Operational Guidance for Acute Care Hospitals to Report Facility-Wide Inpatient (FacWideIN)
Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Blood Specimen (Bacteremia)
Laboratory-Identified (LabID) Event Data to CDC’s NHSN for the Purpose of Fulfilling CMS’s
Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting (IQR) Requirements
Updated November 2019
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) published final rules in the Federal
Register in August 2011 that include facility-wide inpatient (FacWideIN) methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) blood specimen (bacteremia) laboratory-identified (LabID) event
reporting from acute care hospitals via the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s)
National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) in the CMS Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting
(IQR) Program requirements for 2013. This operational guidance provides additional
information about reporting FacWideIN MRSA bacteremia LabID event data to NHSN as part of
the Hospital IQR Program for acute care hospitals beginning on January 1, 2013. The
requirements for FacWideIN MRSA bacteremia LabID event reporting to NHSN for this CMS
program do not preempt or supersede any state mandates for reporting of healthcare-
associated infections or events to NHSN (specifically, hospitals in states with a reporting
mandate must abide by their state’s requirements, even if they are more extensive than the
requirements for this CMS program).
NHSN users reporting FacWideIN MRSA bacteremia LabID event data to the system must
adhere to the definitions and reporting requirements for FacWideIN MRSA bacteremia LabID
events as specified in the NHSN Multidrug-Resistant Organism (MDRO) and Clostridioides
difficile Infection (CDI) Module protocol
http://www.cdc.gov/nhsn/PDFs/pscManual/12pscMDRO_CDADcurrent.pdf. This includes
individually mapping all inpatient locations (location mapping guidance can be found at
http://www.cdc.gov/nhsn/PDFs/pscManual/15LocationsDescriptions_current.pdf) from the
entire acute care facility in NHSN. As of January 1, 2015 facilities must also map and report from
outpatient emergency departments (ED) (specifically, adult and pediatric) and 24-hour
observation locations. Facilities will report a single monthly FacWideIN denominator summed
for all inpatient locations (total facility patient days and total facility admissions), as well as
separate denominators to capture ED and 24-hour observation location(s) encounters for each
mapped location. Additionally, as of January 1, 2015 facilities are required to exclude and
indicate that inpatient rehabilitation facilities (IRFs) and inpatient psychiatric facilities (IPFs)
locations that have CMS Certification Numbers (CCNs) that are different from the acute care
facility (even if only different by a single letter in the 3
position) have been removed from
monthly FacWideIN denominator counts (patient days and admissions).
Facilities will continue to report all MRSA blood specimen LabID events, which are defined as
Staphylococcus aureus cultured from a blood specimen obtained for clinical decision making
purposes (specifically, no surveillance cultures) that tests oxacillin-, cefoxitin-, or methicillin-
resistant by standard susceptibility test methods, or by a lab test that is FDA-approved for
MRSA detection from isolated colonies, or by methods that provide a positive result by any
FDA-approved test for MRSA detection from the specimen source, from a patient in a specific
inpatient, ED, or 24-hour observation location having no previous like specimen identified from
a laboratory result from that patient in that location in the previous 14 days. Please see the
MDRO/CDI Module protocol for more detailed guidance on MRSA blood specimen LabID event
Acute care hospitals must report MRSA bacteremia LabID events from inpatient, ED, and 24-
hour observation locations with a specimen collection date on or after January 1, 2015 and
associated facility-wide inpatient (excluding units with separate CCNs), outpatient ED, and 24-
hour observation denominator data starting on January 1, 2015.
Monthly reporting plans must be created or updated in NHSN to include FacWideIN, ED, and
24-hour observation location MRSA blood specimen LabID events, specifically, FacWideIN
MRSA blood specimen LabID event surveillance must be in the monthly reporting plans (“in-
plan”) in order for data to be shared with CMS. Mapped active ED and 24-hour observation
locations will be automatically populated on the monthly reporting plan if FacWideIN MRSA
LabID reporting has been added by the facility. If a facility is reporting all MRSA specimens, and
not just blood specimens, CDC will only share the blood specimen data with CMS. All data fields
required for both numerator and denominator data collection must be submitted to NHSN,
including the “no events” field for any month during which no MRSA blood specimen LabID
events were identified. Data must be reported to NHSN by means of manual data entry into the
NHSN web-based application or via file imports using the Clinical Document Architecture (CDA)
file format for numerator and denominator data (resources available at
CDC/NHSN requires that data be submitted on a monthly basis and strongly encourages
healthcare facilities to enter each month’s data within 30 days of the end of the month for
which it is collected (for example, all March data should be entered by April 30) so it has the
greatest impact on infection prevention activities. However, for purposes of fulfilling CMS
quality measurement reporting requirements, each facility’s data must be entered into NHSN
no later than 4 ½ months after the end of the reporting quarter. In other words, Q1
(January/February/March) data must be entered into NHSN by August 15, Q2 data must be
entered by November 15, Q3 data must be entered by February 15, and Q4 data must be
entered by May 15 to be shared with CMS.
FacWideIN MRSA bacteremia LabID event data submitted to NHSN by hospitals that have
completed their Annual Payment Update (APU) pledges will be reported by CDC to CMS for
each CCN. CDC will share all in-plan FacWideIN healthcare facility-onset (HO) MRSA bacteremia
LabID event data from participating acute care hospital CCNs. CDC will provide a FacWideIN HO
MRSA bacteremia standardized infection ratio (SIR) for each reporting CCN. Although the metric
reported to CMS will be a HO SIR, the community-onset (CO) events and the admission
prevalence of a hospital will play an important role in risk adjustment, and so both HO and CO
LabID events must be reported to NHSN. NHSN will assign these onset categories to the LabID
events as they are entered into the system.