Pursuant to KRS 314.073, the Kentucky Board of Nursing (KBN) regulates nurses establishing
requirements for completion and documentation of mandatory continuing competency requirements for
licensure renewal. The Board reviews and approves providers of continuing education (CE) as
provided in 201 KAR 20:220.
CE Requirements: Pursuant to 201 KAR 20:215 all nurses must complete continuing education
requirements annually between November 1 October 31 to meet renewal requirements. CE
competency requirements are outlined in the CE Brochure available at
Approved / Accepted Continuing Education Providers:
The KBN accepts nursing continuing education from providers approved by the KBN, another state
board of nursing or one of the national nursing organizations listed in 201 KAR 20:220. If a provider
is approved to offer nursing continuing education by another state board of nursing or one of the
national nursing organizations listed below, they do not need to apply for approval by the KBN.
American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) National Association of Nurse Practitioners in
American Assoc. of Critical Care Nurses (AACN) Women’s Health (NPWH)
American Assoc. of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA) National Assoc. of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners
American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM) (NAPNAP)
National Assoc. for Practical Nurses Education American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC)
and Service (NAPNES) Association of Women's Health, Obstetric, &
National Assoc. of Licensed Practical Nurses (NALPN) Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN)
National League for Nursing (NLN) Other State Boards of Nursing
Certificate of Completion
The KBN only accepts completion certificates from approved or accepted providers that include the
following information.
Name of participant;
Offering title, date, and format of the presentation;
Number of continuing education contact hours awarded, including hours designated for content
specific requirements (i.e. pharmacology);
Provider’s name, address, telephone number; and
The KBN approved/accepted organization who approved the provider to offer nursing
continuing education.
The KBN does not accept transcripts, lists of classes, or screen shots of account information.
*Providers should identify if they are approved by the KBN, another state board of nursing, or one of the
national nursing organizations on all materials for each offering including announcements, and completion
certificates and if the course includes information related to a content specific topic (ie. pharmacology). This
will allow nurses to determine if a particular offering will meet their mandatory CE requirements/needs.
KBN CE Provider Requirements:
A provider of continuing education may be any individual, organization, or entity approved by the KBN.
Nursing Continuing Education provider approval is required to offer continuing education. (see 201 KAR
20:220) An application for initial provider approval may be submitted at any time. Retroactive approval
shall not be granted. Information on the application process is provided below.
CE Nurse Administrator
KBN CE Providers must have a CE nurse administrator who has a BSN or higher degree and experience in
adult education. A current CV must be provided that includes information on their nursing degree and
experience in adult education.
The CE Nurse Administrator’s responsibility includes planning, developing, implementation, and evaluation
of continuing education activities.
If the provider wants to designate an alternate CE nurse administrator, they must meet the same
qualifications as the CE nurse administrator and provide a current CV with information on a BSN or higher
nursing degree and experience in adult education.
Program Policies and Procedures
CE Providers shall have current policies and procedures, business plan, in place for the management of the
providership, that demonstrates their compliance with regulatory requirements.
CE Offerings/Activities
The KBN approves providers, not specific content. Therefore, 201 KAR 20:220 must be followed when
preparing a continuing education activity.
Organized learning activities shall be based upon a reasonable justification and need for the continuing
education that enhances the quality, safety, and effectiveness of care provided by nurses, as well as
contributes directly to the competence of a nurse.
The content of nursing continuing education shall be designed to present current theoretical knowledge to
enhance and expand nursing skills, and promote competence in decision making.
Outcomes for continuing education activities shall be related to nursing practice and interventions, stated in
clearly defined expected learner outcomes, and consistent with evidence of a need for the continuing
education activity. The learner outcomes shall provide statements of observable behaviors that present a
clear description of the competencies to be achieved by the learner.
Teaching methods shall be consistent with the content and learning outcomes and objectives, and shall
reflect the use of adult learning principles. Activities of both the teacher and the learner shall be specified.
Faculty for continuing education activities shall have documented expertise in the subject matter and
experience in presenting to adult learners and facilitating adult learning.
The continuing education activity shall reflect planning among the nurse administrator, faculty, and content
Pursuant to 201 KAR 20:220 The following are considered in-service education and shall not be considered as
An activity that is part of an employing agency’s staff development program designed to provide
information related to the work setting;
On the job training;
Basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation / basic life support (BLS/CPR); and/or
Equipment demonstration.
Contact Hours
Continuing education must be awarded in contact hours. Pursuant to 201 KAR 20:215 a contact hour means
50 minutes of an approved, organized learning experience.
