published: 13 January 2016
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01985
Edited by:
M. Brent Donnellan,
Texas A&M University, US A
Reviewed by:
Michael E. W. Varnum,
Arizona State University, USA
Jiyoung Park,
University of Massachusetts,
Amherst, USA
Sarah Hirschmüller
Specialty section:
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Personality and Social Psychology,
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Frontiers in Psychology
Received: 17 August 2015
Accepted: 12 December 2015
Published: 13 January 2016
Hirschmüller S and Egloff B (2016)
Positive Emotional Language
in the Final Words Spoken Directly
Before Execution.
Front. Psychol. 6:1985.
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01985
Positive Emotional Language in the
Final Words Spoken Directly Before
Sarah Hirschmüller
and Boris Egloff
Department of Psychology, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Mainz, Germany
How do individuals emotionally cope with the imminent real-world salience of mortality?
DeWall and Baumeister as well as Kashdan and colleagues previously provided
support that an increased use of positive emotion words serves as a way to protect
and defend against mortality salience of one’s own contemplated death. Although
these studies provide important insights into the psychological dynamics of mortality
salience, it remains an open question how individuals cope with the immense threat
of mortality prior to their imminent actual death. In the present research, we therefor e
analyzed positivity in the final words spoken immediately before execution by 407
death row inmates in Texas. By using computerized quantitative text analysis as an
objective measure of emotional language use, our r esults showed that the final words
contained a significantly higher proportion of positive than negative emotion words. This
emotional positivity was significantly higher than (a) positive emotion word usage base
rates in spoken and written materials and (b) positive emotional language use with
regard to contemplated death and attempted or actual suicide. Additional analyses
showed that emotional positivity in final statements was associated with a greater
frequency of language use that was indicative of self-references, social orientation, and
present-oriented time focus as well as with fewer instances of cognitive-processing,
past-oriented, and death-related word use. Taken together, our findings offer new
insights into how individuals cope with the imminent real-world salience of mortality.
Keywords: mortality salience, language use, quantitative text analysis, emotional positivity, terror management
Final words written or spoken shortly before death have fascinated people and have been collected
in writing for a long time (e.g., Marvin, 1901; Brahms, 2010). Anything but banal word use when
confronting death can offer researchers valuable insights into how people cope with existential
threats and the human psyche in general (Pennebaker et al., 2003). Hence, final words in the form of
rehearsed or impromptu sayings spoken by a dying person can reveal how individuals emotionally
regulate the salience of imminent mortality. Here, we analyzed emotional language use in the final
statements of executed Texas death row inmates and compared our findings with rates of positive
emotion word use in general and in contexts involving contemplated death and attempted or actual
death by suicide.
Intuitively, one might imagine that thoughts of ones own death should evoke fear and anxiety
as death may be associated with a broad range of frightening aspects (i.e., pain, loss of loved ones,
Frontiers in Psychology | www.frontiersin.org 1 January 2016 | Volume 6 | Article 1985
Hirschmüller and Egloff Positive Emotional Language Use in Final Words
unfulfilled goals; e.g., Niemeyer and Moore, 1994; Florian and
Mikulincer, 1997). Psychological denial of death to escape
the anxious awareness of our mortality constitutes one of
the most basic drives in individual behavior (Becker, 1973).
According to Terror Management Theory (TMT; Greenberg
et al., 1986), individuals employ a wide range of cognitive and
behavioral efforts to regulate the anxiety that mortality salience
evokes (Greenberg et al., 1997; Pyszczynski et al., 2004). These
psychological defense mechanisms are aimed at maintaining self-
esteem and acquiring meaning in life (Pyszczynski et al., 1999).
Empirical findings by DeWall and Baumeister (2007)
suggest that an automatic orienting toward emotionally positive
information and associations serves as a way to protect
and defend against mortality salience. In a series of studies,
the authors showed that thinking about death (vs. thinking
about dental pain) activated a non-conscious emotional coping
response that was counterintuitive to the overt emotional distress
one might expect, such that participants completed ambiguous
word stems with relatively more positive emotion words and
favored positive emotional associations in judgments of word
similarity. Also, findings by Kashdan et al. (2014) indicated that
such a shift toward the use of positive emotion words may be
involved in regulating the fear of death: writings of individuals
contemplating death (vs. people thinking about dental pain,
uncertainty, or meaninglessness) showed an increased use of
positive emotional language.
Although these studies offer important insights into the
psychological dynamics of mortality salience, they are limited
by the fact that the situation created by letting university
students contemplate death in a standardized lab situation
necessarily differs in several aspects from real life and real death.
