Office of the County Administrator
Number: 421.1
Date: 11-19-96
Section: Personnel
SUBJECT: County Volunteer Programs
This bulletin provides the rules and procedures to be followed by County
departments governing volunteer programs, including the policies and procedures for
reimbursement of expenses; medical and permanent disability benefits; and legal defense
and indemnification against liability claims initiated by third parties. These regulations and
procedures are promulgated in accordance with the policy adopted by the Board of
County departments shall submit to the Office of the
County Administrator a description of each volunteer program. Such programs become
County programs subject to the provisions of this Administrative Bulletin upon written
approval of the County Administrator, or designee.
A. County departments sponsoring volunteer programs shall have a staff member
assigned as a volunteer coordinator whose name and telephone number shall be
provided to the County Administrator. The Volunteer Program Coordinator shall be
responsible for the initial orientation and training of new volunteers. Confidentiality
requirements, and program elements shall be explained to volunteers.
B. Volunteers are required to fill out, read and sign an application form and supporting
documents. The volunteer coordinator, or designee, will sign the application form to
acknowledge its receipt and will provide a copy to the applicant
C. Records shall be kept of the acceptance of volunteers. If reimbursement of actual and
necessary expenses in performing volunteer services is authorized, the volunteer must
sign the Oath of Allegiance form. If the volunteer is a minor, the parental consent
form must be completed and signed by the parent or legal guardian.
D. Application, parental consent, auto insurance declaration and oath of allegiance forms
to be used by departments are attached.
E. Disabilities of a volunteer may be discussed with Risk Management and/or the
Affirmative Action Officer.
F. If a volunteer is to use a personal vehicle in the course of authorized volunteer
services, the volunteer will be required to fill out the “Volunteer Auto Insurance
Declaration” form. Volunteers must check with their insurance agent or broker to
make certain that liability insurance is extended under their policy while their vehicle
is being used for volunteer activities. Auto insurance is required for all volunteers
who will use their personal automobile while performing authorized volunteer
services with at least the following limits:
$15,000 for injury to or death to one person
$30,000 for injury to or death to two or more persons in one accident
$ 5,000 for property damage
The volunteer must furnish a California motor vehicle operators license if he/she is to
use a vehicle and the license number together with insurance policy number duly
noted on the Auto Insurance Declaration (form attached). A Certification of
Insurance or other evidence of insurance may be requested and placed on file.
Authorized volunteers are not entitled to workers’
compensation benefits. In lieu thereof and in return for the volunteer waiver of any claim
against the County for illness, injury or other harm arising from acts or occurrences while
providing volunteer services, the County shall provide, in the case of volunteer illness,
injury or death resulting from acts or occurrences while providing authorized volunteer
services, through self-insurance, for reimbursement of County authorized necessary
medical expenses, and for minimum permanent disability compensation equal to that
afforded under the workers’ compensation laws of California, provided, however, that no
temporary disability compensation shall be paid; that medical expenses shall be limited to
reimbursement for expenditures otherwise qualified for reimbursement which are not
covered by the volunteer’s health plan, other available insurance coverage, or other third
party (i.e., Federal, State or other payment); and that the County may elect to have the
County’s Health Services Department provide the volunteer’s necessary medical care.
The County through its self-insurance program shall defend and
indemnify volunteers upon request against liability claims initiated by third parties arising
out of the volunteer’s acts or omissions occurring within the scope of authorized volunteer
services, unless the volunteer acted or failed to act because of actual malice, fraud,
corruption or gross negligence. Volunteers using personal automobiles in performing
authorized services must maintain liability insurance at limits which as a minimum comply
with the California Financial Responsibility Law and must have a driver’s license. The
protection afforded by the County shall be in excess only of any other public liability or
automobile liability insurance maintained by or which provides coverage for the volunteer,
and shall not cover any damages to the volunteer’s vehicle including any deductible
amount. Volunteers may be permitted to operate County vehicles in the performance of
authorized volunteer services.