The agenda/presentation schedule should list times for each item on the agenda. To calculate contact hours,
divide the total number of minutes of engagement in learning activities by 50. Meals and breaks, and
registration times should not be included. For example: an offering which includes 60 minutes of engagement
in learning activities is equal to 1.2 contact hours.
Records and Reports
The provider shall have a system for maintaining and retrieving the records of continuing education offering(s)
and participant attendance that facilitates the verification of attendance, contact hours earned, and evaluation
of the learning activity. Records shall be maintained in an accurate and confidential manner for a minimum of
five years.
Records Numbering System
The KBN system for assigning provider offering numbers is designed to promote maintenance of accurate
records and data retrieval. The following numerical sequence should be utilized for recordkeeping and
placed on all offering announcements, advertisements, and CE certificates of completion:
Provider Core Number: A five-digit number provider’s permanent core number is assigned by the KBN upon
approval of the provider and consists of the assigned providership category (X-XXXX) and assigned
providership number (X- XXXX). The provider core number is nontransferable, and shall be used to identify all
communications, records, and/or reports of the provider.
Category of Provider. The first digit of the provider offering number shall identify the
category of the providership (X-XXXX-XX-XX-XXX).
“1” = Professional nursing organization whose membership is restricted to nursing (e.g. KNA,
KSALPN, AORN, etc…).
“2” = Related nursing organizations whose membership includes non-nurses (e.g. KLN,
EDNA, etc…) or are organized only on a state or local level.
“3” = Educational institution’s program of offering(s) of continuing education for nurses
(e.g. school of nursing or department of continuing education for nursing).
“4” = Health service agency employer of nurses (e.g. health department, nursing home, hospital,
“5” = Health related organizations; nonprofit and/or tax exempt organizations whose
services are primarily education and/or research (e.g. American Cancer Society, American
Diabetes Association).
“6” = Commercial organizations.
“7” = Other.
KBN-assigned Providership Number (Chronological Number). The second, third, fourth, and
fifth digits of the provider’s core number shall be assigned by the Board (X-XXXX-XX-XX-XXX).
This number is the unique identifier for the CE providership.
Expiration Date. The sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth digits represent the month and year of the
expiration date of providership approval (X-XXXX-XX-XX-XXX). For example, 12-24 Providerships
must be renewed every 2 years with expiration date December 31
of the renewal year.
Course Offering Number. The tenth, eleventh, and twelfth digits represent the specific course
number assigned by the CE providership as a mechanism for providerships to track specific
educational offerings (X-XXXX-XX-XX-XXX).
If an offering is repeated during the approval period, the provider may wish to use the same
offering number assigned for the first presentation.
Revisions of the offering during the approval period should not require a change of the
offering number.
Offering Records
For each offering that awards contact hour credit for continuing education, the provider shall keep the following
information filed in a manner to facilitate data retrieval:
Presentation schedule;
Name and credentials of presenter(s);
Topic to be covered;
Times for meals and breaks, if applicable;
Teaching methods, with corresponding time frames, for each content area;
Learner outcomes;
Title, date, and format of the activity;
Name of the person responsible for coordinating and implementing the activity;
Purpose, documentation of planning, faculty, teaching, and evaluation methods;
Participant roster;
Summary of participant evaluations;
Number of contact hours awarded;
Master copy of certificate of completion awarded; and
Identification of required instructional materials and references.
Participant Roster
The participant roster shall include the name, license number of each individual who attends the offering;
and signature or similar electronic verification and the offering title, offering number, and date. The number
of contact hours listed shall be accurate and earned by each nurse in accordance with KBN standards and
Participant Evaluations
Providers must have a clearly defined method for evaluating the offering. Evaluations must include:
Participant appraisal of achievement of each outcome;
Teaching effectiveness of each presenter;
Relevance of content to expected outcomes;
Effectiveness of teaching methods; and
Appropriateness of the format of the presentation.
Example oering number which must be included on all documents related to the oering including the
compleon cercate and announcement etc and must be maintained within CE Providership records:
Provider Category: 3
KBN-assigned Providership Number: 0916
Expiraon date of Providership: 12-25 (December 31, 2025)
Course Oering Number: 015
The participant evaluations must be summarized and this summary retained in the offering record. This
summary of participant evaluations shall be reported to the KBN (at the time of the providership renewal)
as a raw score when any offering evaluation summary reflects a greater than 20 percent (20%) below
average ranking for any one evaluation item. A provider must also maintain an action plan with time lines
for resolution of identified deficiencies.
