Montana Smithey - 1
(336) 516-2582
X: @MontanaLSmithey
Elementary/Special Education
PO Box 8134
Statesboro, GA 30460
Ph.D. Educational Studies: Teacher Education and Development 2020
Focus: Mathematics and Science Education
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
M.Ed. Teacher Education 2011
Concentration: Mathematics Education
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
B.A. Elementary Education 2007
Elon University
Elementary Mathematics Education K-6 (North Carolina) 2011-2015
Elementary Education K-6 (North Carolina) 2007-2015
Assistant Professor of Elementary Mathematics Education 2020-present
College of Elementary & Special Education
Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA
Teaching load assignment: 3/3
Instructor for multiple courses
Supervisor of student teachers/interns
Courses taught:
Elementary Mathematics Methods (13 sections)
o Undergraduate level course designed to best fit the needs of elementary
education majors and dual certification in their senior year focused on
methods for teaching mathematics using culturally relevant and
sustaining pedagogies. Topics include review of essential mathematics
concepts and emphasize classroom discussion, high quality tasks, and
attention to and utilization of funds of knowledge within instruction.
o Beginning in Spring 2022, the sections I teach were transformed to
include an experiential learning/service learning component with local
professional development school
Montana Smithey - 2
o Beginning Summer 2023, this course was redesigned to support student
success and offered fully online in the summer.
MAT Problem-Solving and Mathematical Representations (4 sections)
o Graduate level course designed for those holding degrees outside of education
but aspire to obtain their teaching license (MAT program). The course focuses
on content knowledge for teaching elementary mathematics, including number
and operations with a focus on place value and fractions. This course is part of
a programmatic focus on culturally relevant and sustaining pedagogies.
MAT Elementary Mathematics Methods (4 sections)
o Graduate level course designed for those holding degrees outside of education
but aspire to obtain their teaching license (MAT program). Provides an
overview of the mathematics content and methods used to teach elementary
school students. Focuses on a variety of topics, including algebraic reasoning
and geometry. Emphasis is placed on how such concepts can be effectively
taught and assessed in the elementary classroom using culturally relevant and
sustaining pedagogies.
Full Time Residency Internship 1 (1 section)
o This practicum experience is designed to provide the full time, paid resident
(teacher of record) enrolled in the education program with meaningful
opportunities to observe, actively engage in classroom activities, while
teaching in a P-5 classroom. Course includes collaboration with the mentor
teacher(s) where paid residents are placed.
Full Time Residency Internship 2 (1 section)
o This practicum experience is designed to provide the full time, paid resident
(teacher of record) enrolled in the education program with meaningful
opportunities to reflect upon and analyze issues related to school law/ethics,
diverse P-5 student populations, classroom management, home and school
connections, culturally relevant and sustaining pedagogies, issues and trends
in education, technology integration. Course includes collaboration with the
mentor teacher(s) where paid residents are placed.
Elementary Internship II & Seminar (3.5 sections)
o These courses include field experiences and seminar. Teacher candidates
reflect upon and analyze issues related to school law/ethics, diverse P-5
student populations, classroom management, home and school connections,
culturally relevant and sustaining pedagogies, issues and trends in education,
technology integration.
Framework for Teaching (4 sections)
o Graduate level course that studies teaching and learning strategies associated
with effective teaching practices. Emphasis is placed upon the relationships
that exist between student development, instructional practices, educational
environments, continuous reflection and assessment, learning communities,
and dispositions of the profession.
Lecturer 2012-2020
School of Education, Teacher Education Higher Education
University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC
Teaching load assignment, 4/4.
Montana Smithey - 3
Lead undergraduate elementary education teacher candidates through two-
year elementary education licensure program.
