Notification of Producer Compensation
Proposed New Rules: N.J.A.C. 11:17B-4
Authorized By: Steven M. Goldman, Commissioner, Department of Banking and Insurance
Authority: N.J.S.A. 17:1-8.1, 17:1-15e and 17:22A-41.1
Calendar Reference: See Summary below for explanation of exception to calendar requirement.
Proposal Number: PRN 2009-242
Submit comments by October 16 , 2009 to:
Robert J. Melillo, Chief
Legislative and Regulatory Affairs
Department of Banking and Insurance
20 West State Street
PO Box 325
Trenton, NJ 08625-0325
Fax: 609-292-0896
The agency proposal follows:
P.L. 2008, c. 38 (the Act) was approved on July 8, 2008 and became effective on January
5, 2009. Among other things, the Act amended the New Jersey Producer Licensing Act of 2001
at N.J.S.A. 17:22A-26 et seq. to provide as follows:
“a. An insurance producer licensed pursuant to [N.J.S.A. 17:22A-26
et seq.] who sells, solicits, or negotiates health insurance policies or
contracts to residents of this State shall notify the purchaser of the
insurance, in writing, of the amount of any commission, service fee,
brokerage, or other valuable consideration that the producer will
receive as a result of the sale, solicitation or negotiation of the health
insurance policy or contract. If the commission, fee, brokerage, or
other valuable consideration is based on a percentage of premium, the
insurance producer shall include that information in the notification to
the purchaser.
b. The Commissioner may specify, by regulation, the information
that shall be provided by an insurance producer in the notification to a
purchaser of health insurance and the procedure for providing the
notification. N.J.S.A. 17:22A-41.1.”
On October 1, 2008, the Department issued Bulletin No. 08-16 to provide guidance for
producer compensation disclosure. The Department is now proposing new rules at N.J.A.C.
11:17B-4 to codify and enhance the guidelines previously provided by the Bulletin.
The Department initially notes that the statute requires disclosure for compensation
related to “health insurance policies.” However, the proposed new rules apply solely to health
benefit plans as defined in N.J.A.C. 11:22-5.2. Other health insurance policies, such as
disability, long-term care and accident only, involve a myriad of circumstances under which
commissions may be paid (for example, all or a majority of the commission may be paid in the
first year of the policy with little or no commissions paid thereafter). These differences present a
unique challenge to the Department as to how best to articulate standards so that the notification
to purchasers will be meaningful and clear, as well as appropriate across the various plans
provided. Thus, the Department is publishing elsewhere in this issue of the New Jersey Register
a notice of pre-proposal requesting input from interested parties on how to address these
concerns with regard to the issuance of policies other than health benefits plans that provide
health care coverage. After review of the comments submitted on that pre-proposal, the
Department will propose amendments or new rules to establish standards applicable to those
types of health insurance policies.
The proposed new rules implement N.J.S.A. 17:22A-41.1 with respect to health benefits
plans to ensure that purchasers of such plans are provided notice of the compensation paid to
producers so that they may be aware of the costs associated with such coverage.
Proposed N.J.A.C. 11:17B-4.1 sets forth the purpose and scope of the proposed new
Proposed N.J.A.C. 11:17B-4.2 sets forth the definitions of terms used in the subchapter.
Proposed N.J.A.C. 11:17B-4.3 sets forth the requirements for notification of producer
compensation to purchasers of health benefits plans. Generally, the proposed new rule requires
that any insurance producer who sells, solicits or negotiates health benefits plans to residents of
this State shall disclose to the purchaser any valuable consideration to be received by them for
the sale, including but not limited to commissions and service fees. All valuable
consideration shall be disclosed whether the amount is set, can be calculated, or must be
estimated. For new business, notification and disclosure of compensation shall be made either at
the time of the proposal or 30 days prior to the date on which the contract is executed by the
purchaser, whichever is later. For renewals, notification and disclosure shall be made at least 30
days prior to the effective date of the renewal. Producers may use the form of disclosure that is
set forth in Exhibit A in the Appendix to the proposed subchapter, incorporated therein by
reference, or they may use a form that provides the required information. In the alternative, if
the carrier or carrier’s designee elects to voluntarily provide the required information in the rate
quote, such action shall satisfy the requirements of this subchapter. The proposed form is based
on the form previously circulated by the Department as an attachment to Bulletin No. 08-16.
