Condell Park Public School
Annual Report
Printed on: 28 April, 2017Page 1 of 10 Condell Park Public School 3789 (2016)
The Annual Report for 2016 is provided to the community of Condell Park as an account of the school's operations and
achievements throughout the year.
It provides a detailed account of the progress the school has made to provide high quality educational opportunities for
all students, as set out in the school plan. It outlines the findings from self–assessment that reflect the impact of key
school strategies for improved learning and the benefit to all students from the expenditure of resources, including equity
Sian Websdale
School contact details
Condell Park Public School
Augusta St
Bankstown, 2200
9796 7998
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School background
School vision statement
At Condell Park Public School we enable our students to become successful learners, confident and creative individuals,
and active and informed citizens through equity and excellence in education.
School context
Condell Park Public School, established in 1950, is situated near Bankstown airport in south–western Sydney. The
school comprises of approximately 580 students from diverse cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds, with
89% of our students from a language background other than English. The largest cultural groups are from Arabic,
Vietnamese and Pacific Islander speaking backgrounds. The school NSW FOEI (Family Occupation and Employment
Index) is 132, which is higher than the average of 100, thus indicating significant socioeconomic disadvantage. Our
teaching and learning, student well–being and parent participation programs are designed to address this disadvantage.
Condell Park Public School strives to create an inviting and engaging 21st Century learning environment for all. The
school continues to heavily invest in technology and has bring your own device (BYOD) programs for Stage 2 and a
Stage 3 class. In 2015 –16, CPPS became an Early Action for Success (EAFS) school, with a particular focus on
pedagogy in the area of early numeracy and literacy.
Self-assessment and school achievement
Self-assessment using the School Excellence Framework
This section of the Annual Report outlines the findings from self–assessment using the School Excellence Framework,
school achievements and the next steps to be pursued.
This year, our school undertook self–assessment using the School Excellence Framework and participated in an external
validation. The framework supports public schools throughout NSW in the pursuit of excellence by providing a clear
description of high quality practice across the three domains of Learning, Teaching and Leading. During the external
validation process, an independent panel of peer principals considered our evidence and assessment of the school’s
progress, aligned with the standards articulated in the School Excellence Framework.
The results of this process indicated that the school had a clear understanding about it's strengths and areas for
development. The validation team agreed with the schools' indicated levels in the self evaluation.
In the area of Learning, the school’s commitment in ensuring all student learning needs are catered for has been
strengthened by whole school professional learning in 4MAT. Learning programs have been adapted and refined to
make sure students are able to connect, succeed and access stage appropriate content. In addition, the school
introduced the growth mindset principles across all stages, aimed at improving student intrinsic motivation.
In the domain of Teaching, there is a commitment to collaborative practices within teams and we are exploring ways to
develop a more consistent approach across stages. Mentoring occurs through Teaching in Partnership and feedback is
sought from mentors. Through Early Action for Success, K–2 student assessment data is updated and analysed every 5
weeks. This analysis drives future planning and tiered interventions, however, this needs to become embedded
consistently in teacher practice. In Years 3–6, teachers are beginning to collect data and use this to inform future
In the domain of Leading, professional learning for current and aspiring leaders is proving to be successful and the team
is developing the skills to support a culture of high expectations. Further professional learning is required to continue to
develop professional expertise and distributed leadership. Community engagement is improving through the employment
of a Community Liaison Officer. The school offers a wide range of workshops based on feedback from parents and there
is an active P&C.
Our self–assessment and the external validation process has assisted the school to refine the strategic priorities in our
School Plan, leading to further improvements in the delivery of education to our students.
For more information about the School Excellence Framework:–the–department/our–reforms/school–excellence–framework
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Strategic Direction 1
Nurturing Successful Learners
To empower each student with essential skills and attributes to adapt to a rapidly changing world. To develop and/or
enhance teacher practice to implement differentiated teaching and learning programs that meet individual student needs.
Overall summary of progress
Nurturing Successful Learners was focused on embedding formative assessment practices, developing student learning
goals, consistency in school wide planning and the development of technology use across the school. By the end of
2016, the school had developed a greater focus on visible learning and goal setting became something more short term
and linked directly to student learning. The infrastructure required to support the use of technology needed to be
improved and as such, plans to improve technology use were slowed and more in–depth plans created for 2017.
