Technical Report
February 2009
Definition of a 5-MW Reference
Wind Turbine for Offshore
System Development
J. Jonkman, S. Butterfield, W. Musial, and
G. Scott
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
1617 Cole Boulevard, Golden, Colorado 80401-3393
NREL is a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
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Contract No. DE-AC36-08-GO28308
Technical Report
February 2009
Definition of a 5-MW Reference
Wind Turbine for Offshore
System Development
J. Jonkman, S. Butterfield, W. Musial, and
G. Scott
Prepared under Task No. WER5.3301
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Acronyms and Abbreviations
= Automatic Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical Systems
A2AD = ADAMS-to-AeroDyn
BEM = blade-element / momentum
CM = center of mass
DLL = dynamic link library
DOE = U.S. Department of Energy
DOF = degree of freedom
DOWEC = Dutch Offshore Wind Energy Converter project
DU = Delft University
ECN = Energy Research Center of the Netherlands
equiripple = equalized-ripple
FAST = Fatigue, Aerodynamics, Structures, and Turbulence
GE = General Electric
IEA = International Energy Agency
MSL = mean sea level
NACA = National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics
NREL = National Renewable Energy Laboratory
NWTC = National Wind Technology Center
OCS = offshore continental shelf
OC3 = Offshore Code Comparison Collaborative
PI = proportional-integral
PID = proportional-integral-derivative
RECOFF = Recommendations for Design of Offshore Wind Turbines project
WindPACT = Wind Partnerships for Advanced Component Technology project
w.r.t. = with respect to
= discrete-time state matrix
= discrete-time input matrix
= discrete-time output state matrix
= effective damping in the equation of motion for the rotor-speed error
= discrete-time input transmission matrix
= corner frequency
GK = gain-correction factor
= drivetrain inertia cast to the low-speed shaft
= generator inertia relative to the high-speed shaft
= rotor inertia
= blade-pitch controller derivative gain
= blade-pitch controller integral gain
= blade-pitch controller proportional gain
= effective stiffness in the equation of motion for the rotor-speed error
= effective inertia (mass) in the equation of motion for the rotor-speed error
n = discrete-time-step counter
= high-speed to low-speed gearbox ratio
P = mechanical power
= rated mechanical power
= sensitivity of the aerodynamic power to the rotor-collective blade-pitch angle
t = simulation time
= aerodynamic torque in the low-speed shaft
= generator torque in the high-speed shaft
= discrete-time step
u = unfiltered generator speed
x = for the control-measurement filter, the filter state
x,y,z = set of orthogonal axes making up a reference-frame coordinate system
y = for the control-measurement filter, the filtered generator speed
α = low-pass filter coefficient
Δθ = small perturbation of the blade-pitch angles about their operating point
ΔΩ = small perturbation of the low-speed shaft rotational speed about the rated speed
= low-speed shaft rotational acceleration
= damping ratio of the response associated with the equation of motion for the
rotor-speed error
θ = full-span rotor-collective blade-pitch angle
= rotor-collective blade-pitch angle at which the pitch sensitivity has doubled from
its value at the rated operating point
π = the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter
φ = the integral of
with respect to time
= small perturbation of the low-speed shaft rotational speed about the rated speed
= low-speed shaft rotational acceleration
Ω = low-speed shaft rotational speed
= rated low-speed shaft rotational speed
= natural frequency of the response associated with the equation of motion for the
rotor-speed error
Executive Summary
To support concept studies aimed at assessing offshore wind technology, we developed the
specifications of a representative utility-scale multimegawatt turbine now known as the NREL
offshore 5-MW baseline wind turbine. This wind turbine is a conventional three-bladed upwind
variable-speed variable blade-pitch-to-feather-controlled turbine. To create the model, we
obtained some broad design information from the published documents of turbine manufacturers,
with a heavy emphasis on the REpower 5M machine. Because detailed data was unavailable,
however, we also used the publicly available properties from the conceptual models in the
WindPACT, RECOFF, and DOWEC projects. We then created a composite from these data,
extracting the best available and most representative specifications. This report documents the
specifications of the NREL offshore 5-MW baseline wind turbineincluding the aerodynamic,
structural, and control-system propertiesand the rationale behind its development. The model
has been, and will likely continue to be, used as a reference by research teams throughout the
world to standardize baseline offshore wind turbine specifications and to quantify the benefits of
advanced land- and sea-based wind energy technologies.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 1
2 Blade Structural Properties ...................................................................................................... 5
3 Blade Aerodynamic Properties ................................................................................................. 7
4 Hub and Nacelle Properties .................................................................................................... 12
5 Drivetrain Properties ............................................................................................................... 14
6 Tower Properties ...................................................................................................................... 15
7 Baseline Control System Properties ....................................................................................... 17
7.1 Baseline Control-Measurement Filter ................................................................................17
7.2 Baseline Generator-Torque Controller ..............................................................................19
7.3 Baseline Blade-Pitch Controller ........................................................................................20
7.4 Baseline Blade-Pitch Actuator ...........................................................................................26
7.5 Summary of Baseline Control System Properties ..............................................................26
8 FAST with AeroDyn and ADAMS with AeroDyn Models................................................... 28
9 Full-System Natural Frequencies and Steady-State Behavior ............................................. 30
10 Conclusions ............................................................................................................................. 33
References .................................................................................................................................... 34
Appendix A FAST Input Files ................................................................................................... 38
A.1 Primary Input File .............................................................................................................38
A.2 Blade Input File – NRELOffshrBsline5MW_Blade.dat ...................................................40
A.3 Tower Input File – NRELOffshrBsline5MW_Tower_Onshore.dat .................................41
A.4 ADAMS Input File – NRELOffshrBsline5MW_ADAMSSpecific.dat ............................42
A.5 Linearization Input File – NRELOffshrBsline5MW_Linear.dat ......................................43
Appendix B AeroDyn Input Files .............................................................................................. 44
B.1 Primary Input File – NRELOffshrBsline5MW_AeroDyn.ipt ...........................................44
B.2 Airfoil-Data Input File – Cylinder1.dat .............................................................................44
B.3 Airfoil-Data Input File – Cylinder2.dat .............................................................................44
B.4 Airfoil-Data Input File – DU40_A17.dat ..........................................................................45
B.5 Airfoil-Data Input File – DU35_A17.dat ..........................................................................47
B.6 Airfoil-Data Input File – DU30_A17.dat ..........................................................................48
B.7 Airfoil-Data Input File – DU25_A17.dat ..........................................................................50
B.8 Airfoil-Data Input File – DU21_A17.dat ..........................................................................52
B.9 Airfoil-Data Input File – NACA64_A17.dat ....................................................................54
Appendix C Source Code for the Control System DLL .......................................................... 57
List of Tables
Table 1-1. Gross Properties Chosen for the NREL 5-MW Baseline Wind Turbine ...................... 2
Table 2-1. Distributed Blade Structural Properties ........................................................................ 5
Table 2-2. Undistributed Blade Structural Properties .................................................................... 6
Table 3-1. Distributed Blade Aerodynamic Properties .................................................................. 7
Table 4-1. Nacelle and Hub Properties ........................................................................................ 13
Table 5-1. Drivetrain Properties .................................................................................................. 14
Table 6-1. Distributed Tower Properties ..................................................................................... 15
Table 6-2. Undistributed Tower Properties ................................................................................. 16
Table 7-1. Sensitivity of Aerodynamic Power to Blade Pitch in Region 3 ................................. 23
Table 7-2. Baseline Control System Properties ........................................................................... 27
Table 9-1. Full-System Natural Frequencies in Hertz ................................................................. 30
List of Figures
Figure 3-1. Corrected coefficients of the DU40 airfoil .................................................................. 9
Figure 3-2. Corrected coefficients of the DU35 airfoil .................................................................. 9
Figure 3-3. Corrected coefficients of the DU30 airfoil ................................................................ 10
Figure 3-4. Corrected coefficients of the DU25 airfoil ................................................................ 10
Figure 3-5. Corrected coefficients of the DU21 airfoil ................................................................ 11
Figure 3-6. Corrected coefficients of the NACA64 airfoil .......................................................... 11
Figure 7-1. Bode plot of generator speed low-pass filter frequency response ............................. 18
Figure 7-2. Torque-versus-speed response of the variable-speed controller ............................... 20
Figure 7-3. Best-fit line of pitch sensitivity in Region 3 ............................................................. 24
Figure 7-4. Baseline blade-pitch control system gain-scheduling law ........................................ 25
Figure 7-5. Flowchart of the baseline control system .................................................................. 27
Figure 9-1. Steady-state responses as a function of wind speed .................................................. 32
1 Introduction
The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL),
through the National Wind Technology Center (NWTC), has sponsored conceptual studies aimed
at assessing offshore wind technology suitable in the shallow and deep waters off the U.S.
offshore continental shelf (OCS) and other offshore sites worldwide. To obtain useful
information from such studies, use of realistic and standardized input data is required. This
report documents the turbine specifications of what is now called the “NREL offshore 5-MW
baseline wind turbine” and the rationale behind its development. Our objective was to establish
the detailed specifications of a large wind turbine that is representative of typical utility-scale
land- and sea-based multimegawatt turbines, and suitable for deployment in deep waters.
Before establishing the detailed specifications, however, we had to choose the basic size and
power rating of the machine. Because of the large portion of system costs in the support
structure of an offshore wind system, we understood from the outset that if a deepwater wind
system is to be cost-effective, each individual wind turbine must be rated at 5 MW or higher
Feasible floater configurations for offshore wind turbines scoped out by Musial,
Butterfield, and Boone [
Ratings considered for the baseline ranged from 5 MW to 20 MW. We decided that the
baseline should be 5 MW because it has precedence:
23] were based on the assumption of a 5-MW unit.
Unpublished DOE offshore cost studies were based on a rotor diameter of 128 m, which
is a size representative of a 5- to 6-MW wind turbine.
The land-based Wind Partnerships for Advanced Component Technology (WindPACT)
series of studies, considered wind turbine systems rated up to 5 MW [19,24,29].
The Recommendations for Design of Offshore Wind Turbines project (known as
RECOFF) based its conceptual design calculations on a wind turbine with a 5-MW rating
The Dutch Offshore Wind Energy Converter (DOWEC) project based its conceptual
design calculations on a wind turbine with a 6-MW rating [8,14,17].
At the time of this writing, the largest wind turbine prototypes in the worldthe
Multibrid M5000 [5,21,22] and the REpower 5M [18,26,27]—each had a 5-MW rating.
We gathered the publicly available information on the Multibrid M5000 and REpower 5M
prototype wind turbines. And because detailed information on these machines was unavailable,
we also used the publicly available properties from the conceptual models used in the
WindPACT, RECOFF, and DOWEC projects. These models contained much greater detail than
was available about the prototypes. We then created a composite from these models, extracting
the best available and most representative specifications.
A single 5-MW wind turbine can supply enough energy annually to power 1,250 average American homes.
The Multibrid M5000 machine has a significantly higher tip speed than typical onshore wind
turbines and a lower tower-top mass than would be expected from scaling laws previously
developed in one of the WindPACT studies [29]. In contrast, the REpower 5M machine has
properties that are more “expected” and “conventional. For this reason, we decided to use the
specifications of the REpower 5M machine as the target specifications
The wind turbine used in the DOWEC project had a slightly higher rating than the rating of the
REpower 5M machine, but many of the other basic properties of the DOWEC turbine matched
the REpower 5M machine very well. In fact, the DOWEC turbine matched many of the
properties of the REpower 5M machine better than the turbine properties derived for the
WindPACT and RECOFF studies.
for our baseline model.
The REpower 5M machine has a rotor radius of about 63 m. Wanting the same radius and the
lowest reasonable hub height possible to minimize the overturning moment acting on an offshore
substructure, we decided that the hub height for the baseline wind turbine should be 90 m. This
would give a 15-m air gap between the blade tips at their lowest point when the wind turbine is
undeflected and an estimated extreme 50-year individual wave height of 30 m (i.e., 15-m
amplitude). The additional gross properties we chose for the NREL 5-MW baseline wind
turbine, most of which are identical to those of the REpower 5M, are given in
As a result of these similarities, we made the heaviest use of
data from the DOWEC study in our development of the NREL offshore 5-MW baseline wind
Table 1-1. The
(x,y,z) coordinates of the overall center of mass (CM) location of the wind turbine are indicated
in a tower-base coordinate system, which originates along the tower centerline at ground or mean
Note that we established the target specifications using information about the REpower 5M machine that was
published in January 2005 [26,27]. Some of the information presented in Refs. [26] and [27] disagrees with more
recently published information. For example, the published nacelle and rotor masses of the REpower 5M are higher
in the more recent publications.
This was probably because the REpower 5M prototype utilized blades provided by LM Glasfiber [18], a company
that helped establish the structural properties of the blades used in the DOWEC study.
Table 1-1. Gross Properties Chosen for the NREL 5-MW Baseline
Wind Turbine
5 MW
Rotor Orientation, Configuration
Upwind, 3 Blades
Variable Speed, Collective Pitch
High Speed, Multiple-Stage Gearbox
Rotor, Hub Diameter
126 m, 3 m
Hub Height
90 m
Cut-In, Rated, Cut-Out Wind Speed
3 m/s, 11.4 m/s, 25 m/s
Cut-In, Rated Rotor Speed
6.9 rpm, 12.1 rpm
Rated Tip Speed
80 m/s
Overhang, Shaft Tilt, Precone
5 m, 5º, 2.5º
Rotor Mass
110,000 kg
Nacelle Mass
240,000 kg
Tower Mass
347,460 kg
Coordinate Location of Overall CM
(-0.2 m, 0.0 m, 64.0 m)
sea level (MSL). The x-axis of this coordinate system is directed nominally downwind, the y-
axis is directed transverse to the nominal wind direction, and the z-axis is directed vertically from
the tower base to the yaw bearing.
The actual REpower 5M wind turbine uses blades with built-in prebend as a means of increasing
tower clearance without a large rotor overhang. Because many of the available simulation tools
and design codes cannot support blades with built-in prebend, we chose a 2.5°-upwind precone
in the baseline wind turbine to represent the smaller amount of precone and larger amount of
prebend that are built into the actual REpower 5M machine.
The rotor diameter indicated in Table 1-1 ignores the effect of blade precone, which reduces the
actual diameter and swept area. The exact rotor diameter in the turbine specifications (assuming
that the blades are undeflected) is actually (126 m) × cos(2.5°) = 125.88 m and the actual swept
area is (π/4) × (125.88 m)
= 12,445.3 m
We present other information about this model as follows:
The blade structural properties in Section 2
The blade aerodynamic properties in Section 3
The hub and nacelle properties in Section 4
The drivetrain properties in Section 5
The tower properties in Section 6
The baseline control system properties in Section 7
The aero-servo-elastic FAST (Fatigue, Aerodynamics, Structures, and Turbulence) [11]
with AeroDyn [16,20] and MSC.ADAMS
(Automatic Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical
Systems) with A2AD (ADAMS-to-AeroDyn)
6 [ ,15] and AeroDyn models of the wind
turbine in Section 8
The basic responses of the land-based version of the wind turbine, including its full-
system natural frequencies and steady-state behavior in Section 9.
Although we summarize much of this information
7 for conciseness and clarity, Section
contains a high level of detail about the development of the wind turbine’s baseline control
system. These details are provided because they are fundamental to the development of more
advanced control systems.
The NREL offshore 5-MW baseline wind turbine has been used to establish the reference
specifications for a number of research projects supported by the U.S. DOE’s Wind &
Hydropower Technologies Program [1,2,7,12,28,33,34]. In addition, the integrated European
Note that we use the term “ADAMS” to mean “MSC.ADAMS with A2AD” in this work.
Note that some of the turbine properties are presented with a large number (>4) of significant figures. Most of
these were carried over from the turbine properties documented in the DOWEC study [8,14,17]—We did not
truncate their precision to maintain consistency with the original data source.
Union UpWind research program
and the International Energy Agency (IEA) Wind Annex
XXIII Subtask 2
13 Offshore Code Comparison Collaboration (OC3) [ ,25] have adopted the
NREL offshore 5-MW baseline wind turbine as their reference model. The model has been, and
will likely continue to be, used as a reference by research teams throughout the world to
standardize baseline offshore wind turbine specifications and to quantify the benefits of
advanced land- and sea-based wind energy technologies.
Web site:
Web site:
2 Blade Structural Properties
The NREL offshore 5-MW baseline wind turbine has three blades. We based the distributed
blade structural properties of each blade on the structural properties of the 62.6-m-long LM
Glasfiber blade used in the DOWEC study (using the data given in Appendix A of Ref. [17]).
Because the blades in the DOWEC study were 1.1 m longer than the 61.5-m-long LM Glasfiber
blades [18] used on the actual REpower 5M machine, we truncated the 62.6-m blades at 61.5-m
span to obtain the structural properties of the NREL 5-MW baseline blades (we found the
structural properties at the blade tip by interpolating between the 61.2-m and 61.7-m stations
given in Appendix A of Ref. [17]). Table 2-1 lists the resulting properties.
The entries in the first column of Table 2-1, labeled “Radius,” are the spanwise locations along
the blade-pitch axis relative to the rotor center (apex). BlFractis the fractional distance along
the blade-pitch axis from the root (0.0) to the tip (1.0). We located the blade root 1.5 m along the
pitch axis from the rotor center, equivalent to half the hub diameter listed in Table 1-1.
AeroCent” is the name of a FAST input parameter. The FAST code assumes that the blade-
pitch axis passes through each airfoil section at 25% chord. By definition, then, the quantity
(AeroCent 0.25) is the fractional distance to the aerodynamic center from the blade-pitch axis
along the chordline, positive toward the trailing edge. Thus, at the root (i.e., BlFract = 0.0),
AeroCent = 0.25 means that the aerodynamic center lies on the blade-pitch axis [because (0.25
0.25) = 0.0], and at the tip (i.e., BlFract = 1.0), AeroCent = 0.125 means that the aerodynamic
center lies 0.125 chordlengths toward the leading edge from the blade-pitch axis [because (0.125
Table 2-1. Distributed Blade Structural Properties
Radius BlFract AeroCent StrcTwst BMassDen FlpStff EdgStff GJStff EAStff Alpha FlpIner EdgIner PrecrvRef PreswpRef FlpcgOf EdgcgOf FlpEAOf EdgEAOf
(m) (-) (-)
) (N•m
) (N•m
(N) (-) (kg•m) (kg•m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m)
1.50 0.00000 0.25000 13.308 678.935 18110.00E+6 18113.60E+6 5564.40E+6 9729.48E+6 0.0 972.86 973.04 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00017 0.0 0.0
1.70 0.00325 0.25000 13.308 678.935 18110.00E+6 18113.60E+6 5564.40E+6 9729.48E+6 0.0 972.86 973.04 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00017 0.0 0.0
2.70 0.01951 0.24951 13.308 773.363 19424.90E+6 19558.60E+6 5431.59E+6 10789.50E+6 0.0 1091.52 1066.38 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.02309 0.0 0.0
3.70 0.03577 0.24510 13.308 740.550 17455.90E+6 19497.80E+6 4993.98E+6 10067.23E+6 0.0 966.09 1047.36 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00344 0.0 0.0
4.70 0.05203 0.23284 13.308 740.042 15287.40E+6 19788.80E+6 4666.59E+6 9867.78E+6 0.0 873.81 1099.75 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.04345 0.0 0.0
5.70 0.06829 0.22059 13.308 592.496 10782.40E+6 14858.50E+6 3474.71E+6 7607.86E+6 0.0 648.55 873.02 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.05893 0.0 0.0
6.70 0.08455 0.20833 13.308 450.275 7229.72E+6 10220.60E+6 2323.54E+6 5491.26E+6 0.0 456.76 641.49 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.06494 0.0 0.0
7.70 0.10081 0.19608 13.308 424.054 6309.54E+6 9144.70E+6 1907.87E+6 4971.30E+6 0.0 400.53 593.73 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.07718 0.0 0.0
8.70 0.11707 0.18382 13.308 400.638 5528.36E+6 8063.16E+6 1570.36E+6 4493.95E+6 0.0 351.61 547.18 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.08394 0.0 0.0
9.70 0.13335 0.17156 13.308 382.062 4980.06E+6 6884.44E+6 1158.26E+6 4034.80E+6 0.0 316.12 490.84 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.10174 0.0 0.0
10.70 0.14959 0.15931 13.308 399.655 4936.84E+6 7009.18E+6 1002.12E+6 4037.29E+6 0.0 303.60 503.86 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.10758 0.0 0.0
11.70 0.16585 0.14706 13.308 426.321 4691.66E+6 7167.68E+6 855.90E+6 4169.72E+6 0.0 289.24 544.70 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.15829 0.0 0.0
12.70 0.18211 0.13481 13.181 416.820 3949.46E+6 7271.66E+6 672.27E+6 4082.35E+6 0.0 246.57 569.90 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.22235 0.0 0.0
13.70 0.19837 0.12500 12.848 406.186 3386.52E+6 7081.70E+6 547.49E+6 4085.97E+6 0.0 215.91 601.28 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.30756 0.0 0.0
14.70 0.21465 0.12500 12.192 381.420 2933.74E+6 6244.53E+6 448.84E+6 3668.34E+6 0.0 187.11 546.56 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.30386 0.0 0.0
15.70 0.23089 0.12500 11.561 352.822 2568.96E+6 5048.96E+6 335.92E+6 3147.76E+6 0.0 160.84 468.71 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.26519 0.0 0.0
16.70 0.24715 0.12500 11.072 349.477 2388.65E+6 4948.49E+6 311.35E+6 3011.58E+6 0.0 148.56 453.76 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.25941 0.0 0.0
17.70 0.26341 0.12500 10.792 346.538 2271.99E+6 4808.02E+6 291.94E+6 2882.62E+6 0.0 140.30 436.22 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.25007 0.0 0.0
19.70 0.29595 0.12500 10.232 339.333 2050.05E+6 4501.40E+6 261.00E+6 2613.97E+6 0.0 124.61 398.18 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.23155 0.0 0.0
21.70 0.32846 0.12500 9.672 330.004 1828.25E+6 4244.07E+6 228.82E+6 2357.48E+6 0.0 109.42 362.08 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.20382 0.0 0.0
23.70 0.36098 0.12500 9.110 321.990 1588.71E+6 3995.28E+6 200.75E+6 2146.86E+6 0.0 94.36 335.01 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.19934 0.0 0.0
25.70 0.39350 0.12500 8.534 313.820 1361.93E+6 3750.76E+6 174.38E+6 1944.09E+6 0.0 80.24 308.57 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.19323 0.0 0.0
27.70 0.42602 0.12500 7.932 294.734 1102.