Instructor for multiple courses
Supervisor of interns and student teacher
Liaison to partnership schools, including a local lab/partnership school
Supporter of program and curriculum development including edTPA
Courses taught:
Elementary Mathematics Methods (17 sections)
Course designed to best fit the needs of elementary education majors (13
sections) or special education majors (4 sections) focused on methods for
teaching mathematics
Advanced Methods (4 sections)
Course focused on use of assessment, problem-based learning, and creation of
integrated units of study in a variety of content areas
Course supported teacher candidates in developing their writing skills in
preparation for edTPA
Internship Seminar: Inquiry in Teaching and Learning (10 sections)
Course included a weekly seminar connected to teacher candidates’ experiences
serving as interns 10 hours per week in an elementary classroom
Course covered a range of topics including lesson planning, classroom
management, reflection, vision building, differentiation, technology, diversity,
and specific needs of children
Course supported teacher candidates in developing their writing skills in
preparation for edTPA
Student Teaching Seminar: Elementary Grades (3 sections)
Course included a monthly seminar connected to teacher candidates’ experiences
teaching full time in an elementary classroom
Course focused on enacting teaching practices, receiving feedback, navigating
the job market, and completing edTPA
Classroom Teacher, K, 2
, 3
, & 4
grades 2007-2012
Guilford County Schools, Greensboro, NC
Designed instruction for children in the general education classroom
Led math team in addressing the school’s improvement plan
Supervised and mentored undergraduate interns from local universities
Managed cases as part of the intervention support team
Project: Reimagining Teacher Preparation: Embedded Mediated Field 2023-present
Experiences Within University Classrooms
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Research Team: Co-Pis: Melinda Knapp (Oregon State University-Cascades), Barbara
Swartz (Westchester University), Esther Billings (Grand Valley State University), Montana
Smithey (Georgia Southern University)
Designed research study, completed IRB process, data collection
Ongoing data analysis and writing
Project: Using Mathematics and Diverse Picture Books 2023-present
to Examine Critical Issues in Communities
Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA
Research Team: Dr. Alesia Moldavan, Dr. Montana Smithey
Designed and piloted classroom lessons (1
grade and 4
Designed research study and completed IRB process
Conducting pilot study with 11 classroom teachers
Project: Exploring Perspectives of Preservice Teachers on Experiential 2022-present
Learning in a Mathematics Methods Course
Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA
Research Team: PI: Dr. Montana Smithey
Designed research study, completed IRB process & data collection
Mentored one undergraduate research assistant
Ongoing data analysis and writing
Project: Family Engagement Project 2022-present
Research Team: Dr. Jung Colen (Bellarmine University), Dr. Byungeun Pak (Utah Tech
University), Dr. Montana Smithey (Georgia Southern University)
Designed research study and completed IRB process, data collection
Ongoing data analysis & writing
Project: Exploring Factors that Influence Teaching Moves 2021-present
and Rationales in Preservice Teachers
Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA
Research Team: PI: Dr. Montana Smithey; Co-Pi: Dr. Sam Rhodes
Lead writer of university seed grant, Co-designed research study
Led research team in IRB process, data collection
Mentored two undergraduate research assistants
Ongoing data analysis & writing
Project: Assessing K-8 Preservice Teacher Candidates’ Number Sense 2021-2023
Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA
Research Team: PI-Dr. Greg Chamblee; Co-Pi: Dr. Shelli Casler-Failing, Dr. Sam Rhodes,
Dr. Heidi Eisenrich, Dr. Eryn Maher, Dr. Montana Smithey, Dr. Tuyin An, and Dr. Ha
Assisted in data collection
Project: District Assessment of Literacy Needs 2015
Guilford County Schools, Greensboro & High Point, NC
Role: District-Wide Reviewer
Montana Smithey - 5
Observed classroom literacy lessons in grades K-5 across 4 elementary schools
Conducted interviews with teachers and administrators about current and
future literacy instruction
Analyzed and compiled data into individual school reports concluding with a set
of recommendations
Grants Funded
Faculty Service Grant Award 2024
Faculty Service Committee, Award $2,100
PI: Alesia Moldavan, Co-PI: Montana Smithey
Competitive Travel Supplement Travel Award 2023
Office of Research, Georgia Southern University, Award: $540
Writer: Montana Smithey
Undergraduate Research Assistant Grant 2022-2023
