Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board,
No. 2414, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington,
D.C., 2014, pp. 1–8.
DOI: 10.3141/2414-01
The participation of a large and varied group of people in the plan-
ning process has long been encouraged to increase the effectiveness and
acceptability of plans. However, in practice, participation by affected
stakeholders has often been limited to small groups, both because of the
lack of reach on the part of planners and because of a sense of little or
no ownership of the process on the part of citizens. Overcoming these
challenges to stakeholder participation is particularly important for
any transportation planning process because the success of the system
depends primarily on its ability to cater to the requirements and prefer-
ences of the people whom the system serves. Crowdsourcing uses the col-
lective wisdom of a crowd to achieve a solution to a problem that affects
the crowd. This paper proposes the use of crowdsourcing as a possible
mechanism to involve a large group of stakeholders in transportation
planning and operations. Multiple case studies show that crowdsourcing
was used to collect data from a wide range of stakeholders in transpor-
tation projects. Two distinct crowdsourcing usage types are identified:
crowdsourcing for collecting normally sparse data on facilities such as
bike routes and crowdsourcing for soliciting feedback on transit quality
of service and real-time information quality. A final case study exempli-
fies the use of data quality auditors for ensuring the usability of crowd-
sourced data, one of many potential issues in crowdsourcing presented
in the paper. These case studies show that crowdsourcing has immense
potential to replace or augment traditional ways of collecting data and
feedback from a wider group of a transportation system’s users without
creating an additional financial burden.
Researchers have long emphasized the importance of public participa-
tion in the planning process as a critical component to the successful
implementation of any plan (1–3). Broad public participation leads
to “greater legitimization and acceptance of public decisions, greater
transparency, and efficiency in public expenditures, and greater
citizens’ satisfaction” (4). According to Burby, inclusion of stake-
holders with varied interests and different backgrounds makes a plan
comprehensive, acceptable, and more easily implementable (2).
Moreover, a participatory planning process effectively recognizes
that “society is pluralist and there are legitimate conflicts of interest
that have to be addressed by the application of consensus building
methods” (5). With these traits in mind, participatory planning has the
potential to involve broader and more diverse groups of people into
a planning dialogue and, hence, can bring in newer perspectives and
ideas to the planning problem at hand (6).
Recent research, however, suggests that citizen involvement
at different stages and levels of planning is steadily declining in
the United States (7–9). This lack of involvement seems counter-
intuitive given the fact that over the past few decades, information
accessibility and remote participation have been facilitated and made
easier through the ubiquitous use of the internet and web-based
social media. A wealth of emerging technologies has brought about
significant new forms of communication and interaction, provid-
ing diverse new ways of documenting, sharing, and reflecting on the
world at a truly global scale.
One possible reason for the apparent decrease in citizen involve-
ment may be that planners and policy makers have yet to embrace
technology-mediated forms of participation and instead still rely on
methods that require the physical presence of participants. These
methods limit the availability of the planning process for citizens
by placing time and location constraints on participation and may also
alienate or further disadvantage citizens for whom traveling to a
planning meeting is neither physically nor financially viable.
One strategy for overcoming limited participation by interested
stakeholders is to implement multiple methods of participation, which
participants can choose from depending on their level of comfort
and accessibility (10). Slotterback proposed that, along with the
traditional methods of public hearings and open-house meetings, more
accessible modes of communication such as project websites and
web-based meetings and discussions may be adopted as a means of
increasing public participation in the planning process (3). Toward
that end, the purpose of this paper is to encourage the use of crowd-
sourcing platforms as a possible means of involving people from
diverse walks of life to effectively participate in planning for trans-
portation systems without putting additional financial burden on the
transportation agency. The paper highlights the successful use of
crowdsourcing in a few transportation projects, providing examples
of projects that have overcome many of the initial challenges of
adopting crowdsourcing in transportation planning and establishing
a robust starting point for future work.
The paper is organized as follows: first, the concept of crowd-
sourcing is discussed along with a commentary on the existing plat-
forms and types of crowdsourcing and the issues associated with
crowdsourcing in general. Then, the crowdsourcing case studies in
Crowdsourcing and Its Application
to Transportation Data Collection
and Management
Aditi Misra, Aaron Gooze, Kari Watkins, Mariam Asad,
and Christopher A. Le Dantec
A. Misra, A. Gooze, and K. Watkins, Georgia Institute of Technology, 790 Atlantic
Drive, Atlanta, GA 30332. M. Asad and C. A. Le Dantec, Georgia Institute of Tech-
nology, Digital Media–Technology Square Research Building, 85 5th Street, NW,
Atlanta, GA 30308. Corresponding author: A. Misra, [email protected].
