed a tutoring ethics statement that will be implemented across all of
Purdue’s tutoring services, in order to ensure that Purdue students receive universally
excellent tutoring across campus.
College of Liberal Arts Professional Development Grants for ESL Work
The Lab’s ESL specialist, Dr. Vicki Kennell, received two grants to pursue ESL-related
professional development. The grant money allowed her to travel to the University of
North Carolina-Chapel Hill campus in order to observe their the work of their ESL
writing center specialist and to purchase professional ESL-related books and resources.
Writing Lab Annual Report 2012-2013, Page 10
Writing Showcase
The Writing Lab participates in the annual Writing Showcase, an event hosted by the
Introductory Composition Program at Purdue (ICaP) and the Professional Writing
Program. The Writing Showcase features some of the best writing, research, and digital
media productions from students in first year and professional writing courses, as well as
displays of innovative teaching practices from writing instructors. Students present
documentary films, digital portfolios, public service announcements, and research papers
on topics related to local and national issues, community outreach, digital writing, and
data visualization.
Satellite Locations
During the fall and spring semesters, the Writing Lab offers evening tutoring at several
locations to extend the Lab’s on-campus reach.
HSSE Library (Mondays, 6-9 PM)
The Lab’s HSSE location is designed to foster collaborative tutoring, utilizing the
library’s collaborative study spaces.
Latino Cultural Center Writing Lab (Tuesdays, 6-9 PM)
The LCC satellite location began as a research project from an undergraduate
tutor. The location serves as a means of outreach of students who use the Latino
Cultural Center.
Meredith Hall Satellite Writing Lab (Wednesdays, 6-9 PM)
The Meredith Hall location is designed to provide services to Purdue students
who live on-campus and whose schedules do not permit them to make use of the
Heavilon Hall location.
College of Engineering (starting in 2013-2014)
Starting next year, the Lab will open a location within the College of Engineering.
This location is meant to reach students in engineering and strengthen the Lab’s
collaboration with the college.
Off-Campus Engagement
College Mentors for Kids
College Mentors for Kids (CMFK) is a service program that unites at-risk middle school
students with Purdue undergraduates. Undergraduate students mentor middle school
students, introducing them to different career opportunities and important skills, and
encouraging the students to take an interest in going to college. In 2013, the Lab's
Associate Director, Tammy Conard-Salvo, worked with undergraduate Lab staff to offer
CMFK students a workshop about general writing tips and how to prepare applications
for the Purdue Promise program.
Writing Lab Annual Report 2012-2013, Page 11
The Lab’s Associate Director, Tammy Conard-Salvo, worked as a committee member of
the Conference on College Composition and Communication Committee on Computers
in Composition and Communication (7Cs). 7Cs is a national committee affiliated with
the National Council of Teachers of English that serves as a resource for computer-based
pedagogy and technology issues as they affect the teaching of composition. Ms. Conard-
Salvo’s work with 7C’s included selecting the site of the annual Computers and Writing
Conference and reviewing Computers and Writing conference proposals.
Western Governors University
Dr. Linda Bergmann, Writing Lab Director, serves on the General Education Council of
Western Governors University.
IWCA Summer Institute
Tammy Conard-Salvo, Associate Director of the Writing Lab, served as a leader for the
prestigious Summer Institute sponsored by the International Writing Centers Association.
The Institute is an intensive, week-long program of workshops about writing center
administration and research, and participants include new and veteran administrators
overseeing high school and university writing centers around the world. Ms. Conard-
Salvo led three different workshops on technology, online tutoring, and developing
Alumni Outreach
The Writing Lab publishes a twice-yearly online newsletter, Alumni Annotations, which
is distributed to former Writing Lab and OWL staff. Alumni Annotations contains
messages from the Lab’s director, news about the Lab’s ongoing projects and honors
received by the Lab’s staff, and features written by Lab alumni.
Starting in the 2013-2014 academic year, the Writing Lab will begin a version of the Peer
Tutor Alumni Research Project (PTARP). Developed by writing scholars at the
University of Maine, Florida Atlantic University, and the University of Wisconsin-
Madison, the PTARP is an IRB-approved research project through which databases of
writing center alumni are developed and maintained, and through which writing center
alumni are queried about the value of their experience at their respective centers. The
goal of the project is to generate data demonstrating the effects that writing center
experience has upon the professional development of tutors.
VI. Learning and Professional
The Writing Lab serves as a springboard into service-based academic scholarship. Most
of the Lab’s graduate alumni have taken tenure-track positions at universities in the
United States and abroad. In addition to this, Lab training serves to professionalize
graduate and undergraduate tutors, preparing them for jobs in education, government, and
Writing Lab Annual Report 2012-2013, Page 12
private industry.
