Semantic Web 0 (2016) 1–0 1
IOS Press
Knowledge Graph Refinement:
A Survey of Approaches and Evaluation
Editor(s): Philipp Cimiano, Universität Bielefeld, Germany
Solicited review(s): Natasha Noy, Google Inc., USA; Philipp Cimiano, Universität Bielefeld, Germany; two anonymous reviewers
Heiko Paulheim,
Data and Web Science Group, University of Mannheim, B6 26, 68159 Mannheim, Germany
Abstract. In the recent years, different Web knowledge graphs, both free and commercial, have been created. While Google
coined the term “Knowledge Graph” in 2012, there are also a few openly available knowledge graphs, with DBpedia, YAGO,
and Freebase being among the most prominent ones. Those graphs are often constructed from semi-structured knowledge, such
as Wikipedia, or harvested from the web with a combination of statistical and linguistic methods. The result are large-scale
knowledge graphs that try to make a good trade-off between completeness and correctness. In order to further increase the utility
of such knowledge graphs, various refinement methods have been proposed, which try to infer and add missing knowledge to
the graph, or identify erroneous pieces of information. In this article, we provide a survey of such knowledge graph refinement
approaches, with a dual look at both the methods being proposed as well as the evaluation methodologies used.
Keywords: Knowledge Graphs, Refinement, Completion, Correction, Error Detection, Evaluation
1. Introduction
Knowledge graphs on the Web are a backbone of
many information systems that require access to struc-
tured knowledge, be it domain-specific or domain-
independent. The idea of feeding intelligent systems
and agents with general, formalized knowledge of the
world dates back to classic Artificial Intelligence re-
search in the 1980s [91]. More recently, with the ad-
vent of Linked Open Data [5] sources like DBpedia
[56], and by Google’s announcement of the Google
Knowledge Graph in 2012
, representations of general
world knowledge as graphs have drawn a lot of atten-
tion again.
There are various ways of building such knowl-
edge graphs. They can be curated like Cyc [57], edited
by the crowd like Freebase [9] and Wikidata [104],
or extracted from large-scale, semi-structured web
knowledge bases such as Wikipedia, like DBpedia [56]
and YAGO [101]. Furthermore, information extraction
methods for unstructured or semi-structured informa-
tion are proposed, which lead to knowledge graphs like
NELL [14], PROSPERA [70], or KnowledgeVault [21].
Whichever approach is taken for constructing a
knowledge graph, the result will never be perfect [10].
As a model of the real world or a part thereof, formal-
ized knowledge cannot reasonably reach full coverage,
i.e., contain information about each and every entity in
the universe. Furthermore, it is unlikely, in particular
when heuristic methods are applied, that the knowl-
edge graph is fully correct – there is usually a trade-off
between coverage and correctness, which is addressed
differently in each knowledge graph. [111]
To address those shortcomings, various methods
for knowledge graph refinement have been proposed.
2016 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved
2 Knowledge Graph Refinement: A Survey of Approaches and Evaluation Methods
In many cases, those methods are developed by re-
searchers outside the organizations or communities
which create the knowledge graphs. They rather take
an existing knowledge graph and try to increase its
coverage and/or correctness by various means. Since
such works are reviewed in this survey, the focus of
this survey is not knowledge graph construction, but
knowledge graph refinement.
For this survey, we view knowledge graph construc-
tion as a construction from scratch, i.e., using a set of
operations on one or more sources to create a knowl-
edge graph. In contrast, knowledge graph refinement
assumes that there is already a knowledge graph given
which is improved, e.g., by adding missing knowl-
edge or identifying and removing errors. Usually, those
methods directly use the information given in a knowl-
edge graph, e.g., as training information for automatic
approaches. Thus, the methods for both construction
and refinement may be similar, but not the same, since
the latter work on a given graph, while the former are
It is important to note that for many knowledge
graphs, one or more refinement steps are applied when
creating and/or before publishing the graph. For exam-
ple, logical reasoning is applied on some knowledge
graphs for validating the consistency of statements in
the graph, and removing the inconsistent statements.
Such post processing operations (i.e., operations ap-
plied after the initial construction of the graph) would
be considered as refinement methods for this survey,
and are included in the survey.
Decoupling knowledge base construction and re-
finement has different advantages. First, it allows at
least in principle for developing methods for refin-
ing arbitrary knowledge graphs, which can then be ap-
plied to improve multiple knowledge graphs.
than fine-tuning the heuristics that create a knowl-
edge graph, the impact of such generic refinement
methods can thus be larger. Second, evaluating refine-
ment methods in isolation of the knowledge graph con-
struction step allows for a better understanding and
a cleaner separation of effects, i.e., it facilitates more
qualified statements about the effectiveness of a pro-
posed approach.
The rest of this article is structured as follows. Sec-
tion 2 gives a brief introduction into knowledge graphs
in the Semantic Web. In section 3 and 4, we present
a categorization of approaches and evaluation method-
See section 7.2 for a critical discussion.
ologies. In section 5 and 6, we present the review of
methods for completion (i.e., increasing coverage) and
error detection (i.e., increasing correctness) of knowl-
edge graphs. We conclude with a critical reflection of
the findings in section 7, and a summary in section 8.
2. Knowledge Graphs in the Semantic Web
From the early days, the Semantic Web has pro-
moted a graph-based representation of knowledge,
e.g., by pushing the RDF standard
. In such a graph-
based knowledge representation, entities, which are
the nodes of the graph, are connected by relations,
which are the edges of the graph (e.g., Shakespeare
has written Hamlet), and entities can have types, de-
noted by is a relations (e.g., Shakespeare is a writer,
Hamlet is a play). In many cases, the sets of possible
types and relations are organized in a schema or ontol-
ogy, which defines their interrelations and restrictions
of their usage.
With the advent of Linked Data [5], it was proposed
to interlink different datasets in the Semantic Web. By
means of interlinking, the collection of could be under-
stood as one large, global knowledge graph (although
very heterogenous in nature). To date, roughly 1,000
datasets are interlinked in the Linked Open Data cloud,
with the majority of links connecting identical entities
in two datasets [95].
The term Knowledge Graph was coined by Google
in 2012, referring to their use of semantic knowledge
in Web Search (“Things, not strings”), and is recently
also used to refer to Semantic Web knowledge bases
such as DBpedia or YAGO. From a broader perspec-
tive, any graph-based representation of some knowl-
edge could be considered a knowledge graph (this
would include any kind of RDF dataset, as well as de-
scription logic ontologies). However, there is no com-
mon definition about what a knowledge graph is and
what it is not. Instead of attempting a formal definition
of what a knowledge graph is, we restrict ourselves to
a minimum set of characteristics of knowledge graphs,
which we use to tell knowledge graphs from other col-
lections of knowledge which we would not consider as
knowledge graphs. A knowledge graph
1. mainly describes real world entities and their in-
terrelations, organized in a graph.
Knowledge Graph Refinement: A Survey of Approaches and Evaluation Methods 3
2. defines possible classes and relations of entities
in a schema.
3. allows for potentially interrelating arbitrary enti-
ties with each other.
4. covers various topical domains.
The first two criteria clearly define the focus of a
knowledge graph to be the actual instances (A-box in
description logic terminology), with the schema (T-
box) playing only a minor role. Typically, this means
that the number of instance-level statements is by sev-
eral orders of magnitude larger than that of schema
level statements (cf. Table 1). In contrast, the schema
can remain rather shallow, at a small degree of formal-
ization. In that sense, mere ontologies without any in-
stances (such as DOLCE [27]) would not be consid-
ered as knowledge graphs. Likewise, we do not con-
sider WordNet [67] as a knowledge graph, since it is
mainly concerned with common nouns and words
their relations (although a few proper nouns, i.e., in-
stances are also included).
