Developing a dynamic website using
the online website builder Weebly
for Viking Fortune Oy
Md. Shamsul Arafin
Yi Jiang
2017 Laurea
Laurea University of Applied Sciences
Developing a dynamic website using the online
website builder Weebly for Viking Fortune Oy
Md. Shamsul Arafin
Yi Jiang
Degree Programme in Business In-
formation Technology
Bachelor’s Thesis
December, 2017 2017
Laurea University of Applied Sciences
Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
Bachelor’s Thesis
Table of contents
1 Introduction ............................................................................................... 5
1.1 Background information ....................................................................... 5
1.2 Objective ......................................................................................... 5
1.3 Methodology ..................................................................................... 6
1.4 Limitations ....................................................................................... 6
2 Theoretical Framework .................................................................................. 8
2.1 Website as a marketing tool .................................................................. 8
2.2 Website Design ................................................................................ 10
2.3 Website Usability ............................................................................. 11
3 Methodology ............................................................................................. 13
3.1 Research approach ............................................................................ 13
3.2 Research Method .............................................................................. 13
3.2.1 Data collection ........................................................................ 14
3.2.2 Benchmarking .......................................................................... 15
4 Requirements ........................................................................................... 15
4.1 Interview with customer ..................................................................... 15
4.2 Interviewing employees ...................................................................... 17
5 Selecting platform ..................................................................................... 17
5.1 Website Builder ............................................................................... 17
5.2 Benchmarking Weebly and Wix ............................................................. 18
6 Implementation ......................................................................................... 25
6.1 Homepage ...................................................................................... 25
6.2 About us ........................................................................................ 27
6.3 Contact us ...................................................................................... 28
6.4 Functionality ................................................................................... 29
6.5 Recommended Further development ...................................................... 29
7 Training and guideline ................................................................................. 29
8 Conclusions .............................................................................................. 30
References .................................................................................................... 31
Figures ......................................................................................................... 33
1 Introduction
Having a website become essential for all size of businesses to do their business in this
competitive market. Companies are making a website for various reasons. A website allows
the business organisation to promote, advertise and market their business all over the
world in a cost-efficient and speedy manner (Brown 2011, 11). A website becomes the
easiest way for any businesses to advertise their product and increase the product visibility
to potential customers. In this project, a website was created for Viking Fortune Oy to
market their product and to inform customers about the jewellery and antique they offer
in their store located in Helsinki, Finland.
1.1 Background information
Viking Fortune Oy is an amber made jewellery and antique store. The store sells its product
mostly to the tourist who came to visit Helsinki. One of the authors is working in this
company as a sells person since March 2015. During her work, the author noticed that there
is a need for making a website to inform the customer about their product beforehand.
She realised, most of the customer does not have the necessary knowledge about amber
and amber made jewellery. It would be more comfortable for all the sales persons if the
customers already know about the store jewellery because explaining the basics of amber
jewellery to each customer is a time-consuming task. From this idea, the author proposed
to the owner to create a website for the company for product visibility and the probability
of using the website as a useful marketing tool. Owner of the company accepted the
proposal and gave the responsibility to the store manager for farther guidance.
1.2 Objective
The primary objective of this project is creating a new dynamic website for Viking Fortune
oy to increase the product visibility to the potential customer. Additionally, another
objective of this project is to create the website by using an online website builder which
can be updated regularly by employees of Viking Fortune Oy having little or no technical
skills. The commissioner did not want to install anything on the computer, and he wanted
a drag and dropped secure platform where employees can update the website from
anywhere which leads authors to use an online based website builder.
After finishing this project, authors will be more experience in web development by
learning a new web developing platform, gain more knowledge about using the website as
a marketing tool, improving communication skills by understanding the requirements of a
business client.
1.3 Methodology
Action research method used in this thesis as it is a research and development work.
Different research techniques such as documents analysis, and interviews used to collect
the data. A benchmarking between two website builders was conducted to select a
platform to create the website. All the data used are in qualitative form. The document
analysis includes website usability, using the website as a marketing tool and understanding
the requirements of a good website. The interviews were conducted with two group of
people. Interviewing customers was conducted to understand the requirements of
customers and interviewing employees was necessary to know the computer operating
skills of the store employees. A benchmarking between website building platforms helps
employees to choose a platform. The overview of the methodology is described in chapter
1.4 Limitations
One of the limitations faced during this project is the unavailability of resources from the
client. Due to the busy schedule, owner of the company did not manage to give the
photograph of the products which was needed for the website. The website was created
with random pictures collected from internet. Due to the copyright issue, the website
cannot be published now for public use. However, the website has been designed in a way
that the employees of the company can easily replace and update the contents of the
website using the administrator account given by the authors.