38E+6 3447.14E+6 144.47E+6 1632.70E+6 0.0 62.67 263.87 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.14994 0.0 0.0
29.70 0.45855 0.12500 7.321 287.120 875.80E+6 3139.07E+6 119.98E+6 1432.40E+6 0.0 49.42 237.06 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.15421 0.0 0.0
31.70 0.49106 0.12500 6.711 263.343 681.30E+6 2734.24E+6 81.19E+6 1168.76E+6 0.0 37.34 196.41 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.13252 0.0 0.0
33.70 0.52358 0.12500 6.122 253.207 534.72E+6 2554.87E+6 69.09E+6 1047.43E+6 0.0 29.14 180.34 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.13313 0.0 0.0
35.70 0.55610 0.12500 5.546 241.666 408.90E+6 2334.03E+6 57.45E+6 922.95E+6 0.0 22.16 162.43 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.14035 0.0 0.0
37.70 0.58862 0.12500 4.971 220.638 314.54E+6 1828.73E+6 45.92E+6 760.82E+6 0.0 17.33 134.83 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.13950 0.0 0.0
39.70 0.62115 0.12500 4.401 200.293 238.63E+6 1584.10E+6 35.98E+6 648.03E+6 0.0 13.30 116.30 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.15134 0.0 0.0
41.70 0.65366 0.12500 3.834 179.404 175.88E+6 1323.36E+6 27.44E+6 539.70E+6 0.0 9.96 97.98 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.17418 0.0 0.0
43.70 0.68618 0.12500 3.332 165.094 126.01E+6 1183.68E+6 20.90E+6 531.15E+6 0.0 7.30 98.93 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.24922 0.0 0.0
45.70 0.71870 0.12500 2.890 154.411 107.26E+6 1020.16E+6 18.54E+6 460.01E+6 0.0 6.22 85.78 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.26022 0.0 0.0
47.70 0.75122 0.12500 2.503 138.935 90.88E+6 797.81E+6 16.28E+6 375.75E+6 0.0 5.19 69.96 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.22554 0.0 0.0
49.70 0.78376 0.12500 2.116 129.555 76.31E+6 709.61E+6 14.53E+6 328.89E+6 0.0 4.36 61.41 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.22795 0.0 0.0
51.70 0.81626 0.12500 1.730 107.264 61.05E+6 518.19E+6 9.07E+6 244.04E+6 0.0 3.36 45.44 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.20600 0.0 0.0
53.70 0.84878 0.12500 1.342 98.776 49.48E+6 454.87E+6 8.06E+6 211.60E+6 0.0 2.75 39.57 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.21662 0.0 0.0
55.70 0.88130 0.12500 0.954 90.248 39.36E+6 395.12E+6 7.08E+6 181.52E+6 0.0 2.21 34.09 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.22784 0.0 0.0
56.70 0.89756 0.12500 0.760 83.001 34.67E+6 353.72E+6 6.09E+6 160.25E+6 0.0 1.93 30.12 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.23124 0.0 0.0
57.70 0.91382 0.12500 0.574 72.906 30.41E+6 304.73E+6 5.75E+6 109.23E+6 0.0 1.69 20.15 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.14826 0.0 0.0
58.70 0.93008 0.12500 0.404 68.772 26.52E+6 281.42E+6 5.33E+6 100.08E+6 0.0 1.49 18.53 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.15346 0.0 0.0
59.20 0.93821 0.12500 0.319 66.264 23.84E+6 261.71E+6 4.94E+6 92.24E+6 0.0 1.34 17.11 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.15382 0.0 0.0
59.70 0.94636 0.12500 0.253 59.340 19.63E+6 158.81E+6 4.24E+6 63.23E+6 0.0 1.10 11.55 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.09470 0.0 0.0
60.20 0.95447 0.12500 0.216 55.914 16.00E+6 137.88E+6 3.66E+6 53.32E+6 0.0 0.89 9.77 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.09018 0.0 0.0
60.70 0.96260 0.12500 0.178 52.484 12.83E+6 118.79E+6 3.13E+6 44.53E+6 0.0 0.71 8.19 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.08561 0.0 0.0
61.20 0.97073 0.12500 0.140 49.114 10.08E+6 101.63E+6 2.64E+6 36.90E+6 0.
0 0.56 6.82 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.08035 0.0 0.0
61.70 0.97886 0.12500 0.101 45.818 7.55E+6 85.07E+6 2.17E+6 29.92E+6 0.0 0.42 5.57 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.07096 0.0 0.0
62.20 0.98699 0.12500 0.062 41.669 4.60E+6 64.26E+6 1.58E+6 21.31E+6 0.0 0.25 4.01 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.05424 0.0 0.0
62.70 0.99512 0.12500 0.023 11.453 0.25E+6 6.61E+6 0.25E+6 4.85E+6 0.0 0.04 0.94 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.05387 0.0 0.0
63.00 1.00000 0.12500 0.000 10.319 0.17E+6 5.01E+6 0.19E+6 3.53E+6 0.0 0.02 0.68 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.05181 0.0 0.0
0.25) = 0.125].
The flapwise and edgewise section stiffness and inertia values, FlpStff,EdgStff,“FlpIner,”
and “EdgIner” in Table 2-1, are given about the principal structural axes of each cross section as
oriented by the structural-twist angle, “StrcTwst. The values of the structural twist were
assumed to be identical to the aerodynamic twist discussed in Section 3.
GJStffrepresents the values of the blade torsion stiffness. Because the DOWEC blade data did
not contain extensional stiffness information, we estimated the blade extensional stiffness
values—“EAStff in Table 2-1—to be 10
times the average mass moment of inertia at each
blade station. This came from a rule of thumb derived from the data available in the WindPACT
rotor design study [19], but the exact values are not important because of the low rotational
speed of the rotor.
The edgewise CM offset values, “EdgcgOf,” are the distances in meters along the chordline from
the blade-pitch axis to the CM of the blade section, positive toward the trailing edge. We
neglected the insignificant values of the flapwise CM offsets, “FlpcgOf,” and flapwise and
edgewise elastic offsets, “FlpEAOf” and “EdgEAOf,” given in Appendix A of Ref. [17].
Instead, we assumed that they were zero as shown in Table 2-1.
The distributed blade section mass per unit length values, BMassDen,given in Table 2-1 are
the values documented in Appendix A of Ref. [17]. We increased these by 4.536% in the model
to scale the overall (integrated) blade mass to 17,740 kg, which was the nominal mass of the
blades in the REpower 5M prototype. In our baseline specifications, the nominal second mass
moment of inertia, nominal first mass moment of inertia, and the nominal radial CM location of
each blade are 11,776,047 kgm
, 363,231 kgm, and 20.475 m with respect to (w.r.t.) the blade
root, respectively.
We specified a structural-damping ratio of 0.477465% critical in all modes of the isolated blade,
which corresponds to the 3% logarithmic decrement used in the DOWEC study from page 20 of
Ref. [14].
Table 2-2 summarizes the undistributed blade structural properties discussed in this section.
Table 2-2. Undistributed Blade Structural Properties
Length (w.r.t. Root Along Preconed Axis) 61.5 m
Mass Scaling Factor 4.536 %
Overall (Integrated) Mass 17,740 kg
Second Mass Moment of Inertia (w.r.t. Root) 11,776,047
First Mass Moment of Inertia (w.r.t. Root) 363,231 kg•m
CM Location (w.r.t. Root along Preconed Axis) 20.475 m
Structural-Damping Ratio (All Modes) 0.477465 %
3 Blade Aerodynamic Properties
Similar to the blade structural properties, we based the blade aerodynamic properties of the
NREL 5-MW baseline wind turbine on the DOWEC blades (using the data described in Table 1
on page 13 of Ref. [14] and in Appendix A of Ref. [17]). We set the FAST with AeroDyn and
ADAMS with AeroDyn models to use 17 blade elements for integration of the aerodynamic and
structural forces. To better capture the large structural gradients at the blade root and the large
aerodynamic gradients at the blade tip, the 3 inboard and 3 outboard elements are two-thirds the
size of the 11 equally spaced midspan elements. Table 3-1 gives the aerodynamic properties at
the blade nodes, which are located at the center of the blade elements.
The blade node locations, labeled as RNodesin Table 3-1, are directed along the blade-pitch
axis from the rotor center (apex) to the blade cross sections. The element lengths, “DRNodes,”
sum to the total blade length of 61.5 m indicated in Table 2-2. The aerodynamic twist,
“AeroTwst,” as given in Table 3-1, are offset by 0.09182° from the values provided in
Appendix A of Ref. [17] to ensure that the zero-twist reference location is at the blade tip.
Integrating the chord distribution along the blade span reveals that the rotor solidity is roughly
As indicated in Table 3-1, we incorporated eight unique airfoil-data tables for the NREL offshore
5-MW baseline wind turbine. The two innermost airfoil tables represent cylinders with drag
coefficients of 0.50 (Cylinder1.dat) and 0.35 (Cylinder2.dat) and no lift. We created the
remaining six airfoil tables by making corrections for three-dimensional behavior to the two-
dimensional airfoil-data coefficients of the six airfoils used in the DOWEC study (as detailed in
Table 3-1. Distributed Blade Aerodynamic Properties
Node RNodes AeroTwst DRNodes Chord Airfoil Table
(-) (m)
(m) (m) (-)
1 2.8667
13.308 2.7333 3.542 Cylinder1.dat
2 5.6000 13.308 2.7333 3.854 Cylinder1.dat
3 8.3333 13.308 2.7333 4.167 Cylinder2.dat
4 11.7500 13.308 4.1000 4.557 DU40_A17.dat
5 15.8500 11.480 4.1000 4.652 DU35_A17.dat
6 19.9500 10.162 4.1000 4.458 DU35_A17.dat
7 24.0500 9.011 4.1000 4.249 DU30_A17.dat
8 28.1500 7.795 4.1000 4.007 DU25_A17.dat
9 32.2500 6.544 4.1000 3.748 DU25_A17.dat
10 36.3500 5.361 4.1000 3.502 DU21_A17.dat
11 40.4500 4.188 4.1000 3.256 DU21_A17.dat
12 44.5500 3.125 4.1000 3.010 NACA64_A17.dat
13 48.6500 2.319 4.1000 2.764 NACA64_A17.dat
14 52.7500 1.526 4.1000 2.518 NACA64_A17.dat
15 56.1667 0.863 2.7333 2.313 NACA64_A17.dat
16 58.9000 0.370 2.7333 2.086 NACA64_A17.dat
17 61.6333 0.106 2.7333 1.419 NACA64_A17.dat
Appendix A of Ref. [14]).
In these airfoil tables, “DU” refers to Delft University and “NACA”
refers to the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. We used AirfoilPrep v2.0 [ ] to
“tailor” these airfoil data. We first corrected the lift and drag coefficients for rotational stall
delay using the Selig and Eggars method for 0° to 90° angles of attack. We then corrected the
drag coefficients using the Viterna method for 0° to 90° angles of attack assuming an aspect ratio
of 17. Finally, we estimated the Beddoes-Leishman dynamic-stall hysteresis parameters. We
made no corrections to the DOWEC-supplied pitching-moment coefficients. The resulting three-
dimensionally corrected airfoil-data coefficients are illustrated graphically in Figure 3-1 through
Figure 3-6. The numerical values are documented in the AeroDyn airfoil-data input files that
make up Appendix B.
C. Lindenburg of the Energy Research Center of the Netherlands (ECN) provided numerical values for these
-180 -150 -120 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Angle of Attack, °
Figure 3-1. Corrected coefficients of the DU40 airfoil
-180 -150 -120 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Angle of Attack, °
Figure 3-2. Corrected coefficients of the DU35 airfoil
-180 -150 -120 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Angle of Attack, °
Figure 3-3. Corrected coefficients of the DU30 airfoil
-180 -150 -120 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Angle of Attack, °
Figure 3-4. Corrected coefficients of the DU25 airfoil
-180 -150 -120 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Angle of Attack, °
Figure 3-5. Corrected coefficients of the DU21 airfoil
-180 -150 -120 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Angle of Attack, °
Figure 3-6. Corrected coefficients of the NACA64 airfoil
4 Hub and Nacelle Properties
As indicated in Table 1-1, we located the hub of the NREL 5-MW baseline wind turbine 5 m
upwind of the tower centerline at an elevation of 90 m above the ground when the system is
undeflected. We also specified the same vertical distance from the tower top to the hub height
used by the DOWEC studythat is, 2.4 m (as specified in Table 6 on page 26 of Ref. [14]).
Consequently, the elevation of the yaw bearing above ground or MSL is 87.6 m. With a shaft tilt
of 5°, this made the distance directed along the shaft from the hub center to the yaw axis 5.01910
m and the vertical distance along the yaw axis from the tower top to the shaft 1.96256 m. The
distance directed along the shaft from the hub center to the main bearing was taken to be 1.912 m
(from Table 6 on page 26 of Ref. [14]).
We specified the hub mass to be 56,780 kg like in the REpower 5M, and we located its CM at
the hub center. The hub inertia about the shaft, taken to be 115,926 kgm
, was found by
assuming that the hub casting is a thin spherical shell with a radius of 1.75 m (this is 0.25 m
longer than the actual hub radius because the nacelle height of the DOWEC turbine was 3.5 m,
based on the data in Table 6 on page 26 of Ref. [14]).
We specified the nacelle mass to be 240,000 kg like in the REpower 5M and we located its CM
1.9 m downwind of the yaw axis like in the DOWEC turbine (from Table 7 on page 27 of Ref.
[14]) and 1.75 m above the yaw bearing, which was half the height of the DOWEC turbine’s
nacelle (from Table 6 on page 26 of Ref. [14]). The nacelle inertia about the yaw axis was taken
to be 2,607,890 kgm
. We chose this to be equivalent to the DOWEC turbine’s nacelle inertia
about its nacelle CM, but translated to the yaw axis using the parallel-axis theorem with the
nacelle mass and downwind distance to the nacelle CM.
We took the nacelle-yaw actuator to have a natural frequency of 3 Hz, which is roughly
equivalent to the highest full-system natural frequency in the FAST model (see Section 9), and a
damping ratio of 2% critical. This resulted in an equivalent nacelle-yaw-actuator linear-spring
constant of 9,028,320,000 Nm/rad and an equivalent nacelle-yaw-actuator linear-damping
constant of 19,160,000 Nm/(rad/s). The nominal nacelle-yaw rate was chosen to be the same as
that for the DOWEC 6-MW turbine, or 0.3°/s (from page 27 of Ref. [14]).
Table 4-1 summarizes the nacelle and hub properties discussed in this section.
Table 4-1. Nacelle and Hub Properties
Elevation of Yaw Bearing above Ground 87.6
Vertical Distance along Yaw Axis from Yaw Bearing to Shaft 1.96256 m
Distance along Shaft from Hub Center to Yaw Axis 5.01910 m
Distance along Shaft from Hub Center to Main Bearing 1.912 m
Hub Mass 56,780 kg
Hub Inertia about Low-Speed Shaft 115,926
Nacelle Mass 240,000 kg
Nacelle Inertia about Yaw Axis 2,607,890
Nacelle CM Location Downwind of Yaw Axis 1.9 m
Nacelle CM Location above Yaw Bearing 1.75 m
Equivalent Nacelle-Yaw-Actuator Linear-Spring Constant 9,028,320,000 N•m/rad
Equivalent Nacelle-Yaw-Actuator Linear-Damping Constant 19,160,000 N•m/(rad/s)
Nominal Nacelle-Yaw Rate 0.3 º/s
5 Drivetrain Properties
We specified the NREL 5-MW baseline wind turbine to have the same rated rotor speed (12.1
rpm), rated generator speed (1173.7 rpm), and gearbox ratio (97:1) as the REpower 5M machine.
The gearbox was assumed be a typical multiple-stage gearbox but with no frictional lossesa
requirement of the preprocessor functionality in FAST for creating ADAMS models [11]. The
electrical efficiency of the generator was taken to be 94.4%. This was chosen to be roughly the
same as the total mechanical-to-electrical conversion loss used by the DOWEC turbine at rated
power—that is, the DOWEC turbine had about 0.35 MW of power loss at about 6.25 MW of
aerodynamic power (from Figure 15, page 24 of Ref. [14]). The generator inertia about the high-
speed shaft was taken to be 534.116 kgm
, which is the same equivalent low-speed shaft
generator inertia used in the DOWEC study (i.e., 5,025,500 kgm
from page 36 of Ref. [14]).
The driveshaft was taken to have the same natural frequency as the RECOFF turbine model and
a structural-damping ratioassociated with the free-free mode of a drivetrain composed of a
rigid generator and rigid rotor—of 5% critical. This resulted in an equivalent driveshaft linear-
spring constant of 867,637,000 Nm/rad and a linear-damping constant of 6,215,000 Nm/(rad/s).
The high-speed shaft brake was assumed to have the same ratio of maximum brake torque to
maximum generator torque and the same time lag as used in the DOWEC study (from page 29 of
Ref. [14]). This resulted in a fully deployed high-speed shaft brake torque of 28,116.2 Nm and
a time lag of 0.6 s. This time lag is the amount of time it takes for the brake to fully engage once
deployed. The FAST and ADAMS models employ a simple linear ramp from nothing to full
braking over the 0.6-s period.
Table 5-1 summarizes the drivetrain properties discussed in this section.
Table 5-1. Drivetrain Properties
Rated Rotor Speed 12.1 rpm
Rated Generator Speed 1173.7 rpm
Gearbox Ratio 97 :1
Electrical Generator Efficiency 94.4 %
Generator Inertia about High-Speed Shaft 534.116
Equivalent Drive-Shaft Torsional-Spring Constant 867,637,000 N•m/rad
Equivalent Drive-Shaft Torsional-Damping Constant 6,215,000 N•m/(rad/s)
Fully-Deployed High-Speed Shaft Brake Torque 28,116.2 N•m
High-Speed Shaft Brake Time Constant 0.6 s
6 Tower Properties
The properties of the tower for the NREL offshore 5-MW baseline wind turbine will depend on
the type support structure used to carry the rotor-nacelle assembly. The type of support structure
will, in turn, depend on the installation site, whose properties vary significantly through
differences in water depth, soil type, and wind and wave severity. Offshore support-structure
types include fixed-bottom monopiles, gravity bases, and space-framessuch as tripods,
quadpods, and lattice frames (e.g., “jackets”)and floating structures. This section documents
the tower properties for the equivalent land-based version of the NREL 5-MW baseline wind
turbine. These properties provide a basis with which to design towers for site-specific offshore
support structures. For example, different types of offshore support structures for the NREL 5-
MW baseline wind turbine have been designed forand investigated inseparate phases of the
OC3 project [13,25].
We based the distributed properties of the land-based tower for the NREL 5-MW baseline wind
turbine on the base diameter (6 m) and thickness (0.027 m), top diameter (3.87 m) and thickness
(0.019 m), and effective mechanical steel properties of the tower used in the DOWEC study (as
given in Table 9 on page 31 of Ref. [14]). The Young’s modulus was taken to be 210 GPa, the
shear modulus was taken to be 80.8 GPa, and the effective density of the steel was taken to be
8,500 kg/m
. The density of 8,500 kg/m
was meant to be an increase above steel’s typical value
of 7,850 kg/m
to account for paint, bolts, welds, and flanges that are not accounted for in the
tower thickness data. The radius and thickness of the tower were assumed to be linearly tapered
from the tower base to tower top. Because the REpower 5M machine had a larger tower-top
mass than the DOWEC wind turbine, we scaled up the thickness of the tower relative to the
values given earlier in this paragraph to strengthen the tower. We chose an increase of 30% to
ensure that the first fore-aft and side-to-side tower frequencies were placed between the one- and
three-per-rev frequencies throughout the operational range of the wind turbine in a Campbell
diagram. Table 6-1 gives the resulting distributed tower properties.
The entries in the first column, Elevation,” are the vertical locations along the tower centerline
relative to the tower base. HtFractis the fractional height along the tower centerline from the
tower base (0.0) to the tower top (1.0). The rest of columns are similar to those described for the
distributed blade properties presented in Table 2-1.
The resulting overall (integrated) tower mass is 347,460 kg and is centered at 38.234 m along the
Table 6-1. Distributed Tower Properties
Elevation HtFract TMassDen TwFAStif TwSSStif TwGJStif TwEAStif TwFAIner TwSSIner TwFAcgOf TwSScgOf
(m) (-) (kg/m)
) (N•m
) (N•m
(N) (kg•m) (kg•m) (m) (m)
0.00 0.0 5590.87 614.34E+9 614.34E+9 472.75E+9 138.13E+9 24866.3 24866.3 0.0 0.0
8.76 0.1 5232.43 534.82E+9 534.82E+9 411.56E+9 129.27E+9 21647.5 21647.5 0.0 0.0
17.52 0.2 4885.76 463.27E+9 463.27E+9 356.50E+9 120.71E+9 18751.3 18751.3 0.0 0.0
26.28 0.3 4550.87 399.13E+9 399.13E+9 307.14E+9 112.43E+9 16155.3 16155.3 0.0 0.0
35.04 0.4 4227.75 341.88E+9 341.88E+9 263.09E+9 104.45E+9 13838.1 13838.1 0.0 0.0
43.80 0.5 3916.41 291.01E+9 291.01E+9 223.94E+9 96.76E+9 11779.0 11779.0 0.0 0.0
52.56 0.6 3616.83 246.03E+9 246.03E+9 189.32E+9 89.36E+9 9958.2 9958.2 0.0 0.0
61.32 0.7 3329.03 206.46E+9 206.46E+9 158.87E+9 82.25E+9 8356.6 8356.6 0.0 0.0
70.08 0.8 3053.01 171.85E+9 171.85E+9 132.24E+9 75.43E+9 6955.9 6955.9 0.0 0.0
78.84 0.9 2788.75 141.78E+9 141.78E+9 109.10E+9 68.90E+9 5738.6 5738.6 0.0 0.0
87.60 1.0 2536.27 115.82E+9 115.82E+9 89.13E+9 62.66E+9 4688.0 4688.0 0.0 0.0
tower centerline above the ground. This result follows directly from the overall tower height of
87.6 m.
We specified a structural-damping ratio of 1% critical in all modes of the isolated tower (without
the rotor-nacelle assembly mass present), which corresponds to the values used in the DOWEC
study (from page 21 of Ref. [14]).
Table 6-2 summarizes the undistributed tower properties discussed in this section.
Table 6-2. Undistributed Tower Properties
Height above Ground 87.6 m
Overall (Integrated) Mass 347,460 kg
CM Location (w.r.t. Ground along Tower Centerline) 38.234 m
Structural-Damping Ratio (All Modes) 1 %
7 Baseline Control System Properties
For the NREL 5-MW baseline wind turbine, we chose a conventional variable-speed, variable
blade-pitch-to-feather configuration. In such wind turbines, the conventional approach for
controlling power-production operation relies on the design of two basic control systems: a
generator-torque controller and a full-span rotor-collective blade-pitch controller. The two
control systems are designed to work independently, for the most part, in the below-rated and
above-rated wind-speed range, respectively. The goal of the generator-torque controller is to
maximize power capture below the rated operation point. The goal of the blade-pitch controller
is to regulate generator speed above the rated operation point.
We based the baseline control system for the NREL 5-MW wind turbine on this conventional
design approach. We did not establish additional control actions for nonpower-production
operations, such as control actions for normal start-up sequences, normal shutdown sequences,
and safety and protection functions. Nor did we develop control actions to regulate the nacelle-
yaw angle. (The nacelle-yaw control system is generally neglected within aero-servo-elastic
simulation because its response is slow enough that it does not generally contribute to large
extreme loads or fatigue damage.)
We describe the development of our baseline control system next, including the control-
measurement filter (Section 7.1), the generator-torque controller (Section 7.2), the blade-pitch
controller (Section 7.3), and the blade-pitch actuator (Section 7.4). Section 7.5 shows how these
systems are put together in the overall integrated control system.
