October 2017
For use in M&O and non-M&O cost reimbursement solicitations and contracts where
work had been previously performed under a DOE M&O contract and the successor
Contractor is (a) required to employ all or part of the former Contractor’s workforce
and sponsors the employee pension and benefit plans; or (b) retains sponsorship of
benefit plans that survive performance of the contract work scope. Contracts in this
latter category include, but are not limited to, environmental remediation,
infrastructure services and other site-specific project completion contracts.
(a) Contractor Employee Compensation Plan
The Contractor shall submit, for Contracting Officer approval, by (fill-in
example: close of contract transition), a Contractor Employee Compensation
Plan (to be submitted during contract transition only) demonstrating how the
Contractor will comply with the requirements of this Contract. The
Contractor Employee Compensation Plan shall describe the Contractor’s
policies regarding compensation, pensions and other benefits, and how these
policies will support at reasonable cost the effective recruitment and
retention of a highly skilled, motivated, and experienced workforce.
A description of the Contractor Employee Compensation Program should
include the following components;
a. Philosophy and strategy for all pay delivery programs.
b. System for establishing a job worth hierarchy.
c. Method for relating internal job worth hierarchy to external market.
d. System that links individual and/or group performance to
compensation decisions.
e. Method for planning and monitoring the expenditure of funds.
f. Method for ensuring compliance with applicable laws and
g. System for communicating the programs to employees.
h. System for internal controls and self-assessment.
i. System to ensure that reimbursement of compensation, including
stipends, for employees who are on joint appointments with a parent
or other organization shall be on a pro-rated basis.
(b) Total Compensation System
The Contractor shall develop, implement and maintain formal policies,
practices and procedures to be used in the administration of its
compensation system consistent with FAR 31.205-6 and DEAR 970.3102-
05-6; “Compensation for Personal Services”. DOE-approved standards
(e.g., set forth in an advance understanding or appendix), if any, shall be
applied to the Total Compensation System. The Contractor’s Total
October 2017
Compensation System shall be fully documented, consistently applied, and
acceptable to the Contracting Officer. Costs incurred in implementing the
Total Compensation System shall be consistent with the Contractor's
documented Contractor Employee Compensation Plan as approved by the
Contracting Officer.
(c) Reports and Information
The Contractor shall provide the Contracting Officer with the following
reports and information with respect to pay and benefits provided under this
(1) An Annual Contractor Salary-Wage Increase Expenditure Report to
include, at a minimum, breakouts for merit, promotion, variable pay,
special adjustments, and structure movements for each pay structure
showing actual against approved amounts; and planned distribution of
funds for the following year.
(2) A list of the top five most highly compensated executives as defined in
FAR 31.205-6(p)(4)(ii) and their total cash compensation at the time
of Contract award, and at the time of any subsequent change to their
total cash compensation. This should be the same information
provided to the System for Award Management (SAM) per FAR
(3) An Annual Compensation and Benefits Report no later than March 1
of each year.
(d) Pay and Benefit Programs
The Contractor shall establish pay and benefit programs for Incumbent
Employees and Non-Incumbent Employees as defined in paragraphs (1) and
(2) below; provided, however, that employees scheduled to work fewer than
20 hours per week receive only those benefits required by law. Employees
are eligible for benefits, subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations of
each benefit program.
(1) Incumbent Employees are the employees [(fill-in) who hold regular
appointments or who are regular employees] of the incumbent
(A) Pay. Subject to the Workforce Transition Clause, the Contractor
shall provide equivalent base pay to Incumbent Employees as
compared to pay provided by (fill-in name of the incumbent
Contractor) for at least the first year of the term of the Contract.
October 2017
(B) Pension and Other Benefits. The Contractor shall provide a total
package of benefits to Incumbent Employees comparable to that
provided by [fill-in name of the incumbent Contractor].
Comparability of the total benefit package shall be determined by
the Contracting Officer in his/her sole discretion.
Incumbent Employees shall remain in their existing pension plans (or
comparable successor plans if continuation of the existing plans is not
practicable) pursuant to pension plan eligibility requirements and
applicable law.