2 Transportation Research Record 2414
transportation planning are presented with reference to the different
genres of crowdsourcing. The first group of case studies focuses
on receiving feedback from transportation system users, while the
second group focuses on the use of crowdsourcing for data collection.
A standalone example is provided at the end of the case studies sub-
section, deserving special mention because of its use of data quality
editors to ensure data usability and validity, thereby addressing one
of the biggest issues of crowdsourced data collection.
At its conception, social computing focused mainly on building
a network of collaborators and facilitating online communication
between groups. This has eventually given rise to open source plat-
forms and forums where people with similar motivation and outlook
can come together to solve issues and find answers to problems that
affect their community. Crowdsourcing is an example in which an
organizer or an organization is able to use the network of collaborators
to solve a problem that would otherwise be cost- or labor-intensive, or
in which within a defined organization the expertise is unavailable or
Crowdsourcing has been alternately defined as: the outsourcing of
a job (typically performed by a designated agent) to a large undefined
group in the form of an open call (11); a process that “enlists a crowd
of humans to help solve a problem defined by the system owners”
(12); or “a sourcing model in which organizations use predominantly
advanced Internet technologies to harness the efforts of a virtual
crowd to perform specific organizational tasks (13). Common across
these alternate definitions is the notion that crowdsourcing invites
all interested people to form an open forum of ideas that can eventually
lead to a solution of the assigned problem. As noted by Howe, crowd-
sourcing uses the “latent potential of crowd” to achieve a solution
to a problem to which the crowd can relate (11).
According to Saxton et al., crowdsourcing systems are charac-
terized by three main features: the process of outsourcing the prob-
lem, the crowd, and a web-based platform for collaboration (13).
Outsourcing a problem generally implies getting a task done by
outside sources even when it could have been performed by people
within a system; in crowdsourcing, outsourcing is done in cases in
which the in-house expertise has failed to produce a solution or is
an expensive means to produce a solution, or in which there is no in-
house expertise available for solving the issue. Crowdsourcing sys-
tems also rely primarily on an anonymous unidentified group of
people (the “crowd”) to come together willingly instead of using
the business subcontract model of outsourcing where the task is
performed by a previously identified and designated group of people
or a company (13).
An important subset of the general crowdsourcing idea is the
concept of citizen science, in which amateurs contribute to research
projects in conjunction with professional scientists. Goodchild used
the term “citizen science” in describing crowdsourced geomapping,
referring to information generated through crowdsourcing as, although
not of a professional level, helpful in expanding the reach of science
(14). The nature of participation in citizen science projects takes
different forms, depending on the type of project; it can range from
data collection to data analysis and from instrument building to taking
part in scientific expeditions. Recent citizen science projects tend to
focus on using the ever-increasing reach and availability of electronic
gadgets, particularly mobile phones and sensors, for data collection
and monitoring purposes. In their experiments, Kuznetsov and Paulos
(15) and Kuznetsov et al. (16) provided citizen scientists with sen-
sors to monitor air and environmental quality, while the Cycle-
Track project in San Francisco, California, used GPS-enabled mobile
devices to record cyclist trip data (17). Citizen science projects are
gaining popularity as an alternative to cost-intensive data collec-
tion efforts, particularly in cases in which the information needed is
global in character, and are thus being increasingly used for planning
and monitoring purposes.
Existing Crowdsourcing Platforms and Systems
Despite the advantages discussed in the previous section, crowd-
sourcing can only be successful if a platform exists that can provide
open access to incorporate, modify, and synthesize data. There are
four versions of this shared platform: the wiki system, open source
software, geocrowd mapping, and mash-ups using crowdsourcing
data (18). Wiki systems are mainly centered on authoring informa-
tion; open source software provides a platform to share and co-
develop program source code; geocrowd mapping entails collecting,
cleaning, and uploading GPS data; and mash-ups are combinations of
some or all of these. While maintaining coordination between people
coming from different backgrounds and with different motivations is
a significant challenge, this voluntary coming together of a mass of
people for a purpose is particularly useful in tackling problems that are
large scale, e.g., mapping of a country.