Credit Courses
During the fall semester, the following three courses were offered to prepare candidates
for tutoring positions within the Purdue Writing Lab:
English 502W (1 credit)
This course is an in-service practicum for graduate teaching assistants in their first
semester of tutoring.
English 390A (2–3 credits)
This course focuses on the theory and practice of tutoring writing and is a
prerequisite for applying for UTA (Undergraduate Teaching Assistant) positions
for first year composition.
English 390B (2–3 credits)
This course focuses on the theory and practice of tutoring business and
professional writing students and is a prerequisite for applying for undergraduate
BWC (Business Writing Consultant) positions.
Dissertations and Theses
During the 2012-2013 academic year, graduate students completed the following
dissertations and theses based on research in the Writing Lab:
Elder, Cristyn. “Dear OWL Mail”: Reshaping Our Stories about Writers and
Writers’ Concerns. IRB approved. Linda Bergmann, Ph.D. committee member.
Kenzie, Daniel. Transfer and the Writing Center: A Qualitative Study of Tutoring
Transitions. IRB Approved. Linda Bergmann, MA committee chair.
Morris, Margaret. Unmasking Collaboration: A Qualitative Study. IRB approved.
Linda Bergmann, Ph.D. committee co-chair with Shirley Rose, Arizona State
The following students began or continued work on theses or dissertations related to the
Writing Lab:
Allen, Matthew. An Examination of Reader-Based Response in Writing Center
Conferences. Prospectus Defended. IRB Approved. Linda Bergmann, Ph.D.
committee member.
Atilgan, Aylin. The Journey of Chinese and Korean Students from English
Mainstream Composition Courses to the Writing Lab: A Needs Assessment of
Purdue University East Asian Students. Prospectus Defended. IRB Approved.
Linda Bergmann, Ph.D. committee member.
Dorn, Christopher. An Ecological Approach to Writing Center Studies. Linda
Bergmann, MA committee chair.
Writing Lab Annual Report 2012-2013, Page 13
Koppelman, Zachery. Understanding the Rhetorical Engineer. Prospectus Defended.
IRB Approved. Linda Bergmann, Ph.D. committee member.
Conard-Salvo, Tammy and John M. Spartz. "Listening to Revise: What a Study about
Text-to-Speech Software Taught Us about Students' Expectations for Technology Use in
the Writing Center.' The Writing Center Journal 32.2 (2012): 40-59.
Abbott, Tristan & Stacy Nall. “Common Values at a Corporate University.” East Central
Writing Centers Association Conference. Clarion University: Clarion, PA.
Bergmann, Linda. “Responding to a Changing Population of Multilingual Writers at
Purdue,” Convention of the International Writing Centers Association, October 25-27,
Bergmann, Linda. “The Roles of Writing Centers in Graduate Education: Exploring the
Possibilities,” Special Interest Group presentation, Convention of the International
Writing Centers Association, October 25-27, 2012.
Bergmann, Linda “Where Have We Been and Where Should We Go?” [in writing center
assessment], Conference on College Composition and Communication, March 13-16,
Bergmann, Linda. Plenary talk: “American Writing Centers: What They Teach Clients
and What They Teach Tutors.” FLOW (Foreign Language Opportunities in Writing)
Conference, Lodz, Poland. June 9-11, 2013.
Conard-Salvo, Tammy (with Michael Salvo and Adam Stranz). “Creating Mobile
Technologies for Global Research Spaces” (distance presentation). Computers and
Writing Conference, Raleigh, NC.
Conard-Salvo, Tammy (with Clint Gardner and Jennifer Wells). “Playing with Mobile
Technologies: Options for Creativity and Innovation in the Writing Center” (distance
presentation). International Writing Centers Association Conference, San Diego, CA
Dorn, Christopher. “"Embodied Kairos in the Writing Gymnasium." East Central Writing
Centers Association Conference. Clarion University: Clarion, PA.
Kenzie, Dan. “Cross Curricular Workshops: Engaging Theory, Refining Practice.” East
Central Writing Centers Association Conference. Clarion University: Clarion, PA.
McCall, Mary. "A Rhetorical Analysis of the Writing Center Report Genre." East
Central Writing Centers Association Conference. Clarion University: Clarion, PA.
Writing Lab Annual Report 2012-2013, Page 14
VII. Appendices
Appendix A: Breakdown of Usage Information
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Writing Lab Annual Report 2012-2013, Page 15
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Writing Lab Annual Report 2012-2013, Page 16
Appendix B: Evaluations and Comments
Student evaluations of Individual Consultations, ESL Conversation Groups, In-Lab and
In-Class Workshops, and Instructor Brown Bags.