The third criterion introduces the possibility to de-
fine arbitrary relations between instances, which are
not restricted in their domain and/or range. This is a
property which is hardly found in relational databases,
which follow a strict schema.
Furthermore, knowledge graphs are supposed to
cover at least a major portion of the domains that ex-
ist in the real world, and are not supposed to be re-
stricted to only one domain (such as geographic enti-
ties). In that sense, large, but single-domain datasets,
such as GeoNames
, would not be considered a knowl-
edge graph.
Knowledge graphs on the Semantic Web are typi-
cally provided using Linked Data [5] as a standard.
They can be built using different methods: they can
be curated by an organization or a small, closed group
of people, crowd-sourced by a large, open group of
individuals, or created with heuristic, automatic or
semi-automatic means. In the following, we give an
overview of existing knowledge graphs, both open and
The question of whether words as such are real world entities or
not is of philosophical nature and not answered within the scope of
this article.
Nevertheless, it is occasionally used for evaluating knowledge
graph refinement methods, as we will show in the subsequent sec-
2.1. Cyc and OpenCyc
The Cyc knowledge graph is one of the oldest
knowledge graphs, dating back to the 1980s [57].
Rooted in traditional artificial intelligence research, it
is a curated knowledge graph, developed and main-
tained by CyCorp Inc.
OpenCyc is a reduced version
of Cyc, which is publicly available. A Semantic Web
endpoint to OpenCyc also exists, containing links to
DBpedia and other LOD datasets.
OpenCyc contains roughly 120,000 instances and
2.5 million facts defined for those instances; its schema
comprises a type hierarchy of roughly 45,000 types,
and 19,000 possible relations.
2.2. Freebase
Curating a universal knowledge graph is an endeav-
our which is infeasible for most individuals and organi-
zations. To date, more than 900 person years have been
invested in the creation of Cyc [92], with gaps still ex-
isting. Thus, distributing that effort on as many shoul-
ders as possible through crowdsourcing is a way taken
by Freebase, a public, editable knowledge graph with
schema templates for most kinds of possible entities
(i.e., persons, cities, movies, etc.). After MetaWeb, the
company running Freebase, was acquired by Google,
Freebase was shut down on March 31st, 2015.
The last version of Freebase contains roughly 50
million entities and 3 billion facts
. Freebase’s schema
comprises roughly 27,000 entity types and 38,000 re-
lation types.
2.3. Wikidata
Like Freebase, Wikidata is a collaboratively edited
knowledge graph, operated by the Wikimedia founda-
that also hosts the various language editions of
Wikipedia. After the shutdown of Freebase, the data
contained in Freebase is subsequently moved to Wiki-
A particularity of Wikidata is that for each ax-
These numbers have been gathered by own inspections of
the 2012 of version of OpenCyc, available from http://sw.
These numbers have been gathered by queries against Free-
base’s query endpoint.
4 Knowledge Graph Refinement: A Survey of Approaches and Evaluation Methods
iom, provenance metadata can be included such as
the source and date for the population figure of a city
To date, Wikidata contains roughly 16 million in-
and 66 million statements
. Its schema de-
fines roughly 23,000 types
and 1,600 relations
2.4. DBpedia
DBpedia is a knowledge graph which is extracted
from structured data in Wikipedia. The main source for
this extraction are the key-value pairs in the Wikipedia
infoboxes. In a crowd-sourced process, types of in-
foboxes are mapped to the DBpedia ontology, and keys
used in those infoboxes are mapped to properties in
that ontology. Based on those mappings, a knowledge
graph can be extracted [56].
The most recent version of the main DBpedia
(i.e., DBpedia 2015-04, extracted from the English
Wikipedia based on dumps from February/March
2015) contains 4.8 million entities and 176 million
statements about those entities.
The ontology com-
prises 735 classes and 2,800 relations.
2.5. YAGO
Like DBpedia, YAGO is also extracted from DB-
pedia. YAGO builds its classification implicitly from
the category system in Wikipedia and the lexical re-
source WordNet [67], with infobox properties manu-
ally mapped to a fixed set of attributes. While DBpedia
creates different interlinked knowledge graphs for each
language edition of Wikipedia [12], YAGO aims at an
automatic fusion of knowledge extracted from various
Wikipedia language editions, using different heuristics
The latest release of YAGO, i.e., YAGO3, contains
4.6 million entities and 26 million facts about those
types. The schema comprises rouhgly 488,000 types
and 77 relations [65].
2.6. NELL
While DBpedia and YAGO use semi-structured
content as a base, methods for extracting knowledge
graphs from unstructured data have been proposed
as well. One of the earliest approaches working at
web-scale was the Never Ending Language Learning
(NELL) project [14]. The project works on a large-
scale corpus of web sites and exploits a coupled pro-
cess which learns text patterns corresponding type and
relation assertions, as well as applies them to extract
new entities and relations. Reasoning is applied for
consistency checking and removing inconsistent ax-
ioms. The system is still running today, continuously
extending its knowledge base. While not published us-
ing Semantic Web standards, it has been shown that the
data in NELL can be transformed to RDF and provided
as Linked Open Data as well [113].
In its most recent version (i.e., the 945th iteration),
NELL contains roughly 2 million entities and 433,000
relations between those. The NELL ontology defines
285 classes and 425 relations.
2.7. Google’s Knowledge Graph
Google’s Knowledge Graph was introduced to the
public in 2012, which was also when the term knowl-
edge graph as such was coined. Google itself is rather
secretive about how their Knowledge Graph is con-
structed; there are only a few external sources that dis-
cuss some of the mechanisms of information flow into
the Knowledge Graph based on experience
. From
those, it can be assumed that major semi-structured
web sources, such as Wikipedia, contribute to the
knowledge graph, as well as structured markup (like Microdata [66]) on web pages and con-
tents from Google’s online social network Google+.
According to [21], Google’s Knowledge Graph con-
tains 18 billion statements about 570 million entities,
with a schema of 1,500 entity types and 35,000 relation
These numbers have been derived from the promotion heatmap
Knowledge Graph Refinement: A Survey of Approaches and Evaluation Methods 5
2.8. Google’s Knowledge Vault
The Knowledge Vault is another project by Google.
It extracts knowledge from different sources, such as
text documents, HTML tables, and structured anno-
tations on the Web with Microdata or MicroFormats.
Extracted facts are combined using both the extrac-
tor’s confidence values, as well as prior probabilities
for the statements, which are computed using the Free-
base knowledge graph (see above). From those com-
ponents, a confidence value for each fact is computed,
and only the confident facts are taken into Knowledge
Vault [21].
According to [21], the Knowledge Vault contains
roughly 45 million entities and 271 million fact state-
ments, using 1,100 entity types and 4,500 relation
2.9. Yahoo!’s Knowledge Graph
Like Google, Yahoo! also has their internal knowl-
edge graph, which is used to improve search results.
The knowledge graph builds on both public data (e.g.,
Wikipedia and Freebase), as well as closed commer-
cial sources for various domains. It uses wrappers for
different sources and monitors evolving sources, such
as Wikipedia, for constant updates.
Yahoo’s knowledge graph contains roughly 3.5 mil-
lion entities and 1.4 billion relations. Its schema, which
is aligned with, comprises 250 types of en-
tities and 800 types of relations. [6]
2.10. Microsoft’s Satori
Satori is Microsoft’s equivalent to Google’s Knowl-
edge Graph.
Although almost no public information
on the construction, the schema, or the data volume of
Satori is available, it has been said to consist of 300
million entities and 800 million relations in 2012, and
its data representation format to be RDF.