Beyond the fundamental concept of providing an open access and
participatory platform for a large group of people, crowdsourcing
projects can be markedly different, depending on the purpose of
the project, the nature of involvement required, or whether some
special expertise is required for participation. Figure 1 schematically
represents the different categorizations of crowdsourcing systems,
which are further discussed in the paper. Based on the nature of
involvement of the participants in solving the problem, Doan et al.
classified crowdsourcing systems as either explicit or implicit systems
(12) (Figure 1). Explicit systems are standalone systems in which
users participate and collaborate in executing a stated problem such
as answering questions via the web, testing software, and writing
web content (e.g., Wikipedia). Within explicit systems, four types
of tasks are generally performed by users:
1. Evaluating (e.g., book review),
2. Sharing (e.g., feedback on system performance),
3. Building artifacts (e.g., designing T-shirts at Threadless.com),
4. Executing tasks (e.g., collaborating on finding gold-mining
Implicit systems can be standalone or piggyback, depending on
projects. In standalone implicit crowdsourcing systems, the sys-
tem owners benefit from the indirect input provided by the users;
the direct user input is used to solve a problem that is related to but
not the same as the issue to which the users of the system respond.
For example, although humans are more efficient at image recog-
nition than computers, they are not necessarily willing to perform
this task unless it is packaged in a form that attracts them. In the ESP
game, the participants are shown images and asked to guess com-
mon words to describe those images as part of playing the game.
Those words are then used to label the image (12). In piggyback
Misra, Gooze, Watkins, Asad, and Le Dantec 3
crowdsourcing systems, the traces of the users are collected from
an entirely different system—ad keywords generated based on
Google and Yahoo search traces are examples of piggyback implicit
crowdsourcing systems.
Steinfeld et al. (19) categorized public participation as either gen-
eral purpose or domain-specific systems. General purpose systems
do not require special expertise from the contributors and are not tar-
geted to any user group in particular, while domain-specific systems
are designed for a special purpose user group (Figure 1). For example,
most crowdsourced service quality feedback does not require spe-
cial expertise on the part of the participants and is, hence, a general
purpose system. Conversely, developing or beta testing open source
software through crowdsourcing requires expertise in particular pro-
gramming languages and platforms and is, hence, a domain-specific
Crowdsourcing systems are further classified based on whether
the system is local or global in scope and whether the system is time
bound or not (20) (Figure 1). For crowdsourcing systems in which
the participants are at the same place at the same time, the system is
termed audience centric (e.g., the use of clickers in class discussions).
For systems in which participants can be at different places while the
crowdsourced event is time bound (i.e., it has a start and end time
between which the collaboration must happen), the system is termed
event centric. An example of event-centric crowdsourcing is orga-
nized with online brainstorming sessions that are triggered by an
event and span over a limited period of time. Systems in which collabo-
ration can happen between people from different places and over an
indefinite period of time are termed global crowdsourcing systems
(e.g., Wikipedia). Finally, systems where people are at the same place
and crowdsourcing is an ongoing process are termed geocentric
crowdsourcing systems (an example is bicycle route-choice data
collection for a city).
Crowdsourcing Issues
As crowdsourcing continues to evolve and gain in popularity, dif-
ferent and larger systems are being experimented with, and the
issues uniquely associated with the characteristics of the systems are
gradually surfacing. For example, domain-specific systems auto-
matically reduce the crowd size by requiring some expertise from
the participants, while implicit systems have the issue of not having
explicit participant consent in using their contribution for the actual
purpose of the project. A priori understanding of the project charac-
teristics, and hence its category, can often largely help in setting up
plans early to overcome such issues. The final case study presented
in this paper is one such example of an expert group used as data
quality auditor instead of the system being domain-specific. Use of an
expert group helps in retaining a larger participant base and provides
the necessary check on the usability of the data collected through
a general crowdsourcing system. As crowdsourcing gets applied
to different domains, and as the scale and scope of crowdsourcing
systems increases, additional techniques for addressing these system-
specific issues need to be developed based on the requirement of
the projects.