1.5 Thesis Structure
This thesis is structured into eight different chapters. The first chapter consists of the
introduction part with background information of the project, the primary objectives of
the project, methodology used and project limitations. The second chapter is about the
literature review of this project which briefly describes the importance of website design,
website usability and using the website as a marketing tool.
Figure 1: Structure of the thesis
The third chapter describes the methods used in this research paper. Client requirements
and the process of choosing the platform shown in chapter four and five. Chapter six
describe the implementation, and the outcome of this thesis project includes
recommended further development suggestions. Employees training and guidelines
described in chapter seven and the conclusion of this thesis project described in chapter
2 Theoretical Framework
The theoretical background and literature review of the related subject has been described
in this chapter. Theoretical analysis of website design and usability, use of the website as
a marketing tool have been reviewed by different sources.
2.1 Website as a marketing tool
The website is a collection of different web pages which are running under one domain
name such as Website and web pages are using interchangeably, but one
website can contain many web pages (Website 2014). The website is a collection of
documents, graphics or information where a user can have the complete experience
according to their need. There are two types of website, static and dynamic. A static
website is usually created by using HTML and CSS which display the same information for a
very long time. Static websites are very uncommon these days. Whereas Dynamic websites
become popular because of their usability and easy to update functionality. A dynamic
website is easy to maintain through a simple browser interface.
Having a website became essential for any kind of businesses since the internet is available
to everyone. According to Kotable & Helsen (2001), the use of ICT in marketing is being
practised on e-business and e-commerce in the 1990s. E-commerce through Internet has
changed customer’s expectation concerning price, comparability, speed, and services. The
integration of ICT with business improves efficiency and competitiveness of the company.
It can connect customers, employees, and suppliers through communications and
transaction. ICT plays a significant role in marketing to create value for customers.
Nowadays, marketing is an essential aspect of any business to achieve their goal
successfully. There are other ways to do marketing for business but since the availability
of internet become more common, using website became one of the most powerful marking
tools for business. Internet and website have played a vital role to run the business
smoother than before. Creating companies own website could be a better way for a
company to communicate with their potential customers. The website is playing a vital
role in the customer and company by sharing and exchanging product information or the
A website is an essential source of information about the company. It can be integrated
with multimedia features such as text, documents, audio, and video as an information
source. It helps a company to expand the existing business by promoting their products and
services to many customers. Since the website can be accessed at any time and from
anywhere, the company will be able to interact with customers, understand their needs
and get responses immediately (Bell, Fletcher 2004.).
Companies are making websites for various purposes. There are mainly four types of online
presence websites, (Chaffey, Ellis-Chadwick, Johnston, & Mayer 2006, 14-16). Each type of
website is made for different objectives for a different market. A website which allows
customers to purchase products online is called transactional e-commerce website. or is an excellent example of a transactional e-
commerce website. The customer can go through the products, and they can make the
purchase using the provided online payment methods. The service-oriented company builds
their website where the customer may not be able to purchase the products, but they can
get the information about the desired service through the website. These types of a
website called Service-oriented relationship building website. The third type of website is
named brand building website where the customer can see the product online but cannot
make any purchase. The outcome of this thesis project is creating a brand-building website
where all the information about the product will be available on the website, but
customers will not be able to make a purchase. Customers can find the store location
through the website and visit the store by themselves to make a purchase. There is another
type of website which is named portal or media site. This type of the website provides a
gateway to information.
Companies which are choosing a website as marketing tools have the opportunity to
connect with their potential customers all over the world. That is why marketing through
websites are becoming more popular compared to traditional way of marketing such as
brochures, posters, the newspaper or radio-tv advertisement which is costly for a new
small businesses owner. The customer can be reached through internet by doing search
engine optimisation, google adds scenes or social media advertising which is much more
convenient than the traditional marketing. “A website is also a way of marketing which is
permanent. Once made, it lasts. Unlike all paper marketing, like brochures, the newspaper
ads, posters and also television and radio advertisements, it does not need to be redone
or repeated. The website is also the best way to make the business worldwide. Through
the internet, it is easy to reach people all over world”. (Keller, 2015).