Consequently, in an attempt to better understand the feelings
of individuals prior to their imminent actual death, researchers
have conducted content analyses of suicide notes (Tuckman et al.,
1959; Handelman and Lester, 2007) and other writings left behind
after suicides (e.g., diaries, poetry; Stirman and Pennebaker,
2001; Pennebaker and Stone, 2004). Tuckman et al. (1959)
reported that the emotional content of 165 analyzed suicide notes
was surprisingly positive and contained expressions of gratitude
and affection. Similarly, research has shown that notes from
completed suicides contained more positive emotional language
than notes from attempted suicides (Handelman and Lester,
2007) and that writings that occurred temporally closer to death
were higher in positive emotional language use (Pennebaker and
Stone, 2004).
Without any doubt, the psychological terror” felt in the
situation of self-decided death by suicide is extreme. However,
there may be one situation where individuals face an even
greater amount of terror: directly before death by execution. This
situation is characterized by a complete absence of controllability
and a maximal subjection to powerful others who have the right
to end ones life. Consequently, last words as part of the execution
process, visible as early as 1388 in England (Howell, 1809),
provide a unique opportunity for exploring the predictions of
An additional theoretical perspective that can help shed
light on emotional regulation as reflected in final statements
before execution is provided by socioemotional selectivity
theory (SST; Carstensen et al., 1999). According to SST, the
perception that one has limited future time (e.g., caused by a
temporal proximity to the end of ones life) is postulated to
increase individuals motivation to derive emotional meaning
by prioritizing close social relationships over instrumental or
knowledge-related goals (e.g., Carstensen et al., 1999;
2006). Research has provided evidence that individuals who
perceive their future time as limited or who have limited actual
life expectancies strongly value emotionally close social partners
(e.g., Carstensen and Fredrickson, 1998; Fung et al., 1999, 2001;
Fung and Carstensen, 2006). Moreover, as individuals recognize
the inevitable constraints on time that are imposed by ones
mortality, which is not necessarily associated with chronological
age for death row inmates, the focus on the present moment is
likely to increase (Carstensen et al., 1999).
In the present research, we analyzed the actual final statements
made by executed death row inmates in the state of Texas. This
unique data set provided the opportunity to analyze how people
cope with immediate death in a standardized, uncontrollable
situation in a large sample. Prior research found some indications
of positivity by using qualitative content coding, implemented
by humans, of the prevalent thematic categories found in Texas
death row inmates’ last statements, the most prominent themes
being the expression of love or appreciation (Heflick, 2005;
Schuck and Ward, 2008). Further themes that were identified
included addressing others; seeking forgiveness; expressing self-
comfort, wishes, or hopes; and religious references (Schuck and
Ward, 2008). In contrast to these previous studies, we used
computerized quantitative text analysis (Mehl, 2006) as a more
objective measure of emotional language use. In the following, we
outline the important advantages of the methodology we applied
and the relevant research questions that we were thus able to
Quantitative text analysis can be differentiated with regard to
“what (i.e., content) a person is saying and “how” (i.e., style) the
person is saying it, whereby how” the person says something can
reveal more subtle aspects of communication (Mehl, 2006). Issues
that occur with human coders consist of a hastiness to ascribe
meaning and a general inability to monitor word choice (e.g.,
Hart, 2001). Thus, given these issues and the fact that different
content themes (e.g., appreciation/love; expressing self-comfort
or wishes) may be expressed through the same linguistic style
(e.g., emotion-related words), a computerized word-count-based
text analysis allows researchers to objectively and reliably assess
(i.e., count) the linguistic features of individuals’ statements
and detect subtle linguistic styles (Pennebaker and King, 1999;
Pennebaker et al., 2003; Mehl, 2006; Tausczik and Pennebaker,
2010). Subsequently, the linguistic features that are assessed
(e.g., percentage of positive emotion words in death row
inmates’ final statements) can be (a) compared with word
usage rates in samples contemplating death or experiencing
a limited time horizon due to a decision to commit suicide,
(b) related to the demographic characteristics of the sample of
death row inmates (e.g., age at execution, years on death row,
or educational level), and (c) associated with other linguistic
markers (e.g., pronoun use, verb tense, word use indicative of
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Hirschmüller and Egloff Positive Emotional Language Use in Final Words
psychological processes such as social orientation or cognitive
We hypothesized that if tuning in to emotional positivity
acts as a psychological mechanism aimed at coping with the
threat of mortality (DeWall and Baumeister, 2007; Kashdan
et al., 2014), it would be reflected in the emotional word use in
death row inmates final statements such that death row inmates
would use a higher proportion of positive than negative emotion
words. We further hypothesized that the immense existential
threat that real-life executions evoke would lead to a higher
proportion of positive emotion words compared with word
usage base rates (Pennebaker et al., 2007b)aswellascompared
with the words of individuals contemplating death (Kashdan
et al., 2014) or individuals attempting or committing suicide
(Handelman and Lester, 2007). Drawing on postulations by SST
(Carstensen et al., 1999), we further aimed to explore the relations
between positive emotional word use and language indicative
of self-references, social orientation, cognitive processing, time
orientation, and personal concerns with religion and death. We
expected that emotional positivity in executed death row inmates’
final statements would be associated with a greater use of social-
orientation words and present-tense verbs. Furthermore, we
conducted an exploratory investigation of associations between
positive emotional language use and self-references, cognitive-
processing word use, past-tense and future-tense verb use, as well
as religion and death-related word use.