In addition to the unique issues of the systems, operation and
maintenance of crowdsourcing systems generally suffer from four
major issues:
1. Recruiting and retaining the participant base,
2. Assessing user capabilities,
3. Aggregating the information provided by users, and
4. Evaluating the contributions of users (12).
The problem of recruiting and retaining participants is a major
issue in adopting crowdsourcing for any project. Depending on the
e.g., Amazon’s
Same Place
Based on time
and location
Based on
participant expertise
Based on
Different Places
Same TimeDifferent Time
e.g., Audience
Played Games
e.g., Event-Based
e.g., Route Choice
Data Collection
Global Systems
e.g., Wikipedia
e.g., Transit
User Feedback
e.g., Software
e.g., Amazon’s
FIGURE 1 Classifications of crowdsourcing systems (12, 19, 20).
4 Transportation Research Record 2414
purpose of the project, it is often important that feedback be obtained
from users with particular skills or expertise. Furthermore, retain-
ing participants is often important for understanding a trend over
time—to allow the crowd’s understanding of the problem to evolve
throughout the process. The use of recurring campaigns and market-
ing strategies at frequent intervals (along with new releases of apps)
is suggested where applicable so that people remain curious about
the project and the developers can help maintain a participant base
over time (21). Using incentives in the form of material benefits as
well as acknowledgement of contribution in the form of gratifica-
tion announcements at project sites make people feel encouraged
to participate in the project and can help recognize diverse kinds of
contributions from the crowd (12).
Dealing with user capability is an important issue in citizen sci-
ence projects and in problem solving projects where participants are
required to have some background to appreciate the assigned task.
While participatory planning may not generally require special skill
sets, in cases in which the planning process targets a special group, it
is important that the participants are aware of the specific problems
of that group (e.g., planning for bicyclists’ needs requires the pres-
ence of people who bike in that area so that the relevant problems
and issues are brought up and placed on the table). In such cases,
the crowdsourcing process may be most successful if it is designed
as a domain-specific system—rather than a general purpose one—
where specific tools and capabilities are made available to develop
and maintain relevant user capabilities.
Problems with data quality and challenges with data aggregation
are two important issues that often undermine the benefits of crowd-
sourcing systems. Regarding the importance of data quality, Heipke
assessed that “quality issues have been a primary point of debate since
crowdsourcing results started to appear” (22). From that perspective,
a degree of loose hierarchical authority is needed to ensure that the
data are useful for their intended purpose. Additionally, aggregation
of the data from crowdsourcing is often a complicated task given
the volume of responses received from a diverse pool of crowd par-
ticipants. Coping with data issues is either often labor intensive as
large data sets need to be manually cleaned, or more cost intensive as
complex data management systems and processes need to be put into
place in an attempt to reduce sources of human error.
Evaluating the contribution of the user is commonly accomplished
by setting up an automatic screening program to evaluate the validity
of user-submitted information based on predefined criteria. The
screening program rejects any input that does not follow the set cri-
teria, and thus only valid information is retained. However, this kind
of automation is possible only in cases in which the input is suf-
ficiently normalized to be evaluated programmatically; in cases in
which the responses are descriptive or subjective, a manual evalua-
tion stage is needed to evaluate each response based on its potential
contribution to the project. Such manual processes are labor- and
cost-intensive and prone to subjective biases of the evaluator but
also much needed to ensure data quality for the project.
Crowdsourcing is particularly suitable and useful for transportation
planning because it voluntarily brings together a large group of people
on the same platform to address common issues that affect its mem-
bers. Crowdsourcing works successfully for local purposes through
localized knowledge and acquired experiences (23) because people
in a region tend to identify themselves with the region where they
live, work, and socialize, and are generally more interested in the
systems that affect them (20).
A survey of transportation systems that use crowdsourcing reveals
that the predominant purposes of using crowdsourcing are either for
the collection of data or feedback from the transportation system’s
users. For example, one popular use of crowdsourcing is to collect
route choice data from bicyclists using the GPS functionality of their
cell phones; such data are not readily available through standard data
collection procedures, and designing a separate survey for a small
population of users is often not cost effective for regional planning
agencies. Crowdsourcing in this case helps the geographically dis-
persed and diverse population of cyclists work together on a com-
mon interest without financially burdening the planning agencies.
Similarly, crowdsourcing can also help in collecting feedback from
a sociodemographically diverse range of users of any transit system,
which can be immensely useful for improving transit service quality
and standards.
Transportation related crowdsourcing systems designed to date
can be implicit or explicit standalone systems as defined by Doan
et al. and discussed in the previous section (12). These systems may
also be either geocentric systems where only local users are engaged
or global systems where any person can contribute to the system.