Periodic Evaluation of the Providership Program
Providers must have a mechanism for periodic, systematic evaluation of the total program of educational
Offering Announcement (Presentation Schedule)
Participants shall be provided with essential information prior to registration in the form of an
offering announcement. The following information must be included:
Title/topic presented;
Target audience and any prerequisites;
Objectives of the CE offering (learner outcomes);
Content Overview;
Presentation schedule (agenda), including meal/break times;
Presenters (name and credentials);
Fee and refund policy;
Format, date, and time of offering;
Number of contact hours awarded;
KBN provider number; and
Requirements for successful completion of CE activity, including statement of policy regarding
candidates who fail to successfully complete the CE activity.
Certificate of Completion
Participants shall be given a certificate of completion that contains the following information:
Name of participant;
Offering title, date, and format of the presentation;
Provider’s name, address, telephone number, KBN approval number, and expiration
date of the providership;
Who the providership is approved by to offer nursing continuing education;
Name and signature of the authorized CE provider representative (e.g. CE
providership nurse administrator); and
Number of continuing education contact hours awarded.
A certificate of completion shall be awarded only to those successfully meeting the learning
requirements of the activity.
If applicable, pharmacology contact hours and contact hours completed to meet content specific CE
requirements must be listed on the completion certificate.
EDvera is the electronic platform used by the KBN for applications, document
submissions, and management for programs of nursing, CE providerships, dialysis technician, medication
aides, and sexual assault nurse examiners training programs.
Completion of initial and renewal applications for CE providers, submission of required documents, payment of
non-refundable initial and renewal application fees, changes to the providership, CE nurse administrators,
alternate CE nurse administrators, and CE administrative assistants must be completed within the EDvera
If you have additional questions related to CE Provider requirements please contact Michelle Gary, Continuing
Competency Coordinator and Practice Assistant at [email protected].
If you have any questions related to technical issues with EDvera, please contact Amanda Padgett at
Initial Application for Approval of a CE Providership
An initial application for approval of a CE Providership must be completed and submitted via EDvera.
Contact Michelle Gary, Continuing Competency Coordinator and Practice Assistant at to create an account in EDvera. Your email must include the name and address of
the providership, and name, phone number, and email address of the CE nurse administrators. CE Nurse
administrators must hold a BSN or higher, have experience in adult education, and hold an active license or
privilege to practice.
The application must be completed and the following items must be submitted within EDvera.
1. CV for the CE Administrator listing information related to the BSN or higher degree and experience
in adult education;
2. CE Administrators active license number;
3. Mission Statement for the provider;
4. Policy statement for the providership that includes information on the needs assessment and
justification for offerings;
5. Activity/Planning/Development procedures;
a. Individuals involved in the planning of offerings;
b. Learner outcomes to be utilized;
c. Teaching methods to be utilized; and
d. Standards to be utilized for planning and development;
6. Providership policy and procedures to ensure information is evidence based and current;
7. Faculty/Presenter/Content Expert Experience Requirements;
8. Resources to be Utilized;
9. Evaluations Information:
10. Record Keeping Maintenance Requirements;
11. Content Specific Course Offerings the Provider is Planning to offer;
12. Payment of the $400 non-refundable application fee; and
13. Sample documents for the following: (see pages 5-6 above)
a. Offering Announcement;
b. Participant Roster;
c. Bios/CVs for Faculty, Presenters etc;
d. Individual Course Evaluation Form/Tool; and
e. Completion Certificate.
Access to the Initial Application
To request access to the initial CE provider approval application via EDvera contact Michelle Gary, Practice
Assistant and Continuing Competency Coordinator at [email protected]ov. Be sure to include the name,
address and category of the program, as well as the name and email address of the potential CE nurse
administrator, and their current CV.
Following review of items submitted as part of the initial application, if additional information is required the
KBN will contact the CE nurse administrator for additional information or documents. The application must
be completed within 1 year of the request for additional information or documents. If the application is not
completed within the year, the applicant must complete the initial application process again.
Provider Categories:
“1” = Professional nursing organization whose membership is restricted to nursing.
“2” = Related nursing organizations whose membership includes non-nurses are organized
only on a state or local level.
“3” = Educational institution’s program of offering(s) of continuing education for nurses
“4” = Health service agency.
“5” = Health related organizations; nonprofit and/or tax exempt organizations whose
services are primarily education and/or research.
“6” = Commercial organizations.
“7” = Other.