To test our hypotheses, we analyzed death row inmates final
statements, spoken minutes before their executions in the
US state of Texas. The final statement transcripts as well as
death row inmates’ demographic information were provided
publicly available on the Texas Department of Criminal Justice
(2015) website. Information about whether death row inmates
abandoned their appeals and volunteered for execution was
provided publicly available on the Death Penalty Information
Center (2015b) website. As we only reanalyzed these publicly
available data on a de-identified and anonymized aggregate level,
a particular ethical approval for our study was not required. Of
the 527 death row inmates executed between December 1982
and June 2015, transcriptions of spoken last statements were
not available for 119 death row inmates. Of these 119 death
row inmates, 108 were listed as having declined a last statement,
eight had no statements provided, and three had only written
statements provided. Ta b le 1 presents demographic information
consisting of age at time of execution, age at incarceration, years
spent on death row, and educational level (i.e., highest grade
completed) for death row inmates with and without transcribed
spoken final statements. Of the 408 death row inmates with
transcribed spoken statements, one was excluded from analyses
due to a reported higher age at incarceration compared to
age at execution on the Texas Department of Criminal Justice
(2015) website. The analyzed sample of death row inmates for
whom spoken last statements were provided who were executed
between 1982 and 2015 consisted of N = 407 (404 male,
three female) individuals; 178 (43.7%) death row inmates were
reported as White, 150 (36.9%) as Black, 77 (18.9%) as Hispanic,
and two (0.5%) as another ethnicity. Death row inmates with
no transcribed spoken last statement on record did not differ
from the analyzed sample of 407 death row inmates in ethnic
background, χ
(3) = 1.25, p = 0.740, Cramer’s V = 0.05, or on
the other demographic variables, all ps > 0.09 (see Ta ble 1 ).
Data Preparation
Prior to the analyses, the transcript of the spoken final statement
of each individual death row inmate was checked for additional
remarks describing the inmates behavior and use of foreign
language (e.g., “crying, “portion of statement omitted due
to profanity,” “speaking in French”). A cleaned text file was
created by excluding additional remarks from the transcript and
replacing foreign word use with English translations provided
on the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (2015) website.
Verbatim examples of Texas death row inmates last statements
from the website are:
“I love my family. You all stay strong. Watch over each other. Stay
strong. I love you. I love you. It’s my hour. It’s my hour. I love you.
Stay strong.” (Executed death row inmate 360)
I am at total peace. May the Lord Jesus Christ be with me. I am
at peace. Hate is going on in this world and it has to stop. Hate
causes a lifetime of pain. Even though I lay here I am still at peace.
I am still a proud American, Texas loud, Texas proud. God bless
America, God bless everyone. Let’s do this damn thing. Director
Hazelwood, thank you very much. Thank you everyone. Spark, I
love you, all of you. I love you Conna. It’s all good, it’s been a great
honor. I feel it; I am going to sleep now. Goodnight, 1, 2 there it
goes.” (Executed death row inmate 472)
“Yes, I do, uh at this time I would like to thank my parents who
have been my pillar of strength throughout this. To my brothers
and sisters and all my family members who have supported me
and who have loved me despite my faults and imperfections.
I would like to thank Pastor Williams for counseling me and
guiding me. As I look to my right and I see the family of [...].
I hope this brings you closure or some type of peace. I hope it
helps his family, son and loved ones. This has been a long journey,
one of enlightenment. Its not the end, it’s only the beginning.”
(Executed death row inmate 459)
Data Analyses
The content of each transcribed last statement for each executed
death row inmate was analyzed separately using a recent text
analysis program, Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC;
Pennebaker et al., 2007a). LIWC uses an internal default
dictionary and determines the percentage of words in a text or
speech that correspond to various linguistic categories that have
adequate psychometric properties (Pennebaker et al., 2007b).
LIWC has been well-validated and has provided evidence for the
psychological and social implications of word use (Pennebaker
et al., 2003).
Only the output variables relevant to our hypotheses were
examined in the current study. Specifically, we analyzed the
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Hirschmüller and Egloff Positive Emotional Language Use in Final Words
TABLE 1 | Demographic information on death row inmates executed between 1982 and 2015 (June 30) in Texas.