7.1 Baseline Control-Measurement Filter
As is typical in utility-scale multimegawatt wind turbines, both the generator-torque and blade-
pitch controllers use the generator speed measurement as the sole feedback input. To mitigate
high-frequency excitation of the control systems, we filtered the generator speed measurement
for both the torque and pitch controllers using a recursive, single-pole low-pass filter with
exponential smoothing [30]. The discrete-time recursion (difference) equation for this filter is
[ ]
( )
[ ] [ ]
yn 1 un yn 1
= +−
, (7-1)
2 Tf
, (7-2)
where y is the filtered generator speed (output measurement), u is the unfiltered generator speed
(input), α is the low-pass filter coefficient, n is the discrete-time-step counter, T
is the discrete
time step, and f
is the corner frequency.
By defining the filter state,
[ ] [ ]
xn yn 1=
, (7-3a)
[ ] [ ]
xn 1 yn+=
, (7-3b)
one can derive a discrete-time state-space representation of this filter:
[ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ]
xn 1 Axn Bun
y n C x n Du n
+= +
= +
, (7-4)
is the discrete-time state matrix,
the discrete-time input matrix,
the discrete-time output state matrix, and
is the discrete-time input
transmission matrix.
The state-space representation of Eq. (7-4) is useful for converting the filter into other forms,
such as transfer-function form or frequency-response form [31].
We set the corner frequency (the -3 dB point in Figure 7-1) of the low-pass filter to be roughly
one-quarter of the blade’s first edgewise natural frequency (see Section 9) or 0.25 Hz. For a
discrete time step of 0.0125 s, the frequency response of the resulting filter is shown in the Bode
plot of Figure 7-1.
We chose the recursive, single-pole filter for its simplicity in implementation and effectiveness
0.01 0.10 1.00
Frequency, Hz
Magnitude, dB
0.01 0.10 1.00
Frequency, Hz
Figure 7-1. Bode plot of generator speed low-pass filter frequency response
in the time domain. The drawbacks to this filter are its gentle roll-off in the stop band (-6
dB/octave) and the magnitude and nonlinearity of its phase lag in the pass band [30]. We
considered other linear low-pass filters, such as Butterworth, Chebyshev, Elliptic, and Bessel
filters because of their inherent advantages relative to the chosen filter. Like the chosen filter, a
Butterworth filter has a frequency response that is flat in the pass band, but the Butterworth filter
offers steeper roll-off in the stop band. Chebyshev filters offer even steeper roll-off in the stop
band at the expense of equalized-ripple (equiripple) in the pass band (Type 1) or stop band (Type
2), respectively. Elliptic filters offer the steepest roll-off of any linear filter, but have equiripple
in both the pass and stop bands. Bessel filters offer the flattest group delay (linear phase lag) in
the pass band. We designed and tested examples of each of these other low-pass filter types,
considering state-space representations of up to fourth order (four states). None were found to
give superior performance in the overall system response, however, so they did not warrant the
added complexity of implementation.
7.2 Baseline Generator-Torque Controller
The generator torque is computed as a tabulated function of the filtered generator speed,
incorporating five control regions: 1, 1½, 2, 2½, and 3. Region 1 is a control region before cut-in
wind speed, where the generator torque is zero and no power is extracted from the wind; instead,
the wind is used to accelerate the rotor for start-up. Region 2 is a control region for optimizing
power capture. Here, the generator torque is proportional to the square of the filtered generator
speed to maintain a constant (optimal) tip-speed ratio. In Region 3, the generator power is held
constant so that the generator torque is inversely proportional to the filtered generator speed.
Region 1½, a start-up region, is a linear transition between Regions 1 and 2. This region is used
to place a lower limit on the generator speed to limit the wind turbine’s operational speed range.
Region 2½ is a linear transition between Regions 2 and 3 with a torque slope corresponding to
the slope of an induction machine. Region 2½ is typically needed (as is the case for my 5-MW
turbine) to limit tip speed (and hence noise emissions) at rated power.
We found the peak of the power coefficient as a function of the tip-speed ratio and blade-pitch
surface by running FAST with AeroDyn simulations at a number of given rotor speeds and a
number of given rotor-collective blade-pitch angles at a fixed wind speed of 8 m/s. From these
simulations, we found that the peak power coefficient of 0.482 occurred at a tip-speed ratio of
7.55 and a rotor-collective blade-pitch angle of 0.0˚. With the 97:1 gearbox ratio, this resulted in
an optimal constant of proportionality of 0.0255764 Nm/rpm
in the Region 2 control law. With
the rated generator speed of 1173.7 rpm, rated electric power of 5 MW, and a generator
efficiency of 94.4%, the rated mechanical power is 5.296610 MW and the rated generator torque
is 43,093.55 Nm. We defined Region 1½ to span the range of generator speeds between 670
rpm and 30% above this value (or 871 rpm). The minimum generator speed of 670 rpm
corresponds to the minimum rotor speed of 6.9 rpm used by the actual REpower 5M machine
[26]. We took the transitional generator speed between Regions 2½ and 3 to be 99% of the rated
generator speed, or 1,161.963 rpm. The generator-slip percentage in Region 2½ was taken to be
10%, in accordance with the value used in the DOWEC study (see page 24 of Ref. [14]). Figure
7-2 shows the resulting generator-torque versus generator speed response curve.
Because of the high intrinsic structural damping of the drivetrain, we did not need to incorporate
a control loop for damping drivetrain torsional vibration in our baseline generator-torque
We did, however, place a conditional statement on the generator-torque controller so that the
torque would be computed as if it were in Region 3regardless of the generator speed
whenever the previous blade-pitch-angle command was or greater. This results in improved
output power quality (fewer dips below rated) at the expense of short-term overloading of the
generator and the gearbox. To avoid this excessive overloading, we saturated the torque to a
maximum of 10% above rated, or 47,402.91 Nm. We also imposed a torque rate limit of 15,000
Nm/s. In Region 3, the blade-pitch control system takes over.
7.3 Baseline Blade-Pitch Controller
In Region 3, the full-span rotor-collective blade-pitch-angle commands are computed using gain-
scheduled proportional-integral (PI) control on the speed error between the filtered generator
speed and the rated generator speed (1173.7 rpm).
We designed the blade-pitch control system using a simple single-degree-of-freedom (single-
DOF) model of the wind turbine. Because the goal of the blade-pitch control system is to
regulate the generator speed, this DOF is the angular rotation of the shaft. To compute the
required control gains, it is beneficial to examine the equation of motion of this single-DOF
system. From a simple free-body diagram of the drivetrain, the equation of motion is
( )
( )
Aero Gear Gen Rotor Gear Gen 0 Drivetrain
∆Ω ∆Ω
= + +=
, (7-5)
0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400
Generator Speed, rpm
Generator Torque, N•m
Variable-Speed Controller
Region 1 1½ 2 2½ 3
Figure 7-2. Torque-versus-speed response of the variable-speed controller
where T
is the low-speed shaft aerodynamic torque, T
is the high-speed shaft generator
torque, N
is the high-speed to low-speed gearbox ratio, I
is the drivetrain inertia cast to
the low-speed shaft, I
is the rotor inertia, I
is the generator inertia relative to the high-
speed shaft,
is the rated low-speed shaft rotational speed,
is the small perturbation of
low-speed shaft rotational speed about the rated speed,
is the low-speed shaft rotational
acceleration, and t is the simulation time.
Because the generator-torque controller maintains constant generator power in Region 3, the
generator torque in Region 3 is inversely proportional to the generator speed (see Figure 7-2), or
( )
Gen Gear
, (7-6)
where P
is the rated mechanical power and
is the low-speed shaft rotational speed.
Similarly, assuming negligible variation of aerodynamic torque with rotor speed, the
aerodynamic torque in Region 3 is
( )
( )
, (7-7)
where P is the mechanical power and θ is the full-span rotor-collective blade-pitch angle.
Using a first-order Taylor series expansion of Eqs. (7-6) and (7-7), one can see that
Gear 0 Gear 0
ΩΩ θ
, (7-9)
is a small perturbation of the blade-pitch angles about their operating point. With
proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control, this is related to the rotor-speed perturbations by
P Gear I Gear D Gear
K N K N dt K N
∆θ ∆Ω ∆Ω ∆Ω
, (7-10)
where K
, K
, and K
are the blade-pitch controller proportional, integral, and derivative gains,
By setting
ϕ ∆Ω
, combining the above expressions, and simplifying, the equation of motion
for the rotor-speed error becomes
Drivetrain Gear D Gear P Gear I
0 0 00
1P 1P 1P
ϕ ϕϕ
ϕ ϕϕ
Ωθ Ωθ Ωθ
 
  
+ +− +− =
 
  
  
 
  
. (7-11)
One can see that the idealized PID-controlled rotor-speed error will respond as a second-order
system with the natural frequency, ω
, and damping ratio, ζ
, equal to
2 KM
= =
. (7-13)
In an active pitch-to-feather wind turbine, the sensitivity of aerodynamic power to the rotor-
collective blade-pitch angle,
, is negative in Region 3. With positive control gains, then,
the derivative term acts to increase the effective inertia of the drivetrain, the proportional term
adds damping, and the integral term adds restoring. Also, because the generator torque drops
with increasing speed error (to maintain constant power) in Region 3, one can see that the
generator-torque controller introduces a negative damping in the speed error response [indicated
by the
term in Eq. (7-11)]. This negative damping must be compensated by the
proportional term in the blade-pitch controller.
In the design of the blade-pitch controller, Ref. [10] recommends neglecting the derivative gain,
ignoring the negative damping from the generator-torque controller, and aiming for the response
characteristics given by ω
= 0.6 rad/s and ζ
= 0.6 to 0.7. This specification leads to direct
expressions for choosing appropriate PI gains once the sensitivity of aerodynamic power to
rotor-collective blade pitch,
, is known:
Drivetrain 0 n
Ωζ ω
Drivetrain 0 n
. (7-15)
The blade-pitch sensitivity,
, is an aerodynamic property of the rotor that depends on the
wind speed, rotor speed, and blade-pitch angle. We calculated it for the NREL offshore 5-MW
baseline wind turbine by performing a linearization analysis in FAST with AeroDyn at a number
of given, steady, and uniform wind speeds; at the rated rotor speed (
= 12.1 rpm); and at the
corresponding blade-pitch angles that produce the rated mechanical power (P
= 5.296610 MW).
The linearization analysis involves perturbing the rotor-collective blade-pitch angle at each
operating point and measuring the resulting variation in aerodynamic power. Within FAST, the
partial derivative is computed using the central-difference-perturbation numerical technique. We
created a slightly customized copy of FAST with AeroDyn so that the linearization procedure
would invoke the frozen-wake assumption, in which the induced wake velocities are held
constant while the blade-pitch angle is perturbed. This gives a more accurate linearization for
heavily loaded rotors (i.e., for operating points in Region 3 closest to rated). Table 7-1 presents
the results.
As Table 7-1 shows, the sensitivity of aerodynamic power to rotor-collective blade pitch varies
considerably over Region 3, so constant PI gains are not adequate for effective speed control.
The pitch sensitivity, though, varies nearly linearly with blade-pitch angle:
( )
( )
θθ θ
= +=
( )
= +
, (7-16b)
Table 7-1. Sensitivity of Aerodynamic Power to Blade
Pitch in Region 3
Wind Speed Rotor Speed Pitch Angle
P /θ
(m/s) (rpm)
11.4 - Rated 12.1 0.00 -28.24E+6
12.0 12.1 3.83 -43.73E+6
12.1 6.60 -51.66E+6
14.0 12.1 8.70 -58.44E+6
15.0 12.1 10.45 -64.44E+6
16.0 12.1 12.06 -70.46E+6
17.0 12.1 13.54 -76.53E+6
18.0 12.1 14.92 -83.94E+6
19.0 12.1 16.23 -90.67E+6
20.0 12.1 17.47 -94.71E+6
21.0 12.1 18.70 -99.04E+6
22.0 12.1 19.94 -105.90E+6
23.0 12.1 21.18 -114.30E+6
24.0 12.1 22.35 -120.20E+6
25.0 12.1 23.47 -125.30E+6
( )
is the pitch sensitivity at rated and θ
is the blade-pitch angle at which the
pitch sensitivity has doubled from its value at the rated operating point; that is,
( ) ( )
θθ θ
= = =
. (7-17)
On the right-hand side of Eq. (7-16a), the first and second terms in square brackets represent the
slope and intercept of the best-fit line, respectively. We computed this regression for the NREL
5-MW baseline wind turbine and present the results in Figure 7-3.
The linear relation between pitch sensitivity and blade-pitch angle presents a simple technique
for implementing gain scheduling based on blade-pitch angle; that is,
( )
( )
( )
Drivetrain 0 n
Ωζ ω
0 5 10 15 20
Rotor-Collective Blade-Pitch Angle, º
Pitch Sensitivity, watt/rad
Original Data
Best-Fit Line
∂P /∂θ (θ =0º) = -25.52E+6 watt/rad
= 6.302336º
Figure 7-3. Best-fit line of pitch sensitivity in Region 3
( )
( )
( )
Drivetrain 0 n
, (7-19)
( )
is the dimensionless gain-correction factor (from Ref. [10]), which is dependent
on the blade-pitch angle:
( )
. (7-20)
In our implementation of the gain-scheduled PI blade-pitch controller, we used the blade-pitch
angle from the previous controller time step to calculate the gain-correction factor at the next
time step.
Using the properties for the baseline wind turbine and the recommended response characteristics
from Ref. [10], the resulting gains are K
(θ = 0º) = 0.01882681 s, K
(θ = 0º) = 0.008068634, and
= 0.0 s
. Figure 7-4 presents the gains at other blade-pitch angles, along with the gain-
correction factor. We used the upper limit of the recommended damping ratio range, ζ
= 0.7, to
compensate for neglecting negative damping from the generator-torque controller in the
determination of K
Unfortunately, the simple gain-scheduling law derived in this section for the proportional and
integral gains cannot retain consistent response characteristics (i.e., constant values of ω
0 5 10 15 20
Rotor-Collective Blade-Pitch Angle, º
Gain-Correction Factor
Proportional and Integral Gains
Gain-Correction Factor, -
Proportional Gain, s
Integral Gain, -
Figure 7-4. Baseline blade-pitch control system gain-scheduling law
) across all of Region 3 when applied to the derivative gain. We, nevertheless, considered
adding a derivative term by selecting and testing a range of gains, but none were found to give
better performance in the overall system response. Instead, the baseline control system uses the
gains derived previously in this section (without the derivative term).
We set the blade-pitch rate limit to 8°/s in absolute value. This is speculated to be the blade-
pitch rate limit of conventional 5-MW machines based on General Electric (GE) Wind’s long-
blade test program. We also set the minimum and maximum blade-pitch settings to 0° and 90°,
respectively. The lower limit is the set blade pitch for maximizing power in Region 2, as
described in Section 7.2. The upper limit is very close to the fully feathered blade pitch for
neutral torque. We saturated the integral term in the PI controller between these limits to ensure
a fast response in the transitions between Regions 2 and 3.
7.4 Baseline Blade-Pitch Actuator
Because of limitations in the FAST code, the FAST model does not include any blade-pitch
actuator dynamic effects. Blade-pitch actuator dynamics are, however, needed in ADAMS. To
enable successful comparisons between the FAST and ADAMS response predictions, then, we
found it beneficial to reduce the effect of the blade-pitch actuator response in ADAMS.
Consequently, we designed the blade-pitch actuator in the ADAMS model with a very high
natural frequency of 30 Hz, which is higher than the highest full-system natural frequency in the
FAST model (see Section 9), and a damping ratio of 2% critical. This resulted in an equivalent
blade-pitch actuator linear-spring constant of 971,350,000 Nm/rad and an equivalent blade-pitch
actuator linear-damping constant of 206,000 Nm/(rad/s).
7.5 Summary of Baseline Control System Properties
We implemented the NREL offshore 5-MW wind turbine’s baseline control system as an
external dynamic link library (DLL) in the style of Garrad Hassan’s BLADED wind turbine
software package [3]. Appendix C contains the source code for this DLL, and Figure 7-5
presents a flowchart of the overall integrated control system calculations. Table 7-2 summarizes
the baseline generator-torque and blade-pitch control properties we discussed earlier in this
Table 7-2. Baseline Control System Properties
Corner Frequency of Generator-Speed Low-Pass Filter 0.25 Hz
Peak Power Coefficient 0.482
Tip-Speed Ratio at Peak Power Coefficient 7.55
Rotor-Collective Blade-Pitch Angle at Peak Power Coefficient 0.0 º
Generator-Torque Constant in Region 2 0.0255764
Rated Mechanical Power 5.296610 MW
Rated Generator Torque 43,093.55 N•m
Transitional Generator Speed between Regions 1 and 1½
670 rpm
Transitional Generator Speed between Regions 1½ and 2 871 rpm
Transitional Generator Speed between Regions 2½ and 3 1,161.963 rpm
Generator Slip Percentage in Region 2½ 10 %
Minimum Blade Pitch for Ensuring Region 3 Torque 1 º
Maximum Generator Torque 47,402.91 N•m
Maximum Generator Torque Rate 15,000 N•m/s
Proportional Gain at Minimum Blade-Pitch Setting 0.01882681 s
Integral Gain at Minimum Blade-Pitch Setting 0.008068634
Blade-Pitch Angle at which the Rotor Power Has Doubled 6.302336 º
Minimum Blade-Pitch Setting 0 º
Maximum Blade-Pitch Setting 90 º
Maximum Absolute Blade Pitch Rate 8 º/s
Equivalent Blade-Pitch-Actuator Linear-Spring Constant 971,350,000 N•m/rad
Equivalent Blade-Pitch-Actuator Linear-Damping Constant 206,000 N•m/rad/s
Gene rator
Spe ed
Lookup Table
Control Region
Control Region
(1, 1½, 2, 2½, or 3)
Gene rator
Tor que
Torque Limit
Torque Rate
Spe ed
Err or
Integr ated
Speed Error
Inte gral
Te rm
Propo rtional
Te rm
Pitch Limit
Pitch Rate
Rotor-C ollective
Blade-Pit ch Angle
Blade-Pitch Angle
Integr ated
Speed Error
Rotor-C ollective
Blade-Pit ch Angle
Gene rator
Tor que
Figure 7-5. Flowchart of the baseline control system
8 FAST with AeroDyn and ADAMS with AeroDyn Models
Using the turbine properties described previously in this report, we put together models of the
NREL offshore 5-MW baseline wind turbine within FAST [11] with AeroDyn [16,20]. The
input files for these models are given in Appendix A and Appendix B, for version (v) 6.10a-jmj
of FAST and v12.58 of AeroDyn, respectively. We then generated the higher fidelity ADAMS
with AeroDyn models through the preprocessor functionality built into the FAST code.
The input files in Appendix A are for the FAST model of the equivalent land-based version of
the NREL 5-MW baseline wind turbine. The input files for other versions of the model, such as
those for different support structures, require only a few minor changes. These include changes
to input parameters “PtfmModel” and “PtfmFile,” which identify the type and properties of the
support platform, and modifications to the prescribed mode shapes in the tower input file,
Although most of the input-parameter specifications in Appendix A and Appendix B are self-
explanatory, the specifications of the prescribed mode shapes needed by FAST to characterize
the flexibility of the blades and tower deserve a special explanation. The required mode shapes
depend on the member’s boundary conditions. For the blade modes, we used v2.22 of the Modes
program [4] to derive the equivalent polynomial representations of the blade mode shapes
needed by FAST. The Modes program calculates the mode shapes of rotating blades, assuming
that a blade mode shape is unaffected by its coupling with other system modes of motion. This
is a common assumption in wind turbine analysis. For the tower modes, however, there is a
great deal of coupling with the rotor motions, and in offshore floating systems, there is coupling
with the platform motions as well. To take the former factor into account, we used the
linearization functionality of the full-system ADAMS model to obtain the tower modes for the
land-based version of the NREL 5-MW baseline wind turbine. In other words, we built an
ADAMS model of the wind turbine, enabled all system DOFs, and linearized the model. Then
we passed a best-fit polynomial through the resulting tower mode shapes to get the equivalent
polynomial representations of the tower mode shapes needed by FAST.
Not including platform motions, the FAST model of the land-based version of the NREL 5-MW
baseline wind turbine incorporates 16 DOFs as follows:
Two flapwise and one edgewise bending-mode DOFs for each of the three blades
One variable-generator speed DOF and one driveshaft torsional DOF
One nacelle-yaw-actuator DOF
Two fore-aft and two side-to-side bending-mode DOFs in the tower.
Not including platform motion, the higher fidelity ADAMS model of the land-based version of
the wind turbine incorporates 438 DOFs as follows:
One hundred and two DOFs in each of the three blades, including flapwise and edgewise
shear and bending, torsion, and extension DOFs
One blade-pitch actuator DOF in each of the three blades
One variable-generator speed DOF and one driveshaft torsional DOF
One nacelle-yaw actuator DOF
One hundred and twenty-six DOFs in the tower, including fore-aft and side-to-side shear
and bending, torsion, and extension DOFs.
The support platform motions in, for example, the floating-platform versions of the NREL 5-
MW baseline wind turbine add six DOFs per model.
We use a constant time step of 0.0125 s in FAST’s fixed-step-size time-integration scheme and a
maximum step size of 0.0125 s in ADAMS’ variable-step-size time integrator. We have
AeroDyn perform aerodynamic calculations every other structural time step (i.e., 0.025 s) to
ensure that there are at least 200-azimuth-step computations per revolution at 12 rpm. Data are
output at 20 Hz or every fourth structural time step. We made these time steps as large as
possible to ensure numerical stability and suitable output resolution across a range of operating
9 Full-System Natural Frequencies and Steady-State Behavior
To provide a cursory overview of the overall system behavior of the equivalent land-based
version of the NREL 5-MW baseline wind turbine, we calculated the full-system natural
frequencies and the steady-state response of the system as a function of wind speed.
We obtained the full-system natural frequencies with both the FAST model and the ADAMS
model. In FAST, we calculated the natural frequencies by performing an eigenanalysis on the
first-order state matrix created from a linearization analysis. In ADAMS, we obtained the
frequencies by invoking a “LINEAR/EIGENSOL” command, which linearizes the complete
ADAMS model and computes eigendata. To avoid the rigid-body drivetrain mode, the analyses
considered the wind turbine in a stationary condition with the high-speed shaft brake engaged.
The blades were pitched to their minimum set point (0º), but aerodynamic damping was ignored.
Table 9-1 lists results for the first 13 full-system natural frequencies.
The agreement between FAST and ADAMS is quite good. The biggest differences exist in the
predictions of the blades second asymmetric flapwise yaw and pitch modes. By “yaw” and
“pitch” we mean that these blade asymmetric modes couple with the nacelle-yaw and nacelle-
pitching motions, respectively. Because of the offsets of the blade section CM from the pitch
axis, higher-order modes, and tower-torsion DOFswhich are available in ADAMS, but not in
FASTADAMS predicts lower natural frequencies in these modes than FAST does.
Bir and Jonkman have published [2] a much more exhaustive eigenanalysis for the NREL 5-MW
baseline wind turbine. The referenced publication documents the natural frequencies and
damping ratios of the land- and floating-platform versions of the 5-MW turbine across a range of
operating conditions.