Extending the categorization of public participation as defined by
Steinfeld et al., transportation crowdsourcing systems may be further
classified as either general purpose or domain specific systems (19).
General purpose crowdsourcing systems do not require any spe-
cial expertise from the contributors and are not targeted to any user
group in particular, while domain-specific systems are designed for
a special purpose user group.
Examples of transportation related crowdsourcing are presented
below with reference to the above-mentioned classification systems:
the first group of examples focuses on receiving feedback from users
while the second group of examples focuses on use of crowdsourcing
for data collection. A standalone example, provided at the end of the
subsection, deserves special mention for its use of data quality editors
to ensure data usability and validity and, at the same time, maintain a
broad user base, thereby addressing one of the primary challenges of
crowd-sourced data collection. The section is followed by a discussion
on the advantages and disadvantages of crowdsourcing systems.
Crowdsourcing Case Studies
User Feedback–Based Crowdsourcing Systems
Three seminal examples of general purpose user feedback systems
are SeeClickFix (http://seeclickfix.com), PublicStuff (http://www.
publicstuff.com) and FixMyStreet (http://www.fixmystreet.com),
all of which rely on public feedback about neighborhood issues
and have been successful in mobilizing communities to take up
the task voluntarily. While FixMyStreet is essentially for users to
report road maintenance issues, the developers have a similar transit-
based tool called FixMyTransport (http://www.fixmytransport.com).
SeeClickFix and PublicStuff can be used to report “any nonemergency
issue anywhere in the world that a user wants to be fixed” (24), be it
infrastructural or governance related. In SeeClickFix, users can also
set up neighborhood watches where they monitor and report local
community issues which are then taken up by advocacy groups or
elected officials, and solutions are proposed publicly. It is evident
from the nature of the participation in these cases that no special
expertise is expected from the users. The majority of the reported
Misra, Gooze, Watkins, Asad, and Le Dantec 5
issues are local and community oriented in nature, reinforcing the
concept that crowdsourcing can be successful in addressing local
and regional issues, making it suitable for transportation planning.
Shareabouts is another example of a general purpose crowd-
sourcing system that uses an innovative approach. Shareabouts
(http://www.shareabouts.org) is a web-based system that uses
maps to generate user feedback on preferred location of facilities
and amenities. A few ongoing projects that use Shareabouts are Chi-
cago Bikeshare, Illinois, with people pinning preferred bikeshare
locations on the map provided; North Carolina Alternative Bike
Route Plan, with people voting for preferred alternatives as well
as marking any segment that they think might be an inappropriate
alternative; and Philadelphia Bike Parking Survey, Pennsylvania,
with crowdsourced information collected for estimating the bike
parking capacity of the existing stations and plan for future expan-
sion. In Boston, Massachusetts, Street Bump (http://streetbump.
org) is a mobile application that uses a smartphones accelerom-
eter to detect potholes and other street hazards as people drive around
the city; the geolocated street quality data collected through crowd-
sourcing are automatically uploaded and integrated with the city’s
process for locating and fixing pavement quality issues.
A transit project using a general purpose crowdsourcing system,
OneBusAway was created to address the reliability issues with on-time
performance of transit systems in Seattle, Washington, and to expand
upon existing transit tools in the region. OneBusAway provides sev-
eral feedback mechanisms (email, Twitter, blog, bug tracker) that
allow users to make comments or suggestions about the tools (25).
The design of the various tools, along with development of new fea-
tures, has been further shaped by feedback from users via several user
studies and the IdeaScale feedback platform (another general use tool
that can be applied to transportation). Because OneBusAway is open
source software, users have also submitted improvements of their
own to the code. Thus, users eventually become partners in develop-
ment and design of the OneBusAway program, which promotes a
sense of community among the transit riders in the region and a sense
of ownership of the program. This ownership is an important factor
in maintaining the user base for the program (25).
Another general purpose crowdsourcing project related to transit
systems is Tiramisu transit (26), a user feedback–based real-time infor-
mation system for public transportation in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Tiramisu Transit, a crowd-powered transit information system uses
riders as the human equivalent of automated vehicle location system,
thereby providing an innovative alternative to more traditional cost-
intensive data collection. Tiramisu Transit is a smartphone applica-
tion (app) developed by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University to
improve users’ transit experiences and transit accessibility (26). Upon
activation, the app shows a list of buses or light rail vehicles scheduled
for arriving at the current time; the list is based on past arrival data as
well as real-time data sent by riders on the vehicle. Tiramisu provides
an option for the rider to indicate the level of fullness of the bus, which
aids people with disabilities to choose the bus they want to access.