Death row inmates with spoken statements Death row inmates without spoken statements Independent t-test
nMSDMin Max nMSDMin Max df t p Cohen’s d
Age at execution 407 39.01 8.18 24.0 67.0 119 40.02 9.17 24.0 62.0 524 1.15 0.250 0.12
Age at incarceration 391 28.15 7.78 18.0 57.0 104 29.60 8.24 17.0 53.0 493 1.67 0.096 0.18
Years on death row 391 10.96 4.37 0 31.0 104 11.41 5.35 1.0 32.0 493 0.89 0.375 0.09
Education (highest
grade completed)
381 10.11 2.11 0 16.0 100 10.39 2.04 5.0 16.0 479 1.20 0.231 0.14
Demographic information of Texas death row inmates was obtained from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (2015) website.
following LIWC variables: total number of words, percentage
of categorized dictionary words, percentage of positive emotion
words, and percentage of negative emotion words. Examples of
positive emotion words are happy and love;examplesofnegative
emotion words are sad and hate. To explore associations between
positive emotion word use and linguistic variables indicative of
self-references and social orientation, we further analyzed the
LIWC variable of the first-person singular pronoun as well as
social-orientation words (i.e., words denoting social processes
including all personal pronouns except for first-person singular
pronouns and verbs referring to human interaction, e.g., friends,
talk,orshare), reflecting how often death row inmates referred
to other people in their statements. Also, we determined LIWC
results for cognitive-processing words (e.g., think, know,or
because), indicating the extent to which death row inmates
were concerned about intellectually understanding the topics
addressed in their final statements, as well as past-tense, present-
tense, and future-tense verbs as indicators of time orientation and
words representing the linguistic categories of religion and death
(cf. Pennebaker et al., 2007b;seealsoCohn et al., 2004).
Descriptive Results of Emotional
Language Use in Executed Death Row
Inmates’ Statements
Tab l e 2 presents the means and standard deviations of the LIWC
output variables total number of words, and the percentages
of categorized dictionary words, positive emotion words, and
negative emotion words for spoken statements made by 407
executed death row inmates. The death row inmates statements
contained a total of 42,328 words and on average 104 words
per person. Of all words, an average of 92% of the words
were categorized by the internal LIWC dictionary (see Ta ble 2 ).
Apairedt-test indicated that, as predicted, executed death row
inmates used on average a significantly higher proportion of
positive emotion words (M = 9.64) than negative emotion words
(M = 2.65), t(406) = 15.95, p < 0.001, d = 0.79.
On the sample level, to account for the different number
of total words spoken by death row inmates, we computed
the absolute numbers of positive emotion words and negative
emotion words. Death row inmates’ use of total positive emotion
words ranged from 0 to 50 (M = 7.94, SD = 6.88) words,
and word use for negative emotion words ranged from 0 to
27 (M = 2.88, SD = 3.54) words. In order to analyze whether
facing ones own imminent death influenced positive emotional
language use above and beyondtheuseofnegativeemotion
words on an individual level, we calculated a positivity score
for each death row inmate by subtracting the total number
of negative emotion words from the total number of positive
emotion words. This positivity index, ranging from 15 to 31,
was greater than zero for 335 death row inmates (82.3%). The
averaged positivity score was M = 5.07 (SD = 5.91) and differed
significantly from zero, t(406) = 17.30, p < 0.001, d = 0.86.
Moreover, to demonstrate the robustness of the LIWC results
for emotional language use in thisuniquesampleofexecuted
death row inmates, Tab le 2 also provides the means and standard
deviations of the LIWC output variables only for statements
containing a minimum of three words that were categorized by
LIWCs internal dictionary and a minimum of 10 categorized
words, respectively. Further, to control for effects of outliers, we
analyzed the relevant LIWC output variables excluding the death
row inmates’ statements that differed more than 3 SD from the
means reported for the LIWC variables word count, dictionary
words, positive emotion words, and negative emotion words (see
Tab l e 2). In all analyses, the LIWC results for positive emotional
language hardly differedatallandaccountedonaverageforat
least 9% of the spoken words. Because the LIWC results proved to
be very robust, the following comparisons with word usage base
rates as well as word use preceding contemplated, attempted, and
actual death were computed for the total sample of N = 407 death
row inmates for whom transcribed spoken last statements were
Comparison of Positive Emotional
Language Use in Executed Death Row
Inmates’ Statements with Word Usage
Base Rates
Tab l e 3 lists descriptive results for the LIWC variable positive
emotion words reported by Pennebaker et al. (2007b) from
analyses of the written texts or speeches of N = 23,173
individuals—across a wide range of ages and social classes and
including elementary-aged individuals, college students, elderly
participants, and also prisoners—totaling over 168 million words.
These results—spanning various contexts including science
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Hirschmüller and Egloff Positive Emotional Language Use in Final Words
TABLE 2 | Descriptive results of LIWC analyses for spoken statements by death row inmates executed between 1982 and 2015 (June 30) in Texas.