We obtained the steady-state response of the land-based 5-MW baseline wind turbine by running
a series of FAST with AeroDyn simulations at a number of given, steady, and uniform wind
speeds. The simulations lengths were long enough to ensure that all transient behavior had died
out; we then recorded the steady-state output values. We ran the simulations using the blade-
Table 9-1. Full-System Natural Frequencies in Hertz
Mode Description FAST ADAMS
1 1st Tower Fore-Aft 0.3240 0.3195
2 1st Tower Side-to-Side 0.3120 0.3164
3 1st Drivetrain Torsion 0.6205 0.6094
4 1st Blade Asymmetric Flapwise Yaw 0.6664 0.6296
5 1st Blade Asymmetric Flapwise Pitch 0.6675 0.6686
6 1st Blade Collective Flap 0.6993 0.7019
7 1st Blade Asymmetric Edgewise Pitch 1.0793 1.0740
8 1st Blade Asymmetric Edgewise Yaw 1.0898 1.0877
9 2nd Blade Asymmetric Flapwise Yaw 1.9337 1.6507
10 2nd Blade Asymmetric Flapwise Pitch 1.9223 1.8558
11 2nd Blade Collective Flap 2.0205 1.9601
12 2nd Tower Fore-Aft 2.9003 2.8590
13 2nd Tower Side-to-Side 2.9361 2.9408
element / momentum (BEM) wake option of AeroDyn and with all available and relevant land-
based DOFs enabled. Figure 9-1 shows the results for several output parameters, which are
defined as follows:
“GenSpeed” represents the rotational speed of the generator (high-speed shaft).
“RotPwr” and “GenPwr” represent the mechanical power within the rotor and the
electrical output of the generator, respectively.
“RotThrust” represents the rotor thrust.
“RotTorq” represents the mechanical torque in the low-speed shaft.
“RotSpeed” represents the rotational speed of the rotor (low-speed shaft).
“BlPitch1” represents the pitch angle of Blade 1.
“GenTq” represents the electrical torque of the generator.
“TSR” represents the tip-speed ratio.
“OoPDefl1” and “IPDefl1” represent the out-of-plane and in-plane tip deflections of
Blade 1 relative to the undeflected blade-pitch axis.
“TTDspFA” and “TTDspSS” represent the fore-aft and side-to-side deflection of the
tower top relative to the centerline of the undeflected tower.
As planned, the generator and rotor speeds increase linearly with wind speed in Region 2 to
maintain constant tip-speed ratio and optimal wind-power conversion efficiency. Similarly, the
generator and rotor powers and generator and rotor torques increase dramatically with wind
speed in Region 2, increasing cubically and quadratically, respectively. Above rated, the
generator and rotor powers are held constant by regulating to a fixed speed with active blade-
pitch control. The out-of-plane tip deflection of the reference blade (Blade 1) reaches a
maximum at the rated operating point before dropping again. This response characteristic is the
result of the peak in rotor thrust at rated. This peak is typical of variable generator speed
variable blade-pitch-to-feather wind turbines because of the transition that occurs in the control
system at rated between the active generator-torque and the active blade-pitch control regions.
This peak in response is also visible, though less pronounced, in the in-plane tip deflection of the
reference blade and the tower-top fore-aft displacement.
Start-up transient behavior is an artifact of computational analysis. To mitigate this behavior, we
suggest using the steady-state values of the rotor speed and blade-pitch angles found in Figure
9-1 as initial conditions in simulations.
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Wind Speed, m/s
GenSpeed, rpm
RotPwr, kW
GenPwr, kW
RotThrust, kN
RotTorq, kN·m
Region 1½ 2 2½ 3
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Wind Speed, m/s
RotSpeed, rpm
BlPitch1, º
GenTq, kN·m
TSR, -
Region 1½ 2 2½ 3
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Wind Speed, m/s
OoPDefl1, m
IPDefl1, m
TTDspFA, m
TTDspSS, m
Region 1½ 2 2½ 3
Figure 9-1. Steady-state responses as a function of wind speed
10 Conclusions
To support concept studies aimed at assessing offshore wind technology, we developed the
specifications of a representative utility-scale multimegawatt turbine now known as the NREL
offshore 5-MW baseline wind turbine. This wind turbine is a conventional three-bladed upwind
variable-speed variable blade-pitch-to-feather-controlled turbine. To create the model, we
obtained some broad design information from the published documents of turbine manufacturers,
with a heavy emphasis on the REpower 5M machine. Because detailed data was unavailable,
however, we also used the publicly available properties from the conceptual models in the
WindPACT, RECOFF, and DOWEC projects. We then created a composite from these data,
extracting the best available and most representative specifications. This report documented the
specifications of the NREL offshore 5-MW baseline wind turbineincluding the aerodynamic,
structural, and control-system propertiesand the rationale behind its development. The model
has been, and will likely continue to be, used as a reference by research teams throughout the
world to standardize baseline offshore wind turbine specifications and to quantify the benefits of
advanced land- and sea-based wind energy technologies.
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Appendix A FAST Input Files
A.1 Primary Input File
------- FAST INPUT FILE --------------------------------------------------------
NREL 5.0 MW Baseline Wind Turbine for Use in Offshore Analysis.
Properties from Dutch Offshore Wind Energy Converter (DOWEC) 6MW Pre-Design (10046_009.pdf) and REpower 5M 5MW (5m_uk.pdf); C
---------------------- SIMULATION CONTROL --------------------------------------
False Echo - Echo input data to "echo.out" (flag)
3 ADAMSPrep - ADAMS preprocessor mode {1: Run FAST, 2: use FAST as a preprocessor to create an ADAMS model, 3: do
1 AnalMode - Analysis mode {1: Run a time-marching simulation, 2: create a periodic linearized model} (switch)
3 NumBl - Number of blades (-)
630.0 TMax - Total run time (s)
0.0125 DT - Integration time step (s)
---------------------- TURBINE CONTROL -----------------------------------------
0 YCMode - Yaw control mode {0: none, 1: user-defined from routine UserYawCont, 2: user-defined from Simulink}
9999.9 TYCOn - Time to enable active yaw control (s) [unused when YCMode=0]
1 PCMode - Pitch control mode {0: none, 1: user-defined from routine PitchCntrl, 2: user-defined from Simulink
0.0 TPCOn - Time to enable active pitch control (s) [unused when PCMode=0]
2 VSContrl - Variable-speed control mode {0: none, 1: simple VS, 2: user-defined from routine UserVSCont, 3: use
9999.9 VS_RtGnSp - Rated generator speed for simple variable-speed generator control (HSS side) (rpm) [used only when
9999.9 VS_RtTq - Rated generator torque/constant generator torque in Region 3 for simple variable-speed generator co
9999.9 VS_Rgn2K - Generator torque constant in Region 2 for simple variable-speed generator control (HSS side) (N-m/r
9999.9 VS_SlPc - Rated generator slip percentage in Region 2 1/2 for simple variable-speed generator control (%) [us
2 GenModel - Generator model {1: simple, 2: Thevenin, 3: user-defined from routine UserGen} (switch) [used only
True GenTiStr - Method to start the generator {T: timed using TimGenOn, F: generator speed using SpdGenOn} (flag)
True GenTiStp - Method to stop the generator {T: timed using TimGenOf, F: when generator power = 0} (flag)
9999.9 SpdGenOn - Generator speed to turn on the generator for a startup (HSS speed) (rpm) [used only when GenTiStr=F
0.0 TimGenOn - Time to turn on the generator for a startup (s) [used only when GenTiStr=True]
9999.9 TimGenOf - Time to turn off the generator (s) [used only when GenTiStp=True]
1 HSSBrMode - HSS brake model {1: simple, 2: user-defined from routine UserHSSBr} (switch)
9999.9 THSSBrDp - Time to initiate deployment of the HSS brake (s)
9999.9 TiDynBrk - Time to initiate deployment of the dynamic generator brake [CURRENTLY IGNORED] (s)
9999.9 TTpBrDp(1) - Time to initiate deployment of tip brake 1 (s)
9999.9 TTpBrDp(2) - Time to initiate deployment of tip brake 2 (s)
9999.9 TTpBrDp(3) - Time to initiate deployment of tip brake 3 (s) [unused for 2 blades]
9999.9 TBDepISp(1) - Deployment-initiation speed for the tip brake on blade 1 (rpm)
9999.9 TBDepISp(2) - Deployment-initiation speed for the tip brake on blade 2 (rpm)
9999.9 TBDepISp(3) - Deployment-initiation speed for the tip brake on blade 3 (rpm) [unused for 2 blades]
9999.9 TYawManS - Time to start override yaw maneuver and end standard yaw control (s)
0.3 YawManRat - Yaw rate (in absolute value) at which override yaw maneuver heads toward final yaw angle (deg/s)
0.0 NacYawF - Final yaw angle for override yaw maneuvers (degrees)
9999.9 TPitManS(1) - Time to start override pitch maneuver for blade 1 and end standard pitch control (s)
9999.9 TPitManS(2) - Time to start override pitch maneuver for blade 2 and end standard pitch control (s)
9999.9 TPitManS(3) - Time to start override pitch maneuver for blade 3 and end standard pitch control (s) [unused for 2
8.0 PitManRat(1)- Pitch rate (in absolute value) at which override pitch maneuver for blade 1 heads toward final pitc
8.0 PitManRat(2)- Pitch rate (in absolute value) at which override pitch maneuver for blade 2 heads toward final pitc
8.0 PitManRat(3)- Pitch rate (in absolute value) at which override pitch maneuver for blade 3 heads toward final pitc
0.0 BlPitch(1) - Blade 1 initial pitch (degrees)
0.0 BlPitch(2) - Blade 2 initial pitch (degrees)
0.0 BlPitch(3) - Blade 3 initial pitch (degrees) [unused for 2 blades]
0.0 BlPitchF(1) - Blade 1 final pitch for override pitch maneuvers (degrees)
0.0 BlPitchF(2) - Blade 2 final pitch for override pitch maneuvers (degrees)
0.0 BlPitchF(3) - Blade 3 final pitch for override pitch maneuvers (degrees) [unused for 2 blades]
---------------------- ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS --------------------------------
9.80665 Gravity - Gravitational acceleration (m/s^2)
---------------------- FEATURE FLAGS -------------------------------------------
True FlapDOF1 - First flapwise blade mode DOF (flag)
True FlapDOF2 - Second flapwise blade mode DOF (flag)
True EdgeDOF - First edgewise blade mode DOF (flag)
False TeetDOF - Rotor-teeter DOF (flag) [unused for 3 blades]
True DrTrDOF - Drivetrain rotational-flexibility DOF (flag)
True GenDOF - Generator DOF (flag)
True YawDOF - Yaw DOF (flag)
True TwFADOF1 - First fore-aft tower bending-mode DOF (flag)
True TwFADOF2 - Second fore-aft tower bending-mode DOF (flag)
True TwSSDOF1 - First side-to-side tower bending-mode DOF (flag)
True TwSSDOF2 - Second side-to-side tower bending-mode DOF (flag)
True CompAero - Compute aerodynamic forces (flag)
False CompNoise - Compute aerodynamic noise (flag)
---------------------- INITIAL CONDITIONS --------------------------------------
0.0 OoPDefl - Initial out-of-plane blade-tip displacement (meters)
0.0 IPDefl - Initial in-plane blade-tip deflection (meters)
0.0 TeetDefl - Initial or fixed teeter angle (degrees) [unused for 3 blades]
0.0 Azimuth - Initial azimuth angle for blade 1 (degrees)
12.1 RotSpeed - Initial or fixed rotor speed (rpm)
0.0 NacYaw - Initial or fixed nacelle-yaw angle (degrees)
0.0 TTDspFA - Initial fore-aft tower-top displacement (meters)
0.0 TTDspSS - Initial side-to-side tower-top displacement (meters)
---------------------- TURBINE CONFIGURATION -----------------------------------
63.0 TipRad - The distance from the rotor apex to the blade tip (meters)
1.5 HubRad - The distance from the rotor apex to the blade root (meters)
1 PSpnElN - Number of the innermost blade element which is still part of the pitchable portion of the blade for
0.0 UndSling - Undersling length [distance from teeter pin to the rotor apex] (meters) [unused for 3 blades]
0.0 HubCM - Distance from rotor apex to hub mass [positive downwind] (meters)
-5.01910 OverHang - Distance from yaw axis to rotor apex [3 blades] or teeter pin [2 blades] (meters)
1.9 NacCMxn - Downwind distance from the tower-top to the nacelle CM (meters)
0.0 NacCMyn - Lateral distance from the tower-top to the nacelle CM (meters)
1.75 NacCMzn - Vertical distance from the tower-top to the nacelle CM (meters)
87.6 TowerHt - Height of tower above ground level [onshore] or MSL [offshore] (meters)
1.96256 Twr2Shft - Vertical distance from the tower-top to the rotor shaft (meters)
0.0 TwrRBHt - Tower rigid base height (meters)
-5.0 ShftTilt - Rotor shaft tilt angle (degrees)
0.0 Delta3 - Delta-3 angle for teetering rotors (degrees) [unused for 3 blades]
-2.5 PreCone(1) - Blade 1 cone angle (degrees)
-2.5 PreCone(2) - Blade 2 cone angle (degrees)
-2.5 PreCone(3) - Blade 3 cone angle (degrees) [unused for 2 blades]
0.0 AzimB1Up - Azimuth value to use for I/O when blade 1 points up (degrees)
---------------------- MASS AND INERTIA ----------------------------------------
0.0 YawBrMass - Yaw bearing mass (kg)
240.00E3 NacMass - Nacelle mass (kg)
56.78E3 HubMass - Hub mass (kg)
0.0 TipMass(1) - Tip-brake mass, blade 1 (kg)
0.0 TipMass(2) - Tip-brake mass, blade 2 (kg)
0.0 TipMass(3) - Tip-brake mass, blade 3 (kg) [unused for 2 blades]
2607.89E3 NacYIner - Nacelle inertia about yaw axis (kg m^2)
534.116 GenIner - Generator inertia about HSS (kg m^2)
115.926E3 HubIner - Hub inertia about rotor axis [3 blades] or teeter axis [2 blades] (kg m^2)
---------------------- DRIVETRAIN ----------------------------------------------
100.0 GBoxEff - Gearbox efficiency (%)
94.4 GenEff - Generator efficiency [ignored by the Thevenin and user-defined generator models] (%)
97.0 GBRatio - Gearbox ratio (-)
False GBRevers - Gearbox reversal {T: if rotor and generator rotate in opposite directions} (flag)
28.1162E3 HSSBrTqF - Fully deployed HSS-brake torque (N-m)
0.6 HSSBrDT - Time for HSS-brake to reach full deployment once initiated (sec) [used only when HSSBrMode=1]
DynBrkFi - File containing a mech-gen-torque vs HSS-speed curve for a dynamic brake [CURRENTLY IGNORED] (quote
867.637E6 DTTorSpr - Drivetrain torsional spring (N-m/rad)
6.215E6 DTTorDmp - Drivetrain torsional damper (N-m/(rad/s))
---------------------- SIMPLE INDUCTION GENERATOR ------------------------------
9999.9 SIG_SlPc - Rated generator slip percentage (%) [used only when VSContrl=0 and GenModel=1]
9999.9 SIG_SySp - Synchronous (zero-torque) generator speed (rpm) [used only when VSContrl=0 and GenModel=1]
9999.9 SIG_RtTq - Rated torque (N-m) [used only when VSContrl=0 and GenModel=1]
9999.9 SIG_PORt - Pull-out ratio (Tpullout/Trated) (-) [used only when VSContrl=0 and GenModel=1]
---------------------- THEVENIN-EQUIVALENT INDUCTION GENERATOR -----------------
9999.9 TEC_Freq - Line frequency [50 or 60] (Hz) [used only when VSContrl=0 and GenModel=2]
9998 TEC_NPol - Number of poles [even integer > 0] (-) [used only when VSContrl=0 and GenModel=2]
9999.9 TEC_SRes - Stator resistance (ohms) [used only when VSContrl=0 and GenModel=2]
9999.9 TEC_RRes - Rotor resistance (ohms) [used only when VSContrl=0 and GenModel=2]
9999.9 TEC_VLL - Line-to-line RMS voltage (volts) [used only when VSContrl=0 and GenModel=2]
9999.9 TEC_SLR - Stator leakage reactance (ohms) [used only when VSContrl=0 and GenModel=2]
9999.9 TEC_RLR - Rotor leakage reactance (ohms) [used only when VSContrl=0 and GenModel=2]
9999.9 TEC_MR - Magnetizing reactance (ohms) [used only when VSContrl=0 and GenModel=2]
---------------------- PLATFORM ------------------------------------------------
0 PtfmModel - Platform model {0: none, 1: onshore, 2: fixed bottom offshore, 3: floating offshore} (switch)
PtfmFile - Name of file containing platform properties (quoted string) [unused when PtfmModel=0]
---------------------- TOWER ---------------------------------------------------
20 TwrNodes - Number of tower nodes used for analysis (-)
"NRELOffshrBsline5MW_Tower_Onshore.dat" TwrFile - Name of file containing tower properties (quoted string)
---------------------- NACELLE-YAW ---------------------------------------------
9028.32E6 YawSpr - Nacelle-yaw spring constant (N-m/rad)
19.16E6 YawDamp - Nacelle-yaw damping constant (N-m/(rad/s))
0.0 YawNeut - Neutral yaw position--yaw spring force is zero at this yaw (degrees)
---------------------- FURLING -------------------------------------------------
False Furling - Read in additional model properties for furling turbine (flag)
FurlFile - Name of file containing furling properties (quoted string) [unused when Furling=False]
---------------------- ROTOR-TEETER --------------------------------------------
0 TeetMod - Rotor-teeter spring/damper model {0: none, 1: standard, 2: user-defined from routine UserTeet} (swi
0.0 TeetDmpP - Rotor-teeter damper position (degrees) [used only for 2 blades and when TeetMod=1]
0.0 TeetDmp - Rotor-teeter damping constant (N-m/(rad/s)) [used only for 2 blades and when TeetMod=1]
0.0 TeetCDmp - Rotor-teeter rate-independent Coulomb-damping moment (N-m) [used only for 2 blades and when TeetMod
0.0 TeetSStP - Rotor-teeter soft-stop position (degrees) [used only for 2 blades and when TeetMod=1]
0.0 TeetHStP - Rotor-teeter hard-stop position (degrees) [used only for 2 blades and when TeetMod=1]
0.0 TeetSSSp - Rotor-teeter soft-stop linear-spring constant (N-m/rad) [used only for 2 blades and when TeetMod=1]
0.0 TeetHSSp - Rotor-teeter hard-stop linear-spring constant (N-m/rad) [used only for 2 blades and when TeetMod=1]
---------------------- TIP-BRAKE -----------------------------------------------
0.0 TBDrConN - Tip-brake drag constant during normal operation, Cd*Area (m^2)
0.0 TBDrConD - Tip-brake drag constant during fully-deployed operation, Cd*Area (m^2)
0.0 TpBrDT - Time for tip-brake to reach full deployment once released (sec)
---------------------- BLADE ---------------------------------------------------
"NRELOffshrBsline5MW_Blade.dat" BldFile(1) - Name of file containing properties for blade 1 (quoted string)
"NRELOffshrBsline5MW_Blade.dat" BldFile(2) - Name of file containing properties for blade 2 (quoted string)
"NRELOffshrBsline5MW_Blade.dat" BldFile(3) - Name of file containing properties for blade 3 (quoted string)
---------------------- AERODYN -------------------------------------------------
"NRELOffshrBsline5MW_AeroDyn.ipt" ADFile - Name of file containing AeroDyn input parameters (quoted strin
---------------------- NOISE ---------------------------------------------------
NoiseFile - Name of file containing aerodynamic noise input parameters (quoted string) [used only when CompNois
---------------------- ADAMS ---------------------------------------------------
"NRELOffshrBsline5MW_ADAMSSpecific.dat" ADAMSFile - Name of file containing ADAMS-specific input parameters (quote
---------------------- LINEARIZATION CONTROL -----------------------------------
"NRELOffshrBsline5MW_Linear.dat" LinFile - Name of file containing FAST linearization parameters (quoted
---------------------- OUTPUT --------------------------------------------------
True SumPrint - Print summary data to "<RootName>.fsm" (flag)
True TabDelim - Generate a tab-delimited tabular output file. (flag)
"ES10.3E2" OutFmt - Format used for tabular output except time. Resulting field should be 10 characters. (quoted strin
30.0 TStart - Time to begin tabular output (s)
4 DecFact - Decimation factor for tabular output {1: output every time step} (-)
1.0 SttsTime - Amount of time between screen status messages (sec)
-3.09528 NcIMUxn - Downwind distance from the tower-top to the nacelle IMU (meters)
0.0 NcIMUyn - Lateral distance from the tower-top to the nacelle IMU (meters)
2.23336 NcIMUzn - Vertical distance from the tower-top to the nacelle IMU (meters)
1.912 ShftGagL - Distance from rotor apex [3 blades] or teeter pin [2 blades] to shaft strain gages [positive for up
1 NTwGages - Number of tower nodes that have strain gages for output [0 to 9] (-)
10 TwrGagNd - List of tower nodes that have strain gages [1 to TwrNodes] (-) [unused if NTwGages=0]
1 NBlGages - Number of blade nodes that have strain gages for output [0 to 9] (-)
9 BldGagNd - List of blade nodes that have strain gages [1 to BldNodes] (-) [unused if NBlGages=0]
OutList - The next line(s) contains a list of output parameters. See OutList.txt for a listing of available
"WindVxi , WindVyi , WindVzi" - Longitudinal, lateral, and vertical wind speeds
"WaveElev" - Wave elevation at the platform reference point
"Wave1Vxi , Wave1Vyi , Wave1Vzi" - Longitudinal, lateral, and vertical wave particle velocities a
"Wave1Axi , Wave1Ayi , Wave1Azi" - Longitudinal, lateral, and vertical wave particle acceleration
"GenPwr , GenTq" - Electrical generator power and torque
"HSSBrTq" - High-speed shaft brake torque
"BldPitch1, BldPitch2, BldPitch3" - Pitch angles for blades 1, 2, and 3
"Azimuth" - Blade 1 azimuth angle
"RotSpeed , GenSpeed" - Low-speed shaft and high-speed shaft speeds
"NacYaw , NacYawErr" - Nacelle yaw angle and nacelle yaw error estimate
"OoPDefl1 , IPDefl1 , TwstDefl1" - Blade 1 out-of-plane and in-plane deflections and tip twist
"OoPDefl2 , IPDefl2 , TwstDefl2" - Blade 2 out-of-plane and in-plane deflections and tip twist
"OoPDefl3 , IPDefl3 , TwstDefl3" - Blade 3 out-of-plane and in-plane deflections and tip twist
"TwrClrnc1, TwrClrnc2, TwrClrnc3" - Tip-to-tower clearance estimate for blades 1, 2, and 3
"NcIMUTAxs, NcIMUTAys, NcIMUTAzs" - Nacelle IMU translational accelerations (absolute) in the nonr
"TTDspFA , TTDspSS , TTDspTwst" - Tower fore-aft and side-to-side displacements and top twist
"PtfmSurge, PtfmSway , PtfmHeave" - Platform translational surge, sway, and heave displacements
"PtfmRoll , PtfmPitch, PtfmYaw" - Platform rotational roll, pitch and yaw displacements
"PtfmTAxt , PtfmTAyt , PtfmTAzt" - Platform translation accelerations (absolute) in the tower-bas
"RootFxc1 , RootFyc1 , RootFzc1" - Out-of-plane shear, in-plane shear, and axial forces at the ro
"RootMxc1 , RootMyc1 , RootMzc1" - In-plane bending, out-of-plane bending, and pitching moments a
"RootFxc2 , RootFyc2 , RootFzc2" - Out-of-plane shear, in-plane shear, and axial forces at the ro
"RootMxc2 , RootMyc2 , RootMzc2" - In-plane bending, out-of-plane bending, and pitching moments a
"RootFxc3 , RootFyc3 , RootFzc3" - Out-of-plane shear, in-plane shear, and axial forces at the ro
"RootMxc3 , RootMyc3 , RootMzc3" - In-plane bending, out-of-plane bending, and pitching moments a
"Spn1MLxb1, Spn1MLyb1, Spn1MLzb1" - Blade 1 local edgewise bending, flapwise bending, and pitching
"Spn1MLxb2, Spn1MLyb2, Spn1MLzb2" - Blade 2 local edgewise bending, flapwise bending, and pitching
"Spn1MLxb3, Spn1MLyb3, Spn1MLzb3" - Blade 3 local edgewise bending, flapwise bending, and pitching
"RotThrust, LSSGagFya, LSSGagFza" - Rotor thrust and low-speed shaft 0- and 90-rotating shear forc
"RotTorq , LSSGagMya, LSSGagMza" - Rotor torque and low-speed shaft 0- and 90-rotating bending mo
"YawBrFxp , YawBrFyp , YawBrFzp" - Fore-aft shear, side-to-side shear, and vertical forces at the
"YawBrMxp , YawBrMyp , YawBrMzp" - Side-to-side bending, fore-aft bending, and yaw moments at the
"TwrBsFxt , TwrBsFyt , TwrBsFzt" - Fore-aft shear, side-to-side shear, and vertical forces at the
"TwrBsMxt , TwrBsMyt , TwrBsMzt" - Side-to-side bending, fore-aft bending, and yaw moments at the
"TwHt1MLxt, TwHt1MLyt, TwHt1MLzt" - Local side-to-side bending, fore-aft bending, and yaw moments
"Fair1Ten , Fair1Ang , Anch1Ten , Anch1Ang" - Line 1 fairlead and anchor effective tensions and vertical ang
"Fair2Ten , Fair2Ang , Anch2Ten , Anch2Ang" - Line 2 fairlead and anchor effective tensions and vertical ang
"Fair3Ten , Fair3Ang , Anch3Ten , Anch3Ang" - Line 3 fairlead and anchor effective tensions and vertical ang
"Fair4Ten , Fair4Ang , Anch4Ten , Anch4Ang" - Line 4 fairlead and anchor effective tensions and vertical ang
"Fair5Ten , Fair5Ang , Anch5Ten , Anch5Ang" - Line 5 fairlead and anchor effective tensions and vertical ang
"Fair6Ten , Fair6Ang , Anch6Ten , Anch6Ang" - Line 6 fairlead and anchor effective tensions and vertical ang
"Fair7Ten , Fair7Ang , Anch7Ten , Anch7Ang" - Line 7 fairlead and anchor effective tensions and vertical ang
"Fair8Ten , Fair8Ang , Anch8Ten , Anch8Ang" - Line 8 fairlead and anchor effective tensions and vertical ang
"TipSpdRat, RotCp , RotCt , RotCq" - Rotor tip speed ratio and power, thrust, and torque coefficien
END of FAST input file (the word "END" must appear in the first 3 columns of this last line).
