Jeff-Net, LLC Copyright 2013 ::: All rights reserved
Report Runner Viewer
User Manual
Report Runner Viewer
Jeff-Net, LLC
All rights reserved. No parts of this work may be reproduced in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic, or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems - without the
written permission of the publisher.
Products that are referred to in this document may be either trademarks and/or registered trademarks of the
respective owners. The publisher and the author make no claim to these trademarks.
While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, the publisher and the author assume no
responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of information contained in this
document or from the use of programs and source code that may accompany it. In no event shall the publisher and
the author be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage caused or alleged to have been caused
directly or indirectly by this document.
Printed: February 2013 in (whereever you are located)
Report Runner Viewer
User Manual
Jeff-Net, LLC Copyright 2013 ::: All rights reserved
Special thanks to:
Jeff-Net Fan Support for contributing to this
documentation. We appreciate the long hours, endless
efforts and sacrifice given to make all this possible.
For all of our "Beta Testers" that have provided amazing
feedback and suggestions during our Beta period of this
combined release of Report Runner Unified. It was so
valuable to us and helped Report Runner go live into
production with great speed and success! Thank you so
Last but certainly not least, we want to thank all of our
wonderful Jeff-Net Report Runner Fans for your support
over the years. We appreciate the opportunity to serve
Managing Editor
Technical Editors
Jeff-Net, LLC
Tracie Morgan
Jeff-Net Fan Support
Report Runner Viewer4
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Table of Contents
Foreword 6
Part I Introduction
................................................................................................................................... 91 Welcome to Jeff-Net Report Runner Viewer
................................................................................................................................... 102 About Jeff-Net Report Runner Viewer
................................................................................................................................... 113 Why Jeff-Net Report Runner Viewer?
................................................................................................................................... 144 Top 5 Things To Know From The Start
................................................................................................................................... 155 Getting Started
.......................................................................................................................................................... 16Quick Installation Notes
.......................................................................................................................................................... 17System & Report Requirements
................................................................................................................................... 186 Getting Help
................................................................................................................................... 197 We Believe
Part II Documentation
................................................................................................................................... 231 Home
.......................................................................................................................................................... 25Report Options
......................................................................................................................................................... 26View Report
......................................................................................................................................................... 29View Report With Saved Data
......................................................................................................................................................... 33Report Information
......................................................................................................................................................... 35Close and Exit
.......................................................................................................................................................... 36Browse Drives and Directories
.......................................................................................................................................................... 38Report Name
.......................................................................................................................................................... 39Security and Data Connections
.......................................................................................................................................................... 42Record Selection
................................................................................................................................... 432 Help
.......................................................................................................................................................... 43Documentation
.......................................................................................................................................................... 44Common Questions
.......................................................................................................................................................... 45Help Desk
.......................................................................................................................................................... 46User Forums
.......................................................................................................................................................... 47Debugging
................................................................................................................................... 483 About Jeff-Net
.......................................................................................................................................................... 50Contact Information
.......................................................................................................................................................... 52Website
.......................................................................................................................................................... 53Updates via Twitter
.......................................................................................................................................................... 54Order
.......................................................................................................................................................... 57Downloads
.......................................................................................................................................................... 58Licensing Manager
......................................................................................................................................................... 59Edit/Change License
......................................................................................................................................................... 61Check License Status
......................................................................................................................................................... 62Deactivate License
......................................................................................................................................................... 63Clear All Licensing
Part III Reference
................................................................................................................................... 671 INI Settings
.......................................................................................................................................................... 67[Options]
Report Runner Viewer
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
......................................................................................................................................................... 69Lock
......................................................................................................................................................... 77Hide
......................................................................................................................................................... 89Show
......................................................................................................................................................... 92Disable
......................................................................................................................................................... 94Enable
......................................................................................................................................................... 96Others
.......................................................................................................................................................... 100[Global Options]
.......................................................................................................................................................... 107[Standard Viewer]
................................................................................................................................... 1112 Command Line Options
................................................................................................................................... 1133 Just For Developers
................................................................................................................................... 1144 Online Videos
................................................................................................................................... 1145 Compare Editions
.......................................................................................................................................................... 115Starter Edition
.......................................................................................................................................................... 116Standard Edition
.......................................................................................................................................................... 118Enterprise Edition
......................................................................................................................................................... 119Enterprise Administrator
......................................................................................................................................... 121Home
................................................................................................................................... 122Report Runner Batch Launch
................................................................................................................................... 123Report Runner View er Launch
................................................................................................................................... 124Define Enterprise View er Reports
................................................................................................................................... 125Define Enterprise View er Users
................................................................................................................................... 126Close And Exit
......................................................................................................................................... 126Passw ords
......................................................................................................................................... 127About Jeff-Net
.......................................................................................................................................................... 128Developer Edition
................................................................................................................................... 1296 Upgrade FAQ
................................................................................................................................... 1337 Mail the Report
................................................................................................................................... 1388 Random Tips
................................................................................................................................... 1409 UNC
................................................................................................................................... 14010 2011 Verses 2012
................................................................................................................................... 14211 Keyboard Shortcuts
Thank you for your interest and support in Jeff-Net Report Runner Viewer. We
have a long history of hard work, easy-to-use software, world-class support
and happy customers.
We had you in mind when creating this newly combined release of Report
Runner Unified with Report Runner Viewer.
We hope you find this Help Documenation useful. We will continue to make
modifications and enhancements to make sure you stay up-to-date with the
latest features and functions.
If you have any questions and/or suggestions, we want to hear from you.
We hope you will love what you see and read!
Jeff-Net Fan Support
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Report Runner Viewer8
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
1 Introduction
The topics listed below provide information about Report Runner Viewer. We will
show you how to get started, what the Viewer is for and what you can do with it.
How To Get Started
See Top 5 Things To Know From The Start for important information to know
about Report Runner Viewer.
Review the Getting Started highlights and be off to great start with Report
Runner Viewer.
Study the Documentation for details on how to use Report Runner Viewer and
familiarize yourself with all the features and functions available to you.
Learning more
Check out the Online Videos for a closer look at Report Runner Viewer.
We have special information Just For Developers that include additional
jnKeywords, customization options and more.
Compare Editions of Report Runner Viewer to see which one is right for you.
Introduction 9
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
1.1 Welcome to Jeff-Net Report Runner Viewer
Welcome to Jeff-Net Report Runner Viewer, our simple, easy to use, Crystal
Reports™ Viewer.
This help documentation is designed both as a tutorial in using Report Runner Viewer
and as an ongoing reference while you are working with the program.
If you have any questions, please let us know! We are here to help!
Getting Started - New Users of Report Runner Viewer
Review the Top 5 Things To Know From The Start and Documentation to
familiarize yourself with Report Runner Viewer.
Check out the Random Tips for useful information on functions and features of
the program.
Getting Started - Users Upgrading From Older Versions
See the Upgrade FAQ for a quick summary of important tips you will need to
Report Runner Viewer10
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Check out the modified Command Line Options. There are a few changes.
1.2 About Jeff-Net Report Runner Viewer
Jeff-Net Report Runner Viewer is one of the partner applications in the combined
release called Report Runner Unified. It has been designed in the latest .Net
technology and is fully compatible with newer Windows Operating Systems such as
Windows XP Pro, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2003 and
Windows Server 2008. It has a beautiful and very friendly user-interface, including
optionally configurable INI settings to make it even easier to use.
If there are parameters for the reports, you will be prompted. All the flexibility of running it
within Crystal Reports™, but users can't modify the report templates. This is a much
less expensive option than buying another license for the Crystal Reports™ Designer
just to look at reports, and it is much easier to use for the end user.
Introduction 11
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
1.3 Why Jeff-Net Report Runner Viewer?
Beautifully Designed - Our software is laid out in a way that makes sense. We
are meticulous in our design. If you know Crystal Reports, our software will make
perfect sense.
Customizable Interface - Interface can be customized to meet your company's
needs, by user. For example, if you want to give power users access to editing
the record selection criteria, you can do that. If you want to lock a user to a
particular directory, you can do that, too, all by using simple to understand INI
Easy to Setup and Deploy - Download, install, and be running Crystal Reports
templates in minutes. If you ever need to move the Viewer to another machine,
our licensing is flexible enough that you can do it yourself. You don't need to
contact us to move licensing.
Report Runner Viewer12
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Very Affordable - Pricing can start at just $50 for the first user and costs per
user go way down from there.
Command Line Options - Viewer can easily be called from other applications
by passing the report, user ID, password, and record selection (if necessary).
This option also allows you to set up short-cuts on a users desktop. We also
have a Developer Edition license for additional jnKeywords that are available.