Office of Research, Georgia Southern University; Award: $3,000
Writer: Montana Smithey
Project Title: Exploring Factors that Influence Teaching Moves 2021-2022
and Rationales in Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers
University Seed Grant, Georgia Southern University Faculty Research Committee
Award: $10,000
Research Team: PI-Montana Smithey, Co-pi: Sam Rhodes
Project: Teaching Mathematics Through Technology 2021
College of Education Technology Innovation for Teaching Mini-Grant
Award: $3,796.07
Writer: Montana Smithey
Project: Affordable Materials Grant 2020-2022
Affordable Learning Georgia: Award: $25,500
PI: Dr. Ariel Cornett & Co-pi: Dr. Montana Smithey, Dr. Sam Rhodes, Dr. Chelda Smith,
& Dr. Katie Brkich
Undergraduate Research Assistant Grant 2020-2021
Office of Research, Georgia Southern University; Award: $1,840
Co-Pi: Montana Smithey & Sam Rhodes
Grants Under Review
Grants Unfunded
Montana Smithey - 6
Project Title: The Connect2Math Project: Building Connections Among 2023
Stakeholders for the Purposes of Children Learning Mathematics
NSF 23-596-Discovery Research PreK-12 (DRK-12)
Project Request: $2,262,824.00, 4-year project
PI: Montana Smithey; Co-pi: Heidi Eisenreich
Project Title: The Connect2Math Project: Building Connections for 2022
the Purposes of Children Learning Mathematics
NSF 20-572-Discovery Research PreK-12 (DRK-12)
Project Request: $1,600,275.00, 4-year project
PI: Montana Smithey; Co-pi: Heidi Eisenreich
Project Title: Helping Parents Make Sense of Mathematics Strategies for 2022
K-2 Students
Spencer Foundation
Project Request: $57,509.46
PI: Heidi Eisenreich; Co-PI: Montana Smithey
Undergraduate Research Assistant Grant Summer 2022
Office of Research, Georgia Southern University; Award: $3,000
Writer: Montana Smithey
Project Title: The IGNITE Math Project: Building Bridges for the Spring 2022
Purpose of Children Learning Mathematics
Office of Research, Georgia Southern University
Impact Accelerator Grant; Proposal Award: $48,972
PI-Montana Smithey; Co-pi: Heidi Eisenreich
Project Title: The IGNITE Math Project: Building Bridges for the Purpose 2021
of Children Learning Mathematics
NSF 20-572-Discovery Research PreK-12 (DRK-12)
Award: $ 1,355,632.00, 4-year project
PI-Heidi Eisenreich; Co-pi: Montana Smithey
College of Education Faculty Research, Scholarship, and Creative Fall 2021
Activity Support Award
Award: $9,999.50
PI: Montana Smithey & Co-pi: Sam Rhodes
Project: University-School-Community Mathematics Partnership Fall 2021
College of Education Faculty Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity Support Award
Award: $10,000.00
PI: Montana Smithey
Montana Smithey - 7
Smithey, M., Oglesby, L. A., (2024). Connecting Mathematics to Students’ Funds of
Knowledge: Illustrations from the Elementary Classroom. The Centroid. (pp 3-9)
Mickle Moldavan, A., Smithey, M. (2024). Problem Solving Through a Social Justice Lens.
The Centroid. (pp 10-15) 49(2).
Smith Kondo, C., Smithey, M. (2024). Classroom Management—History and Application.
In Smith Kondo, C. (Eds), A Pedagogy of Humanization: Preparing Elementary
Teachers for Culturally Sustaining Classrooms (pp 119-142) 1
ed. Myers Education
Smith Kondo, C., Smithey, M. (2024). Culturally Responsive Classroom Management.
In Smith Kondo, C. (Eds), A Pedagogy of Humanization: Preparing Elementary
Teachers for Culturally Sustaining Classrooms (pp 144-163). 1
ed. Myers Education
Smithey, M., Rhodes, S., Mickle Moldavan, A. (2024). Math with Academic Rigor and
Cultural Competency. In Smith Kondo, C. (Eds), A Pedagogy of Humanization:
Preparing Elementary Teachers for Culturally Sustaining Classrooms (167-189). 1
ed. Myers Education Press.
Rhodes, S., Mickle Moldavan, A., Smithey, M. (2024). Math with Critical Consciousness. In
Smith Kondo, C. (Eds), A Pedagogy of Humanization: Preparing Elementary
Teachers for Culturally Sustaining Classrooms, (pp 191-212). 1
ed. Myers
Education Press.
Rhodes, S., Smithey, M., Bryck, R. (2023). Relationships between cognitive and affective
factors and number of teaching moves: An exploratory study. In Lamberg, T., Moss,
D. (2023). Proceedings of the forty-fifth annual meeting of the North American
Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
(Vol. 1, pp. 561-562). University of Nevada, Reno.
Rhodes, S., Mickle Moldavan, A., Smithey, M., DePiro, A. (2023). 5 Key Ideas to
Encourage Confident Math Learners. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching
PK-12, 116 (1); 8-15.
Massey, C. C., Smithey, M., Cha, H. J., & Kim, J. H. (2023). Exploring Faculty Experiences
With Technology-Supported Collaboration in College Classrooms. In Handbook of
Research on Facilitating Collaborative Learning Through Digital Content and
Learning Technologies (pp. 132-160). IGI Global.