Progress towards achieving improvement measures
Improvement measures
(to be achieved over 3 years)
Progress achieved this year Funds Expended
All students achieving their
negotiated learning goals, which
are based on all syllabus
documents, the literacy and
numeracy continuum and general
capabilities framework.
All students embrace the choices
of technology offered to
collaborate, communicate and
create, in order to achieve their
learning goals.
Progress towards Formative Assessment goals
were delayed in 2016 due primarily to the
appointment of a new principal and staffing
changes. The Formative Assessment focus on goal
setting was reviewed and new plans developed for
2017, with a more holistic approach to Visible
An extra class was created to reduce class sizes
and enable teachers to engage in improved
pedagogy with smaller numbers.
All teachers were trained and coached in planning
and assessing using the 4MAT planning wheel.
Units of work were planned collaboratively and the
goals for learning determined at the planning stage.
SLSO's employed to support student learning were
mainly used to support behaviour management and
this will be reviewed and revised in 2017 to bring
the focus back to tiered interventions.
• Socio–economic
background ($365000.00)
• Low level adjustment for
disability ($112360.00)
Next Steps
Visible Learning logic plans will be put in place in 2017 and the processes will be evaluated at the end of each term. The
Principal and the Visible Learning strategic direction team will ensure there is an unrelenting focus on improving goal
setting across the curriculum and professional learning will continue.
An extra teacher will be employed in 2017 if numbers dictate, with this process reviewed as a strategy before the
development of the next school plan 2018–2020.
Four teachers will be trained in the next stage of 4MAT to support the implementation within the school.
In 2017 an AP Techspert will be employed to improve the infrastructure of technology in the school and to work with
teachers shoulder to shoulder to enable students to evaluate and embrace the technology choices available to them and
support their learning.
SLSO's in 2017 will be working with students on tiered interventions, to support students in achieving goals.
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Strategic Direction 2
Fostering a strong culture of professional practice
To engage teachers in the process of developing professional knowledge in order to improve teaching practice in
partnership with colleagues. To develop each teacher’s skills to promote and ensure high quality, effective teacher
performance that improves student learning outcomes.
Overall summary of progress
Early Action for Success enabled a strong focus on numeracy to be developed across the school through TEN and
ELEVEN (a school designed numeracy program for 3–6). Results improved dramatically K–2; including an average
growth of 26% for all students.
Progress towards achieving improvement measures
Improvement measures
(to be achieved over 3 years)
Progress achieved this year Funds Expended
Curriculum programs and
teaching practices effectively
develop the knowledge,
understanding and skills of all
students, using evidence–based
teaching practices and innovative
delivery mechanisms.
Together 4MAT and Visible learning were utilised to
develop a whole school understanding and use of
evidence–based practices.
Beginning teacher time was targeted to support
their knowledge and understanding of curriculum
• Support for beginning
teachers ($25000.00).
• Teachers released for
professional learning time.
The school leadership team
demonstrates instructional
leadership, promoting and
modelling effective,
evidence–based practice
Teachers were released to work with 'expert'
teachers/leaders in the areas of Language,
Learning and Literacy (L3), L3 Stage 1, Targetting
Early Numeracy (TEN) and ELEVEN.
• Quality Teaching,
Successful Students
(QTSS) ($50000.00)
• Books and materials
purchased inline with the
requirements for Early
Action for Success.
Next Steps
A greater focus on literacy, particularly in the area of writing is required K–6. The employment of an extra Instructional
Leader, will enable this improved focus.
Teachers will continue to be trained in L3, L3 Stage 1 and TEN.
Interventionists will be employed to support tiered interventions.
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Strategic Direction 3
Developing reciprocal relationship within and beyond the school
To enable Epstein et al’s (2009) six types of involvement (parenting, communicating, volunteering, learning at home,
decision–making and collaborating with the community) boosts student success. To strengthen reciprocal relationships,
share resources and build teacher capacity through Community of Schools.
Overall summary of progress
Relationships with agencies outside the school have improved. The Australian Catholic University and Woodville Alliance
have worked to support our senior students. Parental involvement is improving, but we hope to see an improvement in
this area in 2017.
Progress towards achieving improvement measures
Improvement measures
(to be achieved over 3 years)
Progress achieved this year Funds Expended
School is rated as ‘building’ or
‘sustaining’on all seven
dimensions of the School
Assessment Tool – Reflection
The school uses collaborative
feedback and reflection to
promote and generate learning
and innovation.