2.2 Website Design
Designing the website is as important as the content and information of a website. A
website should be created in a way that customers will find the information they need
without any distractions. The design and the content should reflect the target of the
audience and the purpose of the site(Lawrence & Tavakol 2007, 8). Every customer who
visits a website has different skills, ability, and thoughts. That is why a proper website
design is essential for the best user experience. “Unless a web site meets the needs of the
intended users it will not meet the needs of the organisation providing the website.
Website development should be user-centered, evaluating the evolving design against user
requirements(Nigel Bevan 1999). This user-centered web design suggested answering few
questions before making the website design. Questions are as followed;
Who are the essential users?
What is their purpose for accessing the site?
How frequently will they visit the site?
What experience and expertise do they have?
What nationality are they? Can they read English?
What type of information are they looking for?
How will they want to use the information: read it on the screen, print it or
download it?
What type of browsers will they use? How fast will their communication links be?
How large a screen/window will they use, with how many colours?
By answering these questions will help a developer to make the necessary design of a
website which will serve the purpose of a company or user perspective. However, there
are two main standpoints from which most people determine whether a website design is
“good” or “bad”. One is usability which focuses on functionality, effectiveness, proper
presentation of information, efficiency. Another one is aesthetic perspective which is all
about presentation, animation, and graphics. There are some websites which are full of
animation and graphics, but those are not considered as a well-designed website because
of functionality and effectiveness. Website visitors could get lost or confused because of
too much animation and graphics. The most important part of designing a website is about
communication with visitors. That is the reason a website designed by following usability
standpoints consider as a good website design (Beaird, 2007).
2.3 Website Usability
Usability is the concept that establishes its position on the link between a human angle to
information and communication technology. Usability can also be seen as a design
approach, a product attribute, and measurement (Turkka Keinonen, 2007). Some websites
are hard to navigate for of users, and it is difficult to find the information because of its
complicated design. These poor-quality websites will waste users time and can make them
frustrated. A frustrated website experience can make a negative impression on the
company. That is why usability is essential for a website which is considered as a
representative of a company.
An aim of the company to create a website will be not fulfilled if a website does not meet
the need of users. The most common and widespread is probably Jakob Nielsen’s definition
that describes the usability as the quality attribute that estimates how easy website user
interfaces are to use. (Nielsen Norman Group 2012). To achieve the specific goal of the
company, some characteristics of usability which should be followed to make a user-
friendly website. The picture below shows the graphical representation of usability
Figure 2: graphical representative of usability characteristics. (Abran and Khelefi. 2010)
The characteristics of website usabilities are described below:
Effectiveness: A user should able to use the website without any complexity
because the average web user does not understand the technical aspects of a
website and they can quickly lose their interest if they get confused in so much
information in one page. The designer should use an easy to understand and easy
to use interface which will be more useful for all kind of user or customers to
navigate the website.
Efficiency: Efficiency of a website can be measured by the time and accuracy used
to perform a task requested by the user. Efficiency is a fundamental issue in any
website design because, if a website is slow or if it takes too long times to open
then the user might lose patience to stay on the same website. It could happen if
a website has a vast amount of animation or graphic which leads to slow loading a
page. Internet speed is not same in everywhere in the world. In an area where
internet speed is slow, they will have difficulty in browsing a website which
contains a massive amount of high definition picture or animation.
Satisfaction: The user should find their satisfaction when they use a website.
Satisfaction is the degree to which the user of a website is happy with user
experience when using the website. As an example; A customer visits a website to
get the information about a product he/she interested, the website should have all
the information to satisfy that customer. Otherwise, the customer will not convince
to purchase or lose interest about the website. A website is considered to be
satisfactory to use when the user does not find any discomfort or negative attitude
towards the use of the website.
Security: A user should feel secure when they visit a website. When making a
website for e-commerce, all the payment methods should be authenticated, and
the user should feel safe to use those payment methods. The Internet is becoming
less and less secure. A web designer should be conscientious about putting
malicious links to the website.