Citrix and Terminal Server Licensing Available - Our Viewer can also be run
on a Citrix or Terminal Server (Remote Desktop Services). There are some
memory considerations with this option, but we do make it available.
Excellent Technical Support - We provide free technical support for all of our
software products.
Try Before You Buy - Receive a free, 45 day, fully functioning evaluation
license of our software.
Introduction 13
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Additionally, our Report Runner Viewer offers some really cool
Auto-Refresh (every X minutes)
Auto-Close (after X minutes)
Easy Mailing (customize email and attachment type)
Short-cut keys to mail, print, export, refresh, toggle group tree and parameter
panel on and off, enlarge/decrease view, first/last/previous/next page, and goto
specific page
Maximized report viewing window removes EVERYTHING except report
Our Viewer is completely customizable per user. There are over 85 INI-
based options for locking folders, saving login information, hiding and/or
customizing features (literally anything you can imagine)
Optional Global Monitoring feature logs ALL report activity to your SQL Server
database (track who ran what reports when -- includes machine/user name)
Optional $500 Developer license to co-brand the Report Runner Viewer
for your company (change logo and modify colors on Viewer window to your
company logo and branding, and extra command line options to print to printer
without viewing and pre-set parameters to end users are not prompted)
Special Note: If this software doesn't do something you expect, just let us
know. We'll probably add it in for you for free, or tell you how to do it
(maybe it's already an existing feature). We want to hear from you!
Report Runner Viewer14
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
1.4 Top 5 Things To Know From The Start
We thought you would want to know a few important things to help you when you start
using Report Runner Viewer.
Top 5 Things To Know From The Start
1) Do you have a 64-bit machine? If so, Crystal Reports still requires 32-bit ODBC
drivers. You must create the System DSN in the 32-bit ODBC Administrator
that can be found in the c:\windows\syswow64 folder. Locate the odbcad32.
exe and double-click to launch the 32-bit ODBC Administrator.
2) You can select the Add Advanced Data Connection to view all of the data
connection settings in a report. This is useful when your report has multiple data
sources and requires different IDs and/or Passwords to run the report. It's also
useful for changing a database DSN or file path for a report where the path is
different from one machine to the next (different mapped drives).
3) If you have any problems, you can easily access Debugging and view the
current log file from within the Viewer via the Help menu. This log file is quite
4) We have listed all of the Application Settings in the INI File (jnrrv.ini) so all you
need to do is modify them according to your needs.
5) We have a number of Command Line Options available. Make sure to check
out this topic for all the details.
Introduction 15
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
More Information
See Also:
For help transitioning from the LEGACY (old) versions to our latest version we
recommend reviewing the Upgrade FAQ for additional information.
1.5 Getting Started
This section provides information for you to quickly get up and running so you can start
viewing your reports.
Tasks Covered In This Section
Getting Started
Quick Installation Notes
System & Report Requirements
Report Runner Viewer16
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
1.5.1 Quick Installation Notes
This combined release is called Report Runner Unified. Why? Because everything
runs from ONE executable. It simplifies the installation, security, licensing and support.
The Installation Wizard defaults to install both Report Runner Viewer and Report Runner
Batch. There are step-by-step installation instructions available in our online
knowledgebase articles.
New Users to Report Runner Viewer
If you are downloading and installing Report Runner Viewer from our Download
Center for the first time, we provide an immediate 3 Day Temporary License to
get you started.
Do you need a longer time to evaluate the product? No problem. We can extend
the license and supply you with a 45 Day Evaluation License FREE! Simply
email us at to request your 45 Day FREE
Evaluation License. We even support our products 100% during evaluation
periods, so if you have any questions please let us know. User forums, News,
Knowledgebase Articles, Online Videos can be found at our Fan Support page.
Current Users to Report Runner Viewer
Our Download Center keeps you updated with the latest version. You can
register to receive our Jeff-Net News on our Fan Support page to receive our
latest Release Notes.
Introduction 17
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
1.5.2 System & Report Requirements
System Requirements
Jeff-Net Report Runner Viewer runs best on...
Microsoft Windows® XP Pro SP2 and higher
Microsoft Windows® Vista
Microsoft Windows® 7
Microsoft Windows® 8
Microsoft Windows® Server 2003
Microsoft Windows® Server 2008
Report Requirements
Jeff-Net Report Runner Viewer includes all necessary runtime files to view Crystal
Reports templates and is developed using the latest Microsoft .Net technology.
It supports reports created in...
Crystal Reports™ 9
Crystal Reports™10
Crystal Reports™XI
Crystal Reports™2008
Crystal Reports™2011
For Crystal Reports 8.5 Users
If you are still working with reports created in Crystal Reports™ 8.5 please contact Jeff-
Net Support for the Report Runner Viewer solution for the 8.5 version. You are welcome
to try to run your version 8.5 reports with this version, but if you have any problems, we
have an 8.5 specific version for you to run. It's all included in your licensing.
Report Runner Viewer18
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
1.6 Getting Help
We offer a number of different resources to get the help you need. If you can't find what
you are looking for please do not hesitate to let us know. We are here to help!
Getting Help
Display Help
The quickest way to display help within Report Runner Viewer is press
F1 on your keyboard. If context-sensitive help is available it will be
displayed automatically.
You can also access select the Help menu located at the top toolbar of
Report Runner Viewer.
User Forum
The online User Forum is a wonderful resource to access information
about Report Runner Viewer.
Register today (it's completely free) and receive support from our Jeff-
Net Staff and thousands of other experienced Report Runner Viewer
The User Forum is located at:
Contacting Jeff-Net Fan Support
Our direct contact page for support from Jeff-Net is located at: http://
Online Videos
Advanced Documentation that are customized Just For Developers.
Introduction 19
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Getting A Printed User Manual
Within Report Runner Viewer, you can press the Documentation button
in the Help menu, a formatted PDF version of the User Manual
Documentation designed for printing.
You can download a formatted PDF version of the User Manual
Documentation designed for printing from our download page at: http://
Note: You must have Adobe Reader installed on your machine in
order to view the formatted PDF version.
1.7 We Believe
In intelligent software that's easy to use, beautiful to look at, and cost effective
In giving you far more than you pay for
In providing smart, caring, passionate, customer support
In teaching a solution, not selling a product
In kindness, happiness, laughter and smiles
In technology that makes your life easier
In attempting the impossible
In the golden rule and being respectful of others
In earning not just customers, but fans ... for life!
Report Runner Viewer20
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Report Runner Viewer22
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
2 Documentation
In this Documentation you will find important information that we hope you find useful.
We have done our best to cover all aspects of Report Runner Viewer.
Tasks Covered In This Section
About Jeff-Net
Documentation 23
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
2.1 Home
In Report Runner Viewer we hope you feel at "Home" when Viewing YOUR Reports.
This section covers all the basics of how you can access your report that was designed
in Crystal Reports™ (.rpt file).
Tasks Covered In This Section
Report Runner Viewer24
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Report Options
Browse Drives and Directories
Report Name
Security and Data Connections
Record Selection
Documentation 25
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
2.1.1 Report Options
In Report Runner Viewer we cover several Report Options on how you can View
YOUR Reports and work with the Viewer.
Tasks Covered In This Section
Report Options
View Report
View Report With Saved Data
Report Information
Close and Exit
Report Runner Viewer26
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved View Report
Report Runner Viewer allows you to view Crystal Reports (.rpt files) templates. We
have provided information on how you can View YOUR Report with LIVE DATA.
Steps are as follows
1) Open Jeff-Net Report Runner Viewer.
2) Locate your Crystal Reports™ (.rpt file) template. You can select your report
through the Left Browse window called "Browse Drives and
Documentation 27
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
3) Highlight (select) the report from the Report Name section.
Report Runner Viewer28
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
4) Then you can view your report by either selecting the View Report Button or you
have two other options on how you can view your report.
a) You can double-click on the report listed in Report Name section to
Documentation 29
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
view your report.
b) You can also right-click on the report listed in Report Name section
and a menu will display and then select View Report from the
Example of the View Report option in the menu when do a "right-click" on the
report you want to view. View Report With Saved Data
Report Runner Viewer allows you to view Crystal Reports (.rpt files). We have
provided information on how you can View YOUR Report WITH SAVED DATA.
When selecting View Report With Saved Data function you are viewing SAVED
Steps are as follows
1) Open Jeff-Net Report Runner Viewer.
Report Runner Viewer30
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
2) Locate your Crystal Reports™ (.rpt file) template. You can select your report
through the Left Browse window called "Browse Drives and Directories".