Once aboard, the rider can use Tiramisu to find out which stop is next
and to report problems, positive experiences, and suggestions. Use of
Tiramisu is motivated by the riders’ ability to use the same real-time
arrival and fullness information they are reporting.
Crowdsourcing Systems for Data Collection
Issue-reporting crowdsourcing systems such as SeeClickFix and
FixMyStreet do not call for specific expertise from the user, but there
may often be systems in which data and information are needed
from a group with specific expertise or purpose; these are termed
domain-specific systems (20). Domain-specific systems may be
nested under a general purpose system, such as the bike projects
undertaken using Shareabouts. While all of these projects use the
same crowdsourcing platform, the information is collected for
one specific region, because it is more useful if it comes from the
cyclists who use the facilities on a regular basis. Examples of stand-
alone domain-specific systems are the crowdsourced bike route
data collection projects undertaken in San Francisco; Minneapolis,
Minnesota; Atlanta, Georgia; and Austin, Texas. These projects focus
on developing smartphone apps and websites for cyclists to record
their trips so that region-specific bikability maps can be created and
facilities can be constructed on route segments as required.
CycleTracks (17) and Cycle Atlanta (27) are both projects for
collecting bike route choice data through GPS-enabled smartphones.
The creation of CycleTracks by the San Francisco County Trans-
portation Authority in late 2009 was motivated by the lack of data on
cyclists, cycling infrastructure, and eventually cyclist route choices.
Traditionally, such data would be collected through public meetings
because cyclists represent only 1% to 2% of commuters, making
vehicle count methods less useful. CycleTracks made participation in
data collection for cyclists more accessible by moving data collec-
tion to the increasingly common smartphone use. In CycleTracks,
first-time users are asked optional information to determine cycling
habits, such as riding frequency, age, gender, and zip codes for home,
work, and school. Users record their trips by starting the app when
they set out on a ride and then saving and uploading their data
once they’ve reached their destination. The app records bicycle trip
route, time, distance, and average speed, along with user-reported trip
purpose and notes. The trip data are wirelessly uploaded for analysis
of cyclist route choice and is later used for planning facilities along
the predicted routes (17).
Cycle Atlanta, a similar smartphone app for collecting data about
cyclists and their routes within the city of Atlanta, was built off
the open source codebase of the CycleTracks app. Cycle Atlanta
also uses the GPS capabilities of smartphones to save and upload
routes to provide basic data on how cyclists navigate the city, but
the project team added features to the app including the ability to
note with photos and textual descriptions of specific locations as
either issues (pavement issues, traffic signal, enforcement, etc.) or
amenities (bike parking, public restrooms, water fountains, etc.).
The app also includes the collection of additional demographic data,
including cyclist ability and history as indicators of comfort level to
allow analysis of route data around an established taxonomy of urban
cyclists (28), and to enable correlation with existing cyclist count
and census data. As a distinctly different approach from CycleTracks,
Cycle Atlanta categorizes cyclists into groups based on their cycling
comfort level. The categories include the strong and fearless, the
enthused and confident, the comfortable but cautious, and the inter-
ested but concerned. This categorization helps to understand the
preferences of different types of cyclists in choosing routes, and
hence can be immensely informative in creating a tailored application
such as bike maps for any particular group of users. Since the apps
were launched in early October 2012, Cycle Atlanta has been used
by more than 1,000 cyclists in Atlanta, who have recorded more than
10,000 rides—represented by more than 16.5 million individual data
points. These data constitute the core piece of the City of Atlanta’s
effort to facilitate more streamlined communication between planners
and cyclists.