A.2 Blade Input FileNRELOffshrBsline5MW_Blade.dat
---------------------- FAST INDIVIDUAL BLADE FILE ------------------------------
NREL 5.0 MW offshore baseline blade input properties.
---------------------- BLADE PARAMETERS ----------------------------------------
49 NBlInpSt - Number of blade input stations (-)
False CalcBMode - Calculate blade mode shapes internally {T: ignore mode shapes from below, F: use mode shapes from b
0.477465 BldFlDmp(1) - Blade flap mode #1 structural damping in percent of critical (%)
0.477465 BldFlDmp(2) - Blade flap mode #2 structural damping in percent of critical (%)
0.477465 BldEdDmp(1) - Blade edge mode #1 structural damping in percent of critical (%)
---------------------- BLADE ADJUSTMENT FACTORS --------------------------------
1.0 FlStTunr(1) - Blade flapwise modal stiffness tuner, 1st mode (-)
1.0 FlStTunr(2) - Blade flapwise modal stiffness tuner, 2nd mode (-)
1.04536 AdjBlMs - Factor to adjust blade mass density (-)
1.0 AdjFlSt - Factor to adjust blade flap stiffness (-)
1.0 AdjEdSt - Factor to adjust blade edge stiffness (-)
---------------------- DISTRIBUTED BLADE PROPERTIES ----------------------------
BlFract AeroCent StrcTwst BMassDen FlpStff EdgStff GJStff EAStff Alpha FlpIner EdgIner PrecrvRef Pre
(-) (-) (deg) (kg/m) (Nm^2) (Nm^2) (Nm^2) (N) (-) (kg m) (kg m) (m) (m)
0.00000 0.25000 13.308 678.935 18110.00E6 18113.60E6 5564.40E6 9729.48E6 0.0 972.86 973.04 0.0 0.0
0.00325 0.25000 13.308 678.935 18110.00E6 18113.60E6 5564.40E6 9729.48E6 0.0 972.86 973.04 0.0 0.0
0.01951 0.24951 13.308 773.363 19424.90E6 19558.60E6 5431.59E6 10789.50E6 0.0 1091.52 1066.38 0.0 0.0
0.03577 0.24510 13.308 740.550 17455.90E6 19497.80E6 4993.98E6 10067.23E6 0.0 966.09 1047.36 0.0 0.0
0.05203 0.23284 13.308 740.042 15287.40E6 19788.80E6 4666.59E6 9867.78E6 0.0 873.81 1099.75 0.0 0.0
0.06829 0.22059 13.308 592.496 10782.40E6 14858.50E6 3474.71E6 7607.86E6 0.0 648.55 873.02 0.0 0.0
0.08455 0.20833 13.308 450.275 7229.72E6 10220.60E6 2323.54E6 5491.26E6 0.0 456.76 641.49 0.0 0.0
0.10081 0.19608 13.308 424.054 6309.54E6 9144.70E6 1907.87E6 4971.30E6 0.0 400.53 593.73 0.0 0.0
0.11707 0.18382 13.308 400.638 5528.36E6 8063.16E6 1570.36E6 4493.95E6 0.0 351.61 547.18 0.0 0.0
0.13335 0.17156 13.308 382.062 4980.06E6 6884.44E6 1158.26E6 4034.80E6 0.0 316.12 490.84 0.0 0.0
0.14959 0.15931 13.308 399.655 4936.84E6 7009.18E6 1002.12E6 4037.29E6 0.0 303.60 503.86 0.0 0.0
0.16585 0.14706 13.308 426.321 4691.66E6 7167.68E6 855.90E6 4169.72E6 0.0 289.24 544.70 0.0 0.0
0.18211 0.13481 13.181 416.820 3949.46E6 7271.66E6 672.27E6 4082.35E6 0.0 246.57 569.90 0.0 0.0
0.19837 0.12500 12.848 406.186 3386.52E6 7081.70E6 547.49E6 4085.97E6 0.0 215.91 601.28 0.0 0.0
0.21465 0.12500 12.192 381.420 2933.74E6 6244.53E6 448.84E6 3668.34E6 0.0 187.11 546.56 0.0 0.0
0.23089 0.12500 11.561 352.822 2568.96E6 5048.96E6 335.92E6 3147.76E6 0.0 160.84 468.71 0.0 0.0
0.24715 0.12500 11.072 349.477 2388.65E6 4948.49E6 311.35E6 3011.58E6 0.0 148.56 453.76 0.0 0.0
0.26341 0.12500 10.792 346.538 2271.99E6 4808.02E6 291.94E6 2882.62E6 0.0 140.30 436.22 0.0 0.0
0.29595 0.12500 10.232 339.333 2050.05E6 4501.40E6 261.00E6 2613.97E6 0.0 124.61 398.18 0.0 0.0
0.32846 0.12500 9.672 330.004 1828.25E6 4244.07E6 228.82E6 2357.48E6 0.0 109.42 362.08 0.0 0.0
0.36098 0.12500 9.110 321.990 1588.71E6 3995.28E6 200.75E6 2146.86E6 0.0 94.36 335.01 0.0 0.0
0.39350 0.12500 8.534 313.820 1361.93E6 3750.76E6 174.38E6 1944.09E6 0.0 80.24 308.57 0.0 0.0
0.42602 0.12500 7.932 294.734 1102.38E6 3447.14E6 144.47E6 1632.70E6 0.0 62.67 263.87 0.0 0.0
0.45855 0.12500 7.321 287.120 875.80E6 3139.07E6 119.98E6 1432.40E6 0.0 49.42 237.06 0.0 0.0
0.49106 0.12500 6.711 263.343 681.30E6 2734.24E6 81.19E6 1168.76E6 0.0 37.34 196.41 0.0 0.0
0.52358 0.12500 6.122 253.207 534.72E6 2554.87E6 69.09E6 1047.43E6 0.0 29.14 180.34 0.0 0.0
0.55610 0.12500 5.546 241.666 408.90E6 2334.03E6 57.45E6 922.95E6 0.0 22.16 162.43 0.0 0.0
0.58862 0.12500 4.971 220.638 314.54E6 1828.73E6 45.92E6 760.82E6 0.0 17.33 134.83 0.0 0.0
0.62115 0.12500 4.401 200.293 238.63E6 1584.10E6 35.98E6 648.03E6 0.0 13.30 116.30 0.0 0.0
0.65366 0.12500 3.834 179.404 175.88E6 1323.36E6 27.44E6 539.70E6 0.0 9.96 97.98 0.0 0.0
0.68618 0.12500 3.332 165.094 126.01E6 1183.68E6 20.90E6 531.15E6 0.0 7.30 98.93 0.0 0.0
0.71870 0.12500 2.890 154.411 107.26E6 1020.16E6 18.54E6 460.01E6 0.0 6.22 85.78 0.0 0.0
0.75122 0.12500 2.503 138.935 90.88E6 797.81E6 16.28E6 375.75E6 0.0 5.19 69.96 0.0 0.0
0.78376 0.12500 2.116 129.555 76.31E6 709.61E6 14.53E6 328.89E6 0.0 4.36 61.41 0.0 0.0
0.81626 0.12500 1.730 107.264 61.05E6 518.19E6 9.07E6 244.04E6 0.0 3.36 45.44 0.0 0.0
0.84878 0.12500 1.342 98.776 49.48E6 454.87E6 8.06E6 211.60E6 0.0 2.75 39.57 0.0 0.0
0.88130 0.12500 0.954 90.248 39.36E6 395.12E6 7.08E6 181.52E6 0.0 2.21 34.09 0.0 0.0
0.89756 0.12500 0.760 83.001 34.67E6 353.72E6 6.09E6 160.25E6 0.0 1.93 30.12 0.0 0.0
0.91382 0.12500 0.574 72.906 30.41E6 304.73E6 5.75E6 109.23E6 0.0 1.69 20.15 0.0 0.0
0.93008 0.12500 0.404 68.772 26.52E6 281.42E6 5.33E6 100.08E6 0.0 1.49 18.53 0.0 0.0
0.93821 0.12500 0.319 66.264 23.84E6 261.71E6 4.94E6 92.24E6 0.0 1.34 17.11 0.0 0.0
0.94636 0.12500 0.253 59.340 19.63E6 158.81E6 4.24E6 63.23E6 0.0 1.10 11.55 0.0 0.0
0.95447 0.12500 0.216 55.914 16.00E6 137.88E6 3.66E6 53.32E6 0.0 0.89 9.77 0.0 0.0
0.96260 0.12500 0.178 52.484 12.83E6 118.79E6 3.13E6 44.53E6 0.0 0.71 8.19 0.0 0.0
0.97073 0.12500 0.140 49.114 10.08E6 101.63E6 2.64E6 36.90E6 0.0 0.56 6.82 0.0 0.0
0.97886 0.12500 0.101 45.818 7.55E6 85.07E6 2.17E6 29.92E6 0.0 0.42 5.57 0.0 0.0
0.98699 0.12500 0.062 41.669 4.60E6 64.26E6 1.58E6 21.31E6 0.0 0.25 4.01 0.0 0.0
0.99512 0.12500 0.023 11.453 0.25E6 6.61E6 0.25E6 4.85E6 0.0 0.04 0.94 0.0 0.0
1.00000 0.12500 0.000 10.319 0.17E6 5.01E6 0.19E6 3.53E6 0.0 0.02 0.68 0.0 0.0
---------------------- BLADE MODE SHAPES ---------------------------------------
0.0622 BldFl1Sh(2) - Flap mode 1, coeff of x^2
1.7254 BldFl1Sh(3) - , coeff of x^3
-3.2452 BldFl1Sh(4) - , coeff of x^4
4.7131 BldFl1Sh(5) - , coeff of x^5
-2.2555 BldFl1Sh(6) - , coeff of x^6
-0.5809 BldFl2Sh(2) - Flap mode 2, coeff of x^2
1.2067 BldFl2Sh(3) - , coeff of x^3
-15.5349 BldFl2Sh(4) - , coeff of x^4
29.7347 BldFl2Sh(5) - , coeff of x^5
-13.8255 BldFl2Sh(6) - , coeff of x^6
0.3627 BldEdgSh(2) - Edge mode 1, coeff of x^2
2.5337 BldEdgSh(3) - , coeff of x^3
-3.5772 BldEdgSh(4) - , coeff of x^4
2.3760 BldEdgSh(5) - , coeff of x^5
-0.6952 BldEdgSh(6) - , coeff of x^6
A.3 Tower Input File NRELOffshrBsline5MW_Tower_Onshore.dat
---------------------- FAST TOWER FILE -----------------------------------------
NREL 5.0 MW offshore baseline tower input properties.
---------------------- TOWER PARAMETERS ----------------------------------------
11 NTwInpSt - Number of input stations to specify tower geometry
False CalcTMode - Calculate tower mode shapes internally {T: ignore mode shapes from below, F: use mode shapes from b
1.0 TwrFADmp(1) - Tower 1st fore-aft mode structural damping ratio (%)
1.0 TwrFADmp(2) - Tower 2nd fore-aft mode structural damping ratio (%)
1.0 TwrSSDmp(1) - Tower 1st side-to-side mode structural damping ratio (%)
1.0 TwrSSDmp(2) - Tower 2nd side-to-side mode structural damping ratio (%)
---------------------- TOWER ADJUSTMUNT FACTORS --------------------------------
1.0 FAStTunr(1) - Tower fore-aft modal stiffness tuner, 1st mode (-)
1.0 FAStTunr(2) - Tower fore-aft modal stiffness tuner, 2nd mode (-)
1.0 SSStTunr(1) - Tower side-to-side stiffness tuner, 1st mode (-)
1.0 SSStTunr(2) - Tower side-to-side stiffness tuner, 2nd mode (-)
1.0 AdjTwMa - Factor to adjust tower mass density (-)
1.0 AdjFASt - Factor to adjust tower fore-aft stiffness (-)
1.0 AdjSSSt - Factor to adjust tower side-to-side stiffness (-)
---------------------- DISTRIBUTED TOWER PROPERTIES ----------------------------
HtFract TMassDen TwFAStif TwSSStif TwGJStif TwEAStif TwFAIner TwSSIner TwFAcgOf TwSScgOf
(-) (kg/m) (Nm^2) (Nm^2) (Nm^2) (N) (kg m) (kg m) (m) (m)
0.0 5590.87 614.343E9 614.343E9 472.751E9 138.127E9 24866.3 24866.3 0.0 0.0
0.1 5232.43 534.821E9 534.821E9 411.558E9 129.272E9 21647.5 21647.5 0.0 0.0
0.2 4885.76 463.267E9 463.267E9 356.495E9 120.707E9 18751.3 18751.3 0.0 0.0
0.3 4550.87 399.131E9 399.131E9 307.141E9 112.433E9 16155.3 16155.3 0.0 0.0
0.4 4227.75 341.883E9 341.883E9 263.087E9 104.450E9 13838.1 13838.1 0.0 0.0
0.5 3916.41 291.011E9 291.011E9 223.940E9 96.758E9 11779.0 11779.0 0.0 0.0
0.6 3616.83 246.027E9 246.027E9 189.323E9 89.357E9 9958.2 9958.2 0.0 0.0
0.7 3329.03 206.457E9 206.457E9 158.874E9 82.247E9 8356.6 8356.6 0.0 0.0
0.8 3053.01 171.851E9 171.851E9 132.244E9 75.427E9 6955.9 6955.9 0.0 0.0
0.9 2788.75 141.776E9 141.776E9 109.100E9 68.899E9 5738.6 5738.6 0.0 0.0
1.0 2536.27 115.820E9 115.820E9 89.126E9 62.661E9 4688.0 4688.0 0.0 0.0
---------------------- TOWER FORE-AFT MODE SHAPES ------------------------------
0.7004 TwFAM1Sh(2) - Mode 1, coefficient of x^2 term
2.1963 TwFAM1Sh(3) - , coefficient of x^3 term
-5.6202 TwFAM1Sh(4) - , coefficient of x^4 term
6.2275 TwFAM1Sh(5) - , coefficient of x^5 term
-2.5040 TwFAM1Sh(6) - , coefficient of x^6 term
-70.5319 TwFAM2Sh(2) - Mode 2, coefficient of x^2 term
-63.7623 TwFAM2Sh(3) - , coefficient of x^3 term
289.7369 TwFAM2Sh(4) - , coefficient of x^4 term
-176.5134 TwFAM2Sh(5) - , coefficient of x^5 term
22.0706 TwFAM2Sh(6) - , coefficient of x^6 term
---------------------- TOWER SIDE-TO-SIDE MODE SHAPES --------------------------
1.3850 TwSSM1Sh(2) - Mode 1, coefficient of x^2 term
-1.7684 TwSSM1Sh(3) - , coefficient of x^3 term
3.0871 TwSSM1Sh(4) - , coefficient of x^4 term
-2.2395 TwSSM1Sh(5) - , coefficient of x^5 term
0.5357 TwSSM1Sh(6) - , coefficient of x^6 term
-121.2097 TwSSM2Sh(2) - Mode 2, coefficient of x^2 term
184.4151 TwSSM2Sh(3) - , coefficient of x^3 term
-224.9037 TwSSM2Sh(4) - , coefficient of x^4 term
298.5360 TwSSM2Sh(5) - , coefficient of x^5 term
-135.8377 TwSSM2Sh(6) - , coefficient of x^6 term
A.4 ADAMS Input File NRELOffshrBsline5MW_ADAMSSpecific.dat
NREL 5.0 MW offshore baseline ADAMS-specific input properties.
---------------------- FEATURE FLAGS -------------------------------------------
True SaveGrphcs - Save GRAPHICS output (flag)
False MakeLINacf - Make an ADAMS/LINEAR control / command file (flag)
---------------------- DAMPING PARAMETERS --------------------------------------
0.01 CRatioTGJ - Ratio of damping to stiffness for the tower torsion deflection (-)
0.01 CRatioTEA - Ratio of damping to stiffness for the tower extensional deflection (-)
0.01 CRatioBGJ - Ratio of damping to stiffness for the blade torsion deflections (-)
0.01 CRatioBEA - Ratio of damping to stiffness for the blade extensional deflections (-)
---------------------- BLADE PITCH ACTUATOR PARAMETERS -------------------------
971.350E6 BPActrSpr - Blade pitch actuator spring stiffness constant (N-m/rad)
0.206E6 BPActrDmp - Blade pitch actuator damping constant (N-m/(rad/s))
---------------------- GRAPHICS PARAMETERS -------------------------------------
20 NSides - Number of sides used in GRAPHICS CYLINDER and FRUSTUM statements (-)
3.000 TwrBaseRad - Tower base radius used for linearly tapered tower GRAPHICS CYLINDERs (m)
1.935 TwrTopRad - Tower top radius used for linearly tapered tower GRAPHICS CYLINDERs (m)
7.0 NacLength - Length of nacelle used for the nacelle GRAPHICS (m)
1.75 NacRadBot - Bottom (opposite rotor) radius of nacelle FRUSTUM used for the nacelle GRAPHICS (m)
1.75 NacRadTop - Top (rotor end) radius of nacelle FRUSTUM used for the nacelle GRAPHICS (m)
1.0 GBoxLength - Length, width, and height of the gearbox BOX for gearbox GRAPHICS (m)
2.39 GenLength - Length of the generator CYLINDER used for generator GRAPHICS (m)
1.195 HSSLength - Length of the high-speed shaft CYLINDER used for HSS GRAPHICS (m)
4.78 LSSLength - Length of the low-speed shaft CYLINDER used for LSS GRAPHICS (m)
0.75 GenRad - Radius of the generator CYLINDER used for generator GRAPHICS (m)
0.2 HSSRad - Radius of the high-speed shaft CYLINDER used for HSS GRAPHICS (m)
0.4 LSSRad - Radius of the low -speed shaft CYLINDER used for LSS GRAPHICS (m)
0.875 HubCylRad - Radius of hub CYLINDER used for hub GRAPHICS (m)
0.18 ThkOvrChrd - Ratio of blade thickness to blade chord used for blade element BOX GRAPHICS (-)
0.0 BoomRad - Radius of the tail boom CYLINDER used for tail boom GRAPHICS (m)
A.5 Linearization Input File NRELOffshrBsline5MW_Linear.dat
---------------------- FAST LINEARIZATION CONTROL FILE -------------------------
NREL 5.0 MW offshore baseline linearization input properties.
---------------------- PERIODIC STEADY STATE SOLUTION --------------------------
True CalcStdy - Calculate periodic steady state condition {False: linearize about initial conditions} (flag)
3 TrimCase - Trim case {1: find nacelle yaw, 2: find generator torque, 3: find collective blade pitch} (switch)
0.0001 DispTol - Convergence tolerance for the 2-norm of displacements in the periodic steady state calculation (rad
0.0010 VelTol - Convergence tolerance for the 2-norm of velocities in the periodic steady state calculation (rad
---------------------- MODEL LINEARIZATION -------------------------------------
36 NAzimStep - Number of equally-spaced azimuth steps in periodic linearized model (-)
1 MdlOrder - Order of output linearized model {1: 1st order A, B, Bd, C, D, Dd; 2: 2nd order M, C, K, F, Fd, Vel
---------------------- INPUTS AND DISTURBANCES ---------------------------------
0 NInputs - Number of control inputs [0 (none) or 1 to 4+NumBl] (-)
CntrlInpt - List of control inputs [1 to NInputs] {1: nacelle yaw angle, 2: nacelle yaw rate, 3: generator to
0 NDisturbs - Number of wind disturbances [0 (none) or 1 to 7] (-)
Disturbnc - List of input wind disturbances [1 to NDisturbs] {1: horizontal hub-height wind speed, 2: horizon
Appendix B AeroDyn Input Files
B.1 Primary Input FileNRELOffshrBsline5MW_AeroDyn.ipt
NREL 5.0 MW offshore baseline aerodynamic input properties; Compatible with AeroDyn v12.58.