Documentation 31
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
3) Highlight (select) the report from the Report Name section.
Report Runner Viewer32
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
4) Once you have located your "Saved Data" Report, simply click on the View
Report With Saved Data button.
a) You can also view your "Saved Data" report by highlighting (selecting)
the report and then use the "right-click" function for the report menu list.
Then click on the View Report With Saved Data from the menu.
Documentation 33
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Example of the View Report With Saved Data option in the menu when do a
"right-click" on the report you want to view:
Note: The report you select needs to be designed with "Saved Data" in
order for this function to work.
Example of the message you will receive if the report does not have any saved
data in it: Report Information
In Report Runner Viewer we provide a Report Information Button that you can view
details about your Report. This information is generated from your report created in
Crystal Reports™ (.rpt).
Note: This is not designed to modify from this screen, it is for
informational purposes ONLY. The technical term for this is "read only".
Report Runner Viewer34
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Documentation 35
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved Close and Exit
In Report Runner Viewer, the Close and Exit Button is an easy way to CLOSE your
report and EXIT Report Runner Viewer.
Tip: You can also use the "X" from the top right corner bar to EXIT Report
Runner Viewer as well.
Report Runner Viewer36
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
2.1.2 Browse Drives and Directories
In Report Runner Viewer you are able to select your report through our Browse Drives
and Directories window.
Note: You may need to get with your Crystal Reports Developer or
Network Administrator if you don't know where the reports are located.
Documentation 37
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Report Runner Viewer38
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
2.1.3 Report Name
In Report Runner Viewer we have designed this Report Name window to list the
reports for you to View once you have identified the directory where the report(s) are
Documentation 39
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
2.1.4 Security and Data Connections
In Report Runner Viewer, this particular Security and Data Connections window
allows you to enter the necessary information that is needed related to your User ID
and Password. We also have options that cover DSN, Database Settings and
Advanced Data Connections.
Report Runner Viewer40
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Tasks Covered In This Section
Documentation 41
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
No Security
With the No Security (No User ID and Password To Run) option you
can check this to let Report Runner Viewer know that you do not need a
specific User ID and Password to View your Report.
User ID
The User ID field is where you would enter your specific User ID that is
required to View your report.
The Password field is where you would enter your specific password
that is required to View your report. This is most likely the password is
associated with your User ID.
When the password is entered in this field, it is automatically saved so
that the user does not have to enter it every time. If you require the user to
enter the password every time, see [Options] INI Settings for details on
how to change this function accordingly.
Override DSN
When you check this Override DSN option it will bypass this setting that
might be required to View your report.
Override Database
When you check this Override Database option it will bypass this
setting that might be required to View your report.
Report Runner Viewer42
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Add Advanced Data Connection
When you click on the Add Advanced Data Connection button it will
take you to the Configure Advanced Data Connection to identify the
database settings for each table for the report that is listed. This is useful
when your report has multiple data sources and requires different IDs
and/or Passwords to run the report. It's also useful for changing a
database DSN or file path for a report where the path is different from
one machine to the next (different mapped drives)
2.1.5 Record Selection
The Bottom Record Selection is for when you want to retrieve the record selection
for your current report and edit the record selection criteria on-the-fly.
After you have retrieved the Record Selection and it is displayed in the white window
area, you also can check the box option to Use This Record Selection (Override
Record Selection Saved Within Report). When this option is checked you will
override the record selection that was saved within the report with the recent information
Note: Changing the record selection here will not update the report
In most cases, this function is not necessary so we do make it available to "hide" or
"lock" this Bottom Record Selection window in the [Options] within the INI File.
Documentation 43
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
2.2 Help
There are a number of different sources of help in Report Runner Viewer. We have
designed our application to provide you with all the information you will need to reach
Jeff-Net Fan Support. Although, if you don't find what you are looking for, please do
not hesitate to let us know. We are here to help!
Tasks Covered In This Section
Common Questions
Help Desk
User Forums
2.2.1 Documentation
In Report Runner Viewer we provide an option to access our online Help
Documentation. It downloads a PDF formatted version of the entire User Manual
Documentation for you to save to a location on your computer or can be printed.
Report Runner Viewer44
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Note: You will need to have Adobe Reader installed on your machine in
order to view the PDF formatted version of the Help Documentation.
2.2.2 Common Questions
We have listed a few common questions for Report Runner Viewer. You can access
this information by selecting the Help menu and then click on the Common
Questions button.
See Also:
Getting Help
Help Desk
Documentation 45
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
2.2.3 Help Desk
Do you need Jeff-Net Fan Support? You reach the Jeff-Net Help Desk within
Report Runner Viewer. Simply select the Help menu at the top toolbar and then click on
the Help Desk button.
Report Runner Viewer46
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
2.2.4 User Forums
The User Forums option under the Help menu in Report Runner Viewer directs
you to the Jeff-Net User Forums where we have a wonderful resource that contains
material about the Viewer. Register today (it's completely free) and get support from the
Jeff-Net Staff Team and thousands of other experienced Viewer Users.
Documentation 47
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
2.2.5 Debugging
If youre having problems within Report Runner Viewer, but youre unsure about whats
going on, there is an advanced debugging and current log available. Under the Help
menu, click on the Debugging button you can Turn Advanced Debugging on or off
AND to View Current Log File. The log file is very detailed. Turning the log file on will
create a log file for everything you do within Report Runner Viewer. Note, log file are
saved for at least 30 days and then automatically deleted. You do not need to worry
about filling up your disk space with log files, because we keep everything cleaned up
for you automatically.
Report Runner Viewer48
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
2.3 About Jeff-Net
Jeff-Net is a software company based in Bedford, Texas specializing in reporting,
report tools and report distribution. We have a long history of hard work, easy-to-use
software, world-class support and happy customers.
We have provided links to several different options on how you can access Jeff-Net
within Report Runner Viewer.
Tasks Covered In This Section
About Jeff-Net
Contact Information
Updates via Twitter
Licensing Manager
Documentation 49
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Report Runner Viewer50
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
2.3.1 Contact Information
We have made it easy for you to contact Jeff-Net within Report Runner Viewer. It
is located in the About Jeff-Net menu and then click on the Contact Information
button. This will direct you to our Contact Us Page of the Jeff-Net Website.
More Information
Jeff-Net, LLC
17304 Preston Road, Suite 800
Dallas, Texas 75252
Phone: 1-800-JEFF-NET (533-3638) x 1
214-414-1986 x 1
Fax: 1-800-784-5661
Documentation 51
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Jeff-Net Support Hours
Office hours:
Monday – Friday
9:00AM to 6:00PM (Central Standard Time)
For Sales, Development & Technical Support
Additional Technical Support hours:
Monday – Friday
6:00PM to Midnight (Central Standard Time)
For Technical Support ONLY
Critical Technical Support hours:
24hours/7days a week
We have someone on call for critical technical support issues that would pertain
to Report Runner Viewer failing and/or licensing issues that are prohibiting
production. To contact us for production-down issues, please open a help desk
ticket and set it for the highest priority.
Report Runner Viewer52
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
2.3.2 Website
Within Report Runner Viewer, you can simply access the Jeff-Net Website by
selecting the About Jeff-Net menu and then click on the Website button. This will
direct you to the Report Runner Viewer page.
Documentation 53
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
2.3.3 Updates via Twitter
Do you you want to follow Report Runner on Twitter and stay current with the latest
Tweets? This option in Report Runner Viewer will take you directly to our Twitter profile
for Report Runner.
Simply select About Jeff-Net menu and click on the Updates via Twitter button.
Report Runner Viewer54
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
2.3.4 Order
Are you ready to place your order? In Report Runner Viewer you can select About
Jeff-Net menu and then click on the Order button and it will direct you to our Jeff-Net
Web store for Editions and Licensing available for Report Runner Viewer. If you have
any questions please do not hesitate to let us know. We are here to serve you!
More Information
Contact Jeff-Net Fan Support
Jeff-Net, LLC
17304 Preston Road, Suite 800
Dallas, Texas 75252
1-800-JEFF-NET (533-3638) x 1
214-414-1986 x 1
Fax: 1-800-784-5661
Payment Term Options
We are happy to accept all major credit cards online for any size order.
We accept wire transfers upon request.
Signed Company Purchase Orders with Net 30 Terms for orders of $400
or above.
Documentation 55
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Report Runner Viewer56
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Documentation 57
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In Report Runner Viewer, we have made it simple to obtain access to our
Download Center for the Full Installer and the latest EXE Updater.
Select the About Jeff-Net menu, click on the Downloads button. This will take you
directly to our Jeff-Net Downloads for Report Runner Viewer.
