Glossary of feature definitions for Crystal Reports viewers
Refresh report- Can refresh the report against the database.
Preview/print/export - Can preview to the screen, print to a printer and export to at least
6 different CR supported formats.
Preview report with saved data – Can preview, print and export an RPT file using only
the data saved with the RPT (without a refresh).
Prompts for report parameters - Allows the user to input any parameters that are built
into the report when the report is refreshed.
Run from command line/batch file - Can launch and print or preview a report from a
DOS command or a batch file.
Select data source at runtime - If a report is run and the data source does not exist you
are allowed to select a data source, or you can define the data source in the command
Store database password - Will allow you to store the data base password so you don't
have to reenter it each time the report is run.
Encrypts stored passwords - Will store all database passwords in encrypted format.
Integrated authentication - Can store passwords based on your Windows login.
Dynamic/cascading parameters - Supports these features in all v11 and later reports
where it is implemented. This feature generates an up to date parameter list of values,
drawn from the database, whenever the report is run. It also allows one parameter list of
values to be dependent on the choice made in another parameter.
Dynamic/cascading parameters on prior versions - provides a proprietary method that
generates an up to date parameter list of values, drawn from the database, whenever the
report is run. It also allows one parameter list of values to be dependent on the choice
made in another parameter.
Remember Parameter Values - When refreshing a report, the viewer will show you the
chosen parameter values from the last refresh.
Initialize parameters using expressions -
(D) Provides an interface to set the initial values for date parameters using relative date
expressions and/or calculations.
(O) Provides an interface to set the initial values for other parameter types to calculated
values or last used values.
(DO) Provides both
Filter data based on Windows user - Provides a proprietary method for associating
record selection rules with a Windows user name.
Change Record Selection at runtime - Allows the user to interactively change the
criteria using the select expert or selection formula.
Sets users and group restrictions - Provides the ability to create users and user groups
within the viewer environment. It also allows you to set restrictions for certain users and
User activity log - Records user activity such as user, report and time run.
Integrated saved instances - Provides the user with a single-click option within the
viewer to store the current instance of the report, saved with data. Automatically presents
past instances of a report whenever that report is selected.
Click to set a formula value - Provides a proprietary method for clicking on report
object to change a formula value, without refreshing the report.
In-place drill down - Provides a proprietary single-click method for toggling drill-down
(on and off) of individual groups, without changing screens, and without refreshing the
Click to change a group or sort field in v8-12 - Provides a proprietary method for
clicking on a report formula to change the sort or group of the report, without refreshing
the report.
Auto-refresh (every x seconds) - Viewer can be set to refresh the report automatically at
a fixed interval.
Run multiple reports simultaneously - Allows the user to start additional reports
without waiting for prior reports to finish processing.
Compatible with citrix/terminal server - application has demonstrated the ability to run
cleanly in a live terminal server environment.
Can run RPTR report files - Uses the v13 runtime engine and supports running the new
restricted RPT (RPTR) file format.
Can create RPTR files from RPT files - Uses the v13 runtime engine and can export an
RPT to RPTR format, creating a restricted RPT file.
Can encrypt exported files - provides the option to encrypt the output file at the time of
Can compress exported files - provides the option to compress the output file at the time
of export.
Can export multiple files into one - provides an option to combine multiple exports into
a single file.
Full Export to XLSX (not data only) - Can export reports to XLSX format without the
limitations of the CR native "XLSX Data Only" export option.
Exclude export formats - Allows the users to specify export formats that should not be
listed at runtime.
Built in proprietary scheduler - Includes a scheduling engine that can run, print or
export reports at a fixed frequency.
Scheduled printing - Allows you to schedule a report to print at a certain time.
Scheduled exporting - Allows you to schedule a report to export at a certain time.
Scheduled email - Allows you to schedule a report to be emailed to a user at a certain
Initiate a data driven workflow - Allows the user to:
Specify a fixed list or dynamic query that can include multiple columns.
Specify a number of actions to be performed for each entry in the list/query.
Actions include exporting reports, merging and attaching files, sending Emails
and running SQL update statements.
Use the list/query values to determine which actions to perform and to provide
values for those actions (eg Email addresses)
Data Visualizer (not CR Based) - Includes a proprietary data visualization tool that is
not based on the CR Runtime.
Translate text objects to other languages - Allows you to select a language at runtime
and have all text object automatically translated to that language.
Phone support generally available 9-5 - offers the option of receiving support by
Support available 24 x 7 x 365 - offers the option of receiving critical support, with a
response time of less than 60 minutes, at any time on any day of they year.