Practices and processes are
responsive to school community
With a major change of staff, the focus on the
SATRM (School Assessment Tool– Reflection
Matrix) had weakened due to a lack of clarity
around its purpose. The school determined that
there needed to be improvement in the way
feedback was collected and how the feedback was
used to improve learning and innovation.
Relationships with agencies beyond the school
grew and student results improved as a result.
• Aboriginal background
loading ($2262.00)
• Socio–economic
background ($10000.00)
• School and Community
Funding ($36000.00)
Next Steps
Continue to work with outside agencies and build the relationships with parents. The employment of 2 CLO's
(Community Liasion Officers) for 1 day per week, to help strengthen the partnerships within the community and provide
further opportunities for parents to be involved in the school.
Effective evaluative measures need to be put in place to ensure that strategies used to support student learning can be
measured for impact.
Data collected from the community must be analysed and acted upon to improve practices in a more consultative
Community of Schools relationships to be strengthen through joint participation in professional learning
specifically targeted to beginning teachers.
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Key Initiatives Impact achieved this year Resources (annual)
English language proficiency This funding is primarily used in the
employment of 2 English as a Second as a
Second Language/Dialect (EALD) teachers.
The residual ($27600) was used to support
the employment of an additional teacher to
reduce class sizes. The EALD team work with
class teachers to support the needs of
$231 600
Low level adjustment for disability This funding is primarily used for the
employment of 2.3 Learning and Support
Teachers (L&ST) teachers. The residual
funds ($112 360) were used in the
employment of SLSO's to support tiered
All students requiring adjustments are catered
for within class programs and have individual
learning programs when required.
$346 360
Quality Teaching, Successful
Students (QTSS)
This funding was provided in the form of
staffing. It was used to support the Teaching
in Partnership (TiP) program across the
school, to release teachers to work with
mentors in numeracy and L3.
$50 000
Socio–economic background This funding was utilised to take an Assistant
Principal off class, to support the TiP
Program, provide an extra teacher to reduce
class sizes and to train and coach teachers in
$302 911
Support for beginning teachers Teachers were given additional release to
work on their accreditation and were provided
mentor time to work on an area of
professional learning.
$25 370
Early Action for Success Funding was provided for an Instructional
Leader and 2.6 Interventionist teachers.
Further funding was provided for resources.
Students 'at risk' were supported through
tiered interventions.
Teachers have been trained in L3, L3S1 and
Resources have been updated, to ensure
suitable books are available to support the
$290 000
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Student information
Student enrolment profile
Students 2013 2014 2015 2016
Boys 313 312 302 286
Girls 253 269 257 258
Student attendance profile
Year 2013 2014 2015 2016
K 94.4 94.6 89.4 91.2
1 94.4 94.2 91.6 91.8
2 94.4 94.3 91.4 93.3
3 93.9 95.4 91.7 92
4 94.1 95.3 92.3 93.6
5 94.7 96.5 93.8 92.3
6 94.6 95.2 94.9 90.5
All Years 94.4 95.1 92 92.1
State DoE
Year 2013 2014 2015 2016
K 95 95.2 94.4 94.4
1 94.5 94.7 93.8 93.9
2 94.7 94.9 94 94.1
3 94.8 95 94.1 94.2
4 94.7 94.9 94 93.9
5 94.5 94.8 94 93.9
6 94.1 94.2 93.5 93.4
All Years 94.7 94.8 94 94
Management of non-attendance
Student attendance at CPPS is negatively effected by
students taking leave for overseas travel. Over 60
applications for leave (within the department guidelines)
were approved which accounts for some of the
variance from State averages. The school hopes to
improve attendance in 2017 and aims to improve the
current trend.
Workforce information
Workforce composition
Position FTE*
Principal 1
Deputy Principal(s) 1
Assistant Principal(s) 4
Classroom Teacher(s) 22.51
Teacher of Reading Recovery 0.84
Learning and Support Teacher(s) 2.3
Teacher Librarian 1
Teacher of ESL 2
School Administration & Support
Other Positions 1
*Full Time Equivalent
Teacher qualifications
All teaching staff meet the professional requirements
for teaching in NSW public schools.