SI SysUnits - System of units used for input and output [must be SI for FAST] (unquoted string)
BEDDOES StallMod - Dynamic stall included [BEDDOES or STEADY] (unquoted string)
USE_CM UseCm - Use aerodynamic pitching moment model? [USE_CM or NO_CM] (unquoted string)
EQUIL InfModel - Inflow model [DYNIN or EQUIL] (unquoted string)
WAKE IndModel - Induction-factor model [NONE or WAKE or SWIRL] (unquoted string)
0.005 AToler - Induction-factor tolerance (convergence criteria) (-)
PRANDtl TLModel - Tip-loss model (EQUIL only) [PRANDtl, GTECH, or NONE] (unquoted string)
PRANDtl HLModel - Hub-loss model (EQUIL only) [PRANdtl or NONE] (unquoted string)
"WindData\90m_12mps" WindFile - Name of file containing wind data (quoted string)
90.0 HH - Wind reference (hub) height [TowerHt+Twr2Shft+OverHang*SIN(ShftTilt)] (m)
0.0 TwrShad - Tower-shadow velocity deficit (-)
9999.9 ShadHWid - Tower-shadow half width (m)
9999.9 T_Shad_Refpt- Tower-shadow reference point (m)
1.225 AirDens - Air density (kg/m^3)
1.464E-5 KinVisc - Kinematic air viscosity [CURRENTLY IGNORED] (m^2/sec)
0.02479 DTAero - Time interval for aerodynamic calculations (sec)
8 NumFoil - Number of airfoil files (-)
"AeroData\Cylinder1.dat" FoilNm - Names of the airfoil files [NumFoil lines] (quoted strings)
17 BldNodes - Number of blade nodes used for analysis (-)
RNodes AeroTwst DRNodes Chord NFoil PrnElm
2.8667 13.308 2.7333 3.542 1 NOPRINT
5.6000 13.308 2.7333 3.854 1 NOPRINT
8.3333 13.308 2.7333 4.167 2 NOPRINT
11.7500 13.308 4.1000 4.557 3 NOPRINT
15.8500 11.480 4.1000 4.652 4 NOPRINT
19.9500 10.162 4.1000 4.458 4 NOPRINT
24.0500 9.011 4.1000 4.249 5 NOPRINT
28.1500 7.795 4.1000 4.007 6 NOPRINT
32.2500 6.544 4.1000 3.748 6 NOPRINT
36.3500 5.361 4.1000 3.502 7 NOPRINT
40.4500 4.188 4.1000 3.256 7 NOPRINT
44.5500 3.125 4.1000 3.010 8 NOPRINT
48.6500 2.319 4.1000 2.764 8 NOPRINT
52.7500 1.526 4.1000 2.518 8 NOPRINT
56.1667 0.863 2.7333 2.313 8 NOPRINT
58.9000 0.370 2.7333 2.086 8 NOPRINT
61.6333 0.106 2.7333 1.419 8 NOPRINT
B.2 Airfoil-Data Input FileCylinder1.dat
Round root section with a Cd of 0.50
Made by Jason Jonkman
1 Number of airfoil tables in this file
0.0 Table ID parameter
0.0 Stall angle (deg)
0.0 No longer used, enter zero
0.0 No longer used, enter zero
0.0 No longer used, enter zero
0.0 Zero Cn angle of attack (deg)
0.0 Cn slope for zero lift (dimensionless)
0.0 Cn extrapolated to value at positive stall angle of attack
0.0 Cn at stall value for negative angle of attack
0.0 Angle of attack for minimum CD (deg)
0.50 Minimum CD value
-180.00 0.000 0.5000 0.000
0.00 0.000 0.5000 0.000
180.00 0.000 0.5000 0.000
B.3 Airfoil-Data Input File Cylinder2.dat
Round root section with a Cd of 0.35
Made by Jason Jonkman
1 Number of airfoil tables in this file
0.0 Table ID parameter
0.0 Stall angle (deg)
0.0 No longer used, enter zero
0.0 No longer used, enter zero
0.0 No longer used, enter zero
0.0 Zero Cn angle of attack (deg)
0.0 Cn slope for zero lift (dimensionless)
0.0 Cn extrapolated to value at positive stall angle of attack
0.0 Cn at stall value for negative angle of attack
0.0 Angle of attack for minimum CD (deg)
0.35 Minimum CD value
-180.00 0.000 0.3500 0.000
0.00 0.000 0.3500 0.000
180.00 0.000 0.3500 0.000
B.4 Airfoil-Data Input File DU40_A17.dat
DU40 airfoil with an aspect ratio of 17. Original -180 to 180deg Cl, Cd, and Cm versus AOA data taken from Appendix A of DOW
Cl and Cd values corrected for rotational stall delay and Cd values corrected using the Viterna method for 0 to 90deg AOA by
1 Number of airfoil tables in this file
0.0 Table ID parameter
9.00 Stall angle (deg)
0.0 No longer used, enter zero
0.0 No longer used, enter zero
0.0 No longer used, enter zero
-1.3430 Zero Cn angle of attack (deg)
7.4888 Cn slope for zero lift (dimensionless)
1.3519 Cn extrapolated to value at positive stall angle of attack
-0.3226 Cn at stall value for negative angle of attack
0.00 Angle of attack for minimum CD (deg)
0.0113 Minimum CD value
-180.00 0.000 0.0602 0.0000
-175.00 0.218 0.0699 0.0934
-170.00 0.397 0.1107 0.1697
-160.00 0.642 0.3045 0.2813
-155.00 0.715 0.4179 0.3208
-150.00 0.757 0.5355 0.3516
-145.00 0.772 0.6535 0.3752
-140.00 0.762 0.7685 0.3926
-135.00 0.731 0.8777 0.4048
-130.00 0.680 0.9788 0.4126
-125.00 0.613 1.0700 0.4166
-120.00 0.532 1.1499 0.4176
-115.00 0.439 1.2174 0.4158
-110.00 0.337 1.2716 0.4117
-105.00 0.228 1.3118 0.4057
-100.00 0.114 1.3378 0.3979
-95.00 -0.002 1.3492 0.3887
-90.00 -0.120 1.3460 0.3781
-85.00 -0.236 1.3283 0.3663
-80.00 -0.349 1.2964 0.3534
-75.00 -0.456 1.2507 0.3394
-70.00 -0.557 1.1918 0.3244
-65.00 -0.647 1.1204 0.3084
-60.00 -0.727 1.0376 0.2914
-55.00 -0.792 0.9446 0.2733
-50.00 -0.842 0.8429 0.2543
-45.00 -0.874 0.7345 0.2342
-40.00 -0.886 0.6215 0.2129
-35.00 -0.875 0.5067 0.1906
-30.00 -0.839 0.3932 0.1670
-25.00 -0.777 0.2849 0.1422
-24.00 -0.761 0.2642 0.1371
-23.00 -0.744 0.2440 0.1320
-22.00 -0.725 0.2242 0.1268
-21.00 -0.706 0.2049 0.1215
-20.00 -0.685 0.1861 0.1162
-19.00 -0.662 0.1687 0.1097
-18.00 -0.635 0.1533 0.1012
-17.00 -0.605 0.1398 0.0907
-16.00 -0.571 0.1281 0.0784
-15.00 -0.534 0.1183 0.0646
-14.00 -0.494 0.1101 0.0494
-13.00 -0.452 0.1036 0.0330
-12.00 -0.407 0.0986 0.0156
-11.00 -0.360 0.0951 -0.0026
-10.00 -0.311 0.0931 -0.0213
-8.00 -0.208 0.0930 -0.0600
-6.00 -0.111 0.0689 -0.0500
-5.50 -0.090 0.0614 -0.0516
-5.00 -0.072 0.0547 -0.0532
-4.50 -0.065 0.0480 -0.0538
-4.00 -0.054 0.0411 -0.0544
-3.50 -0.017 0.0349 -0.0554
-3.00 0.003 0.0299 -0.0558
-2.50 0.014 0.0255 -0.0555
-2.00 0.009 0.0198 -0.0534
-1.50 0.004 0.0164 -0.0442
-1.00 0.036 0.0147 -0.0469
-0.50 0.073 0.0137 -0.0522
0.00 0.137 0.0113 -0.0573
0.50 0.213 0.0114 -0.0644
1.00 0.292 0.0118 -0.0718
1.50 0.369 0.0122 -0.0783
2.00 0.444 0.0124 -0.0835
2.50 0.514 0.0124 -0.0866
3.00 0.580 0.0123 -0.0887
3.50 0.645 0.0120 -0.0900
4.00 0.710 0.0119 -0.0914
4.50 0.776 0.0122 -0.0933
5.00 0.841 0.0125 -0.0947
5.50 0.904 0.0129 -0.0957
6.00 0.967 0.0135 -0.0967
6.50 1.027 0.0144 -0.0973
7.00 1.084 0.0158 -0.0972
7.50 1.140 0.0174 -0.0972
8.00 1.193 0.0198 -0.0968
8.50 1.242 0.0231 -0.0958
9.00 1.287 0.0275 -0.0948
9.50 1.333 0.0323 -0.0942
10.00 1.368 0.0393 -0.0926
10.50 1.400 0.0475 -0.0908
11.00 1.425 0.0580 -0.0890
11.50 1.449 0.0691 -0.0877
12.00 1.473 0.0816 -0.0870
12.50 1.494 0.0973 -0.0870
13.00 1.513 0.1129 -0.0876
13.50 1.538 0.1288 -0.0886
14.50 1.587 0.1650 -0.0917
15.00 1.614 0.1845 -0.0939
15.50 1.631 0.2052 -0.0966
16.00 1.649 0.2250 -0.0996
16.50 1.666 0.2467 -0.1031
17.00 1.681 0.2684 -0.1069
17.50 1.699 0.2900 -0.1110
18.00 1.719 0.3121 -0.1157
19.00 1.751 0.3554 -0.1242
19.50 1.767 0.3783 -0.1291
20.50 1.798 0.4212 -0.1384
21.00 1.810 0.4415 -0.1416
22.00 1.830 0.4830 -0.1479
23.00 1.847 0.5257 -0.1542
24.00 1.861 0.5694 -0.1603
25.00 1.872 0.6141 -0.1664
26.00 1.881 0.6593 -0.1724
28.00 1.894 0.7513 -0.1841
30.00 1.904 0.8441 -0.1954
32.00 1.915 0.9364 -0.2063
35.00 1.929 1.0722 -0.2220
40.00 1.903 1.2873 -0.2468
45.00 1.820 1.4796 -0.2701
50.00 1.690 1.6401 -0.2921
55.00 1.522 1.7609 -0.3127
60.00 1.323 1.8360 -0.3321
65.00 1.106 1.8614 -0.3502
70.00 0.880 1.8347 -0.3672
75.00 0.658 1.7567 -0.3830
80.00 0.449 1.6334 -0.3977
85.00 0.267 1.4847 -0.4112
90.00 0.124 1.3879 -0.4234
95.00 0.002 1.3912 -0.4343
100.00 -0.118 1.3795 -0.4437
105.00 -0.235 1.3528 -0.4514
110.00 -0.348 1.3114 -0.4573
115.00 -0.453 1.2557 -0.4610
120.00 -0.549 1.1864 -0.4623
125.00 -0.633 1.1041 -0.4606
130.00 -0.702 1.0102 -0.4554
135.00 -0.754 0.9060 -0.4462
140.00 -0.787 0.7935 -0.4323
145.00 -0.797 0.6750 -0.4127
150.00 -0.782 0.5532 -0.3863
155.00 -0.739 0.4318 -0.3521
160.00 -0.664 0.3147 -0.3085
170.00 -0.410 0.1144 -0.1858
175.00 -0.226 0.0702 -0.1022
180.00 0.000 0.0602 0.0000
B.5 Airfoil-Data Input File DU35_A17.dat
DU35 airfoil with an aspect ratio of 17. Original -180 to 180deg Cl, Cd, and Cm versus AOA data taken from Appendix A of DOW
Cl and Cd values corrected for rotational stall delay and Cd values corrected using the Viterna method for 0 to 90deg AOA by
1 Number of airfoil tables in this file
0.0 Table ID parameter
11.50 Stall angle (deg)
0.0 No longer used, enter zero
0.0 No longer used, enter zero
0.0 No longer used, enter zero
-1.8330 Zero Cn angle of attack (deg)
7.1838 Cn slope for zero lift (dimensionless)
1.6717 Cn extrapolated to value at positive stall angle of attack
-0.3075 Cn at stall value for negative angle of attack
0.00 Angle of attack for minimum CD (deg)
0.0094 Minimum CD value
-180.00 0.000 0.0407 0.0000
-175.00 0.223 0.0507 0.0937
-170.00 0.405 0.1055 0.1702
-160.00 0.658 0.2982 0.2819
-155.00 0.733 0.4121 0.3213
-150.00 0.778 0.5308 0.3520
-145.00 0.795 0.6503 0.3754
-140.00 0.787 0.7672 0.3926
-135.00 0.757 0.8785 0.4046
-130.00 0.708 0.9819 0.4121
-125.00 0.641 1.0756 0.4160
-120.00 0.560 1.1580 0.4167
-115.00 0.467 1.2280 0.4146
-110.00 0.365 1.2847 0.4104
-105.00 0.255 1.3274 0.4041
-100.00 0.139 1.3557 0.3961
-95.00 0.021 1.3692 0.3867
-90.00 -0.098 1.3680 0.3759
-85.00 -0.216 1.3521 0.3639
-80.00 -0.331 1.3218 0.3508
-75.00 -0.441 1.2773 0.3367
-70.00 -0.544 1.2193 0.3216
-65.00 -0.638 1.1486 0.3054
-60.00 -0.720 1.0660 0.2884
-55.00 -0.788 0.9728 0.2703
-50.00 -0.840 0.8705 0.2512
-45.00 -0.875 0.7611 0.2311
-40.00 -0.889 0.6466 0.2099
-35.00 -0.880 0.5299 0.1876
-30.00 -0.846 0.4141 0.1641
-25.00 -0.784 0.3030 0.1396
-24.00 -0.768 0.2817 0.1345
-23.00 -0.751 0.2608 0.1294
-22.00 -0.733 0.2404 0.1243
-21.00 -0.714 0.2205 0.1191
-20.00 -0.693 0.2011 0.1139
-19.00 -0.671 0.1822 0.1086
-18.00 -0.648 0.1640 0.1032
-17.00 -0.624 0.1465 0.0975
-16.00 -0.601 0.1300 0.0898
-15.00 -0.579 0.1145 0.0799
-14.00 -0.559 0.1000 0.0682
-13.00 -0.539 0.0867 0.0547
-12.00 -0.519 0.0744 0.0397
-11.00 -0.499 0.0633 0.0234
-10.00 -0.480 0.0534 0.0060
-5.54 -0.385 0.0245 -0.0800
-5.04 -0.359 0.0225 -0.0800
-4.54 -0.360 0.0196 -0.0800
-4.04 -0.355 0.0174 -0.0800
-3.54 -0.307 0.0162 -0.0800
-3.04 -0.246 0.0144 -0.0800
-3.00 -0.240 0.0240 -0.0623
-2.50 -0.163 0.0188 -0.0674
-2.00 -0.091 0.0160 -0.0712
-1.50 -0.019 0.0137 -0.0746
-1.00 0.052 0.0118 -0.0778
-0.50 0.121 0.0104 -0.0806
0.00 0.196 0.0094 -0.0831
0.50 0.265 0.0096 -0.0863
1.00 0.335 0.0098 -0.0895
1.50 0.404 0.0099 -0.0924
2.00 0.472 0.0100 -0.0949
2.50 0.540 0.0102 -0.0973
3.00 0.608 0.0103 -0.0996
3.50 0.674 0.0104 -0.1016
4.00 0.742 0.0105 -0.1037
4.50 0.809 0.0107 -0.1057
5.00 0.875 0.0108 -0.1076
5.50 0.941 0.0109 -0.1094
6.00 1.007 0.0110 -0.1109
6.50 1.071 0.0113 -0.1118
7.00 1.134 0.0115 -0.1127
7.50 1.198 0.0117 -0.1138
8.00 1.260 0.0120 -0.1144
8.50 1.318 0.0126 -0.1137
9.00 1.368 0.0133 -0.1112
9.50 1.422 0.0143 -0.1100
10.00 1.475 0.0156 -0.1086
10.50 1.523 0.0174 -0.1064
11.00 1.570 0.0194 -0.1044
11.50 1.609 0.0227 -0.1013
12.00 1.642 0.0269 -0.0980
12.50 1.675 0.0319 -0.0953
13.00 1.700 0.0398 -0.0925
13.50 1.717 0.0488 -0.0896
14.00 1.712 0.0614 -0.0864
14.50 1.703 0.0786 -0.0840
15.50 1.671 0.1173 -0.0830
16.00 1.649 0.1377 -0.0848
16.50 1.621 0.1600 -0.0880
17.00 1.598 0.1814 -0.0926
17.50 1.571 0.2042 -0.0984
18.00 1.549 0.2316 -0.1052
19.00 1.544 0.2719 -0.1158
19.50 1.549 0.2906 -0.1213
20.00 1.565 0.3085 -0.1248
21.00 1.565 0.3447 -0.1317
22.00 1.563 0.3820 -0.1385
23.00 1.558 0.4203 -0.1452
24.00 1.552 0.4593 -0.1518
25.00 1.546 0.4988 -0.1583
26.00 1.539 0.5387 -0.1647
28.00 1.527 0.6187 -0.1770
30.00 1.522 0.6978 -0.1886
32.00 1.529 0.7747 -0.1994
35.00 1.544 0.8869 -0.2148
40.00 1.529 1.0671 -0.2392
45.00 1.471 1.2319 -0.2622
50.00 1.376 1.3747 -0.2839
55.00 1.249 1.4899 -0.3043
60.00 1.097 1.5728 -0.3236
65.00 0.928 1.6202 -0.3417
70.00 0.750 1.6302 -0.3586
75.00 0.570 1.6031 -0.3745
80.00 0.396 1.5423 -0.3892
85.00 0.237 1.4598 -0.4028
90.00 0.101 1.4041 -0.4151
95.00 -0.022 1.4053 -0.4261
100.00 -0.143 1.3914 -0.4357
105.00 -0.261 1.3625 -0.4437
110.00 -0.374 1.3188 -0.4498
115.00 -0.480 1.2608 -0.4538
120.00 -0.575 1.1891 -0.4553
125.00 -0.659 1.1046 -0.4540
130.00 -0.727 1.0086 -0.4492
135.00 -0.778 0.9025 -0.4405
140.00 -0.809 0.7883 -0.4270
145.00 -0.818 0.6684 -0.4078
150.00 -0.800 0.5457 -0.3821
155.00 -0.754 0.4236 -0.3484
160.00 -0.677 0.3066 -0.3054
170.00 -0.417 0.1085 -0.1842
175.00 -0.229 0.0510 -0.1013
180.00 0.000 0.0407 0.0000
B.6 Airfoil-Data Input File DU30_A17.dat
DU30 airfoil with an aspect ratio of 17. Original -180 to 180deg Cl, Cd, and Cm versus AOA data taken from Appendix A of DOW
Cl and Cd values corrected for rotational stall delay and Cd values corrected using the Viterna method for 0 to 90deg AOA by
1 Number of airfoil tables in this file
0.0 Table ID parameter
9.00 Stall angle (deg)
0.0 No longer used, enter zero
0.0 No longer used, enter zero
0.0 No longer used, enter zero
-2.3220 Zero Cn angle of attack (deg)
7.3326 Cn slope for zero lift (dimensionless)
1.4490 Cn extrapolated to value at positive stall angle of attack
-0.6138 Cn at stall value for negative angle of attack
0.00 Angle of attack for minimum CD (deg)
0.0087 Minimum CD value
-180.00 0.000 0.0267 0.0000
-175.00 0.274 0.0370 0.1379
-170.00 0.547 0.0968 0.2778
-160.00 0.685 0.2876 0.2740
-155.00 0.766 0.4025 0.3118
-150.00 0.816 0.5232 0.3411
-145.00 0.836 0.6454 0.3631
-140.00 0.832 0.7656 0.3791
-135.00 0.804 0.8807 0.3899
-130.00 0.756 0.9882 0.3965
-125.00 0.690 1.0861 0.3994
-120.00 0.609 1.1730 0.3992
-115.00 0.515 1.2474 0.3964
-110.00 0.411 1.3084 0.3915
-105.00 0.300 1.3552 0.3846
-100.00 0.182 1.3875 0.3761
-95.00 0.061 1.4048 0.3663
-90.00 -0.061 1.4070 0.3551
-85.00 -0.183 1.3941 0.3428
-80.00 -0.302 1.3664 0.3295
-75.00 -0.416 1.3240 0.3153
-70.00 -0.523 1.2676 0.3001
-65.00 -0.622 1.1978 0.2841
-60.00 -0.708 1.1156 0.2672
-55.00 -0.781 1.0220 0.2494
-50.00 -0.838 0.9187 0.2308
-45.00 -0.877 0.8074 0.2113
-40.00 -0.895 0.6904 0.1909
-35.00 -0.889 0.5703 0.1696
-30.00 -0.858 0.4503 0.1475
-25.00 -0.832 0.3357 0.1224
-24.00 -0.852 0.3147 0.1156
-23.00 -0.882 0.2946 0.1081
-22.00 -0.919 0.2752 0.1000
-21.00 -0.963 0.2566 0.0914
-20.00 -1.013 0.2388 0.0823
-19.00 -1.067 0.2218 0.0728
-18.00 -1.125 0.2056 0.0631
-17.00 -1.185 0.1901 0.0531
-16.00 -1.245 0.1754 0.0430
-15.25 -1.290 0.1649 0.0353
-14.24 -1.229 0.1461 0.0240
-13.24 -1.148 0.1263 0.0100
-12.22 -1.052 0.1051 -0.0090
-11.22 -0.965 0.0886 -0.0230
-10.19 -0.867 0.0740 -0.0336
-9.70 -0.822 0.0684 -0.0375
-9.18 -0.769 0.0605 -0.0440
-8.18 -0.756 0.0270 -0.0578
-7.19 -0.690 0.0180 -0.0590
-6.65 -0.616 0.0166 -0.0633
-6.13 -0.542 0.0152 -0.0674
-6.00 -0.525 0.0117 -0.0732
-5.50 -0.451 0.0105 -0.0766
-5.00 -0.382 0.0097 -0.0797
-4.50 -0.314 0.0092 -0.0825
-4.00 -0.251 0.0091 -0.0853
-3.50 -0.189 0.0089 -0.0884
-3.00 -0.120 0.0089 -0.0914
-2.50 -0.051 0.0088 -0.0942
-2.00 0.017 0.0088 -0.0969
-1.50 0.085 0.0088 -0.0994
-1.00 0.152 0.0088 -0.1018
-0.50 0.219 0.0088 -0.1041
0.00 0.288 0.0087 -0.1062
0.50 0.354 0.0087 -0.1086
1.00 0.421 0.0088 -0.1107
1.50 0.487 0.0089 -0.1129
2.00 0.554 0.0090 -0.1149
2.50 0.619 0.0091 -0.1168
3.00 0.685 0.0092 -0.1185
3.50 0.749 0.0093 -0.1201
4.00 0.815 0.0095 -0.1218
4.50 0.879 0.0096 -0.1233
5.00 0.944 0.0097 -0.1248
5.50 1.008 0.0099 -0.1260
6.00 1.072 0.0101 -0.1270
6.50 1.135 0.0103 -0.1280
7.00 1.197 0.0107 -0.1287
7.50 1.256 0.0112 -0.1289
8.00 1.305 0.0125 -0.1270
9.00 1.390 0.0155 -0.1207
9.50 1.424 0.0171 -0.1158
10.00 1.458 0.0192 -0.1116
10.50 1.488 0.0219 -0.1073
11.00 1.512 0.0255 -0.1029
11.50 1.533 0.0307 -0.0983
12.00 1.549 0.0370 -0.0949
12.50 1.558 0.0452 -0.0921
