Obtaining Access to Arkansas Department of Health Data
The Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) welcomes collaborations with and use
of data available at the ADH by researchers in academic institutions. The basic process
may vary somewhat dependent upon the type of data requested, but generally includes
four required steps:
1. Prepare protocol:
Researchers are encouraged to collaborate with relevant ADH program staff for
input on research protocols. This will help to ensure that the variables needed for
research are available and reliable. A list of programs and contact information for
program staff at the ADH can be found here.
2. Get IRB approval
Researchers must receive approval from their institution’s Institutional Review
Board to obtain access to ADH data.
3. Complete data request form:
The data request form can be found here.
4. Submit for Science Advisory Committee (SAC) review:
The researcher and ADH program staff can work with the appropriate Associate
Director for Science (ADS) to get on the SAC agenda. The SAC meets every 2
and 4
Friday of each month at 2pm in the Director’s Conference Room at the
ADH. Agenda items should be sent to the ADS at least one week before the SAC
meeting for review.
Associate Director
for Science
Howraa Al-
Mousawi, Center
for Public Health
Vital Statistics (Birth
and Death), Hospital
Discharge Dataset
(Inpatient and
Department), Trauma
Registry, Cancer
Registry, BRFSS,
Pregnancy Risk
Monitoring System
Atul Kothari, Center
for Health
HIV/STI/Hepatitis C/TB
Surveillance Dataset,
Trauma Registry,
Prescription Drug
Monitoring Program
Center for Health
Cancer Registry
Richard McMullen,
Center for Local
Public Health
Projects That Must Be Reviewed
All research proposals asking for data or information from the ADH must be reviewed
and approved by the SAC, including requests that are internally as well as externally
generated. Published results from externally generated requests must include a
disclaimer stating that “The Arkansas Department of Health does not guarantee the
accuracy of the information, and the views expressed in this paper are not necessarily
those of the Arkansas Department of Health.”
Examples of external projects or activities that require review and approval are:
1. Projects by researchers from outside ADH such as those from faculty and
students of universities, colleges and research institutions.
2. Research or projects submitted by ADH staff to funding sources outside ADH.
3. Projects that require the use of data from the various registries, vital records and
other data sources at ADH, unless these data have been previously published as
ADH reports.
Data satisfying the appropriate conditions set out in the Guidelines for Request below
may be released with the approval of the SAC.
Additional requirements for access to data from Arkansas Cancer Registry:
Data requests of the cancer registry are subject to review by the Arkansas Board of
Health which meets on a quarterly basis. The researcher needs to provide the
board with a synopsis of the research and purpose of data request.
Expected timeframe for receipt of data:
The timeframe for review and approval of data requests will vary depending on the
source and nature of the data being requested, and the completeness of the
application. The SAC meets twice a month and is usually able to review all
requests at the time of each meeting. If external review is also needed, as in the
case of Cancer Registry data, additional time will be required.
For additional information, contact the office of the Chief Science Officer (501) 671-1423
Guidelines for Requests for Research Data
The Science Advisory Committee will review requests for data and consider the
a. Will the data be used for a legitimate public purpose?
b. Has an Institutional Review Board approved the study?
c. Has the researcher provided documentation that the confidentiality of the data will
be protected when in his or her possession, a list of persons having access to the
data and a description of all safeguards to protect the data from unauthorized
d. Has the researcher provided documentation that the data will not be re-
released in either electronic files or paper copy?
e. Are individual record data needed for the purposes of the study, or would
aggregate data meet the researcher’s needs?
f. Does the researcher need the level of detail requested? For example, does the
project really require mother’s date of birth, or would age suffice?
g. If individual identifiers are not included in the data files, has the researcher agreed
that identification of individuals will not be attempted?
h. Unless specifically approved, has the researcher provided assurances that the
data will not be linked with other datasets? Such linkages could easily identify
individuals by name.
i. Has the researcher provided assurances that no data will be published or released
in any form if a particular individual is identifiable? This must include cross-
tabulations or aggregate data with cell sizes so small that the identity of an
individual could be determined.
j. Are the data subject to HIPAA restrictions?
k. Is the researcher willing to provide a report of findings at the completion of the
l. Has the researcher given assurances that all data files will be returned to the
office of origin or destroyed at the conclusion of the project?
Items to submit to SAC for review
1. Data request form
2. Research protocol to include but not limited to:
a. Background and research question
b. Methodology
c. Results dissemination plan
d. Data Protection Plan
3. IRB letter of approval or letter from the IRB indicating that the research does not
involve human subjects
4. Any additional documents relevant to the project (e.g., surveys, collaborative
agreements with other agencies)