All spoken statements Spoken statements with 3 words
categorized by LIWC’s internal dictionary
Spoken statements with 10 words
categorized by LIWC’ s internal dictionary
Spoken statements controlled for
outliers (M ± 3 SD)
Total authors 407 403 381 385
Total words 42,328 42,320 42,154 38,162
LIWC variables MSDMin M ax MSDMin Max MSDMin Max MSDMin Max
Word count 104.00 109.60 1.0 1268.0 105.01 109.67 3.0 1268.0 110.64 110.19 11.0 1268.0 99.12 80.38 3.0 405.0
Dictionary words
92.43 8.91 0 100.0 92.93 5.97 59.4 100.0 93.26 5.25 59.4 100.0 93.05 5.55 66.7 100.0
Positive emotion
words (%)
9.64 7.66 0 100.0 9.40 6.08 0 50.0 9.01 5.08 0 33.3 9.14 5.21 0 31.8
Negative emotion
words (%)
2.65 3.08 0 33.3 2.67 3.08 0 33.3 2.74 2.68 0 20.8 2 .52 2.40 0 10.8
articles, novels, blogs, emotional writing (writing about deeply
emotional topics), control writing (writing about trivial topics,
such as plans for the day), and talking—provide an estimate of
word usage base rates and reflect the degree to which different
linguistic categories are found in various contexts. Across this
large array of analyzed texts and speeches, positive emotional
language use averaged to a grand mean of 2.74 (grand SD = 1.27)
across all contexts, ranging from M = 1.33 for science articles to
M = 3.72 for blogs and including M = 3.28 for emotional writing
and M = 3.42 for talking (cf. Pennebaker et al., 2007b, p. 11).
We computed independent t-tests to compare positive emotion
word use in statements of executed death row inmates with the
word usage base rates for positive emotions across all contexts as
well as specifically for emotional writing and talking, respectively.
As predicted, the results indicated that last statements spoken
by executed death row inmates contained a significantly higher
proportion of positive emotion words compared with base rates
of positive emotional word usage analyzed by Pennebaker et al.
(2007b),allps < 0.001, ds > 1.1 (see Tabl e 3 ). In addition, we
used independent t-tests to analyze whether the percentage of
negative emotion words spoken by N = 407 death row inmates
in the final moments prior to their execution differed from word
usage base rates. Death row inmates negative emotion word use
(M = 2.65, SD = 3.08; see Ta bl e 2) was significantly higher than
the word usage base rates across all contexts (grand M = 1.63,
grand SD = 0.91), t(23,578) = 20.64, p < 0.001, d = 0.45, as well
as talking (M = 1.49, SD 0.91), t(1,255) = 10.10, p < 0.001,
= 0.51, but did not differ significantly compared with the word
usage base rates from emotional writing (M = 2.67; SD 0.91),
t(1,419) =−0.19, p = 0.851, d =−0.01 (cf. Pennebaker et al.,
2007b, p. 11).
Comparison of Positive Emotional
Language Use in Executed Death Row
Inmates’ Statements with Word Usage
Preceding Contemplated, Attempted,
and Actual Death
Tab l e 3 also presents results for the LIWC variable positive
emotion words from recent research by Kashdan et al. (2014)
examining effects of contemplated death on positive emotional
language use in written narratives. We calculated independent
t-tests to compare results for the mortality salience conditions
in Kashdan et al.’s (2014) Experiments 1A,B with the statements
of the executed death row inmates. The age and gender of
participants in Kashdan et al.’s (2014) Experiment 1A were
not recorded, but the undergraduate sample was taken from
introductory psychology classes that were 70% female and
consisted of students who were approximately 19 years old.
In Experiment 1B, participants’ average age was 18.73 years,
and 53.5% were female (cf. Kashdan et al., 2014, p. 172). We
divided the overall sample size by number of conditions and
used the approximated sample sizes of n = 136 (Experiment
1A) and n = 43 (Experiment 1B), respectively (as the precise
sample sizes per condition were not available in the paper
by Kashdan et al., 2014). As predicted, the results indicated
that executed death row inmates used a significantly higher
Frontiers in Psychology | www.frontiersin.org 5 January 2016 | Volume 6 | Article 1985
Hirschmüller and Egloff Positive Emotional Language Use in Final Words
TABLE 3 | Comparison of positive emotional language use in executed death row inmates’ statements (N = 407, M = 9.64, SD = 7.66) with word usage
base rates (Pennebaker et al., 2007b) and language use preceding contemplated death (Kashdan et al., 2014) and attempted or actual death by suicide
(Handelman and Lester, 2007).