Learnability: Learnability is one of the central aspects of usability. Learnability is
a quality component of usability means how easy it is for a user to complete tasks
when they use the website for the first time. Browsing through the website should
be easy to learn and understand. A website with a complicated navigation will
always make difficulty for a user to use primary task such as log-in, or finding the
product which they are looking for.
To make a website welcoming and engaging for the potential customers, above studies was
necessary for this thesis to make the structure of the website for useful result.
3 Methodology
Action research method used in this thesis as it is a research and development work. The
company have a problem with marketing the products to their potential customers. Action
research method is used to identify and solve the problems (Koshy 2010). This bachelors
thesis consists of two sections, a theoretical and implementation. The theoretical section
provides the literature review on website usability, website as a marketing tool and
understanding the requirements of a good website. The implementation section focuses on
creating a functional website for the case company by using an online website building
platform. The theoretical part of this thesis is the foundation for creating the website. All
the data gathered from literature, interview and benchmarking focuses on to create the
company website.
3.1 Research approach
There are two different approaches to research, qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative
research is a combination of the rational, explorative and intuitive, where the skills and
experience of the researcher plays a critical role in the analysis of data. It is usually based
on social process and not on social structures which is frequently the focus in quantitative
research (Ghauri & Gronhaug 2010, 105). For this thesis, the researcher has chosen to
collect the data through theoretical analysis and interviews which are methods usually
related to qualitative research methods.
3.2 Research Method
Because of the nature of this project, action research process was decided to use as one
of the leading methods. Action research is the method that involves the process of
identifying problems and finding solution for those problems (Koshy 2010). Action research
methodology as shown in Figure 4 recommended that build an action loop between action
nodes and reflection after them, in order to keep the flexibility of possible change during
the duration of an investigation or project. The advantage of the methodology consists in
its flexibility of generating new solutions to practical problems in different segments of
activities (Dick 2000).
Figure 3: A model of action research methodology
The case company needed to solve their marketing problem. A website was created to
solve the problem after collecting data using several methods.
3.2.1 Data collection
In order to create a user-friendly website for the case company, it was essential to study
the website design, website usability and the use of a website for marketing strategy.
These study helps authors to create the base of making a website which can be used for
company’s product marketing. Interview with two groups of people was also conducted to
understand the requirements of the website. Interviewing the store customer helped to
decide the contents of the website and interviewing company employees gave the idea
about employee’s computer skills.
3.2.2 Benchmarking
Benchmarking is a method of comparison. It measures the time a package takes to process
a number of transactions. This is referred to as a benchmarking test. These tests are
conducted in a controlled environment. They are an excellent way to measure the
performance of two or more products in a standard environment (Shelly 2012, 306). In this
thesis, authors faced the challenge of selecting the platform according to client needs.
The challenge was to explain the existing platform to the commissioner because of his lack
of knowledge of computer skills. By benchmarking different online website builder and
after showing the result of the benchmarking, the company decided to use Weebly as their
platform to use for creating a website. This makes benchmarking a beneficial tool for
solving the problem of comparing another platform available on the market.
4 Requirements
This chapter will describe the stages collecting and understanding the client requirements.
The purpose of making the website is to get more visibility and advertise the company's
product to the potential customers. To fulfil that purpose, it was essential to understand
the company's customer requirements which have been done by face to face interview.
4.1 Interview with customer
The primary customers of the company's products are Asian tourist who visits Helsinki with
a group. It was essential to ask them some specific questions to understand their
requirements and needs. A face to face interview has been done with approximately 30
customers. The critical findings of from interview are as follows:
Internet access: As a tourist, they only use the internet when they stay in
hotels or often in tourist buses because it is costly to use mobile internet
outside of their home country.
Used devices: Two third of the customer use only mobile devices to browse
the internet. Only a few of them use a computer.
How they know about stores: 12 out of 30 knew about the store from their
friends and family. Most of them did not know about amber made jewellery
stores, but when they visit the stores with the tourist group, they liked the
product and made a purchase.
Preferred sources of information: Most of the customers prefer social media
or website to collect information about tourist destinations and available
local product.
The need of website: Everyone agreed that a website with product
information and store location would be more straightforward for them to
visit the store.
Website contents: Product image, price, company background, contact
information, store location was the primary concern of the customers.
Online reservation: Half of the interviewer mentioned about making
product reservation before visiting the store.