6 Transportation Research Record 2414
A significant role of domain-specific crowdsourcing is its pro-
vision of information from an otherwise unrepresented or under-
represented community. For example, because of the small size of
the cycling community, bicycle maps are not commercially attractive
and, hence, are rare. Therefore, crowdsourced maps and geowikis
are particularly suitable for understanding bicycle routes and for
developing bicycle route maps (29). Also, cyclists can benefit from
regularly updated information, which is easy to maintain through
“delegated responsibility among a motivated community with com-
mon purpose” (29). Cyclopath (http://www.cyclopath.org), a crowd-
sourced geowiki-based bicycle map developed by researchers at the
University of Minnesota provides an example of a domain-specific
use of crowdsourcing in transportation. Cyclopath maintains an active
database of user-contributed bicycle routes and trails within the
Minneapolis–Saint Paul metropolitan area. The users of Cyclopath
can add, modify, and delete roads and bike trails, road and trail seg-
ments, points of interest, and neighborhoods. In addition, Cyclopath
allows users to add notes and tags describing any feature on the map,
such as “bumpy” or “closed.” Revisions are public and tagged to user
logins for transparency and accountability. Cyclopath also has features
that help the community moderate itself. A list of recent changes is
also maintained so that other users can identify and undo malicious
modifications to the geowiki. Finally, Cyclopath allows a user to
rate bike routes on a five-point qualitative scale (excellent, good,
fair, poor, and impassable) for their own use and for aggregation to
enhance bikability ratings. The Cyclopath community has made more
than 13,000 revisions since its release (30).
Standalone Crowdsourced Data Quality
Auditor System
Along with generating data from underrepresented groups, domain-
specific crowdsourcing also helps in data quality management, which
is an issue with self-reported data in crowdsourced systems. As a
study by Wiggins and Crowston revealed, most of the systems that use
voluntary public participation include some form of expert control
over the data (31). An expert user group can act as a bridge between
general users and the system by filtering required information from
general information and then translating the feedback from the
system to the general users in a meaningful way. Use of such a group
helps maintain a feedback loop that is important in retaining partici-
pants and also prevents losing the critical mass, which is often the
case if the entire process is domain specific.
A standalone example of such an effort in transportation systems
is the transit ambassador program initiated by the OneBusAway
program in Seattle (32). The transit ambassadors are a super user
group, with a solid understanding of the transit network and basic
computational and analytical skills. Their role is to filter the incom-
ing general purpose crowdsourced information and channel it to the
respective departments within the transit agency for necessary action.
Three core goals of the program development were addressing prob-
lem resolution, engaging the community, and improving agency-rider
communication. Beginning in the fall of 2011, a number of errors
with the real-time transit prediction data surfaced, affecting over 77%
of a survey of riders (33). While the OneBusAway mobile appli-
cation included an error reporting function to allow users to identify
errors experienced, the amount and quality of the crowdsourced
reports began to overwhelm the One BusAway administrators. Often-
times, reports were duplicates of previously reported errors or the
information submitted was incomplete and required additional effort
to utilize it. With upwards of 500 errors reported on a weekly basis,
the time required to evaluate these reports and any attempt to lever-
age them in order to resolve underlying problems with the real-time
system would have required an effort from a collection of individuals.
In contrast to previously described crowdsourcing programs, this was
not an issue of data collection, but rather a problem with information
management. The management of the errors required the coordina-
tion between the agency, the OneBusAway administrator and the
riding community, however, due to the constrained resources of each
organization, there was no single contact to coordinate between these
entities. This role fell to a collection of volunteer super users, or One-
BusAway transit ambassadors. Figure 2 provides a visual summary of
the flow of information established in the program as well as the role
of the ambassadors in coordinating the process.
An initial group of three transit ambassadors were recruited from
the rider community via blog solicitation and email outreach. The
ambassadors were provided resources such as transit schedule data,
agency alert information, and an error decision matrix to assist in
categorizing the crowdsourced error reports. All error reports were
collected into an online database that allowed the ambassadors to not
just validate the error but to identify the nature and possible cause.
This action of validation was a necessary and vital step in trans-
forming the overwhelming amount of crowdsourced information
from varying noise into usable knowledge. Finally, the ambassadors
aggregated the information to forward onto the transit agency a
clear and concise summary of notable issues reported by riders. For
example, the summary of errors by vehicle and route provided the
transit agency with valuable supporting information to help target
potential actions to improve the real-time information system. The
overarching role of the ambassadors provided a level of expertise
that could accurately evaluate the incoming error reports and thus
efficiently triage and divert any relevant issues to the appropriate
Providing a behind-the-scenes look at the underlying issues con-
fronting the transit agency allowed the ambassadors to relay that
information to the rider community and to provide some context
to the errors that everyone was experiencing. For example, a typical
public relations response by the agency would have been interpreted
far differently as compared with the ambassadors relaying this infor-
mation to the community, thereby providing an enhanced level of
trust. Although some underlying real-time issues could not be resolved
by the agency, the ambassadors provided a means to explain to riders
FIGURE 2 Information flow of transit ambassador program.