Total authors Total word count Positive emotion words (%) Independent t-test
MSD t df pCohen’s d
Pennebaker et al., 2007b
Across all contexts 23,173 168,345,504 2.74 1.27 85.66 23,578 <0.001 1.26
Emotional writing
1,014 1,299,400 3.28 n/a (1.27) 25.59 1,419 <0.001 1.16
850 1,202,015 3.42 n/a (1.27) 23.03 1,255 <0.001 1.13
Kashdan et al., 2014
Experiment 1A: MS condition
n/a (136) n/a 3.67 3.78 8.74 541 <0.001 0.99
Experiment 1B: MS condition
n/a (43) n/a 3.84 2.97 4.92 448 <0.001 1.00
Handelman and Lester, 2007
Suicide notes: attempters
20 n/a 3.55 n/a (7.66) 3.47 425 <0.001 0.80
Suicide notes: completers
20 n/a 5.32 n/a (7.66) 2.46 425 0.014 0.56
n/a, Information not available in the original study; MS, m ortality salience. All p-values are two-tailed.
As specific standard deviations for emotional writing and talking were not available, independent t-tests were computed with the grand SD = 1.27.
As exact sample
sizes for the MS conditions were not available, independent t-tests were computed with approximated sample sizes calculated by dividing the overall sample size of
Experiments 1A,B by the number of conditions, respectively.
Means for Handelman and Lester (2007) are weighted means calculated across sexes within groups of
suicide attempters and suicide completers, respectively. As standard deviations for positive emotion word use were not available, independent t-tests were computed
using SD = 7.66 of executed death row inmates as a conservative approximation.
percentage of positive emotion words in the statements they
made minutes before their own deaths compared with individuals
contemplating their own deaths, all ps < 0.001, ds > 0.9 (see
Tab l e 3 ).
Next, we compared the proportion of positive emotional
content in suicide notes preceding attempted or actual death
reported by Handelman and Lester (2007) with positive word
use by executed death row inmates using independent t-tests.
Suicide notes composed before attempted suicides were written
by individuals (seven males, 13 females) with an age range of 13–
70 (Mdn = 32) years. Suicide notes composed before completed
suicides were written by individuals (12 males, eight females)
with an age range of 19–67 (Mdn = 35) years (cf. Handelman
and Lester, 2007, p. 103). Means of positive emotion word use
for the study by Handelman and Lester (2007) presented in
Tab l e 3 are weighted means calculated across sexes within groups
of attempted and completed suicides, respectively. We used
the standard deviation of the LIWC variable positive emotion
of Texas death row inmates (cf. Tab le 2 , SD = 7.66) as a
conservative approximated measure for the samples of attempted
and completed suicides by Handelman and Lester (2007) as this
information was not provided in the article. The results indicated
that death row inmates used a significantly higher proportion of
positive emotion words prior to their execution compared with
individuals language use preceding attempted and actual death
by suicide, all ps < 0.02, ds > 0.5.
With regard to psychological differences and similarities
between suicide and execution, the last words spoken by a
subgroup of death row inmates (i.e., so-called “volunteers”) who
sought their own execution by abandoning their appeals could
be considered (Blume, 2005; Vandiver et al., 2008). However,
it remains unclear whether these consensual executions are
attributable to the acceptance of responsibility and justness of
the punishment or reflect the person’s seeking the aid of the
state to commit suicide (cf. Vandiver et al., 2008, p. 940). In
the analyzed sample of 407 death row inmates, the proportion
of positive emotion words in the final statements of the 16
death row inmates who are listed as having volunteered for
execution on the Death Penalty Information Center (2015b)
website (M = 8.55, SD = 3.48) did not differ from the other 391
executions (M = 9.68, SD = 7.78), t(405) =−
0.58, p = 0.561,
d = 0.19.
Additional Analyses
Further, we analyzed whether the use of positive emotional
language in executed death row inmates final statements would
be associated with language use indicative of self-references,
social orientation, cognitive processing, time orientation, and
personal concerns with religion and death. We computed
correlations between the proportion of positive emotion words
that were used and the respective LIWC variables, omitting
two individuals with 0% categorized dictionary words from
the correlation analyses. The descriptive and correlation results
are presented in Ta bl e 4 . As hypothesized, death row inmates’
positive emotional language use was associated with a greater use
of social-orientation words, including words that refer to friends
and present-tense verbs, all ps < 0.001. The findings also showed
that emotional positivity in final statements was related to a more
frequent use of first-person singular self-references as well as
to less use of cognitive-processing words, past-tense verbs, and
death-related words, all ps < 0.010.