13.00 1.470 0.0630 -0.0899
13.50 1.398 0.0784 -0.0885
14.00 1.354 0.0931 -0.0885
14.50 1.336 0.1081 -0.0902
15.00 1.333 0.1239 -0.0928
15.50 1.326 0.1415 -0.0963
16.00 1.329 0.1592 -0.1006
16.50 1.326 0.1743 -0.1042
17.00 1.321 0.1903 -0.1084
17.50 1.331 0.2044 -0.1125
18.00 1.333 0.2186 -0.1169
18.50 1.340 0.2324 -0.1215
19.00 1.362 0.2455 -0.1263
19.50 1.382 0.2584 -0.1313
20.00 1.398 0.2689 -0.1352
20.50 1.426 0.2814 -0.1406
21.00 1.437 0.2943 -0.1462
22.00 1.418 0.3246 -0.1516
23.00 1.397 0.3557 -0.1570
24.00 1.376 0.3875 -0.1623
25.00 1.354 0.4198 -0.1676
26.00 1.332 0.4524 -0.1728
28.00 1.293 0.5183 -0.1832
30.00 1.265 0.5843 -0.1935
32.00 1.253 0.6492 -0.2039
35.00 1.264 0.7438 -0.2193
40.00 1.258 0.8970 -0.2440
45.00 1.217 1.0402 -0.2672
50.00 1.146 1.1686 -0.2891
55.00 1.049 1.2779 -0.3097
60.00 0.932 1.3647 -0.3290
65.00 0.799 1.4267 -0.3471
70.00 0.657 1.4621 -0.3641
75.00 0.509 1.4708 -0.3799
80.00 0.362 1.4544 -0.3946
85.00 0.221 1.4196 -0.4081
90.00 0.092 1.3938 -0.4204
95.00 -0.030 1.3943 -0.4313
100.00 -0.150 1.3798 -0.4408
105.00 -0.267 1.3504 -0.4486
110.00 -0.379 1.3063 -0.4546
115.00 -0.483 1.2481 -0.4584
120.00 -0.578 1.1763 -0.4597
125.00 -0.660 1.0919 -0.4582
130.00 -0.727 0.9962 -0.4532
135.00 -0.777 0.8906 -0.4441
140.00 -0.807 0.7771 -0.4303
145.00 -0.815 0.6581 -0.4109
150.00 -0.797 0.5364 -0.3848
155.00 -0.750 0.4157 -0.3508
160.00 -0.673 0.3000 -0.3074
170.00 -0.547 0.1051 -0.2786
175.00 -0.274 0.0388 -0.1380
180.00 0.000 0.0267 0.0000
B.7 Airfoil-Data Input File DU25_A17.dat
DU25 airfoil with an aspect ratio of 17. Original -180 to 180deg Cl, Cd, and Cm versus AOA data taken from Appendix A of DOW
Cl and Cd values corrected for rotational stall delay and Cd values corrected using the Viterna method for 0 to 90deg AOA by
1 Number of airfoil tables in this file
0.0 Table ID parameter
8.50 Stall angle (deg)
0.0 No longer used, enter zero
0.0 No longer used, enter zero
0.0 No longer used, enter zero
-4.2422 Zero Cn angle of attack (deg)
6.4462 Cn slope for zero lift (dimensionless)
1.4336 Cn extrapolated to value at positive stall angle of attack
-0.6873 Cn at stall value for negative angle of attack
0.00 Angle of attack for minimum CD (deg)
0.0065 Minimum CD value
-180.00 0.000 0.0202 0.0000
-175.00 0.368 0.0324 0.1845
-170.00 0.735 0.0943 0.3701
-160.00 0.695 0.2848 0.2679
-155.00 0.777 0.4001 0.3046
-150.00 0.828 0.5215 0.3329
-145.00 0.850 0.6447 0.3540
-140.00 0.846 0.7660 0.3693
-135.00 0.818 0.8823 0.3794
-130.00 0.771 0.9911 0.3854
-125.00 0.705 1.0905 0.3878
-120.00 0.624 1.1787 0.3872
-115.00 0.530 1.2545 0.3841
-110.00 0.426 1.3168 0.3788
-105.00 0.314 1.3650 0.3716
-100.00 0.195 1.3984 0.3629
-95.00 0.073 1.4169 0.3529
-90.00 -0.050 1.4201 0.3416
-85.00 -0.173 1.4081 0.3292
-80.00 -0.294 1.3811 0.3159
-75.00 -0.409 1.3394 0.3017
-70.00 -0.518 1.2833 0.2866
-65.00 -0.617 1.2138 0.2707
-60.00 -0.706 1.1315 0.2539
-55.00 -0.780 1.0378 0.2364
-50.00 -0.839 0.9341 0.2181
-45.00 -0.879 0.8221 0.1991
-40.00 -0.898 0.7042 0.1792
-35.00 -0.893 0.5829 0.1587
-30.00 -0.862 0.4616 0.1374
-25.00 -0.803 0.3441 0.1154
-24.00 -0.792 0.3209 0.1101
-23.00 -0.789 0.2972 0.1031
-22.00 -0.792 0.2730 0.0947
-21.00 -0.801 0.2485 0.0849
-20.00 -0.815 0.2237 0.0739
-19.00 -0.833 0.1990 0.0618
-18.00 -0.854 0.1743 0.0488
-17.00 -0.879 0.1498 0.0351
-16.00 -0.905 0.1256 0.0208
-15.00 -0.932 0.1020 0.0060
-14.00 -0.959 0.0789 -0.0091
-13.00 -0.985 0.0567 -0.0243
-13.00 -0.985 0.0567 -0.0243
-12.01 -0.953 0.0271 -0.0349
-11.00 -0.900 0.0303 -0.0361
-9.98 -0.827 0.0287 -0.0464
-8.98 -0.753 0.0271 -0.0534
-8.47 -0.691 0.0264 -0.0650
-7.45 -0.555 0.0114 -0.0782
-6.42 -0.413 0.0094 -0.0904
-5.40 -0.271 0.0086 -0.1006
-5.00 -0.220 0.0073 -0.1107
-4.50 -0.152 0.0071 -0.1135
-4.00 -0.084 0.0070 -0.1162
-3.50 -0.018 0.0069 -0.1186
-3.00 0.049 0.0068 -0.1209
-2.50 0.115 0.0068 -0.1231
-2.00 0.181 0.0068 -0.1252
-1.50 0.247 0.0067 -0.1272
-1.00 0.312 0.0067 -0.1293
-0.50 0.377 0.0067 -0.1311
0.00 0.444 0.0065 -0.1330
0.50 0.508 0.0065 -0.1347
1.00 0.573 0.0066 -0.1364
1.50 0.636 0.0067 -0.1380
2.00 0.701 0.0068 -0.1396
2.50 0.765 0.0069 -0.1411
3.00 0.827 0.0070 -0.1424
3.50 0.890 0.0071 -0.1437
4.00 0.952 0.0073 -0.1448
4.50 1.013 0.0076 -0.1456
5.00 1.062 0.0079 -0.1445
6.00 1.161 0.0099 -0.1419
6.50 1.208 0.0117 -0.1403
7.00 1.254 0.0132 -0.1382
7.50 1.301 0.0143 -0.1362
8.00 1.336 0.0153 -0.1320
8.50 1.369 0.0165 -0.1276
9.00 1.400 0.0181 -0.1234
9.50 1.428 0.0211 -0.1193
10.00 1.442 0.0262 -0.1152
10.50 1.427 0.0336 -0.1115
11.00 1.374 0.0420 -0.1081
11.50 1.316 0.0515 -0.1052
12.00 1.277 0.0601 -0.1026
12.50 1.250 0.0693 -0.1000
13.00 1.246 0.0785 -0.0980
13.50 1.247 0.0888 -0.0969
14.00 1.256 0.1000 -0.0968
14.50 1.260 0.1108 -0.0973
15.00 1.271 0.1219 -0.0981
15.50 1.281 0.1325 -0.0992
16.00 1.289 0.1433 -0.1006
16.50 1.294 0.1541 -0.1023
17.00 1.304 0.1649 -0.1042
17.50 1.309 0.1754 -0.1064
18.00 1.315 0.1845 -0.1082
18.50 1.320 0.1953 -0.1110
19.00 1.330 0.2061 -0.1143
19.50 1.343 0.2170 -0.1179
20.00 1.354 0.2280 -0.1219
20.50 1.359 0.2390 -0.1261
21.00 1.360 0.2536 -0.1303
22.00 1.325 0.2814 -0.1375
23.00 1.288 0.3098 -0.1446
24.00 1.251 0.3386 -0.1515
25.00 1.215 0.3678 -0.1584
26.00 1.181 0.3972 -0.1651
28.00 1.120 0.4563 -0.1781
30.00 1.076 0.5149 -0.1904
32.00 1.056 0.5720 -0.2017
35.00 1.066 0.6548 -0.2173
40.00 1.064 0.7901 -0.2418
45.00 1.035 0.9190 -0.2650
50.00 0.980 1.0378 -0.2867
55.00 0.904 1.1434 -0.3072
60.00 0.810 1.2333 -0.3265
65.00 0.702 1.3055 -0.3446
70.00 0.582 1.3587 -0.3616
75.00 0.456 1.3922 -0.3775
80.00 0.326 1.4063 -0.3921
85.00 0.197 1.4042 -0.4057
90.00 0.072 1.3985 -0.4180
95.00 -0.050 1.3973 -0.4289
100.00 -0.170 1.3810 -0.4385
105.00 -0.287 1.3498 -0.4464
110.00 -0.399 1.3041 -0.4524
115.00 -0.502 1.2442 -0.4563
120.00 -0.596 1.1709 -0.4577
125.00 -0.677 1.0852 -0.4563
130.00 -0.743 0.9883 -0.4514
135.00 -0.792 0.8818 -0.4425
140.00 -0.821 0.7676 -0.4288
145.00 -0.826 0.6481 -0.4095
150.00 -0.806 0.5264 -0.3836
155.00 -0.758 0.4060 -0.3497
160.00 -0.679 0.2912 -0.3065
170.00 -0.735 0.0995 -0.3706
175.00 -0.368 0.0356 -0.1846
180.00 0.000 0.0202 0.0000
B.8 Airfoil-Data Input File DU21_A17.dat
DU21 airfoil with an aspect ratio of 17. Original -180 to 180deg Cl, Cd, and Cm versus AOA data taken from Appendix A of DOW
Cl and Cd values corrected for rotational stall delay and Cd values corrected using the Viterna method for 0 to 90deg AOA by
1 Number of airfoil tables in this file
0.0 Table ID parameter
8.00 Stall angle (deg)
0.0 No longer used, enter zero
0.0 No longer used, enter zero
0.0 No longer used, enter zero
-5.0609 Zero Cn angle of attack (deg)
6.2047 Cn slope for zero lift (dimensionless)
1.4144 Cn extrapolated to value at positive stall angle of attack
-0.5324 Cn at stall value for negative angle of attack
-1.50 Angle of attack for minimum CD (deg)
0.0057 Minimum CD value
-180.00 0.000 0.0185 0.0000
-175.00 0.394 0.0332 0.1978
-170.00 0.788 0.0945 0.3963
-160.00 0.670 0.2809 0.2738
-155.00 0.749 0.3932 0.3118
-150.00 0.797 0.5112 0.3413
-145.00 0.818 0.6309 0.3636
-140.00 0.813 0.7485 0.3799
-135.00 0.786 0.8612 0.3911
-130.00 0.739 0.9665 0.3980
-125.00 0.675 1.0625 0.4012
-120.00 0.596 1.1476 0.4014
-115.00 0.505 1.2206 0.3990
-110.00 0.403 1.2805 0.3943
-105.00 0.294 1.3265 0.3878
-100.00 0.179 1.3582 0.3796
-95.00 0.060 1.3752 0.3700
-90.00 -0.060 1.3774 0.3591
-85.00 -0.179 1.3648 0.3471
-80.00 -0.295 1.3376 0.3340
-75.00 -0.407 1.2962 0.3199
-70.00 -0.512 1.2409 0.3049
-65.00 -0.608 1.1725 0.2890
-60.00 -0.693 1.0919 0.2722
-55.00 -0.764 1.0002 0.2545
-50.00 -0.820 0.8990 0.2359
-45.00 -0.857 0.7900 0.2163
-40.00 -0.875 0.6754 0.1958
-35.00 -0.869 0.5579 0.1744
-30.00 -0.838 0.4405 0.1520
-25.00 -0.791 0.3256 0.1262
-24.00 -0.794 0.3013 0.1170
-23.00 -0.805 0.2762 0.1059
-22.00 -0.821 0.2506 0.0931
-21.00 -0.843 0.2246 0.0788
-20.00 -0.869 0.1983 0.0631
-19.00 -0.899 0.1720 0.0464
-18.00 -0.931 0.1457 0.0286
-17.00 -0.964 0.1197 0.0102
-16.00 -0.999 0.0940 -0.0088
-15.00 -1.033 0.0689 -0.0281
-14.50 -1.050 0.0567 -0.0378
-12.01 -0.953 0.0271 -0.0349
-11.00 -0.900 0.0303 -0.0361
-9.98 -0.827 0.0287 -0.0464
-8.12 -0.536 0.0124 -0.0821
-7.62 -0.467 0.0109 -0.0924
-7.11 -0.393 0.0092 -0.1015
-6.60 -0.323 0.0083 -0.1073
-6.50 -0.311 0.0089 -0.1083
-6.00 -0.245 0.0082 -0.1112
-5.50 -0.178 0.0074 -0.1146
-5.00 -0.113 0.0069 -0.1172
-4.50 -0.048 0.0065 -0.1194
-4.00 0.016 0.0063 -0.1213
-3.50 0.080 0.0061 -0.1232
-3.00 0.145 0.0058 -0.1252
-2.50 0.208 0.0057 -0.1268
-2.00 0.270 0.0057 -0.1282
-1.50 0.333 0.0057 -0.1297
-1.00 0.396 0.0057 -0.1310
-0.50 0.458 0.0057 -0.1324
0.00 0.521 0.0057 -0.1337
0.50 0.583 0.0057 -0.1350
1.00 0.645 0.0058 -0.1363
1.50 0.706 0.0058 -0.1374
2.00 0.768 0.0059 -0.1385
2.50 0.828 0.0061 -0.1395
3.00 0.888 0.0063 -0.1403
3.50 0.948 0.0066 -0.1406
4.00 0.996 0.0071 -0.1398
4.50 1.046 0.0079 -0.1390
5.00 1.095 0.0090 -0.1378
5.50 1.145 0.0103 -0.1369
6.00 1.192 0.0113 -0.1353
6.50 1.239 0.0122 -0.1338
7.00 1.283 0.0131 -0.1317
7.50 1.324 0.0139 -0.1291
8.00 1.358 0.0147 -0.1249
8.50 1.385 0.0158 -0.1213
9.00 1.403 0.0181 -0.1177
9.50 1.401 0.0211 -0.1142
10.00 1.358 0.0255 -0.1103
10.50 1.313 0.0301 -0.1066
11.00 1.287 0.0347 -0.1032
11.50 1.274 0.0401 -0.1002
12.00 1.272 0.0468 -0.0971
12.50 1.273 0.0545 -0.0940
13.00 1.273 0.0633 -0.0909
13.50 1.273 0.0722 -0.0883
14.00 1.272 0.0806 -0.0865
14.50 1.273 0.0900 -0.0854
15.00 1.275 0.0987 -0.0849
15.50 1.281 0.1075 -0.0847
16.00 1.284 0.1170 -0.0850
16.50 1.296 0.1270 -0.0858
17.00 1.306 0.1368 -0.0869
17.50 1.308 0.1464 -0.0883
18.00 1.308 0.1562 -0.0901
18.50 1.308 0.1664 -0.0922
19.00 1.308 0.1770 -0.0949
19.50 1.307 0.1878 -0.0980
20.00 1.311 0.1987 -0.1017
20.50 1.325 0.2100 -0.1059
21.00 1.324 0.2214 -0.1105
22.00 1.277 0.2499 -0.1172
23.00 1.229 0.2786 -0.1239
24.00 1.182 0.3077 -0.1305
25.00 1.136 0.3371 -0.1370
26.00 1.093 0.3664 -0.1433
28.00 1.017 0.4246 -0.1556
30.00 0.962 0.4813 -0.1671
32.00 0.937 0.5356 -0.1778
35.00 0.947 0.6127 -0.1923
40.00 0.950 0.7396 -0.2154
45.00 0.928 0.8623 -0.2374
50.00 0.884 0.9781 -0.2583
55.00 0.821 1.0846 -0.2782
60.00 0.740 1.1796 -0.2971
65.00 0.646 1.2617 -0.3149
70.00 0.540 1.3297 -0.3318
75.00 0.425 1.3827 -0.3476
80.00 0.304 1.4202 -0.3625
85.00 0.179 1.4423 -0.3763
90.00 0.053 1.4512 -0.3890
95.00 -0.073 1.4480 -0.4004
100.00 -0.198 1.4294 -0.4105
105.00 -0.319 1.3954 -0.4191
110.00 -0.434 1.3464 -0.4260
115.00 -0.541 1.2829 -0.4308
120.00 -0.637 1.2057 -0.4333
125.00 -0.720 1.1157 -0.4330
130.00 -0.787 1.0144 -0.4294
135.00 -0.836 0.9033 -0.4219
140.00 -0.864 0.7845 -0.4098
145.00 -0.869 0.6605 -0.3922
150.00 -0.847 0.5346 -0.3682
155.00 -0.795 0.4103 -0.3364
160.00 -0.711 0.2922 -0.2954
170.00 -0.788 0.0969 -0.3966
175.00 -0.394 0.0334 -0.1978
180.00 0.000 0.0185 0.0000
B.9 Airfoil-Data Input File NACA64_A17.dat
NACA64 airfoil with an aspect ratio of 17. Original -180 to 180deg Cl, Cd, and Cm versus AOA data taken from Appendix A of D
Cl and Cd values corrected for rotational stall delay and Cd values corrected using the Viterna method for 0 to 90deg AOA by
1 Number of airfoil tables in this file
0.0 Table ID parameter
9.00 Stall angle (deg)
0.0 No longer used, enter zero
0.0 No longer used, enter zero
0.0 No longer used, enter zero
-4.4320 Zero Cn angle of attack (deg)
6.0031 Cn slope for zero lift (dimensionless)
1.4073 Cn extrapolated to value at positive stall angle of attack
-0.7945 Cn at stall value for negative angle of attack
-1.00 Angle of attack for minimum CD (deg)
0.0052 Minimum CD value
-180.00 0.000 0.0198 0.0000
-175.00 0.374 0.0341 0.1880
-170.00 0.749 0.0955 0.3770
-160.00 0.659 0.2807 0.2747
-155.00 0.736 0.3919 0.3130
-150.00 0.783 0.5086 0.3428
-145.00 0.803 0.6267 0.3654
-140.00 0.798 0.7427 0.3820
-135.00 0.771 0.8537 0.3935
-130.00 0.724 0.9574 0.4007
-125.00 0.660 1.0519 0.4042
-120.00 0.581 1.1355 0.4047
-115.00 0.491 1.2070 0.4025
-110.00 0.390 1.2656 0.3981
-105.00 0.282 1.3104 0.3918
-100.00 0.169 1.3410 0.3838
-95.00 0.052 1.3572 0.3743
-90.00 -0.067 1.3587 0.3636
-85.00 -0.184 1.3456 0.3517
-80.00 -0.299 1.3181 0.3388
-75.00 -0.409 1.2765 0.3248
-70.00 -0.512 1.2212 0.3099
-65.00 -0.606 1.1532 0.2940
-60.00 -0.689 1.0731 0.2772
-55.00 -0.759 0.9822 0.2595
-50.00 -0.814 0.8820 0.2409
-45.00 -0.850 0.7742 0.2212
-40.00 -0.866 0.6610 0.2006
-35.00 -0.860 0.5451 0.1789
-30.00 -0.829 0.4295 0.1563
-25.00 -0.853 0.3071 0.1156
-24.00 -0.870 0.2814 0.1040
-23.00 -0.890 0.2556 0.0916
-22.00 -0.911 0.2297 0.0785
-21.00 -0.934 0.2040 0.0649
-20.00 -0.958 0.1785 0.0508
-19.00 -0.982 0.1534 0.0364
-18.00 -1.005 0.1288 0.0218
-17.00 -1.082 0.1037 0.0129
-16.00 -1.113 0.0786 -0.0028
-15.00 -1.105 0.0535 -0.0251
-14.00 -1.078 0.0283 -0.0419
-13.50 -1.053 0.0158 -0.0521
-13.00 -1.015 0.0151 -0.0610
-12.00 -0.904 0.0134 -0.0707
-11.00 -0.807 0.0121 -0.0722
-10.00 -0.711 0.0111 -0.0734
-9.00 -0.595 0.0099 -0.0772
-8.00 -0.478 0.0091 -0.0807
-7.00 -0.375 0.0086 -0.0825
-6.00 -0.264 0.0082 -0.0832
-5.00 -0.151 0.0079 -0.0841
-4.00 -0.017 0.0072 -0.0869
-3.00 0.088 0.0064 -0.0912
-2.00 0.213 0.0054 -0.0946
-1.00 0.328 0.0052 -0.0971
0.00 0.442 0.0052 -0.1014
1.00 0.556 0.0052 -0.1076
2.00 0.670 0.0053 -0.1126
3.00 0.784 0.0053 -0.1157
4.00 0.898 0.0054 -0.1199
5.00 1.011 0.0058 -0.1240
6.00 1.103 0.0091 -0.1234
7.00 1.181 0.0113 -0.1184
8.00 1.257 0.0124 -0.1163
8.50 1.293 0.0130 -0.1163
9.00 1.326 0.0136 -0.1160
9.50 1.356 0.0143 -0.1154
10.00 1.382 0.0150 -0.1149
10.50 1.400 0.0267 -0.1145
11.00 1.415 0.0383 -0.1143
11.50 1.425 0.0498 -0.1147
12.00 1.434 0.0613 -0.1158
12.50 1.443 0.0727 -0.1165
13.00 1.451 0.0841 -0.1153
13.50 1.453 0.0954 -0.1131
14.00 1.448 0.1065 -0.1112
14.50 1.444 0.1176 -0.1101
15.00 1.445 0.1287 -0.1103
15.50 1.447 0.1398 -0.1109
16.00 1.448 0.1509 -0.1114
16.50 1.444 0.1619 -0.1111
17.00 1.438 0.1728 -0.1097
17.50 1.439 0.1837 -0.1079
18.00 1.448 0.1947 -0.1080
18.50 1.452 0.2057 -0.1090
19.00 1.448 0.2165 -0.1086
19.50 1.438 0.2272 -0.1077
20.00 1.428 0.2379 -0.1099
21.00 1.401 0.2590 -0.1169
22.00 1.359 0.2799 -0.1190
23.00 1.300 0.3004 -0.1235
24.00 1.220 0.3204 -0.1393
25.00 1.168 0.3377 -0.1440
26.00 1.116 0.3554 -0.1486
28.00 1.015 0.3916 -0.1577
30.00 0.926 0.4294 -0.1668
32.00 0.855 0.4690 -0.1759
35.00 0.800 0.5324 -0.1897
40.00 0.804 0.6452 -0.2126
45.00 0.793 0.7573 -0.2344
50.00 0.763 0.8664 -0.2553
55.00 0.717 0.9708 -0.2751
60.00 0.656 1.0693 -0.2939
65.00 0.582 1.1606 -0.3117
70.00 0.495 1.2438 -0.3285
75.00 0.398 1.3178 -0.3444
80.00 0.291 1.3809 -0.3593
85.00 0.176 1.4304 -0.3731
90.00 0.053 1.4565 -0.3858
95.00 -0.074 1.4533 -0.3973
100.00 -0.199 1.4345 -0.4075
105.00 -0.321 1.4004 -0.4162
110.00 -0.436 1.3512 -0.4231
115.00 -0.543 1.2874 -0.4280
120.00 -0.640 1.2099 -0.4306
125.00 -0.723 1.1196 -0.4304
130.00 -0.790 1.0179 -0.4270
135.00 -0.840 0.9064 -0.4196
140.00 -0.868 0.7871 -0.4077
145.00 -0.872 0.6627 -0.3903
150.00 -0.850 0.5363 -0.3665
155.00 -0.798 0.4116 -0.3349
160.00 -0.714 0.2931 -0.2942
170.00 -0.749 0.0971 -0.3771
175.00 -0.374 0.0334 -0.1879
180.00 0.000 0.0198 0.0000
Appendix C Source Code for the Control System DLL
! This Bladed-style DLL controller is used to implement a variable-speed
! generator-torque controller and PI collective blade pitch controller for
! the NREL Offshore 5MW baseline wind turbine. This routine was written by
! J. Jonkman of NREL/NWTC for use in the IEA Annex XXIII OC3 studies.