Montana Smithey - 8
Smithey, M., & Moldavan, A. M. (2023). The Food Drive Task: Problem Solving for Social
Justice in the Elementary Grades. Ohio Journal of School Mathematics, 95, 1-9.
Retrieved from
Smithey, M. (2021). Exploring Perspectives of Preservice Teachers’ Enactment of Teaching
Moves. In Marchionda, H. and Bateiha, S. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 48
Meeting of
the Research Council on Mathematics Learning. Virtual.
Smithey, M. (2020). Teaching Moves and Rationales of Prospective Elementary School
Teachers in One-on-One Mathematical Conversations with Children (Doctoral
dissertation, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro).
Smithey, M. (2019). Exploring Perspectives of Preservice Teachers’ Enactment of Teaching
Moves and Rationales. In Redmond-Sanogo, A. and Cribss, J. (Eds.). Proceedings of
the 46
Annual Meeting of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning. Virtual
(pp. 108-115).
International Conferences
Smithey, M. (2024). Experiential Learning as a Pedagogy for Preservice Teachers Learning
to Understand Effective Mathematics Teaching Practices. SoTL Commons
Eisenreich, H., Smithey, M., Maher, E., Campbell, C., Moreno, J, Masch, G., Fairlamb, I.,
Harris, K. (2024). Preservice Teachers’ Learning: Engagement at a State Mathematics
Conference. SoTL Commons Conference.
Kim, J. H., Massey, C. C., Smithey, M., Cha, H. (2022) Exploring faculty experiences with
technology-supported collaboration in college classrooms. Paper presented
at EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Technology, New
York, NY.
Smithey, M., Rhodes, S. (2022). An Exploration of the Relationship Between Mathematics
Teaching Anxiety and Responsive Teaching. SoTL Commons Conference. 101.
National Conferences
Smithey, M., Casler-Falling., S (2024). How Do Non-Traditional Grading Practices
Promote Student Learning? Perspectives From Two Mathematics Teacher Educators.
Presentation at the annual meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teacher
Montana Smithey - 9
Nguyen, H., Eisenreich, H., Disney, A., Smithey., M. (2024) Exploring Preservice
Teachers’ Analysis of Student Work as Formative Assessment. Presentation at the
annual meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators.
Rhodes, S., Smithey, M., Akers, L. (2023). An Exploratory Study on the Relationships
Between Beliefs, Anxieties, and Teaching Moves in Preservice Teachers. Presentation
at the annual meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators.
Smithey, M. (2023). Implementation of a Mediated Field Experience Within the Context of a
Mathematics Methods Course. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Association
of Mathematics Teacher Educators.
Rhodes, S., Smithey, M., Akers L. (2022). Exploring Factors that Influence Teaching Moves
and Rationales of Preservice Elementary School Teachers of Mathematics. Poser
presentation at the annual meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teacher
Smithey, M. (2021). Teaching Moves and Rationales of Prospective Elementary Teachers
Engaging in Problem-Solving Interviews. Virtual presentation at the annual meeting
of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators.
Smithey, M. (2021). Exploring Perspectives of Preservice Teachers’ Enactment of Teaching
Moves. Virtual presentation at the annual meeting of the Research Council of
Mathematics Learning.
State Conferences
Smithey, M., Mickle Moldavan (2023). Enhancing Social Justice Mathematics Lessons with
Diverse Texts. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Georgia Mathematics
Conference, Eatonton, GA.
Eisenreich, H., Nguyen, H., Disney, A., Smithey., M. (2023) K-8 Preservice Teachers Using
Perusall to Analyze Student Work. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Georgia
Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators.
Mickle Moldavan, A., Smithey, M. (2022). You Can Do It: Embracing Productive Struggle
to Empower Students. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Georgia Mathematics
Conference, Eatonton, GA.
Smithey, M., Akers, L., Mickle Moldavan, A. (2022). Using What Students Already Know to
Learn Mathematics. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Georgia Mathematics
Conference, Eatonton, GA.
Smithey, M. (2021). Classroom Strategy: Number Sense Routines. Virtual presentation at
the annual meeting of the Georgia Mathematics Conference.
Montana Smithey - 10
Smithey, M. (2021). Shades of Gray: The Nuances of Telling Among Elementary Preservice
Teachers in the Mathematics Classroom. Virtual presentation at the annual meeting
of the Georgia Educational Research Association.