(2) Non-Incumbent Employees are new hires, i.e., employees other than
Incumbent Employees who are hired by the Contractor after date of
award. All Non-Incumbent Employees shall receive a total pay and
benefits package that provides for market-based retirement and
medical benefit plans that are competitive with the industry from
which the Contractor recruits its employees and in accordance with
Contract requirements.
(3) Cash Compensation
(A) The Contractor shall submit the below information, as
applicable, to the Contracting Officer for a determination of cost
allowability for reimbursement under the Contract:
(i) Any proposed major compensation program design changes
prior to implementation.
(ii) Variable pay programs/incentives. If not already
authorized under Appendix A of the contract, a justification
shall be provided with proposed costs and impacts to
budget, if any.
(iii) In the absence of Departmental policy to the contrary (e.g.,
Secretarial pay freeze) a Contractor that meets the criteria,
as set forth below, is not required to submit a
Compensation Increase Plan (CIP) request to the
Contracting Officer for an advance determination of cost
allowability for a Merit Increase fund or
Promotion/Adjustment fund:
The Merit Increase fund does not exceed the mean
percent increase included in the annual
Departmental guidance providing the WorldatWork
Salary Budget Survey’s salary increase projected
October 2017
for the CIP year. The Promotion/Adjustment fund
does not exceed (fill-in) percent in total.
The budget used for both Merit Increase funds and
Promotion/Adjustment funds shall be based on the
payroll for the end of the previous CIP year.
Salary structure adjustments do not exceed the
mean WorldatWork structure adjustments projected
for the CIP year and communicated through the
annual Department CIP guidance.
Please note: No later than the first day of the CIP
cycle, Contractors must provide notification to the
Contracting Officer of planned increases and
position to market data by mutually agreed-upon
employment categories. No presumption of
allowability will exist for employee job classes that
exceed market position.
(iv) If a Contractor does not meet the criteria included in (iii)
above, a CIP must be submitted to the Contracting Officer
for an advance determination of cost allowability. The CIP
should include the following components and data:
(1) Comparison of average pay to market average pay.
(2) Information regarding surveys used for comparison.
(3) Aging factors used for escalating survey data and
supporting information.
(4) Projection of escalation in the market and
supporting information.
(5) Information to support proposed structure
adjustments, if any.
(6) Analysis to support special adjustments.
(7) Funding requests for each pay structure to include
breakouts of merit, promotions, variable pay,
special adjustments, and structure movement. (a)
The proposed plan totals shall be expressed as a
percentage of the payroll for the end of the previous
CIP year. (b) All pay actions granted under the
compensation increase plan are fully charged when
they occur regardless of time of year in which the
action transpires and whether the employee
terminates before year end. (c) Specific payroll
groups (e.g., exempt, nonexempt) for which CIP
amounts are intended shall be defined by mutual
agreement between the Contractor and the
October 2017
Contracting Officer. (d) The Contracting Officer
may adjust the CIP amount after approval based on
major changes in factors that significantly affect the
plan amount (for example, in the event of a major
reduction in force or significant ramp-up).
(8) A discussion of the impact of budget and business
constraints on the CIP amount.
(9) Comparison of pay to relevant factors other than
market average pay.
(v) After receiving DOE CIP approval or if criteria in
(d)(3)(A)(iii) was met, contractors may make minor shifts
of up to 10% of approved CIP funds by employment
category (e.g., Scientist/Engineer, Admin, Exempt, Non-
Exempt) without obtaining DOE approval.
(vi) Individual compensation actions for the top Contractor
official (e.g., laboratory director/plant manager or
equivalent) and Key Personnel not included in the CIP. For
those Key Personnel included in the CIP, DOE will
approve salaries upon the initial contract award and when
Key Personnel are replaced during the life of the contract.
DOE will have access to all individual salary
reimbursements. This access is provided for transparency;
DOE will not approve individual salary actions (except as
previously stated).
(B) The Contracting Officer’s approval of individual compensation
actions will be required only for the top Contractor official (e.g.,
laboratory director/plant manager or equivalent) and Key
Personnel as stated in (d)(3)(A)(vi) above. The base salary
reimbursement level for the top Contractor official establishes
the maximum allowable base salary reimbursement under the
contract. Unusual circumstances may require a deviation for an
individual on a case-by-case basis. Any such deviations must be
approved by the Contracting Officer.