Report Runner Viewer58
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2.3.6 Licensing Manager
In Report Runner Viewer we provide ways to access and obtain information about your
license within the application. In the About Jeff-Net menu, click on Licensing
Tasks Covered In This Section
Licensing Manager
Edit/Change License
Check License Status
Deactivate License
Clear All Licensing
Documentation 59
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved Edit/Change License
The Licensing Manager in Report Runner Viewer allows for you to Edit and/or
Change your License. This can occur when you need to renew your annual license.
Steps are as follows:
1) When you select this Edit/Change License button it allows for you to paste in
the license key that has been assigned to you by Jeff-Net Fan Support.
2) This license information will go in the License Key box area.
3) After you have placed the license key information in the appropriate box, simply
select the Close button to exit the Licensing Manager and save your license
Report Runner Viewer60
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Documentation 61
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved Check License Status
We have made it easy to check the status of your license within Report Runner Viewer.
Simply select the About Jeff-Net menu and click on Licensing Manager.
Steps are as follows:
1) Select the Check License Status button to view the status of your Report
Runner Viewer license.
2) Click on Close when you are finished viewing your license status.
Report Runner Viewer62
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved Deactivate License
If you need to deactivate your license for any reason, we give you an option to do that
within Report Runner Viewer. Select About Jeff-Net menu and click on the
Licensing Manager.
Steps are as follows:
1) In the Licensing Manager, select the Deactivate License if you need to
delete this particular license from the machine.
Note: Once you deactivate a license you are not able reactivate it on
the same machine without our assistance.
2) Click on Close when you are finished.
Documentation 63
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved Clear All Licensing
There is an option to Clear All Licensing in the Licensing Manager of Report Runner
Viewer. This might be needed if your licensing is not activating properly for whatever
Note: This requires for you to contact Jeff-Net Fan Support for approval.
Report Runner Viewer64
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Report Runner Viewer66
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3 Reference
The topics in Reference have more detailed information on certain subjects that will
help you obtain a better understanding of how to work with all aspects of Report Runner
One of the topics we highly recommend checking out is the INI Settings. We have
provided brief descriptions and even a few picture examples to show you the results of
what that particular INI Setting will do for you.
Tasks Covered In This Section
INI Settings
Command Line Options
Just For Developers
Online Videos
Compare Editions
Upgrade FAQ
Mail The Report
Random Tips
Reference 67
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
3.1 INI Settings
The Viewer INI File (jnrrv.ini) allows you, the Report Administrator, to customize
the Viewer according to your company's and user's needs.
We have created the INI File with all default master settings necessary to run the
Viewer. Technically, you can change any of these settings, but it is NOT recommended
unless you are sure you know what you are changing. Please contact us if you have any
The Viewer INI File (jnrrv.ini) can be found in the default directory (or similar, depending
upon your Microsoft Operating System)
C:\Users\Public\Documents\Jeff-Net\Report Runner Viewer\
Tasks Covered In This Section
INI Settings
[Global Options]
[Standard Viewer]
More Information
As of version 2011.77 we have added an option for Multiple INI Files (create custom
INI files with the name jnrrv-custom WhateverYouWant.ini).
If you have INI files with "jnrrv-custom-" at the beginning, you will be prompted to pick an
INI file when the Viewer starts. This was a legacy feature that was requested from
previous customers.
3.1.1 [Options]
These INI Settings are under the [Options] Group. If you don’t fully understand what
they do, just let us know, or give them a try; you cant hurt anything. For the options in the
Report Runner Viewer68
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
INI file (jnrrv.ini), for the ones that require a 1 or 0, 1 is the same as ‘Yes’ or and 0 is the
same as No’.
[Options] Group
Reference 69
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved Lock
In Report Runner Viewer you can customize the Lock INI Settings under the
[Options] to "lock" the View Button(s) and certain functions. You can still see the button
(s) and functions but when you "lock" it down, it is just grayed out and not accessible to
the end-user. We have also made it so easy and listed all the INI Settings within the INI
File for your convenience. You simply make modifications accordingly.
Lock INI Settings
Lock View Button
This INI Setting is designed to 'lock" the View Report button within
Report Runner Viewer. By default, it is set to "0" so that this is available
to click on and View Report. If you need to turn it ON and LOCK it, simply
change the "0" to a "1".
Report Runner Viewer70
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Lock Saved View Button
The INI Setting is designed to "lock" the View Report With Saved Data
button within Report Runner Viewer. The default is set to "0" so you can
click on and View Report With Saved Data. If you need to turn this ON
and LOCk it, simply change from the "0" to a "1".
Reference 71
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Lock Report Information Button
This INI Setting is designed to "lock" the Report Information button
within Report Runner Viewer. The default is set to "0" for you to click on
and View Report Information. If you need to turn ON and LOCK this
function, simply change from the "0" to a "1".
Lock Left Browse
This INI Setting is designed to "lock" the Left Browse (Browse Drives
and Directories) window. The default is set to "0" and is currently turned
OFF so you can easily "pin" and "unpin" the Left Browse (Browse Drives
and Directories) window to access your reports. If you want to turn it ON
and LOCK this function, simply change from "0" to a "1".
Report Runner Viewer72
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Reference 73
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Lock Right Data Connection
This INI Setting is designed to "lock" the Right Data Connection
(Security and Data Connections) window within Report Runner
Viewer. The default is set to "0" so you can easily access the Security
and Data Connections. You can "pin" or "unpin" at anytime while working
with the application. If you want to turn ON and LOCK this function, simply
change from the "0" to a 1".
Report Runner Viewer74
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Reference 75
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Lock Bottom Record Selection
This INI Setting is designed to "lock" the Bottom Record Selection
window within Report Runner Viewer. The default is currently set to a "0"
so you can easily access the Record Selection area. You can "pin" and
"unpin" this Record Selection window while working with the application.
If you want to turn ON and LOCK this function, simply change from the "0"
to a "1".
Report Runner Viewer76
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Reference 77
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved Hide
In Report Runner Viewer you can customize the Hide INI Settings under [Options]
to "hide" Viewer Button(s) so it is not visible and not available to the end-user. We have
made it so easy with these INI Settings listed in the INI File for your convenience. You
simply just need to change the setting accordingly.
Hide INI Settings
Hide View Button
This INI Setting is designed to "hide" the View Report Button in the
Viewer. This is currently turned OFF as a default so you SEE the View
Button. If you want to turn ON the Hide View Button in Report Runner
Viewer where it is hidden, simply change it from "0" to a "1".
Report Runner Viewer78
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Hide View Saved Button
This INI Setting is designed for you to "hide" the View Report With
Saved Data Button in Report Runner Viewer. All you need to do to turn
ON the Hide View Saved Button INI Setting is change it from a "0" to a
Hide Report Information Button
This INI Setting is designed for you to "hide" the Report Information
Button. The default setting is set to "0" so you can see the Report
Information Button. If you want to turn ON the Hide Report Information
Button, simply change it from a '0" to a "1".
Reference 79
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Hide Left Browse
This INI Setting is designed to "hide" the Left Browse Window (Browse
Drive and Directories). The default setting is set to "0" so you can SEE
this window. If you want to turn ON and HIDE this window, simply change
the "0" to a "1".
Report Runner Viewer80
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Reference 81
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Hide Right Data Connection
This INI Setting is designed to "hide" the Right Data Connection
window (Security and Data Connections). The default setting is set to
a "0" and is currently turned OFF so you can easily access it within the
Viewer. If you need to turn ON and HIDE this function, simply change the
"0" to a "1".
Report Runner Viewer82
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Hide Bottom Record Selection
This INI Setting is designed to "hide" the Bottom Record Selection
window. The default is set to "0" and is currently turned OFF so you can
easily access the Record Selection within the Viewer. If you need to
turn ON this function so that it is not visible, simply change the "0" to a
Reference 83
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Hide Print Button
This INI Setting is designed to "hide" the Print Button when you are
viewing the report. The default is set to "0" and is currently turned OFF so
that you can see this function. If you need it turned OFF and hidden,
Report Runner Viewer84
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
simply change the "0" to a "1".
Hide Group Tree Button
This INI Setting is designed to "hide" the Group Tree Button when you
are viewing the report. It is currently turned OFF so that you can SEE the
Group Tree Button. If you need this function turned ON and hidden,
simply change the "0" to a "1".
Hide Printer Setup Button
Reference 85
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This INI Setting is designed to "hide" the Printer Setup Button when you
are viewing the report.
NOTE: This is a legacy setting and is no longer available in Crystal
Reports 2008. We have made a note for you in the INI File.