Teacher qualifications
Qualifications % of staff
Undergraduate degree or diploma 100
Postgraduate degree 2
Professional learning and teacher accreditation
Teacher professional learning funds are used to
support the Strategic Directions and teacher PDP
goals. Additional funds were allocated from School an
Community funds, to ensure teachers were able to
work towards their goals.
Teacher Accreditation is valued at CPPS and in 2017,
teams will be developed to support teachers at each
level of the process.
Financial information (for schools
fully deployed to SAP/SALM)
Financial summary
The information provided in the financial summary
includes reporting from January to 31 December 2016.
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2016 Actual ($)
Opening Balance 979 733.63
Revenue 5 505 728.56
(2a) Appropriation 5 263 808.26
(2b) Sale of Goods and
19 374.37
(2c) Grants and Contributions 209 267.51
(2e) Gain and Loss 0.00
(2f) Other Revenue 0.00
(2d) Investment Income 13 278.42
Expenses -5 787 098.90
Recurrent Expenses -5 787 098.90
(3a) Employee Related -5 037 396.49
(3b) Operating Expenses -749 702.41
Capital Expenses 0.00
(3c) Employee Related 0.00
(3d) Operating Expenses 0.00
-281 370.34
Balance Carried Forward 698 363.29
Considerable funds had been accumulated over a
number of years, which enabled the school to use
School and Community funds to further support the
flexible funding made available through RAM.
Strategic direction teams determined the funding
required to support the actions in the School Plan and a
draft budget was developed to determine the availability
of those funds before plans were finalised. The
budget was then shared with the executive and the
staff, plus the P&C, to ensure clarity about the
allocation and distribution of funds.
The balance carried forward is substantial, but there
are some major expenses targeted for 2017, including
the improvement of infrastructure to increase the
availability of technology across the school and the
replacement of interactive whiteboards over the next 2
Financial summary equity funding
The equity funding data is the main component of the
'Appropriation' section of the financial summary above.
2016 Actual ($)
Base Total 3 631 666.46
Base Per Capita 30 156.23
Base Location 0.00
Other Base 3 601 510.23
Equity Total 883 133.23
Equity Aboriginal 2 262.31
Equity Socio economic 302 910.54
Equity Language 231 600.45
Equity Disability 346 359.93
Targeted Total 87 415.52
Other Total 356 598.83
Grand Total 4 958 814.04
A full copy of the school's financial statement is tabled
at the annual general meetings of the parent and/or
community groups. Further details concerning the
statement can be obtained by contacting the school.
School performance
In the National Assessment Program, the results across
the Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 literacy and
numeracy assessments are reported on a scale from
Band 1 to Band 10. The achievement scale
represents increasing levels of skills and
understandings demonstrated in these assessments.
The My School website provides detailed
information and data for national literacy and numeracy
testing. Click on the link
and insert the school name in the Find a school and
select GO to access the school data.
Parent/caregiver, student, teacher
Parents, caregivers, students and teachers all agree
they feel welcome in the school. The majority feel that
the cultural needs of students are met and the school is
successful in catering for the needs of students.
Students enjoy coming to school and appreciate what
teachers do for them. They enjoy the extra–curricular
activities and are engaged by the use of technology.
The teachers feel there is a more distributed approach
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to leadership and feel they have a greater voice with
this model of leadership.
Policy requirements
Aboriginal education
Staff at Condell Park Public School are committed to
improving the educational outcomes and well–being of
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students,
supporting them to achieve in all aspects of their
education. Personalised Learning Pathways are
developed and implemented for Aboriginal students
through collaborative decision making processes with
staff, parents and students.
All learners have opportunities to deepen their
knowledge and understanding of the Aboriginal culture
and language through class programs. These programs
have The Australian Curriculum, cross–curriculum area
‘The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and
cultures’ component embedded. This addresses the
concepts of Country and Place, People, Culture and
Multicultural and anti-racism education
Condell Park Public School has maintained a focus on
Multicultural Education across all areas of the
curriculum, by providing programs which develop the
knowledge, skills and attitudes required for a culturally
diverse society. Our EALD team work collaboratively
with all classroom teachers to ensure class programs
address the needs of these students. We are proud to
foster respect and understanding for all cultures within
our school. A highlight of this is our annual Multicultural
Day. Students performed a range of cultural dances
and songs followed by a whole school picnic involving
members of the community. Any incidents of racism
that may occur at the school are dealt with the
assistance of our Anti Racism Contact Officer.
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