This two-day short course provides government Public Private Partnership (PPP) contract directors and their team members with
an understanding of the multi-disciplinary dimensions of contract management for PPP projects.
By completing the course, PPP project contract directors, contract managers and relevant team members will satisfy the condition
in the Partnerships Victoria Requirements that they undertake appropriate training within 12 months of their appointment. Aligned
with the National PPP Policy and Guidelines and the Partnerships Victoria Contract Management Guideline, this course references
PPP guidance and policies in the various states and territories throughout Australia and New Zealand.
About this course
Delivered face-to-face, Contract Management for PPPs
commences with a review of the structure and features
of PPPs that drive value for money outcomes. The role
of private sector finance is considered, emphasising its
distinctive role in this procurement model.
Led by your course facilitators, you’ll explore the
typical content of a PPP contract, and examine
contract management tools and processes along with
the management of counterparty and stakeholder
relationships within the contractual framework. You’ll
analyse critical stages of projects, major change events
and dispute management strategies illustrated with
project case studies.
The course includes discussions with government and
industry experts and practical activities to delve into complex
aspects of PPP contract management.
Key topics and themes
The structure, features and professional input required
to orchestrate value for money from PPPs
The contract and the mechanisms within the contract
to manage behaviours
Approaches to successfully manage PPP contracts
Managing major change events, renegotiation of the
PPP agreement and options for dealing with disputes.
Who should apply
Designed specically for government sector PPP contract
directors and contract management team members, this
course will also benet other government stakeholders
involved in the procurement and operations of PPP projects.
The Victorian Department of Treasury and Finance has
determined that the course meets the Partnerships Victoria
credential training requirements for PPP Contract Directors
and contract management team members.
Short course:
Management for
Public Private
Who you’ll learn from
Prof. Emeritus Colin Duield
The University Of Melbourne
Prof. Duield’s career has involved a blend of industry experience as an engineer, project director and
consultant with roles as a senior academic at The University of Melbourne. He has been involved in the
development and delivery of a range of both social and economic PPP projects and has advised executive
governments in Australia, Indonesia, Canada, Singapore, New Zealand and members of the United Nations,
the Asian Development Bank and the World Bank on mechanism and approaches required for the eicient
procurement and management of major infrastructure projects.
Richard Foster
Foster Infrastructure Pty Ltd
Richard commenced his career as a lawyer and subsequently joined the Victorian Department of Treasury
and Finance as Executive Manager / Assistant Director of the Partnerships Victoria unit. He played a key role
in developing the Partnerships Victoria Contract Management Framework and represented the Partnerships
Victoria unit on steering committees and similar governance bodies for numerous Partnerships Victoria
projects during their construction and operations phases. Since leaving the Department of Treasury and
Finance to establish Foster Infrastructure, Richard has advised on a variety of contract management issues
associated with PPP projects.
Course duration and location
This short course will be delivered in person
over two full days. For up to date information
on duration and location, please visit the course
registration page.
Need more information?
$3,660 (excluding GST)
© Copyright University of Melbourne 2023
For more information about this course,
please contact our business development team.
E: custom-courses@unimelb.edu.au