Renewal Application for KBN Approved CE Providerships
CE providers are renewed every 2 years based on the category of the providership. CE providers category
“4” Health service agencies are renewed in even numbered years all other categories renew in odd number
On July 1 of the year in which the providership will expire, the renewal application will be available within
When completing the renewal application, the providership will need to provide the following:
Number of offerings for the 2 year reporting period (July 1 of the most recent provider renewal and
June 30 of the year in which the providership expires);
Number of RNs and LPNs participating in the offerings;
A list of all courses offered during the reporting period;
Any issues or concerns during the reporting period and how they were addressed;
Content specific topic courses offered by the provider;
Payment of the $100 non-refundable renewal application fee; and
A sample announcement (see page 5 above for requirements).
Submission of the application, documents and payment must be completed by September 30
of that year.
CE Administrative Assistant
As part of the EDvera system, the CE Providership may designate a CE administrative assistant as a user.
To add a CE administrative assistant, please contact Michelle Gary, Practice Assistant and Continuing
Competency Coordinator at michellea[email protected]. Include the name, title, email address and phone
number of the assistant.
Changes to KBN Approved CE Providerships
KBN approved CE providerships must report any changes to the providership and/or CE nurse
administrators, alternate CE nurse administrators to the KBN within 30 days. Within EDvera select +Start
Document and select Miscellaneous Document.
Then, select the change that applies, enter information regarding the change within the Narrative Box, and
upload any required documents.
If there is a change in CE nurse administrator or alternate, a copy of their current CV must be included along
with their email address and phone number for the providership.
Communications between the KBN and CE Providers are sent via email to the CE nurse administrator,
identified in EDvera as CE Administrator. If more than one CE Administrator is listed, the one identified as
primary contact will receive notifications.
Audit of Records
An approved provider and the continuing education activities of approved providers shall be subject to
an audit by the KBN. The audit may be a review of all provider activity or a random sampling.
The KBN or its designee may at any time during the continuing education year conduct an audit.
At the discretion of the KBN, an audit may be conducted to: evaluate the performance and/or
compliance of the CE providership with KBN’s standards, criteria and/or regulations, and/or to
investigate complaints.
At the discretion of the KBN, anyone, or all, or a combination of the following methods of auditing
may be used to evaluate the CE provider’s educational unit and/or its continuing education activity:
Structural audit evaluation of resources and facilities.
Process audit evaluation of the planning process.
Retrospective audit evaluation of records and reports.
Outcome audit evaluation of offering presentations.
If an entity chooses neither to comply nor to cooperate with the audit process, KBN
approval shall be immediately withdrawn.
CE Broker
CE Broker is the official CE tracking system of the KBN. The platform is primarily used during the annual
CE Audit to notify licensees selected for the audit, reporting and submission of CE documents, and
communications between KBN and the nurse.
CE Broker also offers nurses the ability to maintain electronic records of their CE documents. There are
three types of accounts nurses may use, but the only one needed to report and upload completion
certificates is the Free Basic Account.
CE Broker also allows CE providers access to report completion of courses for participants. Additional
information on CE Broker may be found at or
Denial, Revocation, Suspension, or Probation of Approval
The KBN may deny, revoke, suspend, or probate approval, or otherwise discipline any approved
provider, continuing education activity, or other approved entity for just cause as provided in 201 KAR
20:220 Nursing continuing education provider approval.
Nurses Renewals, CE Audit Requirements, and Contact Hours
The renewal/license/earning period is November 1 October 31 of each year. During annual renewal
(September 15 October 31) nurses must verify that they have or will complete their CE requirements by
October 31
In February, the KBN runs an annual CE audit which randomly selects nurses to participate verifying
completion of their annual CE competency requirements. During the CE Audit, nurses must report and
upload completion certificates to verify proof of compliance with CE requirements.
It is imperative that nurses and CE providers maintain all records for at least 5 years in the event of an audit.
CE Providership - Content Specific CE Requirements
The CE Brochure provides information on CE requirements for nurses including content specific
Please note: APRNs and nurses with a SANE credential must complete content specific CE requirements
between November 1 October 31
annually, as outlined in the CE Brochure. Providers must designate
and publish the number of contact hours that apply to pharmacology on completion certificates.
Additionally, nurses may be required to complete other content specific CE requirements based on when
and where they obtained their pre licensure education as listed below. These are one-time requirements
that do not need to be repeated.
CE providers should list specific information and contact hours related to content specific
topics/requirements on announcements and completion certificates.