(C) Severance Pay is not payable to an employee under this Contract
if the employee:
(i) Voluntarily separates, resigns or retires from employment,
(ii) Is offered employment with a successor/replacement
(iii) Is offered employment with a parent or affiliated company,
October 2017
(iv) Is discharged for cause.
(D) Service Credit for purposes of determining severance pay does
not include any period of prior service for which severance pay
has been previously paid through a DOE cost-reimbursement
(e) Pension and Other Benefit Programs
(1) No presumption of allowability will exist when the Contractor
implements a new benefit plan, or makes changes to existing benefit
plans that increase costs or are contrary to Departmental policy or
written instruction or until the Contracting Officer makes a
determination of cost allowability for reimbursement for new or
changed benefit plans. Changes shall be in accordance with and
pursuant to the terms and conditions of the contract. Advance
notification, rather than approval, is required for changes that do not
increase costs and are not contrary to Departmental policy or written
(2) Cost reimbursement for Employee pension and other benefit programs
sponsored by the Contractor will be based on the Contracting Officer’s
approval of Contractor actions pursuant to an approved “Employee
Benefits Value Study” and an “Employee Benefits Cost Survey
Comparison” as described below.
(3) Unless otherwise stated, or as directed by the Contracting Officer, the
Contractor shall submit the studies required in paragraphs (A) and (B)
below. The studies shall be used by the Contractor in calculating the
cost of benefits under existing benefit plans. An Employee Benefits
Value (Ben-Val) Study Method using no less than 15 comparator
organizations and an Employee Benefits Cost Survey Comparison method
shall be used in this evaluation to establish an appropriate comparison
method. In addition, the Contractor shall submit updated studies to the
Contracting Officer for approval prior to the adoption of any change to
a pension or other benefit plan which increases costs.
(A) The Ben-Val, every two years for each benefit tier (e.g., group of
employees receiving a benefit package based on date of hire),
which is an actuarial study of the relative value (RV) of the
benefits programs offered by the Contractor to Employees
measured against the RV of benefit programs offered by the
Contracting Officer approved comparator companies. To the
extent that the value studies do not address post retirement
benefits other than pensions, the Contractor shall provide a
separate cost and plan design data comparison for the post
retirement benefits other than pensions using external
October 2017
benchmarks derived from nationally recognized and Contracting
Officer approved survey sources and,
(B) An Employee Benefits Cost Study Comparison, annually for
each benefit tier that analyzes the Contractor’s employee benefits
cost for employees as a percent of payroll and compares it with
the cost as a percent of payroll, including geographic factor
adjustments, reported by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau
of Labor Statistics or other Contracting Officer approved broad
based national survey.
(4) When the net benefit value exceeds the comparator group by more
than five percent, the Contractor shall submit a corrective action plan
to the Contracting Officer for approval, unless waived in writing by
the Contracting Officer.
(5) When the benefit costs as a percent of payroll exceeds the comparator
group by more than five percent, when and if required by the
Contracting Officer, the Contractor shall submit an analysis of the
specific plan costs that result in or contribute to the percent of payroll
exceeding the costs of the comparator group and submit a corrective
action plan if directed by the Contracting Officer.
(6) Within two years, or longer period as agreed to between the
Contractor and the Contracting Officer, of the Contracting Officer
acceptance of the Contractor's corrective action plan, the Contractor
shall align employee benefit programs with the benefit value and the
cost as a percent of payroll in accordance with its corrective action
(7) The Contractor may not terminate any benefit plan during the term of
the Contract without the prior approval of the Contracting Officer in
(8) Cost reimbursement for post-retirement benefits other than pensions
(PRBs) is contingent on DOE approved service eligibility
requirements for PRB that shall be based on a minimum period of
continuous employment service not less than 5 years under a DOE cost
reimbursement contract(s) immediately prior to retirement. Unless
required by Federal or State law, advance funding of PRBs is not
(9) Each Contractor sponsoring a defined benefit pension plan and/or
postretirement benefit plan will participate in the plan management
process which includes written responses to a questionnaire regarding
plan management, providing forecasted estimates of future
October 2017
reimbursements in connection with the plan(s) and participating in a
conference call to discuss the Contractor submission (see (g)(6) below
for Pension Management Plan requirements).