2.11. Facebook’s Entities Graph
Although the majority of the data in the online so-
cial network Facebook
is perceived as connections
projects/trinity/query.aspx, currently offline, accessi-
ble through the Internet Archive.
between people, Facebook also works on extracting a
knowledge graph which contains a larger variety of en-
tities. The information people provide as personal in-
formation (e.g., their home town, the schools they went
to), as well as their likes (movies, bands, books, etc.),
often represent entities, which can be linked both to
people as well as among each other. By parsing tex-
tual information and linking to Wikipedia, the graph
also contains links among entities, e.g., the writer of a
book. Although not many public numbers about Face-
book’s Entities Graph exist, it is said to contain more
than 100 billion connections between entities.
2.12. Summary
Table 1 summarizes the characteristics of the knowl-
edge graphs discussed above. It can be observed that
the graphs differ in the basic measures, such as the
number of entities and relations, as well as in the size
of the schema they use, i.e., the number of classes and
relations. From these differences, it can be concluded
that the knowledge graphs must differ in other charac-
teristics as well, such as average node degree, density,
or connectivity.
3. Categorization of Knowledge Graph
Refinement Approaches
Knowledge graph refinement methods can differ
along different dimensions. For this survey, we distin-
guish the overall goal of the method, i.e., completion
vs. correction of the knowledge graph, the refinement
target (e.g., entity types, relations between entities, or
literal values), as well as the data used by the approach
(i.e., only the knowledge graph itself, or further exter-
nal sources). All three dimensions are orthogonal.
There are a few research fields which are related
to knowledge graph refinement: Ontology learning
mainly deals with learning a concept level descrip-
tion of a domain, such as a hierarchy (e.g., Cities are
Places) [13,64]. Likewise, description logic learning
is mainly concerned with refining such concept level
descriptions [55]. As stated above, the focus of knowl-
edge graphs, in contrast, is rather the instance (A-box)
level, not so much the concept (T-box) level. Following
that notion, we only consider those works as knowl-
6 Knowledge Graph Refinement: A Survey of Approaches and Evaluation Methods
Table 1
Overview of popular knowledge graphs. The table depicts the num-
ber of instances and facts; as well as the number of different types
and relations defined in their schema. Instances denotes the number
of instances or A-box concepts defined in the graph, Facts denotes
the number of statements about those instances, Entity types denotes
the number of different types or classes defined in the schema, and
Relation types denotes the number of different relations defined in
the schema. Microsoft’s Satori and Facebook’s Entities Graph are
not shown, because to the best of our knowledge, no detailed recent
numbers on the graph are publicly available.
Name Instances Facts Types Relations
DBpedia (English) 4,806,150 176,043,129 735 2,813
YAGO 4,595,906 25,946,870 488,469 77
Freebase 49,947,845 3,041,722,635 26,507 37,781
Wikidata 15,602,060 65,993,797 23,157 1,673
NELL 2,006,896 432,845 285 425
OpenCyc 118,499 2,413,894 45,153 18,526
Google’s Knowledge Graph 570,000,000 18,000,000,000 1,500 35,000
Google’s Knowledge Vault 45,000,000 271,000,000 1,100 4,469
Yahoo! Knowledge Graph 3,443,743 1,391,054,990 250 800
edge graph refinement approaches which focus on re-
fining the A-box. Approaches that only focus on the
refining T-box are not considered for this survey, how-
ever, if the schema or ontology is refined as a means
to ultimately improve the A-box, those works are in-
cluded in the survey.
3.1. Completion vs. Error Detection
There are two main goals of knowledge graph re-
finement: (a) adding missing knowledge to the graph,
i.e., completion, and (b) identifying wrong information
in the graph, i.e., error detection. From a data quality
perspective, those goals relate to the data quality di-
mensions free-of-error and completeness [86].
3.2. Target of Refinement
Both completion and error detection approaches can
be further distinguished by the targeted kind of infor-
mation in the knowledge graph. For example, some
approaches are targeted towards completing/correcting
entity type information, while others are targeted to
(either specific or any) relations between entities, or in-
terlinks between different knowledge graphs, or literal
values, such as numbers. While the latter can be of any
datatype (strings, numbers, dates, etc.), most research
focuses on numerical or date-valued literal values.
Another strand of research targets the extension
of the schema used by the knowledge graph (i.e.,
the T-box), not the data (the A-box). However, as
discussed above, approaches focusing purely on the
schema without an impact on the instance level are not
considered for this survey.
3.3. Internal vs. External Methods
A third distinguishing property is the data used by
an approach. While internal approaches only use the
knowledge graph itself as input, external methods use
additional data, such as text corpora. In the widest
sense, approaches making use of human knowledge,
such as crowdsourcing [1] or games with a purpose
[105], can also be viewed as external methods, al-
though not fully automatic ones.
4. Categorization of Evaluation Methods
There are different possible ways to evaluate knowl-
edge graph refinement. On a high level, we can dis-
tinguish methodologies that use only the knowledge
graph at hand, and methodologies that use external
knowledge, such as annotations provided by humans.
4.1. Partial Gold Standard
One common evaluation strategy is to use a partial
gold standard. In this methodology, a subset of graph
entities or relations are selected and labeled manu-
Knowledge Graph Refinement: A Survey of Approaches and Evaluation Methods 7
ally. Other evaluations use external knowledge graphs
and/or databases as partial gold standards.
For completion tasks, this means that all axioms
that should exist in the knowledge graph are collected,
whereas for correction tasks, a set of axioms in the
graph is manually labeled as correct or incorrect. The
quality of completion approaches is usually measured
in recall, precision, and F-measure, whereas for cor-
rection methods, accuracy and/or area under the ROC
curve (AUC) are often used alternatively or in addition.
Sourcing partial gold standards from humans can
lead to high quality data (given that the knowledge
graph and the ontology it uses are not overly com-
plex), but is costly, so that those gold standards are usu-
ally small. Exploiting other knowledge graphs based
on knowledge graph interlinks (e.g., using Freebase
data as a gold standard to evaluate DBpedia) is some-
times proposed to yield larger-scale gold standards, but
has two sources of errors: errors in the target knowl-
edge graph, and errors in the linkage between the two.
For example, it has been reported that 20% of the in-
terlinks between DBpedia and Freebase are incorrect
[110], and that roughly half of the owl:sameAs links
between knowledge graphs connect two things which
are related, but not exactly the same (such as the com-
pany Starbucks and a particular Starbucks coffee shop)
4.2. Knowledge Graph as Silver Standard
Another evaluation strategy is to use the given
knowledge graph itself as a test dataset. Since the
knowledge graph is not perfect (otherwise, refinement
would not be necessary), it cannot be considered as
a gold standard. However, assuming that the given
knowledge graph is already of reasonable quality, we
call this method silver standard evaluation, as already
proposed in other works [32,45,74].
The silver standard method is usually applied to
measure the performance of knowledge graph comple-
tion approaches, where it is analyzed how well rela-
tions in a knowledge graph can replicated by a knowl-
edge graph completion method. As for gold standard
evaluations, the result quality is usually measured in
recall, precision, and F-measure. In contrast to using
human annotations, large-scale evaluations are easily
possible. The silver standard method is only suitable
for evaluating knowledge graph completion, not for er-
ror detection, since it assumes the knowledge graph to
be correct.