Hide Export Button
This INI Setting is designed to "hide" the Export Report Button when you
are viewing the report. The default is set to "0" and is currently turned
OFF so that you can see the Export Report option. If you need it turned
ON and hidden, simply change the "0" to a "1".
Hide Refresh Button For Saved Data
This INI Setting is designed to "hide" the Refresh Button For Saved Data.
The default is set to "1" and is currently turned ON so the Refresh Button for
Saved Data is hidden. If you need that turned OFF so you can see this
function, simply change the "1" to a "0".
Report Runner Viewer86
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Hide Style And Color Customization
This INI Setting is designed to "hide" the Style And Color
Customization that is available within Report Runner Viewer. The
default is set to "0" so that it is available to customize. If you want to turn
this function ON and hide it, simply change the "0" to a "1".
Note: If you customize Report Runner Viewer using this function and then
change the INI Setting afterwards, it will save the Style and Color
Hide Email Button
This INI Setting is designed to "hide" the Mail the Report Button (Hide
Email) when you are viewing the report. The default is set to "0" and is
currently turned OFF so you can see this button. If you want turn it ON and
hide it, simply change the "0" to a "1".
Reference 87
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Hide Email Settings Button
This INI Setting is designed to "hide" the Mail Settings Button. The
default is set to "0" so you can see the Mail Settings button so if you want
to "hide" it, simply change the "0" to a "1".
Report Runner Viewer88
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Note: This INI Setting was introduced in version 2011.82 so you
have an earlier version of 2011 you will need to update to the
latest version. Simply add this INI Setting to your jnrrv.ini file
under [Options] Group.
Hide Report Information Button
This INI Setting is already listed in the INI File and allows for you to hide
the Report Information Button in Report Runner Viewer. All you need to
do to turn ON the Hide Report Information Button is change the INI
Setting from a '0" to a "1"
Reference 89
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Hide Copy To Clipboard
Copy to clipboard from report viewer window functionality added as of
version 2011.99!!! Many of you have requested this feature. It is now
available. You simply click on the text you want to copy and click the
"Copy" button. This new copy button is shown on the Viewer window by
default. If you want to disable it, use "HideCopyToClipboard=1" under
the "[Options]" group. Show
To "Show" or not to "Show", that is the question! In Report Runner Viewer you can
customize the Show INI Settings under [Options] to "show" or NOT "show" certain
features and functions. We have created a few of the settings and listed them below.
Show INI Settings
Show Login ID
This INI Setting is designed to ONLY display the Login ID and Password
in the Security and Data Connections section of Report Runner Viewer.
This setting became available as of version 2011.71. The current default
is set to "0" so if you want activate this INI Setting to ONLY show Login
ID and Password in the Security and Data Connections section, simply
change the "0" to a "1".
Report Runner Viewer90
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Reference 91
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Show Parameters Panel
This INI Setting is designed to display the Parameters Panel for
Crystal Reports™ 2008 or Greater. The current default is set to "0"
and is not displaying this panel. If you need to Show Parameters
Panel, simply change the "0" to a "1". Note, the reports must be created
in Crystal Reports 2008 or later for this functionality to exist. This
functionality was introduced in 2008 (to be able to modify the
parameters on-the-fly).
Show All Directories
This INI Setting is designed if you need to Show All the directories in
the Browse Drives and Directories window of Report Runner Viewer,
you can use this custom INI setting to activate or de-activate this function.
The current default is set to a "1" to automatically Show All Directories. If
you do not want to show this information, simply change the "1" to a "0".
With this on, even system and hidden directories are shown. This is
necessary because on later operating systems (Windows 7 and later),
Windows sets some common drive folders to hidden or system, and
without this on, you would not be able to see your reports in those folders.
Report Runner Viewer92
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved Disable
You can customize the Disable INI Settings under [Options] to "disable" user
configuration settings so the end-user does not have access to certain areas within
the Viewer.
Disable User Configuration INI Settings
Disable User Configuration Of Left Browse
This INI Setting is designed if you want to disable the User
Configuration of Left Browse. It is the "push pin" icon that is located in
the right corner of the Left Browse (Browse Drives and Directories)
window bar. It currently is turned OFF so you can see the "push pin" to be
able to dock and undock this window. If you need to turn it ON and
disable it, simple change the "0" to a 1".
Disable User Configuration Of Right Data Connection
This INI Setting is designed if you want to disable the User
Reference 93
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Configuration of Right Data Connection. It is the "push pin" icon that
is located in the right corner of the Right Data Connection (Security
and Data Connections) window bar. It is currently turned OFF so you can
see the "push pin" to be able to dock and undock this window. If you
need to turn it ON and disable it, simply change the "0" to a "1".
Disable User Configuration Of Bottom Record Selection
This INI Setting is designed if you want to disable the User
Configuration of the Bottom Record Selection. It is the "push pin"
icon that is located in the right corner of the Bottom Record Selection
window bar. It is currently turned OFF so you can the "push pin" to be
able to dock and undock this window. If you need to turn it ON and
disable it, simply change the "0" to a "1".
Report Runner Viewer94
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Disable User Configuration Of Viewer Auto Close
This INI Setting is designed if you want to disable the User
Configuration of Viewer Auto Close that is located towards the
bottom of the Viewer window. It is currently turned OFF so you can easily
see and check the Viewer Auto Close function. If you need this disabled
and turn it OFF so the end-user does not have access to check this
option from this screen, simply change the "0 to a "1".
Note: The Viewer window will still Auto-Close according to the minutes
indicated in the INI Setting for
EnableViewerAutoCloseAtHowManyMinutes=30. If you want that
disabled as well then simply change the "30" to a "0".
DisableUserConfigurationOfViewerAutoClose=1 Enable
When you are viewing a report in Report Runner Viewer there is a feature displayed that
shows the Viewer window will automatically close in 30 minutes as the default. This
helps conserve memory on the machine and also helps if you have sensitive information
and you walk away and forget to close the report. We have created this INI Setting
Reference 95
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that allows for you to adjust the time according to your needs.
Enable Viewer Auto Close INI Setting
Enable Copy To Clipboard
We have an optional INI Setting (EnableClickAndCopyToClipboard)
that allows for the copy to immediately take place when you click text on
a report when in the Viewer window that was added as of version
2011.99. This is not on by default. To turn it on, use "
EnableClickAndCopyToClipboard=1" under the "[Options]" group.
Note: Just to be clear, if you enable this option, you do not need to click
the "Copy" button. It copies just as soon as you click the text on the
Viewer window.
Also note, in order for this INI Setting to work, you will need to update to
at least version 2011.99 or later. If you are on an earlier 2011 version,
simply go to the Downloads page to update to the latest 2011 version:
Enable Viewer Auto Close
The Enable Viewer Auto Close is designed to allow you to adjust the
minutes of the Auto Close function within the Viewer. The default setting
Report Runner Viewer96
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
is at thirty (30) minutes. To adjust the minutes, simply change the "30" to
whatever minutes you need. I have shown an example below where we
had changed the minutes from "30" to "10".
Note: You can set the minutes to "0" if you do not want use the Viewer
EnableViewerAutoCloseAtHowManyMinutes=10 Others
In Report Runner Viewer you can customize Other INI Settings that are available
within [Options]. We have listed brief descriptions and examples for each setting.
Other INI Settings
Maximize Viewer Window
This INI Setting is designed to customize the Maximize Viewer
Window when viewing your report. We have given you three (3) options
for the sizes with the default at a "0".
Note: When this INI is set to a "1" or a "2" the Viewer Auto-Close and
Mail the Report functions are not viewable.
Reference 97
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'2 is "full page"
'1 is "actual size"
Zoom Viewer
This ZoomViewer INI Setting is designed to set the Zoom Viewer value
when you view your report. The default is set to "1" for 100% Zoom. If you
need to set to Full Page View, simply change the "1" to a "2".
Note: Do not use the % sign, just a number value.
Save Password
This INI Setting is designed to activate the Save Password so that the
user does not have to enter every time they launch Report Runner
Viewer. The default setting is already set to save it so if you need to
change it to where the user has to enter it every time, simple change the
"1" to a "0".
Report Runner Viewer98
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
The DEBUG INI Setting is designed to indicate if you want the Debug
log turned ON (YES) or Off (NO). The default is set to "YES" so if you
want to change it, simply change "YES" to a "NO".
Load DSN's
This INI Setting is designed to allow you to automatically load your DSN's
for you. The default is set to "1" and automatically load this information. If
you do not want to load your DSN's, simply change the "1" to a "0".