(10) Each Contractor will respond to quarterly data calls issued through
iBenefits, or its successor system.
(f) Establishment and Maintenance of Pension Plans for which DOE
Reimburses Costs
(1) Employees working for the Contractor shall only accrue credit for
service under this Contract after the date of Contract award.
(2) Except for Commingled Plans in existence as of the effective date of
the Contract, any pension plan maintained by the Contractor for which
DOE reimburses costs, shall be maintained as a separate pension plan
distinct from any other pension plan that provides credit for service not
performed under a DOE cost-reimbursement contract. When deemed
appropriate by the Contracting Officer, Commingled Plans shall be
converted to Separate Plans at the time of new contract award or the
extension of a contract.
(g) Basic Requirements
The Contractor shall adhere to the requirements set forth below in the
establishment and administration of pension plans that are reimbursed by
DOE pursuant to cost reimbursement contracts for management and
operation of DOE facilities and pursuant to other cost reimbursement
facilities contracts. Pension Plans include Defined Benefit and Defined
Contribution plans.
(1) The Contractor shall become a sponsor of the existing pension and
other benefit plans (or comparable successor plans), including other
PRB plans, as applicable, with responsibility for management and
administration of the plans. The Contractor shall be responsible for
maintaining the qualified status of those plans consistent with the
requirements of ERISA and the Internal Revenue Code (IRC). The
Contractor shall carry over the length of service credit and leave
balances accrued as of the date of the Contractor’s assumption of
Contract performance.
(2) Each Contractor defined benefit and defined contribution pension plan
shall be subjected to a limited-scope audit annually that satisfies the
requirements of ERISA section 103, except that every third year the
Contractor must conduct a full-scope audit of defined benefit plan(s)
satisfying ERISA section 103. Alternatively, the Contractor may
October 2017
conduct a full-scope audit satisfying ERISA section 103 annually. In
all cases, the Contractor must submit the audit results to the
Contracting officer. In years in which a limited scope audit is
conducted, the Contractor must provide the Contracting Officer with a
copy of the qualified trustee or custodian’s certification regarding the
investment information that provides the basis for the plan sponsor to
satisfy reporting requirements under ERISA section 104.
While there is no requirement to submit a full scope audit for defined
contribution plans, contractors are responsible for maintaining
adequate controls for ensuring that defined contribution plan assets are
correctly recorded and allocated to plan participants.
(3) For existing Commingled Plans, the Contractor shall maintain and
provide annual separate accounting of DOE liabilities and assets as for
a Separate Plan.
(4) For existing Commingled Plans, the Contractor shall be liable for any
shortfall in the plan assets caused by funding or events unrelated to
DOE contracts.
(5) The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of ERISA if
applicable to the pension plan and any other applicable laws.
(6) The Pension Management Plan (PMP) shall include a discussion of the
Contractor’s plans for management and administration of all pension
plans consistent with the terms of the Contract. The PMP shall be
submitted in the iBenefits system, or its successor system no later than
January 31
of each applicable year. A full description of the
necessary reporting will be provided in the annual management plan
data request. Within sixty (60) days after the date of the submission,
appropriate Contractor representatives shall participate in a conference
call to discuss the Contractor’s PMP submission and any other current
plan issues or concerns.
(h) Reimbursement of Contractors for Contributions to Defined Benefit (DB)
Pension Plans
(1) Contractors that sponsor single employer or multiple employer defined
benefit pension plans will be reimbursed for the annual required
minimum contributions under the Employee Retirement Income
Security Act (ERISA), as amended by the Pension Protection Act
(PPA) of 2006 and any other subsequent amendments.
Reimbursement above the annual minimum required contribution will
require prior approval of the Contracting Officer. Minimum required
contribution amounts will take into consideration all pre-funding
October 2017
balances and funding standard carryover balances. Early in the fiscal
year but no later than the end of November, the Contractor requesting
above the minimum may submit/update a business case for funding
above the minimum if preliminary approval is needed prior to the
Pension Management Plan process. The business case shall include a
projection of the annual minimum required contribution and the
proposed contribution above the minimum. The submission of the
business case will provide the opportunity for the Department to
provide preliminary approval, within 30 days after contractor
submission, pending receipt of final estimates, generally after January
of the calendar year. Final approval of funding will be
communicated by the Head of Contracting Activity (HCA) when
discount rates are finalized and it is known whether there are any
budget issues with the proposed contribution amount.