When a volunteer is injured
while performing authorized volunteer services, the department shall immediately notify
the Risk Management Department and arrange for medical care as necessary. The
volunteer’s supervisor shall immediately thereafter complete the Supervisor’s Report of
Occupational Injuries or Illness (Form AK-30). The Supervisor shall then forward the
form to the volunteer coordinator who within 24 hours shall submit the report through
department channels to Risk Management Division. The form shall indicate that the
injured party is a volunteer and identify any referral to a medical provider. The Risk
Management Division may arrange for the County’s Health Services Department to
provide the volunteer’s medical care.
All medical bills received by the volunteer for County authorized medical care not
otherwise covered by health insurance, other insurance, or third party payment shall be
forwarded to the Office of the County Administrator, Risk Management Division. Such
bills must be itemized and indicate the date of injury. County payments will be made
jointly to the volunteer and to the medical provider.
Any claims for permanent disability compensation shall be referred to the Risk
management Division for review and adjustment. Prior to final settlement and payment for
any such claim, the volunteer shall execute an appropriate form releasing the county from
any further liability and agreeing that such compensation shall be the volunteer’s sole and
exclusive remedy with respect to the injury sustained.
When there is an accident resulting in third party personal injury or property damage, the
appropriate accident report form shall be completed by the Supervisor and forwarded to the
volunteer coordinator and to the Risk Manager Division. The subsequent procedure to be
followed shall be identical to that applicable as in accidents involving County employees.
Volunteers are eligible to receive reimbursement
from the County for certain actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of
authorized volunteer services. In order to claim expenses, the volunteer must have signed
the Oath of Allegiance before any County officer authorized to administer oaths and meet
previously described insurance requirements.
Volunteers are subject to the County reimbursement policies established for County
employees. The County will not reimburse volunteers for child care expenses; mileage
from the volunteer’s residence to the County designated facility or service location, unless
authorized and funded by a federally-funded or state-funded program approved by the
Board of Supervisors; or damage to the volunteer’s personal vehicle, including any
deductible provisions which are paid by the volunteer. The volunteer must provide
information to the volunteer coordinator with respect to the automobile liability insurance
coverage maintained prior to the use of the personal vehicle for volunteer services and
reimbursement of mileage claims.
NOTE: Forms can be reproduced locally.
Orig. dept.: County Administrator
Phil Batchelor,
County Administrator
Name Age Social Security No.
Home Address Home Phone
Business Address Business Phone
Driver’s License No., If Any
Do you have a health problem we should be aware of in an emergency?
Yes____ No____ (Describe: such as a history of back trouble, heart, epilepsy, diabetes,
fainting, etc.)___________________________________________________________________
Is there a medication you must take? Yes____ No____
Is there a medication to which you are allergic? Yes____ No____
If yes, medication is:_____________________________________________________________
Medical or Hospital Insurance Plan:_________________________________________________
Automobile Insurance Carrier:_____________________________________________________
Person to Call in Emergency Address Phone No.
I have been informed against and accept responsibility for any breach on my part respecting
confidential information. I have read the Policy adopted by the Contra Costa County Board of
Supervisors on volunteer programs. In return for the benefits provided by Contra Costa County
in case of my illness, injury, death, or third party liability while providing, or resulting from acts
or occurrences within the scope of my authorized volunteer services, and for my right to
authorized expense reimbursement, I waive any claim on my behalf and on behalf of my heirs,
representatives, and assigns against the County of Contra Costa any other agency governed by
the Board of Supervisors, and any agent, officer or employee thereof for illness, injury, debts or
without limitation, other harm arising from my volunteer services, whether or not authorized.
Signature Date
Signature Date
Name of Minor: _______________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________
Birth Date: _______________________________________________________________
Volunteer Activity: ____________________________________________________________
The above person, a minor, desires to perform volunteer services for the County in accordance
with the attached application form.
As parent/guardian of this minor, permission is hereby granted for him/her to participate in the
volunteer program. My child does not have any physical or medical problems which would
prohibit or limit participation in the volunteer program, except:
In case of illness or emergency, please call: __________________________________________
Telephone Number:_____________________________________________________________
I have reviewed the volunteer application and registration form and the policy adopted by the
Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors on volunteer programs, and give my consent for ____
_____________________ to participate in the volunteer program subject to the terms and
conditions expressed therein.