Website language: 10 out of 30 interviewers suggested that they would
prefer a multilingual website which they will feel more comfortable to use.
After interviewing the customers, Authors made a list of the main features according to
customer need and presented to the commissioner. Both parties agreed main features of
the website were:
Simplicity: The website design should be simple and straightforward. The
customer should be able to navigate the website without any complication.
Number of pages: Website will contain mainly three pages. A 'home page'
featuring the product information, An 'about us' page with brief information
about the company and a 'contact us' page for contact information and store
Online reservation system: A customer should able to reserve a product
through the website.
Mobile friendly: Website should be fully functional for mobile devices.
Multilingual: Primary language of the website will be in English. Finnish and
Chinese language will also be added later.
4.2 Interviewing employees
Choosing a platform to create the website was a big challenge for authors of this thesis.
Case company want to use a website building platform which easies to use and do not
require to install anything on the computer. The company want their employees to edit
and maintain the website. An interview was conducted to understand the computer
knowledge of company employees. The question of the interviews was mainly about the
study background of each employee, what kind of application they can operate, what kind
of browser they use, how often they do online shopping.
The brief result of the interviews:
None of the employees had any experience of website development.
All the employees are familiar with office MS Word and MS Powerpoint.
Google Chrome and Firefox are the most common browser.
Everyone knows the basics of windows operating system.
All the employees are a frequent online shopper. They understand the basics of
website navigation.
5 Selecting platform
A simple and user-friendly website for the company was the primary need of the company.
The second requirement was to choose a platform where employees can easily modify the
product information when they need.
5.1 Website Builder
After several meetings and explanation of many different kinds of web developing
platform, an online website builder was chosen to create the website. Online website
builders are browser-based online tools that typically allow the construction of website
without manual code editing. Online website builders are designed to be very easy to use.
It allows anyone with basic computer knowledge to create an entire website using drag
and drop editor (Wikipedia, Website builder). There are many famous website builders on
the market, but Weebly and Wix were chosen by the company employees to test and learn
about the online website builder. A benchmarking between Weebly and Wix has been done
to show the difference between this two website builder.
5.2 Benchmarking Weebly and Wix
Benchmarking Weebly and Wix gave the results which were helpful in choosing the most
optimal solution for the company employees. This makes benchmarking a powerful tool
when deciding how to build a solution. This project was implemented using a website
builder. Website builders are browser-based tools that allow a user to create a website
without manual code editing. There are two categories of website builder which are online
and offline software. Based on the commissioner requirements, an online website builder
was chosen for this project. Online website builder such as Weebly, Wix is focused around
the concept of Software as a Service (SaaS) a software distribution model in which
applications are hosted by a vendor or service provider and made available to customers
over a network, typically the Internet (Rouse, 2010). After several meetings with
commissioner and company's other employees, Weebly was chosen for this project because
of its user interface. Weebly was founded in 2007, and there are 40 million of
entrepreneurs are using Weebly for various reasons. It also offers the web hosting and
domain for the users which means, a developer will get everything that they need from
one platform without installing anything on their computer. Wix was founded in 2006 and
has over 109 million registered users. It has 2.87 million paying customers as at the end of
December. Wix has a year over year growth of 41% which shows that they are a very
reputable website builder. Whereas, Weebly was founded in 2007 and has over 40 million
registered user. Weebly is a private company that is why they do not disclose the amount
of paid users. However, Weebly privately founded by very reputable investors that have
founded other large company as well which provide the confidence in the overall business
model and growth of Weebly. (Wong 2017).
A categories key features difference between Weebly and Wix is presented below with the
comments of commissioner and employees.
Template design: Designed templates or themes are essential to creating a website using
online website builders because choosing an appropriate template can make work easy for
the users. Wix has over 500 professionally designed templates which allow users to find a
suitable design for the website. However, if a user wants to change the template after
putting the contents, users existing content will not be automatically transferred to the
new template. Wix also allows creating pages from the scratch. Weebly has over a hundred
templates which are smartly designed, and they have been making improvements on the
theme design. Weebly's themes are customizable and existing contents will be
automatically transferred to the new template if the user changes the theme. Wix and
Weebly both have the Mobile-friendly editor which is very useful for creating a website for
the mobile experience.