(2) Contractors that sponsor multi-employer DB pension plans will be
reimbursed for pension contributions in the amounts necessary to
ensure that the plans are funded to meet the annual minimum
requirement under ERISA, as amended by the PPA. However,
reimbursement for pension contributions above the annual minimum
contribution required under ERISA, as amended by the PPA, will
require prior approval of the Contracting Officer and will be
considered on a case by case basis. Reimbursement amounts will take
into consideration all pre-funding balances and funding standard
carryover balances. Early in the fiscal year but no later than the end of
November, the Contractor requesting above the minimum may
submit/update a business case for funding above the minimum if
preliminary approval is needed prior to the Pension Management Plan
process. The business case shall include a projection of the annual
minimum required contribution and the proposed contribution above
the minimum. The submission of the business case will provide the
opportunity for the Department to provide preliminary approval,
within 30 days after contractor submission, pending receipt of final
estimates, generally after January 1
of the calendar year. Final
approval of funding will be communicated by the HCA when discount
rates are finalized and it is known whether there are any budget issues
with the proposed contribution amount.
(i) Reporting Requirements for Designated Contracts
The following reports shall be submitted to DOE as soon as possible after
the last day of the plan year by the Contractor responsible for each
designated pension plan funded by DOE but no later than the dates specified
October 2017
(1) Actuarial Valuation Reports. The annual actuarial valuation report for
each DOE-reimbursed pension plan and when a pension plan is
commingled, the Contractor shall submit separate reports for DOE’s
portion and the plan total by the due date for filing IRS Form 5500.
(2) Forms 5500. Copies of IRS Forms 5500 with Schedules for each DOE-
funded pension plan, no later than that submitted to the IRS.
(3) Forms 5300. Copies of all forms in the 5300 series submitted to the
IRS that document the establishment, amendment, termination, spin-
off, or merger of a plan submitted to the IRS.
(j) Changes to Pension Plans
At least sixty (60) days prior to the adoption of changes to a pension plan,
the Contractor shall submit the information required below, to the
Contracting Officer. The Contracting Officer must approve plan changes
that increase costs as part of a determination as to whether the costs are
deemed allowable pursuant to FAR 31.205-6, as supplemented by DEAR
(1) For proposed changes to pension plans and pension plan funding, the
Contractor shall provide the following to the Contracting Officer:
(A) a copy of the current plan document (as conformed to show all
prior plan amendments), with the proposed new amendment
indicated in redline/strikeout,
(B) an analysis of the impact of any proposed changes on actuarial
accrued liabilities and costs,
(C) except in circumstances where the Contracting Officer indicates
that it is unnecessary, a legal explanation of the proposed
changes from the counsel used by the plan for purposes of
compliance with all legal requirements applicable to private
sector defined benefit pension plans,
(D) the Summary Plan Description, and
(E) any such additional information as requested by the Contracting
(2) Contractors shall submit new benefit plans and changes to plan design
or funding methodology with justification to the Contracting Officer
for approval, as applicable (see (e)(1) above). The justification must:
(A) demonstrate the effect of the plan changes on the contract net
benefit value or percent of payroll benefit costs,
(B) provide the dollar estimate of savings or costs, and
(C) provide the basis of determining the estimated savings or cost.
October 2017
(k) Terminating Operations
When operations at a designated DOE facility are terminated and no further
work is to occur under the prime contract, the following apply:
(1) No further benefits for service shall accrue.
(2) The Contractor shall provide a determination statement in its
settlement proposal, defining and identifying all liabilities and assets
attributable to the DOE contract.
(3) The Contractor shall base its pension liabilities attributable to DOE
contract work on the market value of annuities or lump sum payments
or dispose of such liabilities through a competitive purchase of
annuities or lump sum payouts.
(4) Assets shall be determined using the “accrual-basis market value” on
the date of termination of operations.