There are two variants of silver standard evalua-
tions: in the more common ones, the entire knowledge
graph is taken as input to the approach at hand, and the
evaluation is then also carried out on the entire knowl-
edge graph. As this may lead to an overfitting effect (in
particular for internal methods), some works also fore-
see the splitting of the graph into a training and a test
partition, which, however, is not as straight forward as,
e.g., for propositional classification tasks [72], which
is why most papers use the former method. Further-
more, split and cross validation do not fully solve the
overfitting effect. For example, if a knowledge graph,
by construction, has a bias towards certain kinds of in-
formation (e.g., relations are more complete for some
classes than for others), approaches overadapting to
that bias will be rated better than those which do not
(and which may actually perform better in the general
A problem with this approach is that the knowledge
graph itself is not perfect (otherwise, it would not need
refinement), thus, this evaluation method may some-
times underrate the evaluated approach. More pre-
cisely, most knowledge graphs follow the open world
assumption, i.e., an axiom not present in the knowl-
edge graph may or may not hold. Thus, if a completion
approach correctly predicts the existence of an axiom
missing in the knowledge graph, this would count as
a false positive and thus lower precision. Approaches
overfitting to the coverage bias of a knowledge graph
at hand may thus be overrated.
4.3. Retrospective Evaluation
For retrospective evaluations, the output of a given
approach is given to human judges for annotation, who
then label suggested completions or identified errors
as correct and incorrect. The quality metric is usually
accuracy or precision, along with a statement about the
total number of completions or errors found with the
approach, and ideally also with a statement about the
agreement of the human judges.
In many cases, automatic refinement methods lead
to a very large number of findings, e.g., lists of tens of
thousands of axioms which are potentially erroneous.
Thus, retrospective evaluations are often carried out
only on samples of the results. For some approaches
which produce higher level artifacts such as error
patterns or completion rules as intermediate results, a
feasible alternative is to evaluate those artifacts instead
of the actually affected axioms.
8 Knowledge Graph Refinement: A Survey of Approaches and Evaluation Methods
While partial gold standards can be reused for com-
paring different methods, this is not the case for retro-
spective evaluations. On the other hand, retrospective
evaluations may make sense in cases where the inter-
esting class is rare. For example, when evaluating er-
ror detection methods, a sample for a partial gold stan-
dard from a high-quality graph is likely not to contain
a meaningful number of errors. In those cases, retro-
spective evaluation methodologies are often preferred
over partial gold standards.
Another advantage of retrospective evaluations is
that they allow a very detailed analysis of an ap-
proach’s results. In particular, inspecting the errors
made by an approach often reveals valuable findings
about the advantages and limitations of a particular ap-
Table 2 sums up the different evaluation methodolo-
gies and contrasts their advantages and disadvantages.
4.4. Computational Performance
In addition to the performance w.r.t. correctness
and/or completeness of results, computational per-
formance considerations become more important as
knowledge graphs become larger. Typical performance
measures for this aspect are runtime measurements, as
well as memory consumption.
Besides explicit measurement of computational per-
formance, a “soft” indicator for computational perfor-
mance is whether an approach has been evaluated (or
at least the results have been materialized) on an entire
large-scale knowledge graph, or only on a subgraph.
The latter is often done when applying evaluations on a
partial gold standard, where the respective approach is
only executed on entities contained in that partial gold
5. Approaches for Completion of Knowledge
Completion of knowledge graphs aims at increasing
the coverage of a knowledge graph. Depending on the
target information, methods for knowledge graph com-
pletion either predict missing entities, missing types
for entities, and/or missing relations that hold between
In this section, we survey methods for knowledge
graph completion. We distinguish internal and exter-
nal methods, and further group the approaches by the
completion target.
5.1. Internal Methods
Internal methods use only the knowledge contained
in the knowledge graph itself to predict missing infor-
5.1.1. Methods for Completing Type Assertions
Predicting a type or class for an entity given some
characteristics of the entity is a very common problem
in machine learning, known as classification. The clas-
sification problem is supervised, i.e., it learns a classi-
fication model based on labeled training data, typically
the set of entities in a knowledge graph (or a subset
thereof) which have types attached. In machine learn-
ing, binary and multi-class prediction problems are
distinguished. In the context of knowledge graphs, in
particular the latter are interesting, since most knowl-
edge graphs contain entities of more than two differ-
ent types. Depending on the graph at hand, it might
be worthwile distinguishing multi-label classification,
which allows for assigning more than one class to an
instance (e.g., Arnold Schwarzenegger being both an
Actor and a Politician), and single-label classification,
which only assigns one class to an instance [103].
For internal methods, the features used for classifi-
cation are usually the relations which connect an en-
tity to other entities [81,88], i.e., they are a variant of
link-based classification problems [31]. For example,
an entity which has a director relation is likely to be a
In [79,80], we propose a probabilistic method,
which is based on conditional probabilities, e.g., the
probability of a node being of type Actor is high if
there are ingoing edges of type cast. Such probabili-
ties are exploited by the SDType algorithm, which is
currently deployed for DBpedia and adds around 3.4
million additional type statements to the knowledge
In [98], the use of Support Vector Machines (SVMs)
has been proposed to type entities in DBpedia and
Freebase. The authors also exploit interlinks between
the knowledge graphs and classify instances in one
knowledge graph based on properties present in the
other, in order to increase coverage and precision.
Nickel et al. [73] propose the use of matrix factoriza-
tion to predict entity types in YAGO.
Since many knowledge graphs come with a class
hierarchy, e.g., defined in a formal ontology, the type
prediction problem could also be understood as a hier-
archical classification problem. Despite a larger body
of work existing on methods for hierarchical classifi-
Knowledge Graph Refinement: A Survey of Approaches and Evaluation Methods 9
Table 2
Overview on evaluation methods with their advantages and disadvantages
Methodology Advantages Disadvantages
Partial Gold Standard highly reliable results
costly to produce
balancing problems
Knowledge Graph as Silver Standard large-scale evaluation feasible
subjectiveness is minimized
less reliable results
prone to overfitting
Retrospective Evaluation applicable to disbalanced problems
allows for more detailed analysis of
not reusable
approaches cannot be compared directly
cation [96], there are, to the best of our knowledge,
no applications of those methods to knowledge graph
In data mining, association rule mining [38] is a
method that analyzes the co-occurence of items in
itemsets and derives association rules from those co-
occurences. For predicting missing information in
knowledge graphs, those methods can be exploited,
e.g., in the presence of redundant information. For ex-
ample, in DBpedia, different type systems (i.e., the
DBpedia ontology and YAGO, among others) are used
in parallel, which are populated with different methods
(Wikipedia infoboxes and categories, respectively).
This ensures both enough overlap to learn suitable as-
sociation rules, as well as a number of entities that
only have a type in one of the systems, to which the
rules can be applied. In [77], we exploit such associ-
ation rules to predict missing types in DBpedia based
on such redundancies.
In [99], the use of topic modeling for type prediction
is proposed. Entities in a knowledge graph are repre-
sented as documents, on which Latent Dirichlet Allo-
cation (LDA) [7] is applied for finding topics. By an-
alyzing the co-occurrence of topics and entity types,
new types can be assigned to entities based on the top-
ics detected for those entities.
5.1.2. Methods for Predicting Relations
While primarily used for adding missing type asser-
tions, classification methods can also be used to pre-
dict the existence of relations. To that end, Socher et
al. [100] propose to train a tensor neural network to
predict relations based on chains of other relations,
e.g., if a person is born in a city in Germany, then the
approach can predict (with a high probability) that the
nationality of that person is German. The approach is
applied to Freebase and WordNet. A similar approach
is presented in [50], where the authors show that re-
fining such a problem with schema knowledge – either
defined or induced – can significantly improve the per-
formance of link prediction. In [49], an approach sim-
ilar to association rule mining is used to find mean-
ingful chains of relations for relation prediction. Sim-
ilarly, in [112], an embedding of pairwise entity rela-
tions into a lower dimensional space is learned, which
is then used to predict the existence of relations in
Likewise, association rule mining can be used for
predicting relations as well. In [46], the mining of as-
sociation rules which predict relations between entities
in DBpedia from Wikipedia categories is proposed.