Smithey, M. (2021). Classroom Strategy: Number Sense Routines. Virtual presentation at
the annual meeting of the Georgia Mathematics Conference.
Baker, K., & Smithey, M. (2018). Reflection to action. Presentation at the annual
meeting of the North Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Greensboro,
Smithey, M., & UNCG preservice teachers. (2018). Creativity through making in
mathematics. Presentation at the annual meeting of the North Carolina Council
of Teachers of Mathematics, Greensboro, NC.
Smithey, M., & UNCG preservice teachers. (2016). Making meaning with math
stations. Presentation at the annual meeting of the North Carolina Council of
Teachers of Mathematics, Greensboro, NC.
Smithey, M., & Jacobs, V. (2015) Power of questioning children about place value.
Presentation at the annual meeting of the North Carolina Council of Teachers of
Mathematics, Greensboro, NC.
Smithey, M., & UNCG preservice teachers. (2014). Creation station. Presentation at
the annual meeting of the North Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics,
Greensboro, NC.
Smithey, M., & Watkins, H. (2014). Help, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up. Presentation at
the annual meeting of the North Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics,
Greensboro, NC.
Invited Presentations
Smithey, M. (2023). Conducting SoTL Research. Presentation at the Scholarship
Development Program, Georgia Southern University.
Smithey, M., McCurdy, R., Cornett, A., Greer, K. (2022). Making as Pedagogy. Presentation
at the Senior Symposium, Georgia Southern University.
McCurdy, R., Smithey, M. (2022). Work & Play in a Makerspace: Faculty Expressions of
Communication. Presentation at the College of Education, Georgia Southern
Montana Smithey - 11
Smithey, M. (2021). Exploring Perspectives of Preservice Teachers’ Questioning of
Children’s Mathematical Thinking. Virtual presentation at the Mathematics
Colloquium at Georgia Southern University.
Student Mentored Presentations
Akers, L., Smithey, M. (2023). Mathematics anxiety, teaching moves, and decision-making:
A comparision of two preservice teachers. GS4 Georgia Southern Student Scholars
Symposium. 104
Akers, L., Curry, M., Smithey, M. (2022) A Comparison of preservice elementary teachers’
mathematical content knowledge and teaching moves. Georgia Southern University Research
Symposium. 44.
Award-Winning Student Mentored Presentations
Akers, L., Smithey, M. (2021). Exploring factors that influence teaching moves and
rationales in preservice elementary mathematics teachers. Georgia Southern University
Research Symposium. 72.
Illustrative Mathematics Trained Facilitator 2022-present
Focus Area: Elementary Mathematics
Lead and moderate training sessions for Illustrative Mathematics curriculum for K-5 teachers
Structure of the Curriculum & Lessons
Invitation Routines & Assessment
Responding to Student Thinking
Leveraging a Problem-Based Structure
Hodge Elementary School 2021
Savannah-Chatham County Public Schools
Focus Area: Elementary Mathematics
Lead professional development on implementing number talks to support teacher-led
discussion goals
Engaged in co-creating a lesson study around implementation of number talks across
grade levels and assisted in gathering resources for teacher leaders
Provided feedback of implemented number talks
Consultant for Professional Development 2018-2023
Hill Learning Center, Durham, NC
Focus: Elementary Mathematics
Co-lead professional development on mathematics instruction, including attention to
fluency, number sense, problem-solving, curriculum, assessment, and reflection
Montana Smithey - 12
Revise professional development curriculum as needed
Consultant for Professional Development 2016-2017
Davidson County Schools, Lexington, NC
Focus Area: Elementary Mathematics
Collaborated with teachers to explore ways to plan, facilitate, and evaluate
mathematics instruction.