Sounds On Or Off
The INI Setting is designed to turn the Sounds ON Or OFF within Report
Runner Viewer. The default setting is set to "ON" so if you need to turn
the sounds OFF, simple change the "ON" to a "OFF".
Reference 99
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Save Multiple ID's
This INI Setting was introduced as of version 2011.78 and is designed to
allow users on a Citrix/RDP environment to store Viewer User ID and
Password for each user in Report Runner Viewer Standard Edition. If
you want this Save Multiple ID's INI setting, simply add under the
[Options] group the following to your INI File.
Mail Port
As of version 2011.80 we have added an INI Setting to override the
default SMTP Mail Port 25. Simply, open the jnrrv.ini file in the
Documents & Settings of Jeff-Net\Report Runner Viewer and add the
following INI Setting below in the [Options] Group.
MailPort=99 (or whatever port number you need
to use)
Mail SSL
As of version 2011.80 we have added an INI Setting where you can set
and allow Mail SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). Simply, open the jnrrv.ini
file in the Documents & Settings of Jeff-Net\Report Runner Viewer and
Report Runner Viewer100
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
add the following INI Setting below in the [Options] Group.
MailSSL= (simply add the number required)
Mail TLS
As of version 2011.80 we have added an INI Setting where you can set
and allow Mail TLS (Transport Layer Security). Simply, open the jnrrv.
ini file in the Documents & Settings of Jeff-Net\Report Runner Viewer
and add the following INI Setting below in the [Options] Group.
MailTLS= (simply add the number required)
3.1.2 [Global Options]
The [Global Options] are listed in the INI File for you. These INI Settings effect the
Settings and the Mail the Report function that is displayed when viewing your report
in Report Runner Viewer.
Reference 101
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
[Global Options] Group Header
We have given you two (2) options to input this information. You can enter your custom
information in either the INI File or in the fields provided within the Settings and the
Mail the Report function of Report Runner Viewer.
Mail the Report & Settings within Report Runner Viewer
When you enter the information within these fields it will automatically save these
settings under [Global Options] in the INI File.
1) This Mail the Report Button appears after you have selected your
report to View. You will click on the Mail the Report Button to continue
with the Settings process.
2) Here is the screen that you will see after selecting the Mail the Report
function. To continue, click on the Settings button.
3) The Settings screen (the orange area) will allow you to enter in the
Report Runner Viewer102
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
information needed for the Mail the Report function to work properly.
Global Options & the RRV INI File
As a special reminder, when you customize these Global Options in the INI
File, it will auto-populate this information in the Settings area and the Mail
the Report function. We have created an example below to show you the
1) Open the INI File and we have entered the following in the Global
Options for the INI File as an example.
[Global Options]
MailName=Jeff-Net:Tracie Morgan
Reference 103
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2) After saving the INI File with the new custom Global Options INI Settings
above. You will find below the results in Report Runner Viewer within
Mail the Report and Settings function.
[Global Options] INI Settings
Report Runner Viewer104
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Here are the INI Settings for Global Options listed below. We have provided a brief
description and an example for each setting.
Mail Delivery
The Mail Delivery INI Setting is designed to indicate the type of Mail
Delivery. Report Runner Viewer ONLY supports SMTP so we have
entered this information for you. It is recommended to make sure your
Server allows for SMTP.
[Global Options]
The Server INI Setting is designed for you to enter the name of your Mail
Server. It can be an IP Address or the name of the Server.
[Global Options]
Server=Your Company Server Name
Mail Account
The Mail Account INI Setting is designed for you to enter in your Email
[Global Options]
Reference 105
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Mail Name
The Mail Name INI Setting is designed for you to enter your Name or
[Global Options]
MailName=Your Name or Department Name
Authentication ID
The Authentication ID INI Setting is designed to enter your ID name. It
is usually your name or email address. Although, in most cases it is not
required for the SMTP Server to "Mail the Report". If that is the case, you
would leave this blank as that is the default setting.
[Global Options]
AuthenticationID=Your Name or Email Address
Authentication Password
The Authentic Password INI Setting is designed to enter in your
Password. This password is associated with your ID name. Although, in
most cases it not required for the SMTP Server to "Mail the Report".
Especially, if you are not using your ID name and leaving that blank. If so,
you would leave this blank as well.
[Global Options]
AuthenticationPassword=Your Password
Report Runner Viewer106
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
The CC INI Setting is designed for you to "copy" another recipient or
yourself when sending your report via Mail the Report function.
[Global Options]
The BCC INI Setting is designed for you to "blind copy" another recipient
or yourself when sending your report via Mail the Report function.
[Global Options]
Use Free Server
The Use Free Server INI Setting is designed for you to activate or de-
activate this function. If you turn it ON (use "1") then it will send your report
via Mail the Report using Jeff-Net's SMTP Server at no charge. The
default setting is "0" so it is currently turned OFF. To activate this
function, simply change the "0" to a "1".
[Global Options]
Reference 107
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
3.1.3 [Standard Viewer]
The INI Settings for the [Standard Viewer] are already listed in the INI File for you.
[Standard Viewer]
Last Path
The Last Path is designed to set the file location of the last path where
you viewed (worked) your report(s).
Note: You can also change and/or set this manually in the INI File.
[Standard Viewer]
Net\Report Runner Viewer\My Reports
High Path
The High Path is designed to lock users to a specific directory (they can
move forward but not backwards).
Note: This INI Setting is currently not in use until you activate it by
removing the quotation mark (tick mark) at the front of the setting name.
[Standard Viewer]
HighPath=T:\Jeff-Net\Report Runner Viewer\My
Note: Also see UNC for special notes on this particular alternative
to the HighPath INI Setting.
Default Path
The Default Path is designed to save the default path to where your
reports are saved.
Note: This INI Setting is currently not in use until you activate it by
Report Runner Viewer108
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
removing the quotation mark at the front of the setting name.
[Standard Viewer]
No Security Checked
This No Security Checked is designed to where if you want to
automatically set this option to be checked for when you view your
reports and not require the User ID and Password. The current default is
to set to "N" for NO you do not want this checked. If you want to change
this setting, simply change the "N" to a "Y" for YES.
Note: This option is located in the Right Data Connection Window.
[Standard Viewer]
The ID is designed to enter in your User ID within the INI File and it will
automatically place this information in the User ID field.
Note: This option is located in the Right Data Connection Window.
[Standard Viewer]
Reference 109
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The PW (Password) is designed to let Report Runner Viewer SAVE your
password in the INI File. That is ONLY the default setting for
SavePassword, under [Options] is set to "1" to SAVE the your
Step 1
Double check your INI File and make sure the SavePassword INI
Setting is already set to "1".
Step 2
Enter your password in the password field in Report Runner Viewer.
Step 3
You can see the INI File results for the PW INI Setting and it will display
an encrypted password.
[Standard Viewer]
PW=your encrypted password
Report Runner Viewer110
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Note: As long as you have the SavePassword INI Setting set to "1" and
need to change the password in the password field in Report Runner
Viewer and the application will save the changes in the PW INI Setting.
DSN Checked
The DSN Checked is designed to be the last DSN used. The default is
set to "N" (not to save this information). If you need to save it, simply
change the "N" to a "Y".
[Standard Viewer]
The DSN is designed to save this information in your INI File. It is the last
DSN used.
[Standard Viewer]
DSN=dsn name
Database Checked
The Database Checked is designed to be the last Database
connection used. The default it set to "N" (not to save this information). If
you need to save it, simply change the "N' to a "Y".
[Standard Viewer]
Reference 111
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
The Database is designed to enter in your database information. This is
the last Database used.
[Standard Viewer]
Database=database name
3.2 Command Line Options
We have listed below a few points and options to review for the Command Line
Processor within Report Runner Viewer.
C:\Program Files\Jeff-Net\Report Runner\Report Runner Unified.
exe “jnReport=Z:\Jeff-Net Reports\Test Report8.rpt jnID=Crystal
Command Line Processor
Put double quotes around the EXE and also additional quotes around what is
being passed around the command line.
C:\Program Files\Jeff-Net\Report Runner\Report
Runner Unified.exe jnReport=Z:\Jeff-Net
Reports\Test Report8.rpt jnID=Crystal
See below for the jnKeywords available with the Standard Edition of Report
Report Runner Viewer112
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Runner Viewer:
o jnReport = report path and filename. The report path and filename you want
to pass (you can have spaces in the path)
o jnID = database User ID
o jnPassword = database password (Note: This value is NOT encrypted like
in the INI file)
o jnRecordSelection = record selection (Note: This requires special
1.) Where you would normally use double quotes for String fields,
you must use the double pipe symbol - ||
2.) You must put double quotes around the EXE and also
additional quotes around what is being passed around the
command line.