5.2. External Methods
External methods use sources of knowledge such
as text corpora or other knowledge graphs – which are
not part of the knowledge graph itself. Those exter-
nal sources can be linked from the knowledge graph,
such as knowledge graph interlinks or links to web
pages, e.g., Wikipedia pages describing an entity, or
exist without any relation to the knowledge graph at
hand, such as large text corpora.
5.2.1. Methods for Completing Type Assertions
For type prediction, there are also classification
methods that use external data. In contrast to the in-
ternal classification methods described above, external
data is used to create a feature representation of an en-
Nuzzolese et al. [75] propose the usage of the
Wikipedia link graph to predict types in a knowledge
graph using a k-nearest neighbors classifier. Given that
a knowledge graph contains links to Wikipedia, inter-
links between Wikipedia pages are exploited to create
feature vectors, e.g., based on the categories of the re-
lated pages. Since links between Wikipedia pages are
not constrained, there are typically more interlinks be-
tween Wikipedia pages than between the correspond-
ing entities in the knowledge graph.
Note that since Wikipedia categories are part of the DBpedia
knowledge graph, we consider this approach an internal one.
10 Knowledge Graph Refinement: A Survey of Approaches and Evaluation Methods
Apriosio et al. [3] use types of entities in different
DBpedia language editions (each of which can be un-
derstood as a knowledge graph connected to the oth-
ers) as features for predicting missing types. The au-
thors use a k-NN classifier with different distance mea-
sures (i.e., kernel functions), such as the overlap of two
articles’ categories. In their setting, a combination of
different distance measures is reported to provide the
best results.
Another set of approaches uses abstracts in DBpe-
dia to extract definitionary clauses, e.g., using Hearst
patterns [36]. Such approaches have been proposed by
Gangemi et al. [28] and Kliegr [47], where the latter
uses abstracts in the different languages in order to in-
crease coverage and precision.
5.2.2. Methods for Predicting Relations
Like types, relations to other entities can also be pre-
dicted from textual sources, such as Wikipedia pages.
Lange et al. [52] learn patterns on Wikipedia abstracts
using Conditional Random Fields [51]. A similar ap-
proach, but on entire Wikipedia articles, is proposed
by [109].
Another common method for the prediction of a re-
lation between two entities is distant supervision. Typ-
ically, such approaches use large text corpora. As a
first step, entites in the knowledge graph are linked to
the text corpus by means of Named Entity Recognition
[40,90]. Then, based on the relations in the knowledge
graph, those approaches seek for text pattern which
correspond to relation types (such as: Y’s book X being
a pattern for the relation author holding between X and
Y), and apply those patterns to find additional relations
in the text corpus. Such methods have been proposed
by Mintz et al. [68] for Freebase, and by Aprosio et
al. [4] for DBpedia. In both cases, Wikipedia is used
as a text corpus. In [30], a similar setting with DBpe-
dia and two text corpora the English Wikipedia and
an English-language news corpus is used, the latter
showing less reliable results. A similar approach is fol-
lowed in the RdfLiveNews prototype, where RSS feeds
of news companies are used to address the aspect of
timeliness in DBpedia, i.e., extracting new information
that is either outdated or missing in DBpedia [29].
West et al. [107] propose the use of web search en-
gines to fill gaps in knowledge graphs. Like in the
works discussed above, they first discover lexicaliza-
Although both approaches do not explicitly mention DBpedia,
but aim at completing missing key-value pairs in infoboxes, this can
be directly transferred to extending DBpedia.
tions for relations. Then, they use those lexicalizations
to formulate search engine queries for filling missing
relation values. Thus, they use the whole Web as a cor-
pus, and combine information retrieval and extraction
for knowledge graph completion.
While text is unstructured, some approaches have
been proposed that use semi-structured data for com-
pleting knowledge graphs. In particular, approaches
leveraging on structured data in Wikipedia are found
in the literature. Those are most often used together
with DBpedia, so that there are already links between
the entities and the corpus of background knowledge,
i.e., no Named Entity Recognition has to be performed,
in contrast to the distant supervision approaches dis-
cussed above.
Muñoz et al. [69] propose extraction from tables
in Wikipedia. They argue that for two entities co-
occurring in a Wikipedia table, it is likely that the cor-
responding entities should share an edge in the knowl-
edge graph. To fill in those edges, they first extract a
set of candidates from the tables, using all possible re-
lations that hold between at least one pair of entities
in two columns. Then, based on a labeled subset of
that extraction, they apply classification using various
features to identify those relations that should actually
hold in the knowledge graph.
Ritze et al. [89] extend this approach to arbitrary
HTML tables. This requires that not only that pairs of
table columns have to be matched to properties in the
DBpedia ontology, but also that rows in the table need
to be matched to entities in DBpedia. The authors pro-
pose an iterative approach to solve those two problems.
The approach is evaluated on a gold standard mapping
for a sample of HTML tables from the WebDataCom-
mons Web Table corpus
. Since such tables can also
contain literal values (such as population figures), the
approach is capable of completing both relations be-
tween entities, and literal values for entities.
In [84], we have proposed the use of list pages in
Wikipedia for generating both type and relation asser-
tions in knowledge graphs, based on statistical meth-
ods. The idea is that entities appear together in list
pages for a reason, and it should be possible to identify
that common pattern appearing for the majority of the
instance in the list page. For example, instances linked
from the page List of Jewish-American Writers should
all be typed as Writer and include an edge religion to
Jewish, as well as an edge nationality to United States
Knowledge Graph Refinement: A Survey of Approaches and Evaluation Methods 11
of America. Once such patterns are found for the ma-
jority of the list items, they can be applied to the re-
maining ones to fill gaps in the knowledge graph.
Many knowledge graphs contain links to other
knowledge graphs. Those are often created automat-
ically [71]. Interlinks between knowledge graphs can
be used to fill gaps in one knowledge graph from infor-
mation defined in another knowledge graph. If a map-
ping both on the instance and on the schema level is
known, it can be exploited for filling gaps in knowl-
edge graphs on both sides.
One work in this direction is presented by Bryl and
Bizer [12], where different language versions of DB-
pedia (each of which can be seen as a knowledge graph
of its own) are used to fill missing values in the English
language DBpedia (the one which is usually meant
when referring to DBpedia).
Dutta et al. [23] propose a probabilistic mapping
between knowledge graphs. Based on distributions of
types and properties, they create a mapping between
knowledge graphs, which can then be used to derive
additional, missing facts in the knowledge graphs. To
that end, the type systems used by two knowledge
graphs are mapped to one another. Then, types holding
in one knowledge graph can be used to predict those
that should hold in another.
6. Approaches for Error Detection in Knowledge
Like completion methods discussed in the previous
section, methods for identifying errors in knowledge
graphs can target various types of information, i.e.,
type assertions, relations between individuals, literal
values, and knowledge graph interlinks.
In this section, we survey methods for detecting er-
rors in knowledge graphs. Like for the previous sec-
tion, we distinguish internal and external methods, and
further group the approaches by the error detection tar-
6.1. Internal Methods
Internal methods use only the information given in
a knowledge graph to find out whether an axiom in the
knowledge graph is plausible or not.
6.1.1. Methods for Finding Erroneous Type
In contrast to relation assertions, type assertions are
most often more correct in knowledge graphs than re-
lation assertions [80]. Hence, methods for finding erro-
neous type assertions are rather rare. One such method
is proposed by Ma et al. [63], who use inductive logic
programming for learning disjointness axioms, and
then apply those disjointness axioms for identifying
potentially wrong type assertions.