Figure 4: Wix template choosing page
Figure 5: Weebly Theme Gallery
Comments: Wix is the better option in a matter of choosing a template
because of the number of the template which is well categorised but the
commissioner of this project like the idea of changing the theme. Using this
option can be useful in future if the company want to change the look of
the website.
Ease of use: Wix and Weebly both are drag and drop website builder which allow users to
drag in content from the toolbar to create users own content. One benefit of using Wix, it
allows the user to put contents to anywhere on the page. Whereas, Weebly only allow
inserting the contents in designated areas. However, this limitation can be solved by
choosing the theme. This should not be an issue for a small company website because there
are many smart pre-design themes which can be changed later.
Figure 6: Wix Edit page
Figure 7: Weebly Edit page
Comments: Wix is more flexible as a drag and drops concept where the user
can insert their content wherever they want. However, for a user with the
minimum knowledge of computing can get confused with the user interface
of Wix. Weebly has a simple interface which will allow a new user to get
used to of all the buttons and options more quickly compare to Wix.
Additional tools and App: Weebly is the only website builder to offer an app store which
called “app centre”. It allows users to install apps that added new functionality to the
website. These apps help users in marketing, e-commerce, social media, communications
and various tools such as pricing multilingual, tables, bookings, SEO, FAQ. Wix has a similar
app market which let users integrate third-party apps. Both website builder’s apps markets
have a verity of options to make the website look more attractive, and also extra tools are
available which can make a developer task easier.
Figure 8: Wix App Market
Figure 9: Weebly app centre
Comments: Both website builders have many apps which are very useful for
a website functionality and to add additional features. Weebly apps are
more organised and easy compared to Wix. Search engine optimisation,
language options, advertising, email marketing can be done using the apps
from Weebly app centre.
Pricing: Prices of different premium plans are not significantly different for both of these
website builders. Wix offers five different premium plans, and our recommendation was to
choose eCommerce plans which are 15$ with a two years subscription. Weebly has the
similar subscriptions in 19$ includes many free apps. Both website builders offer sufficient
storage, free domain, online stores, free marketing tools, social media communication
Figure 10: Wix Premium plans
Figure 11: Weebly premium plans
Comments: Pricing of these website builders for an eCommerce website is
similar. However, Weebly is ahead of Wix because of unlimited storage, free
SSL security, unlimited member registration, no transaction fees any few
other features.
After explaining all the features and functionality, Weebly was chosen by the commissioner
to create the website for the company.
6 Implementation
This chapter describes the main stages of implementation and the outcome of creating the
website. Authors created the website with a free Weebly account. Currently, the domain
name of the website is “”. The company is planning to buy the business
package from Weebly before April 2018. As described in the previous chapter, the business
package will allow the company to have the domain and other useful functionality for
product marketing.
A simple, user-friendly website was created as per commissionaire’s requirements. The
main aim of creating the website is product visibility and marketing via company’s website.
After selecting the tool, several meetings have been held with the client about selecting
the website layout, products category, contents, and functionality.
Since the commissionaire wants a simple website for product view and store information,
a simple template was chosen from the website builder. Weebly offers many templates for
e-commerce website with different functionality. Having different templates gives the
client the opportunity of selecting the layout and design which makes developers task easy.
Choosing the templates makes it easy and fast to build a new website by replacing the
existing template contents. As per client requirements, the templates chosen by the
authors have three main pages. A homepage with the company’s product view, an “about
us” page which describes the company background and a “contact us” page with contact
information and store location.
6.1 Homepage
The homepage of the website was created with the company’s product information.
Products were organised into six different categories. The intention of creating this website
was to attract the customer about company’s beautiful products, and that is why the
products have been shown on the “home page” with slide shows. A visitor can choose the
category which will bring them to a different page where they can see all the products in
that category.
Figure 12: Home page
The background colour of the home page, texts colour and images are chosen by the client.
Since there was no logo for the company, a simple text used to show the store name and
clicking that button will always bring visitors to the home page. Social media buttons have
been put on the bottom of the home page which will be linked to company’s social media
6.2 About us
“About us” page contains a short description of the company, some information about the
product authenticity and the primary source of the product. Two images were also added
to the page to show the inside view of the store.
Figure 13: About us page
A button named “ABOUT AMBER” is linked to a page where a customer can know about the
amber and amber made jewellery. This was recommended by the company employees
because some customers do not know the necessary information about amber.