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Selected Comments from Student Evaluations of Consultations
At the end of each consultation, ESL conversation group, and workshop, students have
the opportunity to fill out anonymously a feedback form that evaluates their experience in
the Writing Lab. The following selections (transcribed exactly as users wrote them)
constitute a small sample of the comments that students have offered when asked the
question, “What did you learn to help you with future writing projects?”
Writing Lab Annual Report 2012-2013, Page 18
[The tutor] helped me organize my thoughts. We worked together to reconstruct
my PowerPoint and information that will go in my research poster.
[My tutor] gave me some helpful tips concerning the format of a clear and
organized resume. He also helped me develop content in my personal statement.
Talking through my ideas helps to figure out my argument and what I want
readers to “take away” from my work.
[The tutor] explained how to address a general audience for technical writing
(don’t use ‘you’ or ‘I’ pronouns)
I learned that I can start with a working thesis, write down the evidence, and then
go back and make the thesis more detailed and stronger, I also learned alternate
ways to structure my thoughts.
My sentences tend to be long and full of pronouns/other references outside of
Connect the ending of a paragraph with the beginning of he next to the point
where if you only read these two things you can paint a picture of the entire paper.
Specific writing tools for writing personal statements. For example backing up a
statement with a personal experience relating to that statement.
Introductions can’t jump from idea to idea without introducing each topic with
smooth transitions in between ideas. Introductions are the first impression, don’t
mess it up.
Watching common and cliché phrases in my writing.
We discussed document-formatting and making sure to keep ideas narrow and
focused when there is a page limit. Juan made the parameters of prelim
documents very clear. The tutorial eased my mind a lot!
I learned more about the chronological order of my essays. So, for instance, if I
wish to talk about the future, that needs to follow me discussing the present.
Backtracking (talking about the present, then future, then present) will only
confuse my audience.
[My tutor] did a great job helping me with the wordiness, and how to cut down on
extra words and phrases. She also helped me address my concerns of making the
tone of my writing more positive.
Writing Lab Annual Report 2012-2013, Page 19
Students also made the following comments when asked, “Do you have any additional
comments or feedback?”
The tutor was very respectful and had a genuine interest in my work and subject
I would love to see my tutor again!! He was very helpful and nice!! During the
session, I felt like he knew what I needed to do.
Writing Center is great!! Although sometimes it’s frustrating to recognize that I
am still very far away from “flawless” writing skills, learning new things during
the revision process is very enjoyable.
This was an awesome experience that I’m sure will be a catalyst for growth.
I greatly appreciated [my tutor’s] input. He seemed to take a genuine interest in
my thoughts and concerns, and it was obvious to me that he cares about the
success of those who seek his advice.
Great first experience in the Writing Lab!
This was really helpful! I feel a lot more confident with my paper now.
[My tutor] did a very good job with helping me formulate strong arguments to
incorporate in my essay.
I am really glad I came in and I feel way more confident in my writing abilities
I have learned many things during the 30 minute session and it has been very
The time is too limited. In 30 mins, I usually cannot go over the whole paper.
I appreciated the ability to work through some of my dissertation to clarify my
This tutoring experience has inspired me to make better examples
It’s fun and very helpful. [My tutor] helped me a lot. Thank you so much for
being so nice and understanding.
Mary was extremely helpful in providing feedback. She was detailed and gave
constructive advice and concrete examples of ways to improve my writing.
She was very thorough and made sure to cater to my individual needs – she asked
what I wanted to focus on, how I wanted to read through it, etc.
I was very worried before, but after meeting with [my tutor] and talking the paper
through with her made me more confident in my writing abilities.
[My tutor] was phenomenally helpful! She gave me great recommendations
regarding personal statements and resumes.
[My tutor] is a terrific evaluator. She is detailed and clearly explains how to
improve the paper & justifies the purpose of the changes that need to be made.
[My tutor] did a very good job at making me think and coming up w/ideas instead
of him just telling me what to do.
It is my first time to get here, and I think it is a good experience for an
international student. The woman who worked with me is kind and she explained
ideas to me specifically.
Writing Lab Annual Report 2012-2013, Page 20
Selected Comments from OWL Users
The following selections (transcribed exactly as users wrote them) constitute a small
sample of the unsolicited comments we receive about the OWL. OWL users include
students and instructors at Purdue and around the world, k-12 teachers, and parents.