! Passed Variables:
REAL(4), INTENT(INOUT) :: avrSWAP (*) ! The swap array, used to pass data to, and r
INTEGER(4), INTENT( OUT) :: aviFAIL ! A flag used to indicate the success of this
INTEGER(1), INTENT(IN ) :: accINFILE (*) ! The address of the first record of an array
INTEGER(1), INTENT( OUT) :: avcMSG (*) ! The address of the first record of an array
INTEGER(1), INTENT(IN ) :: avcOUTNAME(*) ! The address of the first record of an array
! Local Variables:
REAL(4) :: Alpha ! Current coefficient in the recursive, singl
REAL(4) :: BlPitch (3) ! Current values of the blade pitch angles, r
REAL(4) :: ElapTime ! Elapsed time since the last call to the con
REAL(4), PARAMETER :: CornerFreq = 1.570796 ! Corner frequency (-3dB point) in the recurs
REAL(4) :: GenSpeed ! Current HSS (generator) speed, rad/s.
REAL(4), SAVE :: GenSpeedF ! Filtered HSS (generator) speed, rad/s.
REAL(4) :: GenTrq ! Electrical generator torque, N-m.
REAL(4) :: GK ! Current value of the gain correction factor
REAL(4) :: HorWindV ! Horizontal hub-heigh wind speed, m/s.
REAL(4), SAVE :: IntSpdErr ! Current integral of speed error w.r.t. time
REAL(4), SAVE :: LastGenTrq ! Commanded electrical generator torque the l
REAL(4), SAVE :: LastTime ! Last time this DLL was called, sec.
REAL(4), SAVE :: LastTimePC ! Last time the pitch controller was called,
REAL(4), SAVE :: LastTimeVS ! Last time the torque controller was called,
REAL(4), PARAMETER :: OnePlusEps = 1.0 + EPSILON(OnePlusEps) ! The number slighty greater than unity in si
REAL(4), PARAMETER :: PC_DT = 0.00125 ! Communication interval for pitch controlle
REAL(4), PARAMETER :: PC_KI = 0.008068634 ! Integral gain for pitch controller at rated
REAL(4), PARAMETER :: PC_KK = 0.1099965 ! Pitch angle were the the derivative of the
REAL(4), PARAMETER :: PC_KP = 0.01882681 ! Proportional gain for pitch controller at r
REAL(4), PARAMETER :: PC_MaxPit = 1.570796 ! Maximum pitch setting in pitch controller,
REAL(4), PARAMETER :: PC_MaxRat = 0.1396263 ! Maximum pitch rate (in absolute value) in
REAL(4), PARAMETER :: PC_MinPit = 0.0 ! Minimum pitch setting in pitch controller,
REAL(4), PARAMETER :: PC_RefSpd = 122.9096 ! Desired (reference) HSS speed for pitch con
REAL(4), SAVE :: PitCom (3) ! Commanded pitch of each blade the last time
REAL(4) :: PitComI ! Integral term of command pitch, rad.
REAL(4) :: PitComP ! Proportional term of command pitch, rad.
REAL(4) :: PitComT ! Total command pitch based on the sum of the
REAL(4) :: PitRate (3) ! Pitch rates of each blade based on the curr
REAL(4), PARAMETER :: R2D = 57.295780 ! Factor to convert radians to degrees.
REAL(4), PARAMETER :: RPS2RPM = 9.5492966 ! Factor to convert radians per second to rev
REAL(4) :: SpdErr ! Current speed error, rad/s.
REAL(4) :: Time ! Current simulation time, sec.
REAL(4) :: TrqRate ! Torque rate based on the current and last t
REAL(4), PARAMETER :: VS_CtInSp = 70.16224 ! Transitional generator speed (HSS side) bet
REAL(4), PARAMETER :: VS_DT = 0.00125 ! Communication interval for torque controlle
REAL(4), PARAMETER :: VS_MaxRat = 15000.0 ! Maximum torque rate (in absolute value) in
REAL(4), PARAMETER :: VS_MaxTq = 47402.91 ! Maximum generator torque in Region 3 (HSS s
REAL(4), PARAMETER :: VS_Rgn2K = 2.332287 ! Generator torque constant in Region 2 (HSS
REAL(4), PARAMETER :: VS_Rgn2Sp = 91.21091 ! Transitional generator speed (HSS side) bet
REAL(4), PARAMETER :: VS_Rgn3MP = 0.01745329 ! Minimum pitch angle at which the torque is
REAL(4), PARAMETER :: VS_RtGnSp = 121.6805 ! Rated generator speed (HSS side), rad/s. --
REAL(4), PARAMETER :: VS_RtPwr = 5296610.0 ! Rated generator generator power in Region 3
REAL(4), SAVE :: VS_Slope15 ! Torque/speed slope of region 1 1/2 cut-in t
REAL(4), SAVE :: VS_Slope25 ! Torque/speed slope of region 2 1/2 inductio
REAL(4), PARAMETER :: VS_SlPc = 10.0 ! Rated generator slip percentage in Region 2
REAL(4), SAVE :: VS_SySp ! Synchronous speed of region 2 1/2 induction
REAL(4), SAVE :: VS_TrGnSp ! Transitional generator speed (HSS side) bet
INTEGER(4) :: I ! Generic index.
INTEGER(4) :: iStatus ! A status flag set by the simulation as foll
INTEGER(4) :: K ! Loops through blades.
INTEGER(4) :: NumBl ! Number of blades, (-).
INTEGER(4), PARAMETER :: UnDb = 85 ! I/O unit for the debugging information
INTEGER(1) :: iInFile ( 256) ! CHARACTER string cInFile stored as a 1-byt
INTEGER(1) :: iMessage ( 256) ! CHARACTER string cMessage stored as a 1-byt
INTEGER(1), SAVE :: iOutName (1024) ! CHARACTER string cOutName stored as a 1-byt
LOGICAL(1), PARAMETER :: PC_DbgOut = .FALSE. ! Flag to indicate whether to output debuggin
CHARACTER( 256) :: cInFile ! CHARACTER string giving the name of the par
CHARACTER( 256) :: cMessage ! CHARACTER string giving a message that will
CHARACTER(1024), SAVE :: cOutName ! CHARACTER string giving the simulation run
CHARACTER( 1), PARAMETER :: Tab = CHAR( 9 ) ! The tab character.
CHARACTER( 25), PARAMETER :: FmtDat = "(F8.3,99('"//Tab//"',ES10.3E2,:))" ! The format of the debugging data
! Set EQUIVALENCE relationships between INTEGER(1) byte arrays and CHARACTER strings:
EQUIVALENCE (iInFile , cInFile )
EQUIVALENCE (iMessage, cMessage)
EQUIVALENCE (iOutName, cOutName)
! Load variables from calling program (See Appendix A of Bladed User's Guide):
iStatus = NINT( avrSWAP( 1) )
NumBl = NINT( avrSWAP(61) )
BlPitch (1) = avrSWAP( 4)
BlPitch (2) = avrSWAP(33)
BlPitch (3) = avrSWAP(34)
GenSpeed = avrSWAP(20)
HorWindV = avrSWAP(27)
Time = avrSWAP( 2)
! Initialize aviFAIL to 0:
aviFAIL = 0
! Read any External Controller Parameters specified in the User Interface
! and initialize variables:
IF ( iStatus == 0 ) THEN ! .TRUE. if were on the first call to the DLL
! Convert byte arrays to CHARACTER strings, for convenience:
DO I = 1,MIN( 256, NINT( avrSWAP(50) ) )
iInFile (I) = accINFILE (I) ! Sets cInfile by EQUIVALENCE
DO I = 1,MIN( 1024, NINT( avrSWAP(51) ) )
iOutName(I) = avcOUTNAME(I) ! Sets cOutName by EQUIVALENCE
! Inform users that we are using this user-defined routine:
aviFAIL = 1
cMessage = 'Running with torque and pitch control of the NREL offshore '// &
'5MW baseline wind turbine from DISCON.dll as written by J. '// &
'Jonkman of NREL/NWTC for use in the IEA Annex XXIII OC3 ' // &
! Determine some torque control parameters not specified directly:
VS_SySp = VS_RtGnSp/( 1.0 + 0.01*VS_SlPc )
VS_Slope15 = ( VS_Rgn2K*VS_Rgn2Sp*VS_Rgn2Sp )/( VS_Rgn2Sp - VS_CtInSp )
VS_Slope25 = ( VS_RtPwr/VS_RtGnSp )/( VS_RtGnSp - VS_SySp )
IF ( VS_Rgn2K == 0.0 ) THEN ! .TRUE. if the Region 2 torque is flat, and thus, the denominator in the ELSE condition is
VS_TrGnSp = VS_SySp
ELSE ! .TRUE. if the Region 2 torque is quadratic with speed
VS_TrGnSp = ( VS_Slope25 - SQRT( VS_Slope25*( VS_Slope25 - 4.0*VS_Rgn2K*VS_SySp ) ) )/( 2.0*VS_Rgn2K )
! Check validity of input parameters:
IF ( CornerFreq <= 0.0 ) THEN
aviFAIL = -1
cMessage = 'CornerFreq must be greater than zero.'
IF ( VS_DT <= 0.0 ) THEN
aviFAIL = -1
cMessage = 'VS_DT must be greater than zero.'
IF ( VS_CtInSp < 0.0 ) THEN
aviFAIL = -1
cMessage = 'VS_CtInSp must not be negative.'
IF ( VS_Rgn2Sp <= VS_CtInSp ) THEN
aviFAIL = -1
cMessage = 'VS_Rgn2Sp must be greater than VS_CtInSp.'
IF ( VS_TrGnSp < VS_Rgn2Sp ) THEN
aviFAIL = -1
cMessage = 'VS_TrGnSp must not be less than VS_Rgn2Sp.'
IF ( VS_SlPc <= 0.0 ) THEN
aviFAIL = -1
cMessage = 'VS_SlPc must be greater than zero.'
IF ( VS_MaxRat <= 0.0 ) THEN
aviFAIL = -1
cMessage = 'VS_MaxRat must be greater than zero.'
IF ( VS_RtPwr < 0.0 ) THEN
aviFAIL = -1
cMessage = 'VS_RtPwr must not be negative.'
IF ( VS_Rgn2K < 0.0 ) THEN
aviFAIL = -1
cMessage = 'VS_Rgn2K must not be negative.'
IF ( VS_Rgn2K*VS_RtGnSp*VS_RtGnSp > VS_RtPwr/VS_RtGnSp ) THEN
aviFAIL = -1
cMessage = 'VS_Rgn2K*VS_RtGnSp^2 must not be greater than VS_RtPwr/VS_RtGnSp.'
IF ( VS_MaxTq < VS_RtPwr/VS_RtGnSp ) THEN
aviFAIL = -1
cMessage = 'VS_RtPwr/VS_RtGnSp must not be greater than VS_MaxTq.'
IF ( PC_DT <= 0.0 ) THEN
aviFAIL = -1
cMessage = 'PC_DT must be greater than zero.'
IF ( PC_KI <= 0.0 ) THEN
aviFAIL = -1
cMessage = 'PC_KI must be greater than zero.'
IF ( PC_KK <= 0.0 ) THEN
aviFAIL = -1
cMessage = 'PC_KK must be greater than zero.'
IF ( PC_RefSpd <= 0.0 ) THEN
aviFAIL = -1
cMessage = 'PC_RefSpd must be greater than zero.'
IF ( PC_MaxRat <= 0.0 ) THEN
aviFAIL = -1
cMessage = 'PC_MaxRat must be greater than zero.'
IF ( PC_MinPit >= PC_MaxPit ) THEN
aviFAIL = -1
cMessage = 'PC_MinPit must be less than PC_MaxPit.'
! If we're debugging the pitch controller, open the debug file and write the
! header:
IF ( PC_DbgOut ) THEN
OPEN ( UnDb, FILE=TRIM( cOutName )//'.dbg', STATUS='REPLACE' )
WRITE (UnDb,'(/////)')
WRITE (UnDb,'(A)') 'Time '//Tab//'ElapTime'//Tab//'HorWindV'//Tab//'GenSpeed'//Tab//'GenSpeedF'//Tab//'RelSpdErr'//Tab
'SpdErr '//Tab//'IntSpdErr'//Tab//'GK '//Tab//'PitComP'//Tab//'PitComI'//Tab//'PitComT'//Tab//
WRITE (UnDb,'(A)') '(sec)'//Tab//'(sec) '//Tab//'(m/sec) '//Tab//'(rpm) '//Tab//'(rpm) '//Tab//'(%) '//Tab
'(rad/s)'//Tab//'(rad) '//Tab//'(-)'//Tab//'(deg) '//Tab//'(deg) '//Tab//'(deg) '//Tab//
'(deg/s) '//Tab//'(deg) '
! Initialize the SAVEd variables:
! NOTE: LastGenTrq, though SAVEd, is initialized in the torque controller
! below for simplicity, not here.
GenSpeedF = GenSpeed ! This will ensure that generator speed filter will use the initial value of
PitCom = BlPitch ! This will ensure that the variable speed controller picks the correct contr
GK = 1.0/( 1.0 + PitCom(1)/PC_KK ) ! This will ensure that the pitch angle is unchanged if the initial SpdErr is
IntSpdErr = PitCom(1)/( GK*PC_KI ) ! This will ensure that the pitch angle is unchanged if the initial SpdErr is
LastTime = Time ! This will ensure that generator speed filter will use the initial value of
LastTimePC = Time - PC_DT ! This will ensure that the pitch controller is called on the first pass
LastTimeVS = Time - VS_DT ! This will ensure that the torque controller is called on the first pass
! Main control calculations:
IF ( ( iStatus >= 0 ) .AND. ( aviFAIL >= 0 ) ) THEN ! Only compute control calculations if no error has occured and we are
! Abort if the user has not requested a pitch angle actuator (See Appendix A
! of Bladed User's Guide):
IF ( NINT(avrSWAP(10)) /= 0 ) THEN ! .TRUE. if a pitch angle actuator hasn't been requested
aviFAIL = -1
cMessage = 'Pitch angle actuator not requested.'
! Set unused outputs to zero (See Appendix A of Bladed User's Guide):
avrSWAP(36) = 0.0 ! Shaft brake status: 0=off
avrSWAP(41) = 0.0 ! Demanded yaw actuator torque
avrSWAP(46) = 0.0 ! Demanded pitch rate (Collective pitch)
avrSWAP(48) = 0.0 ! Demanded nacelle yaw rate
avrSWAP(65) = 0.0 ! Number of variables returned for logging
avrSWAP(72) = 0.0 ! Generator startup resistance
avrSWAP(79) = 0.0 ! Request for loads: 0=none
avrSWAP(80) = 0.0 ! Variable slip current status
avrSWAP(81) = 0.0 ! Variable slip current demand
! Filter the HSS (generator) speed measurement:
! NOTE: This is a very simple recursive, single-pole, low-pass filter with
! exponential smoothing.
! Update the coefficient in the recursive formula based on the elapsed time
! since the last call to the controller:
Alpha = EXP( ( LastTime - Time )*CornerFreq )
! Apply the filter:
GenSpeedF = ( 1.0 - Alpha )*GenSpeed + Alpha*GenSpeedF
! Variable-speed torque control:
! Compute the elapsed time since the last call to the controller:
ElapTime = Time - LastTimeVS
! Only perform the control calculations if the elapsed time is greater than
! or equal to the communication interval of the torque controller:
! NOTE: Time is scaled by OnePlusEps to ensure that the contoller is called
! at every time step when VS_DT = DT, even in the presence of
! numerical precision errors.
IF ( ( Time*OnePlusEps - LastTimeVS ) >= VS_DT ) THEN
! Compute the generator torque, which depends on which region we are in:
IF ( ( GenSpeedF >= VS_RtGnSp ) .OR. ( PitCom(1) >= VS_Rgn3MP ) ) THEN ! We are in region 3 - power is constant
GenTrq = VS_RtPwr/GenSpeedF
ELSEIF ( GenSpeedF <= VS_CtInSp ) THEN ! We are in region 1 - torque is zero
GenTrq = 0.0
ELSEIF ( GenSpeedF < VS_Rgn2Sp ) THEN ! We are in region 1 1/2 - linear ramp in to
GenTrq = VS_Slope15*( GenSpeedF - VS_CtInSp )
ELSEIF ( GenSpeedF < VS_TrGnSp ) THEN ! We are in region 2 - optimal torque is pro
GenTrq = VS_Rgn2K*GenSpeedF*GenSpeedF
ELSE ! We are in region 2 1/2 - simple induction
GenTrq = VS_Slope25*( GenSpeedF - VS_SySp )
! Saturate the commanded torque using the maximum torque limit:
GenTrq = MIN( GenTrq , VS_MaxTq ) ! Saturate the command using the maximum torque limit
! Saturate the commanded torque using the torque rate limit:
IF ( iStatus == 0 ) LastGenTrq = GenTrq ! Initialize the value of LastGenTrq on the first pass only
TrqRate = ( GenTrq - LastGenTrq )/ElapTime ! Torque rate (unsaturated)
TrqRate = MIN( MAX( TrqRate, -VS_MaxRat ), VS_MaxRat ) ! Saturate the torque rate using its maximum absolute value
GenTrq = LastGenTrq + TrqRate*ElapTime ! Saturate the command using the torque rate limit
! Reset the values of LastTimeVS and LastGenTrq to the current values:
LastTimeVS = Time
LastGenTrq = GenTrq
! Set the generator contactor status, avrSWAP(35), to main (high speed)
! variable-speed generator, the torque override to yes, and command the
! generator torque (See Appendix A of Bladed User's Guide):
avrSWAP(35) = 1.0 ! Generator contactor status: 1=main (high speed) variable-speed generator
avrSWAP(56) = 0.0 ! Torque override: 0=yes
avrSWAP(47) = LastGenTrq ! Demanded generator torque
! Pitch control:
! Compute the elapsed time since the last call to the controller:
ElapTime = Time - LastTimePC
! Only perform the control calculations if the elapsed time is greater than
! or equal to the communication interval of the pitch controller:
! NOTE: Time is scaled by OnePlusEps to ensure that the contoller is called
! at every time step when PC_DT = DT, even in the presence of
! numerical precision errors.
IF ( ( Time*OnePlusEps - LastTimePC ) >= PC_DT ) THEN
! Compute the gain scheduling correction factor based on the previously
! commanded pitch angle for blade 1:
GK = 1.0/( 1.0 + PitCom(1)/PC_KK )
! Compute the current speed error and its integral w.r.t. time; saturate the
! integral term using the pitch angle limits:
SpdErr = GenSpeedF - PC_RefSpd ! Current speed error
IntSpdErr = IntSpdErr + SpdErr*ElapTime ! Current integral of speed error w.r.t. time
IntSpdErr = MIN( MAX( IntSpdErr, PC_MinPit/( GK*PC_KI ) ), &
PC_MaxPit/( GK*PC_KI ) ) ! Saturate the integral term using the pitch angle li
! Compute the pitch commands associated with the proportional and integral
! gains:
PitComP = GK*PC_KP* SpdErr ! Proportional term
PitComI = GK*PC_KI*IntSpdErr ! Integral term (saturated)
! Superimpose the individual commands to get the total pitch command;
! saturate the overall command using the pitch angle limits:
PitComT = PitComP + PitComI ! Overall command (unsaturated)
PitComT = MIN( MAX( PitComT, PC_MinPit ), PC_MaxPit ) ! Saturate the overall command using the pitch angle
! Saturate the overall commanded pitch using the pitch rate limit:
! NOTE: Since the current pitch angle may be different for each blade
! (depending on the type of actuator implemented in the structural
! dynamics model), this pitch rate limit calculation and the
! resulting overall pitch angle command may be different for each
! blade.
DO K = 1,NumBl ! Loop through all blades
PitRate(K) = ( PitComT - BlPitch(K) )/ElapTime ! Pitch rate of blade K (unsaturated)
PitRate(K) = MIN( MAX( PitRate(K), -PC_MaxRat ), PC_MaxRat ) ! Saturate the pitch rate of blade K using its maximu
PitCom (K) = BlPitch(K) + PitRate(K)*ElapTime ! Saturate the overall command of blade K using the p
ENDDO ! K - all blades
! Reset the value of LastTimePC to the current value:
LastTimePC = Time
! Output debugging information if requested:
IF ( PC_DbgOut ) WRITE (UnDb,FmtDat) Time, ElapTime, HorWindV, GenSpeed*RPS2RPM, GenSpeedF*RPS2RPM, &
100.0*SpdErr/PC_RefSpd, SpdErr, IntSpdErr, GK, PitComP*R2D, PitComI*R2D, &
PitComT*R2D, PitRate(1)*R2D, PitCom(1)*R2D
! Set the pitch override to yes and command the pitch demanded from the last
! call to the controller (See Appendix A of Bladed User's Guide):
avrSWAP(55) = 0.0 ! Pitch override: 0=yes
avrSWAP(42) = PitCom(1) ! Use the command angles of all blades if using individual pitch
avrSWAP(43) = PitCom(2) ! "
avrSWAP(44) = PitCom(3) ! "
avrSWAP(45) = PitCom(1) ! Use the command angle of blade 1 if using collective pitch
! Reset the value of LastTime to the current value:
LastTime = Time
! Convert CHARACTER string to byte array for the return message:
DO I = 1,MIN( 256, NINT( avrSWAP(49) ) )
avcMSG(I) = iMessage(I) ! Same as cMessage by EQUIVALENCE
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February 2009
technical report
3. DATES COVERED (From - To)
Definition of a 5-MW Reference Wind Turbine for Offshore System
J. Jonkman, S. Butterfield, W. Musial, and G. Scott
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
1617 Cole Blvd.
Golden, CO 80401-3393
National Technical Information Service
U.S. Department of Commerce
5285 Port Royal Road
Springfield, VA 22161
14. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 Words)
This report describes a three-bladed, upwind, variable-speed, variable blade-pitch-to-feather-controlled
multimegawatt wind turbine model developed by NREL to support concept studies aimed at assessing offshore wind
offshore wind energy development; wind turbine design model; wind turbine specifications
19b. TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include area code)
Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8/98)
Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39.18