(5) DOE and the Contractor(s) shall establish an effective date for spinoff
or plan termination. On the same day as the Contractor notifies the
IRS of the spinoff or plan termination, all plan assets assigned to a
spun-off or terminating plan shall be placed in a low-risk liability
matching portfolio until the successor trustee, or an insurance
company, is able to assume stewardship of those assets.
(l) Terminating Plans
(1) DOE Contractors shall not terminate any pension plan (Commingled
or site specific) without requesting Departmental approval at least 60
days prior to the scheduled date of plan termination.
(2) To the extent possible, the Contractor shall satisfy plan liabilities to
plan participants by the purchase of annuities through competitive
bidding on the open annuity market or lump sum payouts. The
Contractor shall apply the assumptions and procedures of the Pension
Benefit Guaranty Corporation.
(3) Funds to be paid or transferred to any party as a result of settlements
relating to pension plan termination or reassignment shall accrue
interest from the effective date of termination or reassignment until the
date of payment or transfer.
(4) If ERISA or IRC rules prevent a full transfer of excess DOE
reimbursed assets from the terminated plan, the Contractor shall pay
October 2017
any deficiency directly to DOE according to a schedule of payments to
be negotiated by the parties.
(5) On or before the same day as the Contractor notifies the IRS of the
spinoff or plan termination, all plan assets assigned to a spun-off or
terminating plan shall be placed in a low-risk liability matching
portfolio until the successor trustee, or an insurance company, is able
to assume stewardship of those assets.
(6) DOE liability to a Commingled pension plan shall not exceed that
portion which corresponds to DOE contract service. The DOE shall
have no other liability to the plan, to the plan sponsor, or to the plan
(7) After all liabilities of the plan are satisfied, the Contractor shall return
to DOE an amount equaling the asset reversion from the plan
termination and any earnings which accrue on that amount because of
a delay in the payment to DOE. Such amount and such earnings shall
be subject to DOE audit. To effect the purposes of this paragraph,
DOE and the Contractor may stipulate to a schedule of payments.
(m) Special Programs
Contractors must advise DOE and receive prior approval for each early-out
program, window benefit, disability program, plan-loan feature, employee
contribution refund, asset reversion, or incidental benefit.
(n) Definitions
(1) Commingled Plans. Cover employees from the Contractor's private
operations and its DOE contract work.
(2) Current Liability. The sum of all plan liabilities to employees and their
beneficiaries. Current liability includes only benefits accrued to the
date of valuation. This liability is commonly expressed as a present
(3) Defined Benefit Pension Plan. Provides a specific benefit at retirement
that is determined pursuant to the formula in the pension plan
(4) Defined Contribution Pension Plan. Provides benefits to each
participant based on the amount held in the participant’s account.
Funds in the account may be comprised of employer contributions,
employee contributions, investment returns on behalf of that plan
participant and/or other amounts credited to the participant’s account.
October 2017
(5) Designated Contract. For purposes of this clause, a contract (other than
a prime cost reimbursement contract for management and operation of
a DOE facility) for which the Head of the Departmental Contracting
Activity determines that advance pension understandings are necessary
or where there is a continuing Departmental obligation to the pension
(6) Pension Fund. The portfolio of investments and cash provided by
employer and employee contributions and investment returns. A
pension fund exists to defray pension plan benefit outlays and (at the
option of the plan sponsor) the administrative expenses of the plan.
(7) Separate Accounting. Account records established and maintained
within a commingled plan for assets and liabilities attributable to DOE
contract service. NOTE: The assets so represented are not for the
exclusive benefit of any one group of plan participants.
(8) Separate Plan. Must satisfy IRC Sec. 414(l) definition of a single plan,
designate assets for the exclusive benefit of employees under DOE
contract, exist under a separate plan document (having its own
Department of Labor plan number) that is distinct from corporate plan
documents and identify the Contractor as the plan sponsor.
(9) Spun-off Plan. A new plan which satisfies IRC Reg. 1.414(l)-1
requirements for a single plan and which is created by separating
assets and liabilities from a larger original plan. The funding level of
each individual participant’s benefits shall be no less than before the
event, when calculated on a “plan termination basis.”
(End of clause)