6.3 Contact us
The contact us page is created to help users to find all the contact information of the
company. All the contact information and store address are shown on the left side of the
Figure 14: Contact us page
A contact form created for the customer wants to reserve a product or sending a message
to store. To reserve a product, the customer can fill the form with their name, email, the
product number and there is a comments box for messages. A Google map is embedded in
contact us page believing that it will be easy for a visitor to find company location.
6.4 Functionality
The design of the website was created in a way that visitors can navigate the website
easily. A customer can browse the product from home page which is well categories with
simple slide slows. Each category will lead them to a separate page where all the product
has been displayed. Each product has different information and different product number.
If a customer wants to reserve a specific product, they can reserve it by pressing RESERVE
THIS ITEM” button which will take them to contact us page where they can fill the form
and send a message to the store. The store will receive customer message by email, and
they can take the necessary steps. As for employees who will make the changes to the
website, they will be able to make changes by using the Weebly account. This website
design will allow them to change the product and product information easily.
6.5 Recommended Further development
Further development suggestions can be implemented gradually. Since the company is
using the website for marketing their product, there are several recommendations made
by the authors after creating the website. The most important recommendation is to buy
a business package from Weebly to make this website more useful. A business package will
allow the company to have its own domain and unlimited storage. To make the website
more visible, proper search engine optimisation should be done. There are many additional
website apps which will be available for search engine optimisation and website visibility.
Making the website in different languages is also recommended by the authors. There is
need of company logo in the website and social media pages linked to the website will
bring more visitor to store.
7 Training and guideline
Training and proper guideline to employees was an essential part of this project. After
creating the website, the login information was handed over to store manager for future
website changes and maintenance. However, Training did not require the preparation of
extra documentation. There were many oral instructions, and hands-on exercise sessions
have been done with the employees who will maintain the website. The most critical areas
of guidelines were for general administration. All the employees were instructed how to
administer the site includes uploading new product pictures to different sections of the
website, update written information, receiving comments from customers, changing
website background, formatting fonts, linking social media pages to social media buttons.
There were several tutorial videos about Weebly was showed to them to learn more about
website maintenance on this platform. At the end of our project, all employees were able
to make changes on the website which makes this thesis project successful.
8 Conclusions
The overall objective of this thesis project was to create a new website for an amber made
jewellery store owned by the company “Viking fortune oy” and use a platform which is
easy for website maintaining for a person who does not have unique IT skills. The website
was created successfully according to company’s requirements. An online website builder
was chosen to create the website which is allowing the employees to maintain the website
easily after giving them training and proper guideline. From the beginning to the end of
the project, there was a good coordination with the commissioner in every section of web
development such as; a clear description of requirements, choosing the platform for
creating the website, website layout and design, functionally, managing contents. Finally,
the company got a new website as per their requirements. Now they company employees
are able to update the contents of the website and can make necessary changes.
Authors had an opportunity to learn and gained experiences of using an online website
builder. Browser-based online website builder was a new website development platform
for both authors. Besides learning a new website building platform, the communication
skills has been improved because of several meetings and training session with company
employees. Many other experiences were achieved based on real-life working environment.
Face to face interview with the company’s customer was a great experience to learn about
the need for a customer. Authors have learned many new aspects of marketing by studying
the importance of having a website as marketing tools and importance of website usability.
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Website Builder,
Figure 1: Structure of the thesis ………………………………………………………………………………………7
Figure 2: graphical representative of usability characteristics ……………………………………….11
Figure 3: A model of action research methodology ……………………………………………………….…14
Figure 4: Wix template choosing page ……………………………………………………………………………19
Figure 5: Weebly Theme Gallery …………………………………………………………………………………….20
Figure 6: Wix Edit page ………………………………………………………………………………………………………21
Figure 7: Weebly Edit page ……………………………………………………………………………………………….21
Figure 8: Wix App Market …………………………………………………………………………………………………22
Figure 9: Weebly App Centre ………………………………………………………………………………………….22
Figure 10: Wix Premium plans …………………………………………………………………………………………23
Figure 11: Weebly Premium plans ………………………………………………………………………………….24
Figure 12: Home page …………………………………………………………………………………………………….26
Figure 13: About Us Page …………………………………………………………………………………………………27
Figure 14: Contact Us Page …………………………………………………………………………………………….28