Supplementary Analyses
In addition, supplementary analyses (see Supplementary Figure
S1 and Supplementary Tables S1 and S2, available online)
showed that the findings of strong emotional positivity in death
Frontiers in Psychology | www.frontiersin.org 6 January 2016 | Volume 6 | Article 1985
Hirschmüller and Egloff Positive Emotional Language Use in Final Words
TABLE 4 | Descriptive statistics for language use indicative of
self-references, social orientation, cognitive processing, time orientation,
and personal concerns with religion and death and associations with
positive emotional language use in executed death row inmates’
Descriptive statistics Positive emotion words (%)
LIWC variables (in %) MSD r p
First-person singular
13.34 5.51 0.14 0.006
Social processes 17.67 8.57 0.30 <0.001
Family 1.99 2.41 0.02 0.683
Friends 0.33 1.10 0.22 <0.001
Humans 1.08 1.59 0.02 0.706
Cognitive processes 15.42 6.32 0.28 <0.001
Past tense 2.42 2.49 0.31 <0.001
Present tense 15.68 7.33 0.19 <0.001
Future tense 1.66 2.48 0.07 0.169
Religion 2.89 4.54 0.07 0.146
Death 0.70 1.48 0.17 <0.001
N = 405. Significant correlations are printed in bold.
row inmates final statements were very robust with regard to
demographic variables. We computed correlations between death
row inmates positive word usage and the demographic variables
age at execution, age at incarceration, years on death row,
and educational level (i.e., highest grade completed), omitting
two individuals with 0% categorized dictionary words from
the correlation analyses. The proportion of positive emotional
language use in the sample of 405 death row inmates was not
significantly correlated with age at execution, r(403) =−0.04,
p = 0.469, age at incarceration, r(387) =−0.03, p = 0.586,
years spent on death row, r(387) =−0.04, p = 0.469, or
educational level, r(377) =−0.05, p = 0.307. Moreover,
neither the percentage of negative emotion words used nor the
calculated positivity index was significantly correlated with the
four demographic variables that we considered, all rs < | 0.08|,
all ps > 0.150. Comparing the proportion of death row inmates
positive emotional language use across ethnic backgrounds
revealed significant differences, F(3, 403) = 5.20, p = 0.002 (see
Supplementary Table S1 available online). Post hoc tests (Tukey’s
HSD) showed that White death row inmates used significantly
fewer positive emotion words compared with Black death row
inmates (p = 0.001), but despite these ethnic differences, the
percentage of positive emotion words used by White death row
inmates (M = 7.99) was still significantly higher than found in
the suicide notes of completed suicides (Handelman and Lester,
2007), t(196) = 2.09, p = 0.038, d = 0.41. Additional analyses
showed no significant differences in ethnic background for the
percentage of negative emotion words used, F(3, 403) = 0.15,
p = 0.931, and the calculated positivity index, F(3, 403) = 1.48,
= 0.220. Further, with regard to situational characteristics,
the percentage of positive emotion words used did not change
significantly from before to after the Texas Board of Criminal
Justice allowed victim witnesses to attend executions in January
1996 (Texas Department of Criminal Justice, 2014), p = 0.222,
d = 0.22 (see Supplementary Table S2 available online). The
percentage of negative emotion words used was slightly higher
after victims’ families and individuals close to victims were
permitted to attend executions, p = 0.040, d =−0.30, but as
the average absolute number of words spoken by death row
inmates was higher after this change, p < 0.001, d =−0.79, the
positivity index was significantly higher after victim witnesses
were allowed to attend executions (M = 5.50, SD = 6.15) than
before (M = 2.20, SD = 2.62), t(405) =−3.89, p < 0.001,
d =−0.70 (see Supplementary Table S2 available online).
In the current study, using a computerized quantitative text
analysis approach in a unique sample of Texas death row inmates
executed between 1982 and 2015, we were able to show that the
salience of ones own imminent mortality was reflected in the
emotional positivity of spoken final statements. That is, on the
sample level, we were able to demonstrate that death row inmates
used a significantly higher percentage of positive emotion words
than negative emotion words in their final statements. Moreover,
on the individual level, a positivity index, which was statistically
different from zero on average, showed that statements by over
80% of executed death row inmates contained more positive than
negative emotion words.
More importantly, our findings are the first to demonstrate
that executed death row inmates use a significantly higher
percentage of positive emotion words compared with base rates of
word usage from heterogeneous samples and various contexts (cf.
Pennebaker et al., 2007b).Inaddition,wewereabletoshowthat
executed death row inmates statements contained a significantly
higher proportion of positive emotion words than the writings
of individuals contemplating death (cf. Kashdan et al., 2014)as
well as compared with writings preceding attempted or actual
suicide (cf. Handelman and Lester, 2007). Due to the large
sample size and the various control analyses, our results on
emotional positivity can be viewed as robust. In sum, the final
statements of Texas death row inmates conveyed extremely
positive expressions that reflected the emotional processes of
coping with mortality. In addition, emotional positivity in spoken
final statements was shown to be associated with a greater
frequency of language use indicative of self-references, social
orientation, and present-oriented time focus as well as with
fewer instances of cognitive-processing, past-oriented, and death-
related word use.
