CISC 7332X T6
Collision-free and Limited-
contention Protocols
Hui Chen
Department of Computer & Information Science
CUNY Brooklyn College
10/22/2019 1CUNY | Brooklyn College
Channel allocation problem
Multiple Access Protocols
CSMA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access)
Collision-free protocols
Limited-contention protocols
To discuss next week
Ethernet protocols
Wireless LAN protocols
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Medium Access Control
Two types of network links
Multiple access (broadcast)
Key issue
Who gets to use the channel when there is a
competition to it?
Multiaccess channel/random access channel
Medium Access Control (MAC)
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The MAC Sublayer
The protocols used to
determine who goes next on a
multiaccess channel
Especially important for LAN,
particularly wireless LANs
In contrast, WANs general use
point-to-point links, excepts
for satellite networks
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MAC is in here!
Multiple Access Protocols
CSMA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access)
Collision-free protocols
Limited-contention protocols
To discuss next week
Ethernet protocols
Wireless LAN protocols
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Collision Free Protocols
Collision-free protocols avoid collisions
Senders must know when it is their turn to
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The basic bit-map protocol:
The protocol consists of two phases
There are a fixed number of content slots.
Sender set a bit in contention slot if they have data
Sending frames
Senders send in turn; everyone knows who has data
Protocols like this, in which, the desire to
transmit is broadcast before actual
transmission is called reservation protocols
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Basic Bitmap: Example
Each station announces whether it has
data frame to transmit in its content slot
After contention slots, transmit if any
station has a frame to transmit
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Basic Bitmap: Efficiency
Channel efficiency/utilization: assume N
slots, d bits per frame
Low load: ~ d/(d+N)
High load: ~ d/(d + 1)
Mean delay
> (N-1)d/2 + N
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Token Passing
Token sent round ring defines the
sending order
Station with token may send a frame before
Idea can be used without ring too, e.g.,
token bus
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Token Passing: Example
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Direction of
Token Passing: Example
IEEE 802.5/Token Ring
FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface)
IEEE 802.17/RPR (Resilient Packet Ring)
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Count Down
An improvement over basic Bitmap
Stations send their address in contention slot
(log N bits instead of N bits), one bit at a time
Medium ORs bits; stations give up when they
send a “0” but see a “1”
Station that sees its full address is next to send
Requirement on physical layer?
Transmitting while receiving …
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Count Down: Example
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Limited-Contention Protocols
To divide stations into groups within
which only a very small number are likely
to want to send
Avoids wastage due to idle periods and
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Already too many contenders for a
good chance of one winner
Adaptive Tree Walk:
Motivating Example
U.S. Army adopted a method to test soldiers for syphilis
during World War II aiming at reducing tests.
1. Took a blood sample from N soldiers
2. Pour a portion of each to a test tube
3. If the mixed sample is clean with antibodies, the N
soldiers are declared healthy
4. Otherwise, divided N into two groups, each with N/2
5. Repeat the testing protocol starting at step 1 (albeit for
each group of N/2 soldiers) recursively until the
infected soldier is found.
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Limited Contention: Adaptive
Tree Walk
Tree divides stations into groups (nodes)
to poll
Depth first search under nodes with poll
Start search at lower levels if >1 station
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Limited Contention: Adaptive
Tree Walk: Example Tree
8 stations; time slots conveniently numbered 1, 2, … 7 as the
node numbers in the tree; nodes are grouped accordingly
If contention fails at time slot 1, nodes under 2 contends at slot
2, and nodes under 3 contends at slot 3
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Level 0
Level 1
Level 2
Collision-free protocols
Limited-contention protocols
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