6.1.2. Methods for Finding Erroneous Relations
For building Knowledge Vault, Dong et al. use
classification to tell relations which should hold in a
knowledge graph from those which should not [21].
Like the work by Muñoz et al. discussed above, each
relation is used as an instance in the classification
problem, with the existence of the relation in the
knowledge graph being used as a binary class. This
classification is used as a cleansing step after the
knowledge extraction process. While the creation of
positive training examples from the knowledge graph
is quite straight forward, the authors propose the cre-
ation of negative training examples by applying a Lo-
cal Closed World Assumption, assuming that a relation
r between two entities e
and e
does not hold if it
is not present in the knowledge graph, and there is a
relation r between e
and another e
In [80], we have proposed a statistical method for
finding wrong statements within a knowledge graph.
For each type of relation, we compute the character-
istic distribution of subject and object types for edge,
i.e., each instantiation of the relation. Edges in the
graph whose subject and object type strongly deviate
from the characteristic distributions are then identified
as potential errors.
Reasoning is a field of study in the artificial intelli-
gence community which deals with automatically de-
riving proofs for theorems, and for uncovering contra-
dictions in a set of axioms [91]. The techniques devel-
oped in this field have been widely adopted in the Se-
mantic Web community, leading to the development of
a larger number of ontology reasoners [19,20,62].
For exploiting reasoning for error checking in
knowledge graphs, a rich ontology is required, which
defines the possible types of nodes and edges in a
knowledge graph, as well as the restrictions that hold
on them. For example, if a person is defined to be the
capital of a state, this is a contradiction, since capitals
are cities, and cities and persons are disjoint, i.e., no
entity can be a city and a person at the same time. Rea-
soning is often used at the building stage of a knowl-
edge graph, i.e., when new axioms are about to be
added. For example, NELL and PROSPERA perform
reasoning at that point to determine whether the new
12 Knowledge Graph Refinement: A Survey of Approaches and Evaluation Methods
axiom is plausible or not, and discard implausible ones
[14,70]. For real-world knowledge graphs, reasoning
can be difficult due to the presence of errors and noise
in the data [43,87].
Works using reasoning as a refinement operation for
knowledge graphs have also been proposed. However,
many knowledge graphs, such as DBpedia, come with
ontologies that are not rich enough to perform rea-
soning for inconsistency detection – for example, they
lack class disjointness assertions needed for an infer-
ence as in the example above. Therefore, approaches
exploiting reasoning are typically used in conjunction
with methods for enriching ontologies, such as statis-
tical methods, as proposed in [42] and [102], or asso-
ciation rule mining, as in [53]. In all of those works,
the ontology at hand is enriched with further axioms,
which can then be used for detecting inconsistencies.
For example, if a reasoner concludes that an entity
should both be a person and an organization, and from
the enrichment steps has a disjointness axiom between
the two types added, a reasoner can state that one out of
a few axioms in the knowledge graph has to be wrong.
Another source of additional disjointness axioms is the
use of a top level ontology like DOLCE [27], which
provides high-level disjointness axioms [82].
In [85], a light-weight reasoning approach is pro-
posed to compare actual and defined domains and
ranges of relations in a knowledge graph schema.
The authors propose a set of heuristics for fixing the
schema if the actual and the defined domain or range
strongly deviate.
6.1.3. Methods for Finding Erroneous Literal Values
Outlier detection or anomaly detection methods aim
at identifying those instances in a dataset that deviate
from the majority from the data, i.e., that follow differ-
ent characteristics than the rest of the data [15,39].
As outlier detection in most cases deals with nu-
meric data, numeric literals are a natural target for
those methods. In [108], we have proposed the appli-
cation of different univariate outlier detection meth-
ods (such as interquartile range or kernel density es-
timation) to DBpedia. Although outlier detection does
not necessarily identify errors, but also natural outliers
(such as the population of very large cities), it has been
shown that the vast majority of outliers identified are
actual errors in DBpedia, mostly resulting from mis-
takes made when parsing strings using various number
formats and units of measurement.
To lower the influence of natural outliers, an ex-
tension of that approach has been presented in [24],
where the instance set under inspection is first split into
smaller subsets. For example, population values are in-
spected for countries, cities, and towns in isolation,
thus, the distributions are more homogenous, which
leads to a higher precision in error identification. Fur-
thermore, the approach foresees cross-checking the
outliers that have been found, using other knowledge
graphs in order to further reduce the influence of nat-
ural outliers, which makes it a mixed approach with
both an internal and an external component.
6.1.4. Methods for Finding Erroneous Knowledge
Graph Interlinks
In [78], we have shown that outlier detection is
not only applicable to numerical values, but also to
other targets, such as knowledge graph interlinks. To
that end, the interlinks are represented as a multi-
dimensional feature vector, e.g., with each type of the
respective entity in both knowledge graphs being a bi-
nary feature. In that feature space, standard outlier de-
tection techniques such as Local Outlier Factor [11]
or cluster-based outlier detection [35] can be used to
assign outlier scores. Based on those scores, implausi-
ble links, such as a owl:sameAs assertion between a
person and a book, can be identified based only on the
overall distribution of all links, where such a combina-
tion is infrequent.
The work in [58] tries to learn arithmetic relations
between attributes, e.g., lessThan or greaterThan, us-
ing probabilistic modeling. For example, the birth date
of a person must be before her death date, the total area
of a country must be larger than the area covered by
water, etc. Violations of those relations are then used
to identify errors.
6.2. External Methods
Purely automatic external methods for error de-
tection in knowledge graphs have limitations, e.g.,
in telling apart actual errors from unusual findings
[94]. Semi-automatic approaches, which exploit hu-
man knowledge, have also been proposed.
6.2.1. Methods for Finding Erroneous Relations
Most external methods are targeted on finding erro-
neous relations in knowledge graphs. One of the few
Note that an error here is not a single statement, but a pair of
statements that cannot be true at the same time. Thus, the approach
does not trivially lead to a fully automatic repairing mechanism (un-
less both statements are removed, which means that most likely, one
correct statement is removed as well).
Knowledge Graph Refinement: A Survey of Approaches and Evaluation Methods 13
works is DeFacto [54]. The system uses a database
of lexicalizations for predicates in DBpedia. Based on
those lexicalizations, it transforms statements in DB-
pedia to natural language sentences, and uses a web
search engine to find web pages containing those sen-
tences. Statements with no or only very few web pages
supporting the corresponding sentences are then as-
signed a low confidence score.
Apart from fully automatic methods, semi-automatic
methods involving users have been proposed for val-
idating knowledge graphs, such as crowdsourcing
with microtasks [1]. In order to increase the user in-
volvement and motivation, game-based approaches
(i.e., games with a purpose) have been proposed
[37,48,97,105]. In a wider sense, those can also be
viewed as external methods, with the human in the
loop being the external source of information.
Generally, a crucial issue with human computation
is the size of web scale knowledge graphs. In [80], it
has been argued that the time needed to validate the en-
tire DBpedia knowledge graph with the crowdsourcing
approach proposed in [1] extrapolating the task com-
pletion times reported would take more than 3,000
years. To overcome such scaling problems, we have re-
cently proposed a clustering of inconsistencies identi-
fied by automatic means, which allows to present only
representative examples to the human for inspection
[82]. We have shown that most of the clusters have a
common root cause in the knowledge graph construc-
tion (e.g., a wrong mapping rule or a programming er-
ror), so that by inspecting only a few dozen examples
(and addressing the respective root causes), millions of
statements can be corrected.
6.2.2. Methods for Finding Erroneous Literal Values
While most of the crowdsourcing approaches above
are focusing on relations in the knowledge graph, the
work in [1] uses similar mechanisms for validating
knowledge graph interlinks and literal values.