Investigate the benefits of discourse in the mathematics classroom
Differentiate instruction to support diverse ways of reasoning
Education Resource Group, Winston-Salem, NC 2015-2017
Focus Area: Elementary/Middle School Mathematics and
New Teacher Induction (all content areas)
Created lesson plans and modeled lessons across content areas
Conducted observations of teachers in grades K-8 using benchmarks of best
practice for instruction and classroom management
Supported beginning teachers through video analysis and reflection
Service to the Profession
Scholarship Award Reviewer
o Georgia Education Research Association 2021
Journal reviewer
o Scholarship for Teaching and Learning 2021-present
o Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching Pre-K-12 2019-present
o Teaching Children Mathematics 2018-2019
Conference Papers and/or Proposal Reviewer
o Psychology of Mathematics Education-North America 2023
o Research Council on Mathematics Learning 2019
Positions within Professional Organizations
o Conference Program Committee-Association of Mathematics 2022-2025
Teacher Educators
o Board Member of Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators 2018-2019
(North Carolina)
Conference Session Moderator
o Triad Teacher Researcher Conference of North Carolina 2014-2016
Service to the University
o Student Success Committee 2023
o Faculty Senate Alternate 2023-present
o Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Alternate 2021-present
Montana Smithey - 13
o Undergraduate Research Symposium Reviewer 2022
Service to the College
o Fall Graduation Attendee 2023
o Co-Founder of Re-Creation Room; Team Member 2022-present
College of Education
o Liaison, Professional Development School 2021-present
Langston Chapel Elementary School, Statesboro, GA
o Committee Member, Education Preparation Committee 2021-2022
o Leader: GSU College of Education Writing Group 2021-present
o Event organizer: Teacher Talk: How to Thrive in Your First Year 2021
o Invited Participant: Georgia professional standards 2021
commission interview, technology PSC interview, technology
o Volunteer exhibit: Eagle Educators Day in the ISRC (Lego/Osmo) 2021
Service to the Department & Program
o Member, Bsed Internship 1 Calendar revision ad-hoc 2023-2024
o Participant Volunteer: Poverty Simulation 2023
o Block coordinator-MAT program 2021-2022
o Co-chair Faculty Search Committee 2021-2022
§ Assistant Professor of Elementary Science Education
§ Assistant Professor of Elementary Mathematics and
Science Education
o Member, Learner and Learning Rubric ad-hoc team 2022
o Member, Faculty Search Committees 2020-2021
§ Assistant Professor of Elementary Mathematics
§ Visiting Professor of Elementary Mathematics/Science Education
§ Visiting Professor of Critical Pedagogy
o Member, BSED program redesign team ad-hoc 2021
o Member, Professionalism/Dispositions ad-hoc for MAT program 2021
o Participant, BSED program data day, MAT program data day 2021-2023
o Participant, Interrater reliability for assessment in BSED program 2021
Service to the Community
o WTOC: Afternoon Break-Pi Day Broadcast 2023
o Elected chair, School Council, Langston Chapel Elementary 2023-present
o Langston Chapel Elementary Family STEM Night 2023, 2024
o Project Eaglet Session: Building Simple Machines 2023
o Facilitator & Test Item Writer, Reggie Dawson Math 2022
Tournament for 3
& 4
graders in Bulloch County, GA
o Invited guest teacher, 1 morning of Ventaja Summer Camp 2021
Montana Smithey - 14
Service to Previous Institution & Surrounding NC Community
o Moderator for education twitter chat 2017-2020
o Member of elementary education committee-UNC Greensboro 2012-2020
o Faculty advisor for honors college 2014-2019
o Instructional coach for local partnership school 2018
o Organizer of support group for student teaching in mathematics 2017
o Evaluation team member for the Transforming Teaching 2017-2018
Through Technology (T4) grant
o Member, Hanover Grant Academy Member 2023- present
o Member, Scholarship Development Program 2021-present
o Member, Faculty Learning Community: Innovative Teaching 2021-2022
o Google Educator Level 1 certified 2021
o Participant, University of Delaware Virtual Conference for 2021
Beginning Researchers in Mathematics Education and Related Fields
Transforming Teaching Through Technology (T4) 2016-2020
Greensboro, NC
Gain familiarity with a variety of instructional technology tools
o Video tools: Greenscreen, HP reveal, Stop Motion, Swivl, Video
o Simulation tools: Google Expeditions, Mursion
o Robotics: Ozbots, Cubelets
o Other: 3Doodler, Lego, Makey Makey, OSMO, Paper Circuits
Organize teams of instructional leaders to integrate technology into
elementary education licensure program
EDTPA 2019
Greensboro, NC
Attended information sessions to support teacher candidates
Participated in edTPA local evaluation training to become more familiar with
Praxis Content Knowledge for Teaching (CKT) Mathematics 2019
Educational Testing Service (Webinar)
Georgia Council of Mathematics Educators 2021-present
Montana Smithey - 15
Georgia Education Research Association 2021-2023
Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators 2016, 2020-present
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2016, 2020-2022
Research Council on Mathematics Learning 2018-2021
National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics 2017-2018
o SoTL Mentorship Program 2023
o Star fellowship, cohort of 2021
o Graduate Dean’s Award 2015-2016
o Graduate Dean’s Award 2014-2015