I am nearing the end of a long slow trip through graduate school towards getting
my MSLIS and I want to express my deep gratitude for the countless times I have
referenced the OWL's pages on Research and citation, specifically APA. From my
very first graduate school paper to my final papers in the next few weeks, I have
consulted the OWL every single term. I can't imagine how many students across
the country and around the world have been helped by the extensive, clearly
written, and detailed examples and explanations provided in the OWL's pages. As
I work on one of my final papers, I can't help but contact you to thank you from
the bottom of my stressed out graduate student's heart. (USA)
Thank you so much for the excellent site on the English grammar. I was looking
for the answers for many years. Your presenting style and contents well exceeded
my expectations. I would definitely recommend your site to everyone, who wants
to improve English. Big thanks again! (Lithuania)
The site keeps evolving and getting better and better! My students are using it and
identified it as one of their top resources for adult returning students. I also put the
OWL Purdue website information in the course syllabus under writing resources.
These are adult women completing a BA after many years and carrying a lot of "I
can't" with them. the cohort format helps -- OWL helps and is a super resource.
thanks M.Reiff (USA)
This is an excellent tool for my students. We are in Louisiana and students are
required to learn MLA formatting. I work in a Title One school; 98% of my
students are on free/reduced lunch and can not afford to purchase the style guide.
I had been modeling how to navigate through the web-site in class, but would like
to add it to my web page for my students next year. Thanks so much. (USA)
I think this is a fantastic resource for students preparing for international English
exams like TOEFL and IELTS and I refer my students and other teachers to the
site frequently. (Italy)
I love, love, love your site and always tell students and other writers about it.
Your explanations are so concise and clear; it's much easier to send people to your
site than to try and explain certain grammar points myself! I just posted a blog
piece today with a couple links to your site; hope that's OK. Thanks, Jody Kihara
(author, editor, and sometimes grammar instructor). (Canada)
I have been recommending the OWL to my students for years. It is one of the
very best online writing resources I have seen. It is user-friendly, easy to navigate,
complete and reliable. Our students are IB students and they use the OWL for
Writing Lab Annual Report 2012-2013, Page 21
several courses, but most importantly for the 4,000 word Extended Essay. They
go off to universities all over the world with a superb resource in their education.
I truly appreciate OWL's resources! No one has ever taught me how to
properly cite ANYTHING in APA format. I would have failed many
assignments if OWL was not accessible due to massive citation errors! OWL
is especially wonderful for those of us that have not been in school for a long
period of time and/or have been in a technical career that does not deal with
computers. The latter would apply to myself as I am a hairdresser of 20 years
and would not know where to start when adhering to academically correct
guidelines and expectations. Thank you. (USA)
Your site is absolutely the MOST important tool I use to direct students to for
help - I could not ever explain and show examples as your site does - it is
comprehensive and easy to use. I teach students who are older and going back
to school and it is so hard to get back in the groove - this site is so helpful for
them!!! (USA)
The Purdue University Online Writing Lab is great! It provides me immediate
help in academic papers that I make. Information from the site are clearly
presented and are organized well. Thank you so much! (Philippines)
Writing Lab Annual Report 2012-2013, Page 22
Appendix C: List of Visitor Consultations with the Writing Lab
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Writing Lab Annual Report 2012-2013, Page 23
Appendix D: Writing Lab Staff Members for 20122013
Linda S. Bergmann, Ph.D., Professor of English
Associate Director
Tammy Conard-Salvo, M.A., Administrative/Professional
ESL Specialist
Vicki Kennell, Ph.D, Administrative/Professional
Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs)
Tristan Abbott
Chris Dorn
Marybeth Harris
Gina Hurley
Dan Kenzie
Helen Knight
Mary McCall
Juan Meneses
Rebekah Mitsein
Sean Mitsein
Hwanhee Park
Dana Roders
Slaney Ross
Scott Partridge
Ashley Watson
Heather Wicks
Online Writing Lab (OWL) Staff
OWL Coordinator: Joshua Paiz
OWL Technical Coordinator/Webmaster: Caitlan Spronk
Undergraduate Teaching Assistants (UTAs)
Alissa Berger
Lizzie Berkovitz
John Bomkamp
Ariel Callahan
Raysha Duncan
Megan Grassl
Matt Hollars
Xin Hou
Shannon Israelsen
Kenneth Kim
Haley Sands
Rebekah Thomas
Business Writing Consultants (BWCs)
Anna Chen
Corrine Feight
Alexandra Hoff
Elizabeth Hudson
Christy Hunter
Will Precup
Katelyn Roberts
Hannah Wilkerson
Professional Writing Program/Writing Lab Collaboration Intern
Adam Strantz