In [60], an automatic approach using knowledge
graph interlinks for detecting wrong numerical values
is proposed. The authors exploit links between iden-
tical resources and apply different matching functions
between properties in the individual sources. Facts in
one knowledge graph are assumed to be wrong if mul-
tiple other sources have a consensus for a conflicting
fact (e.g., a radically different population figure).
7. Findings from the Survey
From the survey in the last two sections, we can ob-
serve that is a large number of approaches proposed for
knowledge graph refinement, both for automatic com-
pletion and for error detection. Tables 3 to 5 sum up
the results from the previous section.
By taking a closer look at those results, we can de-
rive some interesting findings, both with respect to
the approaches, as well as with respect to evaluation
7.1. Approaches
A first interesting observation is that our distinction
into completion and error detection is a strict one. That
is, there exist no approaches which do both completion
and correction at the same time. The only exception
we found is the pairing of the two approaches SDType
and SDValidate [80], which are two closely related al-
gorithms which share the majority of the computations
and can output both completion axioms and errors.
For many of the approaches, it is not obvious why
they were only used for one purpose. For example,
many of the probabilistic and NLP-based completion
approaches seek for evidence for missing axioms, e.g.,
by means of scanning text corpora. Similarly, many
completion approaches ultimately compute a confi-
dence score, which is then combined with a suitable
threshold for completing a knowledge graph. In princi-
ple, they could also be used for error detection by flag-
ging axioms for which no or only little evidence was
found, or those with a low confidence score, as wrong.
Furthermore, in particular in the machine learn-
ing area, approaches exist which can be used for si-
multaneously creating a predictive model and creat-
ing weights for pieces of information. For example,
random forests can assign weights to attributes [59],
whereas boosting assign weights to instances [25],
which can also be interpreted as outlier scores [16].
Likewise, there are anomaly detection methods that
build on learning predictive models [34,83]. Such ap-
proaches could be a starting point for developing meth-
ods for simultaneous completion and error detection in
knowledge graphs.
Along the same lines, there are hardly any among
the error detection approaches which are also suitable
for correcting errors, i.e., suggest fixes for the errors
found. Here, a combination between completion and
error detection methods could be of great value: once
an error is detected, the erroneous axiom(s) could be
14 Knowledge Graph Refinement: A Survey of Approaches and Evaluation Methods
Table 3: Overview of knowledge graph completion approaches (part 1). Abbreviations used: Target (T=Types, R=Relations), Type (I=internal,
E=external), Evaluation (RE=retrospective evaluation, PG=partial gold standard, either available (a) or unavailable (n/a), KG=evaluation against knowl-
edge graph, SV=split validation, CV=cross validation), Metrics (P/R=precision and recall, A=accuracy, AUC-PR=area under precision-recall-curve,
ROC=Area under the ROC curve, T=total new statements). Comp.: evaluation or materialization carried out on whole knowledge graph or not, Perfor-
mance: computational performance reported or not.
Paper Target Type Methods and Sources Knowledge Graph(s) Eval. Metrics Whole Comp.
Paulheim [77] T I Association Rule Mining DBpedia RE P, T no yes
Nickel et al. [73] T I Matrix Factorization YAGO KG (CV) P/R, AUC-PR yes yes
Paulheim/Bizer [79,80] T I Likelihood based DBpedia, OpenCyc, Nell KG, RE P/R, T yes no
Sleeman et al. [99] T I Topic Modeling DBpedia KG (SV) P/R no no
Nuzzolese et al. [75] T E different machine learning
methods, Wikipedia link
DBpedia PG (a) P/R yes no
Gangemi et al. [28] T E NLP on Wikipedia abstracts DBpedia PG (a) P/R no yes
Kliegr [47] T E NLP on Wikipedia abstracts DBpedia PG (n/a) P/R no no
Aprosio et al. [3] T E K-NN classification, different
DBpedia language editions
DBpedia PG (n/a) P/R yes no
Dutta et al. [23] T E Knowledge graph fusion (sta-
NELL, DBpedia PG (a) P/R no no
Sleeman/Finin [98] T I, E SVM, using other KGs DBpedia, Freebase, Ar-
KG P/R no no
Socher et al. [100] R I Neural Tensor Network WordNet, Freebase KG (SV) A no no
Krompaß et al. [50] R I Latent variable models DBpedia, Freebase,
KG (SV) AUC-PR, ROC no no
Kolthoff and Dutta [49] R I Rule mining DBpedia, YAGO KG P/R no no
Zhao et al. [112] R I Learning Embeddings WordNet, Freebase KG P no no
Knowledge Graph Refinement: A Survey of Approaches and Evaluation Methods 15
Table 4: Overview of knowledge graph completion approaches (part 2). Abbreviations used: Target (T=Types, R=Relations), Type (I=internal,
E=external), Evaluation (RE=retrospective evaluation, PG=partial gold standard, either available (a) or unavailable (n/a), KG=evaluation against knowl-
edge graph, SV=split validation, CV=cross validation), Metrics (P/R=precision and recall, A=accuracy, AUC-PR=area under precision-recall-curve,
T=total new statements). Comp.: evaluation or materialization carried out on whole knowledge graph or not, Performance: computational performance
reported or not.
Paper Target Type Methods and Sources Knowledge Graph(s) Eval. Metrics Whole Comp.
Galárraga et al. [26] R I Association Rule Mining YAGO, DBpedia KG, RE A,T yes yes
Kim et al. [46] R I Association Rule Mining DBpedia RE P,T yes no
Bryl/Bizer [12] R E Fusion of DBpedia language
DBpedia PG (a) A no no
Apriosio et al. [4] R E Distant supervision and NLP
techniques on Wikipedia text
DBpedia KG P/R no no
Lange et al. [52] R E Pattern learning on Wikipedia
(DBpedia) KG (CV) P/R yes yes
Wu et al. [109] R E Pattern learning on Wikipedia
articles, Web search
(DBpedia) KG (CV) P/R no no
Mintz et al. [68] R E Distant supervision and NLP
techniques on Wikipedia text
Freebase KG P/R no no
Gerber/Ngonga Ngomo [30] R E Distant supervision and NLP
techniques on two corpora
DBpedia KG, RE P/R no no
Gerber et al. [29] R E NLP and pattern mining on
RSS news feeds
DBpedia PG P/R, A yes yes
West et al. [107] R E search engines Freebase KG P/R, rank no no
Mu noz et al. [69] R E Statistical measures, machine
learning, using Wikipedia ta-
DBpedia PG (a) P/R yes no
Ritze et al. [89] R, L E Schema and instance match-
ing using HTML tables
DBpedia PG (a) P/R yes no
Paulheim/Ponzetto [84] T, R E Statistical measures,
Wikipedia list pages
DBpedia no no
16 Knowledge Graph Refinement: A Survey of Approaches and Evaluation Methods
Table 5: Overview of error detection approaches. Abbreviations used: Target (T=Types, R=Relations, L=Literals, I=Interlinks, S=Schema), Type
(I=internal, E=external), Evaluation (RE=retrospective evaluation, PG=partial gold standard, either available (a) or unavailable (n/a), KG=evaluation
against knowledge graph, SV=split validation, CV=cross validation), Metrics (P/R=precision and recall, A=accuracy, AUC-PR=area under precision-
recall-curve, ROC=Area under the ROC curve, T=total new statements, RMSE=Root Mean Squared Error). Comp.: evaluation or materialization carried
out on whole knowledge graph or not, Performance: computational performance reported or not.
Paper Target Type Methods and Sources Knowledge Graph(s) Eval. Metrics Whole Comp.