The proposed rule also provides that any general agent commission shall be specifically
identified to the purchaser and not aggregated with the compensation to the retail producer.
The proposed new rule further provides that for any group health benefits plan not
otherwise subject to N.J.S.A. 17B:27A-17 et seq., the premium, rate, or charge for coverage may
be (but is not required to be) calculated by the carrier based on the actual commission paid. If
the premium is calculated based on the actual commission, this fact must be disclosed by the
carrier to the policyholder or contractholder (for example, in the rate proposal).
Proposed N.J.A.C. 11:17B-4.4 sets forth penalties for violations of the subchapter.
A 60-day comment period is provided for this notice of proposal, and, therefore, pursuant
to N.J.A.C. 1:30-3.3(a)5, the proposal is not subject to the provisions of N.J.A.C. 1:30-3.1 and
3.2 governing rulemaking calendars.
Social Impact
The proposed new rules implement N.J.S.A. 17:22A-41.1, with respect to the providing
of notice of the compensation to be received by producers to purchasers of health benefits plans.
Such notice should enable purchasers to better understand the components of the full cost of the
coverage they are purchasing, and be informed about the compensation provided to the producer
for their services in the transaction. The new rules will also assist employers in the large group
market in negotiating commissions, which may result in reductions in the fees paid by employers
to acquire such coverage.
Economic Impact
Producers and carriers will be required to incur any costs associated with notifying
purchasers of health benefits plans who are residents of this State of the compensation the
producer will receive in connection with the sale of such plans. In addition, purchasers will be in
a position to know the charges related to compensation paid to producers in connection with the
sale of such plans. Professional services needed to comply with the proposed new rules include
information technology, accounting and actuarial. These services should currently be either
available in-house or retained by entities subject to the proposed new rules.
Federal Standards Statement
A Federal standards analysis is not required because the proposed new rules are not
subject to any Federal requirements or standards.
Jobs Impact
The Department does not anticipate that any jobs will be generated or lost as a result of
the proposed new rules. The Department invites commenters to submit any data or studies on
the potential jobs impact of the proposed new rules together with their comments on other
aspects of the proposal.
Agriculture Industry Impact
The proposed new rules will not have an impact on the agriculture industry in New
Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
The proposed new rules will apply to “small businesses,” as that term is defined in the
Regulatory Flexibility Act, N.J.S.A. 52:14B-16 et seq. To the extent that the proposed new rules
apply to small businesses, they will apply to resident business entities licensed as organization
insurance producers, domestic insurers and health maintenance organizations providing
individual and group health benefits plans to residents of this State. The cost for compliance and
professional services required to comply with the proposed new rules are discussed in the
Economic Impact above. The proposed new rules provide no differentiation in compliance
requirements based on business size. N.J.S.A. 17:22A-41.1 requires insurance producers to
provide notice of their compensation to purchasers of health insurance (with health benefits plans
being addressed in this proposal, and other kinds of health insurance to addressed in a subsequent
proposal). The purpose of this statute is to ensure that purchasers of health insurance in this
State are advised of the producer compensation component of the cost of such coverage. These
goals do not vary based on business size.
Smart Growth Impact
The proposed new rules will not have an impact on the achievement of smart growth or
the implementation of the State Development and Redevelopment Plan.
Housing Affordability Analysis
The proposed new rules will not have an impact on housing affordability in this State
because the proposed new rules relate to notification of producer compensation to purchasers in
connection with the sale of health benefits plans.
Smart Growth Development Impact
The Department believes that there is an extreme unlikelihood that these proposed new
rules would evoke a change in housing production in Planning Areas 1 or 2, or within designated
centers, under the State Development and Redevelopment Plan because the proposed new rules
relate to notification of producer compensation to purchasers in connection with the sale of
health benefits plans.