Signed by Parent/Guardian: _______________________________________________________
Date: __________________
Date: ___________________________
This is to certify that I, the undersigned, am in possession of a valid California Driver’s License:
No.:_____________________________ Expiration Date:______________________
My car is a:
Make: ________________________ Model: __________________________
Year: ________________________ License No.: _______________________
My car is insured with:
Company: ____________________________________________________________________
Policy No.: ___________________________________________________________________
Expiration Date: _______________________________________________________________
I further certify that I have minimum liability insurance coverage as follows:
$15,000 for injury to, or death of, one person;
$30,000 for injury to, or death of, two or more persons in one accident;
$ 5,000 for property damage.
If I no longer meet the minimum liability insurance coverage requirements, I will immediately
notify the Volunteer Program Coordinator.
____ I certify that I will not be operating a vehicle in my capacity as a volunteer.
Martinez, California
The use of volunteers in performing specific services is a valuable resource and provides an
avenue for citizen participation in various County programs which is recognized as being of
public benefit. In recognition of the benefits which may be derived from volunteer services, it is
hereby declared that it shall be County policy to encourage and promote volunteer programs
determined to be in the public interest.
It is County policy that volunteers will not replace County employees but will provide services to
supplement or enrich regular County programs and services.
This policy statement is designed to provide the framework for County volunteer programs
activities. The following guidelines are adopted for volunteer programs.
A. Volunteer Programs
A description of each volunteer program shall be submitted by the department head to the
County Administrator for review and approval.
Factors to be considered in evaluating programs are the need for and public benefit to be
derived from the volunteer program, associated County cost and staff effort required for
such a program, the potential for injury to volunteers, and the possibility for injury to others
including injuries giving rise to possible liability claims.
The County Administrator may adopt regulations governing the administration of this
volunteer program.
B. Volunteers
A volunteer is defined as a person who renders services gratuitously and has been accepted
in the volunteer program. The volunteer is not an employee of the County.
In recognition of the benefit to the County derived from volunteer services, and in return
for their waiver on their own behalf and on behalf of their heirs, representatives, and
assigns of any claim against the County of Contra Costa, other agency governed by the
Board of Supervisors, and any agent, officers, or employee thereof, for illness, injury,
debts, or without limitation any other harm arising from such volunteer services, authorized
volunteers serving in approved programs shall be provided the benefits indicated below:
1. Injury to Volunteer.
Contra Costa County volunteers are not entitled to workers’
compensation benefits. In lieu thereof and in return for the volunteer’s waiver of any
claim against the County for illness, injury or other harm arising from acts or
occurrences while providing volunteer services, the County shall provide, in the case
of volunteer illness, injury or death resulting from acts or occurrences while
providing authorized volunteer services, through self-insurance, for reimbursement of
County authorized necessary medical expenses, and for minimum permanent
disability compensation equal to that afforded under the workers’ compensation laws
of California, provided, however, that no temporary disability compensation shall be
paid; that medical expenses shall be limited to reimbursement for expenditures
otherwise qualified for reimbursement which are not covered by the volunteer’s
health plan, other available insurance coverage, or other third party (i.e., Federal,
State or other payment); and that the County may elect to have the County’s Health
Service Department provide the volunteer’s necessary medical care.
2. Public Liability.
The County through its self-insurance program shall defend and
indemnify volunteers upon request against liability claims initiated by third parties
arising out of the volunteer’s acts or omissions occurring within the scope of
authorized volunteer service, unless the volunteer acted or failed to act because of
actual malice, fraud, corruption or gross negligence. Volunteers may be permitted to
operate County vehicles in the performance of authorized volunteer services.
Volunteers using County or personal automobiles in performing authorized services
must maintain liability insurance at limits which as a minimum comply with the
California Financial Responsibility Law and must have a driver’s license. The
protection afforded by the County shall be in excess only of any other public liability
or automobile insurance maintained by or which provides coverage for the volunteer,
and shall not cover any damages to the volunteer’s vehicle, including any deductible
3. Expense Reimbursement.
Volunteers may be reimbursed for actual and necessary
expenses in performance of authorized volunteer services at the same rates and in
accordance with regulations and procedures established for County employees. No
reimbursement will be made for any child care expenses, mileage from the personal
residence of the volunteer to the County facility or service location or for damage to
personal vehicles or other property of volunteers used when performing authorized
volunteer services.