Ma et al. [63] T I Reasoning, Association
Rule Mining
DBpedia, RE P, T yes no
Dong et al. [21] R I Classification Knowledge Vault KG (SV) AUC-PR yes no
Li et al. [58] L I Probabilistic Modeling DBpedia RE P, T yes yes
Nakashole et al. [70] R I Reasoning Prospera RE P, T yes yes
Paulheim/Bizer [80] R I Probabilistic DBpedia, NELL RE P yes no
Lehmann et al. [54] R E Text pattern induction, Web
search engines
DBpedia KG (CV) P/R, ROC,
no yes
Töpper et al. [102] R,S I Statistical methods, Reason-
DBpedia RE P, T yes no
Jang et al. [42] R I Statistical methods DBpedia RE P,R yes no
Lehmann/Bühmann [53] R,T I Reasoning, ILP DBpedia, Open Cyc,
seven smaller ontolo-
RE A yes yes
Wienand/Paulheim [108] L I Outlier Detection DBpedia RE P, T no no
Fleischhacker et al. [24] L I, E Outlier Detection and Data
Fusion with other KG
no no
Liu et al. [60] L E Matching to other KGs DBpedia RE P, T no no
Paulheim [78] I I Outlier Detection DBpedia + two
linked graphs
PG (a) P/R, ROC yes no
Acosta et al. [1] L,I E Crowdsourcing DBpedia PG (a) P no no
Waitelonis et al. [105] R E Quiz game DBpedia RE P, T no yes
Hees et al. [37] R E Two-player game DBpedia RE T no yes
Paulheim and Gangemi [82] R E Reasoning, clustering, hu-
man inspection
DBpedia RE P, T yes yes
Knowledge Graph Refinement: A Survey of Approaches and Evaluation Methods 17
removed, and a correction algorithm could try to find a
new (and, in the best case, more accurate) replacement
for the removed axiom(s).
Another finding for error detection approaches is
that those approaches usually output a list of poten-
tially erroneous statements. Higher level patterns from
those errors, which would hint at design level problems
in the knowledge graph construction, are rarely derived
(apart from the work presented in [82]). Such patterns,
however, would be highly valuable for the parties in-
volved in developing and curating knowledge graphs.
In addition to the strict separation of completion and
correction, we also observe that most of the approaches
focus on only one target, i.e., types, relations, literals,
etc. Approaches that simultaneously try to complete or
correct, e.g., type and relation assertions in a knowl-
edge graph, are also quite rare.
For the approaches that perform completion, all
works examined in this survey try to add missing
types for or relations between existing entities in the
knowledge graph. In contrast, we have not observed
any approaches which populate the knowledge graph
with new entities. Here, entity set expansion methods,
which have been deeply investigated in the NLP field
[76,93,106], would be an interesting fit to further in-
crease the coverage of knowledge graphs, especially
for less well-known long tail entities.
Another interesting observation is that, although the
discussed works address knowledge graphs, only very
few of them are, in the end, genuinely graph-based ap-
proaches. In many cases, simplistic transformations to
a propositional problem formulation are taken. Here,
methods from the graph mining literature still seek
their application to knowledge graphs. In particular,
for many of the methods applied in the works dis-
cussed above – such as outlier detection or association
rule mining graph-based variants have been proposed
in the literature [2,44]. Likewise, graph kernel func-
tions – which can be used in Support Vector Machines
as well as other machine learning algorithms have
been proposed for RDF graphs [18,41,61] and hence
could be applied to many web knowledge graphs.
7.2. Evaluation Methodologies
For evaluation methodologies, our first observation
is that there are various different evaluation metrics be-
ing used in the papers examined. There is a clear ten-
dency towards precision and recall (or precision and
total number of statements for retrospective evalua-
tions) are the most used metrics, with others – such as
ROC curves, accuracy, or Root Mean Squared Error –
occasionally being used as well.
With respect to the overall methodology, the re-
sults are more mixed. Evaluations using the knowl-
edge graph as a silver standard, retrospective evalua-
tions, and evaluations based on partial gold standards
appear roughly at equal frequency, with retrospective
validations mostly used for error detection. The latter
is not too surprising, since due to the high quality of
most knowledge graphs used for the evaluations, par-
tial gold standards based on random samples are likely
to contain only few errors. For partial gold standards, it
is crucial to point out that the majority of authors make
those partial gold standards public
, which allows for
replication and comparison.
DBpedia is the knowledge graph which is most fre-
quently used for evaluation. This, in principle, makes
the results comparable to a certain extent, although
roughly each year, a new version of DBpedia is pub-
lished, so that papers from different years are likely to
be evaluated on slightly different knowledge graphs.
That being said, we have observed that roughly two
out of three approaches evaluated on DBpedia are only
evaluated on DBpedia. Along the same lines, about
half of the approaches reviewed in this survey are
only evaluated on one knowledge graph. This, in many
cases, limits the significance of the results. For some
works, it is clear that they can only work on a specific
knowledge graph, e.g., DBpedia, by design, e.g., since
they exploit the implicit linkage between a DBpedia
entity and the corresponding Wikipedia page.
As discussed in section 2, knowledge graphs differ
heavily in their characteristics. Thus, for an approach
evaluated on only one graph, it is unclear whether it
would perform similarly on another knowledge graph
with different characteristics, or whether it exploits
some (maybe not even obvious) characteristics of that
knowledge graph, and/or overfits to particular charac-
teristics of that graph.
Last, but not least, we have observed that only a mi-
nority of approaches have been evaluated on a whole,
large-scale knowledge graph. Moreover, statements
about computational performance are only rarely in-
cluded in the corresponding papers
. In the age of
For this survey, we counted a partial gold standard as public
if there was a working download link in the paper, but we did not
make any additional efforts to search for the gold standard, such as
contacting the authors.
Even though we were relaxed on this policy and counted also
informal statements about the computational performance as a per-
formance evaluation.
18 Knowledge Graph Refinement: A Survey of Approaches and Evaluation Methods
large-scale knowledge graphs, we think that this is a
dimension that should not be neglected.
In order to make future works on knowledge graph
evolution comparable, it would be useful to have a
common selection of benchmarks. This has been done
in other fields of the semantic web as well, such as
for schema and instance matching [22], reasoning [8],
or question answering [17]. Such benchmarks could
serve both for comparison in the qualitative as well as
the computational performance.
8. Conclusion
In this paper, we have presented a survey on knowl-
edge base refinement methods. We distinguish com-
pletion from error detection, and internal from exter-
nal methods. We have shown that a larger body of
works exist which apply different methods, ranging
from techniques from the machine learning field to
NLP related techniques.
The survey has revealed that there are, at the mo-
ment, rarely any approaches which simultaneously try
to improve completeness and correctness of knowl-
edge graphs, and usually only address one target, such
as type or relation assertions, or literal values. Holis-
tic solutions which simultaneously improve the qual-
ity of knowledge graphs in many different aspects are
currently not observed.
Looking at the evaluation methods, the picture is
quite diverse. Different methods are applied, using ei-
ther the knowledge graph itself as a silver standard, us-
ing a partial gold standard, or performing a retrospec-
tive evaluation, are about equally distributed. Further-
more, approaches are often only evaluated on one spe-
cific knowledge graph. This makes it hard to compare
approaches and make general statements on their rela-
tive performance.
In addition, scalability issues are only rarely ad-
dressed by current research works. In the light of the
advent of web-scale knowledge graphs, however, this
is an aspect which will be of growing importance.
To sum up, this survey shows that automatic knowl-
edge graph refinement is a relevant and flowering re-
search area. At the same time, this survey has pointed
out some uncharted territories on the research map,
which we hope will inspire researchers in the area.
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