Full text of the proposed new rules follows:
11:17B-4.1 Purpose and scope
(a) The purpose of this subchapter is to set forth standards and requirements to
implement N.J.S.A. 17:22A-41.1, and to require insurance producers who sell, solicit, or
negotiate health benefits plans to residents of this State to notify the purchaser of the plan in
writing of the amount of any commission, service fee, brokerage, or other valuable consideration
that the producer will receive as a result of such sale, solicitation or negotiation.
(b) This subchapter shall apply to any insurance producer licensed pursuant to
N.J.S.A. 17:22A-26 et seq., who sells, solicits or negotiates health benefits plans to residents of
this State.
11:17B-4.2 Definitions
The following words and terms, as used in this subchapter, shall have the following
meanings, unless the context indicates otherwise.
“Carrier” is as defined in N.J.A.C. 11:21-1.2.
“Commissioner” means the Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Banking and
“Department” means the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance.
“Health benefits plan” is as defined in N.J.A.C. 11:22-5.2.
“Insurance producer” or “producer” is as defined in N.J.S.A. 17:22A-28.
11:17B-4.3 Notification
(a) Any insurance producer who sells, solicits or negotiates health benefits plans to
residents of this State shall disclose to the purchaser of such plan any valuable consideration
received by them for the sale, solicitation, or negotiation. Valuable consideration received by the
producer includes, but is not limited to, commissions and service fees. All valuable
consideration shall be disclosed whether the amount is a fixed amount, is calculable, or must be
estimated. However, the precise nature of the compensation (for example, whether the
compensation is a commission or service fee) need not be disclosed. In the case of commission
rates, producers may disclose the commission as a percentage of premium or the per employee
amount of commission in connection with a rate proposal, binder or bill, as an alternative to
disclosing the total dollar amount of the compensation.
(b) For new business, notification and disclosure of compensation shall be made
either at the time of the proposal or 30 days prior to the date on which the contract is executed by
the purchaser, whichever is later. For renewals, notification and disclosure shall be made at least
30 days prior to the effective date of the renewal.
(c) Producers may use the form of disclosure set forth in Exhibit A in the Appendix
to this subchapter, incorporated herein by reference, or they may use a form that provides the
required information. In the alternative, if the carrier or carrier’s designee elects voluntarily to
provide the required information in the rate quote, such action shall satisfy the requirements of
this subchapter and N.J.S.A. 17:22A-41.1.
(d) Compensation to any general agent shall be specifically identified and shall not be
aggregated with the compensation paid to the retail agent (that is, the producer who directly sold
the health benefits plan).
(e) For any group health benefits plan not otherwise subject to N.J.S.A. 17B:27A-17
et seq., the premium, rate, or charge for coverage may be (but is not required to be) calculated by
the carrier based on the actual commission paid. If the premium is calculated based on the actual
commission, this fact must be disclosed by the carrier to the policyholder or contract-holder (for
example, in the rate proposal).
11:17B-4.4 Penalties
Failure to comply with the provisions of this subchapter may result in the imposition of
penalties as authorized by law, including, but not limited to, penalties authorized by N.J.S.A.
New Jersey law (N.J.S.A.
17:22A-41.1) requires disclosure of the compensation a licensed agent or
broker (producer) receives from your purchase or renewal of health coverage. Compensation may be in
the form of a commission, fee(s), or possibly other valuable consideration, or a combination of all three.
The dollar amount(s) or percentage(s) of premium are in the table below. If an amount cannot be
determined (for example, a bonus), it is marked as “CBD.” If something does not apply, it is marked
“None” or “NA”.
*This column shows a fixed compensation arrangement that does not consider the
premium generated or the number of enrollees. This column should not contain any
dollar amounts if either of the first two columns indicates a commission or fee applies.
Agent Name: _________________________________________ License #:_______________
Other Producer: ________________________________________________________________
Company Name: _______________________________________________________________
Percentage (%) Amount in Dollars
($) on a per
employee basis
Total Dollar ($)
per plan (case)*
Commission of Issuing Agent
Commission of General Agent
Consultant Fee
Brokerage Fee