Example for jnRecordSection on how it should be formatted:
"C:\Program Files\Jeff-Net\Report Runner\Report
Runner Unified.exe" "jnReport=Z:\Jeff-Net
Reports\Test Report8.rpt jnRecordSelection=
= ||Female||)"
Additional Notes
For Legacy Version Users - The OldStyle=1 setting was not brought over to this
new version. You can pass a report to the EXE, but the ID and Password (unless
you use the jnKeywords).
The jnKeywords MUST be typed EXACTLY as we have it listed above (i.e.
jnReport ; jnID ; jnPassword) in order for it to be parsed correctly. It will not
recognized all caps or all lowercase.
More Information
Reference 113
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Check out Just For Developers. We have additional jnKeywords that are
available in the NEW (Optional) Developer Edition of Report Runner Viewer.
3.3 Just For Developers
This New (Optional) Developer Edition to the Standard Viewer has additional
jnKeywords that can be used and also allows the Viewer window to be branded with
your company logo and custom color!
Note: Additional license cost ($500.00/year)
Additional jnKeywords
jnPrinter=printer name
jnCopies=99 (number of copies to print)
jnParm1=1st parm to pass to report (you can pass up to 30 parameters now; in
the order the Crystal Reports would prompt)
jnParm30=30th parm to pass to report
Printer/Viewer Notes
If jnPrinter is passed, report will print without opening the Viewer window
If jnPrinter is not passed, the Viewer window will be opened automatically to
display report
You can pass up to 30 parameters now; in the order the Crystal Reports would
More Information
See Also:
Report Runner Viewer114
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Compare Editions
3.4 Online Videos
We have put together several online videos for Report Runner products and they can be
found on the Jeff-Net Fan Support page. We have listed below the current videos
available for Report Runner Viewer.
Report Runner Viewer Videos
Modifying and Correcting Report Data Connections (Datasources)
More videos coming very soon!
3.5 Compare Editions
We have expanded features and functions for Report Runner Viewer and can be easily
identified according to the Report Runner Viewer Edition. Which one is right for you?
Visit our Jeff-Net Web Store for Editions and Licensing available.
Note: We are still working on completing this information. If you have
any questions please do not hesitate to let us know.
Report Runner Viewer Editions
Editions Available
Reference 115
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Feature / Function
r Edition
View Reports
Mail Reports
Print Reports
INI File with over 50 INI Settings
for customization
Viewer can be branded with your
company logo
Viewer can be branded with your
custom color
Administrator Console Manager
Command Line Options
jnParm (up to 30 Parameters)
3.5.1 Starter Edition
Report Runner Viewer Starter Edition is our FREE Crystal Reports Viewer. This
Starter Edition is available as of version 2012 or later.
Note: All customization has been disabled with this FREE Report Runner
Viewer Starter Edition.
To unlock the customization of this application, simply purchase and upgrade to at least
Report Runner Viewer Standard Edition which includes over 50 INI settings and
many settings are automatically saved when you exit.
Report Runner Viewer116
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
3.5.2 Standard Edition
Report Runner Viewer Standard Edition is simply, a Crystal Reports Viewer you would
install on each end-user's PC (workstation). As the Report Administrator, you can
customize the Viewer settings such as locking folders, saving login information, hiding
and/or locking certain features, all within the INI File (jnrrv.ini) on the end-user's
The INI File has over 40 INI settings that can be used to customize the Viewer. For
example, with one INI option, you can lock a user to a certain report directory, that's one
way to allow users to run only certain reports.
Standard Edition Options
INI Settings Available (in order of the how they are listed in the INI File):
Note: These INI Settings below are listed in the INI File (jnrrv.ini) so you
do not have to go look up the settings from this help and documentation.
Reference 117
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Report Runner Viewer118
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
'2 is "full page"
'1 is "actual size"
3.5.3 Enterprise Edition
With our Report Runner Viewer Enterprise Edition, it's a more centralized way to
manage users and reports. With it you create users, and assign users certain report
[tags]... these report [tags] are then assigned to various reports... if the report is tagged
with the same tag that a user has access to, they can run it. The reports for the
Enterprise version can be scattered across the network, too. We recommend one
place, but the user never knows where the report is coming from.
Reference 119
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved Enterprise Administrator
This section we will cover the areas of the Jeff-Net Report Runner Unified
Administrator for Report Runner Viewer Enterprise Edition.
Report Runner Viewer120
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Tasks Covered In This Section
Jeff-Net Report Runner Unified
About Jeff-Net
Reference 121
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved Home
This section we will cover each of the options within Home of Jeff-Net Report
Runner Unified Administrator.
Tasks Covered In This Section
Report Runner Viewer122
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Report Runner Batch Launch
Report Runner Viewer Launch
Define Enterprise Viewer
Define Enterprise Viewer Users
Close And Exit Report Runner Batch Launch
When you select this option to Launch Report Runner Batch. It will open Report
Runner Batch for you.
Note: This will only work if you have installed Report Runner Batch.
Reference 123
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved Report Runner View er Launch
When you select this option to Launch Report Runner Viewer. It will open Report
Runner Viewer for you.
Report Runner Viewer124
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved Define Enterprise View er Reports
When you select to Define Enterprise Viewer Reports, this will allow you to identify
the reports according to department (category) and user so that when the Enterprise
Viewer User logs in, that person will only see the reports you have assigned.
Reference 125
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved Define Enterprise View er Users
When you select the Define Enterprise Viewer Users, this will allow you to set up
and manage your Enterprise Viewer Users. As you can see from the example print
screen image for Groups and Users, we have created a User to show you want it looks
like. Notice we have given this user three (3) Report Tags and categorized this user in a
particular Department as well.
Report Runner Viewer126
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved Close And Exit
The Close And Exit button allows you to close and exit the Jeff-Net Report Runner
Unified Administrator application. Passw ords
This section of the Jeff-Net Report Runner Unified Administrator allows for you to
change and/or set Passwords for Report Runner Batch and Report Runner
Reference 127
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved About Jeff-Net
In the About Jeff-Net of Report Runner Unified Administrator, we conveniently
made different links available to access Jeff-Net resources.
Report Runner Viewer128
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
3.5.4 Developer Edition
Report Runner Viewer Developer Edition allows for total customization within
Report Runner Viewer. You can add your company logo, change the name in the title
bar, you can customize the news feed, etc. For only $500.00 per year you can have your
very own custom Report Runner Viewer.
If you have any questions please let us know. We are here to help.
More Information
Jeff-Net, LLC
P.O. Box 546
Bedford, Texas
Phone: 1-800-JEFF-NET (533-3638) x 1
Fax: 1-800-784-5661
Reference 129
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
3.6 Upgrade FAQ
There are a few things that we hope you find helpful with upgrading to this new version
from older versions of Report Runner Viewer.
Upgrade FAQ
A completely NEW user-interface and design of Report Runner Viewer.
Report Runner Viewer - Old (Legacy) Versions
Report Runner Viewer130
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Reference 131
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Report Runner Viewer: New (Current) Version
The EXE name has changed to Report Runner Unified.EXE. This is important
if you use the Command Line Processor and have Viewer shortcuts.
We have now listed the majority of the INI Settings in the INI File (jnrrv.ini) so
that you don't have to remember all of the settings or have to go back to the
Documentation to find the exact settings.
The Command Line Options have a few changes and special formatting
required. It is different from older legacy versions because this new version was
created in the latest Microsoft .Net Technology, and it must be passed a certain
way to the executable for the command line parameters to be read in it's entirety.
Example: The OldStyle=1 setting was not brought over to the new version. You
can pass a report to the EXE, but not the ID and Password (unless you use the jn
Report Runner Viewer132
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Reference 133
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
3.7 Mail the Report
We are so excited that you can now Mail the Report direct from the Viewer as of
2011. You will need to access your SMTP Server for this to work properly (Microsoft
Exchange also works as an SMTP server). If you have any challenges we even offer a
FREE Report Runner SMTP Server.
Mail the Report
1) Open Report Runner Viewer.
2) Select the report you want to view.
Report Runner Viewer134
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
3) Once the Viewer window is open, you should see the button called Mail the
Report located on the bottom right corner of the window. Click on this button.
4) The Mail the Report window should be open for you.
Note: You can either enter your Mail Settings from this screen or you can
go into the INI File (JNRRV.INI) and add this information for the INI
Settings in [Global Options]
Reference 135
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
5) Click on Settings.
6) The Mail Report Settings window should now be open to enter in your
necessary information.
Report Runner Viewer136
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
7) After you are done, click on Save.