Misra, Gooze, Watkins, Asad, and Le Dantec 7
why an issue could not be fixed and how they could best adjust to
the situation.
The success of the outreach exhibited by the ambassadors and their
role in representing not just the agency but the riders themselves
gave validity to the potential that a fully deployed ambassador pro-
gram has within any real-time information system. With the proper
adjustments to the available agency support and an expansion of the
amount of ambassadors, a transit ambassador program can effectively
accomplish the core objectives and serve as not only a means for
improving the real-time information product but serve as a mechanism
for an agency to fully engage its riding community in a method that
improves the overall functionality and quality of the transit service
Summing It Up
Despite the fact that crowdsourcing has been used in transportation
planning only recently, it is evident from the case studies presented
that it has immense potential in augmenting or replacing traditional
survey methods, particularly for groups of stakeholders who have
a small user base in the transportation system. As seen with all sys-
tems, crowdsourcing also has its own issues that need to be addressed
through proper planning and understanding of the system. Although
there are criticisms with respect to data quality and data management
issues, it is undeniable that crowdsourcing has been successful in
engaging groups of people in solving a problem that affects their
community. Crowdsourcing for bike route choice data has success-
fully solved the issue of data aggregation, defining a role of the users
and linking their contribution to the final goal of the project by devel-
oping facilities for the bicyclists in San Francisco, Minneapolis,
Atlanta, and Austin. Meanwhile, transit information systems such
as Tiramisu Transit and OneBusAway have been very successful in
redefining the role of their users in monitoring service standards and
quality. The OneBusAway transit ambassador program has the poten-
tial to address the data quality issues associated with crowdsourcing
by filtering and validating the data received from participants before
they reach the agency.
Most of the crowdsourcing systems use devices and technolo-
gies that are readily available and low cost; often crowdsourcing is
based on devices that are owned by individuals (as in cycling data
collection in CycleTracks and Cycle Atlanta), involving no major
financial investment on the part of the system. In an exemplary case,
the Tiramisu project described earlier uses crowdsourcing to actu-
ally replace the requirement of high-cost automated vehicle location
systems. Tiramisu provides an example of ideal civic engagement in
transit planning and operation where riders take care of other riders
without the direct involvement of the transit agency and create an
information sharing legacy that is beneficial to both the users and the
agency. With current funding limitations, crowdsourcing can be a
preferred alternative to involve the public despite limited resources.
However, CycleTracks and Cycle Atlanta are based on the wide-
spread popularity and reach of the smartphone technology for crowd-
sourcing. Although smartphones are easy to carry and powerful
devices that provide an inexpensive means of data collection, their
use is not equally prevalent with all groups of people—thus, using
smartphones for data collection comes with the issue of bias toward the
input from populations of different ages, financial means, and ethnicity
(34). Further research into possible biases arising from smartphone
data collection is underway (34), and preliminary results show that
age, income, and ethnicity are the major factors that should be con-
sidered in smartphone data collection. This, however, can be addressed
using proper outreach efforts and using supportive traditional methods
for people who are not currently smartphone users.
Crowdsourced transportation projects bear evidence that crowd-
sourcing has the potential to bring together a large group of people
on the same platform when there is an issue that affects them all.
Systematic use of information and feedback from users for the
purpose of transportation planning or for improving service standards
is receiving significant attention recently, and smart technology–
based crowdsourcing provides an ideal platform for engaging a
broad group of users with limited additional financial burden on the
system or the agency—possibly even replacing costly equipment.
Crowdsourcing for data collection is found to be financially most
effective in cases where the user base is small but enthusiastic and
motivated as in the case of bicyclists; in such cases crowdsourcing
has a huge potential in augmenting the standard data collection pro-
cedures by including the requirements of otherwise marginalized
groups of users. Examples of a few potential transportation-related
cases where crowdsourcing can be used are traffic data collection,
getting user feedback for different systems, monitoring pavement
and sidewalk quality, and understanding group opinion in creating
new facilities.
Crowdsourcing issues are mostly concentrated around problems
with the quality, accuracy, and aggregation of data. However, these
issues may be addressed through proper planning and with an under-
standing of the final goal of the crowdsourcing project. Further
research and implementation of such strategies in real life projects
are needed to establish a generic framework of crowdsourcing for
transportation planning.
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The Conduct of Research Committee peer-reviewed this paper.