In line with TMTs proposed psychological defenses that are
aimed at avoiding or ignoring the anxiety that mortality salience
evokes (Pyszczynski et al., 1999), our findings contribute to
the burgeoning literature that suggests elevations in positive
emotional language use as an immediate way of coping with
the immense threat of ones imminent death (see DeWall
and Baumeister, 2007; Kashdan et al., 2014). The presence
of such a large amount of emotional positivity despite facing
ones actual death raises interesting psychological issues
and seems clearly counterintuitive. In the fully constrained
moments before execution while undergoing standardized
execution procedures and being strapped to a gurney
Frontiers in Psychology | www.frontiersin.org 7 January 2016 | Volume 6 | Article 1985
Hirschmüller and Egloff Positive Emotional Language Use in Final Words
(Texas Department of Criminal Justice, 2012), death row inmates
have little control over their situation with the exception of
the opportunity to make a final statement. To defend against
death anxiety, death row inmates seem to show an intense
impulse to embrace emotional positivity. This might reflect
underlying motivational mechanisms by which people value
meaningful close others and focus on the moment rather than
on the past or distant future, and it might originate from
the perception of time limitations on life itself as postulated
by SST (Carstensen et al., 1999). Thus, the public policy of
allowing the death row inmate a final opportunity to speak
to family and friends, those close to the victim(s), prison
officials, as well as the general public may be viewed as
one act through which death row inmates may linguistically
regulate their intense emotions and experience some form of
perceived control in the final moments of life (see also Vollum
and Longmire, 2009; Ward, 2010). However, larger ethical,
moral, and legal issues of capital punishment still remain (e.g.,
Bohm, 2008; for a database of exonerated, innocent death
row inmates, see the Death Penalty Information Center, 2015a
Despite the robust findings of a tuning in to emotional
positivity in death row inmates’ last statements reflected by
a quantitative text analysis, several limitations need to be
considered. First, we were not able to examine the defensive
psychological mechanisms of death salience for nearly 23%
of the death row inmates—those who chose to remain silent.
Nevertheless, demographic comparisons provided evidence that
these individuals did not differ significantly from the death row
inmates who made final statements. Second, due to a lack of
more detailed information on each individual death row inmate,
contextual factors caused by death row confinement, behaviors
prior to execution, and situational factors in the death chamber
were not comprehensively taken into account. We could not
rule out the possibility that the conditions of life on death
row (i.e., solitary confinement while awaiting death usually for
years) and its psychological consequences (see e.g., Johnson,
1979; Cunningham and Vigen, 2002) may have influenced the
delivery of last words. Also, behaviors prior to execution (e.g.,
an apologetic confession to the offense) were not considered
in the analyses of final words. According to prior research on
the positive consequences of emotional disclosure (Pennebaker,
2003), it is possible that a positive psychological impact could
have occurred for death row inmates who had confessed at some
time prior to execution (Umbreit and Vos, 2000). Further, despite
the extremely standardized execution protocol, the possible
influence of situational characteristics (e.g., the actual presence
or absence of ones own loved ones and victim witnesses) during
the execution could not be examined.
Future research may investigate other forms of
communication by death row inmates (e.g., diaries or letters
written before death) to provide further empirical support for
the emotional tuning in to positivity as a coping mechanism
for regulating anxiety about ones mortality. Also, future
research could analyze language use in other samples facing
death, such as terminally ill individuals (e.g., hospice patients).
Moreover, peoples last words before death published on
online social network sites such as Facebook or Twitter
(e.g., Gunn and Lester, 2012) can provide researchers with
further valuable insights into how people cope with death
anxiety linguistically. More broadly, researchers, taking an
appreciative approach to death (cf. Frias et al., 2011; Vail et al.,
2012), should continue to examine the positive feelings and
positive experiences that a person’s own imminent death can
Taken together, in line with TMTs postulation of
psychological defenses against death anxiety (Pyszczynski et al.,
1999), the present work demonstrates that a pronounced
tuning in to emotional positivity manifests in final language
use immediately before execution. Thus, our findings also
support the notion that there is more psychological terror
associated with being executed compared with (completed
and attempted) suicide and contemplated death given that the
tuning in to emotional positivity acts as a terror management
mechanism. Considering real deaths by both execution and
suicide, it remains an important task to further investigate why
individuals facing execution use an even greater number of
positive emotion words. Psychologists, taking account of the
perspectives of death row inmates, victims, and society as a
whole, should continue to shed light on individuals immediate
coping with human mortality reflected in their words before
The data used in this publication were made publicly available by
the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ; Data for years
1982–2015) and the Death Penalty Information Center (DPIC;
data for years 1982–2015). We thank Mariele Drobnitzky and
Michaela Fakiner for their help with data preparation.
The Supplementary Material for this article can be found
online at: http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fpsyg.
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