Note: You can also enter the Mail Setting in the INI File (JNRRV.INI)
under [Global Options] and it will automatically save this information in
the Mail Report Settings.
8) After you Save the settings, you will be back at the Mail the Report window to
send your report.
Reference 137
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
9) Make sure to enter the To Address/Name for the Recipient you want to send
the particular Email.
Report Runner Viewer138
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
10)Click on Send.
More Information
As of version 2011.82 we now have an INI Settings to "HIDE" the Mail Settings Button.
3.8 Random Tips
We have created a few random tips that we recommend when working with Report
Runner Viewer.
Random Tips
Report Options - You can right-click on your report and a menu list will be
available to choose View Report, View Report With Saved Data, and Report
Reference 139
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Do you have a 64-bit Machine? If so, Crystal Reports still requires 32-bit
DSN's. You must create your System DSN in the 32-bit ODBC Data Source
Administrator that can be found in the c:\windows\syswow64 folder. Locate
the odbcad32.exe and double-click to launch the 32-bit ODBC Data Source
Note: If you created your System DSN's in the 64-bit Administrator first,
you will need to delete those before creating the Systems DSN's in the
32-bit Administrator.
Report Runner Viewer140
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
3.9 UNC
This section covers the Microsoft Windows UNC, short for Universal Naming
Convention or Uniform Naming Convention, specifies a common syntax to
describe the location of a network resource, such as a shared file, directory, or printer.
The UNC syntax for Windows systems has the generic form: \
As of Version 2011.0.0.55 Report Runner Viewer supports UNC. To utilize this function
simply activate the INI Setting HighPath (it can be found under the [Standard
Viewer] Group Header) by removing the tick mark ( ' ) in front of the HighPath setting
and simply type in the UNC file path to your report after the equal sign (=).
The jnrrv.ini file and can be normally found in the C:\Users\Public\Documents\Jeff-
Net\Report Runner Viewer.
Note: When this HighPath is activated and the UNC is established, the
LastPath and DefaultPath are ignored (not used). The HighPath IS the
DefaultPath when using UNC.
3.10 2011 Verses 2012
This topic covers information on the release of the 2012 version of Report Runner
Viewer and the differences between 2011 version of Report Runner Viewer. Check it
Here are a few highlights
Report Runner Viewer:
Full support of Crystal Reports 2011
Support for reading RPTR Crystal Reports templates (introduced with Crystal
Reports 2011)
Support for exporting to XLSX (introduced with Crystal Reports 2011)
Added “EZprint button (INI setting) for viewer usage on touch screen systems.
See for Report Runner Viewer User Manual for details.
Differences between 2011 and 2012
Reference 141
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
Report Runner 2011 utilized .Net 3.5 technology; Report Runner 2012 utilizes .
Net 4. Why? The new Crystal Reports 2011 runtime engine required .Net 4,
so we upgraded the Report Runner application to utilize .Net 4 as well.
2011 utilized the Crystal Reports 2008 runtime engine; 2012 utilizes Crystal
Reports 2011.
The new Batch and Viewer features indicated above are exclusive to 2012, and
2012 is the version that will get any new features going forward.
NOTE: Should there be any bugs in 2011, we will fix those of course, but
all new development is based on 2012.
More Information
If you are on the latest 2011 version of Report Runner you do not have to
upgrade to 2012. This is optional but recommended.
If you do upgrade from Report Runner 2011 to Report Runner 2012, it is a very
simple upgrade.
This information below covers tips on the UPGRADE FROM version 2011 of Report
Runner TO version 2012 of Report Runner:
You will want to run the FULL INSTALLER of Report Runner Batch 2012 on
the same machine as version 2011.
DO NOT change the directory of Application Installation Folder of where version
2011 was installed. This is NOT to be installed in a separate directory away from
version 2011. This was designed to "replace/overwrite" version 2011. It is all the
same design so you are not losing anything...ONLY gaining more features going
Here is the direct link to the INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS for version 2012 of
Report Runner:
There are no additional steps to move from 2011 to 2012
Report Runner Viewer142
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
If you need further assistance and/or have any questions regarding your upgrade.
Please contact Jeff-Net Fan Support. We are happy to help.
Jeff-Net Fan Support
P.O. Box 546
Bedford, Texas 76095
Phone: 1-800-JEFF-NET (533-3638) x 702 (For Support)
Fax: 1-800-784-5661
3.11 Keyboard Shortcuts
As of version 2012.38 of Report Runner we have added a new function, "Keyboard
Shortcuts" to Report Runner Viewer. When you are in the Viewer screen you can
utilize the following short-cut keys.
Ctrl-P = To print
Ctrl-E = To export
Ctrl-M = To mail
Ctrl-R = To refresh
Ctrl-A = To set auto-refresh
Ctrl-H = To show debug log
Ctrl-Left Arrow = To move back one page
Ctrl-Right Arrow = To move forward one page
Ctrl-Up Arrow = To go to first page
Ctrl-Down Arrow = To go to last page
Ctrl-G = To go to a specific page number
Ctrl-T = To toggle between showing the group tree panel, parameter panel (for
2008 reports and later), and no panel to the left of the report. If your reports are
previous to 2008, it will toggle the group tree panel on and off.
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
- 3 -
32-bit ODBC Administrator 138
32-bit ODBC drivers 138
- 6 -
64-bit Machine 138
- A -
About Jeff-Net 50
Add Advanced Data Connection 39
Advanced Data Connections 39
Authentic Password 100
Authentication ID 100
Authentication Password 100
Auto-close 11
Auto-refresh 11
- B -
BCC 100
Browse Drives and Directories 26
- C -
CC 100
Check License Status 61
Clear All Licensing 63
Close and Exit 35
Command Line Processor 111
Common Questions 44
configuration 92
Configure Advanced Data Connection 39
Contact Information 50
Crystal Reports 9
- D -
Database 107
Database Checked 107
Database Settings 39
Deactivate License 62
Debug 96
Debugging 47
Default Path 107
Developer Edition 113
Developer-Only Version 111
Disable User Configuration Of Left Browse 92
Disable User Configuration Of Right Data Connection
Disable User Configuration Of Viewer Auto Close 92
Documentation 22
Downloads 57
DSN 39, 107
DSN Checked 107
- E -
Edit/Change License 59
Enable Viewer Auto Close 94
EnableClickAndCopyToClipboard 94
encrypted 107
Export Report 77
- F -
FREE Report Runner SMTP Server 133
Full Page 96
- G -
Global Monitoring 11
- H -
Help 43
Hide 77
Hide Email 77
Hide Export Button 77
Hide Group Tree Button 77
Hide Print Button 77
Hide Printer Setup Button 77
Hide Refresh Button For Saved Data 77
Hide Style And Color Customization 77
High Path 107
Home 23
Report Runner Viewer144
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
- I -
ID 107
INI File 100
- J -
Jeff-Net 14, 48, 50, 52, 54, 57
Jeff-Net Report Runner Unified Administrator 121
jnKeywords 113
Just For Developers 18
- K -
Keyboard Shortcuts 142
- L -
Last Path 107
Left Browse 26
License Key 59
Licensing Manager 58
Load DSN's 96
Lock 69
- M -
Mail Account 100
Mail Delivery 100
Mail Name 100
Mail SSL 96
Mail TLS 96
Maximize Viewer Window 96
MS Exchange Server 133
Multiple INI Files 67
- N -
No Security 39
No Security Checked 107
No User ID and Password To Run 39
- O -
OldStyle=1 129
Other INI Settings 96
Override Database 39
Override DSN 39
- P -
Password 39, 107
Passwords 126
PW 107
- R -
Random Tips 66
Reference 66
Report Administrator 67
Report Information 33
Report Name 26, 38
Report Options 25
Report Runner Unified 10
Report Runner Unified Administrator 127
Report Runner Viewer 43
- S -
SAVE 107
Save Multiple ID's 96
Save Password 96
Security and Data Connections 39
Server 100
Show Parameters Panel 89
SMTP Server 133
Sounds On or Off 96
System DSN 138
- T -
Turn Advanced Debug Log Off 47
Turn Advanced Debug Log On 47
Turn Advanced Debugging 47
© 2012 Jeff-Net, LLC ::: All rights reserved
- U -
UNC 140
User Forum 18
User ID 39
- V -
View Current Log File 47
View Report 26
View Report With Saved Data 29
- W -
Windows 7 10
Windows Vista 10
- Z -
Zoom Viewer 96
Report Runner Viewer146
Jeff-Net Copyright 2011
Thank you for using Report Runner Viewer!
Jeff-Net Copyright 2011